
时间:2019-05-14 12:34:04下载本文作者:会员上传




一、信函类 1.信的基本类型




(1)求职信(Letters of Applying for a Job)


求职信的语言应严谨、规范、得体。其常用套语有: 引言:I am writing to apply for the post of...advertised in...In answer to your advertisement in...for the post of..., I would like to apply for...I have learned from...(sb)of your opening/vacancy for...(job), and am therefore writing to apply for the post.发展:I am now a senior student in(Department)of(University), and I expect to graduate in(date)with a degree in(discipline).www.xiexiebang.com;免费考研辅导视频


I receive my(degree)in(subject)from(name of university)in(date).Since graduation, I have been working with(name of company/organization)as(job title)I was awarded the prize of(title)in(month/year)for(eg.good performance in etc.)I am confident that my academic training has prepared me to handle the job.结尾:Enclosed are testimonials from my university teacher and my present employer.If these meet your requirements, please grant me an interview.(2)辞职信(Letters of Resignation)

正式的辞职信应具备以下要素: a)受理者恰当的称呼; b)辞职决定及其理由(如:未受公司重用或尊重,健康、家庭或个人原因,另觅一份更适合自己的工作等); c)缓和气氛的语句,如对原单位所给予工作机会以及提供的工作经历表示感谢,对因自己辞职而给对方带来的不便表示歉意,表达对原单位的良好祝愿等等。

需要注意的是:避免负面评论。不论什么原因,不要对你的公司政策、老板、管理人员、同事做任何负面评价。常用套语如下: 称呼:Dear Mr.Smith 辞职决定和理由: With regret, I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from my current position.I hereby confirm in writing my resignation from ABC Company because of family reasons.缓和语气的话:I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for all the support that I have received over the last few weeks, and for the enjoyable experience of having worked for your company.I hope you will consider my request, and I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused.I wish all of you a prosperous future(3)留学和奖学金申请信(Letters of Applying for Admittance and Scholarship)









I am a student in..., expecting to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree this summer.I am interested in...and plan to apply for admission for(time).I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in...I should be pleased to forward my credentials, such as references, transcripts and photocopies of IELTS scores.(4)询问信(Letters of Inquiry)

询问信是请求对方提供需要信息的信件。可分三大部分:引言部分自我介绍并讲明询问目的。发展部分是询问的主要内容,如果包括多个方面,为了让对方一目了然,也便于回答,在内容的安排上应简明扼要,可以用数字列出具体问题,如first, second, third或1、2、3。结尾部分真诚地感谢对方。

由于询问有可能给对方带来麻烦,所以措辞要谦虚、诚恳。其常用套语有: 引言:As a student at...university, I am preparing for...Your answers to the questions below would help me...www.xiexiebang.com;免费考研辅导视频


As we are particularly interested in..., we should be grateful if you would kindly...发展:Could you please send me the relevant information and application form? 结尾:Your answer will contribute to my project.I would appreciate receiving your answer by...(time).(5)投诉信



4)结尾既要提出希望,比如要求对方尽快解决问题,同时又要为对方做出的努力表示感谢,这样对方才可能以积极的态度处理并解决你的问题。投诉信的语气要坚决,但注意礼貌用词,不宜过分尖锐,叙述问题时用过去时态。其常用套语有: 引言:I am returning...which I bought from your store in...(time).I must complain about...发展:This has put us to great inconvenience.Therefore, I am returning...and would greatly appreciate if you could replace it.结尾:We hope that you will understand our expectation of the compensation for our damaged goods.I would be grateful if this matter would have your immediate attention.Having been given your excellent reputation, I am sure you will do everything possible to...(6)建议信





提出问题:It seems that …(not have desired effects, not have obtained the full attention;be not satisfactory/ perfect;have harmful/ deadly/ serious/negative effects)I am …(deeply/ really/ seriously/ terribly/greatly)concerned / worried / sad / confused about… 分析原因:Currently, … especially …;Therefore,…;This leads to…;one of the factors is …;It is understood that if…it will….提出解决方法:In order to combat the growing problem of… , … should reduce/ increase/ ensure…;I think it would be more beneficial if you could….;I think it would be helpful to….(7)道歉信



表达歉意:There’s no excuse for … I forgot to ….I am indeed very sorry for …, but believe I had no intention to… Here is my deepest apology for...Please forgive me for …

解释苦衷:The fact is that I had …/ Unfortunately I …/ I had a small accident …/ I have some urgent business to deal with My behavior yesterday was inexcusable, and I must tell you how …



请求原谅提出补救方法:I want you to know how badly feel about… and to assure you that it will not happen again.I realize that particular… is irreplaceable, but I hope you will use the enclosed check to purchase a similar one.I hope this situation can be mended to everyone’s satisfaction.I can only hope you will forgive … on my part.(8)感谢信

感谢信的目的是感激对方为自己的付出,感激之情要传达得真挚自然,不要刻意夸大。感谢信所涉及的内容多种多样,比如可以感谢对方替自己做了一件事情,在自己痛苦时安慰了自己,出席了自己的宴会等等。其内容包括:1)表达感激之情2)回顾事情的经过 3)肯定对方帮助的价值以及对自己的影响,表达自己回报的愿望。


表达感激之情:Thanks so much for…;Abundant thanks to … for…

I’m writing to express my heartfelt thanks for …

On behalf of my whole family, I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the trouble you had taken in …I must write to thank you for inviting me to…

肯定对方帮助的价值及影响:You will never know how much we appreciated your kind and practical help.Your …meant more than I can express in words.Nothing can be more precious for me than your…

表达回报的愿望:I hope I can return the favor someday … Do call on me if I can ever return the favor.感谢信中比较特殊是求职者面试后给面试官写的信。此类感谢信的内容不只是感谢,而是一般感谢信和求职信的结合。其主要内容包括:(1)感谢对方给你面谈的机会,并注明你面试的时间和所求的职位;(2)说明你对该公司、该职位的兴趣,强调你的知识与技能符合公司的需要,表示自己能为公司的发展做出贡献。也可以补充说明或澄清在面谈中忽略或没有讲明的问题(3)重申你对该职位的兴趣,主动提供更多的材料,表示期待他们的消息。




(一)告示与通知Notice and Announcement 告示、通知之类的应用文,写法灵活多样,有正式和非正式等多种形式,其目的均为告诉公众某件事或某项活动。文字要求简洁易懂,表达直截了当。这部分又可分为两类,一类是有关部门就某事发出的通知或张贴的告示,此类文件要求结构严谨,用词确切,通常使用比较正式的文体。另一类是关于会议或活动的简单通知,此类文章至少需要包含以下内容:时间、地点、活动内容。

(二)便笺(便条)Note 便笺是一种简短信函,形式比书信简单,多使用非正式文体。内容可包括:时间、收信人、事由、写信人。通常不写发信人地址,开头甚至可以略去Dear等称呼,结尾也可略去祝贺的话和Yours sincerely等语言。其使用语言特点是通常情况下比一般的信函更接近口语。由于写信人和收信人对互相的情况都十分熟悉,因此一般的客套话均省略。

(三)备忘录 Memo 备忘录的主要作用是为雇员传达信息,它一般局限于公司或部门内部的交流,本公司或部门之外的人一般看不到。其主要功能包括:1.提供会议摘要;2.为主管人员与职员之间的交流提供更便捷的渠道;3.确认电话交谈或会面的内容。





(4)打字员姓名首字母(Reference Initials):写在正文末行空一行的地方。





第二篇:考研英语 应用文写作

考研应用文写作(A节作文)一.应用文写作要求: 1 内容全面(覆盖面)2 语言自然(词汇丰富,衔接手段的应用)3 语法正确 语域得体(正式与非正式)5 格式正确


三.写作总体把握:确定文章格式 与语域,抓住关键词,合理想象, 确定文章内容与结构

应用文分类破解 信件写作

(A)信件格式:称呼 正文 结束语

签名 第一段自我介绍句型: I am

(a staff member of)_____________.写作目的句型: I am writing the letter in purpose of _____________.感谢对方来信的句型: It is really a surprise to receive your letter of June 18.Your letter of June 18th has arrived.What a pleasing surprise!

thThank you for your letter of June 18.2 结尾段句型: 1)表示感谢:My thanks to you for your general help are beyond words.I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation to the kind assistance you render me.I apologize for all the inconvenienced I have Caused


I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience.I look forward to hearing from you soon.B 求学信写作

1首段: 自我介绍,申请原因, 说明写信目的 2 主体:自己的背景资料,询问对方学校的资料结尾: 希望尽快收到答复,表示感谢与期待


th1)I am writing to inquire about the entrance to your university.2)I wish to apply to your esteemed department as a postgraduate student.3)Your university is a well-staffed and well-equipped institute with a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship.4)Would you please be kind to furnish me with some related information?(P27)

C 投诉信 自我介绍,引出投诉内容 2 描述个人经历

时间、地点。First, …..then…..Later,….Next,….Soon,…..Eventually,….引起有关人员或公众注意,避免再次发生 4 希望能尽快得到满意答复 常用句型: 1 I’m writing to put forward some opinions about I’m writing to complain about I’m writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with 4 I hope that the authorities concerned will consider my suggestions and improve the situation as best as they can.We trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.D 求职信 说明信息来源,表明写作目的和应聘职位.2 详述个人经历和能力:教育程度,所学专业(或询问薪水待遇)3 希望获得面试机会,提供联系方式,感谢对方关心 常用句型: I have read your advertisement in _____, and I should be grateful if you could consider me favorable for this position.2 I am writing to apply for the position of __________ which you advertised in ____.3 I am writing to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of ___ you have advertised in I graduated from the ________ university majoring in ______.I have been working in ______ since my graduation, and therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.I would appreciate it if you could grant me an interview so that I could explain in more details.6 With the kind of experience I have accumulated, I would expect a salary of not less than ___ 7 If you want to know more about me, please contact me at ________.求职信范文

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress.Enclosed with the letter is my resume, which further details my qualifications and previous work experience.Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, but my personality is well suited to working as a waitress.I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all ages.I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant.Thank you for your consideration of my application.I look forward to meeting you in the near future.Your sincerely Li Ming The principle of hard work applies to 应用文写作(二)推荐信写作


常用句型: As________(自己的背景或者与被推荐者的关系), I take great pleasure in recommending _________for acceptance into(for the position of)________.I am_________.I am writing with pleasure to recommend _____, one of my favorite students, as far as all that I know, for the position in your company.第二段:具体说明被推荐者的细节 常用句型: With good educational background and excellent character, ______ is qualified to apply for an appropriate position in your company.第三段:表示期待以及愿意进一步提供信息 常用句型: A long journey begins with the first step.As far as I know of him, I am very pleased to write this letter of reference to support ______, a very promising young man to apply for ________.If you want to know more information about him, please don’t hesitate to contact me at _____.According to my knowledge of him in the past three years, I believe _____is qualified for this position.Should you need any further information about this student, please feel free to contact me ______.感谢信句型

Please accept my belated thanks for__________.I really appreciated your ___________.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for _________.备忘录写作 Date: To: From: Subject: 正文:


Notice /announcement All students are requested to be present at the meeting to be held in the school auditorium on Saturday , January 14, 2005 at 3:00 pm.The meeting scheduled to take place this Tuesday is postponed until further notice.写作病句回顾 There are many ways to know the society.For example, by TV, radio and newspapers.2 When he made the decision.He found he began to regret.English is a compulsory course in many colleges, and a student must pass it before he earns his degree.4 The problem is that your brain is less and less efficient, your process is slower and slower.However, there are still many students applying for teaching positions, teachers are very popular in our society.6 Take photos is my habit during travel.7 Our class has more than 200 students, often forcing me to sit on the floor.8 Because I want to be a scientist, so I worked very hard.9 I want to buy something that you will like it.Knowledge, it is the most important things of our world.To make progress, many factors have to be taken into account.12 In Nanjing, the weather is fine, you can enjoy your life here.Getting married is easy, staying married is a difficult matter.To learn English well is not an easy work.15 But it may occur many problems.16 Being a professor needs knowledge, patience and your virtue.Seeing this, many thoughts came into his mind.However people who hold the view :global shortage of fresh water On the top of that, with the increasing of the factory.(前面句号改成逗号,前面不是一个完整的句子)There will need fresh water For example , a child lives with his parent for 18 years, when he go to university , he even don’t know what clothes to wear in every seasons.there is(删除)the flower fades in the same situation without the green house.Face(facing)this situation, drastic measure have be taken to and this unhealthy trend This picture vividly depicts that the athlete rushing to the end of line that is marked “start” in front and “end” in behind.But others do not agree with it, and believe there is several opportunity in everyone.more and more people come to realize that(删除)the important of kownledge.





① 日期,写信人应将写信日期(年,月,日)放在书信正文的右上角,如Jan.30th, 2010。提醒:考研书信写作没有要求考生必须写时间,如果没有把握自己的时间书写格式是正确的,建议考生不要写,以免出错反而扣分。

② 称呼,称呼是写信人对收信人的称谓,称呼可以根据收信人的性别,职务,婚姻状况,姓名等个人信息来写,如:Mr.Williams, Mrs.Bush, Professor Li, Dr.Smith, Dear Mum and Dad

如果写信人不清楚收信人的具体姓名,职务等情况,可以写:Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern。

③ 正文,正文是书信的主要部分,在称呼下方隔一或两行处开始。考生写正文时,要分层次进行。书信正文通常由引言,展开段和结尾三个层次组成。

· 引言,引言表明写信人的写信目的和写信背景,一般仅限于一段,一两句话即可。


· 展开段,展开段内容应详实,具体。可以分为若干段来写,每一段围绕一个主题展开。提醒:提醒广大考生,题干中的要点必须全部包含,考生若是在漏掉一个要点(一般小作文有3个要点)会至少扣掉3分。

· 结尾,结尾部分通常比引言部分短,使用一两句话表达一下希望或祝愿。

④ 结束语,结束语是写信人对收信人的谦称,写在正文下面二至三行处。公务等较正式的信件多采用Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully, Yours truly 等;私人信件,多采用Yours, With love, Yours affectionately 等。

⑤ 签名,签名应写在结束语的下面。



I am writing to complain about...I am writing to thank...for.../express my gratitude for...I am writing to ask for...I am writing to apply for...正文第二段,100个字左右,8、9句话。

此段写作的中心任务是把题目中的提纲进行扩展。如果有3条提纲,可以每一条提纲扩充3句。怎么样扩充,主要是发挥点小小的想象力,有两种思路,一是将上义拆分成为若干下义,二是把一件事情说得更为形象具体。比如第一条指令,题目里面说是books,可以细化为各种各样的书,这就是下义拆分法。还可以具体描写一下这些书是什么样子的。同样第二个指令里面的methods of payment,和第三个指令里面的time and way of delivery都可以采用这两种方法进行扩展。

结尾,一般为礼貌性的套话,一般都是焦急等待着您的回信I am looking forward to your reply足以,或者I would appreciate it if you could send a replay at your earliest convenience也行。



1)I am much pleased to inform you that.......2)I wish to apply for the teaching position you are offering.3)Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.4)In reply to your letter dated July 4, I want to say...5)Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22, 2000.6)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,1997.7)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.8)Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.9)Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve.10)First of all,I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me.11)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that...12)I am too excited and delighted at your good news.13)I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations....常用结束语

1)Looking forward to your early reply

2)Hoping to hear from you soon

3)I hope to hear from you very soon.4)We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.5)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.6)I hope everything will be well with you.7)Please let us know if you want more information.8)I wish you very success in the coming year.9)Please remember me to your family.10)With best regards to your family.11)All the best.12)With love and good wishes.求职申请信常用句型

1.In reply to your advertisement in ~,I respectfully offer my services for the situation.2.With reference to your advertisement in ~ for a / an ~,I offer myself for the post.3.Please consider me an applicant for the position which you advertised in ~.4.Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in ~,I wish to apply for the position referred to.5.In answer to your advertisement in ~ for a ~,I wish to tender my services.6.Your advertisement for a ~ in ~ has interested me.I feel I can fill that position.7.Shall you need an experienced ~ for your ~ next SUMMER?

8.I have been for over five years in the employment of a / an ~ company

9.I have been in the business for the last ~ years, and worked as the director of the...department.10.I've had ~ years' experience with a company as a ~.11.For the last ~ years, I have been and still am a / an ~.12.I'm ~ years of age, female / male, and have had ~ years' experience in a limited company's ~ office

13.I should be very glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.14.If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.15.Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.16.I trust that you'll give this application your favorable consideration.17.Should you give me a trial, I'll do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction.申诉信常用句型

1.I am sorry to say that we are greatly inconvenienced by the fact that ~.2.I am writing this letter to complain about ~.3.I really must complain about the quality of the ~ I recently got from your company.4.You seem to have supplied us with a product that falls far below the standard we expect.5.The ~ I ordered from your store arrived broken.Obviously, no packing had been placed in the box before it was sent from the warehouse.6.It is now over ~ since we made the above order with you, but the ~ we need badly now haven't arrived yet.7.The product I purchased from you ~ proved to be quite a disappointment.Although it looks exactly the same as the one I saw in your commercial, it actually does not perform the same way.8.As I have no interest in receiving a replacement, I am returning the product to you and demand that a full refund be made to me.9.I'd appreciate it very much if you refund the money I have paid for it.10.We would appreciate it if you would arrange for the replacement of the damaged items.感谢信常用句型

1.Let me tell you how much I liked / appreciated / enjoyed...2.I want you to know how much we / I appreciate...3.We appreciate your taking time to...4.I don't know how I would have managed without your help

5.I hope I can return the favor someday

6.Do let me know if I can ever return the favor










You bought an iPhone in a store last week, and you have found that there is something wrong with it.Write a letter to the store manager to explain the problem, express your complaints and suggest a solution.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming”instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)


Dear Manager,I venture to write to complain about the quality of the iPhone I bought last Friday at your store.I hope I can have a good solution to the problem facing me.During the five days when the iPhone has been in my possession, problems of software have emerged one after another.For one thing, the screen is always black, making the iPhone no difference from a traditional one.For another, the battery is distressing as it supports the iPhone’s operation for only two hours.Therefore, I wish to exchange it for another one or declare a refund.I will appreciate it if my problem receives due attention.Yours,Li Ming









You live in a room in college which you share with another student.You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting.He/She has parties in the room

and sometimes borrows your things without asking you.Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college:

1)asking for a new room next term,2)stating that you would prefer a single room and

3)explaining your reasons.You should write with no less than 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.You do not need to write the address.(10 points)


Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term.I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior.For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him;for another, he regularly holds noisy parties.In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me.In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments.I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions.Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.Yours sincerely,Li Ming








范文1(朋友出国,问候他)Directions: One of your best friends, Mary, moved to another city a few days ago.Write a keepintouch letter to her, telling her you missed her, asking how she is going on, and introducing the latest information about yourself.Write in no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Lily instead.Dear Mary,You’ve been on my mind a lot the past few days;I have been missing you so much.Now I feel it was time to sit down and write.Are you settled in yet? Have you met any of your new friends? Things are not a piece of cake for you in a new place.It seems as if you’ve been gone forever.One sad fact about human nature is that we don’t seem to appreciate what we have till it’s gone.That’s how I’m feeling now.So much has happened since you left;I have been to the police station once, because my wallet was stolen on the bus.And I had to prepare for the CET six, I feel extremely exhausted these days.Fortunately, the exam is over, so I get time to write to you.Be sure to write soon.I’m eager to hear from you.Affectionately,Lily


Directions: Your aunt subscribed 21st Century for you as a present.Write a letter to your aunt, expressing your thankfulness, telling her how you like it.Write in no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Ella instead.Dear aunt,Thank you very much for the subscription to订阅 21st Century for me.I have received the latest edition by post mail.Someone must have told you that it is my favorite newspaper;and of course, you know it is very helpful for me to enlarge my vocabulary and enhance my reading comprehension through reading English newspapers.Every week the arrival of a new copy will mean new studying projects to me, and seeing the newspaper will remind me of your kind love.You couldn’t have chosen a better present for me.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,Ella 二.邀请信


Directions: You want to invite Mr.Williams to give a lecture on “American literature” in your college.Supposed you are the assistant of the English department, write a letter and say:

1)the purpose of the invitation.2)the time of the lecture.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Linda instead.Dear Mr.Williams,I am writing on behalf of the English Department(代表校英语系)to invite you to give a lecture in our college.We know that you are an expert on American literature.As English majors, our students would like to know something about American literature.We would be very grateful if you could give a talk on “Contemporary American Literature” to students of the English Department on Saturday, June 4.If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.We have already had several very interesting talks from some distinguished visitors from various countries and we look forward early to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.Yours truly,Linda 三.感谢信


Directions: While your family was on vacation, your friend, Cathy looked after your dog, smart.Now you came back, write a letter to her to show your gratitude.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Emily instead.Dear Cathy,I am writing to express our heartfelt thanks for taking good care of Smart(狗名)while we were on holiday.He was such a happy dog when we got home;we knew he must have had lots of loving attention.When we used to pick up from the kennel(寄存中心)he would whimper(难过)and carry on for hours.You not only saved us some money, you also spared us the worry of how he was doing while we were away.Your kind help is very much appreciated, not only by smart, but also by our whole family as well.Yours truly,Emily



Directions: one of your pen friends, John, will be visiting your city.However, for some reasons, you can not meet him at the airport on time.Write a letter asking to wait for you at the airport and tell him how to recognize you.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Alice instead.Dear John,I am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city.After all these years of writing to each other, I can not wait to see you.However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport on time.The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest I can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land.Will you please wait for me in the arrival lounge(旅客休息室)? You can have breakfast while you wait.By the way, as we have never met I must tell you home to identify me: I am of 165cm tall and have a long hair.In addition, I will wear a white skirt and carry a China Daily at hand.Hope we can meet soon.Sincerely yours,Alice



Directions: Your friend Jack has got his master’s degree.Write a letter to show your congratulations.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Wang Li instead.Dear Jack,Heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School.I have good reasons to feel proud of you.I know the degree of master meant many years of assiduous study 勤奋学习and hard work.Now you have come through with flying colors and high honors胜利而光荣地.I have heard of your excellent record in research and extracurricular activities课外活动.In this you took the right road to emerge as a fully-developed young man to society.I take pride in your achievements and avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you my best wishes for your success and happiness.Yours sincerely,Wang Li



Directions: one of your friends Mary Brown is going to enter Mr.Johnson’s school after her graduation.Write a letter to Mr.Johnson to introduce her.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Emma instead.Dear Mr.Johnson,I take great pleasure in introducing Mary Brown one of my classmates and best friends to you.She is going to pursue her education as a postgraduate in your university after her graduation here.She and I had lived and studied together for four years.No friend deserves so much love and respect as she does.Now that we have finished our study here we had to part with each other.Will you please give her some guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as well as your introduction for him to meet the future tutor shall be appreciated very much.Yours truly,Emma 七.申请信


Directions: You want to apply for a job as a personal secretary to the general manager of a company.Write a letter to the Human Resources Department of that company offering your services.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Anita instead.Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a personal secretary to the general manager.I am fully confident that I am the right person for the job.I know that my future boss have lots of work each day, however, it is exactly the challenge inherent in my perspective job that attracts me and makes me to submit(投递)this application to you.I have worked as the private secretary in an insurance company for two years and gained many experiences.I believe my qualifications and work experiences will combine to produce an excellent work performance.I would like to meet you to discuss the possibility of working in your company at a continent time.I can be reached at 8976-5678.Thank you for considering my application.Please contact me at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Anita



Directions: Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities.As a regular library use, please write a letter to the chief librarian, offering your suggestions.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Donna instead.Dear Sir or Madam,I am glad to hear that the library is to take some measures to improve its service and facilities.So I am writing to offer my proposals.(建议)

We all know that libraries play a vital role in the education and entertainment of the general reader.In my opinion, our library should do its best to purchase the latest publications as well as make sure that it has a full set of classical and reference works.Another important facility I suggest is the Internet via computers(电子图书馆).In this way, the library will expand its services to a larger number of readers.All in all, I think a library should take all necessary measures to keep up with the times.I will highly appreciate your consideration of my proposals.Yours sincerely,Donna 九.投诉信


Directions: You found something wrong with the telephone bill you have received from the local post office.You made a call to inquire about this;however the person who answered the call was very rude.Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the post office, explaining the situation and giving your suggestions for improvement.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Donna instead.Dear Sir,I am writing to let you know the deplorable(可叹的)attitude of one of your staff member.I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation: I had been overcharged for two overseas calls.国际长途费用

However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude.For one thing she interrupted me continually, for another she even said that the fault was my own.Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable.I would like to suggest that the girl in question should be disciplined, and instructed on the proper way to deal with clients.And I hope she can make formal apology to me.An early response will be appreciated.Sincerely yours,Donna 十.咨询信


Directions: You are going to study at a foreign university.Write a letter inquiring about the specific information as regards accommodation, fees and qualifications there.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You don’t need to write the address.Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Li Hua instead.Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to pursue further study at your university.I plan to start my course next semester, and it would be highly appreciated if you would provide me with some essential information.First, how much are the tuition fees? Though I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to know if there are any scholarships available for international students.Second, I wonder what qualifications I need to follow a course at your university, now I have got a master’s degree in a Chinese university, is it enough? Third, as regards to accommodations, if possible, I would like to have a single room, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to share.I am looking forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.贵校

Yours sincerely,Li Hua



Directions: Someone put forward a proposal to adopt the “punch-in” system打卡考勤制度 in her memo in June 12, 2006.Write a memo备忘录 to her with the information below.Your memo should be in no less than 100 words.To: Mr.Brown manager of operations

From: Betty Green Supervisor

Subject: comments on the “punchin” system

Date: September 21

This is further to your memo dated back to June 12, 2006, in which you proposed that the employees adopt the “punch-in” system.I fully agree with you that we should take measures to increase the productivity工作效率 and that we would have a tighter control over the employees if the “punch-in” system is adopted.However, honestly speaking, I don’t think that adopting a tighter system will increase productivity.The most effective way to increase productivity, in my opinion, is to give the employees more incentives鼓励 to work.I think we could further discuss other possibility of achieving this goal.Your consideration of this suggestion would be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Betty Green 十二.摘要


Directions: Study the following essay carefully and write a summary in about 100 words.Student Rights---By Jeff Bakersfield

Who knows better than the students themselves what a university should do for them and how they should be treated? Yet how often do students have any say at all in such important issues as faculty selection, curriculum planning, and scheduling? The answer is obvious: never.If university administrations refuse to include student representatives in the decision-making process, something drastic must be done.Let’s examine what is happening right here on our own campus in the areas mentioned above.The first major issue is the selection of faculty members.Never in the history of this college has a student been permitted to interview, examine the credentials of, or even meet prospective professors.All hiring is done by a joint administrative-faculty committee, often made up of people who will not even have extensive dealings with the individuals after they begin teaching.Those who have the most at stake and whose lives and academic careers will be governed by the professorsnever even meet the new teachers until the first class meeting.No one is better equipped to evaluate a professor’s ability to communicate with students than those whom he or she intends to teach.Anyone can read curriculum vitae to ascertain the level of professional training and experience someone has had, but the best judges of a teacher’s ability to teach, which is the primary function of any professor, are undoubtedly the students themselves.www.xiexiebang.com 2005-8-13 2:39:46

Students’ interest in and commitment to appropriate curricula are even more obvious.We have come to college with very specific purposes in mind: to prepare ourselves intellectually and practically for the future.We know what we need to learn in order to compete successfully with others in our chosen fields.Why should we be kept out of the curriculum planning process? If we pay for the textbooks, spend hours in the library doing research, and burn the midnight oil studying for tests and exams, why are we not permitted to give our opinions about the materials we will spend so many hours studying? It is imperative that our views be made known to curriculum planners.Finally, the area of scheduling is of vital interest to students.The hours at which classes are offered affect the workings of our daily lives.Many of us must juggle work and class schedules, but often administrators ignore such problems when they schedule classes.Schedules must be convenient and flexible so that all students have equal opportunities to take the most popular classes and those which are most essential to their majors.If students helped with scheduling, never would there be two required courses offered at the same time for only one semester per academic year.Never would we have to wait two or three semesters to take a course that is a prerequisite for other desired courses, nor would we have to race across campus in ten minutes to get from one class to the next.Students are vitally concerned with the scheduling area.W004-5-27 22:15:08

In the 1960s and early 1970s, students were not too shy or fearful to demonstrate against the injustices they saw in the draft system and the Vietnam conflict.Why should students today be afraid to voice their opinions about the very important issues that affect their very lives? It is imperative that students act to protect their own rights.Fellow university students, I urge that you meet together and draw up demands to be presented to the administration.We must take the future in our own hands, not be led to it like passive sheep.Let us act now so that we will not be sorry later!


In his essay, Student Rights, Jeff Bakersfield stated that students had the right to be involved in university administrative decisions.Using the current situation on his own college campus as an example, he emphasized that students should be included in decisions regarding selection of faculty, curriculum planning, and scheduling of classes.He pointed out that students not only had more vital interests in the decisions made in these areas than those who traditionally settle the issues, but that they were also better equipped through their experiences as students to make intelligent decisions about them.Bakersfield concluded by stating that it was crucial for students to become actively involved in protesting unilateral administrative decisions and proposed that they meet to discuss their mutual interests and demands.译文:

在学生的权利一文中,Jeff Bakersfield强调学生有权利参与学校行政决定的过程。他举了他所在学校作为例子,强调学生应该参与到员工招募、课程设置和课时安排等方面的决定。他指出学生对这些决定比那些做决定的人更感兴趣,另外,让他们做出关系切身利益的决定使他们更能成为好学生。Bakersfield 总结到学生应该主动要求打破原来单边决定模式,学生应该在一起讨论他们共同的兴趣和要求。


Directions: You are now preparing for your graduation paper on the advantage and disadvantage of electronic mail;write a progress report to your tutor telling him what you have done last week.Your report should be no less than 100 words.To: Professor Barbara Felton

From: James Green

Date: April 12, 2005

Subject: First progress report on research paper

This is the first of the two progress reports you asked me to submit about my research paper on the advantages and disadvantages of electronic mail.Last week, I gathered information from library materials and from an interview.Of the twelve references listed on my proposal, I found only nine, for others I will go to search in a larger library.As far as interview concerned, I had an extended interview with Mr.Moore of General Dynamics, who gave me some brochures as well as a copy of a report on electronic mail he wrote for General Dynamics-materials I hope to use in my paper.Starting tomorrow, I will begin organizing my paper.I will be able to submit a rough draft by the end of this month.Sincerely yours,James Green









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