
时间:2019-05-14 21:13:17下载本文作者:会员上传


In modern cities, residents have different opinions on which aspect plays the most important role in their daily lives.Some may put safety in the first place, other may consider a good relationship with neighbors far more valuable.For the writer who escaped from New York, she maintains that indifference is more unbearable than filth and crime, which is a point of view I can hardly agree with.First of all, life and health are the basic rightsfor every single person.In a city full of trash and criminals, no one should continue to live there, even if the people are nice and friendly.You can always find people which you can get on well with elsewhere, but you have only one life to live.Secondly, it is filth and crime that cause indifference.When people find that they are easily cheated and molested, they will definitely lose trust in citizens around.It’s also true that we litter on the street just because someone has littered before.By and by, indifference appears across the city.Finally, we can find warmth of the city with our own eyes.It can be a restaurant that you like, or a close friend which makes you feel that you are not alone.And finally, no more feeling of indifference.All in all, I believe filth and crime are most unbearable.After all, we must first be physically safe and healthy, then be mentally pleasant and abundant.


张万万 Zhang Wanwan Writing B-33 3 April 2016

Live in country

People are always wondering whether the country or the big city is the idea place to live.Some person may choose to live in the big city, while the others are interested in the quiet and natural surrounding in the country.In my opinion, I would like to live in country, just like my hometown, rather than a big city, such as Beijing or Shanghai.The foremost reason for dwelling in the countryside is the comfortable and friendly life.Since than the atmosphere in metropolis goes from bad to worse, the neighbors don’t know each other and people suffer from the noisy of cars.Hardly persons could resist the fresh air, the friendly neighbors and the closeness to nature in the countryside or a small town.Live in the country or a small town.People could enjoy the first cock crow in the morning.The beautiful birds sing in the woods, fish swimming in the river, the flowers bloom under the sunshine.What a great view.However, in the big city, people live in the forest which be made up of cement and steel.That’s not comfortable.On the contrary, It is not that I belittle those who would prefer to stay in a big city.I think they have their life with much advantages.The traffic in metropolis is much batter than a village.And high technology could make the life more convenient.Besides, aBetter education for children and a better medical care could be enjoyed by those who live in a big city.But live in country means people could have apollution-free environment, a safer food supply and a bigger and cheaper housing.And I really miss my childhood wallpaper in the country where I grow up.It’s my happiest time.In conclusion, I strongly hold that living in the countryside is much better than live in a big city because of the quiet surroundings in the countryside.

















Most people think that getting married is a vital ingredient for happiness in life.They don’t, however, recognize the consequences of marriage.Rather than happiness, many are victims of its tormenting attributes.Marriage grants its followers more responsibility toward self and spouse, leading to more stressful lives.Also, the reduction of one’s freedom is also being in effect, putting a limit toward independence.Lastly, one may not get along well with spouse, triggering redundant conflicts.Hence, it is not an equivalent with happiness.Marriage leads a major concern to people today with an increase in one’s responsibility.Taking responsibility means that one must always take an initiative in doing things in order to achieve a purpose rather than to wait for others to do it instead.To meet up with others’ expectations, one must do extra in order to achieve.More responsibility means more stress.Feeding a family, for instance, requires a higher salary.Voluntarily, one would start working extra hard to meet up with that expectation.While taking the burden, one may not realize that he/she is piling up stress, an amount too significant that it can never be released.Moreover, it is in human nature to desire for more;there is no limit to one’s desire.To be a good spouse, one may work hard to achieve a goal;after it is attained, he/she may wish for more to be done.Responsibility would come to work again, the cycle then continues, on and on.Once one has piled up endless hours of labour, he/she may not realize that freedom has been gradually slipping away, in a pace that can never be retrieved.补充

Freedom is what helps us replenish stress, allowing us to have a healthy being.It is often limited by marriage, in results to endless responsibility.Having freedom restricted is like being locked in a cell, with only so much space to pace around.Freedom and responsibility are directly related;more responsibility means less freedom and vice versa.Just like responsibility, lack of freedom creates huge amount of stress, as well as frustration.When people get frustrated, things get out of hand;one may act without thinking through first, leaving scars in life that can never be erased.It is even more crucial if the couple do not get along well in the first place.补充

The most critical issue with marriage is that most couples do not get along with each other.When the matter is being recognized, it is usually too late to recuperate.Squabbling is often what happens to couples that do not get along.They do not share the same interest nor matching personal traits;most importantly, they hardly come to an agreement on making decisions.This is when the virtues of marriage all of a sudden disappear.People’s lives would then be constantly filled with conflicts, so frequent that the only way it may cease to an end is through divorce.The deep-seated element for contentment does not depend upon marriage.More responsibility, less freedom ruins the well-being of human with stress and frustration;the issue of not getting along with spouse also slings gratification into an abyss.Thus, if you hunt for true happiness, perhaps marriage is not what you should seek for.


朋友托我为他的孩子在外企找份秘书工作,“我女儿大学英语专业毕业,成绩优秀、聪明能干、活泼大方,是块做秘书的好材料。”我找到一位在美国公司作合伙人的朋友,他回答说:“我们最希望找的秘书是30岁以上,比较成熟的女性,工作踏实也肯干。太年轻的留不住,麻烦的事情反而会很多。我最近刚找到一个36岁的女秘书,用起来很顺手。”常有外语专业毕业的年轻女孩希望我在外企为她们找份工作。“你想做什么又能做什么?”我问。“先当个秘书凑合着干,有了合适的位置再跳。”这些自信心很强的姑娘们认为,秘书是晋升的第一个台阶,我想,最好还是听听公司的老板是如何选择女秘书再给自己做定位吧。在外企干了十几年的王先生是一家跨国公司驻华某企业的总经理,先后用过许多秘书,凡是到他那里找工作的人都要经过他面试。他对中国女秘书的特点有很精辟的看法: “国内的女秘书大都年轻漂亮,个性较强又任性,多数未经过培训,欠专业化,被动性工作,责任心较差,工作起来像个闹钟,拧一下,转一下。这其中最主要的原因是短期工作心理问题。她们大都把担任秘书作为跳板,特别是现在来应聘的女秘书有许多是双学历的,她们来你这里的目的不是一辈子当秘书,她们是一边干,一边学,一边想跳槽,等到她们自认为积累了足够的经验,也就走了。”我在国外访问的时候,在大公司很难看到年轻的女秘书,大多数秘书的年龄都在40岁以上,她们像一个公司里的大嫂,把一切都安排得井井有条。访问期间的日程表精确到分钟,从起床、早餐、集合、到达、会见,访问者就像被关在一座钟里,不知不觉中便顺着这个安排好的计划走到最后结束。要知道,这一切都操纵在秘书手中。老板对这样的秘书满意吗?绝对!好秘书能当半个家,省了老板多少心!王总经理对国外女秘书的敬业心理也有一番见解:“她们有一种管家心理,因此,工作责任心和主动性非常强。我在国外工作用秘书时,对此体会很深。如果我头一天告诉秘书,第二天公司将会在何时来何种客人,请她提前做好准备。等你第二天到会议室一看,一切布置得井井有条,甚至连水果、小点心都是按照客人来自的国家和民族的口味准备的。在国内用的年轻的女秘书却要操许多心,她会来问我:‘我该怎么办呀?‘ 使用岁数大的女秘书比较稳定,由于这种女秘书比较成熟,做秘书工作也是在经历过多次比较和思考后选择的,因此具有长期干下去的准备。”像任何工作一样,秘书工作是非常细致和重要的。秘书是老板的左膀右臂,她的工作态度和为人处世不再是个人行为,可直接影响到老板的工作效率和公司形象。在国外的公司里流传着这样一句话:如果你想知道一家公司内部的各种情况,那么就去问女秘书,可见秘书的能量有多大!那么,什么样的人适合做秘书呢?老板们的普遍看法是:待人态度和善、有爱心、工作勤奋、有责任感和主动性应当是一个秘书所具有的基本素质。秘书应当是一个做事主动的人,不惹麻烦,而且还要听话,老板说什么就去做什么,因为她不需要发明创造。来源:温州秘书网



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