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第一节 词语释义:21-25:BCBAD 第二节 单项填空:26-30:BCADA31-35:DBACD36-40:CBCBD 第三节 完形填空:41-45:DABCB46-50:CADBC 第三部分 阅 读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分25分)A:51-55:TFFTTB:56-60:DCBAD C:61-65:BACDD 第四部分 写作(共三节,满分20分)第一节 词形填空:

66.come67.happily68.his 69.choices70.personal 第二节 词组翻译:

71.wild flowers 72.be proud of / take pride in 73.family/house rules 74.Paper cutting75.keep/stay your cool/calm, keep/stay cool/calm 第三节书面表达:





九年级暑假生活英语指导2015 2015年初三英语暑假作业及答案



2.D 3.(1)沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳,岸芷汀兰,郁郁青青。




但愿人长久,千里共婵娟 4.(1)《西游记》:孙悟空被推入八卦炉中,不但没被烧死,反而炼成了火眼金睛;他蹬倒八卦炉,逃了出来。(2分)孙悟空大闹天宫,玉帝请如来施法,把孙悟空压在五行山下。(2分)


5.①不同的会产生不的芳香 ②颜色淡雅、花瓣小的花一般香味浓郁 6.(1)不论在古代还是现代,不论对个人还是国家,诚信都很重要(意思对即可。2分)(2)画面内容示例:画面的主体内容是一个人被关在牢笼里。他手抓栏杆,表情痛苦,左脚的铁链上连着个写有“失信”字样的铁球。牢笼上压着许多写有“禁上”“限制”字样 的标牌。(“人”“牢笼”“失信”“标牌”,一点1分,共4分;顺序合理,1分;共5分)寓意:失信者会受到惩戒。(意思对即可。1分)(共6分)7.①沂水大峡谷,卖蝎子的“红衣少年”面对别人对自己脸上胎记的嘲弄,淡定地微笑(镇定自若、坦然淡定);②辽宁乡下,穿着旧衣衫的女孩在贫困中唱着清纯的歌,把山花插满头;③卖水果的中年妇女,丈夫伤残,生活窘迫,依然每天美美地妆饰自己。【共3分。每点1分,意思对即可】

8.(1)示例一:通过①动作描写,②用“抛”“伸手”“接”这一连贯的动词,准确地描写出红衣少年玩核桃的情景;③表现他自在、快乐的心情和坦然淡定的生活态度。【2分,分号前后各1分,意思对即可】 示例二:运用①反复的修辞手法,具体②表现红衣少年不断重复着抛接核桃这一游戏时的自得其乐(乐此不疲)和③动作的连贯娴熟。【2分,修辞1分,作用1分,意思对即可】(2)示例一:②“活活泼泼”一词赋予波斯菊人的情态,①用拟人的修辞手法生动形象地③写出了波斯菊的自在绽放,生机勃勃。【2分,修辞1分,作用1分,意思对即可】

示例二:运用①叠词 ②“活活泼泼”“红红”“黄黄”,③突出了波斯菊的生机勃勃、色彩绚烂。【2分,叠词1分,作用1分,意思对即可】



【共4分。花的特点1分,人的处境和精神2分,对表现主题的作用1分。对“借物喻人”这类概念能否答出来不作要求,能在分析中体现出来,意思对即可】 10.①生命是一种真实而自然的存在(生命以它本来的状态自然存在),无论别人是否关注、如何看待,它就在那里,自有其美。


(三)(10分)11.A【2分】 12.示例一:“火星子”一词用了①比喻的修辞,②把被风吹落的梨花比喻成“火星子”,形象地③写出了落花星星点点、杂乱繁多的景象。

【共3分。修辞手法、对修辞的分析、修辞的效果各1分,意思对即可】 示例二:“火星子”与上文的 “火把”“燃烧”相照应,梨花本是白色的,这里却用红艳热烈的火来形容,突出了梨花开的繁茂、落的缤纷,表现了春天蓬勃旺盛的生命力。【共3分。能注意到照应1分、能关注到颜色1分、表达效果1分,意思对即可】 示例三:用“火星子”来比喻被风吹落的梨花,照应前文的“火把”和“燃烧”,形象地写出了梨花开得极其繁密,因而落英也及其繁多的情景。


13.作者身处室内,郁闷烦躁,强烈地渴望与春天融为一体而不能达成心愿。(春天盛大而美好,但作者却觉得这些都与自己无关,自己只是春天的旁观者)②春天蓬勃的生命力唤起了作者像花朵一样绽放生命的渴望。【共2分。答出任意一点即可】 14.示例一:“云南的春天”,理由:文章生动形象地描绘了云南春天的美景,寓情于景(借景传情),表达对云南春天的热爱,对故乡的眷念。示例二:“绽放的春天”,理由:文章用生动形象的语言描写云南春天花朵绽放的美景,表现了春天蓬勃的生命力,表达了自己渴望冲破烦躁绽放生命的愿望,同时也表现出对云南春天的热爱。示例三:“心中的春天”,理由:文中所描写的不仅仅是眼前的春天,更是记忆中的春天、想象中的春天,是作者渴望融入其中的春天。示例四:“春天的故乡”,理由:文章描绘了故乡的春天美景,卒章显志,表达渴望变成花朵,与春天的故乡融为一体的渴望,流露出对春天的故乡的深情和灵魂有所安放的渴盼。

【共3分。题目1分,如果所拟题目不是偏正短语,扣1分。理由2分,开放性题目,理由能扣住文章内容、自圆其说即可。】 15.C 16.B 17.(1)小溪(溪身)像北斗星那样曲折,像蛇那样蜿蜒前行,时隐时现。(2)不因为外物的好坏或喜或忧,也不因为自己的得失或乐或悲。

18.《小石潭记》写出了作者在游览过程中由乐到悲的心情,抒发自己被贬之后的苦闷。《岳阳楼记》则写出了作者的忧国忧民之心以及豁达的胸怀和高尚的情操。19.B 20.作文略


七年级英语暑假作业答案 英语练习一

一. CBADC DDCCC CABC无 CDBBC 二. 21.There is, Lucy’s 22.that speaking 23.doesn’t, any 24.with 25.does, look 26.have, time 27.Which girl 28.will visit 29.with 30.What’s

三.31.second 32.to get 33.waiting 34.don’t know, to do 35.is, lying 36.bookshelves 37.to leave 38.to be 四.39.capital 40.above 41.between 42.twentieth 43.dream 44.shower 45.cupboard 46.own 47.million 五.48.shares, with 49.sounds great 50.third 51.call, back 52.would, like, palace 53.wants, next to, hotel 54.climb, ladder, get into 六.CBCCD CACAD 七.ABAAC 英语练习二

一、1.change 2.tastes 3.tired 4.hungry 5.exercise 6.seldom 7.healthy / healthier 8.vegetables 9.important 10.energy

二、1.dancing 2.to cook 13.to be, playing 14.to see 15.feeds 16.bringing 17.to read 18.isn’t 19.healthy 20.is running


四、51.Eating, isn’t good for 52.on the Internet 53.sweet snacks any more 54.Good luck with 55.less than





一.1.western 2.sunny 3.pollution 4.minutes’ 5.less 6.good 7.golden 8.hungry 9.ninth 10.paintings 二.BCBAB CBCDC BDACD BBCAAA 三.32.videos 33.kitchen 34.pollution 35.souvenirs 36.western 37..second 38.wooden 39.tidy 40.hospital 41.underground 四.ACAAC BDACA 五.CBBCA ABDCB 作文范文

My hometown is Danyang.It’s very beautiful and it’s in the east of Jiangsu province.It takes 15 minutes for me to walk to my school.There is not much pollution here because there are not many factories.I hope you can visit here.I will show you around my hometown and my school.英语练习四


1.quickly 2.friendly 3.surprised 4.across 5.robbers 6.knives 7.Whose 8.turning 9.wooden 10.Suddenly 11will visit 12.are starting ,Shall cook 13.coming, will begin 14.talking 15.to carry 16.caught 17.take 18.playing

二、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词: 19-23 1.through 2.Shall 3.past 4.across 5.traffic


24-28 D A D B D ,29-33 C C C D C ,34-38 B D D A B

四、句型转换: 39.won’t join 40.Take turning right 41.Don’t climb 42.What is do


43.how to 44.turn right 45.out of 46.Walk straight on until

六、完型填空: 47-51 C A D D A , 52-57 A B C C B

七、阅读理解: 57-61 D A A C C


一.吴老师给七年级一班的同学出了些单项选择题,你也来做做看好吗?(15`)1-5 BCDAA 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 DCBCC 二 Millie和Amy正在谈话,你能帮助他们完成对话吗?(5`)1-5 BCDEA IV.Millie正在读一本旧书,这一页有几个字看不清,你能帮她选出来吗?(10`)1-10 D A B B D D A B C D 三 阅读理解。(10`)

A.Mr.Wu正在让七年级一班的学生阅读一篇关于鸵鸟的文章,你也来试试吧!1-5 C D A B B B.七年级一班的学生正在进行阅读比赛,你也来试试看吧!1.When it open its tail.2.In the forests of southern Yunnan Province.3.use, to make 4.它绕着它的女友跳舞,好象是说 5.D 四 词汇(20`)

A.Millie正在做家庭作业她有几个单词不会写,你来帮助她一把吧!1.amazing 2.lightning 3.elephants 4.frightened 5.himself B.Mille不知道该用什么形式的词来填空,你来帮他一把吧!1.without 2.unusual 3.took 4.careful 5.to do 6.its 7.surprised 8.children’s 9.funny 10.lovely 五.改写和改错。(15`)1.have no 2.Is there anything 3.return, to 4.How interesting the 5.is fond of 6.took me, to play 7.belongs to 8.take good care of 9.When do 10.dislikes



1.ourselves 2.twelfth 3.careless 4.friendly 5.robbers

二、选择题: B C A B A B C A C B C D B D C

三、动词填空: 1.sing 2.are climbing 3.won’t come 4.lives 5.to run,caught 6.will find 7.to finish,working 8.to kill

四、完成句子: 1.What fine 2.Shall go 3.long,does, take,to do 4.having a good time 6.the way to,五、完形填空: B A A C C C D D B B

六、阅读理解: D B B A C A D A D C


英语练习七 一.

1.pouring 2.able 3.collecting 4.visitors 5.award 6.organizing 7.result

8.abilities 9.dangerous,safety 10.himself 二. 11.thoughtful 12.matches 13.danger 14.careless 15.helpful 16.friendly 17.our 18.better 19.hearing 20.differences 三.

21.clean up the park 22.put out the fire 23.plant trees 24.be careful with fire 25.rush into the kitchen 26.be in hospital 27.row a boat 28.try our best 29.go skiing 30.no problem 四. 31-35 DCBDC 36-40 CCCCB 41-45 CCACB 46-50 BDCCB 五. 51.5-year-old;lost his way 52.does;hear from 53.hurt;fire 54.belongs to 55.Maybe;will visit 56.was able to 57.by himself 58.Finally;used;to open 59.is good at 60.It’s necessary 61.to save 62.will go 63.finish 64.hurt 65.plan 66.rowing 67.to ride 68.cry 69.looks 70.Is, going to watch 七.

71.What;weather;How /What going 72.It’s;to organize;class activity well 73.on fire;helping;out of 74.tell;to keep away from danger 75.couldn’t;because;forgot to bring 76.use;more often 77.try;best;better results 英语练习八 一.单项选择。

D B C B A A A B B A A C B B B A C A C C A C C 二.根据首字母、汉字填入适当的词。Carrots, chasing, weighs, frighten, wings, clean, exercise, tricks, anywhere, pull 三.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

mice, feeds, Bring, noisy, barks, paws, to learn, twice, fun, slowly, brushes, care, carefully, interested, frightened, hunter, weighed, us, called, speaker 四.用合适的介词或副词填空。at, to for, about about, like, of, to, in, of, about 五.改错,下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并订正。63.C happily 64.D too much 65.B be late 66.D playing 67.D an 68.A noisy 69.B is playing with 70.C eats 71.C needn’t 72.C interested 六.句子改写。

That dog likes chasing cats.Take good care of your pet.Listen to your teacher.How often should you clean the fish tank? The two bags look the same.七.句子翻译。

78.Most of the, stay at, by myself 79.is ringing the doorbell 80.to leep healthy, make sure, do exercise 81.am interested in watching 82.are, friend, shouldn’t be afraid / frightened of


一.单项选择 15% D A B A B D B C C D A B A B B 二.完形填空 10% A C A D C C B C B A 三.阅读理解 10% B D A B B 四.根据首字母或中文提示完成句子 10% 1.pour 2.collecting 3.memory 4.dangerous 5.wide 6.necessary 7.built, buildings 8.abilities 9.saved 10.geography 五.根据中文完成句子 40% 1.forward to hearing from 2.five-year-old, lost his money, cried 3.to recommend, for, Award 4.leave, on 5.help each other, learn from each other 6.What a brave, How brave 7.to change, once 8.is, trouble 9.Anything, happened to, that 10.leave, alone, too long 六.书面表达(根据提示完成作文)15% 略 英语练习十

一、选择填空 1-15 BD, CDBAB, BABCD

二、情景交际花16-20 DGCEB

三、完型填空 21-30 CABAD,ABCBD

四、阅读理解 31-40 CBCAD,CBCDA

五、词汇 41-50 How much, Are free.am afraid, speak to , have to to bring , take , to go, flying , him

六、短文填词 51-60 Family, Jean, two, Tom, daughter, mother’s, parents, brother, sister, mother’s



一.on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on

二.kite car ruler key car three forty

三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats 7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber



Exercise Eleven

一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A

二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu?

2.May I have a bookmark for Li Ming?

3.You are sure here.4.This is computer for you.5.The book and the bookmark are for you.三.What’s monkey How that it panda desk camer have a look

四.F T T F T

Exercise Twelve

一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s book I don’t know a picture it’s my it’s cat It’s on

二.E A C B D

三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?

2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上

3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?

4.Thank you very much.非常谢谢

5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊

四.B A C C A B C A


Exercise Thirteen

一.1.Here’s a big one.2.That ruler is too long.3.Whose shorts are they?

4.Are they his jeans?

5.I’d like some juice and some bread.二.F J H I A C B G D E





Exercise Fourteen

一.Desk hamburger breakfast you




4.It is time to sleep.三.略

四.C D B G E A F

五.C C A A B C B A

六.F F T F T T



present;since;doctor;pollution;open;D;A;B;A;C;B;B;AD;B;was taught;married;swim;came;have been;have lived;was.练习二

changes;seen;in fact;marry;southern;had fun;won't until;have been married;has kept;different from A A D B D A B B 练习三

possible;service;althgough;attraction;present;have;since;How many;When buy;Have carried;been;hasn't;sad;去掉but;yet;next to;has been opened;any longer;how to get;It's to read;It is came;but came;have known;are fond of 练习四

CBACCB;not arrived;yet;How long;heard;Has ever been;Has changed;yet;I have lived here since I was born.It's pleasant to play Chinese chess with my classmates.Although Tom was ill,he went to school.Where is Marry? She has gone to the cinema;Have you been to Beijing?Yes I have.I used to play computer games,now I don't do it.练习五

a theme park;fast food;wave to us;get married;during the summer holiday;move at high speed;feel excited;the whole day;go sight-seeing;wait for an hour;stop taking photos;have gone to Shanghai;have been to Shanghai;on the second day;

careful;carefully;helpful;helpfully;hopeful;hopefully;wonderful;wonderfully;noisy;noisily;healthy;healthily;lucky;luckily;shiny;shinily;impolite;impossible;unkind;unpleasant;cheerless;harmful;different;present;cross;lovely;present;pleasant;of course;go back;performance;sailing;development;closing;education;feeling;discussing;meaning 练习六

have seen;saw;were doing;was helping;do;was watching;knocking;were knocking;were making;didn't stop;to read;were dancing;not to take;were clapping;was marching;

The souvenirs are so expensive that I can't buy it.He is rich enough to travel around the world What were you doing when he arrived?

Daniel was swimming in the lake at noon yesterday;

useless;delightful;as;frightened;Italy;happily;meaning;exciting;screamed 练习七

outside;morning;called;office;suprised;tickets;because;cinema;themselves;taken;CBCADBACBD 练习八

has been away from Shanghai for two days.can't stop taking photos with them because they look very cute.have been in HongKong for a week have gone to Hongkong twice has gone to Hongkong been away for two days

is quite different from that in Beijing never forget the meaningful experience did you come back from HongKong

arrived here the day before yesterday, I have been back for two days.练习九

information;change;enjoy;screen;soon;short;repair;is designed by;e-dog for;wasn't evening;has been for;important;used;to go;sold;more;libraries;made;will replace;pleasure;to buy 练习十



at the same time;come out;send e-mails;get a point;order a set on the Internet;coulds with different colours;play a role;have a dream;many places of interest;be sold out;search for information;a remote control;word-processing;a ten-year-old boy;play a role of;fall asleep;be used widely;double-click on the icon;

What do you usually use the computer do The computer is designed for students

Can I help you? I'd like to buy a personal computer She will help you when necessary 练习十一

was left;is double-clicked;is produced;is put;to keep;BBBCA 练习十二

levels;character;uses;village;jump;goal;ask;knowledge;needs;designed;written;starting;has worked;is caught;are marked;typing;was broken;was lost;is made;is used;be clicked 下题 略


searched for;wasn't found;so that can't take;was made to move;has taught for;some photos was for;

The words he said sounded exciting;

This kind of newspaper comes out once a day.I played a role of a English teacher in my dream.The new educational CD-ROMs are sold out.The CD-ROM can be used to test your English vocabulary.reading;who;richest;about;how;have;on;take;interested;lesson;treasure;covered;set;vocabularies;producer.练习十四 most exciting;months;donating;organization;duties;introducing;decision;was held;to organize;to come;called;

Why don't you join;chose he to be the host of the charity show;

to work for the Project Hope;There is no time to wait;at the right time;must practise more;seemed to happen so quickly;advertise on the Internet;make lots of noise;Spring Bud project 练习十五

because of the heavy rain;didn't start working;What was;How did Ricky feel in the charity show;It is fun to 注 A:because B because of ABABABAB BFAGD 练习十六

B 去掉a;C to;C success;C because of;A hope to BBCBACAABC 练习十七



cases of blindness;train the local doctors and nurses;a flying eye hospital;keep on working;be grateful to sb;perform operations;affect sixty per cent of students;have some pocket money left;be proud to dosth.;trat and cure eye problems;be able to buy the medicine;get education;raise money for charities;donate money to 练习十八

international charities;help poor people;take action to do sth.;mind others;be in hosipital;voluntary doctors;pocket money;organize events to raise money;set up UNICEF;spend money on

advertisement;operation;development;education;kindness;sickness;flying;teaching;organization;tratment;BBADCCCBCCBCBADA 练习十九



It was started on 11 September,1961

It works to save the earth and its environment Volunteers and donations.To stop air pollution,protect the earth forests and save all plants and animals.In China,it works to save the panda from dying out.In South America, it works to save the Amazon Rainforest ABCCA 练习二十


performing an operation;pocket money;operated on;medical tratment;used to;were grateful to;Is used to;a flying eye hospital;had a big lunch;cases of blindness;

too weak to;used to get;isn't used to;Did use to watch;used to be;is used;isn't cheap enough BCDAC BCABA CCBCA



has cured illness;poor areas for medical tratment;is performing operation on;proud have helped;you keep doing;grateful to because of donations;used to drink;Used to;have lived am used to;used to live;are used to living;operating;attacks;patient;improving;blind;care;indeed;education;international;medical;

B be;C going;C blindness B not;A are;B drink

练习二十二 CBEADF careless;the longest;itself;elderly;tree planting;unable;further;busier;


join;tough;trail;aim;experience;happen;develop fund-raising spirit;improve;excellent;violin;Februally;experience;especially;record;singing;writing;is held;join;to raise;has been built;to slove;was singing;called;playing;

去掉it;去掉been;across----cross;finished---been over;because of;helping;drinks;drinking;bringing;but去掉


don't;will;It difficult to;more any other;How can help;will be recorded;with;For;without;on;in;of;By;to

It's wrong to look down on poor people.It is a good season for us to enjoy the beautiful view.It's necessary to be careful when you cross the road.Don't miss the chance you should help each other;It's important for children to have support from parents



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