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高二外研英语周报2016/2017学年第六期 Book 5 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案


6-10BABCA 11-15 BCACA

16-20BABCC 21-25 DABBA

26-30DABAD 31-35 CDCAC

36-40 AEBDG 41-45 BDBCC

46-50 DBCAB 51-55 DDACD

56-60 BBDCD 61.successful


63.to work

64.of 65.was set

66.spent 67.a



70.working 短文改错:

71....my most favorite way...去掉most 72....and I camped...camped→ camp 73....which we sleep...which → where 74....cook in a fire...in → over / on 75....tastes wonderfully.wonderfully → wonderful 76....smelling fresh air.smelling → smell 77....in the tree...tree → trees 78....feel such peaceful.such → so 79....cost many to...many → much 80....it's best way...best前加the One possible version: Dear John, I'm glad to receive your letter and I'dlike to tell you something about the English Movie Week held in our school lastweek.The activity aimed to make our school lifemore colourful and to develop our interest in English learning.Ten movies thathad won Oscars were shown from Monday to Friday in the school hall.By watchingthe movies, I learned more about Western culture.What's more, I took advantageof the opportunity and made many new friends.We all had a pleasant time duringthe whole week.Best wishes!


部分解析 阅读理解: 第一节: A篇(文娱)

本文是应用文。文章是对著名的卡通配音演员Tara Strong的采访。21.D。推理判断题。由文中的I've always been good atvoices and accents — it comes naturally可知,Tara Strong具有语言天赋。

22.A。词义猜测题。由Tara对Bubbles这个角色的高度评价She's fun, always looks onthe bright side, and is not afraid to be tough if she needs to be可知,她认可这个角色并对此感同身受,即“喜欢”。

23.B。推理判断题。由Tara描述她作为配音演员的生活I work almost every day可知,她每天都很忙碌。

24.B。细节理解题。由文中的Take as many actingclasses as you can.The more acting classes you take, the better!可知,Tara建议那些想要成为配音演员的孩子们尽可能多地参加表演课。B 篇(旅游)


25.A。推理判断题。由第一段的I was afraid of bears.That's what was keeping me from walking the trail alone以及第二段作者遇到一起同行的Ron和Carol后的如释重负可知,在Chilkoot Trailhead标牌前驻足15分钟的作者,因为害怕熊而紧张地不敢独自徒步旅行。

26.D。推理判断题。由第三段的I was writing a bookabout the Klondike Gold Rush, and I wanted to follow in the footsteps of theminers to know what it was really like可知,作者此行是为了寻找写作灵感。

27.A。细节理解题。由第四段的As I was looking aroundat the beautiful scenery in the forest, I tripped over a big tree root andinjured my ankle可知,作者徒步穿越奇尔库特小径时,不小心弄伤了自己。



29.A。细节理解题。由第四段HAAS学院主任Steve Hirakami说的we have experienced a loss of asmany as 100 students可知,由于熔岩流,很多家庭搬走了,这导致了学院的学生人数减少。

30.D。细节理解题。由第二段的in the past severalmonths, lava flow from Kilauea...和倒数第二段的It makes it difficult to forecast when the flow might reach acertain point可知,从基拉韦厄火山喷发的熔岩流已持续了很长一段时间。

31.C。推理判断题。由最后一段Hirakami说的Don't waste time worrying aboutwhat you don't have.Enjoy each moment, and be thankful for what you do have可知,他从火山喷发学到的人生哲理是——珍惜眼前所拥有的一切。


本文是说明文。一对美国夫妇研造出太阳能电池板路面,并发起名叫Solar Roadways的众筹项目用以全面改造马路系统。

32.D。细节理解题。由第二段的glass panel thatcontains solar cells, which can change sunlight into electricity和第三段的...doesn't produce harmfulpollution可知,Brusaw夫妇研造出的太阳能电池板路面能把太阳能转化成电能,对环境没有任何污染。

33.C。推理判断题。由最后三段内容,尤其是倒数第三段的The U.S.government sees some promise in the Solar Roadways project可知,经实验室验证,路面所用太阳能电池板虽然达到了路面承受的所有要求,但由于该计划需要高昂的费用以及其它可能面临的阻碍可知,现今美国政府只是对该计划感兴趣。

34.A。篇章结构题。Brusaw夫妇的众筹项目即Solar Roadways project,结合第二段的...to use their inventionto replace the pavement on U.S.roads和第三段的...replaced all of the nation's asphalt with these solar panels可知。

35.C。标题归纳题。本文旨在介绍Brusaw夫妇想要全面改造马路系统的项目——用太阳能电池板代替沥青来铺设公路,并用于发电、供电。由最后一段作者的质疑Could Solar Roadways be the answer to...可知,从路面获取能源的想法还有待商榷,故C项标题最符合本文主旨。第二节:


本文是说明文。植物是自然界中的“生产者”, 人类生存更离不开植物。36.A。由下文解释植物的光合作用以及与首句People areconsumers的对比可知,植物是自然界中的“生产者”。

37.E。下文的Plants have special structurescalled chloroplasts that animals don't have是对E项“植物可以进行光合作用而人类不可以这样做”的解释。

38.B。B项中的Chemical reactions指本段介绍的植物中的叶绿素在光的作用下吸收二氧化碳、释放氧气的这一化学反应过程。

39.D。由下文的Plants rely on the carbondioxide that we breathe out, and we rely on the oxygen that they “breathe” out可知,人类与植物之间的关系是完美的搭档。


英语知识运用: 第一节:




42.D。43.B。由下文的Good preparation for future careers和increases their knowledge of themselves可知,这三个最常见的原因是——为未来职业“做准备(prepare for)”、体验新的经历、“增加(increase)”自我认识以及对周围世界的了解。

44.C。45.C。46.D。由下文提到的jobmarket和need a largeworkforce可知,对于年轻人来说,为未来职业做准备变得越来越“重要(important)”,因为他们知道人才市场“具有竞争力(competitive)”,这也是人们上大学最主要的“原因(reason)”。




50.B。51.D。由下文的it is the first time they have been away from home by themselves可知,上大学给学生提供了“遇见(meet)”其他人的机会,而这些人并不是来自“家乡(hometowns)”。

52.D。由下文的increases their knowledge ofthemselves可知,上大学也让学生第一次学会“自己(on their own)”做决定。


54.C。55.D。56.B。由下文的somethingthat does not relate to their career可知,上大学可以让学生学到更多让他们感“兴趣的(interesting)”课程知识,而对大多数人来说,这也可能是他们“学习(learn)”与将来职业无关的知识的最后“机会(chance)”。


58.D。上大学提供了体验“新(new)”经历并了解自我和周围世界的机会。59.C。由上文的the world around them可知,上大学可以让人们认识自我,并对所“生活(live in)”的世界进行了解。

60.D。相较于Good preparation for futurecareers可知,作者认为对自我和世界的了解才是对“未来(future)”更好的准备。第二节:


62.deeply。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,表示“深深地”,故填deeply。63.to work。考查不定式作宾语补足语的用法。force sb.to do sth.意为“强迫某人做某事”。

64.of。考查介词。instead of意为“而不是……”。

65.was set。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由Later that year可知,应用一般过去时,又因为Dickens' father与set free之间是被动关系,故填was set。66.spent。考查过去分词作定语的用法。spend与His days之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且spend所表示的动作已经完成,故填spent。


68.who。考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代Catherine Hogarth且在从句中作主语,故填who。



[选做题参考答案及解析] [参考答案] 1-5 DBCDC

6-10 BABAC [解析] A篇(社会)

本文是记叙文。文章介绍了诺贝尔奖创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔。1.D。细节理解题。由第二段的When Alfred joined theNobel family company, it had been developing explosives for many years和倒数第二段的Alfred...become rich byinventing a weapon可知,阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔靠研制和销售炸药赚钱。

2.B。推理判断题。由第三段的Alfred Nobel alwayswanted dynamite to be used for peaceful tasks.And when it was used to explodea path for the Panama Canal in 1914可知,阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔发明的黄色炸药在巴拿马运河修建中被广泛使用。



5.C。标题归纳题。诺贝尔奖创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔因发明了安全性能较高的炸药而积累了巨额财富,但对自己发明的炸药被用于战争而深感痛惜,为此他决定用他的财富来奖励那些为人类做出卓越贡献的人。C项中的rests inpeace与最后一段的restmore easily相呼应,暗指爱好和平的阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔最终可以安详地长眠于世。B篇(现代技术)

本文是说明文。为了提高天气预报的准确率,科学家正在研制新设备。6.B。细节理解题。由第三段的new drones...will helpforecasters improve predictions about local weather conditions可知,科学家正在研制的无人机可以提高天气预报的准确率。

7.A。词义猜测题。由下文的it's difficult forweather experts to get a very good idea about how that weather is changing fromthese very limited number of data points可知,由于现有的信息采集数据有限,无法提供更多精准的预报,故此处的sparse有“稀少、有限”之意。

8.B。推理判断题。由最后一段的Our real goal is to tryto develop systems.I don't want to say they will replace weather balloons butthere may be that possibility可知,Phillip Chilson对该计划充满信心。

9.A。推理判断题。由文章最后一段的Researchers stillhave a lot of work to do before the drones are ready可知,用于提高天气预报准确度的设备还没有投入使用。10.C。写作目的题。本文主要告诉读者科学家正在研制新设备来提高天气预报的准确率,即一种新的预测天气的方法。

第二篇:英语周报答案 2017-2018学年下学期高二外研综合(OT)第27-30期参考答案及解析

2017-2018学年下学期高二外研综合(OT)第27-30期参考答案及解析 Book 7 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案


6-10 ABCCB 11-15 CBACA

16-20 BBAAC 21-25 BDDBC

26-30 ADDAD

31-35 BBACC 36-40 EACFG 41-45 BBCCA

46-50 CDBDC 51-55 BBCDA 56-60 CACDD 61.out


63.to do



66.that / which




70.making 短文改错

71.At the first...去掉the 72....I hardly know...know → knew 73.I couldn't got on well...got → get 74....looked forward to go...go → going 75....concentrate my subjects.concentrate后加on

76....adapted me to...me → myself 77....many new friend...friend → friends 78....in that I...that → which 79....interested things...interested → interesting 80....and unforgettably.unforgettably → unforgettable 书面表达

One possible version:

Ning Zetao, a world famous swimming player, was born on 6 March 1993 in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province.Ning started swimming as a child.At age 11, Ning Zetao became a member of the swimming team in Henan province.He trained very hard and was accepted into the PLA Navy's swimming team three years later.Everything comes to him who waits.At the 2014 Asian Games, he won several gold medals and broke several Asian records.After that, he won a gold medal in the 100-metre freestyle at the 2015 FINA World Championships.部分解析 阅读理解 第一节


本文是应用文。文章是一则课堂信息指南。21.B。细节理解题。由Class schedule部分的The class is held...every Monday and Wednesday evening可知,Dr.Lucia Mendez的课每周上两次。

22.D。细节理解题。由Grading部分的A grade of B or higher is required to pass this class可知,要想通过Dr.Lucia Mendez的课程,学生必须要拿到B或以上的综合成绩。

23.D。细节理解题。由Assistance outside class部分的If you need extra help or would like to discuss anything with the instructor, my office hours(Room 320)可知,Dr.Lucia Mendez的办公室位于320室,学生们可以到这里向该老师咨询请教问题。B篇(周围的环境)


24.B。细节理解题。由第三段的The five-bedroom house provides 24-hour care for up to four individuals with complex needs可知,这个房子可以住4个人。

25.C。细节理解题。由第四段的their parents who had to wake them several times each night to reposition them or place them on breathing machines可知,父母晚上起来是因为要查看Scott和Daniel两兄弟的呼吸状况。

26.A。推理判断题。由第四段的it placed a physical and emotional strain on their parents和第五段Scott 说的We were heavyhearted可知,他感到内疚。27.D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的The home is Scott and Daniel's home, however it is also a workplace for their support staff.Balancing these two requirements has been a challenge for all可知,同时满足服务人员和被照顾者的需求是个挑战。C 篇(自然)


28.D。推理判断题。由第一段的researchers report Guinea baboons...make five vowellike sounds similar to those used by humans.The findings back up a recent study showing Japanese macaques(a type of monkey)are also able to make some speech sounds可知,这两项研究有着相似的发现。

29.A。词义猜测题。第三段的a misunderstanding of the monkey larynx可知,本段介绍了科学家对猿类喉部结构的错误认识。过去科学家认为,猿类的喉部比人类的位置高,因此它们不能发出元音。可是人类婴儿喉部的位置也高,他们却能够发出元音。这一事实应该是让Fagot和他的同事们感到困惑。

30.D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的the monkeys' tongues have the same muscles as human tongues.This shows they can make exact movements to form each vowellike sound可知,狒狒用它们的舌头发出类似元音的声音。


本文是记叙文。文章是对在推动美国民权运动方面所做出孜孜不倦努力的黑人棒球运动员Jackie Robinson的介绍。

32.B。细节理解题。由第一段的broke the color line of America's national game和第二段的white audience could see his great talent from any seat in the stadium可知,Jackie Robinson是通过自己在棒球赛场上出色的表现改变了白人对黑人球员的偏见。

33.A。篇章结构题。由第三段的positive civil rights changes...in the African-American community和划线部分前的speak publicly to blacks in U.S.cities about ending segregation可知,Jackie Robinson利用比赛的机会向美国黑人公开宣讲关于终结球场上的种族隔离和如何维护他们自己的权利。故这里的权利指的是美国黑人的权利。

34.C。细节理解题。由第一段的his efforts in the civil rights movement...were equally important and often ignored和最后一段的baseball achievements may be more widely known than his tireless efforts in the civil rights movement可知,Jackie Robinson在美国民权运动方面做出的努力不如他在赛场上取得的成就更为世人所知。

35.C。标题归纳题。本文旨在介绍美国黑人棒球运动员Jackie Robinson,他不仅是一位伟大的球员,更是在推动美国民权运动方面做出了孜孜不倦的努力。C项作标题更符合本文主旨。第二节



36.E。E项中的Be adaptable与上文的try to find a compromise相呼应。他认为跟好几个朋友一起出行时要学会妥协、善于应变,这样可以减少争论的发生。

37.A。由下文的Before you go, find out about the country's culture and look up some basic words and useful phrases in the local language可知,出行前要对目的地国家的文化和语言有基本的了解,也就是做功课。

38.C。由上下文的some basic words and useful phrases in the local language和say just a few words in their language可知,作者认为会说一些当地的语言很重要,只要能说出来,不要担忧口音问题。39.F。F项中的建议why not stay with a local family与文中作者提及他的亲身经历We stayed in private homes in different parts of Cuba相呼应。

40.G。此段作者对比了住在当地人家中和住在旅店的不同。G项中的They...take you to places the guidebooks don't tell you about和上文提到的find out much more about your hosts' culture and way of life都是作者认为住在当地人家中的好处。

语言知识运用 第一节


本文是记叙文。文章讲述了害怕公众演讲的作者与友人交谈后开始积极改变的故事。41.B。42.B。由上文的I feared one thing greatly — public speaking可知,作者“讨厌(hated)” 公众演讲,因为他“从不(never)”觉得自己能做好这件事。43.C。“作者讨厌公众演讲”和“他身居要职不得不演讲”之间是转折关系,故用But。44.C。由上文的I became CEO of a hospital可知,作为医院的CEO,做演讲是作者“工作(job)”中重要的一部分。45.A。46.C。47.D。由作者身居要职不得不演讲可知,他是医院新楼落成剪彩仪式上的“主持人(host)”,同时还出现在庆典的“舞台(stage)”上“进行(handled)”各种介绍和颁奖陈词。on the stage本意为“登台演出”,此处指作者出现在庆典仪式的舞台上。48.B。由下文的As we ate推测,作者和妻子是与另外一对夫妇去吃“饭(dinner)”。49.D。由上文作者对自己的介绍became CEO...in this high position以及本段对这对夫妇的介绍both...like me in their companies可知,这对夫妇也像作者一样身居要“职(positions)”。50.C。由上文作者恐惧公众演讲但不得不讲可知,他抱怨自己做了太多的“演说(speaking)”。51.B。由下文作者与友人交谈之后的改变可知,Bob的话“影响(affected)”了他。

52.B。由上文的presentations are a big part可知,Bob认为作为CEO,公众演讲是工作中最“重要的(important)”一部分。

53.C。54.D。由下文的I had obviously done that to get where I was和Communication skills可知,已经走到CEO这个位置的作者,想要证明自己在其他领域的“技能(skills)”的那些日子已经结束,而他现在“需要(needed)”的是交流技能。

55.A。由下文的I realized I needed to make the time to...可知,作者认为Bob的话是“对的(right)”。

56.C。由下文的write and practice可知,作者意识到他需要花时间为每一次演讲“做准备(prepare)”和练习。

57.A。由下文作者的行动I now schedule time into my workday calendar to...可知,他意识到需要改变并为此“付出行动(done)”。

58.C。由下文的perfecting the presentation可知,作者安排出时间写和练习他的“演讲(presentations)”。

59.D。在公众面前“发表(deliver)”演讲之前作者会花很长的时间来完善他的演讲。60.D。由上文的I spend a long time perfecting the presentation before I ever stand in front of a group to...it可知,作者花时间好好写一份演讲,“最终会收获(end up with)”一份更加完善的作品。第二节

61.out。考查固定结构。turn out意为“证明是”。


63.to do。考查固定搭配。have...to do with意为“与„„有关”。



66.that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰名词rules,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。

67.gave。考查一般过去时。由had some association with和He helped found可知,设空处叙述的是过去的事情,故填gave。


69.what。考查连接词。设空处引导表语从句,且在从句中作know的宾语,指代Baseball came...along the way,故填what。

70.making。考查动词-ing形式作补语的用法。with many people...way作伴随状语,因make所表示的动作与主句谓语动作同时发生,且people和make之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填making。

[选做题参考答案及解析] 参考答案 1-4 DBBD

5-8 DCAC 解析


本文是说明文。一家科技公司正在研发一项可以自动选择符合用户心情的音乐来改善人体健康并用于医学治疗的人工智能系统。1.D。推理判断题。由第二段的...uses these readings to play different songs...After listening, you take a brief survey on how relaxed you feel和第三段的people were using music to calm themselves down or relax可知,Unwind是一款利用生物统计学根据用户心情播放音乐的应用程序,用户在听到舒缓的音乐之后可以得到放松。

2.B。推理判断题。由第三段的Sleep and relaxation was an obvious place to start...where people were using music to calm themselves down or relax和第五段的aims to develop its own artificial intelligence-based tools that will use music to improve general well-being and even treat clinical conditions可知,该公司通过分析这些数据,了解音乐对人的睡眠和放松状况的影响,从而研发出利用音乐可以改善人体健康并用于医学治疗的人工智能工具。3.B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段David Eagleman的观点Music has certain obvious ways it can excite or relax us, but there are limits and it certainly can't replace real treatments可知,他对音乐治疗临床病症的疗效持怀疑的态度。

4.D。细节理解题。由最后一段的if the presenting insomnia is so ‘mild' it can be effectively managed with Spotify...it's unlikely to have been a major clinical problem in the first place可知,Kevin Morgan认为能通过音乐改善的失眠是不需要通过医疗手段干预的。B篇(历史与地理)


5.D。细节理解题。由第二段中的The popularity of these boats peaked in the late 1800s可知,19世纪后期明轮船盛行。

6.C。细节理解题。由第三段的Robert O'Callaghan knows this all too well — the South Australian man from Mannum has just funded the restoration of the 130-year-old Paddle Boat Mayflower可知,他主要是为修复船只提供资金援助。7.A。词义猜测题。由划线词之后的There are millions of them around the world — projects that get started and don't get finished可知,这里应该是说世界上有很多这样未被修复的船只。8.C。标题归纳题。本文主要讲的是经过很多修复者的努力,明轮船得以再现墨累河。C项概括较全面。

Book 7 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案


6-10 BCABA 11-15 ACABC

16-20 ACACB 21-25 DABDD

26-30 AABDC 31-35 ADDBA

36-40 BFECD 41-45 DBCBA

46-50 CADBA 51-55 BCDCD

56-60 ADBCD 61.which


63.were impressed

64.to take






70.happier 短文改错

71....take my first adventure...take → took 72....fascinating place...fascinating前加a 73....attracts many tourist...tourist → tourists 74....was filling with...filling → filled 75....bathed in the sunshine...bathed → bathing 76....an enjoyably thing.enjoyably → enjoyable 77....and I had a hard time...去掉and 78....adapt my eyes to...adapt → adapting 79....was amazed with...with → at / by 80....as good as...good → well 书面表达

One possible version:

An unforgettable experience I'll never forget the experience of being a volunteer for the Asian Games held in our city.Being one of the three volunteers chosen from our school, I felt excited and proud.To make sure that I could provide the best service, I practiced in my spare time, especially my spoken English.When the day finally came, I felt a little bit nervous because I was afraid of making any mistakes.Fortunately, I performed well and was spoken highly of by the volunteer organisation.It was the first time I had been a volunteer for such an important sporting event, which has made me proud ever since.部分解析 阅读理解 第一节


本文是应用文。文章是对Skyline高中学生会主席Stephanie Roman的采访。

21.D。细节理解题。由第二段中的These leadership positions, along with my ambition, have opened many wonderful doors of opportunities可知,这些职务为Stephanie Roman打开了很多机会的大门。

22.A。细节理解题。由第四段中的Through these activities we teach students about the importance of civic engagement and we make it fun for students to be involved in bettering their communities可知,通过这些活动,学生可以认识到公民参与的重要性,并且对改善社区的活动也乐在其中,Stephanie Roman应该会认为这样的活动很有意义,也很有趣。

23.B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的created a brochure to educate the community around issues of homelessness and permanent housing可知,Stephanie Roman做了小册子是为了教育周边社区的人们关于无家可归和永久住房的问题。B篇(周围的人)

本文是记叙文。摇滚乐队Dionysus在其中一个成员残疾之后继续演出并取得新的成绩。24.D。细节理解题。由第一段的Rock band Dionysus have surprised many including themselves with their sudden success以及第三段的Not bad for a band that has only played together a few times可知,摇滚乐队Dionysus取得了突然的成功,而他们只在一起排练过几次。

25.D。推理判断题。由第八段The accident has changed my attitude towards life.It has given me more motivation towards the band.I want to make it a bit more now.I know what I want and I want to get it以及倒数第三、四段的描述可知,Stephen虽然在事故中背部受伤变成了残疾人,但他依然对乐队的未来充满动力和信心。

26.A。推理判断题。由第九段Tony says the crowd reactions to Stephen playing rhythm guitar in his wheelchair are always amazing和第十段中的they say it's amazing he gets up and does it and doesn't just give up可知,观众对Stephen的表现感到很惊讶,他们惊奇于他没有放弃。27.A。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了摇滚乐队Dionysus的其中一名成员Stephen在一次事故中背部受伤致残,但他没有放弃,在经过多次训练后,乐队取得了新的成绩的故事,A项Back into the rhythm作标题起到双关的作用,既指Stephen在受伤后回归舞台时,一开始感到不适应,但很快找回节奏的情形,又指该乐队在经历了一段时间的停滞后,重返舞台,获得成功。C篇(现代技术)


28.B。主旨大意题。由第一段中的there are several robots that have been made to mimic animals以及文中对Carlton,Modsnake和Sprawl的描述可知,本文主要介绍了三款模仿动物而研发的机器人。

29.D。细节理解题。由第二段中的Built to be both light and powerful...change direction without losing speed和Carlton can hide behind a tall wall, rise up to quickly look at what is on the other side, and then hide again可知,Carlton很轻便,可以像蜜蜂一样在狭小的空间盘旋,而且动作很敏捷。

30.C。推理判断题。由第三段中的it can pass through narrow spaces, move over all sorts of obstacles, climb poles, and even swim 和useful for a variety of tasks...cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers可知,Modsnake可以通过狭窄的空间,翻越各种障碍物,攀爬电线杆,甚至可以游泳,它的行动方式使得它可以参与很多任务,由此可推断,Modsnake用途广泛。31.A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Sprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its size 和it moves quickly and is relatively small可知,Sprawl虽然小,但是非常坚固。D篇(语言学习)

本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了三种人类语言:自然语言、人工语言和形式语言。32.D。细节理解题。由第二段中的...languages that humans have developed simply out of the need to communicate with each other可知,自然语言是出于人们交流的需求发展而来的。33.D。细节理解题。由第三段中的There're a number of reasons for constructing an artificial language可知,人工语言是人类为了各种目的而人为制造出的语言。

34.B。推理判断题。由第三段中的An artificial language may also be constructed to make communication easier between people of different nationalities.Perhaps the best example of this is Esperanto可知,作者提到世界语是通过举例子解释人工语言。

35.A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的but they are not spoken languages like natural and artificial languages和people cannot use it to communicate with others可知,人们不能用形式语言来与他人进行口头交流。第二节


本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了自然资源保护、其面临的挑战及相应的解决办法。36.B。由该空后的For example, people might catch too many...might die out可知,可再生资源也会被破坏或摧毁。

37.F。由该空前的描述和该空后的They can also look for other resources that serve the same purpose可知,该空处是对人们如何保护不可再生资源的描述,F项内容符合此处语境。38.E。由该空前的cars make travel easy, but they also produce a lot of air pollution以及该空后的Such changes can be hard可知,E项内容“要有清洁的空气,人们可以选择少开车,多走路”符合此处语境。

39.C。由该段中的But the company might not be willing to do this because it will make less money可知,自然资源保护是一大挑战的另一个原因是钱。

40.D。由该段中的People can recycle...和Industries can limit...以及Governments can make laws...可知,每个人都可以用某种方式来帮助保护自然资源。语言知识运用 第一节


本文是记叙文。作者对自己五年级第一天学习萨克斯的经历记忆犹新,倍感珍贵。41.D。由上文中的The teachers和下文中的band lesson可知,老师们有很多不同的方法让自己的“课(lessons)”易于被学生理解。

42.B。由第二段中的The excitement I felt可知,那是非常“令人兴奋的(exciting)”一天。43.C。由文中对第一堂萨克斯管课的详细描述可知,“我”能“清楚地(clearly)”记得第一堂乐队课。

44.B。由上文中的saxophone可知,“我”从未学过一件“乐器(instrument)”。45.A。由该空后的how to hold the instrument and the fingerings of basic notes可知,“我”的乐队指导老师开始“教(instruct)”“我”持乐器的姿势和一些基本音符的指法。46.C。由下文中的I had learned to play two songs可知,在第一堂课结束时,“我”已经学会“弹奏(play)”两首歌曲。


49.B。由上文中的I opened my new saxophone case可知,作为一个十岁的孩子,“我”知道“我”喜欢这个“新(new)”玩具。

50.A。由下文中的After all, I had learned to play two songs on my...day可知,“我”还觉得自己是一个“有天赋的(good)”萨克斯管演奏者。

51.B。由上文中的for the first time以及文中的描述可知,“我”在“第一(first)” 天就学会演奏两首曲子。


54.C。由下文中的Together, we worked to...my skills可知,老师教“我”一些基本的“技能(skills)”。

55.D。由上文中的introducing me to this new instrument, instructing me on...可知,在老师的“帮助(help)”下,“我”开始学习音符和音符值。56.A。由文中的描述可知,此处指老师帮“我”“提高(develop)”技能。57.D。58.B。由文中的I made throughout the lesson became music可知,“我”在整堂课发出的随意的“声音(sounds)”成为了“我”“演奏(performed)”的第一首歌。

59.C。60.D。由上文中的stand out in my mind as meaningful以及文中作者对学习萨克斯管的第一堂课的描述可知,这次难忘的“学习(learning)”经历对于“我”来说非常“宝贵(valuable)”。第二节

61.which。考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明Irish dancing,且在从句中作took up的宾语,故填which。

62.immediately。考查副词。设空处修饰短语动词took to(喜欢),表示“立刻”,故填immediately。

63.were impressed。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由冒号后内容可知设空处描述的是过去的事情,且impress和teachers之间是动宾关系,故填were impressed。

64.to take。考查不定式作宾语的用法。seem后常接不定式作宾语,且take over所表示的动作发生在seem之后,故填to take。

65.it。考查it的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是for her to win,故填it。

66.of。考查介词。(be)full of意为“充满„„”。


68.did。考查助动词的用法。“do / does / did +动词原形”结构用来强调谓语动词,加强语气,且设空处描述的是过去的事情,故填did。



[选做题参考答案及解析] [参考答案] 1-5 DBABB

6-9 BACD [解析] A篇(文学与艺术)

本文是记叙文。美国著名作家J.D.塞林格坚持着隐居避世主义,他留下了一部经典著作《麦田里的守望者》,本文介绍了他的艺术成就和处世哲学。1.D。词义猜测题。由第一段中的J.D.Salinger is known for his reclusive nature和Fans became very excited以及However, because of the publicity可知,J.D.塞林格喜欢隐居的生活,不喜欢受到公众的追捧,所以当活动公开后,他就打退堂鼓了,不想参加活动安排。

2.B。细节理解题。由第二段中的one of his professors insisted he was the worst English student in the history of the college可知,J.D.塞林格在大学时期,学习表现不佳。

3.A。细节理解题。由第三段中的The main character, Holden Caulfield, is a sensitive, rebellious teenager experiencing the growing pains of high school and college students可知,J.D.塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》主要讲述青少年Holden Caulfield的惶惑和成长的痛苦。4.B。细节理解题。由第四段中的The public attention...led him to move...to the faraway hills of Cornish, New Hampshire和Since the late 1960s he has tried to escape publicity可知,J.D.塞林格从纽约搬到新罕布什尔州是为了避免惹人注意。

5.B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的In it she stated her father was not a recluse...he enjoyed being with people and was friendly except where publicity and celebrity are concerned可知,J.D.塞林格的女儿在传记里称塞林格热爱旅游,在全世界都有朋友,喜欢和人们在一起,而且非常友好。B篇(热点话题)


6.B。细节理解题。由第二段中的switch off from shopping and tune back into life和Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending可知,无消费日旨在鼓励人们在这一天不消费。

7.A。推理判断题。由第三段中的crazy consumer binge that has come to characterise the holiday season可知,疯狂的消费热潮已经成为假期的一大特点。

8.C。段落大意题。由第四段中的climate change will lead to the most massive and most wide-ranging market failure the world has ever seen和the near-total collapse of global fisheries within 40 years可知,本段主要讲述了两次灾害预警,即人类可能面临的重大威胁。

9.D。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的we have to consume less.This is the message of Buy Nothing Day和最后一段中的It's about starting a lasting lifestyle commitment to consuming less and producing less waste可知,无消费日不只是让你在那一天改变消费习惯,而是形成一种减少消费、减少废物产生的有利于生态保护的生活方式。Book 7 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案


6-10 BCAAB 11-15 ACCBA

16-20 BCBBA 21-25 DCCBD

26-30 BBCCD 31-35 BADBD 36-40 DEBAG 41-45 DBABD

46-50 CBCDC 51-55 DBBCC

56-60 DBCAC 61.saying



64.that / which


66.to pick

67.is suggested



70.locations 短文改错

71.I've recent...recent → recently 72.It sound...sound → sounds 73....had to crazy...crazy前加be 74....thanks for my...for → to 75....I was taking...taking → taken 76....the most thrilled...thrilled → thrilling 77....a bit of scared...去掉of 78....I forget my fear.forget → forgot 79....forward to meet...meet → meeting 80....these kind of...kind → kinds 书面表达

One possible version: Dear Jennie, I'm glad to have received your e-mail.As for literary works, the famous novel Jane Eyre created by British writer Charlotte Bronte is my favourite.Jane is an orphan, born into a poor family.However, she doesn't lose her nature character when she is in difficulty.She is brave enough to face difficulties and sufferings.For example, when her aunt treats her unfairly, she argues with her and is never afraid to speak her mind.What's important, her respectable personality makes her finally gain true love from her master.The book has a great effect on me.I've been encouraged to go after my dream and not give up until I reach it.Yours truly,Li Hua 部分解析 阅读理解 第一节

A篇(节假日活动)本文是应用文。文章是对四个科学活动的介绍。21.D。细节理解题。由Print Your Voice部分的where your voice will be turned into personalized jewellery和Address: Powerhouse Museum可知,8月13日到Powerhouse Museum参加活动的访客均可得到一份个性化的首饰。

22.C。细节理解题。由Making Your Future部分的work through a 3D project...See how 3D printing works可知,参与该活动的人可以体验3D打印技术。

23.C。细节理解题。由Learn to Code with Robotics部分的you'll learn to write computer programs和Tel: 21791713可知,如果你对电脑编程感兴趣,可以拨打此电话。24.B。推理判断题。由这四个活动内容介绍中的关键信息the science of our voice,create your future just with the technology,Code with Robotics和the science of baking...using techniques drawn from science可知,这四个活动都与科学有关。B篇(个人情况)


25.D。细节理解题。由第一段中的I had won many of the awards because I simply challenged myself to be better each year可知,作者工作中非常努力。

26.B。句意理解题。由划线句之后的We couldn't eat out any more可以推断,对于失业的作者来说,付清各种账单不是件容易的事情,所以每次付了账单之后他和妻子都会庆祝。27.B。推理判断题。第三段中提到父母会帮作者联系工作,由此可知他的家人对他很支持。28.C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的The class was inspirational和I have found where I belong可知,这次培训项目让作者的精神受到了鼓舞。C篇(自然)


29.C。细节理解题。由第二段中的Baby octopuses lose touch with their parents almost immediately after birth and then they only live for six months to a year可知,章鱼的寿命不长,只能活半年到一年的时间。30.D。推理判断题。由第二段中的octopuses are...primitive animals, which appeared on Earth millions of years before mammals did...intelligence increases as you go higher up the tree of evolution可知,章鱼作为一种比哺乳动物出现早几百万年的原始生物,拥有大的脑容量并如此聪明很明显不符合生命演化的过程,因此被看作是外来生物。

31.B。词义猜测题。由最后一段中的They have soft, naked bodies and they can't swim as fast as many fish and sharks which hunt them可知,章鱼是一种软体动物,体力弱,没有捕杀它们的天敌游得快。D 篇(文学与艺术)

本文是记叙文。文章是澳大利亚著名土著女诗人Kath Walker的生平简介。32.A。细节理解题。由第一段中的she left school and home at 13 to work as a maid in Brisbane可知,十三岁的Kath去布里斯班工作。33.D。细节理解题。由第四段中的Australians voted to include Aboriginal people in the census可知,1967年之前澳大利亚土著人没有被算入澳大利亚的总人口中。34.B。细节理解题。由第五段中的Kath also became interested in poetry和Her first collection可知,We Are Going是一本诗歌集。

35.D。推理判断题。由倒数第四段的Determined to lift the Aboriginal people out of suffering, Kath later moved back to Stradbroke Island to become an educator and cultural guardian for her people可知,是内在的责任感驱使Kath回到家乡。第二节


本文是记叙文。文章介绍Sophia Collins和Emy Jacobo两个善良的小姑娘乐于助人的故事。

36.D。D项中的work together to help others与下文的They wrote a book and used it to raise money相呼应。再由上文的We like to read and do art together可知,Sophia和Emy不仅喜欢一起读书、画画,还喜欢同心协力帮助他人。

37.E。由上文的Whenever they had extra time, Sophia and Emy worked on their book和下文的I drew the people and Sophia drew the animals可知,她们利用周末的业余时间分工合作,轮流把书带回家进行创作。

38.B。由第二段的create a book for...Sam...Kielyn and Lia...help them read可知,Sophia和Emy创作Smile Everybody!的初衷是帮助弟弟和妹妹阅读。再由本空前后的read it to their siblings, who liked it和sell the book...to raise money for St.Jude可知,她们有了更大的目标。39.A。Sophia和Emy卖书是为了给St.Jude Children's Research Hospital筹款。该空则是对该医院的描述——其宗旨是帮助生病的孩子。40.G。由下文的We like to help the kids feel better可知,通过卖书筹得善款的两位好朋友对于能给那些生病的孩子带来快乐感到很开心。语言知识运用 第一节




42.B。由下文的解释a slave driver可知,作者的母亲对待他们四个兄妹都一样看似冷漠。这里用hard hand来描述看似硬心肠的母亲。

43.A。由上文的open expressions of love可知,作者的母亲不会“公开(openly)”表达爱。44.B。由Instead一词的转折和下文描述母亲用自己的方式表达爱可知,母亲用更加实际的方式来“关心(cared)”子女。

45.D。由下文的My dad is a really open-hearted person可知,相较于母亲不会公开表达爱,父亲在“情感表达上(emotionally)”与母亲完全不同。46.C。由open-hearted一词可知,父亲不论是什么场合,“总是(always)”给予孩子们拥抱和亲吻。

47.B。48.C。由上文的After much persuasion from him可知,在父亲的劝说下,母亲尝试“改变(change)”她“表达(expressing)” 情感的方式。

49.D。由上文的but it was clear that she never felt quite right可知,试图改变的母亲总也感觉不到正确的表达方式,于是她又回到了“原来的(old)”自己。

50.C。由上文的an entrance interview和desperately可知,作者渴望能通过那所私立医学院的面试并被“录取(accepted)”。


52.B。由上文的My mum said it was not safe for me to take the five-hour bus trip alone可知,母亲不放心作者独自一人出门,于是坚持要跟他“同行(coming along)”。53.B。54.C。由下文的As the bus pulled into the highway可知,“上了(boarded)”大巴以后,作者找了个靠窗的位置坐下,并背对着“母亲(mom)”。

55.C。由上文的drowsiness began to take over可知,上了车,困意袭来,作者立刻“睡着了(asleep)”。

56.D。由上文的drowsiness began to take over和下文的I was about to open my eyes可知,作者被窗外的雨声“弄醒(awakened)”。

57.B。由上文的I felt her hand on my cheek可知,母亲在作者睡着的时候轻抚他的脸颊,并“温柔地(softly)”说了一句“我爱你”。

58.C。不擅长公开表达爱的母亲在作者眼里比石头“还冰凉(colder)”。59.A。60.C。由上文的I heard her say...“I love you.”可知,作者意识到母亲是“爱(love)”他的,只是不太会“表达(show)”爱。第二节



63.started。考查过去分词作定语的用法。book-sharing movement后跟定语且由by American Ron Hornbaker可知,start和book-sharing movement之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填started。

64.that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰club,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。


66.to pick。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处在句中作目的状语,因others与pick之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且pick所表示的动作发生在leaving之后,故填to pick。

67.is suggested。考查一般现在时的被动语态。由语境可知,设空处描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,且person和suggest之间是被动关系,故填is suggested。



70.locations。考查名词复数。location作“地点”讲时是可数名词,且由a wide range of和cafes, airports, bus stations and telephone boxes可知,设空处应填名词复数,故填locations。

[选做题参考答案及解析] [参考答案] 1-4 CBAD

5-8 DCCB [解析] A篇(社会)


1.C。推理判断题。结合第一段作者面对更新社交状态时,不知该写点什么,再由第二段的I'm a professional writer和why am I suddenly the only one who can't think of anything to say可知,作者提及他在学校的经历是为了说明他擅长写作。

2.B。细节理解题。由第三段的they don't even make sense和Are you really sitting in a Starbucks, laughing out loud可知,作者觉得这些状态说明毫无意义。

3.A。细节理解题。由倒数第三段的A pretty girl can type “Bought a new swimsuit today!” and get 35 comments in about six minutes和I didn't get 35 comments when I announced that my first book was being published的比较可知,作者的状态说明得到的关注少。



6.C。篇章结构题。由第三段中的diversify Saudi Arabia's oil-dependent economy和第四段解释沙特阿拉伯的大部分司机是外来人口可知,此处是指该解禁可以减少国家对于这些司机的依赖。

7.C。推理判断题。由第二段中的the ban meant that women were unable to hold jobs和第三段的Experts believe the law will not only empower females to take up careers可知,沙特阿拉伯解禁女性驾车将会使其更多的女性进入劳动力大军。8.B。推理判断题。由最后一段Manal al-Sharif说的Saudi Arabia will never be the same again.The rain begins with a single drop可知,她认为这些解放沙特阿拉伯妇女的变革很鼓舞人心。Book 7 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案


6-10 CBBAA 11-15 BCACA

16-20 BBACB 21-25 ABCDA 26-30 BBBDA 31-35 ADCDB 36-40 GDBFC 41-45 DADBC 46-50 BBAAA 51-55 DBCDB 56-60 ACBDB 61.widely







68.that / who




71....is that we...that → what 72.For me...me → us 73.We always thought...thought → think 74.In a fact...去掉a 75....make us doubt...make → makes 76....takes first places.places → place 77....to achieving our...achieving → achieve 78....we study hardly...hardly → hard 79....can achieved.can后加be 80.Beside, sharing with...Beside → Besides 书面表达

One possible version:

Dear Tom, How is everything going? Knowing that you are a street music lover, I'm writing to ask you to write an article for our school's English newspaper.To be more specific, the column is called “Sound of Music” and it has gained popularity for its well-written articles about music in different parts of the world.Since we welcome any original thoughts concerning street music at this time, would you please write something about the street music in your city? I believe my schoolmates will surely enjoy reading about how American teenagers enjoy street music in their spare time.The article should be about 400 words.Could we have your article no later than May 31st? I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Li Hua 部分解析 阅读理解 第一节



21.A。细节理解题。由第一本书介绍中的This book mainly describes what the British Library holds可知,该书中主要介绍了大英图书馆的藏书。

22.B。细节理解题。由第二本书介绍中的who was interested in historical knowledge及the important but little-known contributions that people of African heritage had made to the world可知,Schomburg热爱历史文化知识,并将非洲的文化遗产介绍给世人。

23.C。细节理解题。由第三本书介绍中的a time when they were kids trying to get their ideas onto paper可知,这本书讲述了众多作家迸发灵感后如何开始创作的故事。B篇(音乐)

本文是记叙文。来自澳大利亚的土著年轻音乐家将加入澳洲室内管弦乐团前往美国巡演。24.D。细节理解题。由第二段中的He was taught by his father 以及Murray所说的My father learnt from David Blanasi.Then he taught me what he learnt from David可知,Murray是在父亲的指导下学习迪吉里杜管这种澳大利亚土著乐器的。25.A。细节理解题。由第三段中的As the youngest member of a Tiwi Islander band called B2M(Bathurst to Melville)in the Northern Territory, Mr.Murray played the didgeridoo for the opening act of the Tina Arena Darwin concert in 2014可知,这支乐队是当地比较受欢迎的乐队。

26.B。推理判断题。由第五段中的He's bringing a really traditional approach.We respect the sound that he brings into the orchestra可知,Richard Tognetti认为Murray会在乐团中发挥他的作用。

27.B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的He's coming through that thing of performing in a reggae(popular music in the West Indies)rock band, same as what I did可知,他们两个人都在摇滚乐队表演过。C篇(现代技术)

本文是说明文。文章介绍了一种新型的可以辅助行人和无人驾驶车进行交流的设备。28.B。细节理解题。由第二、三段的内容可知,Blink可以辅助行人和车辆进行交流,是一种辅助驾驶系统。29.D。细节理解题。由第四段中的If they place a hand out to the side to signal for the car to go forward, the figure turns red and the car continues可知,行人手放旁边的话意味着车辆可以继续前行。

30.A。推理判断题。由第五段中George Filip提到的这种设备可能造成交通拥堵可知,他对此持反对态度。

31.A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Bose says several automotive companies have expressed interest可知,这种设备有市场需求。D篇(个人情感)

本文是记叙文。作者讲述了一位从小被收养的女孩从不知如何感恩到明白感恩的意义,并为之付诸实践的故事。32.D。推理判断题。由第一段中的people would often stop...had adopted her以及why I should be more thankful to my parents than the next person可知,Amy Paulson起初不明白感恩的意义。

33.C。细节理解题。由第二段中的My Korean mother took my American mother's hands in hers and said, ‘Thank you.' After that, my whole world changed可知,作者在生母与养母见面之后,内心受到了触动,决定改变。

34.D。推理判断题。由第二段中的Reconnecting with her birth family, however, made her feel like the luckiest person in the world — and she wanted to actively share her good fortune以及第三段中的a sense of thankfulness has become Paulson's belief for work, relationships and daily life in general可知,Paulson觉得自己是世界上最幸运的人,想要和人们分享她的好运气,并希望通过自己的努力让人们学会感恩。

35.B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的That approach can make you happier and healthier, says Louisa Jewell以及can become a lens through which you can see the world, which is different than just saying thank you to someone可知,Jewell认为感恩有益于人的身心健康。第二节


本文是说明文。文章向人们介绍了有利于健康并且应该长期保持的一些好习惯。36.G。根据该段小标题Turn off your phone before bed以及该空后的Quit trying to pay attention to more emails or get a new high score可知,为了保证好的睡眠应该远离手机,故G项“手机游戏会影响人的睡眠”符合此处语境。

37.D。根据该空前的Looking to eat healthier以及之后的For a long-term solution可知,此处作者要提醒人们寻找解决方案,而不是寻找具体有哪些问题。

38.B。B项中的beauty与下文中的beauty和beautiful things相呼应,适合作该段小标题。39.F。由上文中Start a diary to keep track of the beautiful things in your own life可知,写日记记录生活中美好的事物会让你发现生活中值得感恩的事物,故F项符合语境。

40.C。该段强调倾听的重要性。该空后的It即指代C项中的active listening。此处作者建议读者要练习倾听,并提出具体的做法。

语言知识运用 第一节


本文是记叙文。一名罹患癌症的女孩顽强地和病魔作斗争,并学会欣赏生活中的美好。她通过博客记录与病魔作斗争的过程,激励人们勇敢面对生活。作者也是其中被鼓舞的一员。41.D。根据上文的life seemed great以及下文的she had cancer可知,起初她的生活很美好,“然而(However)”她二十多岁的时候患上了癌症。



45.C。由下文的held up 可知,她十分“坚强(strong)”,勇敢地与病魔作斗争。

46.B。由文中She was a little battered以及somehow she remained standing可知,对抗病魔犹如一场战役,经过多次“战争(wars)”后,她虽然有点狼狈,但仍然屹立不倒。

47.B。由文中She fought that cancer for five years以及it finally beat her可知,在癌症彻底将她打败“前(before)”,她与之抗衡了五年。48.A。49.A。她周围的人无一不为她感到“难过(sorry for)”。除了她自己,没有人知道如何妥善地“应对(handle)”她所患的癌症甚至可能到来的死亡。50.A。在她生命的最后五年时光,她“感激(appreciated)”度过的每一天。51.D。52.B。她“知道(understood)”自己的生命“短暂(shortened)”,但是她要充实地过好每一天。

53.C。由下文kept a sense of humor可知,她每天很“积极(positive)”,充满幽默感。54.D。由上文中record her battle with cancer以及下文她博客的内容可知,她通过记录自己与癌症抗争的过程,鼓励人们不要“放弃(give up)”。

55.B。由上文中的that blog worked和下文中的She also showed everyone可知,Fort在博客上“分享(shared)”了她的痛苦。


57.C。由下文中的which is “live each day to the fullest, because it can be your last.”可知,她博客的“主题(theme)”很简单,就是关于如何活得充实。

58.B。由下文Now, three years later, I've had articles published in national magazines可知,“我”通过努力后,出版了自己的文章。所以她确实“鼓舞(inspired)”了“我”。59.D。我意识到梦想不应该等待。如果不付诸实践,梦想“永不(never)”会实现。60.B。由下文中I wrote story after story可知,年届五十岁时,“我”告诉自己要“开始(start)”写作。第二节


62.takes。考查一般现在时。由语境可知,设空处描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,且主语为The festival,故填takes。

63.staying。考查动词-ing形式作补语的用法。with many people...motorhomes是with复合结构作伴随状语,因stay所表示的动作与主句谓语动作同时发生,且people和stay之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填staying。



66.is。考查主谓一致。此句中的主语是a real focus,且描述的是客观事实,故填is。

67.competition。考查名词。设空处作run的宾语且表示“竞赛”,故填competition。68.that / who。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词those(那些人),且在从句中作主语,故填that / who。


70.out。考查固定结构。sell out意为“售完”。

[选做题参考答案及解析] [参考答案] 1-4 CDAB

5-8 CBAD [解析] A篇(节假日活动)

本文是记叙文。白宫举行第139次复活节滚彩蛋活动,让这一传统继续传承下去。1.C。细节理解题。由第二段中的This tradition ended when Congress passed the Turf Protection Law banning children from using the grounds as their “playground.”可知,美国国会通过了一项保护草地的法律,禁止孩子们继续使用国会的草坪,从此每年在国会前的草坪上举行的复活节滚彩蛋活动停止了。

2.D。推理判断题。由第三段中的Conway...highlighted the challenge of work-family balance和When asked about the most rewarding aspect, she said, “Helping the nation.”可知,Conway在工作中需要面对平衡工作和家庭的挑战,但同时她认为自己的工作是有益的。

3.A。推理判断题。由最后两段的描述可知,今年的复活节滚彩蛋活动非常丰富、有趣。4.B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了美国白宫举办第139次复活节滚彩蛋活动,让这一传统继续传承下去,第一段中的renewed “this wonderful tradition.”点题,故B项作标题符合文章主旨。B篇(兴趣与爱好)


5.C。推理判断题。由第四段中的for example advising people to express their anger.This advice is wrong, because research shows that expressing your anger actually helps it to continue可知,自助书籍建议读者要表达自己的愤怒,而研究表明表达愤怒事实上会让愤怒持续,由此可推断,作者并不赞成自助书籍提出的建议。6.B。细节理解题。由第五段中的there's still the question of whether reading a book will make any difference to people's lives和is there any evidence that after reading the advice, people actually put it into practice, resulting in an improvement可知,作者怀疑自助书籍中提供的建议是否真正会让读者有所改进。

7.A。推理判断题。由倒数第三段If self-help books do work, it may have less to do with the specific advice they contain and more to do with a factor common to all self-help books: hope可知,作者认为自助书籍如果有益的话,也是因为它们给予读者希望。




Module 4 Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving



重点、难点 重点:中国四大节日的英语表达法,会用英语描述这些节日。难点:用英语描述中国的节日。







全班齐唱歌曲“We wish you a happy Christmas.”引导学生进入教学环境。老师可适当把歌曲音乐延长,烘托今天教学中节日的主题。

引导学生说出他们了解的西方节日明称,例如:Christmas, Halloween等等。再引导学生说一说关于这两个节日的情况,例如:它们分别在什么时间?按照传统,人们 在这两个节日里会做些什么?


教师向学生们出示与圣诞节相关的图片,请单个学生回答问题,例如:“When is the Christams Day? Do you like it? What do people do on Christams ?”可以用同样的方式谈论万圣节。

出示美国国旗,提问学生是否了解美国有一个关于国旗的节日。告诉学生,美国有一个传统的“Flag Day”.引导学生开始今天的课文学习。

3.New Teaching课文教学




a.What are the two American festivals in the story?

b.What do people do on Flag Day?

c.What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?






完成SB活动3.S1:Can you tell me something about Christmas?

S2: Well, Christmas is my favorite festival.There is Father Christmas.He gives

presents to the children.S1: Can you tell me more about it?

S2: People have special dinners and they have Christmas tree…



5.Summary 小结

教师总结:Today we have learned how to talk about festivals.6.Homework家庭做业





1、Thanksgiving is myfestival.A.likeB.favouriteC.best

2.We watch a football gameTV.A.onB.inC.from

3.What dodo on Flag Day?

carryflag with my friends.A.you;MyB.you;YouC.you;I



1、We watch the basketball game inTV.()2.Can you tell me more with it, Mary?关注点、修改补充

()3.What do your do on Christmas Day?































1Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is《 foreign language teaching and research press》Book,.let me talk about this lessson as the following:

一、教材分析:Analysis of the Teaching material

二、教学目标:Teaching alms and demands:

三、教学重难点:Teaching keys and difficulties:

四、教学方法:Teaching methods:

五、教学工具:Teaching aids:

六、教学过程:Teaching procedures:

七、板书设计:Blackboard Design.八 教学评价与反思

Now,let me talk about the teaching material first.本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修2 Mudule6。本模块介绍了----这节课学习的 是listening and vocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关----------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking 讨论了------------------------------在这节课之前,学生学习了reading and vocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分------------------------的词汇,本课由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对-------这一主题进行延伸和拓展。

Therefore , on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of students growing of mind , I put forward the teaching objectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard.I will talk about it from Knowledge objects , Ability objects and emotion objects:






Next , according to the new teachingstand and the teaching content , I made out the key points and the difficult points of this lesson:




Well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below.According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method and TBLT method in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.They offer the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome.The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can mobilize the Ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.Studying Methods:

Let Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere.Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, imagining , thinking etc.And make preparation for completing the new study task.也就是说,为了更好地实现任务式教学和探究式教学,我采用了一下教学方法:




4、讨论法:通过Pair work.Group work.让学生都得到一次口语训练的机会,教师应设计一些适当的话题。




Multi-media computer;OHP(overhead projector);tape recorder;software: Powerpoint or Authorware

Teaching Process:

In order to realize the teaching process systematically, properly and efficiently, under the principle of “regard Ss as the corpus, the teacher inspires for predominance”, I divide the teaching process into six steps.Step1 Revision and lead-in

Step2 Presentation and practice.It contains some small steps such as Listening ,Reading , Disoussion etc.Step3 Task time.This step gives the students 5-8minutes to make a similar dialogue using the phrases and sentences learned in this passage and everyday life experience according to the given situation(show it on the screen using a multi-media computer).This step is employed to create a language environment for students’ communication in the class;If the students can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.Step4 Consolidation and extension.Finish Exx 1 and 3 orally, left Ex 2 as written work.Ex.1 revises the Object Clause(宾语从句).When transforming(变换)the structures, the students are required to pay attention to the change of t he verb tenses, personal pronouns and word order.Ex.2 is a revision of the Modal Verbs(情态动词)and some useful expressions.Let the Ss work in pairs and then check the answers with the whole class.Step5 Homework

1.Do Ex 2 in the exercise books.This is used to make the students have a further understand of the modal verbs.2.Write a short passage about the dialogue learned.This is used to practise writing ability of the students.Step6 Blackboard Design.(Show on the CAI)

在整个课程中,我的思路是这样的:教学之初,给学生呈现一些--------------图片,让学生首先从视觉的角度对要学习的内容有一个深刻的认识;在进入课文的学习之前,先粗略地复习上一节课所学的相关的词汇,要求学生用简单英语解释,但允许学生自主选择想解释的词汇。这样,既减少了 学生的胆怯心理,又达到了运用语言的目的:通过对于本文的语言片段的学习,以及围绕着它所作的拓展训练,培养学生理解含有所学生词的句子和段落并获取信息,找出段落和文章的从属关系,培养学生对因果关系的判断分析能力,归纳分析能力和表达能力。

Anyway, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the Ss' language technical abilities, but also the diverse intelligence by integrated teaching methods.As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go.Above is the lecture notes of my lesson.Thank you!


2Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.It’s a great pleasure for me to be here sharing my lesson with you.My name is.Firstly, I’ll introduce my teaching material to you.The content of it is Unit 1 of Module 3,Book 1.In this unit we’ll talk about the numerals.By studying this unit, the students will know how to ask and answer the quantities.The way to ask “how many’and the numbers from 1 to 10 are the key and difficult points of this unit.As we know, our students are pupils, boys and girls are exposed to English for a short time, so it is very important to develop their intreset in English.As for this, I made my teaching aims as follows.Teaching aims:

1.Aims on knowledge:

1)The students can hear,read and use the sentence “how many?’ to ask questions.2)The students can hear, read and use the words from 1 to 10 to answer the questions on numerals.2.Aims on abilities:

1)To develop students’ abilities of listening and speaking.2)To foster students’ abilities of communicating skills.3.Aims on the emotion:

1)To set up students’ self-confidence in language study.2)To form happy English learning situations for the students.4.Key points:

1)To help students ask and answer the question: How many?

2)To develop students intrest in English.5.Difficult point:

The right pronunciation of the numerals from 1 to 10.Secondly,I’ll introduce my teaching methods.We all know that the main instructional aims of learning English in primary schools to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson,I’ll mainly use “task-based” teaching method.I’ll let Ss learn in real situations,finish some simple tasks to help the students to get a better understanding of the lesson.And I will arrange many kinds of activities for them.In this class, I’ll use a recorder and some pictures as my teaching assistance.Teaching process



2.say the chant “Bob.Bob.Bob…

3.The teacher can choose some students,to do a simple dialogue such as What’s your name? How are you?and so on.(for this step, we should practice quickly.This chant can arouse exciting motion.So it is important to form a happy class.The part of the dialogue can make Ss review the knowledge in the last lesson.)

Ⅱ.Leading in

1.After chant,the teacher shows a pencil and ask students :What’s this?lead the students to answer ‘pencil’.Then the teacher says:Yes, it’s one pencil.Then the teacher shows two pencils and says: There are two pencils.The teacher can lead in the numerals by this way(This part to lead the numbers quickly.)

Activities for the children.1 to 4,we should clap our hands;after 4,we should change to stamp our feet;after 8 we should shake our bodies.That is to say, ask students to clap when teaching numbers 1-4, ask the students to stamp when teaching numbers 5-8, ask the students to shake their bodies when teaching numbers 9-10.(we count the ten numners by different ways, Ss would like to do things like this.We’ll have a happy beginning)

2.The teacher shows the pictures about numerals.Have the students read the pictures and follow the teacher to practise,and put the numerals on the blackboard.(This part is the important part to make students learn the numerals)

3.A game to practice the numerals.Ask students to do the counting one by one, they should line up first, then count from 1-10.(For this step, I will correct their pronunciation).Ⅲ.New lesson

1.The teacher shows the pictures quickly, and ask them to guess How many?

And students say the answers.After some time, ask little teachers to do this.Then the teacher shows and teaches the new sentence ‘How many?’

2.guessing game

In this part, we can play two games.First, guess the pictures;second, guess how many students.(to drill the questions and answers with the help of the game.)

3.listen to the tape.T should play the tape three times, first, Ss just listen;second, Ss read the story after the tape;third, Ss listen carefully and find 1 to 10 on the book.(It is necessary for Ss to listen to the tape in our class, it will form a good habit of listening.)


A task of memory.The teacher shows a big picture with some boys and girls on it.Have the students look at this picture for 5 seconds.Then the teacher closes this picture and asks: How many boys or girls? The students will try to give the right answers.(This is a transitional part for unit 2)


Let the students to count all the things arround them after class.Then to tell their friends or to mark on the paper.(revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they can in class)

Above is my lesson,I try my best to make my students happy in class.So I use different kinds of activities and games to deepen my instruction in order to let children acqire new knowledge through arousing their interest.But, the weakness of this lesson is the students might not grasp the hole story and sentences pattern because of lack of enough training in these two parts, story-teaching and sentence pattern-teaching.That’s all!Thank you!

It’s my great honor to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is《New Standard English 》Book4 Module8 Unit1 I was two.Then I’m going to talk about it through the following six aspects: teaching material, students, teaching aims, teaching points, teaching preparation and teaching process.一、Teaching material

The topic of this module is “Changes”.The language function of this unit is throughing the photos of Lingling’s grandparents and her own to describe the things past with “was/were”.The main patterns “They were young.” and “I was two.” are close to Ss’ daily life.Therefore, they would show their great interests in this lesson and try to use what they have learnt in their real lives.By studying this unit, Ss can discuss the things that occurred in the past to themselves with “was/were”.二、Students

The Ss in grade four have got some English foundations.They also have higher learning enthusiasm and lively personalities.As a result, the activities full of fun and relaxation are offered in order to let the Ss learn English more freely.Meanwhile, the abilities of observing and self-study , the habits of independent thinking and positive participation are fostered in the class.三、Teaching aims

(一)Aims on the knowledge

1.The Ss can understand and speak the words: who, grandparents, then, me, hair, so.2.The Ss can understand and speak the sentence patterns: They were young.I was two.(二)Aims on the abilities

1.The Ss can read the dialogue fluently.2.The Ss can communicate with “was/were” according to the photos.(三)Aims on the emotion

Through the Ss’ comparison the old life with the new one, they will not only cherish the life nowadays, but also improve emotion between the families.四、Teaching points

(一)Key points

1.The Ss can understand and speak the new words and the sentence patterns.2.The Ss can describe the things past with “was/were”.(二)Difficult points

1.The Ss know the usage and relationship between “am/is/are” and “was/ were”.2.The Ss can discuss the real life with the sentence patterns freely and creatively.五、Teaching preparation

Tape, recorder, photos, multimedia, cards, stickers.六、Teaching process

Step 1.Warming-up


2.Enjoy the song “The family”.3.Free talk

T: Here is a family photo.Let’s describe it.In this photo, Father is …(choose the appropriate adjectives)

S: ….T: Mother/Brother/Sister/Baby is…

[Design intent] The song can adjust the Ss’ thought, arouse their interest in learning English, let them enter the atmosphere of learning English quickly.The free talk can help them review the adjectives which are used to describe the personalities and characters.Step 2.Presentation


T: Here is another family photo.Do you know who the baby is?

S: …

T: It’s me!(Teach the word “me” at this moment.)

I was two, then.Now I am 30.(Show Ss the current photo.)

T: Our friend Lingling has got some photos, too.Do you want to have a look?

[Design intent] Through the new and old photos show, bring out the topic of the text smoothly and make a good preparation for the text learning.2.Text

(1)Listen and try to find out the words they don’t know.Study them in groups.Then T consolidates the meaning of “who, grandparents, then, hair, so”.(2)Listen read and underline the sentences with “was/were”.T: What’s the difference between “am/is/are” and “was/ were”?(Explain it under the help of the photos.)

[Design intent] Through the listening and underlining, Ss can have the deeper understanding to the text.Explain the past tense appropriately and design the blackboard writing reasonably.Let Ss know the meaning and usage of “was/ were” clearly.(3)Listen and read the dialogue again.Step 3.Practice

1.Look, listen and guess.Show Ss four pairs of pictures, choose the correct one after listening to T’s description.2.Do Activity 3 on page 31.Discuss the answers in groups.[Design intent] Through the activities, let Ss practice the sentence patterns step by step.Cultivate Ss' abilities of cooperation and participation by group-working.Step 4 Consolidation

1.Enjoy the passage of the cartoon “The ugly duckling”.Discuss the changes of the little duckling according to the T’s reminder.2.Show Ss some photos of new and old Yantai, let them realize the great changes of our life.[Design intent] The cartoon can make Ss show more interests in learning English.Through the photos show, Ss will love and cherish the new life more.Step 5 Summary

Ask Ss themselves to summarize what they have learnt today.Step 6 Assignment

1.Listen and repeat the text.2.Describe Ss’ own photos with the sentence patterns in groups and prepare to show in next class.[Design intent] Making lots of listening and speaking exercise is able to train Ss’ comprehensive language abilities and strengthen their confidence.In addition, extending the knowledge in class to the real life effectively can finally achieve the purpose of communication using language.Design of blackboard writing

Moduel 8 Changes

Unit 1 I was two.(then)(now)

I was two, then.Now I am 30.They were young, then.Now they are old.She/He was…, then.Now she/he is….[外研版英语说课稿 ]相关文章:

























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