
时间:2019-05-14 05:38:16下载本文作者:会员上传




文物保护遗址cultural relics preservation sites 国家自然保护区national natural reserve(s)历史名城a historical city 旅游城市a tourist city 文物古迹景点historical relics and sights 旅游胜地(景点)tourist attractions 名胜古迹sites of interest 悬空寺Midair Temple 兵马俑the terracotta warriors 敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes/Caves 故宫博物院the Palace Museum 天坛Altar of Heaven in Beijing 紫禁城the Forbidden City 长城the Great Wall—the longest man-made architecture in the world 京杭大运河the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal 中国银杏树China’s gingko 大雁塔the Big Wild Goose Pagoda 庭院curtilages;亭台楼阁pavilions;崖刻cliff inscriptions 世外桃源Shangri-la/Arcadia 鱼米之乡an area of fish and rice;a land of milk and honey


a fujoshi宅女/ an otaku宅男 a science geek理工男 a rebound guy/girl备胎 friending加好友

tech-savvy技术大咖(adj.)Chinsumer中国购物狂 a ROM brain死脑筋

tough girl/cowgirl/wo-man/manly woman女汉子(tomboy假小子,girly girl软妹子)土豪tuhao,nouveau rich a jet setting lifestyle土豪生活 a weirdo奇葩

gayriage/lesriage/ brokeback marriage同性婚姻 stable job seekers/gold-bowl seekers考碗族 a budget wife/husband 经济适用女/男 a phubber低头族

a bromeo男闺蜜,a ladybro闺蜜

a fangirl/fanboy 脑残粉/a hardcore fan铁杆粉丝 a time-sponger/time-sapper干活拖拉者

an eye candy养眼花瓶(an eye broccoli其貌不扬者)a deshopper买完就退的人 翻译储备2

一、汉语文化词翻译(2)甲骨文Jiaguwen;oracle bone script(s)(--scripts on tortoise shells and animal bones)八股文eight-legged essay(s)象形文字pictographic characters 偏旁部首radical(s)笔画strokes(点a dot stroke, 横a horizontal stroke, 竖a vertical stroke, 撇a left-falling stroke, 捺a right-falling stroke, 提a rising stroke, 折a turning stroke and 勾a hook stoke)文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):Four Treasures of the Study(brushes, ink sticks, paper, and inkstones)宣纸rice paper 镇纸paperweights 笔架penholders 对联duilian(couplets)琴棋书画calligraphy(shufa), painting(hua), stringed musical instruments(qin)and board games(qi)

篆书the seal script(zhuan shu)隶书official script(li shu)楷书regular script(kai shu)行书running script(xing shu)草书cursive script(cao shu)小篆lesser seal script(xiao zhuan;Qin zhuan)大篆greater seal script(da zhuan)工笔gongbi(meticulous style)写意xieyi(freehand style)

二、热词翻译(2)研究生考试postgraduate entrance exams 宿舍管理员 student residence manager military training军训 drillmasters教官

military goose step正步走 battle fatigues迷彩服

MOOC(Massive Online Open Course)大规模在线开放课程(慕课)flipped classroom翻转课堂

自主招生independent recruitment 校长推荐制nominations from headmasters last-minute cramming上考场前最后的冲刺 生源student pool 争抢生源poaching of talented students 阅卷老师 exam marker 文科生students on the liberal-arts track 理科生students following the science track 替考者surrogate exam-taker 枪手ghost writer

防作弊举措anti-cheating measures 手机信号屏蔽mobile phone signal shield 翻译储备3

一、汉语文化词翻译(3)挂轴hanging scrolls 册页album of paintings 扇面fan surface 手轴long horizontal scrolls 唐三彩Tangsancai(tri-color Tang pottery)景德镇四大名瓷four famous Jingdezhen porcelains 粉彩famille-rose porcelain 青花玲珑瓷linglong porcelain 青花blue-white porcelain and 颜色釉color-glazed porcelain 青瓷qingci(Celadon porcelain)中国剪纸Chinese papercuts 苏绣Su embroidery 十字绣cross-stitching 漆器lacquerware 中国结Chinese fancy knots 中国盘扣Chinese ribbon buttons 常州梳蓖Changzhou Shubi(comb and fine-toothed comb)玉器jadeware 四合院siheyuan;Quadrangle courtyard

二、热词翻译(3)在线理财online wealth management 第三方支付the third-party payments 快捷支付one-off money transfers 二维码支付业务QR code payments 微信电子红包an e-hongbao via Wechat 电子转账 electronic fund transfer 中国互联网Chinanet 中国电信China Telecom 中国移动China Mobile 中国联通China Unicom 腾讯QQ Tencent QQ(the chat software of Internet giant Tencent)飞信Fetion(China Mobile’s instant messaging service)微信WeChat(a popular mobile phone messaging service by Tencent)淘宝Taobao(China’s largest consumer-to-consumer online shopping platform)天猫Tmall.com(an online retail platform offering global brands)聚划算Juhuasuan.com(a group shopping website in China offering “flash sales”)escrow 支付宝Alipay/Zhufubao(a third-party online payment platform with no transaction fees provideing an escrow service)余额宝Yuebao(a financial product platform, the biggest monetary fund in China)电子红包electronic red envelopes 网络购票系统online ticket purchasing system 翻译储备4

一、汉语文化词翻译(4)四书五经the Four Books and the Five Classics 《论语》Analects 《孟子》Mencius 《诗经》Classic of Poetry 《易经》I Ching;Book of Changes 四大名著Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature 《水浒传》Water Margin;Heroes/Outlaws of the Marsh 《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《西游记》Journey to the West 《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions 红学redology 儒学Confucianism;儒家文化Confucian culture;孔子Confucius 孝顺to show filial obedience/piety 烧香拜佛to burn incense and pray 道/道教Daoism/Taoism 中庸the way of medium(Golden Means)曲艺Quyi;独角戏Dujiaoxi(monodrama);滑稽戏Huaji(buffoonery);小品Xiaopin(sketch comedy);相声Xiangsheng(cross-talk;comic dialogue)杂技acrobatics 古装片a costume drama

武打片a kungfu film;an action film;a Chinese swordplay movie

二、热词翻译(4)entry lux轻奢品

shopping boyfriend 陪购男友 showrooming先逛店后网购 mompetition/dadpetition 拼孩

selfies自拍(helfies发型自拍;belfies背部自拍;barfies酒吧自拍)bystander attitude冷漠的看客心态 ostentatiousness 炫富心态

reveling in scandals 审丑心理(假恶丑盛行、越骂越红)hedonism 娱乐至死(崇尚个人享乐主义)addiction to the Internet网络依赖症 masochism自虐心态

extortion in the media媒体敲诈 paid-for news coverage有偿新闻 洗脑歌brainwashing pop song group psychology从众心理 卖萌to act/play cute 网上炫富to flaunt the considerable wealth online 炒作to play the publicity stunt 创造点击量to increase clicks 网上疯传to go viral 翻译储备5

一、汉语文化词翻译(5)长江Yangtze River 黄河Yellow River 黄土高原Loess Plateau 喜马拉雅山脉Himalayan Mountains(--the roof of the world)江南south of the Yangtze River 中国南方水乡the riverside towns of south China 长江下游lower reaches of the Yangtze River 长江中下游平原the mid-low Yangtze Plain 太湖之滨on the shores of the Taihu Lake

长江流域the valley area along the Yangtze River 河西走廊the Hexi Corridor 新疆维吾尔自治区the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 雅鲁藏布江大峡谷Brahmaputra Canyon 青藏高原Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(—the highest plateau in the world)大陆季风气候continental monsoon climate 北温带northern temperate zone;热带tropical zone;副热带subtropical zone;寒带frigid zone 寒流cold wave 旋风cyclone 台风typhoon 梅雨intermittent drizzles(meiyu);mould rains;plum rains

二、热词翻译(5)a latchkey kid/child挂钥匙儿童 China one独生子女

free-range kids自由放养儿童 parachute kids小留学生

lightweight readers轻量级读者 留守一代left-behind generation 家政服务公司domestic help firms 高考保姆gaokao nanny live in nanny住家保姆

nanny share几户住户共享一个保姆 maternity matron月嫂 干爹sugar daddy Ebola virus disease(埃博拉病毒)广场舞public square dancing 礼金monetary gifts 代金券payment vouchers smoke-free buffer zone无烟缓冲区 industry insiders(业内人士)public transport card公交卡

公交一卡通integration of transportation card 翻译储备6

一、汉语文化词翻译(6)八大地方菜系eight regional cuisines 淮扬菜Huai-Yang cuisine 中国药膳Chinese medicated diet 绿茶green teas;红茶black teas;乌龙茶oolong/wulong teas;普洱茶Pu’er teas;白茶white teas;黄茶yellow teas;花茶scented teas 春卷spring roll(s)

北京烤鸭Beijing Roasted Duck 重庆火锅Chongqing hotpot 元宵tangyuan;sweet rice dumpling;馄饨wonton;锅贴guotie(fried jiaozi)花卷steamed twisted roll(s)套餐set meal/course 盒饭box lunch/Chinese take-away 冰糖葫芦a stick of sugar-coated haws 八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding 米粉rice noodle(s)粉丝glass noodles/bean vermicelli 豆腐脑jellied bean curd 烧braising;炖simmering;煨stewing;炒stir-frying;蒸steaming 青椒肉片sliced pork with green chili 小吃摊snack bar/snack stand 大排挡sidewalk snack booth

二、热词翻译(6)苏丹红tonyred 三聚氰胺melamine 工业明胶industrial gelatin(e)瘦肉精lean meat powder 染色馒头tainted/dyed steamed buns 毒胶囊toxic capsules 地沟油drainage oil /swill-cooked dirty oil(recycled cooking oil馊水油)自来水污染tap water contamination(桶装水barrelled water)农药残留pesticide residues

假烟假酒fake liquor and cigarette 碳水化合物carbohydrates 氨基酸amino acids 防腐剂preservatives foodies食客

agritainment/agri-tourism农家乐 signature dishes招牌菜

dietary supplement/food supplement保健食品 organic foods绿色食品

the 100-foot diet自产绿色食品

mooncakes in basic packages(简装月饼)翻译储备7

一、汉语文化词翻译(7)大力促进文化发展繁荣 to promote cultural development and prosperity 加大教育投入to increase financing in education 教育“产业化”the “commercialization” of education 人才流动brain flow

素质教育education for all-round development 应试教育exam-oriented education 学生减负to reduce study load 死读书to study in the mechanical way 择校费school selection charge 附属学校affiliated school

函授部the Correspondence Department

政治辅导员political counselor/school counselor

高等自学考试self-taught examination of higher education 二级学院hybrid universities 机器阅卷machine scoring 户籍限制household registration limit 九年义务制教育nine years of compulsory education 高考gaokao(The National Higher Education Entrance Examination)高考状元gaokao champions 秀才xiucai(one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties;scholar;skilful writer)

二、习语翻译(1)a die-hard 【译文】死硬派 time frame 【译文】时间框架 the hot line 【译文】热线 paper tiger 【译文】纸老虎

armed to the teeth 【译文】武装到牙齿 comfort woman 【译文】慰安妇 as lean as a rail 【译文】骨瘦如柴 clean hand 【译文】两袖清风

It was by no means a bed of rose.【译文】这决不是安乐窝。

to face the music 【译文】临危不惧,勇敢地面对困难;接受应得的惩罚 大开眼界 【译文】open one's eyes;broaden one's horizon;be an eye-opener 名利双收 【译文】Gain in both fame and wealth 金玉满堂 【译文】Treasures fill the home.和气生财 【译文】Harmony brings wealth.国泰民安 【译文】The country flourishes and people live in peace 爱屋及乌 【译文】Love me, love my dog.脚踩两只船 【译文】sit on the fence 实话实说 【译文】speak the plain truth;call a spade a spade;tell it as it is 丧失全部财产 【译文】lose one's shirt 剜肉补疮,拆东墙补西墙 【译文】rob Peter to pay Paul 翻译储备8

一、汉语文化词翻译(8)不搞一刀切no imposing uniformity on „

扩大内需,刺激消费to expand domestic demand and consumption 高速增长to grow at breakneck speed 创收to generate extra revenues

脱贫致富to cast(shake/throw)off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 保障和改善民生to secure and improve people's livelihoods 厉行节约,反对浪费to practice strict economy and combat waste 试点城市showcase cities 沿海经济开发区open coastal economic area 三公经费the three public expenses 十五计划the 10th Five-Year Plan 扶贫工程anti-poverty project 菜篮子工程vegetable basket project 温饱工程decent-life project 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents 豆腐渣工程jerry-built project 西部大开发Go-West Campaign /Development of the West Regions 大中型国有企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 乱摊派,乱收费imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 吃回扣to take/receive kickback 宰客to swindle money out of the customers 传销pyramid selling 公车腐败 corruption involving government vehicles 限购令purchase limitation strategy 中国特色的社会主义Chinese-characterized socialist/socialist with Chinese characteristics 基层监督grass-roots supervision 物质精神文明建设the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization 增强凝聚力to enhance the rally power 增强综合国力和国际竞争力to enhance comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness 扫黄porn-purging campaign;扫黄打非to eliminate pornography and illegal publications

二、习语翻译(2)to turn a deaf ear to 【译文】充耳不闻 to have a well-oiled tongue 【译文】油腔滑调 a gentleman’s agreement 【译文】君子协定

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 【译文】以眼还眼,以牙还牙 Add fuel to the fire.【译文】火上加油。wake the dead 【译文】吵死人。

beltway connections 【译文】华盛顿政界的各种关系

the Gordian knot

【译文】戈尔迪之结(棘手的问题或艰巨的任务)he heel of Achilles 【译文】阿基里斯的脚跟(惟一致命的弱点)

the sword of Damacles 【译文】悬挂在达摩克利斯头顶上的剑(临头的危险)

the Trojan horse 【译文】特洛伊木马(内部颠覆者,起内部破坏作用的人或事物)饭后各自付帐,各自付帐;平摊费用 【译文】go Dutch 赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领 【译文】Midas touch 固步自封,吃老本。【译文】rest on one’s laurels 命运;错综复杂的人生 【译文】web of life 争端起因;祸根 【译文】apple of discord 在将成未成之际 【译文】between cup and lip 因忏悔而得救的人;劫后余生 【译文】Brand from the burning 存心害人的礼物 【译文】Greek gift 橄榄枝 【译文】olive branch


从紧货币政策政府工作报告热词——宏观经济篇稳健财政政策 tight monetary policy

宏观经济调控 prudent fiscal policy政府临时调控 macroeconomic regulation

经济增长模式 government interim intervention固investment

定资产投 mode of economic development

资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset 货币信贷投放仍然偏多of money and credit

continued excessive supplies 流动性过剩转型过程 excessive liquidity行政手段 transformation process螺旋式通胀 administrative measures通胀压力抑制通胀 inflationary pressurespiraling inflation次贷危机to hold down inflation经济剧烈波动 subprime mortgage crisis

经济过热 drastic fluctuations in the economy防止经济过热 economic overheating促to prevent the economy from adjustment and balanced development

进结构调整和协调发展 to promote overheatingstructural 减disadvantaged group

轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the 增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出increase expenditures necessary “to shore up weakto links, improve people's lives and deepen reform”


厉打击非法用工 to severely

punish illegal 加强劳动争议处理disputes

to improve the handling of labor 加强劳动保障监察protection measures

to improve oversight for worker 就业促进法劳动合同法Employment Promotion Law城镇登记失业率Labor Contract Law

鼓励创业公共就业服务体系 to encourage business startups

registered urban unemployment rate完善再就业扶持政策 public employment service systemseekers

to improve the aid system for job “零就业”家庭就业机会 zero-employment families非农产业 employment opportunities失业保险制度 nonagricultural sectors


动力总量 unemployment insurance system

大增 a large increase in the total 支持创办小型企业small enterprises

to support citizens to establish 鼓励自谋职业和自主创业jobs on their own or start their own businessesto encourage people to find 加training and training in how to start a business强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational 城乡劳动者平等就业制度treats urban and rural workers equally

an employment system that 落实促进残疾人就业政策find more jobs for people with physical and mentalto carry out policies to disabilities

建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制permanent families find jobs

mechanism to help zero-employmentto create a 通过加强就业和创业培训,及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以"by encouraging andto expand employment strengthening job training, encouraging people to training business start-ups, find establishment of small enterprisesjobs on their own, and supporting the 政府工作报告热词——国企篇国有企业

主要产业 state owned enterprises(SOEs)税收贡献 core business民航所有制结构 civil aviation

tax contributions发展大型粮食基地 ownership structure


to develop large grain production 国state-owned assets

有资产所有权转移 transferring ownership of 完善所有制结构实行政策性关闭破产 to improve ownership structureclosures and bankruptcies

to carry out policy-mandated 建立国有资本经营预算制度for managing state capital

to set up a budget system 国有企业资产总额owned enterprises(SOEs)

the total value of assets of state 国system for state-owned assets

有资产管理体制改革 reform of the management 国distribution and structure of the state sector

有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the 建立和完善国有资产出资人制度a system for investors of state assets

to set up and improved 引入国有企业股份制system in SOEs

to institute a stockholding 邮政体制改革振兴老工业基地战略 reform of the postal service systemindustrial bases

strategy of rejuvenating the old 国有企业改革改组改造upgrading SOEs

reforming, reorganizing and 深化国有企业股份制改革convert SOEs into stockholding corporationsto deepen the reform to 加强公司化管理实policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies

行政策引 to improve corporate governance导关闭和破产 to carry out 加economies 快资源枯exploitation

of 竭型cities 城市经济dependent 转型 to transform on resource the 扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点experiment state capitalof setting up a budget systemto expand the for managing 引入竞争,to introducing deepen 加强政府管理和公共监督,the 深化垄断企业改革 government regulation and public supervision

competition reform of monopoly and industries strengthening by 严strictly 格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to SOEs into stock companies

standardize procedures for transforming 资源型城市经济转型试点of cities dependent on resource exploitationto transform the economies 严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,失防止国有资产流transforming to strictly transferring SOEs into standardize stock procedures for prevent their erosion

ownership of state-owned companies assets and for to 主辅分离,辅业改制businesses former into independent companyfrom theircore to separate SOE's secondary businesses and covert the


清洁、可再生能源 energy consumption 化学需氧量 clean and renewable energy sources 节能减排目标 chemical oxygen demand


targets for saving energy and reducing 节reduction technologies

能减排技术 energy conservation and emission 淘汰落后生产企业facilities

to close down backward production 加production facilities

强先进生产能力建设 to develop advanced 城市污水处理能力重点流域的污染防治 urban sewage treatment capacity valleys and regions

pollution control in major river 农村饮用水安全饮用水rural drinking water 污染物排放 safe drinking water 资源节约型、环境友好型社会 emissions of pollutants

and environmentally friendly society

a resource-conserving 抓好重点企业节能和重点工程建设conservation key projects

in key enterprises and to focus on energy construction of 产updating 品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or products, drugs and other consumer goods

of national standards for the safety of food 落实电力、钢铁、水泥、煤炭、造纸等行业淘汰落后生产能力计划production facilities in the electricity, steel,implement the plan to close down backward cement, coal and papermaking industries

纠正招商引资中违法违规的做法practices for attracting foreign investmen

to correct illegal 限制和禁止高耗能、高排放和部分资源性外资项目limitto energy intensive or highly polluting, limit or ban or ban foreign investment in projects that are foreign exploitation

investment in some areas of resource 提standards would have stricter limits for discharge 高重点流域水污染物的国家排放标准。National of pollutants in key river valleys.节约资源和环境保护要一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去,让conservation 我们的祖国山更绿,水更清,天更continue from generation to generation to make our and environmental protection 蓝。Resource must mountains greener, waters cleaner and skies bluer.


译题一:Take a Break from Work: One-Year Sabbatical to Travel Do you secretly thought of what you think is a great project: a long journey? A gap year is just for you, to see the end of the world.Bid farewell to the daily routines.With a little planning and a maximum of passion for life, this great dream can come true, without being too complicated or expensive!

Who has not dreamed to temporarily leave work, family, friendsto go on an adventure? Far, very far at the other end of the world.参考译文:忙里偷闲:休假一年逍遥游



现代社会生活节奏快,竞争激烈,如果能够有闲度假散心,必定是一件非常惬意的事情。本文中,具有鲜明英美特色的”sabbatical year” 和“gap year”就是人们梦寐以求的假期。动笔翻译之前,我们应该想方设法弄清楚这些短语的确切含义和文化内涵。“sabbatical year”源于ancient Judea(古罗马统治的巴勒斯坦南部地区),指安息年,即古代犹太人每七年让土地休耕的一年(A year during which land remained fallow, observed every seven years by the ancient Jews)。现在多指公休假或带薪年假,“(美国等)大学给教授每七年一次的带薪休假,用于休息、旅游或研究等(“a leave often with pay granted usually every seventh year(as to a college professor)for rest, travel, or research”)。“Gap year(空档年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作”。也有人把它译作“间隔年”(http://www.xiexiebang.com/group/topic/8864099/)。有兴趣的读者可以在上面的网页中了解到关于“gap year”的详细信息。类似的英语表达还有career break等。笔者以为,文中的这两则短语已经不再局限于上述含义,而泛指各种各样的假期。网友hy3638把gap year译作“学业间断的一年”,可谓非常忠实的翻译。

“To see the end of the world”和文末的“Far,very far at the other end of the world”并非意味着一定要到天涯海角去度假。这是一种比喻的说法,即把整日为之操心忙碌、无法摆脱的生活、工作、学习等种种羁绊和烦恼都统统放下,仿佛这一切都远在天边、遥不可及。Bid farewell to 进一步强化了这层含义。牛津高阶的定义如下:(bid/say)farewell to sb/sth:(have)no more of sb/sth 不再(有某人[某事物])。所以,笔者把它们分别译作“远方”和“让我们浪迹天涯,放逐心灵吧”(后一句根据张明权老师的意见修改)。笔者的原译是“心远地自偏”,套用了陶渊明的诗句。欢迎各位网友批评和讨论。

许多网友把project译作“计划”或“工程”,complicated译作“复杂”,adventure译作“冒险”等。从上下文来看,这些译法都显得有些生硬,不够贴切,和本文的主题“度假”有些不大合拍。举例来说,Adventure除了“冒险”的含义之外,还有“不寻常的、激动人心的”经历之意。这层含义正契合了旅游度假的主要目的:休闲和放松身心,增长见识,领略异国他乡的风土人情。马克?吐温的The Adventures of Tom Sawyer记述的正是一些童年趣事。“译题二”中描写的梦境“incredible and comical adventures”当然也不能算作“冒险”。

译题二:Understanding your dreams Prosecution, cold sweats, incredible and comical adventures...Our imaginations give it to the heart while we are asleep.Far from trivial, movies that pass before our eyes are meaningful.The ancients saw the vehicle between God and people.We now know that dreams lead us deep within ourselves.They advise us, guide us, and send us the signals when things do not go in right direction.Dreams can solve our problems, make us more creative and even heal us.Our nights offer us valuable tools.It would be a shame if we do not learn to use them.参考译文:理解梦景


首先来看一下标题的翻译。提到“解梦”,我们第一个想到的是“对梦中所发生的事情进行解释”,与之对应的英文是interpret或interpretation,如奥地利著名精神分析专家弗洛伊德(Freud)的名著“Interpretation of Dreams”。因此,不宜用“解梦”来翻译本文的题目。Understand的意思是“理解,懂得或领会”。笔者以为,根据本文的内容,译作“理解梦景”比较妥当。


本文中容易理解和翻译错误的单词有movie, vehicle, God、shame等。从上下文来判断,“movie”应该指的是梦中所看到的一幕幕景象,而不是我们平时所说的“电影”或“电影情节”,我们因之可以直译为“在我们眼前浮现的一幕幕影像”,或者意译为“梦景”、“梦中的景象”等。受思维习惯的影响,网友分别把“vehicle”译作“汽车”、“机动车”、“工具”、“交通工具”等。这些都是“vehicle”的常用义项,但显然不适用于本文讨论的梦、人和神之间的关系。牛津高阶给出的vehicle的另一义项“means by which thought, feeling, etc.can be expressed 表达思想﹑感情等的工具或手段”正好符合文中“梦联系神和人”之意。因此,笔者把它译作“沟通工具”。有网友把它译作“媒介”、“沟通方式”、或“沟通渠道”也是可以接受的译法。God可以指希腊罗马等神话中的诸神,也可以是基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教中的宇宙主宰,即上帝、造物主、天主或真主。如果本文针对的是宗教信仰各异的普通读者群,那么god应该指的是普遍意义上的“神”或者“神仙”,而不可以简单地译作“上帝”。Shame既可以指“羞愧”、“惭愧”、“负罪感”,也可以是“遗憾”、“可惜”、“不应该的事情”等。大部分网友都能够准确地理解和把握这一含义。“遗憾”、“令人惋惜的事”、“太可惜了”都是正确的和可行的译法。

值得一提的是,网友“xieyx021”和“空谷幽兰”翻译的“神会托梦与人”、网友lj329的把“when things do not go in right direction”译作“事情不对劲儿时”,既忠实原文,也是比较地道的中文表达。

译题三:Learn to say NO

Saying no is not in itself a very difficult task.It relates everything that is in our minds with this little word, which makes it so difficult to pronounce.Before you learn to say no, you must first identify the nature of the thoughts that accompany the word.You say yourself “If I say no, others will discredit me and not call me anymore” or “I always say yes so that others will like me?” If this is the case, it is likely that these thoughts are false and you make absolute die hard.To rectify this, a strategy is to ask yourself if your conclusions are realistic and that will make you to really use it.The mere awareness of your thoughts will excessively help you to be free.参考译文:学会说“不”


和前面的两段文字相比,这段文字浅显易懂,翻译起来相对轻松些。不过,有些词语的翻译仍然需要依据上下文来认真对待。稍有不慎,就可能造成“差之毫厘,失之千里”的后果。许多网友直接忽视了第二句的“this little word”的“little”,可能是觉得它无足轻重,没必要翻译出来。有网友直接把它译作“小词”、“小小的字”或“小小的单词”。这样的译法可谓“直译有余,意译不足”,没有能够尽可能地表达作者的意思。作者先用little一词来修饰no,说明no这个词看起来非常简单、微小、不重要。在后面的论述中,作者又用“discredit”、“realistic”、“false”、“awareness”、“thought”、“free”等词来围绕着no进行论证,采用先抑后扬的手法来说明no的重要性,所以我们没有理由不把little翻译出来。False除了“错误的,不正确的”的含义之外,还有“虚假的;欺骗的,不诚实的;不聪明的”等含义。大部分网友都被它的常用含义“欺骗”,将之译成了“错误的”。我们很难判断一个人说或者不说“不”是不是正确,但是我们可以说他的说“不”与否是不是“明智的”。

网友的译文中,错误比较多的是“die hard”的翻译。“Die hard”是一动词短语,意思是“顽固到底;难以根除,或需要很长时间才能灭绝”等。从上下文的讨论中,我们可以看出die hard指的是一个人,因为日久成习,很难彻底根除“是否拒绝别人”的这种思维方式或不够明智的心态。读懂原文之后,我们可以很自然地把它译作“很难根除它们”。网友445664876@qq.com和johnan的“很难改掉这种习惯”、shangxian.yue的“难以根除”,teresa22和zly-julie的“很难改掉”都是比较不错的翻译。Realistic一词的翻译一直让我比较纠结。从上下文来看,作者的意思应该是在经过思考和斟酌之后,如果因为自己的能力、客观条件等种种原因而无法答应别人的请求时,一个人应该实事求是地向别人说“不”,而不是碍于脸面,勉为其难地答应别人。意思明了之后,寻找对应的汉语表达方面又颇费周折。“符合实际情况”、“实事求是”、“现实可行的”、“注重实际的”、“实际可行的”等总显得有些拗口,没有充分地表达出这层意思。最后,笔者选择了“最后把你的想法如实告诉对方”,其中既有直译,也有意译。

从以上的评论中我们可以看到,project,complicated, adventure, movie, vehicle, God、shame, little,realistic等都是常见的、义项众多的英语词汇。因为常见,我们可以比较容易地读懂原文;因为义项众多,我们更需要格外小心,认真揣摩原文,仔细选择适合上下文的内容。翻译是件容易的事情,因为只要粗通外文和中文,就可以把外语译成中文;翻译又是件麻烦的事情,因为好的译文需要精雕细琢,特别得费心、费时和费力。

译题一:Friendships Can Depend on Who You Meet First At their introductory session each student was told to sit in a random seat.Then each trembling newbie had to come up to the front and briefly introduce themselves.Immediately afterwards everyone else rated that person on two scales: how much they liked them and whether they would like to get to know them more(sounds frightening for your first day!).The results showed that people likedthe people who were initially sat next to them.This might not be that surprising: people have had slightly more exposure to those who they were sitting next to.Or people might have felt a certain affinity for those they were sat near...参考译文:






回到具体的翻译点评上,在译题一开头的一个句子中,英语的被动语态是独具特色的语法现象,虽然近来汉语“被”字表达流行,但汉语的“被”字更多的是词汇构成手段,而非纯粹的语法手段,不能因为现在流行“被”字表达方式就认为汉语已经具备照搬英语被动语态的条件。参与翻译的网友选择“被”字结构翻译第一句话的比例很高,占全部译者的一半,在这些使用“被”字结构的翻译中,“被告知”比“被要求”听起来更顺一些。第二段the people who were initially sat next to them中,sat是sit的过去分词,这里sit是及物动词,是“使就座”的意思,这同样是英语被动语态的特色用法,然而此处所有的网友译者都没有使用被动语态,不知是没有看到被动语态还是故意选择忽略。再者就是这里的被动语态的使用给人一种很突兀的感觉,但实际上作者想表达的意思是这样的,起初大家自由选择就座决定了后来跟谁交朋友的结果,多少给人一种命中注定的感觉,这一点在英语中恰好通过被动语态这种语法手段得以表达,因为语言差异,我们可以选择词汇手段来弥补,参见笔者的译文。

至于词汇翻译问题,introductory session是指“起初的自我介绍”的意思,经查原文语境,应该是指第一次开班会,不少网友的翻译能看出是查阅了原文的,这一点值得提倡。Trembling newbie是描写新生的胆怯,身体和声音都可能是发抖的,emilywu73使用“紧张兮兮地”来对译,感觉非常贴切。Rated that person on two scales显然是从专业研究的眼光看问题,rate涉及分级或评分,webweb就翻译成“接下来大家对这个人从两个方面打分”。Exposure的意思这个词是指“暴露在其中”,因此受其影响,这里可以选择意译,“近水楼台先得月”这句翻译就是从这里衍生出来的。假设换一个地方,如果是讨论朋友之间的相互影响的文章,exposure也可以跟汉语的成语“近朱者赤、近墨者黑”联系起来进行翻译。这里使用汉语成语的翻译方式,更多地体现了“译者说话”,但这样的翻译也是有限制的,过了就不好了。

译题二:California English and the “Gay Accent”

Is there such a thing as a “gay accent?” I wouldn't even touch this question were there not a decent amount of scholarly research about it.The notion of “talking gay,” after all, is a staple of homophobic parody.So before going further, let me state that I believe gay men speak with as wide an array of voices as heterosexual men.I don't give credence to the idea of a universal “gay voice.”

That being said, a recent article in American Speech suggests that a certain type of subcultural “gay accent” is not only a measurable phenomenon, but may have a unique relationship to a regional variety of English.参考译文:




译题二涉及当代社会的热门话题,“同性恋问题”。“同性恋”之所以成为问题,则是源于人们长期以来对“同性恋”的偏见态度,而在这一背景下产生的词汇,如“gay accent”,“talking gay”,“gay voice”都难免带有偏见的色彩,因此在翻译这段文字的时候,首先要把握作者对待同性恋的态度。阅读发现作者的态度不仅是严肃的,而且作者还试图批评那种歧视同性恋的态度。

经查词典,gay可以统称“同性恋者”,但主要是指“男同性恋者”,这一点颇似汉语的“同志”一词,即可以指全体同性恋者,但又主要指男同性恋者,由于一些涉及“同性恋”的词汇已经先天带有某些人们的认知态度,要把这些词汇正确翻译成汉语,又能做到不夹杂着个人感情,实在不是一件容易的事情。就拿talking gay而言,不少网友翻译成了“娘娘腔”,这个词本身是带一定偏见性的认知的,这个不是译者的错,是词汇本身的问题。Homophobic parody的意思是“恐同者对同性恋的反讽模仿”,parody带有滑稽性和夸张色彩,目的在于丑化原来的东西。值得一提的是不少网友对talking gay的理解是错误的,首先从语法角度来讲talking gay是现在分词短语,而非动名词短语,再者从词汇的角度讲,talk gay是固定搭配,就是指上文的gay accent,talking gay的意思就是所谓的“娘娘腔”。还有一个词值得注意,staple的语境意思是“主打产品”,因此整句话the notion of “talking gay”, after all, is a staple of homophobic parody的隐含意思是,一些恐惧同性恋的人通过对所谓的“同性恋口音”的滑稽模仿,丑化同性恋的说法方式,使“娘娘腔”这一特征口音固定与同性恋关联,从而形成对同性恋者的社会刻板印象。

最后一段中measurable是“可测量”的意思,没有引申的“重要”的意思,数量研究是社会科学研究的趋势。译题三:Toss Your Expectations Into the Ocean

What's a life without expectations like? It means you accept reality as it is, and people as they are, without expectations, without trying to force people into the containers you have for them, seeing things as they are.It's a life where you don't need to be disappointed or frustrated or angryyou can act in a way that's in accordance with your values, and influence the world, but never have an expectation of how the world will react to your actions.Pay attention to your thoughts.Don't beat yourself up if you have expectations.Just see them.Then toss them in the ocean.参考译文




“Toss you expectations into the ocean”中包含了ocean这样的比喻,是否需要直译出来,这总是一个需要权衡的问题。笔者的译文在标题和结尾处分别采用了意译和直译两种方法。Force people into the containers you have for them,笔者译成“量自己的身材,裁他人的衣装”,化用了汉语成语“量体裁衣”,但反其道而用之,意图表示“拿自己的标准要求别人,把别人的行为纳入自己的轨道中”。

这段文字讨论的是一个抽象的命题,所以作者采用了反复论证的方式,you accept it, and let it go,never have an expectation of how the world will react to your actions,都是从不同的侧面谈论同一个问题,把握好这一点,翻译也就没有困难了。


厄尔尼诺(El Nino phenomenon)·····································································································:是一种气候现象,发生在热带的太平洋上,由于海温异常增暖,会造成全球气候的变化。厄尔尼诺有西班牙语“圣婴”之意。这个名字的起因是秘鲁沿岸渔民在四五百年间发现其捕鱼的时候,有些年份到冬季圣诞节海温会异常

标准普尔:(Standard & Poor's)是世界权威金融分析机构,总部位于美国纽约市,由亨利·瓦纳姆·普尔先生(Mr Henry Varnum Poor)于1860年创立。

大型开放式网络课程,即MOOC(massive open online courses)。


车辆购置税auto-purchase tax 纯电动汽车(Blade Electric Vehicles ,简称BEV),插电式混合动力汽车(Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)。

无烟缓冲区smoke-free buffer zone

扑出点球 save penalties

所谓集体自卫权(collective self-defense),是指与本国关系密切的国家遭受他国武力攻击时,无论自身是否受到攻击,都有使用武力进行干预和阻止的权利

假摔(diving)指在足球比赛进行过程中,一方球员在合理身体冲撞(fair charging)或者根本没有冲撞的情况下假装被对方队员犯规并摔倒,以骗取裁判的犯规判罚,得到点球(penalty kick)、任意球(free kick)、使对方球员受到红、黄牌等有利于己方判罚的行为。假球(match fixing,为了追求幕后经济利益,通过收买对手、裁判等手段取得想要的比赛

结果)和黑哨(cheating/unfair call,裁判员


Environmental Livability Index就是“环境宜居指数”

OSI group 福喜集团

China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC)中国石油天然气集团公司(中国石油)

China Petrochemical Corporation(Sinopec Group)中石化

Residential mortgage-backed debt(securities)住房贷款抵押证券

雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)是为全球公司、机构、政府和投资者的金融需求提供服务的一家全方位、多元化投资银行。在次级抵押贷款市场(次贷危机)危机加剧的形势下,美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟最终丢盔弃甲,宣布申请破产保护。

金砖国家开发银行(新开发银行)(New Development Bank)成立时间2013年3月27日,是在2012年提出的,目的是为了美国金融危机以来,金砖国家为避免在下一轮金融危机中受到货币不稳定的影响,计划构筑的一个共同的金融安全网,可以借助这个资金池兑换一部分外汇用来应急,缓解对美元、欧元的依赖。总部设在中国上海。

福塔莱萨宣言 fortaleza declaration


亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia(CICA)

埃博拉(Ebola virus)又译作伊波拉病毒,是一种能引起人类和灵长类动物产生埃博拉出血热的烈性传染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,在50%至90%之间,致死原因主要为中风、心肌梗塞、低血容量休克或多发性器官衰竭。病毒以非洲刚果民主共和国的埃博拉河命名(该国旧称扎伊尔),是一个用来称呼一群属于纤维病毒科埃博拉病毒属下数种病毒的通用术语。

严重违纪 serious disciplinary violation


据新华社电8月2日,在柏林举行的第20届世界翻译大会会员代表大会上,中国文学翻译家许渊冲荣获国际翻译界最高奖项之一——国际翻译家联盟International Federation of Translators(国际译联FIT)2014“北极光”(aurora borealis)杰出文学翻译奖,成为该奖项1999年设立以来首位获此殊荣的亚洲翻译家。93岁高龄的许渊冲因健康原因未能出席颁奖礼。他在书面发言中说:“从事汉语、英语和法语文学翻译对我而言是种享受。”



中英、中法文学翻译,为促进中外文化交流,特别是中国文化国际传播作出了重要贡献。93岁高龄的许渊冲因健康原因未能出席颁奖典礼。他在书面发言中说:“作为第一个获此殊荣的中国翻译家,我深感荣幸。我认为这不仅仅是对我个人翻译工作的认可,也表明中国文学受到世界更多的关注。” “从事汉语、英语和法语文学翻译对我而言一直是种享受,”他说,“93岁的我还在做翻译,我就是喜欢它。”


地震的强度(magnitude)一般按照里氏震级(Richter Scale)划分,它是将震级范围从1到10的一种对数标度,用以表现地震放出的能量总数,是根据美国地震学家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。

雾霾是什么呢?haze, haze, haze,也可以是airpocalypse, 这个词由air和Apocalypse(末日)组成。往往空气污染是通过一定的指数来检测的,这个指数就叫API,Air Pollution Index,那么这一指数反映的是什么呢?是空气质量指数AQI, Air Quality Index.雾霾天气时,大家出门一定要戴上防尘口罩哦,(anti-dust respirator/mask), 在家里也不要忘了放上一个空气净化器(air purifier)。最近雾霾天气又比较严重,听说防尘面具和空气净化器都严重脱销了(sell out)。前段时间还传言雾霾会影响生殖能力,(reproductive capacity),这个啊说不准,不过对还是会增加呼吸系统疾病(respiratory system disease)的发病率的,大家除了上述两项防护措施,也要在饮食上多加注意,多吃点黑木耳(black fungus)和银耳(snow fungus)。为应对严重雾霾天气,北京市环保局最近宣布将在2020年前全面禁止高污染燃料(high-polluting fuels).次生地质灾害(secondary geological hazards),由于是由primary disaster(原生灾害)所引发的,因此属于一种secondary disaster(次生灾害),比如地震后出现的quake lake(堰塞湖)就属于seismic secondary disaster(地震次生灾害)

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria(ISIS或ISIL),伊拉克与大叙利亚伊斯兰国,2014年新锐恐怖组织。是一支逊尼派背景的宗教极端武装,分布于中东的各个国家。其前身是2006年在伊拉克成立的“伊拉克伊斯兰国”。“al Shams”的意思是“大叙利亚”,即叙利亚、黎巴嫩、约旦、以色列和巴勒斯坦。ISIS组织的目标是消除在一战结束后,由温斯顿·丘吉尔所创建的现代中 东的国家边界,并在这一地区创立一个由基地组织运作的酋长国。也称“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIL)。

个性奖学金奖 individuality scholarship

普洛斯global logistic properties

总统山(Mount Rushmore),青年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青年奥运会、青奥会。它是一项专为年轻人设立的体育赛事,融合了体育、教育和文化等领域的内容,并将为推进这些领域与奥运会的共同发展而起着一个催化剂的作用。

鲁迅文学奖(Lu Xun Literature Prize)中篇小说(middle-length novels)、短篇小说(short novels)、报告文学(reportage)、诗歌(poems)、散文杂文(prose and essays)、文学理论评论(literary reviews and theoretical works)“打油诗”(doggerel)

homegrown operating system(OS)本土操作系统

release on parole 假释

地方立法权(local legislative power)

suicide bombings 人肉炸弹

mail bomb 邮包炸弹

threat fatigue 威胁疲劳

face-mapping software 面部识别软件

roadside explosives 路边炸弹

reprisal attack 报复行动

manhunt 追捕

anti-terror campaign 反恐斗争

aerial bombardment 空袭

airborne attack 空降袭击

special forces 特种部队

carpet bomb 地毯式轰炸

pound 猛烈轰炸

cyberterrorism 网络恐怖主义

military buildup 军事集结

terrorist mastermind 恐怖分子幕后主谋

hit targets 攻击目标

launch strikes 发动进攻 hand over 交出

stronghold 要塞据点

refueling stop 补给站

blitz 闪电战,尤指空袭

air raid 空袭

extremist 极端分子

commando 突击队

al Qaeda 基地组织

Taliban 塔利班

counterterrorism professionals 反恐专家

counter-terrorism unit 反恐部队

elite troops 精英部队

syndicate of terror 恐怖集团

jihad 圣战(伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争)

Ground Zero 常规导弹瞄准的目标或核设备爆炸点,废墟。美国9·11事件后,ground zero常用来指代被恐怖分子袭击后的“世贸大厦遗址”。

hijack 劫持

Kamikaze attack 神风式飞机攻击,与对手同归于尽的自杀性飞行攻击。也称为suicide attack,因二战时期日本的“神风特攻队”得名。

deliberate and deadly terrorist acts 有预谋的、致命的恐怖主义行动

highest alert 一级戒备

hard-line Islamists 强硬派伊斯兰教徒

swill-cooked dirty oil(地沟油)道德败坏 moral corruption

以权谋私make profits with their power

前海湾保税港区Qianhai Bonded Port

行邮税 personal postal articles tax

假货counterfeit goods

行邮税personal postal articles tax

养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund);补充商业保险(supplementary commercial insurance),带薪年假(paid annual leave)

简政放权streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments;devolution

地方立法权local legislative power

权力寻租rent-seeking and corruption

土地征用land requisition

松绑限购relaxed home purchase restrictions

最低限价knock-down prices

points system for household registration积分落户制度

an exodus of independent directors离职潮 打铁还需自身硬A good example is the best sermon

转账诈骗 Bank Transfer Fraud 搬迁通知Removal Notice/Office Moving Notice

严重失职serious dereliction of duty

校园踩踏school stampede

登革热Dengue fever


群众路线 mass line

中央防范和处理邪教问题领导小组办公室,简称防范办(cult-busting office)

邪教组织(cults organizations)

中央候补委员(alternate member)

递补 fill the vacancy

无记名投票(secret ballot/anonymous ballot)

差额选举(competitive election)

打车软件”(taxi-hailing apps or cab-hailing apps)

人工电话召车(taxi-calling hotline)、手机软件召车(taxi-calling apps)、网络约车(online booking)

探月工程the lunar exploration program

登月舱(lunar module)

债券的偿付期Maturity period

年票即one-year pass,月票即monthly pass

中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第四次全体会议The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee

创新型政府a pro-innovation government

维持原判ratify/affirm the original judgment

养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund)

Nobel Literature Prize / Nobel Prize in literature 诺贝尔文学奖

Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine诺贝尔生理学或医学奖

Swindling scientific research funds即为“套取国家科研经费”

Informal Leaders' Meetings, Ministerial Meetings, Senior Officials' Meetings, Committee & Working Group Meetings, and Secretariat.领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处

亚太经合组织财长会议(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance Ministers' Meeting)

AAMA(Administrative Aspects of Market Access)市场准入的行政管理措施

ABAC(APEC Business Advisory Council)APEC 工商咨询理事会

ABF(APEC Business Forum)亚太经合组织商业论坛

ACDY(APEC Communications and Database System)APEC 交流与数据库系统

ACE(Automatic Commercial Environment)自动商务环境

ACTETSME(APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises)亚太中心企业技术交流与培训中心

AELM(APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)亚太经合组织经济领导人会议

AES(Automated Export System)自动出口制度

AFTA(ASEAN Free Trade Area)东盟自由贸易区

AMM(APEC Ministerial Meeting)亚太经合组织部长会议

ANZCERTA(Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations and Trade Agreement)澳新紧密经济关系和贸易协定

APB-Net(Asia – Pacific Business Network)亚太工商网

APEC(Asia-Pacific Ecomomic Cooperation)亚太经济合作组织

APERC(Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center)亚太能源中心

APII(Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure)亚太信息基础设施

APLAC(Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation


APLMF(Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum)亚太实验室认证会议

APLMF(Asia-Pacific Legal Mrtrology Forum)亚太法定计量论坛

APMA(Asia-Pacific Metrology Program)亚太计量方案

ASEAN(Association of South-East Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟

ATC(Agricultural Technical Cooperation Experts’Group)农业技术合作专家组

ATL(Accelerated Tariff Liberalization)加速关税自由化

BAC(Budget and Administrative Committee)行政和预算委员会

BMC(Budget and Management Committee)预算管理委员会

CAC(Codex Alimentarius Commission)《食品法规》联合委员会

CAP(Collective Action Plans)集体行动计划

CBN(Capacity Building Network)能力建设网络

CTI(Committee on Trade and Investment)贸易投资委员会

CUA(Concerted Unilateral Action)协调的单边行动

DMEG(Dispute Mediation Experts’ Group)争端调解专家组 EC(Economic Committee)经济委员会

ECOTECH(Economic and Technical Cooperation)经济技术合作

EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换

EDFOR(Education Forum)教育论坛

EDNET(Education Network)教育网络

EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility)电磁兼容

EPG(Eminent Persons Group)名人小组

ESC(Sub-Committee on ECOTECH)经济技术合作分委会

ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific亚太经济社会理事会

EVSL(Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization)部门自愿提前自由

EWG(Energy Working Group)能源工作组

FACTS(Facilitation,Accoumtability,Consistency,Trandparencyand Simplification)便利化、责任性、一致性、透明性和简单化

茶歇(tea break)

wearable air purifier可穿戴空气净化器

防雾霾口罩(anti-smog mask)

海外购buy products from overseas websites

直邮即direct delivery service

清关手续(customs clearance)

双十一 Doule 11 event

反恐怖主义情报中心anti-terrorism intelligence system

集资诈骗即raising funds by means of fraud

公私合作制 public-private partnership

亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议(亚信峰会)Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA)

EFL 英语为外语

WSK 全国外国语水平考试

travelling circus 巡回马戏团 circus wagon(马戏团的)大篷车 big top 大帐篷,马戏篷 tent 帐篷

ring, arena 场地 tier 看台

master of ceremonies, M.C.节目主持人,司仪

parade, cavalcade 列队行进 show 节目

circus act 马戏节目

trick rider, equestrian acrobat 马戏演员 equitation, riding 马术 equestrian, rider 马术演员

fakir, magician, illusionist, conjurer, conjuror 魔术师

mountebank, tumbler 变戏法者 ventriloquist 腹语术者 contortionist 柔术演员 acrobat 杂技演员

balancer 表演平衡技巧的人 trapeze artist 荡秋千演员 walker, rope walker 走绳索者 funambulist 走钢丝者 juggler 耍把戏者

sword swallower 吞剑者 fire eater 吞火者

snake charmer 耍蛇者

flier, flyer 空中飞人(美作:aerialist)clown 小丑 giant 巨人

midget, dwarf 侏儒 horse trainer 驯马师

wild animal trainer 驯兽师 lion tamer 驯狮者 wild animal 野兽 cage 笼子 whip 鞭子

performing animal 驯服的动物 tights, leotard 紧身衣 tumble 翻筋斗

double somersault 翻双筋斗 human pyramid 叠罗汉 balance平衡技巧 rings 圈

springboard 跳板 trampoline 绷床 trapeze 秋千 safety net 安全网 tightrope 绳索

wire-walking 走钢丝 balancing pole平衡杆

官商勾结collusion between government officials and business owners,或简称government-business corruption“

小官巨腐(corruption by low-level officials who engage in an astonishing number of bribery and money-for-position deals)”

“车 房超标(misconduct in government car use and housing allocation for officials)” “干部亲属利用职权经商谋利(relatives of officials using the officials' influence to seek commercial gains)”

“利用节庆及婚丧嫁娶收受礼金(took festival celebrations and weddings or funerals

as opportunities to receive “red envelopes,” or gift money)”

“买官卖官(lobbying for promotions or money-for-position deals)”

“搞‘小圈子’(formation of “small coteries” or factions among officials)”

“新常态”(new normal)速度

“从高速增长转为中高速增长”(the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth)

“经济结构不断优化升级”(the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded)

“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动”(the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment)。

“新中装”(new Chinese-style outfits)立领(stand up collar)、对开襟(Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front)、连肩袖(the raglan sleeve),提花万字纹(the swastika decoration pattern),宋锦(the Song Brocade)面料、饰海水江崖纹(the sea and mountain pattern)立领(stand up collar)、对襟(Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front)、连肩袖(the raglan sleeve),双宫缎(douppioni)面料、饰海水江崖纹(the sea and mountain pattern)开襟(front opening)、连肩袖(the raglan sleeve)外套,内搭立领旗袍裙(cheongsam skirt with stand up collar)

Asia-Pacific dream“亚太梦”

comprehensively deepening reform(全面深化改革)

liberate the productive force(对社会生产力的解放)

unleash the vitality of the society(社会活力的解放)

丝路基金(Silk Road fund)子基金(sub-funds)打破亚洲互联互通的瓶颈(break the connectivity bottleneck in Asia)

Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific(FTAAP)“亚太自贸区”

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)Business Advisory Council(亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会)

一带一路(One Belt and One Road)”是指“丝绸之路经济带(the Silk Road Economic Belt)”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road)”

利益共同体(benefit community)命运共同体(fate community)国际性合作倡议(international cooperation initiative)地缘经济(geo-economy)

“中期选举(midterm elections)争夺对国会的控制权(gain control of the Congress)

Carpooling也叫car sharing,即“拼车” HOV lane(high-occupancy vehicle lane),即“高上座率机动车道”,同时也叫拼车专用道(carpool lane)

知识产权法院即a special court for intellectual property rights(IPR)cases

东盟秘书处(the ASEAN Secretariat)、太平洋经济合作理事会(Pacific Economic Cooperation Council)和太平洋岛国论坛(Pacific Islands Forum)

自助餐(buffet)、茶歇(tea break)、桌餐(dinner served at tables)

民告官the people suing the government

宪法日Constitution Day

宪法宣誓pledge allegiance to the Constitution

Crimes subject to the death penalty适用死刑的罪名

走私武器、弹药罪(smuggling weapons and ammunition)

走私核材料罪(smuggling nuclear materials)走私假币罪(smuggling fake banknotes)伪造货币罪(counterfeiting banknotes)集资诈骗罪(collecting funds through fraud)组织卖淫罪(organizing prostitutes)强迫卖淫罪(forcing prostitution)

阻碍执行军事职务罪(hindering the enforcement of military duties)

战时造谣惑众罪(spreading rumors during wartime)

反恐怖主义情报中心anti-terrorism intelligence system

安全防范(security precautions)

持证街头艺人authorized busker

PPP模式 public-private partnership公私合作制





opening speech 开幕式致辞

small-and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业 farmer-turned-entrepreneur 农民企业家 clean energy 清洁能源

basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险

crops' minimum purchase prices 粮食最低收购价 per-capita income 人均收入

window guidance 窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。)propel/expand domestic demand 扩大内需 proactive fiscal policy 积极的财政政策

moderately easy monetary policy 适度宽松的货币政策 rural-urban development divide 城乡差距 government work report 政府工作报告 dairy product standards 乳制品标准

scattered production model 分散生产模式(Such a scattered production model is the fundamental reason that there have been so many food safety incidents.这种分散生产模式是诸多食品安全问题的根源。)administrative transparency 政务透明

bridging loan 过渡性贷款(Bridging, or a bridging loan, is short-term financing made available pending arrangement of intermediate or long-term financing.过渡性贷款是一种在中期或长期融资安排确定前的短期融资)comfortable Housing Project 安居工程 careers guidance 就业指导


胡明慧:huminghui0301@yahoo.com.cn three Direct Links “大三通”(通邮、通航、通商)healthcare reform package 医改方案 basic medicine system 基本医疗体制

home appliances going to the countryside 家电下乡 equal Access to Education 教育公平

golden September and silver October 金九银十 rural left-behind population 农村留守人口

issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area 三农问题

three insurances and one fund “三险一金”(养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险和住房公积金)administrative accountability 行政问责制(是指一级政府对现任该级政府负责人、该级政府所属各工作部门和下级政府主要负责人在所管辖的部门和工作范围内由于故意或者过失,不履行或者正确履行法定职责,以致影响行政秩序和行政效率,贻误行政工作,或者损害行政管理相对人的合法权益,给行政机关造成不良影响和后果的行为,进行内部监督和责任追究的制度)。defense budget 国防预算 disaster relief 赈灾

defense expenditure 国防开支

safeguarding our sovereignty and territory 保卫主权和领土完整 top legislative body 最高立法机关 social welfare system 社会福利制度 minimum living standard 最低生活标准

the imbalance between urban and rural areas 城乡发展不平衡 state-run/owned company/enterprise 国有企业 农村留守人口 Rural Left-Behind Population 大三通 Three Direct Links 安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project



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