旁白 :Long ago, there lived a girl.The poor girl had to work day and night.She must sleep in the kitchen.She wearied dirty clothes.All of them called her cinders for Cinderella.Her mother had died and her father(旁白停顿,父亲出场并向观众致意,飞吻等)he had married again, but he was happy all the time, His new wife(旁白停顿,继母出场并向观众致意,摆酷,扭动前行等)sexy, but cruel‟;he had two daughters(旁白停顿,两个姐姐出场并向观众致意等).They are as bad as their mother.父亲出场后就座中间椅子上。(摆酷,显示自己在家庭中的地位极高)继母怀抱宠物狗上场最后向灰姑娘父亲方向前行,即将到达时父亲赶紧起身卑微地跑前迎接并搀扶,待继母就坐后捶背、捶腿,进一步显示其家庭地位低。两个女儿出场并向观众致意后前行到自己座椅处默默洗碗、做针线活(不情愿的,动作笨拙)。
旁白:However, we‟ll show you a different play today.(换背景音乐2)She is so strong, and smart.Especially she is good at sport.Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺)剧务给灰姑娘传球。
Now, she is playing basketball.(灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮)
Now, she is practicing Chinese gongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒(对手,被击打后退))
This is her----Cinderella 灰姑娘(怒,看旁白):Do you finish?
旁白 :(结巴)O…Ok,con…continue, even she is perfect, she still can‟t escape the poor life, Why? That is-----(此时音乐关掉,无背景音乐)
继母(怒): Hey!You!, wash clothes!灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes, Mom I do it right now.一姐将盆碗碰得乱响: you!, wash dishes.Quickly, Quickly, 灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes, ok!此时二姐手持针线缝衣,刺手,尖叫:ah, my finger!I don‟t do this any more.!You do it!(将衣服扔向灰姑娘)灰姑娘(悲腔):Oh,I am very tired everyday!Maybe I am the poorest girl in the world.Mom loves that dog than me.(举牌的同时父亲退场)第一幕
布置三把椅子 灰姑娘在帮后母按摩肩膀,一姐在写作业,二姐做针线。侍卫敲门送传单
侍卫:Good afternoon, this is the notice, here you are.二姐 :Mom, Mom, Look!Good news.继母:what‟s it? 二姐(兴奋的):The King is going to have a party.The Prince will look for a wife.一姐(托腮):I must be chosen, I am the most beautiful girl in the world.二姐(凭空跳舞):No, Not you.I have the charming shape, I am the Queen.(两姐争吵起来,继母从女儿手中拿过传单,亲吻传单)
继母 : Stop!Both of you!(继母站起上前分开争吵的两个女儿)Make up yourself now!We don‟t have enough time!(瞪灰姑娘)Cinderella, what are you doing? Come to help your sisters!
灰姑娘 :OK, I will.But, mom, mom, Can I go with you------(三人敛神,诧异互视,哈哈耻笑灰姑娘)
继母:you!(注意重语气)Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly!Go away!(推倒灰姑娘,灰姑娘不情愿地跑向拖把处继续干家务)
一姐(发愁的,偷瞄灰姑娘,哭):Oh, my God!I forgot Kathy‟s homework.She gave us a lot of homework.I can‟t finish what should I do?
二姐(拿书,指,附和):Oh, Yes, Yes.Look, exercise A, exercise B------(偷瞄灰姑娘,哭)Oh, my God!Oh, my party!My Prince!My happiness!灰姑娘(慌乱,安慰):My sisters, don't cry!I always do the homework for you, of course tonight!
继母:my daughters, are you ready? 一姐/二姐:ok, Let‟s go!
(背景音乐3)(三人离开,灰姑娘望着院里的背影双手捂脸哭泣)灰姑娘 :Dear my friends, I want to go, what shall I do? 第二幕
(仙女骑着一把几乎掉光了的扫把登场)旁白 :Oh, 哈里波特!(仙女撞到灰姑娘)(此时关掉背景音乐3。)灰姑娘(怒):Who are you ?
仙女(得意):I am the best witch, and the most beautiful witch.I can give you all the things you wish.灰姑娘 : Really? Do you know King‟s party? I want to go, but------(低头看自己的破衣服)
仙女(大笑):Don‟t worry.It is easy for me!Look, clothes, shoes, car-----衣服出现时用手帕变魔术,变衣服出来,需要准备好魔盒。灰姑娘(面露欣喜,扑向鞋子):Oh, how beautiful glass shoes!仙女 :Put it on, and go!灰姑娘准备穿好裙子。第三幕(改动较多,请仔细阅读)国王就座 准备好水晶鞋提前放于场内
((富丽堂皇的大厅里,音乐飘扬,(严肃)但是士兵在跳disco 国王(严肃): quietly!(背景音乐停止)侍卫(击杖):Welcome the Prince.(大家鼓掌,欢呼)王子出场,侍卫恭请。
国王:Today I will choose a beautiful, slim, humorous girl for my son----(转身,指向王子), strong, tall, and brave!侍卫(击杖):Welcome the ladies!众女士(包括两姐及无角色人员):How lively!How handsome!(做陶醉状,冲向前,将王子团团围住)(播放背景音乐5)
(两姐妹分别邀请王子跳舞,两姐妹:May I ask you for a dance?王子和她们两个分别跳了,但是跳一遍吐一次)(播放背景音乐6,灰姑娘上场)(兴奋的旋转着,环顾四周):wow beautiful!Amazing!Wonderful!王子从人缝中看见灰姑娘,一边说着一边奋力冲向灰姑娘:how beautiful a girl, my dreaming girl.灰姑娘与王子两人四目凝视,(全场肃静,此时关掉背景音乐6)灰姑娘既害羞又激动状。
王子真诚邀请灰姑娘跳舞:would you like to dance with me, beautiful girl? 灰姑娘:it is my pleasure.二人翩翩起舞….国王表情由吃惊转为惊喜,大笑一声同时高喊,music, go!((播放背景音乐7-西班牙斗牛士》)
(王子与灰姑娘共舞,突然手机铃声响起(电话由仙女打来),一直响到王子与灰姑娘摆完造型后。停止音乐 7)王子 :Who‟s phone?
灰姑娘 :Oh, it‟s my phone!(掏手机接电话)This is Cinderella speaking!仙女 :It‟s 12‟clock, game will be over, come back quickly!Or you‟ll change back!(开始敲钟)
灰姑娘 :Oh, I must go!(慌忙中跑掉了一只鞋)
王子(捡起鞋,追):Wait!Wait!Your name, your phone number!王子(注视姑娘远去,悲情):I‟ve lost her!第四幕
灰姑娘换回衣服继续打扫卫生,两个姐姐在默声打扑克。音乐:(播放背景音乐8,不要太大声)旁白 : Since the party, Prince fall in love with Cinderella, the Prince decided to look for the mysterious girl.-(在说这段的同时,王子最好能表演一下悲伤,思念的情绪,比如说拿着灰姑娘拉下的鞋子叹气)He issued a notice, “Whoever the glass shoe fits, shall be wife to the Prince!”(王子带着士兵到处找人试鞋)
旁白 :Later, the Prince come to Cinderella „s home.(此时关掉背景音乐)
士兵敲门(抬手敲门口中发出咚咚声):is anybody here? 一姐(:开门动作并模拟发出开门声)Oh, here, my god!The Prince is coming, he is so handsome!He is so cool!
士兵们进门(拿着鞋):Please try the glass shoe.(两姐妹正抢): Oh, it is my shoe!------Oh, it is my shoe!
(士兵夺过鞋,递给大姐): You first!(大姐拿过鞋,却怎么也穿不进去)士兵 : Stop doing that.Your foot is too long, you will break the shoe!
二姐(得意):I said, it is my shoe.(抢过鞋,试穿,费了九牛二虎之力终于穿上,走开来)
二姐 : too small!(甩掉鞋,蹲下揉脚,鞋飞到灰姑娘身上)(灰姑娘拿着鞋仔细端详)beautiful shoes 继母朝灰姑娘(怒吼): Why are you here? Back to kitchen!Wash the dishes!灰姑娘:Yes mom.王子: Wait!Every girl must try!You(王子指向灰姑娘), please.继母 : She is very dirty!It couldn‟t be hers!
王子(欢呼):Oh, it fits you very well!I found you!(王子和灰姑娘拥在一起,抱着旋转起来退场)(此时播放背景音乐8.5)
结束画面:灰姑娘的爸爸上场,对着镜头无奈地哭泣着:wait , wait!I am Cinderella‟s father, why not let me take part in the interesting party,55555(做捶胸嚎啕大哭状,最好坐地上蹬腿)灰姑娘和王子上场搀扶起父亲:dear my father, don‟t grieve, we love you for ever!(父亲变为抽泣)
旁白 :The Prince was happy to find her, and on a bright sunny day, he and Cinderella were married.They lived happily ever after!(此时播放背景音乐9,但是声音不要盖过演员的说话)
大家依次上场排好队(二排),准备谢幕!领队起头说:learning with METHOD 大家一起:(声音洪亮,整齐清晰)Learning with METHOD We will be the best!Oh yeah!
母:你想要的话就跟我说嘛,你要是不说我怎么知道你想要呢,你想要的话我又怎么会不给你呢,你不说的话,我是不会知道你想要的,这样不就冤枉了为母吗?所以说,以后你想要的话,就一定要对我说,我是不会不给你的,如果你想要„„ 灰:什么乱七八糟的,听不懂。
母:哎呀妈呀,俺咋没想到呢,小样儿,I’m proud of you!(下)旁白:这一切都被躲在一旁的灰姑娘听到了,她深知自己不能参加party,于是心情超级无敌郁闷。(王子在一旁做洗澡状)灰:今夜我又来到你的窗外,窗帘儿上你的影子多么可爱。王子(打了一个喷嚏):讨厌了啦,谁又在想人家了啦。(王子下)旁白:这时,一个小精灵出现了。
(小精灵上场蹦蹦跳跳走两圈,走到场中央再转一圈)小精灵:come on,baby,you love him,don’t you? 灰姑娘:小样儿,你就不能说中文啊。
小精灵:移动用户请编辑短信“王子王子我爱你,就像老鼠爱大米”至110,联通用户请编辑短信 „„ 灰姑娘:打住,我这么穷,哪来的手机啊。
小精灵:OK,Let’s make it a deal!我借给你法宝三件,有请我们的礼仪小姐上场!
小精灵:记住,12点之前必须回来,否则„„ 灰姑娘:怎样?
小精灵: 12点之后,所有这些都会消失,除了水晶鞋以外,所以„„(向左右看看),我告诉你一条密计(悄悄说着什么)!(下)旁白:激动人心的一天终于来到了,灰姑娘戴着张靓颖牌迷死人假睫毛,穿着金光星牌不显胖苗条晚礼服,蹬上陈水扁牌踩贬你水晶鞋,兜里揣着李登辉牌你等会儿手纸上路了。而这一切,她同父异母的妹妹和她那母夜叉一样的后母还全然不知。
妹:妈咪,我们就这样把她丢在家里,是不是有点„„ 妈:这很公平啊。妹:做人要厚道。妈:如果你再这样说,那么我要告诉你,妈咪很生气,后果很严重。吾意已决,毋庸赘言!
王子(见到灰):妹子,我们是不是见过? 灰姑娘:也许吧。
灰:oh my god!王子,虽然我很舍不得你,但我得走了,886!王:嘿,你还没吃东西!(追向跑走的灰)(礼仪小姐把一张写着水晶鞋的纸放在地上)
超级搞笑小品剧本;大话西游之千年等一会 演员:
小白:xxx 许仙:xxx 法海:xxx 法海徒弟:xxx 傻蛋:xxx 小青:xxx 保洁:xxx 小弟:xxx 帮 众:传菜部男生 导演:xxx 简介:本小品为现代版大话西游之千年等一会。看点--------超级搞笑
桌子:1张 男西服:3套 宝剑:1把 凳子:2把 男风衣:1件 雨伞:1把 招牌:1块
女西服:1套 大扫把:1把 墨镜:1副 女部长服:1套 口罩:1个 火机:1个 烟 :5根
炮竹:1个 棒棒糖:15个 A4纸:5张《打好:鼓掌和再鼓掌》 锅:一个 缠章:一个
{放背景音乐“大哥”许仙出场} 许仙:要烟动作 小弟A:递烟 小弟B:上火
小弟A:棒哥,前面新开了家公司,要不我去给你收点保护费? 许仙:做去的动作
小青:钱???哪个钱?小品剧本 小弟A:q i a n 钱的钱!小青:哦`````!是收保护费的啊!
小弟A:对,小妞识相点的话,赶快拿钱,不然对你不客气。小青:你是要金银首饰.还是要人民币.韩币.日元.美元还是欧元? 小弟A:只要是钱统统拿来。小青:要钱没有要命一条。小弟A:我看你是欠揍。《拿出刀开始吓唬小青》 小青:傻蛋 傻蛋:有
许仙:给小弟A一巴掌说:“傻蛋,收个保护费都收不来,真是个废物,养着你们有什么用,今天我就教教你们怎么收保护费。大家好,本人姓许,名:仙 字汉文,正所谓神见神爱,人见人嗨,车见爆胎,那说的就是在下。自从我跟我娘子因为那些见不得人的事情分居后,我也不开药铺了,那生意挣不了几个钱,经过别人的煽动进了黑社会,因为我在帮里出色的表现,现在已经是棒棒糖帮的老大。人称:棒哥。唱歌:“棒棒糖呀!棒棒糖呀!甜又甜,甜又甜,你呀放到嘴里,你呀放到嘴里,《做添棒棒糖状要发出声音》。-----《广告次语气》只要加入我帮,你---就有吃不完的棒棒糖,你--还在犹豫什么,心动不如行动,赶快加#from 本文来自学优高考网,转载请保留此链接!。《接过小青的宝剑》
法海:我许文强又回来了,哎!太投入了,自己是谁都忘了,大家好,我是法海,我是不是比以前帅多了,----------是不是```````。看我长的美国人的眼睛,法国人的鼻子,日本人的小脸,俄罗斯人的身材。《许仙在后面说:我以为多帅呢?原来是八国联军造的啊!》既然大家说我帅!我就为大家唱首歌,祝大家新年快乐,歌曲“哦-里-有,能拌我取经,哦-里-有你要统统嫁给我,哦-里-有````````` 法海徒弟:师傅,师傅你老年痴呆怔又犯了!
《小青小白做害怕状跺在许仙后面》 小白:相公,法海来了,我好怕怕。
法海:果然有妖怪。哈哈还是美女蛇,今天晚上有人陪了。《流口水》 小青:傻蛋,有人闹事上。《傻蛋被打跑》 许仙:你们俩上。《小弟AB上又被打跑》 小弟B:大哥,法海太厉害我们人不够叫人吧!许仙:奶奶的,叫人。
法海:我投降我投降!我今天不是来抓你们的,我今天是路过。行行好放了我吧!小白:相公,你真棒,《亲一口》 法海求饶了,也不抓我们了,就放了他吧!《法海被放出》
白 : long long ago, there lived a girl.Her mother had died and her father had married again,His new wife had two daugters.They are so bad as their mother.The poor girl had to work day and night.She must sleep in the kitchen.She weared drity clothes.All of them called her cinders for Cinderella.However, we’ll show you a different play today.(灰姑娘昂首挺胸帅气十足地上场)
旁白 :She is so strong, and smart.Especially she is good at sport.Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺,旁边老师读秒:11’9)
Now, she is playing basketball.(灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮)
Now,she is practicing Chinese gongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒)
This is her----Cinderella
灰姑娘(怒,看旁白):Do you finish?
旁白 :Ok(结巴)continue, even she is perfect, she still can’t escape the poor life, Why? That is-----
继母(假装洗衣服):How cold the water!I’m too old to do anything, My leg is so painful.(灰姑娘默,从继母手中拿过洗衣盆)
二姐(奔入,扬动手中传单):Mom, Mom, Look!There are some leaflets.I got them on the street.The King is having a party.The Prince will look for a wife.一姐(托腮):I must be choosen, I am the most beautiful girl in the world.二姐(凭空跳舞):No, Not you.I have the charming shape, I am the Queen.(两姐争吵起来,继母从女儿手中拿过传单,亲吻)
继母 :Oh, baby.Stop.You two are the most beautiful girls in our country.He will probably choose one of you.Come on , make up yourself.We haven’t enough time!(瞪灰姑娘)Cinderella, what are you doing? Come here, help your sisters!
灰姑娘 :OK, I will.But, mom, can I go to the party tonight? I want to------
一姐 :Oh, my God!I forgot Tim’s homework.He gave us a lot of homework..I can’t finish, what should I do ?
二姐(拿书,指,附和):Oh, Yes, Yes.Look, execise A, excise B, excise C, excise D, excise E, Oh, planning tree, essay, study plan------(偷瞄灰姑娘,哭)Oh, my God!Oh, my party!My Prince!My happyness!and the country’s future!
灰姑娘(慌乱,安慰):My sisters, don't cry!I always do the homework for you, of course tonight!(母女三人一通忙乱后): Goodbye, our lively girl!
旁白 :Oh, 哈里波特!
灰姑娘(怒):Who are you ?
魔女(得意):I am the best witch, and the most beautiful witch.I can give you all the thing you
wish.灰姑娘 : Really? Do you kown King’s party? I want to go, but------(低头看自己的破衣服)魔女(大笑):Don’t worry.It is easy for me!Look, clothes, shose,car-----
灰姑娘(面露欣喜,扑向鞋子):Oh, how beautiful glass shoses!
魔女 :Wear it, and go!
侍卫(击杖):Welcome the Prince.(鼓掌,欢呼)
国王(严肃): Please be quiet!As everybody knows, today I will chooes a beautiful, slim, homorous, and long hair girl for my son----(转身,指向王子),handsome, strong, tall, and brave!(王子做害羞状)
众女士 :How lively!How handsome!(做陶醉状,冲向前,将王子团团围住)
(此时,飞出一女,持扇 “杀出一条血路”)
王子 :Who’s phone?
灰姑娘 :Oh, it’s my phone!(掏手机边跳舞,边接电话)This is Cinderella, speaking!
魔女 :It 12’clock, game will be over, come back quickly!Or you’ll change back!(开始敲钟)灰姑娘 :Oh, I must go!(慌忙中跑,掉了一只鞋)
王子(检起鞋,追):Wait!You forget give me you name, and you phone number!
王子(注视姑娘远去,悲情):I’ve lost her!
旁白 : Since the party, Prince fall in love with Cinderella, the Prince decided to look for the mysterious girl.He issued a proclamation, “Whoever the glass shoe fits, shall be wife to the Prince!”
士兵 :Please try the shoe!(女士甲试鞋)Oh, your foot is too big!
士兵 :Please try the shoe!(女士乙试鞋)Oh, my God, what a terrible smell!Of coures not you!旁白 :A t lat, the Prince come to Cinderella ‘s home.(两姐站在门口,花痴状):Oh, the Prince is coming, he is so handsome!He is so cool!士兵(拿着鞋):Please try the galss shoe.(两姐妹正抢): Oh, it is my shoe!------Oh, it is my shoe!
(士兵夺过鞋,递给大姐): You first!(大姐拿过鞋,却怎么也穿不进去)
士兵 : Stop doing that.You foot is too long, you will break the shoe!
二姐(得意):I said, it is my shoe.(抢过鞋,试穿,费了九牛二虎之力终于穿上,走开来)二姐 : ****, too small!(甩掉鞋,蹲下揉脚,鞋飞到灰姑娘身上)
继母(怒吼): Why are you here? Back to kitchen!Wash the dishes!
士兵 : Wait!Every girl must try!
继母 : She is drity!It is couldn’t be her!(灰姑娘默,轻松的穿上了鞋)
王子(欢呼):Oh, it fits!I found you!(王子和灰姑娘拥在一起)
旁白 :The Prince was delighted to found her, and on a bright sunny day, he and Cinderella were merried.They lived happily ever after!
灰姑娘Cinderella 英文表演剧本
第一场 国王KING 和公爵DUKE King: Duke!公爵
Duke : your majesty 陛下
King : I „m worried about the princes marriage 我非常担扰王子的婚事。
Duke : But, but ,but ….但是。
King: No ,”buts” my son has been avoiding his responsibilities long enough.It”s high time he married and settled down.没有但是,我的儿子躲避他的责任已经很久了,该到他成婚安家的时候了。
Duke : Of course ,your majesty ,But you must be patient.当然,陛下,但是你必须要有耐心。
King :I am patient!But I‟m not getting any younger ,I want to see my grandchildren before I go 我己经很耐心了!但是我不再年轻了,我想在临死之前看到我的孙子。
Duke: I understand sir.我明白
King: No ,no you don‟t know what it means to see your only child grow farther and farther ,and farther away from you I‟m …I „m.lonely in this old palace.不,不,你不明白,我的意思是如果看着你唯一的孩子慢慢的长大然后离你越来越远,只有我一个人孤单的呆在宫里。
Duke : Now ,now your majesty ,perhaps if we just let him alone… 现在,陛下,也许我们应该让他独立起来
King :let him alone? With his silly romantic ideas? 让他独立?就他那些愚蠢的不切合实际的浪漫想法?
Duke : But ,but sir ,in matters of love..但是,但是,与爱有关……
King :love? Ha ,just a boy meeting a girl under the right conditions.So we are arranging the “conditions” 爱?那只是一个男孩儿在某个特殊的条件下遇见到一个女孩,所以我们要制造一个所谓的条件
Duke : Yes ,sir ,very well, I‟ll arrange a ball for the prince.是的陛下,我这就去安排一个舞会。
King: Tonight!今晚如何
Duke: Yes sir tonight!是的陛下,就今晚。
二场(信使,灰姑娘,继母,两位继姐姐Gina,Amy。两只老鼠。Jack , Gus)
Courier信使 : Open!Open!Open the door,please!in name of the king, an urgent message from his majesty.开门,这有从宫里传来的圣旨。
Cinderella :Thank you.谢谢 Jack: From the king what does it say ,Cinderella? 从宫里来的。写着什么。
Gus :what does it say? 看看说什么?
Cinderella: I don‟t know ,he said it‟s urgent, this just arrived from the palace.我不知道,他说很急是从宫里来的。
Gina and Amy: From the palace? 从宫里的
Gina: give it here!Cinderella,give me that 把它给我。
Amy: Give me.把它给我Stepmother:Give me!I „ll read it ,well.给我,我看看。There „s to be a ball..? a palace ball?将会有一个宫里办的舞会。
G&A: A ball? A palace ball? I can‟t believe it, 一个舞会,我真不敢相信
G: how wonderful.,太好了
A: that‟s dream,这是在做梦吗
Sm: In honor of his highness ,the prince, 为庆祝那至高无上的王子
Together: oh ,the prince, 王子
Sm: By,rayal command ,every single girl is to attend ,国王的旨意,每一个单身女子都有要出席。
G: why ,that‟s us!那不就是我们
A: I „m just the right one, 我是最合适一个。
Cin:why, that meams I can go,too, 为什么,意思是我也可以去。
G:ha!Her dancing with the prince? 和王子跳舞。
A:I „d be honored ,your highness ,would you mind holding my broom? 我很荣幸,殿下,你介意拿着我的扫帚吗?
Cin:why not? After all, I „m still a member of the family 为什么不能,毕竟我仍是这个家的一员啊.Sm: Yes, so it does ,well, I see no reason,why you can‟t go ,if you get all your work done and if you can find something to wear.是的,我看没什么理由你不能去,如果你把活全做完,如果你能找到什么能穿的衣服。
Cin: I „m sure , I can ,oh, thank you , stepmother, 我保证,我能做完,谢谢妈妈 G&A:Monther ,do you really promise her?妈妈,你真的承诺她?
Sm: of course, I said”if” 当然,我是说:如果“ G&A:oh “if”如果
Cin: Isn‟t it lovely? It was my mother‟s.多可爱啊,她就是我的妈妈
Gus:but the dress is old.但是裙子太旧了,Jack: maybe it is a little old fashioned, 大概,有点过时了
Gus and jack: we can change it ,shorten the sleeves, make something for the collar and there are… 我们可以改变它,把袖子变短,给领子加点东西,再改改。。
A:Cinderella,Cin:oh ,now what they want? 他们想要什么?
A: Cinderella,take my dress ,here, mend the buttonholes.把我的裙子拿来,改改扣眼,G:Cinderella, wash my clothes.把我衣服洗了。
Stmon: Cinderella when you‟re through, you should iron these clothes.你都做完的时候把这些衣服烫好。
Cin: Yes stepmother, 是的妈妈
Gus&jack: Cinderella look!Try it on oh how pretty you are!灰姑娘,看,多漂亮
G&A: mother we are ready!妈妈我们准备好了
Stmo: Now remember if the prince….现在记住,如果王子。。
Cin: wait ,please wait for me, 等下我。
G: oh ,mother ,look!She‟s wearing mine, it‟s mine, you witch,妈妈,看她穿的是我的,我的,你是巫女吗
Cin: don‟t please!不要
A: this is mine ,you kitchen wench!这是我的,你这个厨娘 Stemo: girls,girls,that‟s quite enough, both of you ,I won‟t have you upsetting yourselves, good night,Cinderella孩子们,安静,我要求你们不要绕乱自己,再见,CINDERLLA 三 灰 盖GUS,杰JACK,教母GODMOTHER
Cinderella: no no ,it isn‟t true ,it‟s just no use no use at all, I can‟t believe ,ont anymore,there is nothing left to believe in nothing,不,不,不是真的,我真不敢相信,现在没有什么可能穿的出去了。
Godmother: nothing my dear? Oh,now you don‟t really mean that ,dry those tears,you can‟t go to the ball looking like that.没什么我的孩子,那不是真的,擦掉眼泪,你不能那样去舞会。
Cin: the ball? But I „m not…舞会但是,我不能 Gm: of course, you are ,but you have to hurry, miracles take a little time,当然,你可以,但是你必须快,奇迹般的利用这点时间,Cin: miracle?奇迹
Gm: wait and look!Bibbidi bobbidi… 等一下,看
G&A: oh a beautiful dress,一件漂亮的裙子
Gm: bibbidi….And look!Glass slippers!看,玻璃鞋。
Cin: why, it‟s like a dream ,a wonderfull ,dream come true,为什么,像梦一样,非常美的梦,梦是真实的,Gm:Yes ,my child ,but like all dreams, well, this can‟t last forever, you‟ll have it only till midnight,and then…是的我孩子,但是这不是永远的,你只能在牛夜之前拥有他,Cin: midnight,? Oh thank you.牛夜,谢谢,星沙英语
Gm: no no , no just a minute ,you must understand, my dear, on the stroke of 12 everything will be as it was , before,不,不,只是一分钟,你必须明白,我亲爱的,当敲响12点钟时,一切都会还原的。
Cin: oh ,I underst and, good night,我明白,再见
Gm: good night, my child.再见我的孩子
四 午会上,卫士 贵族小姐,王子,国王,Prince: oh the girl of my dreams, who she is ,where”s she from? When she came…?我梦中的姑娘在哪,从哪里来,什么时候来
G&A :but who is she ,mother ? do we know her?她是谁,妈妈,我们认识她吗?
G: the prince certainly seems to…王子当然会
A: but I know I have never seem her.但是我从没见过她。
Stepm: nor do I , but ,she certainly is … Wait!There is something familiar about her 我也是,但是她应该是,等等,有些地方和她很像。.Prince: so this is love , so this is love ,so this is what life worthwhile and now I know …the key to a Heaven is mine ,my heart has wings, and I can fly ,I‟ll touch every star in the sky,.I „ve been dreaming of…so thiS is love 这就是爱,所以这就是爱,这就是生命的真正价值,现在我知道了……我已经拥有了通往天堂的钥匙,我的心有了翅膀,我能够飞翔,我即将触摸到天空中的每颗星星,我一直都梦想象现在这样……这就是爱
Cin: oh my goodness我的天 Prince: what‟s the matter?什么事 Cin: it‟s midnight.到牛夜 Prince,: no no ,wait!You can‟t go now, it‟s only不不,等等,你不能走,Cin: oh I must please ,please , I must!我必须走,马上离开
Prince: but why?但是为什么? Cin: well, I … I … oh the prince, I haven‟t met the prince,我,我,王子,我还没见过王子。Prince: a prince? But didn‟t you know…王子,但是你不知道。。.Cin: goodbye!再见 Prince: no wait!Come back!Please,come back!I don‟t even know your name!how will I find you? Wait!please wait!不等等,回来,请回来,我还不知道你的名字,我怎么找到你,请等等。
五,DUKE,KING Duke: your majesty, I see no point in beating about the bush ,the young lady disappeared ,leaving behind only this glass slipper.陛下,别做无用功了,那个女士已经不见了,留下的只有这只玻璃鞋。
King: who is she? Where did she live? 她是谁,住哪?
Duke: but I didn‟t get a chance…但是我没有机会知道
King: what did you say? You mean you know onthing about the lady? 你说什么,你的意思是关于她的你什么都有不知道。
Duke: Yes ,it‟s true, sir ,all we could find was this glass slipper , the prince swears he‟ll marry none but the girl who fits this slipper.是的,我们要找到鞋的主人,王子只娶能穿这只鞋的人
Cin‟s home:灰姑娘的家
Stepm: Cinderella , Cinderella ,where is that,东西在哪? CINDERELLA Cin: Yes? Here I am.什么事,我在这
Stepm: don‟t stand there!Brings up the breakfast trays at once!and hurry!别站着那把盘子摆好,快
Stepm: oh hurry now, he‟ll be here any minute 快点,我没时间了。
A: who will?谁要来,Sm: the grand duke ,he‟s been hunting all night, 公爵要寻找一晚上,G: hunting?寻找
Sm: for that girl ,the one who lost her slipper at the ball last night, they say the prince is madly in love with her, the glass slipper is their only clue , now the duke has been ordered to try it on every girl in the kingdom ,there is still a chance,寻找在昨天晚会上丢失玻璃鞋的女孩,他们说王子要娶她,玻璃鞋是唯一的线索,公爵要让王国里的每个女孩子都试穿这双鞋,这是一个机会,G&A: We know ,mother,我明白妈妈
Jack and gus: he‟s h ere , he‟s here, duke? 在这,公爵。
Sm: girls , now ,remember, this is your last chance, don‟t fail me,孩子们,记住,这是你们最后的机会,Guards: announcing , his imperial grace , the grand duke, 报……尊贵的大臣驾到!
Sm: you honor our humble home, may I present my daughters….是您另我们家熠熠生辉,我可以让我的女儿们出来了吗?
G: why, that‟s my slipper!为什么,那是我的鞋
A: well, I like that!It‟s my slipper!我喜欢这是我的鞋
Gus&jack: no no, no,cinderella‟s slipper.不不是灰姑娘的
Sm: girls,girls, your manner, a thousand pardons ,your grace.孩子人注意你们的举止
G&A: mother ,help….Help…妈妈帮帮我
Duke: you are the only ladies in the house here, 你们是这座房子就仅仅你们几位女士,Sm: there is no one else, your grace.没有了
Duke: quite so, good day, good day,那好,打扰了
Cin: your Grace, your Grace, please wait, may I try it on?等等到,我可以试试吗
Sm: oh ,pay no attention to her, it‟s only Cinderella, our maid , from the kitchen.不必在意他,他只是一个干活的丫头
G&A: she is out of her mind, 她脑袋不清楚
Sm: Yes, just an imaginative chilD是的,只是一个爱做白日梦的女孩
Duke: madam, my orders were:every maiden” come ,my child , oh on , it‟s impossible,女士们,我的任务是让城里的第个女士都试穿。
Cin: but you see, I have the other slipper,但是你看我有另外一只,Duke: my child ,follow me我的孩子跟我来.第七场 Duke: your majesty ,we find her, we find her,陛下,我找到这个姑娘了,King: oh it‟s not a dream 是吧,这不是一个梦吧, Prince: have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through ,no matter how your heart is grieving ,if you keep on believing , the dream that you wish will come true….要对你的梦想有信心,这样你就会见到彩虹,不论你的心有多么无助,只要坚信,梦想就会实现。
Cin&prince: so this is love ,this is true love 所以这就是爱,这就是真爱