
时间:2019-05-14 16:10:27下载本文作者:会员上传


第一单元 旅游


Qingdao, known as the “Switzerland of the Orient”, is situated on the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula.Wedged between hills and waters, the city is endowed with a beautiful scenery and a delightful climate.By day, she looks like a green gem inlaid in the coastline of the Yellow Sea and, at night, a cradle rocking upon the sea waves.No wonder so many people come to seek rest and relaxation.Xi’an, Tai’an 孔子 Confucius 孙中山 Sun Yat-sen 蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek 长江 the Yangtze River 西藏 Tibet 松花江 the Sungari River 拉萨布达拉宫 the potala Palace of Lasa 泰山Mount Tai 中国日报 China Daily 北京周报 Beijing Review 政协 Chinese People’s Public Consultative Conference 民盟 China Democratic League 国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Council 中华全国总工会 All-China Federation of Trade Unions 《茶馆》 Teahouse 避暑胜地 summer resort 彩塑 color sculpture 茶楼 teahouse 出土文物 unearthed cultural relics 工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship 古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 桂林山水甲天下 Guilin scenery tops in the world

婚丧嫁娶风俗 the local conditions and customs of wedding and funeral 金刚 the Guardians 锦绣大地 a land of splendors 景色如画 picturesque view 举世闻名的旅游景观 world-renowned attractions 孔庙祭典 a memorial ceremony at Confucius’ Temple 旅游景点 tourist attraction, scenic spot, tourist destination, places of tourist attraction, resort 民间艺术节 folklore festival 民俗风情 folklore, folk customs 名胜古迹 places of historical interest, relics and scenic beauty 品尝风味小吃 taste the food of local taste 人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage 山清水秀

beautiful mountains and clear waters 山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers, landscape 诗情画意 a scene full of poetic and artistic conception 手工艺品 handicraft, artifact 水上街市 overwater market 丝绸之路 the Silk Road/ Route 唐三彩 tricolor-grazed pottery, ceramics of the Tang Dynasty 藤桥 cane bridge 体验异国风情 experience the obvious exotic atmosphere 土特产 special local products 外汇年收入 annual foreign currency earnings 文房四宝 the fours stationary treasure of Chinese study including writing brushes, ink sticks, inkstones and paper 文化遗产 cultural heritage 文人墨客 men of letters;writers and poets 珍禽奇兽和奇花异草 unique and intriguing animals and flora 中国民间艺术绝活 Chinese unique skills in folk art 自然奇观 natural splendor, attraction 天下第一泉

the finest spring under heaven/ in the world 天下第一洞 the most spectacular cave unparalleded elsewhere in the world

课后练习 1.乡村旅游受到游客们的欢迎。他们能够体验乡村生活,品尝家庭制作的食品,在自然环境中好好轻松一下。

Rural tours have been welcomed by tourists, who can experience country life, taste home-made food and relax in natural surroundings.2.上海香格里拉大酒店位于浦东江畔,与四百六十五米高的“东方之珠”电视塔遥遥相望。

Located near Pudong, Shanghai Shangri-La Hotel has a view of the 465-meter-high Oriental Pearl TV Tower.3.以文物和历史遗迹而闻名遐迩的古都――西安,建设了10座森林公园,去年吸引了八十万参观者。

Xi’an, an ancient city well-known for its relics and historic sites, has constructed 10 forest parks, which attracted more than 800,000 visitors last year.4.天津海滨度假村近日开业,提供包括水上飞机、跳伞、海上垂钓、沙滩排球、温泉理疗、海滨戏浪在内的各种娱乐活动。

The Tianjin Seaside Holiday Resort has opened to the public recently.It provides recreation activities including water planes, parachute jumping, sea fishing, beach volleyball, hot-spring physical therapy and beachcombing.5.最近中国取消了对国内外游客实行不同票价的做法,使任何人在参观景点时都享受同等待遇。

China recently canceled different ticket prices for domestic and foreign tourists.Everyone can now enjoy equal treatment when they visit scenic spots.6大致有两类离家出远门的人―――观光客和旅行者。观光客得到的是一种模拟的感受。他们享受舒适豪华,与现实世界隔绝,全然不知旅行的真谛。而旅行者则历经艰难。他们是独立自主的,囊中羞涩的,并且能够忍受各种不便。旅行的精彩正在于此。There are generally two kinds of people on the road away from home---tourists and travelers.Tourists are the ones having the simulated experience.Enjoying comfort and luxury, sheltered from reality, they don’t know what traveling is all about.Travelers, on the other hand, suffer.They are independent, impecunious and able to tolerate all degree of discomfort.This is travel at its best.7中国民俗文化村是国内第一个荟萃各民族的民间、民俗风情和居民建筑于一园的大型文化旅游区。它座落在风光秀丽的深圳湾畔,占地18万平方米。您可以在一日之内,或乘车,或步行,或乘船在村寨里尽情游历。除了可以了解各民族的建筑风格之外,还可以欣赏和参与各民族的歌舞表演、民族工艺品生产和民族风味食品制作的表演。

China Folk Culture Villages, the first large culture sightseeing spots within the country, combines the populace, folk customs and popular architecture of each nationality excellence in a garden.Located in the scenic splendor of Shenzhen Bay, it covers an area of 180,000 square meters.You may tour around the villages by car, by boat or on foot.Not only can you get to know the architecture style of each nationality but also enjoy and participate the ethnic singing and dancing performance, as well as the making of the ethnic crafts and cuisine(烹饪,饭菜)performance.第二单元

人物介绍 周恩来的品质、人格、风范、情怀为中华民族树立了一座精神丰碑。他那种勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、全心全意为人民服务的奉献精神;那种艰苦朴素、严于律己、心底无私、一心为公的清廉精神;那种顾全大局,不计较个人荣辱得失的牺牲精神;那种实事求是的求实精神;那种言行一致的磊落精神;那种对党、对国家和人民的高度责任感,工作一丝不苟,周密细致的精神,正是我们今天建设社会主义精神文明所迫切需要发扬光大的。品德

moral character 人格

personality 风范

style 情怀

noble sentiments 丰碑

a paragon 勤勤恳恳

hard and diligent working 任劳任怨 hard-working without any complaint 全心全意

whole-hearted 奉献精神

dedication 严以律己

to be strict with oneself 一心为公

engrossment by the public interest 顾全大局

in deference to the interests of the overall situation 荣辱得失 honor or disgrace, gain or loss 求实精神

realistic approach 磊落精神 the open and upright spirit 言行一致

to be as good as one’s words 高度责任感

high sense of responsibility 一丝不苟

to be work conscientiously and meticulously 周密细致

the strict and careful spirit 精神文明

spiritual civilization 发扬光大

to carry forward

Zhou Enlai’s moral character, personality, style and noble sentiments constituted a paragon for the Chinese nation.His dedication as shown in his diligent, conscientious and hard working and whole-hearted service to the people without any complaint;his incorruptibility as shown in his plain living, being strict with himself, selflessness and engrossment by the public interest, his spirit of sacrifice as shown in his never being concerned about personal honor or disgrace, gain or loss in deference to the interests of the overall situation;his realistic approach of seeking truth from facts;his open and upright spirit of being as good as his words;his high sense of responsibility to the Party, the state and the people;his strict and careful spirit of working conscientiously and meticulously-are all that we need urgently to carry forward in fostering our socialist spiritual civilization.翻译难点:四字格词语 汉语由四个字构成的词语数量很大,使用频率很高。英译时,英语无法在结构上对应四字格的要求,只能打破原文的四字格结构,再准确传递原文信息的基础上,能直译且保持原来的民族特色和形象,并为外国读者所理解,则可以直译。否则,应采用意译法,或修辞译法,将词语的基本意思译成简洁明了的英语即可。A 直译法:即根据四字成语的意义,运用对应词或者词组进行翻译的方法。


to come back disappointedly 背道而驰

to run in the opposite direction 不欢而散

to part on bad terms 惩前毖后,治病救人

to cure the sickness to save the


to learn from past mistakes to avoid

future ones.大补元气

reinforce vital energy 典雅大方

elegant and graceful 点头哈腰

to bow and scrape 独一无二

one and only 光明正大

fair and square 胡说八道

stuff and nonsense 花色繁多

a wide selection of colours and designs 救死扶伤

to heal the wounded and rescue the dying 滥用职权

to abuse one’s power 老少良伴

good companies for children as well as adults 寥寥无几

few and far between 浓香可口

aromatic character and agreeable taste 弄巧成拙

to be too clever by half 软硬适中

neither too hard nor too soft 四面八方

far and near 同甘共苦

share weal and woe 熙熙攘攘

hustle and bustle 扬长避短

to make the best possible use of

favorable conditions and avoid the unfavorable;to foster strengths and circumvent


one’s word carries weight of nine tripods 辗转反侧

to toss and turn 政通人和

to be reflected by logical administration and harmonious people

B 意译法:有些四字格词语由四个字构成一个意思,英译时可以概括地表达原意。背信弃义

perfidious 病入膏肓

beyond cure 高视阔步

carry oneself proudly 根深蒂固

deeply ingrained 拐弯抹角

obliquely 急功近利,浅尝辄止

instant success 金玉其外,败絮其中

rubbish coated in gold and jade;fair without, foul within 名落孙山

to fail in a competitive examination


poverty alleviation 相得益彰

bring out the best in each other 相辅相成supplement each other 相形见绌

pale by comparison 相映成趣

form a delightful contrast 小康水平

a relatively comfortable standard of living 胸有成竹

absolutely confident;to have a card on one’s sleeve


rely on one’s own efforts;self-reliance



half-cooked 暴风骤雨

a violent storm 笨口拙舌

awkward in speech 不慌不忙

unhurried 赤手空拳

bare handed 高谈阔论

to indulge in loud and empty talk 破釜沉舟

to burn one’s boat/ bridge 轻柔松软

soft and light 深仇大恨

profound hatred 深情厚谊

profound feeling



cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth(repetition)竭尽全力

tooth and nail(metaphor)天网恢恢疏而不漏

Justice has long arms.(Metaphor)无米之炊

to make brick without straw 严禁喧哗

to speak aloud is not allowed(homonyms)


Ariadne’s thread(Greek myth)自命不凡

ambitions as Phaection(Greek myth)

Supplementary vocabulary and expressions 博大精深

to have extensive and profound ideas 不骄不躁

neither arrogant nor rash 操办风

to do things on a grand scale 从实际出发

to be based on reality 扶正压邪

to foster the good practice of upholding justice and condemning evil 浮于表面

to remain on the surface 假公济私

to use public office for personal gain 建设有中国特色的社会主义

building socialism with Chinese characteristics 讲理想,讲纪律

to foster lofty ideals and a sense of discipline 脚踏两只船

to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 接受监督

to place themselves under the supervision 旧瓶换新酒

to put the new wine in the old bottle 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已

to do one’s best and devote oneself to the people and country until the last day of one’s life 克己奉公

to work selflessly for the public interests


to be industrious and frugal


to take no more on you than you are able to bear 能上能下

to be able to take a higher or lower post as required 年富力强

young and energetic 徘徊不前

waver and procrastinate 破格提拔

unconventionally promote 谦和致远

Fair and softly goes far.前赴后继

to advance wave upon wave 强大精神动力

a powerful moral motive force 亲者痛,仇者快

to grieve friends and gladden enemies 群策群力

to pool the knowledge and efforts of the people 仁政

a viewpoint of purely benevolent government 软弱涣散 flabbiness and lack of unity 少讲空话,多办实事 to renounce empty talk in favor of practical works 损公为私

to appropriate public property for one’s won advantage 特殊化

to seek for privileges 新官上任三把火

New brooms sweep clean


bribery and swindling 徇私舞弊

favoritism and cheating 言而有信

to suit the action to the word 炎黄子孙

descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang 业绩

outstanding achievements 以身作则

set a good example with one’s own conduct 因地制宜

to adapt to local conditions 勇往直前,义无反顾

to advance without any hesitation or misgivings 扎扎实实

down-to-earth 知人善任

to know their subordinates well and make good use of them 自重、自制、自知之明

self-reverence;self-control;self-knowledge Further practice 1.但是无论前面是地雷阵,还是万丈深渊,我都将勇往直前,义无反顾,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。2.毛泽东通知称赞朱自清“一身重病,宁可饿死,不领美国的救济粮,表现了我们民族的英雄气概。” 3.冯韩源十岁失明,勤学苦修,六年牛津,名列前茅。

4.近年来,美国华裔科技人才辈出,成就卓著,引起国际科技界的注意 和重视。


6.1946年8月19日,威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿出生于阿肯色州的霍普山城。霍普的英文是“Hope”, 为“希望”之意,所以后来克林顿的支持者常常称他为“来自希望之城的人。”

克林顿的幼年家境非常不幸。生父布莱恩在他在他出生前3个月遭车祸去世。继父罗杰·克林顿酗酒成性,导致家庭不和。这种经历养 成了克林顿忍耐自制,善于竞争,极有主见的性格。



全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程4二单元课文翻译(Test A)

(Smart cars that can see, hear, feel, smell, and talk? And drive on their own? This may sound like a dream,能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。

Smart CarsMichio Kaku

1.Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.智能汽车



计算机革命的影响。2.The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century.There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people.Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry.汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。

3.The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century.The key to tomorrow's “smart cars” will be sensors.“We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act,” predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future.汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔·斯普雷扎预言道。

4.Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents.The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore.Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness.A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents.It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine.The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen.美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器检测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。

5.Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby.Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars.Should you make a serious driving mistake(e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your “blind spot”)the computer would sound an immediate warning.能监控行车过程以及周围行车状况的智能汽车已经制造出来。藏在保险杠里的微型雷达能对周围的汽车作扫描。如果你发生重大行车失误(如变道时有车辆在你“盲点”内),计算机立即会发出警报。

6.At the MIT Media Lab, a prototype is already being built which will determine how sleepy you are as you drive, which is especially important for long-distance truck drivers.The monotonous, almost hypnotic process of staring at the center divider for long hours is a grossly underestimated, life-threatening hazard.To eliminate this, a tiny camera hidden in the dashboard can be trained on a driver's face and eyes.If the driver's eyelids close for a certain length of time and his or her driving becomes erratic, a computer in the dashboard could alert the driver.在麻省理工学院媒介实验室,业已制造出能测知你行车时有多少睡意的样车,这对长途卡车司机意义重大。一连数小时注视着中间分道线这样一个单调、几乎能催眠的过程是被严重低估的威胁生命的重大隐患。为消除这一隐患,藏在仪表板里的一架微型相机可对准开车者的脸部及眼睛。如果司机的眼帘合上一定时间,行车变得不稳,仪表板里的计算机就会向司机发出警报。

7.Two of the most frustrating things about driving a car are getting lost and getting stuck in traffic.While the computer revolution is unlikely to cure these problems, it will have a positive impact.Sensors in your

car tuned to radio signals from orbiting satellites can locate your car precisely at any moment and warn of traffic jams.We already have twenty-four Navstar satellites orbiting the earth, making up what is called the Global Positioning System.They make it possible to determine your location on the earth to within about a hundred feet.At any given time, there are several GPS satellites orbiting overhead at a distance of about 11,000 miles.Each satellite contains four “atomic clocks,” which vibrate at a precise frequency, according to the laws of the quantum theory.开车最头疼的两大麻烦是迷路和交通堵塞。虽然计算机革命不可能彻底解决这两个问题,但却会带来积极的影响。你汽车上与绕轨道运行的卫星发出的无线电信号调谐的传感器能随时精确地确定你汽车的方位,并告知交通阻塞情况。我们已经有24颗环绕地球运行的导航卫星,组成了人们所说的全球卫星定位系统。通过这些卫星我们有可能以小于100英尺的误差确定你在地球上的方位。在任何一个特定时间,总有若干颗全球定位系统的卫星在11, 000英里的高空绕地球运行。每颗卫星都装有4个“原子钟”,它们根据量子理论法则,以精确的频率振动。

8.As a satellite passes overhead it sends out a radio signal that can be detected by a receiver in a car's computer.The car's computer can then calculate how far the satellite is by measuring how long it took for the signal to arrive.Since the speed of light is well known, any delay in receiving the satellite's signal can be converted into a distance.卫星从高空经过时发出能被汽车上计算机里的接收器辨认的无线电信号。汽车上的计算机就会根据信号传来所花的时间计算出卫星有多远。由于光速为人熟知,接收卫星信号时的任何时间迟缓都能折算出距离的远近。9.In Japan there are already over a million cars with some type of navigational capability.(Some of them locate a car's position by correlating the rotations in the steering wheel to its position on a map.)

在日本,具有某种导航能力的汽车已有一百万辆之多。(有些导航装置通过将方向盘的转动与汽车在地图上的位置并置来测定汽车的方位。)10.With the price of microchips dropping so drastically, future applications of GPS are virtually limitless.“The commercial industry is poised to explode,” says Randy Hoffman of Magellan Systems Corp., which manufactures navigational systems.Blind individuals could use GPS sensors in walking sticks, airplanes could land by remote control, hikers will be able to locate their position in the woods — the list of potential uses is endless.3

随着微芯片价格的大幅度下降,未来对全球卫星定位系统的应用几乎是无限的。“制造这一商品的工业定会飞速发展,”生产导航系统的麦哲伦航仪公司的兰迪·霍夫曼说。盲人可以在手杖里装配全球卫星定位系统传感器,飞机可以通过遥控着陆,徒步旅行者可以测定自己在林中的方位 —— 其潜在的应用范围是无止境的。

11.GPS is actually but part of a larger movement, called “telematics,” which will eventually attempt to put smart cars on smart highways.Prototypes of such highways already exist in Europe, and experiments are being made in California to mount computer chips, sensors, and radio transmitters on highways to alert cars to traffic jams and obstructions.全球卫星定位系统其实只是叫做“远程信息学”的这一更大行动的一部分,这一行动最终将把智能汽车送上智能高速公路。这种高速公路的样品已经在欧洲问世,加州也在进行试验,在高速公路上安装计算机芯片、传感器和无线电发射机,以便向汽车报告交通拥挤堵塞情况。

12.On an eight-mile stretch of Interstate 15 ten miles north of San Diego, traffic engineers are installing an MIT-designed system which will introduce the “automated driver.” The plan calls for computers, aided by thousands of three-inch magnetic spikes buried in the highway, to take complete control of the driving of cars on heavily trafficked roads.Cars will be bunched into groups of ten to twelve vehicles, only six feet apart, traveling in unison, and controlled by computer.在圣迭戈以北10英里的15号州际公路一段8英里长的路面上,交通工程师正在安装一个由麻省理工学院设计的引进“自动司机”的系统。这一计划要求计算机在公路上埋设的数千个3英寸长的磁钉的协助下,在车辆极多的路段完全控制车辆的运行。车辆会编成10辆或12辆一组,车距仅6英尺,在计算机的控制下一齐行驶。

13.Promoters of this computerized highway have great hopes for its future.By 2010, telematics may well be incorporated into one of the major highways in the United States.If successful, by 2020, as the price of microchips drops to below a penny a piece, telematics could be adopted in thousands of miles of highways in the United States.This could prove to be an environmental boon as well, saving fuel, reducing traffic jams, decreasing air pollution, and serving as an alternative to highway expansion.这种计算机化的公路的倡导者对其未来的应用充满希望。到2010年,远程信息技术很可能应用于美国的一条主要公路。如果成功的话,到2020年,当微芯片的价格降到一片一美分以下时,远程信息技术就会应用在美国


第一单元 准备课

第一课时 数一数

总第1课时 教学目标




1~l0各数的数字卡片l 0张。教学重点:数数的方法








(3)问:图上有几座房子?有几面红旗? 师:一座房子,一面红旗都是1件东西。问:找一找还有什么的数量是1的?

(板书“l”,全班同学读两遍。)(4)问:有几个同学向老师行礼?(2个同学)有几个同学跳绳?(2个同学)问:图里还有什么数量是2? 小结:2个同学向老师行礼,2个同学在跳绳,2个同学进学校„„,它们的数量 都是2。

(板书“2”,全班跟读两遍。)(5)问:谁能说一说有几个小朋友踢足球? 问:图中还有哪些数量是3的? 小结:3个同学踢足球,3朵红花,3朵黄花,它们的数量都是3。请注意“3”的 样子。

















3、培养学生互相合作精神以及用数学的意识。教学重难点:能正确的比较出物体个数的多少 教具准备

主题图 学具准备







3、教学“同样多”。(1)有几只小猪?几只小兔? 小兔子们正在干什么? 1只小兔搬了几块砖?(出示兔子和砖一一对应图)那4只兔子共搬了几块砖? 有多余的兔子吗? 有多余的砖吗? 师:没有多余的兔子,也没有多余的砖,那我们就说兔子的只数和砖的块数同样多。(板书:同样多)









数一数自己的学具,再和同桌比一比,看看谁多?谁少? 在小组内比一比。





第二单元 位置

第一课时 认识上下和前后




教材第9页例题的挂图。教学重难点:正确的认识方位 教学过程


1.出示教科书P9的图,教师介绍南京长江大桥的结构,引导学生观察:(1)图上有什么?(2)你能用一句话描述这幅图吗? 学生自由发挥,各抒己见。根据学生的发言,教师和学生共同总结出:卡车在火车的上面,火车在卡车的下面。指出上面和下面是两种相对的位置关系。并让学生思考:



③卡车的下面有什么? 同桌互相说,再请个别同学上台说。



(1)用自己的话描述一下图上画了什么?(2)找一找图上有哪些位置关系? 并回答:









第二课时 认识左右























The road to modern English








standard english and dialects






At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English.Nearly all of them lived in England.Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.Today, more people speak English as their first, second or foreign language than ever before.在16世纪末,大约有五至七百万人讲英语。几乎所有这些讲英语的人都住在英格兰。在其后的一个世纪中,英格兰人为征服世界航海到了世界其他一些地方,结果世界的其他地方的人们也开始说英语了。今天,把英语作为自己的第一语言、第二语言或外语来使用的人比以往任何时候都多。

Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.Look at this example:

British Betty: Would you like to see my flat?

American Amy: Yes, I’d like to come up to your apartment.以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲不是同一种英语,他们也能彼此听懂。请看看这个例子:



So why has English changed over time? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because those who ruled England spoken first Danish and later French.These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its vocabulary.So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.In 1620 some British settlers moved to America.Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too.English began to be spoken in both countries.那么,随着时间的推移英语为什么发生了变化呢?实际上,当不同文化相互交流渗透时,所有的语言都会有所发展和变化。开始,英格兰人在大约公元450年到1150年之间所说的英语与我们今天所说的英语很不一样。当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础的,不像我们现在说的英语。后来,大约在公元800年至1150年之间,英语慢慢变得不那么像德语,因为统治英格兰的那些人开始是说丹麦语,后来说法语。这些新来的定居者丰富了英语语言,尤其是丰富了英语词汇。所以到17世纪初的时候,莎士比亚能够得以使用比以往任何时候都丰富的词汇。1620年一些英国定居者来到了美洲,后来到了18世纪的时候,一些英国人还被带到了澳大利亚。英语也就开始在这两个国家使用。

Finally by the 19th century the language was settled.At that time two big changes in English spelling happened: first Samuel Johnson wrote his dictionary and later Noah Webster wrote The American Dictionary of the English Language.The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.最后到19世纪的时候,英语这种语言就变得稳定了。当时,英语的拼写发生了两个很大 的变化:先是塞缪尔?约翰逊编写了他的英语词典,后是诺亚?韦伯斯特出版了《美国英语词典》。后者使得美式英语的拼写有了其独特的个性。

English now is also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia.For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947.During that time English became the language for government and education.English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.In fact, China may have the largest number of English learners.Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.现在英语在南亚地区也被作为外语或第二语言使用。比如,印度就有很多人说英语说得很流利,因为在1765年到1947年之间英国统治着印度。在此期间,英语成了印度政府和教育所用的语言。在新加坡和马来西亚以及像非洲的南非,人们现在也说英语。当今,在中国学英语的人数正在快速增加,事实上,中国可能是学英语人数最多的国家。中国式英语是否也能发展成一种具有自己独特个性的语言?这还有待时间去证明。



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