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I.Vocabulary and Structure

Now many major employers are beginning to demand _____ the completion of school.A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.better than Her powers of persuasion were to no _____.A.advantage B.avail C.vain D.use If you _____ in ignoring my instructions, I shall have to punish you.A.insist B.consist C.persist D.assist

It has taken him a long time to _______ the fact that he won’t be able to go to college.A.come to terms with B.in terms of C.in light of D.used to

There are always those who would substitute fantasy lives ______ the rewards of real activity.A.of B.with C.from D.for

_____ we understand what Jet Lag is, we can go some way to overcoming it.A.In that B.That C.Now that D.Unless

_____ from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.A.What B.That C.Which D.Although

The programme was televised _____ to the whole world.A.lively B.alive C.live D.life

It is not how much time you allocate for study that ______ but how much you learn when you do study.A.accounts B.counts C.amounts D.court

The degree _______ and the ways _______ a school encourages participation in games, sports and cultural pursuits are likely to contribute to the student’s attitude towards leisure.A.in which … in which B.from which …with which C.of which … in which D.to which …in which


Advertising is different from selling.Salesmen depend 11 the person-to-person approach in trying to persuade consumers to buy.Advertising, 12 , has to reach consumers indirectly through messages on radio and television, in the newspapers, or even on handbills(传单)given to you in the street.Once again, the purpose of advertising is to sell goods.This means that the advertiser is going to try to make you think you want something – his something – 13 you need it or not.14 , the advertiser is creating a(n)15 for his product.This is fine.Remember, all the goods being produced today have to be sold.And you cannot buy something if you do not know about it.All consumers are influenced by brand names.Advertisers try to get people 16 to a brand because they know that, in later years, many of the consumers will 17 to this brand.Therefore, commercials are repeated over and over again on radio and television.We soon get to know them

by 18.Some advertisers stay with particular radio or television stars, and consumers come to 19 a product with a famous person.You are probably wondering, at this point, whether advertising is good or bad.Actually, it may be 20 of both, but decide for yourself.11.A.for B.at C.on D.with

12.A.but B.however C.while D.yet 13.A.how B.that C.if D.whether 14.A.In other words B.In any case C.In addition D.In contrast

15.A.order B.demand C.command D.request 16.A.use B.to use C.used D.to used 17.A.object B.stick C.oppose D.prefer 18.A.heart B.mind C.soul D.brain 19.A.connect B.join C.combine D.associate 20.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few III.Reading Comprehension

Passage One

A normal conversation between strangers involves more than talk.It also involves the dynamics of space interaction.If one person gets too close, the other person will back up.If the first person invades the other’s space again, the other will back up again.The person who finds himself or herself backing up is trying to increase the distance of the comfort zone.The person closing in is trying to decrease that distance.Most likely neither person is fully aware of what is going on.In the 1960s American anthropologist(人类学家)Edward T.Hall was a pioneer in the study of human behavioral use of space.His field of study became known as proxemics.Hall said that personal space for Americans can be defined as having four distinct zones: the intimate zone within 18 inches of your body for whispering and embracing;personal zone of 18 inches to four feet, for talking with close friends;social zone of four to 10 feet, for talking with acquaintances;and the social zone of 10 to 25 feet, for talking to strangers or to a group.Historians say that our standards of personal space began with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.In cities such as London and New York, people of different social and economics classes were suddenly crammed(塞满,塞进)together, so they unconsciously developed a commonly understood rule of polite behavior and space to restrict the area around them.People exhibit nonverbal messages of discomfort when their zones are violated.Invaded people might pull at their hair, become rigid, or even become angry.As Hall noted in his work, a comfortable conversation needs to include the range of human personal space.21.This passage is mostly about _____.what nonverbal communication is human conversation the life of Edward T.Hall human behavioral use of space 22.Edward T.Hall identified _____.talks between strangers angry people

four zones of personal space the Industrial Revolution

If you and a close friend began talking when you were eight feet apart, you will probably soon _____.move closer together move farther together begin talking more softly

ask another friend to join the conversation The third paragraph provides ______.historical view on personal space an economic reason for personal space an overview of Edward T.Hall’s field of study a definition of personal space

The word “dynamics” means _____.difficulties

forces or influence that cause change largeness

explosions so large that they are beyond belief Passage Two

How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult.If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do.It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child – things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do;he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.People can experience happiness if they _____.always think of the past and regret it value the present are no longer young become old and have much experience When people were young, they used to _____.be in charge of many businesses have few things to think about and take on look after their younger sisters and brothers face a lot of difficulties

The pains of children lie in the fact that _____.no one helps them make right decisions they are often beaten by their parents they can not be accepted and praised by others D.they are not allowed to do what they like to do Children are usually happy because ______.old people lose interest in them they are free to do wrong they are familiar with everything going on around them things are new to them Which of the following is NOT needed for a young man to be happy? A.Hard work B.Being free from troubles C.Wealth D.Health Passage Three

Can you remember the first time you learned how to ride a bike or drive a car? Learning these skills changed your life forever and opened up new horizons.Learning about computers can be like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car.Once you have invested the time to master the skills, you will never go back to the old days.The new technology is simply too convenient and too powerful.Technological developments through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort.We have continuously looked for better ways of doing things.Each invention and new development has allowed us to extend our capabilities.Today we see one of the most dramatic technologies ever developed – the computer.It extends the capabilities of our minds.Computers have saved organizations millions of dollars.Furthermore, these same computer systems have opened up new opportunities that would have gone undiscovered or neglected.The computer can multiply what we can do, and the return on investment(投资)is high.The growth of computer usage is surprising.On the other hand, the computer can do serious damage.Invasion of privacy , fraud, and computer-related mistakes are just a few shocking examples.The computer is like a doubt-edged sword.It has the ability to cut us free from some activities, but it can also cut deeply into profits, personal privacy, and our society in general.How it is used is not a function of the current technology.It is strictly a function of how people decide to use or misuse this new technology.The choice is yours, and only through a knowledge of computer systems will you be able to avoid the dangers while enjoying the many, many benefits of the computer age.The writer thinks learning about computers is like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car because ______.it is simple and practical it needs a lot of practice

it leads people to new life experiences it takes much time to master the skills The word “extend” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.A.change B.multiply C.save D.master

According to the passage, computers bring people the following benefits EXCEPT ______.A.avoiding mistakes B.saving money C.making money D.opening up opportunities

According to the writer, the bad effects of computers can be avoided if we ______.have sound knowledge of computer systems tell people not to misuse computers have strict rules over the use of computers make more investments in the technology This passage is probably written for ______.A.computer teachers B.computer producers C.computer learners D.computer programmers

IV.Word Spelling

36.完成,成就 n.a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37.被提名者 n.n _ _ _ _ _ _ 38.反对 v.o_ _ _ _ _ 39.热带的,炎热的 a.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _

40.多数,大半 n.m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41.法律上的;合法的 a.l_ _ _ _ 42.乐器,仪器 n.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43.危机 n.c_ _ _ _ _ 44.下降,拒绝 v.d_ _ _ _ _ _ 45.竞赛,竞争 n.c_ _ _ _ _ _ 46.人群,群 n.c_ _ _ _ 47.预算 n./v.b_ _ _ _ _ 48.照相机 n.c_ _ _ _ _ 49.自动的 a.a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

50.护照 n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.个性,人格 n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52.韵律,格律 n.r_ _ _ _ _ 53.敏感的,灵敏的a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.统计数字 n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55.投票,选举 v.v_ _ _ V.Word Form

56.The number of animals used in laboratory tests _______(decline)over the last 20 years.57.But for his encouragement and help I ______(not make)so much progress.58.In the US, one experiment in nerve regeneration involves ______(cut)a big nerve in a rat’s leg, leaving its leg paralyzed.59.Facts are terrible things if _____(leave)spreading and unexamined.60.Many other new techniques are now available that enable more researches ______(do)in the test tube.61.When _____(present)with a common use, sales managers tend to see sales problems.62.It is absolutely essential that all the applicants ______(interview)one by one.63.By the time you arrive in London, we _____(stay)in Europe for two weeks.64.While exercising your imagination , you should be alone and completely ______(disturb)65.The _____(far)away an object is from you, the smaller it looks.VI.Translation from Chinese into English



VII.Translation from English into Chinese

The intelligent person, young or old, meeting a new situation or problem, opens himself up to it;he tries to take in with mind and senses everything he can about it;he thinks about it, instead of about himself or what it might cause to happen to him;he copes with it boldly, imaginatively, resourcefully;and if not confidently at least hopefully;if he fails to master it, he looks without shame or fear at his mistakes and learns what he can from them.This is intelligence.Clearly its roots lie in a certain feeling about life, and one’s self with respect to life.Just as clearly, unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to suppose, the same things as intelligence only less of it.


2010年自考 英语二 试卷 及答案



1. They are not afraid to repeat ________ they hear or to say strange things.A. what B. that C. when D. how 2. ________ arrived there ________ she fell ill.A. No sooner had Anne...than B. No sooner Anne had...than C. No sooner Anne had...when D. No sooner had Anne...when 3. All ________ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.A. what is needed B. the thing needed C. for their needs D. that is needed(编辑:白天骄)

4. This room is much too hot;it’s like a _____.A. fantasy B. fossil C. fashion D. furnace

5. I hope you will be ______ higher spirits when we meet next time.A. to B. on C. of D. in

6. ________ they are after is profit.A. Which B. That C. What D. When 7. The satellite also demonstrated how it could provide help to people living in isolated areas where________is difficult.A. transportation B. instruction C. application D. compensation(编辑:白天骄)

8. As we have been very busy recently, we go to the theatre only_. A. absolutely B. frequently C. continually D. occasionally

9. We can come to the _____ that the more we practice, the more skillful we will be.A. tradition B. generation

C. conclusion D. fact 10. Tom's father ________ home until yesterday.A. doesn't write B. don't write to C. didn't write to D. didn't write


1. The name “United Nations”was probably devised by U.S.president Franklin D.Roosevelt, and first group of representatives of the member states met and signed a declaration of common purpose on New Year's Day in 1942.Representatives of five 11 worked together to draw 12 proposals, completed at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944.These proposals, modified after 13 at the conference on International Organization in San Francisco which began in April 1945, were finally 14 and signed as the UN Charter by 50 countries on 26 June,1945.Poland, not 15 at the conference, signed the Charter later and was added to the list of 16 members.It was not until that autumn, 17 , after the Charter had been 18 approved and signed by China, France, the USSR, the UK and the US and by a majority of the other participants, the UN came 19 existence.The date was 24 October, now 20 celebrated as United Nations Day.1. 11 A. lands B. powers C. armies D. fields 2. 12 A. up B. out C. on D. in

3. 13 A. debate B. quarrel C. dispute D. remark 4. 14 A. admitted to B. decided on C. permitted of D. agreed on 5. 15 A. to be represented B. represented C. represent D. to represent 6. 16 A. former B. original C. before D. formal 7. 17 A. therefore B. otherwise C. however

D. nevertheless 8. 18 A. really B. wholly C. officially D. actually 9. 19 A. to B. off C. for D. into 10. 20 A. universally B. total C. wholly D. world

三、阅读理解题 1.(编辑:白天骄)

Since the late 1960s a growing number of women have expressed a strong dissatisfaction with any marriage arrangement wherein the husband and his career are the primary considerations in the marriage.By the end of the 1970s, for example, considerably less than half of the women in the United States still believed that they would put their husbands and children ahead of their own careers.More and more American women have come to believe that they should be equal partners rather than junior partners in their marriages.This stage of marriage, although not typical of most American marriages at present, will grow most rapidly in the future.In an equal partnership marriage, the wife pursues a full time job or career which has equal importance to her husband's.The long-standing division of labor between husband and wife comes to an end.The husband is no longer the main provider of

family income, and the wife no longer has the main responsibilities for household duties and raising children.Husband and wife share all these duties equally.Power over family decisions is also shared equally.The rapid change in women's attitudes toward marriage in 1970s reflected rapid change in the larger society.The women's Liberation movement appeared in the late 1960s, demanding an end to all forms of sexual discrimination against females.An Equal Rights Amendment(修正案)to the U.S.Constitution was proposed which would make any form of discrimination on the basis of sex illegal, and though it has failed to be ratified, it continues to have millions of supporters.1. Since the late 1960s, more and more women dissatisfied with the marriage ________.A. arranged by other people B. in which husband and children are put in the first place C. in which they themselves have superior privilege D. arranged by their husbands 2. In an equal partnership marriage, ________.A. the wife is the main provider of family income B. the wife no longer has household duty C. the husband and wife share the responsibility for the family D. the husband and wife will not quarrel in the family 3. The Women's Liberation Movement ________.A. maintains sexual equality

B. claims to get rid of family responsibility C. began in the end of 1970s D. thinks that husband and wife should interchange roles in family 4. The word “ratified”(the forth line in paragraph 3)probably means ________.A. encouraged B. objected

C. disproved D. confirmed

5. In 1970s, women's attitude toward marriage changed rapidly because ________.A. women's liberation movement appeared in the late 1960s B. an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S.Constitution was proposed C. husband is no longer the main provider of family income D. both A and B 2.(编辑:白天骄)

The skin which covers the tips of the fingers and thumbs is crossed by numerous ridges(隆 起)arranged in different patterns.This patterns are permanent from birth and remain exactly the same throughout a person's life, even when the skin becomes wrinkled and cracked as a result of old age.Such patterns are never passed on from parents to children, and no one in the world has the same patterns as anyone else.Even identical twins have different sets of fingerprints.As a result, fingerprints offer a most useful and foolproof way of identifying people.Any ridged part of the hand and the foot may be used as a means of identification, but finger impressions are usually preferred since they can be taken easily and quickly.Fingerprints are classified in the ways: by general shapes and contours, by the finger positions of the pattern-types, and by size(often measured by counting the ridges in the loops).Every set of fingerprints has different “ridge characteristics”(i.e.the print of each separate finger is different from that of all the other fingers), which belong to one of four basic groups: arches, loops, whorls and composites.All fingerprints can then be divided into 1, 024 groups.By using details in the patterns above, these 1, 024 groups can be further divided into thousands of smaller groups, thus making it possible to find a particular see prints in a few minutes.1. According to this passage, the true statement about human fingerprints is that ________.A. people's fingerprints can be inherited B. people's fingerprints are unique but identical twins may have the same fingerprints C. using fingerprints is the only way to identify people D. people's fingerprints will not change in all their lives

2. We prefer to use fingerprints to identify people because ________.A. we can never find the same set of fingerprints among human beings

B. finger impressions can be taken easily and quickly C. fingerprints offer a most useful and foolproof way of identifying people D. all of the above 3. About the classification of fingerprints, which is TRUE? ________.A. Fingerprints can be classified in three ways B. All fingerprints can be divided into 1, 024 groups and can not be divided further C. It is not easy to find a particular set of fingerprints in a short time D. People can not classify the fingerprints in an effective way

4. The word“foolproof”(line 7, pare.1)most probably means ________.A. that is permanent B. that is helpful C. that is not foolish D. that can not go wrong 5. The passage is most probably taken from an article entitled ________.A. Permanent Fingerprints B. Classification of Fingerprints C. Ridge Characteristics D. A Means of Identification 3.(编辑:白天骄)

When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way doesn't live up to the manufacture's claim for it, the first step is to present the warranty(保单), or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase.In most cases, this action will produce results.However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager.In general, the “higher up”the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled.In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favour, assuring he or she has a just claim.Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question.If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements.For example, “The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear”is better than“This stereo(立体声音响)does not work.”

1. The possible meaning of the phrase“live up to”(line 2, para.1)may be ________.A. to make up to consumers B. to keep to the high standards of C. to be the best compared with others D. to stand for salesmen's benefits 2. If a consumer finds what she or he bought doesn't live up to the manufacture's claim for it, ________.A. presenting the warranty is the only way to settle the problem B. there are many ways for the consumer to gain satisfaction C. the first thing to do is to threaten to take the matter to court D. what she or he should do is to keep silent 3. If a consumer complain in person to the store manager,__________.A. it's possible to settle the problem in the consumer's favour B. the consumer can surely get the compensation C. the salesgirl is surely scolded by the manager D. the consumer is surely refused 4. The most effective complaint can be made ________.A. in a firm and exaggerated way B. by presenting specific information as to what is wrong C. by making general statements

D. by complaining to the manager loudy and firmly 5. the main idea in this passage is about ________.A. salesmen's strategies to satisfy consumers B. consumers' strategies to get the most from the store C. how to buy satisfactory goods D. how to protect consumers' rights


1. 投递;发表 vt.d_ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 宗教 n.r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 保留 vt.r_ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 秋天 n.a_ _ _ _ _ 5. 安全的 a.s_ _ _ 6. 诊断疾病 vt./vi.d__ __ __ __ __ __ __ 7. 装修 v.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. 超级市场 n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. 返回、回来 v.r_ _ _ _ _ 10. 政党 n.p_ _ _ _ 11. 同情、同情心 n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. 仁慈、宽容 n.m_ _ _ _ 13. 污染 n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. 最后的 a.u__ __ __ __ __ __ __ 15. 十四 num.f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. 罪犯 n.c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17. 灯 n.1___

18. 探险 v.e_ _ _ _ _ _ 19. 闪电 n.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20. 文化、文明 n.c_ _ _ _ _ _


1. If he accepts the job, he ________(get)more money right away.2. All this made him ________(interest)in the history of philosophy.3. Her works of art show a great deal of ________(origin).4. She suggested ________(spend)another day in the mountain area.5. When I saw her, she ________(work)at the computer.6. He is always the first______(answer)question.7. These guidelines represent what a majority of people________(consider)acceptable.8. The book is not so difficult as I ________(expect).9. This classroom is ______(dirty)than the one we just left.10. These social ________(phenomenon)are so hard for us to understand.六、汉译英题

1. 坐出租车吧,以免误了火车。

2. 买东西的人心底里总是暗自希望找到价值高而又便宜的东西。3. 关于惊吓症发生的原因,现已有多种解释。4. 不论你有多富有,也无法用金钱买到健康。5. 就我而言,我不喜欢他做事的方式。


1. Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information.One example of organization is chunking.Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467,13,63.Categorizing is another means of organization.Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of

words: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat chair.Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child;cat, dog, horse;bench, chair, desk.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered more easily than the first one.




1.在《断魂枪》中,貌不惊人、干巴直率、武艺出众又深藏不露的形象是()A.孙老者 B.沙子龙 C.王三胜 D.刘四爷


B.《拜堂》 C.《菉竹山房》

D.《边城》 3.塑造曹七巧这个艺术形象的作家是()A.沈从文

B.张爱玲 C.许地山



B.《菉竹山房》 C.《金锁记》

D.《沉沦》 5.下列属于散文的作品是()A.《鹰之歌》

B.《我是一条小河》 C.《边城》


6.在《小二黑结婚》中属于解放区新农民形象的是()A.三仙姑 B.二诸葛 C.小二黑、小芹 D.金旺、兴旺 7.下列作品中,具有浪漫主义特色的是())

A.《潘先生在难中》 B.《在其香居茶馆里》 C.《寒夜》 D.《山峡中》 8.下列作家中,属于创造社的是()A.郁达夫 B.吴组缃 C.萧红 D.孙犁

9.“我是我自己的,谁也没有干涉我的权利”出自下列哪个人物之口?()A.华威先生 B.子君 C.翠姨 D.小芹 10.诗歌《发现》的作者是一位()A.九叶派诗人 B.七月派诗人 C.现代派诗人 D.新月派诗人 11.《雨巷》表现的思想情绪是()A.颓废堕落 B.感伤彷徨 C.活泼欢快 D.闲适平和 12.下列诗歌作品中,没有使用暗喻手法的是()A.《星星》 B.《孤岛》 C.《我爱这土地》 D.《断章》

13.下列诗歌作品中,表现了诗人拥抱光明的激情和对于胜利前景的坚定信念的是(A.《再别康桥》 B.《航》 C.《铸炼》 D.《给战斗者》 14.散文《寄小读者》在文体上属于()A.日记体 B.散文诗体 C.书信体 D.对话体)

15.散文诗《秋夜》中象征“倍受压迫而又做着好梦的青年”的是()A.天空 B.枣树 C.小粉红花 D.小青虫 16.下列散文作品中,借鉴了电影表现手法的是()A.《风景谈》 B.《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》 C.《白马湖之冬》 D.《祝土匪》


B.《白毛女》 C.《原野》

D.《北京人》 18.下列不符合《秋夜》的描述是()A.作品传达了对黑暗暴虐统治的憎恶和愤怒 B.作品传达了对被压迫被摧残的弱者的同情 C.作品传达了对童年和故乡生活的深情回顾 D.作品传达了对热忱追求光明的幼小者的赞美 19.下列属于满族的作家是()A.巴金

B.老舍 C.沈从文

D.曹禺 20.下列作家中,属于未名社成员的是()A.台静农

B.丁玲 C.许地山

D.废名 21.下列不符合小说《财主底儿女们》的描述是()A.注重心理描写


C.叙述、议论与抒情结合 D.突出人物性格矛盾和心理冲突


B.未婚妻 C.妻子

D.母亲 23.臧克家《星星》写作上的主要特点是()A.运用象征手法,以典雅的语言和亲切的口吻来表达诗情 B.运用夸张手法,以激愤的语言和冷峻的口吻来传达诗情 C.运用喑喻手法,以口语般的语言和告白式的亲切口吻来表达诗情 D.运用拟人手法,以质朴的语言和告白式的亲切口吻来表达感情 24.小说《山峡中》的叙事人称是()A.第一人称



D.第一人称与第二人称混用 25.《骆驼祥子》中,主人公最后的命运是()A.在街头械斗中身亡

B.在新中国获得新生 C.远走他乡,寻找出路

D.精神崩溃,彻底堕落 26.《春末闲谈》的主要艺术特点是()A.人物个性化

B.说理形象化 C.对话口语化

D.语言抒情化 27.茅盾在《子夜》中塑造的买办资产阶级的典型人物是()A.吴荪甫

B.赵伯韬 C.杜竹斋



B.芦柴棒、“小东西” C.小福子、芦柴棒





D.《生活是多么广阔》 30.以翠姨为主人公的萧红的小说是()A.《生死场》

B.《呼兰河传》 C.《小城三月》




B.高觉慧 C.高觉民

D.高老太爷 E.瑞珏


B.运用多种手段刻画人物,人物形象具有立体感 C.采用浪漫主义手法

D.用政治经济学的方法对社会结构进行剖析 E.语言飞动飘逸、幽默生动

33.下列关于诗歌《凤凰涅槃》的论述,正确的有()A.表现了强烈的爱国激情和狂飙突进的时代精神 B.具有大胆而绮丽的想象

C.彻底摆脱了旧诗的格律,实现了“诗体大解放” D.有泛神论色彩


34.下列哪些诗歌作品采用了象征的艺术手法?()A.《死水》 B.《大堰河——我的保姆》 C.《手推车》 D.《生活是多么广阔》 E.《我是一条小河》

35.下列散文作品中,与“抗日”这一背景有关的有()A.《雨前》 B.《鹰之歌》 C.《一种云》 D.《囚绿记》 E.《春末闲谈》
















课程代码:04729 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。






在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题 纸”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。

1.庄子在《秋水》中用“曲士”作比喻,是为了说明人的认识要受到 A.空间的限制 C.先天素质的限制

B.时间的限制 D.后天教育的限制

2.爱因斯坦在《我的世界观》中所说的“文明国家的这种罪恶的渊薮”指的是 A.商业利益 C.战争妖魔

B.猪栏理想 D.社会贫困

3.罗素在《如何避免愚蠢的见识》中认为,“如果你一听到一种与你相左的意见就发 怒”,这就表明 A.对方的见解是错误的 C.自己的看法没有充分理由

B.双方的看法都是对的 D.自我优越感过于强烈

4.《垓下之围》的“太史公曰”中,肯定项羽历史功绩的语句是 A.舜目盖重瞳子,又闻项羽亦重瞳子,羽岂其苗裔邪 B.遂将五诸侯灭秦,分裂天下而封王侯 C.放逐义帝而自立



04729# 大学语文试卷

A.从容镇定 C.宽厚谦和

B.博闻强记 D.嫉恶如仇

6.下列散文作品中,作者对地理背景将错就错,借以抒写自己怀抱的是 A.《前赤壁赋》 C.《都江堰》

B.《西湖七月半》 D.《我与地坛》

7.下列《先妣事略》的语句中,表现母亲俭朴特点的是 A.入城,则缉垆,灯火荧荧,每至夜分


C.冬月炉火炭屑,使婢子为团,累累暴阶下 D.遇僮奴有恩,虽至棰楚,皆不忍有后言

8.《马伶传》中,马伶“走京师,求为其门卒三年。日侍昆山相国于朝房”的目的是 A.另谋高就 C.深入生活

9.《秋夜》一文出自鲁迅文集中的 A.《故事新编》 C.《朝花夕拾》

B.《野草》 D.《且介亭杂文》 B.依附权贵 D.寻求庇护

10.《爱尔克的灯光》中,“照壁上‘长宜子孙’四个字却是原样地嵌在那里,似乎连颜色也不曾被风雨剥蚀”一句话表达了 A.对故居和祖父的怀念 C.对“甜蜜的家”的留恋

B.重温十八年以前的遥远的旧梦 D.对旧礼教阴魂不散的感慨

11.《我与地坛》中,作者以种种事物类比四季,是为了表现 A.另一个世界的景象 C.对人生的各种体验

B.母亲的艰辛 D.地坛的历史变迁

12.《蚂蚁大战》采取以点带面的表现手法,这个“点”主要指的是 A.荷戟独彷徨的红蚂蚁 C.红黑三位武士的混战

B.在堆树根之处两只蚂蚁缠斗 D.胡贝尔对蚂蚁大战的考察

13.《饮酒》(其五)中,上下句之间有转折关系的是 A.结庐在人境,而无车马喧 C.采菊东篱下,悠然见南山

B.问君何能尔,心远地自偏 D.山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还


04729# 大学语文试卷

A.金樽清酒斗十干,玉盘珍羞直万钱 C.欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山

B.停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然 D.闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边

15.下列《长恨歌》诗句中,具有讽刺意味的是 A.缓歌慢舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足 C.君臣相顾尽沾衣,东望都门信马归

B.君王掩面救不得,回看血泪相和流 D.为感君王辗转思,遂教方士殷勤觅

16.柳永《八声甘州》(对潇潇暮雨洒江天)下片抒情的着眼点是 A.时间推移 C.心理活动

B.景物变化 D.世事变迁

17.《再别康桥》中,暗示西方文明的意象是 A.西天的云彩 C.软泥上的青荇

B.夕阳中的新娘 D.天上虹

18.下列《祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国》中的诗句,象征贫穷落后给予祖国沉重负载的是 A.把纤绳深深/勒进你的肩膊 C.刚从神话的蛛网里挣脱

B.千百年来未落到地面的花朵 D.雪被下古莲的胚芽

19.《哦,香雪》作者对香雪的主要情感倾向是 A.哀叹 C.赞美

20.《麦琪的礼物》的主旨是 A.反映出社会的贫富不均、阶级对立 C.讽刺上流社会金钱至上、缺乏真情

B.揭露人际间的自私麻木、冷漠无情 D.歌颂小人物的善良心性、真挚爱情 B.同情 D.担忧


在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答 题纸”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂、少涂或未涂均无分。21.《容忍与自由》说服力强的原因有 A.例证典型 C.语势劲健 E.深入浅出


04729# 大学语文试卷

B.善用类比 D.现身说法

A.灯火优傒 C.竹肉相发 E.峨冠盛筵

23.下列诗作,属于叙事诗的有 A.《湘夫人》 C.《饮酒》 E.《长恨歌》

B.亦船亦楼 D.不衫不帻

B.《陌上桑》 D.《行路难》

24.下列对《我愿是一条急流》的描述,正确的有 A.这首诗的作者是匈牙利诗人裴多菲 C.这是一首叙事诗

B.这是一首爱情诗 D.诗歌通过一系列比喻抒情

E.诗歌表明“我”决心为爱情以及更崇高的目标献身 25.下列作品中,属于外国小说的有 A.《婴宁》

C.《金鲤鱼的百裥裙》 E.《麦琪的礼物》

B.《哦,香雪》 D.《苦恼》




三、词语解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)26.夏虫不可以语于冰者,笃于时也 笃:

27.及骤尝焉而阻力猝来,颓然丧矣 猝:

28.我们还得戒律自己 戒律:

29.骑皆伏日:“如大王言” 伏:

30.及巡起事,嵩常在围中 起事:


04729# 大学语文试卷


32.不知东方之既白 既:

33.其士女之问桃叶渡、游雨花台者 问:

34.韵友来,名妓至 韵友:

35.不图得见颜色,幸垂怜悯 幸垂:





使君从南来,五马立踟蹰。使君遣吏往,问是谁家姝?“秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。” “罗敷年几何?”“二十尚不足,十五颇有余。”“使君谢罗敷,宁可共载不?”罗敷前 置辞:“使君一何愚!使君自有妇,罗敷自有夫。” A.“五马立踟蹰”属于何种人物描写方法?

B.这里的情节是以何种形式展开的? C.这里表现出罗敷怎样的性格特征? 39.阅读《长恨歌》中的一段,回答问题:


B.“孤灯挑尽未成眠”运用了怎样的抒情方法? C.指出这一段里的对偶句。


媪劝餐已,婢来敛具。媪曰:“唤宁姑来。”婢应去。艮久,闻户外隐有笑声。媪又 唤曰:“婴宁,汝姨兄在此。”户外嗤嗤笑不已。婢推之以入,犹掩其口,笑不可遏。媪 嗔目曰:“有客在,咤咤叱叱,景象何堪?”女忍笑而立,生揖之。媪曰:“此王耶,汝 姨子。一家尚不相识,可笑人也。”问:“妹子年几何矣?”媪未能解。生又言之。女复 笑,不可仰视。媪谓生曰:“我言少教诲,此可见矣。年已十六,呆痴如婴儿。” A.婴宁出场有何特点? B.婴宁的个性有何特点? C.媪为何总是教训婴宁?


41.以《自强者胜》为题,写一篇不少于800字的文章,记叙或议论皆可,但不可写成 诗歌。

04729# 大学语文试卷




1.There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral 【 】. A.油可以分为三大类:动物油,植物油,矿物油。

B.油可以分为三给:动物油,植物油,矿物油。 C.油可以分为三组:动物、植物、矿物油。 D.有油三大类:动物油,植物油,矿物油。

2.No other country is so dependent on a single lifeline.Egypt’s very soil was born in the Nile’s annual flood. 【 】





3.His air of complete selfassurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. 【 】 A.他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚,要不然他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头真会使人害怕。


C.要不是他和热情真挚的握手,他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头真会使我害怕。D.他和我握手,热情,真挚,他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头不会使我害怕。 4.Two little boys in particular caught our attention 【 】. A.两个小男孩特别注意我们。 B.两个特别的小男孩子尤其引起我们的注意。 C.两个穿着特别的小男孩尤其引起我们的注意。 D.两个小男孩尤其引起我们的注意。

5.Two hundred pounds of muscle and sinew, created by hard work and clean living had melted to a hundred and sixty-odd;his former clothing flagged about him.【 】 A.他的体重曾经重达二百磅,但辛勤的干活加上清贫的生活,使他消瘦下去,只剩下一百六十多磅,过去的衣服穿在身上显得又肥又大。


C.辛勤的干法加上规矩的生活,使他的体重曾经重达二百磅。可这一身盘肉后来消瘦下去,只剩下一百六十多磅,过去的衣服穿在身上显得又肥又大。 D.辛勤的干法加上规矩的生活,使他的体重从二百磅减少到一百六十多磅。过去的衣服穿在身上像旗子一样逛逛荡荡的。

6.申请工作时,有工作经验的优先录取。 【 】

A.When applying for a job, those who had worked at a job would receive preference over the ones who had not.

B.When apply for a job, who had worked at a job would receive preference over who had not. C.When apply for a job, those who had worked at a job would receive preference over the ones who had not worked.

D.When applying for a job, those who had worked at a job would receive preference over who had not worked.

7.经理是否要参加会议还不知道,但是,我们希望他参加。【 】

A.We will not yet know whether the manager will attend the meeting, but it is hoped he will. B.We will not yet know whether the manager will attend the meeting, but will hope so. C.It will not yet know whether the manager will attend the meeting, but hope to attend. D.It sill not yet know whether the manager will attend the meeting, but we hope he will. 8.人们似乎在追求金钱方面毫无休止。【 】 A.Man seems unsatisfied in the pursuit of money. B.Man never stops in the pursuit of money. C.Man goes on the pursuit of money. D.Man seems unsatisfied in the money.

9.共有1,500多处旅游娱乐景观资源,适合发展海洋旅游业。【 】

A.All together more than 1,500 tourism, scenic and recreational spots are favorable for developing marine tourism.

B.More than 1,500 tourism, scenic and recreational spots are suitable for developing marine tourism.

C.There are more than 1,500 tourism, scenic and recreational spots favorable for developing marine tourism.

D.There are more than 1,500 tourism, scenic and recreational spots for developing marine tourism.10.我必须承认,我的时间和精力似乎越来越少了。 【 】 A.I should not deny that my time and energy running short.

B.I must admit that my time and energy seem to be running short. C.I must say that I have fewer time and energy. D.I must admit that few time and energy.

B.Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, D.Choose the one that best completes each statement. l11.狭义上下文可以分为。 【 】 A.句法上下文和词汇上下文 B.段落上下文和语义上下文 C.句子范围和语言单位 D.句子范围和语言环境

12.的差异可以说是我们在汉译英方面研究的主要内容。【 】 A.句子结构 B.词性转换 C.文化差异 D.语法

13.所谓翻译,是翻译,而不是翻译。 【 】 A.语句;意思 B.意思;词句 C.词句,段落 D.段落;词句

14.英语不喜欢重复,如果一句话里或相连的几句话需要重复某个词语,则用 来代替,或以其他手段避免重复。【 】 A.名词 B.动词 C.连词 D.代词

15.就句子结构而言,一般说来。 【 】

A.汉主语多用并列结构,英语也多用并列结构。 B.汉语多用并列结构,英语多用主从结构。 C.汉语多用主从结构,英语也多用主从结构。 D.汉语多用主从结构,英语多用并列结构。 PART TWO(70 POINTS)

Ⅱ.Word and Phrase Translation(20 points,1 point for each) A.Directions: Put the following phrases into Chinese. 16.Industrial Revolution 17.legal title 18.popular science 19.mineral deposit 20.court of appeals 21.internal combustion engine 22.arena 23.selfassurance 24.applied entomology 25.noise pollution B:Direction: Put the following phrases into English. 26.版权 27.董事会 28.沿海地区 29.经济改革 30.和平共处 31.花坛 32.散文集 33.丝绸之路 34.高等教育 35.小买卖人 Ⅲ.36.原文:I’m filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects.

译文:当我想到我的生活因它所联系的而变得无法比较,我就感到非常兴奋。37.原文:Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals. 译文:在创建英国运河体系的过程中,有两件事是非常突出的。 38.原文: The first great rush of population to the far west was drawn to the mountainous regions.译文:大规模迁往极西地带的移民,被驱赶到山区。

39.原文:Yet the Nile has been changed by modern man in ways not yet fully understood. 译文:然而现代的人们用连他们自己也不完全清楚的方法改变了尼罗河。

40.原文:Arbitration will take place in Beijing in case no agreement can be reached through consultation.译文:如果不能通过协商解决的话,仲裁将在北京发生。B.41.原文:这几年来,我因行动不便,整天过着“井蛙”的无聊生活。 译文:In recent years, unable to move easily, I have a dull life like that of “a well frog” the whole day.42.原文:早晨去喊嗓子,我带着一个小篮拾煤核,为了回家取暖。

译文:Each morning when I practised my throat, I took a little basket to scrounge for cinders for our stove.


译文:The foreman would say, “No more numbers!No more numbers!”

44.原文:鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。译文:A foreign joint venturer shall be encouraged to deposit the foreign exchange in the Bank of China which is entitled to remit abroad.45.原文:中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。

译文:China needs to know the United States better, and the United States needs to know China better too.

Ⅳ.Paragraph translation(30 points)

A.Direction: Translate the following passage into Chinese.(15 points)

46.It was a fine day in early spring.Bright sunshine flooded the street where a group of boys in Sunday clothes were playing ball.In most of the tenements the windows were up.Clean-shaven men in collarless shirts or in underwear, women with aprons or sloppy pink wrappers leaned on the sills and gazed with aimless interest at the street, the sky, those who were passing below.Thus they would spend most of every Sunday morning through the coming summer and now, in the first flush of mild weather, they had already taken up their posts.

B.Direction: Translate the following passage into English.(15 points)


Ⅰ.Multiple Choice Questions(30 points,2 points for each)

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.B10.C 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.B Ⅱ.Word and Phrase Translation(20 points,1 point for each) A:

16.工业革命 17.合法手续 18.科普读物 19.矿藏 20.上诉法庭 21.内燃机 22.斗兽场 23.自信 24.应用昆虫学 25.噪音污染 B:

26.copyright 27.board of directors 28.coastal areas 29.economic reforms 30.peaceful coexistence 31.flower bed 32.collection of essays 33.the Silk Road34.higher education 35.a peddler

Ⅲ.Translation Improvement(20 points,2 points for each) A:

36.改译:从这一天开始,我的生活和以前迥然不同。一想到这一点,我就感到非常兴奋。37.改译:在修建英国的运河体系过程中,有两点是非常突出的。 38.改译:大规模迁往极西地带的移民,大多集中在山区。


40.改译:如果不能通过协商解决的话,仲裁将在北京进行。 B:

41.改译:In recent years, unable to move about easily, I have been leading a dull life like that of “a frog at the bottom of a well”.

42.改译:Each morning when I went out to practise singing in the open air, I took a little basket to scrounge for cinders for our stove.

43.改译:The foreman would say, “That’s all!No more hands needed!”

44.改译:A foreign joint venturer shall be encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China foreign exchange which it is entitled to remit abroad.

45.改译:China needs to know the United States better and vice versa. Ⅳ.Paragraph translation(30 points) A:(15 points)


B:(15 points)

47.People of all nationalities in China firmly implemented the policy of improving the economic environment and rectifying economic order and pushing forward reform.They had achieved significant results.The overall economic situation had improved.Steady growth was registered in the nation’s economy, inflation was controlled, progress was made in reform and opening to the outside world.



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