
时间:2019-05-14 04:43:32下载本文作者:会员上传


原文题目:Improvement of Industrial Production Process Design Using

Systematic Layout Planning



Abstract Modern industrial production processes, including also shipbuilding processes, are expected to deliver products or interim products on time with acceptable price and required quality.For instance, production of pipe units in shipbuilding industry that use conventional methods, characterized by high content of human work per pipe unit, cannot satisfy these requirements.To increase productivity it is necessary to introduce CNC machines and robotized lines that will also enhance production process capacity.Accordingly, optimal machines layout to ensure production and technological process with maximal capacity potential should be defined.Therefore, for production process design improvement, the employment of Systematic layout planning procedure is proposed.SLP procedure is used for defining optimal machines and jobs layout within the production process.Improvement of production process design using proposed procedure has been tested through basic design for new pipe production workshop within a particular shipyard Keyword:pipe workshop;production process design;shipbuilding;Systematic layout planning(SLP)


现代工业生产过程包括船舰生产被希望能够准时的提供产品或者中间产品,并且需要提供合理的价格和要求的质量。例如船舰制造里面的管道生产采用传统方法,每个管道的生产都需要大量的人员,从而不能满足现代工业生产的需求。为了提高生产效率很必有要引进CNC机器和机器人生产线,同时还能增强生产线能力。因此,应该改善生产线机器设备布局来确保产量并且应该事先预测最大可能的产量。因此,建议使用SLP法对于生产线布局改善设计。SLP法用于确定生产过程中最优的设备布局和工艺布局。使用SLP法进行布局改善设计已经在一个生产管道的特定造船车间经过测试。关键词:管道生产车间;生产线布局设计;造船业;SLP法 1.绪论(Introduction)

From present industries, focusing on shipbuilding is expected to deliver to owners a quality product i.e.ship, on time and at the market price.To obtain these requirements, existing shipyards need to improve productivity and efficiency through plementation of new technologies and reorganization.It can be achieved by using new ethodologies and approaches to design particular shipbuilding process segments with the objective to reach acceptable solutions.目前集中于造船业的工业被期望能够提供有“质量”的产品比如较为便宜的能够准时交货的船舰。为了满足市场的这些需求,现有的造船厂需要通过采用新技术和结果重组来提高生产能力和生产效率。这些目标都可以通过使用新的设计方法重新设计造船中的生产线过程布局达到。

There are several ways to improve production:eliminate waste, improve flow, reduce material handling,plan for growth and expansion, built-in flexibility.提高生产能力有许多方法:消除浪费,改善流动性,减少材料处理,为产量的扩张做计划,设计灵活柔性生产线。

Production of pipe units in shipbuilding industry using conventional methods characterized by high content of human work per pipe unit cannot give good results towards the objectives of increasing productivity and obtaining higher production quality levels.In this respect, every shipyard, which has the intention to remain present in the world market, considers various possibilities for decreasing the content of human work per unit of the final product.造船业的管道生产采用传统的方法和大量的人力不能提高产量和质量。在这种情况下,各个企业为了保持自己在国际市场的地位,想尽各种办法减少人力的消耗。

One of the possibilities in this way of increasing productivity and shortening production time within a shipyard is the introduction of modern robotized lines for pipe units production i.e.modernization and reorganization of present state


Shipyards equipped with machines and tools with high content of manual work will be faced with problems during the process of changing type of production from conventional to modern pipe unit production line.It can be related to the fact that the complete technological process should be changed, starting from the design stage, work based breakdown structure, production planning and production itself.拥有大量人工操作的机器和工具的工厂将面临生产线由传统向现代转变的问题。企业不得不面对这样一种事实:所有的生产过程被改变,开始新的布局设计,解体以前的工作结构、规划和生产。

Complexity of building a ship-piping system can be solved through a variety of potential solutions depending on the level of development for piping design and production.建立一个船的管道系统的复杂性可以通过基于管道设计和生产的多种可能性方法进行解决。

While designing a particular modern production process within shipyards, space limitations appear,because new spaces have to be found or the old ones have to be technologically rearranged, which is usually difficult to realize.That is the reason why the best solution might be to design a completely new production line if possible.当在一个工厂设计一个全新的生产线时空间是一个大的问题,因为建立生产线需要空间,所以新的空间需要被发现否则就要对旧的生产线进行改进,这是个很难实现的问题。这就是为什么最好的生产线建设方案就是在没生产线的空白车间进行全新的设计,因为不需要考虑空间问题。

The layout design has a significant impact on the performance of a production process.Layout design has been an active research area in the past few decades.However, design algorithms for production lines and/or workshops are rare and/or may not be adequate to solve a real design problem.布局设计对制造企业生产性能具有显著影响,最近几十年的时间里布局设计研究一直是一个热门领域。然而为生产线设计的算法很少见并且一般不能够解决实际的生产布局设计问题。

Existing research in production design layout problems often fall into two major categories, such as algorithmic and procedural ones.Algorithmic approaches usually simplify both design constraints and objectives in order to reach a surrogate objective function whose solution can then be obtained.These approaches usually only involve quantitative input data.Their design solutions are easier to evaluate by comparing their objective function values.现在关于生产布局的研究方法大体可以分为两类:算法和程序。算法的方法简化了设计,通过目标函数的约束和最终目标需求得到一个替代的解决方案。这些方法通常只涉及输入的数据而不包含其它。通过这种方法得到的解决方案的优劣通过目标函数的值可以很容易的进行比较。

Procedural approaches can incorporate both,qualitative and quantitative, objectives in the design process.For these approaches, the design process is divided into several steps that are then solved sequentially.The success of a procedural approach implementation is dependent on the generation of quality design alternatives that are often from the output of an experienced designer.Thus, the input from area experts during the design process is considered to be a must towards an effective workshop layout design.It is often the last step for a procedural approach to evaluate the design alternatives.The choice of the final design is often difficult when multiple objectives are considered.程序法可以使定性与定量两种方法相结合,目标在这些方法的设计过程中得以实现。对于这些方法,设计流程被分成几个步骤,然后按照顺序进行解决。成功的设计方案常常出自经验丰富的设计师曾设计的方案的代代传承。因此在进行生产线布局时采用专家的方法进行设计是必须的。它常常是进行设计布局评估的最后一个步骤。因为如果采用多个目标函数值进行设计最终方案的选择将是很难的一个步骤。

A workshop layout design problem exposes the strong properties of a multipl objective decision problem.For this instance, an algorithmic approach may not be adequate in providing a quality solution.Alternatively,the use of a sound procedural approach with the aid of a proven tool as design evaluation function would be a viable approach for a workshop layout design problem.车间布局设计暴露了多目标决策方法的问题。在这种情况下,算法不能提供最优的设计方案,所以采用辅助方案的声音过程方法作为设计评价函数将是车间布局设计问题的可行方法。

The authors suggest using a Systematic layout planning(SLP)procedural approach for production process design improvement, because it features both the simplicity of the design process and the objectivity of the multiple-criteria evaluation process as opposed to existing algorithmic approaches, which are ineffective in solving qualitative objective problems, and regular procedural approaches that lack a structural multiplecriteria evaluation approach.在此作者建议采用SLP法对生产线布局进行改进,因为它具有简单的设计过程,多准则评估过程客观性,和现有的算法完全不同,现有的算法是无效的,现有的算法在解决客观存在的问题和定期处理程序性问题缺乏结构性的多方位评估方法。

While the authors were involved in the R&D project of technological modernization of one real shipyard,as a separate project they had to design a new pipe production workshop, where a proposed novel approach was implemented and tested.虽然作者参与了一个先进技术化现代造船厂的R&D项目,但是作为一个单独的项目,作者要设计一个全新的管道生产线,在这条生产线上SLP法将得到应用。

2.SLP法简介(Outline of systematic Layout planning)

This section aims at providing a brief review of the SLP procedure as shown in Figure 1.The SLP begins with PQRST analysis(step 1)for the overall production activities.The data collection fields including P(product),Q(quantity), R(routing), S(supporting), and T(time)should be scrutinized in order to assure the validity of the input data at the design stage.本节重点对SLP法的理论和实施方法进行介绍,大体概况如图1所示:SLP法从对生产线进行全面分析的PQRST开始。对收集到的数据包括P(产品)、Q(产量)、R(生产路线)、S(辅助服务部门)、T(时间)应进行细致的审核,以确保输入参数的有效性。

Figure1.SLP procedure 1.数据收集P(产品)、Q(产量)、R(生产路线)、S(辅助服务部门)、T(时间)2.物流分析3.作业分析4.相互关系图5.需要的空间6.可利用的空间7.空间关系图8.各种修改意见9.各种限制条件10.布置方案11.评估和确定方案图1 SLP法实施程序图

In the flow of material analysis(step 2), all material flows from the whole production line are aggregated into a from-to chart that represents the flow intensity among different tool sets or work positions.The step of “activity relationships”(step 3)performs qualitative analysis towards the close relationship decision among different work positions.在第二步物流分析里所有生产线的物料流动都被统计到一个代表不同工位或者不同工作地点物流强度的从致表中。第三步作业相关关系分析表明了不同工作之间的相关关系。

The step of “relationship diagram”(step 4)positions areas spatially.For those work positions(areas)that have strong interactions and/or close relationships are placed in proximity.第四步用相关关系图将各工序的相关关系表示出来。对于那些具有很强的相互关系或者很近的作业关系的工序设备摆放在一起。

The steps of “space requirements” and “space available”(steps 5 and 6)determine the amount of floor space to be allocated to each work position.This decision is particularly critical to a workshop design problem due to the costly clean room floor space and the difficulty in future expansion.第五步和第六步“需要的空间”和“可以利用的空间”决定了可以供给每个工序设备所使用的空间。这一决策对空间设备布局非常苛刻,因为车间空间的巨大价值和未来车间扩张的需要决定了车间空间的利用价值。

The step of “space relationship diagram”(step 7)adds area size information into the relationship diagram from step 4.Additional design constraints and limitations are considered before the start of block layout generation in steps 8 and 9.Step 10 then develops layout alternatives as design candidates.Step 11 chooses the final design from these design candidates.第七步“空间关系图”通过第四步在车间设备相互关系图中添加了空间面积信息。在对第八步和第九步的生产线设备布局进行设计之前需要对设计约束和限制进行考虑。第十步形成多个备选方案。第十一步为最终步骤,对备选方案进行评估,并确定最终方案。



2008-03-10 15:44


长期以来,我国建筑控制很有效,因此,控制工程造价具有重要意义, 但工程造价的主要方法是控制设计。

目前大部分的业主在设计阶段很少工程的成本控制,而他们认为成本的设计不会有太大的影响,这是不对的,相反的,设计阶段的工程造价控制是最重要的一步。因为它决定了工程设计、施工方法、材料和设备的种类,优化设计阶段的程序或小的变化, 工程造价将会产生重大影响,设计阶段的工程造价控制项目总成本的70%。以下是如何控制工程从设计到管理。

2.1 作为业主,必须重视设计

设计选定的质量水平直接影响产品质量的设计水平, 而设计产品质量的水平,直接影响定价的工程量。不同的设计单位对同一项目的设计是不同的。同一项目的不同设计研究院工程之间某些方面的工程造价就存在分歧之间,我们假设设计由两个不同的设计院设计, 施工图完成后,所要求的咨询单位成本做预算。当然不同设计院的项目的总成本是绝对不一样的, 大部分两者的差异超过10% ,甚至超过30% , 而不一定是成本高,比设计成本低,良好的设计往往是成本低,我们都知道,每个人有不同的设计风格,不同层次的设计作品自然 因此选择设计单位,是管制的第一步。通过招标选择设计单位,是一个很好的方法,在招标文件中详细说明这方面的要求,成本控制目标等等。


2.2 提倡设计招投标和设计优化战役模式设计单位评估

由专家组成, 按照适用,经济,美学原理和先进技术, 结构合理,以满足建筑

节能和环保的要求,综合评价的优点,规划设计, 择优确定中选方案。

成功的投资计划估计将接近一般建设工程范围内的投资。这意味着两个设计合约,将帮助设计方案的选择和竞争机会,以确保获选设计 先进的技术,独特的新颖性,适应性,以及控制工程造价。设计单位要努力提高自身素质,该项目设计巧妙构思, 当代降低工程成本上动脑筋,以提高设计质量, 力争把设计阶段的工程造价控制批准的投资上限。

2.3 加强设计阶段

以加强监督专员,以确定一个合理的设计, 成熟的技术,减少在施工阶段主要设计变化和在节目中, 在有效控制了工程造价将扮演一个角色。工程的设计,如果工程监理介入排除不利因素,一般可排除80%的错误。在整个建设过程中的成本控制,在开始施工时尽量节约投资20%,关键施工阶段的识别和控制成本。监督的设计阶段,包括: 设计院的设计图纸和说明,协助业主处理不同设计方案的经济, 资本开支与发展的初步估计,以确保投资能够得到最有效的利用。与业主,监理,包括:

根据设计院提供的设计图纸和说明,协助业主处理不同的设计方案经济,资本支出发展的初步规划,以确保投资能够得到最有效的利用;与业主不同的设计方案, 需要计算自己的材料和设备进行成本分析和研究, 对设计人员的费用,以协助他们在投资限额范围内设计,以节省投资。寻求一次性投资少,经济好的设计方案,取得最合理的经济指标。


即使批准的设计任务书和投资估算,在保证功能要求的前提下。初步设计和概算控制, 据初步批准的预算总额为设计和施工图设计控制。而每一个专业,每一个都有一个门槛设计的一个目标。在设计过程中,设计师要进步多方案,优化设计, 确保设计在技术上是先进,合理,创新,时尚,而不是打破限制投资的目标, 从而杜绝了工程设计,提高安全系数和设计标准, 或只考虑技术可行性的计划,而非经济理性的现象, 这项工程的费用,以确保有效控制。

又称价值工程的价值分析,是一种现代科学管理技术, 是一个新的技术经济分析的是产品的功能分析,以节约资源,降低成本的目的,一个有效的方法。它弥补了传统的成本管理单纯强调降低成本和质量管理只强调改善质量缺陷,建设,有利于解决长期存在的时间长,浪费大,质量差,成本高的问题。价值工程法一般分为三个步骤:评估的面向对象技术和经济评分评分;计算对象的技术和经济指标;计算几何设计的物体,平均从比较中选择最佳的设计。建设项目实施阶段的单位工程造价管理

控制工程成本,是合理的 该项目达到质量标准的前提下,在投资决策阶段, 设计及建造阶段的项目,把项目审批出现在管制范围内,力争在各项建设工程合理使用人力, 物力和财力资源,以取得良好的投资效益和社会效益。



3.1 招标施工阶段的施工单位招标制度

控制工程造价的有效手段,申办组织,可以提高成本效益的工程,并确保工程质量, 缩短建设周期,投资回报, 施工单位可充分利用招标的手段,有效控制成本。

施工编号10月7部令发布了“合同与施工合同定价管理” 明确指出,在工程招标使用库存。这就要求建设单位进行招标, 在招标文件中,不仅包括通常的内容如债券投标前附表,招标债券合同的条件、合同协议条款、合同格式、技术规格、图纸、招标文件及其他参考格式,还必须提供工程清单招标作为参考文件的重要组成部分。

建设单位在招标文件中的工程量清单, 按照国家或地方颁布的规则的计算方法,统一的项目划分, 统一计量单位,统一的工程计算规则按设计图纸加以计

算和统计安排,取得名单。数量应遵循的筹备工作客观,公正,科学,合理的原则。编写者必须有一定的知识的工程设计和施工经验, 以及材料与机械施工技术全面的科学知识,为了计算容积的工程无重大遗漏。此基础上,必须符合国家规定的工程计算规则与分包工程处工程单位,并按照设计图纸,设计必不可少的爱情招标文件规定计算量的项目应该有一个综合测试,作品必须简单,虽然不露出现错误定价项目,要保证正确的工程。应该要求的不同等级分开工程部,情况则有所不同, 我们可能有不同的价格,为项目分开。这就要求编写清单编制人员,认真研究设计图纸, 分析招标文件中包括的工作内容及不同的技术要求, 大家熟悉的过程,并到现场认真调查,预计,以使施工的情况下,会对价格项目得以打破。此外, 因为项目清单计算数额的项目是不完整的工程,并考虑利益施工单位,显然付出代价相同的总体价格 该工程量清单的数量,实际建设是一个具有实际意义。

在评价和审查的投标应做的单位,个人总报价和综合评估价格不符合要求的个体显示物价符合要求, 与最低总价不能解释单一,价低。投标人往往知道总成本,以维持相同的情况下, 该计划很可能会改变较小的项目,以降低价格。变化可能较大项目的价格上升,以达到竣工结算工程,将增加为目的。我们也做价格和相应数量的工程技术综合评估的大批量项目注重价格分析。价格会做与工作内容,施工计划,是一个全面的技术评价过程中, 因而倾向于选择施工单位。建设施工阶段的合同成本控制基础。签订严密的施工合同,同时加强施工合同管理,可以保证合同价是合理的, 合法性,减少履行合同的纠纷,维护双方利益的合同,有效地控制了工程投资费用。

在签约前,做好管理合同文件, 合同及补充合同协议。工作往来等单一内容提出了延长合同,并解释完整必须得到维护, 除了建立了技术档案,执行合同的动态分析分析结果采取积极主动的措施。



3.2.1 建筑计划

加强技术经济比较施工方案是施工组织设计进行了重新的工作内容,合理的施工方案,缩短建设工期,确保三峡工程质量, 提高经济效率,施工方案正确,从技术和经济评价进行了比较, 通过定性和定量分析,质量,时间,成本三项技术和经济指标,是理智的, 并有效地使用人力,物力和财力,取得较好的经济效益,良好的施工管理人员之间的关系, 全面成本管理是一个重要途径。

3.2.2 严格涉及更改项目预算控制在概算内

施工造成的变化,原因有很多,包括工程设计不良,使工程合同与图纸不符规定;当前市场供应的材料不符合标准规格的设计要求。这些问题已离开初级工程造价的因素。因此,在施工过程中,我们必须加紧海关变化通过任何更改设计,扩大建设规模,提高设计标准,增加建设内容, 最好实行“分级控制,限额签证”制度。有权变更设计,尤其是涉及到成本的设计变更,必须经设计单位, 建设单位现场代表,监理工程师共同签字,并应提前这种变化,减少损失, 因为已完成或部分完成的项目将进行拆除工作的内容, 这势必造成重大变更损失。因此,建设单位应指派工程造价管理专业人员常驻施工现场,掌握在任何时候控制工程造价的变化。

3.2.3 工程现场签证手续

通过严格控制建设项目的监督制度, 建立专门的部门, 专业人员使用的专业项目管理,以避免项目管理人员只是签证不是经济帐的现象。投资失控造成严重后果,严重改变签证程序,要采取建设,监理方、工地代表共同签名的方式,以确保变更,签证的真实性,合法性, 经济和避免欺诈的现象,由此产生的纠纷。

在施工过程中,建设单位要加强现场施工管理, 督促施工方按图施工,严格控制变更的谈判,代用材料, 现场签证,以及各种预算外额外劳动力成本的必要修改,应做一次后发生变化的及时变化,计算的工作量和费用的情况发生了巨大变化,以把握在任何时候项目的费用水平,以避免积压的工作,真正的工程造价。

施工单位代表到现场监督,做好记录,特别是隐蔽记录和签证, 减少结算及格现象。不少工程现场签证是没有这么严重,给工程带来了非常大的麻烦, 导致相当大的经济损失, 现场签证的严格管理,施工阶段的工程成本控制的关键。

3.2.4 工程量清单,严格审查

对项目的审查清单监理工程师名单的措施来控制工程。工程量清单提供的措施清单,是为了完成建设项目, 发生在施工前和工程施工过程中技术,生活,安全等方面的非工程实体。在这个阶段,因为许多项目都是在施工图及施工现场不完善的招标等到施工招标的工程设计和现场实况,有更好的机会。监理工程师地址收集第一手资料,逐项考核鉴定,不作修改。

3.2.5 控制材料消耗,合理确定材料价格

工程造价控制材料价格的控制是主要的, 材料费在工程中往往占有很大的比重,一般占预算费用的70%。占直接成本的80%。有必要在施工阶段严格按照合同金额材料控制, 材料订定合理价格,以有效地控制工程造价。市场经济物资供应各种渠道,品种及价格范围的材料, 施工单位预算管理和外勤人员应密切注意市场行情 随着工程进度的现场,市场, 另一方面,在信息化建设和物资竣工决算提供了有力依据。

3.2.6 科技与经济一体化,加强投资控制

有效地控制了投资,从组织,技术,经济,合同,并采取其他措施。因此,施工单位必须加强管理工程和技术人员的“经济”的理念、教育质量, 培养务实的工作作风,施工方以帮助改善建筑设计,合理的安全,财政和物质资源。加快工作进度,提高工程质量。施工遇到问题,及时与设计师联系,选择既经济和科学潜力的解决方案, 克服所造成的浪费指挥,给予应有的重视投资保护, 负责工程技术相结合的经济官员,从招标,合同谈判, 成本预算,签订支付工程进度的竣工决算,成本分析, 整个过程管理,严格控制工程造价。

3.2.7 做好结算价格的评估完成项目竣工结算

施工企业按照与合同规定的内部完成,由承办单位, 经验收质量标准,并符合合同要求, 对建设单位,最后结算价的工程。竣工后的结算审核批准建设项目工程造价的基础。结算完成第一阶段的工程造价控制。一段很长的时间,完成了施工图纸结算预算,是成本管理的问题得以解决。因此,审计工作的完成解决是一项非常重要的工作,应着重做好以下几个方面的工作:

1)审计的准确输出。这个项目的竣工审计决算审计中,最重要和最复杂的, 其中最细致的工作,要计划完成的项目, 更改设计和施工工地为基础, 固定的,严格按照规定的工程计算规则逐项审核, 为防止建设工程竣工结算故意夸大产量,以增加项目的成本。




总之,工程造价控制是一个全过程控制, 应该说,每个环节都不能自满,而且每一个环节也很重要。随着中国加入世贸组织,是中国的投资主体多元化,投资方对降低成本,控制成本, 提高投资效益日益重视。因此,改变原有工程造价估算,概算,预算,合同价格,结算价,决算完成搬迁的。缺乏连续性的情况下, 以完善的控制水平,发展控制系统的投资项目, 投资建设项目,可以促进我国社会主义市场经济发展,适应全球经济一体化进程。


外 文 翻 译

Introduction to Robotics

Mechanics and Control



别: 机械与汽车工程系 专学业生


称: 机械设计制造及其自动化 名: 郭仕杰


06101315 指导教师姓名、职称: 贺秋伟 副教授

完成日期 2014 年2 月28日 Introduction to Robotics

Mechanics and Control

Abstract This book introduces the science and engineering of mechanical manipulation.This branch of the robot has been in several classical field based.The main related fields such as mechanics, control theory, computer science.In this book, Chapter 1 through 8 topics ranging from mechanical engineering and mathematics, Chapter 9 through 11 cover control theory of material, and twelfth and 13 may be classified as computer science materials.In addition, this book emphasizes the computational aspects of the problem;for example, each chapter it mainly mechanical has a brief section calculation.This book is used to teach the class notes introduction to robotics, Stanford University in the fall of 1983 to 1985.The first and second versions have been through 2002 in use from 1986 institutions.Using the third version can also benefit from the revised and improved due to feedback from many sources.Thanks to all those who modified the author's friends.This book is suitable for advanced undergraduates the first grade curriculum.If students have contributed to the dynamics and linear algebra course in advanced language program in a basic course of statics.In addition, it is helpful, but not absolutely necessary, let the students finish the course control theory.The purpose of this book is a simple introduction to the material, intuitive way.Specifically, does not need the audience mechanical engineer strict, although much of the material is from the field.At the Stanford University, many electrical engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians find this book very readable.Here we only on the important part to extract.The main content


The historical characteristics of industrial automation is popular during the period of rapid change.Either as a cause or an effect of automation technology, period of this change is closely linked to the world economy.Use of industrial robots, can be identified in a unique device 1960's, with the development of computer aided design(CAD)system and computer aided manufacturing(CAM)system, the latest trends, automated manufacturing process.The technology is the leading industrial automation through another transition, its scope is still unknown.In the northern America, machinery and equipment used in early 80's of the 20th century, the late 80's of the 20th century a short pull.Since then, the market more and more(Figure 1.1), although it is affected by economic fluctuations, all the market.Figure 1.2 shows the robots were installed in a large number of annual world industrial zone.Notably, the number of Japan's report is different from other areas: they count the number of machine of robot in other parts of the world are not considered robot(instead, they would simply be considered “factory machines”).Therefore, the reported figures for the Japanese exaggerated.One of the main reason for the growth in the use of industrial robots is that they are falling costs.Fig.1.3 shows that, in the last century 90's ten years, robot prices dropped although human labor costs.At the same time, the robot is not only cheaper, they become more effective and faster, more accurate, more flexible.If we factor these quality adjusted to the number, the use of robots to decrease the cost of even than their price tag faster.More cost-effective in the robot they become, as human labor to become more expensive, more and more industrial work become robot automation candidate.This is the most important trend to promote the industrial robot market growth.The second trend is, in addition to the economic, as robots become more can become more tasks they can do, may have on human workers engaged in dangerous or impossible.Industrial robots perform gradually get more complex, but it is still, in 2000, about 78% installation welding or material handling robot in USA robot.A more challenging field, industrial robots, accounted for 10% unit.This book focuses on the dynamics and control of the most important forms of industrial robot, manipulator.What is the industrial robot is sometimes debate.Equipment, as shown in Figure 1.4 is always included, and CNC milling machine(NC)is usually not.The difference lies in the programmable complex place if a mechanical device can be programmed to perform a variety of applications, it may be an industrial robot.This is the part of a limited class of tasks are considered fixed automation.For the purpose of this difference, do not need to be discussed;the basic properties of most materials suitable for various programmable machine.In general, the mechanical and control research of the mechanical hand is not a new science, but a collection of the theme from the “classic” field.Mechanical engineering helps to machine learning methods for static and dynamic conditions.The mathematical description of movement of the tool manipulator space supply and other attributes.Provide design evaluation tool to realize the motion and force the desired algorithm control theory.Electrical engineering technology applied in the design of electrical engineering technology for sensor applied in design and industrial robot interface sensor, are programmed to perform the required task of basic computer science and the equipment.Figures:

FIGURE 1.1: Shipments of industrial robots in North America in millions of US


FIGURE 1.2: Yearly installations of multipurpose industrial robots for 1995-2000 and

forecasts for 2001-2004

FIGURE 1.3: Robot prices compared with human labor costs in the 1990s

FIGURE 1.4:The Adept 6 manipulator has six rotational joints and is popular in many applications.Courtesy of Adept Technology, Inc.2、Control of mechanical arm In the study of robots, 3D spatial position we constantly to the object of interest.These objects are all manipulator links, parts and tools, it deals, and other objects in the robot's environment.In a coarse and important level, these objects are described by two attributes: the position and direction.Of course, a direct interest in the topic is the attitude in which we represent these quantities and manipulate their mathematics.In order to describe the human body position in space and direction, we will always highly coordinate system, or frame, rigid object.Then we continue to describe the position and orientation of the reference frame of the coordinate system.Any framework can be used as a reference system in the expression of a body position and direction, so we often think of conversion or transformation of the body of these properties from one frame to another description.The 2 chapter discusses the Convention methods of dealing with job descriptions discussed method of treating and post convention described positioning and manipulation of coordinate system the quantity and mathematics different.Well developed skills relevant to the position and rotation of the description and is very useful in the field of rigid robot.Kinematics is the science of sports, the movement does not consider the force which resulted in it.In the scientific research of kinematics, a position, velocity, acceleration, and the location variable high order derivative(with respect to time of all or any of the other variables(S)).Therefore, the kinematics of manipulator is refers to the geometric and temporal characteristics of all movement.The manipulator comprises nearly rigid connection, which is the relative movement of the joint connection of adjacent links.These nodes are usually instrument position sensor, so that adjacent link is a relative position measurement.In the case of rotating or rotary joint, the displacement is called the joint angle.Some robots including sliding(or prism)connection, in which the connection between the relative displacement is a translation, sometimes called the joint offset.The manipulator has a number of independent position variables are specified as the mechanism to all parts of the.This is a very general term, any mechanism.For example, a four connecting rod mechanism has only one degree of freedom(even with three members of the movement).In the case of the typical industrial robots, because the robots is usually an open kinematic chain, because each joint position usually define a variable, the node is equal to the number of degrees of freedom.The free end of the link chain consisting of the manipulator end effector.According to the application of robot, the end effector can be a starting point, the torch, electromagnet, or other device.We usually by mechanical hand position description framework description tool, which is connected to the end effector, relative to the base, the base of the mobile manipulator.In the study of mechanical operation of a very basic problem is the kinematics.This is to compute the position of mechanical static geometric problems in hand terminal positioning.Specifically, given a set of joint angles, the forward kinematics problem is to compute the position and orientation relative to the base of the tool holder.Sometimes, we think this is a change from the joint space is described as a manipulator position that Cartesian space description.“This problem will be discussed in the 3 chapter.In the 4 chapter, we will consider the inverse kinematics problem.The problems are as follows: the end effector position and direction of the manipulator, computing all possible joint angle, can be used to achieve the position and direction of a given.(see Figure 1.7.)This is a practical problem of manipulator is fundamental.This is quite a complex geometry problem, the conventional solution in tens of thousands of humans and other biological systems time every day.In a case like a robot simulation system, we need to create computer control algorithm can make the calculation.In some ways, the solution to this problem is the most important element in the operating system.This is quite a complex geometry problem, the conventional solution in tens of thousands of humans and other biological systems time every day.In a case like a robot simulation system, we need to create computer control algorithm can make the calculation.In some ways, the solution to this problem is the most important element in the operating system.We can use this problem as a mapping on 3D Descartes ”position“ space ”position“ in the robot joint space.This need will occur when the 3D spatial objects outside the specified coordinates.Lack of this kind of algorithm some early robot, they just transfer(sometimes by hand)required for the position, and then be recorded as a common set of values(i.e., as a position in joint space for later playback).Obviously, if the playback position and motion pattern recording and joint of the purely robot in Cartesian space, no algorithm for the joint space is necessary.However, the industrial robot is rare, the lack of basic inverse kinematics algorithm.The inverse kinematics problem is not a simple forward kinematics of A.The equation of motion is nonlinear, their solution is not always easy(or even possible in a closed form).At the same time, the existing problems of solutions and multiple solutions occur.The study of these problems provides an appreciation of what the human mind nervous system is achieved when we, there seems to be no conscious thought, object movement and our arms and hands operation.Manipulator is a solution of the presence or absence of a given definition of work area.A solution for the lack of means of mechanical hands can not reach the desired position and orientation, because it is in the manipulator working area.In addition to static positioning problem, we can analyze the robot motion.Usually, the analysis in the actuator velocity, it is convenient to define a matrix called the Jacobi matrix of the manipulator.The speed of Jacobi matrix specified in Descartes from the velocity mapping space and joint space.(see Figure 1.8.)This mapping configuration of the manipulator changes the natural changes.At some point, called a singularity, this mapping is not to make the transformation.This phenomenon are important to the understanding of the mechanical hand designers and users.Figures:

FIGURE 1.5: Coordinate systems or ”frames“ are attached to the manipulator and to

objects in the environment.FIGURE 1.6: Kinematic equations describe the tool frame relative to the base frame

as a function of the joint variables.FIGURE 1.7: For a given position and orientation of the tool frame, values for the joint variables can be calculated via the inverse kinematics.FIGURE 1.8: The geometrical relationship between joint rates and velocity of the end-effector can be described in a matrix called the Jacobian.3、Symbol Symbol is always the problems in science and engineering.In this book, we use the following convention: First: Usually, uppercase variables vector or matrix.Scalar lowercase variables.Second:Tail buoy use(such as the widely accepted)indicating inverse or transposed matrix.Third:Tail buoy not subject to strict conventions, but may be that the vector components(for example, X, Y, Z)or can be used to describe the PBO / P in a position of the bolt.Fourth:We will use a lot of trigonometric function, we as a cosine symbol angle E1 can adopt the following methods: because the E1 = CE1 = C1.In the vector sign note general: many mechanics textbook treatment number of vector at a very abstract level and often used vector is defined relative to expression in different coordinate systems.The most obvious example is, in addition to vector is relative to a given or known a different frame of reference.This is usually very convenient, resulting in compact structure, elegant formula.For example, consider the angular velocity, connected in series with the last body ° W4 'four rigid body(such as the manipulator links)relative to the fixed seat chain.Due to the angular velocity vector addition, angular velocity equation at last link we can write a very simple vector:

However, unless the information is relative to a common coordinate system, they cannot be concluded, therefore, although elegant, equation(1.1)calculation.Most of the ”work“.A case study of the manipulator, such statements,(1.1)work coordinate system hidden bookkeeping, which is often we need to practice.Therefore, in this book, we put the symbol reference frame vectors, we don't and carrier, unless they are in the same coordinate system.In this way, we derive expressions for computing numerical solution, ”bookkeeping" problem can be directly applied to the actual.Summary The robot is a typical electromechanical integration device, it uses the latest research results of machinery and precision machinery, microelectronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and information processing and artificial intelligence and other disciplines, with the development of economy and all walks of life to the automation degree requirements increase, the robot technology has been developing rapidly, the emergence of a variety of robotic products.The utility of robot products, not only can solve many practical problems difficult to solve by manpower, and the promotion of industrial automation process.At present, the research and development of robot relates to many aspects of the technology, the complexity of system structure, development and development cost is generally high, limiting the application of the technology, to some extent, therefore, the development of economic, practical, high reliability of robot system with a wide range of social significance and economic value.Based on the design of mechanical structure and drive system, the kinematics and dynamics of the cleaning robot is analyzed.Kinematics analysis is the basis of path planning and trajectory control of the manipulator, the kinematics analysis, inverse problem can complete the operation of space position and velocity mapping to drive space, using the homogeneous coordinate transformation method has been the end of manipulator position and arthrosis transform relations between the angle, geometric analysis method to solve the inverse kinematics problem of manipulator, provides a theoretical basis for control system design.The robot dynamics is to study the relationship between the motion and force of science, the purpose of the study is to meet the need of real-time control, this paper use straightaway language introduced the related mechanical industrial robots and control knowledge for us, pointing the way for our future research direction.Robot is a very complicated learning, in order to go into it, you need to constantly learn, the road ahead is long, I shall search.机器人学入门






工业自动化的历史特点是快速变化的时期流行的方法。无论是作为一个原因或一个效果,这种变化的时期自动化技术是紧密联系在一起的世界经济。利用工业机器人,成为可识别在1960年代的一个独特的装置,随着计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统和计算机辅助制造(CAM)系统的特点,最新的趋势,制造业的自动化过程。这些技术是领先的工业自动化 通过另一个过渡,其范围仍然是未知的。在美国北部,在早期有机器设备多采用世纪80年代,其次是上世纪80年代后期一个简短的拉。自那时起,市场越来越多的(图1.1),虽然它是受经济波动,是所有市场。图1.2显示的机器人被安装在大数每年世界各国的工业区。值得注意的是,日本的报告数量有所不同从其他地区一样:他们算一些机器的机器人在世界的其他地方都没有考虑机器人(而不是,他们会简单地认为是“工厂的机器”)。因此,该报告的数字为日本有些夸大。






图1.2 年安装的多用途的工业机器人1995-2000年和2001年至2004年预测

图1.3 机器人的价格与上世纪90年代的人类劳动成本的比较

图1.4 娴熟的6臂有六个转动关节(流行于众多制造行业)



为了描述人体在空间中的位置和方向,我们将始终高度坐标系统,或框架,严格的对 象。然后我们继续相对于一些参考描述该帧的位置和方向坐标系统。任何框架可以作为一个参考系统内的表达一个身体的位置和方向,所以我们经常认为转化或改变身体的这些属性从一帧到另一个的描述。2章讨论了公约的方法处理与职位描述讨论了公约的方法处理与职位描述定位和操纵这些量与数学不同的坐标系统。发展良好的技能有关的位置和旋转的描述甚至在刚体机器人领域是非常有用的。




我们可以把这个问题作为一个映射在三维笛卡尔的“位置”空间的“位置”在机器人的关节内的空间。这需要自然会出现每当目标外部三维空间指定的坐标。一些早期的机器人缺乏这种算法,他们只是转移(有时用手)所需的的位置,然后被记录为一组共同的值(即,作为一个位置关节空间)用于以后回放。显然,如果机器人用纯粹的模式记录和关节的位置和运动的播放,没有算法有关的关节空间的笛卡尔空间是必要的。然而,是罕见的工业机器人,缺乏基本的逆运动学算法。逆运动学问题不是简单的正向运动学一个。由 于运动方程是非线性的,他们的解决方案并不总是容易(甚至可能在一个封闭的形式)。同时,对存在的问题解和多解的出现。这些问题的研究提供了一个欣赏什么人的心灵神经系统是实现当我们,似乎没有有意识的思考,移动和我们的双臂和双手操作的对象。一个解的存在或不存在的定义工作区一个给定的机械手。一个解决方案的缺乏意味着机械手不能达到所需的位置和方向,因为它在机械手的外工作区。



图1.5 坐标系统或“帧”连接到机械手环境中的物体


图1.7 对于一个给定的位置和方向的工具框架,值为关节变量可以通过逆运动学计算

图1.8 联合率和速度之间几何关系端部执行器可以在一个矩阵描述了所谓的雅可比矩阵


符号一直是科学和工程问题。在这本书中,我们使用以下公约: 第一、通常,大写变量表示的向量或矩阵。小写的变量的标量。第二、尾标使用(如被广泛接受的)指示逆或转置矩阵。

第三、尾标不受严格的公约,但可能表明向量的组件(例如,X,Y,Z)或可用于述在PBO / P一个螺栓的位置。


为E1 = CE1 = C1。

在一般的矢量符号注:许多力学教材处理矢量在一个非常抽象的层次上的数量和经常使用向量定义相对于在表达不同的坐标系统。最明显的例子是,除了向量是给定的或已知的相对于不同的参考系。这是通常很方便,导致结构紧凑,有优雅的公式。为例如,考虑角速度,在串联连接的最后一次身体°W4 '四刚体(如机械手的链接)相对的固定座链。由于角速度矢量相加,我们可以写一个非常简单的向量的最后环节的角速度方程:







(机械电子工程学院,哈尔滨理工学院,哈尔滨 150001,中国)(Robotics Institute。Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,P。R。China)



关键词: 机械手、ADAMS、优化、动力学仿真

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如图-1所示 机械手组成的平面并联机构(PPM)包括平行四边形结构和线性驱动器安装在PPM.两直接驱动电机c整合交流电高分辨率编码器的一部分作为驱动平面并联机械装置.线型致动器驱动的声音线圈发动机.这被认为是理想的驱动短行程的一部分.作为一个非换直接驱动类,音圈电机可以提供高位置敏感和完美的力量与中风的角色,高精密线性编码作为回馈部分保证在垂直方向可重复性。


图-1 3自由度的混合结构的机械手


ADAMS(Automatic Dynamic Analysis 0f Mechanical System)自动机械系统动力学分析是一个完美的软件,对机械系统动力学模拟可处理机制包括有刚性和灵活的部分,仿真模型可以创造出机械手的亚当斯环境 如图-2。OXYz是全球性的参考帧,并OXYz局部坐标系,两个直流驱动电机、交流和02M O1A表示,与线性驱动器CH被视为刚性转子转动惯量电机传动的120kg/cm2。大众的线性驱动器是1.5kg,连接AB、德、03F和LJ被视为柔性体立柱、横梁GK,通用公司和公里,形成一个三角形,也被当作柔性传动长度的链接是决定提前运动学设计为AB =O3F = 7cm,DE=IJ=7cm,GK= 7cm,GM =11.66cm,= 8.338cm。其它维度,这个数字是01A = 02M =7cm,CB=CD=HJ 2.5cm。EF=EG=JK= 3cm。



图-2 仿真模型 仿真模拟结果



2.1 截面效应

扭转变形位移的连结将会引起的,所以,扭转常数的横截面,重力是研究装系统来研究,采取扭转刚度的垂直切片lxx不变的各个环节和梁作为设计变量的变化,从 0.1 x 105mm4 与 3.5 x 105 mm4。

图-3 不断的效果在垂直变形扭转



图-4 在不影响扭不变


5、6所展示的影响是区域惯性转矩的设计变量是区域刚度和惯性转矩的各个环节和梁lz,图显示增加lw卡尔减少的速度高于垂直位移的不断增加Ixx扭转。这个Yxx AB、梁的链接,链接O3F是Iyy三个主要因素决定了竖向刚度。

图-6 所示 链接的AB、梁公里,连接03F也是其中的三个主要因素决定的均匀性线性传动装置、不同的分析结果表明,Izz效果好,具有至少两个垂直和水平刚度,这意味着这种结构,具有足够的水平,降低Izz刚度的链接和增加Iyy AB、梁的链接,链接O3F公里的好方法,优化系统。

图-5 瞬间的惯性效应对垂直位移

图-6 转动惯量不平衡的影响


线性执行器的惯性是主要载荷之一,在机械手的运动,不同的相对应的垂直位置产生不同的变形,图7显示了绝对平均的最终效应垂直位移时驱动马达以恒定的加速度旋转,我们可以看到,过低或过高的相对位置会造成比格变形,最好的位置是一对Z = 24毫米的地方大概是从中间环节连接O3F到 AB.图-7



根据上述模拟结果,所有改进的机械手的设计,时间如下:链接截面AB,DE,lJ 与30mm的基础和高度,10毫米的厚度;链接O3F和矩形空心梁与30mm的基础和高度工型钢,l0mm法兰和6mm网;梁竞,通用汽车与8mm的坚实基础和30mm高的矩形。

图-8 梯形运动姿态

图-9中回应的是机械手,相比之下,图-10中提高初始的反应,在其中所有的链接和机械手的矩形截面梁的坚实基础,用30毫米,高度的差异是曲线,C和H的曲线积分,二是垂直位移的末端,改进系统中最大位移0.7Um最初的0.12Um相比,争论的振动激励后仍停留在O.06Um±0.15% s±O.05Um相比的初始变形改善系统的初始小于前者具有较少的惯性,因为在相同的步伐不断加快,保持振动瓣膜差不多一样,它对这整个系统中来说,仍然改善系统的刚度,几乎相当于初始制度,针对大规模的平面并联机构在该系统相比下降了30%,这样的初始优化是有效的。

图-9、图-10 动态响应




2)参数Ixx,Iyy并链接'截面刚度Izz有不同的效应,Iyy已经对垂直刚度的影响最大,Ixx在第二位的是,Ixx具有在垂直刚度的影响最小,他们都较少对水平比垂直刚度刚度。3)横截面的不同环节都有不同的影响,连线竖向刚度AB和德应该使用区扭转常数和惯性力矩大,如变形、长方形、横梁KM,线 03F应该使用区段形梁等重大时刻转动惯量、横梁GK,和GM 可以使用尽可能的一小部分,从而降低了质量。4)最佳的线性驱动器的相对位置可以减少变形,最好的位置是垂直的平行结构。5)改进的机械手的动态分析表明该优化设计方法研究的基础上的效率。





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The development of industrial robots

Industrial robot is a robot, it consists of a CaoZuoJi.Controller.Servo drive system and detection sensor device composition, it is a kind of humanoid operating automatic control, can repeat programming, can finish all kinds of assignments in three difficulties in authorship space the electromechanical integration automation production equipment, especially suitable for many varieties, become batch flexible production.It to stabilize and improve the product quality, raise efficiency in production, improve working conditions of the rapid renewal plays an extremely important role.Widely used industrial robots can gradually improve working conditions, stronger and controllable production capacity, speed up product updating and upgrading.Improve production efficiency and guarantee the quality of its products, eliminate dull work, save labor, provide a safe working environment, reduces the labor intensity, and reduce labor risk, improve the machine tool, reduce the workload and reduce process production time and inventory, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.As technology advances, the development of industrial robot, the process can be divided into three generations--generation, for demonstration reproduce, and it mainly consists of robot hand controller and demonstration teaching machines composed, can press advance box to record information guide action, the current industry repeated reappearance application of execution most.The second to feel robot, such as powerful sleep touch and vision, it has for some outside information feedback adjustment ability, currently has entered the application stage.Third generation of intelligent robot it has sense and understanding ability, in the external environment for the working environment changed circumstances, can also successfully complete the task, it is still in the experimental research phase.The United States is the birthplace of the robot, as early as in 1961, America's ConsolidedControlCorp and AMF companies developed the first practical demonstration emersion robot.After 40 years of development, the United States in the world of robotics has been in the lead position.Still Its technology comprehensive, advanced, adaptability is strong.Japan imported from America in 1967, the first robot in 1976 later, with the rapid development of the microelectronics and the market demand has increased dramatically, Japan was labor significant deficiencies in

enterprise, industrial robots by “savior”'s welcome, make its Japanese industrial robots get fast development, the number of now whether robots or robot densities are top of the world, known as the “robot kingdom,” said.The robot introduced from Germany time than Britain and Sweden about late 1956, but the Labour shortages caused by war, national technical level is higher social environment, but for the development and application of industrial robot provides favorable conditions.In addition, in Germany, for some dangerous prescribed, poisonous or harmful jobs, robot instead of ordinary people to the labor.This is the use of robots exploit a wide range of markets, and promote the development of the industrial robot technology.At present, the German industrial robots total of the world, which only behind to Japan.The French government has been more important robot technology, and through a series of research program, support established a complete science and technology system, make the development of the French robot smoothly.In government organization project, pay special attention to the robot research based technique, the focus is on the application research on in robot.And by industry support the development application and development of work, both supplement each other, make robots in France enterprises develop rapidly and popularize and make France in the international industrial machine with indispensable if position.British jamie since the late 1970s, promote and implement a department measures listed support the development of policies and make robots British industrial robots than today's robot powers started to early, and once in Japan has made the early brilliance.However, at this time the government for industrial robots implemented the constraining errors.This mistake in Britain dust, the robot industry in Western Europe was almost in the bottom of it.In recent years, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Finland, Denmark and other countries because of its own domestic robots market in great demand, development at a very fast pace.At present, the international on industrial robot company mainly divided into Japanese and European series.In AnChuan of Japanese are mainly the ethical products, the oTC, panasonic, FANLUC, not two more, etc.The products of the company kawasaki The main Asiatic KUKA, German CLOOS, Sweden's ABB, Italy CO work pelatiah U and Austria GM company.Industrial robot in China started in early 1970s, after 30 years development, roughly experienced three stages: in the 1970s and 1980s budding transplanter and the application of the 1990s initialization period.With the 20th century 70's world technology rapid development, the application of industrial robots in world created a climax, in this context, our country in 1972 start developing their industrial robots.Enter after the 1980s, with the further reform and opening, in high technology waves pound, our research and development of robot technology from the government's attention and support, “during the seventh state funds, thanked the parts were set robot and research, completed demonstration emersion type industrial robot complete technology development, developed spray paint, welding, arc welding and handling robot., the national high technology research and development program begin to carry out, after several years research and made a large number of scientific research.Successfully developed a batch of special robot.From 9O 2O century since the early, China's national economy achieve two fundamental period of transformation into a a new round of economic restructuring and technological progress, China's industrial robots upsurge in practice and have made strides, and have developed spot welding, welding, assembling, paint, cutting, handling, palletizing etc various USES of industrial robot, and implement a batch of robot application engineering, formed a batch of industrial robots for our country industrialization base, the industrial robot soar laid a foundation.But compared with the developed countries, China also has the very big disparity of industrial robots.Along with the development of industrial robot depth and the breadth and raise the level of robot, industrial robots are has been applied in many fields.From the traditional automobile manufacturing sector to the manufacturing extensions.Such as mining robots, building robots and hydropower system used for maintenance robots, etc.In defense of military, medicine and health, food processing and life service areas such as the application of industrial robots will be more and more.The manufacturing of automobiles is a technology and capital intensive industry, is also the most widely used of industrial robots, accounting for almost to the industry for more than half of the industrial robots.In China, the industrial robot first is also used in automobile and engineering machinery industries.In car production of industrial robot is a major in the equipment, the brake parts and whole production of arc welding, spot welding, painting, handling, glue, stamping process used in large amounts.Our country is forecast to rise period, entered the automobile ownership in the next few years, car will still growing at around 15 percent annually.So the next few years the industrial robot demand will show high growth trend, about 50% in growth, industrial robots in our automobile industry application will get a rapid development.Industrial robot in addition to the wide application of in the automotive industry in electronic, food processing, nonmetal processing, daily consumer goods and wood furniture processing industries for

industrial robots demand is growing rapidly.In Asia, 2005 72,600 sets, installation industrial robots, compared with 2004 grew by 40%, and application in electronic industry accounted for about 31%.In Europe, according to statistics, since 2004 and 2005 in l: tI industry robot in the food processing industry increased 17% the application of left and right sides, in the application of nonmetal processing industry increased 20%, and daily necessities in consumption industries increased by 32% in wood furniture processing industry, up 18% or so.Industrial robot in oil has a wide application in, such as sea oil drilling, oil platforms, pipeline detection, refinery, large oil tank and tank welding etc all can use robots to complete.In the next few years, sensing technology, laser technology, engineering network technology will be widely used in industrial robots work areas, these technologies can cause the industrial robot application more efficient, high quality, lower cost.It is predicted that future robots will in medical and health care, biological technology and industry, education, relief, ocean exploitation, machine maintenance, transportation and agriculture and aquatic products applied field.In China, the industrial robot market share are mostly foreign industrial robots enterprise holds.Before the gunman in the international, domestic industrial robots enterprise facing great pressure of competition.Now China is from a ”manufacturing power“ to ”manufacturing power forward,“ Chinese manufacturing industry faces and the international community, participate in the international division of labor in the great challenge of industrial automation increase immediate, government must can increase the funds for robots and policy support, will give the industry of industrial robots development into new momentum.With independent brand ”devil robot" MoShi special technology company dedicated to providing solutions to the mainboard and robot, is willing with all my colleagues a build domestic industrial robot happy tomorrow!

References Electronic Measurement and Intrumenttations,Cambridge University Press,1996

















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