
时间:2019-05-14 21:11:54下载本文作者:会员上传









④以后父母就提前退休了,迁到山外的都江堰。但父亲还是常坐着车回黑水去,他想把自己的历史问题解决好。记得有次他从外面回来,兴冲冲地给我们看一张纸,那是一份州里的文件,将他的党籍恢复至1937年,还惠而不费地给了个副厅级。看到这些,我们兄妹都漠然以对,父亲脸上有些尴尬,倒是母亲生气了,她说,虽然这没有什么意义,但毕竟是父亲的一个心愿。那一代人总是有许多心愿,难以了结。差可慰藉的是,父亲 年轻时也喜欢写点东西,还在1937年的《大公报》上发表过一篇小说《欠债者》,一看就是受五四新文学的影响。我翻遍图书馆,找到了这份报纸,让父亲高兴了好一阵子。







【解析】分析句子的表达效果,一般要从表现手法,修辞方法,表现人物性格和表达人物情/ 5









【答案】含义:年轻时的父亲在“我”眼中如同一座山 一般威严粗暴,让“我”敬畏远避;晚年父亲的去世却让我一下子看到人生的全部,“称之为终点的那个东西”指人生尽头,说明父亲的去世让我失去了精 神的依靠,让我痛苦万分。作用:结构上收束全文,照应前文回忆“父亲的脾气很急躁”,以及父亲孤独离世的内容,在情感内容上升华了主题,拓展了情感内涵。


乡村的炊烟 钱国宏


③炊烟,牵出了我多少美好的回忆啊!我生在农村,长在乡下。一年四季中,炊烟像永不凋谢的玫瑰,傲然开在庄户人的视野里、生活中。沐浴在炊烟中,我仿佛又回到了无忧无虑的童年,一组组美好而又难忘的画面争相在眼前叠现:炊烟中,我挎着菜篮子去地里剜野菜,不知名的鸟在树头叽叽喳喳地唱个不停,嫩黄的野花与婆 婆丁、苦麻菜一起,生机勃勃地点缀着星期天的晌午;水田里,稻苗青青、渠水泠泠,空气里弥漫着水的清凉和花的馨香……



⑥傍晚,天地间一片静穆。炊烟再次从烟囱里钻出来,恋恋不舍地在青麻和青稞间游移。牛羊们驮着落日的余晖再次涌进巷口,晚归的牧童骑在牛背上,清脆的嗓音连同刚刚学会的儿歌,在乡间的小路上银币一般叮叮当当地跳跃;大人噙着烟斗,挽着裤脚,披一身余晖款款而归;衣着朴素的村姑们鬓插野花,裹着麦香飘进村口;年迈的老婆婆在炊烟的映衬下,拄着拐杖守在大门外,等候晚归的儿女。/ 5















1、分析某个加点词语的表达效果。答题方法:(1)了解用词之美——动词形容词精辟准确,把事物说得形象具体;使用成语,为文章增色;关键词能为中心服务。(2)掌握答题技巧:把握词语的比喻义、引申义、双关义。类型2:找出文中你最喜欢的句子,并说说理由。答题方法:(1)了解语言美的几种形式及作用①修辞之美------比喻、拟人:生动形象地写出xx事物的xx特点。排比:增强文章气势,增加感染力、说服力;对比:突出描写对象的某种特点;反复:有强调语气,强化内容的作用;夸张:突出事物特征,揭示本质,给读者以鲜明而强烈的印象;对偶:语句整齐、意韵铿锵;反问:增强语气,强烈抒情。注:必须结合相关语句分析。②句式之美----如骈句、长短句、对偶句、也有排比句,还有运用一组关联词语的句子等等。(作用:句式不同,表/ 5



【答案】村落因为有了炊烟才有了生机和灵气,炊烟依附、诠释村落,是村落繁衍生息的 标志和旗帜(2分),同时,炊烟又是村民的精神寄托,让乡村生活充满激情、喜气、浓烈、有神。(2分)


淡竹 苏沧桑




④几乎所有的植物,都攒足劲儿,在喊——我要生存!我要开花!我要结果!⑤甚至那口奇异的古井,都像藏着无穷的欲望,日夜暗涌不息的水,居然漫过高出地面一米的井沿。如果将井沿继续垒高,水会怎样? ⑥他是竹,是植物中的另类。其实,名利、金钱、权势,如同阳光雨露的垂爱,蜜蜂花蝶的青睐,他不是不想要,可是,要弯下腰,要费心机——要将每一条根都变成利爪,团结土壤,虚伪地赞美越来越污浊的空气;要与昆虫讲和,与风霜妥协;对苍蝇漠视,对强加在身上的种种不公委曲求全,才能安身立命,才能有飞黄腾达的可能。

⑦可是,他的节生来就是直的,他不能弯腰;他的心生来就是空的,他不愿费尽心机。⑧真的是空的吗?不。那一节节空里,早已成就一个美妙的小宇宙——有与生俱来的一些坚持,有人生一世、草木一秋的豁达智慧,有对土地的感恩,有和另一棵竹的爱,与笋的亲,与周 围无数青光绿影的促膝长谈,开怀畅饮,有鸟儿偶尔驻足的的呢喃,有清风明月的和唱……笑忘功名利禄,荒芜繁杂的每一秒时光都格外静谧而美好。


⑩更让我惊异的,他不仅直,空,而且淡。他是淡竹——全球原始淡竹最大群落中的一员。从外表到骨子,都是竹子里的最淡——淡紫、淡红、淡褐、淡绿、淡泊。所以,他与世无争到看 淡生死。



⑬他是李白,“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”;他是陶渊明,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”;他是郑板桥,“盖竹之体,瘦劲孤高,枝枝傲雪,节节干霄,有君子之豪气凌云,不为俗屈”;他是文天祥,“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”;他是苏轼,“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”;他是疯疯颠颠的释道济公,“数枝淡竹翠生光,一点无尘自有香”;他是岳飞、辛弃疾,他是中国儒家,“山南之竹,不操自直,斩而为箭,射而则达”…… / 5



1、解释第⑪自然段中加点的“入世”和“出世”两个词的含意。(4分)入世: 出世: 【答案】“入世”,是指淡竹身为济世良材,不论活着还是死后,都能对社会做出贡献。“出世”,指淡竹超脱俗尘,融于自然,优雅散淡。【解析】此题考查词语的语境义,这需要联系文章的内容来考虑.本题的第⑥—⑪自然段,既说道了淡竹的功用,更写到了它不媚俗,“不与世无争到看淡生死”,“优雅散淡而隽永”,联系这些内容来解答此题。




3、文章第③—⑤自然段,用不少笔墨写了淡竹之外的一些事物,这样写有什么目的?(3 分)





【解析】此题考查对文章内容的理解,这需要认真、仔细的阅读文章,筛选或概括出,这需要从竹所表现的精神层面和实用层面进行解答,可以借助文章中的词语,这样正确率较高。/ 5





* 各单位制定的内部会计制度,是国家统一会计制度的组成部分。()错

* 2006年财政部发布的《企业会计准则----基本准则》、《企业会计准则----具体准则》均属于会计规范性文件。()错

* 我国会计法律制度中层次最高的法律规范是《会计法》和《注册会计师法》。()错


* 对会计培训市场的管理属于财政部门履行的会计行政管理职能吗?()对

* 财政部门对先进会计工作者的表彰奖励也属于会计专业人才评价的范畴吗?()对

* 《会计法》中所称的单位负责人均指法定代表人。(*)错

* 会计人员取得相关资格或符合有关任职条件后,就能从事相关的会计工作。()错

* 各单位必须根据实际发生的经济业务事项进行会计核算,填制会计凭证,登记账簿,编制财务会计报告,是会计核算真实性原则的具体体现。(/)对

* 伪造会计凭证,是指用涂改、挖补等手段来改变会计凭证的真实内容,歪曲事实真相的行为。(*)错

* 单位内部会计管理制度是为了规范单位内部会计管理工作的一种内部工作制度,因此应当结合单位类型和内部管理的需要制定。(×)错

* 制定单位内部会计管理制度只能体现本单位的生产经营、业务管理的特点和要求。()错

* 出纳岗位的职责和限制条件属于内部牵制制度。()对

* 稽核制度是单位会计机构内部的审核,不是单位内部审计。()对 * 原始凭证金额出现错误,不得更正,只能由原始凭证开出单位重开。(/)对

* 会计档案的其他类资料包括预算、计划、制度等文件材料,而不包括会计移交清册、会计档案保管清册、会计挡案销毁清册等。(*)错

* 财务会计报告包括会计报表及其附表和财务情况说明书?错

* 财务情况说明书是对会计报表编制方法或会计报表有关数字的必要注解和说明。()错 * 《会计法》规定,财务会计报告应当由单位负责人、主管会计工作的负责人和会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)签名并盖章;设置总会计师的单位,还须由总会计师签名并盖章。(/)对 * 编制会计报告的主要目的是为了向不同的报告使用者提供有用的会计信息。因此向不同的使用者提供的会计报告应不同,其编制依据也不同。()错 * 《会计档案管理办法》属于会计部门规章?(*)错

* 各单位保存的会计档案不得借出。如有特殊需要,经本单位会计机构负责人批准,可以提供查阅或者复制,并办理登记手续。(*)错

* 会计档案的保管期限分为永久和定期两类,保管期限从会计终了后的第一天算起。(/)对

* 会计机构和会计人员对认为是违反国家统一的财政、财务、会计制度规定的财务收支,应当向单位负责人报告。(*)错

* 对违反国家统一的财政、财务、会计制度规定的财务收支,不予制止和纠正,又不向单位领导人提出书面意见的,会计机构、会计人员也应当承担责任。对

* 审计、税务、人民银行、证券监管、保险监管等部门也可以对有关单位的会计资料实施监督检查。对

* 注册会计师应加入会计师事务所才能执业。对

* 标准审计报告就是无保留意见的审计报告(不带强调事项段)。对

* 会计师事务所不得雇用正在其他会计师事务所执业的注册会计师。对

* 会计师事务所不得允许其他单位或者个人以本所的名义承包业务。对 * 会计机构和会计人员对认为是违反国家统一的财政、财务、会计制度规定的财务收支,应当向单位负责人报告。(*)错

* 对违反国家统一的财政、财务、会计制度规定的财务收支,不予制止和纠正,又不向单位领导人提出书面意见的,会计机构、会计人员也应当承担责任。对

* 代理记账机构只需按法律规定设立即可开展代理记账业务。(*)错

* 对于作出不予颁发会计从业资格证书的决定,申请人享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。(/)对

* 内部牵制制度是指凡是涉及款项和财物收付、结算及登记的任何一项工作,必须由两人或两人以上分工办理,以起到相互制约作用的一种工作制度。(/)对

* 会计师事务所出具的审计报告一般不再需要接受财政部门的检查和监督。(*)错

* 对认为是违反国家统一的财政、财务、会计制度规定的财务收支。应当制止和纠正;制止和纠正无效的,应当向单位领导人提出书面意见请求处理。单位领导人应当在接到书面意见起十日内作出书面决定,并对决定承担责任。()对

* 中国注册会计师协会是注册会计师的全国组织,因此会计师事务所出具的审计报告质量由其进行监督检查。(×)错

* 单位负责人的直系亲属不得担任本单位的会计机构负责人、会计主管人员。对 * 会计机构负责人、会计主管人员的直系亲属不得在本单位会计机构中担任出纳工作。对 * 内部稽核制度与内部审计制度是一样的。(*)错

* 因有《会计法》所列违法情形,被依法吊销会计从业资格证书的人员,不得重新取得会计从业资格证书。(*)错。

* 因有《会计法》所列违法情形,被依法吊销会计从业资格证书的人员,自被吊销之日起5年内不得参加会计从业资格考试,不得重新取得会计从业资格证书。犯罪且与会计职务要求相关,被追究刑事责任才是终生不得取得会计从业资格证书。对。* 会计人员每年参加继续教育接受培训不得少于24小时。对 * 会计人员继续教育的形式为接受培训。(*)错

* 出纳人员不得兼管稽核、会计档案保管和收入、费用、债权债务帐目的登记工作。对 * 档案管理部门的人员管理会计档案不属于会计岗位。对 * 国有和国有资产占控股地位或主导地位的大、中型企业已经设置了总会计师,可以设置分管财务的副总经理。(*)错

* 会计人员的工作交接,有价证券面额与发行价不一致时,按照会计账簿余额交接。对

* 实行会计电算化的单位,交接双方应在电子计算机上对有关数据进行实际操作,确认有关数字正确无误后方可交接。对

* 移交人员对移交的会计凭证、会计账簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的合法性、真实性承担法律责任。对

* 持证人员应当自办理调出手续之日起6个月内,持会计从业资格证书、调转登记表和在调入地的工作证明(或户籍证明、居住证明),到调入地会计从业资格管理机构办理调入手续。()错 3个月内p49 * 违反《会计法》的规定,将检举人姓名和检举材料转给被检举单位和被检举人个人的行为,由所在单位或者有关单位依法给予行政处分。(/)对


* 银行不得为任何单位或个人查询存款人的存款。(*)错 * 支付结算包括现金支付和非现金支付。对

* 非现金支付工具主要包括票据结算和非票据结算。对

* 银行不得为任何单位或者个人查询银行账户情况,不得为任何单位或者个人冻结、扣款,不得停止单位、个人存款的正常支付。错。除国家法律、行政法规另有规定外。* 2月12日应填写成零贰月壹拾贰日。对 * 10月20 日应填写成零壹拾月零贰拾日。对 * 票据上有伪造、变造的签章的,影响票据的效力。

错,票据上有伪造、变造的签章的,不影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。* 改变票据上金额的行为属于伪造票据的行为。()错,是“变造”

* 票据的出票日期必须使用中文大写,如果大写日期未按要求规范书写的,银行不予受理。(*)错 * 开户银行应当根据开户单位的实际需要,核定开户单位3-5天的日常零星开支所需的库存现金限额。对

* 对没有在银行单独开立账户的附属单位也要实行现金管理,必须保留的现金,也要核定限额,其限额包括在开户单位的库存限额之内。对

* 商业和服务行业的找零备用现金也要根据营业额核定定额,但不包括在开户单位的库存现金限额之内。对

* 开户单位支付现金,不得从本单位的现金收入中直接支付(即坐支)。对

* 因特殊情况需要坐支现金的,应当事先报经开户银行审查批准,由人民银行核定坐支范围和限额。(*)错

* 开户单位根据现金使用范围的规定,从开户银行提取现金,应当写明用途,由本单位负责人签字盖章,经开户银行审核后,予以支付现金。(*)错

* 开户单位用不符合财务制度的凭证顶替库存现金就是白条抵库。对

* 出纳人员不得兼管稽核、会计档案保管和收入、费用、债权债务帐目的登记工作。对

* 个体工商户凭营业执照以字号或经营者姓名开立的银行帐户纳入个人银行结算帐户管理。(*)错 * 依法开立和使用银行结算账户,不得利用银行结算账户进行偷逃税款、逃废债务、套取现金及其他违法犯罪活动。对

* 存款人不得出租、出借银行结算账户,不得套取银行信用。对

* 存款人申请开立单位银行结算账户时,可由法定代表人或单位负责人直接办理,也可授权他人办理。对

* 因迁址不需要变更开户银行的应办理银行结算账户的撤销,对吗?(*)错

* 单位设立的非独立核算的附属机构可以申请开立基本存款账户。(*)错

* 专用存款账户收入汇缴账户除向其基本存款账户或预算外资金财政专用存款户划缴款项外,只收不付,不得支取现金。对

* 银行结算账户管理档案的保管期限为银行结算账户撤销后10年。对

* 存款人开立、撤销银行结算账户,有违反规定行为的。非经营性的存款人给予警告并处以1000元的罚款;经营性的存款人给予警告并处以1万元以上3万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。对

* 存款人使用银行结算账户,有违反规定行为的。非经营性的存款人给予警告并处以1000元罚款;经营性的存款人给予警告并处以5000元以上3万元以下的罚款。对

* 存款人的法定代表人或主要负责人、存款人地址以及其他开户资料的变更事项未在规定期限内通知银行,给予警告并处以1000元的罚款。对

* 存款人违反规定,伪造、变造、私自印制开户登记证的,属非经营性的存款人处以1000元罚款;属经营性的存款人处以1万元以上3万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。对

* 个体工商户凭营业执照以字号或经营者姓名开立的银行帐户纳入个人银行结算帐户管理。(*)错 * 依法开立和使用银行结算账户,不得利用银行结算账户进行偷逃税款、逃废债务、套取现金及其他违法犯罪活动。对

* 存款人不得出租、出借银行结算账户,不得套取银行信用。对

* 存款人申请开立单位银行结算账户时,可由法定代表人或单位负责人直接办理,也可授权他人办理。对

* 因迁址不需要变更开户银行的应办理银行结算账户的撤销,对吗?(*)错

* 单位设立的非独立核算的附属机构可以申请开立基本存款账户。(*)错

* 专用存款账户收入汇缴账户除向其基本存款账户或预算外资金财政专用存款户划缴款项外,只收不付,不得支取现金。对

* 银行结算账户管理档案的保管期限为银行结算账户撤销后10年。对

* 存款人开立、撤销银行结算账户,有违反规定行为的。非经营性的存款人给予警告并处以1000元的罚款;经营性的存款人给予警告并处以1万元以上3万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。对

* 存款人使用银行结算账户,有违反规定行为的。非经营性的存款人给予警告并处以1000元罚款;经营性的存款人给予警告并处以5000元以上3万元以下的罚款。对 * 存款人的法定代表人或主要负责人、存款人地址以及其他开户资料的变更事项未在规定期限内通知银行,给予警告并处以1000元的罚款。对

* 存款人违反规定,伪造、变造、私自印制开户登记证的,属非经营性的存款人处以1000元罚款;属经营性的存款人处以1万元以上3万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。对

* 一般存款账户是指存款人因借款或其他结算需要,在基本存款账户开户银行内其他营业机构开立的银行结算账户。(*)错

* 基本存款帐户的存款人附属的非独立核算机构因收入汇缴资金和支出资金开立的专用存款帐户,应使用基本存款帐户存款人的名称。(*)错

* 出票人签章不符要求的,票据无效;背书人在票据上的签章不符要求的,票据同样丧失法律效力。(*)错

* 票据的出票日期必须使用中文大写,如果大写日期未按要求规范书写的,银行不予受理。()错

* 对单位、个人在银行开设的银行结算账户的存款,银行不得为任何单位或个人查询。()错 * 从单位银行结算账户向个人银行结算账户支付款项单笔超过5万元的,付款单位若在付款用途栏或备注栏注明事由,可不再另行出具付款依据的,但应对支付款项事由的真实性、合法性负责。()√

* 在票据和结算凭证大写金额栏内应该预印固定“仟,佰,拾,万,仟,佰,拾,元,角,分”字样。(*)错

* 非独立核算的的附属机构也可以在金融机构开设基本存款账户。(*)错 * 支票的出票人不可以在支票上记载自己为收款人。(*)错

* 出票人签发的支票金额超过付款时在付款人处实有的存款金额的为空头支票。(/)

* 一般存款账户用于办理存款人借款转存,借款归还和其他结算的资金收付时,该账户可以办理现金支取,但不得办理现金缴存。(*)错

* 单位、个人和银行必须使用按中国人民银行统一规定印制的票据凭证和统一规定的结算凭证是办理支付结算形式要件的格式要求。(/)对 * 《票据法》规定,票据上有伪造签章的将影响票据上其他真实签章的效力。()错

* 持票人因超过票据权利时效或者因票据记载事项欠缺而丧失票据权利的,也丧失民事权利。()错

* 汇票上没有记载付款日期的,为见票即付。()对

* 挂失止付并非是票据权利丧失补救的必经措施,而只是暂时的预防措施。()对

* 承兑是汇票特有的制度,本票和支票都无须承兑。对。

* 划线支票只能用于转账,不能支取现金。对

* 支票的持票人超过提示付款期限提示付款的,持票人开户银行不予受理,付款人不予付款。但出票人仍应当对持票人承担票据责任。对

* 支票的持票人超过提示付款期限提示付款的,持票人开户银行不予受理,持票人作出相应说明后,付款人仍应付款。()错

* 支票的金额、收款人名称可以由出票人授权补充记载。对

* 汇票未记载付款日期的,视为见票即付。对。

* 付款人对向其提示承兑的汇票,应当自收到提示承兑的汇票之日起3日内承兑或者拒绝承兑。如果3日内不作承兑与否表示的,则视为拒绝承兑 对。

* 付款人承兑汇票,不得附有条件;承兑附有条件的,视为拒绝承兑。对。

* 持票人未按照规定期限提示付款的,在作出说明后,承兑人或者付款人仍应当继续对持票人承担付款责任。对。* 商业汇票背书未记载日期的,视为在汇票到期日前背书。对。

* 汇票以背书转让或者以背书将一定的汇票权利授予他人行使时,必须记载被背书人名称。对。

* 背书人在汇票上记载“不得转让”,则该汇票不得转让。即使进行贴现、质押,也是无效的。其后手再背书转让的,原背书人对后手的被背书人不承担保证责任。对。

* 如果背书在实质上不连续(如伪造签章),付款人仍应对持票人付款。对。

* 背书人在票据上的签章不符合要求的,票据无效。()错

* 票据保证包括签署合同或者条款。()错

* 保证附有条件的,所附条件无效,但保证本身仍然具有效力。对。

* 单位卡不得用于10万元以上的商品交易、劳务供应款项的结算。对。

* 发卡银行对贷记卡持卡人未偿还最低还款额方式或超过其信用额度用卡的行为,应当分别按最低还款额未还部分或超过其信用额度部分的2%收取滞纳金和超限费。()错。5% * 收账通知是银行将款项确已收入收款人账户的凭据。对。

* 汇入行对收款人发出取款通知,经过2个月无法交付的汇款,可主动办理退汇手续。对。

* 汇款回单可以作为该笔汇款已转入收款人账户的证明。()错

* 银行汇票的持票人向银行提示付款时,必须提交银行汇票。(*)错

* 商业汇票背书连续主要是指背书在形式上的连续。如果背书在实质上不连续(如伪造签章),付款人仍应对持票人付款。(/)对 * 单位和个人凭已承兑商业汇票、债券、存单等付款人债务证明办理款项的结算,均可以使用委托收款结算方式。(/)对

* 银行汇票在《票据法》规定事项以外另行记载其他出票事项,该记载事项同样具有票据效力。(*)错

* 汇票的出票人必须与付款人具有真实的委托付款关系,不得签发无对价的汇票用以骗取银行或其他票据当事人的资金。(/)对

* 银行汇票的持票人超过提示付款期限未向代理付款银行提示付款,则出票银行的付款责任免除。(*)错

* 支票的提示付款期限自出票之日10天,出票人在支票上另行记载到期日的,该记载也不具有票据上的效力。(/)对

* 银行汇票未填明实际结算金额和多余金额或实际结算金额超出出票金额的,银行不予受理。银行汇票的实际结算金额不得更改,更改实际结算金额的银行汇票无效。(/)对

* 银行汇票是出票银行签发的,由其在见票时按照出票金额无条件支付给收款人或者持票人的票据。(*)错

* 银行汇票持票人向银行提示付款时,必须同时提交银行汇票和解讫通知,缺少任何一联,银行不予受理。(/)对

* 票据可以背书转让,但注明“现金”字样的银行汇票和支票都不得背书转让。(*)错 * 单位和个人的各种款项结算,均可以使用银行汇票。(/)对

* 签发现金银行汇票,申请人可以是单位或个人,但收款人只能为个人;收款人是单位的,银行不得为其签发现金银行汇票。(*)错

* 未填明实际结算金额和多余金额或实际结算金额超过票面金额的银行汇票,银行不予受理。(/)对



A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy.Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank.Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house is called “take a mortgage(抵押).”The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgae for twenty-five years.Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as $ 50 000.In other words, they will have a $ 50 000 mortgage.How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to a bank.The bank will research you financial(金融的)history and decide if.they think you are a good risk.They will want to know what kind of job you have, what kind of salary you make, and how long you have had the job.They will also want to know how much money you have.In addition, the banks will require a down payment.Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the-price of the house as a down payment.The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house.Many people are never able to buy a house because they cannot save enough money for the down payment.41.What does a house mean in the United States? A)It is a dream which many people can hardly realize.B)It is so expensive that many people cannot really buy them.C)It is the most important property that many people try to buy.D)It doesn't belong to people if they can't borrow money from the bank.42.If American people borrow money from the bank for 25 years, this means that the person who borrows A)has twenty-five years to pay back the money B)has more than twenty-five years to pay back the money C)has less than twenty-five years to pay back the money D)has about twenty-five years to pay back the money 43.What does“down payment”refer to in the passage? A)Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgage.C)Interest received by a person who borrows money as the mortgages.D)Interest charged by a bank on a mortgage.44.Which is not one of the things researched by a bank? A)How much money the borrower owns.B)What salary the borrower makes.C)What kind of job the borrower has.D)What kind of house the borrower lives in.45.The most suitable title for this passage would be _______.A)How to Save Money on the House B)How to Borrow Money from a Bank C)How to Take a Mortgage D)How to Buy a House 【答案解析】

41.【答案精解】C。细节题。从第一句A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy我们可以得知.房子是人们所要购置的最重要的财产。A、B两项都提到买房子的不可能性,与文章中的抵押贷款从而购房相悖。D项过于绝对化,并不是所有的人都必须通银行贷款才买得起房子。

42.【答案精解】A。细节题。从文章第一段The bank Usually lends money or gives a mortgage for twenty-five years得出银行的借期是25年,是一准确的数字,而不是多于、少于或大约25年。

43.【答案精解】B。释义题。从“down payment”的后一句话The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house可以推知“down payment”是在取得贷款之前自己先支付的那部分款项,即首付款。



Broadband technology is seen as the key to the new digital economy.In this rapidly changing world, media and technology information Can be sent via phone calls and downloads like music, graphics, business information or films.The simpler the information, the smaller the package and the narrower the bandwidth needed to deliver it.Broadband is used for high speed Internet connections at a fixed monthly rate.It turns an exciting telephone line into a high speed digital line capable of carrying data up to 40 times conventional modem speeds.Any download is available at the click of a mouse-there is no dial-up as there is with standard Internet Service Providers.For home owners and families there are many advantages.One of the most important is simultaneous(同时的)access to both telephone lines and the Internet.No queses and no delay.For businesses, broadband can impove customer relations and provide direct access to corporate e-malls and databases.Entire operations can go online.1.The function that broadband technology has on the new digital economy is ________.A)further B)critical C)costly D)global 2.How much does a user pay if he has broadband technology installed? A)It depends On the length of time.B)It depends on the times of dial-up.C)He pays at a fixed monthly rate.D)He pays a lot of money.________.A)at up to forty times of ordinary speed B)much more faster C)at a high speed D)within a second 4.Who can take advantage of the broadband technology according to the passage? A)Family members.B)College students.C)Both home owners and businessmen.D)Only businessmen and their partners.5.With the broadband technology companies can have all their operations done A)during the work days.B)during the whole week C)online D)offline 【答案解析】

1.【答案精解】B。推理题。从文中Broadband technology is seen as the key to the new digital economy.宽带技术被看作新数字经济的关键所在。可推断出宽带技术在新数字经济中发挥了至关重要的作用。

2.【答案精解】C。细节题。从文章第三段句首Broadband is used for high speed Internet connections at a fixed monthly rate可以得出,使用者每月所付宽带费是固定的,即at a fixed monthly rate。

3.【答案精解】A。细节题。从文章中„capable of carrying data up to 40 times conventional modem speeds得知新的传播方式是通常的四十倍。


【答案精解】C。细节题。从文章最后一句Entire operations Can go online“整个操作都可在网上进行”一句即可得出答案。

Dear Mr.Peterson, With our visit to France coming to an end , we are leaving for China soon.On the moment of leaving, I feel very pleased to write to you, on behalf of my fellows and in my own name as well, to express to you our deep thankfulness for the hospitality(款待)that you have given us during the short stay in France.I am sure that this visit will be helpful to the further development and strengthening of our cooperation(合作)in the area of medicine.My fellows and I are all looing forward to the opportunity of meeting you in China in the near future, so that both sides could examine once again how we might work more closely together in order to make the relation between us a step forward.Meanwhile, please accept our best wishes for your good health and success in your career.Yours sincerely,(Signature)1.Do you know what the letter is about? It is a letter of _____________________________________.2.Where will Mr.Peterson return according to the letter? He will return to _____________________________________.3.What is the purpose of the writer during the short stay? He will be ready to give his cooperation to _________________________.4.They will win cooperation in _____________________________________.5.The writer wishes to meet Mr.peterson next time in _______________________.【答案解析】

1.【答案精解】thanks for hospitality。从原文to express to you our deep thankfulness for the hospitality可以得到答案。

2.【答案精解】China。从原文we are leaving for China soon可以得到答案。


4.【答案精解】the area of medicine。从原文and strengthening of our cooperation(合作)in the area of medicine可以得到答案。

5.【答案精解】China。从原文My fellows and I are all looking forward to the opportunity of meeting you in China,其中you指的就是Mr.Peterson,从而可以得到答案。

Broadband technology is seen as the key to the new digital economy.In this rapidly changing world, media and technology information Can be sent via phone calls and downloads like music, graphics, business information or films.The simpler the information, the smaller the package and the narrower the bandwidth needed to deliver it.Broadband is used for high speed Internet connections at a fixed monthly rate.It turns an exciting telephone line into a high speed digital line capable of carrying data up to 40 times conventional modem speeds.Any download is available at the click of a mouse-there is no dial-up as there is with standard Internet Service Providers.For home owners and families there are many advantages.One of the most important is simultaneous(同时的)access to both telephone lines and the Internet.No queses and no delay.For businesses, broadband can impove customer relations and provide direct access to corporate e-malls and databases.Entire operations can go online.41.The function that broadband technology has on the new digital economy is ________.A)further B)critical C)costly D)global 42.How much does a user pay if he has broadband technology installed? A)It depends On the length of time.C)He pays at a fixed monthly rate.D)He pays a lot of money.43.Compared with the modem speed the broadband technology can transmit data ________.A)at up to forty times of ordinary speed B)much more faster C)at a high speed D)within a second 44.Who can take advantage of the broadband technology according to the passage? A)Family members.B)College students.C)Both home owners and businessmen.D)Only businessmen and their partners.45.With the broadband technology companies can have all their operations done A)during the work days.B)during the whole week C)online D)offline 【答案解析】

41.【答案精解】B。推理题。从文中Broadband technology is seen as the key to the new digital economy.宽带技术被看作新数字经济的关键所在。可推断出宽带技术在新数字经济中发挥了至关重要的作用。

42.【答案精解】C。细节题。从文章第三段句首Broadband is used for high speed Internet connections at a fixed monthly rate可以得出,使用者每月所付宽带费是固定的,即at a fixed monthly rate。

43.【答案精解】A。细节题。从文章中„capable of carrying data up to 40 times conventional modem speeds得知新的传播方式是通常的四十倍。


45.【答案精解】C。细节题。从文章最后一句Entire operations Can go online“整个操作都可在网上进行”一句即可得出答案。


一、Betty and KittyBetty and Kitty are twins.They’re 12 years old.They look the same.But they have different hobbies.Betty likes collecting stamps.She has many beautiful stamps.They’re from different cities and countries.But Kitty likes growing flowers.The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books.Betty likes reading storybooks.But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park.They can play with their friends there.Sometimes their parents go there, too.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。()1.Betty is Kitty’s sister.()2.Betty likes growing flowers.()3.Kitty likes reading storybooks.()4.They’re twelve years old.()5.They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.二、Lovely pandasPandas’ faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’.Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people.People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China.The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省)and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns.Pandas like to climb trees.They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water.根据短文的意思,选出正确的答案。

()1.The panda mainly lives in.A.America B.Shanghai C.London D.China()2.is like a cat’s.A.The panda B.The panda’s face C.The panda’s body D.The panda’s tail

()3.Where are the pandas’ hometowns? A.Guangdong and Gansu.B.Sichuan and Suzhou.C.Gansu and Sichuan D.Hubei and Sichuan()4.What’s the panda’s main food? A.Rice.B.Meat.C.Bamboo.D.Grass.三、Four Good FriendsMary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends.Mary’s favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France.16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country.Ron likes Japan very much.30 is his favorite number.Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate.Kate’s father works in Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people.Kate’s lucky number is 6.All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.阅读短文,回答问题。

1.What’s Mary’s favorite number? 2.What’s Nancy’s favorite country? 3.What’s Kate’s father’s job? 4.Does Kate like Chinese food?

“God made the world, but the Dutch made Holland.” True to this saying, the people of the Netherlands are again “making” their land.About 1980 the Netherlands will complete a project begun in the 1920’s: transforming the Zyuder Zee, an inlet(小港)of the North Sea into dry land and a freshwater lake.By stages, 550,000 acres of land will serve several purposes: industrial, recreational, military, and agricultural.Fed by the river Yssel, the remaining water basin Lake Yssel, about 300,000 acres will irrigate the surrounding land and help in the fight against salination(盐化作用).Excess water will drain through sluices into the sea.As the first stop a nineteen-mile-long barrier dam, rising twenty-five feet above sea level, closed the entrance to the Zuider Zee.Then the experimental polder of a hundred acres preceded the first and smallest of the main polders fifty thousand acres that became dry land in 1930.The fifth and largest polder 150,000 acres will be the last of the Zuider Zee works.Farmers for the new polder(开拓地)come from every province.The Eastern Flevoland polder, completed in 1957, became farmland for many from the province of Zealand which was badly hit by the disastrous floods of 1953.31.This article gives a present-day example of how__________.A.salty soils are desalinated B.the Netherlands has increased its land area C.irrigation systems are built D.dams are constructed

32.The period taken for the Zuider Zee project is__________.A.from 1900 up to 1960 B.from the 1920 till about 1980 C.from 1930 to 1957 D.less than fifty years

33.The Zuider Zee will be replaced by____________.A.550,000 acres of land B.300,000 acres of fresh water C.both A and B D.Neither A nor B

34.The article gives a measurement for the__________.A.height of the barrier dam B.width of the barrier dam

C.width of the road along the dam D.height above sea level of the area on the land side of dam

35.Implied but not stated:

A.The first step in the project was a barrier dam.B.The polder recipe was first used in this century.C.Half of the Netherlands is below sea level.D.There is more than one method of fighting salination.D B C D A During the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported of a tramp(流浪汉)who, apparently through no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas Eve.No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home.Presumably all the proper Security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last minute Christmas presents

However that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of it.There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good use.There must also have been television sets and radios Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop re-opened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him.He seems to have been a man of good humor and philosophic temperament---as indeed vagrants(流浪汉)very commonly arc.Everyone also was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same.He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the police.Perhaps he had bad a better Christmas than usual.He was sent to prison for Seven days.The judge awarded no compensation to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had consumed.They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television.Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas too.1.The tramp was locked in the store____

A.for his mistakes.B.due to a misunderstanding.C.by accident.D.through an error of judgment.2.The staff were 'dead beat' means they were _____

A.half asleep.B.exhausted.C.irritable.D.forgetful.3.What action did the tramp take? He_____ A.looted the store.B.made himself at home.C.went to sleep for 2 days.D.had a Christmas party.4.When the tramp was arrested, he _____

A.laughed at the police.B.looked forward to going to pr)son.C.rook his bottles with him.D.didn't make any fuss.5.Why didn't the judge award compensation to the chain store? A.The tramp had stolen nothing of value.B.The store had profited by the incident.C.The tramp deserved a happy Christmas.D.The store was responsible for what happened.1.C(apparently through no fault of his own)第一段中找答案

2.B(No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home.)


4.D(He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the police.)

5.B(They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television.)


A Many students in China are learning English.Some of these students are small children.Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年).Many are adults.Some learn at school, others study by themselves.A few learn English language(语言)over the radio, on television, or in films.One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question.Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.They study their own language and maths and English...Some people learn English because it is useful for their work.Many people often learn English for their higher sutdies, because at college or university(大学)some of their books are in English.Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.()21.Many students in China are learning English, aren't they? ____.A.No, they aren't

B.No, they are C.Yes, they are

D.Yes, they aren't()22.If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____.A.learn at school

B.study by himself C.work hard

D.study hard()23.The sentence “It is difficult to answer that question” means ____.A.that question is not difficult to answer

B.that question is difficult to answer it C.it is difficultly to answer that question

D.it is hard to answer that question()24.“Their own language” means ____.A.Chinese



D.Japanese()25.What's the Chinese of “study by themselves”? A.和他们一起学习

B.自学 C.向他们学习


B Once upon a time, there lived a rich man.He had a servant(仆人).He and the servant loved wine and good food very much.Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house.The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison(毒药)and some nice food in the house.You must take of them.” With these words, he went out.But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue.After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal.Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground.When the rich man came back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine.He became very angry.He woke the servant up.But the servant told his story very well.He said a cat had eaten up everything.He was afraid to be punished(惩罚), so he drank the poison to kill himself.()26.In the story, _______ liked wine and good food very much.A.the rich man

B.the servant

C.both A and B

D.neither A and B

()27.The rich man knew that it was _______ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.A.the cat



D.the servant

()28.The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because ________.A.there was in fact poison in the bottles

B.did not want the servant to drink his wine

C.he wanted to kill the cat

D.he wanted to kill the servant

()29.In fact, _______ ate all the nice food and drank the wine.A.the servant


C.the rich man

D.nobody()30.From the story, we know that the servant is very _______.A.lazy




C Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortant environment.If the envionment(环境)are bad, it will affect(影响)our body, and make us not feel well.Sometimes we may be terribly ill.At that time we don’t want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home.So the envrionment is very important to us.It’s germs that makes us ill.There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you can’t find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing, Germs can always be found in dirty water.When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it.Germs can also be found in air and dust(灰尘).If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it.Sometimes the germs will go into all of your boby, and you will have pain everywhere.To keep us healthy, we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier.This needs us to act together.31.The writer tell us that________.A.we like working when we are ill

B.germs can’t live in the water.C.we can’t feel ill if the environment is bad.D.we feel well when the environment is good.32.Germs are________.A.very small things that you can’t see with your eyes.B.the things that don’t effect people.C.the things that you can find with your eyes.D.the things that are very big.33.Where can germs be found? They can be found_________.A.on the small thing

B.in air and dust C.only in dirty water

D.everywhere 34.How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut? A.I will feel nothing.B.I won’t mind.C.I will feel tense.D.I will feel painful.35.From the passage we know that________.A.environment doesn’t affect our life

B.we don’t need to improve our environment C.germs may make us ill

D.if the environment is better, germs will be more.D If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them.If you don’t, you may get lost.If you do get lost, this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don’t try to find your friends.Let them find you.You can help them to find you by stay in one place.There is anther way to help your friends or other people to find you.Give them a signal(信号)outing or whistling(吹口哨)three times.Stop.Then shout or whistle three times again.Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling, always three times togher.When people hear you, they will give two shouts or two whistles.When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a small room with branches.(树枝)

What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water ? You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink.Don’t just walk away.Pick up small brunches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most important thing to do when you are lost---stay in one place.根据文章判断正(T)、误(F)

()36.If you get lost in the forest, you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible.(尽快)

()37.You can keep on shouting or whistling always three times toghether for help.()38.When you hear two shouts or whistles, you know that people will come to help you.()39.You can’t go anywhere even when you feel thirsty(口渴的)or hungry.()40.You can find your way back to your branch room easily without leaving any branches as you walk.



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