实用外贸商务英语:外贸询问、询价英语信件范例 via安格英语

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第一篇:实用外贸商务英语:外贸询问、询价英语信件范例 via安格英语


首先,我们先来学习在本课中我们需要认识的外贸询价/询问核心词汇: advertisement n.广告 associate n.合伙人

at one’s earliest convenience 请尽早地 booklet n.小册子 bulk buyer 大买家

business concern 商行,企业 businessperson n.商人 catalogue/catalog n.产品目录 chamber of commerce 商会 circular n.通函 client n.客户

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我看过很多外贸人在网上询价的帖子,往往是“急。。货代请进”or“急。急。急。XXX询货代”or“询XXX到XXXoo柜价格”.etc 殊不知,这样询价很没有效率的

试想,一个老外跟你们询价,“pls give me the price of xxx。。各位能报价吗? 呵呵,大家报价都有个格式的,对吧?








货主:在吗?请问下到XXX港的价格是多少? 货代:在的,请问是什么柜子啊? 货主:小柜 货代:几个? 货主:一个 货代:什么品名? 货主:xxx。。以下省略若干问题及回答

此时,货主会想,寻个加怎么这么烦啊,很多货主最后会说,算了,麻烦你了 但是大家如果知道这个询价格式,就很简单的事了。何必弄得互相不理解呢


货主:您好,我有X个oo柜子大约XXT的普货,要在X月X日左右出,XX港到XX港,请给我报个价好吗? 货代:好的,请稍等 货主:ok。。a few minute later

货代:您好,您要的价格有了,usd XXX allin,XXX船公司,船期XXX,航程XX days,直达出货前请确认价格,实单可申请 货主:好的,谢谢





散货嘛,散货有点不同,散货的船期大多不准,所以不可能像班轮那样,能很快出价格 散货询价一般就几点吧 1.货名 2.装船期

3.重量,体积,积载因数 4.启运目的港 5.装率,卸率





第三篇:国际商务英语写作:英语邀请函及其回复 via安格英语


www.xiexiebang.com 国际商务英语写作:英语邀请函及其回复范文

新年将至,各种各样的商务宴会也多了起来。在职场上邀请函一般通过邮件的方式进行,因此在本篇文章中安格英语老师将会展示英语邀请函的格式及模板以及作为收件人,如何接受或拒绝对方的邀请。英语邀请函范文: Dear Mr.Harris, Mr.Mark Morgan and I are planning a small dinner in honor of John Smith, Executive Vice-president and Chief Technology Officer of the American Auto Company.The dinner will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Detroit, beginning at 6.30 p.m.on Wednesday, January 15, and dress will be informal business wear.We hope that you will be able to join us in this opportunity to meet the senior executive of the American Auto Company.We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 15.Yours sincerely, Robert Miles Chief Executive Officer

接受宴会邀请: Dear Mr.Miles, I am very pleased to accept your kind invitation to the dinner party in honor of John Smith, Executive Vice-president and Chief Technology Officer of the American Auto Company.It will be a great honor to meet the senior executive of one of the largest companies in our country.Thank you very much for the invitation, and I am looking forward to seeing you in Detroit next Wednesday.Yours sincerely, Richard Harris Managing Director

谢绝宴会邀请: Dear Mr.Stevens, Power Your English!文章来源:安格英语学习网站(bbs.engua.com)未经允许 不得转载 在线英语培训领导者

www.xiexiebang.com Thank you very much for your kind invitation to the party celebrating the 24th anniversary of your company.Please accept my hearty congratulations on this remarkable occasion.We are very pleased that you have achieved great success in your sales during the past decades.Unfortunately, my schedule in February will not allow me to attend this significant celebration.Urgent matters that cannot be rescheduled make it necessary for me to be in Berlin at that time.I certainly hope you understand the reasons preventing my attendance.Thank you for the invitation again.I’m looking forward to the long-term smooth and close cooperation between our two corporations.Yours sincerely, William Peters Managing Director 以上就是关于宴会邀请函的一些英语邮件范文,相信学习以后不管你是发件人还是收件人都能够妥善处理关于英文邀请邮件的写作啦!更多职场商务写作技巧及商务英语口语学习资料可关注安格英语微信,扫一扫下方二维码即可关注哦!

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第四篇:国际商务英语写作范例:祝贺信、慰问信、问候信英语信件范例 via安格英语


www.xiexiebang.com 国际商务英语写作范例:祝贺信、慰问信、问候信英语信件范例



信件一:祝贺商业伙伴晋升 Dear Mr.Halstead, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Chief Executive Officer.It was indeed an honor to have been in business with you for about five years.During this period, your unusually rapid advancement did not come as a surprise as you are such a capable, diligent person.I personally wish you and your colleagues every success in the years to come.I am looking forward to meeting you soon.Yours sincerely, Ralph Jackson Managing Director

信件二:鼓励慰问生病的商业伙伴 Dear Mr.Porter: Thank you for informing me of the sad fact that you will have to return to Canada due to health reasons.I hope this letter finds you well or at least recovering.It was a real shock to hear about the seriousness of your condition.Please take your time and recover fully, though I know how anxiously you want to get back to work.I would be grateful if you could let us know about your condition from time to time.I am looking forward to your quick and complete recovery.Sincerely yours, Jenny Miller Finance Manager

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www.xiexiebang.com 信件三:新年祝福 Ladies and Gentlemen: With the advent of Christmas and New Year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends and customers for their confidence and support in the previous year.We send you and your families our best wishes for a merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.We look forward to your continuing patronage and confidence in the coming year.Yours sincerely, Mark Darwin President 正值年末,下面安格英语老师总结了一些新年祝福语,大家在跨年时可以用上哦: 1.I wish you a rewarding New Year.2.I wish you and your colleagues every success in the coming new year.3.We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.4.Please accept our best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.5.May your Christmas be filled with good times, good cheer and may the New Year bring you every joy.6.Our directors and staff join me in thanking you for your patronage in the past year, and wishing you health and happiness in 20--.以上就是三种商务情景下的信件范例,更多职场商务英语写作及商务口语可访问安格英语学习网站(http://bbs.engua.com/forum/forum.php?fromid=9)。

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第五篇:外贸商务英语口语:外贸回函邮件及报盘邮件写作格式及 via安格英语(小编推荐)


www.xiexiebang.com 外贸商务英语口语:外贸回函邮件及报盘邮件写作格式及范文 外贸出口的主要流程包括:报价、订货、付款方式、备货、包装、报检、报关、装船、提 单、交单、结汇,业内人士经常用几个字来简单概括,即“约-货-款-运-单”。在国际贸易中,一般是由询盘、报盘作为开始,进行一系列的外贸活动。


首先,让我们来学习在回函及报盘中的核心词汇: a selection of 一系列 accept v.接受

assortment n.花色品种 attend to 执行 ceiling price 最高价 commission n.佣金

competitive price 竞争性价格 concerning prep.关于 counter offer 还盘 current price 现价 durability n.耐用 examine v.检验 fashion n.款式

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www.xiexiebang.com gross n.罗;12打 handle v.经营

hand-made a.手工制的 unit price 单价 high grade 高档

illustrated catalogue 带有插图的产品目录 low grade 低档 margin n.利润 net price 净价 offerer n.报盘人 patent n.专利 proposal n.建议 purchase n./v.购买 quote v.报价

sales representative 销售代表 shrinkage n.缩水 sliding price 滑动价格 trade discount 商业折扣 under separate cover 另寄 undergo v.经过 主要缩略语:

CFR(Cost and Freight)成本加运费

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www.xiexiebang.com CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)成本、保险加运费 CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to)运费、保费付至 CPT(Carriage Paid to)运费付至 DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)完税后交货 DAF(Delivered at Frontier)边境交货 DES(Delivered Ex Ship)目的港船上交货 DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)未完税交货 DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)目的港码头交货 EXW(Ex Works)工厂交货

FAS(Free Along Side)装运港船边交货 FCA(Free Carrier)货交承运人 FOB(Free on Board)装运港船上交货


Letter One Dear Mr.Brown, Thank you for your enquiry of 21st June, in which you expressed an interest in our hand-made leather gloves.We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price-list supplying the details you asked for.We are also sending you a full range of samples under separate cover.When you have a chance to examine them, we are confident that you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in Power Your English!文章来源:安格英语学习网站(bbs.engua.com)未经允许 不得转载 在线英语培训领导者

www.xiexiebang.com price.On regular purchase in quantities of not less than five gross of individual items, we would allow you a trade discount of 15%.We also export a wide selection of hand-made leather shoes in which we think you may be interested.They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our gloves.We hope the samples will reach you in good time and look forward to your order.Yours sincerely,Letter Two Dear Mr.Green, We have carefully studied your counteroffer of 27 June to our offer of Cotton Underwear, but regret to inform you that it is important for us to accept it.The prices we quoted in our letter of 18 May have left us with only a very small margin.In fact, they are much lower than those of other suppliers for products of similar quality.The cotton used in the production of our “Dragon” range undergoes a special patented process that prevents shrinkage and increases durability.Moreover, the fact that we are the largest supplier of Cotton Underwear in this country adequately shows the value of our products.Power Your English!文章来源:安格英语学习网站(bbs.engua.com)未经允许 不得转载 在线英语培训领导者

www.xiexiebang.com We will be equally happy whether you accept our present offer or contact us concerning other items.We hope to hear from you soon and will carefully study any proposals likely to lead to future business between us.Sincerely, 衡量一名外贸工作者的能力往往看三方面:一选择合适的术语,二了解价格组成的结构,三掌握报价空间与层次性策略。那么在学习好了本篇文章后,下次在报盘的时候你能否选择合适的属于正确地表达出你的意思呢?

更多外贸实用英语口语可访问安格英语学习网站(www.xiexiebang.com),安格英语是中国领先的企业商务英语和软技能英语在线服务提供商,以高质量的学习内容和有竞争力的价格为客户提供独一无二的应用型英语学习解决方案。联系我们:400-006-7600.Power Your English!文章来源:安格英语学习网站(bbs.engua.com)未经允许 不得转载

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下载实用外贸商务英语:外贸询问、询价英语信件范例 via安格英语.doc


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