
时间:2019-05-14 03:02:44下载本文作者:会员上传


问候语:早上/中午/下午好,**先生,**小姐,**女士。Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.先生/小姐,请问有预定吗? Have you made a reservation, sir/madam?

Do you have reservations? 请问您需要一张几人台?/请问一共几个人? How many are there in your party? 请问您喜欢中餐还是西餐? What would you like, Chinese food or Western food? 请问您喜欢点菜还是自助餐?/我们备有自助餐,38元一位。

How would you like your dinner, buffet or a la carte? We’ve got buffet and it costs 38 Yuan per person.请坐!Please take your seats.请您稍候,我马上为您安排。Please wait for a moment.I’ll arrange for you at once.请先看一下菜单。Here is the menu.请一直往前走。Please walk along this road.请在这里稍候,我为您查询一下。Please wait here a moment.I’ll check for you.请向左/右边转,您会看到*** Please turn left/right and you will see *** 我带您过去,请跟我来。I’ll lead you there.Step this way, please.请乘坐电梯/自动扶梯。Please take the elevator/escalator.谢谢光临!欢迎您再次光临!再见!明天见!

Thank you for coming.Welcome come again.See you./Goodbye.See you tomorrow.1. 先生/女士/小姐,早上/中午/下午好。Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.请问您喜欢喝哪种茶,我们备有红茶,绿茶,普洱,菊花茶和铁观音。

What kind of teas would you like? We have brown tea, green tea, puer tea, jasmine tea and oolong tea.先生/小姐,请用茶,毛巾。Here is your tea/the towel, sir/madam.我能为您点菜吗? May I take your order now? 请问,您用餐时需要些什么饮料? What kind of drink would you like with your meal?

请问现在可以上菜了吗? May I serve your dishes now? 请问还需要些什么? What else would you like? / Is there anything else you need? 您的菜上齐了,请慢用!Enjoy your dinner.先生/女士,这是您点的酒,请问是现在开吗?

Here is your drink/wine/beer, sir/madam.May I open it for you now?

对不起,打扰了,请原谅!Excuse me!我可以撤掉这个盘子吗? Can I take this dish/plate away? 对不起,请再说一遍。I’m sorry, could you say it again? / Pardon? 对不起,我没听清,请再重复一遍可以吗? Sorry, I haven’t got it.Could you say it again?

对不起,让您久等了。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉,请原谅。I’m sorry.给您带来不便,请原谅。Sorry to have troubled you.请问先生/小姐,可以上果盘了吗? Excuse me, may I serve the fruit now? 请用水果。Enjoy the fruit.先生,这是您的账单。Here is your bill, sir.谢谢!希望您吃得满意

。Thank you.I hope you enjoy your dinner.感谢您的光临,欢迎您下次再来。Thank you for your coming.Welcome come again.谢谢,请慢走。欢迎您再次光临!Thank you.Welcome come again.对不起,我们不收小费。非常感谢您!

Thanks, but we can’t take the tip.Thank you very much.这是我应该做的。It’s my pleasure!为您服务我很荣幸!It’s my honor to serve you.(总之,在处理问题时,语气要婉转,亲切。)

自助餐:您喜欢几成熟的鸡蛋? How would you like the eggs done? 先生/女士,您需要盐还是胡椒(糖)?

What would you like, salt, pepper or sugar, sir/Madam? 先生/女士,您需要奶油还是番茄酱?

What would you like, cream or ketchup sir/Madam? 请问先生,我可以清理桌子吗? Can I clean the table, sir? 您认为这个汤可口吗? Do you like this soup? 先生,对不起,没有不加糖/奶的咖啡。

I’m sorry, sir.We haven’t got the coffee without sugar or milk.请稍候,我将另外给您换一块干净的餐巾。

Please wait for a moment.I’ll change another clean towel for you.点餐:

我们有各式批萨/汉堡/沙律。We’ve got all kinds of pizza/hamburger and salad? 餐前您需要一些开胃酒吗?/开胃小吃吗? Would you like appetizers before dinner?

圣诞节快乐/新年快乐/新年好!Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!祝您生日快乐!Happy Birthday!祝您愉快!Happiness is with you!

Caffè Mocha 摩卡

Caramel Macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵 Caffè Americano 美式 Caffè Latte 拿铁 Cappuccino 卡布奇诺 espresso 特浓咖啡

Caramel Coffee Jelly 焦糖吉利 Vanilla Frappuccino香草星冰乐 coffee Frappuccino咖啡星冰乐 mocha Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐

Frappuccino? Blended Tea 芒果茶星冰乐

Decaf 脱因咖啡 non-fat 脱脂牛奶

【学名】用作商品咖啡的4种: 大果咖啡 Coffea liberica 中果咖啡 Coffea canephora 小果咖啡 Coffea arabica 高产咖啡 Coffea dewevrei

Coffea是 咖啡树

【英文】coffee 【别名】小粒种又称阿拉伯种,中粒种又称甘弗拉种,大粒种又称利比里亚种

常见的主要有2种:Arabica 和Robusta。




首先,我们先得要开门进去,(废话!)But,先弄清楚门上标示的英文“Push”,是 推;而“Pull”是拉。


看吧!A piece of cake.(轻而易举)已经带你到咖啡店,剩下看你罗!

当你到咖啡店时,侍者总会亲切地先问候你 问候语: 你可以回答: “Hi!” “How are you?” “How's everything?” “How are you doing?” “Good morning(afternoon;evening).” “Fine.Thank you.” “Great.Thank you.” “Very well.Thanks.” “Fine, thank you, and you?”

应用初中所学的英文就可以轻松对答了,要记得保持微笑(Keep smiling)和礼貌(Be polite)接着,侍者会问你有几位要用餐? 只须用简单的英文数字即可。

“For how many people?” “A table for one;two;three...........”

国外多是需要带位,可别先冲进去,丢个大包包占位!有些店还会问 “Smoke or non-smoke?”吸烟区或非吸烟区。


A.一般咖啡 : 单品(single estate)+综合(blend)single estate:

blend: Hawaiian Kona 夏威夷科那 Colombian 哥伦比亚 Mocha 摩卡 Brazilian 巴西

Mendeling 曼特宁 Kenya AA 肯亚特极 Java 爪哇 Kilimonjaro 吉利马扎罗 Blue Mountain 蓝山

有各种不同口味,视店家作本日咖啡 everyday blend

B.花式咖啡 : 加入各种口味的糖浆(syrup);鲜奶油(whipped cream)少许酒 Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡 Vienna coffee 维也纳咖啡

Ice Coffee也算花式咖啡一种,但在国外较少见° Frapuccino 法布奇诺 Caffé Frio 冰沙咖啡

C.意式咖啡(Italian coffee):

加入蒸牛奶(steamed milk)Caffé Latte 拿铁(奶量较多)Cappuccino 卡布其诺

Mochaccino 摩卡其诺(加巧克力酱)基本作底 Espresso 分为单份浓度(Single)和双份浓度(Double)

D.Decaf低咖啡因咖啡 : 嗯~~,选好咖啡之后,眼角瞄到玻璃柜中那些精致的糕饼,看起来真美味!(Look so delicious!)把Menu翻到甜点(Dessert)那页,节食(on a diet)?唉!回去再说吧!蛋糕类(Cake)巧克力口味 比斯考提(Biscotti)松糕类(Muffin)Cheese Cake 起士蛋糕 ~~~ 咖啡店经典蛋糕 Sponge Cake 海绵蛋糕 Chiffon Cake 戚风蛋糕

Vanilla Cream Cake 香草奶油蛋糕

Marbled Chocolate Cheese Cake 大理石蛋糕 Chocolate Cake 巧克力蛋糕 Black Forest Cake 黑森林蛋糕 Swiss Chocolate 瑞士巧克力蛋糕 White Chocolate Cake 白巧克力蛋糕


味° Hawaii Nut 夏威夷坚果口味 有很多口味: Banana 香蕉 Lemon 柠檬 Vanilla 香草 Strawberry 草莓 Chocolate 巧克力 Blueberry 蓝莓

Cranberry 蔓越莓Raspberry 覆盆莓 甜甜圈(Doughnut)派类(Pie)格子松饼(Waffle)英式酥饼(Scone)Plain Doughnut 原味甜甜圈 Jelly Doughnut 果酱甜甜圈

Chocolate Doughnut 巧克力甜甜圈 Powdered Sugar Doughnut 糖粉甜甜圈 Apple Pie 苹果派 Lemon Pie 柠檬派 Pecan Pie 核桃派 Cherry Pie 樱桃派 Boston Pie 波士顿派 Cinnamon 肉桂

Pancake 是一种薄薄一片的煎饼,一份叁至四片,沾糖浆或奶油° 呈叁角型,烤后热热酥酥的很好吃!Butter 奶油

Chocolate 巧克力 Cranberry 蔓越莓

卷类(Roll)塔类(Tart)贝果(Bagel)其他 Miniature Danish Roll 丹麦卷

Raisin Roll 葡萄乾卷 Maple Cinnamon Roll 枫糖肉桂卷 Caramel 焦糖卷

Fruit Tart 水果塔

Strawberry Tart 草莓塔

Lemon Tart 柠檬塔 国外常吃的圆形面包,切开涂抹酱料° Plain 原味 Herb 药草 Garlic 大蒜 Wheat 全麦

Cranberry 蔓越莓

Blueberry 蓝莓 Rice Pudding 白米布丁

Custard Pudding 鸡蛋牛奶布丁

Cream Brulee 奶油松露 一种法式甜点

选好了吗?当侍者询问: 你可以回答: May I take your order? Sorry, I am not ready yet.(实在太难抉择,还没决定好°)Yes, I would like............Yes, I will take...............yes, I will have...............当点餐时,尽量避免用“WANT”这个字,因为太强烈有些不礼貌的感觉。而一杯咖啡为 A cup of coffee;一片蛋糕为 A piece of cake.记得用数量词唷!

接下来,就痴痴的等待餐点送来吗?Come on!别浪费时间,看看桌上的摆设,通常放有奶精和糖或是糖浆。

牛奶 Whole Milk(全脂);Low Fat Milk(低脂);Skim Milk(脱脂);Cream 鲜奶油 糖 White Sugar(白糖);Brown Sugar(黄糖);Sweetener(代糖)糖浆 Syrup 有很多口味: Maple(枫糖);Almond(杏仁);Strawberry, Blueberry......享受完美味的餐点后,记得用餐巾纸(Napkin)擦擦嘴,才不会失礼。充满咖啡香的你,身体的血液正因咖啡因而感到精神百倍,可别这样就兴奋过头出去了!

Check, please!请买单!对吗,要先付钱唷。


侍者会问:Credit card or Cash? 信用卡或现金?



(Instant Coffee), 然后再回来,好好学英文!

Relax and enjoy your coffee!!








(一)课堂引入 师:亲爱的同学们,平时你们有没有学到什么英语句子呀?能不能说给老师我听听呢?

生:Hello, Good morning, Good night, I love you.师:哇,看来你们学会的句子还真不少呢,真是一群勤奋学习的孩子。那么,我们这堂课不如把你们学到的句子向别人说出来,就像平时讲话那样,好不好?


(二)创设情景,对话教学 师:现在,老师我就是一个从英国来的小朋友,我的名字叫David。我听不懂中文,你们要对我讲英文,我才能和你们交朋友哦。同学们呢,要和我多讲讲你们暑假要去哪里玩呀,要做什么事情呀之类的,这样我就能陪你们一起玩了。那你们知道应该怎样用英语和我讲吗? 生:(知道)



师:嗯,同学们都说的很好。老师我总结了一下,你们可以这样说: Hello, David.Welcome to China(Shan Wei).师:然后呢,你们是不是应该自我介绍一下啊?好让我认识下你们啊~(I’m XX./My name is XX.)师:自我介绍其实可以有很多种方法的。说英语跟说中文是一个道理的,可以采用各种方式,只要把自己的意思说清楚,别人听得懂就可以了。那么自我介绍之后呢?是不是可以询问一下我的情况啊?如果现在要认识一个新朋友,你们会问他什么问题呢?

(Where are you from? What’s your hometown? / What’s your hobby? What do you like?)












1、可口可乐 Coca cola

2、矿泉水 Mineral water

3、橘子汁 orange Squash

4、啤酒 Beer

5、香槟酒 Champagne

6、葡萄酒 Port

7、威士忌 Whisky

8、白兰地 Brandy

9、伏特加 Vodka

10、味美思 Vermouth

11、冰淇淋 Ice cream

12、苹果 Apple

13、梨 Pear

14、桃 Peach

15、香蕉 Banana

16、橘子 Oragne

17、西瓜 Watermelon

18、哈密瓜 Harmi Melon

19、白兰瓜 Lanchou melon 20、葡萄 Grape

21、荔枝 Lichee

22、菠萝 Pineapple

23、面包 Bread

24、巧克力 Chocolate

25、蛋糕 Cake

26、咖啡 Coffee

27、红茶 Black tea

28、口布 A mouth Cloth

29、香烟 Cigarette 30、火柴 Match

31、手纸 Toilet paper

32、盘子 Plate

33、叉子 Fork

34、勺子 Spoon

35、汤勺 Soup Spoon

36、牙签 Toothpick

37、筷子 Chopsticks

38、茶杯 Cup

39、开水 Hot water


40、凉开水 Cold water

41、甜 Sweet

42、酸 Sour

43、咸 Salty

44、辣 Hot

45、苦 Bitter

46、糖 Sugar

47、味精 Monosodium Glutamate

48、咖喱粉 Curry Powder

49、辣椒粉 Chilli powder 50、胡椒粉 Black Pepper

52、砂糖 Powdered sugar

53、香肠 Sausage


55、您好 Hi!


57、您好吗? How do you do?

58、先生(女士),早上好。Good morning, Sir(Ladies)

59、先生们(女士们),下午好!Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen 60、先生们(女士们),晚上好!Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.61、您好,欢迎你们(女士们、先生们)到我们俱乐部

Hello!Wolcome to our club.62、这里是接待处,可以为您效劳吗?

Here’s the reception.What can I do for you? 63、您早!How do you do!64、早上好!Good morning!65、下午好!Good afternoon!66、明天见!See you tommorow!67、欢迎您!You are welcome 68、见到您很高兴!I’m very glad to meet you 69、请这边走!This way, please 70、请里边坐!Come in and sit down please 71、请您休息一下!Take a rest, please 72、请饮用一杯茶。Have a cup of tea, please 73、请饮用咖啡。Have some coffee, please 74、对不起。I’m sorry.75、没关系。Doesn’t matter.76、请原谅。Excuse me, please


77、好的(好吧)。That’s all right.78、您需要点什么? What would you like to have? 79、还要别的吗? Anything else? 80、您还有别的要求吗? Any more requests? 81、我能帮您做点什么吗? Can I help you? 82、谢谢您的好意。Thank you for your kind wishes.83、对不起,让您久等了。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.84、好,马上就来。Yes, right away.85、好,请稍等。Ok, just a minute.86、向左拐。Turn left please 87、向右拐。Turn right please 88、一直往前走。Straight on please 89、再见。See you later 90、再会。See you again 91、祝您健康!I wish you good health!92、祝您生日快乐!Happy birthday!93、祝您在中国愉快!We wish you’ll have a pleasant time in china!94、请问厕所在哪里? Where is the toilet? 95、先生,请问您预订过座位吗? Do you have a reservation, sir? 96、夫人,请这边走。This way, please, Madam.97、先生,请跟我来好吗? Would you please follow me, Sir? 98、夫人,这是您的座位。This is your table, Madam.99、请坐。Sit down, please 100、请等一等,我马上给您安排。Wait a moment, please, I’ll be with you, right away.101、请问一共几位? How many people in all, please? 102、您喜欢坐这里吗? Would you like to take this table? 103、这里有一张空台,先生。Here is a vacant table, Sir.104、请坐在那里,先生。Sit there, Sir.105、对不起,您能跟这位先生(女士,小姐)合用一张台吗? Excuse me, would you like to share this with that gentleman? 106、对不起,这里有空位吗?Excuse me, Do you have a free table, Sir?


107、已经有人招呼您了吗? Are you being served? 108、茶上好了。Tea is ready 109、这里有点心。Here are some cakes.110、请吸烟。Help yourself to a cigarette.111、先生请问您这个团共多少人?How many are there in your party, Sir? 112、先生,对不起暂时没有空位了。I’m sorry, Sir.There’s no vacant table for the moment.113、您能否在酒吧喝点什么,等一会儿。May I suggest that you have a drink in bar while you wait? 114、大约要等30分钟。There will be a wait of about 30 minutes.115、先生,能告诉我您的名字吗?Excuse me, May I have your name, Sir? 116、我会尽快告诉您的。I’ll let you know as soon as.117、你喜欢哪种酒? What wine do you prefer, Sir? 118、先生,来杯茅台酒吗? How about a cup of Maotai, Sir? 119、我给您倒杯香槟酒好吗?Shall I pour you out a glass of champagne? 120、你要哪种? Which may I bring you? 121、您吃点什么? What are you going to take? 122、您喜欢喝什么酒? What wine would you like, Sir? 123、先生,请慢用。Enjoy your dinner, Sir.124、这茶还很烫,请小心。The tea is still too hot, be careful, please.125、现在上菜好吗? May I serve you now? 126、抱歉,耽误了您的时间。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.127、实在对不起,我们马上替您重做。I’m very sorry.We will make another portion for you shortly.128、对不起,我马上问清楚再告诉您。I’m sorry.I’ll make it clear and inform you as soon as possible.129、请随意用 Help yourself.130、我再给您来瓶啤酒,好吗? Can I offer you another bottle of beer? 131、您干了吗? Did you empty your glass? 132、祝您顺利!Good luck!133、大家喝吧 Cheers, everybody!134、要我给您上点新鲜的水果吗? Shall I help you some fresh fruits? 135、我很乐意。I quite agree.136、干!Bottom up!


137、我可以撤掉这些盘子吗? May I clear away the dishes, Please? 138、我们可以清理台面吗? May I clear the table, Sir? 139、现在可以为您结帐吗? Sir,the bill please? 140、这是您的找头,谢谢。It’s your change.Thank you very much.141、请您签字 Please sign your name, Sir.142、请付现款好吗 Pay your bill by cash, Please.143、先生,这是您的账单。Here’s your bill, Sir.144、您可以用现金或信用卡付账。You can either pay in cash or in credit card.145、先生,一共是880元。That will be eight hundred and eighty yuan, Sir.146、先生,这是您的收据。Here’s your check, Sir.147、这是您们各自的收据和找头。Your separate checks and the change, please.148、我要核实一下,请稍等。I’ll have to check for an OK, Just a moment.149、帐单开在一起还是分开?Would you care to have separate bills or one common bill? 150、谢谢,欢迎再来,谢谢。Thank you very much, Sir.Do come again, Please!151、(意外)请不要慌,请跟我来。Don’t hurry!Follow me, Please.152、本俱乐部通宵营业 Open all night.153、离席时请在帐台会帐 Please pay at the cash desk on leaving.154、服务员,请拿帐单来!Waiter,bill,Please!155、请把我的帐单开好。Please make out my bill.156、一共多少钱? What will it be altogether? 157、八百伍拾叁元人民币,先生。Eight hundred and fifty-three RMB.Sir.158、请收钱。There you are.159、谢谢,先生。Thank you, Sir.160、找的钱请收下。Keep the change please!161、先生,谢谢您,请下次再来。Thank you, Sir.Do come again Please.162、对不起,先生,算错了帐 Sorry, Sir, there’s mistake in the bill.163、你多付了30元钱。It should be 30(thirty)RMB yuan less.164、每位40元,酒水另计 40(Forty)yuan a plate, drink extra.165、再见 Good-bye 166、再见 See you 167、谢谢光临,再见。Thank you for your coming and good-bye.酒店餐饮日常英语会话

168、再见,祝您好运。Good-bye and good luck.169、祝您旅途平安。Have a pleasant journey.170、希望再一次见到您。Hope to see you again.171、今晚我们要看的是什么节目?What’s the show we’re going to see tonight? 172、唐朝最具代表性的乐舞《霓裳羽衣舞》

It’s“Rainbow Costume Dance”,a signature dance of the tang era.173、这是陕西省歌舞剧院表演的节日专场

It’s special holiday program performed by the Shaanxi Provincial Song and Dance Troupe.174、您喜欢这个舞蹈吗? How did you like the dancing? 175、您认为这个舞蹈怎么样? What did you think of the dancing? 176、好极了!I enjoyed every bit of it.177、这个节目从头到尾我都很欣赏 I enjoyed every minute of it.178、我认为布景服装都精彩极了。I find the sets and costumes splendid.179、我认为全部表演从头到尾都是一流的。

I thought the whole thing was first-rate from beginning to end.180、灯光和配乐用得很好,舞台布景非常漂亮

Lighting and background music were used and the stage was very beautiful.181、非常有趣而动人!I was very interesting and thrilling!182、场面多宏伟啊!你一定会喜欢的。But what a magnificent spectacle!I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.183、今晚我们去看什么节目?What’s the show we’ re going to see tonight?

184、看华夏乐舞,这是中国传统的音乐舞蹈。It’s Huaxia music and dance, It’s Chnese traditional music and dance.185、请领我到座位上去,好吗? Will you show me to my seat? 186、请这边走。This way, please.187、什么时候开演? When does the curtain rise? 188、8点左右。It’s about 8 o’ clock.189、什么时候演完? When does the curtain fall? 190、10点左右。It should be 10 o’ clock.191、您觉得演得怎么样? What do you think of it? 192、精彩极了。It was marvelous.193、没关系。Not at all.酒店餐饮日常英语会话

194、不用谢(别客气)You are welcome 195、您太客气了。You are most wlcome 196、没关系,好的。That’ s all right.197、我很乐意做。It’s my pleasure.198、我很乐意。My pleasure.199、我很乐意为您服务。I’m pleased to be at your service.200、您好告诉小费大约给多少?Could you give me some idea of the amount of tipping? 201、我得给多少小费? How much do I have to give for a tip? 202、谢谢,我们不收小费。No, thanks, we don’t accept tips.203、先生,对不起。I’m sorry, Sir.204、夫人,很抱歉。I’m awfully sorry, Madam.205、对不起,我把酒洒在桌布上了。I’m afraid I spilled wine on the tablecloth.-206、对不起,给您上错了菜。I’m sorry for giving you the wrong dish.207、对不起。Sorry 208、请原谅。Excuse me.209、请原谅,请再说一遍。I beg your pardon.210、别介意。Never mind.211、别介意。Just forget it.212、请原谅,打搅您了。Excuse me for interrupting you

213、当然,请说。Certainly, Go ahead.214、希望您别介意。Hope you don’t mind.215、先生,可以走开一会儿吗? May I be Excused, Sir?

216、我马上回来。I’ll be right back.217、对不起,我想去打一个电话。I’m sorry, I want to make a phone call.218、请吧。That’s all right.219、电话在哪儿? Where is the phone? 220、在接待台。On the reception, please.221、您的英语很流利。You speak fluent English.222、谢谢,我的英语还不够好。Thank you.My English is not enough.223、您的英语说的确实很好。You do speak pretty good English.酒店餐饮日常英语会话

224、谢谢,太好了。Thank you.That’s very kind of you.225、希望您在中国过的愉快。Have a good time in China.



1. 见面问候:Nice to meet you.(遇到你很高兴。)若是见面多次:

Long time no see.(好久不见!)

What's new with you?(你最近怎么样?)I miss you so much.(我很想你。)若是初次见面:

How are you today?(你今天好吗?)Where are you from?(你来自哪个国家?)

Hi, my name is Lily.I am from Shanghai, China.(你好,我的名字叫Lily。我来自中国上海。)I am the chief makeup artist in Lancôme China.(我是兰蔻中国的首席彩妆师。)I have worked in Lancôme China for ten years.(我已经在兰蔻工作十年了。)I like this job very much.(我很喜欢这个职业。)

2.寻找话题:Do you like。。+物品东西?(你喜欢…吗?)——回答:Yes or No What do you think about…?(你觉得…怎么样?)

Korean weather/ people/ food/ shopping mall / clothes韩国的天气/人/食物/商场/服装 You look so beautiful today.(你今天看上去真好看。)I like this style.(我喜欢这种风格。)What are you going to do?(你等会要去做什么?)

Would you like to …+做的事情?(你想要去…吗?)Would you like to come with us?(你想和我们一起吗?)Would you like to have dinner/ go shopping/ … with us?(你想和我们一起吃饭/购物吗?)

When did you arrive at Korea? Yesterday/ Today/ Tomorrow.(你什么时候到达韩国的。昨天/今天/明天。)I arrived at Korea on May.19th evening./On May.19th evening.(我是5.19晚上到韩国的。)

What's the weather like today?(今天天气怎样?)It is sunny/ rainy/ cloudy/ windy day.(晴天/雨天/多云/刮风天。)What do you want to have for dinner?(你想吃点什么?)I like sweet and spicy food.(我喜欢甜辣的食物。)

Barbecue/Rice cake/Pork/Beef/Vegetable/Fruit/Sushi/Soup/Dessert.(烧烤/年糕/猪肉/牛肉/蔬菜/水果/寿司/汤/甜品)When are we going to start out tomorrow?(明天我们几点出发?)

When are we going to have breakfast tomorrow?(明天早晨几点吃早饭?)

3.简单应答:I am fine, thank you.(我很好,谢谢。)

I like the Korean food, it is very delicious.(我喜欢韩国的食物,他们非常美味。)

I think the men in Korean are very handsome/ smart.(我觉得韩国的男人很帅气/聪明。)I think the women in Korean are very pretty/ gentle.(我觉得韩国的女人很漂亮/温柔。)I think shopping in Korean is very cheap.(我觉得韩国购物很便宜。)

4.一年十二个月twelve months a year 一月:January=Jan.1st 二月:February=Feb.2nd 三月:March=Mar.3rd 四月:April=Apr.4th 五月:May=May.5th 六月:June=June.6th 七月:July=July.7th 八月:August=Aug.8th 九月:September=Sep.9th 十月:October=Oct.10th 十一月:November=Nov.11th 十二月:December=Dec.12th 5.一周七天seven days a week 星期一:Monday 星期二:Tuesday 星期三:Wednesday 星期四:Thursday 星期五:Friday 星期六:Saturday 星期天:Sunday

.一天24小时24 hours a day One 一

早晨:a.m.Two 二

下午:p.m.Three 三

Four 四

Five 五

Six 六

Seven 七

Eight 八 Nine 九 Ten 十 Eleven 十一 Twelve 十二 Thirteen 十三 Fourteen 十四 Fifteen 十五 Sixteen十六 Seventeen十七Eighteen十八 Nineteen十九 Twenty二十 Thirty三十 Forty 四十 Fifty 五十 Sixty 六十 Seventy 七十 Eighty 八十 Ninety 九十 Hundred百 Thousand千 Million百万 Billion十亿 整点:数字+ 早晨/下午(5 p.m.下午5点)

半点:half past + 数字

(half past 5= 5点半)或者 5:30直接念

past几点过几分:ten past ten(十点过十分,即10:10)to几点差几分:ten to ten(十点差十分,即9:50)five thirty p.m.)






进港 §1.Calling for a pilot by VHF


§2.Conversation with Agent through radio station

通过岸台与代理通话 §3.Waiting for the pilot in the roadstead

在锚地等待引水员 §4.Planning a passage through the Canal

通过运河 §5.Entering Port

进港 §6.Sending Ropes out

带缆 §7.Alongside the Dock(A)

靠码头(A)§8.Alongside the Dock(B)

靠码头(B)§9.Enquiring about port information

询问港口情况 §10.Preparing the Gangway


检疫 §1.Quarantine(A)

检疫(A)§2.Calling an Ambulance

叫救护车 §3.Quarantine(B)

检疫(B)LESSON 3.CUSTOMS INSPECTION 海关检查 §1.Customs officer asking Questions(A)

海关官员询问情况(A)§2.Customs officer asking Questions(B)

海关官员询问情况(B)§3.Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(A)


§4.Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(B)


§5.Crew’s Personal Effects list and store list(C)



§7.After sealing


§1.Immigration officer asking question(A)

移民局官员询问情况(A)§2.Immigration officer asking question(B)



代理 §1.Agent comes aboard

代理登船 §2.Agent meets Chief officer

代理和大副 §3.Agent’s arrangements for cargo unloading

代理安排卸货 §4.Preparations for loading the container ship Attended to by Agent 代理协助集装箱船的装货准备工作

§5.Ship’s requirements

船方要求 §6.Be always on the alert while on time charter


管理货物 §1.Loading Coal

装煤 §2.Discussing the stowage(A)

讨论配载(A)§3.Discussing the stowage(B)

讨论配载(B)§4.Changing the stowage 变更配载 §5.Rigging the derricks

准备吊杆 §6.repairing the derrick 修理吊杆 §7.laying dunnage 铺设垫舱物料 §8.Giving directions about the stowage(A)有关堆装的指示(A)§9.Giving directions about the stowage(B)有关堆装的指示(B)§10.Making separation 隔票 §11.Securing heavy lifts 重货绑扎 §12.Securing cargo 货物绑扎 §13.Discharging operations in progress 卸货在进行中 §14.Dispute about cargo 有关货物的争执 §15.Working cargo in the rain 冒雨装货 §16.Winch trouble 起货机故障 §17.Pilferage(A)偷窃(A)§18.Pilferage(B)偷窃(B)§19.Stevedores going on strike 装卸工罢工 LESSON 7 TALLYING CARGO



商检 §1.Cargo Survey(A)商检(A)§2.Cargo Survey(B)商检(B)LESSON 9 TANKER

油船 §1.Hose connection 软管连接 §2.Safety Precautions 安全措施 §3.Checking safety precautions(A)安全措施检查(A)§4.Checking safety precautions(B)安全措施检查(B)§5.Arrangements with the loading master 安全装油 §6.Survey of the Tanks 检查油舱 §7.Determination of the cargo amount 确定载油量 LESSON 10 SAFETY INSPECTION 安全检查 §1.Safety Inspection(A)安全检查(A)§2.Safety Inspection(B)安全检查(B)§3.Safety Inspection(C)安全检查(C)§4.Safety Inspection(D)安全检查(D)

LESSON 11 DECLARING PORT REGULATIONS 宣布港章 §1.Declaring port regulations(A)宣布港章(A)§2.Declaring port regulations(B)宣布港章(B)

LESSON 12 VIOLATIING PORT REGULATIONS 违反港章 §1.Violating port regulations(A)违反港章(A)§2.Violating port regulations(B)违反港章(B)



船舶供应商 §1.Order(A)定单(A)§2.Order(B)定单(B)



代理业务 §1.Cash advance 借款 §2.Ship’s papers 船舶证书 §3.Luggage 行李 §4.Miscellaneous 其他 §5.Before sailing 开航前


海上引水 §1.Guiding to cabin 接到客房 §2.Pilot’s request 引航员要求


补充材料 §1.Visiting 参观 §2.Foreman 工头、领班 §3.Boarding officer 登轮官员 §4.Customs’ searching party 海关抄关队 §5.Searching of the ship 抄关 §6.Asking for unsealing(by phone)请求开封(打电话)

LESSON 1 ENTERING PORT §1.Calling for a pilot by VHF On Channel 16

在16频道上呼叫引航员(S—Ship P—Port control)

S: Port control.Port control.This is Chinese motor ship “HAIHE” Calling.Over


P: Port control answering.Please spell your name and call sign.Over.港口控制台听到。请拼你的船名和呼号。回答

S: Port control.This is Chinese motor ship “HAIHE” spelling the ship’s name: HOTEL ALFA INDIA HOTEL ECHO “HAIHE”.My call Sign BMOR BRAVO MIKE OSCAR ROMEO Over 港口控制台,这是中国船“海河”呼叫,船名拼写为:HAIHE, 呼叫拼写为:BMOR P: “HAIHE” , This is port control, channel 12 Over “海河”,这是港口控制台,转到12频道

ON CHANNEL 12 S: Port control, this is “HAIHE” on channel 12.my ETA at the designated Western anchorage is 1600hours GMT.Ready to take pilot by that time.港口调度,这是海河在12频道呼叫。我轮预计抵达指定的西锚地的时间GMT1600时,请于这一时间为我们安排引航员。请回答。

P: “Haihe”, this is Port control, Your message is well understood.Your ship will pick up the pilot at No.21 entrance buoy on arrival.Please prepare a secure ladder.stand by on channel 16, and call me back half an hour before



S: All right, Thank you.We shall keep a listening watch on channel 16 when in the harbour area.Out



W—West Port Radio)

S: West Port Radio, This is “Haihe” on channel 16.How do you read me?


W: “Haihe”, I read you with signal strength 5.Can I do anything for you?


S: I would like to get a telephone link call to my agent in west port, His telephone number is 157488.Would you put me through to this number?


W: All right, Just a moment.Hold on for a few minutes.Please


§2 Conversation With Agent Through Radio Station



A: Good morning, Captain, Jackson speaking.早上好,我是杰克逊

C: Good morning, Mr.Jackson.I expect you have received my radiogram about the respects of discharge and the radiogram joint inspection.I hope you’ll make quick arrangements to order fuel oil and fresh provisions, according to my previous radiogram.早上好,杰克逊先生,我想您已经收到了我的关于卸货安排和电报联检的电报,我希望您尽快依据我上次的电报,预定所需的燃油和新鲜食品。A: Yes, I’ll do that.And I’ve fulfilled all necessary formalities in connection with your arrival, and the radiogram joint inspection has been arranged.是的,我会的,我已办好与你轮抵达有关的一切手续,电报联检也已办妥。

C: I appreciate ever so much what you have done for my ship.So long!


§3.Waiting For The Pilot In The Roadstead(C—Captain P—Port Operation)


C: New Port operation.This is Chinese ship “Haihe” calling.This is Chinese ship “Haihe” calling, over.NEWPORT港务当局。这是中国船“海河”呼叫,请回答。

P: This is New port operation, Answering.Your name and Call sign, please.Over.这是NEWPORT港务当局回答。你船的名字和呼号,请回答。



P: “Haihe”, HOTEL-ALFA-INDIA-HOTEL-ECHO.Call sign BMOR, BRAVO-MIKE-OSKAR-ROMEO.Is that all correct? Over

“海河” 呼号BMOR,是正确的吗?请回答 C: Yes, thank you.是的,谢谢

P: Please come in.what’s your port of registry? Over

请讲,你的船籍港是哪里,请回答 C: My port of registry is Dalian


P: Your last port of call and destination? Over


C: My last port of call was HongKong and my destination is London.Over.我的上一港是香港,目的港是香港。请回答

P: Please give your ship’s particulars and your intention of calling at this port.Over.请给你船的船舶规范特性表和你靠这个港的打算。请回答

C: 165metres long and 21.8metres wide, maximum draught 8.5metres and gross tonnage 9605 tons, we are calling at your port for replenishment of fuel oil and fresh water.Over.船165米长,21.8米宽,最大吃水8.5米,总吨9605,我船靠挂在你港是补充燃油和淡水,请回答

P: Is your ship underway now? 你船现在在航吗?

C: Yes, She has cleared the East cape lighthouse.My ETA at the Eastern

Anchorage will be 1530 hours.Could you send a pilot there? Over.是的,他已经离开了西角灯塔。我们预计抵达东锚地的时间是1530。您能派一名引水登轮吗?回答。

P: We are sorry, No pilot is available at present.Please anchor there and wait for the pilot After anchoring advise me of your anchoring position and stand by on Channel 12, Awaiting further notice.Over

非常抱歉,现在没有引水员。请抛锚并在那里等候引航员,抛锚后,请告诉你们的锚泊位置,并在12频道守听,等候下一步的通知,请回答。C: OK.I’ll do that.Thank you.Out.(After anchoring at the anchorage)

好的。我将按您的指示做。谢谢。通话完毕。(在锚地抛锚后)C: New port operation.New port operation.“HAIHE” Calling, Over.New port 港务当局。海河呼叫。请回答。P: “HAIHE” New port operation.Over.海河。New Port港务当局。请回答。

C: I’ve dropped anchor at 1415 hours position 070 degrees 1.5 N miles from the south island lighthouse.When can I expect the pilot to come? Over.我轮已在1415时抛锚,位置070度,距离南岛灯塔1.5海里,引航员何时能登我轮?

P: The pilot will board your ship at 0800 hours tomorrow morning.Please stand by on channel 12.Over.引航员将在明早0800时登轮,请在12频道守听。请回答。

C: I’ll stand by on channel 12.On which side is the pilot ladder to be rigged? Over.我们将在12频道守听,引水梯装在哪一舷?

P: It is all right to rig the pilot ladder on either side and stand by there.哪一舷都可以,不过要在引水梯旁等候。C: Thank you.Good-bye.谢谢。再见。

§4 Planning a Passage through the canal



P—PILOT STATION)C: Canal:[kə'næl]pilot station.This is Chinese ship “HAIHE” Calling.Over


P: “HAIHE” This is canal pilot station speaking.Please change over to frequency:['frikwənsi] channel 11.over


C: OK.好的。

P: “HAIHE” Over.海河请回答。

C: This is Chinese ship “HAIHE” I’m now proceeding to the quarantine anchorage and expect to be there in half an hour.I want to join the convoy and proceed through the canal.Will you please arrange for a pilot to meet me there? Over.这是中国船海河,我正驶向检疫锚地,预计半小时后到达。我希望加入船队过运河,请安排一名引航员在那里与我会合好吗?请回答。P: What are your port of departure and port of destination? Over


C: My port of departure Hamburg.Destination shanghai.Over

我船的出发港是汉堡,目的港是上海。P: Your ship’s particulars? Over.你船的船舶规范呢?

C: 135 meters long.28.5 meters wide.Gross tonnage 12500.drafts 7 meters forward and 7.6 meters aft.Over

船长135米,船宽28.5米,总吨12500,前吃水7米,后吃水7.6米。P: What kind of ship are you? Over.你船的船型是什么?

C: I’m a cargo ship and I have 8000 tons of steel.Over


P: Will you discharge or load any cargo at this port? Over


C: No.I’m a southbound ship.I want to transit the canal.Over

不,我船是向南航行的船,我船想通过运河。P: How is you rudder indicator? Over


C: My rudder indicator is in good working order.Over


P: Do you have any canal projector on board?


C: Yes, I’ve got one on board.Over


P: OK.Please proceed to the western quarantine anchorage and drop anchor 180 degrees 2 n miles from the entrance buoy.Your should change to

channel 6 and standby.I will call you again in a few minutes.好的,请驶向西检疫锚地并在距离进口浮标180度,2海里处抛锚。请转至6频道守听。我将在短时间内呼叫你轮。C: I’ll standby on channel 6,.Thank you.Out


P: “HAIHE” Canal pilot station calling, over


C: Pilot station.This is “:HAIHE” answering, over


P: You will join the convoy of 16 ships tomorrow and your station in the convoy is number 8, the transit will begin at 0700, please proceed directly to buoy No.4 at 0530.the pilot will board your ship there.Please stand by the gangway on your starboard side.Over


C: OK.My station in the convoy is number 8.the pilot will meet us at buoy No.4, gangway starboard side is that all correct? Good-bye.Over


P: Yes, that’s all correct.Good-bye.Over

是的,完全正确。再见。C: Thank you.Good-bye, out


§5 Entering port


1.Sea Pilot Comes Aboard


(P-PILOT D-DECK HAND T-3rd OFFICER)P: Lower the pilot ladder on the port side, please


D: All right, is it all right at this height?

这个高度行吗? P: Lower it some more.再放低点。D: Now how is it?


P: Yes, that’s good.Drop the heaving line to left my bag.好的,扔下撇缆,将我的包吊上船。D: OK, watch you head.I’m throwing it

好的,当心头,我把撇缆扔下去了。P: Good morning, isn’t it beautiful weather?


T: Good morning, sir yes, it certainly is.Will you please come this way? The captain is expecting you in his room.Write down your name in block letters, please.早上好,先生,是的,天气很好。请走这儿,船长正在他的房间等您。请您把名字用正楷大写字母写下。D: How long did it take you to reach here.到这里你船走了多久。T: Well, just 16 days.刚好16天。

P: How many knots at service speed?


T: She gets eighteen knots at service speed.This way, please.Captain, the pilot has boarded.常用船速18节,请走这里,船长,引航员已经来了。



(P-Pilot S-2ND Officer Q-Quarter master)P:(To the officer on duty)I’m going below for a little rest.Will you call me at half past three?

(对值班驾驶员)我现在下去休息一下,请在三点半叫我好吗? S: OK.Sir


S: Quartermaster, will you go below and call the pilot? Tell him it’s getting pretty cold so he’d better come up with his coat on.舵工,您下去叫引航员好吗?告诉他天气变的相当冷,最好穿上外衣再上来。

Q: Yes, sir.(at the door of the room provided for pilot)Pilot, it’s half past three, sir.It’s extremely cold outside.I think you’d better put your coat on.是,先生。(在引航员的房间门前)引航员,三点半了,先生。外边很冷,您最好穿上大衣。

P: Thank you Quartermaster, how is the weather?


Q: Very cold and the traffic is rather heavy, sir.很冷,但通航船舶很多。P: I’ll come up in a minute.我马上就上驾驶台。

2.Dock Pilot Comes Aboard(A)


P-Pilot)C: How long shall we stay here?

我们将在这里呆多久? P: We won’t wait at all.我们不用等的。

C: Must we wait for the tide?


P: Yes, but the tide is beginning to rise.是的,但是潮水正在开始上涨。

C: At what time will you prepare to enter the harbour?


P: Right away.Let’s be ready to heave up anchor and enter the harbour.We’re going to berth no.2, starboard alongside, heading out.现在就进,准备起锚、进港。我们准备右舷靠29泊位,船首朝外。C: Starboard alongside? Then are we going to swing off the pier? We may need some tugs to help up.右舷靠?那么我们要在突码头旁掉头了?我们需要几只拖轮帮助。P: Yes, we’re going to make fast a tug forward and another aft.And the third tug must be prepared in order to push the starboard bow when we swing.是的,我们准备船首船尾各带一条拖轮,三条拖轮在旁准备着,掉头时协助顶推右首。

C: Our vessel is equipped with a side-thruster, can we reduce one tug?

我船船首有侧推设备,是否可以少用一条拖轮? P: Yes, by the way, please tell me your ship’s particulars.好的,请顺便告知你们船舶的船舶规范。

C: My gross tonnage is 10488 tons, net tonnage 7268 tons.My vessel is 152 meters long and 21 meters wide.Our loaded draft is 9.5 meters, in ballast my ship draws 5.3 meters.我船总吨10488吨,净吨7268吨,船长152米、船宽21米。满载吃水


P: How is your draught fore and aft?


C: My draft forward is 30 feet and my draft aft is 32 feet.我船前吃水30英尺、后吃水32英尺。P: What’s you harbour speed?


C: My harbour speed is 14 knots, slow speed 12 knots, dead speed 5 knots.My gyro-compass error is two degrees east.港内速度14节,慢速12节,微速5节。罗经差2度东。P: How are your steering gear and telegraph?


C: Our steering gear is all right and telegraph answers very well.我们的舵机工作正常,车钟反应很快。

C: Ah, the tugs are just coming but from the end of the pier.啊,拖轮刚从突码头端部开过来。

P: Are they? Oh, I see, what is your engine, captain, turbine or diesel?


C: Diesel, it starts and stops very quickly, and the steering is not bad.柴油机,启车和停车特别快,舵机也不错。

P: That’s good, please get both anchors ready in case we have to bring her to a stop all of a sudden.We may use the anchor to deaden our speed if we have too much speed at the corner of pier.那很好,请备好双锚以便突然停车时用,如果到了突码头转角处速度还太快的话,我们可必须用锚减速。

C: Both anchors are ready.Our stability is not good, please go more slowly when you swing.双锚已准备好,我船稳性不好,掉头时请慢点。P: Yes, I see, we are preparing to weight anchor.明白,现在准备起锚。

C: Shall we send someone to look out on the bow?


P: Yes, keep those two lights in a line, don’t look at the compass, watch the ship’s head.好的,保持那两盏灯成一条直线,不要看罗经,看船首。Q: Yes.好的。

P: Give a wide berth to the breakwater.离开防波堤远一点

P: The fog is too thick.Switch on the radar.Let a deck hand take the sounding here.All vessels ready to enter the canal must have their ladders and booms run in.雾很大,打开雷达。让一个水手在这里探测。所以准备进入运河的船只必须把梯子和吊杆收进来。C: I’ll ask the bosun to do the work.我告诉水手长做这项工作。

P: Get the search light ready so that we can go through the canal at night the fog has lifted.Switch off the radar.准备好探照灯以便夜间通过运河。雾散了,关闭雷达。

4.Dock Pilot Comes Aboard(B)


P: Hello!Captain.I’m glad to meet you again.And it’s really a pleasure to come on board your ship.She is so well looked after.Do you remember me? Jackson is my name.你好!船长,很高兴见到你。很高兴上你船。他看上去保养的很好。还记得我吗?我的名字杰克逊。

C: How do you do, Jackson? I do remember you.We met a year ago.You haven’t changed much.你好,杰克逊?我记得你。一年前见过。你变化不大。

P: Thank you.I see, captain, that your ship is heavily laden, what is you draft now?

谢谢,船长,看得出你轮这次装的不少,你轮现在吃水是多少? C: My draft is 28 feet 6 inches aft.后吃水28英尺6英寸。

P: If that’s the case, you can’t enter the harbour now.you’ll have to wait for high tide.It would be dangerous to proceed now.如果是这样的话,你们不能现在进港,你轮不得不等待涨潮,现在进港是危险的。

C: It’s unfortunate.How long shall we have to stay here?


P: About 2 hours.So there is no hurry during the pilotage, let me ask you about your ship’s particulars if you don’t mine.大约2小时,所以引航期间不必着急,如果您不介意,我想了解一下你轮的船舶规范。

C: Not at all.Go ahead, Mr.Jackson.当然不介意,请问吧。杰克逊先生。

P: Obviously, your ship is made in china.She is one of the most modern ships I’ve ever seen-How many hatches has she?


C: She has five hatches, three hatches forward of the bridge and two hatches astern of it.有五个舱,三个在驾驶台前,两个在后。P: What is your engine, captain, turbine or diesel?


C: Diesel.She is single-screwed and her propeller is right-handed.柴油机。是单浆推进,其螺旋桨是右动式。P: Are there any errors on your gyro-compass?


C: Yes, about w degrees plus and there is an automatic pilot.有,有正2度的误差,有一个自动舵。P: How about her steering gear and telegraph?


C: They are both in good working order.他们工作正常。

P: How many revolutions does her propeller make at full speed?

主机全速时转速多少? C: 106 revolutions.106转。

P: How long will it take to reverse your engine from full ahead to full astern.主机从全速前进到全速后退需多长时间。

C: Not more than 18 seconds, but please note that, our ship is slow in going astern.不超过18秒,不过我轮倒车时速度慢,请注意这点。

P: Your advice is useful for me to guide your ship into the harbour, thank you.您的忠告对我引航进港很有帮助,谢谢。C: You are welcome.不必客气。

5.Proceeding Into The Harbour


(P-Pilot T-Third mate H-Helmsman C-Captain)

P: Third mate, we’ll get underway now.please lower flag “G” and hoist flag “H” and give one long blast on the whistle.三副我们要开航了,请降下“G”旗,升起“H”旗,并鸣一长笛。T: OK, I’ll ask the helmsman to do that in a minute.好的,我马上让舵工去做。

P: Please ring “stand by engine” captain!Heave away anchor.请备车船长!起锚。T: The anchor is up.锚出水。

P;All right, sir.Now I’ll order to put hard to starboard.Please tell fore and aft by VHF that we are altering course to hard-starboard..好的,先生。现在我将右满舵,请用VHF告诉船头和船尾,我轮已改变航向,右满舵行驶。

C: Pilot, watch two fishing boats ahead of us.Shall we give them a wide berth?


P: Certainly!We had better keep clear of them.They are crossing our head to port.Starboard fifteen.当然!我们最好远离他们。他们正经过船头到左舷。右舵15度。H: Starboard fifteen, wheel’s starboard fifteen.右舵15度,舵角右转15度。

C: Mr.pilot, do you see an outgoing tanker ahead, a little to our port?


P: Yes, we are meeting end on.Let’s avoid the risk of collision, we must alter our course to starboard so that we will pass on the port side of the other vessel.是的,我们当头对遇,让我们采取措施避免碰撞。我们必须向右转向以便从那船的左舷经过。

C: That’s right.Oh, the fog is setting in.I’m afraid we have poor visibility ahead.对,起雾了,恐怕前方的能见度不好。

P: Yes, we’ll have to make a sound signal because visibility will soon decrease to zero.Would you mind switching on your radar.Captain?


C: The radar is on and I’ll leave the 3 N mile scale for your viewing.您知道雷达是开着的,我已调到3海里的量程上供您观察。

P: If so, I won’t leave the radar screen as we are passing through a heavy traffic

area.There are many ships in the vicinity.I want a man on the head.这样的话,我不会离开雷达屏幕的,因为我们正在穿越一个交通拥挤区,这附近有许多船,我需要一个人在船首了望。

C: The bosun is keeping a lookout there to see that good course is steered.水手长正在那儿了望,以确保航向正确。

P: Fine.Now we are approaching the breakwater.Please use your binoculars, captain.Do you see the leading lights in the distance?


C: Yes, I do.We keep the lights in a line of 205 degrees.Shall we steer for them?


P: Of course.Please tell your man to watch them carefully.The depth is about 10-12 fathoms here.Put a double check on your echo sounder, please.当然,请让您的人仔细观察他们,这里的深度是10-12拓,请用你们的回声测深仪再测一次。

C: All right.We’ve done that, the depth is eleven and a half fathoms.Pilot, what’s the maximum safe draft for a cargo ship like ours to enter the entrance channel?


P: It is 25 feet as shown on the chart, and the entry must take place on high tide.海图上显示是25英尺,进港必须在高潮进行。

§6 Sending Ropes Out


(T-TUG B-BOSUN Lb-LINE BOAT Lr-LINE RUNNER)T: Throw a towing rope from the starboard bow, please!

请从船头右舷送出拖缆。B: All right.Here you go!


T: Slack!Give us plenty of slack!


B: Are you sure it’s all right? This is nylon, it’s very elastic you know.松这么多行吗?这是尼龙缆绳,伸缩性很大。T: All right.Hold on!


B: Keep it slack!We’ll make it fast.All fast now.让它松着,我们要系缆了。缆已挽牢。T: Okey.We’ll pull now.好,那么我们要收紧了。

Lb: Give out two head lines, one from each side.给出两根头缆下来,每边一根。B: All right.Here they go.好,送出来了。

Lb: Slack away more!I’m going to put them on the bitt over there.再松点!我准备系在那边的缆桩上。Lb: All right.Heave away!


B: Keep away from the ropes.We’re going to leave both lines at the same time.离缆绳远点,我们打算两根一起绞。

Lr: Send a heaving line for the spring.Shall I put the spring on this bitt?

送一根接倒缆用的撇缆,我把倒缆带在这个桩上好吗? B: No.put it on the next bitt astern.That one’s for the breast line.不,带在后面那个缆桩,这个桩用来带横缆。Lr: How many ropes do you want altogether?


B: 3 head lines, 1 breast and 1 spring.三根头缆,1根横缆和一根倒缆。

§7 Alongside The Dock(A)


(L-Linesman D-Deck hand C-Chief officer B-Berth master)L: Watch out!I’m throwing out the heaving line.注意!我撇缆了。D: All right.好的。

L: Take it easy!Hold it a minute!


C: Now hold on!What happened? Is she in position?

停住!怎么样?位置好了吗? B: 15 feet more ahead.再向前15英尺。

C: Slack away the back spring and heave in the head lines!How many feet



B: Three feet more!Hold on!Oh, she’s gone too far.Pull her back five feet!

再向前3英尺!停!哦,又过头了,朝后5英尺!C: That’s OK?


B: All right!Make fast the lines so that she will not move

行了,把缆绳挽牢,位置不要移动。C: All right.Put the rat guards on the lines.好的,缆绳上装好防鼠挡板。D: Yes, sir.是,大副。

§8 Alongside The Dock(B)


(C-Captain P-Pilot T-Third officer)C: Which berth is allotted to us, Mr.Pilot?


P: Normally, berths are assigned in order of ship’s arrival, “first com, first served”.You see.Oh, this is steering pretty well, this ship, third mate.一般来说,泊位是根据船舶到达的先后顺序来分配的,顺序是:谁先到达,谁先得到服务。您明白吧。噢。这条船行驶的非常好,三副。T: Yes, she is.是的。

P:(to the quartermaster)Starboard half a point.Watch her head now!don’t let her com the least to port!Starboard a little!Ease your helm!Steady as she goes!Keep that white light just a little bit on your port bow!Part your helm!Midship!Port little more.She is being brought in for berthing.(to the mate)half ahead!Please tell them down low to be ready for mooring.(对舵工)右舵半个罗经点,现在注意船头,勿偏左,右舵一点!回舵!把定!将那盏白灯保持在离船首左舷一点的位置,左舵!正舵!再左舵一点点,船正在靠上泊位。(对三副)前进二!请告诉机舱准备靠泊。T: Yes.Shell we get alongside the wharf or moor to buoys?


P: We’re going to berth no.6, starboard side alongside, heading in.我们要驶向6号泊位,右舷靠泊,船头朝里。T: Shall we have to use tugboats?


P: Certainly!The towage for berthing is compulsory inside the harbour.It is blowing a gale and the current is strong today.We need at least 2 tugs.Look, the tugs have come.Please tell fore and aft to have a tow line ready for them on your port side.Take in all the slack of that line, hold on tight and make it fast.当然!港内是强制使用拖轮靠泊的,你知道,今天刮大风,海流也很强。我们需要至少两艘拖轮,看拖轮已经来了。请告诉船首船尾在左舷准备拖缆,绷紧那根缆绳,使劲拉紧,把定挽牢。

T: Yes, we’ll do that.Must the port anchor be laid out and the moorings taken ashore?


P: Certainly.Stand by to drop your port anchor.(to the captain)full speed astern!Port your helm!Hard over!Midship!Stop her, sir!Slow ahead!Starboard!Stop her!(to the mate)let the anchor!Be careful not to drag it.Let the cable veer out 3 shackles on the windlass.How is the chain leading?


T: The chain grows astern.Sir, but the anchor bites the ground very well!


P: All right, sir.Please give her slow astern.Captain.好,三副。请后退一,船长。T: The chain is right up and down.锚链垂直。

P: Stop your engines, captain.(to the mate)hold on your chain.How much outside the hawse pipe now?

停车,船长。(对三副)刹住锚链。锚链筒外有多少? T: Three shackles in water, sir.三节入水,先生。

P: Right you are, I think she has got enough.Stand by fore and aft, captain.Heave away the chain, chief!Heave short!

很好,我想足够了,前后准备,船长。绞起锚链,大副!绞短。T: The anchor is aweigh, pilot.锚已离底,引水。

P: All right, sir.Slow ahead, captain!Starboard, just a little bit, steady!Stop her!Send a heaving line ashore!By the way, the current is strong here, you need to veer out anchor hawser to make he fast.好的,前进一,船长,右舵,再右舵一点儿。把定!停车!撇一条引缆到岸上,另外这里的海流很强,您需要绞出另一根缆以挽牢船。T: Yes, we have done it.Shall we get the head line ashore first?


P: Sure, head line first, then spring.Heave away the head line!Come up to the stopper!Easy, don’t break it.当然,先送头缆,然后是倒缆。绞头缆,使用制缆索!松一点,别绷断了。

T: Yes, I’ve made sure all mooring lines are kept tight and no line is strained to the breaking point.是,我可以保证所有的系泊缆绳都拉紧了并且没有一根缆绳紧到要绷断的地步。

P: Your ship is to use all her available ropes and wires due to the strong currents.Please get ready 4 head lines, 2 breast lines and 2 springs.We’ll soon secure alongside the quay.由于强流,你船将要使用所有的缆绳和钢索,请准备4根头缆,2根横缆和2根倒缆,我们将很快靠上码头。T: OK.Is she well position now?


P: Not yet.We’ll have to shift the stern line to the next bollard.She has to come 5 meters ahead.Heave away forward!Slack away aft!Stop heaving forward.Hold on aft!Apply to the stopper!Tie up like that!Get fenders ready.还没有,我们必须把尾缆移到另一个系缆桩上去,船必须往前移5米,船头拉紧!松尾缆!停止向前绞紧!船尾拉住!使用制缆索。就这样固定!准备好碰垫。

T: All right, sir.Look, the mate is handing the capstan to pull the ship to the quay.好的,先生。看,大副正操作绞盘把船拉向码头。

P: But due to silting alongside the quay, the ship could be only fended about 1.5 meters off the quay.She is just in position, being moored for a comfortable berth now.heave all lines tight and make fast.Let go the forward tug rope!Slack the anchor chain down to the ground.Let go the stern tug.Is every thing clear?


T: Yes, she is clear of very thing.是的,船一切清爽。

P:(to the captain on the bridge)My duty is over, sir.Have you signed my pilotage receipt?


C: Yes, here it is.You’ve helped me a lot.Thank you.Here is a glass of beer help yourself!Good luck, pilot!

是的,在这儿,您帮了我很大的忙。谢谢。这儿有一杯啤酒,祝您好运!P: Good luck to you, too!


C: Can you manage another one?

您再来一杯吗? P: No, thanks.So long!


§9 Enquiring About Port Information

询问港口情况(P-Pilot C-Captain)P: The berthing is finished, captain.We were lucky that the traffic was not congested.靠泊已经结束了,船长,我们很幸运,来往船只并不是很多。C: Yes, and the visibility was very good, too.是的,能见度也非常好。

P: Beautiful weather!But it’s pretty cold this morning.天气真好!不过今早相当冷。

C: Yes, we could use a cup of hot coffee.是的,我们喝杯热咖啡去。P: Thank you.谢谢。

C: Do sit down.By the way, I want to ask you for some information about this port if you don’t mind.请坐,顺便问一下,如果您不介意的话,我想问些有关这个港口的情况。P: Please do, captain.请吧,船长。

C: What is your opinion about the largest size and the deepest draught of vessel that enter the port safety?


P: Well, the draught is controlled by the bar in the channel.The depth above the bar is 27 feet at low tide, and the maximum allowed draught is 30 feet at high tide.The vessel must have at least 4 feet of water under the keel at all times while under way.哦,吃水是受航道中的浅滩限制的,低潮时浅滩吃水为27英尺,高潮时最大允许吃水是30英尺。在航道中船舶最少要保持4英尺的富裕水深。

C: I see.What about the length and the breadth?


P: Theoretically, there is no restriction on the length and breadth.But as the draft is limited, the maximum size of a vessel is usually considered to be 50000 tons deadweight.Larger vessels will have considerable difficulty in maneuvering even of the draught is not deep.理论上说,船长和船宽不受限制,但由于吃水受限制,因此通常认为50000载重吨的船舶为最大的。更大些的船在操纵上会有许多困难,即使它的吃水不深。

§10 Preparing The



(A-Agent S-Sailor on watch)A: Hello, sailor, will you lower the gangway now?


S: Wait a minute, please.I’m waiting for the order from the bridge for lowering the gangway.But, you see, berthing is not finish yet, watch your head!The gangway is coming down now.请等一等,我正等待驾驶台发出放舷梯的命令,但是您是知道的,靠泊还没完呢。小心头,舷梯放下来了。

A: Hold it, quartermaster!The ladder is going to hit the bitt down here.停住,舵工!梯子要碰到底下的系缆桩了。

S: I’ll come down and see.Oh, I see.Will you help me pull the ladder?


A: All right.That’s good.Now, don’t forget to spread the safety net, quartermaster!

好的,这下好了,舵工,不要忘了装安全网。S: Yes, we’re going to put it up right away.Will this do?


A: You should give it a little more slack.Otherwise it’ll break when the tide rises.你要系松一点,不然涨潮时会绷断的。

S: I see.What about the ladder? Will it be at a very steep angle when the tide rises?


A: No, the ladder is all right.The rise of the tide is about five feet.不,梯子没问题。潮水涨高大约5英尺。S;I must fix the safety net and handrail.我必须把安全网和扶手装妥。

A: Yes, port authority has special regulations.是的,港口当局有专门的规定。






(S-Sanitary officer C-Chief officer)S: Chief officer?

大副? C: Yes.是的,S: we’re sanitary officers.我们是检疫官员。C: Please sit down.请坐。

S: Thank you.Do you have the deratting certificate?


C: Yes, here it is.It’s the exempt certificate issued just one mouth ago.有,在这儿,是免于除鼠证书,是一个月前发的。S: Good.Have you seen any trace of rats in the ship?


C: No, never.And there was been no report on rats from the crew either.从来没有,船员也没汇报过有老鼠。S: Where is the garbage bin?


C: It’s on the poop deck.It has a metal lid.The garbage is picked up by the

garbage man every day.And as we use insecticide.There are no flies at all.在尾甲板上。有金属盖子,垃圾工每天清除垃圾。由于我们喷杀冲剂,所以船上也没有苍蝇。

S: How many rat guards and rat traps have you on board?


C: Well, let me see.Yes, 15 rats guards and 10 rat traps.哦,让我想想。是,一共15只防鼠档和10只鼠夹。

S: All right.Now we want to check the sanitary condition.Could you get two men to make the rounds with us.One man for the provisions store and one for the deck store?

好,现在开始检查卫生,能派两个人跟我们去吗?一个去食品储藏间,一个去甲板物料间。C: Certainly.Sir.可以,先生。

S: Do you have any infectious diseases on board?


C: One of the officers was ill.He has had a high fever for three days.We suspected that he might have typhoid.有一个驾驶员病了,他发了三天高烧,我们怀疑他可能得了伤寒。S: How about now?


C: He got well after an injection of 20,000 units of penicillin.Can you provide an ambulance to take him at once to hospital for inspection?


§2 Calling An Ambulance


(O-Second officer


W-Watchman)O: Watchman!Where is the nearest telephone?


W: It’s in the stevedoring office at the foot of the pier.Perhaps Mr.Wu, the supervisor is in the office now.码头走到底,装卸办公室有电话,可能监督员吴先生就在办公室。O: Excuse me, Mr.Wu, but could you call an ambulance?

对不起,吴先生,请叫一辆救护车好吗? S: What’s the matter?


O: A stevedore has fallen down into no.2 tweendeck.The third officer is giving first aid now.有个装卸工人掉进二舱的二层柜。三副正在抢救。S: Is he badly injured?


O: It doesn’t seem very bad.But we can’t tell until he’s been thoroughly examined.He seems to have landed on his back.看起来不十分严重,但未做全面检查前不能肯定,好像是背着地的。S: All right.I’ll get an ambulance, and also ring Mr.Li, your agent and tell him to come on board your ship immediately.好,我来叫救护车,给你们的代理李先生打个电话,叫他马上到船上去。O: Thank you, Mr.Wu, then I’ll go back to the ship.谢谢您,吴先生,我回船去了。

S: All right.And I’ll go to the ship immediately.By the way, when will you carry out the fumigation.好的,我马上也上船去,唉,对啦,你们什么时候进行薰舱? O: This afternoon.How long will the fumigation last?

今天下午。薰舱要进行多长时间? S: About an hour.大约一小时。

§3 Quarantine(B)


(Q-Quarantine officer

C-Captain)Q: How do you do, captain? I’m the quarantine officer.您好,船长。我是检疫官员。

C: I’m glad to see you.Sit down please.Would you like a cigarette?


Q: No, thanks.By the way, please tell your men not to throw lighted cigarette buts overboard.When did you drop anchor at the quarantine anchorage?


C: We drop anchor at 09:30 this morning, waiting for the quarantine inspection.我们是今早0930时抛锚的,一直在等待检疫。Q: Where do you come from?


C: From Shanghai.Our next port of call is Bombay.从上海。我们下一个停靠港是孟买。

Q: Oh, I see.Were you all inoculated against cholera at Shanghai?


C: Yes, inoculation and vaccination were all given free of charge.These are the crew’s inoculation papers.是的,预防注射和接种是免费的,这是船员的预防注射证书。Q: Thank you.Will you show me your latest bill of health, please?


C: Certainly, sir.Here you are.May I call up all hands on deck for doctors inspection?


Q: No need, thanks.Here is the maritime declaration of health.Will you please fill in the form and sign it?

不用,谢谢。这是海上健康申报表。请填好表格后签上字,好吗? C: OK, I’ll ask my purser to complete it at once and he can give you all the information you may require.Do you want to make an inspection of the ship? I’ll get someone to accompany you.好的,我马上让管事填好它,他将提供给您所需的一切材料。您是否要对船舶进行一下检查?我可以委派一个人陪同您。

Q: No, I don’t want to make any tour of inspection.Just show me your crew list.How many people are on board your ship and are there any passengers?


C: There are 38 crewmembers including a surgeon, and no passengers on board.有38名船员,包括一名船医,船上没有乘客。Q: Do you have any infectious diseases on board?


C: No, we haven’t.my crew are all in good health well, sir.When shall I get the free pratique? I hope we can get it as soon as the examination is over.没有,我的船员身体都很健康,先生。我们何时能拿到无疫通行证?我希望检查一结束就能拿到。

Q: I think there should be no delay in obtaining it, if the situation of the crew’s health is satisfactory.Is there any fruit on board?


C: Yes, we have some oranges and bananas, Besides plenty of vegetables.是的,我们有橘子和香蕉,另外还有大量的蔬菜。

Q: Please tell your crew not to take any fruit ashore, it is forbidden in his port.I should like to know whether you have found any rats onboard.Would you mind showing me your deratization certificate?


C: Here you are.I’m afraid this certificate ran out some days ago.给您,恐怕这份证书已过期几天了。

Q: So it did.You’ll have to carry out fumigation.Ask your agent to arrange for it as soon as possible.确实如此,你们必须薰舱。叫你们的代理尽快安排一下。

C: I certainly will.By the way, is it necessary to fix rat traps on the gangplank?


Q: Of course, and you won’t forget to have rat guards properly mounted on your moorings when your ship is alongside.The quarantine is now over.You may haul down the yellow flag.Here is the bill of health.Good-bye.当然,而且我希望在你们靠泊时不要忘了在你们的系泊缆绳上适当安装一些防鼠档。检查现已结束,请降下黄旗,给您健康证书。再见。C: Good-bye.Let me show you to the ladder.再见,我送您到梯口。




§1.Customs Officer Asking Questions(A)

海关官员询问问题(A)(C-Customs officer

P-Purser)C: May I have the arrival report and the crew list?


P: Certainly.But the crew list is not in proper form.Is it Okey?

当然可以,不过船员名单没有按格式编制,可以吗? C: That’s all right.By the way, where did you come from?

可以,顺便问一下,你船从哪里来? P: From Shanghai.从上海来。

C: I mean what was your last port of call.Was it Shanghai?


P: Oh, I beg your pardon.The last port of call was Marseilles.哦,对不起。上一个停靠港是马赛。

C: Where did you call at before Marseilles?


P: We just passed through Port Said, so it was Aden.我们刚过了塞得港,那就是亚丁港啦。

C: Where are you going after leaving here? Show me your scheduled ports of call.离开这儿之后去哪里呢?请让我看看你们的靠港计划表。P: We are going to call at Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg.我们将停靠安特卫普、鹿特丹和汗堡。C: Then back to China?


P: Yes, we will be crossing the Atlantic ocean, passing through the Panama canal, and then heading for Shanghai.是的,我们将横渡大西洋,通过巴拿马运河,然后驶向上海。

C: That is a long trip.When are you getting home to China, around August?

这个航次很长。什么时候能回到中国,8月份左右吧? P: Yes, that’s right.是的。

§2.Customs Officer Asking Questions(B)

海关官员询问问题(B)(O-Customs officer

C-Captain)C: What documents must I produce?


O: The captain’s declaration, the import cargo manifest, two copies of the crew list, three copies of the store list and the provisions list, the last port clearance, and two copies of the crew’s personal effects list.船长申报单,进口舱单,两份船员名单,三份物料和食品清单,上一停靠港结关单,和两份船员私人物品清单。

C: I understand, Mr.Dickson.This file contains all the necessary documents.Would you give me the bill of entry?


O: All right.Here it is.How many tons of cargo have you got on board? Is it all for discharge at this port? Is there any dangerous cargo on board?


C: We have 7460 tons of cargo in all, and it is all general cargo.There is no

dangerous cargo on board.Only 1500 tons are to be discharged here and the remainder is for Antwerp.总共7460吨货物,都是杂货。没有危险货。只有1500吨货要卸在本港,其余卸在安特卫普。

O: Is your cargo in full accordance will the manifest?

你们的货与舱单完全相符吗? C: Of course it is, Mr.Dickson.当然,狄克森先生。

§3 Crew’s Personal Effects List And Store List(A)


O: Have you gone through the customs formalities?


C: Not yet.We are just going to do it.还没有,我们正要办。

O: Is all the cargo to be landed at this port?


C: No, about two-thirds is to be discharged here and the rest at London.不,大约三分之二的货要卸在这儿,其余卸在伦敦。O: Now I need to see your store list.现在我想看看您的物料清单。C: Here it is.给您。

O: Where did you buy all the food?

食品从哪里买的? C: Dalian, China.中国,大连。

O: I would like to check the food supplies later, if you don’t mind.如果你不介意的话,我想稍后检查一下食品。C: Certainly.I’ll help to show you where everything is.当然可以。我会带您去看的。

O: Thanks.Are there any prohibited articles in you possession?

谢谢。你们有违禁品吗? C: No, none at all.没有。

O: Do you think all the crew’s personal effects have been declared?


C: I think so.My crew knows any article not declared will be regarded as

smuggled goods.我想是的,我的船员都知道未报关的物品算走私品。

A: That’s fine.And could you please fill out this customs declaration?

那就好,您能填一下报关单吗? C: Sure.I’ll do that right now.行。我马上就填。

§4 Crew’s Personal Effects List And Store List(B)


O: How much wine and tobacco have you on board?


C: 56 cases of wine, and 800 packets of cigarettes for the crew’s consumption.56箱酒和800包香烟供船员自己消费。

O: I’ll leave only 4 packets of cigarettes and 1 bottle of spirits for each crew.The rest must be sealed in the bonded store.When you want to unseal the store room for your daily requirements, ask the agent to call in a customs officer.我只给每个船员留下4包香烟和1瓶酒,其余的必须封在保税仓库里。当你们要开封取日常所需时,请让代理给海关打电话。

C: I see, but I don’t think we shall need to unseal it before departure.我明白,但我想开航前我们不用开封了。

O: No alcohol or cigarettes are allowed to be brought ashore.Photography in the port area is prohibited.No crew members are allowed to take cameras with them ashore either.Have you any firearms on board?


C: We have two rifiles.Here is the declaration for the firearms.有两只来福手枪。这是武器申报单。

§5.Crew’s Personal Effects List And Store List(C)

船员私人物品清单和物料清单(C)(C-Customs officer

P-Purser)C: Give me a copy of the crew’s possession list, please.Hmm… …,thirty bottles of whisky.That’s two many.Ten bottles will have to be sealed.Will you please get them together?


P: Will you tell me the amount of liquor and tobacco allowed in this port?


C: You’re allowed two hundred cigarettes or eight ounces of pipe tobacco a person, and one bottle of liquor for each officer and on bottle per our crew members for up to one week at anchor.Do you understand?


P: Yes, but can we have additional liquor and cigarettes if we are have longer than a week?


C: Yes, of course.Report to the customs office behind no.3 warehouse and an officer in charge will come on board.当然可以,到3号仓库后面的海关办公室报告一下,主管的官员会到船上来的。

P: I understand.I’ll contact the office at that time.清楚了,到时我上办公室去联系。

C: What is mean by these red circle on the crew’s possession list?


P: These marks show the items that have been sealed already and these are the camera list and the owners’ certificates.Please check them and have the certificates signed.划圈的项目表示已经封关。照相机清单和物主的证明在这儿。请检查并在证明上签字。

C: Tell them never to forget to show the carrying permits to the customs officer at the gate when going out and coming in with cameras.Let’s go to the next item.Give me two copies of the store list, please.通知船员带照相机进出大门时不要忘记在门口向海关官员出示携带的许可证。进行下一项吧,给我两份物料清单。P: Did you say two copies? Here you are.您要的两份?给您。

C: Is this all of the liquor and tobacco for the ship’s use?

这些烟和酒是船上用的? P: Yes, that’s all

是的,§6.Sealing 封关

(C-Customs officer

S-Chief steward

P-Purser)C: Now, will you show me the way to the stores to be sealed?


P: All right.The chief steward will show you the way.好的,大服务员领您去。

C: Chief steward, where are the stores?


S: One is that door in the corner over there, and the other is on the deck below.一间在那个角上,那扇门就是。另一间在主甲板下面。C: Will you tell me the items contained in this store?


S: Very well, sir.There are thirteen bottles of whisky and eighteen bottles of sake in that big container.And fifteen thousand cigarettes on that shelf.好的,先生。那个大箱子里面有13瓶威士忌和18瓶日本清酒,架子上有15000支香烟。

C: Is that all in this store? What is in that white cardboard box up there?

就这些了吗?上面那个白纸箱内装了什么? S: That is soda pop.那是汽水。

C: We needn’t seal the soda pop.Wouldn’t it be better if you take it out?


S: No, That’s all right.We already have enough soda pop out.不,放在里边吧。外边的汽水已拿足了。

C: Well, then let me seal the store.Now, keep it in mind that you will be punished if you unseal it without permission.All right?

那么我就封了,请记住如果未经许可就开封您要受处罚的,懂了吗? S: Certainly, sir.明白了,先生。

§7.After sealing


C: Will you get the captain’s signature on these documents?


P: Where on the documents shall I have him sign?


C: Here and here, and on this document, just anywhere.这里和这里,这份文件随便哪里都可以。

P: I understand.Please wait a while.By the way, we’ve got some parcels to be unloaded here.Will you have a look at them?


C: Where are they?


P: They are in the passage there, and here is the parcel list.在那边走廊上,这是托运清单。C: You may unload all these parcels.您可以拿下船了。

P: May I have your signature on this permit?


C: Yes, certainly.Show this permit to the customs officer at the gate when you take the parcels out.是要签字,箱子拿出门时要向海关官员出示许可证。P: I see.May I have spare forms for use next time?


C: Yes, of course.… oh, I’m sorry I have run out of them.You can get them from the agency.I will send them the forms.当然可以,…哦,对不起,我这用完了。您可以上代理行去取,我会送给他们的。

P: That’s very kind of you.多谢了。

C: Now, purser.I’ll come back one hour before you departure.See you again then.好了,管事。开航前一小时我再来,再见。P: Thank you for your kindness




§1.Immigration officer Asking Questions(A)

移民局官员询问问题(A)(I-Immigration officer P-Purser)I: Is there any change in your crew?


P: One of the crew disembarked at the last port of call.有一名船员在上个港口离船了。I: What was the matter with him?


P: He was injured while at work and was sent to hospital.他工作时受了伤了,被送到医院去了。

I: Oh, I see.I’m sorry to hear that.What was your last port of call?

哦,我知道了。听到这消息我很难过。你船上一个停靠港是哪里? P: Yokohama


I: Where are you sailing for from here?

你轮从这儿开往何处? P: For Capulco

去卡普尔科港。I: Any passengers?


P: No, we have no passengers.没有。

I: How many crew members have you on board, and what are their nationalities?

你船上有多少船员,都是哪个国家? P: Forty two in total, and all Chinese.共42名船员,都是中国人。

I: May I have two copies of the crew list?

能给我两份船员名单吗? P: Yes, here you are.给您。

I: How long will you stay at this harbour?

在本港呆多长时间? P: For about two days.大约两天。

I: Who is you agent here?


P: The Transmarine Navigation Corporation is our agent.我们的代理是越洋航运公司。

§2.Immigration officer Asking Question(B)


(I-Immigration officer

C-Captain)I: I’m from the immigration office.May I have 2 copies of the crew list and the seamen’s books?

我是从移民局来的。请给我两份船员名单和海员证? C: Certainly.Here you are.可以,给您。

I: Just a moment.I’ll have to go over them.Now let me know what your last port of call was, captain?

请稍等。我要过下目。船长,你轮上一个停靠港是哪里? C: Our last port of call was Marseilles.我轮上一个停靠港是马赛。

I: Did you take on any passengers there?


C: No, we haven’t any passengers on board.没有,没有旅客上船。

I: Captain, you should prepare a list of persons wishing to go ashore, as I have to issue ID cards.船长,请准备一份要上岸的人员名单,因为我要签发登陆证。

C: I’ve been advised that no foreign crew members any permitted to go ashore without presentation of ID cards, on which is a photo of the holder.我已听说外国船员若想上岸必须出示有持证人照片的登陆证。

I: Yes, that’s right.And besides, all ship’s personnel disembarking are obliged to produce their passports with local authorities visas to the maritime police.Will you please fill out the application form for landing permits, and sign it?

是的,此外,所有上岸的船员都必须向海上警察出示有地方当局签证的护照。请您填写一下登陆证申请表并在上面签字,好吗? C: With pleasure.When can we get the shore passes?


I: You must have their photos ready first.You know ID cards will be supplied by the agent and then stamped by the Immigration office.But your agent has got all this ready before your arrival, so ID cards will be issued to you shortly after your ship is alongside.Where can I give a check up to the crew?


C: You can have the mess room, if you like.Is it all right for them to wear shorts and come up?


I: That’ll do.Please.Have them come as soon as possible.How long do you intend to stay here?


C: It depends on the weather and the loading operations.If everything goes smoothly, I think two days will be enough.Our ship will pick up a cargo of cotton from this port and transport in to Guangzhou.What if any unexpected event prevents the cargo work and delays the sailing of our ship?


I: Well, if your laydays exceed 2 days, please collect all the shore passes the day after tomorrow, and then go to the immigration office to get them extended.At the present time, your crew can’t go ashore before they get the shore passes.哦,如果装卸时间超过两天,请在后天收齐所有的登陆证,然后到移民局来把它们延期,现在,你轮船员在拿到登陆证之前不能上岸。C: What shall I do with the passes after they have been used?


I: You must collect all the shore passes and hand them back to me before the ship’s departure.你必须收齐登陆证并在船离港前交还给我。

C: Yes, I see.Thank you very much.Here are the seamen’s books.Please go are there any restrictions on the crew intending to go shore?


I: There is restriction on their landing after immigration and health formalities have been satisfactorily completed.Now let’s go to the mess room, and I’ll start giving check ups to the crew.在移民局和健康检查手续都另人满意的完成后,对他们上岸没有限制了。现在让我们去餐厅,我将开始对船员进行检查。

C: This way, please.I suppose all the hands have mustered there except for two, they are on watch now, but they will come soon after changing their watch.请这边走,我想除了两名值班人员以外,所有船员都集合好了,但值班人员在换班之后马上就会来的。

§3.Muster 集合

I: Now, we will have the muster.Will you have the whole crew muster in the saloon?


P: Yes, sir.I’ll tell all of them to come to the saloon immediately.好的,先生。我通知他们马上就去。

I: Show me your seamen’s books and landing permits as you enter.进入大台后,请出示海员证和登陆证。I: There are two members left now


P: They are on watch now.I have sent for them.Will you please wait a minute? They should be coming right away.他们在值班,我已经派人去叫他们了,请您稍等一会儿,他们马上就来。I: That’s all.好的。

P: Yes, that’s all.Shall I tell the captain the muster is over?

好了,我告诉船长点名完毕? I: OK.Now, I must go

好吧。我该走了。P: Thank you very much.非常感谢。



§1.agent Comes Aboard



S-Sailor on Gangway watch)A: Good morning.早上好!S: Good morning.早上好!

A: I’m your agent.I want to see the captain.我是代理。我想见船长。

S: I’m sorry, he isn’t on board at the moment.He’s gone ashore.对不起,他不在船上,他下地了。A: Can I see the chief officer, then?


S: Certainly, sir.Please come this way.This is chief officer’s cabin.当然可以,先生。请这边走。这是大副房间。A: Thank you very much.非常感谢。

A: Good morning.早晨好!

S: Good morning.早晨好!

A: I’m your agent.Is the chief officer in his cabin?


S: I think he’s in the ship’s office.I’ll show you.This way please.Watch you step!The ladder’s steep.他大概在办公室,我给您带路。从这儿走,脚下小心!梯子很陡。A: Thank you.谢谢。

§2.Agent Meeting Chief Officer.代理会见大副


C-Chief officer)A: Good morning, chief officer.I’m your agent from Penovico.早上好,大副。我是你们PENOVICO代理。C: How do you do!


A: How do you do!Did you have a good trip?


C: Well, a rather rough trip, I should say.哦,应该说是很辛苦的一次航行。

A: That’s too bad.But you can take a good rest here.The cargo is not ready for working today, so you’re going to start loading at 8 tomorrow morning with 4 gangs.太不幸了,不过您在这里可以好好休息一下。货物今天还没有准备就绪,打算明天早上8点开4个工班装货。

C: Are we? But when can we finish then? We are ready to load.This is the notice of readiness.是吗?那我们何时能干完?我们已准备好装货,这是装货准备就绪通知书。

A: You should be able to sail on Wednesday evening if everything goes well.Then you will still be on schedule.如果一切顺利的话,你们星期三晚上就可以开航了,那样你轮还是在班期之内的。

C: Have we any special cargo to load? Give me a loading cargo list.我们有特种货要装吗?给我一份装货清单。

A: I’m afraid you have a lot of dangerous cargo.It can’t be stowed in the same compartment.It’s a headache for you, I suppose.Anyway, you can find it on this list.At the same time, we have a lot of heavy cargo.I want to have your

idea about their stowage.恐怕要装很多危险货物,他们不能装在同一个舱内,我想这是件令您头痛的事,总之,货物名称都列在这张表上。同时,我们还有许多重货,我想知道您打算怎样配载。

C: I’ll look through it and let you know the stowage plan tomorrow morning.我先看看,明天早上告诉您配载计划。A: Thank you.Is there anything you require?


C: Yes, could you post these letters for us?

是的,能为我们寄这些信吗? A: Certainly, sir.当然可以,先生。

C: The SWL of our vessel’s derrick is only about 5T, but the heavy-duty cargo is as heavy as about 24T.please arrange a floating crane to load the heavy-duty cargo at the proper time.我船吊杆的安全负荷只有5吨,但重件货的重量是24吨。请在适当的时候安排一个浮吊来装重件货。

A: I’ll arrange for it according to the loading progress.我将根据装货进度来安排浮吊。

C: We also need some dunnage boards and planks.In addition, we need some matting.The size and quantity have been written on the list.Please arrange for a chandler to come to talk with us tomorrow.我还需要垫舱板,另外,还需要一些席子,尺码和数量已写在单子上了,请安排一个供应商明天来跟我们谈谈。

A: OK, I’ll arrange for an honest chandler to come to your vessel.好的,明天上午安排一个好的供应商上船。








C-Captain)A: Good morning, captain.I’m pleased to meet you.I’m your ship’s agent in this port.早上好!船长。我很高兴见到您,我是你轮在本港的代理。

C: It is a real pleasure to have you as our agent.Yesterday afternoon, we arrived in the roadstead when there was some congestion in the port and no berth was available.We were advised to wait for our turn.So we got alongside the quay after some delay.由您做代理我们感到非常荣幸。昨天下午我们到达锚地的时候港内有许

多的船,没有空泊位。要求我论等候,因此我们耽搁了一会儿才靠码头。A: I’m extremely sorry to hear that.I have been expecting you according to your notice of ETA.Did you have a nice trip?

这真是太遗憾了,我一直在按您的预抵通知恭候你轮。航行愉快吗? C: On the whole, not so ban.You know we have been sailing from port to port for nearly six months now.have you received any mail for our crew?


A: No, we haven’t yet, as the saying goes: “no news is good news”


(F-Fresh water man

C-Chief officer

T-Third officer)F: Good morning, chief officer.I come from the harbour office as the request of your agent.I’m the fresh water man.早上好!大副,我是应你船代理的要求从港务局来,我是加水工。C: Oh, I see.Fresh water man, good morning.Supply 200 tons of fresh water into the two after peak tanks, please.By the way, what kind of gauge do you have?


F: I have a flow meter between the ends of the delivery pipe and valve.Chief officer, will you please show me your hose connection?


C: Yes, the third mate will show you that connection.Look!He is coming.Contact him.好的,三副将带您去看,瞧,他来了您跟他说吧。

F: Good morning, third mate.The chief officer would like you show me which water tank is to be filled first.Have you a flow meter?

早上好!三副。大副想让您带我去看看哪个柜先加水,你们有流量表吗? T: Yes, there is one beside a reducer, you may use if you need it.Oh, how many tons can be supplied an hour?

有,减压阀旁边有一个,您需要时可以用。哦,一小时能加多少吨水? F: About 25 tons.After the hose is connected, we’ll let the water flow immediately.Who will be in attendance on water pumping?

大约25吨。管子连接后,我们马上加水,谁来照看水泵? T: The carpenter will be in charge of this work.木匠将负责这项工作。

(C-Chief officer A-Agent)C: I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the working hours in port?


A: The port works in two shifts in the daytime.There is no work at night, and 4 or 5 stevedore gangs can be arranged per shift, if necessary.Of course, it is possible to work overtime but with a double payment of the ordinary wages.白天港口是两班倒,夜间不工作,如果需要的话,每班有4-5个装卸工班。当然,也可超时工作,但是付平时双倍的薪水。C: How long in advance should I give the gangs orders?


A: They need orders 24 hours in advance.In order to speed up the rate of unloading.I intend to arrange 3 gangs per shift for you.他们需要提前24小时通知,为了加快卸货速率,我打算每班给您安排3个工班。

C: It’s a good idea, agent.Would it be possible to start unloading today?


A: I’m sorry, but it’s a bit too late.We can’t expect the stevedore to agree to that.对不起!有点迟了,我们不能指望卸货工人会同意这样做。

C: If so, I won’t insist.It really is too late.But I do require at least 3 gangs tomorrow.如果是这样的话,我不坚持,是太晚了。但我要求明天至少3个工班。A: Yes, sir.They’ll be at your berth punctually at 8 am.Now, captain, please let me have a set of import manifests and two copies of your stowage plan, on for me and the other I’ll pass to the stevedoring company.By the way, do you have any more crew mail to post?


C: Not yet, but here is a sea protest, I have to note to the harbour master.will you submit it to him for me?

还没有,但我有一份海事声明要提交给港长,您能否替我转交他? A: What accident happened during the voyage?


C: Oh, yes.We met with a violent storm on June 6th while passing through the Malacca Strait.Heavy seas swept the ship’s deck and cargo hatches so frequently that sea water could have penetrated into the holds and damaged

the cargo.哦,是的,6月6日我们航行在马六甲海峡时遇到大风暴,巨浪不断地漫过甲板和货舱,海水可能已经渗进大舱并且损坏了货物。

A: If that is the case, you may rely on me for this matter, don’t you think we had better call in a surveyor on board?


C: Do as you think best, agent.At present, our ship is about to effect the crew replacement, signing off 4 crew, who are to leave ship for our home port.At the same time, we’ll sign on 3 ratings who are coming here to join the ship.Will you please arrange for the repatriation first?


A: Oh, I see.Will you hand me the repatriates’ passports and identification cards, please? As a general rule, it’s not difficult for them to obtain emergency visas from the immigration office, and their repatriation arrangement by sea or by air can be effected easily.As for your now shipmates, I’ll meet them at the airport or at the quay, then they’ll be taken to your berth in my car.哦,我明白。您能把遣返人员的护照和身份证给我吗?按照惯例,他们从移民局获得紧急签证是不难的,而且用船或飞机遣返也很容易安排,至于来接班的船员,我将到机场或码头去接他们,然后用我的车送到你们的泊位来。

C: Thank you, sir.You’ve made it quite clear.Well, a good start is half done.谢谢!先生,您已经安排的很清楚了。良好的开端是成功的一半。A: I hope so, I’m sure your sailor will get the ship’s cargo gear ready.Discharging will start at the notified time.希望如此,我相信你们的船员会准备好船上卸货设备的。卸货将按通知的时间开始。§4.Preparations For Loading The Container Ship Attended

To By Agent 代理协助集装箱船舶的装货准备工作


A-Agent)C: The 2 holds will soon be left empty after cargo of containers is dropped off here at your port.We’ll have to sail in ballast on our way home if here is no cargo to be shipped to our next port.42


A: Oh, how could you think of the ship sailing in ballast? No one ever thought of putting a ship to sea without a full cargo.The seaway here is a lucrative trading route for all ships.What kind of cargo do you prefer to carry?


C: Of course, container boxes.You know we don’t expect to be here long.How many boxes is your terminal able to handle per day?


A: Generally speaking, about 500 boxes a day.Now I’ve got 38 container boxes for you to pick up.I suppose this plan can solve your problem of sailing in ballast and save a lot of red tape and money on your homeward voyage.一般来说,一天500只箱子,现在我已为您准备了38个箱子,我想这能为你们解决空载航行的麻烦,并节省回航的麻烦手续和费用。


C-Chief officer)S: All the cargo in containers is ready for shipment.According to the shipping memo, there are 38 standardised 20-ft containers to be loaded, each holding 30m³(cubic meters)of cargo, are you going to accept them all?

所有集装箱货已准备就绪,等待装舱。按照装货通知书,有32个20英尺的标准箱要装,每箱装有30立方米的货,您要全部都接收下来吗? C: No, we aren’t.our ship’s representatives have just inspected those boxes, 30 of them are all right, but two will be refused.不,我船的代表刚检查过那些箱子。其中30箱子还好,但有2个箱子不能接收。

S: Why? So far as I know, all the stowed containers are in good condition.The cargo was stowed into the container boxes under our supervision 2 days ago.为什么?据我所知,所有装好的箱子状况均良好,货物是两天前在我们的严密注视下装箱的。

C: But we found the 2 containers’ seals and locks had been tampered with.There are some obvious new traces of pilferage on the doors.So in the bill of lading, I have to put the remarks, quote, “ship not responsible for the shortage of and damage to the contents of the containers in question”



S: If so, we must first report this incident to the maritime police, and then invite the cargo surveyor to ascertain the loss of, and damage to, the contents of the two containers.如果是这样,我们必须先把这一事件报告给海事警察,然后请商检人员来确认这两个集装箱内容的灭失和损坏。

C: I agree with your arrangements.Also.I should know the packing condition of the goods inside each box.Any shifting could cause much damage to the cargo.Would you be kind enough to produce your container packing certificate?


S: OK, Here is the paper indicating the stowage measures taken to prevent the cargo from shifting inside the containers.可以,该证书可表明我们为防止箱内货物的移动所采取的堆装措施。


A-Agent)C: Some dry cargo, in containers for shipment, is over here, on no.5 quay.Perhaps, we’ll have to shift to another berth.在5号码头那边有一些装箱待运的干货。也许,我们必须移到另一个泊位。

A: Yes, sir.Just wait and keep the engine running all the time.I’ll let you know as soon as I get the shifting order.是的,先生。请使主机保持运转状态。我接到移泊命令就会尽快通知您。C: Do we need to move with the assistance of tugs?


A: Shifting by tug is compulsory in the port, but there is no extra charge for it.Is your ship in all the respects ready to load?


C: Yes, sir.We have had all the holds cleaned and prepared for cargo.I don’t know whether the representative of the shipper will get on board to inspect the holds before loading starts.是的,先生。我们已把所有的货舱清洗准备好装货,我不知道托运人的代表是否会在装货开始前上船来。

A: Certainly, sir.He requested that every hold should be well dunnaged and matted.Please make sure all the dunnage materials are dry, clean and free from oil and grease.44


C: I guarantee they are.By the way, have you received any radio message from the ship’s owner about our homeward passage?

我保证,顺便问一下,您是否收到了船东发来的有关我们回航的电报? A: Yes, I have.It reads: “you are given orders to sail for Barcelona to take on some cargo there”


C: You’ve mentioned that our next port is Barcelona.Since we’re never been there before, I’m quite in the dark about that port, so we can do nothing without a new edition of the relative charts and the latest notice to mariners.Can you manage to obtain them for me?


A: Just let me see what I can do in this matter.Generally speaking, no charts or sailing directions are available at this port.If necessary, they may be obtained from Port Said, but that will take a week at least.What else can I do for you, captain?


C: The compass on our ship needs testing and correcting again before sailing for Barcelona.You know no ship can sail without eliminating the deviation of the compass.Besides, our sextant is also out of order, we even can’t use it to measure the altitude of the celestial bodies.Therefore I would like to get these instruments overhauled and adjusted.我们的罗经在开往巴塞罗那前需要再次检测和校正。您知道,不校正罗经的误差,船是不能够航行的。另外,我们的六分仪也坏了,我们甚至不能用它来测量天体的高度。因此,我希望将这些仪器检修调试好。A: I see, you’ve nothing to worry about.I can recommend to you a good expert for repairing purposes.Here is the loading list.Will you please make out the stowage plan as soon as possible?


C;I’ll do my best.Don’t worry about it, sir.Now I want to know what kind of cargo you have prepared for us.45


A: General cargo, in addition to some agricultural machinery.杂货,另外还有一些农业机械。C: When shall we get the port clearance?


A: It will be issued to you in 2 or 3 days.Captain, I’m going through all the necessary formalities for your departure.两或三天就签发给你们,船长先生,我正在为你们办理离港所需的一切手续。

A: Good afternoon, captain.I’m glad to see you again at my office.下午好!船长。很高兴在办公室见到您。

C: Good afternoon, sir.I’ve been sent word you wanted to see me.What’s the problem?


A: It’s good you’ve come so quickly, captain.It has been decided that loading is to start at 8 am tomorrow.Are you going to give your notice of readiness to load?

船长,您这么快就来了,太好啦!已经决定装货从明天早上8点开始。您已经准备好递交装货准备就绪通知书了吗? C: Yes, I’ve brought it with me.是的,我已经带来了。

A: Thank you, sir.Please leave it with me and I’ll hand it to the shipper.By the way, what about the stowage plan? Have you prepared it?


C: Yes, here you are, but I’d like to discuss it with you if possible.是的,给您,但有必要的话,我希望与您讨论一下。

A: With pleasure.Captain, do you want to load these 4 cargo holds simultaneously? 非常荣幸。船长,您想同时装4个舱吗?

C: Yes, but only if you can provide separate stevedore gangs for each hold the more gangs, the better.是的,但只是在您能为每舱分别安排2个工班的情况下,工班越多越好。A: Yes, indeed!They will work in two shifts.46


C: We are short of hands.Will you assign a shore winch-man for the night shift?


A: I suppose I can manage it, captain.Do you know that a shore crane will be hired for heavy cargo and that part of the heavy cargo for no.2 hold will be loaded at another berth?


C: Yes, I do.I’ll have to take it into careful consideration for opening and closing the hatches at the beginning and end of the daily loading operations?


A: The opening and closing of hatches usually depends on what the charter party says.开关舱通常由租船合同来定。

C: I see, agent.Have you arranged for the gangway watch?


A: The gangway watch is required by the harbour regulations.Generally, the ship’s deck hands should carry out this work..舷梯值班是港章要求的。一般来说,船上的水手应当做这项工作。C: It is kind of you to explain it to me.By the way, we need some fresh provisions.Will you please recommend a good ship-chandler?


A: I’m glad to be of service to you.He will soon come on board.很高兴为您服务。他很快会上船来。





C-Chief officer)A: Do you have any requirements?


C: Yes, we need 200 tons of water.Will you arrange for the supply tomorrow? As we have no cargo work tomorrow, it’s most convenient for us.是的,我们需要200吨水。您能安排在明天加吗?因为我们明天没有装卸,这对我们来说最方便。

A: Very good, chief.I’ll arrange for the waterman to come and see you

tomorrow morning.很好,大副。我安排加水工明天早上来见您。

C: Thank you.Oh, I almost forgot.Could you get a welder sometime during our stay here? One of the rollers of no.5 steel hatch cover is about be come off.谢谢您。哦,我差点忘了,我轮在港期间您能否派一个电焊工来?第5舱的钢制舱盖的一个滚轮快掉下来了。

A: I think I can get repairmen tomorrow morning.You’ll have to get a “Hot Work Permit”, that is a written permission issued by the port authority for using an open flame in the port.But the repairmen will take care of the paper work..我估计明天早上能派修理工来。但您必须取得一张“明火作用许可证”,这是由港务局签发的在港内允许使用明火的书面证明。不过,办理许可证将由修理工负责。

C: We need some fresh food.Can you recommend a chandler to us?

我需要一些新鲜食品,您能否给我们介绍一个供应商。A: Tomorrow, I’ll ask an honest chandler to come.明天,我将让一个诚实的供应商来。

C: How do we square accounts with the chandler?


A: Our company will pay the bill for you and we will transfer the accounts to your company.我们公司代为支付,再转到你们船公司。C: Now we have to borrow $2000 from you.现在我还得向您借2000美元。

A: I’ll give the sum of money to you after drawing it from the bank tomorrow.明天我从银行提款后给您送来。§6.Be Always On The Alert While On Time Charter


A-Agent)C: Good afternoon, agent.I was sent word you wanted to see me.What’s the problem?


A: Good afternoon, captain.I’ve been waiting for you.I was told that on you last trip the charterers gave you an illegitimate order against the charter party.You did right to refuse to act upon it.Will you please go into the details?



C: As an agent, you know very well that almost every dispute involves a large sum in claims.In order to avoid possible complication, I then insisted on the charterers’ instructions being signed in written form.作为代理,您知道几乎每一桩争执都会涉及索赔时的一大笔款项。为避免使事情复杂化,我坚持租家的命令必须以书面形式出现。

A: Oh, you were right.Under such circumstances you didn’t hesitate to request confirmation in writing of the instruction which had been given to you only orally,哦,您是对的。在这种情况下,对于他的口头指令您毫不犹豫地要求他提供书面证明。

C: It was quite natural to do so since the charter party stipulated that the charterers must give every instruction in written form.这是很自然的,因为租船合同规定租家必须以书面形式下达每一项指令。

A: I was told by the stevedores that the steel pipes had been loaded in disorder without the required separation.Stacks of metal were piled up in a cross-cross way.The ends of the pipes of on stack were caught between stacks, and a large number of pipes were deformed during transportation.装卸工人告诉我说钢管装得非常乱,没有按要求隔票。金属管交叉码垛,一垛钢管的两头夹在其它垛中间,许多钢管在运输过程中变形。

C: I’m sorry to say that their allegation is entirely absurd, it was the stevedores who were liable for damage resulting from their incorrect methods of unloading metal.In regard to our loading, it was beyond reproach.The charterers’ representatives were in attendance on steel loading, and they can confirm that the cargo was stowed in compliance with the sea transportation regulations.非常抱歉地说他们的指责是非常荒唐的。装卸工人应对他们在卸金属货时采用不正确的方法所造成的货损负责。至于我们的装货,那是无可指责的。因为在装钢材时,租家的代表也在场,他可以证明货物是按照海上运输规则堆装的。

A: According to what you just said it sounds reasonable, but can you present a spot statement of facts signed by the charterers for acknowledgement?


C: Yes, of course, I’ve made it out to protect our ship-owners from the

charterers’ damaged cargo claims.It reads as follows: “I, captain of the M/V HAIHE, hereby confirm that M/V HAIHE under my command, has completed loading in accordance with the charterers’ instructions and to their satisfaction.The stowage has also met their requirements.As to any objections to loaded tonnage or stowage, you are kindly requested to notify me at once, So that I may make the appropriate arrangements”.是的,当然可以。为避免我船东受到租家货损索赔,我已备了一份文件。内容如下:“我,海河轮船长,特此证明海河轮在我的指挥下,已按照租家要求,另其满意地完成装货,积载也符合他们的要求。至于在装货吨数和积载方面所持的异议,如能立即通知我们不胜感激。这样我可以做出适当的安排。”

A: I’m convinced you’ll get rid of the blame placed by the charterers.But as to the case of a claim for short delivery, I don’t quite understand you.Captain, what prevented you from putting some remarks on the mate’s receipt at the port of loading?


C: Because the charterers wrongly insisted on having no remarks put on the mate’s receipt, despite my request, as I was afraid the dispute would delay our sailing departure, I had prepared a protecting letter.尽管我要求过,可租家错误地坚持不要在大副收据上做批注。由于我担心争执会耽误我们的开航,我已准备好一份保护性信件。A: What should the wording of such a letter be?

这样一封信是怎样措辞的呢? C: I wrote in the following manner:

“Dear Sir,Failing to make appropriate remarks on the mate’s receipt due to objections of the charterers, I hereby do not hold myself responsible for any results that may be incurred by the above discrepancy in any circumstances.”




A: I suppose you did your utmost to obtain the signature of the responsible party but you failed to get it.我想您已经尽了最大努力去取得责任方的签字,但您未能办到。

C: Yes, I should arrange for a competent surveyor to conduct a cargo condition



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