
时间:2019-05-14 17:04:02下载本文作者:会员上传


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.strike--_____________--____________ 3.attend--___________--_____________

4.mean--_____________--_______________ 5.bleed--___________--_____________

6.lend--_______________--________________ 7.blow--____________--_______________ 8.overcome--_______________--______________ 9.steal--____________--______________

10.write--______________--___________________ 11.pay--____________--______________

12.stand--____________--____________________ 13.forgive--___________--_______________ 14.link--____________--_________________ 15.hurt--_____________--____________


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.leave--_____________--____________ 3.accomplish--___________--_____________

4.retell--_____________--_______________ 5.cost--___________--____________

6.know--_______________--_______________ 7.smell--____________--_______________ 8.draw--_______________--________________ 9.break--____________--______________

10.lose--______________--________________ 11.win--____________--______________

12.lack--____________--____________________ 13.beat--___________--_______________ 14.swear--____________--_________________ 15.sleep--_____________--_____________ 16.spend--____________--________________

动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.leave--_____________--____________ 3.feed--___________--_____________

4.make--_____________--_______________ 5.choose--___________--______________

6.ring--_______________--_________________ 7.burn--____________--_______________ 8.begin--_______________--________________ 9.fall--____________--______________

10.lose--______________--___________________ 11.disagree--____________--______________

12.shut--____________--________________ 13.catch--___________--_______________ 14.say--____________--____________________ 15.slide--______________--____________


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.upset--_____________--____________ 3.fight--___________--_____________

4.hear--_____________--_______________ 5.grow--___________--______________

6.become--_______________--_______________ 7.foresee--____________--_______________ 8.swim--_______________--________________ 9.rise--____________--______________

10.recognize--______________--_______________ 11.apply--____________--______________

12.wind--____________--_________________ 13.send--___________--_______________ 14.flee--____________--____________________ 15.shine--______________--____________


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.freeze--_____________--____________ 3.forget--___________--_____________

4.sweep--_____________--_______________ 5.shoot--___________--______________

6.hit--_______________--_______________ 7.prefer--____________--_______________ 8.bring--_______________--________________ 9.have--____________--______________

10.fight--______________--___________________ 11.rebuild--____________--______________

12.smell--____________--_________________ 13.throw--___________--_______________ 14.steal--____________--____________________ 15.rely--______________--____________


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.feed--_____________--____________ 3.stick--___________--_____________

4.dive--_____________--_______________ 5.arise--___________--______________

6.wear--_______________--_______________ 7.light--____________--_______________ 8.refer--_______________--________________ 9.admit--____________--______________

10.deal--______________--__________________ 11.break--____________--______________

12.spell--____________--_________________ 13.forgive--___________--_______________ 14.doubt--____________--__________________ 15.mistake--_____________--____________


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.wake--_____________--____________ 3.buy--___________--_____________

4.break--_____________--_______________ 5.swing--___________--______________

6.hold--_______________--_______________ 7.light--____________--_______________ 8.regret--_______________--________________ 9.request--____________--______________

10.mean--______________--________________ 11.hide--____________--______________

12.destory--____________--_________________ 13.steal--___________--_______________ 14.host--____________--__________________ 15.spread--_____________--____________


动词过去式 &过去分词专练


2.forgive--_____________--____________ 3.permit--___________--_____________

4.spellbind--_____________--_______________ 5.limit--___________--______________

6.bring--_______________--_______________ 7.fly--____________--_______________ 8.spot--_______________--________________ 9.deliver--____________--______________

10.carry--______________--________________ 11.catch--____________--______________

12.chat--____________--_________________ 13.lead--___________--_______________ 14.dig--____________--__________________ 15.convince--_____________--____________



(一)1.agree 同意---_____________不同意

2.consider考虑---_____________重新考虑 3.nation 国家--_____________国家的4.friend朋友---________________友好的 5.danger危险---_____________使危险

6.arrive到达---_____________(n.)到达 7.graduate毕业---_____________(n.)毕业

8.beauty美丽---_____________美化 9.harm危害---_____________有害的10.real真实的---_____________实现


(二)1.possible 可能的---_____________不可能的2.ture真的---_____________真正地 3.cultural文化的--_____________多文化的4.understand理解---________________误会5.member成员---_____________成员资格

6.accept接受---_____________可接受的 7.ill有病的---_____________(n.)疾病

8.create创造---_____________有创造性的 9.long长的---_____________长度

10.violence暴力---_____________暴力的 词形派生专项练习




6.east东方---_____________向东7.astonish惊讶---_____________令人惊讶的8.able能够---_____________使能够 9.vary 区别---___________各种各样的 10.complete完全的---_____________不完全的 词形派生专项练习


2.smoker抽烟者---_____________不抽烟者 3.translate翻译--_____________翻译家

4.simple简单的---________________简化 5.danger危险---_____________使危险

6.arrive到达---_____________(n.)到达 7.waiter服务员---_____________女服务员





(五)1.patient耐心的---_____________不耐心的2.meter米---_____________千米 3.pronounce发音--_____________(n.)发音

4.king国王---________________王国 5.mouth口,嘴---_____________满口,一口

6.dead死的---____________(adj.)致命的 7.reason理由的---_____________合理的8.warm温暖的---_____________(n.)温暖 9.scientific科学的---_____________科学地,系统地




2.cycle循环---_____________回收利用 3.music音乐--_____________音乐家

4.happy快乐的---________________快乐,幸福 5.liberate解放---_____________(n.)解放

6.home家---_____________无家可归的 7.apology道歉,歉意---_____________(vi)道歉

8.wise明智的---_____________智慧 9.encourage鼓励---_____________挫败,使气馁



(七)1.love爱---___________(adj)可爱的2.corcern担心,涉及---____________关于,涉及3.ignore忽略--_____________无知的4.gradual逐渐的---________________逐渐地5.office办公室---_____________官方的6.believe信任---_____________信任, 信仰 7.advantage优势---_____________劣势

8.organize组织---________________(n.)组织 9.rely依赖---_____________可靠的 10.amaze使吃惊---_____________令人惊讶的词形派生专项练习


2.devote献身---_____________忠诚的 3.active积极的--_____________活动



6.survive幸存---____________(n.)生存,幸存 7.admit承认,容许---____________(n)承认,准许

8.regular规则的---_____________规则地 9.apply 申请---_____________申请人



(九)1.affect 影响,感动---__________(n.)影响,效果

2.employ雇佣---_____________失业 3.succeed成功--_____________成功的4.sense感觉---_____________敏感的


6.attract吸引---_____________有吸引力的 7.admire钦佩,赞美---_____________令人钦佩的 8.permit允许---______________(n.)允许 9.depend依靠---_____________独立的10.benefit利益,收益---_____________有益的词形派生专项练习

(十)1.balanced平衡的---______________失衡的 2.strength长处,强项---______________加强3.believe相信--_____________难以置信的4.exist存在---________________(n.)存在5.like像---_____________不像



8.wise明智的---_____________智慧 9.tradition传统,风俗---____________传统的10.argue争论,辩论---____________(n.)争论



2.discover发现--______________(n.)发现 3.disturb扰乱--_____________烦恼的4.equip配备---_______________(n.)设备 5.convince使信服---_____________令人信服的6.fortune运气--_____________不幸地 7.ture真正的---_____________真相,真实



10.curious 好奇的---__________(n.)好奇,好奇心



2.advance进步--______________高级的 3.mental精神的--_____________精神地

4.conclude总结---_______________(n.)总结 5.enthusiasm热情---_____________热情的6.announce宣布--_____________(n.)通知,宣告 7.describe描述---_____________(n.)描述

8.possible可能的---_____________可能性 9.approval批准,认可---___________(v)批准,认可




1.This ____ a picture of a school, and that ____ a picture of a factory.2.These _____coats for men, and those _____ coats for women.3.It ____ sunny today, but it _____ rainy yesterday.I hope it ____ fine tomorrow.4.They ____ middle school students last year, but now they ____ college students.5.I _____ a student of English, and my sister _____ a student of history.6.I ______ very glad to see you.7.She _____ often late for school 8.On very cold winter days the lake _____ often covered with ice.9.Now some mummies _______ on show in some museums.10.The students _____ often busy with their homework.用have的适当形式填空

1.A man _____ a face and two hands, and a clock ____ a face and three hands.2.“They are free” means “ They _____ nothing to do.”

3.Uncle Wang _____ neither a radio nor a TV set before but now he _____ both a radio and a TV set.4.Before liberation, the working people _______ not enough to eat or wear, and many of them _____ no house to live in 5._____ you a car ? No, but I _____ one last year.用动词的适当形式填空

1.My brother usually _____(get up)at six o’clock.2.The earth ______(go)round the sun.3.The cat _____(catch)mice very well.4.My sister always ________(wash)clothes for me.5.We ______(read)English every morning.6.Kate _______(study)Chinese harder than Peter.7.They ______(do)their homework carefully every day.8.Mary and Rose ________(see)a film once a week.9.Japan _______(lie)to the east of China.10.When spring ______(come), the trees _______(turn)green.11.____ they _____(watch)TV every Saturday evening ? 12.My father _____(not have)his lunch in the factory.He always has it at home 13._____ it _____(take)you one hour to go to school every day ? 14.I ___________(not like)apples.15.We ________(not study)Russian.We study English.16.______John ______(sing)very well ? 17.______the baby ______(sing)very well ? 18.Her sister ________(not look)like her mother.选择填空

(D)1.The Smiths usually _____ lunch at home.A.haven’t B.hasn’t C.hadn’t D.don’t have(A)2.“ You _____ a class meeting today” said the teacher.A.don’t have B.didn’t have C.doesn’t have D.haven’t(C)3.How often _____ a football match ? A.had you B.have you C.do you have D.have you had(C)4.Martin often _____ his model plane on Saturday afternoon.A.fly B.flys C.flies D.is flying(B)5.The little always ____ his hands before he ____ anything.A.was…eat B.washes…eats C.washs…eats D.washes…eates(B)6.Father usually _____ newspapers after supper.A.read B.reads C.is reading D.has read(A)7.The Blacks often _____ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.A.go B.goes C.have gone D.are going(A)8.People _____ trees in spring every year.A.plant B.plants C.are planting D.have planted(B)9.Tom _______to buy some medicine for his cough.A.want B.wants C.has wanted D.is wanting(A)10.Mr Smith has been busy these days, He _____ tired and ______ a good rest.A.feels…needs B.has felt…has needed

C.feels…will needs D.is feeling…is needing

(B)11.When he was a child, Mother told Tom the earth _______round.A.was B.is C.are D.were(A)12.From the magazine I learned there ____ no air or water on the moon.A.is B.are C.was D.were(B)13.The farmer told his children that crops _______without water.A.aren’t living B.can’t live C.isn’t living D.doesn’t live(B)14.Even a child knows that Sunday _____after Saturday.A.come B.comes C.is coming D.has come(A)15.I’ll return the book to Jack if I_______ him tomorrow.A.see B.will see C.am going to see D.saw(C)16.Mother will do some shopping if she _______free this Sunday.A.is going to be B.will be C.is D.was(D)17.Miss Green will go to the meeting if she _____ better this afternoon.A.feel B.will feel C.can feel D.feels(C)18.If I _____some tickets, I will give you one.A.has got B.will get C.get D.gets(B)19.Mike will come to play with us as soon as he _____ writing the composition.A.finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finishing(A)20.The students will wait here until their new teacher ______.A.comes B.will come C.have come D.is coming(D)20.Betty won’t go to bed before she _____ “Good night” to her mother.A.say B.had said C.said D.says(A)21.When the meeting ____over , we will go to the dining-room.A.is B.was C.will be D.are(D)22.I ___ at that school ten years ago.A.study B.had studied C.have studied D.studied(D)22.The policeman ______ the thief but found nothing in his pocket.A.has searched B.will search C.is searching D.searched(C)23.The baby _____ at his mother as soon as he saw her.A.smiles B.smile C.smiled D.had smiled(C)24.What did you do last Sunday ? I _____ the piano at home.A.am playing B.have played C.played D.plaid(D)25.The young man got up very early that morning and _____ not to be late again.A.try B.tries C.tried D.tried(B)26.The car ______ and an old man with glasses came out.A.stops B.stopped C.stoped D.was stopping(C)27.The visitor _____that they would go to the Great Wall the next morning.A.hear B.hears C.heard D.heared(B)28.The policemen _____ the thief while he was sleeping.A.cought B.caught C.catched D.catch(B)29.The teacher _____ a map on the blackboard before she gave the lesson.A.hanged B.hung C.hang D.hangs(D)30.Mike _____ out a knife and _____ the paper into pieces.A.bringed…cut B.braught…cutted C.brought…cuted D.brought…cut(A)31.Something ____ from the tree and ____ the boy hard.A.fell…hit B.felt…hitted C.fallen…hitted D.falled…hit(A)32.When ___ his car lost ? A.did Mr Smith find B.did Mr Smith found C.Mr Smith found D.were Mr Smith find(D)33.Mrs Black ____ anything at the shop that day.A.not bought B.don’t buy C.doesn’t buy D.didn’t buy(A)34.The old man ____ off until the bus started.A.did not get B.has not got C.will not get D.not got(D)35.The teacher ____ what Peter had told her.A.not understood B.understand not C.won’t understand D.didn’t understand(B)36.I ____ at home yesterday afternoon.A.did not be B.was not C.were not D.am not(A)37.Jenny ____ good at sports when she ____ a schoolgirl.A.wasn’t…was B.didn’t…was C.weren’t…is D.isn’t…was(A)38._____ Tom able to speak three languages when he ____ only ten years old? A.Was…was B.did…was C.does…is D.Is…was(A)39.Why ____ she late for school this morning ? A.was B.did C.were D.does(B)40.The people at the meeting _____ surprised at the news.A.are B.were C.is D.did(C)41.Because the parents _____ pleased with their son’s homework, they asked him to do it again.A.not were B.did not C.weren’t D.was not(C)42.______ a good time yesterday evening ? A.Did John has B.Did John had C.Did John have D.Had John had(C)43.It rained so hard yesterday that we _____ a good time in the park.A.had not B.have not C.didn’t have D.don’t have(D)44.Betty looks tired, ______ a rest at noon ? A.Had she B.Had she had C.does she have D.did she have(A)45.The policemen ____ into the house as soon as they got out of the car.A.rushed B.rush C.to rush D.rushing(D)46.What ____ when you looked out of the window ? A.have you seen B.were you seeing C.do you see D.did you see(A)47.Peter ____ well as his mother asked him to get up.A.didn’t feel B.doesn’t feel C.hadn’t felt D.wouldn’t felt(D)48.Jack ____ the policemen as soon as he found the spy.A.has called B.had called C.calls D.called(B)49.After he ____ up, the man found it was already ten to eight.A.waken B.woke C.has woken D.was waking(A)50.The students ____ more than five hundred English words last year.A.learned B.have learned C.had learnt D.were learning(C)50.The story ____ in a small mountain village.A.happen B.happens C.happened D.has happened(A)51.Mr Smith came in, sat down and ____ to write something on a piece of paper.A.began B.begined C.would begin D.was beginning(C)52.The man _____ on his coat and hat before he went out.A.putted B.puts C.put D.was putting(A)53.The old lady ____ at the young man when he was speaking at the meeting.A.looked B.looks C.had looked D.is looking(C)54.Mary said she would be a doctor after she ____ up.A.grows B.growed C.grew D.would grow(B)55.The boy said he would begin to work after he ____ middle school.A.finishes B.finished C.would finish D.has finished(A)56.Tom said he would finish his homework before he ____ TV.A.watched B.watches C.would watch D.will watch(A)57.Miss Green told us she would stay in China for a few months before she ____ for Japan.A.left B.leaved C.leaves D.would leave(B)58.They told us that they were going to Australia if they ____ so busy the next month.A.aren’t B.weren’t C.wouldn’t be D.didn’t be

(A)59.The peasant said he was going to build a new house if he ____ enough money.A.had B.would have C.had had D.was having(D)60.He said in his letter that he would come to see me as soon as he ___ here.A.gets B.would get C.get D.got(D)61.Li Ping often _____ English in the morning, _____ he ? A.read…do B.reads…do C.read…doesn’t D.reads…doesn’t(C)62.What time ____ you _____ your homework ? A.does…do B.do…x C.do…do D.x…do(B)63.I’ll give the book to Bob if he ______.A.come B.comes C.will come D.is coming(B)64.There ____ some boys on the playground.A.is B.are C.have D.has(B)65.We will go to the zoo if it _____ tomorrow.A.won’t rain B.doesn’t rain C.don’t rain D.not rain(A)66.How much rice _______ in the jar ? A.is there B.are there C.there is D.has(D)67.I’m sure he will come to see me before he _____ Beijing.A.will leave B.is leaving C.leave D.leaves(B)68.There _______wrong with my bike.A.are something B.is something C.have something D.has something(B)69.The windows of our classroom _______once a week.A.is cleaned B.are cleaned C.was cleaned D.were cleaned(C)70.________ Tom _______to the radio every morning ? A.Does…listens B.Do …listen C.Does…listen D.Do…listens(B)71.We ____ a friendly match with Class Three the other day.A.play B.played C.have played D.had played(C)72.They ____ four English classes a week last term.A.had B.have C.had D.have been(A)73.Her uncle ______ a poor life before liberation.A.lived B.had lived C.lives D/ has lived(B)74.My father ______ in a factory when I was a child.A.works B.worked C.is working D.has worked(D)75.When ____ you ______ to China ? A.did…came B.do …come C.do…came D.did…come(..4



rebuild guide pick locate protect force unify link extend carry list climb alarm seem

buy wear prefer fade worry wash sign




















waste result harm interfere benefit suppose promise lie threaten plead trouble throw fly rest wake cry sob trust hurt deceive send

publish dislike earn drive accept afford blame realize ride struggle fail relax shorten cause breathe attack raise die quit create control handle offer expend brew mix hit boom react advertise obey paint contain design select notice appear mislead cover heat

cook burn damage relate litter prepare hunt concern require choose value decide apply summarize receive participate supply accomplish seek hire educate excel upset try appoint tend continue reform


动词过去式、过去分词小测验1 班级__________ 姓名 _________ 分数__________

1.am/is ________ 3.become ________ 5.blow ________ 7.bring ________ 9.burn ________ 11.can ________ 13.choose ________ 15.cost ________ 17.draw ________ 19.drive ________ 21.fall ________ 23.feel ________ 25.find ________ 27.forget ________ 29.give ________ 31.have /has________ 33.hold ________ 35.know ________ 37.leave ________ 39.let ________ 41.lose ________ 43.may ________ 45.meet ________ 47.read ________ 49.ring ________ ________


________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________


4.begin 6.break 8.build 10.buy 12.catch 14.come 16.do 18.drink 20.eat 22.feed 24.fight 26.fly 28.get 30.go 32.hear 34.hurt 36.learn 38.lend 40.lie 42.make 44.mean 46.put 48.ride 50.run

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________



A.原型,过去式,和 过去分词 完全不同

drink---drank----drunk ring----rang-----rung swim----swam----swum sing----sang----sung

sink----sank----sunk blow----blew----blown grow----grew----grown know---knew---known

fly----flew----flown take----took----taken shake----shook----shaken drive----drove----driven

write---wrote---written rise---rose---risen ride----rode----ridden speak----spoke----spoken

steal----stole----stolen break----broke----broken wake----woke----woken freeze----froze----frozen

forget----forgot----forgotten choose----chose----chosen draw----drew----drawn eat----ate----eaten

fall----fell----fallen give----gave----given hide----hid----hidden see----saw----seen



bright----brought----brought think----thought----thought fight----fought----fought buy----bought----bought

catch----caught----caught sell----sold----sold tell----told----told say----said----said

pay----paid----paid send----sent----sent lend----lent----lent spend----spent----spent

burn----burnt----burnt learn----learnt----learnt mean----meant----meant feel----felt----felt

smell----smelt----smelt sleep----slept----slept sweep---slept----slept leave----left----left

build----built----built lose----lost----lost get----got----got meet----met----met

sit----sat----sat shoot----shot----shot lead----led----led spit----spat----spat

have----had----had hold----held----held make----made----made stand----stood---stood

hear----heard----heard find----found----found dig----dug----dug shine----shone----shone

understand----understood----understood win----won----won


come----came----come run----ran----run become----became----become


cast----cast----cast cut----cut----cut put----put----put let----let----let set----set----set

hit----hit----hit shut----shut----shut

hang----hung----hung 吊,挂 lie---lied---lied 说谎 lie---lay---lain 躺下,位于,平放 hanged----hanged 处绞刑 lay---laid---laid 置放。


getting putting swimming running beginning digging getting sitting stopping



1.This ____ a picture of a school, and that ____ a picture of a factory.2.These _____coats for men, and those _____ coats for women.3.It ____ sunny today, but it _____ rainy yesterday.I hope it ____ fine tomorrow.4.They ____ middle school students last year, but now they ____ college students.5.I _____ a student of English, and my sister _____ a student of history.6.I ______ very glad to see you.7.She _____ often late for school

8.On very cold winter days the lake _____ often covered with ice.9.Now some mummies _______ on show in some museums.10.The students _____ often busy with their homework.用have的适当形式填空

1.A man _____ a face and two hands, and a clock ____ a face and three hands.2.“They are free” means “ They _____ nothing to do.”

3.Uncle Wang _____ neither a radio nor a TV set before but now he _____ both a radio and a TV set.4.Before liberation, the working people _______ not enough to eat or wear, and many of them _____ no house to live in

5._____ you a car ? No, but I _____ one last year.用动词的适当形式填空

1.My brother usually _____(get up)at six o’clock.2.The earth ______(go)round the sun.3.The cat _____(catch)mice very well.4.My sister always ________(wash)clothes for me.5.We ______(read)English every morning.6.Kate _______(study)Chinese harder than Peter.7.They ______(do)their homework carefully every day.8.Mary and Rose ________(see)a film once a week.9.Japan _______(lie)to the east of China.10.When spring ______(come), the trees _______(turn)green.11.____ they _____(watch)TV every Saturday evening ?

12.My father _____(not have)his lunch in the factory.He always has it at home.13._____ it _____(take)you one hour to go to school every day ?

14.I ___________(not like)apples.15.We ________(not study)Russian.We study English.16.______John ______(sing)very well ?

17.______the baby ______(sing)very well ?

18.Her sister ________(not look)like her mother.选择填空

(D)1.The Smiths usually _____ lunch at home.A.haven’t B.hasn’t C.hadn’t D.don’t have

(A)2.“ You _____ a class meeting today” said the teacher.A.don’t have B.didn’t have C.doesn’t have D.haven’t

(C)3.How often _____ a football match ? A.had you B.have you C.do you have D.have you had

(C)4.Martin often _____ his model plane on Saturday afternoon.A.fly B.flys C.flies D.is flying

(B)5.The little always ____ his hands before he ____ anything.A.was…eat B.washes…eats C.washs…eats D.washes…eates

(B)6.Father usually _____ newspapers after supper.A.read B.reads C.is reading D.has read

(A)7.The Blacks often _____ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.A.go B.goes C.have gone D.are going

(A)8.People _____ trees in spring every year.A.plant B.plants C.are planting D.have planted

(B)9.Tom _______to buy some medicine for his cough.A.want B.wants C.has wanted D.is wanting

(A)10.Mr Smith has been busy these days, He _____ tired and ______ a good rest.A.feels…needs B.has felt…has needed

C.feels…will needs D.is feeling…is needing

(B)11.When he was a child, Mother told Tom the earth _______round.A.was B.is C.are D.were

(A)12.From the magazine I learned there ____ no air or water on the moon.A.is B.are C.was D.were

(B)13.The farmer told his children that crops _______without water.A.aren’t living B.can’t live C.isn’t living D.doesn’t live

(B)14.Even a child knows that Sunday _____after Saturday.A.come B.comes C.is coming D.has come

(A)15.I’ll return the book to Jack if I_______ him tomorrow.A.see B.will see C.am going to see D.saw

(C)16.Mother will do some shopping if she _______free this Sunday.A.is going to be B.will be C.is D.was

(D)17.Miss Green will go to the meeting if she _____ better this afternoon.A.feel B.will feel C.can feel D.feels

(C)18.If I _____some tickets, I will give you one.A.has got B.will get C.get D.gets

(B)19.Mike will come to play with us as soon as he _____ writing the composition.A.finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finishing

(A)20.The students will wait here until their new teacher ______.A.comes B.will come C.have come D.is coming

(D)20.Betty won’t go to bed before she _____ “Good night” to her mother.A.say B.had said C.said D.says

(A)21.When the meeting ____over , we will go to the dining-room.A.is B.was C.will be D.are

(D)22.I ___ at that school ten years ago.A.study B.had studied C.have studied D.studied

(D)22.The policeman ______ the thief but found nothing in his pocket.A.has searched B.will search C.is searching D.searched

(C)23.The baby _____ at his mother as soon as he saw her.A.smiles B.smile C.smiled D.had smiled

(C)24.What did you do last Sunday ? I _____ the piano at home.A.am playing B.have played C.played D.plaid

(D)25.The young man got up very early that morning and _____ not to be late again.A.try B.tries C.tried D.tried

(B)26.The car ______ and an old man with glasses came out.A.stops B.stopped C.stoped D.was stopping

(C)27.The visitor _____that they would go to the Great Wall the next morning.A.hear B.hears C.heard D.heared

(B)28.The policemen _____ the thief while he was sleeping.A.cought B.caught C.catched D.catch(B)29.The teacher _____ a map on the blackboard before she gave the lesson.A.hanged B.hung C.hang D.hangs

(D)30.Mike _____ out a knife and _____ the paper into pieces.A.bringed…cut B.braught…cutted C.brought…cuted D.brought…cut

(A)31.Something ____ from the tree and ____ the boy hard.A.fell…hit B.felt…hitted C.fallen…hitted D.falled…hit

(A)32.When ___ his car lost ? A.did Mr Smith find B.did Mr Smith found C.Mr Smith found D.were Mr Smith find

(D)33.Mrs Black ____ anything at the shop that day.A.not bought B.don’t buy C.doesn’t buy D.didn’t buy

(A)34.The old man ____ off until the bus started.A.did not get B.has not got C.will not get D.not got

(D)35.The teacher ____ what Peter had told her.A.not understood B.understand not C.won’t understand D.didn’t understand

(B)36.I ____ at home yesterday afternoon.A.did not be B.was not C.were not D.am not

(A)37.Jenny ____ good at sports when she ____ a schoolgirl.A.wasn’t…was B.didn’t…was C.weren’t…is D.isn’t…was

(A)38._____ Tom able to speak three languages when he ____ only ten years old? A.Was…was B.did…was C.does…is D.Is…was

(A)39.Why ____ she late for school this morning ? A.was B.did C.were D.does

(B)40.The people at the meeting _____ surprised at the news.A.are B.were C.is D.did

(C)41.Because the parents _____ pleased with their son’s homework, they asked him to do it again.A.not were B.did not C.weren’t D.was not

(C)42.______ a good time yesterday evening ? A.Did John has B.Did John had C.Did John have D.Had John had

(C)43.It rained so hard yesterday that we _____ a good time in the park.A.had not B.have not C.didn’t have D.don’t have

(D)44.Betty looks tired, ______ a rest at noon ? A.Had she B.Had she had C.does she have D.did she have

(A)45.The policemen ____ into the house as soon as they got out of the car.A.rushed B.rush C.to rush D.rushing

(D)46.What ____ when you looked out of the window ? A.have you seen B.were you seeing C.do you see D.did you see

(A)47.Peter ____ well as his mother asked him to get up.A.didn’t feel B.doesn’t feel C.hadn’t felt D.wouldn’t felt

(D)48.Jack ____ the policemen as soon as he found the spy.A.has called B.had called C.calls D.called(B)49.After he ____ up, the man found it was already ten to eight.A.waken B.woke C.has woken D.was waking

(A)50.The students ____ more than five hundred English words last year.A.learned B.have learned C.had learnt D.were learning

(C)50.The story ____ in a small mountain village.A.happen B.happens C.happened D.has happened

(A)51.Mr Smith came in, sat down and ____ to write something on a piece of paper.A.began B.begined C.would begin D.was beginning

(C)52.The man _____ on his coat and hat before he went out.A.putted B.puts C.put D.was putting

(A)53.The old lady ____ at the young man when he was speaking at the meeting.A.looked B.looks C.had looked D.is looking

(C)54.Mary said she would be a doctor after she ____ up.A.grows B.growed C.grew D.would grow

(B)55.The boy said he would begin to work after he ____ middle school.A.finishes B.finished C.would finish D.has finished

(A)56.Tom said he would finish his homework before he ____ TV.A.watched B.watches C.would watch D.will watch

(A)57.Miss Green told us she would stay in China for a few months before she ____ for Japan.A.left B.leaved C.leaves D.would leave

(B)58.They told us that they were going to Australia if they ____ so busy the next month.A.aren’t B.weren’t C.wouldn’t be D.didn’t be

(A)59.The peasant said he was going to build a new house if he ____ enough money.A.had B.would have C.had had D.was having

(D)60.He said in his letter that he would come to see me as soon as he ___ here.A.gets B.would get C.get D.got

(D)61.Li Ping often _____ English in the morning, _____ he ? A.read…do B.reads…do C.read…doesn’t D.reads…doesn’t

(C)62.What time ____ you _____ your homework ? A.does…do B.do…x C.do…do D.x…do

(B)63.I’ll give the book to Bob if he ______.A.come B.comes C.will come D.is coming

(B)64.There ____ some boys on the playground.A.is B.are C.have D.has

(B)65.We will go to the zoo if it _____ tomorrow.A.won’t rain B.doesn’t rain C.don’t rain D.not rain

(A)66.How much rice _______ in the jar ? A.is there B.are there C.there is D.has

(D)67.I’m sure he will come to see me before he _____ Beijing.A.will leave B.is leaving C.leave D.leaves(B)68.There _______wrong with my bike.A.are something B.is something C.have something D.has something

(B)69.The windows of our classroom _______once a week.A.is cleaned B.are cleaned C.was cleaned D.were cleaned

(C)70.________ Tom _______to the radio every morning ? A.Does…listens B.Do …listen C.Does…listen D.Do…listens

(B)71.We ____ a friendly match with Class Three the other day.A.play B.played C.have played D.had played

(C)72.They ____ four English classes a week last term.A.had B.have C.had D.have been

(A)73.Her uncle ______ a poor life before liberation.A.lived B.had lived C.lives D/ has lived

(B)74.My father ______ in a factory when I was a child.A.works B.worked C.is working D.has worked

(D)75.When ____ you ______ to China ? A.did…came B.do …come C.do…came D.did…come




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    动词原形 过去式 过去分词 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 1、cost _________ _________ 2、cut _________ _________ 3、fit _________ _________ 4、hit _________ _________ 5......


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