2017银行招聘考试试题-英语部分(一)PART Ⅰ: INCOMPLETE SENTENCES
Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences.Four words or phrases, marked(A),(B),(C),(D), are given beneath each sentence.You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.1.Food products containing chocolate are subject to a ______ of up to 35 percent when imported to Japan.A.test B.tariff C.souvenir D.shipment 2.The Hinman University Math Team ______ in the 27th annual International Collegiate Math Olympics.A.participate B.participant C.participated D.participative 3.Mr.Voorhies planned to send the dresser and bed that ______ purchased in Bali to the Netherlands.A.he B.his C.him D.himself
国内各大银行工资待遇揭秘汇总 山东银行考试网:www.xiexiebang.com
4.Actress Lisa Ross--Ellis filed a lawsuit against The Entertainment Files magazine over false ______ made in their November issue.A.accuse B.accusative C.accusations D.accusatory 5.Although subway fare was cheaper, Danielle chose to take a taxi to the concert hall ______ she would not be late.A.so B.or C.but D.and 6.According to the travel Web site, many travelers ______ staying at the Reliant Hotel in Hanoi.A.testify B.conclude C.recommend D.disappoint 7.Students taking the entrance exam are required to provide their student ______ number.A.identify B.identifiable C.identifiably D.identification 8.______ to use crutches for six months severely limited Mr.Locke's ability to work in the shipping facility.国内各大银行工资待遇揭秘汇总 山东银行考试网:www.xiexiebang.com
A.Has B.Have C.Having D.Has had 9.I've been waiting for him for ______ hour and ______ half.A.×;× B.the;a C.a;× D.an;a 10.Who draw ______ Jack? A.so well as B.as well as C.so better than D.as good as 11.What ______ you do this Sunday if it ______? A.do, will rain B.will, rain C.do, rains D.will, rains 12.I wish it ______ fine tomorrow.A.would be B.will be C.is
国内各大银行工资待遇揭秘汇总 山东银行考试网:www.xiexiebang.com
D.to being 13.All the girls swam in the lake except two, who ______ halfway.A.gave off B.gave up C.gave away D.gave out 14.--Can I get the house cheaper?--Sorry, it's ______ my power to sell it any cheaper.A.without B.except C.beyond D.out 15.Many people believe we are heading for an environmental disaster(灾难)______ we radically(根本地)change the way we live.A.but B.though C.unless D.in case 阅读理解
President Arling has put his long-awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress.It provides a coordinated program of investment credits, research grants, educational reforms, and tax changes designed to make American industry more competitive.This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years The most liberal wing of the President's party has called for stronger and more direct action.They want an incomes policy to check inflation
国内各大银行工资待遇揭秘汇总 山东银行考试网:www.xiexiebang.com
while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs.The Republicans, however, decry even the modest, graduated tax increases in the President's program.They Want tax cuts and a more open market.They say if Federal money has to be injected into the economy, let it through defence spending.Both these alternatives ignore the unique nature of the economic problem before us.It is not simply a matter of markets or financing.The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it.But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship in the world economy.If an industry cannot lever itself up to the leading stage of technological advances, then it will not be able to compete effectively.I fit cannot do this, no amount of government protectionism or access to foreign markets can keep it profitable for long.Without the profits and experience of technological excellence to reinvest, that industry can only fall still further behind its foreign competitors.So the crux is the technology and that is where the President's program focused.The danger is not that a plan will not be passed, it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology.The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact.If we fail to restructure our economy now, we may not get a second chance.16.The focus of the President's program is on ______.A.investment B.economy C.technology D.tax 17.What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party? A.They want a more direct action.B.They want an incomes policy to check inflation.C.They want to rebuild industry.国内各大银行工资待遇揭秘汇总 山东银行考试网:www.xiexiebang.com
D.They want a wall of protective tariffs.18.What is the editor's attitude? A.Support.B.Distaste.C.Disapproval.D.Compromise.19.The danger to the plan lies in ______.A.the two parties' objection B.different ideas of the two parties about the plan C.its passage D.distortion 20.The passage is ______.A.a review B.a preface C.an advertisement D.an editorial 相关链接:
A.1/2 B.2 C.1 D.1.5 2.如果人们收入水平提高,食物在总支出的比重将会()A.大大增加 B.稍有增加 C.下降 D.不变
3.使用自有资金也应该计算利息收入,这种利息从成本角度看属于()A.固定成本 B.隐性成本 C.会计成本 D.生产成本
4.长期成本曲线呈U字形的原因与()有关 A.规模报酬 B.外部经济与不经济 C.要素的边际成产 D.固定成本与可变成本的比重
5.如果商品A和商品B相互替代,则A价格下降将造成()A.A的需求曲线向右移动 B.A的需求曲线向左移动 C.B的需求曲线向右移动 D.B的需求曲线向左移动
6.在长期中厂商发生的最大经济亏损是()A.零 B.总成本 C.可变成本 D.平均可变成本
7.当总效用增加时,边际效用应该()A.为正值,其值不断增加 B.为正值,其值不断减少 C.为负值,其值不断减少 D.以上任何一种情况皆有可能
C.存在规模收益递增 D.存在规模收益递减 9.市场失灵是指()
B.市场没有使社会资源的分配达到最有效率的状态 C.市场未能达到社会收入的公平分配 D.以上三种情况都有
10.根据凯恩斯的消费函数,引起消费增加的因素主要是:()。A.价格水平下降 B.收入增加 C.储蓄增加 D.投资减少
1.有人说,民主就像一个旋转的陀螺,重要的是旋转的过程。离开了这个过程,民主的陀螺就会倒下。就民主决策而言,正确的决策结果自然会给人们带来希望和信心,而决策的过程对人们凝聚信心的影响更大。这段文字中的比喻意在强调: A.民主决策过程对民主的重要性 B.只有通过民主决策,才能凝聚信心 C.决策过程中的民主,是广泛的社会参与 D.有效的参与过程,便是凝聚信心的过程
2.这里是典型的西南大石山区,石多人少,土地贫瘠,气候恶劣,十年九旱。尽管国家的好政策使部分群众走上了致富的道路,但仍有不少农民挣扎在贫困线上。这段话主要说明了: A.大石山区经济落后,文化匮乏,和外面丰富多彩的世界形成了鲜明的对比 B.与其等待国家的政策救助,当地政府不如因地制宜,发展地区特色经济以摆脱贫 C.解决部分西南贫困地区人民群众的温饱问题是协调发展的当务之急 D.当地人民走向富裕的一个主要障碍是恶劣的自然环境
A.经济衰退影响了中国的城市化进程 B.城乡二元结构减弱了经济衰退的影响 C.不能过分依赖海绵效应的就业缓冲作用 D.农村劳动力不应成为经济衰退中的牺牲品
②并且,有助于从根本上改善高原居民尤其是青藏高原藏族等世居少数民族的生存状态 ③专家认为,此图谱的绘制完成,将为破译慢性高原病发机制提供科学依据
将以上4个句子重新排序,使之与前一部分文字组合完整,语序正确的是: A.①②③④ B.②①③④ C.④③①② D.④①③②
⑥在大多数人眼里,电子传播媒介的崛起常被视为一种进步的标志。将以上6 个句子重新排列,语序正确的一项是: A.⑥②④⑤①③ B.④⑥②⑤①③ C.⑥③④⑤②① D.④⑥②⑤③①
2.【答案】D。解析:文段首句提出西南大石山区恶劣的自然条件。第二句话提出虽然有好政策,但仍有不少农民处于贫困状态。这两句话说明恶劣的自然环境是阻碍大石山区经济发展的原因。文段未将大石山区与外部世界对比,排除A。B、C 两项文中均未提到。本题的正确答案是D。
accountnumber帐 号
depositor存户 pay-inslip存款单 adeposit form存款 单
abanding machine 自动存取机
depositreceipt存款 收据
privatedeposits私人 存款
certificateof deposit 存单
depositbook, passb ook存折
creditcard信用卡 principal本金
overdraft,overdraw 透支
tocounter sign双签 toendorse背书 endorser背书人 tocash兑现
tohonor acheque 兑付
todishonor achequ e拒付
tosuspend payment 止付
cheque,check支票 chequebook支票本 ordercheque记名支 票
bearercheque不记名 支票
crossedcheque横线 支票
blankcheque空白支 票
rubbercheque空头 支票
chequestub, counte rfoil票根
cashcheque现金支 票
traveler'scheque旅 行支票
chequefor transfer 转帐支票
outstandingcheque 未付支票
canceledcheque已 付支票
forgedcheque伪支 票
banker银行家 president行长
savingsbank储蓄银 行
ChaseBank大通银行 Citibank花旗银行
HongkongShanghai BankingCorporation 汇丰银行
CharteredBank ofI ndia,Australia and China麦加利银行
Banquede I'IndoChi ne东方汇理银行
centralbank, nation albank, banker'sba nk中央银行
bankof issue,bank ofcirculation发行币 银行
commercialbank商 业银行,储蓄信贷银行 memberbank, credit bank储蓄信贷银行
discountbank贴现银 行
exchangebank汇兑 银行
requestingbank委托 开证银行
issuingbank, openin gbank开证银行
advisingbank, notify ingbank通知银行 negotiationbank议 付银行
confirmingbank保兑 银行
payingbank付款银 行
associatebanker of collection代收银行 consignedbanker of collection委托银行 clearingbank清算银 行
localbank本地银行 domesticbank国内 银行
overseasbank国外银 行
unincorporatedbank 钱庄
branchbank银行分 行
trusteesavings bank 信托储蓄银行
trustcompany信托公 司
financialtrust金融信 托公司
unittrust信托投资公 司
trustinstitution银行 的信托部
creditdepartment银 行的信用部
commercialcredit co mpany(discountcom pany)商业信贷公司(贴 现公司)
neighborhoodsaving sbank, bankofdep osit街道储蓄所
creditunion合作银 行
creditbureau商业兴 信所
self-servicebank无 人银行
landbank土地银行 constructionbank建 设银行
industrialand comm ercialbank工商银行 bankof communicati ons交通银行
mutualsavings bank 互助储蓄银行
postoffice savingsb ank邮局储蓄银行
mortgagebank, buil dingsociety抵押银 行
industrialbank实业 银行
homeloan bank家宅 贷款银行
reservebank准备银 行
charteredbank特许 银行
correspondingbank 往来银行
merchantbank, acce ptingbank承兑银行
investmentbank投 资银行
importand exportb ank(EXIMBANK)进 出口银行
jointventure bank 合资银行
moneyshop, native bank钱庄
creditcooperatives 信用社
clearinghouse票据 交换所
publicaccounting公 共会计
businessaccounting 商业会计
costaccounting成本 会计
depreciationaccount ing折旧会计
computerizedaccoun ting电脑化会计
generalledger总帐 subsidiaryledger分 户帐
cashbook现金出纳 帐
cashaccount现金帐 journal,day-book日 记帐,流水帐 baddebts坏帐 investment投资 surplus结余
economiccycle经济 周期
economicboom经济 繁荣
economicrecession 经济衰退
economicdepression 经济萧条
economiccrisis经济 危机
economicrecovery 经济复苏
inflation通货膨胀 deflation通货收缩 devaluation货币贬值 revaluation货币增值 internationalbalance ofpayment国际收 支
favourablebalance 顺差
adversebalance逆 差
hardcurrency硬通货 softcurrency软通货 internationalmoneta rysystem国际货币制 度
thepurchasing powe rof money货币购买 力
moneyin circulation 货币流通量
noteissue纸币发行 量
nationalbudget国家 预算
nationalgross produ ct国民生产总值 publicbond公债 stock,share股票 debenture债券
treasurybill国库券 debtchain债务链 directexchange直接(对角)套汇
indirectexchange间 接(三角)套汇
crossrate, arbitrage rate套汇汇率
foreigncurrency(ex change)reserve外汇 储备
foreignexchange flu ctuation外汇波动
foreignexchange cri sis外汇危机
discountrate, bank rate贴现率
goldreserve黄金储 备
money(financial)m arket金融市场
stockexchange股票 交易所
broker经纪人 commission佣金 bookkeeping簿记 bookkeeper簿记员 anapplication form 申请单
bankstatement对帐 单
letterof credit信用 证
strongroom, vault 保险库
equitabletax system 等价税则
specimensignature 签字式样
bankinghours, busin esshours营业时间
Whatkind ofaccountdidyou haveinyour mind? 你想开哪种帐户?
Doyou liketoopena currentaccount? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? Adeposit orcurrentaccount? 定期还是活期?
Pleasetell mehowyouwould liketodeposit yourmoney.请告诉我你想存何种户头?
There'sa servicechargeforthe checkingaccountbut nochargeforthe savings.支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。
Ourminimum depositfora savingsaccountis100 dollars.我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是 100美圆。
Fiveyuan istheminimumoriginal deposit.最低起存款额是 5元。
Youcan openasavingsaccount atanytime withaninitialdeposit of50dollars.你可随时以 50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。Evenone yuanisallright.甚至一元也可以起存。
Hereis yourpasbook.Pleasebring itbackwhenyou depositorwithdraw moneyanytimeyou like.Kee pit wellandinformus wheneveryoulose it.这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。Ishould liketoopena currentaccount.我想开一个活期存款帐户。
Ineed acheckingaccountso thatIcan paymybill.我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。
We'dlike toknowhowwe openachecking-savings account.我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄帐户。Ihave acheckingaccounthere.我在这里有一个支票存款帐户。Ithink I'dlikeadeposit account.我想要开个定期存款帐户。
CanI openacurrentaccount here?