
时间:2019-05-14 07:11:26下载本文作者:会员上传







2、小作文也要多看范文,熟悉道歉信、感谢信、辞职信、求职信等信件类写作方法 注意:句型多变:既有并列句,也有复合句,还有从句。


关于环境问题(雾霾、pm2.5)、信任缺失(扶与不扶)、中国梦或梦想的力量(每个人都有梦想)等等,重点准备。细读历年真题的大作文,你会发现这大作文本身和时事政治练习密切。所以我们在复习的时候要注意留心重大的时事,提前做好相关的准备。比如今年在各种媒体上凸显的一个词汇“低碳”,不论是各种演讲,还是低碳衍生的词汇都逐渐进入人们的眼帘。如低碳生活、低碳经济、低碳出行等。尤其是国务院总理在答记者问的时候说过这样一句“我们今年的主题词很多,其中一个就是低碳经济,最重要的一点就是告诉大家,我们应该享受我们大学生的低碳生活,enjoy low—carbon life,”这是值得注意的一个词汇。



首先,为了避免简单重复,尽量使用同义词和近义词去表述。例如,“增加”可用increase,rise,grow,climb,go up,soar等;“重要”可用important,critical,vital, significant,crucial等。但要注意词汇的准确性,即必须还要考虑适合的语境。例如:眼睛“大”,很显然great,large,huge,vast, titanic, enormous etc,这些“大”修饰眼睛是不恰当的,而只能使用big来修饰。“害怕”用horror,scared,astonished等等代替afraid。

其次,多使用词性变化来丰富自己的表达手段。和汉语一样,变化词性也是丰富英语表达的重要途径,是提高英语水平的重要标志。如果能够用to voice some different opinions 来替代to give/express some different opinions;或to double/triple 来表示翻倍或增加三倍则会使文章在表达上更为形象而生动。

最后,多使用派生形式来点缀文章亮点。英语的构词特点就是使用前缀、后缀来完成灵活多变的语言特色。例如,It is of great importance/help/use/significance来替代it is very important/significant/helpful/useful 本身就是英语水平的一个综合展示。另外,作文中如果能够出现not unnecessary/not unimportant 来表达非常重要或者必要,则更能显示我们的英语功底。



economic globalization(经济全球化),sustainable development(可持续发展),unfaircompetition(不正当竞争),crack down on fake commodities(打假),boom(繁荣),fiercecompetition(激烈竞争),credit crisis(信用危机),stabilize prices(稳定物价)


great and profound(博大精深的),integration and interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),English fever(英语热)


environment-friendly(生态型的,环保的),threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁),promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变),curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution undercontrol(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources(开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy(低碳经济)


science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络),computer crime(电脑犯罪),e-commerce(电子商务),virtual life(虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyberromance(网恋),surf the Internet(网上冲浪)


applicant(申请人),position available/ vacant position(空缺职位),competent(能胜任的),be qualified for(合格的),proficiency(熟练程度),job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利),promotion(晋升),gender-biased(性别歧视的),appearance-biased(相貌歧视的)


cultivate(培养),further one‘s study(深造),quality education(素质教育),fosterabilities(培养能力),relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担),be occupied with somuchschoolwork(忙于功课)place emphasis on(以 „ 为重心),comprehensive(全面的,广泛的),practical capability(实际能力),duck-stuffing(填鸭式)


enlightening(富有启发的),cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视),set goodexample for(为„树立榜样),dedicate(做贡献),take action(采取行动),ensureimplementing activities(确保执行),vulnerable(易诱惑的,易受影响的),be supposed to(应该)





1.When asked about…, most people say… But many other people regard…as… I personally think…

当被问及对……有什么看法时,大多数人认为……但是,还有很多人认为……我个人认为…… 2.When it comes to…, some people think that… Others argue that the opposite is true.There is probably some truth to both arguments, but…

涉及……这一问题,有的人认为应该……另一些人持相反意见www.xiexiebang.comsentreit] v.集中,浓缩

18、Consequently [5kRnsIkwEntlI] adv.从而,因此

19、contribution [7kCntri5bju:FEn] n.捐献,贡献,投稿

20、Convenient [kEn5vi:njEnt] adj.便利的,方便的

21、decline [di5klain] vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落

22、decrease [di:5kri:s] n.减少,减少之量 v.减少

23、demand [di5mB:nd] n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询

24、Depict [di5pikt] vt.描述,描写

25、Duality [dju(5Aliti] n.二元性

26、Economy [i(5kCnEmi] n.经济,节约,节约措施,经济实惠,系统,机体,经济制度的状况

27、education [7edju(5keiFEn] n.教育,训导,训练,培养,教育学

28、effect [i5fekt] n.结果,效果,作用,影响,(在视听方面给人流下的)印象

29、Efficiency [i5fiFEnsi] n.效率,功效

30、Emphasis [5emfEsis] n.强调,重点

31、enjoy [in5dVCi] vt.享受……的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱

32、Enrich [in5ritF] vt.使富足,使肥沃,装饰,加料于,浓缩

33、ensure [in5FuE] vt保证,担保,使安全,保证得到 v.确保,确保,保证

34、Entertain [7entE5tein] vt.娱乐,招待,接受,怀抱 vi.款待

35、Environment [in5vaiErEnmEnt] n.环境,外界

36、Expense [Ik5spens] n.费用,代价,损失,开支,费钱之物

37、fee [fi:] n.费(会费、学费等),酬金

38、figure [5fi^E] n.外形,轮廓,体形,图形,画像,数字,形状,身份

39、finance [fai5nAns,fi-] n.财政,金融,财政学 vt.供给……经费,负担经费 vi.筹措资金

40、fulfill [ful5fil] vt.履行,实现,完成(计划等)

41、GDP abbr.国内生产总值(gross domestic product)

42、Government [5^QvEnmEnt] n.**,<英>内阁,政治,政体

43、healthy [5helWi] adj.健康的,健壮的,有益于健康的

44、Implement [5implimEnt] n.工具,器具 vt.贯彻,实现 v.执行

45、implication [7impli5keiFEn] n.牵连,含意,暗示

46、improve [im5pru:v] v.改善,改进

47、indicate [5indikeit] vt.指出,显示,象征,预示,需要,简要地说明

48、indifferent [In5dIfrEnt] adj.与to连用)不感兴趣的;漠不关心的;不注意的

49、inseparable [In5sepErEb(E)l] adj.不能分离的;不能分开的 50、Internet [5IntEnet] n.〈计〉因特网,互联网

51、Issue [5isju:] n.出版,发行,(报刊等)期、号,论点,问题,结果,(水,血等的)流出 vi.发行,流出,造成……结果,进行辩护,传下

52、maximum [5mAksimEm] n.最大量,最大限度,极大 adj.最高的,最多的,最大极限的

53、Measure [5meVE] n.尺寸,量度器,量度标准,方法,测量,措施 vt.测量,测度,估量,分派,权衡,调节 vi.量

54、Media [5mi:djE] n.媒体

55、million [5miljEn] num.百万,百万个

56、mobilize [5mEubilaiz] v.动员

57、necessity [ni5sesiti] n.必要性,需要,必需品

58、negative [5ne^Etiv] n.否定,负数,底片 adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的

59、Offspring [5RfsprIN] n.(单复数同形)儿女,子孙,后代,产物

60、operation [7CpE5reiFEn] n.运转,操作,实施,作用,业务,工作,手术,军事行动

61、Patient [5peiFEnt] n.病人,患者 adj.忍耐的,耐心的

62、performance [pE5fC:mEns] n.履行,执行,成绩,性能,表演,演奏

63、phenomenon [fi5nCminEn] n.现象

64、pollution [pE5lu:FEn,-5lju:-] n.污染,玷污

65、Popular [5pCpjulE] adj.通俗的,流行的,受欢迎的 66、population [7pCpju5leiFEn] n.人口

67、poverty [5pCvEti] n.贫穷,贫困,贫乏,缺少

68、present [pri5zent] n.赠品,礼物,现在,瞄准 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 69、pressure [`preFE(r)] n.压,压力,电压,压迫,强制,紧迫

70、priority [prai5Criti] n.先,前,优先,优先权

71、producer [prE5dju:sE] n.生产者,制作者,演出人,(电影)制片人

72、Protect [prE5tekt] vt.保护

73、Protection [prE5tekFEn] n.保护

74、Punish [5pQniF] vt.惩罚,处罚

75、quality [5kwCliti] n.质量,品质,性质

76、realize [5riElaiz] vt.认识到,了解,实现,实行

77、reduce [ri5dju:s] vt.减少,缩小,简化,还原

78、relationship [ri5leiFEnFip] n.关系,关联

79、report [ri5pC:t] n.报告,传说

80、Responsible [ris5pCnsEbl] adj.有责任的,可靠的,可依赖的,负责的 81、retailer [5ri:teIlE(r)] n.零售商

82、Reveal [ri5vi:l] vt.展现,显示,揭示,暴露

83、satisfactory [7sAtis5fAktEri] adj.满意的,赎罪的 84、significance [si^5nifikEns] n.意义,重要性

85、similar [5similE] adj.相似的,类似的

86、situation [7sitju5eiFEn] n.情形,境遇,(建筑物等的)位置

87、slogan [5slEu^En] n.口号,标语

88、Source [sC:s] n.来源,水源,消息来源,原始资料,发起者

89、statistic [stE5tIstIk] n.统计数值,统计量

90、steady [5stedi] adj.稳固的,稳定的,坚定的,扎实的,坚定不移的 91、Strategy [5strAtidVi] n.策略,军略

92、Sustainable [sE`steInEbl] adj.可以忍受的,足可支撑的,养得起的 93、totally[5tRt(E)lI] adv.完全地,整全地

94、traffic [5trAfik] n.交通,通行,运输,贸易,交通量,交易,交往,通信量

95、Vividly adv.生动地,鲜明地





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Just as lots of teenagers take to pop music, I love basketball because it's part of my life.I began to play basketball in my childhood.I still remember the good old days when I played with my classmates after school.Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed except that the love of playing basketball remained and it even grew stronger.I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life.When I got tired after office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed.If there were worries and cares from daily life, I went to the sports ground.There everything went away except basketball.In sum, it is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.就像很多年轻人喜欢流行音乐,我喜欢篮球,因为这是我生活的一部分。童年时我开始打篮球。我还记得过去的好时光当我扮演和我的同学在学校。后来,当我慢慢长大,几乎一切都改变了,除了篮球的爱保持甚至变得更强。


二、The Digital Products 数码产品

Nowadays, digital products are enjoying growing popularity among people.Take me for example, the first thing I do after waking up is switch on my cell phone to check my test messages and read the latest news.Then listen to music on my way to school.At the end of the day, I enjoy watching TV programs, or surfing the net.why are we so fond of those digital products? The answer is simple.They are doing us good making our lives comfortable and convenient.These two key factors represent the trend of new inventions of modern age that brings in the wide use of digital products.如今,数字化产品越来越得到大家的欢迎。以我为例,醒来后在我的手机来检查我的测试信息和阅读最新的新闻交换我的第一件事。然后听音乐,在我去学校的路上。在一天结束的时候,我喜欢看电视节目或上网冲浪。


三、The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone use手机使用利弊 With the rapid development of technology, more and more high-tech

products for the life of people brought convenience--mobile phone, which is a.the distance to the family play a greeting call or safe.Customer contact a telephone solution etc, but at the same time, similar to the mobile phone such high-tech products also imperceptibly into human brings a series of negative

effects, mobile phone to listen too much is not good for the ears, mobile phone radiation hazards the health of people, often to play mobile phone also

indifferent and the family of the family.So, this is worthwhile for us to choose, to study.随着科技的迅猛发展,越来越多的高科技产物为人们的生活带来了方便——手机,就是其中一个。给远方家人打一个问候电话或者报平安。客户联系一个电话解诀等等。但在此同时,类似于手机这样的高科技产品也在不知不觉中为人类带来了一系列负面影响,手机听多了对耳朵不好,手机的辐射危害人民的健康,人们经常玩手机也淡泊与家人的亲情。所以,这是值得我们去选择,探讨的问题

四、About TV ads关于电视广告

Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen.It's difficult to find a program without insertion of ads on TV.In a word, whether you like it or not.the advertisement pours into your life.On one hand I think TV ads bring us much convenience and benefits.For manufacturers they make their products known to consumers by advertisement, while for consumers, they can get from TV advertisements the first-hand information about new products, which enables them to make a decision quickly and to choose the one that they like best.As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of TV ads because some of them are interesting and informative.But of course some of them are not trustworthy.Therefore, I think it is really necessary to strengthen the control of advertisements and make them more attractive.现在越来越多的广告出现在电视屏幕上。找到一个程序的电视广告没有插入是很困难的。总之,不管你喜不喜欢广告注入你的生活。



五、About Computer电脑

Nowadays, computers are becoming more and more popular.Computers can help different people in different ways.They can help children with lessons and homework.Help students and scholars do the data query.Analyze data and present the latest achievements.Furthermore, they can assist engineers and experts in the design of a mold, a bridge or a spaceship.Computers can offer fun and entertainment to us with the internet games, movies.And etc.Indeed, computers have become a good companion of man.如今,电脑已经越来越受欢迎。电脑能帮助不同的人以不同的方式。他们可以帮助儿童和家庭作业的经验教训。帮助学生和学者做资料查询。分析数据和目前的最新成果。此外,他们可以协助工程师和专家设计的模具,桥梁或飞船。计算机可以提供有趣和娱乐的网络游戏,电影。等等。实际上,计算机已经成为一个好的伴侣的人。

六、About internet 因特网

Internet has its good as well as bad sides.Internet can help people a lot , but it also has many disadvantage.For example, there are some sexy news and pictures on the website which will not do well to the young people.So young people should learn to get ride of the disadvantages of internet and learn to make use of the advantages that internet brings to us.On the other hand, internet can let me know the outside world, make me informed of daily news, and it has brought joy and interest into my lives , so we should make good use of the internet.网上有好的也有坏的方面。互联网可以帮助很多人,但也有很多缺点。例如,网站上有将不好的年轻人一些性感的新闻和图片。所以年轻人应该学会把因特网的弊端,学会利用网络给我们。另一方面,互联网可以让我知道外面的世界,让我了解每日新闻,和它所带来的欢乐和兴趣进入我的生活,所以我们应该好好利用互联网。

七、Are Parents Best Teachers父母是最好的老师

Parents are the best teachers.Firstly, parents stay with children every day.Children will regard them as examples and learn from them.If the parents are polite, the children will be polite.Secondly, parents influence children with their words and behaviors.If parents always are nice to others and say good words about others, their children will also be kind to other children.If parents are good to old people, when the parents are getting older, the children will be good to them too.To sum up, from what has been discussed above we can draw the conclusion that parents are our best teachers.父母是最好的老师。首先,父母陪孩子的每一天。孩子们将视其为例,从中学习。如果家长有礼貌,孩子就会有礼貌。其次,影响儿童的家长是他们的言语和行为。如果父母总是很好对别人,说别人好话,孩子们也会对其他的孩子好。如果父母是很好的对老人,当父母老了,孩子们会对他们很好的。总之,通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论,父母是我们最好的老师。

八、Changes in life

There have been many changes in my life.With the development of our country, my life is becoming better and better.For clothing, I can buy sorts of pretty clothes.But in the past, there were few clothes in my wardrobe.For food, I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal, rice, noodles or a steamed bun with one or two dishes such as preserved pickles.Nowadays, I can afford any delicious food.For housing, I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat.For getting around, I used to ride a

bike to work.At present, I drive my own car to travel.I believe my life will be even better in the future.在我的生命中有许多变化。随着我国经济的发展,我的生活变得越来越好。对于服装,我可以买各种漂亮的衣服。但在过去,在我的衣橱里有一些衣服。用于食品,我通常吃传统的中国食物,米饭,面条还是馒头一个或两个菜如榨菜。如今,我能支付起任何美味的食物。住房,我已经从一个狭窄的房间一个大而明亮的公寓。为得到,我骑自行车去工作。目前,我开自己的车去旅行。我相信我的生活会更美好的未来。

九、How to Keep Healthy

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.Without a healthy body, we can do nothing.For me, there are three main ways to keep healthy.First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables everyday.Secondly, it’ is important to lake regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on.Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.如今,越来越多的人知道保持健康的重要性。没有一个健康的身体,我们什么也做不了。对我来说,有三种主要的方式来保持健康。



十、Living in a Big City(居住在大城市)

City life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences.Living in a big city, there are many supermarkets or shopping malls so it's very convenient to buy various things.There are also so many restaurants in big city that people can dine out easily.However, with the expansion of the city, some problems appear.As the latest information shows, thousands upon thousands people are flowing into big cities to settle down.Crowded big cites are being confronted with many problems, such as Traffic jam, housing condition and pollution.城市生活是有吸引力的所有优势和便利。生活在大城市,有很多超市或商场,这是买各种东西很方便。也有在大城市的许多餐馆,人们可以外出吃饭很容易。然而,随着城市规模的扩大,出现了一些问题。最新的信息显示,成千上万的人涌向大城市定居下来。拥挤的大城市正面临着许多问题,如交通拥挤,住房条件和污染。

十一、My Hobbies

Different people have different hobbies。I have a lot of hobbies and I benefit from them.In my spare time, I like raising flowers and cycling most.I get lots of knowledge about gardening.I spend several hours on raising flowers every day, which releases my stress and renew my spirit.I also like cycling.Proper physical exercises keep me fit.Cycling in a sunny day is wonderful!My hobbies help me maintain a mental and physical balance and make my life colorful!


十二、My TV university life

I am now engaged in long distance education.The form of study is very

convenient for adult learners like me.I can learn my courses anywhere in my spare time by computer.There are many web-based courses and sources on line.Moreover, I not only use e-mail to send our homework to our tutors but also join online

discussion forums.Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week.The e-learning life is meaningful.I enjoy my TV university life.我现在从事远程教育。研究的形式是成人学习者喜欢我很方便。我可以学习我的课程,在我的业余时间都用计算机。有许多网络课程和在线来源。另外,我不仅用电子邮件把作业发给导师也加入在线讨论论坛。与此同时,困难和难题可以解决在教程一星期一次。网络学习是有意义的。


十三、The advantages of hosting the Olympic Games(举办奥运会的好处)

There are many advantages of hosting the Olympic Games.First, I has a major effect on the economy.It will create many opportunities to develop the economy.Second, thousands of tourists come to the games and the host city will quicken its construction of infrastructure.Third, it can arouse common

people’s interest in English.As a result, it is good for our fellow-citizens to improve their English.Therefore I think hosting the Olympic Games is rewarding.举办奥运会的优点。






一、Help Me to Buy a Spoken English Book





Help Me to Buy a Spoken English Book

Oct.16, 2007

Dear Li Hua,It's long time since we haven't seen each other.I miss you very much.How's everything going on with you?I am busy preparing PETS 4.I was wondering if you could help me buy PETS 4 English oral textbook published by the Beijing Press, because the books were sold out here.Drop in when you are free.I often think of those happy days we spent together at university.Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book.My best wishes.Yours,Wang Lei

二、Bad Manners in Public




Bad Manners in Public

Although we consider ourselves as highly advanced beings living in a civilized society, bad manners can still be found here and there.For example, some cyclists run the red traffic lights, many passengers litter waste papers and plastic bags in public places, and some tourists scrabble in tourist attractions, let alone spit on the street.In the cinema, some audience talk loudly on cell phones in front of others.三、My Opinion on Cell PhonesI'm strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behaviour shows no respect at all to others;what's worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.1.使用手机的好处;




My Opinion on Cell Phones

Cell phones do play an important role in people's daily life, but every coin has two sides.To start with, a wireless mobile phone is convenient for the user at any time to contact others.Secondly, it's a helpful companion.With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily surf the net, downloading what he needs.However, the cell phone has many disadvantages.For one thing, the machine itself is very expensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention its global service.For another, the radiation transmitted from the mobile phones might do harm to the user's health.四、My Favorite TV Program




My Favorite TV Program

The News Broadcast is my favorite TV program.This has become a part of my life because almost everyday I turn on the TV at7:00 pm, watching CCTV 9 news program.Watching the daily news brings me the following benefits.Firstly, it develops my good language skills, proper pronunciation and greater knowledge and understanding of news around the world.Secondly, watching TV news as a family opens a stage for discussion between family members on a wide variety of topics.What's more, sharing the news helps kids better understand the world they live in, helps them learn more on different views and on how to act or respond to tough situations if they face it.All in all, watching the news program is informative, communicative and instructive.五、Can Money Buy Happiness?




Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can Money Buy Happiness? The answer varies among people.Some believe that money is In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply, its development will have a brighter future.Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.the source of happiness, because money provides food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, and clothes for the needy.While others hold that money is the root of evils, because it is the devil of money that drives a person to lie, cheat, steal, and, worst of all, to murder.In my opinion, money is essential to being well-off, but not necessarily to well-being.Happiness is a state of mind, not something that can be bought.All in all, happiness is less a matter of buying what we want than a wanting what we have.六、The Digital Products




The Digital Products

Nowadays, digital products are enjoying growing popularity among people.Take me for example, the first thing I do after waking up is switch on my cell phone to check my text messages and read the latest news.Then listen to music on my iPod on my way to school.At the end of the day, I enjoy watching TV programs, or surfing the net.Why are we so fond of those digital products? The answer is simple.They are doing us good---making our lives comfortable and convenient.These two key factors represent the trend of new inventions of modern age that brings in the wide use of digital products.七、写作


上星期天你打电话叫Jack和你去公园。在公园你们看见……,你们玩得很高兴。get up late;call;get to;many people;do exercise;read;lake;fly


Last Sunday, I called Jack to go to the park with me.I got up late.We got to the park near our school on foot.We saw many people there.Some old people were doing exercise.Some middle-aged couples were dancing.Some young people were reading.The park was big and there was a large lake in it.It was such a beautiful day.Some children were flying kites.Jack and I also joined them.It was so much fun.We enjoyed ourselves very much.八、写作


内容提示:假如你叫张琳,你昨天(4月7日)在放学回家的路上发生了交通事故,你从自行车上摔了下来,被好心人及时送到了医院,医生叫你卧床休息三天,特此请假(ask for a sick leave)






To: Mrs.Zhang, Head teacher

From: Zhang Lin

Date: 7th, April

Subject: Sick Leave

Mrs.Zhang,I would like to know if I could ask for a sick leave of absence from April 8th to 10th.Yesterday I had a car accident on my way home.I was riding a bicycle to turn right when a motorcycle suddenly rushed towards me.I was hit by the motorcycle and fell down from the bike.The driver disappeared soon.Luckily, some warm-hearted women sent me to the nearby hospital.I had bruises on my arms and legs, but my bones were not hurt.The doctor asked me to lie on bed for three days.Therefore, I ask for a sick leave for three days.九、写作


明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)。具体内容如下:








Fellow students,Thank you!



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