
时间:2019-05-14 13:03:50下载本文作者:会员上传


11、One of the pressing problema facing our nation(China)today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels.我们国家(中国)如今面临的紧迫问题之一是克服城乡收入水平之间的差距。

12、One of the most serious problems many people talk about centers on the lack of adequate housing space.许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。

13、Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption,which is pervasive in all levels of government.也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是遍布各级政府的官员腐败。

14、Inflation is yet another new and bitter truth we must learn to face.通货膨胀又是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。

15、The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land,and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture.The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated.城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。政府更加重视这个问题,越来越多的不必要的工程被终止。

16、There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection.世界上越来越多的人认识到加强环境保护的必要性。

17、There has been a dramatic increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in recent years,with a new study projecting that the dreaded disease will affect over 30 million people worldwide by the year 2005.近年来,艾滋病蔓延的幅度进一步扩大,一项新的研究预测,到2005年,世界上有超过三千万人将感染这一可怕的疾病。

18、Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with their indefatigable desire.与残疾人一起工作使一个人不得不对他们坚持不懈的渴望印象深刻。

19、Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion,both of which involve taking the life of a human being.也许没有问题比安乐死和人工流产更有争议性,它们都涉及结束一个人的生命。

20、Never before in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now.历史上,人口过剩的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。





















“The Advantages of Travel(旅行的益处。)”


1.seeing strange and different things(看到各种奇异的东西)

2.meeting people with different interests(遇到有各种不同兴趣的人)

3.keeping us fit and healthy(有助于身体健康)

4.enjoying beautiful scenery(欣赏各地美景)

5.understanding how people live(了解人们怎样生活)

6.visiting famous cities and scenic spots(浏览名城和名胜)

7.tasting different foods and local flavors(品尝各地风味)

8.getting ideas of the conditions and customs of other people


9.arousing the fervent love for our motherland(激起对祖国的热爱)

10.gaining knowledge of geography and history(获得地理历史知识)

11.making one less narrow minded(使人心胸开阔)

12.gaining other knowledge(获得其他方面知识)

13.seeing places read of in books(目睹曾在书上读到过的地方)

The Advantages of Travel

Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways.First,by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places.We will see with our own eyes many places

read of in books,and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.Second,we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel.We can get

ideas of the conditions and customs of other people,taste different foods and local flavors if we like.In this way,we can understand how differently other people live.Third,travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge,which arouses the

fervent love for our motherland,but will also help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded.Travel does benefit

us both mentally and physically.With all these advantages of travel,it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in China.在写100字左右的作文,我们也强调三段论。第一句话或第一段我们强调我们要写的内容,第二段找一些例子阐述一下。第三段再次把我们


二. 文章的三个部分

引言 introduction

正文 body

结束语 conclusion









1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows.

3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

5)The reason for this is that...

6)We have good reason to believe that...


There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been

greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.

如写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for



1)It has the following advantages.

2)It does us a lot of good.

3)It benefits us quite a lot.

4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.


Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.

Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.


1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2)It does us much harm.

3)It is harmful to us.


However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy

if we spend too much time watching television.


1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth.

2)We think it necessary to do sth.

3)It plays an important role in our life.


Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be

found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life

and we have stepped into the Computer Age.


1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.

3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.

例如: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective

measures to solve it.6.表示变化

1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.

2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.

3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.


Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to

seek.Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk

for vitamins.


1)We cannot ignore the fact that...

2)No one can deny the fact that...

3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

5)However,that’s not the case.


We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems,we

can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter

laws to promote a cleaner environment. 8.表示比较

1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

3)There is a striking contrast between them.


Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural

resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’

s health by giving them due physical exercise.


1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...

2)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.


With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has decreased while that

spent on education has increased.


From the graph listed above,it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two

hours per week in 2008 to 20 hours in 2009.=============================

Practical Writing Samples 英语应用文写作范文 1.A Letter of Apology 道歉信

由于未能及时赴约,给老师写一封道歉信,解释原因请求原谅同时提出希望下一次约会。You have made an appointment with your teacher, but failed to keep it.Write a letter to your teacher to

1)Apologize for your failure to keep the appointment,2)Explain your reason to your teacher, and

3)Express your wish to make another appointment.Dear Prof.Wang,I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to keep our appointment.I do know that this is very impolite

and must have caused you much trouble.I do reckon that at present any explanation is pale and futile.However I do not want you to misunderstand me.On my

way to your office, an old lady suddenly fainted due to heart attack on the bus.I stopped a taxi and sent her into a

nearby hospital.I stayed there until her son came, which spoiled our appointment.I am aware that our appointment is of importance.I do hope that you would be kind enough to spare your valuable to

meet me.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

2.A Letter of Thanks 感谢信

生病住院两周,老师和同学过来看望你,为此你给他们写一封感谢信,表达你的感激之情。You have been ill and hospitalized for two weeks.Your teachers and classmates went to see you.Write a letter to them to

1)Thank them for their coming to see you,2)Describe your feeling, and

3)State your present condition.Dear Teachers and Classmates,First of all, please allow me to say “Thank you” to all of you.It is very kind of you to spare your valuable time

during the period of final examinations and come to see me.Your visit has given me much confidence and power to overcome the illness.When I first came to the hospital, I really

felt lonely and did not have enough courage and confidence to overcome the illness.Your visit has made me feel that I am

not poor and lonely in the world and in fact I am living in a world of love, which has brought me much confidence and

power to overcome the illness.These days, my condition has been obviously improved due to the careful treatment offered by doctors and nurses.Doctors have told me that I will completely recover from illness in two weeks.I hope that I can see you earlier.Again, special thanks go to all of you.Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

3.A Letter of Invitation邀请信


The Spring Festival is coming shortly.You intend to invite your foreign friend to come to China and spend the traditional

Chinese Festival together.Write a letter to him/her to

1)Express your warm invitation to him/her,2)Introduce the Spring Festival, and

3)Mention the places you will accompany him/her to visit.Dear Beckham,First of all, please allow me to express my heartfelt invitation to you.Since the Spring Festival is coming shortly, I

sincerely invite you to come to China and spend the holiday with me.Spring Festival is of much importance to Chinese people.It has a long history and Chinese have attached much importance

to the holiday.To be exact, the Spring Festival has been the most significant holiday.The Spring Festival is to Chinese

what Christmas is to the Westerners.If you come, I am going to accompany you to fairgrounds(庙会), where you can have a close look at some of the Chinese

traditions.I am looking forward to your reply.Sincerely Yours

Li Min 4.A Letter of Suggestion 建议信 给北京市市长王岐山写信,希望自己能成为2008年奥运会的志愿者,同时提出自己的看法。

You have watched the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and are interested in becoming a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Write a latter to Wang Qishan, mayor of the capital city, to

1)Make suggestions for the 2008 preparation work,2)Express your wish to be a volunteer.Dear Wang Qishan,I am a senior in Peking University.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is coming in two years.After watching the 2004

Athens Olympic Games, I can not help writing to you.First of all, here is my suggestion for the preparation work of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.The construction work

of the sports building must be completed in time according to the contract.In Athens, the swimming stadium was not

accomplished in time so that the event had to be held in the open air, which has brought negative effect on the

performance of athletes.In one word, to protect the international image of China and ensure the Olympic competition, we

must finish our preparation work well and in time.Last but not least important, I want to express my wish to be a volunteer.In the first place, it is the duty of every

Chinese to do his bit for the 2008 Olympic Games.In the second place, I have a good command of foreign languages.I can

speak English, Russian, and Japanese.Therefore I can be a qualified volunteer.I am looking forward to your reply

Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

5.A Letter of Complaint投诉信


You have bought a brand-new computer in a store.But much to your disappointment, it could not be properly operated when you got it back.Write a letter to the manager:

1)Giving complaints,2)Describing the problems,3)And asking for some compensation.Dear manager,I write this letter to you to make some complaints about the computer I bought in your store yesterday afternoon.There’s something wrong with it.That makes me extremely unhappy.The computer cannot be properly shut down when I got it back to the office.When I click the shutdown button, it seems

that the machine gives no response.And I'm so annoyed with it.It's obvious that you didn’t' carefully examine the machine before you sold it.I think your store should take full

responsibility for selling me the defective machine.I insist that you give me a satisfactory reply.I do want you to give

back my money as soon as possible.Sincerely yours,Tom

6.A Letter of Job Application 求职信


You will graduate from university and are hunting for a job.After reading a job ads, write a letter to the Personnel

Resources Department to

1)State your reason to write the application,2)describe your relevant education background,3)Introduce your English level, and

4)State your way of contact.Dear Sir/Madam,I am responding to your ad in the June 20th, 2005, issue of the Sunday Talent Journal for the position of production

coordinator.I feel that my background in electronics and manufacturing will fit in well.I will graduate from the Beijing Science & Technology University in June with a Bachelor of Science degree in Manufacturing Engineering.I have had extensive training on computers while at school.In my Production and Inventory

class, I have learned about computerized production and material scheduling in a job shop environment.I passed CET-6 in 2004.Not only do I pay much attention to improving my reading and listening skills, but I also keep

practicing oral English.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Would you please call me to set an interview? I can be reached at my resume

address or by phoning(010)2357-7980 after 4 p.m.Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

7.A Notice of Lost and Found失物招领通知


You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner.Write a notice of Lost and Found to clearly


1)The time and place of your finding

2)The feature of the dictionary

3)Your information for contact

Lost and Found

On the evening of January 4th, 2005, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading-room on the 3rd floor of

the new library in the east district of our university.The electronic dictionary can be generally described as follows.It is brand new and metallic gray in color.What's

more, the portable electronic dictionary is as big as a piece of cake and as thin as a regular magazine.The owner of the electronic dictionary may contact me now.My room phone number and mobile phone number are(010)

62043340 and *** respectively.Please make appointment in advance.Sincerely Yours

Li Ming 8.A Letter of Appeal 呼吁信


Over the past years, we have witnessed destructions of various kinds caused by human actions.As a university student,write a letter to our society to

1)Enumerate present severe condition,2)State the necessity of social concern, and

3)Suggest the counter-measures.To everyone on our planet,Over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms have frequented our planet, the only habitat of human

beings.Several days ago, tsunami(海啸)has swept the Southeast Asia, which has caused enormous damage.All these have

sounded an alarm to human beings.The destruction which is caused by human beings has aroused people’s concern all over the world.If we pay no heed to the

present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home.What’s more, we should realize

that only from our planet can we obtain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.Counter-measures must be taken to curb the destruction caused by human beings.Most importantly, laws must be established

to punish those who are involved in destructive conducts.Sincerely Yours

Li Ming



Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inform you that the TV set we ordered from your website does not work well.The TV set we ordered is Panasonic, high-definition, and 58" on the date of Sep.20th, 2010, and we

spent $ 1,100 on it.The date we received it was Sep.25th, 2010.The first two days it worked well, but

afterwards, it seemed tired.The problems are that we cannot find the right channel with the control and

sometiimes the screen is getting darker and darker.To resolve the problem, I would like you to replace it with a new one, or take it back and give us full

amount of refund.Thank you.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.2009专升本英语作文范文

I’m LiYuan, the organizer of the volunteer group in the

university.Our group was found on Dec.5, 2007.The date

is special in the world called International Volunteer

Day.By now, there are around 200 members in our group,who

are students from different departments of our

university.We work in small groups with different plans,such as taking care of aged people who are alone at home,visiting orphanage to teach them something and so on.We

take turns doing these.The purpose for us to do so is to

try to make more harmonious environment.We welcome more

people to join us to build a better world.============================= 2008专升本英语作文范文

Job Vacancy

If you are interested in working in Beijing Pioneer Hotel, we would be pleased to hear from you.Now we are looking for

managers for our enlarged hotel.People we need: One male manager for the Security Department One male or female manager for the Business Center One male or female manager for the Accounting Department

Position requirements: Bachelor degree or above Devotion in working and highly responsibility and professional dedication At least two-year working in hotel experience Age 25-45, healthy

Send your full details to: jobapply@beijibgpioneerhotel.com before December 12, 2009.For further information please

inquire the same email address, we will respond as soon as possible, or phone 010-66875831.Thank you.Li Yuan(manager)Personal Department Beijing pioneer Hotel


2003-2006 年作文范文

2003 年作文题






Dear Julie,Next Sunday will be my birthday.I have decided to hold a birthday party at home.If you can come I will be very

pleased.Please tell me whether you can come or not during the weekdays.Next, I want to tell you how to find my home, take bus No.101 to Bridge Street, after you get off, walk forward for


fifteen minutes, you will see many tall buildings by the river, I live in building No.2 room 405.I think it

is easy for you to find

my home, you won’t miss it.Yours ever,Alice







Writing(25 points)


Attention please, I have something to tell you.Tomorrow morning there will be a report in our school Hall.Mr.Qian, professor of the English Department, will

give us a talk on how to improve our oral English and how to solve problems in English education.The talk begins at nine


tomorrow morning, and it will last for about three hours.Every teacher and student of the English

Department is expected to come

on time.Students of the English Department should have a discussion after the talk.English Department


Looking for a mobile phone

Owing to my own carelessness on my way back to the dormitory from the classroom yesterday evening, I had my black

Motorola mobile phone lost.I am anxiously expecting someone to report its recovery to Mr.Li Yuan at 66778899 as soon as

possible.This mobile phone is very important to me for several reasons.First, it is my birthday present from my parents who

hoped this phone would bring happiness and success in my university life and I really value this expectation.The phone

has been with me for two years and it has seen all my successes and sorrows in the past two yeas.Secondly, the phone

stores my

most important contact numbers of teachers, friends who make important contact with me through the phone.Without these numbers, my life and study will be put in a difficult situation.I sincerely hope those who have found it will contact me and return it to me soon.I will offer a material reward

to the

person who brings it back to me.Many thanks in advance.Please contact me at: 66778899 or e-mail me at: Doreen@yahoo.com.cn

Li Yuan

2006 年作文范文

Dear Harry,It was so nice to hear from you, and I was especially excited to hear your mum and dad are coming for a tour of

huangshan Mountains.They are most welcome for the tour and I would happily to be tour guide for them then.Most people now take the direct flight from Shanghai to huangshan, but of course if they would like to enjoy the


along the railway line, a train ride there would also be a comfortable overnight experience.Hotels around

Huangshan are

many and they can choose one to their liking.They don’t have to take many things with them except some change clothes, as the weather on the mountains tends to

be cool at this time of the year.They might also like to take some medicine for common colds and diarrhea, but medical

services here are definitely helpful.If they have time, they might like to go around a bit here in Shanghai, where day trips to Zhouzhuang, tongli or


Huangzhou may give them a taste of the representative Southern China scenery.Looking forward to their visit, and wish you a very happy spring vacation.With best regards

Li Yuan



Ⅴ.Writing(20 points)


For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 80 words on the title: Where to Live-in the City or in the Country? Base your composition on the outline given below.1.一些人喜欢住在城市,因为城市生活有许多便利。





Where to live —in the City or in the Country

Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages.They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.But some other people prefer to live in the countryside.They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people.I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.范文二V.Writing

Direction: For this part,you are supposed to write an announcement in 100-120 words based on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly





Dear Wang Qiang,I'm glad to learn that you are busy preparing for college entrance exams.Where there is a strong will,there is a success.I am sure that you will overcome all kinds of difficulties in your study

I'm planning to go to Wuxi and look around in the city for a few days.I'll take the train and arrive at 6 o'clock a.m.on May 1st.Will you please come and meet me at the station? I'm going to stay in Wuxi till May 4th.Please help me book a hotel room.I hope to stay in a hotel around the downtown area but the price shouldn't be very high.I don't mind if the room is small.Another thing.Can you book a ticket for me back to Shanghai on 4th?

All the best,Jack



标题开头的单词和其它所有实词一律要大写,而虚词则不用大写。如:We Share the Same World;How to Be a Good Listener;Flying with the Dream



what’s more, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, as well, meanwhile, at the same time


but, while/whereas, yet, however/nevertheless, instead, on the contrary, although/though,despite, in spite of, not only…but also, on the one hand…on the other hand, otherwise


because(of), in that, as a result(of), since, as, for, so, thus, therefore, so that, lead to ,result in(from), contribute to(促成,导致)

1)This engine uses less fuel and is therefore better for the environment.2)We see that you have an income of less than 2000 pounds a year.Therefore, we have decided to grant you free tuition.我们发现你的年收入低于两千英镑。因此,我们决定免去你的学费。

3)Luck and a good family background contributed to his success.4)No candidate succeeded in obtaining a majority of the votes.As a result, new elections were held.没有一位候选人得得票过半数,所以举行了新的选举。

4.表条件关系:if, unless, on the condition(that), as /so long as,5.表时间关系:

when, after, before, until, soon, as soon as, now, presently, lately, recently, since, from then on, finally/at last, in the meantime/at the same time, then, suddenly, next, later, later on


above all(首要的是,首先), first of all, first, firstly, secondly, next, then, finally, in the end, at last, in the first/second/third /… place

8.表换一种方式表达: in other words, that is to say, namely

9.表进行举例说明: like, such as ,for example, for instance

10.表陈述事实: in fact, actually, as a matter of fact

11.表总结: on the whole, in short, all in all, in general, in a word, in conclusion


1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高the remarkable improvement of people’s living


3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

9.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person

10.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

11.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally

14.可以取代 “think”的词 believe/maintain/argue/ insist that

15.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

16.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…

17.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

18.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

19.开阔眼界 open widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

20.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

21.从另一个角度 from another perspective

22.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

23.对…有益 be beneficial to…/ be good for

24.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to

25.为…做贡献 make contributions to …/ contribute to

26.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

27.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

28.因特网 the Internet(一定要有冠词,字母I 大写)

29.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

30.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

31.环保environmental protection

32.环保的environmentally friendly

33.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

34.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

35.长远利益 interest in the long run

36.有其自身的优缺点 has its merits and advantages and disadvantages

37.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

38.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.39.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.40.重视 attach great importance to…

41.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

42.相反 in contrast / on the contrary

43.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of

44.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…

45.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of




金钱是一切吗?In Money Everything?

I don„t think money is everything,but we can‟t do without it.Fox example,money can„t buy us happiness and a good education.And for another example,money can‟t buy us good health and a long life.But we can not live without money.We need it for our daily necessities such as food,clothes and transportation.What„s more,we need it to live a better life.In short,we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.第二篇:




Where to live —in the City or in the Country

Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages.They think there are more job opportunities in cities,life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.But some other people prefer to live in the countryside.They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health,life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city

people.I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.第三篇:



May 19,2002

Dear Professor Wang:

On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department,I am writing to invite you to give a lecture on Chinese history.We have planned to have such a lecture at 2:30 p.m.in Lecture Hall 419,on May 25.Looking forward to your lecture.Inform us in advance if you can not come.Sincerely yours,Li Ping


男女应该平等吗?(Should Men and Women Be Equal?)

Should Men and Women Be Equal?

People have different ideas about this issue,Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger,do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions.Other people believe that women have the ability to compete with men.There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world.We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.第五篇:




The Bicycle in China

The bicycle is the most popular means of transportation in China.China is a country “on bicycle wheels”。People ride them for various purposes such as going to and from school and work.Bicycles are very cheap and easy to buy in China.There are many advantages to riding a bicycle.First,using a bicycle can greatly help reduce the air pollution in many big cities.Second,people can improve their health by riding a bicycle.The future of bicycle will be bright.In some European countries,city governments have arranged pedestrians to use “public bicycles” to travel round the city center free of charge.第六篇:


Dear Julie:

Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday.The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great,and my husband and I enjoyed it very much.Therefore,we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p.m.this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.Please do come.Yours,Helen





Fake Commodities

Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem.Many things can be faked such as

soybean sauce,vinegar,bicycles,and many other things.The interests of consumers are affected,and many enterprises keep losing money because of cheap fake commodities.There are some reasons for such a phenomenon.The major one is the desire of some people to “make easy money”。These people think nothing of the law of the protection of intellectual property rights.To get rid of fake and poor quality commodities,the government should educate people to obey the law of the protection of individual intellectual property rights and not to sell any fake goods.The government should punish severely and close down all the factories producing fake goods.第八篇:


May 18,2002

Dear Bonnie:

I will be away for a while.The key to the cottage is under the doormat,and the food is in the

refrigerator.After entering the house,lock the door from inside at once.The cottage is far away from the nearest town,and the area is not quite safe from burglars.So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution,there is no danger”。

Have a nice stay here.Yours,Alice



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