框架筒结构: 如果所有的构件都用某种方式互相联系在一起,整个建筑就像是从地面发射出的一个空心筒体或是一个刚性盒子一样。这个时候此高层建筑的整个结构抵抗风荷载的所有强度和刚度将达到最大的效率。这种特殊的结构体系首次被芝加哥的43层钢筋混凝土的德威特红棕色的公寓大楼所采用。但是这种结构体系的的所有应用中最引人注目的还要属在纽约建造的100层的双筒结构的世界贸易中心大厦。
斜撑桁架筒体: 建筑物的外柱可以彼此独立的间隔布置,也可以借助于通过梁柱中心线的交叉的斜撑构件联系在一起,形成一个共同工作的筒体结构。这种高度的结构体系首次被芝加哥的John Hancock 中心大厦采用。这项工程所耗用的刚才量与传统的四十层
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)43 高楼的用钢量相当。
筒体: 随着对更高层建筑的要求不断地增大。筒体结构和斜撑桁架筒体被设计成捆束状以形成更大的筒体来保持建筑物的高效能。芝加哥的110层的Sears Roebuck 总部大楼有9个筒体,从基础开始分成三个部分。这些独立筒体中的终端处在不同高度的建筑体中,这充分体现出了这种新式结构观念的建筑风格自由化的潜能。这座建筑物1450英尺(442米)高,是世界上最高的大厦。
由于薄壳立面的贡献,整个框架筒的构件无需过大的质量。这样以来使得结构既轻巧又经济。所有的典型柱和窗下墙托梁都是轧制型材,最大程度上减小了组合构件的使用和耗费。托梁周围的厚度也可适当的减小。而可能占据宝贵空间的墙上镦梁的尺寸也可以最大程度地得到控制。这种结构体系已被建造在匹兹堡洲的One Mellon银行中心所运用。
钢结构与混凝土结构的联合体系也有所发展。Skidmore ,Owings 和Merrill共同设计的混合体系就是一个好例子。在此体系中,外部的混凝土框架筒包围着内部的钢框架,从而结合了钢筋混凝土体系与钢结构体系各自的优点。在新奥尔良建造的52层的独壳广场大厦就是运用了这种体系。
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)44 式存在的钢的热轧加工工艺。上个世纪七十年代,除了对其他材料的需求在增长,钢结构仍然保持着对于来自美国、英国、日本、西德、法国等国家的钢材厂钢材的大量需求。
发展历史:早在Bessemer和Siemens-Marton(开放式炉)工艺出现以前,钢结构就已经有几十年的历史了。而直到此工艺问世之后才使得钢材可以大批生产出来供结构所用。对钢结构诸多问题的研究开始于铁结构的使用,当时很著名的研究对象是1977年在英国建造的横跨斯沃河的Coalbrook dale 大桥。这座大桥以及后来的铁桥设计再加上蒸汽锅炉、铁船身的设计都刺激了建筑安装设计以及连接工艺的发展。铁结构对材料的需求量较小是优胜于砖石结构的主要方面。长久以来一直用木材制作的三角桁架也换成铁制的了。承受由直接荷载产生的重力作用的受压构件常用铸铁制造,而承受由悬挂荷载产生的推力作用的受拉构件常用熟铁制造。
1851年英国的Joseph Paxtond为伦敦博览会建造了水晶宫。据说当时他已有这样的骨架结构构思:用比较细的铁梁作为玻璃幕墙的骨架。此建筑的风荷载抵抗力是由对角拉杆所提供的。在金属结构的发展历史中,有两个标志性事件:首先是从木桥发展而来的格构梁由木制转化为铁制;其次是锻铁制的受拉构件与铸铁制的受压构件受热后通过铆钉连接工艺的发展。
十九世纪五六十年代,Bessemer 与 Siemens-Martin工艺的发展使钢材的生产能满足结构的需求。钢的受拉强度与受压强度都好于铁。这种新型的金属常被有想象力的工程师所利用,尤其倍受那些参与过英国、欧洲以及美国的道桥建设的工程师的喜爱。
其中一个很好的例子就是Eads大桥(也被称为路易斯洲大桥)(1867-1874)。在这座大桥中,每隔500英尺(152.5米)设有由钢管加强肋形成的拱。英国的Firth of Forth悬索桥设有管件支撑,直径大约为12英尺(3.66米),长度为350英尺(107)米。这些大桥以及其他结构在引导钢结构的发展,规范的实施,许用应力的设计方面起到了很重要的作用。1907年Quebec悬索大桥的偶然破坏揭露了二十世纪初期由于缺乏足够的理论知识,甚至是缺乏足够的理论研究的基础知识,而导致在应力分析方面出现了很多的不足。但是,这样的损坏却很少出现在金属骨架的办公大楼中。因为尽管在缺乏缜密的分析的情况下,这些建筑也表现出了很高的实用性。在上个世纪中叶,没有经过任何特殊合金强化、硬化过的普通碳素钢已经被广泛地使用了。
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)45 仅用几个月的时间就完成了整个工程任务,还是很低的工程造价都使它脱颖而出。
首批摩天大厦:在刚结构发展的同时,美国的另一个是也蓬勃的发展起来了。1884-1885年,芝加哥的工程师Maj.William Le Baron Jennny设计了家庭保险公司大厦。这座大厦也是金属结构的,有十层高。大厦的梁是钢制的,而柱是铸铁所制。铸铁制的过梁支撑着窗洞口上方的砌体,同时也需要铸铁制的柱支撑着。实心砌体的天井与界墙提供抵抗风载的侧向支撑。不到十年的功夫,芝加哥和纽约已经有超过30座办公大楼是利用这种结构。钢材在这些结构中起了非常大的作用。这种结构利用铆钉把梁与柱连接在一起。有时为了抵抗风荷载还是在竖向构件和横向构件的连接点出贴覆上节点板来加固结构。此外,轻型的玻璃幕墙结构代替了老式的重质砌体结构。
紧随着钢结构的发展,1988年第一部电梯问世了。安全载客电梯诞生,以及安全经济的钢结构设计方法的发展促使建筑高度迅猛增加。1902年在纽约建造的高286英寸(87.2米)的Flatiron大厦不断地被后来的建筑所超越。这些建筑分别是高375英尺(115米)的时代大厦(1904),(后来改名为联合化工制品大厦)。1908年在华尔街建造的高468英尺(143米)的城市投资公司大厦,高612 英尺(187米)的星尔大厦,以及700英尺(214米)的都市塔和780英尺高(232米)的Woll worth大厦。
房屋高度与高宽比的不断增加也带来了许多的问题。为了控制道路的阻塞,要对建筑的缩进设计进行限定。侧向支撑的设置也是其中一项技术问题,例如,埃非尔铁塔所采用的对角支撑体系对于要靠太阳光来照明的办公大厦就不实用了。而只有考虑到具体的单独梁与单独柱的抗弯能力以及梁柱相交处的刚度的框架设计才是可靠的。随着现代内部采光体系的不断发展,抵抗风荷载的对角支撑又重新被利用起来了。芝加哥的John Hancock 中心就是一个很显著的例子。外部的对角支撑成为此结构立面的一个很显眼的部分。
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)46 是由Bayonne海湾对岸的军械库所提供的。是由用精密仪器控制的驳船和卡车负责运输的。由九架起重机将这些梁提升到指定的位置。由工业轨道装置把钢材和其他材料移到每一层上去。先是螺栓连接紧接着铆钉连接,最后是装修,整个工程的最终完成只用了一年零45天。
Talling building and Steel construction Although there have been many advancements in building construction technology in general.Spectacular archievements have been made in the design and construction of ultrahigh-rise buildings.The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing.Reinforced
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)47 concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes.The high-rise buildings ranging from 50 to 110 stories that are being built all over the United States are the result of innovations and development of new structual systems.Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to make buildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyond an acceptable limit.Excessive lateral sway may cause serious recurring damage to partitions,ceilings.and other architectural details.In addition,excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because their perception of such motion.Structural systems of reinforced concrete,as well as steel,take full advantage of inherent potential stiffness of the total building and therefore require additional stiffening to limit the sway.In a steel structure,for example,the economy can be defined in terms of the total average quantity of steel per square foot of floor area of the building.Curve A in Fig.1 represents the average unit weight of a conventional frame with increasing numbers of stories.Curve B represents the average steel weight if the frame is protected from all lateral loads.The gap between the upper boundary and the lower boundary represents the premium for height for the traditional column-and-beam frame.Structural engineers have developed structural systems with a view to eliminating this premium.Systems in steel.Tall buildings in steel developed as a result of several types of structural innovations.The innovations have been applied to the construction of both office and apartment buildings.Frame with rigid belt trusses.In order to tie the exterior columns of a frame structure to the interior vertical trusses,a system of rigid belt trusses at mid-height and at the top of the building may be used.A good example of this system is the First Wisconsin Bank Building(1974)in Milwaukee.Framed tube.The maximum efficiency of the total structure of a tall building, for both strength and stiffness,to resist wind load can be achieved only if all column element can be connected to each other in such a way that the entire building acts as a hollow tube or rigid box in projecting out of the ground.This particular structural system was probably used for the first time in the 43-story reinforced concrete DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building in Chicago.The
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)48 most significant use of this system is in the twin structural steel towers of the 110-story World Trade Center building in New York Column-diagonal truss tube.The exterior columns of a building can be spaced reasonably far apart and yet be made to work together as a tube by connecting them with diagonal members interesting at the centre line of the columns and beams.This simple yet extremely efficient system was used for the first time on the John Hancock Centre in Chicago, using as much steel as is normally needed for a traditional 40-story building.Bundled tube.With the continuing need for larger and taller buildings, the framed tube or the column-diagonal truss tube may be used in a bundled form to create larger tube envelopes while maintaining high efficiency.The 110-story Sears Roebuck Headquarters Building in Chicago has nine tube, bundled at the base of the building in three rows.Some of these individual tubes terminate at different heights of the building, demonstrating the unlimited architectural possibilities of this latest structural concept.The Sears tower, at a height of 1450 ft(442m), is the world’s tallest building.Stressed-skin tube system.The tube structural system was developed for improving the resistance to lateral forces(wind and earthquake)and the control of drift(lateral building movement)in high-rise building.The stressed-skin tube takes the tube system a step further.The development of the stressed-skin tube utilizes the façade of the building as a structural element which acts with the framed tube, thus providing an efficient way of resisting lateral loads in high-rise buildings, and resulting in cost-effective column-free interior space with a high ratio of net to gross floor area.Because of the contribution of the stressed-skin façade, the framed members of the tube require less mass, and are thus lighter and less expensive.All the typical columns and spandrel beams are standard rolled shapes,minimizing the use and cost of special built-up members.The depth requirement for the perimeter spandrel beams is also reduced, and the need for upset beams above floors, which would encroach on valuable space, is minimized.The structural system has been used on the 54-story One Mellon Bank Center in Pittburgh.Systems in concrete.While tall buildings constructed of steel had an early start, development of tall buildings of reinforced concrete progressed at a fast enough rate to provide a competitive chanllenge to structural steel systems for both office and apartment buildings.沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)49 Framed tube.As discussed above, the first framed tube concept for tall buildings was used for the 43-story DeWitt Chestnut Apartment Building.In this building ,exterior columns were spaced at 5.5ft(1.68m)centers, and interior columns were used as needed to support the 8-in.-thick(20-m)flat-plate concrete slabs.Tube in tube.Another system in reinforced concrete for office buildings combines the traditional shear wall construction with an exterior framed tube.The system consists of an outer framed tube of very closely spaced columns and an interior rigid shear wall tube enclosing the central service area.The system(Fig.2), known as the tube-in-tube system , made it possible to design the world’s present tallest(714ft or 218m)lightweight concrete building(the 52-story One Shell Plaza Building in Houston)for the unit price of a traditional shear wall structure of only 35 stories.Systems combining both concrete and steel have also been developed, an examle of which is the composite system developed by skidmore, Owings &Merril in which an exterior closely spaced framed tube in concrete envelops an interior steel framing, thereby combining the advantages of both reinforced concrete and structural steel systems.The 52-story One Shell Square Building in New Orleans is based on this system.Steel construction refers to a broad range of building construction in which steel plays the leading role.Most steel construction consists of large-scale buildings or engineering works, with the steel generally in the form of beams, girders, bars, plates, and other members shaped through the hot-rolled process.Despite the increased use of other materials, steel construction remained a major outlet for the steel industries of the U.S, U.K, U.S.S.R, Japan, West German, France, and other steel producers in the 1970s.Early history.The history of steel construction begins paradoxically several decades before the introduction of the Bessemer and the Siemens-Martin(openj-hearth)processes made it possible to produce steel in quantities sufficient for structure use.Many of problems of steel construction were studied earlier in connection with iron construction, which began with the Coalbrookdale Bridge, built in cast iron over the Severn River in England in 1777.This and subsequent iron bridge work, in addition to the construction of steam boilers and iron ship hulls , spurred the development of techniques for fabricating, designing, and jioning.The advantages of iron over masonry lay in the much smaller amounts of material required.The truss form, based
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)50 on the resistance of the triangle to deformation, long used in timber, was translated effectively into iron, with cast iron being used for compression members-i.e, those bearing the weight of direct loading-and wrought iron being used for tension members-i.e, those bearing the pull of suspended loading.The technique for passing iron, heated to the plastic state, between rolls to form flat and rounded bars, was developed as early as 1800;by 1819 angle irons were rolled;and in 1849 the first I beams, 17.7 feet(5.4m)long , were fabricated as roof girders for a Paris railroad station.Two years later Joseph Paxton of England built the Crystal Palace for the London Exposition of 1851.He is said to have conceived the idea of cage construction-using relatively slender iron beams as a skeleton for the glass walls of a large, open structure.Resistance to wind forces in the Crystal palace was provided by diagonal iron rods.Two feature are particularly important in the history of metal construction;first, the use of latticed girder, which are small trusses, a form first developed in timber bridges and other structures and translated into metal by Paxton;and second, the joining of wrought-iron tension members and cast-iron compression members by means of rivets inserted while hot.In 1853 the first metal floor beams were rolled for the Cooper Union Building in New York.In the light of the principal market demand for iron beams at the time, it is not surprising that the Cooper Union beams closely resembled railroad rails.The development of the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin processes in the 1850s and 1860s suddenly open the way to the use of steel for structural purpose.Stronger than iron in both tension and compression ,the newly available metal was seized on by imaginative engineers, notably by those involved in building the great number of heavy railroad bridges then in demand in Britain, Europe, and the U.S.A notable example was the Eads Bridge, also known as the St.Louis Bridge, in St.Louis(1867-1874), in which tubular steel ribs were used to form arches with a span of more than 500ft(152.5m).In Britain, the Firth of Forth cantilever bridge(1883-90)employed tubular struts, some 12 ft(3.66m)in diameter and 350 ft(107m)long.Such bridges and other structures were important in leading to the development and enforcement of standards and codification of permissible design stresses.The lack of adequate theoretical knowledge, and even of an adequate basis for theoretical studies, limited the value of stress analysis during the early years of the 20th
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)51 century,as iccasionally failures,such as that of a cantilever bridge in Quebec in 1907,revealed.But failures were rare in the metal-skeleton office buildings;the simplicity of their design proved highly practical even in the absence of sophisticated analysis techniques.Throughout the first third of the century, ordinary carbon steel, without any special alloy strengthening or hardening, was universally used.The possibilities inherent in metal construction for high-rise building was demonstrated to the world by the Paris Exposition of 1889.for which Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, a leading French bridge engineer, erected an openwork metal tower 300m(984 ft)high.Not only was the height-more than double that of the Great Pyramid-remarkable, but the speed of erection and low cost were even more so, a small crew completed the work in a few months.The first skyscrapers.Meantime, in the United States another important development was taking place.In 1884-85 Maj.William Le Baron Jenney, a Chicago engineer , had designed the Home Insurance Building, ten stories high, with a metal skeleton.Jenney’s beams were of Bessemer steel, though his columns were cast iron.Cast iron lintels supporting masonry over window openings were, in turn, supported on the cast iron columns.Soild masonry court and party walls provided lateral support against wind loading.Within a decade the same type of construction had been used in more than 30 office buildings in Chicago and New York.Steel played a larger and larger role in these , with riveted connections for beams and columns, sometimes strengthened for wind bracing by overlaying gusset plates at the junction of vertical and horizontal members.Light masonry curtain walls, supported at each floor level, replaced the old heavy masonry curtain walls, supported at each floor level , replaced the old heavy masonry.Though the new construction form was to remain centred almost entirely in America for several decade, its impact on the steel industry was worldwide.By the last years of the 19th century, the basic structural shapes-I beams up to 20 in.(0.508m)in depth and Z and T shapes of lesser proportions were readily available, to combine with plates of several widths and thicknesses to make efficient members of any required size and strength.In 1885 the heaviest structural shape produced through hot-rolling weighed less than 100 pounds(45 kilograms)per foot;decade by decade this figure rose until in the 1960s it exceeded 700 pounds(320 kilograms)per foot.Coincident with the introduction of structural steel came the introduction of the Otis electric
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)52 elevator in 1889.The demonstration of a safe passenger elevator, together with that of a safe and economical steel construction method, sent building heights soaring.In New York the 286-ft(87.2-m)Flatiron Building of 1902 was surpassed in 1904 by the 375-ft(115-m)Times Building(renamed the Allied Chemical Building), the 468-ft(143-m)City Investing Company Building in Wall Street, the 612-ft(187-m)Singer Building(1908), the 700-ft(214-m)Metropolitan Tower(1909)and, in 1913, the 780-ft(232-m)Woolworth Building.The rapid increase in height and the height-to-width ratio brought problems.To limit street congestion, building setback design was prescribed.On the technical side, the problem of lateral support was studied.A diagonal bracing system, such as that used in the Eiffel Tower, was not architecturally desirable in offices relying on sunlight for illumination.The answer was found in greater reliance on the bending resistance of certain individual beams and columns strategically designed into the skeletn frame, together with a high degree of rigidity sought at the junction of the beams and columns.With today’s modern interior lighting systems, however, diagonal bracing against wind loads has returned;one notable example is the John Hancock Center in Chicago, where the external X-braces form a dramatic part of the structure’s façade.World War I brought an interruption to the boom in what had come to be called skyscrapers(the origin of the word is uncertain), but in the 1920s New York saw a resumption of the height race, culminating in the Empire State Building in the 1931.The Empire State’s 102 stories(1,250ft.[381m])were to keep it established as the hightest building in the world for the next 40 years.Its speed of the erection demonstrated how thoroughly the new construction technique had been mastered.A depot across the bay at Bayonne, N.J., supplied the girders by lighter and truck on a schedule operated with millitary precision;nine derricks powerde by electric hoists lifted the girders to position;an industrial-railway setup moved steel and other material on each floor.Initial connections were made by bolting , closely followed by riveting, followed by masonry and finishing.The entire job was completed in one year and 45 days.The worldwide depression of the 1930s and World War II provided another interruption to steel construction development, but at the same time the introduction of welding to replace riveting provided an important advance.Joining of steel parts by metal are welding had been successfully achieved by the end of the 19th century and was used in emergency ship repairs during World War I, but its application to
沈阳建筑工程学院毕业设计(论文)53 construction was limited until after World War II.Another advance in the same area had been the introduction of high-strength bolts to replace rivets in field connections.Since the close of World War II, research in Europe, the U.S., and Japan has greatly extended knowledge of the behavior of different types of structural steel under varying stresses, including those exceeding the yield point, making possible more refined and systematic analysis.This in turn has led to the adoption of more liberal design codes in most countries, more imaginative design made possible by so-called plastic design ?The introduction of the computer by short-cutting tedious paperwork, made further advances and savings possible.
第二篇:专业英语 翻译
1.Design means features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation applicable to an article, being features that, in the finished article, can be judged by the eye, but does not include method or principle if construction.1 设计意味着形状的特征,结构,图案或装饰,用于一个物品中,成为一种特征,在完成的物品中,可以通过眼睛来判断,但不包括形成方法或原则。
2.Design is the activity that makes the living environment more suitable for people,it is also the tool by which the technologies, manufacture ability, market needs and resources can be transferred into the useful results and products.设计是一种能让生活环境更适宜人类生存的活动,也是一种可以将科学技术、制造能力、市场需求和资源转换为有用的结果和产品的工具。Design is the area of human experience, skill and knowledge that reflects mains concernwith the appreciation of his surroundings in the light of his materials and spiritual need, in particular, it relates with configuration, composition, meaning, value and purpose in man-made phenomena.3设计是人类的体验、技能和知识的结合体,源于设计者对其周遭环境的欣赏,按照其当时拥有的材料和精神需求,反映了一些主要问题,特别是在人为现象中,设计与外形结构、组成成分、含义、价值和目的都有关系。
4Design is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer.4 设计是一种创造、开发新的观念与规范的专业服务,即在用户和制造商的共同利益的基础上,优化产品和系统的功能、价值和外观。
5.Design is an activity that uses wide range of experience, knowledge, and skills to find the best solution to a problem, within certain constrains.一定的约束。设计是一种活动,它广泛运用经验,知识,和技能,在一定的约束下,去寻找解决问题的最佳方法。
6.Design is far more than just problem-solving.It involves the whole process of producing a solution, from conception to evaluation.概念 评价。设计不仅仅是解决问题,它包括一个从概念到评估全过程的解决方法。
7.Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects多方面的品质目标, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles.7 设计是一种创造性的活动,旨在建立多方面的品质目标,过程,服务和全部生命周期中的系统。
8.Design is concerned with the whole process from identifying a problem, through to creating a solution and then testing it.设计与发现问题,解决方案以及对其试验的整个过程密切相关。
When applied to fine and applied arts, engineering, and other such creative efforts, design is both a noun and a verb.当设计应用于精美的或者实用型的艺术、工程或其他类似的创造性工作时,它既是一个
名词,又是一个动词。Red activates your pituitary gland, increasing your heart rate and causing you to breathe more rapidly.This visceral response makes red aggressive, energetic, provocative and attention-grabbing.Count on red to evoke a passionate response, albeit not always a favorable one.For example, red can represent danger or indebtedness.9 红色,激活了你的脑下垂体,增加了你的心率,加速了你的呼吸。这些生理上的反应也赋予了红色以攻击性、活力、刺激并引人注目。虽然红色并非总是最惹人喜爱的颜色,但凭借红色仍可唤起充满激情的回应。例如,红色可以用来表征危险或债务。It's important to remember that colors can have different meanings in different parts of the world.If your business operates globally, make sure you research the color selections for your brand to ensure your colors accurately communicate your brand image in international markets.10 我们应当铭记,各种色彩在世界的不同地区有着不同的含义。如果你在从事全球性的贸易,一定要充分调研自家品牌的色彩选择,确保选用的颜色在国际市场上能够准确传达品牌形象。
11.Blue is frequently used to promote products and services related to cleanliness and purity — cleaning liquids and water purification filters — air and sky for airlines, airports, and air conditioners, or water and sea such as bottled waters and ocean voyages.11.蓝色是经常被用来促进产品和服务,清洁和纯洁性清洁液体和水净化过滤器-空气,天空与航空公司,机场,和空调,或水和海水如瓶装水和大洋航行。
Rococo 洛可可Baroque style 巴洛克风格 Romantic painting浪漫主义画派Realism现实主义Abstract 抽象派
secondary colors:间色(绿橙紫)
primary colors:原色
complementary colors:补色
in-house 内部的the definition of design management 设计管理的定义
design project management设计项目管理
Sustainable design 可持续设计
Green design 绿色设计
cutting-edge前沿的end-user 终端用户
humanity 人,人性
human centered design 以人为本的设计
briefn.概要, 摘要
The design process设计过程
Observation and adaptation观察法和改良设计
ideas from drawing从图纸的想法
Brainstorming 头脑风暴
Checklists 调查问卷法
human body measurement 人体测量
a procedural flow chart 程序流程图
time schedule 时间表
sustainable design(green design)可持续设计
spark-igniton engine 电火花式发动机 acceptance sampling 认可采样 accessing 访问 accurate 准确的 acoustic 声学的 actuator 作动器 alternator 交流发动机 analog sensor 模拟传感器
analog-to-digital converter 模数转换器 armature 电枢
Artificial intelligence 人工智能 artificial neural networks 神经网络 as a general rule of thumb 按惯例 assumption 假设
asynchronous AC motors 异步交流电动机asynchronous 不同时的,异步的 bargains 讨价还价 bear on 生成 binomial 二项的 Brake system 制动系统
brushed/brushless motors 有刷/无刷电机 built into 内建
By the same token 出于同样的原因 capacitor Start 电容器启动(电动机)catastrophically 毁灭性地 charging circuit 充电电路 Charging system 供电系统 chassis 车身底盘
compression-ignition engine 压然式发动机 coil high-tension cables 线圈高压电缆 compartment 间隔间,车厢 Compound wound 复励 concerned with 与有关 concise 简洁
conductivity 传导率constant load 定常负载 contracts 合同 Converter 转换器
corporate activities 公司的行为 credited letters 对账单 cylinder 汽缸
data acquisition 数据拾取defectives 缺陷产品 derived from 起源于
destructive inspection 有损检测 Detect 检测
diesel/compression-ignition engine 柴油机 Differential 差速器
dimensions of parts 零件的尺寸 dissipate 耗尽,用完 distribution 分发 distributor 分电器
downgrade to a lower quality level 信用等级下调 dynamic braking 动态制动
Electricalsystem 电气系统electrical equipment 电气装置 electrical schematics 电气原理图 electrical system 供电系统
electromechanical system 机电系统electromechanical 机电的 eliminate 排除 emphasis on 强调 equivalent 相等的 Essential 基本的 establish 建立
expert system 专家系统
fiber-optic sensor 光纤传感器fiber-optic sensors 光纤传感器 Fiber-optic 光纤 field service 现场服务 flaws 有缺点的 flux 通量 flywheel 飞轮
fractional horsepower(rating)小功率电动机 fractional 部分的,分数的 functional 功能的gasoline/spark-ignition engine 汽油机 Gas-turbine engine汽轮机 generate 产生 geographic 地理的Gross domestic product 总产值heat engines 热机 high-tension 高压的 hood(发动机)罩 humidity 湿度 hyperbolic 双曲线的hysteresis motors磁滞式电动机 hysteresis 滞后作用,磁滞式 hysteresis:磁滞现象ignition coil 点火线圈Ignition system点火系统 imbalance 不平衡,不均衡 imperfect 不合格的 impetus 推动,激励 in terms of 根据
increase or decrease the slip speed of the rotor 增减转子的滑动速率
induction motor 感应式电机 induction 电磁感应
information technologies 信息技术 inherent 固有的initial impetus 最初的发展 Inorganic materials 无机材料 inspect 检查
Instrument servo motor 仪表伺服电机 internal combustion engine 内燃机
internal combustion 内燃机 invoices 发票
irreversible 不可逆转的leading power factor 超前功率因数 load torque负载扭矩Logicf unction 逻辑功能 logistic support 后勤保障 log-normal 对数正态的 low-tension 低压的 Magnetic slip 电磁转差率 maintained 保留 makes up for 弥补 manipulate 操纵 marginal cost 边际成本 medium 中间,媒介
mercury thermometer 水银温度计 Missile flight tracking导弹飞性追踪 moment of inertia 转动惯量 monitoring 监视
motor winding电机绕组:
national codes and standards 国标 negotiate 谈判
nondestructive inspection 无损检测 nondestructive 无损检测
Nonmentallicmaterials非金属材料 operating practice 实际操作 permanent magnet 永磁
permanent split capacitor 固定分相的电容器 permeability 渗透性 places the order 下订单 Poisson distributions 泊松分布 Polar inertia极惯性矩poly-phase AC motors 多相交流电动机 polyphase 多相的 Power factor功率因数
Price-performance ratio 性价比 Principal component 主要部件 proximity sensor 接近传感器 purchase order 订单 quality assurance 质量保证 quality in conformance 产品移植性 raw materials 原材料 Rear wheel drive后轮驱动
regenerative braking 再生制动,反馈制动 regenerative 再生的,反馈的reluctance 磁阻repulsion induction 推斥式感应repulsion start 推斥式启动 reversible 可逆的 Rotational speed转速
rotor magnetic field rotate 转子磁场运动 sampling 采样 scheme 安排
schemes 方案 scrapped 抛弃
semi-finished parts 半成品 sensor fusion 传感器融合Series wound串励shaded pole 屏蔽极式 Sheet metal shell金属板壳 Shunt wound并励 Shut-off关断
signs the agreement 签合同 single phase 单相的 smart sensor 智能传感器 somewhat 稍微,有点
sophistication 复杂性,完善化,采用先进技术spark plug cables 火花塞电缆 spark plug 火花塞 specifications 指标
speed transducer 速度传感器 split phase 分相式 squirrel cage 鼠笼式
Starting system 启动系统statistical 统计的 统计学 统计学的 steering systems 方向系统 steering 转向器 stepper motors 步进电机 strain 应变 sufficient 足够的surface treatment 表面处理surroundings 环境
Suspension system悬挂系统 suspension 悬架
switch 开关,转换器synchronous AC motors 同步交流电动机 synchronous 同时的Tactile sensing 触觉传感技术 technique-based decision 技术决策 tends to 倾向于 tenet 原则
tensile tests 拉伸实验 tensile 可拉长的 tensile 张力,拉力
the induction motor operates near the ferquency of the input source:感应式电动机在接近输入电源频率下运行。The internal combustion engine 内燃机 Tolerance levels公差等级 Torque 扭矩
torque-speed curves 转矩-速度曲线 traceability 可描绘
traditional business 传统商务 transmission systems 传动系统 transmission 变速器 trunk deck 行李箱盖
two-value capacitor start 两价电容器启动
ubiquitous 普遍存在的 ultrasonic 超声的,超声波 universal motor 交直流两用电动机 utilize 利用
variability 可变的 可变性 vehicle 车辆
Visual sensing视觉传感技术 voltage regulator 电压调整器 Weight distribution 质量分配 Winding current绕住电流
with the emergence of digital signal processors and microcontrollers 随着数字信号处理器和控制器的出现 wound rotor induction motor绕线转子电动机 wound rotor 绕线转子
An important..point有理想运放的特性可以得出一个重要的结论,级放大器的反向输入端无电流流过
Another example..eath另一个例子就是将由太空船拍摄的火星图片传送至地球上的地面工作站
A rugged..individually成像问题要求能识别个体目标,采用粗糙的分割方法似的距离要求有很大差距
A television..network电视网关是一个通信设备,他讲电视媒体服务器接收的音视频转换成收看者或不同网络能使用的形式
a lot..variables具体说明随笔变量的精确分布需要大量信息,说明两个或者两个以上的变量的联合分布甚至需要更多的信息
although it is虽然运算放大器看成一个具有理想输入输出特性的黑盒子是实用且简单的但是了解他北部工作原理仍是很重要的,这样的话,人们能够处理由其内部寄生电容引起的等
a signa..phenomenonl一个信号正式定义为:一个承载着一个物理现象本质信息的单变量或多变量函数
a basic..theory 这本书最基本的前提是多数实际的dsp技术可以学习和使用为不存在传统的关于详细的数学和理论的障碍
although large尽管大规模的图像处理系统仍然被出售用于大量的图像应用,例如卫星图像的处理,继续趋向于小型化,并且混合通用的电脑带有专门的图像处理 All of the新的蜂窝系统都是数字化的,即采用二进制接口,这样原则上可以用于声音或数据。由于这些蜂窝系统和他们的标准与案件集中在通话上,蜂窝系统中当前的数据比率和延迟基本上是有声音需要决定的。
Connection with..make切换时用户先断开和旧的nodeb之间的链接,再与新的nodeb建立连接,因此这样的切换也被称为先开后合Central to压缩系统基于一个视频广播网络,他的工作是用于小量网络带宽传输高质量的视频和音频给终端用户。IPTV压缩系统主要的任务是减少信息的存储量,同时保持视频流和音频流的质量。
Description,also图像描述也称为特征选取,是指从图像中提取某些特征,这些特征或者产生人们感兴趣的定量信息,或者作为区别不同目标类别的基础 Digital media..content数字媒体压缩对数字信号进行分析,并且利用分析信息将表示真是信号形状的高速数字信号转换为表示真实内容的低速数字信号 digital signal..matching关于声音问题的数字信号处理的一般方法有两步。特征匹配和特征提取
dsp is Dsp是种数学算法,这项技术用于处理真是信号有他们转化位数字形式之后其中包括许多目标,例如增强视图,识别和产生语言,压缩存储数据的传输等 Each cell每一部小区电话,当他拨打时会通过它的天线和电磁辐射与有最好交流路径的基站相连。给定区域内的基站通过高速电缆、光线或者微波联络的方式与移动电话交换中心连接
For engineering….theory对于工科学生,学习概率论时应谨记,概率就是理想的比例
Frequency response…amplifier对于理想放大器而言,交流只不过是快速变化的直流,所以其频率响应是一条水平直线,带宽无限
For any…whatsoever对任意线性时不变系统t,只要已知冲力响应h(t)(即系统对单位冲力函数的响应)就可以不用考虑t将经过缩放和位移变换的h(t)相加,即可得到系统t对任意输入的响应
For convenience..design由于在电路实现时必须将离散时间信号转换位数字信号,围在分析与设计过程中则将数字信号看作是离散时间信号,为方便起见,我们不加区别的使用数字信号与离散信号
for any对于任何随机变量来说,分布函数两点间的差值等于这个随机变量落在两点之间的概率值
Fiber cable线缆和分光器是无源的光学元件。在引导光波通过网络上对无源元件的使用,消除了远程功率的需要,这样减少了远程的费用。
It seems that…to be consistent看来,人们对这种不确定性陷入了自己的主管判断中,但是由此产生的概率必须遵循某些准则以保持一致
if a small voltage…small假如在反向输入端测得与相同输入端之间存在一小电压,这放大器的输出电压与该输入电压极性相反且其数字会一直增加(可以是无穷大)直至输入电压变为无穷小为止
in control and..circuitry在控制与仪器仪表应用中,反响放大器的实际价值在于,利用它可以很容易地调整多虚的输入阻抗和争议一直影响管电路的要求 instead,we must measured因此,必须找到一些方法,通过一定数量的测量就能推断出系统对其他未经测量的输入如何影响
In quantization..occur量化时,如果离散时间信号的幅度与量化电平不一致,那么就应采用截断或四舍五入的方式将它近似为某个量化电平,两种情况会产生误差 Iptv is..reliabilityiptv是指ip网络上传送注入电视视频文本图形和数据的多媒体业务,他可提供所需的服务质量,保证安全性交互性和可靠性
in general 通常。随机事件的概率p可以解释为:如果一个实验重复最大量次,这个结果能被观察到百分之100p次
in the case对于理想运算放大器,电路可以通过在反向输入端零电压和零电流的理想求和点约束来简化
if the input如果一个线性系统的输入是正弦波,则输出也是正弦波,确切的说频率也相同
in fact..w实际上,如果一个离散时间序列是绝对可加的,那么和现在连续时间序列情况下一样,它的频谱是一个关于w的又接连续函数
image restoration图像恢复可以用于恢复一个已知的失真图像。有一个客观的标准可以使用
mass大的存储容量在图像处理的应用中是必须的,一个图像尺寸是1024x1204像素,其中每个密集的像素是八个比特,需要一兆的存储空间如果图像不压缩 in archeology在考古学中,图像处理地方法已经成功的回复模糊的画面,并且是唯一可以利用的关于稀少的丢失破坏的人工制品的记录在他们被破坏之后 interest in..perception数字图像处理方法的兴趣起源于两个主要的领域,提高人类对有图像信息的解释,用于存储的图像数据的处理。代表自制机器的感觉
It appears看起来许多无线的点,尤其是那些在蜂窝或当地区域网络中的位置,包含了相对少数有意义的协调的波形,如果带宽足够大能够包含这些波形,那增益会远大于上个例子所提到的J just as正如我们可以将任何信号表示为一系列经过平移缩放的脉冲之和一样,我们也可以把任意一个信号表示层一系列不同频率正弦信号之和
Multicast transmission,.receivers多播传输是一到多的媒体传送过程,他发送单个消息或信息传输,其中包含一个指定的地址以允许网络中的多个分散节点能接收及把 的信号重传给过个接收者
more generally多数情况信号处理是一个提取增强存储和传送有用信息的操作,有用和不需要信息的区别既有主观的也有客观的O operational 运算放大器可以有闭环操作或者开环操作,操作取决与是否使用了反馈
One approach信道测量的一种方法是为每一个传输包分配一定的份额来满足这个目的。在这期间,一个已知的探通序列已被传输,接受者用这个已知序列估计当前信道中的离散时间基带模型的值,或者用于测量连续时间基带模型上的实际波形
Owing to由于近两年在设备和组网费用上的减少,引人瞩目的光线网络的使用有显著增加,他用来传输新兴的基于ip的服务,例如IPTV。另外光线链路提供终端专用的很好的适于IPTV内容传输的链接
On the..inputs另一方面,其他领域如计算机视觉,其最终目的是用计算机来模仿人类视觉,即根据视觉输入来进行学习。推理及出响应
systems are如果每一个有界的输入引起一个有界输出则定义系统达到稳定,离散时间系统达到稳定的条件是h(x)的所有几点都位于z平面的单位圆内 system using系统使用dsp的方法可以开发有用的软件运行在一般的计算机上,因此dps是相对方便的用于开发和测试,并且软件是轻便的This concept…class概率的这种定义是客观的,它应用于每次观测,并以一种相对的方式度量其结果归入相应类别的可能性
This may seem..hardware由于计算机程序是在确定的硬件上运行的指令,这似乎是个奢求
The successive..in practice序列{}中的元素看似互不相关,尽管在序列中存在某些结构(该序列最终的确会重复)但这并不影响实际应用
Though the ideal…cases尽管模型与实际电路相差甚远,比如,理想运放具有无线宽带和无穷大的增益,但需要明白的是,本节利用理想运放推导出的闭环增益公式可直接应用于实际电路,多数情况下两者相差仅为千分之几
The type of…x(t).time称取决于某一独立变量,即时间t的这类信号为一维信号,用x(t)表示
This type..disturbancesa不过,不过这种表示法易受噪声,电源起伏及其他干扰的影响而位于采用
To process..singnal要以数字化的方式处理模拟信号,应先对模拟信号在时间上离散化以生产离散时间信号然后对其幅值量化以生产数字信号
The roots..available数字信号处理始于二十世纪六七十年代,当时数字计算机刚问世
Thus what..book因此,书中所说的数字图像处理既包括输入输出都是图像的过程,也包括从图像中提取特征其他过程,直至对个体目标进行识别也属于本书的范畴
Two chapters..well我们将用两章的篇幅来介绍图像增强,并不是因为它比书中其他的内容更重要,二十把它作为引领读者学习其他章节的一个途径
The manner..sigal花圃中耙的拾草方式与rake接收机中各耙指协同工作以恢复多路发送信号相似
The interference..control当允许新的呼叫时,干扰就会增加。为了避免由于干扰增加而带来的小区覆盖下降,系统引入了准入控制机制
The admission.quality由于系统能未申请了不同容量和质量的业务提供服务,因此在上行链路和下行链路中都是用准入控制
This example..users这个例子示意性地画出了正在观看电影的终端用户,他所看的片源最初是由离终端用户一定距离,而且相隔几个交换设备的媒体中心所提供的 The ubiquity..world宽带连接无处不在,这意味着每个人都能从家里或者办公室一ip多播的形式向其互联网服务提供商直播视频流,使全世界的人都能访问到 the binomial在所有的离散随机变量中,二项式和泊松分布是应用最广泛的离散分布,由于概率分布在统计质量控制中的重要性,它对于工程师们来说特别有用 the operational。design运算放大器是非常有效的多功能的设备,他的应用跨越了广阔的电子工业领域以适应信号调节整形,特殊转移函数,模拟仪器,模拟计
the fouruer傅里叶级数分解是数字领域傅里叶分析的基础,或是高级的拉布拉斯变换,多数极重要的都dsp算法都是以这些方面的技术为基础的the resulting作为结果的二进制码流再添加长的为噪声序列后会处在1.228Mbps。这个码流被复制成两个在余弦波和正选搬移上优先于正交调制的码流。
The mechanism这个机制通过并发式的IPTV包运行,这些IPTV包跨越了某些信道。通过多个信道的包的分布会为调制解调器带来困难,因为信道受抖动和等得时间的影响,如果是这种情况,报将无法到达。
The backbone一个IPTV联网的底成结构的核心是要求在该IPTV数据中心和最后一英里的中区分布网络之间以高速度驱动大量的视屏内容。有一些不同类型的中区传输标准证实对于保证高可靠性、多路径和链路是必要的。
When the responses…system如果系统对经时移后的相统计里产生的具有相应时移的相同响应,我们就得到一种特殊的线性系统称为是不变系统
While this…high尽管该结论并非严格的数学证明,但有理由相信其可信度很高
WhileSuperposition and..inputs叠加与卷积听起来可能有些抽象,但具体可等效解释为:当且仅当系统的响应克表示为输入信号的加权时,该系统才实现形式不变系统
when feedback 当反馈被用于运算放大器时,电路的闭环增益取决于起作用的输入与反馈阻抗的比例
成组技术(GT)是一种类似零件识别的生产哲学,在设计和生产中利用零件的相同点组合在一起。类似零件被安排到了一个零件组。每个零件组具有类似的设计和/或制造的特点。例如,在一个工厂有超过10000不同种类的部件被制作出来。这些零件可以分成30 ~ 40个不同的零件组。有理由相信,一个特定的零件组中每个零件的制造过程是类似的,这将导致生产的效率。效率的实现一般是arrange把生产设备布置成机器组,或单元,以便在流动。生产设备分组成机器单元,每个单元专业化的一个例子是混合模型生产。
计算机集成制造(CIM)是用来描述现代制造业方法的术语。虽然CIM包含着许多其他先进的生产技术,如计算机数控(CNC),计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM),机器人,和准时制(JIT)交货,但它不仅仅是一个新技术、新概念。计算机集成制造实际上是一种全新的制造方法,一种新型的经商之道。
作为一个制造商,库存风险是一个长期问题。制造商的库存承诺始于原材料和零部件,包括半成品,结束于制成品。此外, 成品通常根据顾客需求预期放置于仓库中。实际上,这是将所