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美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)联合托业考试中国管理中心诚挚邀请您参加中国地区职业英语教学师资培训项目。此次培训课程是职业英语水平等级考试(TOEIC Bridge),登陆中国大陆以来的第二轮官方教师培训。ETS 总部资深教师培训/评估专家Susan Hines来华,为中国地区从事英语教学的老师和研究者介绍国际先进的教学理念,点拨职业英语水平等级考试(TOEIC Bridge)的课堂教学方法,并讲解英语教学质量评估的国际标准和途径。在当前教育改革的大环境下,英语教学又承担着改革先行者的角色,此时开展这样的培训项目有利于帮助各大院校了解职业能力教育的方向,支持一线教师优化教学方法和手段,进而协助学生真正达到学有所成、学有所用,能在毕业后迅速融入到职业环境中去。

在本次的培训课程中,ETS培训官将通过与老师们面对面的讲授与互动,使英语教师和教学研究者充分了解职业英语水平等级考试(TOEIC Bridge)所代表的全新英语语言教学理念,熟练掌握职业英语的教学方法,灵活运用教学模式,并通过有效提升职业英语的教学质量,达到提高学生英语交流能力的最终目的。











 培训费800元,包括资料、食宿费


 职业英语课堂教学活动手册  托业考试培训手册


 有意向的教师请填写回执并于2011年7月2日(周四)kangli@ata.net.cn或传真到


 请签署培训资料使用协议。

回 执



为了确认您的信息,请填写回执,我们将按照回执上的信息给您发最后的确认信和培训资料。另外,劳烦您一并签署下面的《培训资料使用协议》,将回执和《培训资料使用协议》一同发到kangli@ata.net.cn或传真到010-65179517 联系人:康荔

联系电话:010-65181122-5909 谢谢您的配合!




1.You may not use, copy, print, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, rent, lease, sublicense, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display or otherwise grant 2.For the Reading Activities, Listening Activities, Speaking Activities and More Skills and Activities portions of the Kit, you may reproduce the pages labeled “Student Handout” and “Student Directions” for use by your students, distributed to your students for use in connection with the activities contained in the Kit.You may also use the “Build Your Own” templates as guides in creating your own learning activities.3.For the Practice Test portion of the Kit, you may reproduce the following for use by connection with the practice test contained in the Kit:

 “Reading” section, pp.4-15;

 Questions and answer choices in the “Listening Section,” pp.18-39; “Announcement from the President” passage on p.44 in the “Speaking”


 “Animal Domestication” passage on p.45 in the “Speaking” section;and  Instructions, “Reading Passage” and questions in pp.50-52 of the

“Writing” section.You may play the audio samples in the CD-ROM that accompanies the Kit as necessary to administer the activities and practice test contained in the Kit to your students, but you may not reproduce or distribute the CD-ROM in any way.If you have any questions concerning these Terms of Use or how you may appropriately use the Kit in connection with your classroom instruction, please contact: Educational Testing Service

TOEIC Bridge Propell Product Management – Global Division Rosedale Road, MS 61L

Princeton, NJ08541 U.S.A.Tel:(609)683-2391 Fax:(609)683-2345

Trainee’s Print Name:Trainee’s signature: Date(mm/dd/yyyy):


职业英语水平考试是由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)于 1979 年为职场环境需要开发的一项英语测评体系,它用于测量母语为非英语国家的人士在日常工作环境中使用英语进行交流的能力。经过多年的发展,该考试已经成为全球职业英语测评首选标准。90 个国家逾 8000 家公司认可职业英语水平等级考试成绩,每年有近500万人次参加职业英语水平等级考试。





 职业英语水平等级考试是国家行政主管部门唯一注册并发证的海外考试项目。 托业中国管理中心研发的考试产品能够保证考试的公平性、公正性、权威性、稳定


 ATA公司是是国内规模最大的专业提供考试运营服务的中国公司,是职业英语水平




Ms.Susan Hines:

Susan Hines is an assessment director in the English Language Learning area at Educational Testing Service(ETS), where she oversees test development for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests.Ms.Hines has a BS in Business Administration and a BA in psychology from the University of Kansas and an MA in Teaching ESOL from the School for International Training in Vermont, US.Ms.Hines has trained teachers and taught English in Mexico, the Siberian region of Russia, Taiwan, China, and the US.She has led TOEFL iBT or TOEIC Propell teacher training workshops in several countries around the world.







Lin Lougheed主编 科学出版社 新托业官方全真模拟(4套题)

Grant Trew主编 外研社 新托业考试官方指南标准试卷(2套题)韩国YBM公司主编 人大出版 新托业全真模拟试题集(6套题)

新托业全真模拟试题集 2(6套题)韩国YBM公司主编 机械工程出版社 新托业题库本领书(5套题)PS: 1.托业与托福不同,没有真正的official guide,以上几本书虽然都说自己是官方的,但其实并非版。托业也没有历年真题,只有模拟题。



5.推荐以上几本是因为总体来说这几本书难度和考试比较接近(稍微难一点)。做模拟题远比做单项解题技巧要有效得多。6.强烈建议大家不要买韩国人主编,人大出版的新托业听力、阅读、语法和词汇详解及实战试题这三然有很多人推荐,但个人认为这几本书难度都很高,确切地说题目都出得很变态。这些题与托业考符,做多了不仅浪费时间,而且扰乱思路。很多人觉得这几本书关于解题技巧的讲解很好,我基本遍,表面上很有道理,真正考试时能用上的很少。我把我觉得书中有用的技巧还有时间安排都穿插略里了,所以只要买韩国人编的模拟卷就行,难度设置还比较好。(就是上面列的第三,第四本)7.还有就是由Lin Lougheed主编,科学出版社还出版了《新托业官方指南》(1)、(2)、(3),难度依次递增的书,但即使是最难的那本也想当弱智,对于深谙考试之道的中国学生来说,根本没只要买他编的模拟题就好。(就是第一本)







下面说下听力过程中要重点注意的问题: 1.



3.Part 1和Part 3比较简单(个人认为,练习到后来的感觉),所以讲下针对part 2 和part 4的经验。






1.我看过几篇人大语法跟词汇的书,但到真正考试的时候发现part5 6 很简单,不像练习里的那么难,所以大家可以考虑不用看那个书,因为太难了,没用,反倒浪费时间。不过你可以看下那本书之前的讲解,跟最后的一部分,叫什么“20天突破什么的”难度还可以,如果你底子不错,完全可以不看那本书,只需要把模拟题的p5 6弄明白就行。这两部分要拿满分很难,但想丢太多分也同样很难。



4.我在练习的时候,几乎每次都有一些题明明会,但就是选错了,分析后发现,基本这样的题多是出现在我没把整篇文章看完就选择的情况下,所以针对这个问题,我以后不管文章长短,简单或是难,我都把文章看完,这样做可以让你至少少错2到3个题目。特别是最后的double reading 一定要看完文章,做题速度还可以的话,一定要看完每篇文章。




好了,就写到这吧,因为是半个月前考的,现在有点忘了,等想起来什么再补充。大家有什么问题可以留言,我会尽量回复。(感觉针对一个简单、很多人裸考的考试写这么多有点尴尬,没办法,谁让我底子差,谁让我不是牛人呢--)CDAEECACEE 5.29刚考完,在论坛也算混了半个多月了,虽然复习的时间很短,但是还是把自己的经验分享给大家。首先说明下,已经放下英语三年多了,这次由于一位朋友热情推荐同时觉得自己也要回顾下英语,所以才临时抱佛脚突击了一下考试。觉得论坛的内容还是很多的,基本囊括所有市面上的复习资料了,而且种类颇多,同学们可以多多利用。由于复习的时间不是很长,所以总共也没做很多题目。因此推荐的数目仅仅是自己做过的,如果大家觉得有更好的选择可以不拘泥于此。


首先,听力部分。平时一定要多听,坚持45分钟不间断得做题,即使过程中碰到不会或者没听清楚的题目也不要多想,题目和题目之间的间隔时间不长,不足以让你把思路理清,也不足以负担一个开小差的时间,所以一定要专心也要学会放弃。坚持在读direction的时间里看PART3/4的题目,看懂题目和问题对于后面正式的做题有很重大的意义。如果做《新托业官方指南标准试卷》的听力很少有问题的话,那可以尝试论坛里的《新托业听力详解及实战试题》,这本包含14套的听力试题,不过难度较大,适合希望听力能考高分的同学尝试,而且书前面关于听力时间的规划安排还是讲的蛮合理的,可以借鉴。如果觉得标准样卷只有两套太少,还可以做人大版的《SUPERB ELITE2》,这个难易程度也和考试差不多。其次,词汇与语法题。这部分我由于很生疏,所以算练得比较多了(建议在20分钟以内完成)。我一共做了《新托业官方指南标准试卷》、《SUPERB ELITE2》(就是那个人大版的)、《新托业全真题库PART5、6》、《新托业语法和词汇详解及实战试题》中的大部分题目。考试程度和第一本书类似,可能更低一点(不过这也不一定,看到有论坛同学说考试是一年简单一年难的,不清楚啊),后三本书适合想提高的同学,虽然最后我也没有背每本书后面的附录词汇,但是我认为如果真的有同学认真背完词汇的话,基本可以藐视PART5/6的题目了。

然后,阅读部分。在复习的时候一定要严格控制时间,每次练习都要控制在规定时间内完成(很多参考书都推荐在50分钟内完成)这样在正式考试时才不会手忙脚乱。我认为这次的考试阅读还是比官方指南的样题难点的,程度和《SUPERB ELITE2》差不多(不过这只是个人观点),所以建议平时复习以《SUPERB ELITE2》和《新托业全真题库PART7》为主,这个我认为有较大参考性。论坛里还有《新托业阅读详解及实战试题》,这个只建议想考高分的同学稍微练习,难度有点大,很多题目都要绕几个弯。我一开始复习时没注意,做了大概13套吧,每套题错误量都有点大,丧失信心啊,后来看了论坛里一位同学分享的经验才恍然大悟,转战其他参考资料。

最后,推荐《新托业官方指南标准试卷》(这个虽然答案也是全英文,但是都能看懂)、《SUPERB ELITE2》(1没来得及做,不过看论坛里有同学说程度和2差不多,有时间的同学可以做一下;论坛里2的版本有几份缺页,不过不是太影响)、《新托业全真题库》(虽然里面的插图有点傻,不过还是有很详细的答题分析说明;这本书里面还有专门的考试概率分析,不过个人觉得不是很有作用)、《新托业听力/语法和词汇/阅读详解及实战试题》(这个仅仅是推荐那些想考很高分的同学,毕竟这套书的难度有点大)。

以上仅仅是个人观点,给大家一个参考,享用了论坛资源这么久,希望自己的经验能够帮到后面的同学吧~~~ 495+430=925 杯具的PartⅡ

认认真真准备三天的成绩 还算说得过去吧 本来打算考满分的

PS 一点炫耀的成分都没有 个人的追求和要求不一样 本人四级裸考595 六级裸考550 英语基础本身不弱



课题经常阅读英文文献 所以觉得阅读没有问题 结果 杯具了)

第一天 初次接触托业听力 个人感觉 发音带点口音 信息量很大 错率非常高



但是 考试在即 别无他法 只得硬着头皮前进

用书为本论坛下载《听力本领全书》 该书听力部分口音较重 需要仔细、认真钻研


有时 反复听几遍还是听不出其中连读 弱读 略读的部分



同时 里面还有一些小技巧 特别是针对听力的Part1 比如 现在进行时和完成时的区别


新托业考试指南(3)难度+++ Lin Lougheed编 机械出版社




口音不重 基本没有







模拟题 韩国人写的共做4套听力

听完 本领书上的听力再来听这本书后 顿时感觉神清气爽 紧锁的眉头终于展开

这模拟题一共有两本书 共12套




听力时一定不要分心 45+分钟的时间一定要集中精力和注意力






除了睡觉、吃饭之外 耳朵上一直挂着耳机





别的同学提早准备 再想到别人的高分 即使再烦还是要做!



建议同学们不要像我一样临时抱佛脚,高强度冲刺身体会受不了的。我的体质本来就属于易上火的,考试当天眼睛出麦粒肿 又疼又痒 现在还肿着呢。而且 英语本来就是需要积累 坚持练习的。



TOEIC Vocabulary-Ads for Job occupation 职位 vacancy 空位

business office 办公室 pay 待遇 leave 休假

head office 总公司 branch office 分公司 sales department 业务部

accounting department 会计部 promotion 升迁 demotion 降级

sign up 签雇用合约 dismissal 解雇 president 董事长

general manager 总经理 supervisor 总管

a letter of recommendation 推荐信 bonus 分红 commute 通勤

Applications must arrive no later than 申请函必须在……之前到达

Applications should be postmarked no latter than 申请函上邮戳在……之前有效 inflation-linked pay increase 通货膨胀连动型调薪 is considered 是可考虑得 is preferred 认为……比较好 is required 是必须的 is negotiable 是可商谈的 labor management 劳工管理 labor market 劳工市场

Master of Business Administration 工商管理学硕士 names of reference 保证人 opening 空缺

part-time position 兼职工作 prior experience 过去的经历

renewable for only once 仅可延长一次的合同 salary is competitive 高薪 transit 中转

transportation 运输

the position is un-renewable 此职位无法延长(合同)short-listed applicants 初审合格者 inter-office memo 公司内部便条 billboard告示牌

TOEIC Vocabulary-Announcement & Information special offer 特卖 fare change 价格变动

arrival of a guest 贵宾来访 across-the-broad 全盘的 admission fee 入场费 air fare 航空费用 assembly 议会

attraction 吸引人之物 claim 主张 collapse 瓦解

condition 条件、状况 current fare 现行价格

deficit-ridden 受举债之苦的 evidence 证据

explicitly 明确指出地 fare hike 价格波动 warrant 权限

fare reduction 降价 harbinger 预兆 implicitly 暗含的

inconclusively 味觉状态的 water rates 水费

provisional 暂时的=tentatively requirement 必要条件 reveal 损失,透露 room charge 住房费 scapegoat 替罪羊

TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Letters account 交易对象 close a deal 成交 make a contract 签约 break a contract 毁约 exhibition 展示会 presentation 发布会 bilateral trade 双边贸易 car shipment 汽车出口 collapse 决裂 dumping 倾销 embargo 禁止通商 fiscal year 会计

gain compliance 获得承认 grant 无偿帮助

import duties 进口关税 make concession 让步 margin 盈余 loss 损失

official statistics 官方统计 quotations 报价 references 照会对象 self-restraint 自我设限 terms 支付条款

trade deficit 贸易赤字 trade surplus 贸易盈余 untied loan 自由融资

World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织 telephone bill 电话账单 TOEIC Vocabulary-Contract affiliation 附属

annual wage increase 年薪调升 call for 要求

collective bargaining 集体交涉 contract 合同 convention 大会 cooperation 合作 coordination 协调 employee 雇员 employer 雇工 labor 劳工

labor accident 劳工灾害 labor contract 劳工合同 management 经营者

labor-management struggle 劳资斗争 penal regulation 惩罚规则 proposal 提议 protest 抗议

reach an agreement 达成协议 stage a strike 发起罢工 terms of contract 合同条款 wage 实施

the Japanese Trade Union Confederation 日本劳工团体联盟 the right to strike 罢工权 the right to work 工作权 wage dispute 薪金争议 working hours 工作时间 TOEIC Vocabulary-Invitation write someone over 请人来 thank-you note 致谢函

get-together 亲朋好友的聚会 cocktail party 以喝酒为主的聚会 dress-up party 必须盛装赴会的宴会 acceptance speech(提名之)接受演说 after-dinner speech 餐后演说 award ceremony 颁奖仪式 dedication 献辞

deliver an address 发表演说

express one's condolence over 悼念 farewell address 告别演说 inaugural ceremony 就职演说 nomination speech 提名演说 opening ceremony 开幕仪式 party convention 当大会

pay a tribute to 向……致赞美之词 piano recital 钢琴演奏会 publication party 出版招待会 wedding banquet 婚宴 welcome party 欢迎会

you're cordially invited to 竭诚欢迎您的光临 TOEIC Vocabulary-Newspaper Article action plan 行动计划

afterward-looking posture 后顾的姿态 approve protocol 批准协议书 assume office 就任

bilateral trade 两国间的贸易 coalition government 联合政府 economic summit 经济峰会

forward-looking posture 前瞻的姿态 in favor of 支持

incumbent president 现任总统 interpellation 质询

itinerary 路线,日程表 launch 开始

legal ground 法律依据 mainstream faction 主流派 military buildup 增强军备

multi-lateral relations 多边关系 Diet 国会

news agency 新闻通讯社 opposition party 反对党 public pledge 公开宣言 resume talks 重开会谈 ruling party 执政党 run in election 参选 sectionalism 派系主义 trade friction贸易摩擦

troubleshooter 调解纠纷的人 withdraw 撤退,取钱

TOEIC Vocabulary-Sports Match baseball 棒球 football 美式足球 soccer 英式足球 tennis 网球 volleyball 排球 table tennis 乒乓球

swimming scuba diving 潜水 fishing 钓鱼 surfing 冲浪 sailing 帆船比赛 water-skiing 滑水 rowing 划船 sledding 滑雪橇 skating 溜冰

horseback riding 骑马 hiking 徒步旅行 arch rival 劲敌 contestant 选手

clear the qualifying round 通过预赛 dope 服兴奋剂

consolation match to decide third place 决出第三名的安慰赛 doping check 药物检查 elimination 淘汰 the final round 决赛

hold a tournament 举办大会 home-town 当地的 make a reservation 预约 the opening game 开场赛 pace settler 领跑者 play-off 加赛 preliminary 预赛

quarter finals 四分之一决赛 record-breaking 破纪录的 runner-up 亚军 seed 种子选手

season-ticket 赛季联赛

secure the second place 得第二名 semifinals 半决赛

sports lottery 体育彩票

superpartisan support 超党派支持 visitor 客队

ticket agency 售票处 underdog 败方

win the contest 获胜 goalkeeper 守门员 defense 后卫 jersey 运动衫

TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistical Figures bank account balance 银行的存款 real estate transaction 房地产交易 credit card 信用卡 utilities 水电气费

currency exchange 货币兑换 as long as 只要 as many as 多达

as much as 和……一样多 checking account 活期存款 acute 敏锐的 affluent 丰富的

approval rating 支持率 be on the increase 增加中 death of 缺乏…… death toll 死亡人数 fast fading 急速消失 hamper 阻碍,抑制

long-standing 经年累月的 long-term 长期的

money marketing account 利息高、每月开支票数有限制的存款账户 mortgage 抵押

out of control 失去控制

out of one's reach 力所不能及之处 preliminary standard 预选标准 prestigious 有名声的 prospect 预估

recession 衰退,不景气 record 记录

soar 上升,突破 short-term 短期的 surpass 超越

special supplement 特别附录 under control 在控制中 vicinity 临近

TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistics Graph bar graph 条线图 line graph 曲线图 pie graph 扇形图

opinion survey 民意调查 demographics 人口统计 exchange rate 汇率变化 birth rate 出生率 approval rate 支持率 findings 调查结果 advanced age 高龄 alternative 替代性 amount to 达到…… at the age of 在……岁时 campaign 活动 covert 秘密的,(反)overt 公开的 in contrast to 与……相反的 in search of 搜索

juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪 prevalent 盛行的 prior to 先于

probe 严密的调查 problematic 有问题的 projections 预测,推测 reception 接受

register a drop 显现出下降情况 replacement 替代 screening 试镜 successive 相继的 unstable 不安定的 suspension 暂时中止 tabulation 表格

take a pool 进行民意调查 widespread 广泛普及的 witness 目击者 tumultuous 激昂的 turnout 集合的人群

TOEIC Vocabulary-Travel line 铁路线

passenger car 客车厢 freight car 货车厢 dining car 餐车厢 conductor 乘务员 express train 快车 local train 慢车

junction 列车枢纽站 transfer 转乘

on/behind/ahead of schedule 准时/晚点/提前 one-way trip ticket 单程票 round-trip ticket 往返票 lane 车道

turnpike 收费高速公路 shortcut 捷径

cut corners 抄近路 traffic jam 交通堵塞 air turbulence 乱流 arrivals 到达

aviation sources 航空信息来源 back round trip ticket 返程票 crew 机组成员

cumulonimbus 积雨云

currency exchange 货币兑换 departures 处罚航班 evacuate 撤退

go off on a trip 外出旅行 have tires punctured 爆胎 intersection 交叉路口

non-refundable 不可退款的 non-stop 直达车

on board 乘(船、飞机等)opposite side 相反方向

out-of-court settlement 庭外和解 out-of-service train 回程车 overbook 超过既定预约人数 passenger jetliners 喷气式客机 derail 脱轨

reconfirmation 再确认 service charge 服务费 subway 地铁

trespass in national airspace 侵犯领空 trek 长途跋涉之旅

TOEIC Vocabulary-TV & Radio accused 被告 adult 成年人 allegedly 据称

a stay of executive 缓刑 aviation history 航空史 break out in 在……发生 casualty 死伤者

collide with 与……冲撞 crack 龟裂 crash 坠机

damages 损害赔偿金 defendant 被告 derail 脱轨

devastating 破坏性的 drawing 抽签

emergency landing 紧急迫降 inheritance 继承

has been missing 行踪不明 hit 袭击 fire 火灾 jolt 晃动 lawyer 律师 lottery 彩票 minor 未成年人

official communique 正式公报 plaintiff 原告,起诉者 prosecution 起诉 property 财产

rock(地震等)前后摇晃 run into 冲撞

the second worst disaster 第二严重的灾难 take place 发生

TOEIC Vocabulary-Weather Report shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 rainstorm 雨暴 rainfall 降雨量

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 hail 冰雹

lightening rod 避雷针 fog 雾

sleet 雨夹雪

heavy snowfall 大雪 blizzard 大风雪 breeze 微风 tornado 龙卷风 wind velocity 风速 temperature 气温 thermometer 温度计 humidity 湿度

atmospheric pressure 气压 flood 洪水 avalanche 雪崩 Antarctic 南极 Arctic 北极

be spawned 发生(台风等)blast of cold air 冷空气来袭

central barometric reading 中心气压 chill 寒气的 cold wave 寒流 crisp 舒爽的

exploration 探险队

heat wave breaks 热浪消失 heavy fog 浓雾

it's raining hard 雨正下得大 Meteorological Agency 气象局 mild winter 暖冬 rain cloud 雨云

photochemical smog 光化学烟雾 scorching 酷热的 snowstorm 暴风雪

sizzling(水滚热时的)嘶嘶声 summery 夏季的 taper off 逐渐停止

tropical depression 热带低气压 typhoon area 台风圈 visibility 可见度 warm current 暖流 weather station 气象台 weatherperson 天气预报员 wintry 冬天般的 shape up 成型,发展 fair sky 美丽的天空 spell 意味着 light wind 轻风 muggy 闷热的 precipitation 雨量










下面说下听力过程中要重点注意的问题: 1.



3.Part 1和Part 3比较简单(个人认为,练习到后来的感觉),所以讲下针对part 2 和part 4的经验。







1.我看过几篇人大语法跟词汇的书,但到真正考试的时候发现part5 6 很简单,不像练习里的那么难,所以大家可以考虑不用看那个书,因为太难了,没用,反倒浪费时间。不过你可以看下那本书之前的讲解,跟最后的一部分,叫什么“20天突破什么的”难度还可以,如果你底子不错,完全可以不看那本书,只需要把模拟题的p5 6弄明白就行。这两部分要拿满分很难,但想丢太多分也同样很难。



4.我在练习的时候,几乎每次都有一些题明明会,但就是选错了,分析后发现,基本这样的题多是出现在我没把整篇文章看完就选择的情况下,所以针对这个问题,我以后不管文章长短,简单或是难,我都把文章看完,这样做可以让你至少少错2到3个题目。特别是最后的double reading 一定要看完文章,做题速度还可以的话,一定要看完每篇文章。



再强调几点,模拟题比真题难,可以说难的多,所以你们一定要有信息;每次练习都要做到3点:控制时间;全神贯注;认真总结。TOEIC Tips

1.Set a goal

So, you've decided to take the TOEIC test.Congratulations!The first thing you should do is set a goal.If you are taking the test in order to apply for a job, find out what proficiency level is required.Most entry level positions require a minimum score of 600.Management positions may require a higher score, such as 800.Choose a goal that is achievable.If you aim too high, you will be disappointed.Remember, you can take the test as often as you want if you don't mind paying the fee.2.Understand the test

Before you start studying for the test, make sure you understand the format of each section.You will be tested on your listening and reading comprehension skills.By doing model or practice tests, you will become very familiar with the TOEIC.The test should become “second nature” to you before you attempt the real thing.3.Make a study plan

Procrastination is one of the key reasons students fail the TOEIC test.You may book your TOEIC test months in advance.However, the day you decide to take the TOEIC test should be the day you start to study.You will have to decide whether or not you are going to teach yourself the TOEIC with reliable resources or whether you are going to take a TOEIC preparation class.In order to get the best results, you should do both.If you cannot afford to take a TOEIC class, make sure to choose a TOEIC textbook that has explanatory answers.You will also want to have a teacher or tutor that you can go to from time to time with questions.If you choose a TOEIC class, make sure that you trust your teacher and feel comfortable in his or her class.Take a class with a friend and make a commitment to study together in and outside of class.Studying at the same time every day is a great way to improve your score.Write down your study plan and sign it!4.Divide study time appropriately

The TOEIC is divided into seven sections.Each section is worth a certain amount of points.Don't spend too much time studying one section.Many students make the mistake of studying the section that they enjoy the most.This is the section you should spend the least amount of time on.You might want to divide your study week by focusing on a certain section each day.Remember, if Sunday is your day to practice Part VII(40 questions on the test), you might have to study twice as long as you would on Monday when you focus on Part I(20 questions on the test).5.Build a strong vocabulary

Another reason students fail the TOEIC test is that they have a very limited vocabulary.The day you decide to take the TOEIC test you should make yourself a blank dictionary.Use a notebook(an address book works great because it is divided into letters)and keep track of all of the new words you learn along the way.It is not useful to study vocabulary lists.You will only remember words that you have seen in context.For each entry, write the word and use it in a sentence.At the end of each week you should write a short letter or composition using as many of the words as you can.This might also be the time to stop using your translation dictionary.Electric dictionaries make things too simple!You will remember the word if it doesn't take any effort to understand it.Keep in mind that the TOEIC test has a business theme.You should study vocabulary from topics such as travel, banking, health, restaurants, offices, etc.You will also want to learn everyday idiomatic expressions.Isolate your weak points

After you have been studying the TOEIC for a while, you will find out which parts give you the most trouble.You might want to change how you divide your time.There are certain grammar points that many students have trouble with.If you are taking a TOEIC class, ask your teacher to bring in extra homework help on problems like these.If you are studying by yourself, find a good reference book in the library and look up your question.There may also be help on the Internet.For example, type “gerunds” into a search engine and you will probably find a useful exercise.Eliminate distractors

In every TOEIC question, there are at least two distractors(wrong answers that the test writer uses to trick you).It is much easier to choose the correct answer when you have only two to choose from.(The third choice is often impossible and easy to spot.)There are many types of distractors such as, similar sounds, homonyms, repeated words, etc.As you study, make yourself a list of distractors.When you come across them you will be able to eliminate them more easily.Trust your instincts

Sometimes an answer will jump out at you as either correct or incorrect.If you have been studying hard, chances are that your brain is telling you which choice to pick.Don't change your answers after following your instinct.If you do decide to change an answer, make sure that you erase very carefully.A machine will be marking your test.Be sure to use a pencil and fill in your circle choice completely.Bring extra pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener!Don't try to translate

Translating vocabulary and sentences wastes a lot of time.It is very rare that students have extra time during the TOEIC test.If you don't know a word, look at the context of the sentence and the words around it.You will not be allowed to use a dictionary when you take the test.10.Guess as a last resort

On test day, if you don't know the answer, and you have eliminated all of the distractors you can, don't leave the space blank.There is a good chance you will not have time to go back to this question.You still have a 25% chance of getting the answer right if you guess.If you are sure that one or two of the answers are incorrect, your guess is even more likely to be correct!11.Be aware of time management

When you are doing practice tests, you should always be aware of the time.Never allow yourself an open ended study session.You will have to learn to work efficiently.On test day, you should be especially careful in the Reading section.You will have 75 minutes to complete Parts V, VI and VII.Many students spend too long on section V or VI because they find these the most difficult.Don't spend more than 30 minutes on the first two parts.Part VII will take you at least 40 minutes, and it is worth a lot of points, especially if you find it an easier section.12.Listen quickly

When you are studying for the TOEIC test, do not get in the habit of rewinding the tape.On test day you won't have any control over the speed of the listening section.You will not even have time to think for very long between questions.Make sure that you do not get behind during the real test.If you do not know the answer, take your best guess.Then continue to follow along.Don't look back at questions when you are waiting for another question to start.13.Practise reading aloud

Reading out loud will help your listening and reading comprehension skills.In order to comprehend English more quickly, it is important that you understand the rhythm of the language.Read from textbooks, pamphlets, newspapers, and even children's novels.You might want to tape yourself and listen to how you sound.14.Use mass media

One of the best ways to prepare for the TOEIC test is to study real English.Watch television, listen to radio reports, and read newspapers and magazines.Pay special attention to ads, letters, weather and traffic reports, coupons, and special announcements.Do this with a friend, and write out questions for each other to answer.This is a great way to practice your wh-questions.It is also a great way to learn common idiomatic expressions.15.Use free web sites

There are many web sites that offer free model tests and samples.Type TOEIC into your search engine and start practising!Surfing the web is a great way to practise your reading and listening.If you are interested in a certain topic, such as snowboarding, type that into a search engine.You might want to reserve an hour a day for Internet studying.Just make sure to study English and don't get caught wasting hours playing games!

16.Teach a native English speaker your language

If you can't afford a tutor, you might know a native English speaker who would be interested in learning your first language.Tell him you will teach him for free for one hour a week!You will have to use English to teach him, and you will learn many new English words and expressions at each session.Forcing yourself to teach someone a language will help you to understand English grammatical rules as well.Do anything you can to speak with native English speakers.17.Keep an English journal

Keeping a journal doesn't have to be an account of your daily activities.You can write anything in a journal, such as how your studying is coming along, what your new favourite word is and why, or which teacher you admire.If you are studying TOEIC with a friend, make a list of writing topics for each other.You might decide to write a paragraph three times a week.Get your friend to try to find your mistakes.Finding your partner's writing errors is great practice for Part V and VI.18.Ask questions

Never hesitate to ask lots of questions.In a TOEIC class, all of the students will benefit from your question.If you don't understand something, such as conditionals, you may lose ten points on a TOEIC exam.A teacher is not always available, but students are everywhere!Sometimes other students can help you with a grammar problem even better than a teacher.19.Manage your stress

If you are feeling stressed about taking the TOEIC you may be studying too hard or expecting too much of yourself.Like everything else in life, balance is the key.Remind yourself that you will try to do your best.Before the test, take deep breaths and remember that you can always improve your score in a few months time.In between the listening and reading section, take a few deep breaths again to get focused.20.Don't cram

You should never cram(study extremely hard in a short period of time)the night or even week before the TOEIC test.There is so much to learn when you study the TOEIC.The last week should be for reviewing and practising rather than learning new things.Make sure to get plenty of sleep the night before the test.On the day of the test, have a good meal and relax for a few hours before going to the testing centre.Plan to reward yourself when the test is over!



101.The new policy on overtime compensation-------addresses the complaints of the union.(A)effect(B)effective(C)effectively(D)effectiveness

102.It is difficult for management both to satisfy-------to discipline such a large staff.(A)if(B)and(C)such(D)but 103.Mr.Smith-------his weekly groceries every Friday, so tell him what you need.(A)order(B)orders(C)to order(D)ordered 104.President Jacobson is expected to be in town-------the meeting of industry leaders.(A)for(B)under(C)across(D)down 105.The bookshelf is too big for Andrew and Jessie to carry by-------.(A)their(B)them(C)themselves(D)their own 106.You will need your order tracking number to confirm the-------of your gift on the website.(A)deliver(B)delivery(C)deliverer(D)delivered

107.Janet Evans is expected to replace Mr.Bowers-------CEO of Fabrics US following his retirement.(A)as(B)like(C)about(D)but 108.For the renovation of the main stairway, please enter through either the elevator-------the back stairwell.(A)or(B)with(C)into(D)not 109.Most people shop for their home building supplies at Jay's Lumber Yard because they offer satisfaction guarantees on-------orders.(A)any of(B)each(C)all(D)every 110.-------the Chinese buffet restaurant is in the center of the financial district, it is always busy with businessmen at lunch.(A)Therefore(B)But(C)Despite(D)Since 111.Because the banquet budget was-------calculated, the planning committee had to choose a less expensive catering service.(A)inaccuracy(B)inaccurate(C)inaccurately(D)inaccuracies 112.After we have received authorization from the head office, we will send-------the employment contract to sign.(A)she(B)her(C)hers(D)herself 113.Rental prices of our condos are-------to property availability and can change at the owner's discretion.(A)subject(B)public(C)plain(D)general 114.Mrs.Dowry is-------to receive the award of public relations officer of the year.(A)pleasure(B)pleased(C)pleasing(D)please 115.Recent surveys of college undergraduates indicate-------most students plan to major in business, economics, or engineering.(A)which(B)that(C)what(D)those 116.In an unprecedented-------of kindness, the local library donated hundreds of children's books to orphanages across the city.(A)act(B)progress(C)chance(D)number 117.A newly implemented management system is responsible for-------sales at the retail store.(A)increase(B)increases(C)increased(D)increasingly

118.Check the batteries of your fire alarms-------to keep up with safety regulations.(A)avoidably(B)regularly(C)lately(D)highly 119.Any requests for vacation time must have the-------of the general manager.(A)approve(B)approved(C)approval(D)approvingly

120.For those who wish to join the summer internship, the-------for turning in applications is April 16 at 10 A.M.(A)calendar(B)intention(C)admission(D)deadline 121.-------Brigg Electric has its headquarters in Los Angeles, it has branches throughout the continental US.(A)Although(B)Until now(C)or else(D)Thus 122.Our professional reception staff-------happy to assist you with any problems you may have while staying at our hotel.(A)is being(B)are being(C)would be(D)have been 123.Because of an urgent personal matter, Dr.Grey's talk will be-------until next month's gathering.(A)belated(B)directed(C)presented(D)postponed 124.The community college has a total of twenty academic departments-------its institution.(A)between(B)because(C)within(D)as for 125.Human resources offers orientation seminars to-------hired staff.(A)approximately(B)recently(C)exactly(D)comparatively 126.The model of the bicycle you want is available for order-------gray, silver, and gold.(A)in(B)at(C)to(D)of 127.The town's tourist information desks are-------by their large, bright signs.(A)identify(B)identifies(C)identity(D)identifiable 128.The hospital has high-------for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.(A)expecting(B)expected(C)expectations(D)expectedly 129.It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit-------the company's success.(A)even though(B)in order to(C)whether(D)as well as 130.Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing-------in his essays on capitalism.(A)clear(B)clearly(C)clarity(D)clarifies 131.Celebrations for the store's tenth-------will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.(A)date(B)anniversary(C)origin(D)inception 132.The doctor-------discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.(A)he(B)who(C)some(D)also 125.Human resources offers orientation seminars to-------hired staff.(A)approximately(B)recently(C)exactly(D)comparatively 126.The model of the bicycle you want is available for order-------gray, silver, and gold.(A)in(B)at(C)to(D)of 127.The town's tourist information desks are-------by their large, bright signs.(A)identify(B)identifies(C)identity(D)identifiable 128.The hospital has high-------for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.(A)expecting(B)expected(C)expectations(D)expectedly 129.It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit----the company's success.(A)even though(B)in order to(C)whether(D)as well as 130.Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing-------in his essays on capitalism.(A)clear(B)clearly(C)clarity(D)clarifies 131.Celebrations for the store's tenth-------will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.(A)date(B)anniversary(C)origin(D)inception 132.The doctor-------discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.(A)he(B)who(C)some(D)also 133.Of all the candidates for head of accounting, Mr.Lee is by far the most-------and experienced.(A)conditional(B)requisite(C)secured(D)qualified 134.Flower deliveries are made within 24 hours-------orders are called in by 2 P.M.(A)when(B)even(C)over(D)while 135.The law firm's website has been-------to increase usability for clients needing to track their cases.(A)progressed(B)relied(C)designed(D)notified 136.-------Cheryl leaves for Japan, she should be briefed on basic business culture etiquette.(A)Prior(B)Near(C)Before(D)Past 137.During the winter owners must ensure that cars don't remain-----for more than three days at a time.(A)void(B)idle(C)spare(D)null 138.Marshall Appliances has chosen to make a contract with a new marketing company-------continuing its relationship with Friendly PR.(A)out of(B)except for(C)as to(D)instead of 139.Broadband Plus sent out an e-mail apology to its clients for the-------in its wireless Internet service.(A)disruption(B)limitation(C)outbreak(D)controversy 140.-------a number of new computer programmers will be joining the team, the director will increase the number of projects for the next year.(A)If so(B)Rather than(C)Owing to(D)Given that Questions 141 to 143 refer to the following notice.This is to inform you that the seminar for all department heads-------place on Wednesday, 141.(A)took(B)will take(C)will have taken(D)taking July 15.All middle and lower management staff are-------to attend unless they have previous 142.(A)reported(B)favored(C)required(D)included commitments.The seminar will include topics-------business and leadership skills, performance management 143.(A)as long as(B)likewise(C)nevertheless(D)such as planning, and the employee evaluation and feedback process.Please come to Siena room on the fifteenth floor of the Jameson Building.Don’t forget to bring the seminar materials to the session.Please contact Mr.Blake Mariano if you have any questions.Questions 144 to 146 refer to the following letter.I am writing in reply to your article on a French tour agency in Montpellier, France.In your article, the South France Adventures Agency was given an unfavorable review.You mentioned that its tours were conducted by inexperienced tour guides.-------, my experience with the tour agency was very good.144.(A)Consequently(B)However(C)Then(D)In addition The guide had extensive knowledge about the history of South France, giving complete explanations and-------questions with specifics.I would definitely-------taking a South France Adventures tour to 145.(A)answer


(C)to answer





(D)consider anyone who wishes to visit the south of France.Sincerely yours, Mary Brinn Questions 147 to 149 refer to the following letter.November 20, 2008 Ruth Dalton 2459 S.Ammons St.Lakewood, CO 80227 Dear Mrs.Dalton, Thank you for purchasing the full kitchen remodeling package.Your-------of our company is highly 147.(A)patronage(B)supervision(C)predicament(D)cooperation appreciated.We hope you are delighted with the new kitchen facilities and are fully satisfied with the services and designs provided by Home Design, Inc.We have enclosed a customer survey form.Your comments will help us-------your future needs.148.(A)wish(B)meet(C)please(D)think To encourage you to take part in our survey, we will enter you in a special draw for a free set of home fixtures we recently launched.All you need to do is send in the completed form by November 30 in order to be eligible for the drawing.Winners-------on December 3.149.(A)should notify(B)was notified(C)will be notified(D)notifies Thank you once again.Sincerely yours, Martin CaldwellQuestions 150 to 152 refer to the following article.Silverline Paper Company, the biggest paper producer in the United States, will open a new factory in Regina, Canada.It officially announced its plans to-------the new manufacturing plant at a press 150.(A)sell(B)relocate(C)build(D)renovate conference last week.The-------is expected to cost Silverline nearly 200 million dollars.151.(A)appeal(B)prediction(C)merger(D)venture According to Cynthia Gray, spokesperson for the company, Silverline foresees hiring 600 workers from the Regina area.“The people of Regina have been very receptive to the construction of the new factory.We are anticipating a long and successful future here,” said Gray.The new plant is expected to become-------by early next year.152.(A)operation(B)operating(C)operational(D)operate

TOEIC 2008.Oct.Reading 101.Register your name and address on theWeb site in order to-------a purchase online.(A)make(B)shop(C)owe(D)use 102.All-------for time off must go through the Human Resources Department first.(A)request(B)requests(C)requested(D)requesting 103.Despite it being his first time in an authority position, Mark led the project remarkably-------.(A)partly(B)even(C)yet(D)well 104.The detailed analyses of third and fourth quarter sales are included in-------final report.(A)he(B)his(C)him(D)himself 105.Any visitors to the production facilities must-------a security pass from the information desk at the front entrance.(A)allow(B)achieve(C)obtain(D)remind 106.Students enrolled as full-time can fully-------in the university extracurricular clubs.(A)participate(B)participant(C)participating(D)had participated 107.Dr.Byer is-------with the renovations made to his clinic by the remodeling company.(A)pleasing(B)pleased(C)pleasant(D)pleasure 108.When picking up your rental car, make sure to inspect the vehicle-------for pre-existing damages.(A)strongly(B)firmly(C)extremely(D)thoroughly 109.For more-------about this month's special bargains, contact one of our customer representatives at 555-5258.(A)detail(B)details(C)detailed(D)detailing 110.Staff members are required to follow the---regulation as written in the employee manual unless otherwise indicated by their supervisors.(A)distant(B)current(C)confident(D)alive 111.The mechanic was able-------the faulty wiring in the conference room.(A)repaired(B)repairing(C)to repair(D)will repair 112.It is-------urgent nor essential for Quality Brand Inc.to update its internal network at this time.(A)neither(B)nevertheless(C)therefore(D)if 113.Excel Energy Corporation's new online training program has-----features and forum discussions for trainees.(A)interactive(B)symptomatic(C)conclusive(D)broken 114.Fabric Masters sells a variety-------premium cotton shirts to more than 35 companies located internationally.(A)across(B)into(C)of(D)in 115.Because of high consumer demand for organic products, we have to produce them-------than ever before.(A)so fast(B)fast(C)faster(D)too fast 116.Please remind the presenters that the-------of the talk should not exceed the 45-minute time limit.(A)instant(B)length(C)attention(D)specification 117.After giving the team their assignment, the project manager left them to figure out a strategy on-------.(A)they(B)their own(C)them(D)themselves 118.The customer on hold on line two has questions-------our cancellation and refund policies.(A)between(B)onto(C)next(D)regarding 119.Our senior advisor joined the company last year and transformed us-------a local distributor to a worldwide enterprise.(A)from(B)about(C)toward(D)even 120.To be-------for the corporate shareholder's program, you must have been working here for at least three consecutive years.(A)eligible(B)considerate(C)available(D)partial 121.Following completion of the three-day workshop, participants will be required to answer a-------questionnaire about the usefulness of the sessions.(A)brief(B)briefly(C)briefest(D)briefed 122.Shoppers can save up to sixty percent-------ordering their HomeCare Rice Cooker through the catalogue before January.(A)at(B)as(C)by(D)in 123.IKO Home has revealed a brand new line of furniture specially designed for college students who-------in small dormitories.(A)reside(B)resident(C)residing(D)residence 124.Opening our branch office in one of the less crowded areas of the city would be more beneficial for our employees and less costly-------moving downtown.(A)while(B)but(C)than(D)and 125.Business consultant Laura Freeman was-------available to advise our administrative team during the merger negotiations with KEMP Steel.(A)continue(B)continuity(C)continuous(D)continuously 126.Four of the hotel's executive suites have been-------for traveling diplomats who are on overseas assignments.(A)placed(B)reserved(C)collected(D)remained 127.Prior to takeoff, flight personnel have to make sure that-------of the passengers has fastened their seat belt and is sitting in an upright position.(A)every(B)all(C)much(D)each 128.For the graphic designer position, we need an applicant with both educational and professional qualifications who seeks to partake in a business from its-------.(A)cause(B)solution(C)inception(D)growth 129.Floor personnel should not sign out from their shift-------all of the shelves are adequately stocked.(A)except(B)until(C)soon(D)earlier 130.The front and rear exits of the cinema will be open after the movie has finished so that viewers can depart in an-------fashion.(A)orderly(B)enduring(C)apparent(D)accomplished 131.We at Kitchen Supplies guarantee that orders will be delivered-------three weeks time.(A)within(B)sometime(C)nearby(D)during 132.Kevin Cruiser has been promoted to assistant manager of production-------his long record of hard work and dedication to the company.(A)up to(B)furthermore(C)because of(D)given that 133.A recall on the XS model engine was announced after the factory received-------that smoke appeared after only two or three hours of driving.(A)complains(B)complained(C)complaints(D)complainer 134.Increasing-------in the technology industries in Asia will force companies to recruit more qualified candidates.(A)challenge(B)encounter(C)opponent(D)competition 135.In the case of flight delays or-------unexpected changes in schedules, the meeting will be moved to a more suitable time.(A)others(B)another(C)any other(D)one another 136.The deadline for this month's articles for Fame Magazine has been-------to August 30.(A)opened(B)extended(C)finished(D)progressed 137.Despite having received positive reviews by industry critics, sales of the digital MP3 player have been quite-------.(A)disappoint(B)disappointed(C)disappointment(D)disappointing 138.Maria has been-------appointed to serve as the chairperson for the treasury committee, but the position will not be permanently filled until later this month.(A)provisionally(B)comparably(C)restrictively(D)critically 139.Construction crews have torn up the town's main road-------find that the underground water system is in the way of their plans.(A)so as(B)only to(C)even though(D)in order that 140.-------the company's official financial advisor, Mr.Jefferson is privy to top-secret information and statistics about the company's performance.(A)To be(B)Be(C)Being(D)Has been Questions 141 to 143 refer to the following memo.To: Staff, Research and Development Dept.From: Jasmine Sparks, Manager Date: October 20 Re: David Yang’s farewell party

I’m sure everyone in the department knows that David Yang will be leaving the company to work for Meyers and Goldman by now.A farewell party-------for David from 5:30 to 8:30 P.M.on Friday, 141.(A)will be held(B)is held(C)had been held(D)was held October 31, in the main conference room.I would like to ask each of you to contribute a small sum of money for a present that the department will purchase for David in appreciation for the excellent work he has done-----the years.I have asked my secretary, Claudette, to receive your donations, so please 142.(A)past(B)since(C)around(D)over

drop by her desk before the end of next week.It is my hope that you will be able to join the entire department in honoring David’s ten years with the company.Please get in touch with Claudette by 5 P.M.on Monday, October 27 to let us know----you 143.(A)whenever(B)whether(C)whose(D)what

will be attending the commemoration.Questions 144 to 146 refer to the following letter.Dear Mr.Castro: It is my pleasure to-------you that beginning next month, Chrislyn Spano will be Gibson & Dunn’s 144.(A)be informed(B)informing(C)inform(D)be informative Real Estate representative in your area.Ms.Spano has been assisting clients in purchasing land and housing in the Bromley area for the last seven years.She is very-------in her field, and we are fortunate to have her in our London office.145.(A)probable(B)perceived(C)represented(D)knowledgeable If you are interested in buying-------, please write to her at cs@gibsondunn.com.146.(A)material(B)property(C)replacements(D)equipment Very sincerely yours, MARILYN CARR Manager Gibson & Dunn, London Questions 147 to 149 refer to the following article.To help pay for infrastructure improvements, Governor Bill Anderson-------a $1 increase on the 147.(A)will approve(B)is approving(C)has approved(D)would approve toll fee for vehicles entering the western turnpikes.The governor’s decision took effect last week.It is expected that an amount of $80 million dollars will be generated from the increase this year and will be used to repair the state’s turnpike system.-------, the Transport Authority is now scheduling tunnel 148.(A)Instead(B)Similarly(C)Before(D)Accordingly and road renovations to ensure drivers’ convenience and safety.In a press conference held last week, Governor Anderson addressed the motorists’ concerns.He said that although the toll fee increase is-------, he believes that it will improve road and 149.(A)unstable(B)unpopular(C)inefficient(D)insufficient traffic conditions for all drivers using the turnpike.Questions 150 to 152 refer to the following letter.GIL DURDIN Director Newline Shopping Center Dear Mr.Durdin, In high-traffic establishments such as yours, floors are used around the clock as deliverymen bring goods and people come and go into the building.Given the-------use, the floors must be very 150.(A)convenient(B)constant(C)preferred(D)flexible durable to remain usable over the years.To-------this matter, Floorbest, Inc.has designed a special protective floor system specially for 151.(A)research(B)achieve(C)prevent(D)address supermarkets and commercial centers like yours.We are the speediest installer in your region!After you make an order, a Floorbest installer will visit your location within two business days to take the exact specifications for your business.Installation of the new flooring system-------within four weeks.152.(A)will be guaranteeing(B)will guarantee(C)is guaranteed(D)was guaranteed To request a free estimate, please call today at 373-4555.CLYDE PARKER Manager Floorbest, Inc.101 A 102 B 103 D 104 B 105 C 106 A 107 B 108 D 109 B 110 B111 C 112 A 113 A 114 C 115 C 116 B 117 B 118 D 119 A 120 A 121 A 122 C 123 A 124 C 125 D126 B 127 D 128 C 129 B 130 A131 A 132 C 133 C 134 D 135 C136 B 137 D 138 A 139 B 140 C 141 A 142 D 143 B 144 C 145 D146 B 147 C 148 D 149 B 150 B151 D 152 C

TOEIC 2008.Nov.101.Our new e-Touch planner is smaller-------the competition and boasts more memory(A)at(B)with(C)for(D)than 102.Assembly line workers and factory supervisors are encouraged to-------safety helmets while working.(A)wear(B)wore(C)worn(D)wearing 103.Parents of teenage kids are increasingly concerned about the-------of money their children spend every day.(A)reason(B)amount(C)total(D)location 104.Both the president-------the executive assistant will be speaking at the annual company party this year.(A)either(B)or(C)and(D)nor 105.Airlines have made a decision to-------the cost of tickets as a result of the rise in oil prices.(A)remain(B)increase(C)comment(D)construct 106.Passengers are asked to select their meal-------on the online form when making their reservations.(A)prefers(B)preferring(C)preferences(D)preferred 107.Educational Development's annual meeting-------management staff is going to take place at the Royal Hotel conference center.(A)from(B)into(C)to(D)for 108.For a-------time, club members may bring guests at half the price of the regular fee.(A)limit(B)limits(C)limited(D)limitation 109.Go through the instruction manual-------before assembling your new computer desk.(A)extremely(B)harmlessly(C)carefully(D)hardly 110.Keeley Vacations is building their newest resort-------the eastern section of the island.(A)in(B)up(C)against(D)during 111.Hazelden Network Solutions-------amended its policy on employee holiday and sick leave.(A)more recent(B)recent(C)recently(D)recentness 112.Weather forecasters-------that the storm headed towards the town would hit around mid-day.(A)predicted(B)prediction(C)predictable(D)predictably 113.-------the summer holiday, Max Music will be closed from June 6 to June 10.(A)According to(B)Because of(C)However(D)Therefore 114.The sale of over 100 of our MountainTrek bicycles would not have succeeded without the-------of sales director Richard Riley.(A)contribute(B)contribution(C)contributed(D)contributing 115.Many customers find that the application process for a house mortgage is overly-------.(A)complicate(B)complicating(C)complicated(D)complicatedly 116.Please make sure to fill out your daily reports properly-------we can monitor your progress.(A)also(B)yet(C)even(D)so 117.Our credit card policy regarding interest rates is-------available in print or digital format.(A)ready(B)readying(C)readily(D)readiness 118.As-------in the housing contract, all expenses related to general maintenance should be paid for by the tenant.(A)notes(B)note(C)noting(D)noted 119.-------you have finished the budget report, please send a copy of it to the head office for review.(A)As well as(B)As soon as(C)In addition to(D)In regard to 120.Flyers and posters for the weekend's event should be posted-------employees could see them.(A)wherever(B)whoever(C)whatever(D)whichever 121.Job counselors suggest that taking night classes at a local university can increase your-------and potentially lead to promotion.(A)qualify(B)qualified(C)qualifier(D)qualifications 122.Jackie's train from New York to Boston was stalled on the tracks for-------an hour before mechanics could fix the problem.(A)still(B)within(C)more than(D)now that 123.If anyone has suggestions for the Christmas gathering they would like to-------for this year, please give them to Mr.Hall in marketing.(A)acquaint(B)propose(C)employ(D)practice 124.World Connect aims to be the most successful global-------of international delivery solutions.(A)provided(B)provider(C)provision(D)providing 125.The hiring process at Gibson Factories is-------watched by government agents specializing in legal immigration.(A)approximately(B)nearly(C)closely(D)doubtingly 126.Rather than using a standard employee scheduling software program, the IT team at IntelCorp has built a program of-------.(A)they(B)their(C)themselves(D)their own 127.The success of the new cell phone developed by Kio Electronics is mostly due to its-------television advertisements.(A)entertaining(B)loyal(C)amazed(D)recreational 128.Our Asian and Middle-Eastern markets have grown-------larger since establishing branch offices at various international locations.(A)consider(B)considerate(C)considerable(D)considerably 129.All funding request forms have to be-------by the office manager prior to submission to the accounting department.(A)treated(B)entitled(C)signed(D)journeyed 130.The two-bedroom apartment above the convenience store on Bleeker Street has been-------for over five months due to recent increases in crime in the neighborhood.(A)vacant(B)vacantly(C)vacancy(D)vacating 131.People donating items,-------new or used, to the Children's Hospital must register their donations with the front desk.(A)neither(B)whether(C)unless(D)besides 132.In her most anticipated film yet, Margaret Jones has-------to incorporate elements of realism into her work.(A)attempted(B)completed(C)persuaded(D)recognized 133.In her acceptance speech for Employee of the Year award, Diane emphasized her strong-------to the growth of our corporation.(A)assessment(B)reference(C)selection(D)commitment 134.The groups-------members fail to show up will be immediately disqualified from the event.(A)its(B)that(C)which(D)whose 135.Our CEO is prepared to offer-------incentives to distributors that sell our product in high quantities.(A)additional(B)fixed(C)multiple(D)hopeful 136.While workers used to car-pool to save money on fuel, it is now more-------for them to take public transportation.(A)potential(B)efficient(C)monetary(D)competent 137.Inquiries-------to payroll must be directed to the accounting department located on the 5th floor.(A)pertaining(B)receiving(C)similar(D)granted 138.-------human resources expected employees to opt for flex-time, but most people actually stayed on the regular nine to five schedule.(A)In light of(B)Although(C)At first(D)Despite 139.Federal agencies have finally released the reports indicating a nationwide-------in skilled workers.(A)reward(B)surplus(C)price(D)substitute 140.Cindy in human resources has been-------with putting together profiles of each employee for the company website.(A)appointed(B)hired(C)obligated(D)charged “North Side: Movers and Shakers” has a minor-------of fact.Maria Flanagan is named in the report as the chef of North Side’s Italy 2000 Restaurant.141.(A)matter(B)statement(C)report(D)error She is-------the manager of the fine dining place.Wesley Boyd is the chef.142.(A)actually(B)probably(C)rarely(D)usually I believe the writer of the article may have cited the wrong information because Maria’s daughter, Beth Flanagan, was the restaurant’s chef for a few years.The manager of Italy 2000 Restaurant is extremely proud of-------business as it has played an important role in attracting visitors to the community.143.(A)your(B)her(C)his(D)our It is a great spot to eat a delicious Italian meal!Sincerely yours, Donald Newborn North Side resident Questions 144 to 146 refer to the following e-mail.To: BWA general membership From: Owen Drage, President Date: February 21 Subject: March conference Attachment: Conference brochure and registration form Dear Colleagues, It was an honor to meet so many of you at the general meeting last week, when we talked about ways for members-------information and have our organization benefit the business community.144.(A)have shared(B)are sharing(C)will share(D)to share With that goal in mind, I would like to invite you to attend the BWA Conference on Dealing with the Ongoing Economic Crisis scheduled for March 15-18 in Sacramento.The conference will feature seminars on corporate social responsibility and protecting the stockholders.These-------were 145.(A)arguments(B)topics(C)questions(D)materials

suggested by members in response to a questionnaire that we sent out last month.I am positive that the conference will provide-------opportunities to unite with colleagues and determine ways to use our 146.(A)valuable(B)value(C)to value(D)valuing knowledge in improving the economic picture for everyone involved.Please see the attached files for additional details and information on how to register for the conference.Best regards, Owen Drage, President Business Worldwide Association Questions 147 to 149 refer to the following e-mail.To: Benjamin Castro From: Larry Biggs Re: Internal transfer Date: August 15 Dear Ben, I am pleased to inform you that your request for a transfer has been-------.As of September 1, you 147.(A)cancelled(B)appreciated(C)approved(D)interrupted will be switching from the human resources department in our Dover branch to the research & development department in our headquarters in Richmond.For the Richmond job, you-------to Cynthia Rhodes, the R&D head, as soon as possible to discuss 148.(A)were reported(B)reported(C)reporting(D)will report your immediate tasks, which will include familiarizing yourself with R&D systems, current projects and new research.In addition, may I encourage you to complete any unfinished assignments in your present position and assist in orienting your-------before you vacate your post by the end of 149.(A)occupant(B)replacement(C)recipient(D)attendant the month? Congratulations on your transfer, and we at Dover wish you the best!Warm regards, Larry Biggs Questions 150 to 152 refer to the following article.GamePlan Videos, Inc.reported a considerable-------in its final quarter net earnings after 150.(A)rise(B)interest(C)hold(D)decline launching its newest video game “Music Maker” just six weeks ago.The role-playing game has done very well in a saturated market, selling over one million units-------its first six weeks in major 151.(A)before(B)since(C)after(D)during stores across the country.Ross Patterson, director of GamePlan, said at a press conference that he was “confident about Music Maker’s success, and expects that the popularity of the game will improve GamePlan’s global reputation as a top producer of video games.” Patterson noted that in the same period of time, sales of GamePlan’s other games-------as well.152.(A)grow(B)will grow(C)grew(D)would grow GamePlan Videos now holds about 50 percent of the video game market in the United States.Patterson anticipates GamePlan to obtain a higher share in the international market before the year is over.Keys 101 D 102 A 103 B 104 C 105 B 106 C 107 D 108 C 109 C 110 A 111 C 112 A 113 B 114 B 115 C 116 D 117 C 118 D 119 B 120 A 121 D 122 C 123 B 124 B 125 C 126 D 127 A 128 D 129 C 130 A 131 B 132 A 133 D 134 D 135 A 136 B 137 A 138 C 139 B 140 D 141 D 142 A 143 B 144 D 145 B 146 A 147 C 148 D 149 B 150 A 151 D 152 C



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