Differential Calculus
Newton and Leibniz,quite independently of one another,were largely responsible for developing the ideas of integral calculus to the point where hitherto insurmountable problems could be solved by more or less routine methods.The successful accomplishments of these men were primarily due to the fact that they were able to fuse together the integral calculus with the second main branch of calculus,differential calculus.In this article, we establish a result about controllability to the following class of partial neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay:
(1)tx0where the state variablex(.)takes values in a Banach space(E,.)and the control u(.)is given in L2(0,T,U),T0,the Banach space of admissible control functions with U a Banach space.C is a bounded linear operator from U into E, A : D(A)⊆ E → E is a linear operator on E, B is the phase space of functions mapping(−∞, 0] into E, which will be specified later, D is a bounded linear operator from B into E defined by
D0is a bounded linear operator from B into E and for each x :(−∞, T ] → E, T > 0, and t ∈ [0, T ], xt represents, as usual, the mapping from(−∞, 0] into E defined by
F is an E-valued nonlinear continuous mapping on.The problem of controllability of linear and nonlinear systems represented by ODE in finit dimensional space was extensively studied.Many authors extended the controllability concept to infinite dimensional systems in Banach space with unbounded operators.Up to now, there are a lot of works on this topic, see, for example, [4, 7, 10, 21].There are many systems that can be written as abstract neutral evolution equations with infinite delay to study [23].In recent years, the theory of neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay in infinite.dimension was developed and it is still a field of research(see, for instance, [2, 9, 14, 15] and the references therein).Meanwhile, the controllability problem of such systems was also discussed by many mathematicians, see, for example, [5, 8].The objective of this article is to discuss the controllability for Eq.(1), where the linear part is supposed to be non-densely defined but satisfies the resolvent estimates of the Hille-Yosida theorem.We shall assume conditions that assure global existence and give the sufficient conditions for controllability of some partial neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay.The results are obtained using the integrated semigroups theory and Banach fixed point theorem.Besides, we make use of the notion of integral solution and we do not use the analytic semigroups theory.Treating equations with infinite delay such as Eq.(1), we need to introduce the phase space B.To avoid repetitions and understand the interesting properties of the phase space, suppose that(B,.B)is a(semi)normed abstract linear space of functions mapping(−∞, 0] into E, and satisfies the following fundamental axioms that were first introduced in [13] and widely discussed in [16].(A)There exist a positive constant H and functions K(.), M(.):,with K continuous and M locally bounded, such that, for any and a0,if x :(−∞, σ + a] → E, xB and x(.)is continuous on [σ, σ+a], then, for every t in [σ, σ+a], the following conditions hold:(i)xtB.(ii)x(t)HxtB,which is equivalent to
(0)HBor everyB.(iii)xtBK(t)supx(s)M(t)xstB
(A)For the function x(.)in(A), t → xt is a B-valued continuous function for t in [σ, σ + a].(B)1.The space B is complete.Throughout this article, we also assume that the operator A satisfies the Hille-Yosida condition :(H1)There exist and ,such that(,)(A)and
Let A0 be the part of operator A in D(A)defined by
D(A0)xD(A):AxD(A)A0xAx,for,xD(A0)It is well known that D(A0)D(A)and the operator A0 generates a strongly continuous semigroup(T0(t)t0)on D(A).Recall that [19] for allxD(A)and t0,one has f0tT0(s)xdsD(A0)and
tA0T0(s)sdsxT0(t)x.We also recall that(T0(t))t0coincides on D(A)with the derivative of the locally Lipschitz integrated semigroup(S(t))t0 generated by A on E, which is, according to [3, 17, 18], a family of bounded linear operators on E, that satisfies
(i)S(0)= 0,(ii)for any y ∈ E, t → S(t)y is strongly continuous with values in E,(iii)S(s)S(t)(S(tr)s(r))drfor all t, s ≥ 0, and for any τ > 0 there exists a
0sconstant l(τ)> 0, such that
S(t)S(s)l()ts or all t, s ∈ [0, τ].The C0-semigroup(S(t))t0 is exponentially bounded, that is, there exist two constants Mand ,such that S(t)Met for all t ≥ 0.Notice that the controllability of a class of non-densely defined functional differential equations was studied in [12] in the finite delay case.、Main Results
We start with introducing the following definition.Definition 1 Let T > 0 and ϕ ∈ B.We consider the following definition.We say that a function x := x(., ϕ):(−∞, T)→ E, 0 < T ≤ +∞, is an integral solution of Eq.(1)if(i)x is continuous on [0, T),(ii)(iii)(iv)t0DxsdsD(A)for t ∈ [0, T),tt00DxtDADxsdsCu(s)F(s,xs)dsfor t ∈ [0, T), x(t)(t)for all t ∈(−∞, 0].We deduce from [1] and [22] that integral solutions of Eq.(1)are given for ϕ ∈ B, such that DD(A)by the following system
tDxtS(t)DlimS(ts)B(Cu(s)F(s,xs))ds,t[0,t),、(0x(t)(t),t(,0],Where B(IA)1.To obtain global existence and uniqueness, we supposed as in [1] that(H2)K(0)D01.(H3)F:[0,]Eis continuous and there exists
F(t,1)F(t,2)00> 0, such that
12for ϕ1, ϕ2 ∈ B and t ≥ 0.(4)
Using Theorem 7 in [1], we obtain the following result.Theorem 1 Assume that(H1),(H2), and(H3)hold.Let ϕ ∈ B such that Dϕ ∈ D(A).Then, there exists a unique integral solution x(., ϕ)of Eq.(1), defined on(−∞,+∞).Definition 2 Under the above conditions, Eq.(1)is said to be controllable on the interval J = [0, δ], δ > 0, if for every initial function ϕ ∈ B with Dϕ ∈ D(A)and for any e1 ∈ D(A), there exists a control u ∈ L2(J,U), such that the solution x(.)of Eq.(1)satisfies x()e1.Theorem 2 Suppose that(H1),(H2), and(H3)hold.Let x(.)be the integral solution of Eq.(1)on(−∞, δ), δ > 0, and assume that(see [20])the linear operator W from U into D(A)defined by
nduces an invertible operator Won L2(J,U)/KerW,such that there exist positive constants
~N1and N2satisfying CN1and W1N2,then, Eq.(1)is controllable on J provided that
.Proof Following [1], when the integral solution x(.)of Eq.(1)exists on(−∞, δ), δ > 0, it is given for all t ∈ [0, δ] by
0tThen, an arbitrary integral solution x(.)of Eq.(1)on(−∞, δ), δ > 0, satisfies x(δ)= e1 if and only if e1D0xS()Ddd0S(s)F(s,xs)dslim0S(ts)BCu(s)dstThis implies that, by use of(5), it suffices to take, for all t ∈ J,t~1u(t)WlimS(ts)BCu(s)ds(t)0
0in order to have x(δ)= e1.Hence, we must take the control as above, and consequently, the proof is reduced to the existence of the integral solution given for all t ∈ [0, δ] by
dt0dt~S(ts)CW1z()D0zS()D dt0limS()BF(,z)d}(s)ds
0Without loss of generality, suppose that hat, for every
≥ 0.Using similar arguments as in [1], we can see z1,z2Z()and t ∈ [0, δ] ,(Pz1)(t)(Pz2)(t)(D00Me)Kz1z2As K is continuous and
D0K(0)1,we can choose δ > 0 small enough, such that
D00Me0N1N2M2e2)K1.Then, P is a strict contraction in Z(),and the fixed point of P gives the unique integral olution x(., ϕ)on(−∞, δ] that verifies x(δ)= e1.Remark 1 Suppose that all linear operators W from U into D(A)defined by
0~20 ≤ a < b ≤ T, T > 0, induce invertible operators W on L([a,b],U)/KerW,such that there
T~1N2,taking ,N exist positive constants N1 and N2 satisfying CN1 and WNlarge enough and following [1].A similar argument as the above proof can be used inductively
1nN1,to see that Eq.(1)is controllable on [0, T ] for all T > 0.in [n,(n1)],The study of differential equations is one part of mathematics that, perhaps more than any other, has been directly inspired by mechanics, astronomy, and mathematical physics.Its history began in the 17th century when Newton, Leibniz, and the Bernoullis solved some simple differential equation arising from problems in geometry and mechanics.There early discoveries, beginning about 1690, gradually led to the development of a lot of “special tricks” for solving certain special kinds of differential equations.Although these special tricks are applicable in mechanics and geometry, so their study is of practical importance.
2间,Banach空间。C是一个有界的线性算子从U到E,A:A : D(A)⊆ E → E上的线性算子,B是函数的映射相空间(∞,0]到由E定义为
维度仍然是一个研究领域(见,例如,[2,9,14,15]和其中的参考文献)。同时,这种系统的可控性问题也受到许多数学家讨论可以看到的,例如,[5,8]。本文的目的是讨论方程的可控性。(1),其中线性部分是应该被非密集的定义,但满足的Hille-Yosida定理解估计。我们应当保证全局存在的条件,并给一些偏中性无限时滞泛函微分方程的可控性的充分条件。结果获得的积分半群理论和Banach不动点定理。此外,我们使用的整体解决方案的概念和我们不使用半群的理论分析。方程式,如无限时滞方程。(1),我们需要引入相空间B.为了避免重复和了解的相空间的有趣的性质,假设是(半)赋范抽象线性空间函数的映射(∞,T)→E,0 00tt4.x(t)(t)对于所有t ∈(−∞, 0].我们推断[1]和[22]式的整体解决方法。(1)给出了ϕ ∈ B,DD(A)如以下结论 tDxtS(t)DlimS(ts)B(Cu(s)F(s,xs))ds,t[0,t),(3)0x(t)(t),t(,0],当B(IA)1。 为了获得全局的存在性和唯一,我们应该在[1]中 (H2)K(0)D01.(H3)F:[0,]Ei是连续的,存在 F(t,1)F(t,2)00> 0, 所以 12for ϕ1, ϕ2 ∈ B 和 t ≥ 0.(4) 使用[1]定理7中,我们得到以下结论。定理1 假设(H1),(H2)(H3)。设ϕ ∈ B,这样Dϕ ∈ D(A).。则,存在一个独特的整数解x(., ϕ)对于Eq.(1),。(1),定义在(−∞,+∞).。 定义2 在上述条件下,方程Eq.(1)被说成是在区间J = [0, δ], δ > 0,如果为每一个初始函数ϕ ∈ B,ϕ ∈ D(A)和任何e1 ∈ D(A),存在可控一个控制u ∈ L2(J,U)的,这样的解x(.)的Eq.(1)满足x()e1。 定理2假设(H1),(H2),(H3).x(.)式为整体解决方法在Eq.(1)中(−∞, δ), δ > 0。并假设(见[20])的线性算子从W到U在D(A)定义为 Wulim~么,Eq.(1)是可控的前提是在J 当K0t0S(s)BCu(s)ds,(5) ~1N2那 W存在L2(J,U)/KerW正数N1和N2满足CN1 和 W诱导可逆的算子,(D0)0Me0N1N2M2e2)K1,(6) :maxK(t).证明 以下[1],当整体解决方案x(.)式。Eq.(1)存在于(−∞, δ), δ > 0,这是对所有的t ∈ [0, δ] dx(t)D0xtS(t)Ddt或者 dS(ts)F(s,x)dss0dttS(ts)Cu(s)ds 0tx(t)D0xtS(t)DlimS(ts)B(s,xs)ds0t limS(ts)BCu(s)ds 0t然后,一个任意整数解x(.)式。(1)在(−∞, δ), δ > 0,满足x(δ)= e1,当且仅当 de1D0xS()Dd0S(s)F(s,xs)dslim0S(ts)BCu(s)dst这意味着,使用(5),它足以采取对所有的t ∈ J,t~1u(t)WlimS(ts)BCu(s)ds(t) t~1We1D0xS()DlimS(ts)B(s,xs)ds(t)00以x(δ)= e1因此,我们必须采取上述控制,因此,证明是减少对所有的t ∈ [0, δ]的整体解的存在性 (Pz)(t):D0ztS(t)DddtddtS(ts)F(s,z0ts)ds t0~S(ts)CW1z()D0zS()D limS()BF(,z)d}(s)ds 0为了不失一般性,假设 ≥ 0。[1]类似的论点,我们可以看到的z,z[0,δ] 12Z()和t∈ (Pz1)(t)(Pz2)(t)(D00Me)Kz1z2为K是 D0K(0)1连续的,δ > 0足够小,这样我们可以选择 D00Me0N1N2M2e2)K1.然后,P是一个严格的收缩在Z(),和固定的P点给出了独特的不可分割的线上的x(., ϕ)on(−∞, δ],验证x(δ)= e1。 注1 假设所有D(A)从U W时的线性算子定义 WulimS(bs)BCu(s)ds 0~20 ≤ a < b ≤ T, T > 0,诱发可逆的算子W在L([a,b],U)/KerW,如存在正常数N1和N 2T~1WN满足CN1,同时中N足够大,下面的[1]。上述证明的一个类2,N1nN1,看到Eq.(1)在[0,T]的所有T>0是可控似的说法可以使用[n,(n1)],的。 微分方程的研究是数学的一部分,也许比其他分支更多的直接受到力学,天文学和数学物理的推动。他的历史起源于17世纪,当时牛顿、莱布尼茨、伯努利家族解决了一些来自几何和力学的简单的微分方程。哲学开始于1690年的早期发现,逐渐引起了解某些特殊类型的微分方程的大量特殊技巧的发展。尽管这些特殊的技巧只是用于相对较少的几种情况,但是他们能够解决力学和几何中出现的许多微分方程,因此,他们的研究具有重要的实际应 用。 乡村旅游及旅游业多元化带来的挑战: 以塞浦路斯为例 Richard Sharpley 摘要 乡村旅游长期以来一直被认为是一种实现经济和社会发展与更新的途径,更确切地说,它已被推广成为一种高效的收入来源和及实现就业的产业,特别是在一些偏远的传统农业已经开始萎缩的农村地区。为了带来像沿海度假村一样的旅游效益,现在有很多旅游都开始转向内陆以乡村旅游的方式多元化他们的旅游产品和市场。本论文的目的在于在一定程度上探讨这种乡村旅游所代表的一个现实的旅游发展政策。基于研究农业旅游的发展在塞浦路斯所遇到的挑战和问题,强调乡村旅游的企业家在开发乡村旅游中遇到的一些问题。特别指出乡村旅游开发成本高回报率低,许多旅游经营者缺少必要的技能和的支配能力等重大挑战。总的来说,长期的资金与技术支持是乡村旅游能否取得发展的重要因素。1.简介 旅游长期以来一直被认为是一种有效的促进农村经济的发展与更新的方法。在整个欧洲,特别是那些亟需解决社会和经济面临的各种挑战,传统农业产业的逐渐衰落的周边农村区,旅游业被广泛推广和依赖成为的一种有效的解决手段。另外,它对整个欧洲的财政结构有重要的影响。例如,在1989年到1993年间,欧盟的5.5%结构性资金都分配在旅游开发投资项目。而在1994年和1999年,一共有73亿欧元的资金用于促进旅游业的发展。 更具体地说,超过三分之一的投资项目涉及到旅游业。乡村旅游发展方案也在其他地方变得越来越明显,虽然与在欧洲的开发程度不同。例如,在美国,已经发现有30个州的开发旅游政策专门针对农村地区,还有另外14个已包括乡村旅游的整体旅游发展方案。同样,乡村旅游企业也越来越多为了弥补农业收入及其他合营机构收入的下降。然而,在许多其他国家,包括加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰和那些两个前东欧及亚太地区,旅游业是促进经济增长和改变在农村地区的主要动力。 同时,这也超越了一般的的发展与再生作用,乡村旅游正日益成为促进以与大量的包装型旅游目的地相对应。也就是说,一些流行阳关海滩旅游目项目,近年来,准备多元化旅游项目,分散投资于乡村旅游,这既是一种区域化又是一种形式化,作为农村传统旅游反对沿海现代旅游的方式,从而使旅游业以更均衡的、可持续的方法发展。更具体地说,乡村旅游业的发展传统上是被看作是一个夏日阳关目的地,他不仅是改变农村发展的手段也是实现旅游多元化增加旅游吸引力的重要手段,缓和市场高速发展存在的问题;减轻季节性联系问题;鼓励自主旅游使旅游经济效益的传播到旅游内地;更多的促进文化发展,并不单一的强调气候、景点;而且满足环境境需求平均这种个人旅游形式。这样的一个旅游目的地,已要求通过多样化和经济复兴的乡村旅游推广塞浦路斯。在过去的40多年来,塞浦路斯已成为一个重要要的地中海夏日太阳目的地,成功生长旅游基础显示着岛屿社会经济的发展。在1991年后,该项目领导劳纳推出了一体化岛屿为元素旅游发展战略。 然而,尽管塞浦路斯农业旅游项目表面上已经遇到了一些成功,包括获得英国航空的“旅游为明天”奖,但对其以保持其可行性和有效性的一个旅游多样化政策仍存在怀疑。正如本文所展示的,许多证据表明存在的问题和挑战这不仅不利于塞浦路斯农业旅游的发展,也农村传统观念旅游业相矛盾。本文的目的是要强调这些挑战,指出相关的经验教训,向其他旅游地区,如加那利群岛,这个也在寻找通过乡村旅游多元化旅游产业的地区提供借鉴。但是,首先有必要简单回顾一下乡村旅游发展的潜在好处和的挑战,作为具体分析塞浦路斯农业旅游的框架。 2.乡村旅游: 经济发展的灵丹妙药? 在许多国家,乡村旅游受到很多实质性的鼓励与支持,在某些情况下同时从公共和私营企业取得财政援助。在过去三十年来,许多农村经济体都遭受了严重的衰败,就业率的下降和收入水平减少使传统农业进入经济的恶性循环。特别是农村人均收入已经远低于全国平均值,而公共服务的损耗,高失业水平和年轻人的外出,使受教育的农村成员在社区集体结构中处于濒危的状态。因此乡村旅游不仅仅被作为一种潜在的扭转这种局面的手段而且,由于它促进农村各种关系的紧密联系使得农村社会经济得以健康发展。它已成为一个不可分割的农村发展的政策。 这种对乡村旅游业日益增长的依赖和支持是取决于农村地区感知的许多好处。一般来说,乡村旅游业被视为一种宝贵的和不断增长的行业在整体旅游市场,占有重要收入来源。例如据估计在英格兰乡村旅游,每年约90亿英镑的利润。更具体地说,农村旅游业的发展对农村地区所面临的问题提供了解决方案。归纳如下: (1)通过旅游业及现有企业促进经济增长,实现产业结构多样化和稳定性,提供更多的就业机会增加人民收入。创造的新市场农产品,以及不断扩大的地区的经济基础。 (2)社会文化发展,包括重农村地区的革新,维护和改善,公共服务的加强及地方的振兴对当地自然及环境结构的改善。 在一定程度上实现了这些好处仍引起争议。当然,有证据指出,作为经济增长的工具和多样化的手段,旅游业在提高农民收入水平和促进当地经济增长作出了重要贡献。同样,毫无疑问,旅游业是就业的重要来源,特别是在传统上受欢迎的农村目的地,对农村地区社会和环境发展,起到重要的作用,同时旅游业作为农村地区所面临的问题的灵丹妙药这种说法必须谨慎对待。 也就是说,在某种程度上旅游有利于农村发展的多样性,因此它值得政府的支持和资助。然而在有些地区,乡村旅游业的发展与他本固有的经济发展矛盾。研究表明有很多因素不利于农村通过乡村旅游实现经济多样化和增长。 特别是已经发现,旅游业对农村额外收入的增加很少达到预期的希望。在某种程度上,这可以解释的是,乡村旅游企业往往是小规模和高度季节性市场,这些包括: (1)并非所有农村地区都同样吸引游客,简单的提供住宿并不能保证需求。产品包装必须足以吸引和留住游客,提供适当的消费机会。 (2)乡村旅游发展和组织可能会要求重要投资能够取得更大潜在回报。在这种情况下,政府补可能需要维持旅游业的利润。 (3)当地社区和企业可能会发现难以适应这种服务。例如,欧洲农民 发现它难以通过与旅游工业农业结合的实现商品化农业。换句话说,农业价值和客户服务价值往往不可压缩。 (4)产品和服务的质量必须符合游客的需求和期望。在在罗马尼亚中部地区,因乡村旅游不符合海外游客的需求而阻碍了成功。(5)个人通常不具有乡村旅游业的技能和有效的资源市场营销以及成功的先决条件。在许多地区或国家,市场营销和广告支持是可用的,尽管当地农村社区对外来援助可能表示反感。 这些挑战并不是出现在每一种情况。然而,他们确实表明,旅游业并不是解决农村所面临的问题的必须手段。也就是说,旅游可能并不是最适合的发展道路,而成本和以上总结的其他困难可能限制 潜在的经济回报。此外,由于以下对 塞浦路斯研究表明,这些困难会在与那些带有传统的阳关沙滩的旅游地点竞争时加剧。 3.塞浦路斯的旅游业 塞浦路斯旅游业的发展是1960年从英国统治下独立后开始的。当时,岛上极度落后,旅游业几乎不存在。事实上,在1960年仅25000旅客人数,旅游收益占本地生产总值约百分之2.5。有趣的是在这个数字的背景下,旅游业也只是在山上度假胜地,在1960年占几乎岛上的4000个床位的一半。当地正在寻找发展岛上乡村旅游的途径。 从20世纪60年代开始,塞浦路斯的旅游业开始繁华。直到1974年,这个岛的年接待旅游人数以每年20%的速度增长,在1973年参观者的人数已经达到264000人.在此期间,凯里尼亚和法玛古斯塔的沿海地区发展的最快,这为小岛发展为一个主要的夏日阳光目的地打下了基础。但是在1974年随着土耳其人的入侵其对塞浦路斯北部的占领,小岛的经济几近崩溃。大部分酒店,以及位于尼科西亚的国际机场和其他的一些旅游设施都以被破坏,到1975年只剩下仅仅47000家。 尽管如此,旅游产业再次出现不可思议的恢复和增长。到20世纪80年代。小岛的旅客人数相比于全球4.2%的增长率,其增长了16%。旅游收入再次恢复到1977年的2.38亿。 到20世纪80年代,小岛旅游的年平均增长率达到了23%。在1999年,旅游收入达到两千四百万,旅游业已经发展成为塞浦路斯的经济支柱产业,占整个GDP的20%,就业率的25%,出口额的40%。也是因为旅游业的发展,塞浦路斯人的生活水平在地中海地区仅此于法国和意大利,达到第三位。 塞浦路斯旅游业的发展已经被很好的记录下来,但是尽管塞浦路斯的取得了令人瞩目的发展,仍然存在许多对以后发展有为威胁的因素。 到1992年,人们已经认识到塞浦路斯的快速发展是不可持续的。沿海的大部分土地已经被开发殆尽,岛上的自然资源和人力资源面临严重的压力。由于经济增长严重依赖旅游业使得整个经济面临威胁。然而塞浦路斯旅游业的经济发展仍然因为以下原因继续增长: (1)自上世纪80年代,岛上开始玩数字游戏即以到来的人数来测量旅游业的成功。然而90年代到此的旅客人数并不稳定,其中大部分是被圣拿帕的短暂流行的俱乐部和舞蹈所吸引。 (2)尽管在其他方面也有所努力,塞浦路斯的依然依靠它的传统核心产业。英国游客一直是岛上的主要来源,在1992 年占到了54.6%。由于塞浦路斯制定的旅游政策,英国游客在1996年下降到36.9%,但在1999年又重新达到47.5%。塞浦路斯的其他市场,如斯堪的纳维亚半岛和德国大概占到10%。 (3)在90年代,来塞浦路斯的游客由于本地旅游业的包容性,停留时间由1991年的12.5天下降到1996年的10.92天,从一定程度上来说,游客的平均花费也比预期的要少。 (4)塞浦路斯的旅游业有很强的季节性。超多四分之一的游客主要在七月到八月,整个从7月到9月的夏季游客占到全年游客的40%。 (5)大多数来塞浦路斯的游客都是跟团旅游。特别是英国和斯堪的纳维亚市场,分别占80%呵100%。不仅是这个因素制约了旅游业的发展,同时旅游业掌握在少数经营者手中也是个不利因素。这些都限制了岛上旅游业的发展潜力,30%的游客都由一家名为德曼集团控制着。1999年,岛上能够提供86000个床位,其中大部分在沿海地区。例如在法玛古斯塔东南部地区已经从孤立的乡村旅游转变为岛上最热闹的度假胜地。占据整个游客的40%,帕福斯以24%紧随其后,后者相比1991年增长了50%。更重要的是,从8年代兴起的自助式住宿对塞浦路斯的旅游业有很重要的影响。 总的来说,塞浦路斯旅游业的迅速发展有着季节性,跟团性及被少数商家操控的特点。相反的内陆的乡村地区却只占很少的一部分。4.塞浦路斯农业旅游的发展 塞浦路斯当局也认识到旅游业发展所面临的问题,在80年代中期当旅游业发展至最好时期时,有关发展方向及发展规模的措施也相应出台。特别是针对鼓励山丘地区的旅游发展,目的在与增加多样性及旅游收入。 从那时起,历任计划和政策所追求的是实现更平衡以旅游的方式,虽然成果有限但含蓄的目标正在放缓旅游业的发展,改善和多样化旅游产品,以吸引高消费游客减少季节性的影响;以及扩大环岛旅游的利润。在过去的十年来,为实现这些目标农业旅游的发展一直是主要的手段。 塞浦路斯的农业旅游项目在1991年由当局旅游部门发起,旨在改革岛上的社会经济。以下是具体措施: (1)激活乡村旅游以减少人口迁出。 (2)借助乡村旅游开辟一个更具意义的通道。(3)通过多样化的旅游吸引新的旅游市场。 (4)根据塞浦路斯传统文化特色发展独特的旅游模式。 (5)保护和保存现有的自然及建筑环境,并增强传统的生活习惯和文化。总的来说,农业旅游包含典型的乡村旅游发展的目标。这不是说将要取代传统的乡村经济,而是一种更加可持续的发展,同时也将岛上的旅游产品重新定位。 5.乡村旅游:挑战 5.1缺乏支持 无一例外,所有的受采访的农业旅游企业家都在抱怨缺乏政府的支持,特别是关于降低相关的财政支持。相比于某些装修费用已达到300,000,这其中利息补贴是微不足道的。与此同时,很多业主无法拿到相关部门所宣称的银行贷款。这些是因为其中相当一部分人事老年人,银行不愿意提供他们贷款。大部分受采访的经营者表示,他们的旅游项目成本高且收入来源有限。5.2 缺乏培训 与相关部门的政策相反,很少有人说他们得到了相应的建议培训及有关塞浦路斯传统文化的教育。尽管有些人从希腊和爱尔兰的的经验中获得相关的知识,但这仅仅局限于早期的发展。相反的越来越来的人接受相关的培训,结果受采访者中只有5人觉得他们具有为游客提供专业服务的素质。5.3 缺少设施 大部分受访者提到了他们的村庄缺乏设施和景点。特别是,很多大的村庄只有一到二个旅馆这对游客的选择性有很大的局限。大概有50%以上的旅馆不提供食物以及缺乏继续扩大的能力。同样,这里缺乏能让游客感受当地文化,艺术的设施。 总的来说,显而易见的是,塞浦路斯农业旅游已取得了一些成功,但与预设的目标仍有很大的差距。另一方面,一些传统的特色得益于这项项目的修复。与此同时,研究当地社区之间的积极的态度以及对重新建立传统文化做法和信念,极大鼓舞农业旅游的再生发展。 英文论文翻译 英文论文翻译 一,英文题名的翻译题名的结构 英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(nounphrase)最常见,即题名基本上由1个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。短语型题名短语型题名要确定好中心词,再进行前后修饰。各短语型题名个词的顺序很重要,词序不当,会导致表达不准。题名一般不应是陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断式的语义;且陈述句不够精练和醒目,重点也不易突出。少数情况(评述性,综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,疑问句可有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。 题名的字数题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制。例如,美国医学会规定题名不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷符号和空格;英国数学会要求题名不超过12个词。总的原则是,题名应确切,简练,醒目题名应确切,题名应确切简练,醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内容的前提下,题名词数越少越好。中英文题名的一致性翻译 同一篇论文,其英文题名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的词可以省略或变动。题名中的冠词的翻译 科技论文题名中的冠词简化冠词有简化冠词简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。题名中的大小写翻译 题名字母的大小写有以下3种格式:全部字母大写翻译; 每个词的首字母大写,但3个或4个字母以下的冠词,连词,介词全部小写;题名第1个词的首字母大写,其余字母均小写。题名中的缩略词语翻译 已得到整个科技界或本行业科技人员公认的缩略词语,才可用于题名中,否则不要轻易使用。 二,作者与作者单位的英译 作者:中国人名按汉语拼音拼写 单位:单位名称要写全(由小到大),并附地址和邮政编码,确保联系方便。三,英文论文翻译中英文摘要翻译英文摘要的时态: 英文摘要时态的运用也以简练为佳。 一般现在时:用于说明研究目的,叙述研究内容,描述结果,得出结论,提出建议或讨论等;涉及到公认事实,自然规律,永恒真理等,也要用一般现在时。 一般过去时:用于叙述过去某一时刻的发现,某一研究过程(实验,观察,调查,医疗等过程)。用一般过去时描述的发现,现象,往往是尚不能确认为自然规律,永恒真理,只是当时情况;所描述的研究过程也明显带有过去时间的痕迹。 现在完成时和过去完成时:完成时少用完成时少用。现在完成时把过去发生的或过去已 完成的事情完成时少用与现在联系起来,而过去完成时可用来表示过去某一时间以前已经完成的事情,或在一个过去事情完成之前就已完成的另一过去行为。英文论文翻译中英文摘要的语态: 采用何种语态,既要考虑摘要的特点,又要满足表达的需要。一篇摘要很短,尽量不要随便混用,更不要在一个句子里混用。 主动语态:摘要中谓语动词采用主动语态,有助于文字简洁,表达有力。 被动语态:以前强调多用被动语态,理由是科技论文主要是说明事实经过,至于那件事是谁做的,无须一一证明。为强调动作承受者,采用被动语态为好;被动者无关紧要,也必须用强调的事物做主语。英文摘要的人称:原来摘要的首句多用第三人称Thispaper…等开头,现在倾向于采用更简洁的被动语态或原形动词开头。例如:Todescribe…,Tostudy…,Toinvestigate…,Toassess…,Todetermine…,行文时最好不用第一人称行文时最好不用第一人称。行文时最好不用第一人称注意事项 冠词:主要是定冠词the易被漏用。the用于表示整个群体,分类,时间,地名以及的独一无二的事物,形容词最高级等较易掌握,用于特指时常被漏用。这里有个原则,即当我们用the时,听者或读者已经明确我们所指的是什么。 数词:避免用阿拉伯数字作首词避免用阿拉伯数字作首词。避免用阿拉伯数字作首词单复数:一些名词单复数形式不易辨认,从而造成谓语形式出错。 使用短句使用短句:长句容易造成语义不清;但要避免单调和重复。使用短句 四 英文论文翻译中《EI》对英文摘要的基本要求 1,英文摘要的完整性 目前,大多数作者在写英文摘要时,都是把论文前面的中文摘要翻译成英文。这种做法忽略了这样一个事实:由于论文是用中文写作的,中文读者在看了中文摘要后,不详之处还可以从论文全文中获得全面,详细的信息,但由于英文读者(如《EI》的编辑)一般看不懂中文,英文摘要成了他唯一的信息源。因此,这里要特别提出并强调英文摘要的完整性,即英文摘要所提供的信息必须是完整的。通过英文摘要就能对论文的主要目的,解决问题的主要方法,过程,及主要的结果,结论和文章的创新,独到之处,有一个较为完整的了解。注重定量分析是科学研究的重要特征之一,这一点也应该体现在英文摘要的写作中。英文论文翻译中,在写作英文摘要时,要避免过于笼统的,空洞无物的一般论述和结论。要尽量利用文章中的最具体的语言来阐述你的方法,过程,结果和结论,这样既可以给读者一个清晰的思路,又可以使你的论述言之有物,有根有据,使读者对你的研究工作有一个清晰,全面的认识。 2,《EI》对英文摘要的写作要求 《EI》中国信息部要求信息性文摘(InformationAbstract)应该用简洁,明确的语言(一般不超过150words)将论文的目的(Purposes),主要的研究过程(Procedures)及所采用的方法(Methods),由此得到的主要结果(Results)和得出的重要结论(Conclusions)表达清楚。 如有可能,还应尽量提一句论文结果和结论的应用范围和应用情况。也就是说,要写好英文摘要,作者必须回答好以下几个问题: 本文的目的或要解决的问题(WhatIwanttodo?) 解决问题的方法及过程(HowIdidit?) 主要结果及结论(WhatresultsdidIgetandwhatconclusionscanIdraw?) 本文的创新,独到之处(Whatisnewandoriginalinthispaper?)英文论文翻译中英文摘要各部分的写作 根据《EI》对英文摘要的写作要求,英文摘要是对原始文献不加诠释或评论的准确而简短的概括,能反映原始文献的主要信息。 目的(WhatIwanttodo?):主要说明作者写作此文的目的,或本文主要解决的问题。一般来说,一篇好的英文摘要,一开头就应该把作者本文的目的或要解决的主要问题非常明确地交待清楚。在这方面,《EI》提出了两点具体要求: 1)Eliminateorminimizebackgroundinformation(不谈或尽量少谈背景信息),2)Avoidrepeatingthetitleorpartofthetitleinthefirstsentenceoftheabstract(避免在摘要的第一句话重复使用题目或题目的一部分)。 过程与方法(HowIdidit?):主要说明作者主要工作过程及所用的方法,也应包括众多的边界条件,使用的主要设备和仪器。在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。开头交待了要解决的问题之后,接着要回答的自然就是如何解决问题,最后的结果和结论也往往与研究过程及方法是密切相关的。最常见的问题是泛泛而谈,空洞无物,只有定性的描述,使读者很难清楚地了解论文中解决问题的过程和方法。因此,在说明过程与方法时,应结合(指向)论文中的公式,实验框图等来进行阐述,这样可以既给读者一个清晰的思路,又给那些看不懂中文(但却可以看懂公式,图,表等)的英文读者以一种可信的感觉。 结果和结论(WhatresultsdidIgetandwhatconclusionscanIdraw?):代表着文章的主要成就和贡献,论文有没有价值,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。因此,在写作结果和结论部分时,一般都要尽量结合实验结果或仿真结果的图,表,曲线等来加以说明,使结论部分言之有物,有根有据;同时,对那些看不懂中文的英文读者来说,通过这些图表,结合英文摘要的说明就可以比较清楚地了解论文的结果和结论。也只有这样,论文的结论才有说服力。如有可能,在结尾部分还可以将论文的结果和他人最新的研究结果进行比较,以突出论文的主要贡献和创新,独到之处(回答Whatisnewandoriginalinthispaper)。提高英文摘要的文字效能:《EI》很看重英文摘要的文字效能。为了提高文字效能,应尽量删去所有多余的字,句。在这方面,《EI》提出了两个原则: Limittheabstracttonewinformation(摘要中只谈新的信息),Tryforbrevity(尽量使摘要简洁): 4,英文论文翻译中英文摘要的句法原则 尽量用短句(useshortsentences) 描述作者的工作一般用过去时态(因为工作是在过去做的),但在陈述由这些工作所得出的结论时,应该用现在时态。 使用动词的主动语态,如:写成AexceedsB比写成BisexceededbyA更好。 数控技术 摘要 数控技术是机械运动和控制技术的工作与数字信息处理技术。这是一个非常迅速发展的现代工业生产技术。数控设备是新技术的数控技术的形式向制造业的传统和新兴制造业的渗透,即所谓的数字设备。本文分析了高速、高精度、可靠性、工艺复杂的、多轴数控机床的发展趋势,并提出了一些在中国数控机床的发展存在的问题。 关键词:精度材料市场 1、在我们的时代数控机床的研究现状 世界各国对数控车床,加工中心,FMS,CIMS等各种新技术的研究和发展过程,与国际经济形势密切联系。机床行业和国际经济相互促进和发展,进入21世纪知识机警时代,人们的知识中所发挥的作用更为突出,机床行业作为机械制造业的基础,其核心地位和战略意义更加明显。在1991-1994年,全球的经济衰退,昂贵的FMS,CIMS降低温度,1995-2000年之间,国际经济以一个较低的速度增加,根据当今世界市场的不同领域用户对数控机床生产力提高的要求和世界四大国际机床展览会(EMO,IMT日本,中国CIMT JIMTOF,美国的欧洲)的展品分析,在我们的时代在数控车床的技术研究主要有以下几点: (1)重视新技术和创新 在世界范围内,推出的新工艺,新材料,新结构,新的单位,以一个更具成本效益的方式进行新的组件的研究与开发,例如新的刀具材料、新的电主轴的主轴结构、高速、高速直线电机等。以创新的加工工艺的改进为基础,为加工超硬、难加工材料和特殊的复合和复杂的部分,不规则的曲面等,不断研究和开发新的机床品种。 (2)提高机床的精度和研究 为了提高加工中心加工精度,提高机床的刚性,减少振动的时刻,消除热变形,降低噪音,提高数控机床的定位精度、重复精度高、工作可靠、稳定性、精度保持性,世界上许多国家进行机床热误差运动负荷、车床的误差软件补偿技术研究的形状,以提高精度补偿,软件补偿措施,有的已经可能使这种误差的消除60%。并在不断开发精细加工,纳米加工。 (3)提高机加工生产率的研究 世界数控车床、主轴加工中心及相应的高速点轴、测量系统的直线、电机、高速数控系统的开发,都是以提高生产率为前提。 (4)很多国家已经开始对数控系统的研究智能化、公开化、网络化 A、数控系统的智能化研究 主要表现在以下几个方面:它是智能化为追求加工效率和加工质量,自我适应加工过程控制,工艺参数自动生成的研究;为提高驱动性能及使用连接方便的智能化,对反馈控制、电机参数的自适应运算、自动识别负载自动选定模型、自整定等进行研究;还有智能化自动编程、智能化的人机界面、智能诊断、智能监控等方面的研究。 B、数控系统的公开化研究 主要表现在以下几个方面:数控系统的开发是在统一的运行平台上,面向机床厂家和支持,最后,通过改变,增加或剪裁结构对象(数值控制目标),形成系列化,并可方便地将用户的特殊应用和技术诀窍集成到控制系统,快速实现不同品种、不同等级的开放式数控系统,形成具有鲜明个性的名牌产品。目前开放式数控系统的体系结构规范、通行规范、配置规范,运行平台、数控系统功能库以及数控系统功能软件开发工具等是当前研究的核心。 C、满足生产线的制造系统,用于制造企业的网络化将极大地数控设备的信息集成的需求,也是实现新的制造模式的基本单位。 2、加工中心的分类 (1)根据主轴空间位置分类如下,卧式和立式加工中心。 卧式加工中心,是指加工中心的主轴轴线水平设置。3-5个运动坐标轴卧式加工中心,常见的是三直线运动的坐标轴和回转运动坐标轴(转工作台轮),它能在工件一次装夹完成除安装面和顶面以外的其余4个面的加工,最适合加工箱体类工件。它与立式加工中心相比,结构复杂,占地面积大,质量大,价格高。 立式加工中心,立式加工中心的主轴轴线,为垂直设置,其结构多为固定立柱式,工作台为十字滑台,适合加工盘类零件,一般具有3个直线运动坐标轴,并可在工作台上安置一个水平轴的数控转台(第4轴)来加工螺旋类零件。立式加工中心结构简单,占地面积小,价格低,配备各种附件后,可对大多数工件的加工。 大型龙门加工中心的主轴,多为垂直设置,特别适用于大型或形状复杂的工件,这是在许多坐标龙门加工中心需要如航空,航天工业,一些加工大型汽轮机部分。 五面加工中心,这种加工中心有立式和卧式加工中心的功能,一个是插入后,可以完成除安装面外所有五个面的加工,这种加工使工件的形状误差降到最低,节省2次装夹工作,从而提高生产效率,降低处理成本。 (2)按工艺用途分 镗铣加工中心,它分为立式镗铣加工中心,卧式镗铣加工中心和龙门镗铣加工中心。它的处理技术主要依靠镗铣,用于壳体,壳和各种复杂零件特殊曲线和大过程,弯曲的轮廓加工表面,适用于多品种小批量生产。 复合加工中心,主要指五面复合加工,主轴头可自动回转,进行立,卧加工,在主轴自动回转后,在水平和垂直方向实现知道变换。 (3)按特殊功能分 单工作台、双工作台加工中心; 单轴、双轴、三轴及可换主轴箱的加工中心; 立式转塔加工中心和卧式转塔加工中心; 刀库加主轴换刀加工中心; 刀库接写手加主轴换刀加工中心; 刀库加机械手加双主轴转塔加工中心。 3、目前数控机床的发展趋势 目前,世界上先进制造技术的不断提高,超快切削、超精密加工等技术的应用,柔性制造系统的迅速发展和计算机集成系统的不断成熟,对数控技术也提出了更高的要求。目前正在开发的数控车床在以下几个方向: (1)、高速度、高精度化速度和精度是数控机床的两个重要指标,它直接关系到加工效率和产品质量。目前,数控系统采用的型号,频率高的处理器,以提高系统的基本运行速度。同时,采用超大规模的集成电路和多微处理器结构,以提高系统的数据处理能力,即提高插补运算的速度和精度。并采用直线电动机直接驱动机床工作台的直线伺服进给方式,其高速度和动态响应特性相当优越。采用前馈控制技术,使追踪滞后误差大大减小,从而改善拐角切削的加工精度。 为适应超高速加工的要求,数控机床采用主轴电动机与机床结构形式主轴合二为一,实现变频电机与机床主轴的整合,轴承、电机主轴采用磁浮轴承,液体动静压轴承的形式或陶瓷滚动轴承等。目前,陶瓷刀具和金刚石涂层刀具已开始得到应用。 (2)多功能是改变组织各类加工中心(一个库容量可达100以上)的自动配置,可以实现铣削,镗削,钻削等多种工艺,车削,扩孔,扩孔,攻螺纹等过程,在同时在同一台机床上,现代数控车床采用多主轴、多面体切削,即同时对一个零件的不同部位进行不同方式的切削加工。由于采用多CPU结构和分级中断控制方法的数控系统,可以解决部分加工程序,同时在车床上,实现所谓的“前台程序,后台是编辑”。为了满足集成系统在柔性制造系统和计算机的需求,数控系统具有远距离串行接口,甚至可以联网,实现数控机床之间的数据通信,也可以直接对多台数控机床进行控制。 (3)现代智能化的数控车床,介绍了自适应控制技术,根据切削条件的变化,自动调节工作参数,使加工过程能保持最佳的工作状态,从而得到较高的加工精度和较小的表面粗糙度,可以同时改善刀具和设备生产效率的服务生活。具有自诊断、自修复功能,在整个工作状态中,系统随时对CNC系统本身以及与其相连的各种设备进行自诊断、检查。一旦出现故障时,立即采用停机等措施,并进行故障报警,提示发生故障的部位、原因等。还可以自动使故障模块脱机,而接通备用模块,以确保无人化工作环境的要求。为实现更高的故障诊断要求,其发展趋势是采用人工智能专家诊断系统。 (4)随着计算机应用技术的发展,数控编程自动化,CAD / CAM图形交互自动编程已得到目前更多的应用程序,这是数控技术发展的新趋势。它利用CAD绘制的零件加工模式,它是计算后可以通过计算机内的刀具轨迹数据然后处理,从而自动生成NC零件加工程序,为了实现CAD与CAM的集成。随着CIMS技术的发展,自动编程的方式在CAD/CAPP/CAM集成当前又出现了,它与CAD/CAM系统编程的最大区别是其编程所需的加工工艺参数不需要人工参与,直接从系统内的CAPP数据库获得。 (5)可靠性最大化,数控机床的可靠性一直是用户最关心的主要指标。数控系统将采用更高集成度的电路芯片,利用大规模或超大规模的专用及混合式集成电路,以减少元器件的数量,来提高可靠性。通过硬件功能软件化,以满足各种控制功能的要求,采用模块化,标准化,同时硬件结构机床本体的通用化、系列化,不仅使提高硬件生产批量,而且便于组织生产和质量把关。还通过自动运行启动诊断、在线诊断、离线诊断等多种诊断程序,实现对系统内硬件、软件和各种外部设备进行故障诊断和报警。利用报警提示,及时排除故障;利用容错技术,采用“冗余”设计的重要组成部分,以实现故障自恢复;利用各种测试,控制技术,生产超程、刀损、干扰、断电等各种意外时,自动进行相应的保护。 (6)控制系统小型化数控系统小型化便于将机、电装置结合为一体。目前,采用三维安装方法,使电子元器件必须使用高密度安装,占用空间缩小系统规模 更大。而利用新型的彩色液晶超薄显示替代传统的阴极射线管,使数控操作系统进一步缩小。所以这样可以方便地安装在机床上,更利于数控车床的操作的正确性。 参考文献: [1] 中国机床工具工业协会 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Intelligent parking system Abstract The basic concepts of the parking reservation system and parking revenue management system are discussed in this paper.The proposed intelligent’’ parking space inventory control system that is based on a combination of fuzzy logic and integer programming techniques makes ‘‘on line’’ decisions whether to accept or reject a new driver's request for parking.In the first step of the proposed model, the best parking strategies are developed for many different patterns of vehicle arrivals.These parking strategies are developed using integer programming approach.In the second step, learn-ing from the best strategies, specific rules are defined.The uniqueness of the proposed approach is that the rules are derived from the set of chosen examples assuming that the future traffic arrival patterns are known.The results were found to be close to the best solution assuming that the future arrival pattern is known.Keywords: Traffic;Uncertainty modeling;Control;Parking;Fuzzy logic 1.Introduction Every day a significant percentage of drivers in single-occupancy vehicles search for a parking space.Additionally, less experienced drivers or out-of-towners further contribute to the increase of traffic congestion.Search for a vacant parking space is a typical example of a search process.Every parking search strategy is composed of a set of vague rules.It is usually difficult to describe these rules explicitly.The type of the planned activity, time of a day, day of the week, current congestion on particular routes, knowledge of city streets, and potentially available parking places have signficant influence on a chosen parking search strategy.During the last four decades numerous parking search models have been developed(Vander Goot, 1982;Axhausen and Polak, 1991;Polak and Axhausen, 1990;Young et al., 1991a,b;saltzman, 1997;Shoup, 1997;Steiner, 1998;Thompson and Richardson, 1998;Arnott and Rowse, 1999;Tam and Lam, 2000;Wong et al., 2000;Waterson et al., 2001).In many decision-making situations in transportation(modal split, choice of air carrier, choice of airport, etc.)the competitive alternatives and their characteristics are reasonably well known in advance to the decision maker(passenger, driver).On the other hand, the drivers usually discover diffierent parking alternatives one by one in a temporal sequence.Clearly, this temporal sequence has a very strong influence on the driver's final decision about the parking place.During the past two decades, traffic authorities in many cities(Helsinki, Cologne, Mainz, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Aalborg, Hague)have started to inform and guide drivers to parking facilities with real-time var-iable message signs [directional arrows, names of the parking facilities, status(full, not full, number of available parking spaces, etc.)].Information about the number of available parking spaces could be displayed on the major roads, streets and intersections, or it could be distributed through the Internet.It is logical to ask the question about the benefits of the parking guidance systems.Current practice shows that parking guidance systems usually do not change the occupancy rate or average parking duration.Drivers easily become familiar with the parking guidance systems, and majority of them use, thrust and appreciate the help of the systems.Guidance systems significantly increase the probability of finding vacant parking space, mitigate frustration of the drivers–visitors unfamiliar with the city center, decrease the queues in front of parking garages, decrease the total amount of vehicle-miles traveled(particularly in the city centers), decrease the average trip time, energy consumption, and 2 air pollution.Parking guidance system is a part of comprehensive parking policy and traffic management system, whose other elements are street parking control(including sanctions for the illegally parked vehicles), parking fare structure, and parking revenue management system.Parking guidance systems help drivers to find vacant parking spaces when they are already on the network, and approaching their final destination.Throughout this research the concepts of the parking reservation system and parking revenue management system are proposed.Such systems would help drivers to find a vacant parking space even before beginning their trip.The proposed “intelligent” parking space inventory control system that is based on the combination of simulation, optimization techniques, and fuzzy logic makes “real-time” decisions as to whether to reject or accept a new request for parking.The proposed methodology could be applied for parking lots and parking garages in cities and at the big international airports.The paper is organized as follows: Parking-pricing problems are presented in Section 2.Analogies between parking problems and some other industries are presented in Section 3.The parking revenue management system is introduced in Section 4, and the Intelligent parking space inventory control system is introduced in Section 5.The algorithm to create intelligent parking spaces inventory control system is presented in Section 6.Results obtained with the “intelligent” parking system are given in Section 7, and Sec-tion 8 presents the concluding remarks and further research orientations.2.parking pricing In majority of cities throughout the world drivers pay for using different parking facilities.In some instances, traffic congestion can be significantly reduced as a result of parking price.The parking revenue is usually used to cover parking facility costs(access gates, ticket 3 printers, parking meters, parking signs, attendants), or to improve some other traffic and transportation activities.Different parking pricing strategies should be a part of the comprehensive solution approach to the complex traffic congestion problems.There is no doubt that parking pricing represents one of the important demand management strategies.For example, traffic authorities, local governments and private sector could introduce higher parking tariffs for solo drivers or for long-term parkers in congested city areas.They could provide special parking discounts to vanpoolers.Obviously parking pricing should be carefully studied in the context of the considered city area(down-town, residential, commercial, retail use areas).In some cities(Madison, Wisconsin)there are already time dependent parking fees that force commuters to switch to different alternatives of public transportation.Trying to promote public transit San Francisco traffic authorities increased parking tariffs at public and commercial garages.The Chicago authorities raised parking rates few times.As a consequence, the total number of cars parked significantly decreased, as well as parking duration time.The greatest decrease was in the number of all day parkers.Authorities in Seattle signficantly reduced parking tariffs for carpool at two Seattle parking facilities in downtown.Active role in parking pricing strategies could also have employers paying for employees' parking.Employers who remove parking subsidies for the employees could significantly decrease the total number of solo drivers.The main role of any parking pricing strategy should be reducing the total number of vehicle trips during certain time periods, shifting commuters to alternative transportation modes, and to different parking locations.At the same time, when trying to implement any parking strategy, it is very important to provide enough parking space for shoppers, to provide preferential parking for residents in considered city area, to provide 4 preferential parking for different parking locations, to consider low income families, and to protect streets in the neighborhood from illegal parking.The basic economic concepts of supply and demand should be more utilized when solving complex traffic congestion and parking problems(Vickrey, 1969, 1994;Verhoef et al., 1995).So-called value pricing is also known as congestion pricing, or variable tolling.The basic idea behind the concept of congestion pricing is to force drivers to travel and use transportation facilities more during off-peak hours and less during peak hours.The idea of congestion pricing is primarily connected with the road(drivers pay for using private, faster roads, drivers with lower vehicle occupancy pay for using High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, drivers pay more to enter city's downtown on weekdays)or airport operators(more expensive landing fees during peak hours).In the context of parking problems, this means:(a)that different parking tariffs should exist for different users;(b)that the parking fees should increase and/or decrease few times during a day.3.Parking problems and revenue management systems: Analogies with some other industries Airline industry, hotels, car rental, rail, cruise, healthcare, broadcast industry, energy industry, golf,equipment rental, restaurant, and other industries are utilizing revenue management concepts when selling their products(Cross, 1997).Revenue management could be described as a group of different scientific techniques of managing the company revenue when trying to deliver the right product to the right client at the right price at the right time.The roots of the revenue management are in the airline industry.The basic characteristics of the industries to which different revenue management concepts were successfully applied are:(a)variable demand over time;(b)variable 5 asset utilization;(c)perishable assets;(d)limited resources;(e)market segmentation;(f)adding new capacity is expensive, difficult or impossible;(g)direct cost per client is negligible part of the total cost of making service available;(h)selling products in advance.The main characteristics of the parking space inventory control problems are the following: · Parking demand is variable over time.· Like hotel rooms, or restaurant chairs, parking spaces also have daily opportunity to be ‘‘sold’’(used by clients).· Any parking lot or garage has limited number of parking spaces that can be used by drivers · Market segmentation means that different customers are willing to pay different prices for the same asset(hotel room, airline seat, seat in a rented car).Businessman wanting to park a car near a meeting point 15 minutes before the meeting would be ready to pay much higher parking fee than a pensioner planning to walk with his wife through the downtown, who made parking reservation four day in advance.· Building new garages and parking lots could be very expensive and sometimes very difficult.· Parking places can be easily reserved in advance.Introducing and developing parking reservation system(created in an Internet and cell phone environ-ment)would present further improvement in modern parking technologies.Drivers would be advised and guided before beginning of the trip, as well as during the trip.Parking reservation system should be coupled with the parking revenue management system.In this way, parking operators and traffic authorities would be able to implement different parking strategies.Once the driver is allowed to park, it is possible to implement internal garage guidance system that guides the driver to an empty parking place.6 4.Introducing parking revenue management system Let us assume that we have parking reservation system.Drivers make their requests for parking at random moments of time(by phone from home, by cell phone while driving, through the Internet, etc.).A certain number of drivers would maybe cancel their reservations before beginning of the parking.These cancellations would also be made at random moments of time.Like in some other industries, a certain number of drivers would not appear in parking garage for which they have a con-firmed reservation and purchased ticket.Would these drivers be penalized for their behavior? Depending on ration between parking demand and parking supply, the answer could be ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No’’.Reservation system should be flexible enough allowing some drivers to appear right before wished beginning of parking, looking for an empty space in a garage, even though they do not have a confirmed reservation.Would it be good to have few different parking tariffs? The answer is obviously ‘‘Yes’’.Drivers paying lower parking tariffs could be disabled and senior citizens, people who reserve parking space few days in advance, or HOV drivers.Drivers paying higher tariffs could be solo drivers, long term parking drivers, or drivers showing up and asking for parking without making reservation in advance.Obviously, there is a lot of possible parking pricing strategies.The stochastic nature of reservation generation and cancellation, the stochastic nature of driver show-up during reserved time slot, variety of parking tariffs, and the need to respond to drivers' requests in real time, indicate that the management of parking garage revenues represents a complex problem.In the past 30 years a relatively large number of papers have been devoted to different aspects of the air-line seat inventory control problem(Littlewood, 1972;Belobaba, 1987;Brumelle and McGill, 1993;7 Teodorovic et al., 2002).The model proposed in this paper is highly inspired by the developed airline yield management stochastic and/or deterministic models.Let us assume that we have few different parking tariffs.The simplest reservation system(similar to some airline reservation systems in the past)could be ‘‘distinct tariff class parking space inventories’’(Fig.1(a)),indicating separate parking spaces in the garage for each tariff class.In this case, once the parking space is assigned to a tariff class, it may be booked only in that tariff class or else remains unsold.There are certain advantages, as well as certain disadvantages in the case of distinct parking space inventories.In this case users paying lower tariffs would be relatively well ‘‘protected’’.In other words, this system would pay a lot of attention to the disabled person, senior citizens, people who reserve parking space few days in advance, and HOV drivers.Obvious disadvantage of the distinct parking space inventories is the fact that very often some parking spaces assigned to lower tariff users would be empty even the higher tariff users demand is very high.In other words, it would be possible to reject some drivers even all parking spaces in garage are not occupied.BL1 BL2 C BLm (a) BL2 BLm BL1=C (b) Fig.1 In case of a ‘‘nested reservation system’’, the high tariff request will not be rejected as long as any parking spaces are available in lower tariff classes.For example, if we have four tariff classes, then there is no booking limit for class 1, but there are booking limits(BLi, i = 2, 3,..., m)for each of the remaining three classes(Fig.1(b)).As we can see from Fig.1(b), all parking spaces are always available to class 1.There are always a certain number of parking spaces protected for class 1, certain number of parking spaces protected for classes 1 and 2, and certain number of parking spaces protected for classes 1, 2 and 3.If we make a request-by-request revision of booking limits, there is no longer a difference between distinct and nested reservation system.In this research(like in the paper of Teodorovic´ et al., 2002)an attempt was made to make reservation decisions on the ‘‘request-by-request’’ basis.In the scenario that we consider, we assume that there are more than two types of tariffs.The basic characteristic of the parking space inventory control model that we propose is ‘‘real-time’’ decision making about each driver request.The developed model is called an ‘‘intelligent’’ parking space inventory control system.第二篇:英文论文翻译