我们先看几个来自生活中的句子,都是常见句子(注:所谓Chinglish只是相对,并非绝对):(来源:最老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.xiexiebang.com.com)
Chinglish: It won't do.Please see it again.Revision: It won't do.Please try again.(来源:英语博客 http://space.englishcn.com)
Chinglish: I did one or two times, but I failed.Revision: I tried a couple of times, but I failed.4、请您放心,我一定有多少力,出多少力。
Chinglish: Please put down your heart.I'll give all my strength out.Revision: Don't worry, I'll try my best.5、这件裙子真漂亮,你穿上看看?
This skirt looks so beautiful.Would you please try it?
凡是带有“尝试”、做事没底但是还是做了等,可以选用try一词,简单又实用。当然,try还有审判的意思。(来源:英语博客 http://space.englishcn.com)So, Please try this word more often.在google.com中对try的原形进行搜索,“约有158,000,000项符合try的查询结果”,也就是近1.6亿个结果。可见try是多么受欢迎。那么我们用过多少次?
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第二词 Enjoy(来源:英语交友 http://friends.englishcn.com)
In Africa, Botswana is one of the few countries which enjoys a good reputation for corruption control and the DCEC has attracted favourable attention from analysts, donors and Botswana's regional neighbours.顺便再说一句,好的用enjoy,不好的可用suffer。一想到灾难、甚至阿富汗、伊拉克什么的就应该想到suffer这个词。这个词就不单独列出来了。
再如:UN conference to study why women in war-torn States suffer justice deficit.第三词 Available
Chinglish: Sorry, we have no seats now.Revision: Sorry, no seats available.2、网站暂时无法访问。(来源:英语交友 http://friends.englishcn.com)
Chinglish: This website can't be visited temporarily.Revision: Website Temporarily Unavailable.有时候尽管不是非用available/unavailable不可,但是多用一些,看起来正宗。在google.com中搜索结果:是约有441,000,000项符合available的查询结果,即4亿多条,但是我们用过几次。他们爱用的我们老不用,难怪正宗度老是大打折扣。要学习例句,google.com里多得是。(来源:英语博客 http://space.englishcn.com)2 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法
第四词 Surprise(来源:英语聊天室 http://chat.EnglishCN.com)
My boyfriend has come to see me.It's really a big surprise!
To this veteran teacher, it's one surprise after another.第五词 Skills
Chinglish:How to improve our English level?(他们一般不这么说,但是应该可以看懂)
Revision :How to improve our English skills?
Chinglish:His writing and translating level are very high.Revision:He has very good writing and translation skills.现在追求技术的时代,skills也走俏。什么English skills, computer skills, study skills, survival skills, writing skills...都泛滥了,我们也"决口"一次如何?
第六词 Offer 这个词比较微妙。英译中时不太好处理,正因如此,这个词才值得我们重视。先看几个句子:
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Chinglish:Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot.Revision: Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home.2、全国人民纷纷向灾区伸出了援助之手。
version 1: People from all over the country all giving their hands to the disaster area.Alt Version: People from all over the country are offering helping hands to the disaster area.3、他给了一件工作给我。
version 1: He gave me a job to do.(来源:英语交友 http://friends.englishcn.com)
Better version: He offered me a job.Offer可以做动词用,也可以做名词用。还有一些固定搭配,其中Job offer非常红。
这个机会可是我最后给你的。答应不答应随你的便。This is my last offer to you.Take it or leave it.第七词 Difference
意思是差别。对于difference只需要掌握一到两个短语,我们口语水平就会前进一大步,让你的同学对你刮目相看,那就是make a difference(有很大不同)或make no differences(没什么不同)。
You're talking about Telecom and Unicom.The way I see it, they make no differences at all.2、这种化妆品你用用看,效果绝对不一样。
Chinglish: Please use this kind of cosmetics, the effect is absolutely different.Revision: Please try this sort of cosmetics, i bet it'll make a big difference.(不好意思,我就是喜欢try这个词)
Chinglish:God, please give me a chance again, I won't do this again.Revision: God, please grant me another chance, and I'll make a difference.4 / 16
凡是一样不一样,都可以考虑这2个短语,你用好了,绝对可以make a difference。
另外说一下,受教科书的影响,说不同的时候中国学生习惯be different from这一句型。但是很多时候differ from这个动词形式更简单,try it, and you'll make a difference,让你的老师、同学对你刮目相看。
西方人崇尚个人奋斗,追求与他人不一样。这个词,对于他们来说,太神圣了。在google.com中,make a difference这一短语搜索结果近600万,我们用过几次了。所以以后有条件,我们就要make a difference,没有条件时,创建条件也要make a difference。
第八词 point
pointless(没意义)一词也算它一伙的。(来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.xiexiebang.com)提到这个词,完全是meaning 一词在作怪。(来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.xiexiebang.com)先看几个例子:
Chinglish: What is your meaning in doing this?
Revision: What's your point?
Chinglish: If you smoke, you should not be afraid to get lung cancer.It's meaningless to ask “why did God do this to me?”.(注:meaningless可用,但是老外不爱用,爱用的是我们)
Revision: If you smoke, you should be prepared to get lung cancer;it's pointless to ask “why did God do this to me?”.要@脑子,转变中式思维习惯,就别怕“矫枉过正”。以后凡是遇到“有意义”、“没意义”的时候,先考虑point/poinless,而不要先考虑meaning什么的。
第九词 Access
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Chinglish: I can't go on Internet here.(老外还以为是你有事、或这里不适合而不能上网)
Revision: I can't access the web/the Internet here.(说明想上但是上不了)
Chinglish: My God!I can't open my mailbox today!(我看也可以这么说,但是这样说不如下面的好)
Revision: My God!I can't access my mailbox today!
第十词 Sense
这个词主要由于几个相关短语而流行的。这几个短语分别是: a sense of(responsibility, humor...)---有幽默感等, make sense/not make any sense,有意义,没意义(所以我说别老用meaningless,不是人家听不懂,那很中式的)。几个例句:
Chinglish: I very like him.He is very humorous.Revision: I like him very much.He has a good sense of humor.2、我知道,不过有的地方没什么意义。
Chinglish: I know, but it's meaningless in some places.Revision: I know, but again at some point it doesn't make any sense.3、什么?至少六周?这样做有什么意义呢?
What? At least 6 weeks? Does it make any sense?(或what's your point?)
第十一词: Afford
但是Afford只能表示能力,不表示意愿。例如我们可以说I’m willing to pay, but I really can’t afford it,而不能说I’m willing to afford it。
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Chinglish: This hat is extremely expensive, I can’t buy it.Revision: This hat is so expensive that I can’t afford it.2、这个村子里好多儿童都上不起学。
Chinglish: Lots of kids can’t go to school because they’re poor.(意思表达出来了但是不精练)Revision: Plenty of kids in this village can’t afford to go to school(can’t afford education).3、抱歉,我跟你玩不起。
Chinglish: Sorry, I can’t play with you.Revision: I can’t afford to play ''games'' with you, sorry.这100词到底要写多长时间,我也不知道。现在工作太忙了,老板要知道我偷偷干别的,还不炒了我,所以我还得慢慢写,I can’t afford to lose my job, because I’m the bread-winner and I have a big family to support.第十二词 Deserve
Chinglish: You’re like a rat teasing a cat...(下面不会了)Revision: I think you’re playing with fire.You deserve it!
Chinglish: That good-hearted girl was married to the man in her heart at last.She was good so she had a good end.Revision: That good-hearted girl married her ''prince'' finally.She deserved it.3、你竟敢这样对我?找打啊?
Chinglish: How dare you do this to me? Do you want me to beat you? Revision: How dare you do this to me? You deserve a kick in the ass!
4、你很有能力,你应该找到更好的工作才是!You’re very able.You deserve a good job.7 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法
If you think that I deserve some applauses or flowers, why not let me know about it:)第十三词 Frustrated
表示心情沮丧、灰心丧气时,老外偏爱frustrated这一词。我们喜欢是sad, lose one’s heart等表达法。
用法特别简单。当你觉得灰心丧气时,forget about “sad”, use this word instead.例句:
1、没有一个女孩子给我写过信,我真是沮丧极了。I’m so frustrated that no girls wrote me.2、公司业绩总是不好,总经理真是心灰意懒。
Chinglish: The total manager is very sad because the achievement is not good.Revision: The general manager is so frustrated for the poor performance of his company.If, if lots of people come and shout to me: “Coolmax, your English is so poor and limited!” I’ll be extremely frustrated :-)再说一遍,以后要常说 frustrated哦!说多了,你就有老外的感觉了。
第十四词 Indifferent
Why some people are so indifferent to the victims of this tsunami?
He was indifferent to insults and scorns thrown at him.When I was very young, I liked a girl named “Xiaofang” very much, and I tried all means available to please her, but she was still indifferent to me.At last I became utterly frustrated and lost my patience.8 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法
第十五词 Promise
A promise is a promise.(最简单、最朴实的语言,蕴藏了多少艰辛!)
I promise I won’t make this kind of mistakes again!说话算数哦!再说一遍,不可不用,不可滥用,好神圣的一个词。对于老外,哪怕是你随口答应的,也一定要办到!现在已经有老外控告我们中国人老说谎了!例如一起合影,有学生随口答应给老外@一张,结果老外等来等去,就是没人给送。其实文化不太一样,我们委婉谢绝或说点便宜话,但是他们看不出来的。
第十六词 Hurt
Chinglish: Sorry, I didn’t want to harm you on purpose.Revision: Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.2、哦,天哪!你竟然不理我了。我受伤了。
Chinglish: Oh, God, you don’t notice me!I am injured.(Injure一词一般不用于心理方面的伤害)。
Revision: Oh, God, how come you start to ignore me!I’m hurt.3、别动我,我右手大拇指疼。
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Chinglish: Don’t move me!My right thumb aches.(动某人的话也可以用 touch)Revision: Leave me alone!My right thumb hurts.At last I want to remind some friends that we should never tell a woman that she is ''fat''.She would be hurt or even offended if you do that.第十七词 Mislead
其形容词是Misleading,被动形式是be mislead。意思是误导。我们国人不太爱说,但是爱好政治与辩论的老外整天把这个词挂在嘴上。所以我们要学。这个词不难用,关键是思维方式不同。我们先看几个例句:
Haven’t you realized this newspaper is misleading its readers?
I deem that you’re misled by the propaganda and maybe you’re brainwashed.So, my only wish regarding this thread is that I’m not misleading.最后别忘了,这个词也是我们Chinadaily的News Talks 版面最红的字眼之一。不信大家去那里搜索看看。
第十八词 Offend
这个词表示“冒犯”、“得罪”,老外整天挂在嘴上。我们要跟进。一般用法是offend sb.被动是be/get offended.要善于识别offend使用范围。汉语语言特别丰富,所以我们要特别注重内在含义。例句:
Chinglish: You’re commenting on her dress;she might be unhappy.(还不太中式,但是想不到offend一词就是罪过)
Revision: You’re criticizing her dress sense.She might be offended.2、我什么时候得罪她了?她这人真怪!
Chinglish: When did I do bad to her? She is so strange!(不算太中式,但是想不到offend就是罪过)
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Revision: Have I ever offended her? She’s just being so weird!
Sometimes, when we are commenting on others or their work, we should know what we’re talking about and we should be as polite as possible, so that they won’t get offended.第十九词 Update
Chinglish: Where is the new one?(不算太中式,但是中国学生会用update会让人刮目相看)Revision: Where’s the update?
Chinglish: This is the newest change.Revision: This is the latest update.(会用latest的也不简单)
You know I’m pretty busy with my work and I have to work overtime every day, but I’ll try my best to keep this thread updated.第二十词 Challenge
哎哟,这个词好厉害哦,太流行了,不论是英文的challenge还是中文的“挑战”都快用烂了。以前我们流行说“把压力变成动力”,而老外则流行说“face the challenge”(面对挑战),思维方式不同是关键。现在我们要学英文了,我们想学好英文了,所以思维方式要跟着人家走。例句:
Chinglish: This task is very difficult and I have to do it.(意思有了,但是用词功夫还需要多多修炼)
Revision: This task is very challenging.(怎么样?既简练,又把内涵说出来了)
Chinglish: A--Let us decide it this time.B--I oppose that!Revision: A--We’re the boss this time.B--I challenge that!(challenge还有表示正式宣布反对 11 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法 的意思”)
第二十一词: Fail
表示没办到,没做到,失信,或该做什么没做。这个词用好了,也不简单了。不过这个词特别好用。我们只需要加学一个fail to句型。请看例句:
1、他昨天在演讲中没有提到过我们。(背景:该提到但是没提到)Version 1: He didn’t mention us in his speech yesterday.Better version: He failed to mention us in his speech yesterday.2、如果应用程序启动不了,也别慌张。
Chinglish: If the program can’t be started, please don’t be afraid.Revision: If the application fails to load, just relax.顺便说一下,这个词开始我也没注意过,后来经常看到老外喜欢这么说,再一注意,果真是这样的。
第二十二词 Appreciate
感谢以上各位捧场,祝你们好运!I’m pretty busy, but I promise I’ll keep this thread updated!I really appreciate your replies and your encouragement!Any constructive ideas would be highly appreciated!这个词一般就这样用。表示“感激”。礼貌用语,必不可少。
第二十三词 Contribute
名词形式是contribution.意思有“捐献”、“投稿”等意思。凡是有贡献,都可以叫contribution。contribute这个动词一般与to 连用。例句:
Chinglish: He also supplied his strength to this.Revision: He also contributed a lot to this.12 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法
Version1 : Thank you very much.You really helped a lot.Version 2: I really appreciate your great contribution.(看情况)
Chinglish: You only know how to criticize others, but how much thing have you done yourself? Revision: You’re a critic!Where’s your contribution? 这个词用起来自然。好用,实用。
第二十四词 Leave
这个词看起来简单,但是如果看不起它的话就不容易用好。用好了可以帮助我们省大力气,一旦接受就可以为我们所用。这里不讨论它的“离开”含义。那个确实很简单。要讨论的是“放任”、“不干涉”以及“造成。。的后果”等意思。弄清下列例句就可以学好leave 这个词。例句:
1、别管我/别打扰我!Leave me alone!(超级经典)
Chinglish: Don’t close the door.Revision: Leave the door open.3、维持原状。
Chinglish: Maintain its original form.(好费劲啊)Revision: Just leave it as it is.4、昨天晚上在郊区发生爆炸案导致1人死亡,11人受伤。
The bombing took place in the suburb last night, leaving one dead and eleven injured.(VOA新闻广播超级经典句)
Ok, let’s work hard and we should never leave today’s work for tomorrow.13 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法
第二十五词 Scenario
这个词是“假想”、“设想”的意思。会用这个词不容易。凡是用过该词三次以上的(查词典抄来的不算),我敢断定其英文水平已经达到Great甚至是Excellent了。这是来自本论坛的一句话: In the unlikely scenario that there is no major conflict, China is obviously willing to give peace a chance so long as Taiwan is not being unleashed by the Americans to pursue de jure independence.更多例句:Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job.“In the scenario posed by many climatologists, decades of continued global warming would raise sea levels anywhere from 20 inches to more than 11 feet as the polar ice caps melt and the ocean's upper layers expand.”(&b{San Francisco Chronicle})
第二十六词 Practice
这个词大家都认识,但是它有个“习惯”、“惯例”的意思,用起来让人觉得挺正宗的。如Social Practice(某个社会中的常见做法)、Common Practice(司空见惯的事)。例句: 那个在封建社会可是个常见的现象。
Chinglish: It’s was a familiar phenomenon in the feudal society.Revision: It was common practice during the period of Feudal rule.虽然用到场合不多,但是在很多时候可以替代被我们滥用但是老外又不那么用的“phenomenon ”这个词。
第二十七词 Impress
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Chinglish: Coolmax, your this post is just so so.Revision: Coolmax, I’m not at all impressed by this thread of yours.2、在我记忆中,中国给我的感觉太棒了!
Chinglish: In my memory, China gave me a very wonderful feeling.Revision: China was really impressive in my memory.3、成功的推销员知道如何打动他的客户。
Chinglish: A successful salesman knows how to move his customers.Revision: A successful salesman knows how to impress his customers.So, if you want to impress your boss, you have to work very hard, never be late for your work and always try to be creative, and use the word “impressive” to commend your boss each day :))))hahah.第二十八词 Follow
这个词已Followed by...(后面跟着)结构最为特别。另外还有“遵循。。”的意思。例句:
1、您说怎么办,我就怎么办。I’ll follow your arrangement.2、校长走进了教室,后面跟了2名警察。
Chinglish: The headmaster entered the classroom, with 2 policemen after him.(可以看懂,但是老外不这么说)
Revision: The headmaster entered the classroom, followed by 2 policemen.3、我不会照搬你的模式的。I won’t follow your way.第二十九词 Lose
1、如果这样的话,大家都会丢脸的。If so everyone would lose face.2、我得警告了,我的耐心快没了。
Chinglish: I must warn you, my patience will be less and less.Revision: I have to warn you I’m losing my patience.15 / 16 三十个英语单词的常见中国式错误及改正方法
Chinglish: You must lose.Revision: You’re bound/sure to lose.4、他这个人输不起(输了就骂人等)。Chinglish: He can’t bear to lose too much.Revision: He is a bad loser.(或sore loser)
Actually name calling can solve no problems.A real loser is virtually the one who loves to call others “loser”.第三十词 Some
这个词怎么也拿出来了?有什么秘密吗?其实这个词已经被CCTV-4与CCTV-9用烂了!Some特殊意思有两个,一个是某个,表示不确定,指人或物,如some book也未必是错的,可能是“某本书”的意思而未必是一些书的意思。另外一个意思就是“大约”。看了几次cctv英文节目,发现他们有个毛病,在表示“大约”的时候,几乎不用about而只用some。例句:
Some 1,000 Dinosaur Fossils Found in China’s ''Dinosaur Cemetery'' 中国的“恐龙墓地”发现了大约1000具恐龙化石
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1.We college students had enough time to take a part-time job, no matter how busy we were.2.There are so many countries using English that it had been regarded as an international language.3.The eating habit of Chinese people have changed in the past decade.4.Now fruits and vegetables can be seen everywhere when it is in season.5.I can solve our problem of tuition and fees by taking some part-time jobs.6.Without television, people can’t get information that comes from other parts of the world immediately.7.At the age of six, my father began to give me English lessons.8.To improve one’s writing skill, regular practice is necessary.9.With the computer, one can do shopping, banking and read at home.10.Nowadays, people not only eat enough food, but also eat better.11.Participating in sports is good for our physical health, and through it we can also train our character.12.Sometimes teachers will inform students of the heavy burden the have to bear.13.Someone believes that the teacher’s task is to students knowledge, which may not be true.14.People have been fighting against the influence of TV commercials, but it often proves useless.15.While we reduce the number of vehicles, the speed of traffic can be increased.16.Each of us may take a part-time job to help support ourselves, but if you spend too much time on it, your study will be affected.17.TV presents us with many useful informations.18.Making our cities greener is not an easy work.19.Each people has his own opportunities.20.Book knowledge is important, but we should learn something in the society.21.When I was in the high school, I always have a beautiful picture of the college life.22.If there were no electric power, we would have to do everything by the hands.23.If there were no electric power, factory would stop producing goods, car, bus and train would stop running.24.TV now plays and important role in our daily life, Because we think it extremely important.25.There are many ways to contact with society.For example, join in clubs, take part-time jobs and help the poor.26.If no electricity, all activities such as watching TV and seeing movies will be impossible.27.Because some college students could not find a better job, so they decided to continue to read for second degree.28.Although an opportunity is rare, but we must be ready to seize it.29.We students should learn / study as much knowledge as possible.30.With a rise in he number of cars and buses, traffic in Shanghai has become more and more crowded.31.People begin to eat more vice food.32.Actually, traffic jams have effected our daily life.33.In my opinion, I believe the present educational system is in need of reform.34.The reason why people choose to live in the country is because there is no pollution nor noise there.35.After four years, we all graduated from college and entered society.36.Many college students have a strong desire to be independent on their parents.37.The computer like TV, it has both advantages and disadvantages.38.Obviously, our country would stop develop if no electricity.39.Riding bicycles conveniences my work.40.Unlike movies, TV shows on continuously, and doesn’t need to pay an extra money.41.Too easy or to difficult is no good for us.42.College students doing part-time jobs is god to his family, himself, and the whole society.43.The canteen should setup several televisions.44.Reading books can acquire knowledge.45.People think go to the movie will cost a lot of money.46.There are many people take part in sports and games now.47.There are many people complain the paper-making mill pollute our fresh water can by people use.48.Although difficulty is exist, but we can overcome it.49.We should put our heart into the study.50.We young people are now living in sugar water.51.In a society where men are heavy and women are light, women cannot enjoy full equality.52.People set off firecrackers to congratulate the red and white happy things.53.We should advocate five talks and four beauties.54.Those are my humble opinions.【错误归类及修改建议】
1.We college students we are.2.There are so many countries using English that itbeen regarded as an
international language.语态:15
15.While theof traffic should be
25.There are many ways to contact with society.For example, join in clubs,take part-time jobs, or help the poor.26.Ifno electricity, all activities,be impossible.38.Obviously, our country would stop 39.It is convenient for me to go working by bicycles.41.no good for us.42.Collegedoing part-time jobs is good to himself, his family and the whole
society.43.Several televisions should be setup in the canteen.44.45.People think going to movies will cost a lot of money.46.There are many peoplepart in sports and games now.47.There are many people complain the paper-making mill our fresh
water 48.Although difficulties exist, we can overcome them.主干搭配:30,34,40,30.With a rise in the number of cars and buses, in Shanghai 34.The reason why people choose to live in the country is that there is neither
pollution nor noise there.40.Unlike movies, TV shows on continuously, and the viewers don’t need to pay an
extra money.(二)细节性错误
13.Someone believes that a teacher’s task is to give students knowledge,which may not be true.(如此一来,which明确的指向前文的整句含义)
14.People have been fighting against the influence the influence of TV commercials,butoften proves useless.(it指代不明确,换成the effort便可以明确的指代前文中所言的斗争)
20.It is important for us to acquire knowledge from books, but we should also learn
something from(不需要the)
21.When I was in a high school, I always had a beautiful picture of college life.22.If there were no electric power, we would have to do everything 23.If there were no electric power,would stop producing goods, buses and trains would stop running.用词(准确性):17,18,19,29,31,32,33,35,36,37,17.TV presents us withuseful(分清可数名词和不可数名词)
18.Making our city greener is not an easy(分清抽象名词和具体名词)
19.Each(分清个体和集体概念) students shouldas much knowledge as possible.People begin to have more non-staple food.Actually, traffic jams have(注意区分形似词)In my opinion, the present educational system is in need of reform.(不必重复)
35.Four years , we all graduated from college and entered society.36.Many college students have a strong desire totheir children.37.Like TV, a computer has both advantages and disadvantages.修饰成分:6,7,8,6.Without a television, people cannot immediately get information that comes from
other parts of the world.7.At my age of six, I was taught English by my father.8.To improve one’s writing skill, he needs regular practice.(三)逻辑性错误
逻辑缺失:23,23.If there were no electric power,would stop producing goods,would stop running.逻辑冗余:27,28,48
27.Because some college students cannot find satisfactory jobs, they decide to
continue their schooling for second degree.28.Although opportunities are rare, we must be ready to seize them.48.Although difficulties exist, we can overcome them.逻辑不成立:24
24.TV now plays an important role in our daily life, insight into the alien world without it.(四)一致性错误
2.There are so many countries using English that itbeen regarded as an
international language.3.The diet of Chinese peoplechanged in the past decade.句中指代一致:4,5,16
4.Now fruits and vegetables can be seen everywhere whenin season.5.I can solveproblem of tuition and fees by taking 16.Each of us may take a part-time job to help support himself, but if he spends too
much time on it,平行结构前后一致:9,10,11,15,20
9.With a computer, one can do shopping, banking and
10.Nowadays, people have.11.Participating in sports is good for p.15.While the number of vehicles is reduced, the efficiency of traffic should be
increased.20.It is important for us to acquire knowledge from books, but we should also learn
something from.(整句前后要平行)
49.We.50.We young people are now leading a sweet life.51.In a society equality.52.Firecrackers are often set off
53.We should advocate 54.Those are my opinion.
Taibai Mountain is a famous place of interest in Shaanxi Province.It has its special scenes all the year round, and spring is the best time to visit it.When spring comes, the mountains are covered with a great many green tall trees and all kinds of colorful wild flowers.It is so beautiful that a lot of visitors come here and enjoy its beauty every day.But a few years ago, some of the visitors paid no attention to protecting the environment.They used to throw lots of rubbish such as plastic bags, fruit skins and waste paper on the ground.Sometimes they broke some branches, picked flowers and even killed birds.Some even made fires in the forest to cook food.How dangerous it was!Luckily enough, the local government has begun to do something to stop polluting the area.Great changes have taken place here.(二)文体格式错误
Monday, March12th, 2007Sunny
It is March 12th today.At half past eight, all the teachers and students in our school gathered in front of the school gate.Then we went on foot to the Western Hill to plant trees.Before we started working, the teacher gave us a talk on the importance of planting trees.He said that trees can help to keep the air clean, protect us from strong wind and sand and make our city more beautiful.Then he showed us how to plant trees and asked each of us to plant at least five trees.After that we started working.Some strong boys dug holes, some carried water and some girls put trees in the holes.We all worked hard.Among us, Lin Tao, our monitor set a good example to us.Though he was ill, he worked harder.When he finished his task, he went on to help others.He was wet all over after work.Looking at the lines of the young trees, we smiled happily.(三)人称和时态误用
The computer — a high-tech product, has become so popular that it is seen in almost every family.It is playing an important role in our everyday life.The computer helps us handle many matters: official business, chat online, study, sending e-mails, long-distance education and entertainment such as listening to music and watching video.But we also know that the computer is bad for our eyes, especially for the young kids’.Now there are more and more children who have to wear glasses in order to see clearly.Many children become near-sighted, and they are doing worse and worse in their studies because they spend too much time playing computer games.So if you want to have beautiful and bright eyes and gain some useful knowledge when you are young, the most important thing you will do is to plan your time carefully and well.Only in this way can you have a bright future.(四)句型结构、固定搭配错误
Smoking is harmful to health
It is known to all that smoking is bad for health.In China there are millions of smokers.Each year millions of people die from smoking.Smoking makes many people ill.Those who often smoke have black teeth.Lots of smokers cough day and night.Lung cancer is one of the most serious illnesses that are caused by smoking.Many people suffer from this terrible disease and lose their lives.Smoking does harm not only to smokers themselves, but also to non-smokers, especially women and children.They may have their health harmed because of the smoke caused by cigarettes.Everyone agrees that smoking is not good for health, but it is not easy for smokers to give up smoking.I hope all the smokers will stop smoking for the good of their own health and also for the people around them.Let’s enjoy clean and fresh air together.(五)词汇使用错误
Dear Li Xiaoli,I’m glad to receive your e-mail.I’ve showed it to my friends.Every one of us thinks China is one of the greatest countries.We’ve known much about your country for years, but we have no chance to go there.We often watch the Great Wall and beautiful Beijing on TV.So I think China is worth visiting.I bought a book on China and study it when I’m free.I hope I can visit your country one day, and I also hope you can visit our country sometime in the future.Truly yours,Mary Baker
We keep a lovely small cat at home.My family are always happy because of her.I went to the store to buy some food for her yesterday evening.Unluckily, there was a heavy rain on my way home.When I got home, I was wet through.Although I was wet, I was very happy.Anyway, the cat would not be hungry.
GET: 请求指定的页面信息,并返回实体主体。
HEAD: 只请求页面的首部。
POST: 请求服务器接受所指定的文档作为对所标识的URI的新的从属实体。
PUT: 从客户端向服务器传送的数据取代指定的文档的内容。
DELETE: 请求服务器删除指定的页面。
OPTIONS: 允许客户端查看服务器的性能。
TRACE: 请求服务器在响应中的实体主体部分返回所得到的内容。
PATCH: 实体中包含一个表,表中说明与该URI所表示的原内容的区别。
MOVE: 请求服务器将指定的页面移至另一个网络地址。
COPY: 请求服务器将指定的页面拷贝至另一个网络地址。
LINK: 请求服务器建立链接关系。
UNLINK: 断开链接关系。
WRAPPED: 允许客户端发送经过封装的请求。
当服务器响应时,其状态行的信息为HTTP的版本号,状态码,及解释状态码的简单说明。现将5类状态码详细列出: ① 客户方错误
交换协议 ② 成功
200 OK 201 已创建
202 接收
203 非认证信息
204 无内容
205 重置内容
206 部分内容 ③ 重定向
300 多路选择
301 永久转移
302 暂时转移
303 参见其它
304 未修改(Not Modified)
305 使用代理 ④ 客户方错误
400 错误请求(Bad Request)
401 未认证
402 需要付费
403 禁止(Forbidden)
404 未找到(Not Found)
405 方法不允许
406 不接受
407 需要代理认证 408 请求超时
409 冲突
410 失败
411 需要长度
412 条件失败
413 请求实体太大
414 请求URI太长
415 不支持媒体类型 ⑤ 服务器错误
500 服务器内部错误
501 未实现(Not Implemented)
502 网关失败
504 网关超时
505 HTTP版本不支持 关于实体头部的内容还可以有:
Last Modified :请求文档的最近修改时间。Expires :请求文档的过期时间。Connect-length:文档数据的长度。
WWW-authenricate:通知客户端需要的认证信息。Connect-encoding :说明有无使用压缩技术。Transfer-encoding :说明采用的编码变换类型。标准Http协议支持六种请求方法,即: 0,GET 1,HEAD 2,PUT 3,DELETE 4,POST 5,OPTIONS 但其实我们大部分情况下只用到了GET和POST。如果想设计一个符合RESTful规范的web应用程序,则这六种方法都会用到。不过即使暂时不想涉及REST,了解这六种方法的本质仍然是很有作用的。大家将会发现,原来web也是很简洁明了的。下面依次说明这六种方法。
5,OPTIONS:这个方法很有趣,但极少使用。它用于获取当前URL所支持的方法。若请求成功,则它会在HTTP头中包含一个名为“Allow”的头,值是所支持的方法,如“GET, POST”。
其实还有一个TRACE方法,不过这个基本上不会用到,这里就不介绍了。以上的六种方法,我们可以跟数据库的CRUD增删改查操作对应起来: CREATE :PUT READ:GET UPDATE:POST DELETE:DELETE 这样一来就实现了HTTP和数据库操作(其实不光是数据库,任何数据如文件图表都是这样)的完美统一,这也是REST的精髓之一。