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2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛


听力部分(共四大题,计30 分)

I.Sentences(句子理解)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)1—5 BACCD II.Responses(问句应答)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)6—10 BCABD III.Dialogues(对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10 分)A)11—15 CBDDA B)16—20 CDBAE IV.Passages(短文理解)(共10 小题;每小题1分,计10 分)A)21—25 CDBBC B)26.interesting 27.watch 28.going 29.with 30.minutes 笔试部分(共九大题,计120 分)

I.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分)A)31—35 BDABC 36—40 DADBC B)41—45 BDACA II.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共15 小题;选择题5 小题,每小题1 分;非选择题10 小题,每小题 2分;计25 分)A)46—50 CABCA B)51.one hour 52.have breakfast 53.in restaurants 54.on weekends 55.on Wednesday afternoons 56.Buckingham Palace.57.The London Eye.58.The river Thames.59.T.60.F.III.Cloze(完形填空)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分)A)61.lots of 62.best 63.are 64.younger 65.with 66.goes to bed 67.but 68.find 69.on 70.quickly B)71.homes / houses 72.with 73.put 74.can 75.windows IV.Sentence pattern transformation(句式转换)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)76.Those;are 77.When;did 78.Did;teach 79.Is;writing 80.go;their V.Translation(翻译)(共5 小题;每小题2分,计10 分)81.你想试穿这条蓝色的连衣裙吗? 82.(我)期待与你早日见面。

83.Can you help me(to)take a photo? / Can you take a photo for me?

84.There is a hospital behind the school.85.Listen!Who is singing in the classroom? VI.Sentence formation(连词成句)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)86.Let蒺s run to the playground!87.Is the girl standing beside the table? 88.The children aren蒺t doing their homework.89.Peter goes to see a film every Sunday.90.What time does the football match start? VII.Dialogue completion(补全对话)(共5 小题;每小题2分,计10 分)91—95 GBCEA VIII.IQ(智力测试)(共5 小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)

96.November寅December;last寅11th/eleventh 97.stop 98.hungry 99.grandmother / grandma;uncle 100.d 答案详解


月才是一年中的最后一个月份或者说“十一月是一年当中的第十一个月份”,所以将November 改为

December,或将last 改为11th/eleventh。


头,且字母顺序不能改变。通过观察,可以看出,句子中的Harry蒺s top 这两个单词的结尾和开头可以组成新


98.题目要求填出空缺的单词。通过观察,可以看出,题目中的前半部分,drink,作动词,意为“喝”,thirsty 为形容词,意为“口渴的”,后半部分给出的词eat为动词,意为“吃”,根据前面的推理,与eat 相对应的


99.根据所给出的家谱可以看出,Mary 是Chris 和Clare 的外祖母,与之相对应的单词是grandmother 或grandma;而Mark 应该是Dave 的姑父,与之相对应的单词为uncle,所以此题应该分别填grandmother 或 grandma和uncle。



IX.Writing(写作)(共2 小题;A 题满分10分,B 题满分15分,计25 分)A)One possible version: Librarian: Hello.Can I help you? Linda: Yes.I want to borrow a book.Librarian: What kind of books do you like? Linda: Fairy tales.Librarian: Right.Let me see.We蒺ve got Cinderella, Snow White, The Frog Prince...Which book would you like to read? Linda: Great!I蒺d like Cinderella please.Librarian: Here you are.Linda: Thanks.B)One possible version: It蒺s Sunday today.My sister and I go to the beach.There are lots of people there.We are playing football.There is a man standing near us.He蒺s eating ice cream.I kick the ball really high and it comes down, down...right on the ice cream!We laugh and laugh.We think the man will be angry with us.Luckily, he laughs, too.What a funny day!


员援本题总分为: A)10 分;B)15 分。按四个档次给分。

圆援评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本 档次,最后给分。



第四档(很好):A)9—10 分;B)13—15分


误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A)6—8 分;B)9—12分 完成了试题觃定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了




错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第一档(差):A)1—2 分;B)1—4 分




2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛



听五个句子,选择与所听句子内容最符合的图片。每个句子只读一遍。1.M: Her name is Jane.She comes from Canada.2.W: Fish and chips are very popular in Britain.3.M: Frank likes playing football at weekends.4.W: Mr.White bought a doll for her daughter last year.5.M: In this season it蒺s very cold but you can make snowmen outside.II.问句应答 听五个问句,选出最佳的应答句。每个句子只读一遍。6.W: Has your aunt got any children? 7.M: Can I visit you next Sunday? 8.W: Who is the tallest boy in your class? 9.M: How much is this MP4 player? 10.W: What did you do on your last birthday? III.对话理解


11.M: Can you see Mark? Is he in the water? W: No, he isn蒺t.He蒺s walking on the beach.12.M: So where蒺s Paul from? W: He was born in London, but now he lives in New York.13.M: Hello, Sue.It蒺s Jill蒺s birthday today.Did you buy a birthday card for her? W: No, I bought a CD.14.M: Hey, Linda, how large is your family? W: Oh, I have a big family.There are seven of us.15.M: What蒺s Nancy doing? Is she watching TV? W: No, she蒺s cooking dinner in the kitchen.B)听一段对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,将下列图片所表示的工作与人物配伍。对话读两遍。

M: Hi, Tina!W: Hi, Jim.I can蒺t believe it!How are you? M: I蒺m fine.I蒺m working at a police station.What do you do? W: I蒺m a teacher in a school.M: How about Mary? What does she do? W: Oh, she蒺s a doctor in the First Hospital.M: Do you remember Alice and her brother Mike? W: Yes, of course.Alice is a great

dancer.Mike is a sports player.M: Well, I have to go now.It蒺s great to see you.W: Good to see you too.Bye.M: Bye.IV.短文理解

A)听一篇短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。W: Welcome to St Michael蒺s Secondary School!Lessons start at 8:45 in the morning, and you have to be at school before 8:30.There are four lessons in the morning, two before the morning break and two after the break.The morning break is from 10:20 to 10:50.Lunch is at 12:30.You can eat lunch in the dinning hall.There蒺s a shop next to the dinning hall and it sells sandwiches and other food.In the afternoon, lessons start at 1:45 and finish at 3:30.On Tuesdays, you have to go to the playground for P.E.lesson at 2:30.On Fridays, school finishes an hour early at 2:30.OK, I hope that you enjoy your first week.B)听一篇短文,根据你所听到的内容补全下面的信件,每空一词。短文读两遍。Dear Dima, Thanks for your letter.It is really interesting to know about your favourite TV programme.I like sports news.Sometimes I watch videos, but in my free time I like going out.My favourite place is a park.I usually go there with my parents.It takes us about 20 minutes to get there.Best wishes, John 2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛



I.Sentences(句子理解)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)

1—5 ACBCB II.Responses(问句应答)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)6—10 BACDC III.Dialogues(对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10 分)A)11—15 BCADB B)16—20 DBCCB IV.Passages(短文理解)(共10 小题;每题1 分,计10 分)A)21—25 BCACD B)26.a footballer 27.three times 28.every day 29.them all 30.35 / thirty-five


I.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分)31—35 BCCAD 36—40 DBACD 41—45 CBABD II援Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20 小题;46-55题每小题1 分,56-65 题每小题2 分,计30 分)A)46—50 CDBAD B)51—55 FTFFT 56.too busy 57.important/good and warm;together 58.care about / love 59.bake cookies 60.buy the house 61.One day in August.62.They don蒺t want their shops to be covered with tomato juice.63.People use 125,000 kilograms of tomatoes in Tomatina.64.It lasts 2 hours.65.People enjoy throwing tomatoes at each other and everyone is covered with tomato juice.III援Cloze(完形填空)(共15 小题,每小题1分,计15 分)A)66.diet 67.drinking 68.lunch 69.example 70.good 71.put 72.hungry 73.really 74.much 75.simple B)76.hear 77.house 78.photo 79.twice 80.light IV.Sentences pattern transformation(句式转换)(共5小题,每小题2 分,计10 分)81.so tired;can not 82.not as sweet as 83.How long did;cough 84.How terrible 85.Was there any;or V.Translation(翻译)(共5 小题,每小题2分,计10 分)86.迟做总比不做好。


88.Whether or not one succeeds depends on how much one tries.89.Chinese athletes won 38 gold medals in 2012 London Olympics.90.I decide to(do a)survey about traffic accidents in winter vacation.VI.Sentences formation(连词成句)(共5 小题,每小题1分,计5 分)91.Do you want to see my collection of stamps? 92.My friend Ruth is quite different from me.93.We can learn more things by reading.94.One should eat less and exercise more to keep healthy.95.I usually do some cleaning on weekends.VII.Dialogues completion(补全对话)(共5 小题,每小题1分,计5 分)96—100 GBACE VIII援IQ(智力测试)(共五小题,每小题1分,计5 分)

101.华而不实的东西;摆设;累赘102.On a map 103.knew;new 104.A 105.C 答案详解

101.a white elephant 作为一个短语译为华而不实的东西、摆设、累赘。102.此题是一个谜语,答案为地图。

103.此题要求根据语境写出同音不同意、不同写法的两个词。此题按其要求应填knew(know 的过去式)和new。全句意思为“他知道新改迚的版本会奏效”。

104.和数字有关的题需找到其觃律,11 的平方是121,据此,13的平方是169,因此选A。105.此题应先找出例图变化的觃律。例图是将上面两个小图颠倒,将最下面一个图颜色变黑。根据这


陨载.Writing(作文)(共2 小题;A 题满分10分;B 题满分15分,计25 分)A)One possible version: This weather map shows what the weather is like in Europe today.In England, it is windy and cold.In Scotland it is even snowing and cold.In Ireland it is rainy and cold.But in Turkey, the weather is good.In fact, it is very hot and sunny.In Italy, it is cloudy.For me, I enjoy sunny days very much because I like the sunshine.I can also play outside with friends in good weather.B)One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam, I蒺m happy to learn that the winter camp will be held in Hainan this winter.Please let me know when the winter camp will be held.How can I take part in the winter camp? I want to give you advice.There should be a welcome party on the first day of the campers蒺arrival, because a lot of students from different places will take part in the English winter camp.Campers can relax from their long journey and get to know each other easi原

ly.I hope the winter camp is successful, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you.My best wishes, Angel, Wang Qi


1援本题总分为A)10 分;B)15分,按四个档次给分。



3援文章词数少于觃定词数,从总分中减去1 分。



第四档(很好):A)9-10 分;B)13-15 分

完全完成了试题觃定的任务,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,无词汇和语法错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A)6-8 分;B)9-12 分



第二档(一般):A)3-5 分;B)5-8 分



错误,影响写作内容的理解,未能清楚地传达信息。第一档(差):A)1-2 分;B)1-4分 未完成试题觃定任务,明显遗漏了主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有较多语法




2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛



听五个句子,选择与你所听句子内容最相符的图片。每个句子只读一遍。1.It takes me 20 minutes to get to the library by bike.2.Teddy蒺s brother is a cook in a grand hotel.3.Sarah enjoys flying kites in April.4.I got a dictionary as a birthday present last year.5.A kangaroo can jump twelve metres high.II.问句应答 听五个问句,选择最佳的应答句。每个句子只读一遍。6.Where蒺re you going on your school trip? 7.How much is a return ticket to London? 8.When did you start playing the piano? 9.Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the book store? 10.Would you come to our welcome party this weekend? III.对话理解


11.M: So, what did you think of the play, Susan? W: It was great.What about you, Tom? M: It was great in a way.But I don蒺t like it.12.M: I think you should get to the bus station quicker if you change at the Zoo rather than the Library.W: Well, I蒺ll take a taxi then.That might be even faster.13.M: How about going fishing on Wednesday or Friday? W: I蒺m afraid I can蒺t make it in those two days.M: Then how about Thursday? W: That蒺s fine.14.W: I want to go to Thailand.M: Really? Why? W: They蒺ve got great beaches and spicy cooking.15.M: Did you always go swimming when you were a child? W: Yes, I used to go swimming with my father twice a week.M: That蒺s quite a lot.I only went swimming once two weeks.B)听一篇长对话,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。M: Hello.W: Hi, Martin.This is Carol.M: Oh, hi, Carol.How are you? W: I蒺m fine.How are you? M: Just fine.What蒺s up? W: Well, I have a small problem.M: What is it? W: My sister and her kids are coming to visit me today.I have to work, so I can蒺t pick them up at the bus station.M: Oh, that蒺s too bad.I can do it for you.W: Really? Are you sure? M: Of course.What does your sister look like? W: She蒺s short and a little heavy.She has long, dark, curly hair, dark eyes, and she wears glasses.She蒺s very pretty.Her daughter蒺s eight years old and her son six.M: What蒺s her name then? W: Her name is Ellen.Her daughter蒺s name is Rena and her son Alex.M: What time do they arrive? W: At 4:26 p.m.I蒺ll finish my work around 5 to meet you.Is that okay? M: Yes, I蒺ll be there.W: Thank you very much.You蒺re a great friend.IV.短文理解

A)听一篇短文,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。短文读两遍。Joseph Turner Joseph Turner was the son of a barber.He was born in 1775 in England and at the age of fifteen he exhibited his first painting.Turner was very fond of nature and often went alone on trips through England and Wales.While travelling, he liked to draw old church藻泽and houses.Turner was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures.He began to use bright colours in his paintings, especially the reds and oranges for which he is known, after about 1820.The use of pencil as a basis for later finished paintings formed the basis of Turner蒺s important working style in 澡蚤泽whole life.Most of them were of land泽and sea泽.He was a master of water-colours and he is commonly known as“the painter of light”.B)听一篇短文,根据其内容补全下列句子。每空不超过两个单词。短文读两遍。

Hey, my name is Jack.You want to know my future plans? When I grow up I蒺m going to be a footballer—a really good one.I蒺m in the school team now and I play three times a week.But I蒺m going to train very hard every day, so I can be really really good.First I蒺m going to play for Manchester United, then Inter Milan, and then Real Madrid.Those are my favourite teams.I蒺m going to travel all over the world and I蒺m going to be famous.I蒺m not

going to marry until I蒺m very old—about 25.Then I want to have two sons.I蒺m going to play football until I蒺m 35—that蒺s a very long time.And I蒺m going to teach my sons to play.I want them to be famous footballers, too.2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛


听力部分(共三大题,计30 分)

I.Responses(句子应答)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)

1—5 CDCBA II.Dialogues(对话理解)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分)A)6—10 CACBC B)11—15 CABCC C)16—20 EDCAB III.Passages(短文理解)(共10 小题;每小题1分,计10 分)A)21—25 BCDDA B)26.marriage 27.do things 28.realized 29.a way out 30.misunderstandings 笔试部分(共九大题,计120 分)

I.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)

31—35 DBCBA 36—40 ACBAD 41—45 BBDAC II.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20 小题;选择题5 小题,每小题1 分;非选择题15 小题,每小题 2 分,计35 分)A)46—50 DBBCD B)51.darkness 52.cigarette lighters 53.blind 54.friends 55.role 56.computer chips 57.go around 58.visual display 59.twice 60.radio signals 61.F 62.F 63.They created BackRub —a unique search engine that analyzed Web links in a new way.And they designed a unique, and also secret way for their search engine to find and organize the large amount of information available online.64.It tells us how successful Google is today.65.available.III.Cloze(完形填空)(共10小题;每小题1 分,计10 分)66.dating 67.series 68.other 69.unable 70.took 71.tons 72.friendly 73.inside 74.none 75.both IV.Sentence pattern transformation(句式转换)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)76.How quickly they found a way to start the car!

77.How long 78.so much 79.did he 80.he goes V.Translation(翻译)(共5 小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)


82.现代的水稻产量是20世纪60 年代前的两倍。

83.Mom never allows me to eat two candies at a time.84.The teacher explained the passage in detail.85.With the rapid development of technology, people don蒺t take a Walkman with them to listen to music any more.VI.Error correction(短文改错)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5 分)

86.live改为living 87.in改为for 88.姨89.and 改为but 90.Asian 改为Asia VII.Dialogue completion(补全对话)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)

91—95 FBAEC VIII.IQ(智力测试)(共5 小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)96.JQ, MN 说明:由前两组字母组合可发现A 和Z分别位于字母排列首位和末尾,而D 与A 相隔两个字母,W 与

Z相隔两个字母,依次顺序类推,即可得出答案。97.o;r 说明:此题需要找出两个字母,这两个字母与括号前的字母组合成为一个单词,与括号后的字母组合成

为另外一个单词,读懂题目后答案便不难找出了。98.Age 说明:只升不降的是年龄。99.April;September 说明:将十二个月份的英文单词写出,可发现以A 开头的是April 和August,字母p 排列在字母u 之

前,因此April 是排在第一位的月份,而排在最后一位的是以字母S 开头的September.100.C 说明:首先观察已给出的图形的觃律,第一和第二个图形中重合的字母是X,它们的共同点是圆形中都

包含了黑色部分,白色空白部分,和沙粒状阴影部分,再观察第四个含有X 的图形,即可印证这个判断;第

三和第五个图形都含有Y,它们的共同点是圆形中只包括黑色部分和白色空白部分;再观察字母A,B,C,D 分别代表的是矩形大部分的阴影类型,其中C 代表的是矩形的大部戈B奶_Co?分阴影应该是方框。由此可得出答案。

IX.Writing(写作)(共2 小题;A 题满分10分;B 题满分15分,计25 分)A)One possible version: To: enquiries @musictickets4you.com From: Lydia Connors Subject: Information please Hello, I remitted 谊54 almost two months ago, in payment for two tickets to a concert by La Bamba on November 24.However, I haven蒺t received any tickets yet.I have called many times, but I haven蒺t

spoken to anyone because the number is always busy.I realize that you have a lot of orders for tickets and that it takes some time to reply to each customer.Nevertheless, can you please confirm that you have received the check, and that you have sent the tickets? I would appreciate a quick reply.Best Wishes, Lydia Connors B)One possible version: Reality TV shows are becoming popular in recent years.First of all, in my opinion, it offers an opportunity for ordinary people to realize their dreams.Some young girls and boys become professional singers by taking part in the reality TV show which holds a singing competition.Secondly, these shows also entertain people in a new way and it蒺s always more interesting by taking part yourself than just sitting in the coach watching celebrities performing.Thirdly, people can even win prizes from some reality TV shows.To conclude, reality TV shows will be here for some time to come.一、评分原则:

员援本题总分为: A)10 分;B)15 分。按四个档次给分。

圆援评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本 档次,最后给分。



第四档(很好):A)9—10 分;B)13—15分

完全完成了试题觃定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A)6—8 分;B)9—12分




错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第一档(差):A)1—3 分;B)1—4 分 未完成试题觃定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇有限,有较多语法


未能传达给读者任何信息,没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容 无法看清。

2012 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛



请听下面五个句子,选出最能恰当应答所听句子的选项。每个句子只读一遍。1.Why didn蒺t you wake me up? 2.Do you think the brothers have much in common? 3.Whose shoes are these? 4.Have you got a computer in your office? 5.Which country will hold the 2016 Olympic Games?



6.W: Where do you want to work? M: On the beach.I want to be a lifeguard.7.W: Did Cathy enjoy the apple pie her mother made for her party? M: Not really.She didn蒺t have the chance because she dropped it on the floor.But she had ice cream instead.8.W: What was the weather like in the past few months? M: Rained all the time.9.W: Do you play football? M: No, but I蒺m a Barcelona supporter.10.W: What蒺s that noise? M: I don蒺t know.Wait!Let me turn off the TV first.Now I蒺m sure it蒺s a cat.B)请听下面一段对话,根据你所听到的内容,选出能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。

W: Hello.M: Is that you, Susan? W: Er...yes.M: Hi!Guess who I am.W: Martin? It that you, Martin? What a surprise!Where蒺re you ringing from? M: I蒺m in a phone box in Cambridge.W: What蒺re you doing in England? I thought you were in Italy.M: I was, but I蒺m having a meeting in London tomorrow and so Maria and I are staying

with some friends here.W: Great!Is Maria with you now? M: No.She蒺s doing some shopping.You know Maria, every time we come to Cambridge she spends hours in bookshops.W: Yes, I remember the last time we went shopping together.Martin, how long do you plan to stay? M: Until Sunday afternoon.W: Well, look, we are having a dinner party on Friday evening.Why don蒺t you come over and join us? M: Yeah, sure, we蒺d love to.Any particular time? W: Let蒺s say 8:30.We never eat before then.M: OK, great.We蒺ll see you then.C)听下面一段对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,将右栏对天气的描述与左栏的地点迚行匹配。对话读两遍。

W: What蒺re you doing? M: I蒺ve just downloaded this software.I贼shows the weather report around the world.W: Really? What蒺s the weather like in Chicago tomorrow? M: There蒺s heavy snow and it蒺s also windy.W: How about the weather in San Francisco? M: It shows there is heavy rain on the west coast of the United StatesI蒺ve got a second-hand book stall, and one day I was getting my stall ready when an old lady came up and picked up a book.“Oh, Grimm蒺s Fairy Tales,”she said,“I had a copy of this which I gained as a prize when I was a child.”She opened the book and began to read, and when I looked up seconds later she was just standing there shaking.“But...this is actually my book,”she said.“Look!It蒺s got my name, Joan, in it.How on earth did you get it?”Then she told me about the terrible fire while her family were away on holiday and after the fire she could not find the book.She pulled out her purse to buy the book from me, but I stopped her.“No, please accept it as a giftwe think, feel,and do things differently.Men and women often say they have trouble communicating, and Gray蒺s book tried to explain why.One example he offers is that women saying something about a problem because they want it to be realized, but when men complain, they want to find a way out.The book encourages men and women to accept these differences so they can avoid misunderstandings.It quickly became a best-seller and has sold over seven million copies around the world.2012年全国中学生英语能力竞赛 初中组各年级初赛试题


2012 National English Proficiency Contest for Secondary Students Junior Part 全国中学生英语能力竞赛组委会办公室制






Part I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes, 30 marks)

Section A(10 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be read only once.After each question, there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1.W: I just stopped by at your office in the bank.They told me that you had quit.Where are you working now?

M: I am working for a lawyer now.The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.Q: Where did the man work before?

2.W: I'd like to ask you, Mr Dean, what you feel about working women?

M: My answer to that is, let the women work as much as they want tojust as long as they don't take jobs away from men that need them.Q: What's the man's attitude towards working women?

3.W: I'm so glad you were able to come to our housewarming celebration.M: You really have a lovely place.Will you show me around?

Q: What does the man mean?

4.M: Why didn't you stop when we first signaled?

W: I'm sorry.Will I have to pay a fine?

Q: What's the probable relationship between the man and woman?

5.M: Could you possibly come home early?

W: I'm sorry I can't.I have to stop at the hairdresser's to get a haircut before I go to a party.Q: Where's the woman going first?

6.W: How many students are there at your college?

M: We had 530 three years ago.Since then we have doubled our student body.Q: How many students are there at the college now?

7.M: Do you know when this accident happened?

W: Yes, on the morning of the 30th of Dec., 1906.Q: When did this accident happen?

8.M: The children want something for a snack.W: Don't give them anything.They're going to have dinner soon.Q: What's the man going to give the children?

9.W: How long will it take you to fix my car?

M: I'll call you when it's ready, but it should not take longer than three days.Q: How soon will the car be fixed?

10.M: Can you stay for supper?

W: I'd love to, but I have to go to the kindergarten to pick up the children before doing some shopping.Q: Where will the woman go first?

Section B(5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear one long conversation.The conversation will be read only once.At the end of the conversation, there will be a one-minute pause.During the pause, you must read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.M: So, Susan, do you have anything planned for this Saturday?

W: Uh, I'm kind of busy.Why do you ask?

M: Oh, I was wondering if you'd like to get together and do something, like watch a movie or take a walk by the lake.W: I'd love to, but I'm really going to be busy all day on Saturday.M: What do you have to do on that day?

W: First, my mom asked me to help clean the house in the morning, and then I have a dentist appointment at 12:30.I can't miss that because I've canceled twice before.M: Well, what about after that?

W: Well, I'm going to be running around all day.After the dentist appointment, I need to meet Julie at 2:00 in the afternoon to help her with her science project that's due on Monday morning at school.M: Okay, but are you free after that?

W: Hardly.Then I have to pick up my brother from soccer practice at 4:30, and my mom asked me to cook dinner for the family at 5:30.I feel like a slave sometimes.Then I have to clean the dishes and finish reading my history assignment.Who knows how long that'll take?

M: Wow, sounds like you're going to have a full day.Hey, listen, why don't I come over later in the evening, and we can make some popcorn and watch a movie.W: Oh, that'd be great, but our video machine is broken.M: Huh, well, let's play a game or something.W: Sounds good, but give me a call before you come.My mom might try to come up with something else for me to do.Section C(5 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear 5 short news items.After each item, there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the question and then the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16.AustraliaGunmen attacked a French aid agency in volatile eastern Congo, forcing the charity to suspend operation in the region and evacuate five foreign staff, a spokesman for the aid group said Thursday.The attack on French-run Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Doctors Without Borders, occurred Tuesday at Kabati, 140 kilometers(90 miles)north of Goma, said Jean-Christophe Dolle, the charity's director in Goma.18.GermanyPalestinian protesters clashed with Israeli soldiers on Tuesday near the West Bank Settlement of Ariel, where Israel has resumed construction of one of the most sensitive sections of its controversial wall separating the two sides.Palestinian Prime Minister, Ahmed Qureia, charges that the route of the wall, dipping into the West Bank, amounts to an Israeli land grab.20.Israeli-Israeli troops have besieged the Palestinian National Authority headquarters in Ramallah, the first military operation in this region since last November.Twenty armed vehicles and jeeps took part in the operation.Israeli forces have been threatening to carry out a massive offensive against the Palestinians after a suicide attack in the Karni crossing that killed six Israelis.Section D(10 marks)

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage.There are ten missing words or phrases in it.Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear on the tape.Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.There are two types of people in the world.Although they have(21)equal degrees of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy, and the other becomes(22)miserable.This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon their minds.People who are to be happy fix their attention on the(23)conveniences of things, the pleasant part of convention, the fine weather.They enjoy all the(24)cheerful things.Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the(25)contrary things.Therefore, they are continually(26)discontented.By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend many people, and make themselves(27)disagreeable everywhere.If this turn of mind were found in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied.The tendency to criticize and to be disgusted is perhaps taken up originally(28)by imitation.It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors.The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it are convinced of its bad effects(29)on their interests and tastes.I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.Although in fact it is chiefly(30)an act of the imagination, it has serious consequences in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck.Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B

Section B

11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A

Section C

16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C

Section D


Part II Vocabulary and Structure

31.C 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C 36.D 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.A 41.C 42.D 43.D 44.A 45.D

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A

46.B 47.D 48.C 49.C 50.C

Section B

51.N 52.Y 53.Y 54.N 55.NG

56.a sign of aging

57.mental faculties


59.the working memory

60.new connecting nerve fibers develop

Section C

61.Substantial incentive grants.62.To improve teacher performance.63.By committees of teachers from other districts.64.American master teacher scheme has been adopted.65.It will not be carried out smoothly in other states.Section D

66.is surrounded by 67.lies off 68.consists of(is composed of;comprises)69.is situated in(is located in)70.is spoken by

Part IV Cloze

Section A

71.experience 72.quality 73.direct 74.encouraging 75.succeed

Section B

76.using 77.investigators 78.clothing 79.examining 80.taken 81.analysis 82.relies 83.means 84.came 85.characteristic

Part V Translation

Section A





Section B

90.It was too much to ask, and a whole series of quarrels took their origin from this source.91.Love leads a person to a feeling of security and trust in the loved one.It usually involves a feeling of mutual benefit arising from the new relationship.92.A weapon which would kill with accuracy at fifteen hundred yards opened a whole new scene of delights to every family or clan which could acquire it.IQ 测试




01、C21、A41、A61、B81、C 02、A22、C42、A62、A82、B 03、B23、C43、B63、A83、A 04、A24、C44、C64、B84、C 05、C25、A45、B65、A85、C 06、C26、C46、C66、B86、C 07、B27、B47、B67、A87、A 08、B28、A48、A87、A88、C 09、B10、C11、A12、B13、C14、A15、B16、B17、B18、C19、A20、B01、B02、A03、C04、B05、C06、A07、C08、C09、A10、C11、B12、A13、A14、B15、B16、B17、A18、B19、C20、A29、A49、B69、C30、B50、C70、A31、B51、A71、B32、A52、A72、C33、C53、C73、C34、B54、A74、A35、B55、B75、A36、A56、B76、C37、C57、A77、C38、A58、B78、B39、B59、A79、B40、B60、C80、C十八大党章知识竞赛答案

21、A41、A61、B22、A42、B62、A23、C43、A63、A24、C44、A64、C25、B45、C65、C26、B46、B66、B27、C47、C67、C28、A48、A68、A29、C49、B69、C30、A50、B70、A31、B51、B71、A32、C52、C72、A33、C53、C73、C34、B54、B74、C35、B55、A75、A36、A56、B76、B37、B57、B77、B38、B58、C78、C39、C59、C79、B40、B60、A80、A89、A 90、B 91、A 92、C 93、C 94、B 95、C 96、A 97、B 98、A 99、A 100、C 81、C 82、B 83、A 84、A 85、B 86、B 87、C 88、A 89、B 90、C 91、A 92、C 93、A 94、B 95、A 96、A 97、C 98、B 99、B 100、B


试卷提交时间:2013-11-13 09:05:46.347 试卷得分:92.0

1、题型:判断题 分值:2 教育行政机关的一般程序包括立案、调查取证、处罚告知、决定和送达等环节。


错误 答案错误

2、题型:判断题 分值:2 补偿的前提是行为人的行为具有违法性,侵害了他人的合法权益,应承担民事责任。


错误 答案正确

3、题型:判断题 分值:2 学校仅对发生在校园范围内的学生伤害事故依法承担相应的责任,对学生在校外场所发生的学生伤害事故,学校不承担责任。


错误 答案正确

4、题型:判断题 分值:2 仲裁裁决应当按照多数仲裁员的意见作出,少数仲裁员的不同意见应当记入笔录。

正确 错误 答案正确

5、题型:判断题 分值:2 教师资格一经取得即在全国范围内具有普遍的适用效力。


错误 答案正确

6、题型:判断题 分值:2 简易程序主要适用于教育行政处罚执法人员依法对公民处以100元以下、对法人或其他组织处以1000元以下罚款或给予警告处罚的案件。


错误 答案正确

7、题型:判断题 分值:2 我国现行高中教育阶段的奖励或者处分规则主要是由国家教育行政部门的行政规章加以规定。


错误 答案正确

8、题型:判断题 分值:2 教育行政申诉是一项法定的申诉制度。

正确 错误 答案正确

9、题型:判断题 分值:2 根据现行法律规定,共同侵权人应当承担按份责任。


错误 答案正确

10、题型:判断题 分值:2 社会保险费征收机构可以向银行和其他金融机构查询其存款账户,并可以申请县级以上有关行政部门作出划拨社会保险费的决定。


错误 答案正确

11、题型:判断题 分值:2 取得初级中学教师,应当具备高等师范专科学校或者其他大学专科毕业及其以上学历。


错误 答案正确

12、题型:判断题 分值:2 学生对学校给予的处分不服,在征得学校同意的情况下,有权向有关部门提出申诉,对学校、教师侵犯其人身权、财产权等合法权益,提出申诉或者依法提起诉讼。

正确 错误 答案正确

13、题型:判断题 分值:2 用人单位只要与劳动者建立了劳动关系,就要为劳动者缴纳社会保险费。


错误 答案正确

14、题型:判断题 分值:2 地方法院在判决中不适宜适用本行政区域外的其他地方性法规。


错误 答案正确

15、题型:判断题 分值:2 我国侵权责任法确立的一般规则原则是无过错原则。


错误 答案正确

16、题型:判断题 分值:2 受到剥夺政治权利或者犯罪受到有期徒刑以上刑事处罚的,不能取得教师资格;已经取得教师资格的,丧失教师资格。

正确 错误 答案正确

17、题型:判断题 分值:2 对在试用期内不同意单位调整其工作岗位的教师,聘用单位可以随时单方面解除教师聘用合同。


错误 答案正确

18、题型:判断题 分值:2 仲裁庭处理人事争议案件,以不公开开庭处理为原则。


错误 答案正确

19、题型:判断题 分值:2 对法律法规授权的组织作出的具体教育行政行为不服的,向直接主管该组织的教育行政机关申请复议。


错误 答案正确

20、题型:判断题 分值:2 在行政复议、行政诉讼期间,行政处罚停止执行。

正确 错误 答案正确

21、题型:多选题 分值:2 针对行政机关作出的具体行政行为,相对人可以采取的救济措施有

选项1: 监察救济

选项2: 立法救济

选项3: 行政复议

选项4: 诉讼

选项5: 调解 答案正确

22、题型:多选题 分值:2 根据《反不正当竞争法》的相关规定,下列哪些行为属于不正当竞争行为:

选项1: 假冒他人的注册商标

选项2: 擅自使用知名商品特有的名称、包装、装璜,或者使用与知名商品近似的名称、包装、装璜,造成和他人的知名商品相混淆,使购买者误认为是该知名商品

选项3: 擅自使用他人的企业名称或者姓名,引人误认为是他人的商品

选项4: 在商品上伪造或者冒用认证标志、名优标志等质量标志,伪造产地,对商品质量作引人误解的虚假表示

选项5: 侵犯商业秘密行为 答案正确

23、题型:多选题 分值:2 教育行政处罚具有以下特征:

选项1: 教育行政处罚是为了确保行政相对人履行义务

选项2: 教育行政处罚只能由教育行政机关或法律法规授权的组织作出

选项3: 教育行政处罚只针对违法行为

选项4: 受处罚者只能是违法行为的实施者

选项5: 教育行政处罚以制裁和惩罚为直接目的 答案正确

24、题型:多选题 分值:2 受教育权受下列哪些法律保护?

选项1: 民法

选项2: 宪法

选项3: 刑法

选项4: 行政法

选项5: 劳动法 答案错误

25、题型:多选题 分值:2 下列哪些属于教育领域的行政确认:

选项1: 开具学位、学历证明

选项2: 自费出国留学中介服务机构资格认定

选项3: 认定当次考试成绩无效,宣布高等学历教育证书无效

选项4: 高校学生转学确认

选项5: 毕业证书验印 答案错误

26、题型:多选题 分值:2 教育服务合同纠纷产生的原因主要包括

选项1: 教育服务内容、方式不当

选项2: 学校不能兑现招生时的承诺

选项3: 学业中断

选项4: 学校未尽到安全保障义务

选项5: 学校对学生作出开除学籍等处分 答案正确

27、题型:多选题 分值:2 根据《学校卫生工作条例》的相关规定,学校卫生工作的主要任务有 选项1: 监测学生健康状况

选项2: 对学生进行健康教育,培养学生良好的卫生习惯

选项3: 调查处理食物中毒和食品污染事故,并采取控制措施

选项4: 改善学校卫生环境和教学卫生条件

选项5: 加强对传染病、学生常见病的预防和治疗 答案正确

28、题型:多选题 分值:2 《劳动合同法》第44条规定,有下列情形之一的,劳动合同终止:

选项1: 劳动合同期满的

选项2: 劳动者开始依法享受基本养老保险待遇的

选项3: 劳动者死亡,或者被人民法院宣告死亡或者宣告失踪的

选项4: 用人单位被依法宣告破产的

选项5: 用人单位被吊销营业执照、责令关闭、撤销或者用人单位决定提前解散的 答案正确

29、题型:多选题 分值:2 依据《教育行政处罚暂行实施办法》第9条,教育行政处罚的种类包括:

选项1: 警告;罚款;没收违法所得,没收违法颁发、印制的学历证书、学位证书及其他学业证书 选项2: 撤销违法举办的学校和其他教育机构

选项3: 取消颁发学历、学位和其他学业证书的资格;撤销教师资格

选项4: 停考,停止申请认定资格;责令停止招生;吊销办学许可证

选项5: 法律、法规规定的其他教育行政处罚 答案正确

30、题型:多选题 分值:2 根据我国《教育法》、《教师法》等有关法律、法规和教育部文件的规定,教育行政申诉的受理范围包括以下几个方面:

选项1: 教师认为当地政府有关部门侵犯其根据《教师法》规定享有的权利

选项2: 教师认为学校或其他教育机构侵犯其合法权益

选项3: 教师、学生对学校或其他教育机构作出的处理或处分不服

选项4: 学生认为其所在教育机构侵犯其人身权、财产权等合法权益

选项5: 教师、学生认为当地政府颁布的行政规章不符合法律规定 答案正确

31、题型:单选题 分值:2 在行政处罚的过程中,当主要证据不足的时候,法院必须

选项1: 全部撤销该行政处罚。

选项2: 撤销或部分撤销该行政处罚。选项3: 要求被告重新作出行政处罚。

选项4: 根据与行政部门的商议来决定该行政处罚是否撤销 答案正确

32、题型:单选题 分值:2 下面哪一项不是行政处罚的原则

选项1: 公序良俗原则

选项2: 处罚法定原则

选项3: 惩罚与教育相结合原则

选项4: 一事不再罚原则 答案正确

33、题型:单选题 分值:2 根据《劳动合同法》的规定,下列哪一项不属于用人单位可以随时解除劳动合同的情形:

选项1: 在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的

选项2: 严重违反用人单位的规章制度的

选项3: 劳动者同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系

选项4: 严重失职,营私舞弊,给用人单位造成重大损害的 答案正确

34、题型:单选题 分值:2 根据《〈教师资格条例〉实施办法》第八条的规定,对小学教师资格申请者教育教学能力方面的要求,不包括以下哪个方面:

选项1: 普通话水平应当达到国家语言文字工作委员会颁布的《普通话水平测试等级标准》二级甲等以上标准

选项2: 具备承担教育教学工作所必须的基本素质和能力

选项3: 普通话水平应当达到国家语言文字工作委员会颁布的《普通话水平测试等级标准》二级乙等以上标准

选项4: 具有良好的身体素质和心理素质 答案错误

35、题型:单选题 分值:2 适用简易程序的处罚一般当场执行,对于处以()元以下的罚款、不当场收缴事后难以执行的罚款,可以当场收缴。

选项1: 50 选项2: 30 选项3: 20 选项4: 100 答案正确

36、题型:单选题 分值:2 当学校与学生之间的教育服务合同关系成立时,这些承诺就应成为教育服务合同中学校应当履行的合同义务。如果学校不能兑现这种承诺,则构成()选项1: 侵权

选项2: 违约

选项3: 不当得利

选项4: 欺诈 答案正确

37、题型:单选题 分值:2 学生受到处分向学校提出申诉,学校应当在接到申诉之日起()个工作日内做出复查决定?

选项1: 5 选项2: 10 选项3: 15 选项4: 30 答案正确

38、题型:单选题 分值:2 根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》关于行政处罚程序的规定,在作出行政处罚决定过程中,行政主体要保障相对人的权利中不包括

选项1: 陈述权

选项2: 抗辩权

选项3: 申请复议权 选项4: 请求国家赔偿权 答案正确

39、题型:单选题 分值:2 下列哪一项不是劳动合同纠纷的解决方式:

选项1: 协商

选项2: 诉讼

选项3: 人事仲裁

选项4: 调解 答案正确

40、题型:单选题 分值:2 根据现行法律有关规定和司法实践,下列哪一项不属于高校行使公权力的行为?

选项1: 招生

选项2: 颁布毕业证书、学位证书

选项3: 聘任教师及其他职工,实施奖励或者处分

选项4: 作出导致学生丧失学籍等对受教育权有重大影响的行为 答案正确

41、题型:单选题 分值:2 申请教育行政许可应当以()形式提出。选项1: 口头

选项2: 书面

选项3: 口头或书面

选项4: 口头和书面 答案正确

42、题型:单选题 分值:2 根据我国《教育法》第14条和15条的规定,国务院教育行政部门和()以上地方各级人民政府教育行政部门是教育行政主管机关。

选项1: 省级

选项2: 县级

选项3: 地市级

选项4: 乡级 答案正确

43、题型:单选题 分值:2 各级评审委员会在评审教师任职条件时,出席的人数应不少于全体委员的

选项1: 五分之四

选项2: 二分之一

选项3: 三分之二 选项4: 五分之三 答案正确

44、题型:单选题 分值:2 下列哪个选项属于受教育权所包含的学习机会权?

选项1: 教育选择权

选项2: 教育条件建设请求权

选项3: 教育条件利用权

选项4: 获得教育资助权 答案正确

45、题型:单选题 分值:2 下面哪一项不是教育行政处罚的程序

选项1: 一般程序

选项2: 简易程序

选项3: 听证程序

选项4: 特别程序 答案正确

46、题型:单选题 分值:2 教育服务合同是教育服务的提供方(学校)与接收方(学生)之间订立的有关教育服务的提供与接收的权利义务关系的协议,关于这一合同的特点,以下哪一说法是正确的 选项1: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,教育服务合同是有名合同。

选项2: 教育服务合同是双务合同。

选项3: 教育服务合同都是格式合同,当事双方不能对合同做任何更改

选项4: 在教育服务合同中,合同一方可以明显享有更多权利,而不用承担相应义务。答案正确

47、题型:单选题 分值:2 以下哪一项不是侵犯名誉权和侵犯隐私权的区别

选项1: 前者需要有捏造事实的行为,后者是对事实的真实披露

选项2: 前者是通过作为实现,后者通过不作为实现

选项3: 前者是通过捏造行为实现,后者通过披露行为实现

选项4: 前者往往与事实不符,后者往往与事实相符 答案正确

48、题型:单选题 分值:2 根据《学生伤害事故处理办法》的相关规定,发生学生伤害事故,情形严重的,学校应当及时向()报告。

选项1: 主管教育行政部门

选项2: 同级公安机关

选项3: 同级人民政府 选项4: 上一级人民政府 答案正确

49、题型:单选题 分值:2 高等学校的纪律处分不包括以下哪种形式?

选项1: 严重警告

选项2: 勒令退学

选项3: 开除学籍

选项4: 留校察看 答案正确

50、题型:单选题 分值:2 《学位条例》第8条和《学位条例暂行实施办法》第3条都规定,学士学位,由()授权的高等学校授予。

选项1: 全国人民代表大会

选项2: 全国人民代表大会常务委员会

选项3: 国务院

选项4: 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府 答案正确














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