
时间:2019-05-14 19:50:43下载本文作者:会员上传



一 考试目的


二 考试的性质与范围

本考试属于标准参考性教学检查类考试.考试范围包括《大纲》所规定的听、读、写、译四个方面的能力以及英语专业知识.三 考试时间、对象与命题

本考试在英语专业第八学期举行,每年一次.考试对象为英语专业四年级学生.本考试由教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组组织有关命题专家命题, 外语专业教学指导委员会办公室负责考试的实施.四 考试形式

为了有效考核学生综合运用英语进行交际的能力,既兼顾考试的科学性、客观性,又考虑到考试的可行性以及高年级阶段英语水平评估的特点,本考试采用多种考试形式,以保证考试的效度和信度.五 考试内容


翻译(Part V:Translation)1.测试要求:(a)能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志上的文章和一般文学作品。速度为每小时250至300个汉字。译文必须忠实原意,语言通顺、流畅。


2.测试形式: 本部分为主观试题,分两个项目。考试时间60分钟。Section A:From Chinese to English 将一段150个汉字组成的段落译成英语。Section B: From English to Chinese 将一段150个英文单词组成的段落译成汉语。

3. 测试目的: 测试学生的翻译能力。



一般认为,理解汉语对于汉语是母语的中国学生来说,不应该构成什么问题;翻译过程的第二阶段,即表达阶段,才是问题出现比较多的地方。但是,在我们的学生中,的确存在着因为汉语功底不扎实而造成错误理解的问题。这种错误主要出现在对一些不能够从字面上推测意义的习语上,例如部分学生对“寒暄”、“破天荒”、unprecedentedly “干脆”等词语会产生错误的理解。我们有的同学将“寒暄”译成了“coldly talk for a while”,这说明习语的理解对于汉语功底不深厚、光顾着学习外语却忽视母语学习的外语专业学生来说的确是一个很突出的问题。

其次,学生还会出现断句的错误。由于汉语语言的习惯,汉语句子在断句问题上并不严格,因此对句子的停顿很多情况下完全取决于读者的语感。学生对此往往认识并不充分,不敢果断断句,以为原文中的一个长句一定要用英语的一个长句来表达,因而出现跟原文风格不一致的译文,甚至在组织译文语言的时候出现很多语法错误。当然,汉语功底的欠缺、语感的薄弱往往也会造成错误的断句,从而导致错误的翻译。例如,2000年八级考试中,第一句话是“世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史”。很多同学用which这个关系代词来形成了一个结构很复杂的主从复合句,但是在组织这个句子时出现很多错误,造成修饰关系不明的情况。如果我们果断断句,翻译成:  The world’s first generation museums are museums of natural history.They introduce to the people with fossils and specimens the evolution of the earth and various living organism on it.用这样两个简单句来处理,就可以避免语法错误,而且可以使句子语义鲜明。

此外,断句的错误还表现在词组间关系的断定上,比如,“科学知识”和“科学技术”,后者“科学”和“技术”之间是一种并列关系。这种修饰和并列关系在汉语中并没有形式上的分别,这种关系是一种意合关系,需要读者发挥自己的判断力和语感。很多同学把这两个短语分别译成了“science and knowledge”和“scientific technology”,由此可见我们在理解上还存在问题,学生们的汉语功底还不够深厚。

 另外,对原文的理解还需要结合一定的背景知识,例如95年八级考试汉译英试题中提“奥斯汀”这位作家,如果我们不熟悉这位作家,我们就可能连她的姓氏如何拼写也不知道。再比如说,“我的导师是亚裔人”(1998年八级考试),不能简单地翻译成“My tutor is an Asian”,因为所谓“亚裔”,是指亚洲的血缘,但并没明确国籍,根据上下文,却应该是美国国籍,因此这句话应该翻译为“My tutor is an Asian American.”,同样的道理,在同一篇文章中出现的“除有一名来自德国外,其余5位均是亚裔学生”也应该处理成“...except one of German origin, the rest five were all of Asian origin”。

1999年八级考试试题中也出现了类似的句子“现今180万温哥华居民中,有一半不是本地出生的,每4个居民中就有一个是亚洲人。25万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性的作用”也应该根据以上的理由翻译为“Of the present 1.8 million residents in Vancouver, half are not native, and one in every four is of Asian origin.The 250,000 Chinese Canadian have been playing a decisive role in the economic transformation of Vancouver.”


对于政论文章的翻译来说,一定政治意识的缺乏会造成错误的理解和表达。例如,“振兴”、“统一”等,考虑到中国的历史,我们应该将它们分别理解和表达为“revitalization”或“rejuvenation”和“reunification”。再例如“个体户”、“国营企业”、“三资企业”、“计划生育” 等概念,要求翻译时必须准确理解原意,然后在译文中作适当的表达,因而需要同学们熟悉官方的翻译法。从这个意义上说,政论翻译,尤其在译名问题上,涉及到继承传统译名的情况比较多,因此我们应该多读一些国内的外文刊物,如《中国日报》、《北京周报》、《人民日报》(海外英文版)等,增强政治意识,统一翻译口径,这样才能够把汉译英做好。




马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent’s”important Thought

新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution 来源:考试大

民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people

经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure

社会主义制度socialist system

社会变革social transformation

建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics

中华民族的伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism 来源:考试大

改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside


The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 马克思主义政党Marxist political Party 来源:考试大

党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first(second/third)generation

人民民主专政the people’s democratic dictatorship

国民经济体系national economic system

综合国力aggregate national strength

国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP)

独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace


the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China

加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality


“Three Represent’s” shows that our Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China, they are the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone for its exercise of state power and a source of its strengthen,only by doing so can we really ensure that our Party always stand in the forefront of the time and maintain its advanced nature 党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策Party‘s theory, line, program, principles and policies

工人阶级的先锋队the vanguard of the working class

生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑productive force, relation of production, economic base, superstructure constitute

科学技术是第一生产力science and technology are the primary productive force

社会主义物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilizations of socialism

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民citizens with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better education and good sense of discipline

自立意识、竞争意识、效率意识、民主法制意识和开拓创新意识self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy, the legal system, and the pioneering and innovative spirit

依法治国和以德治国 the rule of law and the rule of virtue

科教兴国战略the strategy of invigorating the country through science and education

倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想advocate patriotism, collectivism and socialism, combat and resist money worship,hedonism, ultra-egoism decadent ideas 21世纪教育网

先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐be concern about the country and the people before anything else

全心全意为人民服务、立党为公、执政为民serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and assumes power for the people

解放思想、实事求是emancipating the mind, seeking truth from the facts

主观主义、形而上学subjectivism, metaphysics

民主集中制、党内民主democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy

集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 collective leadership, democratic centralism, case-specific consultation, decision through meeting

政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素cardres are a decisive factor, once a political line is decided

党管干部的原则the principle of the Party assuming the responsibility for cardres' affairs

“公开、平等、竞争、择优open, fair, competition, basis of merits来源:考试大

公开选拔、竞争上岗the upervision of appointment and promotion of officials, and the method for official performance assessment

自重、自省、自警、自励self-discipline, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation

以权谋私、贪赃枉法、腐败分子to abuse power for personal gains, take bribes or bend the law, corrupt elements

小康社会、小康生活well-to-do society, well-to-do life

四项基本原则Four Cardinal Principles

社会主义初级阶段the primary stage of socialism

“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力””gualified politically and competent militarily and that have a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support“ 21edu.com ”台独“ Taiwan’s ”independence“

和平与发展peace and development

冷战cold war

世界多极化、经济全球化world multi-polarization and economic globalization

联合国宪章UN Charter

独立自主、完全平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内部事务independence, completely equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs

世界贸易组织、关贸总协定World Trade Organization /The General Agreement of Tariff and Trade

亚太经合组织Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

世贸中心World Trade Center



1. 保护和改善生活和生态环境 protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment 2.保护珍贵动植物 protect rare animals and plants 3.普及环保知识 popularize environmental protection knowledge 4.增强环境意识 enhance the awareness(consciousness)of environmental protection 5.改善生态环境 improve the eco-environment 6.防治污染 prevent and control pollution 7.加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil 8.加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city 9.提高环境管理水平raise the environmental management level 10.享受国家一级保护 enjoy first-class protection of the State 11.加强环境保护 strengthen environmental protection 12.保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance 13.创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant(good)ecological environment 14.采用环保技术 adopt environmental friendly technique 15.为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants 16.为人类提供水和食物 supply water and food for human beings www.xiexiebang.com 17.非常注重保护森林 pay great attention to the conservation of forest 18.产生巨大的水文效应 produce great hydrological effects 19.引发一系列的问题 result in a series of problems 20.帮助减缓全球变暖速度 help slow down the pace of global warming 21.提高居民的环保和生态意识 improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness 22.完善城市基础设施建设 improve the construction of urban infrastructure 23.促进城市可持续发展 promote the sustainable development of the city 24.符合举办奥运会的要求 meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games 25.扩建管道网络 expand the pipe network 26.淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉 eliminate or convert coal-burning boilers 27.禁止露天焚烧 prohibit burning out in the open 28.发展太阳能 develop solar energy 29.提高清洁能源的比重 increase the supply of clean energy 30.减少机动车辆 reduce the number of vehicles 31.使用清洁能源 use clean fuel 32.实行严格的机动车排放标准 implement strict vehicle emission standards 33.关闭化工厂 shut down chemical plants 34.加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control 35.治理沙地和水土流失问题 tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion 36.加强珍稀野生动植物的保护工作 protect rare wild animals and plants 37.崇尚绿色生活方式 pursue a “green” life 38.使用再生纸 use recycled paper 39.参加环保运动 take part in environmental protection activities 40.门前三包 ”be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building " 41.参加城市重建 participate in the reconstruction of the city 42.注重节约资源 attach importance to saving resources 43.采用新的开采方法 apply new exploitation methods 44.削减污物排放 reduce / cut the discharge of pollutants 45.抑制传染病的传播 restrain / prevent the spread of infectious diseases


1.日益昌盛 become increasingly prosperous 2.快速发展 develop rapidly 3.隆重集会 gather ceremoniously 4.热爱和平love peace 5.追求进步 pursue progress 6.履行权利和义务 perform the responsibilities and obligations 7.回顾奋斗历程 review the course of struggle 8.展望伟大征程 look into the great journey 9.充满信心和力量 be filled with confidence and strength 10.必胜 be bound to win 11.主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action 12.和平共处 coexist peacefully 13.对内开放和对外开放 open up both externally and internally 14.经历两个不同时期 experience two different periods 15.战胜无数的困难 overcome numerous difficulties 16.赢得一个又一个胜利 win one victory after another 17.完全意识到 be fully aware that 18.迈出重要的一步 make an important step 19.采取各种措施 adopt various measures 20.得出结论 ,告一段落 draw(arrive at, come to reach)a conclusion 21.正确处理经济发展同人口、资源、环境的关 correctly handle the relationship of economic development versus(with)population,natural resources and environment 21世纪教育网

22.鼓励创建文明家庭 encourage the idea of “Civilized Families” 23.拒绝生小孩 refuse to have a child 24.提出离婚 ask for a divorce 25.和睦相处 live in harmony 26.倡导人力资源管理 advocate the management of human resources 27.损害人类社会的道德观 damage the morality of human society 28.开辟人类历史新纪元 start a new chapter in the history of human 29.禁止他人作克隆人的实验 inhibit others from doing human cloning experiments 30.造福人类和科学 benefit mankind and science 31.控制人口数量(增长)control the population size(growth)32.控制人口出生率 control birth rate 33.提高人口素质 improve the population quality 34.晚婚晚育 marry late and have children late(delayed marriage and delayed child bearing)35.优化人口结构 optimize the population structure 36.优生优育 bear and rear better children 37.尊重和保障人权 respect and guarantee human rights 38.维护和促进人民的生存权和发展权 safeguard and promote the people’s rights to subsistence and development 39.提倡晚婚晚育 encourage late marriage and late childbirth 40 坚持计划生育的基本国策 stick to the basic state policy for family planning 21.实现民族独立 realize national independence 22.追求真理 seek the truth 23.建立社会主义制度 establish a socialist system 24.根除(防止,消除)腐败 root out(prevent, eliminate)corruption 25.响应号召 respond to the call 26.进入新时期 enter a new period 27.实行新政策 practice new policies 28.展现生机和活力 display one’s vigor and vitality 29.增强综合国力和国际竞 enhance comprehensive(overall)national strength and international competitiveness 30.进入世界先进行列 edge into the advanced ranks in the world 31.解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing 32.吸收各国文明的先进成果 absorb what is advanced in other civilizations 33.与日俱增 increase every day 34.实现夙愿 fulfill the long-cherished wishes 35.必将实现 be bound to come true 36.锻造一支人民军队 forge a people’s army 37.建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense 38.进行和谈 hold peace talks 39.修改法律 amend the laws 40.在...中起(至关)重要作用 play a major(crucial, an important)role in


1. 消除愚昧 eliminate ignorance 2.扫除文盲 eliminate(wipe out)illiteracy 3.营造良好的文化环境 create a healthy cultural environment 4.促进文化市场健康发展 facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products 5.开展对外文化交流 conduct cultural exchange with other countries 6.博采各国文化之长 draw on strong point of the cultures of other countries 7.开展群众性文化活动 carry out mass activities on culture 8.保护文化遗产 protect(preserve)cultural heritage 9.继承历史文化优秀传统 carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from history / carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions 10.繁荣文学艺术 enable literature and art to flourish / promote flourishing literature and art 11.举行每年一次的学术会议 hold an annual academic meeting 12.尊重知识,尊重人才 respect knowledge and respect competent people / talents 13.向世界展示中国文化建设的成就 introduce China’s achievements of cultural advancement to the world 14.加强文化基础设施建设 build more cultural establishments 21edu.com 15.提倡文明的生活方式 advocate civilized lifestyle(way of life)16.不注重历史 neglect history 17.推动人类文明进步 push forward human civilization 18.对...持欢迎态度 take a welcoming attitude to 19.与各国人民交往 communicate with people of all countries 20.和...持相似观点 share similar views with 21.促进儿童身心健康发展 promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally 22.改进教学 improve teaching and learning 23.保护文化遗产 protect cultural relics 24.触及现行法律的盲区 touch a blank area of the existing law 25.提高自我保护意识 raise one’s awareness of protecting one’s right 26.列为世界自然文化遗产 list „as a world natural heritage site 27.以全新的面貌进入新世纪 enter the new century with a brand-new look 28.普及科普知识,传播科学思想,倡导科学精神 popularize scientific and technological knowledge, spread scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit 29.提高公务员的综合素质 improve the overall quality of civil servants 30.通过资格考试 pass qualification examinations 31.举办文化节 / 展览会 hold(conduct, give)cultural festivals / an exhibition 32.普及九年制义务教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal 33.精心编写教材 compile the textbooks with great care 34 承担应有的义务 undertake the due obligations 35.促进相互了解 enhance(further)mutual understanding 36.相互促进 help each other forward 37.互派访问学者 exchange visiting scholars 38.交换意见 exchange views(ideas, opinions)39.反映中国的灿烂文化 reflect the rich culture of China 40.容纳三千名旅客 accommodate 3000 passengers 41.发挥...的聪明才智 take advantage of one’s talents and wisdom 42.充分发挥知识分子的积极性和创造性 bring the intellectuals' enthusiasm and creativity into full play 43.开设课程 offer courses 44.重视实用性 place stress on practicality 45.制止盗版软件 control / crack down on the pirated software 46.提供受教育机会 offer a chance of education 47.有力地推动教育的发展 effectively push to the development of education 48.承前启后,继往开来 build on the past and prepare for the future; inherit the past and usher in the future 49.物质文明,精神文明一起抓 pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 50.形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice

常用中译英词组之经济类 1.给...带来机遇和挑战 present(bring)both opportunities and challenges to 2.给...带来积极影响 bring a more positive impact on....3.给予财政资助 support financially 4.有巨大潜力 have huge potential for 5.开发 / 青睐中国市场 tap / favor the Chinese market 6.申请专利 apply for a patent 7.阻碍...的经济发展 handicap(hamper)the economic development 8.增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture 9.有望达到(上升到)be expected to reach(rise to, be up to)10.造成很大压力 pose a big pressure on 11.占领市场10% occupy(take, account for)10 percent of the market 12.缩小...间的距离 narrow the gap between 13.加快经济发展和结构调整 speed up economic development and restructuring 14.夺回失去的市场 take back lost market 15.减轻...的负担 reduce(lighten)the burden of(on)16.采取反垄断措施 take anti-monopoly measures to 17.加快努力 speed up efforts to 18.在..建立分公司 set up branches in 19.促进改革 promote reform 21世纪教育网

20.面对可能的压力和竞争 face possible pressure and competition 21.充分利用 make full use of 22.把列...为基本国策 list„..as fundamental national policies 23.发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages 24.开拓市场 exploit markets 25.扩大消费市场 expand consumption market 26.改善投资环境 improve the environment for investment 27.加强风险防范 prepare oneself against possible risks 28.扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor 29.为...提供巨大商机 present huge business opportunities 30.快速稳定增长 grow fast and steadily 31.让...处于同一起跑线 put„ on the same platform and at the same starting point 32.赶超先进 surpass the advanced 33.遵循市场经济的规律 follow the law of market economy 34.根据市场做出调整 gear ourselves to the market orientation 35.牟取暴利 seek excessive profits 36.做好充分准备 make good preparations for 37.对...造成/构成威胁 form /pose a threat to„ 38.和...合作 cooperate with 21edu.com 39.和...进一步合作 further cooperation with 40.提高公务员工资 raise the salaries of civil servants 41.计算出准确的工资水平figure out an exact salary level 42.和...有合作关系 have cooperative ties with 43.从国外引进先进技术和管理经验introduce from abroad the advanced technology and management expertise 44.优胜劣汰 select the superior and eliminate the inferior 45.保证下岗职工的基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers 46.取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes(ban illegal earnings)47.深化改革 deepen the reform 48.控制通货膨胀 control inflation(keep inflation under control)49.让位于竞争需要 give way to the need for competition 50.向...投资巨额资金 invest huge amounts of money into 51.损失惨重 suffer great losses 52.制造假象 create smoke screens to do 53.陷入困境 land oneself in deep trouble 54.吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment 55.抓住机遇 seize opportunities 56.适应...的发展 adapt oneself to the development of 57.被指控接受贿赂 be accused of accepting bribes 58.和...达成(签订)协议 reach(sign)an agreement with 59.促进地区间的合作 promote regional cooperation 60.退还大量钱款 give back a large amount of money 61.举报非法行为 disclose any illegal activities 62.筹集足够的资金 raise enough funds 63.采取不同的办法 adopt various methods 64.承担风险 bear(take)risk 65.创收外汇 earn foreign exchange(currency)66.活跃市场 enliven the market 67.造成损失 cause a loss to 68.十分重视 attach importance to 69.制订...法律 make a law of(to)70.大力发展 strive to develop 71.提高居民生活 improve residents’ standard of living 72.提高管理水平raise the management level 73.加强管理 reinforce the management 74.完善服务 perfect services 75.刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand 76.打破垄断 break the monopoly 77.加快竞争步伐 accelerate the competition 78.为当地人带来多种经济和社会效益 bring multiple economic and social benefits to the local people 21edu.com 79.优先发展公共运输 give priority to the development of public transportation 80.调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure



Native Produce & Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation 土产畜产进出口公司

Chemicals Import and Export Corporation 化工进出口公司

Metals & Minerals Import and Export Corporation 五金矿产进出口公司 Electronics Import and Export Corporation 电子技术进出口公司 Electric Wire & Cable Export Corporation 电线电缆出口联营公司 Publishing Industry Trading Corporation 出版对外贸易公司 Packaging Import and Export Corporation 包装进出口公司 Instruments Import and Export Corporation 仪器进出口公司

Historical Relics Exhibition Corporation for Foreign Countries 对外文物展览公司 Performing Arts Agency 对外演出公司

Overseas Building Materials and Equipment Corporation 对外建筑材料设备公司 Foreign Trade Storage Corporation 对外贸易仓储公司

foreign Trade Transportation Corporation 对外贸易运输公司

Foreign Trade Consultation & Technical Service Corporation 对外贸易咨询与技术服务公司

Exhibition Agency for Foreign Countries 对外展览公司 21edu.com Export Commodities Fair 出口商品交易会

Machinery & Equipment Import and Export Corporation 机械设备进出口公司 Complete Plant import and Export Corporation 成套设备进出口公司

Communications Import and Export Service Corporation 交通进出口服务公司 Machine-building International Corporation 机械对外经济技术合作公司 Machinery Import and Export Corporation 机械进出口公司

Corporation for International Cooperation in Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery 农牧渔业国际合作公司

Import and Export Service Company for Farms and Land Reclamation 农垦进出口服务公司

Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation 进出口商品检验公司 Technical Import and Export Corporation 技术进出口公司 Textiles Import and Export Corporation 纺织品进出口公司 Import Corporation of Textile Machinery 纺织机械进出口公司

Import Corporation of Technology of Textile Machinery 纺织机械技术进出口公司 Metallurgical Import and Export Corporation 冶金进出口公司 Forestry Import and Export Company 林业进出口公司

Forestry Machinery Import and Export Company 林业机械进出口公司

International Packaging Leasing Corporation Ltd.国际包装租赁有限公司

International Non-ferrous Metals Leasing Corporation Ltd.国际有色金属租赁有限公司

International Book Trading Corporation 国际图书贸易有限公司

International Economic Consultants Incorporation 国际经济咨询公司 International Marine Containers Ltd.国际海运集装股份有限公司

Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation 轻工业品进出口公司 Publication Import and Export Corporation 图书进出口公司

Tea and Native Produce Import and Export Corporation 茶叶土产进出口公司 Animal Breeding Stock Import and Export Corporation 种畜进出口公司 Bearing Joint Export Corporation 轴承出口联营公司

Aero-technology Import and Export Corporation 航空技术进出口公司 Tobacco Import and Export Corporation 烟草进出口公司 Leasing Company Ltd.租赁有限公司

Railway Foreign Service Corporation 铁路对外服务公司

Cereals, Oil and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation 粮油食品进出口公司 21edu.com Coal Import and Export Corporation 煤炭进出口公司

Microforms Import and Export Corporation 缩型出版物进出口公司

Precision Machinery Import and Export corporation 精密机械进出口公司 Abrasives Export Corporation 磨料磨具进出口公司

Scientific Instrument import and Export Corporation 科学仪器进出口公司 foreign Trade Corporation 对外贸易公司

Aquatic Products Import and Export Corporation 水产进出口公司 Ceramics Import and Export Corporation 陶瓷进出口公司

International Cooperation Corporation of Economics and Technology 国际经济技术进出口公司

Trading Company 贸易公司

comprehensive Trading Company 综合贸易公司 Trade Development Company 贸易发展公司

Overseas Economic Trading Company 海外经济贸易公司 Investment Company 投资公司 Trust Company 信托公司

International Trust and Investment Company 国际信托投资公司 Loan Investment Company 信贷投资公司

Overseas Chinese Investment Company 华侨投资公司 People's Insurance Agency 人民保险公司 Labour Insurance Agency 劳动保险公司 Life Insurance Agency 人寿保险公司

Pacific Insurance Agency 太平洋保险公司 Securities Agency 证券公司 Stock Exchange 股票交易所 Futures Exchange 期货交易所

Commodities Futures Exchange 商品期货交易所

Futures Brokerage Company Ltd.期货经纪有限公司 Cereals and Oil Futures Exchange 粮油期货交易所 邮电、水电、交通、运输、计算机、电器、器材

Posts and Telecommunications Apparatus Company 邮电器材公司 Posts and Telecommunications Engineering Company 邮电工程公司 Running-water Company 自来水公司

Water and Electricity Construction Company 水电建设公司 Power Industry Company 电力工业公司

Electrical Installing Company 电力安装公司 Air Line 航空公司

Shipping Company 船舶公司

Ocean Transportation Company 远洋运输公司 Salvage Company 打捞公司

Ocean Shipping Agency 外轮代理公司

Ocean Shipping Tally Company 外轮理货公司 Ship-building Company 造船公司

Automobile Transportation Company 汽车运输公司 Container Transportation Company 集装箱运输公司 Storage and Transportation Company 储运公司 Taxi Company 出租汽车公司

Automobile Service Company 汽车修理公司 Ocean Shipping Supply Company 外轮供应公司 Fishing-boat Industry Company 渔船工业公司 Automobile Parts Company 汽车配件公司

Automation Engineering Company 自动化工程公司 Microcomputer Company 微电脑公司 Computer Company 计算机公司

Computer Software Development Company 计算机软件开发公司 Hardware Company 五金公司

Household Electric Appliance Company 家用电器公司 Refrigerator Industry Company 电冰箱工业公司 Radio Apparatus Company 无线电器材公司 Performing Instrument Company 演出器材公司 Printing Apparatus Company 印刷器材公司 Teaching Instrument Company 教学仪器公司


1.进行全国人口普查 carry out national population census 2.总人口为„ have a population of „ 3.缩小代沟 narrow the generation gap 4.重视人口老年化问题 pay attention to the problem of an aging population 5.调查性和婚姻状况 conduct a survey on sex and marriage 6.展示明显的差异 display a marked difference 7.反映人们的私生活 reflect people’s private lives 8.占总人口的10% account for 10% of the total population 9.实现向低出生、低死亡、低自然增长的现代人口再生产类型的转变 bring about a transition to the modern population reproduction pattern characterized by a low birth rate,low death rate and low natural growth rate 10.过孤独的生活 lead an isolated life 11.城市人口比例上升 the population of urban residents rose by „ 12.征求父母的意见 ask for her parents’ opinion 13.造成不同的思想和观念 result in a different ideology and concept 14.对子女寄予厚望 pin great hopes on their children 15.享受优越的生活条件 enjoy good living condition 16.挣零花钱 earn their pocket money 17.逐渐削弱长辈的权威 undermine the authority of the older generation 18.不服从父母 disobey their parents 19.人口死亡率下降„.the death rate of the population decrease from „ to „ 20.居民的平均预期寿命提高 the people’s life-expectancy on average is raised

社会主义荣辱观-八荣八耻 社会主义荣辱观——八荣八耻


Socialist concept of honour and disgrace—Eight Dos and Don'ts(Eight Honors & Eight Disgraces)

Love, do not harm the motherland.Serve, don't disserve the people.Uphold science, don't be ignorant and unenlightened.Work hard, don't be lazy and hate work.Be united and help each other, don't gain benefits at the expense of others.Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values.Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.Know plain living and hard struggle, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.《名作精译——中国翻译英译汉,汉译英选萃》青岛出版社 《大学英语诵读文选》虞建华,上海外语教育出版社 大连理工冲击波系列人文



 英语习语就其广义而言,包括俗语,谚语,俚语等。

习语的英译汉有三种主要方法:直译法,套用法,意译法,直译加注法  一,直译法

 To fight to the last man  To break the record  Under one’s nose  Armed to the teeth  Packed like sardines  A die-hard

 An gentleman’s agreement  An olive branch  The heel of Achilles  The open-door policy  The most-favored-nation  血浓于水  吠犬不咬人  滚石不生苔

 海内存知己,天涯若比邻  兼听则明,偏听则暗

以眼还眼,以牙还牙 引狼入室 自助者天助


The gift itself may be as light as a feather, but sent from afar, it conveys deep feelings. A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists. Good medicine is bitter in the mouth, but good for the disease.套用法

 也称为以习语译习语

 Constant dripping wears the stone  滴水穿石

 To burn one’s boats  破釜沉舟

 Walls have ears  隔墙有耳

 Many a little makes a mickle  积少成多

 Look before you leap                           

            

 三思而后行

There is no smoke without fire 无风不起浪


The burnt child dreads the fire 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion 宁为鸡头,勿为牛尾

Where there’s a will, there’s a way 有志者,事竟成 杀机取卵

To kill the goose that lays golden eggs 成热打铁 缘木求鱼

To fish in the air

Don’t wash your dirty linen in public 家丑不可外扬

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智

Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings 饥不择食

Some idioms which exhibit strong national or cultural characteristics can neither be handled by borrowing idioms from the target language nor translated literally because it would cause misunderstanding or could not be easily accepted by native speakers of the other language.In this case, it is necessary to resort to paraphrasing according to the context.To be going from bad to worse;to be deteriorating.To know practically nothing about

What’s done is done, and cannot be undone.Regardless of the consequences To be simply nothing compared to In a turmoil;to be extremely upset A fly on the wheel A bull in a china shop

(an area)flowing with milk and honey By hook or crook

To carry fire in one hand and water in the other hand Every dog had its day

This approach is used when certain idioms, particularly those with historical stories or names involved, can hardly be understood and accepted by the listener, and the translator cannot find their proper equivalents in the target language.If literal translation were used, they would lose their original vividness.杀鸡给猴看  To kill the chicken to frighten the monkey– to punish somebody as a warning to others. 班门弄斧

 To show off one’s skill with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter-to display one’s slight skill before an expert/  To teach your grandma to such eggs  To offer to teach fish to swim  三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮

 Three cobblers with their wits combined surpass Zhu geLiang the mastermind-to heads are better than one Principles for translating idioms

 1.retain the vividness and forceful effect  既往不咎

 Let bygones be bygones  有钱能使鬼推磨

 Money makes the mare go;money talks  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak  物以类聚,人以群分

 Birds of a feather flock together  Once bitten, twice shy  2.retain the image

 A stitch in time saves nine

 Man proposes, God/Heaven disposes  A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists  3.achieve brevity

 The unexpected always happens

 Give him an inch and he will take an ell  天网恢恢,疏而不漏  Justice has long arms

 To have eyes but fail to see Taishan Mountain To entertain an angel unawares  You can’t eat your words  You can’t break your promise  You are pulling my leg

 A horse stumbles that has four legs  He’s leading a dog’s life  I am dead-beat today  To take French leave  A stony heart

 At one’s fingertips

 To have a hand like a foot  As mute as a fish

 To return good for evil

 To shut one’s eyes against

                                           To talk black into white To turn a deaf ear to Practice makes perfect To face the music Plain sailing To be dead drunk Laugh and grow fat To fly into a rage

To look for a needle in a haystack A leap in the dark

To show one’s colors

To make a noise in the world More haste, less speed Neither fish nor flesh To pick holes in

To mind one’s P’s and Q’s

To be at the end of one’s rope To flog a dead horse To turn over a new leaf

To put all one’s eggs in one basket He just had forty winks.His wife held the purse string.You should keep your nose out of here.That night he slept like a top, and woke with his knee of almost normal size.I am not talking about castles in the air-the donkey’s carrot.Mother said, “John, you’re talking through your hat.You’re craze”.His accent gave him away.The Nazis in Berlin became desperate and tried to make hell while the sun was shining.As blind as a bat

As cool as a cucumber

Between the devil and the blue sea To call a spade a spade Now or never

Much cry and little wool With tongue in cheek

To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve The leopard cannot change its spots

As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tires men.The proof of pudding is in the eating

One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.The mills of God grind slowly.He laughs best who laughs last.            

     

Nothing venture, nothing gain.Fish begins to stink at the head.Speech is silver, silence is gold.远亲不如近邻

Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives/ Neighbors are more helpful than relatives/

a remote kinsfolk is not as good as a near neighbor 情人眼里出西施

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder/

love sees no fault/

Love blinds a man to imperfections 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢

Those who are meant to meet will meet even if they are separated by a thousand miles;those who are not meant to meet will not get acquainted even if they brush shoulders with one another.醉翁之意不在酒

Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake

The drinker’s heart is not in his cup-he has something else in his mind.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福

Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.The weather and human life are both unpredictable



Idle young, needy old.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。2.Familiarity breeds contempt.虎生犹可近,人熟不堪亲。3.Homer sometimes nods.智者千虑,必有一失。4.Art is long;life is short.学海无涯,人生苦短。5.Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。

6.Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。7.Accidents will happen.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。8.Bad news travels fast.(好事不出门),坏事传千里。9.Look before you leap.三思而后行。10.Waste not, want not.细水长流。11.Cast pearls before swine.对牛弹琴。12.Time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭。13.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。14.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。15.Let sleeping dogs lie.勿惹事生非。16.Love is blind.爱是盲目的。17.Health is wealth.健康即财富。18.Haste makes waste.欲速则不达。19.Knowledge is power.知识即力量。

20.Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。21.Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕井绳。22.I think;therefore, I am.我思故我在。23.Murder will out.若要人不知,除非已莫为。24.No cross, no crown.不受苦中苦,难得甜中甜。25.Still waters run deep.深藏不露。26.Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。

27.New brooms sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。28.Let bygones be bygones.既往不究。29.Paddle your own canoe.自力更生。30.Time waits for no man.时不我予。31.Silence is gold.沉默是金。32.Silence gives consent.沉默即同意。

33.First Come, first served.先到是君,后到是臣。(捷足先登。)34.Exchange is no robbery.一个愿打,一个愿挨。35.Better bend than break.委曲求全。36.Care killed a cat.忧能伤人。

37.Spare the rod and spoil the child.不打不成器。玉不琢不成器。38.Time is money.一刻千金。39.Times change.时过境迁。

40.There is no place like home.在家千日好,出门时时难。41.Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。42.Well begun is half done.好的开始是成功的一半。43.There is honor among thieves.盗亦有道。44.Grasp all, lose all.贪他一斗米,失却半年粮。45.Easier said than done.说来容易做来难。

46.East or west, home is best.金窝,银窝,不如自己的狗窝。47.East come, easy go.来得容易去得快。48.Paddle your own canoe.自力更生。49.Patience is a virtue.小不忍而乱大谋。

50.Through hardship to the stars.笋因落箨方成竹,鱼因奔波始化龙。51.Danger past, God forgotten.过河拆桥。52.Out of debt, out of danger.无债一身轻。

53.Out of sight, out of mind.离久情疏。眼不见,心不烦。54.Nothing is perfect.山中无直树,世上无完人。55.Ill weeds grow apace.小人当道。56.Tastes differ.各有所好。

57.Opportunity seldom knocks twice.时机不可失。58.Opportunity makes the thief.财不露白。

59.Never judge by appearances.凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。60.Lightly come, lightly go.来得容易去得快。

61.Cast not the first stone.责人之心责己,恕人之心恕人。62.Every cloud has a silver lining。塞翁失马,焉知非福。

63.Every dog has his day.十年河东,十年河西。(十年河东转河西,莫笑穷人穿破衣。)

64.It takes two to make a quarrel.一个巴掌拍不响。65.Custom makes all things easy.习惯成自然。66.Never do things by halves.有始有终。67.Beauty is but skin deep.美貌只是皮相。68.Keep something for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。69.Love will find a way.终成眷属。70.More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。71.We reap what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。72.The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑百步。73.A watched pot never boils.心急水不沸。74.Make hay while the sun shines.趁热打铁。75.Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。76.A stitch in time saves nine.防微杜渐。

77.Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。(万般都是命,半点不由人。)78.Might is right.强权即公理。

79.Too many cooks spoil the broth.人多手杂。

80.Two heads are better than one.集思广益。三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。81.Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。82.Actions speak louder than words.坐而言不如起而行。83.All’s well that ends well.结尾好的事都是好事。84.The bitter is sometimes bit.害人反害己。85.Extremes meet.物极必反。

86.Every man has his taste.各有所好。87.Nothing comes from nothing.事出必有因。88.Live and learn.活到老学到老。89.In wine there is truth.酒后吐真言。90.Charity begins at home.百善家为先。91.Life is sweet.人生真美。

92.Marriage comes by destiny.姻缘命中注定。93.Any port in a storm.聊胜于无。94.The bait hides the hook.口蜜腹剑。95.Best is cheapest.买货买得真,折本折得轻。96.The biter is sometimes bit.恶人自有恶人磨。97.The best of friends must part.天下无不散的宴席。98.Bread is the staff of life.人是铁,饭是刚。99.Brevity is the soul of wit.要言不烦。100.Call a spade a spade.直言不讳。


Part One  I had only recently seen John in a restaurant.The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue  She found the keys she had lost last month, which was like a bolt from the blue A bolt from the blue  Meaning:A complete surprise, like a bolt of lightning from a blue sky. Origin:This has the feel of a Shakespearian or Biblical phrase, but it isn't as old as it sounds.There are several forms of it: 'out of the blue', 'a bolt out of the blue', etc.The earliest citation is Thomas Carlyle, in The French Revolution, 1837: “Arrestment, sudden really as a bolt out of the Blue, has hit strange victims.”  It is unpleasant to hear him speak on national topics, for he is a bird of ill omen. 叫他谈论国事是不愉快的,因为他常出不吉之言。

a bird of ill omen  中国有句老话:“夜猫子进宅,无事不来”,可见猫头鹰是种不吉利的象征。它往往和黑暗、神秘甚至死亡联系起来。然而在日本,猫头鹰却是吉利和幸福的代表。 奥运会的吉祥物

 雕像、挂钟、水壶、牙签盒,甚至还有女士佩戴的胸针

 They were only crying crocodile tears at the old man's funeral because nobody had really liked him. 在老人的葬礼上,他们在假装慈悲,因为他们之中没有谁喜欢过他。

 We need not hope for lower taxes in the future ─ that would be crying for the moon. 我们不应抱任何希望将来会降低税收,这是根本不可能的事。

“不可能”,“没门”的译法  No way/There is no way! Impossible! Out of the question/That's out of the question! Not a chance! Hopeless! Pigs might fly! The sun might rise in the west! Never/Never ever ever! You are crying for the moon!Street Arabs are produced by slums and not by original sin. 流浪儿是贫民窟的产物,而不是原始罪恶的产物。

John is ashamed of his humble background.That is his Achilles' heel. 约翰因出身卑贱而自惭形秽,这是他的致命弱点。

 Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own;in pain and sickness it would still be dear. 在我看来,你身上的每一个细胞都像我自己的细胞一样亲,即使你痛苦你有病,也还是一样亲。 I'll play old Gooseberry with the office, and make you glad to buy me out at a good high figure. 我要在工作上故意捣蛋,使你不得不付出高价收买我。 play gooseberry(British humorous) to be with two people who are having a romantic relationship and who would prefer to be alone. “Best be off to bed, my boy ─ ho, ho!” “No, no.We know a trick worth two of that.We won’t go home till morning, till day light does appear!”

 “孩子,最好上床睡吧——嗬,嗬!”“不,不,你不必跟我们玩那一套。不到明天,不到天大亮我们不归家。                

    know a trick worth two of that: 有更好的办法

What you suggest is very good.But listen to me.I know a trick worth two of that.When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.We'll never know the worth of water till the well go dry.We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.She gave her heart to one who could not know its worth.No one know the worth of woman's love till he sue for alienation.You know a trick or two after twenty years in business.Your class made him monitor, which amounts to setting the fox to keep the geese.你们班推选他当班长,这等于是引狼人室 set a fox to keep one's geese: 引狼人室

Yes, I went there the night before last, but she was quite on the high ropes about something, and was so grand and mysterious that I couldn’t make anything of her.不错,前天晚上我到那儿去过,也不知道她为何异常得意洋洋,又威风 又神秘,弄得我莫名其妙 be on the high ropes:兴高采烈, 得意 The Squire broke in, “Don’t think that I’ll have any humble pie eaten to that fellow Bellew!“ 乡绅插嘴道:“别以为我会向贝鲁这种人低声下气。”

Eat humble pie(British, American & Australian)also eat crow(American):Act submissively and apologetically, especially in admitting an error.忍气吞生,赔礼道歉 我们原打算在妈妈生日那天给她意外惊喜,可他却泄露了秘密。

We had planned to give Mum a pleasant surprise on her birthday, but let the cat out of the bag To look like the cat that ate the canary形容一个人显得非常满足的样子。rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨

All cats are(或look)black(或gray)in the dark./We are in the same boat.五十步笑百步或乌鸦笑猪黑。


 She is a cat(她是个包藏祸心的女人)

 Mrs Smith is a perfect cat(史密斯太太是个地地道道的长舌妇)

 The man and his wife live a cat and dog life, and both are miserable(他们夫妻俩经常吵架,两人都感到痛苦) It‘s difficult to get a man to bell the cat(敢于在危险中挺身而出的人不容易找到) A cat has nine lives(猫有九命/自有天相)

 Cats hide their claws(猫总是藏起自己的爪子/知人知面不知心)

 All cats are grey in the dark(黑暗处的猫都是灰色的/人未出名时看起来都差不多) A gloved cat catches no mice(戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠/不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业) The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream(掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人) There‘s more ways than one to kill a cat(有的是办法) like a cat on hot bricks(焦躁不安,如热锅上的蚂蚁)

 他决定不了究竟是上大学还是去找工作,可事实上他只能干一件,两者不能兼得。

 He can’t make up his mind whether to go to college or get a job.You can't eat your cake and have it, too. To have one’s cake and eat it too :         

           (eat one’s cake and have it too or simply have one’s cake and eat it)”you can't have it both ways“ and ”you can't have the best of both worlds.“ 如果你在数学课堂上准备英语考试,那就好比是挖肉补疮

It is just like robbing Peter to pay Paul if you try to prepare for the English exam during a maths class rob Peter to pay Paul(拆东墙补西墙)Fig.to take or borrow from one in order to give or pay something owed to another For example By borrowing money to meet the debt, you are just robbing Peter to pay Paul You borrow money from me to pay the bank loan.It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.害群之马,无处不有。

There is a black sheep in every flock 饿了糠也甜,饱了蜜也咸。

Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings 我刚来,真是“丈二和尚——摸不着头脑”!你的估计怎样?

Being new here, I'm very much in the dark myself!Let’s hear your assessment of it.那二鬼子被村子里的人打得鼻青脸肿。

The puppet soldier was beaten black and blue by the villagers 我看见火车朝他们开来,还没来得及喊,它已经撞上了其中一人。

I saw the train coming towards them.Before I could say Jack Robinson,it had hit on one of them.He ran off before I could say Jack Robinson.

As I walked into the kitchen the cat jumped out of the window before you could say Jack Robinson.

她有一次解释她为何嫁给比她矮小很多的人。她说:“他虽然矮一点, 但他不但仁慈而且精力充沛,工作又勤奋。所谓身小会文国家用,大汉空长做什么?  She once explained why she married him so much shorter than her.“He may be a bit short,’’

she said,” but he's not only kind, but very energetic and hardworking.Better short and sweet than long and lax.”

short and sweet: brief and to the point;without de lay 简短扼要;不拖延

The politician’s speech was surprisingly short and sweet;it only lasted ten minutes. The students appreciated the fact that the teacher made the exam short and sweet. 我平日和你说话,你全当耳边风。

But let whatever I say go in one ear and out the other.How many times have I told you to get to work on time? But my words just go in one ear and out the other.So I don’t have any choice but to fire you.Whatever you say to him goes in at one ear and out at the other.The teacher's directions to the boy went in one ear and out the other.Since his mind was already made up, my arguments went in one ear and out the other.他认为这些美丽的中国画是连城之璧。

He thinks that these beautiful traditional Chinese paintings are beyond price(rare and valuable)他是个不中用的货,又不会种田,又不会作生意,坐吃山空,把些田地都弄得精光。

This fellow was a good-for-nothing; he could neither till the land nor trade.He just sat at home eating until he had eaten up all his property 现在国家正当多事之秋,那王公大臣只是恐怕耽处分,多一事不如少一事。Now the country is in peril, yet the nobles and high officials are only afraid of being punished,                and their policy is to let sleeping dogs lie. It's better to save trouble.;the less trouble the better;avoid trouble whenever possible;don't meet trouble halfway  If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another woman.It might have been perfectly innocent, but I'd let sleeping dogs lie. Better let sleeping dogs lie.The boss likes Peter so much, and you are just like fish in a big pond.Be smart and stay quiet until your chance comes.Practice 2                          Remain where you are till I return;be as still as a mouse.你呆在此处等到我回来,静静地不要弄出声响。

John, a timid middle-aged mickey mouse who was afraid of crowds,people,anything.约翰,一个胆小的微不足道的中年人,他怕人多,怕同人接触,什么都怕

If the mountain will not come to Mahomet,Mahomet must go to the mountain.(谚语〉事不将就人,人就得将就事。(他不迁就你,你就得迁就他)You needn't pay the bill.It's my turn to stand Sam.你不必付账。这次轮到我做东。

He rose again and toured the dishevelled room.The man at the other table raised his head, ”You seem a bit on your toes.”

他又站起来在乱糟糟的房间里踱来踱去,在另一餐桌旁的那个人抬起 头来说:“你看上去有些坐立不安。

on one's toes: stay alert and ready for action.Keep on your toes, lads, the attack is expected at any moment.It keeps your brain on its toes.A toadeater is one who eats somebody's toads.马屁精是拍某人马屁的人

If you do it, it means that you are setting the tortoise to catch the hare.你若做它,这意味着你在做不可能做到的事

He has an old head on young shoulders ; at one moment he is a scampish boy, and at another a resolute man.他少年老成:一会儿是个淘气的小孩,一会儿是刚毅果断的男子汉

He talks about nothing but money —— It's becoming a King Charles' head!他只谈到了钱——钱成了他不离口的话题


I was on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job because I still felt a great deal of loyalty to my boss.钱先生周岁时“抓周”,抓了一本书,因此得名“钟书”。(舒展文《钱钟书与杨绛》〉

When Qian was just one year old, he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others, he picked up a book of all things.Thereupon his father very gladly gave him the name: Zhongshu(= book lover)谚曰:“桃李不言,下自成蹊”。此言虽小,可以喻大。

The peach and plum trees can not talk, yet a path is trodden out to them.This simple saying conveys a wealth of meaning.真是一说曹操,曹操就到!老无赖来了!杰克,你已经订婚了,是不是?

Well, speak of the wolf(and he will appear)!Here is the old scoundrel!Is that right, you've gotten yourself engaged, Jack? 许多家长太溺爱孩子了,这样反而害了他们。他们给孩子们太多的钱,太多的自由,这样很容易导致少年犯罪。

A great many parents are killing their children with kindness by giving them too much money       and freedom.This may lead to juvenile delinquency.Practice 3                                          Guards knew when blue devils had seized the inmates of these cages, they couldn't eat.看守们知道,牢笼里的人忧郁沮丧时,饭就吃不下。

Being out of health, she was sorely afflicted with the blue devils.由于身体不好,她变得极为忧郁。blue coat警察 blue jacket水手 blue-blooded高贵的 blue stocking女才子 a bluemoon稀罕的事 in a bluemood情绪低落 blue baby天生苍白的小孩 a blue blood出生高贵的人 blue talk色情言语、污言秽语 to have the blue忧伤、伤感 the blue moon千载难逢的机会

“ Where's the fire,dear boy?” he drawled,“ Do you really have to run for it?” “干嘛这么急,老弟?”他慢吞吞地说,“难道我们非跑步不可吗?”

I can’t live this life of milk and water.I must get excited somehow — or I shall burst!我无法过这种毫无生气的生活。我得设法兴奋一下,否则我受不了!Each bit the thumb but neither dared say he bit it at the other.他俩互相瞧不起,却又不敢公开承认。

It is much cry and little wool with him.To hear him talk you would think he was the world’s greatest artists;actually they're very mediocre.他说得好可做得差。听他讲话觉得他似乎是世界上最了不起的艺术 家,实际上乃平庸之辈也。A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country.先知在故乡无人尊敬;本地姜不辣

The new chief justice, Sir Robert Wright was ignorant to a proverb.这位新任大法官罗伯特爵士的无知,是尽人皆知的。

Millions of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades.差不多20年了,生活在贫困线以下或温饱问题还没有解决的人口仍有 几百万。John's letter doesn’t make sense ; it is neither rhyme nor reason.约翰的信写得一点也不明白,简直莫名其妙。

I has crossed the Rubicon,and refused to give him what he wanted.我巳采取断然措施,拒绝给他所要的东西。

International pressure may be able to prevent the country crossing the Rubicon to authoritarian rule.It was a real feather in his cap for the new teacher when he was made head of the history department.对这位新老师来说,被任命为历史系的系主任可是一件值得骄傲的事儿。

It was no use crying over spilt milk.No use building castles in the air.What was needed was a plan---lots of plans---serious, practical, sensible plans for the new life.覆水难收,徒悔无益。空中楼阁,也没好处。需要的是规划——许许多 多的规划——为新生活而作的严肃、切实、明智的规划。

She didn't expect too much of him ; they were birds of a different feather.她没有对他指望太多;他们走不到一块去。

I am from Missouri, you've got to show me.            

        

     

 Several art dealers got their fingers burned on old master paintings that later turned out to be fakes

 The donkey means one thing and the driver another. 不同的人有不同的观点;各人从自己的利益出发看问题。

 仁者见仁,智者见智: the donkey means one thing, and the driver another./ the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. He had walked two miles through the pouring rain, and arrived at our house looking like something the cat's brought in. 他在倾盆大雨中走了两英里,到我们家时浑身沾满泥浆,一副精疲力尽 的样子。我要见到确实证据才相信;我是不见不信。

John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰为人可靠,他既诚实又正直。

That is a tall story about the town's street.有关这城主街的说法实在令人难以置信

Listening to classical music is my cup of tea.古典音乐我最爱听。 One’s cup of tea You could always get him to go for a walk.Hiking was just his cup of tea.Chemistry, not art, is my cup of tea.My uncle sent me a novel written by Balzac.That’s just my cup of tea.This is a fine kettle of fish!I forgot my book.真糟糕,我的书忘了带了。

There I was, stuck on a lonely road 50 miles from home, after I was stupid enough to lock myself out of my car.It was dark and not a house in sight.A fine kettle of fish, I tell you!He left a fine kettle of fish behind.We couldn't find out what our money had been spent for;we couldn’t tell which members had paid their dues, and the rent wasn't paid.What a mess!To have other fish to fry.Honey, they want me to run for Congress, but I said no.I have other fish to fryyou look like something the cat dragged in!She is head and shoulders above the rest of the class in singing.在唱歌方面,她比班上其他人强得多

head and shoulders above someone or something This wine is head and shoulders above that one.John stands head and shoulders above Bob.If he were down in the mouth, one could feel sorry for him.But he looks as pleased as Punch with himself.他要是愁眉苦脸,人们倒会可怜他,可是他却满开心地自得其乐呢。down in the mouth :口语,“沮丧的”,“颓丧的”,“气馁的” be as pleased as Punch ”gloomy at the thought of what he had to face“;”gloomy predictions“;”a gloomy silence“;”the darkening mood“;”lonely and blue in a strange city“;”depressed by the loss of his job“;”a dispirited and resigned expression on her face“;”downcast after his defeat“;”feeling discouraged and downhearted“ If he were seen it was dollars to doughnuts that he would be arrested.若当时他被人瞧见,十拿九稳他会被捕。

It’s dollars to doughnuts:相差悬殊,十有八九

I will bet you dollars to doughnuts there will be no rains tomorrow.It is dollars to doughnuts that Wang is not expecting us tonight Dollars to doughts they have forgotten about their appointment with us.two doughnuts and coffee                   

 贼臣董卓,将欲篡位;朝中文武,无计可施。

 Here is how matters stand : the traitor Dong Zhuo is preparing to seize the throne, and our civil military officials have no means to prevent him. 虽然他非常有才能,但他非常谦虚不摆架子,故他树敌不多,所谓大智若愚,大巧若拙。

 He has made few enemies, even though he's very brilliant,because he’s so modest and unassuming.It is a great talent to be able to conceal one's talents. 大智若愚,大巧若拙:

 He knows most who speaks least. It is wisdom sometimes to seem a fool. Greatest genius often lies concealed. A man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted [stupid]. Men of great wisdom often appear slow-witted. Cats hide their paws. Still waters run deep. 假使你希望约翰工作愉快,你最好给他加薪;否则他将辞职;所谓三天不吃饭,什么事都敢干

 You should give John a raise in salary if you expect him to be happy at his work;otherwise, he might quit.A hungry man is an angry man. “不到黄河心不死,哈哈哈!”李秘书突然大声笑了。

 “ Won't quit until we drive them into the sea — Ha, Ha, Ha!” Commissioner Li burst into hearty laughter.                                         Until all is over ambition never dies.;

not to stop until one reaches the Huanghe River not stop until one reaches one's goal 你别狗仗人势欺侮人,争权夺利,勾心斗角的事我不干。

You don’t bully others on the strength of your boss;I won't scramble for power and profit and intrigue against others.狗仗人势:be a bully with the backing of a powerful person 争权夺利:to scramble for power and wealth 勾心斗角:intrigue against each other 两雄相遇,必有一搏。

It will certainly be an exciting match when Greek meets Greek.他们的后台总是靠不住的,一旦树倒猢狲散,全局就改观了。

Their wire-pulling bosses are not reliable ; once the tree falls, the monkeys on it will flee helter-skelter, and the whole situation will change.他们说连他放个屁都是香的。

They say a Russian fart is fragrant 这才是“知人知面不知心”呢。那里有这样禽兽的人。

You can know a man’s face but not his heart.I’ll show the beast!We may know a man's exterior but not his heart.It is impossible to judge a man's heart from his face.One may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature.You know a man or you recognize him when you see him, but you don't know what he is at heart.You may know a person's face, but not his heart.亲身经历,胜过旁人教诲。

Wit bought is better than wit taught.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。

Slight negligence may lead to great disaster.A small leak will sink a great ship.(小漏水也会沉大船)不尝黄连苦,哪知蜜糖甜。不要总以为天下乌鸦一般黑。

Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.But don‘t always be thinking “in every country dogs bite.Evil people are samely bad all over the world.in every country dogs biteDogs bite in every country 人人负责,无人负责。艘公多了会翻船。

Everybody's business is nobody's business.Too many cooks may spoil the soup 有事只管来找我。

Come to see me whenever you need any help.不要以为它太贵了。(快来买呀,)过了这个村就没这个店了。Please don't think it is too much.So it is now or never.子曰:“无欲速,无见小利。欲速则不达,见小 利则大事不成。”

Confucius said, “Don't wish for speed; don't see small advantages.If you wish for speed, you won't succeed ; if you see small advantages, great things will not be accomplished.” Haste makes waste fool's haste is no speed More haste, less speed.The more haste, the less speed.1.The hotels were all full,so we had to pig it in an old hut for the night.旅社均已客满,我们不得不挤在一个又脏又旧的棚屋里过夜。2.Let sleeping dogs lie.Why, these people are kittle cattle to shoe.别惹是生非。哎,这些人都是难对付的人 Be kittle cattle to shoe: 难以对付的人

3.The bandits seemed to have got away with no trouble at all, the police had jam on their faces this time.匪徒们似乎很顺利地逃脱了,警察部门这次可丢脸了。

If you say that someone has jam on their face, they appear to be caught, embarrassed or found guilty.lie on one's face 脸朝下躺下...Just put your John Henry on that Check and then take it to the bank.请你在支票上签个名,然后把它拿到银行去。

4.Money makes the mare go.You can secure your ends with one hundred pounds.有钱能使鬼推磨,用100英镑你就能达到目的。

Secure one‟s position:稳住阵脚

5.The accused knew that he had to bite the bullet until he was proved innocent.被告知道在证明他是无辜的以前,他只得咬紧牙关忍受。bite the bullet:原意:咬住子弹


6.When he entered our college four years ago,he was as poor as Job, but now he has become a millionaire.当他4年前进我们学院时,他穷得家徒四壁,可现在成了百万富翁。

As poor as Job:一贫如洗,家徒四壁。

7.Two may keep counsel when the third's away.没有不泄露的秘密;没有不透风的墙(有意无意的被流传开去,也有意无意的伤了人)。

8.He is a real Jekyll and Hyde:at home he's kind and loving,but in business he's completely without principles.他是个真的具有双重人格的人;在家和蔼可亲,可在生意场上,他却完全不讲道义。

9.That was not asking much, and yet.…he could not help thinking it was like asking for the moon.这样要求本来并不过分,可是……他们却不由得想,这简直是异想天开。

Ask for the moon: to want something that you cannot reach or have;to try for the impossible,异想天开

10.He has good reason to believe in you, for you are as kind a man as the sun shines on.他完全有理由相信你,因为你是世上少有的好心人(或打起灯笼也找不到的好心人)。11.Sir, I am only just getting well of a fever, and I am as weak as water.先生,我髙烧才好,身体非常虚弱。As weak as water:浑身没劲儿

to be in hot water/in deep water:陷入困境 water over the dam:木已成舟,既成事实

as weak as water:身体非常虚弱;意志薄弱;性格懦弱 fish in troubled/muddy waters:混水摸鱼;趁火打劫 in rough / troubled water:灾难深重 spend like water:挥霍无度

12.He was a man not yet forty years of age,with still much of the salt of youth about him.他不到40岁,仍有着不少青年人的朝气。the salt of youth:青年人的热情

Try translating the following into English 1.袖手旁观,守株待兔。

Standing by with folded arms and waiting for gains without pains 2.失之东隅,得之桑榆。

What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts.英译lose at sunrise and gain at sunset我觉得一些看上去很健康的女孩子施以浓妆,实在是多此一举。

I always feel that it would simply be to gild the lily for some health-looking young girls to make up their faced so heavily.3.妈妈说我最好离开厨房,因为她不需要我帮忙。我在那儿碰这撞那,反而碍事。

Mum said that I‟d best/had better leave the kitchen because she didn't need my help and I was like a bull in a china shop there.4.月满则亏,水满则溢。

The moon waxes only to wane, water brims only to overflow.月满则亏,说明:月亮圆了,接着就会慢慢的变成月牙。水满则溢,说明:盛水的容易内水满了,再注水就会溢出来啦。比喻做什么事情到了极点都会慢慢衰退的。The Origins Jekyll and Hyde Jekyll and Hyde源于苏格兰作家R.L.史蒂文森1886年发表的作品《化身博士》(Doctor Jekyll and Mr.Hyde),该作品所描写的是一个具有双重对立人格的人:一是善良的Dr Jekyll,一是邪恶的Mr Hyde。结合起来就是一个具有双 重对立人格的人。汉译时,译着“两面派,具有善恶双重人格的人” Sword of Damocles Sword of Damocles出自古代希腊的一则历史故事。精通古希腊历史、文 学的罗马杰出作家与政论家西塞罗(106BC-43BC)在其论文《图斯库拉的话》 屮写道:“公元前4世纪的西西里岛上叙拉克的统治者狄奥尼修斯一世(406BC-367BC)有个亲信的名字叫达摩克里斯,他很羡慕帝王的柰华生活,常说: “君王是人世间最幸福的人。”狄奥尼修斯为了教训这个想得君位者,在一次宴会上,要他坐在国土的宝座上。当他猛然抬头,只见头顶上有一把用头发悬着 的宝剑,随时都有刺到头顶的危险。他吓得战战兢兢,如坐针毡,时刻提心吊 胆,惶惶不安。由于该成语用来比喻临头的危险或情况的危急,因此可汉译为 “千钧一发“,但也可译为“达摩克里斯的宝剑” Burn one’s boats(bridges为美国人使用)源于一则历史故事0 古罗马朱力斯•凯撒大军乘船越过Rubicon后就把船烧了,以此向士兵指明后 路已断不可能后退。现借用来比喻“不留后路,下定决心干到底”。可汉译为 “破釜沉舟”。Homer sometimes nods.此语可译为“智者千虑,必有一失”。用来比喻 “伟人有时也会出错”。源自古罗马著名诗人贺拉斯(65BC4BC)写的《诗艺》: “我认为居然可敬的荷马也打瞌睡(Even Homer sometimes nods)o这是羞愧的 事,但在如此长久的写作中,睡意袭来时,打一下瞌睡未尝不可/这里同时值 得一提的是荷马(Homer)这位曾得到马克思极高评价的古希腊的伟大诗人,他 曾写过两部性界著名的史诗:《伊亚特》与《奥德赛》。这两部史诗无论从艺术 技巧或者从历史、地理、考古学和民俗学方面讲都有很大的艺术价值,有“永久 的魅力”,是“一种规范和高不可及的范本”。Hobson's choice 此语可译为“毫无选择的余地。”源自英国《观察家》杂 志H12年第509期。Hobson是6世纪英国剑桥地区驿站老板。按规定驿站都 向顾客出租马匹,他因喜欢自己的马匹而坚持按固定的顺序轮流将马出租。顾 客到马厩去牵马时,不论该马如何即牵即走,无商量的余地。如顾客不服从, 就只得自认倒霉。Hobson毫不徇私情,非叫顾客用该马不可,否则就别想有马 骑。因而,老板的这种怪癖叫人不敢和他讨价还价了。

1.I went on a bat in his room, and we smoked and drank till three.我到他的房间里去狂欢,我们在那里又抽烟又喝酒,一直到清晨三点。go on a bat 纵酒取乐,酗酒胡闹 go out on a bat 酗酒胡闹

go to bat [美国俚语]被判入狱,判刑

on one's own bat [俚语] 通过自己的努力;靠自己的力量

blind as a bat [口语]近乎全盲的;视力很差的,眼力不行的;鼠目寸光的;完全看不见东西的 like a bat out of hell [俚语] 如飞地,飞速地;不顾一切地,鲁莽地,胡来地

2.Are you running with the hare and hunting with the hounds? You‟re either for us or against us.Which is it? 你两面讨好吗?你要么赞成我们,要么反对我们。究竟是哪一种态度? Hare也叫jackrabbit或jack rabbit,不打洞(burrow/warren),而是在地面坑(depression)里或窝(form)。出生带毛(furred),眼睛睁开。Rabbit是住在洞里的,出生没毛,不能睁眼;家养的通常住在小木屋(hutch)中。Hare比rabbit体型大,耳朵更长,有黑色斑点(marking),不群居,没有被人类驯化(domesticated),所以可以叫„野兔‟。一岁以下的hare叫leveret。一群叫drove。Rabbit可以翻译为„家兔‟,但有的也叫hare,因为长相接近,但实际上还是rabbit,如Belgian Hare.“兔”在中国人心中可谓形象复杂,有好的一面,如“形如脱兔”(比喻动作快捷);也有差的一面,如“狡兔三窟、兔子尾巴长不了”。对外国人来说,rabbit的形象可不美。a rabbit意为a person who plays a game badly(蹩脚的运动员———尤指网球运动员);在俚语中,hare指坐车不买票的人。run with the hare and hunt with the hounds



They want to keep the peace and have everyone happy.For this reason they learn very quickly to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds;to side with whoever is nearest in a relentless quest to avoid rows.他们希望保持平稳并且让大家都高兴,所以很快了学会讨好的方法。为了避免冲突他们就站在不断提要求的人那边。

大家体会出这两个说法的不同了吗?two-faced一般指当面一套,背地又一套的伎俩,而run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 则指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。

3.In ancient times if a man‟s eye was put out by his enemy, he might get his revenge by paying him backing his own coin.古时候某人的眼睛若被敌人挖出,他一定要挖出敌人的眼睛作为报复。这就是以其人之道还治其人之身。pay sb back in his own coin eye for eye tooth for tooth

4.He went on throwing open doors, and peeping in.Everything was in apple pie order, ready for immediate occupation.他继续将各扇门打开朝里窥视:一切井井有条,马上就可住进去。in apple pie order 有条不紊,井然有序


Her room is always in apple pie order.他的房间总是整整齐齐的。apple of love 爱情的苹果

这个习语源于殖民时期的南美洲。当时在秘鲁的丛林中,生长着一种叫“狼桃”的水果。这种水果色泽光亮、鲜艳,形状和苹果十分相似。但人们认为这种水果是一种毒果,没人敢吃,只把它作为观赏植物加以栽培。后来有人冒着生命危险,勇敢地品尝并证实了它的美味。到了16世纪,英国有一位公爵游历到了秘鲁,非常喜欢这种水果,于是,他把它们带回英国皇宫,作为珍贵的礼品献给他心目中的爱人——当时的英国女王伊丽莎白。这种水果,实际上就是西红柿。从那以后,西红柿在异国他乡的土地上得到广泛种植,被人们称为“爱情的苹果”。如今,这一短语可喻指“爱情的信物”。例:Hey, don't touch that bike.It's my apple of love.嗨,别动那辆自行车。它可是我的爱情信物 as American as apple pie 典型的美国人的性格 美国人向来喜欢吃苹果馅饼(apple pie),也就是我们常说的“苹果派”。这是一种用烤箱制作的甜点,外面裹着一层面粉,里面包着苹果做的馅儿。美国人喜爱吃苹果派的嗜好始于他们刚从欧洲移居到美洲来的时候。那时每个家庭主妇都经常自己动手做苹果派。为了说明苹果派是美国生活方式的一个特点,人们常说:as American as apple pie。这个习语的意思是:就像苹果派一样具有美国特色。

例句:Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as apple pie.日本寿司和越南春卷都已经变成像苹果派一样的美国食品了

5.“Why didn't the chap come? …Can't kick my heels here for ever,“ thought John.那家伙怎么没来?我可不能老在这儿等下去了。”约翰想

kick your heels:(British)to be forced to wait for a period of time(usually in continuous tenses)Wait impatiently to be summoned.Origin:The kicking of heels alludes to the toe shuffling and foot tapping that people resort to when they are impatient at having to wait for something.It is an 18th century phrase and is first cited in a work by the appropriately named Samuel Foothe has no idea of how to even start the job.Why, my nine-year old daughter knows more about computers than he does!他说:我跟你说,Ed,这个人简直乳臭未干,他甚至连这工作怎么着手干都不知道。嘿,我九岁女儿对电脑的了解都比他要多。

这里的wet behind the ears,相当于中文里的“乳臭未干的,” 用来形容某人幼稚无知 3.在那个国家,很多人感到60年代初的种族隔离是件棘手之事。

In that country, many people found racial segregation a hot potato in the early '60s.美国人很喜欢吃土豆,特别是刚从烤箱里拿出来的一个个热气腾腾的土豆。下面我们要介绍的一个俗语是hot potato。大家都知道hot的意思是热或烫,potato就是土豆。热的土豆固然好吃,但是它会烫你的手,你会想法马上甩掉的。Hot potato作为俗语,它的意思就是一个争论很激烈的问题,没有一个人愿意为它承担责任。例如:The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians.是否用增加税收的方法来减少预算赤字的问题对于许多政客来说是一个棘手的问题。下面这个例子是一位律师在给另一位律师提供建议:

If I were you, I'd drop that client like a hot potato;he's always suing somebody for something, but he usually loses and he doesn't pay his lawyer's bills.要是我是你的话,我就把你那个顾客马上甩掉。他老是为了什么事去告别人,可是他总是输给别人,他还往往不付律师费。

英语potato一词特别有意思。不仅因为sweet potato(甜土豆)即是“白薯(山芋)”,这样的命名特别有趣,而且potato常可用以指人,例如small potatoes原意是“鸡毛蒜皮等微不足道的东西”,但更多用以指“小人物”“微不足道的人”(类似上海方言“萝卜头”)。“He is a small potato.”也常被学生作为口头禅,拿来互相取笑。

Hot potato可指“麻烦的事”、“棘手的问题”或“难对付的人”,类似中文 “烫手的山芋”,例如The subject of police brutality is a hot potato.(警察暴行的话题是一个棘手的问题。)

短语the clean potato指“最正确、最适当的事物”,也可以指“正派的人”、“规矩的好人”。而反过来,not the clean potato则意为“形迹可疑的人”。

作为一种常见的食品,potato在美国俚语里也有很多体现。比如,potato常指“头”或“难看的脸”;potato-trap指“嘴”;potato-head则指“傻瓜”(土豆是没有脑子的);而potato digger则指“古板守旧、不受欢迎的人”(大概是由在地里掘土豆的农民形象转化而来的)。

上世纪90年代初出现了一个新的短语couch potato,专指“吃饱饭后成天窝在沙发上看电视的人”,非常形象。(顺便提一下,英美人很少用sofa一词,长沙发叫couch,单人沙发则叫armchair。)随着电脑的普及,近来一个与potato有关的新短语流行开来,即mouse potato(这里的mouse不是“老鼠”,而是“鼠标”),专门指“整天坐在电脑前的电脑迷”。这一词条已被正式收录在2006年版的《韦氏大学词典》(Webster Collegiate Dictionary)的100个新词语中。笔者相信,今后还会有更多“新土豆”的出现。


He bit off more than he could chew when he agreed to finish this project alone He bit off more than he could chew.他说得多,做得少。



I simply wanted to tell you that the only way to do business with him was to beard the lion in his den.beard the lion in his den:入虎穴取子(老虎头上捉虱, 太岁头上动土)

6.对于诗我读得不多。要读的时候,我总是宁可选择过去的佳作,而不要当代的次品。.Of poetry I don't read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in preference to the living dog.A living dog is better than a dead lion.(下贱而活着比高贵而死了的强。)将对应的两个成分拆开并在句中重作安排,分别喻指“过去的佳作”(死狮)和“当代的次品”(活狗),形成强烈对比,表现力强。


Better not try to talk to the boss now, He's as mad as a wet hen because you didn't meet your deadline.as mad as a wet hen:非常生气


It gets me goat the way some people push onto a train before the passengers on board can get off When someone says the phrase “something or other really gets my goat,” they mean that they are extremely irritated.A wide variety of things could contribute to irritation, ranging from someone else's actions to a series of events, but, despite the turn of phrase, goats are not usually involved.Like many colorful idioms in the English language, the origins of “get my goat” are murky, difficult to pin down, and actually rather fascinating, for people who enjoy exploring language.9.我们公司规定的试用阶段,目的在于区分能够胜任工作和不能胜任工作的人。

The purpose of our company^ trial employment period is to separate the wheat(the sheep)from the chaff(the goats).separate the sheep from the goats(British, American & Australian)also sort(out)the sheep from the goats(British & Australian)

to choose the people or things of high quality from a group of mixed quality I'll look through the application forms and separate the sheep from the goats.10.他是个胆小鬼,他不可能临危不惧于关键时刻。

He is a chicken and it is impossible for him to face the music at the critical moment.11.这不是任何人的错误,责任完全在我们自己身上。我们不自量力,结果把自己搞得完蛋了

It was nobody's fault but our own.We cooked our own goose by trying to bite off more than we could chew.Cook one’s goose: ruin your chances;make impossible to succeed Explanation: Used when speaking about a person or thing that makes success impossible.Examples: Well, I cooked my goose by asking the wrong questions on the interview.-You'd better be careful when speaking to her, you don't want to cook your goose by saying something insensitive.12.她对家谱很感兴趣。所谓自己无学问,莫把祖宗夸;我认为对一个人的评价源于其本身所为,而非其祖先。She's showed great interest in genealogy [,dʒi:ni'ælədʒi](family tree).But mules boast much that their ancestors were horses;I think a person's value derives from what he does, not from what one of his ancestors might have been 13.与过去相比,小康之家逐渐多了起来。

Compared with the past, there is an increasing number of well-to-do families.Say something about the origins of the following.Adam’s profession Adam's profession此语源自莎士比亚:《哈姆雷特》第五场,译为“园艺,农艺”。Shakespeare 在第五场中写道:There is no ancient gentlemen but gardeners, ditchers, and grave makers ;they hold up Adam's profession.这里没有古代绅士,只有花匠、挖沟者和修墓人;他们干的是园艺。measure for measure measure for measure.此语可译为“一报还一报;冤报冤;仇报仇;以牙还牙”。源自《圣经■马太福音》。耶稣说:“你们不要评判人,免得你们被人评 判。因为你们怎样评判人,也必然会被人怎样评判。你们用什么量器量别人,别人就必然会用什么量器来量你们。” enough to make the angles weep enough to make the angels weep.此语可译为“愚逸得使人丧失信心和希望”。源自莎士比亚剧本《一报还一报》(Measure for Measure)第2幕第2场 once in a blue moon once in a blue moon.此语的中译为“极为罕见,(机会)极少”。源于自 然科学现象。即在一定的条件下,当大气中有大小合适的微尘时,就会出现太阳和月亮均呈深蓝色的自然奇观。据科学家们分析,此种罕见景观的微尘可能 来自火山爆发,或沙漠扬尘,甚至森林大火。由于蓝色月亮和蓝色太阳出现的 机会少,所以此语具有上述译文

以小人之心,度君子之腹 “以小人之心,度君子之腹,‟可译为gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure t 或译为 try to estimate what's in the heart of the great with the heart of the mean,语出《左传•昭公二十八年》“愿以小人之腹,为君子之 心。”后经改造,用来指某些人以自己鄙陋或卑劣的心理,去推测品德髙尚者的 胸襟。南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语•雅量》:“庚曰:„可谓以小人之虑,度君子之心。此成语涉及这样一则故事:公元前514年,晋国的执政大臣韩宣子去世,一位名叫魏舒的人继位。他将两个旧责族的田地分为10个县,派贤能有功者 去任县长。其中与他同宗的魏戊被派到梗阳县任该职。此时,有一桩官司使其 深感棘手,他即报之魏舒,让其处理。

对是,涉案一方暗中送魏舒一个女乐人,他欲将其收下。此事让魏戊知道 了,他就对大臣阎没和女宽说:“魏舒以不受贿赂而扬名各国,若收下女乐人,就没有比这更大的贿赂了。您二位一定要劝谏他。”

之后,阎没和女宽在庭院里等着魏舒的到来。吃饭的时候,魏舒就招呼他 俩一起来用餐,可他俩盯着桌上的饭菜接连叹了三次气。饭毕,魏舒就问其究 竟,并说伯父、叔父曾告诉他说,吃饭时要忘掉忧愁,刚才二位为何三次叹气呀?他们俩回答说“昨晚有人把酒赐给咱们两个小人,所以没吃晚饭,现在肚子 饿得慌,惟恐刚上的饭菜不够吃而叹气。见菜上了一半时,咱们责备6己道:„难道将军请咱们吃饭会不够吃?‟因而再次叹气。等饭菜上完,咱们俩愿意把小人的肚子当做君子的心,刚刚满足就行了!” 嫁祸于人

“嫁祸于人”可译为:①shift the blame onto ②lay one's own fault at sb else‟s door ③put one's misfortunes onto other people's shoulder.语出《史记•赵世 家》,对曰:“夫秦蚕食韩氏地,中绝不会相通,固自以为坐而受上党之地也。韩氏所以不人秦者,欲嫁其祸于赵也。”这则故事说的是:公元前262年,韩囯 上党守将冯亭派使者到赵国,便对孝成王说:“咱韩国已无法守住上党了,它似 就要并人秦国了。但上党的官吏与百姓均愿归属赵国,而不愿归属秦国。上党 有城池17座,希望大王来管辖”。赵孝成王闻之喜形于色,即召见平阳君赵豹并询问其看法。赵豹答曰: “圣人视无缘无故而得到为大祸害。” 孝成王反问道“天下人为我的恩德所感召,为何说此乃无缘无故而得 利呢?”

赵豹道:“秦国一直在蚕食韩国的土地,并早已认为轻易地得到上党这块 地方。韩国之所以不想把上党交给秦国而交给赵国,是打箅把祸害转到我们赵国身上。秦国付出了辛苦,却未得到它,而咱赵国却白白得到了,这怎能说非 无缘无故得了利呢?大干一定不要接受。” 孝成王不悦地说:“如今派百万大军去进攻,一年半载也不一定能得到一 座城池,现在人家送来17座城池之大礼于我,这可是大利呀!”后来孝成王因接受了这份礼物而引发了秦赵间的一场大战。


全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress(NPC)

主席团 Presidium

常务委员会 Standing Committee

办公厅 General Office

秘书处 Secretariat

代表资格审查委员会 Credentials Committee

提案审查委员会 Motions Examination Committee

民族委员会 Ethnic Affairs Committee

法律委员会 Law Committee

财政经济委员会 Finance and Economy Committee

外事委员会 Foreign Affairs Committee

教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会 Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee

内务司法委员会 Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会 Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee

法制工作委员会 Commission of Legislative Affairs

特定问题调查委员会 Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions宪法修改委员会 Committee for Revision of the Constitution2、中华人民共和国主席 President of the People's Republic of China3、中央军事委员会 Central Military Commission4、最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court5、最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate6、国务院 State Council

(1)国务院部委 Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council

外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

国防部 Ministry of National Defence

国家发展和改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission国家经济贸易委员会 State Economic and Trade Commission

教育部 Ministry of Education

科学技术部 Ministry of Science and Technology

国防科学技术工业委员会 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence

国家民族事物委员会 State Ethnic Affairs Commission

公安部 Ministry of Public Security

国家安全部 Ministry of State Security

监察部 Ministry of Supervision

民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs

司法部 Ministry of Justice

财政部 Ministry of Finance

人事部 Ministry of Personnel

劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources

建设部 Ministry of Construction

铁道部 Ministry of Railways

交通部 Ministry of Communications

信息产业部 Ministry of Information Industry

水利部 Ministry of Water Resources

农业部 Ministry of Agriculture

对外贸易经济合作部 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

文化部 Ministry of Culture

卫生部 Ministry of Public Health

国家计划生育委员会 State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行 People's Bank of China

国家审计署 State Auditing Administration

(2)国务院办事机构 Offices under the State Council

国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Council侨务办公室 Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs

港澳台办公室 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office台湾事物办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office

法制办公室 Office of Legislative Affairs

经济体制改革办公室 Office for Economic Restructuring国务院研究室 Research Office of the State Council新闻办公室 Information Office10、新闻出版 News media

总编辑 Editor-in-chief

高级编辑 Full Senior Editor

主任编辑 Associate Senior Editor

编辑 Editor

助理编辑 Assistant Editor

高级记者 Full Senior Reporter

主任记者 Associate Senior Reporter

记者 Reporter

助理记者 Assistant Reporter

编审 Professor of Editorship

编辑 Editor

助理编辑 Assistant Editor

技术编辑 Technical Editor

技术设计员 Technical Designer

校对 Proofreader11、翻译 Translation

译审 Professor of Translation

翻译 Translator/Interpreter

助理翻译 Assistant Translator/Interpreter

电台/电视台台长 Radio/TV Station Controller

播音指导 Director of Announcing

主任播音员 Chief Announcer

播音员 Announcer

电视主持人 TV Presenter

电台节目主持人 Disk Jockey12、工艺、美术、电影 Arts,crafts and movies 导演 Director

演员 Actor

画师 Painter

指挥 Conductor

编导 Scenarist

录音师 Sound Engineer

舞蹈编剧 Choreographer

美术师 Artist

制片人 Producer

剪辑导演 Montage Director

配音演员 Dabber

摄影师 Cameraman

化装师 Make-up Artist



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