
时间:2019-05-14 11:18:45下载本文作者:会员上传


Dear Mr / Mrs XXX:

This is the Supervisor XX of Concierge.Welcome to stay in Century City Holiday Inn ChengDu, I have arranged for you to pick up service.Your flight number is xxx ,time is xx:xx , The driver who will pick up you is XXX, Tel: 180xxxx, he will wait for you in the airport xx Terminal xx export.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Thank you!

Century City Holiday Inn Concierge XXX

Tel: xxxx



我是礼宾部主管XX。欢迎您下榻世纪城假日酒店,我们已经为您安排好了接机服务。您的航班号是xxx时间是xxx,接您的司机是xxx师傅,联系电话:180xxxx 他会在机场xx航站楼xx出口等候您。如有任何疑问,请随时联系我。谢谢!




露西: Hi, you must be Mary? 嗨.你一定是玛丽? 玛丽: Yes.It's a pleasure to meet you.How was your flight? Shall we go? I've got a car waiting outside to take us to your hotel.是的.很高兴遇见你.旅程如何?我们可以走了吗?外面已经有辆小车等着接我们回旅馆了.露西: That'd be great.The flight was ok.Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.太好了.旅程还可以.谢谢抽出时间来这里接我.玛丽: No worries.Our company wants to make sure you have a pleasant trip.别担心.我们公司希望确保您旅途愉快.露西: I really appreciate it.我真的表示感激.玛丽: Everything has been organized for you.The accommodation, the transport and all the other little things you should need.一切都已经为您准备好了.住宿.运输和您可能需要的其它小事.露西: Does the conference begin tomorrow? 会议明天开始吗? 玛丽: Yes, there is a welcoming dinner tomorrow night.是的.明晚将有一个接风宴.露西: That's great.It gives me some time to rest and see some of this city.真棒.那我就有时间休息一下并且参观本市.玛丽: It's already been arranged, I will take you on a city tour tomorrow morning.这也已经安排好了.明天上午我会带您游览市容.A:May name is Benjamin liu.I’m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company.I’m here to meet you.我是福州E时尚电子有限公司的本今明.刘。我是来着借你的。

B:Hi,Benjamin.Iam Michael Lee.Nice to meet you.你好本杰明,很高兴见到你。A:Nice to meet you ,too,Michael Lee.我也很高兴见到你,Michael Lee B:You can just call me Michael.你可以直接叫我Michael A:Ok,How are you,Michael.好的,你好吗Michael.B:Well,you know,it is a long trip.呃,你知道的,这的确是一个长途飞机。

A:We have a car an over there to take you to you hotel.那是我们送你到旅馆的专车 B:Oh,it is very nice。哦,你们的安排很不错

A:Yes,you can have a good rest in the hotel.嗯,你可以在宾馆好好休息。B:Thank you for your arrangement.谢谢你的安排。A:It is my pleasure.This way please.乐意为您效劳。这边请 B:Thank you.谢谢

A:This is our car.Please in.这是我们的车,请坐。B:Thank you.谢谢。补充:

A:This is the schedule we make for you.这是我们给你安排的日程计划表。

B:Well,thank you.It make my schedule clear.谢谢。这样我在这里的行程就清楚了 A:We also arrange a welcome party for you tonight.今晚我们为您准备了一场欢迎会 B:Wow,it sounds good.哇,那太棒了

A:You can have a good rest in the hotel and our driver will pick you up at six o'clock in the afternoo.你可以在宾馆里好好休息,我们司机会在下午6点来接你

B:Ok,thank you.I will come to the party on time.好的,谢谢,我会准时去的

A Taiwan businessman meets an American buyer at the airport.◆ Mr.Li: You must be Ms.Rogers from Chicago? ◆ Ms.Rogers : And you must be Mr.Li.Thank you for meeting me.◆ Mr.Li: It's my pleasure.Welcome to Taipei.◆ Ms.Rogers : It's good to be here.◆ Mr.Li: How was your flight? ◆ Ms.Rogers : Long, but quite comfortable.China Airlines treats its passengers well.◆ Mr.Li: Did you have any trouble clearing customs? ◆ Ms.Rogers : Oh no.They were quite quick and efficient.◆ Mr.Li: I've got a company car waiting.Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and freshen up? Then perhaps later on this afternoon we could start our business discussions.◆ Ms.Rogers : That sounds fine.How long will it take from the airport to the hotel? ◆ Mr.Li: About an hour, depending on traffic.◆ Ms.Rogers : Will I be meeting any other members of your company? ◆ Mr.Li: Perhaps you'd like to continue our discussions over dinner tonight.That would give some of our other staff members a chance to meet you.◆ Ms.Rogers : That sounds like a wonderful idea.实况练习英语对话2 ◆ A Taiwanese businessman sees an American businesswoman off at the airport.◆ Ms.Bronson: I checked at the ticket counter, and they say the plane will be on schedule.◆ Mr.Yi: Good.I hope you have a safe and comfortable trip.◆ Ms.Bronson: Thank you.It's been a pleasure doing business with you and your company.◆ Mr.Yi: I hope we'll continue working together in the future.◆ Ms.Bronson: I'm sure we will.I appreciate everything you've done personally to make my stay a pleasant one.◆ Mr.Yi: I've enjoyed your visit.◆ Ms.Bronson: Thank you again and goodbye.◆ Ms.Rogers: Oh no.They were quite quick and efficient.◆ Mr.Li : I've got a company car waiting.Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and freshen up? Then perhaps later on this afternoon we could start our business discussions.◆ Ms.Rogers: That sounds fine.How long will it take from the airport to the hotel? ◆ Mr.Li : About an hour, depending on traffic.◆ Ms.Rogers: Will I be meeting any other members of your company? ◆ Mr.Li : Perhaps you'd like to continue our discussions over dinner tonight.That would give some of our other staff members a chance to meet you.◆ Ms.Rogers: That sounds like a wonderful idea.赞

商贸英语实用口语对话:At the Airport 在机场接客户实况练习英语对话1 A Taiwan businessman meets an American buyer at the airport.Mr.Li: You must be Ms.Rogers from...fine.A: Let me help you with that suitcase.B: Thanks a lot.A: Shall we go, then? B: Yes, thank you for all your trouble.A: No trouble at all.This way, please.Dialogue B(A: Miss Ma, the...商贸英语实用对话 Unit16:At the Airport(16)At the Airport 实况练习1 A Taiwan businessman meets an American buyer at the airport.Mr.Li : You must be Ms.Rogers from Chicago?



Excuse me,Sir.Are you Mr.White from New York?

Hi,I’m xx ,director of Sun Ya Beijing office, I’ve come to meet you.Here is my name card.Welcome to Beijing.Nice to meet you, And this is my secretary, Miss Wang.Wang: Glad to meet you.John: Glad to meet you, too.And this is my wife, Mary.Mary: How do you do!

Wang, Liu: How do you do!

Mr.Sun, I'd like you to meet Mr.Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager for Nortern Reflections of Canada.Mr.Mitchell, Mr.Steven Sun, general manager of Apex Trading.孙先生,让我为你介绍加拿大Northern Reflections的业务经理xx先生。xx先生,这是孙先生,Apex贸易公司的总经理。

It's very nice to finally meet you, Mr.Mitchellafter so many phone calls and faxes.I'd like you to have my business card.多次电话、传真往返之后,非常高兴终于见到您,Mitchell先生,请收下我的名片。


Do you know where the baggage claim area is?


How many pieces of Luggage do you have?


Liu: Have you got your luggage?


Wang: Let’s go this way, please.Our car is over there.请这边走,车在那边。

We're reserved rooms for you in Chinese Hotel.We'll drive you there.This way please.Shall we go to the hotel directly? We’ve booked a room for you at the BaiYun Hotel.是否直接去旅馆,已为您订好xx宾馆。

If all is ready,we’d better start for the hotel.如果一切都准备好了,我们最好动身去宾馆吧。

It's very considerate of you and your company.您想得真周到

A:You're welcome,We hope you could enjoy our arrangement.不客气,希望您对我们的安排顺心。

It's so fantastic.I hope we can have a successful cooperation this time.希望这次能同您合作。

I wish you a pleasant stay here.祝您在这儿过得愉快。

Wang: Here’s the car.Step in, please.车来了,请上车

Anyhow,it’s a long way to China,isn’t it? I think you must be very tired.不管怎样,远道来到中国,不是吗?我想您一定很累了。

Liu: There’s no arrangement tomorrow.Have a good rest and recover from the jet lag.明天没有安排,请好好休息,倒倒时差。

I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。

Liu: Thank you.If you have any problems on your life or business, please don’t hesitate to call me.如果有任何问题,请随时电话联系。

How’s your journey?

Did you have a pleasant trip?


Is it your first time come to China?



Don't let little things get you down.You've got many big reasons to look up to God and say thanks tonight.Tomorrow, it's going to be a great day.i want to touch your the country of your mind.the sun is shining in the blue sky while my inamorato heart looks into my eyes being a little shy.you are my sunshine after the rain,you are my brave heart against my dread and soreness.i'll never harm your heart,i'll never make you weep,i would die if i live without you!on accoun of you near me,the world will be more beautiful!

you never know how i love you,please don't take my love and esteem!when i first saw you,i begun love!when i first touch you,i feel love!

dear,how do i live without you?i let slip you every minute and every second.14 i love you more than i can say.look my behavior.every word you said was why i faulted you,every thing you did was why i loved you.12 i miss you so much,more than you can after all … happiness is caress.you cannot efflux on others without getting a few drops on yourself.10 i have your weapon around me like air but when i open my eyes,you are gone.09 i love you more and more each day as time fast.08 you come postern too later every day.what about you now,do you bear in mind me waiting for you!07 the sky has so many stars.only your star is cosset,where as i just love this star.1.It is deaf and it wants to have sex with you……What do you say?

Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less...in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!

2.You are just like a Bounty...a piece of paradise on earth!

3.You're eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!

4.There are so many people in the world but in my world there's only one and that's you!!5.I want to share everything with you, your sadness, your happy moments, every single second of the day.6.Do your feet never hurt...You are wondering around my thoughts all day long....7.Love is in the air...shit if only I had a plane right now...8.When the night comes, look at the sky.If you see a falling star, don't wonder why,just make a wish.Trust me it will come true,'cause I did it and I found you.9.I do not think much, I do not think often, but when I do think, I think of you

10.I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!

11.You can fall from a mountain,you can fall from a tree,but the best way to fall,is to fall in love with me.12.If flowers were dreams that would last for ever, I would pick the most beautiful ones to send to you

13.Be smart, be clever, put me in your heart, 4-ever.14.Don't listen to your mind.Listen always to your heart!

It is deaf and it wants to have sex with you……What do you say? Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less...in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!

If loving you is wrong,then I don't wanna be right.My love for you is strong and brighter than any light.The way we must go is long,but we'll win every fight.At night I cannot sleep and during the day I dream of you...Life is much brighter with you around!

Don't let your mind rule over your heart.You can fall from a mountain,you can fall from a tree...but the best way is to fall in love with ME I am sending you to an island full of kisses on a sea of love!

Love is...looking whether he is looking, and when he does, certainly not looking back!

Do you have a coin? I want to call your parents to thank them.I wanted to put something incredibly beautiful, sweet, nice, sensitive, erotic and funny on you screen, but unfortunately I do not fit on it.I cannot think of a good opening sentence, so will we just say good-bye ???

I know milk it does a body good, but DAMN how much have you been drinking?

If I could rewrite the alphabet I'd put U and I together!You are just like a Bounty...a piece of paradise on earth!You're eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!

There are so many people in the world but in my world there's only one and that's you!!

I want to share everything with you, your sadness, your happy moments, every single second of the day.Do your feet never hurt...You are wondering around my thoughts all day long....Love is in the air...shit if only I had a plane right now...When the night comes, look at the sky.If you see a falling star, don't wonder why,just make a wish.Trust me it will come true,'cause I did it and I found you.Can you see me? no? Turn around, can you see me now? no? Turn again, can you see me now? I can see you because you have a special place in my heart!

If I was a fly, I would fly to you now...but I'm not so I need to stay home and cry!

Since I met you people are wonders and live is a big party...What ever you say, what ever you do, I will always love you

Hello, I'm a thief and I'm here to steal your heart!Your daddy must be a terrorist 'cus you're DA BOMB!

Do you believe in love at first sight,ordo I have to walk by again?


Renowned physicist Pierre Curie(1859-1906)shared more than a house and bed with his wife Marie: in 1903 they shared the Nobel Prize.Born in Poland, Marie Sklodovska was not only young and charming, but also Pierre's intellectual equal.The following letter contains one of his many marriage proposals, which she initially refused.Eventually, however, he won her heart and they were married in 1895.August 10, 1894 Nothing could have given me greater pleasure that to get news of you.The prospect of remaining two months without hearing about you had been extremely disagreeable to me: that is to say, your little note was more than welcome.I hope you are laying up a stock of good air and that you will come back to us in October.As for me, I think I shall not go anywhere;I shall stay in the country, where I spend the whole day in front of my open window or in the garden.We have promised each other--haven't we?--to be at least great friends.If you will only not change your mind!For there are no promises that are binding;such things cannot be ordered at will.It would be a fine thing, just the same, in which I hardly dare believe, to pass our lives near each other, hypnotized by our dreams: your patriotic dream, our humanitarian dream, and our scientific dream.Of all those dreams the last is, I believe, the only legitimate one.I mean by that that we are powerless to change the social order and, even if we were not, we should not know what to do;in taking action, no matter in what direction, we should never be sure of not doing more harm than good, by retarding some inevitable evolution.From the scientific point of view, on the contrary, we may hope to do something;the ground is solider here, and any discovery that we may make, however small, will remain acquired knowledge.See how it works out: it is agreed that we shall be great friends, but if you leave France in a year it would be an altogether too Platonic friendship, that of two creatures who would never see each other again.Wouldn't it be better for you to stay with me? I know that this question angers you, and that you don't want to speak of it again--and then, too, I feel so thoroughly unworthy of you from every point of view.I thought of asking your permission to meet you by chance in Fribourg.But you are staying there, unless I am mistaken, only one day, and on that day you will of course belong to our friends the Kovalskis.Believe me your very devoted Peirre Curie

If God would have created something more beautiful than you he would have kept it to himself.Can I have your picture, so Santa Claus knows exactly what to give me.In my dreams you're mine, in my life you're a dream.Girls are like internet domain names...the ones I like are already taken.Have you drilled the butterflies in your stomach gedresseerd? I haven't!I saw you at a distance but you never approached, but that what did never happen, never passes!If love is blind, how will she find me? Never make love in the garden or in the fields...For love might be blind but your neighbours not!The less you open up to others, the more you will suffer.Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, because I like you, you're my friend!There is a clown in my heart.Small and very special, he can dance and jump, laugh and sing...are you sad and crying, you can borrow him.If all the boys lived on the other side of the sea, what a good swimmer I would be? During maths I was thinking of you but I cannot calculate how much I love you!I am sending you to an island full of kisses on a sea of love!Love is...looking whether he is looking, and when he does, certainly not looking back!Do you have a coin? I want to call your parents to thank them.I wanted to put something incredibly beautiful, sweet, nice, sensitive, erotic and funny on you screen, but unfortunately I do not fit on it.I cannot think of a good opening sentence, so will we just say good-bye? I want to touch your the country of your mind.The sun is shining in the blue sky while my inamorato heart looks into my eyes being a little shy.You are my sunshine after the rain,you are my brave heart against my dread and soreness.I'll never harm your heart,I'll never make you weep,I would die if I live without you!On accoun of you near me,the world will be more beautiful!

You never know how I love you,please don't take my love and esteem!When I first saw you,I begun love!When I first touch you,I feel love!

Dear,how do I live without you?I let slip you every minute and every second.14 I love you more than I can say.Look my behavior.13 Every word you said was why I faulted you,every thing you did was why I loved you.12 I miss you so much,more than you can after all … Happiness is caress.You cannot efflux on others without getting a few drops on yourself.I know milk it does a body good, but DAMN how much have you been drinking? If I could rewrite the alphabet I'd put U and I together!Hello, I'm a thief and I'm here to steal your heart!Your daddy must be a terrorist 'cus you're DA BOMB!Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again? I must have been born under a lucky star, to find a friend as nice as you are, and I will follow the rainbow until the end, if you promise forever to be my friend!Ferrari's are red, Lambo's are blue...but I am as happy in a mini with you.Every man dreams of a beautiful woman, so do I...I dream of you.If love is a crime, lock me up, i'm guilty baby 10 I have your weapon around me like air but when I open my eyes,you are gone.09 I love you more and more each day as time fast.08 You come postern too later every day.What about you now,do you bear in mind me waiting for you!07 The sky has so many stars.Only your star is cosset,Where as I just love this star.I love the spring mornings, the afternoons in autumn, the winter evenings and the summer nights....but you I love more!It is deaf and it wants to have sex with you……What do you say? Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less...in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!You are just like a Bounty...a piece of paradise on earth!You're eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!There are so many people in the world but in my world there's only one and that's you!I want to share everything with you, your sadness, your happy moments, every single second of the day.Do your feet never hurt...You are wondering around my thoughts all day long...Love is in the air...shit if only I had a plane right now...When the night comes, look at the sky.If you see a falling star, don't wonder why,just make a wish.Trust me it will come true,'cause I did it and I found you.I do not think much, I do not think often, but when I do think, I think of you I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!You can fall from a mountain,you can fall from a tree,but the best way to fall,is to fall in love with me.If flowers were dreams that would last for ever, I would pick the most beautiful ones to send to you Be smart, be clever, put me in your heart,-ever.Don't listen to your mind.Listen always to your heart!If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window grabs you and puts you in a sack don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for CHRISTMAS If I had a penny every time I thought of you, I'd still miss you,but at least I would be rich!Passion running trough my veins, trembling, waiting, reason is fading.Overpowering desire sets my skin on fire!Somewhere, someone dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life so worth while.So when you are lonely, remember it's true that someone, somewhere, is thinking of you.Can you see me? no? Turn around, can you see me now? no? Turn again, can you see me now? I can see you because you have a special place in my heart!If I was a fly, I would fly to you now...but I'm not so I need to stay home and cry!Since I met you people are wonders and live is a big party...What ever you say, what ever you do, I will always love you If loving you is wrong,then I don't wanna be right.My love for you is strong and brighter than any light.The way we must go is long,but we'll win every fight.At night I cannot sleep and during the day I dream of you...Life is much brighter with you around!Don't let your mind rule over your heart.You can fall from a mountain,you can fall from a tree...but the best way is to fall in love with ME If you would see yourself the way I do, you would wish you where as beautiful as you...Sometimes words are hard to find, to form that perfect line to let you know you're always on my mind!Even when it is rainy the sun is shining in your smile.If a kiss on your lips tastes as sweat as a raindrop I want it to rain for ever...I will give you one kiss to go to sleep.I give you two kisses to dream.I give you an endless row of kisses to, when you wake up in the morning, think of me.It must have been a rainy day when you were born, but it wasn't really rain, the sky was crying because it lost his most beautifull angel...!The moment I first saw you, you warmed my heart, the second time you made little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell!Where ever you're going, I'm going your way!Are you free for the rest of your life?



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