高二英语教案:英语秘典-高二(上) Unit 1

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第一篇:高二英语教案:英语秘典-高二(上) Unit 1

高 考 复第 二 册(上)



(1)★It is obvious(to sb)that …:(某人)明白,…是显而易见的/明显的★be curious about/as to: 对……好奇

★within/in/inside + 时间/地点:在……内 ★graduate from: 从(大学/中学)毕业

(graduate: 大学/中学毕业生)

★work on(sth): 继续工作,致力于,抓紧做

★go by:(时间)过去,走过

(pass/pass by/go on/speed by)

★dream of/about: 梦想,梦到

(dream a dream: 做了个梦)

★match sth: 和……相配/相称

(= go with)

★use up: 用完/光

★be satisfied with: 对……满意

★be patient with sb/sth: 对……有耐心/容忍/忍耐

★take measures to do ……:采取措施做什么

★make a(big)difference: 有(大)作用/影响/作为

★There is little/no point in doing sth.做什么没有必要/意义。★talk sb into sth/doing……: 说服某人做什么

★go into: 从事,进入,投入,阐明,彻底调查

★with the development /invention of: 随着……的发展/发明

★come true: 实现

★come into being: 产生,开始存在★come into power: 执政,上台

★on earth: 在地球上(= in the world)

究竟,到底(=in the world在疑问词后表示强调。)

★leave(sw)for sw: 离开(某地)去某地 ★be/get engaged to sb: 与某人订婚

★engage/employ/hire sb: 雇佣

engage sb to do ……:雇佣某人做什么

engage sb as……: 雇佣某人当什么

★engage/order(a room/seat): 预定

★book(a seat/ticket/table/band): 预定,预约

★order sth: 点菜,订购,订制

★place/make an order(for…): 订购

★take one's order: 接受订单,接受点菜

★engage in: 从事,参加

★turn to: 翻到,转向,求助于

★turn back:倒翻,往回去

★turn up: 开大,露面,卷起

★turn down: 开小,拒绝 ★turn on/off: 开/关

★turn over: 翻过来,翻耕/身

★turn in: 上交,交纳

★turn out: 证明,结果,生产,★turn… into…: 把…变成

★What's up? ≈ What's the matter?

★How is that? 你刚才说什么呢?(2)

a promising ……: 一个有希望/前途的……

carry out/do some research into/in/on……: 做……研究

research into/in/on……: 研究

seek to do……: 试图/企图做什么


seek for/after: 寻找

take/have a look(at): 看

experiment on/with: 用……做实验

be on fire for: 对……有激情/兴趣

(be on fire: 着火)

build a theory: 创立一理论

set a goal: 确定目标

make/obey a rule: 制定/遵守规矩

find sth: 找到/发现(丢失的人/东西)

find out:(经调查/研究/努力)找到

the Big Bang: 大爆炸宇宙学

black holes: 黑洞

on(the)campus: 在学校

in the/one's age: 在此时代/世纪,在某人的那个时代

take sides: 支持一方

an end to……: 什么的结束/终止

apply sth to sth: 把什么应用于什么(3)★ the other way around/round:


I was accused of stealing money from her, but in fact it was the other

way around.We should draw the line the other way around.The earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.(4)disable sb: 使某人残废/丧失能力

Sb be disabled:

the disabled: 残疾人

a disabled ……一残废的……


boundary: 分界线

(the boundary between……)

border: 国界,边境,边界

(the border between/with…)

frontier: 边界

(the frontier between/with…)(6)★ find/think/feel/consider/make it + 形容词 + to do ……


turn out: 结果是,证明是,原来是,生产,制造,关上/关掉(电灯/火),It turned out that…….turn out(to be)+ 形容词/名词

(8)★ What if + 陈述句?如果什么将怎么样?要是…又怎样?

What for? 为什么?

What's more.而且,更重要的是

So what? 那又是怎么样呢?那有什么了不起呢?


(9)I do not like the way / in which/that/~ you treat your parents.I will write a novel in a way/ that/which the farmers can understand.(10)★

only 限制状语(从句)在句首, 句子要倒装: Only in this way can we find the lost soldier.Only yesterday did she play computer games.Only after the war is over will we go home.Only by working hard can you reach your goal.Only ten trees did he plant last spring.(宾语)Only Kate has already finished the housework.(主语)(11)It appears(to sb)that …:(对某人说来)好像,看来

It appears as if/as though……: 看来,好像

It appears so/not.看来/好像是这样(不是这样)。

Sb appears(seams)to do/be/have done……: 某人好像……

Sb appears + 形容词/名词: 某人好像……

It seems(that/as if)…………:

Sb seems + 形容词: 某人好像…… It seems not.看来/好像不是这样.So it seems/appears.看样子像。

(12)★ that/this /so + 形容词/副词

【that: 如此,那么。this: 如此,这么。so: 这么,那么,如此。】(13)★

only to do/be ……:



only doing ……:

必然的或预料到的结果。They came home only to find the room broken into.He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the world.Last Saturday we hurried to the port, only to find that the ship had left.This afternoon they ran to the airport, only to be told that the

plane had taken off.He went to ask the boss for his pay, only getting 10 dollars.Yesterday morning I got up late.I hurried to the railway station,only finding that the train had gone.(14)★不定式作定语:

The doctor said that she had only six months to live.We will have lots of things to do next week.Today I have nothing/something to say at the conference.I need a pen/pencil to write with.They only have one bed to sleep on.You should find a room to live in.Kate will buy a chair to sit on/in.He is a good person to work with.She is always the first(girl)to come to school.(15)★不定式作主语:

To ignore his advice would be a mistake.To act like that is foolish.To complete the dam in 11 years was a great achievement.It is good not to depend on the others.It is an easy thing to keep up with your wife.It seems a pity to refuse his offer.It has been decided to bring up the matter at the next meeting.It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.It is a great honour for us to be invited to the wedding.It is unwise of you to turn down the proposal.(16)不定式作表语: duty, work, job, task, wish, hope, thing, goal, question, happiness, what, advice,problem,


Unit 1



your name?




1、打招呼用语(Greetings):1)Good morning!2)Hello!3)How are you?Fine,thank you ,And you?

2、句型:1)What's your name? 2)My name is „




重复几遍后,请学生猜一猜是什么意思。之后,叫起一位学生提问: What's your name? 教师在讲这两句英语时,两个句子中的name均要重读,以给学生更深的印象。


T:My name is XXX.What's your name? 这样依次再叫几个学生,每次都重复这一步骤,直到确信学生已能听懂这两句,并能模仿教师语调,用汉语拼音回答出自己的姓名。

3、打开书。先让学生看一下Lesson One中的3张图,教师可对图中人物及对话做些解释,也可请学生描述在图中能看到什么人,这些人在干什么。放录音,学生较熟练之后,可将这两句加到前面的对话中: T:Hello!S:Hello!T:My name is xxx.What's


name? S:My


is xxx.T:How


you,xxx? S:Fine


you/ 重复几次。打开课本,让学生看图。教师可视情况解释图中情景以及讲话的先后顺序,并解释学生称呼高教师为:Miss

Gao.放课文录音。S:Hello!T:How are you,xxx? S:Fine,thank you.找几组同学,到前面来表演相同的对话。在最后一组表演完后,教师留住他们,补充新的内容。即:

S1:How are you? S2:Fine,thank you.And you? S1:I'm fine,too.打开课本,让学生看图,教师解释图中情景。放录音,让学生反复读几遍。将学生分为两组,一组扮演Jim,另一组扮演Li Lei;表演这个对话。之后,分别找出几个同学,进行单独表演。



通过提问,引导学生积极思考,并运用所学过的英语,来回答教师的提问。(这时教师可解释高老师称呼王老师为Mr Wang)学生给出自己的猜测后,教师放录音,三、课堂教学设计


2、复习字母A~N的读音。教师每出示一张卡片,说:What's this? 如果学生不懂,可向学生解释,并要求学生用It is(It's„)来回答教师的提问,说出教师手中的字母读音。教师可板书It is(It's„),讲明It's是It is 的缩写形式。教师不断变换自己手中的字母卡片,反复让学生练习用It's„来回答。集体练习后,可搞小组和个人练习。







































Unit 2 News media


1.To train the students’ ability of listening and speaking 2.To enable the students to talk about the media


Step 1 Making clear the teaching aims

Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to learn something about news media.Step 2 Lead-in 1.Ask the student the following questions :(1)What does news media mean ?(2)How do news media affect our daily life ? 2.Ask the students to look at some pictures and tell what kind of news media it is.3.Present some pictures for the students to discuss :(1)Which of the news media above is the most reliable?(2)How are the media above different form each other ?(3)How do you know if what you hear , see or read is true ?(4)Do you know how a newspaper is made ?

Step 3 Discussion

1.Have the Ss brainstorm some vocabulary about the news media.Step.4 Listening 1 Pre-listening(1)Have the Ss brainstorm some words used to describe person.(2)Have the Ss talk about the pictures using their imagination.(3)Make clear the tasks that the Ss are to finish.The Ss will listen to four people talking about something that happened.Part 1 of the tape is an interview and Part 2 is a dialogue.2.While-listening

(1)Ask the Ss to listen to the tape for the first time and get the main idea.(2)Ask the Ss to tick the information they hear in each part.(3)Check the answers with the class.3.Post-listening Ask the Ss to discuss the following questions:(1)How and why are the two descriptions of happenings different ?(2)Which one do you like better ?(3)How would you report the event ? Step.5 Speaking Ask the Ss to work in groups Ask some groups to present their results Step 6 Summary and further practice


Go over the new words and useful expressions.(1)What do you think of ……?(2)What ’your opinion ?(3)Why do you choose ?(4)I think we should choose …….(5)Maybe it would be better to choose…..Step 7 Assignments

Write a short passage about the description of a person they know.2 Preview the new words and the reading passage.


http://www.xiexiebang.comic 40.死于突发性心脏病

die of a sudden heart attack 41.煤气中毒

be gas-poisoned


get too close to the lake 43.他根本就没经验

he has no experience at all

44.关掉所有的电源 turn off all power 45.某事发生在某人身上 sth happen to sb 46.用来纪念这位伟人

in honor of this great man

47.阻止事情发生 prevent bad things from happening

48.处理常见伤 deal with common injuries 49.用流水冲洗伤口

wash the wound with cold running water



cool the area of skin at once 51.搜索房间寻找药物

search the room for any pills 52.把你所找到的一切送到医院

send whatever you find to the hospital 53.腿上有一把刀 with a knife in his leg 54.被狗咬

be bitten by dog 55.事故现场是安全的 the scene of the accident is safe 56.急救箱

a first-aid kit 57.以防紧急情况 in case of an emergency 58.紧急电话号码清单

a list of emergency phone number 59.如果一个人失1/3血,就会死if a person loses one third of his blood, he may die 60.把报纸拿颠倒

hold a newspaper upside down Unit 9 Phrases 1.解决问题难者 solve the problem 2.生产能量 produce energy 3.出席会议

attend the meeting 4.地球峰会 the Earth summit 5.欢迎参加地球峰会 welcome to the earth summit 6.联合国

the United Nations 7.南非 South Africa 8.这次峰会的主题 the main themes of the summit 9.可持续发展 sustainable development 10.关于不同题目发表演讲

speak about different topics 11.三大公害 the big three 12.饮水污染

contaminated drinking water 13.卫生状况恶劣

poor sanitation 14.世界卫生组织

the World Health Organization 15.地球上的人们 the people on earth 16.喝到洁净的水

have access to clean drinking water 17.在农村地区

in rural areas 18.贫困、战争与暴力 poverty, war and violence


take part in the new world we create 20.强调世界范围的平等与公正

stress the need for equality and direness in the world

21.对…负有责任 have a responsibility towards


international cooperation

23.存在严重的问题 there exist serious problems

24.来得及采取措施 there is still time to take action

25.对环境不利 be bad for the environment 26.空调 air conditioners


if all of us make small changes, we could make a big difference

28.在全世界传播 spread across the world 29.行动的愿望 the willingness to act 30.寻找解决未来问题的方法

find solutions for the future

31.未来的关键 the key to the future

32.与大自然协调 in harmony with nature 33.结束死亡和痛苦

put an end to the death and suffering 34.有可能会 there is good chance that 35.保护水资源 protect the water resources 36.消除贫困

wipe out the poverty 37.与男子有同等的机会

have true equality of opportunity with men 38.售货员的工作职责

the job responsibilities as a shop assistant 39.中国代表

Chinese representatives 40.得出结论

draw a conclusion 41.采取行动拯救地球


take action to save the earth 42.表示愿意来帮忙

show great willingness to come and help 43.对于全球变暖了解不多

not know much about global warming 44.学会与大自然和平共处

learn to live in harmony with nature 45.做重要的讲话

make a very important speech 46.住院

be in hospital 47.当地政府决定迁移工厂 the local government decided to move the factories 48.来自发展中国家的人

people from developing countries 49.限制汽车的数量

limit the number of cars 50.利用可选择性的交通

make use of alternative transportation 51.我们要行动 we need action 52.步行骑自行车和合伙用车

walking, biking and car-pooling 53.挣钱 make money 54.准备好回答问题

be ready to answer questions 55.为你的论点辩护 defend your argument 56.发表你的观点 give your opinion 57.尽可能多地列出理由

list as many reasons as possible 58.建议某人不要做某事advise sb not to do 59.完成关于环保的报告finish writing his report on environmental protection

60.不要砍伐树木stop cutting down trees Unit 10 Phrases 1.大自然对人构成危险

nature form a danger to people 2.科学帮助减小威胁 science help reduce that threat 3.对…很重要

be important to 4.飓风袭击海岸

a hurricane hits the coast 5.一点也不/很,非常 not a bit/ not a little 6.被吓死

be scared to death 7.陷入惊慌

get into a total panic 8.汽车飞到空中

cars go up in the air


make my hair stand on end


die in an unforgettable disaster


draw my uncle’s attention


at such a distance


see it from closer at hand

14.它唤醒我叔叔身上的科学意识 it awake the scientist in my uncle 15.她家位于维苏威火山脚下

her house lay at the foot of Vesuvius 16.请求他救她

beg him to save her 17.初衷为寻求知识的旅行

start out as a trip for knowledge 18.需要勇气

call for courage 19.从…逃走

flee from 20.直奔危险地带

hold his course directly into danger 21.我认为不是这样的 I don’t think so 22.停顿了一会儿

pause for moment 23.营救他的朋友

rescue his friend 24.我叔叔一到,就拥抱了庞皮

upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy 25.帮助别人镇静 help the other calm down 26.给大家留下印象 give everyone the impression

27.惊慌地离开 leave in a panic


a rain of burning rocks 29.随后闻到了硫磺味

then came a smell of sulphur


Helped by two slaves he stood up


31.立即倒地死去了 immediately fall down dead 32.与其说他看起来死了,不如说睡着了

he looked more sleep than dead 33.记忆犹新

memories are still fresh 34.择要摘取

pick out the important bits 35.活火山

the active volcano 36.被灰尘覆盖

be covered with dirt and ashes 37.复活

come to life 38.埋藏了岛国的首都

bury the capital of the island nation 39.清理的费用

costs for cleaning up 40.催促别国来帮忙

urge other countries to help 41.答应援助100万英镑

promise to offer 1 million pounds in aid 42.热烈欢迎他的到来

be warmly welcomed on his arrival 43.是否

whether … or not


don’t look very much like a teacher 45.返回到故乡 return to their home village 46.天气闷热

the heat is close 47.坏天气就要来临 dirty weather knocking about 48.抬头看天

lift his eyes to the sky 49.突如其来

all of a sudden 50.强劲的飓风

the full force of the hurricane 51.驾驶船驶向大海

move the ship over the high sea 52.风暴中心

the very eye of the wind 53.白色的泡沫水柱 a white tower of water 54.它奔腾着冲向轮船

it raced to meet the ship 55.没有风,纹丝不动

there was no wind, not a breath 56.风一下子小了下去 wind fell all at once 57.把火焰凑近气压表 hold out the little flame

towards to the barometer 58.风呼啸着靠近了

the roar of the winds drew near fast 59.国内外的天气

the weather at home and abroad 60.天气状况 the weather conditions

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