
时间:2019-05-14 21:33:06下载本文作者:会员上传


The definite target of the invaders—the Japanese was undoubtable—china.What they did before in china was a scheme.They either intended to the various properties or conquer the whole nation which including everything on this board land.Japanese soldiers had received rigorous training.They were trained as killing machines.Though the domestic of japan strongly disproved the action of their army, the government insisted on the policy which mean japan would dominate china using weapon.Chinese people got furious.The corporate goal –get rid of Japanese—made them braver than ever before.The connotation of home and nation was deeply carved in their brave heart.The subtle invaders devastated everything in china without telling the truth to Japanese people.Some amateurs of second world war history research revealed the truth which to domestic people was unbelievable.The news and information was deficient.It made them confused.War went on with blood.When the Japanese army perceived that the power of Chinese people was out of their imagine, they were to fail.In 1945 ,japan …

The defeat of Japanese army would be the remorse of japan forever…









Explore Nanjing, host of 2014

Youth Olympics

The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing are only a few days away.As the world tunes in to the international event, the host city has a chance to highlight its unique charm and fascinating history.Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu province, does not see the flow of international travelers that Beijing and Shanghai do.With a blend of the modern and traditional, Nanjing has a proud history of being “the ancient capital of six dynasties”.Royal summer retreats of Chinese emperorsTaking a summer escape away from hot and stuffy air is not a modern idea.At a time when air conditioning and the refrigerator were not even a summer dream, traveling to a place for milder weather and cooler water seemed more important to people, including for the emperors.Like clockwork, many emperors would stay at a summer resort with their concubines and ministers during the hottest months each year.Here we take a look at some of the summer resorts lived by the royal families, which now can be enjoyed by ordinary people.Boeing 787 to serve Xiamen Air A Boeing 787, the first of its kind for Xiamen Air, will land at Xiamen Airport in Fujian province on Aug 31 after completing its first test flight on Aug 12 in Seattle, US.The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the first mid-sized long-range airliner in aircraft history.As Xiamen Air’s first wide-bodied aircraft, the Boeing 787 can fly 14,232 kilometers and enable Xiamen Air to open more non-stop air routes.Xiamen Air has ordered six Boeing 787 planes.The second one will be delivered in October and the other four are scheduled for delivery next year.Xiamen Air is the third airline company in China to introduce the Boeing 787, following China Southern and Hainan airlines.Xiamen Air currently has 106 planes.The new Boeing 787 will initially be used for domestic flights and later serve international routes, as the airline hopes to expand its international service.The new plane will first fly between Fuzhou and Beijing in September, and then fly to North America and Europe after approval.


Theology 2 D 11.17 Yuxuan Li Theology Newsletter for Thanksgiving/Advent

I’d like to spend the next few days focusing on Thanksgiving.That’s right, Thanksgiving.Yes, I know that the official American holiday falls on the fourth Thursday in November, not the third Monday.So, yes, I know that I’m a week early.But I’d like to begin to offer some thoughts on Thanksgiving, even though we won’t be sitting down to a Turkey dinner for another 240 hours or so.Why start a conversation about Thanksgiving now? I do not mean in any way to undermine the specialness of the traditional holiday.I think it’s great that the United States continues to set apart a day a year for giving thanks.And I think it’s doubly great that most of us still believe that Thanksgiving is a day for actually giving thanks to God, not just a time for feeling nebulously thankful while filling our faces with a Turkey dinner and watching football on TV.My hope is that by writing about Thanksgiving a week and a half early, I might actually enhance your celebration of Thanksgiving, not detract from it.Thus, today’s post will be the first of several on giving thanks.There is a danger, I believe, in identifying one day a year as Thanksgiving Day.It’s the danger of implying that thanks is due on this day, but not on others.We face a similar danger, for example, when we designate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.Shouldn’t children honor their mothers more than once a year? Similarly, shouldn’t we be thankful more often than once a year on the fourth Thursday of November? As a Christian, I would argue that giving thanks to God is important because it honors God.I would also argue that Scripture calls for consistent gratitude among God’s people.But, there is also case for gratitude that doesn’t depend on biblical theology.In fact, it appeals to common sense and even self interest.To put the matter bluntly: Gratitude will improve your life.Gratitude magnifies our experience of the good things in life, enabling us to enjoy them more thoroughly.Gratitude also helps us to endure the hard things in life with dignity, perhaps even with humor.Gratitude is like savoring a fine meal, enjoy every bite, rather than racing through a meal as if it’s some sort of race.Let me offer a person example of what I’m talking about here.I was able to go to college because I received generous financial aid.My father had been unemployed for several years so our family resources were limited.Harvard expected me to earn a fair amount of money through working, both during the summers and the school years.I was also required to take out a reasonable loan.But the majority of my tuition, room, and board was covered by a grant from the school.This was not a merit-based scholarship, I might add.I’m not bragging here.Harvard’s assistance was based on financial need, of which I had plenty.


















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