留学申请 经典的留学推荐信范文 美国考试网 更新:2011-5-13 编辑:赵露
下面是一篇精彩的美国留学推荐信范文,推荐信要突出个人亮点。在推荐信中,并不是把这个人的优点写得面面俱到就是好推荐信,因为这样并没有突出申请者与众不同的亮点。同时,在国外的院校里,他们每天要收到很多封推荐信,有亮点的信自然会吸引人的注意。一封推荐信中有一个主要的闪光点并有具体例子佐证申请者的优点即可,这样会给招生人员留下较为深刻的印象。我们下面就来看一篇美国留学推荐信范文。to whom it may concern: they think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer.previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year.despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, martha told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, martha has made clear to us all that her goal is to do social work.to this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring special education students mainstreamed into our school.in closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which i believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate.two years ago i was returning from lunch to my office when i saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound martha, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a special ed student and the other a school bully.other students were standing by motionless or laughing while martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.sincerely, jean atkins senior counselor alexander hamilton high school 以上就是一篇优秀的美国留学推荐信范文,最后我们还要提醒大家一点的就是,许许多多的推荐信都犯着一个相似的错误,那就是几乎满篇都是溢美之词,但却不举一件事例来证明。推荐信切忌写得过长,一般来说500~800英文字以内是比较理想的篇幅,能排在一张a4信纸,并上下留出写抬头和签名的充足空间。篇二:会计专业毕业生推荐信
代 表”重要思想,是一个在德、智、体方面得到全面发展的优秀学生。总之,该生是一位符合现代化要求的全面发展的大学生。望贵单位予以重点考虑,他一定会不负您的重托!感谢您在百忙之中读完这封推荐信,诚祝事业蒸蒸日上!
推荐人:xxx xx年x月x日
尊敬的单位领导: 您好!
本人相信若该生能进入贵公司,其潜力必能得到相当程度的激发,在此,本人愿毫无保留推荐xx同学进入贵公司。xx同学一定会踏踏实实的做好每一份工作,为贵单位事业献上绵薄之力,再次感谢!望贵单位予以重点考虑,他一定会不负您的重托!推荐人:xx xx年xx月xx日
推荐人姓名:xxx xxxx年x月xx日
二、学习刻苦,踏实勤奋,成绩优异 xxx同学学习能力比较强,上课善于倾听,独立思考,经常能提出一些有价值的问题与老师探讨。政治学习上注重对知识的整合和方法的归纳,课余时间也能经常关注时事,并发表自己的时事评论。在高中以来的历次考试中都取得了班级乃至全年级的优异成绩。语数外三门功课尤其是数学成绩优势明显,几乎每次考试都能获得班级第一名。过硬的成绩赢得了老师和同学的赞誉。
进入xx大学深造一直是xxx同学梦寐以求的目标,为祖国的发展作贡献也一直是他孜孜以求的人生理想。我相信,有了全面的素质和扎实的功底,加上xx一流的育人环境,xxx同学一定能有美好的发展前景。有鉴于此,我郑重地向贵校推荐xxx同学,衷心祝愿他能在这个人才云集的平台上展示才华、迈向成功!此致 敬礼!
政治老师:xxx xx省xxx中学篇三:英文推荐信
[推荐者名姓 职位 公司名称 地址] [phonenumber: *** ] [date today2011年3月10日] dear sir: sincerely yours zhudandan [推荐人名字] [sign here签名] saleswoman [推荐人职务] 个人英文简历 name:zhuxuelian gender:female date of birth :1988,6,1 telephone number:*** email: present address;zhongnanroad of shanghai strengths and qualifications enthusiastic and progressive young woman with extremely high potentiality.i am not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables her to effectively analyze difficulties.all the work handed to me was 英文求职信 dear sir, i trust that you will consider this application favorably and i wish to assure you that i should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.sincerely yours篇四:财务会计专业推荐信
A 信头(Heading)包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通常写在城市名之后)。这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。日期写在地址的下方,可以写1~3行。通常有下列两种定法:(a)月、日、年(美式):如August 15, 200__(b)日、月、年(英式):如15th august, 200__,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。
B 称呼(Salutation)指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun,写在日期下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用Dear…或My dear…开头。
C 正文(Body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。
D 结束语(Complimentary Close)它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。如 “Best wishes”等
E 签名(Signature)签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名,签名由写信人和收信人的关系和亲疏程度而定,一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。申请信
一、英文求学申请信的格式和正文内容(Application for Admittance)
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 2003-2004 academic year.I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University.In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors.When I graduate and take my Bachelor's degree in June 2003, I wish to work for my Master's
degree in Economics at your Graduate School.I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admission and a Financial Aid Form as well as information about your university.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, Li Ming
Dear Sir or madam,I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in___(信息来源)of
___(信息发布日期).Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a
___(职位名称).___(原因之一).On the other hand, ___(原因之二).I would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview.If you need to know more
about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at___(电话号码).Thank you for considering my application.I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming
I have learned that you are hiring---
I would like to apply for---
I am interested in a---position in your firm.I would appreciate an interview at your convenience.I am well qualified to---for the following reasons.My interest and skill in---contribute to my qualification for this job.-----------------------Page 1-----------------------
Letters of application
Letters of application-1(for a scholarship)
Daizong Street
Tai’an, Shandong 271018
April 10, 2010
The World Bank
Attention: Scholarship Program
1919 World Trade BuildingFirst Avenue
New York, NY 10001
U.S.A.Dear Sirs:
those who are going to study languages at a university.I would like to haveyou send me an application form.I received a score of 620 on TOEFL taken October 25, 1990, and would
-----------------------Page 2-----------------------
publication in the West.Thank you for considering me.Sincerely yours,(signature)Huang Houping
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1037 Luoyu Road
Wuhan 430074
April 9, 2012
Drew G.Faust
Harvard University
Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Dear Mrs.Faust,I am very sorry to disturb you, but Ihave something really want to know about your school.My name is Zhang Jie, and I am a second-year graduatefrom Huazhong
University of Science and Technology.I will pursue advanced studies in your school in March, 2013.The thing I want to know is whether your school providescampus accommodation or not.If yes, can I live with international students to learn about different cultures? If not, I want to know what accommodation your school can provide.Thank you for your attention.I hope to hear from you in the near future.Yours faithfully,Zhang Jie
1、state you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.as we have discussed, i am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1.i want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than march 1.please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective march 1.i will be leaving my position as general counsel on august 31.after six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in hhh, i have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in october–at your convenience.the decision has been quite difficult for me because i truly have enjoyed the relationships i’ve built here.i offer my resignation as training coordinator with hhh.my last day will be march 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner.2、state your reason for leaving.you may be as vague or as specific as you wish.bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record.this new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure i’ve looked forward to for sometime now.i have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement.as you know, i’ve always been one to thrive on change and growth.i have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.as you know, my training is in the financial area, and i’ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.my experience with previous employers has been administrative work, and that is the kind of job to which i’d like to return.as we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, i have had to seek a position that offered a higher salary–although i understand your budgetary constraints.i really haven’t decided completely what kind of job i want to pursue, although i am interested in the possibility of going into business for myself.at this point, i’m toying with the idea of turning one of my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.i plan to move back to the midwest to be near my elderly parents, who have had serious health problems the last year.because of the increase in the size of my family and the rapidly increasing cost of living, i’ve found it necessary to seek other employment.rush-hour traffic and my two-hour daily commute have become a growing frustration for me, and, therefore, i have located a position nearer my home that will allow me more time with my family.frankly, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company.through years of excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in line for that position.under the circumstances, i think you’ll understand my decision to resign.i have accepted a position with hhh as their director of marketing.3、mention anyone you’ve trained to replace you, if appropriate, and any unfinished projects in progress.i’ve trained cheryl anderson in all my daily job duties.i have every confidence cheryl anderson can handle my job.i would have no qualms in leaving my job in the capable hands of cheryl anderson, at least until you’ve made a thorough search outside the organization.cheryl anderson is fully capable of assuming my position, should you decide to promote from within the organization.pending projects include the jefferson case and the blythe will.unfinished projects that will need your attention include…;cheryl anderson is familiar with all the details of these on-going efforts.4、express your affection for the job, citing either experience, training, skill development, or relationships with customers or coworkers.the friendships i’ve developed here will be difficult to leave.i appreciate your supervision and your genuine concern for my well-being and professional growth.the training i’ve been given here has indeed prepared me well for this new assignment.your personal management style has allowed me just the flexibility i’ve needed in a job.your confidence in me through the years is one of the things i have valued most during my tenure here.please understand how much i have enjoyed working with you under such pleasant circumstances.i thank you for your constant attention to my needs, both personal and professional.the communication skills you’ve practiced here are some that i plan to continue in my new position.the close personal friendships, as well as the professional liaisons, have been a meaningful part of my work life here.i’ve learned much from you.i feel that i owe my success in getting this new job to your personal contributions to my professional growth.thank you for such a pleasant association over the past ten years.i have fond memories of you and the others on the staff.i’ve appreciated all my dealings with nnn.thank you for the personal and professional growth i’ve enjoyed here at nnn.the job here has been richly rewarding.my training has been exceptional, my relationships deeply meaningful, and my work very rewarding.thank you for the opportunities here.离职手续 ·英文离职信 ·离职报告范本
Hello I didn’t get to say goodbye to you all.They didn’t tell me when I would finish till the day before I finished.I thought we would have one more class together to say good bye.Maybe it’s a good thing.I don’t like to say goodbye.I got to say goodbye to only 2 classes andI ending up crying because it was so sad to do.So, saying goodbye to every class would have been difficult for me.So maybe it was good not to saygood bye in person.I don’t like goodbyes.Anyway, it is not goodbye because we can be qq friends forever and I made so many friends here at this university.It is goodbye as your teacher though, because I amno longer your teacher.It is sad to say goodbye to Jianxi Science and Technology University.I told you it was the best university in China.I think its true.I had the best time here and met manywonderful people..I hope your exams went well and your future exams too.It was a pleasure to meet and teach you all.It was
my first experience like this to teachand you were all wonderful students and people to meet and teach.I have learnt that even if I amthe teacher, you were all my teachers too.Thank you for being great students and it was great to meet you all.I really wish you the best in your futures.I will be in Nanchang one more year and teaching freshman / first year students again but at Jianxi / Nanchang Teachers university in the city of Nanchang.I would love to stay at Jianxi Science and Technology University but I am a musician and I need to live in the city centre so I can play music more.This was too far away for me to live.I am going to go to Beijing for music but have to wait a year now and I prefer to be here in Nanchang again.I will sometimes come for a visit to our school and I hope I bump into some of you and have lunch with some of you sometimes.That will be great.I am sending this letter to all my students on qq.I will miss you all.You can stay in touch with me.I will always be on qq.I hope you learnt something from me and that your English improved a bit more.I saw how much better and confident yo
u became in English and you all really impressed me and made me proud of you.Sorry for the long letter.I wish you best and a very happy and successful life.Kind regards Monique
PS.If you can’t understand my English, ask one of your student friends to explain or use a translator..QQ has a translator no