
时间:2019-05-14 13:41:17下载本文作者:会员上传




作为一个中学生我虽不能搞什么大的发明创造,但是面对神奇的科学领域,我依然心存美好的遐想。我也想在这暑假学习一些科学知识,这是多么有趣味啊!所以我看了一本 《学生探索百科全书》。“思维是地球上最美丽的花朵”,而探索精神是其中最灿烂的一枝。千百年来,人类用孜孜不倦的求索精神,不断扩展着对神气大自然,对奇妙的科学以及对人类自身的认识。在永不停顿的对未知领域的探究中,人类建构起了多姿多彩的迷人世界。



首先我在第一章的自然探索中,我了解了来自宇宙深处的信息、漫长的生命之旅在第二章的科学探索中,我了解了无处不在的黄金分割、四色之迷、寻找“幽灵粒子”、我们能不能穿越时空……,这些知识又是我了解到了科学,学会了科学的方法,科学的理论,科学的发展,科学的分析这些重要的东西,并且在日常生活中遇到的一些奇闻异事我也可以通过科学说法来解答他,这些知识都丰富了我的生活经验,让我不断的健康成长。在第三章的历史探索中,我了解到了丝绸之路、奥林匹克运动会的起源、埃及艳后、金字塔工程……历史使人明智,因为了解历史,可以学习前人的正确做法,并且改到自己的错误作风,这样可以使人们在成功的路上少一些坎坷,为自己铸造一条平平的道路 书是知识的源泉,能教给我们许多知识。一本好书,不但可以激发学习的欲望,而且还可以开拓眼界,它就像一位无形的老师,帮助我们笔直地走在人生道路上。我们应该懂得知识的可贵,少玩一次游戏,少看一次电视,经常读有关这方面的书,头脑中产生的疑问才会越来越少,兴趣也就越来越高。同时还可以获得更多的知识,更多的学问,更多的人生道理!






我读了一本叫《学生探索百科》的书,共分为三章——自然探索、科学探索和历史探索。这些都对我们的知识了解很有帮祝 地外文明真的存在吗?动物为什么要冬眠?哥德巴-赫猜想是什么回事?我们能不能跨越时空?这些问题一直伴随着我,为了解开这些我不懂的“迷”我选择了《学生探索百科全书》,我希望它可以给我带来这些问题的答案。















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2.1 电器控制

电器部分采用自动控制比较容易实现,考虑到电器元件易发热等问题…… ……

2.2 机械部分












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表示法定计量单位、词头的符号、函数等,化学元素符号均用Times New Roman正体。



[1] xxx,xxx.家用电器节能现状和发展.节能机械,2001,23(3):275-279

[2] xxx.节能技术基础.xxxxxx出版社,1996:15-47

[3] xxxxx,xxxx.xxx,xxx译.机器人操作的数学导论.xxxx出版社,1998:11-67

[4] Lee H Y, Reinholtz C F.Inverse kinematics of serial-chain manipulators[J].ASME

Journal of Mechanical Design.1996, 118(3): 396-404




Aries considers sleep too easy and makes a dare with themselves to stay up all night.白羊座:把睡觉看做是件再容易不过的事,想尝尝通宵不睡的滋味。

Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner.金牛座:忘了把丝制床单拿去干洗店清洗。

Gemini's twin just isn't tired.双子座:失眠的唯一原因就是根本不累。

Cancer worries how everyone else is sleeping.巨蟹座:琢磨为啥其它人都睡着了。

Leo is afraid to move around at all, fearful of what bedhead can do to their lovely mane.狮子座:害怕有人在你床边来回晃悠,也担心床头可能伤到你可爱的“鬃毛”。

Virgo keeps getting up to re-tuck the sheets and fluff the pillows.处女座:不停地起身整理床单和枕头是失眠的最大原因。

Libra can't quite decide what to wear tomorrow.天秤座:哎,你还没想好明天该穿什么呢,怎么能睡得着呢?

Scorpio is doing something else entirely.天蝎座:你要能失眠,估计该另当别论了。

Sagittarius can't stop thinking of all the better things they could be doing other than sleeping.射手座:满脑子里尽想着如果不睡觉可以做哪些好玩的事。

Capricorn already took a strategically planned power nap.摩羯座:善于计划的你,通常在白天就不时小憩一下,这样一来,晚上当然睡不香了。

Aquarius suffers from a chat room addiction that keeps them up until all hours.水瓶座:通宵聊天,半夜三更才肯爬上床,不失眠才怪呢。

Pisces has fitful dreams of past lives.双鱼座:可怜的鱼儿做梦的时间太长了,影响了睡眠质量。



People who are too happy die younger than their more downbeat peers, claims

new research.A study which followed children from the 1920s to old age showed that people who were rated 'highly cheerful' by teachers at

school died younger than their more reserved classmates.This was because people who were too happy were more likely to suffer from mental disorders such as bipolar, makingthem less fearful and more likely to take

risks that increase the chance of having a fatal accident.一项跟踪调查20世纪20年代的小孩的研究显示,那些在学校被老师评价为“非常开朗”的人比其他较内向的同学死得更早。










Being too cheerfulcan also rouse angerin others, increasing the risk of a person coming to harm.Researchers from a variety of universities worldwide also discovered that trying too hard to be happy often ended up leaving

people feeling more depressed than before, as putting an effort into improving their mood often left people feeling cheated.And magazine articles offering tips on how

to be happy were also blamed for worsening depression.One study saw participants asked to read an article offering ways to improve yourmood, and follow one of the tips to see

how effective it was.Participants then took the advice offeredoften

concentrated too hard on trying to improve their mood rather than letting it lift naturally.This meant that by the time the film had ended, they often felt angry and cheated

by the advice given, putting them in a far worse mood than when they had started watching.However, results of the study, published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, revealed that the key to truehappiness was much more simple:

meaningful relationships with friends and family members.Study co-author Professor June Gruber,from the department of psychology at Yale




University in the United States, said of people who actively tried to be happy:

'When you're doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy, that can lead to

disappointment and decreased happiness.'The strongest predictor of happiness is not money, or external recognition through success or fame.It's having meaningful social relationships.' She added: 'That means the best way to increase your happiness is to stop

worrying about being happy and instead divert your energy to nurturing the social bonds you have with other people


题目:Scientific and technological advances have changed our lives.But some scientists in some fields say that scientists are not able to find solutions to the problems they have created.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

范文:We sure live differently from our parents did decades ago.The changes are wide and profound.At the same time, we are facing challenges and problems unknown in the past.Could we find solutions to problems created by scientific development? The answer seems to be no.Some of the most obvious problems caused by technological advances lie in the IT industry.At a time when we did not have computers and electronic bank services, people took money with them and paid by cash.If they were stolen, only the amount they had with them was lost.But now credit cards are more commonly used in shopping malls and other places, crimes again us have become more serious and caused greater losses to people.A thief may tape the code of your credit card and make a copy of it.Then he could safely withdraw all your money from an ATM machine.Crimes such as this are very sticky to solve because there is no witness and the surveillance cameras give little help to the police.Another example is the issue of information control with the media industry including TV networks and Internet that give easy access to information without discrimination to people’s age.This has created a huge problem for parents and schools because teenage people are particularly vulnerable to adult materials and information violent in nature.In the past, when most information came in the form of print, it was relatively easy to control what children read.When a parent put away a book unsuitable for children, they were cut off from the source of information.With computer parents could use software to filter bad web sites but could not prevent new ones from appearing every day.People are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful.Even with the little progress we have achieved, we find ourselves defeated by new problems with greater complexity and in wider scope.In conclusion, developments in many fields of our life have brought us both benefits and problems.Developments in the banking industry give us greater convenience but making us targets of computer-based theft.Changes in media industry expose young people to inappropriate information difficult for parent’s control.However up until now, we have not successfully found permanent solutions yet.Mobile(cell)phones and the Internet play an important role in the way in whichpeople relate to one another socially.Is this a positive or negative development? What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Now that you are benefitting from the use of the mobile phone and the Internetas social media as well as social interaction, could you imagine what your daily liveswould be like without these inventions ? Living in this age of information technology may be a blessing, but there seems an undesirable feeling under disguise.For that matter, probably what you like would be social connectivity and what you dislike might be personal anxiety.It is a positive development that people have found it so easy to relate to one another electronically and share instantly in the social context.As technology has advanced, so has the need to remain contact with friends, family and loved ones.Through digital networking, the cell phone and the Internet have opened doors to the current generation's lives, as previously unheard of.While it goes without saying themany benefits that the Internet has to offer, the latest hand phones are well-equipped with high end features catering to a variety of communication needs from voice calls to text messaging.Apart from being able to help connect people anywhere andanytime, new handsets of innovative technology boast cutting-edge functions designed to upgrade work performance and provide fun factors, all at your fingertips.Besides, what do you have to say about Facebook, Twitter and Google+ that are out there on your computer screens or on your smart phones?

Nevertheless, the heavy use in social networking of the mobile phone and the Internet causes anxiety, not to mention the negative effects produced by possible radiation.Chances are that these gadgets are getting you on nerves.It is not so much because of such networking devices keeping you on alert 24/7 as because of the thought of being without them sometimes.So, there are feelings of increased anxiety during the absence of social mobility, as if when you were psychologically alone in the middle of nowhere.And yet, once people being connected, it appears to be no end of interactive communication, particularly when driving, for instance.In this case, the epidemic of people using cell phones to talk and to send text messages via the Internet behind the wheel could give rise to more of a hazard than drunk driving.As long as social interaction is concerned, it may be said that the hi-tech mobility is like a useful gift from heaven rather than a psychological disease from hell.The benefits of social interaction through the cellular and the Wi-fi seem indeed too good to be blamed.Whatever, there is no turning back to the age of B.C.(BeforeComputer).




题目132:Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction.Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another.Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take.In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.There are two different attitudes toward current technology,one comes to that our opportunities of communication have been decreasing by technology while the other holds that it provides us with new and better ways to interact.I have an agreement with the former.Granted that it is a shortened distance that we have with new technology,it does reduce our opportunities for the truly communication and knowing for real lives our friends have.Firstly,we have to realize positive sides of the development of technology.With the overwhelming spread of computer and cellphone in the world,it is significantly convenient for us to keep in touch with friends or family.We are enjoying the facilitation equipped with the high technology on the planet where are becoming more and more smaller taken for us.Secondly,it is no longer being a state of intense anguish for people who are far away from their hometown since cellphone gives them a chance to communicate with family and we can not imagine that previously.In terms of that reason,we have a new way to connect with others.However,does it provide a better way for communication?As we all know that we have less face-to-face communication in the meanwhile getting convenience.As a consequence,we cannot acquire the comprehensive information for lacking eyeball-to-eyeball conversation.As it does in the case of social network.People can update their mode and tell their friends what happens in a day.Nonetheless,for a nature of honour and disgrace,people hardly disclose everything and often select beauty and things that worth to show off.Never learn people by browsing their personal home page.The technology can not tell you the whole real lives of our friends.If you really want to know someone,you have to pay a visit,talk,laugh and share happiness and sorrow.In sum,technology shorten our distance for communication while it never meant to learn a comprehension of our relatives and friends by a technological communication.



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