
时间:2019-05-14 03:59:18下载本文作者:会员上传


Huashan Mountain Mount Huashan, one of the five best-known sacred mountains in China, is located to the south of Huayin County,120 kilometers east of Xi`an, with an altitude of 2,200 meters.It is known as 'The Number One Precipitous Mountain under Heaven'.The mountain has five peaks, which looks like five petals of a flower seen from afar, hence its name Mount Huashan(Hua means flower in Chinese).The North Peak is called the Cloudy Terrace Peak.It has only one hill that leads to the south with three sides disconnected with anywhere, and it is fairly steep.The Central Peak is called the Jade Lady Peak.Legend has it that Nong Yu, the daughter of King Mu of Qin of the Spring and Autumn Period, admired Xiao Shi, a hermit,so much for the music he played on a vertical bamboo flute, that she left her family and her royal life and flew here with Xiao Shi on the backs of a dragon and a phoenix and lived in seclusions as a hermit here.It seems that a hermit is a fairly popular career in ancient China!Today, people can still see the Jade Lady`s Cave, the Wash Basin, the Dressing Stone and the Phoenix Pavilion.I think you may have found that there’s always a legend or a legendary figure of each mountain in China.There is a famous belief in Chinese literature that a mountain is well-known not for its awe-inspiring precipices, but for the legendary figure who lives in it.The east peak is also called the morning sun peak.It is the best place from which to see the sunrise.It takes about 5 hours to climb to the top of East Peak.The peak shoots dramatically up into the sky.Therefore, both the ascent and the descent are difficult and dangerous.On the side of one cliff, you can see the impression of a huge hand, which is well-known “God’s Hand Print on Mount Hua’shan”.It is the first among the eight scenic attractions in central sha’anxi plain.The South Peak, also called Wild Goose-resting Peak, is the highest among the five peaks.It stands at an elevation of 2,200 meters.The West Peak is called Lotus Flower.It got its name because of a huge lotus flower-shaped rock in front of Cui’yun Temple at its top.It is the place where the legendary figure Chen Xiang, son of Holy Mother Ⅲ, split the mountain to rescue his mother.Close to the Cui’yun Temple lies a huge rock which seems to have split into two halves with an axe, hence its name “Rock Split With an Axe”.Not far off stands a long-handled axe that is said to have been used by Chen Xiang.Mount Hua’shan’s Precipices Mount Huashan is famous for its awe-inspiring precipices and breath-taking cliffs.Along the 20-kilometers-long road around the five peaks, there are a number of places with sheer precipices: the Thousand-foot Precipice, the Hundred-foot Crevice, Laojun’s Furrow, the Heaven-ward Ladder and the Blue Dragon Ridge.The Cliffside Road and the Sparrow Hawk’s Cliff are among the most dangerous.The Blue Dragon Ridge The Blue Dragon Ridge winds up and down irregularly with its central part protruding into the air looks rather like the backbone of a carp.On either side of the ridge, cliffs fall into deep valleys.Looking across into the distance, you will get a misty view of green pines and floating clouds.You will hear the sound of the wind roaring into you ears.When climbing over the “Blue Dragon Ridge”, regarded as the must-pass way to the other four peaks from North Peak, travelers arrive at Gold Lock Pass.The natives know that it is customary to buy a golden lock, and then lock it in the iron chains on both sides of the Gold Lock Pass for families and friends to pray for their safety and health.Gold Lock Pass is also the throat to Middle Peak, East Peak, South Peak and West Peak.Yuquan Garden(Jade Spring Garden)Mount Hua’shan boasts a lot of places of interests.There stand Buddhist and Taoist temples, pavilions and buildings on the peaks and valleys.Yuquan Garden is located at the entrance of the valley on the hillside north of Mount Huashan.Inside the garden, there is a cool, sweet spring;hence its name “Jade Spring Garden”.The spring is said to come from an underground flow that runs from the Jade Well in the Zhenyue Temple.The Temple of Mount Huashan The temple of mount huashan lies seven kilometers north of mount huashan.In ancient times, mount huashan was regarded as a mountain of divinity, and the temple of mount huashan served as a place for the emperors of different dynasties to hold sacrificial ceremonies for the god of mount huashan.The temple of Mount Hua is the only sacrificial temple among the temple of the Five Mountains and it faces south and the highest peak of the mountain.In 1988, this temple was categorized as national monument.Forest of Stone Tablets Museum The museum is located at the site of the Confucian Temple in Sanxue Street.The site was originally the Imperial Ancestral Temple in the Tang Dynasty and later became the Confucian Temple in the Song Dynasty.In the 1950,it was extended into the museum as we see today.The museum covers an area of 30,000 or more.The Forest of Stone Tablets was set up in 1087.Over 3,000 tablets are preserved here.The tablets are ranged in great numbers like trees in a forest, hence its name the Forest of Stone Tablets.FYI, it’s a national monument now.The museum is not only a treasure house of calligraphy art of China, but also a collection of the ancient Chinese classics and literature.It recorded cultural achievements ever scored in ancient China and cultural exchanges between China and other countries.The museum now has 7 exhibition rooms, six epitaph corridors, and one tablet pavilion.However, due to the time limit, I will primarily focus on the tablet pavilion and the first three exhibition rooms.The tablet pavilion In front of the first exhibition room is a Tablet Pavilion specially built for the Stone-Base classic of Filial Piety.This tablet is the largest in the Stone Forest, engraved in 745 AD in the handwriting of Li Longji, the 7th emperor of the Tang Dynasty.The first exhibition room The first exhibition room consists of Kai Cheng Stone Classics, carved during the Kai Cheng Period(883AD)of the Tang Dynasty.At that time, copying was more common than printing.Then doctrine of Confucius and Mencius was the ideological basis of feudal society, and the classics were required readings for intellectuals.To prevent copying errors, the feudal rulers employed lots of sculptors to carve 12 classics on the stone tablets.It’s really a great project.These 12 classics contain altogether 650,252 characters, and they are called “the Heaviest Books in the world”.In the Qing Dynasty, another classic “Mencius” was engraved and together with the former 12, they are called “thirteen classics” now.The second exhibition room This room houses the most famous specimens of the Tang calligraphy and the great historical tablets that reflect the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.One of them is the Nestorian Tablet, which tells how the Jing religion of Da Qin Empire was introduced to China.Da Qin was the name that the Chinese called the Roman Empire in ancient times and Jing religion was one sect of Christian religion called Nestorianism.The other tablets in the room are samples of calligraphy.The one in the regular style was written by Yan Zhenqing, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, He combined the characteristics of the Official Script that was popular in the Han Dynasty and the Small Seal Script that was used in the Qin Dynasty and then created a new style that looked plump, smooth, powerful, vigorous, and also had a rustic simplicity and majestic appearance.Each of his characters would look like a strong lion sitting on the ground.His calligraphy has been used as specimens for over a thousand years till this day.The Third Exhibition Room In this room, the development of Chinese calligraphy is on display.The Chinese characters were developed from the inscriptions(carved on animal bones and tortoise shells).At that time, inscriptions were just pictographs.After some hundred years, the pictographic characters were developed into the big seal style.When the first emperor of Qin unified China, he ordered the Prime Minister Li Si to simplify the big seal style into an easier form, known as the small seal style.On the basis of the small seal style, the official script was created by the end of the Qin Dynasty.The 4th exhibition room houses both calligraphy and paintings.The rest three exhibitions contain the stone tablets carved during the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.You can visit them one by one later at free time.The exhibition hall of stone carving art This exhibition hall was built in 1963.It contains more than 70 stone representative works especially chosen from the masterpiece of the Han and the Tang Dynasties.These pieces of art are classified into two groups: mausoleum stone carvings and religious stone carvings, arranging in a chronological order.There is one piece of stone art that I want to introduce.The Six Steeds Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty ordered to have his six war houses carved and put in front his tomb in order to commemorate them.They were painted by Yan Liben, a

famous painter at the time.The Six Steeds had adorned the emperor’s tomb, Zhaoling for 1,200 years.Shaanxi History Museum The Shaanxi History Museum is a massive modern museum up to the national standard with a collection of more than 113,000 historic and cultural relics.It’s located in the southern suburb of Xi’an, one kilometer northwest of the Da Yan Pagoda, covers an area of 70,000 square meters.This museum is a magnificent architectural complex in the Tang Dynasty style.It’s simple, unsophisticated, elegant and unique.It combines the architectural style of the ancient Chinese palaces and courtyard buildings.So it looks harmonious, imposing and graceful.The exhibition of the ancient history of Shaanxi is the main content of the museum.With close to 3,000 picked exhibits on display which represent the cream of all the cultural relics in Shaanxi, the exhibition depicts the over one million years history of Shaanxi that ranges from the emergence of Lantian Man, 1.15 million years ago, to the eve of the Opium War in 1840.The exhibition is divided into 7 sections, with emphasis on revealing the prosperity of the Zhou ,Qin ,Han and Tang Dynasties, and on Shaanxi’s status as an ancient capital.Shaanxi served as the country’s political, economical, and cultural center for a rather long time in Chinese history.It was made the country’s capital by more dynasties and for a longer period of time than any place in China.In a way, the ancient history of Shaanxi is a highly condensed version of Chinese history.The prehistoric age, The first section of the exhibition of the ancient history of Shaanxi, covers the prehistoric age, which dates back 1.15 million years ago to the 21st century BC.This rehabilitated head of an Ape-man’s was reproduced on the basis of the fossil remains of an Ape-man’s skull discovered in 1964 at Gongwangling in Lantian County.It lived 1.15 million years ago and was the earliest known Homo Erectus in Asia.The Western Zhou Dynasty The development of China’s bronze culture reached its peak during the Western Zhou Dynasty.The number of bronze vessels unearthed in Shaanxi so far has amounted to more than 3,000, of which 2,000 are now collected in the Shaanxi history Museum.On display here are exhibited ceremonial and musical instruments, implements for living and production and fighting weapons as well.These are called Chime bells, a sort of Chinese ancient musical instrument.On these chime bells, not only classical tunes can be played, some modern folk composition can be enjoyed as well.Let’s move to the Qin Period.This is called Fu.Fu is a tally issued by an emperor for the development and movement of his troops.It was cast in such a way that it could split into two halves, with one half in the hands of the emperor, and the other half in the hands of a general.Troops could be moved or deployed only when the two halves of the Fu were put together, forming a complete whole, which means only when on the agreement of both the emperor and general can a troop be moved.The Han Dynasty The Han Dynasty is a very important historical stage in China.The Han city of Chang’an was the first international metropolis in Chinese history.Compared with the ancient city of Rome in the west, Chang’an was twice at large.These ceramic drainage pipes are very close to those of the present day.This indicates that there was already an advanced sewer system in China.This artistically exquisite and vivid shaped swan-goose-and-fish lamp was unearthed in Shenmu county, northern Shaanxi.When the lamp is lit, its smoke will move through the neck of the swan goose into its water-filled body.The smoke dissolves in water to ensure purification of air.The four parts of the lamp can be dismantled and assembled freely, making the cleaning of dust and soot easy.It is scientifically designed and uniquely shaped, and can be used for both decoration and practical purposes.In our modern words today,It is an environmental friendly lamp.The dynasty of Wei, Jin, South and North The dynasty of Wei, Jin, South and North existed from 220 AD to 581AD.During that time there were great social upheavals and interesting of various nationalities.Cultural relics of these turbulent years feature strong military influences and regional characteristics.These are caltrops.No matter how you hurl or arrange them, they will always fall to the ground on three of their studs, with a fourth one pointing upward.It’s said that this caltrop was invented by Zhu Geliang, the prime minister and a great strategist of the Shu state.The Tang Dynasty The Silk Road enabled the Tang Dynasty to be even more prosperous.The Sino overseas exchanges reached their peak.Over 300 nations and regions had friendly relations with the Tang Dynasty.This is the route of the Silk Road.The Northern Song Dynasty This is an inverted-flow celadon kettle produced at the YaoZhou kilns during the Northern Song Dynasty.You can come closer and see clearly.There is no lid at the top.The opening is at the center of the vessel’s bottom.The kettle has to be turned upside down to fill in water during which time water will not come out of the sprout.When the kettle is filled with water, it will be turned upright during which time water will normally come out of the sprout, and will not leak from the bottom.The kettle works a clever application of the physical principle that “the water level in communicating vessels always remains level”.This is the end of this museum tour.Thanks for your attention!

Huaqing Hot Springs Huaqing Hot Springs is located at the foot of Lishan Hill, 30 kilometres east of Xi’an.Because of the natural hot spring, it became a famous scenic spot as far back as the Western Zhou Dynasty, 27 centuries ago.In the Western Zhou Dynasty, King You drove his slaves to the Lishan hill to construct the Li palace for him, so that he could stay away from his capital to enjoy himself with his beloved concubine, Bao Si.In history, construction of buildings was undertaken in Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties, with that in the Tang dynasty as the most flourishing.The palace built then was named Huaqing palace, hence the present name—Huaqing Hot Springs.Huaqing Hot Springs is best known for the fact that Concubine Yang, a favorite of Xuanzong’s was given the privilege to take bath in it.Today we can still see the relics of the palace of eternal youth where most of the romance between emperor Xuanzong and concubine Yang took place.Bai Juyi, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, made a reference to this palace and the tragedy of the royal couple in his poem “The Song of Eternal Sorrow”.It was adapted into a multimedia on-the-scene historical drama now.So you are going to have a fantastic show to enjoy tonight.The Nine Dragon Pool Ok.here, the pool right in front us is called the Nine Dragon Pool.Why the Nine Dragon Pool? A legend has it that long long ago, the central Shaanxi Plain was once stricken by a severe drought.So the Jade Emperor ordered 9 dragons come down to make rain here.The nine dragons slacked off at their job and the drought became more serious.Knowing this, Jade Emperor burst into fury and had them kept under the Jade Causeway to spout the clear water all year round.The water, I mean the hot springs, “spouted by the dragons” has a temperature of 109℉ and contains 9 kinds of minerals, including lime, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate and others.What’s for? It is good for bathing, as well as for curing arthritis and some skin diseases.Don’t worry that we might run out of it one day, because the total volume of flow is up to 100 tons per hour!

Frost Flying Hall The magnificent building over there as you can see is called Frost Flying Hall.Emperor Xuanzong and his favorite concubine Yang used to make their home here in winter since it was very cold in the capital Chang’an.Beautiful name always have beautiful stories.It was said that the steam from the hot spring pools in front of the hall went straight up and turned into frost when it met the cold air from the sky.The forest, flying in the wind overhead, looked very beautiful;therefore the name Frost-Flying Hall was called.Xi’an Incident

Huaqing hot springs has not only been a famous scenic spot since ancient times, but is also the place where the well-known Xi’an Incident in modern Chinese history took place.It was on Dec.12,1936,Genenral Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng ordered a squad of bodyguards to surround the Huaqing palace and fought a fierce battle there against Chiang Kaishek’s bodyguards, aiming at forcing Chiang Kaishek agreed with the proposal of forming a unified front with the communist party.Hearing of the sound of firing, Chiang Kaishek crept out his window with his nightgown and slippers only.He was finally found in the Lishan hill, hiding himself behind a stone in the crevice.In order to avoid a civil war and try to establish a national united front for the resistance against Japan, the Chinese Communist Party stood for a peaceful settlement of the incident, which put an end to the Internal War(had lasted for 10 years you know)and accelerated the formation and development of the national united front for the anti-Japanese drive.Moreover, it showed that the co-operative relationship between the Communist Party and Nationalists arrived at a new stage, and thus has become an important turning point in the modern Chinese history.As for the Lishan hill, there are three magnificent peaks that have to be referred to—the Hall of the First Mother, the Hall of Laozi, and the Beacon Tower.It’s said that in ancient China, because of lacking of communication tools, beacon towers were built to make signals by burning the wolf’s droppings to seek help from other vassal states.The Western Zhou King You had a favorite concubine Bao Si who never smiled.One day, he took the advice of one of his ministers that the Beacon Tower be lit to make joke of other vassal states to make Bao Si happy.Sure enough the trick worked well.At the sight of the signal, the soldiers of other vassal states hurried here with wheat and out of breath, but only to find themselves deceived.Bao Si was amused at this sight and gave a cold smile.Later the joke was repeated several times.But the day came when a real danger threatened him, and as you can imagine, no one came to his rescue, believinging the same trick was played again to invite his concubine’s smile.Therefore, the Zhou Dynasty was defeated.Hence the Chinese famous saying “the regime was ended with a smile of the fatal beauty” and “the sovereign rulers are fooled by the beacon fire”.The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is located at the foot of Mount Lishan, about 35 kilometres east of Xi’an.As a matter of fact, more than 700,000 conscripts were involved and 37 years was taken to complete the project.We can see it looks like a hill.After it was completed, all the slaves who built the Mausoleum were not allowed to be out just in order to keep it a secret.It was surrounded by an inner wall and an outer one.It was originally 120m high, but because of over 2,200 years of erosion by wind and rains as well as human destruction, it was reduced the present height 46m.It is presumed that inside the tomb, there were mercury lakes.Meanwhile, it is presumed that the ceiling of the tomb was decorated by pearls and gems to symbolize the celestial bodies, including the Sun and the Moon.The entire underground palace was presumably brightly lit by whale oil lamps forever.However, what remain underground remains unknown to us.With the development of High-tech, we will be able to see what are really inside of the Mausoleum some day.Regardless, Ying Zheng was considered a great emperor in Chinese history.He came to throne at the age of 13 and annexed the 6 rival principalities.He ended more than 250 years of rivalry among the independent principalities during the Warring States Period and founded the first centralized, united, multi-ethnic feudal empire in Chinese history.After he unified the whole country, he took a series of reforms, like standardizing the coinage, weights and measurements, the legal codes, the axle length of carts, and the written scripts;He also ordered to construct a road system.All these measures played an important role in strengthening the unification of the whole country and promoting the cultural and economic development.They exerted an everlasting influence upon the 2,000 years long feudal history of China.The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was first found in 1974, when several farmers were sinking a well.Then after archaeological excavation, three pits were discovered respectively.As one of the top ten places of historic interests in China, the museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses was listed as the world heritage by UNESCO in 1987 and also considered as “the 8th wonder of the world” and enjoys a high prestige.Let’s start from pit one.It’s 230 meters long, 62 meters wide and five feet deep, covers an area of 14,260 square meters.The terra-cotta warriors and horses in Pit One are arrayed in battle formation.In the long corridor to the east end of the pit stand three rows of terra-cotta warriors facing east ,68 in each role ,totaling 204.Armed with bows and arrows ,they constitute the vanguard.There is one row in the south, north and west of the corridor respectively, facing outward.They are probably the franks and the rear guard.The pit in front of us is regarded as pit two.Have you seen that? It is L-shaped and consists of four different mixed military forces in four arrays.The four-arrays are closely connected to constitute a complete battle formation and can be divided up to act independently, capable of attacking and defending and quick response.This pit three, when compared with these two, is much smaller, totaling about 520 square meters.Only one chariot, four terra-cotta horses and 68 warriors were unearthed.Besides, the arrangement of the figures is quite different from that in Pit 1 and Pit 2.But never look down upon this pit.Judging from the layout of pit 3, this is most likely to be the headquarters directly the mighty underground army.Thousands of real weapons were unearthed from these pits as well.They can be classified into 4 categories: long-shaft weapons, short weapons, long-range weapons and weapons for guards of honor.They were all delicately made and enjoyed a high level of casting technology.In December 1980, two teams of large painted bronze chariots and horses were unearthed.The restored bronze chariots and horses are exact imitations of true chariot, horse and driver in half life-size.The chariots and horses are decorated with colored drawings against white background.The excavation of the bronze chariots and horses provides extremely valuable material and data for the textual research of the metallurgical technique.No.2 bronze chariot and horses now on display were found broken into 1,555 pieces when excavated.After two-and-half years’ careful and painstaking restoration by archaeologists and various specialists, they were formally exhibited in the museum.Since we’ve visited the three pits, do you know how our ancestors make them? First, they carved the roughly made models exquisitely in detail according to their personal strata and characters.Then, moustache and hair in various styles were made.It is presumed that each warrior was made according to the real valiant Qin army soldier.After the terra-cotta warriors were readily made.They were put into kilns to be baked.It is even a challenging work for people today to make such a delicate warrior, so how can’t we be proud of our ancestors and their wisdom? Ok everyone!So much for today!I will leave you 30 minutes for visiting.You can walk around by yourself and maybe encounter a handsome, strong warrior somewhere!Enjoy yourself!

Great Mosque at Huajue Lane Good morning, my friends!Welcome to the Great Mosque, a magnificent place in history.I’m your tour guide today, Mary from XISU Tourism Institute.The Great Mosque which is located at Huajue Lane is the major spot for the religious activities of over 60,000 Moslems.It is also an important historic monument in Shaanxi Province.When we get to the mosque, you will find that this mosque is very different from other Islamic mosques you have visited before.Unlike Arabic mosques which have splendid domes, minarets reaching into the clouds, the Mosque at Huajue Lane looks very much like a Chinese temple or garden.Now let me first of all brief you on Islam.The Islam Islam was founded in early 7th century AD by the Arab Prophet, Mohammed.It is the world’s youngest universal faith, and the second largest.Eight words in Arabic sum up the central belief of the Moslems: “There is no God but God, and Muhammed is the messenger of God”.Five times a day, this Shahada(confession of faith)is recited by the devotee the world over as muezzins summon them to worship God.The word Islam means submission and the true Moslem is supposed to submit his whole life to the divine will of the God.All Moslems accept the Koran as God’s eternal word, but Islam to some extent is a house divided.90 percent of all Muslims are Sunnis.In Iran and Iraq, the majority of Muslims are Shiites.The spread of Islam to China Islam reached China in 651 AD during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty.Throughout the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Arabs maintained contact with China over land and by sea.Over land they left Arabia, passed across Persia and Afghanistan and finally reached China’s northwest.Meanwhile they sailed from the Arabia Sea, passed through the Bay of Bengal and the Strait of Malacca and come to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou and Yangzhou.Most of them were Arab and Persian merchants and not a few of them eventually settled down and married with Chinese women of Han nationality.Their offspring became Chinese Moslems.During the 13th century, when Genghis Khan conquered vast expanses of land stretching from central Asia to Eastern Europe, large numbers of the Moslems there were conscribed and later moved to China.They were all referred to as “Hui” in the History of the Yuan Dynasty.These Hui soldiers joined Kublai Khan in his war for the unification of China.As these Huis stationed as garrison soldiers and farmers across China, Islam became a wide-spread religious belief among many Chinese people.The history of the Great Mosque The Great Mosque at Huajue Lane is the largest in Xi’an, and at the time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved in China.It is located in the neighborhood in the western part of the city inhabited by the Huis.The Mosque is believed to be built as early as the Tang Dynasty.The buildings now accessible to visitors date from the Ming Period, and have been restored several times.The complex consists of four courtyards laid out on an east-west axis, and covers an area of 12,000 square meters.The Wooden Memorial Arch This Wooden Memorial Arch in the front yard was built at the turn of the 17th century.It is about 9 meters high and has a history of about 360 years.You may have noticed that there are memorial arches in many places in China.Memorial arches usually stand in broad view outside cities, in front of temples or tomb complexes and on park and palace grounds as landmarks.They were also frequently erected on imperial order to honor or commemorate a distinguished person.The New Moon Tablet This new moon tablet standing at the entrance of the third courtyard has been used to calculate the Islamic calendar.It was carved in Arabic by imperial orders in the early period of the Qing Dynasty.Water House Moslems must take a shower and appear clean when they attend their services, so bathhouses are must structures in a mosque.The five wooden houses, which are called water houses, in the southeast section of the mosque is where the believers bathe themselves before they go to the prayer hall

The Prayer Hall The Prayer Hall, the main structure of a mosque, stands in the fourth courtyard.It covers an area of 1,300 square meters and can hold over 1,000 worshippers at a time.The ceiling is painted with over 600 relief panels.The walls of the hall, as well as the relief panels, are decorated with patterns trailing of plants and Arabic letterings.The minbar at the west end of the hall is the place where the imam leads his worshippers, while facing Mecca, to chant Koran.Well, so much for my introduction, I will leave 30 minutes for you to enjoy yourself.If you have any questions, please let me know, I’ll always be here waiting for you.See you!

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda & the Tang Paradise Situated in the Da Ci’en Temple(Temple of Thanksgiving)in the southern part of Xi’an, about 4 kilometers from the urban center, the Wild Goose Pagoda is one of the famous Buddhist pagoda in China.On visiting this place, you’ll have an acquaintance with the Buddhist temple and the pagoda.It will take us an hour or so to visit this place and then move to the Tang Paradise for the rest of the day.Ok here we are, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda was originally built in the Sui Dynasty, and went under repair in about 648 AD by the order of Emperor Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty.He is such a filial son that he had this temple built as a symbol of thanks-giving to his mother who died young.Master Xuan Zang and the pagoda Born into a poor family, Xuan Zang became a monk at the age of 11.At the age of 28 in 627AD, he journeyed to India to study Buddhist scriptures.After 17 years of research on the Buddhist, he returned to Chang’an with 657 volumes of Buddhist scriptures.Xuan Zang was welcomed at the imperial court because of his unique knowledge of India and Central Asia and his deep understanding of Buddhist doctrine.In 652 AD, Xuan Zang made a proposal to the court for a pagoda to be built inside the temple to store the scriptures and statues he had brought back from India.The pagoda was finished in the same year with only 5 storey, but it has been renovated, restored and added to many times.Now this wood-and-brick pagoda rises 64 meters with seven storeys and is an architectural marvel without the use of any cement.In the Tang Dynasty, every successful candidate in the state imperial examinations would climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and write poems and inscriptions over different doors and store frameworks, symbolizing a soaring career in the future.The Hall for the Great Hero The Hall for the Great Hero is the most important building in a Buddhist temple, for it is dedicated to the founder of Buddhis Sakyamuni.Inside the hall, there is a three-bodied sculpture of Sakyamuni, with the one in the middle called Fashen Buddha, the one on the west side Baoshen Buddha and the one on the opposite side Yingshen Buddha.The Doctrine Chamber Inside the Doctrine Chamber enshrined the Amitabha Buddha, who is in charge of the “Western Paradise”.On the wall to the east side, we can see three copies of rubbings.The one in the middle is called “Xuan Zang Carries Scriptures to Chang’an”.This rubbing vividly describes Xuan Zang’s tough journey back from India to Chang’an.The Stone tablets with the Inscriptions of Emperor Taizong and Gaozong On both sides of the south door of the pagoda we can see two stone tablets inserted into the walls, one on each side.They were composed in praise of Xuan Zang’s dedication to Buddhism.This one is called “A Foreword on the Holy Religion” and that one “A Preface to the Foreword on the Holy Religion”.The Tang Paradise Tang Dynasty Reconstruction Project is one of the largest tourist programs in the northwest of China.It covers an area of 1,000 mu(about 165 acres).Located to the north of the original Tang Dynasty Lotus Garden site, the present Tang Paradise is the first theme park fully demonstrating the charm and grandeur of the royal garden in Tang Dynasty.It includes the attractions of Ziyun Tower Block, Maid Building, Apricot Garden, Lu Yu Teahouse, Tang Marketplace and the floating-drink at Qujiang Lake.The Tang Paradise boasts many new records: the largest show on water screen in the world;the first theme park of five senses;the biggest out-door fragrance project in the world and the biggest reproduction of the Tang royal garden complex in China.Tang Paradise is a comprehensive resort center which attracts people from different walks of life.With it’s surprising charm it has become a must see attraction in Xi’an.The Ziyun Tower Block Ziyun Tower Block, the most important Tang Dynasty style complex was rebuilt in the center of the garden based on the description of it in the historical records.There are four stories in the main building with a floor space of 8,632 square meters.The Maid Lady Building The Maid Lady Building consists of a group of Tang-style buildings with Fascinating Spring Pavilion in the center.The theme of the show building fully demonstrates the unconstrained spirit of the women in the Tang Dynasty.Women of the Tang Dynasty were active, progressive, optimistic and confident.They even put on man’s attire and went out doing some outdoor activities.They also pursued their loved ones actively and daringly.In terms of characteristics, women of the Tang Dynasty were very peculiar in women’s history in China.The Lu Yu Teahouse The records of tea in China could be traced back as early as the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty.Lu Yu, a tea scholar of the Tang Dynasty wrote the world’s first book about tea entitled “On Tea”.It is a comprehensive book that tells us about the history of the tea production, its origins, current situation, production skills, the way of drinking tea and the theory of tea preparing.The Teahouse is established here representing the rich and profound tea culture of the Tang Dynasty.Well, so much for my introduction, I will leave 30 minutes for you to enjoy yourself.If you have any questions, please let me know, I’ll always be here waiting for you.See you!


The heaven tour peak Good morning everyone.welcome to muntain wuyi ,welcome to china.I am much honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Mountain.wuyi.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Wuyi sunny day travel agency.The drive next to me is Mr.cheng,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one.His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know.We will try our best to serve you in the next few days.We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Ladies and Gentlemen, Mountain wuyi is located in the northern part of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you.Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The mountain wuyi that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.Mountain Wuyi was honored as “World Cultural and Natural Heritage”,the scenic spot is 70square km in acreage,the average height of peaks is about 350 meters.Mountain wuyi is famous for its green water and red mountains.For example the nine-bent stream is known as the most beautiful stream in china.And there are 36 peaks.among them,the Jade goddess peak,the Great king peak and the heaven tour peak are more famous.the Jade goddess peak is a beautiful peak just like a beautiful unique girl,While the Great king peak just like a strong man.As the old saying goes on, “ Don't go to the Great Wall non-good brave fellow”, go to wuyi mountain not to ascend the heaven tour peak, as if go to peking not to visit the great wall similar,which is can't imagine.Don’t worry,today I will take you to climb the heaven peak first.Fellow friends, we have reached the heaven peak scenic spot now.The pavilion in front of us is shuiyue pavilion.It is known to us all,there is only one moon in the sky,but when you drink under the pavilion in the evening,you will find four moons.Does anyone know the reason?ok,let me tell you answer,one is in the sky,the other is in the water,the remaining are in our cup and heart.OK,now look at the rock please,this is fuhu rock.The writing was written by Cheng xing ,which means that he is just like a strong tiger with much energy while is tied in unknown moutain wuyi.The word express the author’s depressed.This is many ancient scholars’gernaral emotion in our country.In the right of the fuhu rock is the quadrate bamboos.Thoese bamboos are very unusual,they looks round but touches quadrate.Maybe you can try to touch,ok,let’s stop touching or they will ture quadrate to round.Fellow friends,please fellow me to go up.this is tea cave,where the tea is quite famous.from now to yilan terrace are total 826 footsteps.ok,now let’s begin to go moutain-climing.now we have arrived to yilan terrace, Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now,let’s have a rest.looking into the distance by the railing on here,you can see mountain peaks floating on a sea of clouds and the nine-bent stream winding its way among the mountain peaks.Go straight,the building in front of us is heaven tour taoist temple.during the following time ,you can look around and take some photos.Twenty minutes later ,we will gather at the foot of the heaven tour peak for departure.ok,today’s tour of heaven tour peak has finished.Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration.At last I hope that your visit to heaven tour peak will be a memorable experience.Thank you!


The heaven tour peak

Good morning everyone.welcome to muntain wuyi ,welcome to china.I ammuch honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Mountain.wuyi.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Wuyi sunny day travel agency.The drive next to me is Mr.cheng,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one.His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know.We will try our best to serve you in the next few days.We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Ladies and Gentlemen, Mountain wuyi is located in the northern part of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you.Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The mountain wuyi that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.Mountain Wuyi was honored as “World Cultural and Natural Heritage”,the scenic spot is 70square km in acreage,the average height of peaks is about 350 meters.Mountain wuyi is famous for its green water and red mountains.For example the nine-bent stream is known as the most beautiful stream in china.And there are 36 peaks.among them,the Jade goddess peak,the Great king peak andthe heaven tour peak are more famous.the Jade goddess peak is a beautiful peak just like a beautiful unique girl,While the Great king peak just like a strong man.As the old saying goes on, “ Don't go to the Great Wall non-good brave fellow”, go to wuyi mountain not to ascend the heaven tour peak, as if go to peking not to visit the great wall similar,which is can't imagine.Don’t worry,today I will take you to climb the heaven peak first.Fellow friends, we have reached the heaven peak scenic spot now.The pavilion in front of us is shuiyue pavilion.It is known to us all,there is only one moon in the sky,but when you drink under the pavilion in the evening,you will find four moons.Does anyone know the reason?ok,let me tell you answer,one is in the sky,the other is in the water,the remaining are in our cup and heart.OK,now look at the rock please,this is fuhu rock.The writing was written by Cheng xing ,which means that he is just like a strong tiger with much energy while is tied in unknown moutain wuyi.The word express the author’s depressed.This is many ancient scholars’gernaral emotion in our country.In the right of the fuhu rock is the quadrate bamboos.Thoese bamboos are very unusual,they looks round but touches quadrate.Maybe you

can try to touch,ok,let’s stop touching or they will ture quadrate to round.Fellow friends,please fellow me to go up.this is tea cave,where the tea is quite famous.from now to yilan terrace are total 826 footsteps.ok,now let’s begin to go moutain-climing.now we have arrived to yilan terrace, Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now,let’s have a rest.looking into the distance by the railing on here,you can see mountain peaks floating on a sea of clouds and the nine-bent stream winding its way among the mountain peaks.Go straight,the building in front of us is heaven tour taoist temple.during the following time ,you can look around and take some photos.Twenty minutes later ,we will gather at the foot of the heaven tour peak for departure.ok,today’s tour of heaven tour peak has finished.Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration.At last I hope that your visit to heaven tour peak will be a memorable experience.Thank you!


Good morning Ladies and gentleman!it's with great pleasure that l welcome all my distinguish guests to Henan province.Please allow me to introduce my team first, my name is Mary Lin your local.guide from Henan China international travel service.You can just call me Mary or xiao Lin.this is Mr.Lee our driver.Now on behave of our company, we would like to warmly welcome you again to Henan province.During your stay in Henan we will try our best to make your trip more enjoyable and memorable.I hope you have a very pleasant stay here in Henan.Thank you very much!

For most of you l suppose it is the first time to visit Henan.so, l'd like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction about it!Henan province, also called “Yu” for short, for over 4000 years ago China was divided into nine states.Henan was called “Yu state”, which was located in the middle of the nine states, hence ,Henan is also named “central plain” or “central state”.Now it is situated right in the heart of China, covering an area of 167,000 square kilometers, with a total.population of 97 million, which is the largest of all provinces in China.Henan province is famous for the ancient culture and has been playing a very important role both in China and orient culture.A great number of history books and excavations have proved that 8000 years ago.Chinese ancestors started the civilization here.besides Henan is also pretty rich in natural tourism resources, all of this have made Henan a fantastic and distinctive place to visit.After hearing my instruction, l believe that you are very expecting to our sightseeing.now, let me announce the itinerary for together: this morning, we are going to visit the ancient city of shangqiu, we are going to take three hours in this scenic area.then we will have a lunch stop at local restaurant while taste local cuisines.In the afternoon we will visit Huamulan's tomb.After that we will go back to our hotel and have dinner here.Now,Ladies and gentlemen we're heading for the ancient city of Shangqiu.Shangqiu located in the east part of Hennan Province.As one of the cradle lands of Chinese civilization, shangqiu boasts a long history and splendid culture.A lot of historical remains has proved that it is in shangqiu the ShuiRenShi invented how to make fire that Chinese ancestors started the earliest merchandise trade that emperor Gaozu of han dynasty cut a snake as a symbol of uprising.In addition,shangqiu is also the birthplace of outstanding heroine HuaMuLan ,brilliant philosopher Zhuangzi and talented writer HouFangYu.If you look outside the window Ladies and gentleman, you will see a big red statue which is a character of “shang” in the written form of inscription on bones and tortoise shell.This statue is a landmark of shangqiu which was built in 1996.the ancient city of shangqiu located in suiyang district the south part of shangqiu.As one of the most well-preserved ancient city It is named as national historical and cultural city by the state council in 1986.OK,here we are the parking lot of ancient city of shangqiu.it's time to get off the bus, but before you go please take care of your personal belongings.I have to remind you that we are going to take three hours in this scenic area,our blue bus is parking at the second parking space and the number of the bus is A12345.Look!Our tour guide flag is red with the CITS on it.Please remember my phone number ***, ***.Please feel free to ring me up in case you are in need of my help.I'll appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Now, let's start our visit.Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are at the ancient city of shangqiu a national AAAA level scenic spot which is built in the period of zhengde of Ming dynasty and has a history of more than 500 years.The main tourism area of the ancient city are historical sites, which combines cultural landscape with natural scenery.This city was designed strictly according to Chinese traditional geomancy theory and forms three main features, that is ,the eight diagrams city the aquatic city and the overlapped city.The unique style of architecture can be reputed as the model of ancient city in China.The exterior of the city is in the circle form, while the interior is in the form of square, the whole form of the city looks like an ancient coin.The landform of the inner city is in the shape of turtle shell, high in the middle and low in the vicinity,and slightly inclining to the south.If you look at the left side of the road ladies and gentlemen, you can see the Zhangxun temple.Zhangxun was a general of Tang dynasty who fought against 130 thousand forces with thousands of people in protecting suiyang district battle.Although zhangxun bravely sacrificed in this battle, his spirit of patriotism was spread from generation to generation.Now, ladies and gentlemen ,we arrive at the Yingtian Academy.The Yingtian academy was the most influential academy in northern Song dynasty along with Songyang academy in Dengfeng city Henan province, Bailudong academy in Jiangxi province and Yuelu academy in Hunan province are known as four greatest ancient academies in China.Among ancient academies yingtian academy is the only one upgraded to the Imperial College Academy.As one of the highest educational institution of song dynasty, Yingtian academy attracted and cultivated a great number of talented people, Fanzhongyan, a well-known statesman and man of letters, once lectured here.As we are walking this way ladies and gentlemen, we could see the city moat surrouding the city, has a total length of 5 km and a width of 0.5 km.A few more steps will bring us to the ancient walls of Guidefu prefecture.In 1996, the walls were awarded the reputation of the national key cultural relic protection unit, and one of the key tourism areas in Henan province.The walls have a total length of 4355 meters and 6 meters high.There are four gates of the inner city , south Gongyang gate , north Gongchen gate, east Binyang gate, west Zhize gate.Now we are at the Gongyang gate Let’s go through the 21 meters gateway to admire the lifestyle of Ming and Qing dynasties.Entering the inner city just like having a time travel, streets in the ancient city still kept the architectural style of Ming and Qing dynasties.the main constructions of folk houses in the inner city are Siheyuan a typical traditional Chinese courtyard houses.please follow me to visit one of the most representative architecture of the inner city, Zhuanghuitang, it is the former house of Houfangyu, a talented writer and a man of letter.The construction of zhuanghuitang looks solemn and elegant, its fantastic design and exquisite craftsmanship manifest the high architectural level of qing dynasty.Too much for my introduction, now you have 30 minutes to wander around and take some photoes If you like.Please be aware that we will meet at the parking lot at 11:30.please be there on time and don't forget me phone number.thanks for your cooperation!wish you have a good time!


English for Tourism......................................................................................................................1.Meeting Guests at the Airport.......................................................................................Procedures....................................................................................................................Useful expressions.......................................................................................................2.Welcome Speech...........................................................................................................A typical welcome speech............................................................................................3.On the Bus to Hotel.......................................................................................................Have a brief introduction to the city............................................................................4.Make an introduction to the hotel.................................................................................An brief introduction to Shiner Hotel Lijiang..............................................................5.Hotel Check-in..............................................................................................................Useful Sentences..........................................................................................................Dialogue.......................................................................................................................6.Helping Tourists Enjoy the First Meal..........................................................................Procedures....................................................................................................................A typical introduction speech.......................................................................................Toasting........................................................................................................................7.Helping Tourists Enjoy the breakfast............................................................................A brief introduction to Chinese breakfast...................................................................8.On the coach to destination...........................................................................................Procedures....................................................................................................................9.Sightseeing..................................................................................................................Procedures..................................................................................................................a vivid explanation of the scenic spot........................................................................10.Activities on the coach..............................................................................................11.Watching performances.............................................................................................12.Shopping...................................................................................................................Offering service in shopping......................................................................................13.Seeing the tour group off...........................................................................................Farewell speech..........................................................................................................English for Tourism International tourism is the world's largest export earner and an important factor in balance of payments for many nations.Tourism has become one of the world 's most important source of employment.This article is about the main procedures when a local guide named Liu Siyu from China International Travel Service lead a tour group from America to visit Lijiang.1.Meeting Guests at the Airport Meeting guests at the airport is the first step in the cycle of receiving services of the local guides.As the initial step, the guides shall remember that fist impression is the critical to the success of the trip, as “A good beginning is half done.” Procedures ●Come to the airport at least 30 minutes in advance;check the arrival terminal to confirm the actual arrival time and arrival gate.●Walk to the gate, establish a meeting site for the group, and note the location of the baggage claim area.●Receive the group and offer a friendly greeting, inquire about their trip, and give brief but clear instructions as to the immediate procedures.●Help tourists when they collect their luggage, and remind them to check if there is any damage.And then transfer the luggage to the vehicle.●Escort the tourists to their motor coach.Useful expressions(L: Liu Siyu H: Mr.Hunt)

L: Excuse me, but are you Mrs.Hunt? H:Yes, I am.L: Welcome to China, Mr.Hunt.My name is Liu Siyu , your local guide from China International Travel Service.H: Glad to meet you, Mrs.Liu.Thank you for coming to meet us.L: Glad to meet you, too.Mr.Hunt.Did you enjoy your trip? H: Yes, we had a nice trip.L: That's fine.Nevertheless, it's a long trip.You must be tired.H: I'm rather.But I'll be all right by tomorrow and be ready for sightseeing.L:You have a group of 30, right? H:Yes.L: Is everybody here?

H: Oh, let me see.Yes, everyone is here.L: How many pieces of luggage do you have? H: 32 altogether.And here are the luggage checks.L: Good.I'll ask the porter to take care of them.H: Thank you.L: Now, Shall we go then? Our coach is outside.H:Yes, I think so.L: Attention please , everyone.Please follow me to the coach.2.Welcome Speech A good speech at the beginning of a trip can impress the tourists and set a good tone for the company an the whole trip.A typical welcome speech Ladies and gentleman : Good morning!Welcome to Lijiang.Please sit back and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you don't have to worry about that.Firstly on behalf of China International Travel Service and myself ,welcome everyone come to Yunnan province.I’m very pleased to be your guide during your stay in Yunnan province.Now please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Liu Siyu,you can call me Effy,the man sitting beside me is our driver Mr Li ,he has more than ten year's experience in driving ,so he will make sure that our trip is safe and pleasant.We will always be using the same bus while we are here in Lijiang , so I recommend that you write down the number on our license plate.It is A00786.There will be a lot of tour buses at the scenic spots we visit.If you happen to get separated

Lijiang's tourism also boomed, and travellers from around the world flooded in;although many locals fear that due to much of the development, the old town of Lijiang will lose its appeal.Recently, the government has started to develop additional “old city” sections adjacent to the site of the original old city.This is to accommodate the large number of tourists, particularly Han Chinese, who walk the cobblestone streets(cars are not allowed in the old city), typically as part of package tours.Evenings in the old city can be particularly rowdy, not least due to the many outdoor bars, where boisterous groups of tourists try to “out sing” other groups.Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the “Roof of the World”.It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere;Tiger Leaping Gorge;the worldThe Chinese Restaurant and Specialty Restaurant could have a capacity of 400 guests at the same time.The Chinese Restaurant serves characteristic Sichuan Cuisine, Dian Cuisine and Huaiyang Cuisine, and Specialty Restaurant serves Western-style Buffet and A La Carte.In the evening, chefs from Hong Kong and Guangdong provide you cozy Night Dim-sum and serve you with delicious deserts and local flavor foods.To meet the needs of your business and leisure, we attached to Multi-functional Conference Room, Business Center, Sports Bar, Chess Room, Footbath Centre and many other facilities.The Multi-functional Conference Room, with a capacity of 240 people and complete audio-video system,can meet all kinds of needs.Located in the Shangri-La scenic spots, Shiner Hotel Shangri-la is surrounded by mysterious Shika Snow Mountains and Haba Snow Mountains with snow all the year round and picturesque natural scenery.Convenient transportations ensure the easy access to nearby beautiful scenic spots.The hotel was designed and built with a traditional Tibetan style and possesses equipped facilities and the best service, which make our hotel become your best choice to stay.The hotel has one Chinese Restaurant and 6 characteristic private dining rooms, which can cater 300 people at the same time.It is the ideal place of private party and business gathering.You could experience the traditional Chinese dishes and Western food here.We possess Multi-functional Conference Rooms, Business Centre, Sports Bar, Chess Rooms and Footbath Centre etc., which can meet your needs of meeting and entertainment.You could enjoy various kinds of cocktails and beverages in the Sports Bar.It will make you feel relaxed after a long journey or an exhausted meeting.The world nature heritage sites of Three Paralleled Rivers, Yangtze River Bay, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Pudacuo National Forest Park and Tibetan Buddhism Songzanlinsi are nearby our hotel.It is really convenient to access to all these beautiful scenic spots, including the unconquerable MeiLi Snow Mountain.5.Hotel Check-in Useful Sentences(1)I made a reservation at your hotel for 30 people ,now we 'd like to check in.(2)Shall we get the room cards now ?(3)The registration forms have been finished.(4)Do you have any single rooms with a bath available for tonight ?

6frying and quick stir frying, the food is fried over a hot fire and stirred quickly without using another pan.For example, it takes about one minute to stir fry liver and kidney to keep it tender, soft, delicious, and fresh.breakfast.In the morning it is very convenient to get various inexpensive and hot breakfast foods from street vendors.Porridge or congee made of rice is a common Chinese breakfast food.Almost everything for breakfast is hot, including soybean milk, which comes in different flavors.8.On the coach to destination


●introducing the scenery along the way and answering questions from tourists.●giving a sketch of the destination scenic spot

Today I will bring you to the Lijiang Dayan Town.Maybe you are more familiar with the name “the ancient town of Lijiang”.We will get there in a few minutes.So now I will give you a brief introduction of Lijiang.It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province.It contains beautiful natural scene, unique minority amorous feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources.The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County.We can conclude them into:“ two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan Town, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is Jinsha river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people's custom, which we call the “Aixa”.What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover.So you see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracts more and more tourists from home and abroad.Soon we will get the the Ancient town of Lijiang, it has a history of almost a thousand years.The scenes are unique and unconventional.It is one of the best-historical, cultural cities at the state level in China.It consists of three parts: Dayan、Baisha、Suhe.So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.The Old Town of Lijiang was first built in Southern Song Dynasty and in 1253, Kublai(the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty)was stationed here on his march into the south.In Ming and Qing dynasties, it became much larger.Lijiang is world renowned as an ancient city built in a simple and artistic style and scientifically laid out.There is a square in its center.It was listed as a national historical and cultural city in 1986.The Old Town of Lijiang is surrounded by Lion Mountain in the west and by Elephant and Golden Row Mountains in the north.These mountains in the northwest shelter it from the cold wind.In the southeast, there are fertile fields, which are dozens of kilometers long.The city is favored with plentiful sunlight, an east wind and clear spring water which flows in three streams and reaches every family.The streets are paved with the local stone slabs, which do not get muddy in the rainy season and are free of dust in the dry season.Many stone bridges and arches in the city were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Orderly roads and lanes extend to four directions from the central square.Residential houses are made of timber;most have a screen wall in front and some have a quadruple courtyard.Local people plant flowers in their courtyards.The ancient traditional culture of the Naxi ethnic group is the Dongba culture, which is based on the Dongba religion.Most believers are skilled in medicine and the culture is passed on through literature and art.The Dongba language has more than 1,300 separate words, which are written in primitive pictographic characters.There are more than 1,400 types of Dongba scriptures written in these characters and they take up 20,000 volumes.The scriptures cover religion, philosophy, history, local customs, literature, art, astronomy, medicine, the calendar, geography, flora, fauna, dancing, painting and music.Lijiang has many historical relics.The Old Town of Lijiang is the most complete ancient town in China.Black dragon Pool, Wufeng Building and Lijiang mural paintings are very famous in China.Lijiang is the home of murals which were painted by people from Han, Tibetan and Naxi ethnic groups in the Ming Dynasty.They cover a total area of 139.22 square meters on 55 walls of Dabaoji Palace, Liuli Hall, Dabao Pavilion and other buildings.The largest is 2.07 meters by 4.48 meters and contains 600 figures.There are many traditional festivals for Naxi people, such as Sandu Festival, Torch Festival and Stick Festival on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar year, etc.The Old Town of Lijiang was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1997.9.Sightseeing


●Telling the tourists the sightseeing route and how much time it nedded ●giving a vivid explanation of the destination scenic spot and answering related questions.0111213141516-



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