
时间:2019-05-14 02:02:24下载本文作者:会员上传



Remarks by H.E.Ambassador HE Yafei at a Reception Marking his Assumption of Office


女士们,先生们,朋友们,Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen and friends, 首先欢迎并感谢大家光临。

I am very much delighted to have you here today at the Chinese Mission.Thank you for honouring me with your presence upon my assumption of office.日内瓦湖光山色,国际组织云集,国际会议众多,是重要的多边外交舞台。作为中国新任常驻代表,很高兴来日内瓦这个美丽的城市工作。

I am most privileged and honoured to be accredited as China's new Permanent Representative to Geneva, not only because of its beautiful lakes and mountains, but most importantly, its position as home to many international organizations with numerous international conferences.Geneva is an important stage for multilateral diplomacy.日内瓦对我并不陌生,20多年前,我曾有幸在日内瓦国际问题高等学院学习一年。至今我仍能忆起当年学习生活的美好时光,忆起日内瓦人民的热情和友善。

Geneva is not unfamiliar to me.I was here in Geneva with the Graduate School of International Studies as a student about 20 years ago.The happy time of my school life as well as the warmth and friendship of the local people are memorable.日内瓦也是中国多边外交起步的地方。1954年,周恩来总理率团出席日内瓦会议,新中国从这里走上国际舞台。多年来,中国全面、深入参与多边事务,成为国际体系的重要参与者和积极建设者。中国与驻日内瓦各联合国机构和国际组织的关系不断发展,为推动相关领域的国际合作作出了积极贡献。

Geneva is also a place that started China's multilateral diplomacy.In 1954, as you may recall, late Premier Zhou Enlai led the Chinese delegation to the Geneva Conference, ushering China onto the multilateral diplomatic stage.And China has, over the years, fully engaged itself in multilateral affairs on all fronts.It is not only an active participant, but also an important contributor to the relevant international systems and regimes.The Chinese Mission here has also worked hard and contributed to expanding its relations and cooperation with the UN agencies and other international organizations based in Geneva.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 当今世界正处于经济大动荡、体系大变革、格局大调整时期。国际经济危机阴霾未散。气候变化、能源资源、公共卫生安全等全球性问题日益突出和多元化。国际和地区热点问题此起彼伏。2010年更是继续应对国际金融危机、推动世界经济复苏非常重要的一年。

The present world is witnessing major economic challenges, coupled with major structural changes or adjustments.The impact of the global economic crisis is still with us, while global challenges such as climate change, energy and resources, public health security have become increasingly prominent.In addition, the present world is also witnessing international or regional hot issues here and there.2010 is a very important year for the international efforts to combat financial crisis in promotion of early world economic recovery.新形势下,任何国家都难以独善其身。继续推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,需要各国加强合作,协调行动。正如中国外长杨洁篪日前在中外记者会上指出的,“冷战思维、零和博弈这样的思想不合时宜,同舟共济、互利共赢才是生存和发展之道。”

Collective efforts are essential, under the present new circumstances, if the above global problems are to be put behind us.No country can do it alone.To further advance the noble course of peace and development for humanity, intensified cooperation and coordinated actions are called for on the part of the international community.The Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said during a recent press conference, “the cold-war mentality and zero-sum game theory have become anachronistic.And the right way to survive and thrive is stick together in tough times like passengers in the same boat and pursue mutual benefit and win-win progress”.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 中国一贯倡导多边主义,坚定支持联合国在维护世界和平与安全、促进共同发展、保障人权等方面发挥的积极作用,主张合作应对全球挑战。过去的一年,中国积极参加应对国际金融危机、气候变化等国际合作,在一系列重大多边会议上发挥了独特的建设性作用。

China has all along championed multilateralism, and we have been resolute in supporting the positive role of United Nations in maintaining world peace and security, promoting common development and safeguarding human rights.We've also stood for intensified international cooperation to meet global challenges.Over the year, China has, for its part, actively participated in international cooperation to address international financial crisis and climate change, and played a unique and constructive role in a series of major international conferences.在刚刚结束的中国第十一届全国人大三次会议上,中国总理温家宝在《政府工作报告》中指出,2010年,中国“将继续以20国集团金融峰会等重大多边活动为主要平台,积极参与国际体系变革进程,维护发展中国家利益。统筹协调好双边外交与多边外交、国别区域外交与各领域外交工作,推动中国与各大国、周边国家和发展中国家的关系全面深入发展”。“进一步做好应对气候变化、能源资源合作等方面的对外工作,在妥善解决热点问题和全球性问题中发挥建设性作用。”

At the just-concluded Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao said in his Report of the Work of the Government, that, in 2010, “China will continue to use the G20 financial summit and other major multilateral activities as our main platforms for actively participating in the process of change in international systems and safeguarding the interests of developing countries.We will make overall plans for coordinating bilateral and multilateral diplomacy as well as promote further, comprehensive development of our relations with major powers, neighboring countries, and developing countries.We will continue to carry out diplomatic work in climate change, energy and resources cooperation, and other areas, and play a constructive role in finding proper solutions to hot issues and global problems”.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 新形势下,日内瓦这个多边舞台更加广阔,更加重要。中方愿进一步全面、深入参与日内瓦多边外交各领域活动,服务中国国内社会经济发展,并为推动世界持久和平和共同繁荣做出自己的贡献。我本人和中国代表团愿意成为大家了解中国的窗口,更愿成为促进中国与各方加强交流与合作的桥梁。

Geneva, under new circumstances, will be a even more importance multilateral stage with broader agenda.We, for our part, stand ready to work closely with our friends here in a bid to advance the multilateral diplomatic work on all fronts, so as to help serve China's domestic social and economic development, and to contribute to the durable peace and common prosperity of the world.I myself and the Chinese Mission are willing to serve as a window, through which, to promote the understanding, exchanges and cooperation between China and the world.2010年上海世博会将于5月1日开幕。本届世博会将是探讨人类城市生活的盛会,是一曲以创新和融合为主旋律的交响乐,将成为人类文明的一次精彩对话。我借此机会热烈欢迎各位届时赴上海参观世博会。

The Expo 2010 Shanghai is going to unveil on 1 May this year in China.With the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, Expo 2010 represents the common aspiration of all mankind for a better living in future urban environments.And it will also be a wonderful occasion for dialogue between human civilizations.I'd like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you all to the Shanghai Expo.谢谢大家。Thank you.

第二篇:应运而生 顺势而上——陈育明大使在到任招待会上的致辞

应运而生 顺势而上——陈育明大使在到任招待会上的致辞

Build on the Momentum and Take China-Australia Relations to a New Height-Speech by Ambassador Chen

Yuming at the Arrival Reception


Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,欢迎和感谢各位出席招待会。有机会出使澳大利亚这个美丽的国家,我倍感荣幸。我的朋友们对我说,你很幸运,那里有灿烂的阳光、秀丽的风光和热情的人民。他们还说,中澳关系很好,你会很忙,很愉快。的确,中澳建交38年来,双边关系高速发展,当前正处于历史上的最好时期。形象地说,中澳关系具有“三维空间”:

May I start by welcoming you all.Thank you for coming.I am deeply honored to be accredited Chinese Ambassador to Australia, a country with amazing beauty.My friends said I am lucky, because I would go to a country with warm sunshine, breathtaking views and friendly people.They also said I would have a busy and pleasant time, because Australia has a good relationship with China.I certainly do agree.38 years ago, our two countries established diplomatic ties.Since then, we have witnessed fast and robust growth.Today, relationship between China and Australia has never been better.It has grown higher, deeper and wider.首先,中澳关系具有战略高度。中澳两国同为亚太地区重要国家,发展中澳关系的意义已经超出双边范畴。正如温家宝总理会见吉拉德总理时所说,发展两国更加紧密的合作关系,符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。我向布赖斯总督递交国书时,总督阁下对我强调将坚定致力于发展澳中关系,促进各领域合作。到任一个月来,我有机会广泛接触新政府高层和社会各界,深切地感受到发展中澳关系是澳朝野和各界坚定共识。

First, relations between our two countries are taking on strategic significance.Both China and Australia are important countries in the Asia-Pacific region.Their relations have gone beyond the bilateral scope.As Premier Wen Jiabao said during his meeting with Prime Minister Gillard, to develop closer cooperative relations between China and Australia serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples.When I presented my credentials to Governor-General Bryce, Her Excellency reaffirmed Australia's strong commitment to developing relations with China and promoting cooperation in all areas.And in the past month, I had extensive discussions with senior members of the new Australian Government and people from all walks of life.I have seen a bipartisan support and broad consensus of the Australian society to develop relations with China.其次,中澳合作具有不同寻常的深度。中澳有着共同的发展利益和互利共赢的经贸关系,中国是澳大利亚第一大贸易伙伴、出口市场和进口来源国,2009年双边贸易额比3年前翻了一番。每个澳大利亚人一年要向中国出口12吨铁矿石、2吨煤。从纽卡斯尔港、珀斯港驶向中国的远洋货轮,都在为澳大利亚百姓创造就业机会与回报,为中国百姓的住房添砖加瓦。

Second, China-Australia cooperation has grown in great depth.We share common interests in development.We have developed mutually-beneficial and win-win economic relations.China is Australia's largest trading partner, export market and source of imports.Trade volume doubled in the last four years.Each Australian exports to China 12 tons of iron ore and 2 tons of coal in a year.And each cargo ship setting sail from Newcastle or Perth for China brings employment and revenue to ordinary Australians, and helps build more houses and facilities for ordinary Chinese.第三,中澳交流具有五彩多元的广度。每年有40万中国游客在悉尼歌剧院前留影,60万澳大利亚公民赴华经商旅游。刚刚落幕的上海世博会上,800多万中国和各国参观者走进澳大利亚展馆。有14万中国留学生在澳大利亚学习,1000多名澳大利亚学生在孔子学院感悟孔孟之道。

Third, two-way exchanges have expanded into wide ranging areas.Every year, 400 thousand Chinese tourists take pictures at Sydney Opera House.600 thousand Australians visit China for business or tourism.The Australian Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo attracted 8 million visitors from China and across the world.And 140 thousand Chinese students are studying in this country, while over 1,000 young Australians are learning Chinese culture at Confucius Institutes across Australia.记得临行前,一位中国地质学家对我说,澳大利亚与中国一样,是地球的一块稳定的基石,大自然把资源丰富的澳大利亚与市场广阔、发展迅速的中国紧密联系在一起,中澳合作可谓应运而生。

Before I came here, a Chinese geologist told me, both China and Australia are a stable bedrock of the earth.The two countries are connected by mother nature.Australia has abundant resources.China is developing fast and has a huge market.A strong economic complementarity made us natural partners.And our mutually beneficial cooperation is the call of the times.作为中国新任驻澳大使,我深感责任重大,使命光荣。袋鼠和鸸鹋象征着永远前进、绝不后退。我愿以这种勇往直前的精神,努力推动中澳关系顺势而上,促进各个层级的人员往来,增强政治互信,深化经贸合作,拓展人文交流,使中澳合作更为坚实,人民友好深深扎根。我相信,虽然悉尼港湾不会天天平静,但黄金海岸终归阳光灿烂。我对中澳关系的未来充满信心。

I feel proud to be the new Chinese Ambassador to Australia, and I am also keenly aware of the great responsibility on myself.The kangaroo and the emu symbolize a nation always moving forward and never going backward.I will draw on this spirit and do my utmost to build on the momentum and further strengthen China-Australia relations.We will encourage mutual visits at all levels, enhance political mutual trust, deepen economic cooperation and expand people-to-people exchanges.We will make China-Australia cooperation more solid and substantive, and let friendship take deep root among our peoples.The Sydney Harbor may not always have tranquility, but the sunshine of the Gold Coast will eventually prevail.I have full confidence in the future of China-Australia relations.感谢各位对我前任的支持,希望我能一如既往地得到你们的鼎力相助,共同把中澳关系推向新的高度。

I thank all of you for your support to my predecessors, and hope I will receive your continued assistance.Let's work together, and take China-Australia relations to a new height.谢谢大家。

Thank you.



领略上海韵,感受中国情,体验世界风---刘晓明大使在上海世博会招待会上的讲话 中国驻英国大使馆 2010年4月30日

Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming

at the Reception to Celebrate the Opening of 2010 Shanghai World Expo Chinese Embassy in the UK 30 April 2010

尊敬的财政部经济事务大臣伊恩·皮尔逊先生, 尊敬的伦敦金融城市长安司棣先生, 各位来宾,女士们,先生们:

Mr Ian Pearson, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, My Lord Mayor, My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, 再过15分钟,第41届世界博览会将在中国上海隆重开幕。感谢大家出席今天的招待会,与我们一道在第一时间目睹上海世博会的开幕盛况。

In about 15 minutes, the 41st World Exposition will open in Shanghai.I would like to thank all of you for coming to the Chinese Embassy to share this exciting moment with us.英国是世博会的故乡。1851年,伦敦万国工业产品博览会在水晶宫举办,这是人类历史上第一届世博会。

Britain is home of the World Exposition.In 1851, The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations was held in the Crystal Palace – and was the first ever World Expo.中国参与了本次世博会,并留下了深刻的历史印记。英国画家塞鲁斯在博览会开幕式油画中,描绘了一位中国商人;《伦敦新闻画报》制作的长达7米的世博会全景画,描绘了东道主布置的中国展室; China's participation in the Great Exhibition was a big success.This success was captured by British artist Henry Selous, who included a Chinese merchant in the painting 'The Opening of the Great Exhibition', and by the Illustrated London News, which included the Chinese booth in its seven-metre-long panoramic illustration of the event.上海商人徐荣村邮寄参展的十二包湖丝,获得了“制造业和手工业奖”。But to round off the successes, Shanghai merchant Xu Rongcun won a medal for 12 packs of Huzhou silk, which he had sent by post.时光荏苒,159年过去了,世博会规模和影响已今非昔比,人类已见证了40届世界综合性博览会。世博会推动着人类的科技创新,见证了人类进步的足迹。小到蛋筒冰淇淋、瓶装水、电灯,大到电梯、汽车、飞机,都是从世博会走入公众的视野,最终融入人们的日常生活。因此诞生了这么一句名言,“一切始自世博”。159 years and 40 World Expos have passed since then.The Expo has grown in scale and influence, taking forward technical innovations and bearing witness to human progress.From ice-cream cones, bottled water and electric lamps, to lifts, cars and aircraft, – all of these have emerged from Expos to become part of our daily lives.世博会的主题也在不断演变,从展示国家实力、追求科技突破,逐步转向对人与自然和谐共存、人类社会发展前景的人文主义思考。

The themes of the Expo have also evolved, moving gradually from industrial strength, scientific and technological breakthroughs to where they are today, thinking about the future and the need for a harmonious coexistence between man and nature.上海世博会是首次在发展中国家举办的世博会,是继北京奥运会后中国举办的又一个世界盛会。中国举全国之力,集世界智慧,与各参展方密切合作,历时八年精心筹备,决心向世人奉献一届成功、精彩和难忘的世博会。

This is the first World Expo held in a developing country, and is another major global gathering in China following the Beijing Olympics back in 2008.It will be another close contact between China and the rest of the world in a 184-day long dialogue between nations.It will enable China to understand the world better and help the world to know China and Shanghai more and help foster greater friendship among the people.In the eight years of preparations for this Expo, Shanghai and in fact all of China has been working hard to stage a successful, splendid and memorable Expo.We have drawn upon the wisdom and experience of participating nations and groups, to ensure its success.--上海世博会是规模空前的一次全球盛会,将以最为广泛的参与度载入世博会史册。本届世博会有246个国家和国际组织参加,1.3万名记者报名,将举行188场国家馆日、39个国际组织荣誉日活动和2万多场文化活动,预计将吸引7000万名观众,其中350万为境外参观者。

The Shanghai Expo will be the largest to date, with 246 countries and international organizations taking part and 13,000 journalists covering it.During the Expo 188 National Days and 39 Honorary Days for International Organizations will be observed.Along with over 20,000 cultural events, it is expected to attract 70 million visitors, three and a half million of which will be coming from overseas.--上海世博会是对人类发展的思考,对城市未来的探索。亚里士多德说,“人们来到城市是为了生活,人们居住在城市是为了更好地生活”。城市为人们带来了美好生活,也带来了人口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺和文化摩擦等问题。

Under the theme of Better City, Better Life, the Shanghai Expo represents a reflection on building cities for the future.As Aristotle said, “People come to cities for a living, and live in cities for a better life.” Cities have brought better life for people, but they have also bred population explosion, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, resource depletion and friction between cultures.上海世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,充分贯彻绿色、环保、低碳的理念。参展各国和国际组织将充分展示城市文明成果,交流城市建设经验,传播先进城市发展理念,探讨人类居住、生活和工作的新模式。

The Shanghai Expo seeks to embody green, environmentally friendly and low carbon life in the cities.The participating countries and international organizations will fully demonstrate their achievements in urban development and share their experience in municipal management, by promoting new models for human habitation, life and work.--上海世博会是中国与世界的又一次近距离接触,是一次长达184天的文明对话。上海世博会既可以让中国了解世界,更可以让世界了解上海,了解中国。上海作为中国最大的经济中心城市,是中国改革开放32年的缩影,是中国发展的最成功注脚。世博会中国馆“东方之冠”,将展示五千年来薪火相传、生生不息的中华文明。200万城市志愿者,20万世博服务志愿者,将是上海这座城市最好的名片。“世博人家”将是了解中国普通民众、体验上海都市风情的独特窗口。As the largest economic centre in China, Shanghai is an example of successful development following 32 years of reform and opening-up.The Chinese Pavilion Crown of the East showcases 5,000 years of the Chinese civilization.But the two million municipal and 200,000 expo volunteers are without doubt the best advertisement for the city.And Expo Families will provide a unique opportunity for visitors to mingle with the ordinary citizens and appreciate their local culture.中国期待通过世博会,展现一个全面、客观、真实、充满活力的中国,展现一个坚持和平发展、谋求互利共赢、倡导和谐合作的中国。

We hope that the Expo will present to the world a true and objective insight into dynamic China, a China that stands for peaceful development and mutual benefit achieved through cooperation among all nations.--上海世博会是推进中英经贸和科技合作的机遇,是促进中英相互了解、增进两国人民友谊的平台。英国政府和工商界等社会各方面积极参与上海世博会。英国馆名为“创意之馆”,也称 “种子殿堂”,但许多中国人形象地称它为“蒲公英”。英国馆从建筑设计到内部布展,充分显示了非凡的创意和设计,表现了英国对城市的丰富实践和前瞻想象。

The Shanghai Expo provides an opportunity for closer trade and investment ties between China and the UK, along with greater scientific and technological cooperation.The British Pavilion, known as the Pavilion of Creativity, or the Seed Cathedral, has been given the interesting name of Dandelion by Chinese internet users.Both the architectural design and interior decoration of the Pavilion have shown extraordinary creativity and demonstrated Britain's rich experience and vision.英国工商界、文化界、科技界将在世博会期间密集亮相,举办“金融周”、“创意产业系列活动”、“科学和创新系列研讨”等数百项活动。

The British government, business and society at large have taken an active part in the Shanghai Expo.I am also told that there will be more than a hundred events involving British businesses during the Expo, including:---the Financial Week,---Creative Industry series,---And Science and Innovation Workshops, along with a rich variety of cultural and technological shows.在上海居住着一位来自纽卡斯尔的20岁英国姑娘丽贝卡,她去年与美国、德国、加拿大等地的年轻人一起在上海参加了《冲刺,上海!》“真人秀”电视节目,向境外游客和常住上海的外籍人士介绍真实而富有趣味的上海,现在她是上海广播电视台外语频道“乐学中文”节目的主持人。她对上海世博会充满着期待,她说:“在我的家乡,还有很多人从没到过中国,我真希望他们在世博会期间来这里看看。”

Rebecca Miller, a 20-year-old British girl from Newcastle, who now lives in Shanghai and hosts Learning Chinese in Fun on local TV, was full of expectations about the Shanghai Expo.She said, “Many people from my hometown have never been in China.I really hope they will come and see it during the Expo.” 这也是我们的希望和期待。2010年世博会是上海的世博会,是中国的世博会,更是世界的世博会。

This is also what we hope and look forward to.The 2010 Expo is for Shanghai, for China, but more importantly it is an Expo for the world.希望在5月1日到10月31日期间,在场的各位及更多的英国朋友有机会去参观世博会,去领略上海韵,感受中国情,体验世界风!

I hope that between now and the 31 October, you will have the chance to visit the Expo, to get to know Shanghai, get a taste of China and know more about the world.谢谢大家。Thank you.
















文华东方酒店, 伦敦


Speech given by Her Excellency Ambassador Mme Fu Ying at the Farewell Reception

Mandarin Oriental Hotel, LondonJanuary 2010


Thank you for coming this evening-this is a bitter sweet occasion for me.二十世纪20年代时任中国驻英国的公使是顾维钧,是我非常敬仰的一位外交家。当有人问他中国人最残酷的一句话是什么时,他说:天下没有不散的筵席。

In the 1920s, the Chinese envoy to UK was Gu Weijun, a great diplomat whom I highly admire.When he was asked what was the most cruel Chinese saying, he quoted this proverb: ‘However grand the feast, it always has to end’.离任就像是席末杯中的那最后一口酒,甘醇中已经有了些许的苦涩。

Leaving London for me, is like savouring the last sip of wine at the end of this party, still warm with excitement, but already tempered with a little sadness.作为外交官,又是蒙古族人,我是个天生的游牧者,似乎一生都在不断地履新和离别之间徘徊。在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。现在即将离开伦敦和英国,心里更充满了难舍的眷恋。

As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad;my maiden name in Mongolia as my father told me, meant on the road.My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, Canberra.Leaving was always a difficult thing to do, but leaving here seems even more so.我会怀念在这里结交的许多好朋友,正是在他们的支持和帮助下,我才得以更好地了解英国和英国人民。

I will miss the many friends I have met here and colleagues I worked with in the UK, who have supported me and helped me to understand Britain and its people.三年来,我走过英国许多的城镇和街巷,著名中国作家王蒙曾写道:抵达伦敦如同抵达一


In the past 3 years, I walked many streets and countryside across Britain.What I felt can best be expressed by a quotation from a famous Chinese writer Wang Meng.He wrote: 'coming to London is like walking into a familiar oil painting'.英国的生活丰富多彩,无论是在如同隔世的剧场里欣赏名剧,还是足球场上狂热的喝彩,抑或是赛马场里激奋的人群,都令人印象深刻,使我感受到英国人对生活的认真和考究。

British life is exciting and diverse.Whether it was watching a play, cheering for a football team, or watching horse racing, it was always enjoyable and exiting.The charm and maturity of the British style has not been lost on me.不少人问我,最留恋英国的是什么?与许多中国人一样,我从小就接触到英国文学,有幸在这里追寻名著作者的足迹,简·奥斯汀临窗撰写《傲慢与偏见》的小圆桌在我的脑海里留下深深的印记;博朗蒂姐妹汲取灵感的荒原引发我无限的遐想;威廉·华兹华斯静谧的湖畔故居让我流连忘返。这都使我触摸到英国的文化精华,也是将中国众多游客源源不断吸引来的文化魅力。

Like many Chinese, British literature was part of my education.Being here has given me the luxury of tracing the roots of some famous names.The little round table under the window where Jane Austen wrote, including Pride and Prejudice, is printed on my memory.The open moor which so inspired Bronte sisters gave me much to think.The quiet lakeside home of William Wordsworth took me hours to walk through.This is quintessentially British, the charm of culture that is a magnet for countless Chinese.在我任内的三年,两国关系稳步发展。**涛主席和温家宝总理分别来到英国,布朗首相也访问过北京。两国的领导人和部长之间还经常性会晤或打电话,次数之多,几乎数不清了。两国地方之间的交流也日趋频繁。

On a more serious note, my 3 years in London have seen stable development of relati** between the two countries.The Chinese President and Premier visited here and PM Brown went to Beijing.In addition, leaders and ministers met and called each other so many times that I almost lost count.There is also increasing visits from all the provinces.(Last year, for example, the delegati** which came through the Embassy were about 400, most of them came to my dinning table.)

3年来,中国在英投资增长了6倍,留学生和游客人数也在以双位数增长。听说,去年中国游客在邦德街的购物金额增长了一倍半多。英国保持了欧盟对华最大投资国和第三大贸易伙伴的地位。去年夏天在北京休假期间,我想挑选一张床垫,最终相中的那款竟然是一个英国 19世纪的品牌。

Chinese investment in the UK grew almost 6-fold.The numbers of Chinese students and tourists are increasing at double digit numbers.I was told that the money spent by Chinese shopping on

Bond street almost doubled.英国保持了欧盟对华最大投资国和第三大贸易伙伴的地位。去年夏天在北京休假期间,我想挑选一张床垫,最终相中的那款竟然是一个英国19世纪的品牌。

Britain maintained its position as the largest EU investor in China and the third largest EU trading partner for China.During my summer holiday in Beijing, I went shopping for a mattress and the one I eventually bought turned out to be a brand name from 19th century Britain.(During my summer holiday in Beijing, I went shopping for a mattress and the one I eventually bought turned out to be a brand name from 19th century Britain.)


The word “British designed” carries strong weight in China.During my visits to the Midlands, company after company have opened my eyes to Britain's role as a leading creative powerhouse in the world, in addition to being a global financial center, which fits nicely with Chinese manufacturing power.Both sides need to work harder to tap this potential.中英伙伴关系的民众基础在不断加强。在英中贸协、四十八家集团俱乐部、筷子俱乐部等众多的工商、教育和民间友好团体的推动下,英国民众对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣,也创造了众多的商机,我们应该继续推动这一良好的势头。记得不久前出席特色学校校长年会的时候了解到,英国特色学校联盟的目标是给所有想学中文的孩子提供中文课程,充分说明两国关系的民众基础是深厚的。

China and British partnership is increasingly underpinned by support amongst our people.Organizati** like CBBC, the 48 group club and many other educational and friendship groups have created a wealth of interest and business opportunities which needs to continue and grow over the coming years.I have also seen the interest in China amongst the British media and public grow in front of my eyes.I was told by the SSAT that their ambition is to provide every child in Britain the chance to study mandarin if they want to.英国民众在2008年地震后对中国的关心和慷慨帮助令我终身难忘。记得当时一个19岁的男孩Issac Lewis从威尔士家乡步行240英里,一路筹款到伦敦来。我对双边关系的前景非常乐观。

And the outpouring of sympathy and support to China after the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 was without doubt, the most moving experience during my stay.A 19 year old boy named Isaac Lewis walked from his home in Wales all the way to London to collect donati** along the way.Therefore, I am very optimistic about the outlook of our relati**.但是,今天既然是在朋友们中间,我也想说,过去的三年也是我外交生涯最为波澜起伏的一段经历。每当两国不能达到彼此的要求或出现意见不一致时,英方会倾向于评判和指责

Having said all that, since I am with friends, I have to say the past three years have also seen more than their fair share of highs and lows.I found the great temptation is to judge and criticize when we do not meet or agree with each other's preferences.每次遇到问题和困难,我都试图从两国的历史智慧中寻求灵感,与英国同事一道,通过坦诚沟通找到化解分歧的思路,维护双边关系稳定发展的大局。

Each time problems occur, I have tried to draw inspiration from the historical wisdom of our two countries, and worked with my counter part to steer a way through candid dialogue, not losing sight of the larger interests of our two countries.西方需要做出是否接受中国作为平等伙伴的决断,做伙伴就意味着在出现问题的时候,要接触对话,而不是批评说教。英方不能叶公好龙,表面上说欢迎中国崛起,但实际上并不了解中国。如果西方对华接触的目标是改变中国,那西方就永远不会满意,双方在国际合作中也难以同心协力。

The West needs to decide whether it's going to accept China as an equal and take China as it is.To do this it must engage and discuss rather than lecturing when problems occur.There is a story in Chinese called Mr Ye liking the dragon.Mr Ye is a great fan of the dragon.He had the dragon on his clothes, in his home and indeed everything around him.One day the dragon heard of this and decided to pay him a visit.When the dragon suddenly appeared, Mr Ye was so scared that he fainted.This is a story about liking something, but not necessarily really understanding it.If the West's policy objective towards China is to change it in the image of the West, it may never be satisfied.中国正处在改革的进程中,世界上有哪一个大国能像中国这样把改革作为国家的根本政策方向?这正是因为我们认识到自己有许多需要改进之处。但中国的改革将以自己的方式按自己的步伐进行,改革的目标是服务中国人民的利益,而不是为了满足西方的要求。

China is in the middle of reforms.Seldom does one see a major country whose professed objective is to reform itself.This is because we realize that they are still many areas that still leave room for improvement.China will continue to do so at its own pace and in its own way, not because the West wants it, but for the interest of the Chinese people.只有尽快消除成见,更好地了解中国,双方才能认识到彼此的不同和多元化,才能建立以理解和尊重为基础的稳固的双边关系。

The sooner stereotyping of China gets replaced by a wider understanding, the sooner we will be able to recognize our differences and diversity and build a strong relati**hip based on understanding and respect.中国也需要努力学习如何更好地向世界介绍自己,我给同事们留下的建议是:沟通,沟通,We in China also need to learn how to better explain ourselves to the world.My message to my colleagues is always: communicate, communicate and communicate.这对于中英两国尤为重要,因为两国关系已经超出了双边范畴,越来越需要在全球性问题上更紧密地合作。

This is particularly important for China and UK as our relati** are growing beyond the bilateral level and we more and more need to work together on global issues.即将离开英国的时刻,工作上有了一些句号,做成了一些事情,但是也有不少“逗号”,不少工作还没有完成,还有一些“问号”。但是我对中英关系的坚定承诺没有改变,相信在双方共同努力下,中英关系的明天将更加美好。

As I leave this country, I achieved some full stops in my work.There are still quite a few commas and unfinished business.There are even some question marks.But my commitment to the China-Britain partnership remains unchanged and I am confident of a better tomorrow.我希望各位热烈欢迎我的继任刘晓明大使,一如既往地支持他的工作。我也要感谢使馆的同事在过去3年里给我的大力支持,感谢海德饭店为我们今天的酒会提供这样好的场地。

On a personal note I hope that my successor Ambassador Liu Xiaoming receives the great welcome and support I have had and I would like to thank my great embassy team for the support over the last three years.My thanks also go to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, which has provided such a nice setting for tonight's reception.下周一我就要离开伦敦了。临走之前,我会最后一次去公园慢跑,最后一次到牛津街漫步。人还未离开,已经开始想念英国了。

I am flying out next Monday.I will be trying to take my last jog in the park and walk on Oxford Street for the last time.I am already missing Britain.希望我们的友谊长存。

May I wish our friendship last forever.



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