
时间:2019-05-14 14:26:44下载本文作者:会员上传





1._______ bad weather!We have to stay in.A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 2._______ strong wind!

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 3._________ big the tree is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 4._________ interesting story it is!A.What B.What an C.How D.How a 5._________ nice they are!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 6._________ beautiful the flower is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 7._________ hard the people are working!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 8._________ good boy he is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 9._________ funny the little boy is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 10._________ hot the water is!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 二.将下列句子变成感叹句:

1.It is quite a nice present.→_____ _____ nice present!

2.We have fine weather today.→_____ _____ weather we have today!3.It’s sunny today.→_____ _____ sunny day it is today!

4.The children are working hard.→_____ _____ the children are working!5.She played basketball wonderfully.→_____ _____ she played basketball!6.He sings well.→_____ _____ he sings!

7.The fish is very lovely.→_____ _____ the fish is!提高练习

1.____ a nice watch it is!(1998山东)A.How B.What C.What a D.How a 2.____ bright girls they are!(1998浙江)A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 3.____ interesting the film is!(1998湖北)A.What B.What an C.How 4.____ sunny day!Let’s go out for a walk.(1999江西)A.How a B.How C.What a D.What 5.____ hard work it is!(1999浙江)A.How B.What C.What a D.What an 6.____ day it is!It’s rainy again.(1999江西)A.How bad B.What a bad C.How fine D.What a fine 时态练习


1.I _________(have)an exciting party last weekend.2._____ she ____(play)the guitar yesterday? No, she ___.3.What ______ Tom ______(do)on Saturday evening? He ______(watch)TV and ____(read)an interesting book.4.They all ______(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.5.She ________(not visit)her aunt last weekend.She ______(stay)at home and ______(do)some cleaning.6.When ______ you _______(write)this song? I _______(write)it last year.7.My friend, Carol, ___________(study)for the math test and __________(read)English last night.8._____ Mr.Li _____(do)the project on Monday morning? 9.How _____(be)Jim’s weekend? It _____(be not)bad.10.________(be)your mother a sales assistant last year? No.she __________.11.We often___________(play)in the playground.12.He _________(get)up at six o’clock.13.________you ______(brush)your teeth every morning.14.What(do)he usually(do)after school? 15.Danny(study)English,Chinese,Maths at school.16.Mike sometimes ______(go)to the park with his sister.17.At night, she often ______(watch)TV with his parents.18.________ Mike________(read)English every day? 19.How many lessons______your classmate_______(have)on Monday? 20.What time______his mother_____(do)the housework? 二,单项选择。

()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be C.is going to be D.will go to be

()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working C.isn’t going to working D.won’t work

()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be; is B.is; is

C.will be; will be D.is; will be

()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was B.is going to have C.will have D.is going to be

()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are; going to; will B.Are; going to be; will C.Are; going to; will be D.Are; going to be; will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give C.gives D.give

()7.– Will you go swimming? – _______.A.No, you won’t.B.Yes, you will.C.No, I will.D.Yes, we will..()8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get B.am getting C.to get D.will get

()9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be D.There are

()10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have

1.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _____ tomorrow.A.don’t rain B.doesn’t rain C.won’t rain 2.There _____ an English film next week.A.will have B.is going to have C.is going to be D.was going to be 3.The picture _______ nice.A.looks B.is looked C.look D.is looking 4.She ______ down and soon fell asleep.A.live B.lain C.laid D.lay

5.They _____ the office at nine yesterday morning.A.reached to B.arrived C.went D.get to

6.We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _____ back next week.A.will come B.came C.would come D.come 7.Don’t smoke until the plane ______ off.A.takes B.took C.was taken D.is take 8.I saw her ____ the room this morning.A.to enter()B.entered C.enter D.enters

9.the teacher asked us ______ to school on time.A.to come B.coming C.come D.comes 10.John is always ______ others.A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help 11.He told us ______ at eight.A.working B.to work C.work D.worked

12.You’d better ______ at home and ______ your homework.A.to stay, do B.stay, do C.to stay, to do D.stay, to do 13.He sat down ______ a rest.A.having B.have C.to have D.had

14.Uncle Wang knows _______ a washing machine.A.how to make B.to make C.how making D.what to make

15.Jim decided _______ Polly to Ling Feng when he was back to England.A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.leave 比较级与最高级


long_____ ______ wet ______ _______ big ____ _____ heavy____ ______fast ______ _______ tall ____ _____ many______ _____well _____ _______ far____ _____ quickly______ _____ happy_____ ______(二)用所给词的正确形式填空:

1.Of the four girls, I find Lucy the _______(clever).2.Iron(铁)is ______(much)useful than gold(黄金).3.My sister is two years _______(old)than I.4.John’s parents have four daughters, and she is the _____(young)child.5.The _____(cheap)bags are the not usually the best ones.6.The one is much_______ expensive than that one.7.The boy is ______(interesting)than his brother.8.Dick sings ____(well), she sings _____(well)than John, but Mary sings_____(well)in her class.9.She will be much ______(happy)in her new house.10.This dress is ______(cheap)than that one.(三)选择填空:

1.He feels _____ today than yesterday.A.tired B.more tired C.more tireder D.much tired 2.Which do you like _____,tea or milk? A.the best B.better C.the better D.good

3.Of the three toys, the child bought _____ one.A.the expensive B.one most expensive C.a least expensive D.the most expensive 4.The line is ____ than that one.A.more longer B.not longer

C.much more longer D.many more longer 5.Today is much ______ than yesterday.A.wet B.weter C.wetter D.wettest 6.The book is ____ than that one.A.cheap B.the cheap C.more cheaper D.cheaper 7.She looks _____ than she does.A.the more older B.very older C.much older D.more older 8.The garden is becoming ______.A.more beautiful and more B.more beautiful and beautiful C.more and more beautiful D.more beautiful and beautifuler 9.They competed(比赛)to see who could work _____.A.the fastest and best B.the faster and the better C.fastest and better D.faster and better 10.Trains are _______ than planes.A.faster B.fast C.slower D.slow 11.Tom runs _______ than Jim.A.quicklier B.more quickly C.quicker D.more quicker



I.选择题 _________clever girl she is!

A What a

B What

C How a

D how 2 __________interesting story it is!

A What an

B What a

C How an

D How 3 _______ clever children they are!

A What

B What a

C How a

D How 4 ____________flowers they are!

A What beautiful

B What a beautiful

C How beautiful

D How a beautiful 5 ___________ it is today!

A How cold

B What cold

C How a cold

D What a cold 6 ___________bad the weather is!

A How

B What

C What a

D How a 7 ______________good news it is!

A How

B What a

C How a

D What 8 _____________the sunshine is!

A What a bright

B How a bright

C How bright

D what bright 9 ___________ he writes.A How good

B How well

C What good

D What well 10 ____________ Tom runs!

A What fast boy

B What fast

C How fast

D How a fast 11.which is true?

A How tall the buildings are!

B What tall the buildings are!

C How tall buildings they are!

D what a tall buildings they are!12.__________ it is raining!

A How heavily

B What heavy

C How heavy 13.____ delicious the dish is!



C.What a 14.____ an interesting subject it is!



C.What 15._________ wonderful time we have had.A.How

B.How a


D.What a


1.The fried fish tastes delicious.

________ ________ the fried fish tastes!

2.New York is beautiful.

________ ________ New York is!

3.It is a useful book.________ ________ ________ book it is!4.That's an interesting film.

________ ________ interesting film that is!

5.The babies are playing happily.

________ ________ the babies are playing!

III.把下列的句子改为感叹句。(答案不唯一)⒈ A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture.B: ___________________________ ⒉ A: Mr Wang is a busy man.B: ___________________________ ⒊ A: The cat is happy.B: ___________________________ 4.A: He is lucky.B: ___________________________ 5.A: The dolphin is playing happily.B: ___________________________ 2


一、选择题(答案在下面)⒈ ____ delicious the dish is!A.What B.How

C.What a ⒉ ____ strange clothes he is wearing!A.What a


C.How a

⒊ ____ an interesting subject it is!A.What


C.What an

⒋ ____ foggy it was yesterday!A.What

B.What a


⒌ ____ careless a boy you are!A.How

B.What a


1)用How或What填空,完成感叹句。1._______________ a nice flower it is!2._______________ fast the tiger runs!3._______________ clever the children are!

4._______________ happily they live!

5.________________ a good time we had yesterday!

6.________________ fun it is to play football!

7.________________ an exciting news!8.________________ friendly the girl is!

9.________________ a friendly girl she is!

10.________________ slowly the woman walks!


1.The children are reading carefully.__________________________________

2.The film is very interesting.______________________________________

3.She works very hard.______________________________________

4.We saw a wonderful film last evening.______________________________________

5.The ships moves slowly.________________________________________

3)同义句改写。1.How delicious the food is!

____________ _________________ food it is!

2.What good news it is!__________ _____________ the news is!

3.He shouted angrily at the boy.___________ _____________ he shouted at the boy!

4.How boring the film is!___________________________ it is!

5.How lovely the children are!_______

二、将正确的感叹词圈起来。1.(What,How)a big classroom!2.(What,How)a nice dress it is!3.(What,How)sweet these candies are!4.(What,How)lovely the rabbits are!5.(What,How)nice you are!

6.(What,How)a good time they are having!7.(What,How)interesting books they are!8.(What,How)old the girl looks!9.(What,How)a lovely day!10.(What,How)good news it is!

三、选择what或how来完成下列感叹句。1._________(What, How)a beautiful picture!2._________(What, How)lovely the baby is!3._________(What, How)delicious soup!4._________(What, How)hard they are studying!5._________(What, How)fine weather it is!6._________(What, How)beautiful flowers they are!7._________(What, How)nice she is!

四、用What或How填空.1._____ fine weather today is!2._____ tall she is!3._____ big the garden is!4._____ beautiful flowers they are!5._____ a good boy he is!6._____ a nice girl she is!7._____ short the pencil is!8._____ beautiful pictures they are!9._____ a big park it is!10._____ sweet these apples are!11._____ a tall building!

五、用what、how填空,使句意完整。1._______ a clever boy he is!2._______ a fine day(it is)today!

3.______ delicious the mooncakes(月饼)are!4._______ nice girls they are!5._______ expensive this bike is!6.______ a good book it is!7._____ small these dogs are!

8.______ bright(明亮的)rooms they are!9.______ clever(聪明的)the monkey is!

六、把下列句子转换为感叹句。1.That is a lovely animal.(用what引导)2.The car runs fast.(用how引导)3.His father is tall.(用how引导)4.The boy is clever.(用how引导)

七、将下列句子改为感叹句。1.Mary speaks fast.2.It’s a long story.3.She is a pretty girl.4.It’s a clean classroom.5.She sings well.6.The ice cream is so delicious.7.My mother is nice.8.John goes to school very early.9.These are very beautiful flowers.10.The watch is small.八、选择填空。

()1._______ lovely girl she is!


B.What a


()2._______ fast Tom runs!


B.What a


()3._______ tall tree it is!


B.What a


()4._______ interesting books they are!


B.How a


()5._______ beautiful the flowers are!


B.How a


()6._______ high he jumps!


B.How a


()7._______ fine weather it is!


B.How a


()8._________ sunny day!Let’s go boating.A.How

B.How a

C.What a

()9._____ clean the classroom is!




D.How a

D.How a

D.How a D.What a

D.What a

D.What a

D.What a



()10._____ beautiful day it is!



C.What a

D.How a()11.________ thick ice!Let’s go skating, shall we?



C.How a

D.What a()12._____________bad weather it is!



C.How a

D.What a


仁爱英语八上感叹句专项练习(原创)I.写出感叹句的用法: What +________________________________ What+_________________________________ What+_________________________________ How+__________________________________ How+__________________________________ II.根据汉语提示完成句子。

1好新的电脑呀!_______ __________new computer it is!2.看!多么漂亮的花呀!Look!__________ nice flowers!3.好厌烦的电影啊!____________ boring the film is!4.多么聪明的男孩啊!___________ _______clever boy he is!5.你的衣服好漂亮呀!______________ beautiful your clothes are!6.好刺激的NBA球赛呀!___________ exciting the NBA games are!7.多么有趣的一本书啊!______ _________ interesting book it is!8.你妹妹好甜呀!__________sweetly your sister is!9.他们工作得好努力呀!________ hard they work!10.---Kate只有5岁的时候就会游泳了。---多么聪明的女孩啊!---Kate could swim when she was only 5 years old.---______________ bright the girl is!III.用WhatWhat a(n)How填空。

1._______ I want to see you!

2._______ carefully the boy does his homework!3._______ well you sing but _______ badly he dances!4.________ cheap these clothes are!I’d like to buy some for my son.5._______ fools they were!They believed what the girls said.6._______ difficult questions they are!I can’t answer them.7.Oh, ________ mistake you’ve made!It’s too bad.8._______ lovely weather we are having these days!

9._______ delicious your supper is!

10._______ interesting work it is to teach children!11._________clever girl she is!

12.__________interesting story it is!13._______ children they are!

14.____________flowers they are!15.___________ it is today!

16.___________bad the weather is!

17._______ hard he works!

18._____________bright the sunshine is!19.___________ he writes.20.____________ LiLei runs!21.______________good news it is!



()1._______a clever boy he is!




()2._______she dances!

A.How good

B.How well

C.What well

()3._______quiet the park is!

A.What a


C.How a

()4._____his father works!

A.How careful

B.How carefully

C.What careful

()5._____noisy they are making!



C.How a

()6.______delicious soup!



C.What a

()7.______heavy snow!

A.What a



()8.____old bike Li Lei is riding!

A.What a

B.What an


()9.______exciting moment it is!


B.How an

C.What an

()10.______supper we’re having today!

A.What a delicious

B.How delicious

C.What delicious

()11.________fine weather it is today!


B.What a


()12._____fast the boys are running!


B.What a


()13._______the mooncakes are!

A.How delicious

B.What delicious

C.What a delicious

()14.____surprising news it is!



C.What a

()15.____time we’re having today!

A.What a good

B.How good

C.What good

()16._______I miss you!



C.How do

()17.Look!______beautiful that lake is!



C.What a

()18.________ slowly Tom runs!



C.What a

()19._____lovely the snow looks!



C.What a

()20.________useful information it is!

A.What an



()21._______beautiful flowers they are!



C.What a

()22._______lovely a girl she is!



C.What a

()23._______they love their country!



C.What a

()24._______long hair she has!

A.What a



()25._______beautiful music we are listening to!


B.What a


()26._______exciting a football match it is!



C.What an

()27._______hard-working Chinese people!



C.How do

()28._______a lovely view!

A.Is it

B.Isn’t it

C.Aren’t they

()29._______time they had yesterday!

A.How wonderful

B.What wonderful

C.What a wonderful

()30.______worried they looked!



C.How are

Answers: 1---5 ABBBB

6---10 BABCA

11---15 CCABA

16---20 BAABC

21---25 BBBBC

26—30 BBBCB



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