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acquisition / 5Akwi5ziFEn/ n.获得,添加的物品
adolescent / AdE5lesEnt/ a.青春期的,青年的 n.青少年
adverse / 5AdvE:s/ a.不利的,敌对的,相反的,逆的
aesthetic / i:s5Wetik/ a.美学的,审美的,有美感
affiliate / E5filieit/ vt.附属,接纳 vi.有关
afflict / E5flikt/ vt.使痛苦,折磨 aggravate / 5AgrEveit/ vt.使恶化,使更加重
agitation / AdVi5teiFEn/ n.鼓动,煸动;搅动
alleviate / E5li:vieit/ vt.减轻,使缓和 amends / E5mendz/ n.赔偿
anonymous / E5nRnimEs/ a.匿名的
appraisal / E5preizl/ n.评价,估价,鉴定 articulate / a:5tikjulit/ a.发音清晰的,听得懂的
ascertain / AsE5tein/ vt.查明,确定,弄清 ascribe / Es5kraib/ vt.把…归于
assault / E5sR:lt/ vt.袭击;殴打 n.攻击 assert / E5sE:t/ vt.断言,宣称;维护 asset / 5Aset/ n.资产,有用的东西
assimilate / E5simileit/ vt.使同化,吸收,比较
attorney / E5tE:ni/ n.代理人;辩护律师 augment / R:g5ment, 5R:gmEnt/ vt.vi.n.增加,增大
authentic / R:5Wentik/ a.真实的,可靠的,可信的
avail / E5veil/ vt.有益于 n.效用 avert / E5vE:t/ vt.转开,避免,防止 baffle / 5bAfl/ vt.使挫折 n.迷惑 barren / 5bArEn/ a.贫瘠的;不妊的 batch / bAtF/ n.一组,分批,成批,批 bizarre / bi5zB:/ a.奇异的
bleak / bli:k/ a.萧瑟的,苍白的,荒凉的 blunder / 5blQndE/ vi.犯大错 n.大错 blunt / blQnt/ a.钝的,坦率的,麻痹的 bonus / 5bEunEs/ n.奖金,红利
brace / breis/ n.支柱 vt.拉紧,撑牢 brittle / 5britl/ a.脆的;易损坏的
capsule / 5kApsju:l/ n.胶囊,瓶帽,太空
casualty / 5kAVjuElti/ n.伤亡,受害者 ceramic / si5rAmik/ a.陶器的 n.陶瓷制
cereal / 5siEriEl/ n.谷类,五谷,禾谷 commentary / 5kRmEntEri/ n.注释,评论,批评
commitment / kE5mitmEnt/ n.委托,实行,承担义务,赞助
commute / kE5mju:t/ vt.交换,兑换, 经常
compatible / kEm5pAtEbl/ a.一致的;兼容
competence / 5kRmpitEns/ n.胜任,资格,能力
compile / kEm5pail/ vt.编辑,编制,搜集 compulsory / kEm5pQlsEri/ a.强迫的,义务的
concede / kEn5si:d/ vt.承认,退让 vi.让步
conceive / kEn5si:v/ vt.设想,以为;怀孕 concession / kEn5seFEn/ n.让步,迁就 concise / kEn5sais/ a.简洁的,简明的 confer / kEn5fE:/ vt.赠予,协议 vi.协
configuration / kEnfigju5reiFEn/ n.结
conform / kEn5fR:m/ vt.使遵守 vi.一致 confusion / kEn5fju:VEn/ n.混乱;骚乱;
consecutive / kEn5sekjutiv/ a.连续的,联贯的,始终一贯的
consensus / kEn5sensEs/ n.一致
conserve / kEn5sE:v/ vt.保存,保全 n.蜜饯,果酱
conspicuous / kEn5spikjuEs/ a.显著的,显眼的,出众的
constituent / kEn5stitjuEnt/ a.形成的 n.选民
constrain / kEn5strein/ vt.强迫,勉强,驱使
consultant / kEn5sQltEnt/ n.顾问,商议
contaminate / kEn5tAmineit/ vt.弄脏,毒害,传染
contemplate / 5kRntempleit/ vt.注视,沉思,打算 vi.冥思苦想
contempt / kEn5tempt/ n.轻蔑;藐视
contend / kEn5tend/ vi.竞争 vt.坚决主张 contradict / kRntrE5dikt/ vt.反驳,否认 contrive / kEn5traiv/ vt.vi.发明,设计,图谋 controversial / kRntrE5vE:FEl/ a.争论的,论争的,被议论的
controversy / 5kRntrEvE:si/ n.争论,辩论,争吵
converge / kEn5vE:dV/ vi.聚合,集中于一点
convict / kEn5vikt, 5kRnvikt/ n.囚犯,罪犯 vt.宣告有罪
cordial / 5kR:djEl/ a.真诚的,诚恳的 corps / kR:/ n.军团,队,团,兵种
corrode / kE5rEud/ vt.vi 腐蚀,侵蚀,破坏 corrupt / kE5rQpt/ vt.贿赂 a.腐败的 costume / 5kRstju:m/ n.装束,服装
courtesy / 5kE:tisi/ n.礼貌,谦恭,请安 cripple / 5kripl/ n.跛子;残废的人
criterion / krai5tiEriEn/ n.标准,准则,尺度
crucial / 5kru:FiEl/ a.决定性的,重要的,严厉的
cue / kju:/ n.开端,线索,发辫,长队 culminate / 5kQlmineit/ vi.vi.到绝顶,达于极点,达到高潮
cumulative / 5kjumjuleitiv/ a.累积的 curb / kE:b/ n.抑制,勒马绳 vt.抑制,束缚
curt / kE:t/ a.简略的,简短的,生硬的 cynical / 5sinikEl/ a.愤世嫉俗的,讽刺的,冷嘲的
deficit / 5difisit/ n.赤字,不足额
degenerate / di5dVenEreit/ a.堕落的
vi.vt 使变质,使退化.deliberate / di5libErit/ a.深思熟虑的;审慎的 denote / di5nEut/ vt.指示,意味着
denounce / di5nauns/ vt.谴责,声讨;告发 depict / di5pikt/ vt.描述,描写
designate / 5dezigneit/ vt.指出,指示;
despatch / dis5pAtF/ vt.vi.n.派遣 despise / dis5paiz/ vt.鄙视,蔑视 deteriorate / di5tiEriEreit/ vt.vi.(使)
diffuse / di5fju:z/ vt.vi.散播,传播 a.散开的,弥漫的
dilemma / di5lemE/ n.困境,进退两难的局
dilute / dai5lut/ vt.冲淡,稀释 a.淡的,稀释的
discern / di5sE:n/ vt.看出,辨出;辨别 discrepancy / dis5krepEnsi/ n.相差,差
discrete / di5skrit/ a.不连续的, 离散的
disguise / dis5gaiz/ vi.隐瞒,掩埋 n.假
dismay / dis5mei/ n.惊慌,沮丧,灰心 dispatch / dis5pAtF/ vt.派遣;调度 n.急
disperse / dis5pE:s/ vt.(使)分散;驱散 disposition / dispE5ziFEn/ n.性情,处置,处理,布置
disrupt / dis5rQpt/ a.分裂的,分散的 vt.使分裂,使瓦解
dissipate / 5disipeit/ vt.驱散;浪费 vi.消散
distil / dis5til/ v.蒸馏, 提取....的精华
disturbance / dis5tE:bEns/ n.**;干扰;
divine / di5vain/ a.神的;敬神的 drastic / 5drAstik/ a.激烈的;严厉的 dubious / 5dju:bjEs/ a.可疑的,不确定的 dwell / dwel/ n.居住 vi.凝思,细想
eccentric / ik5sentrik/ n.怪人,偏心圆
edible / 5edibl/ a.可食用的 n.食品,食物
ego / 5egEu/ n.自我
elicit / i5lisit/ vt.引出,抽出,引起 elite / ei5li:t/ n.精华,精锐,中坚分子 eloquent / 5elEkwEnt/ a.雄辩的,有口才的,动人的
embark / im5ba:k/ vi.乘船,着手,从事,上飞机
empirical / im5pirikEl/ a.经验主义的 endow / in5dau/ vt.资助;赋予,授予 enhance / in5ha:ns/ vt.提高,增加;夸张 ensue / in5sju:/ vt.追求 vi.跟着发生,继起
entail / in5teil/ vt.使必需,使承担 entity / 5entiti/ n.实体,实存物,存在 entrepreneur / 5RntrEprE5nE:/ n.企业家,主办人
envisage / in5vizidV/ vt.面对,正视,想
epoch / 5i:pRk/ n.(新)时代;历元
equilibrium / i:kwi5libriEm/ n.平衡,均
erosion / i5rEuVEn/ n.腐蚀,侵蚀;糜烂 erroneous / i5rEunjEs/ a.错误的,不正确的
escort / 5eskR:t/ n.vt.护卫,护送 essence / 5esns/ n.本质,本体;精华 esthetic / es5Wetik/ a.审美的 ethics / 5eWiks/ n.道德规范 ethnic / 5ZWnik/ a.民族特有的 evoke / i5vEuk/ vt.唤起,引起
exemplify / ig5zEmplifai/ vt.举例证明(解释)exempt / ig5zempt/ a.免除的 vt.使免除,豁免
exile / 5eksail/ vt.流放 n.被流放者 exotic / ig5zRutik/ a.异国的,外来的 n.外来物,舶来品
expertise / ekspE5ti:z/ n.专家的意见,专门技术
expire / iks5paiE/ vi.满期,到期;断气 explicit / iks5plisit/ a.明晰的;直率的 exposition / ekspE5ziFEn/ n.说明,解释;陈列
exquisite / 5ekskwizit/ a.精致的,细腻的,敏锐的
extinct / iks5tiNkt/ a.绝种的;熄灭了的 extinguish / iks5tiNgwiF/ vt.熄灭,扑灭;消灭
extravagant / iks5trAvigEnt/ a.奢侈的;过度的
fabricate / 5fAbrikeit/ vt.制作,组合;捏造
facet / 5fAsit/ n.小平面,方面,刻面 facilitate / fE5siliteit/ vt.使容易;助长 feeble / 5fi:bl/ a.虚弱的;微弱的 flank / flANk/ n.肋,肋腹;侧面 flap / flAp/ vt.n.拍打 vi.拍动 fling / fliN/ vi.vt.(用力)扔,抛
fluctuate / 5flQktjueit/ vi.波动 vt.使
flutter / 5flQtE/ vi.(鸟)振翼;飘动 foam / fEum/ n.泡沫;泡沫塑料
foil / fRil/ n.箔,金属薄片 vt.贴箔于,衬托
formidable / 5fR:midEbl/ a.可怕的;难对
formulate / 5fR:mjuleit/ vt.用公式表示 fort / fR:t/ n.要塞,堡垒
fossil / 5fRsl/ n.化石 a.化石的 foster / 5fRstE/ vt.养育,抚养;培养 foul / faul/ a.肮脏的;丑恶的
fracture / 5frAktFE/ n.破裂;裂痕 vi.破
fraud / frR:d/ n.骗子,欺骗,欺诈,诡计 fringe / 5frindV/ n.穗,毛边;边缘
frustrate / frQs5treit/ vt.挫败;使无效 galaxy / 5gAlEksi/ n.银河,星系,一群显
gaol / dVeil/ n.监禁,监狱 vt.监禁 garment / 5ga:mEnt/ n.衣服;服装,衣着 gasp / ga:sp/ vi.气喘,喘息 gear / giE/ n.齿轮,传动装置
glide / glaid/ vi.滑动;消逝 n.滑行 gloomy / 5glu:mi/ a.黑暗的;令人沮丧的 gorgeous / 5gR:dVEs/ a.绚丽的;极好的 gossip / 5gRsip/ n.闲谈;碎嘴子;漫笔 graze / greiz/ vi.喂草;放牧(牲畜)grease / gri:s, gri:z/ n.动物脂,脂肪 grief / gri:f/ n.悲哀,悲痛,悲伤 grieve / gri:v/ vt.使悲痛 vi.悲痛 grim / grim/ a.冷酷无情的,严厉的 grope / grEup/ vi.(暗中)摸索,探索 hamper / 5hAmpE/ vt.妨碍,阻碍,牵制 hatch / hAtF/ vt.舱盖,舱口;短门 haul / hR:l/ vt.拖曳;拖运
haunt / hR:nt/ vt.常去 vi.经常出没 heal / hi:l/ vt.治愈;使和解
heave / hi:v/ vt.(用力地)举起;抛 heir / ZE/ n.后嗣,继承人
heritage / 5heritidV/ n.遗产,继承物,传统
hierarchy / 5haiEra:ki/ n.等级制度,统治
hinder / 5hindE, 5haindE/ a.后面的
hinge / hindV/ n.合页,折叶,铰链
hitherto / 5hiTE5tu:/ ad.迄今,到目前为
hoist / hRist/ vt.升起 vi.扯起来
homogeneous / hRmE5dVi:njEs/ a.同类的;
hose / hEuz/ n.长筒袜;软管
hover / 5hRvE/ vi.徘徊;傍徨;翱翔 humidity / hju:5miditi/ n.湿气;湿度 hurl / hE:l/ vt.猛投 vi.猛冲
hypothesis / hai5pRWisi:z/ n.假设;前提 hysterical / his5terikEl/ a.歇斯底里的,异常兴奋的
ideology / aidi5RlEdVi/ n.意识形态,思
想体系 ignite / ig5nait/ vt.引燃 vi.着火
illuminate / i5lju:mineit/ vt.照明,照亮;阐明
illusion / i5lju:VEn/ n.幻想;错觉;假象 imaginative / i5mAdVEnEtiv/ a.想象的,虚构的
imitation / imi5teiFEn/ n.仿制品,伪制物 immerse / i5mE:s/ vt.沉浸;给…施洗礼 immune / i5mjun/ a.免疫的,免除的,不受影响的
impair / im5pZE/ vt.损害,减少,削弱 impart / im5pa:t/ vt.给予,传递;告诉 imperative / im5perEtiv/ n.命令, a.命令式的,急需的,强制的
imperial / im5piEriEl/ a.帝王的,至尊的
impetus / 5impitEs/ n.动力,推动力,激励 implement / 5implimEnt/ n.工具 vt.实现,使生效,执行
implicit / im5plisit/ a.暗示的,盲从的,绝对的,固有的
inaugurate / i5nR:gjureit/ vt.开始;使就职
incentive / in5sentiv/ n.动机 a.激励的
incidentally / insi5dentEli/ ad.附带地;顺便提及
inclusive / in5klu:siv/ a.包围住的;包括的
incredible / in5kredEbl/ a.难以置信的,惊人的
incur / in5kE:/ vt.招致,蒙受,遭遇 indefinite / in5definit/ a.不明确的;不定的
indicative / in5dikEtiv/ a.指示的;陈述的
indignant / in5dignEnt/ a.愤慨的,义愤的 indignation / indig5neiFEn/ n.愤怒,愤慨,义愤
induce / in5dju:s/ vt.劝诱;引起;感应 indulge / in5dQldV/ vt.放纵(感情)vi.纵
inertia / i5nE:FjE/ n.惯性,惯量;无力 inflation / in5fleiFEn/ n.通货膨胀,物价
inflict / in5flikt/ vt.施以,加害,使承
ingenious / in5dVi:njEs/ a.机灵的;精巧
ingredient / in5gri:djEnt/ n.配料,成分 inhibit / in5hibit/ vt.禁止,抑制
innovation / inEu5veiFEn/ n.创新,改革,新设施
insane / in5sein/ a.患精神病的,不理智的
installment / in5stR:lmEnt/ n.分期付款 instantaneous / instEn5teinjEs/ a.瞬间的,即刻的
insulate / 5insjuleit/ vt.使绝缘,使绝热 intact / in5tAkt/ a.原封不动的,完整的 integral / 5intigrEl/ a.组成的;整的 integrate / 5intigreit/ vt.使结合,使并
integrity / in5tegriti/ n.诚实,正直 intelligible / in5tAlidVEbl/ a.可理解的,易理解的,明了的 intensify / in5tensifai/ vt.vi.加强,强化
intent / in5tent/ a.目不转睛的,热切的 interim / 5intErim/ a.中间的,暂时的,间歇的,n.过渡时期
intermittent / intE5mitnt/ a.间歇的,断断续续的
intersection / intE5sekFEn/ n.交集,十
intimidate / in5timideit/ vt.威胁,恐吓,胁迫
intricate / 5intrikit/ a.复杂的,错综的,缠结的,难懂的
intrigue / in5tri:g/ n.阴谋 vi.密谋,耍诡计 vt.激起兴趣
intrinsic / in5trinsik/ a.本质的,原有的,真正的
intuition / intju5iFEn/ n.直觉,直觉的知识
invalid / 5invEli:d, in5vAlid/ n.病人 a.有病的,无效的
invaluable / in5vAljuEbl/ a.无价的,价
invariably / in5vZEriEbli/ ad.不变地,永恒地
inventory / 5invEn5tEuri/ n.详细目录,存货清单
invert / in5vE:t, 5invE:t/ vt.使反转,使颠倒,使转化
irony / 5aiErEni/ n.反讽,讽剌,讽剌之事 irrespective / iris5pektiv/ a.不考虑的,不顾的
irrigation / iri5geiFEn/ n.灌溉;冲洗法 irritate / 5iriteit/ vt.激怒;引起不愉快 ivory / 5aivEri/ n.象牙;牙质;乳白色 jail / dVeil/ n.监狱 vi.监禁
jeopardize / 5dVepEdaiz/ vt.危害,使受危困,使陷危地
jerk / dVE:k/ vt.猛地一拉 vi.急拉
journalist / 5dVE:nElist/ n.记者,新闻工作者
junction / 5dVQNkFEn/ n.连接;接头;中继线
jury / 5dVuEri/ n.陪审团;评奖团
justification / dVQstifi5keiFEn/ n.辩护,证明是正当的,释罪
kidney / 5kidni/ n.肾,腰子;性格 kit / kit/ n.成套工具;用具包 knit / nit/ vt.把…编结 vi.编织
knob / nRb/ n.门把,拉手;旋纽 lamb / lAm/ n.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉 lame / leim/ a.跛的;瘸的,残废的
landscape / 5lAndskeip/ n.风景,景色,景致
latent / 5leitEnt/ a.存在但看不见的 latitude / 5lAtitju:d/ n.纬度;黄纬 layman / 5leimEn/ n.俗人,门外汉,凡人 leaflet / 5li:flit/ n.传单,活页;广告 lease / li:s/ n.租约,契约,租契 legend / 5ledVEnd/ n.传说,传奇
legislation / ledVis5leiFEn/ n.立法;法规
legitimate / li5dVitimit/ a.合法的,正当的 vt.使合法
liability / laiE5biliti/ n.责任;倾向;债务
lick / lik/ vt.舔;舔吃
likelihood / 5laiklihud/ n.可能(性)limp / limp/ vi.蹒跚,跛行 n.跛行 linear / 5liniE/ a.线的;长度的 liner / 5lainE/ n.班船,班机
linger / 5liNgE/ vi.逗留,徘徊;拖延 literacy / 5litErEsi/ n.读写能力,识字 literal / 5litErEl/ a.文字(上)的;字面的 litter / 5litE/ n.废物,杂乱 vi.乱扔 lobby / 5lRbi/ n.前厅,(剧院的)门廊 locality / lEu5kAliti/ n.位置,地点,发生
locomotive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ a.运动的;机
lofty / 5lRfti/ a.高耸的;高尚的
longitude / 5lRndVitju:d/ n.经线,经度 lounge / laundV/ n.(旅馆等的)休息室 lubricate / 5lju:brikeit/ vt.使润滑 vi.加润滑油
luminous / 5lju:minEs/ a.发光的;光明的 lunar / 5lju:nE/ a.月亮的
magnify / 5mAgnifai/ vt.放大,扩大
magnitude / 5mAgnitju:d/ n.大小;重大;
majesty / 5mAdVisti/ n.威严,尊严;陛下 mall / mR:l/ n.大型购物中心
manifest / 5mAnifest/ vt.表明 a.明白的 manipulate / mE5nipjuleit/ vt.操作;控制,手持
manoeuvre / mE5nu:vE/ n.vi.调遣,演习
manuscript / 5mAnjuskript/ n.手稿,底稿,原稿
marble / 5ma:bl/ n.大理石
marginal / 5ma:dVinEl/ a.记在页边的;边
marsh / ma:F/ n.沼泽地,湿地
marshal / 5ma:FEl/ n.元帅;陆军元帅 masculine / 5ma:skjulin/ a.男性的;强壮的
massive / 5mAsiv/ a.粗大的;大而重的 masterpiece / 5ma:stEpi:s/ n.杰作,名著 meadow / 5medEu/ n.草地,牧草地
mechanism / 5mekEnizEm/ n.机械装置;机制 medal / 5medl/ n.奖章,勋章,纪念章 media / 5mi:diE/ n.媒体
mediate / 5midieit/ a.居间的,间接的 vt.斡旋,调停
medieval / medi5i:vEl/ a.中古的,中世纪的
Mediterranean / meditE5reinjEn/ n.地中
海 a.地中海的
melody / 5melEdi/ n.旋律,曲调;歌曲 membership / 5membEFip/ n.成员资格;会员
menace / 5menEs/ vt.&vi.&n.(进行)威胁 merge / mE:dV/ vt.使合并,使并为一体 mess / mes/ vt.弄脏,弄乱,搞糟
messenger / 5mesindVE/ n.送信者,信使 metallic / mi5tAlik/ a.金属的 n.金属粒
metropolitan / metrE5pRlitEn/ a.主要都
市的 n.大主教
midst / 5midst/ n.中部,中间,当中 migrate / mai5greit/ vi.迁移,移居 militant / 5militEnt/ a.好战的
mingle / 5miNgl/ vt.使混合 vi.混合起来 miniature / 5minjEtFE/ n.缩影 a.缩小的 minimal / 5miniml/ a.最小的,极微的,最小限度的
minimize / 5minimaiz/ vt.使减到最小 misery / 5mizEri/ n.痛苦,悲惨,不幸 misfortune / mis5fR:tFEn/ n.不幸,灾祸,灾难
missionary / 5miFEnEri/ n.传教士
mobilize / 5mEubilaiz/ vt.动员 vi.动员起来
mock / mRk/ n.嘲弄 vt.嘲弄,挖苦
momentum / mou5mentEm/ n.动力,要素 monopoly / mE5nRpEli/ n.垄断,独占,专利 monster / 5mRnstE/ n.怪物;畸形的动植物 morality / mE5rAliti/ n.道德,美德,品行 mortal / 5mR:tl/ a.终有一死的;致死的 mortgage / 5mR:gidV/ n.抵押 vt.抵押 motel / mEu5tel/ n.汽车游客旅馆 mourn / mR:n/ vi.哀痛,哀悼 muddy / 5mQdi/ a.多泥的,泥泞的
multitude / 5mQltitju:d/ n.大批,大群;大量
municipal / mju:5nisipEl/ a.市的,市立的 murmur / 5mE:mE/ vi.低语,低声而言 n.低语
muscular / 5mQskjulE/ a.肌肉发达的,强健的
mutter / 5mQtE/ vi.轻声低语;抱怨
myth / miW/ n.神话,虚构的事,虚构的人 naive / na:5i:v/ a.天真的,纯真的,朴素的 narrative / 5nArEtiv/ n.叙述,故事 a.叙述的,叙事的
nasty / 5na:sti/ a.龌龊的;淫猥的
necessitate / ni5sesiteit/ vt.迫使,使
negligible / 5neglidVEbl/ a.微不足道的 negotiate / ni5gEuFieit/ vi.谈判,交涉,议定
nickel / 5nikl/ n.镍;镍币
nightmare / 5naitmZE/ n.恶梦;经常的恐惧 nominal / 5nRminl/ a.名义上的,名字的 n.名词性词
nominate / 5nRmineit/ vt.提名,推荐;任命 nonetheless / 5nQnTE5les/ adv.尽管如此,然而
norm / nR:m/ n.标准,规范;平均数
notable / 5nEutEbl/ n.值得注意的;著名的 notation / nou5teiFEn/ n.记号法,表示法,注释
notify / 5nEutifai/ vt.通知,告知;报告 notion / 5nEuFEn/ n.概念,意念;看法 notorious / nEu5tR:riEs/ a.臭名昭著的 notwithstanding / nRtwiW5stAndiN/ prep.尽管,虽然
nourish / 5nQriF/ vt.提供养分,养育 novelty / 5nRvElti/ n.新颖;新奇的事物 numerical / nju5merikEl/ a.数字的,数值的
nutrition / nju:5triFEn/ n.营养,营养学 oath / EuW/ n.誓言,誓约,宣誓
obedient / E5bi:djEnt/ n.服从的,顺从的 obligation / Rbli5geiFEn/ n.义务,职责,责任 obscene / Rb5si:n/ a.淫秽的,猥亵的 obscure / Eb5skjuE/ a.阴暗的;蒙昧的 odor / 5EudE/ n.气味,名声,味
offence / E5fens/ n.犯罪,犯规;冒犯 offensive / E5fensiv/ a.冒犯的;进攻的 offset / 5R:fset/ n.分支,抵销 vt.抵销 offspring / 5R(:)fspriN/ n.儿女,子孙,后代
opaque / Eu5peik/ a.不透明的;不传导的 oppress / E5pres/ vt.压迫,压制;压抑 optimism / 5Rptimizm/ n.乐观,乐观主义 optimum / 5RptimiEm/ n.最适条件,最适度 option / 5RpFEn/ n.选择,取舍
orient / 5R:riEnt/ n.东方;亚洲,远东 oriental / Rri5entl/ a.东方的;东方国家的
orientation / R:rien5teiFEn/ n.向东;定
originate / E5ridVineit/ vi.发源 vt.首
ornament / 5R:nEmEnt, 5R:nEment/ n.装饰
物 vt.装修
orthodox / 5R:WEdRks/ a.正统的,传统的,惯常的
outbreak / 5autbreik/ n.(战争、愤怒等)
oval / 5EuvEl/ a.卵形的 n.卵形
overflow / EuvE5flEu/ vt.从…中溢出 overhear / EuvE5hiE/ vt.偶然听到;偷听 overlap / EuvE5lAp/ vt.与…交搭 vi.重迭 overt / 5EuvE:t/ a.明显的,公然的
overthrow / ,EuvE5WrEu/ vt.推翻 n.推翻,瓦解 overwhelm / EuvE5hwelm/ vt.压倒,使不知所措
oxide / 5Rksaid/ n.氧化物 pamphlet / 5pAmflit/ n.小册子 panic / 5pAnik/ n.恐慌,惊慌
paradise / 5pArEdais/ n.伊甸乐园;天堂 paradox / 5pArEdRks/ n.似非而是的论点,自相矛盾的话
paralyze / 5pArElaiz/ vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹 parameter / pE5rAmitE/ n.参(变)数;参量 participant / pa:5tisipEnt/ n.参加者 a.有份的
partition / pa:5tiFEn/ n.分开,分割;融墙 pastime / 5pa:staim/ n.消遣,娱乐 pasture / 5pa:stFE/ n.牧场;牲畜饲养 patent / 5peitEnt/ a.专利的 n.专利 pathetic / pE5Wetik/ a.哀婉动人的;可怜的
patriotic / pAtri5Rtik/ a.爱国的
patrol / pE5trEul/ n.巡逻 n.巡逻,巡查 pave / peiv/ vt.铺,筑(路等)pearl / pE:l/ n.珍珠;珍珠母 pedal / 5pedl/ n.踏脚,踏板,脚蹬
pedestrian / pi5destriEn/ n.行人,步行者 peel / pi:l/ vt.剥(皮),削(皮)peer / piE/ vi.凝视;隐约出现
penalty / 5penlti/ n.处罚,刑罚;罚款 pendulum / 5pendjulEm/ n.(钟等的)摆 pension / 5penFEn/ n.抚恤金,年金
perception / pE5sepFEn/ n.感觉;概念;理解力
perfection / pE5fekFEn/ n.尽善尽美;无比精确 perfume / 5pE:fju:m, pE:5fju:m/ n.香味,芳香;香料
periodic / 5piEri5Rdik/ n.周期的;一定时
periodical / piEri5RdikEl/ n.期刊,杂志 perish / 5periF/ vi.死亡,夭折;枯萎
permeate / 5pE:miet/ vt.弥漫,渗透,充满
permissible / pE5misEbl/ a.可允许的 perpetual / pE5petFuEl/ a.永久的;四季开
perplex / pE5pleks/ vt.迷惑,困惑,难住 persistent / pE(:)5sistEnt/ a.固执的,坚持的,持续的
pest / pest/ n.害虫;害人虫
petition / pi5tiFEn/ n.请愿 vt.向…请愿 petty / 5peti/ a.细小的;器量小的
physiological / fiziE5lRdVikEl/ a.生理
plague / pleig/ n.瘟疫,鼠疫;天灾
plaster / 5pla:stE/ n.灰泥;硬膏;熟石膏 plateau / 5plAtEu/ n.高原;平稳时期 plausible / 5plR:zEbl/ a.似乎真实的,似乎合理的
plea / pli:/ n.请愿,请求,恳求 plea / pli:/ n.请愿,请求,恳求
plead / pli:d/ vt.为…辩护 vi.抗辩 pledge / pledV/ n.誓言 vt.使发誓 poke / pEuk/ vt.戳,刺;伸(头等)
polar / 5pEulE/ a.南(北)极的;极性的 poll / pEul/ n.投票 vi.投票
ponder / 5pRndE/ vt.考虑 vi.沉思 pope / pEup/ n.(罗马天主教的)教皇 porch / pR:tF/ n.门廊,入口处 pore / pR:/ n.毛孔,气孔,细孔
portray / pR:5trei/ vt.描绘,描写,描
写...的肖像,pose / pEuz/ vi.假装,摆姿势 n.姿势 poster / 5pEustE/ n.海报,招贴,脚夫 postulate / 5pRstjuleit/ vt.要求,假定,假设
practicable / 5prAktikEbl/ a.能实行的;
prayer / 5prZE/ n.祈祷,祈求
preach / pri:tF/ vt.说教,布道;鼓吹 precede / pri(:)5si:d/ vt.先于… vi.领
precipitate / pri5sipiteit/ a.突如其来的 vt.使突然发生 n.沉淀物
preclude / pri5klu:d/ vt.预先排除,预防,阻止,妨碍
predecessor / 5pri:disesE/ n.前辈,前任
predominant / pri5dRminEnt/ a.占优势的;
pregnant / 5pregnEnt/ a.怀孕的;意义深长的
premature / pri:mE5tjuE/ a.早熟的,过早的 n.早产儿
premise / 5premis, pri5maiz/ n.前提,假设,房产
premium / 5pri:mjEm/ n.额外费用,奖金,奖赏,保险费
prescription / pris5kripFEn/ n.药方,处
方的药 presentation / prezen5teiFEn/ n.介绍;赠送;呈现
preside / pri5zaid/ vi.主持;主奏
prestige / pres5ti:V/ n.威望,威信,声望 presumably / pri5zju:mEbli/ ad.推测起来,大概
presume / pri5zju:m/ vt.假定,假设,揣测 pretext / 5pri:tekst/ n.借口,托辞
prevalent / 5prevElEnt/ a.流行的;盛行的 prey / prei/ vi.猎物 vi.捕获
priest / pri:st/ n.教士,牧师,神父
priority / prai5Rriti/ n.先,前;优先,重点
privacy / 5praivEsi/ n.隐私,隐居,秘密 probe / prEub/ n.探针 vt.用探针探查 proceeding / prE5si:diN/ n.程序,行动,事项
proclaim / prE5kleim/ vt.宣告,宣布;表明 productive / prE5dQktiv/ a.生产的;出产…的
productivity / prEdQk5tiviti/ n.生产率;多产
proficiency / prE5fiFEnsi/ n.熟练,精通 profile / 5prEufail/ n.侧面,轮廓,人物素描,传略
profitable / 5prRfitEbl/ a.有利的;有益的
profound / prE5faund/ a.深刻的;渊博的 prolong / prE5lRN/ vt.延长,拉长,拖延 promising / 5prRmisiN/ a.有希望的;有前途的
prone / prEun/ a.俯伏的,易于...的 propaganda / prRpE5gAndE/ n.宣传;宣传机构
propagate / 5prRpEgeit/ vt.繁殖;传播,普及
propel / prE5pel/ vt.推进,推动 prophet / 5prRfit/ n.预言家,先知
proposition / prRpE5ziFEn/ n.命题,主题;
prose / prEuz/ n.散文
prospective / prEs5pektiv/ a.有希望的,预期的,将来的
prototype / 5prEutEtaip/ n.原型;典型,范例
provocative / prE5vRkEtiv/ a.挑衅的,刺激的,挑逗的
provoke / prE5vEuk/ vt.激怒,惹起,驱使 proximity / prak5simEti/ n.接近,亲近publicity / pQb5lisiti/ n.公开,名声,宣传
purify / 5pjuErifai/ vt.提纯,精炼(金属)purity / 5pjuEriti/ n.纯净;纯洁;纯度 pursuit / pE5sju:t/ n.追赶;追求;事务 qualification / kwRlifi5keiFEn/ n.资格;
qualitative / 5kwRlitEtiv/ a.质的;定性的
quantify / 5kwRntifai/ vt.确定…的数量 quantitative / 5kwRntitEtiv/ a.量的;定
quart / 5kwR:t/ n.夸脱(=2 品脱)
quarterly / 5kwR:tEli/ a.季度的 ad.季度
quartz / kwR:ts/ n.石英
queer / 5kwiE/ a.奇怪的,古怪的 quench / kwentF/ vt.熄灭,扑灭;压制 quest / kwest/ vt.寻找 vi.追求
questionnaire / kwestFE5nZE/ n.调查表,征求意见表
quiver / 5kwivE/ vi.(轻微地)颤动 racket / 5rAkit/ n.球拍
radiant / 5reidjEnt/ a.绚丽的;容光焕发的
radiate / 5reidieit/ vi.发射光线;辐射 radical / 5rAdikEl/ a.基本的;激进的 rage / reidV/ n.(一阵)狂怒,盛怒 raid / reid/ n.袭击;突然搜查
rally / 5rAli/ n.&vt.&vi.(重新)集合 random / 5rAndEm/ n.随机 a.随机的
rating / 5reitiN/ n.等级,评定结果,收视
readily / 5redili/ ad.乐意地;无困难地 realistic / riE5listik/ a.现实的;现实主
reap / ri:p/ vt.&vi.收割,收获
rebellion / ri5beljEn/ n.造反;叛乱;反抗 recession / ri5seFEn/ n.(经济)衰退,不景气
recipe / 5resipi/ n.菜谱,烹饪法;处方 recipient / ri5sipiEnt/ n.接受者,接收
reciprocal / ri5siprEkEl/ a.相互的;互利的
recite / ri5sait/ vt.&vi.背诵,朗诵
reckless / 5reklis/ a.粗心大意的;鲁莽的 reckon / 5rekEn/ vi.数,算帐 vt.认为 reclaim / ri5kleim/ vt.开垦,开拓;回收 reconcile / 5rekEnsail/ vt.使和好;调停 recreation / rekri5eiFEn/ n.消遣,娱乐活动
recruit / ri5kru:t/ vi.征募(新兵),招收 n.新兵,新成员
rectangular / rek5tANgjulE/ a.矩形的,成直角的
rectify / 5rektifai/ vt.纠正;调整;精馏 recur / ri5kE:/ vi.复发,重现,再发生 recycle / 5ri:5saikl/ vt.使再循环,再利用,再制
redundant / ri5dQndEnt/ a.多余的,过多的,冗长的
refrain / ri5frein/ vi.抑制,制止,忍住 refreshment / ri5freFmEnt/ n.茶点,点心,便餐
refugee / refju:5dVi:/ n.难民,流亡者 refute / ri5fju:t/ vt.驳斥,反驳,驳倒 regime / rei5Vi:m/ n.政体,政权;制度 reign / rein/ n.朝代
rejoice / ri5dVRis/ vi.欣喜,高兴 relay / 5ri:lei/ vt.分程传递;使接替 reliance / ri5laiEns/ n.信任,信赖,信心 remainder / ri5meindE/ n.剩余(物);余数 remnant / 5remnEnt/ n.残留部分,遗迹 a.剩余的,残余的
renaissance / rE5neisEns/ n.复活,复兴,文艺复兴
repay / ri:5pei/ vt.&vi.偿还,报答 repel / ri5pel/ vt.拒绝;使厌恶
repertoire / 5repEtwB:/ n.全部剧目,保留剧目,全部技能
replacement / ri5pleismEnt/ n.归还;取代;置换 representation / reprizen5teiFEn/ n.描
reproach / ri5prEutF/ vt.&n.责备,指责 republican / ri5pQblikEn/ a.共和国的 resemblance / ri5zemblEns/ n.相似,相似
resent / ri5zent/ vt.对…不满,怨恨 reservation / rezE5veiFEn/ n.保留;预定,预订
reside / ri5zaid/ vi.居住,驻扎;属于 residential / rezi5denFEl/ a.住宅的,与居住有关的
resonance / 5rZznEns/ n.共鸣,回声,共振 resultant / ri5zQltEnt/ a.作为结果而发
retail / 5ri:teil/ n.零售 a.零售的 retention / ri5tenFEn/ n.保留,保有,保
retort / ri5tR:t/ vt.&vi.反击;反驳 retrieve / ri5tri:v/ vt.取回,挽回, 检
retrospect / 5retrEspekt/ n.回顾,追忆,回溯
revelation / revi5leiFEn/ n.揭露,泄露,启示,展示
revenge / ri5vendV/ vt.替…报仇 n.报仇 revive / ri5vaiv/ vt.&vi.苏醒;复兴 revolve / ri5vRlv/ vt.&vi.(使)旋转
rig / rig/ vt.操纵,垄断 n.钻井架,塔台 rigorous / 5rigErEs/ a.(性格等)严峻的 rim / rim/ n.边;边缘,(眼镜)框 riot / 5raiEt/ n.&vi.骚乱,** rip / rip/ vi.撕啐,扯破,划破 ripple / 5ripl/ n.涟漪,细浪,波纹
ritual / 5ritjuEl/ n.仪式 a.仪式的,例行公事的
robust / rEu5bQst/ a.强健的,粗野的,坚
romance / rEu5mAns/ n.传奇;浪漫文学 rot / rRt/ vt.烂,腐坏 n.腐烂
royalty / 5rRiElti/ n.皇家,王族,皇族 rupture / 5rQptFE/ n.破裂,决裂 vt.(使)
scared / / adj.受惊吓的
safeguard / 5seifga:d/ n.保护措施;护照 saint / seint/ n.圣徒;基督教徒 sanction / 5sANkFEn/ n.制裁,批准
saturate / 5sAtFEreit/ vt.使浸透,使充
sauce / sR:s/ n.调味汁,酱汁
savage / 5sAvidV/ a.未开发的,野蛮的,残暴的 n.野蛮人
scandal / 5skAndl/ n.丑事,丑闻;耻辱 scar / ska:/ n.瘢痕
scent / sent/ n.气味,香味;香水 sceptical / 5skeptikEl/ a.怀疑的 scorn / skR:n/ n.轻蔑;嘲笑 vt.轻蔑 scrap / skrAp/ n.碎片;废料 vt.废弃 script / skript/ n.手迹,手稿,剧本,字母
scrutiny / 5skrutni/ n.细看,仔细检查,监视
sculpture / 5skQlptFE/ n.雕刻,雕塑,雕
seam / si:m/ n.缝口;接缝;骨缝 sector / 5sektE/ n.部门,部分,扇形 seemingly / 5si:miNli/ ad.表面上,外表上 segment / 5segmEnt/ n.切片,部分;段,节 segregate / 5segrigeit/ a.分离的,被隔离的 vt.使分离,使隔离
seminar / 5semina:/ n.研究会,讨论发表会
senator / 5senEtE/ n.参议员;评议员 sensation / sen5seiFEn/ n.感觉,知觉;轰动
sentiment / 5sentimEnt/ n.感情;情操;情绪
sexual / 5seksjuEl/ a.性的,性别的 shabby / 5FAbi/ a.褴褛的;破旧的 shaft / Fa:ft/ n.(工具的)柄,杆状物 shatter / 5FAtE/ vt.粉碎,破碎;毁坏 sheer / FiE/ a.纯粹的;全然的;陡峭的 shipment / 5FipmEnt/ n.装货;装载的货物 shrewd / Fru:d/ a.精明的,敏锐的,机灵的 shrug / FrQg/ vt.&vi.耸(肩)n.耸肩 shutter / 5FQtE/ n.百叶窗;(相机)快门 shuttle / 5FQtl/ n.(织机的)梭
signify / 5signifai/ vt.表示,意味着 silicon / 5silikEn/ n.硅(旧名矽)simulate / 5simjuleit/ vt.模拟,假装,模仿
simultaneous / simEl5teinjEs/ a.同时的,同时存在的
sin / sin/ n.罪,罪孽 vi.犯罪
situated / 5sitjueitid/ a.位于…的 skeleton / 5skelitEn/ n.骨骼,骷髅;骨架 skeptical / 5skeptikl/ a.怀疑的,多疑的 skip / skip/ vi.跳;跳绳;略过
slack / slAk/ a.松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;vt.使松弛
slap / slAp/ vt.掴,拍 n.巴掌,拍
slaughter / 5slR:tE/ vt.&n.屠杀,屠宰 slim / slim/ a.细长的;微小的 slogan / 5slEugEn/ n.标语,口号 slot / slRt/ n.缝,狭槽,位置,职位 slum / slQm/ n.贫民窟,贫民区 smash / smAF/ vt.打碎,打破,粉碎 smuggle / 5smQgl/ vt.私运 vi.走私 snack / snAk/ n.快餐,小吃 snap / snAp/ vt.猛咬,突然折断
snatch / snAtF/ n.抢夺,攫取,片段 vt.夺取,攫取
soar / sR:/ vi.猛增,高耸,高飞,翱翔 sober / 5sEubE/ a.清醒的;适度的 sociology / sEusi5RlEdVi/ n.社会学 software / 5sRftwZE/ n.(计算机的)软件 solidarity / sRli5dAriti/ n.团结;休戚相
solitary / 5sRlitEri/ n.独居者 a.孤独的,独居的
solo / 5sEulEu/ n.独唱,独奏;独唱曲 sovereign / 5sRvrin/ n.君主 a.统治的 spacious / 5speiFEs/ a.广阔的,广大的 sparkle / 5spa:kl/ vi.发火花 vt.使闪耀 spatial / 5speiFEl/ a.空间的,占据空间的 speciality / speFi5Aliti/ n.专业,特长;
species / 5spi:Fi:z/ n.种,物种;种类 specifically / spe5sifikEli/ ad.特定的,明确的
specification / spesifi5keiFEn/ n.载明,详述;规格 spectacle / 5spektEkl/ n.场面;景象,奇观 spectacular / spek5tAkjulE/ a.公开展示的,惊人的 n.展览物
spectator / spek5teitE/ n.参观者,观众 spectrum / 5spektrEm/ n.系列,范围;波谱 speculate / 5spekjuleit/ vi.思索,沉思;
spiral / 5spaiErEl/ a.螺旋(形)的,盘旋的 splash / splAF/ vt.溅泼 vi.泼水 n.溅 spokesman / 5spEuksmEn/ n.发言人,代言人 sponge / spQndV/ n.海绵
spontaneous / spRn5teinjEs/ a.自发的;
spouse / spauz/ n.配偶,夫妻 spy / spai/ n.间谍,特务 vt.侦察
stabilize / 5steibilaiz/ vt.使稳定,使
坚固 vi.稳定,安定
stagger / 5stAgE/ vi.蹒跚 vt.使摇晃 staircase / 5stZEkeis/ n.楼梯,楼梯间 stall / stR:l/ n.货摊,书摊;厩
startle / 5sta:tl/ vt.使大吃一惊 n.吃惊 stationary / 5steiFnEri/ a.固定的,静止
statistics / stE5tistiks/ n.统计,统计数
stereo / 5stiEriEu/ n.立体声 a.立体声的 stereotype / stiEriEtaip/ n.陈腔滥调,老套
stern / stE:n/ n.艉,船尾;臀部
stimulus / 5stimjulEs/ n.刺激,激励,刺
stitch / stitF/ n.一针,缝线 vt.缝
straightforward / streit5fR:wEd/ a.老实的 ad.坦率地
strategic / strE5ti:dVik/ a.战略的,战略上的
streamline / stri:mlain/ n.流线;流线型 stride / straid/ vi.大踏步走 n.大步 striking / 5straikiN/ a.显著的,惊人的 strive / straiv/ vi.努力,奋斗,力求 stubborn / 5stQbEn/ a.顽固的;顽强的 studio / 5stju:diEu/ n.工作室;播音室 stumble / 5stQmbl/ vi.绊倒;犯错误 sturdy / 5stE:di/ a.坚定的;牢固的
subjective / sQb5dVektiv/ a.主观的,个人的
subordinate / sE5bR:dEnit/ a.下级的,辅助的
subscribe / sEb5skraib/ vi.订购,认购;预订
subsidiary / sEb5sidjEri/ a.辅助的,补充的
subsidy / 5sQbsidi/ n.补助金,津贴 subtle / 5sQbtl/ a.微妙的;精巧的
successor / sEk5sesE/ n.继承人,继任者 sue / sju:/ vt.控告,请愿
suffice / sE5fais/ vi.足够;有能力 suicide / 5sjuisaid/ n.&vi.&vt.自杀 suitcase / 5sju:tkeis/ n.小提箱,衣箱 summit / 5sQmit/ n.顶点,最高点;极度 summon / 5sQmEn/ vt.召唤;鼓起(勇气)superb / sju:5pE:b/ a.壮丽的;超等的 superiority / sju:pEri5Rriti/ n.优越(性),优势
supersonic / 5sju:pE5sRnik/ a.超声的,超声速的 supervise / 5sju:pEvaiz/ vt.&vi.监督,监视
supplementary / sQpli5mentEri/ a.补足的,补充的,追加的
suppress / sE5pres/ vt.镇压;抑制;隐瞒 surge / sE:dV/ n.vt.激增,奔放,汹涌,澎
surgeon / 5sE:dVEn/ n.外科医师;军医 surpass / sE:5pa:s/ vt.超过,超越,胜过 surplus / 5sE:plEs/ n.过剩,剩余(物资)survival / sE5vaivEl/ n.幸存,残存;幸存
susceptible / sE5septEbl/ a.易受影响的,易感动的
suspension / sEs5penFEn/ n.悬挂,暂停,中止
suspicious / sEs5piFEs/ a.可疑的;猜疑的 swamp / swRmp/ n.沼泽,沼泽地
symmetry / 5simitri/ n.对称(性),匀称 symphony / 5simfEni/ n.交响乐;交响乐团 symposium / sim5pEuzjEm/ n.酒会;座谈会 symptom / 5simptEm/ n.症状,征候,征兆 synthesis / 5sinWisis/ n.合成;综合,综合物
tablet / 5tAblit/ n.碑,匾;药片
tackle / 5tAkl/ vt.解决,对付 n.用具 tactics / 5tAktiks/ n.策略;战术,兵法 tangle / 5tANgl/ vt.使缠结,使纠缠 tar / ta:/ n.柏油,焦油
tariff / 5tArif/ n.关税,价格表,收费表
tease / ti:z/ vt.逗乐,戏弄;强求
temperament / 5tempErEmEnt/ n.气质,性质,性情
tempo / 5tempEu/ n.拍子,速率,节奏 tenant / 5tenEnt/ n.承租人,房客,佃户 tentative / 5tentEtiv/ n.试验,假设 a.试验性质的,暂时的
terminate / 5tE:mineit/ vt.&vi.停止,终
terrace / 5terEs/ n.平台,阳台,露台 terrain / 5terein/ n.地带,地域,范围,领域
terrific / tE5rifik/ a.可怕的;极大的 terrify / 5terifai/ vt.使恐怖,使惊吓 testify / 5testifai/ v.证明,证实,作证 testimony / 5testimEni/ n.证言,证据,声明
texture / 5tekstFE/ n.质地,纹理 Thanksgiving / 5WANksgiviN/ n.感恩节 theft / Weft/ n.盗窃,偷窃(行为)theme / Wi:m/ n.题目;词干;主旋律 therapy / 5WerEpi/ n.治疗
thereafter / TZE5ra:ftE/ ad.此后,以后 thermal / 5TE:mEl/ a.热的;温泉的 thesis / 5Wi:sis/ n.论题,论点;论文 thirst / WE:st/ n.渴,口渴;渴望 thorn / WR:n/ n.刺,棘;荆棘;蒺藜
threshold / 5WreFhEuld/ n.门槛;入门,开
thrill / Wril/ vt.&vi.(使)激动 tick / tik/ n.滴答声;记号 tile / tail/ n.瓦片,瓷砖;贴砖 tilt / tilt/ vt.&vi.(使)倾斜 timber / 5timbE/ n.木材,木料
timely / 5taimli/ a.及时的;适时的 timid / 5timid/ a.胆怯的;羞怯的
token / 5tEukEn/ n.象征;辅币;纪念品 tolerant / 5tRlErEnt/ a.容忍的;有耐力的 toss / tRs/ vi.翻来复去 tow / tEu/ vt.&n.拖引,牵引
tract / 5trAkt/ n.传单,小册子,大片(土地或森林)
tragic / 5trAdVik/ a.悲剧性的,悲惨的 trait / treit/ n.显著特点,特性
transaction / trAn5zAkFEn/ n.处理;交易;和解
transcend / trAn5send/ vt.超越,胜过 transient / 5trAnziEnt/ a.短暂的,转瞬即逝的,临时的,暂住的
transit / 5trAnsit/ n.运输 a.中转的,过境的
transition / trAn5siFEn/ n.转变,变迁;过渡
transplant / trAns5pla:nt/ vt.&vi.移植,移种
traverse / 5trAvE:s/ vt.横越,横切,横断 trench / trentF/ n.深沟;壕沟,战壕 tribe / traib/ n.部落,宗族
tribute / 5tribju:t/ n.贡物;献礼,贡献 trifle / 5traifl/ n.小事,琐事;少许 trigger / 5trigE/ n.扳机 vt.触发,引起 triple / 5tripl/ a.三倍的,三方的 vt.使增至三倍
trivial / 5triviEl/ a.琐碎的;平常的 tuck / tQk/ vt.折短,卷起;塞 tug / tQg/ vi.用力拖 n.猛拉,拖
tuition / tju:5iFEn/ n.教,教诲;学费 tumble / 5tQmbl/ vi.摔倒,跌倒;打滚 turbulent / 5tE:bjulEnt/ a.骚动的,骚乱的
turnover / 5tE:nouvE/ n.人员调整,营业
tutor / 5tju:tE/ vt.教,指导
ultraviolet / 5QltrE5vaiElit/ a.紫外的
unanimous / ju(:)5nAnimEs/ a.(全体)一致的
underestimate / QndEr5estimeit/ vt.低估,看轻
underlying / QndE5laiiN/ a.在下面的,含蓄的,潜在的
undermine / QndE5main/ vt.渐渐破坏,暗
unemployment / 5Qnim5plRimEnt/ n.失业;
unfold / Qn5fEuld/ vt.展开 vi.呈现 unify / 5ju:nifai/ vt.统一,使成一体 update / Qp5deit/ vt.更新,使现代化 upgrade / 5Qp5greid/ vt.使升级,提升 uphold / Qp5hEuld/ vt.举起;支撑;赞成 validity / vE5liditi/ n.有效,效力;正确 valve / vAlv/ n.阀,阀门;电子管
vegetation / vedVi5teiFEn/ n.植物,草木 veil / veil/ n.面纱,面罩;遮蔽物 vein / vein/ n.静脉,血管,矿脉
vent / vent/ n.排放口,通风口 vt.发泄,表达
ventilate / 5ventileit/ vt.使通风,使换
verbal / 5vE:bEl/ a.言辞的,文字的,口头的,动词的
verdict / 5vE:dikt/ n.裁决,结论,定论,判断
verge / vE:dV/ n.边缘,边界,界限
versatile / 5vE:sEtail/ a.多方面的;通用的
verse / vE:s/ n.诗,韵文;诗行
versus / 5vE:sEs/ prep.(比赛等中)对 veto / 5vi:tEu/ n.否决,否决权,禁止 vicinity / vi5siniti/ n.邻近;附近地区 vicious / 5viFEs/ a.邪恶的;恶性的
violate / 5vaiEleit/ vt.违犯,违背;侵犯 virgin / 5vE:dVin/ n.处女 a.处女的 virtual / 5vE:tjuEl/ a.实际上的,实质上的
virus / 5vaiErEs/ n.病毒
visualize / 5vizjuElaiz/ vt.使看得见,使具体化,想象,设想
vocal / 5vEukEl/ a.直言不讳的,嗓音的,有声的
vocational / vEu5keiFEnl/ a.职业的 void / vRid/ a.空的;无效的
volunteer / vRlEn5tiE/ n.志愿者 vt.志愿 vulgar / 5vQlgE/ a.粗俗的,庸俗的
vulnerable / 5vQlnErEbl/ a.易受伤害的,脆弱的,易受攻击的
wallet / 5wRlit/ n.钱包,皮夹子 ward / wR:d/ n.病房,病室;监房
warehouse / 5wZEhaus 5wZEhauz/ n.仓库,货栈
warfare / 5wR:fZE/ n.战争,战争状态 warrant / 5wRrEnt/ n.正当理由, 委任状,许可证 watertight / 5wR:tEtait/ a.不漏水的,防水的
watt / wRt/ n.瓦(特)weary / 5wiEri/ a.疲倦的 vt.使疲乏 web / web/ n.网,丝,网状物
wedge / wedV/ n.楔 vt.楔入;挤入 whereas / wZEr5Az/ conj.而,却,反之 whereby / wZE5bai/ ad.靠什么;靠那个 whirl / wE:l/ vt.使回旋 vi.&n.回旋 withhold / wiT5hEuld/ vt.拒绝,不给,使停止,阻挡
wrench / rentF/ vt.拧,扭伤 n.拧
wretched / 5retFid/ a.不幸的;卑鄙的 wrinkle / 5riNkl/ n.皱纹 vt.使起皱纹 yacht / jRt/ n.游艇,快艇 yell / jel/ vi.叫喊
yoke / jEuk/ n.轭,牛轭;枷锁
youngster / 5jQNstE/ n.儿童,少年,年轻人 zinc / ziNk/ n.锌
Facsimile:传真 lid:盖子
trunk:(旅行用)大箱子,汽车后备箱 cabinet:储藏厨,陈列柜 harbor:港口 board:搭乘
bulletin board:布告栏 closet:壁橱 board:板子 Plug in:插上电源
Projector:幻灯机,投影机 Outlet:电源插座 cruise:巡洋舰,游艇 slide show:幻灯片 mall:购物中心 leave for:动身去某地 check on:调查,确认 batter:击球员
Show...around:带领...参观 print out:打印出来
fly into:(乘飞机)进入,入境 aisle seat:靠近过道的座位 landlord:房东 move in:搬家,入住 purple:紫色的 Basement:地下室 Garage:车库
renovate:修复(尤指旧建筑物)department store:百货公司 work out:运动,锻炼身体 gym:体育馆,健身房 take note:记录,备忘录
appreciate:赏识;为...表示感谢,领会 not quite:还没做完,还没结束 Application:申请(表)Postpone:延期
counselor:顾问,参赞,律师 Wonder if...:感到好奇/想知道..是否...Up to:最多可达...Stop in:(顺便)到访,串门(=stop-by)General affair:总务处
Mean to+动词原型:怀有目的地做,故意的,打算
on sale:出售,减价出售 Apparently:显然的boost:提高(某事物)的价值,鼓励 overall:全部的,总的来说
Prestigious:[pres'tidʒiəs]有名望的,有威信的 Brochure:(做介绍或宣传用的)小册子 reserve:保留,预定
Registration fee:报名费 Feedback:反馈,意见
campaign:(为某一社会的,商业的或政治的目的而进行的一系列有计划的)运动 Town board:市镇委员会
must have p.p.:(通俗用)用于毫无怀疑的结论,肯定是...Quite a bit of:相当多的 heel:鞋后跟 leather:皮革 sole:鞋底
shipment:装运,装载的货物 place an order:下定单
Have a subscription to:订阅了...Entrepreneur:企业家 reputation:名声,名誉 loan:借给
broker:中介,经纪人 Public hearing:公开听证会 merchant:商人,商业的 train fare:车费
Executive director:执行主任 despite:不管,尽管
Revenue:(大宗的)收入,税收,岁入 commuter:乘公交车辆上下班者 Holiday sale:假日减价 Grand:盛大的 route:路线 As of...:截止到...Lose ground to:...失去优势,被...逐步取代 Reinvent:(在不知他人已发明的情况下)重复发明,彻底改造,改革
Inventory:详细目录,清单 sales figures:销售额 sculpture:雕刻,雕塑 Theater room:放映室 Conclude:结束,达成luggage:行李,行李箱(=baggage)In case:即使,以防万一
tear off:撕碎,撕开(tear-tore-torn)Ahead of time:提前
Commercial break:(节目的中间)插播广告 air:(广播或电视)开始播放 On behalf of:代表,代替 Literacy:读写能力 citywide:全市的Take opportunity to:利用...的机会做(某事)mission:使命,任务 illiteracy:文盲 donor:捐赠者 oversee:监督,监管
In operation:工作中,起作用,生效,实施 Administrative assistant:行政助理
due:需立即支付的,到期的,预定的,应得的 fall on:恰好到(某一天),与(某一天)重合 Inspection:检查,细看 potential:有可能的,潜在的 CEO:chief executive officer
be expect to:预计,预期 anchor:(新闻等的)主持人 plant:工厂
Employee orientation:新进职员情况介绍,入职培训
Inc.:有限公司(=incorporated)high profile:重要的,受瞩目的 soap:肥皂
notable:卓越的,出名的 hand out:分发 law firm:律师事务所 outline:大纲,要点,草案 Provide A with B:向A提供B real-time:实时的 break:传开,揭露
currency:货币,流通 indicator:指示者,指示物
Trial version:(不是正式的产品)试用品,实验版本
margin:['mɑ:dʒin]票数等的量,差额,差距 break a tie:打破平局 injure:['ɪndʒɚ]伤害,受伤
penalty:(运动和竞赛等的)处罚,刑罚 referee:仲裁者
Facility:机关,组织,设备 primarily:主要的,首要的Credit line:信用(贷款)限额(=credit limit)Job cut:裁员
academic:学院的,学术的 Financial assistance:财政援助
alongside:ad.在旁边prep.在...旁边,和...一起 underneath:prep.在...下面,ad.在下面n.下部,底部
Deliver a verdict:做裁定,下定论 Expectable:可预计的 expectation:期待,预期 commute:[kə'mju:t]通勤 be back:回来
mudslide:['mʌd,slaɪd]泥石流,塌方 Disrupt:使中断,打扰 section:部分,章节,部门
Graffiti:(在公共墙壁上涂写的)图文或字画 Tangle:(使)乱作一团n.混乱,困惑 Marketing campaign:市场推广 infant:婴儿,幼儿
Surpass:优于或超过某人某事物 franchise:特许权,经销权 gallery:画廊,美术馆 impressionist:印象派艺术家 Shock:是某人震惊 resignation:辞职 In advance:提前,预先
Mortgage:['mɔrgɪdʒ]抵押,抵押协议 Mortgage rate:抵押贷款利息
renter’s insurance:承租人保险
Caterer:为(聚会,宴会等)提供饮食及服务的人,行业 dish:菜肴
Presentable:拿的出去的,像样的,体面的 presentation:提供,赠送,报告,表演 fabric:织物 dealer:商人
bureau:['bjuro]办事处,分社 Availability:可能性 loyal:忠诚的 Go public:(股票)上市 All dressed up:盛装打扮 advance:图片报到,新闻信息 Governor:州长,地方长官 county:郡,县 Generate:产生,导致
Divided:(意见等)有分歧,不一样的 Restore:恢复,重建 Complicate:使复杂,使难办 Via:经过,通过 Enroll:登记,使加入
exquisite:['ɛkskwɪzɪt]优美的,精致的,(指感情)感觉强烈的 Despite:尽管,不管 tariff:关税 Food product:食品
Be subject to:使...经历,遭受 Participate in:参与(某事)Participant:参与者
Participative:(由多人一起)参加的 Dresser:梳妆台
Falseaccusations:[,ækjə'zeʃən]诬陷,诬告 Accuse:指控,控告,责难 Accusative:宾格的 Accusation:指责,控告 accusatory:谴责的,控诉的 Subway fare:地铁费用 Testify:作证(尤指出庭),证明
Conclude:使(某事物)结束,决定,达成 crutch:[krʌtʃ]拐杖,依靠,支柱 Severely:[sə'vɪrlɪ]认真的,严肃的Alumni:(复数)毕业生,校友(单数alumnus)MA:文学硕士学位(=Master of art)Broadcast media:广播媒体
Impact on:对某人某事物的强烈的印象或巨大的影响
Skewed:[skjud]歪曲的prime time:(电视,广播收视率高的)黄金时间段diversion:消遣,娱乐(尤其指注意力从工作,学习等中转移开者)
ambiguity:模棱两可,歧义 panelist:小组辩论(成员)
Syndicate:['sɪndɪkɪt]分配,(章节,文章)同时卖给几家电视台或杂志社 Observation:观察,评论 Feature:以...为特点 Face down:正面朝下 draw:拖,取出,抽签
get rid of:摆脱,出去,处理掉 addition:增加的人或物 additive:添加的,附加的 additionally:另外的,额外的 overtime work:加班工作 Attach:将...系在Spreadsheet:空白表格程序 Figure:计算,数值 Be finished with:以...结束 indication:指示,迹象(表明)Organize:组织(使成体系),安排 Organization:组织,机构,团体 Initially:最初,开头
Malfunction:运转不正常,发生故障 Warranty:(质量)保证 look into:调查
Generously:慷慨的,款大的 occasionally:[ə'keʒən!ɪ]偶尔 Prevent :预防,防止 prevention:预防
Preventable:可以预防的,可防止的 preventative:预防性的Part7
Attach:附加,系上,贴上 reimburse:赔偿,偿还 mileage:里程,英里数 receipt:收据,发票 acquire:获得,学到,取得 accounting:会计,财务(部)be sure to+动原:一定要 foundation:机构,基金会 conference:讨论会,协商会 health care:卫生保健 instructor:教师,指导者 profession:职业 fund:拨款 grant:拨款,授予物
department of health:卫生部 association:协会 nutrition:营养 endowment:捐赠 proper:适当,恰当
prevalence:(疾病的)传播流行 illness:疾病 posing:造成throughout:贯穿,遍 eventually:最终 obesity:肥胖 foster:促进,培养 awareness:认识 prevention:防御 broaden:扩大 physical:身体的 finding:发现 highlight:亮点
innovative:革新的,创新的 emphasize:强调
intervention:介入,干涉,插手 geographic:环境,背景 community:社区,集体 Attn:attention take place:发生,举行 in light of:根据,依照,考虑到 seek to+动原:争取,追求 appropriate for:对...合适的corporation:法人,公司 City Board:市政委员会 approve:赞成,批准 proposal:建议(书)construction:建筑 vacant:空地,神情茫然 property:财产,房地产,性质 acre:英亩 trail:小路,踪迹 perimeter:周围,周长 approximately:近似的 creation:创作,产物 in keeping with:与...相一致 improvement:改进,改善 beautify:使美化
a wealth of:丰富的,大量的 recreational:娱乐的 resident:居民 rental:资金,租凭 facility:设备,灵巧,容易 tentatively:暂定的,实验的 faculty:全体教员 once:一旦...就
transition:移动,过度 complete:完成的,完整的 minor:次要的,较小的 reissued:重新发行
in accordance with:...根据,与...一致 assign:指定,分配 specific:特定的,具体的 cafeteria:自助餐厅 designate:指定,委任 extension:电话分机(号码)infer:推测的,推论的 previously:预先
shift:手段,移动,变化,替换 modify:改良,改进 productivity:生产率 evaluate:评价,估价 memorandum:备忘录,便笺 return:退货
reiterate:再次的或反复的做 review:评论,审查
be aware of:意识到
attempt to+动原:试图,尝试做某事 fee:手续费
deduct:扣除,减去 transaction:处理,交易
warrant:证明(某事物)正当,有理或且当 refund:退款 customize:定做
personalize:在某物上做物主标点 membership:会员 regard:关于 merchandise:商品 defective:有缺陷的 arise:生产
instruction:说明,指标 proceeding with:继续做 course:进程,过程,顺序 renew:更新,重申,续借 coupon:息票,联票,赠券 newsletter:时事通讯 imply:暗示 former:之前的centennial:一百周年纪念日 feature:给(某人某事物)显著地位 witness:目击,作证 transition:移动,变化 admission:承认,入场(费)senior citizen:老人
make a agreement:达成协议,签订协议 a series of:一系列的implementation:安装启用,实行,履行 pilot:试验性的 determine:确定,测定 effectiveness:效力,效果 strength:有点,长处 weakness:弱点
address:把注意力集中于...,致力于某事 summary:概要
look forward to doing:盼望,期待做(某事)interviewing:接见,会见,面试,面谈 trader:交易商 expanding:扩大 portfolio:投资组合perform:完成 share:股份 quarterly:季度的securities company:证券公司 match:匹配,比赛 resign:辞职 mutual:共有基金
regret to:对于要做...感到遗憾 due to:由于
unseasonably:不合时宜 reservation:预约 lodge:乡间小舍
retreat for:退避,隐遁,撤回 adequately:充分的,足够的 stock:储备,供给 slope:斜坡,滑雪道 facility:便利设施 as well as:不仅而且 discount:折扣 inquire:询问 departure:出发
economy class:经济航仓 hesitate:犹豫,踌躇,不愿 lay over:途径,中途下车=stopover value:重视 shelter: 收容所
turn away:把...打发走,回绝 limitation:局限
in the rang of:在...范围内 immensity:无限 urge:强烈要求,劝告 cause:(社会性的)运动,事业 toward:为了
fill out:填写(表格等)enclosed:随同附上的 form:文件 check:支票 money order:汇票 payable:支付给
chapter:章,回,地方分会 amount:数额 contribution:捐款 currently:现在N/A:not applicable :不适用 along with:和...一起,随同 fundraiser:筹款者 adoption:领养 make a donation:捐赠 Real Estate:房地产 sale associate:销售助理 obtain:获得 objective:目标
BA:文学学士(Bachelor of art)cumulative:积累的GPA:平均成绩(Grade point average)inventory:存款 organize:整理 display:陈列 cash register:收银机 procedure:步骤 cashier:收银员,出纳员
Real Estate Agency:房地产中介服务机构 clerical:文书或办事员的 client:顾客
open house:公开招待会 agent:代理,中介 closing:结算 contract:合同 lease:租约,租契 collegiate:大学的 fluent:流畅的 extensive:广范围的 bill:账单
utility:公共事业,公共费用 set up:设定
utility bill:(电,煤气,水,电话等)费用 checking account:活期,存款账户 deactivate:解除,是无效
Part 1和Part 2的选项没有写在试卷上,想提前看也看不到,它的选项是播出来的。注意:一定要听完ABC三个选项再选,因为有陷阱的,很多时候,听了A项就觉得对,立刻涂上,结果它播到C项的时候你才发现,C才是正确答案,这时候你就会慌慌张张地去改,很影响下一道题。
Part 3和Part 4每三道题的听力短文播完之后,会播一遍问题,不会播选项。问题和选项在试卷上都有,那些问题我在听短文的时候已经回答完了,所以我就抓住这个10秒钟左右的时间看下面3道题的题目和选项,10月26日托业考试全程记录
9:30听力开始,我赶紧趁它在播directions的时候,提前看了Part 3的好几个问题和选项。Part 1和Part 2基本上是送分,只要能听出关键词,答案就一目了然了。做完Part 2,我赶紧翻到Part 3,又抓住空隙看了Part 3靠前的几个问题和选项。做Part 3和Part 4的时候,我都是一边听,一边答,而不是听完整篇再答,目的是为了挤出时间看下一道题的问题和选项。不过这样做也有风险,就是可能会因为顾着答题而漏听一些内容,所以我高度集中注意力,尽量达到一心二用。另外,做Part 3和Part 4的时候,为了节省时间看下一题,我在答题卡上都只是用铅笔稍微划一下,等听力全部播完之后,再回头仔细填涂。整体感觉:托业的听力比六级要难,因为全部都是只播1次,错过了就没有了,所以必须高度集中精神。
下面说下听力过程中要重点注意的问题: 1.
3.Part 1和Part 3比较简单(个人认为,练习到后来的感觉),所以讲下针对part 2 和part 4的经验。
1.我看过几篇人大语法跟词汇的书,但到真正考试的时候发现part5 6 很简单,不像练习里的那么难,所以大家可以考虑不用看那个书,因为太难了,没用,反倒浪费时间。不过你可以看下那本书之前的讲解,跟最后的一部分,叫什么“20天突破什么的”难度还可以,如果你底子不错,完全可以不看那本书,只需要把模拟题的p5 6弄明白就行。这两部分要拿满分很难,但想丢太多分也同样很难。
4.我在练习的时候,几乎每次都有一些题明明会,但就是选错了,分析后发现,基本这样的题多是出现在我没把整篇文章看完就选择的情况下,所以针对这个问题,我以后不管文章长短,简单或是难,我都把文章看完,这样做可以让你至少少错2到3个题目。特别是最后的double reading 一定要看完文章,做题速度还可以的话,一定要看完每篇文章。
再强调几点,模拟题比真题难,可以说难的多,所以你们一定要有信息;每次练习都要做到3点:控制时间;全神贯注;认真总结。TOEIC Tips
1.Set a goal
So, you've decided to take the TOEIC test.Congratulations!The first thing you should do is set a goal.If you are taking the test in order to apply for a job, find out what proficiency level is required.Most entry level positions require a minimum score of 600.Management positions may require a higher score, such as 800.Choose a goal that is achievable.If you aim too high, you will be disappointed.Remember, you can take the test as often as you want if you don't mind paying the fee.2.Understand the test
Before you start studying for the test, make sure you understand the format of each section.You will be tested on your listening and reading comprehension skills.By doing model or practice tests, you will become very familiar with the TOEIC.The test should become “second nature” to you before you attempt the real thing.3.Make a study plan
Procrastination is one of the key reasons students fail the TOEIC test.You may book your TOEIC test months in advance.However, the day you decide to take the TOEIC test should be the day you start to study.You will have to decide whether or not you are going to teach yourself the TOEIC with reliable resources or whether you are going to take a TOEIC preparation class.In order to get the best results, you should do both.If you cannot afford to take a TOEIC class, make sure to choose a TOEIC textbook that has explanatory answers.You will also want to have a teacher or tutor that you can go to from time to time with questions.If you choose a TOEIC class, make sure that you trust your teacher and feel comfortable in his or her class.Take a class with a friend and make a commitment to study together in and outside of class.Studying at the same time every day is a great way to improve your score.Write down your study plan and sign it!4.Divide study time appropriately
The TOEIC is divided into seven sections.Each section is worth a certain amount of points.Don't spend too much time studying one section.Many students make the mistake of studying the section that they enjoy the most.This is the section you should spend the least amount of time on.You might want to divide your study week by focusing on a certain section each day.Remember, if Sunday is your day to practice Part VII(40 questions on the test), you might have to study twice as long as you would on Monday when you focus on Part I(20 questions on the test).5.Build a strong vocabulary
Another reason students fail the TOEIC test is that they have a very limited vocabulary.The day you decide to take the TOEIC test you should make yourself a blank dictionary.Use a notebook(an address book works great because it is divided into letters)and keep track of all of the new words you learn along the way.It is not useful to study vocabulary lists.You will only remember words that you have seen in context.For each entry, write the word and use it in a sentence.At the end of each week you should write a short letter or composition using as many of the words as you can.This might also be the time to stop using your translation dictionary.Electric dictionaries make things too simple!You will remember the word if it doesn't take any effort to understand it.Keep in mind that the TOEIC test has a business theme.You should study vocabulary from topics such as travel, banking, health, restaurants, offices, etc.You will also want to learn everyday idiomatic expressions.Isolate your weak points
After you have been studying the TOEIC for a while, you will find out which parts give you the most trouble.You might want to change how you divide your time.There are certain grammar points that many students have trouble with.If you are taking a TOEIC class, ask your teacher to bring in extra homework help on problems like these.If you are studying by yourself, find a good reference book in the library and look up your question.There may also be help on the Internet.For example, type “gerunds” into a search engine and you will probably find a useful exercise.Eliminate distractors
In every TOEIC question, there are at least two distractors(wrong answers that the test writer uses to trick you).It is much easier to choose the correct answer when you have only two to choose from.(The third choice is often impossible and easy to spot.)There are many types of distractors such as, similar sounds, homonyms, repeated words, etc.As you study, make yourself a list of distractors.When you come across them you will be able to eliminate them more easily.Trust your instincts
Sometimes an answer will jump out at you as either correct or incorrect.If you have been studying hard, chances are that your brain is telling you which choice to pick.Don't change your answers after following your instinct.If you do decide to change an answer, make sure that you erase very carefully.A machine will be marking your test.Be sure to use a pencil and fill in your circle choice completely.Bring extra pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener!Don't try to translate
Translating vocabulary and sentences wastes a lot of time.It is very rare that students have extra time during the TOEIC test.If you don't know a word, look at the context of the sentence and the words around it.You will not be allowed to use a dictionary when you take the test.10.Guess as a last resort
On test day, if you don't know the answer, and you have eliminated all of the distractors you can, don't leave the space blank.There is a good chance you will not have time to go back to this question.You still have a 25% chance of getting the answer right if you guess.If you are sure that one or two of the answers are incorrect, your guess is even more likely to be correct!11.Be aware of time management
When you are doing practice tests, you should always be aware of the time.Never allow yourself an open ended study session.You will have to learn to work efficiently.On test day, you should be especially careful in the Reading section.You will have 75 minutes to complete Parts V, VI and VII.Many students spend too long on section V or VI because they find these the most difficult.Don't spend more than 30 minutes on the first two parts.Part VII will take you at least 40 minutes, and it is worth a lot of points, especially if you find it an easier section.12.Listen quickly
When you are studying for the TOEIC test, do not get in the habit of rewinding the tape.On test day you won't have any control over the speed of the listening section.You will not even have time to think for very long between questions.Make sure that you do not get behind during the real test.If you do not know the answer, take your best guess.Then continue to follow along.Don't look back at questions when you are waiting for another question to start.13.Practise reading aloud
Reading out loud will help your listening and reading comprehension skills.In order to comprehend English more quickly, it is important that you understand the rhythm of the language.Read from textbooks, pamphlets, newspapers, and even children's novels.You might want to tape yourself and listen to how you sound.14.Use mass media
One of the best ways to prepare for the TOEIC test is to study real English.Watch television, listen to radio reports, and read newspapers and magazines.Pay special attention to ads, letters, weather and traffic reports, coupons, and special announcements.Do this with a friend, and write out questions for each other to answer.This is a great way to practice your wh-questions.It is also a great way to learn common idiomatic expressions.15.Use free web sites
There are many web sites that offer free model tests and samples.Type TOEIC into your search engine and start practising!Surfing the web is a great way to practise your reading and listening.If you are interested in a certain topic, such as snowboarding, type that into a search engine.You might want to reserve an hour a day for Internet studying.Just make sure to study English and don't get caught wasting hours playing games!
16.Teach a native English speaker your language
If you can't afford a tutor, you might know a native English speaker who would be interested in learning your first language.Tell him you will teach him for free for one hour a week!You will have to use English to teach him, and you will learn many new English words and expressions at each session.Forcing yourself to teach someone a language will help you to understand English grammatical rules as well.Do anything you can to speak with native English speakers.17.Keep an English journal
Keeping a journal doesn't have to be an account of your daily activities.You can write anything in a journal, such as how your studying is coming along, what your new favourite word is and why, or which teacher you admire.If you are studying TOEIC with a friend, make a list of writing topics for each other.You might decide to write a paragraph three times a week.Get your friend to try to find your mistakes.Finding your partner's writing errors is great practice for Part V and VI.18.Ask questions
Never hesitate to ask lots of questions.In a TOEIC class, all of the students will benefit from your question.If you don't understand something, such as conditionals, you may lose ten points on a TOEIC exam.A teacher is not always available, but students are everywhere!Sometimes other students can help you with a grammar problem even better than a teacher.19.Manage your stress
If you are feeling stressed about taking the TOEIC you may be studying too hard or expecting too much of yourself.Like everything else in life, balance is the key.Remind yourself that you will try to do your best.Before the test, take deep breaths and remember that you can always improve your score in a few months time.In between the listening and reading section, take a few deep breaths again to get focused.20.Don't cram
You should never cram(study extremely hard in a short period of time)the night or even week before the TOEIC test.There is so much to learn when you study the TOEIC.The last week should be for reviewing and practising rather than learning new things.Make sure to get plenty of sleep the night before the test.On the day of the test, have a good meal and relax for a few hours before going to the testing centre.Plan to reward yourself when the test is over!