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期末口语考试在CET4考试结束后进行,即Wk17 & 18, Part B的Speaking Task,考试时学生抽签这10个题目如下:

Unit 1 Friendship;

Unit 2 Dealing with cultural differences

Unit 5 Memory

Unit 6 Wealth

Unit 7 Anti-smoking

Unit 8 Aging

Unit 10 Addiction

Unit 11 Home-schooling

Unit 12 Opinion Polls

Unit 16 Crime and Punishment


1.Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now?

2.Can you give some examples to show environmental problems which are the consequences of man’ activities? According to you, what can we do to solve or to prevent the problems you have just mentioned?

3.How has technology made our life easier? Could you give some examples?

4.Is the advance of technology always a good thing? How should we avoid its negative points?

5.There are millions of students graduating from university every year.Most of them may go to work right afterwards, while others may delay their employment plan to further their education such as being engaged in postgraduate programs.In your opinion, which of the following choice is more rational—“work first and then postgraduate education, or vice versa?”

6.Nowadays finding a job is not easy, which involves such factors as job hunters’ experience, ability, diploma, personality and so on.As for the ability and diploma, which do you think plays the more important role in securing a job?

7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Literature can teach you a lot about real life.”

8.Describe a book, a story or a movie you like most and its influence on your life.Unit 1 1)Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now No,I don't think man live in harmony with the nature.As we all know, our living environment is becoming worse.In recent years, the weather is abnormal in our country.For example, the temperature is extreme in Fuzhou, very cold or very hot.It is surprise that sonwing appears in northern during the summer.What’s more, the southern happen a heavy snow but the northern is sunny.In addition, the sandstorm is a acute problem in the world.There are many phenomena of nature show the man being punished by nature.So I don’t think man live in harmony with the nature.2)Can you give some examples to show environmental problems which are the consequences of man’ activities According to you, what can we do to solve or to prevent the problems you have just mentioned Yes, nowadays the global environment problem is becoming a common concerning problem in the world.As our country is a developing country, we can’t avoid the environmental problems which are cause of man’s activities.Such as environmental pollution, resource exhaustion, ecological destruction, ozone depletion, acid rain, the greenhouse effect…and so on.Development is necessarily but it brings a variety of problems that we cannot avoid, what we can do is to take damage reduced to the minimum degree, protect the environment is to protect us.We must deal with a good relationship between environmental protection and

economic development.Unit 2 1.How has technology make our life easier Could you give some examples With the development of technology, human civilization have a step forward, the previous carriage become automobile, lamp become light...Technology has deep influence on our daily life and plays an indispensable role in the social and economic development.The technology let mobile phones, computers into the country and become necessities of life.People speed communication by telephone.Accelerate the pace of life with a car or motorcycle.Making a delicious meal through electric cooker…And so on.2.Is the advance of technology always a good thing How should we avoid its negative points No, everything has the advantage and disadvantage.Technology has deep influence on our daily life and plays an indispensable role in the social and economic development.But all things can’t be perfect, the bright place behind the dark shadows.The development of technology brings atmospheric pollution, white trash, global warming.I think we should pay attention to the protection of the environment during the pursuit of the technology development.We should cherish and respect life and nature, avoid the negative impact of technology development, avoid the waste of resources.Unit5

what do u think fame can bring to people

first, fame is a good thing.It's hard to make yourself remember by others nowadays.If we are not remembered by anybody when we pass away, isn't that too bad So, fame is a good thing.But fame should not become something you would exchange with anything, the priority is not that high..e.g.No one would exchange fame with his life.There's somebody who exchanges public good with his own life, we call them as Hero.Fame will come to them, but they are not really in pursuit of fame.So, my conclusion: Fame should never become a solely pursuit.It's only something brought by what something you have done, what a life you have led, and what a notion you have taken.Relationship between fame and success is very subtle.Fame will help you in business, that is a path to success.Meanwhile success in turn makes fame come to you, easily remembered by others.But success is a concept even more abstract, you can't even make a suicide to become successful(you can by doing the same thing to become famous:))..Anyway, if it's easy to be, then not that good.





1.How did you feel when you first started college? And why did you get that kind of feeling? Can you talk about your college life as a fresher, such as your first campus visit, registration or the first day of classes?

When I first started my college life,I felt very excited.Because

2.Do you think life in a university is different from life in a middle school? Please give your reasons.3.Do you think there will be computers which have feelings? Do you think computer has changed our life so much? Please give your reasons.4.Where would you normally look for help with problems related to your studies: teaching staff, other students, or the Internet? Why?

5.How important is your mobile phone for your life? Give your reasons, please.6.Can you think of conflicts and wars in today’s world which are caused by cultural misunderstanding? What could be done to bring about peace?

7.Do you think love is mostly a selfish or an unselfish emotion? Is it most important to marry for love or are there other reasons to marry?

8.Can you think of circumstances or situations when shopping is enjoyable for both men and women? How would you describe the differences between men and women and how they spend their money?



第三部分 朗读

材料选自1-6单元,1-3段 占20%





















19、我国国际货运代理业的改革和发展 20、物流企业绩效评价体系研究









29、连锁零售企业物流配送模式及其发展探究 30、戴尔直销模式下的供应链管理



















49、我国医药逆向物流发展的策略研究 50、深港两地港口衔接研究










60、广州会展物流行业的发展模式与策略研究 61、大珠三角地区港口群整体发展战略探讨 62、淘宝网物流配送模式分析


64、国外多式联运发展经验及其对我国的启示 65、关于深圳物流产业发展几个问题的探讨 66、深港通关口岸现状及发展趋势分析 67、深圳民营快递的经营情况分析



70、浅析我国废旧电池回收处理存在的问题及对策 71、国际物流企业在中国的本土化研究

72、我国国际货代业向现代物流发展的分析与对策 73、盐田国际集装箱码头竞争分析


75、我国制造业企业供应链伙伴关系研究——上海家化的物流外包研究 76、深港经济一体化研究 77、深港两地机场合作研究


79、基于供应链的虚拟企业构建战略研究 80、论政府在循环经济与逆向物流中的作用 81、生产主导型供应链信息共享机制研究 82、中小物流企业共同配送系统规划

83、现代物流园区选址探讨—以平湖物流园区为例 84、基于供应链的虚拟企业构建战略研究 85、RFID在路口车辆监控的应用

86、深圳港与香港港的竞合及经济博弈分析 87、深圳发展成为物流中心城市的研究 88、供应链采购中的供应商质量管理 89、中小型物流企业电子商务应用模式研究 90、货运网络营销研究



93、深圳家具零售业实施绿色供应链管理的策略分析 94、珠三角区域经济下的港口格局及发展分析 95、货运营销管理相关问题探讨 96、浅析再制造工程中的逆向物流 97、粤港澳物流业的发展现状及合作研究 98、深圳逆向物流的SWOT 分析和发展策略 99、深港集装箱港口现状比较与对策研究 100、深圳集装箱运输市场分析

101、深圳特区公共大巴运营管理研究 102、深港两地港口产业的竞合战略研究 103、自营、外购--企业物流模式选择

104、第三方物流企业关系营销策略的探讨 105、深圳与香港港口的集装箱运输状况研究

106、物流外包的利弊及其与市场诚信的关系研究 107、物流外包的发展及其风险管理

108、提升港口企业核心竞争力的途径和策略 109、IT行业物流的发展现状与对策研究



112、国际航运市场态势与深圳航运企业的应对策略 113、物流外包的决策分析及风险防范



116、西部开发与环境保护—交通基础设施的建设对环保的影响 117、我国汽车行业物流实行JIT运作的风险与对策 118、运输现代化与我国现代物流建设


120、传统货代企业向现代物流企业转型的策略研究 121、珠江三角洲主要港口之间的合作策略研究 122、企业发展绿色物流的动因及策略分析

123、国际航运市场走势与深圳物流企业的应对策略 124、盐田港区仓储业发展的探讨

125、盐田国际集装箱码头竞争力培育研究 126、物流外包的动因及风险管理策略研究

127、传统物流企业向现代物流企业转型的探讨--以宝供物流为例 128、深圳物流企业核心竞争力分析与评价


130、中国邮政快递(EMS)的发展现状与对策研究 131、现代物流与中心城市经济发展的互动效应研究 132、我国零售物流的发展现状与对策研究

133、我国制造企业物流实行JIT运作的风险与对策 134、供应链管理思想在现代港口中的应用

135、智能运输系统——深圳未来交通运输的发展方向 136、电子商务环境下的逆向物流的模式选择

137、深圳产业结构的基本特征与物流需求的关系研究 138、以区域经济理论浅析深圳与香港两地的港口合作

139、提升港口群整体竞争力的策略研究--以长三角港口群建设实践作案例分析 140、深圳集装箱港口物流专业化服务及信息化发展策略研究

第五篇:2011-2012-5 综合教程4期末口试题目

1、Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now?

I think man has lived in harmony with nature now.I think that man and nature are one, so man is an animal, naturally should include human.In nature there is a rule--strong, the weak perish.Animal people in order to survive at all means.All this in my opinion is the animal's normal activities.Human beings, in order to satisfy his desire at all to change the natural environment.This appears to be a human in the destruction of nature, actually otherwise, in the nature of all animal are changing the natural environment, the human is only one!

Any animal in the changing environment, while also destroying the natural environment, but the human is the change in the natural environment and the destruction of the natural environment is serious!Beyond the natural self-purification capacity, if humans can reasonable use of nature resources, human and nature can live in harmony.2、Can you give some examples to show environmental problems which are the consequences of man’ activities? According to you, what can we do to solve or to prevent the problems you have just mentioned?

The earth is the only home of human existence.However, with the appearance of humans and the increasing of population, human activities have largely changed the earth's environment.for example, global warming , hurricanes, white pollution, serious air pollution caused by automobile exhaust emissions.the earth is under threat, and endangering people,s existence and development.Now We have to face.What should we do then?

First of first, we should comply with the national, International Convention on protect environment.Secondly, we can make the best use of public transport and cycling, or walk instead vehicle.At the same time, we also can avoid use of recycled plastic products ,There are a lot of a lot we can do to nature.As long as we maintain this home, it will become more and more beautiful.3、How has technology make our life easier? Could you give some examples?

progress in science make our life more convenience.in the past, people travel long distances need several days or more, but now we just need afew hous by air or train.in information times, we can talk with others in a few seconds,even if how far our distance.now we also can read news any time about any where.many diseases GMCthe past we couldnt find and heal.but now we can solve a lot of diseases, the average human life has greatly prolonged.modern science and technology has made our life easier, we already have the experience deeply.many matters we cant resolve before,now has came true.4、Is the advance of technology always a good thing? How should we avoid its negative points?

progress of science and technology brings us a variety of discovered and invention.it makes human beings become stronger.people are enjoy benefits brought by science and technology.at the same time , we need to realise that science and technology is a doubt-edged sword.in fact , the technology itself is no right and wrong, the key is how people deal with an use of technology.if technology can make good use, it will benefit human beings.vise versa it will bring disaster to human beings.how do we avoid? for sciences, the only way is persist in sustainable development.scientists cant blindly follow the market ,but should uphold the spirit of serving the people, make benefit for human beings.for people, we should compliance with the rules.we cant do harm to society, and do our job well then serve the society.5、There are millions of students graduating from university every year.Most of them may go to work right afterwards, while others may delay their employment plan to further their education such as being engaged in postgraduate programs.In your opinion, which of the following choice is more rational—“work first and then, or vice versa?”

i think postgraduate educate is better.first of all, postgraduate educate.can help us to gain a strong recognition,graduateis difficult to look for a job.it is a grim reality that.unemployment rate is still high.in second, if we work, we will bear pressure early from family and society.we cant prepare for the postgraduate educate fuller, we will loseall the convenience.aftergraduation to postgraduate means hold one more chance to our future.from this point of view , we will work more comfortable than before.so i think postgraduate educate is better than work.6、Nowadays finding a job is not easy, which involves such factors as job hunters’ experience, ability, diploma, personality and so on.As for the ability and diploma, which do you think plays the more important role in securing a job?

i think the ability is more important.the diploma can only represent the present your part achievement, can not represent the present and the future.in china,s current social employment system,the diploma is a astepping-stone,but your ability to survive the basis is more important than the diploma.when you enter an enterprise,you will find that knowledge just only occupy a little part.the most important thing is your team spirit,social skills,innovation skills.if you lack of them,how can you do well with your colleagues.so,dont value diploma too high, you should develop and improve yourself,then everything will go easier.7、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Literature can teach you a lot about real life.”

i agree that literature can teach us a lot about real life.culture is the source of human progress, culture is the human civilization tutor.literature is an importantpart of culture.without it, the building will collapse.literature is the reflection of real life of true and false.they teach us how to live ,how to work, how to get along with others.literature include every aspect of society, we can recognise the social life of thetrue and.false,good and bad,beauty and ugly from them.under the guidance of the literature, our social life has improved a lot.8、Describe a book, a story or a movie you like most and its influence on your life.i like reading the Grimm’s fairy tales.there is a story :Lazy Harry is a laziest person I have ever read.His wife is also influenced by him and becomes lazy too.they dont like work, at last, they both get hunger and die.Undoubtedly, living comfortably without working is absolutely what we expected, but it is impossible.Society means competition, so that everyone needs to work hard and earn the bread for his family.Can you imagine that the whole world is full of lazy people who just wait for others’ food? How could the society progress? How could they live on? Thus, we need to be a hardworking person.Above all,Grimm’s fairy tales shows us the goodness and badness of the world, every story has its meaning, we can learn from it.



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