And adult education成人教育包括扫盲班、夜校数育,以及为成人所提供的其他类型的教育。Archaeology is a source考古学是历史学的一个来源,而不是地位卑微的辅助学科。
Archaeological data古学的资料就是人类行为所造成的物质变化,更简单地说,是石化了的人类行为。A critical factor年龄是人们是否易患感冒的一个重要因素。
Although most 尽管这些说法多数未被科学证实,但是由于大量文章支持这一观点,使得普通群众难辨真伪。
A recent poll最近的一项民意测验显示,美国一半的青少年认为他们与父母的交流不好,而且造成这种隔阂的一个首要原因是有不理想的倾听行为。
American black美国黑熊虽然被叫做黑熊但却有各种各样的颜色。在它们生活区域的东部,杏聱分黑熊长有富有光泽的黑毛,但在西部,它们则长着棕色、红色甚至是黄色的毛:
A second kind,而另一种哺乳动物海豹,它的数量恐怕是地球上大型食肉哺乳动物中最大的。Another另一个主要原因是私家车过多而公交车不够。
Although 这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成被动的旁观者。
And home appliances家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和操作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病一厨房狂躁症。But as with然而,就像其他的任何机器一样,机器人也会出故障,甚至造成灾难。But what但是这些人忽视了围际旅游可能会给当地环境和历史造成灾难性的影响。Black bears黑熊是所有美洲熊中最小的,5~6英尺高,300~500磅重。
Broadly speaking广言之,人可以分为三个类别:累死的人,烦死的人和闷死的人。But even more但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观测到的最遥远的过去的景象。因为他们看到的是1 50亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。
But that, Pearson 皮尔森指出,这个突破仅仅是人机一体化的开始:“它是人机一体化漫长之路的第一步,最终会使人们在下世纪末之前就研制出完全电子化的仿真人。”
Citizens of 町田市市民首先要把垃圾分为不同种类:即可再次使用类、污染类、有毒类以及可燃烧类或不可燃烧类。
Communities 世界各地的团体组织各种各样的活动来提高对儿童健康问题的认识,像在越南举行的学龄儿童的绘画比赛、印度的街头表演、纳米比亚的木偶剧以及在德国及其他一些地方面向政策制定者们所做的一些职业讲座。Consequently,因此,国外旅游者数量的快速增加可能最终导致当地旅游业的衰败。Children will孩子们将与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视机前休闲,届时数字化时代就来到了。
Championships葡萄牙、希腊、荷兰和苏格兰的锦标赛也经常是两三个俱乐部独占鳌头。Dairy farmers奶场主可以复制他们的一流奶牛,使少养牛多产奶成为可能。
Each year每年世界卫生组织都选择一个主题来强调某一领域的特殊问题。去年的主题是“为健康而行动”,强调了增强体育运动作为健康生活的一部分。
Further more 再者,显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高则又有赖于各种科技人员的努力。
Help them express帮助他们口头表达自己的想法,鼓励他们养成良好的学习习惯。He started他创办了《福布斯》杂志,报道那些实干家,那些改变商业社会的人。
Infants are the most婴儿期是最易感冒的时期,从出生到一周岁平均至少感冒六次,在三周岁前,男孩比女孩感冒次数要多。Industrialism工业化需要大量愿意并能够离开家乡外出寻找工作的工人,而且他们可以根据需要随时流动。In this day 在这一天,人们都会享受到美食,而且都会玩得很高兴。
Instead,为何不换一种活法,将更多的高山攀爬,多吃点儿冰淇淋甜甜嘴巴,经常光着脚板溜达,在更多的河流里畅游,多看看夕阳西下,多点儿欢笑哈哈,少让泪水滴答!生活得一边过一边瞧!车站就会很快到达!It takes only从上海去东京,只需两个多小时,相当于从北京到杭州I的时间。It takes 不论是中国的还是外国的历史经验一再证明,文化需要交流。
It also means这就意味着,各国政府得越来越多地干预这些部门以便提高产量并确保产品会得到最好的利用。Many people很多人认为同时接受中西文化影响我们这一代人似乎处在一个很尴尬的位置上,既不能深切地理解中国传统文化,也不能完全适应西方的思维方式。
Museums 第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆。它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性成果。
Moreover,而且,许多人,包括司机和骑自行车的人,不能很好地遵守交通规则,特别是在繁忙的十字路口。My grandfather我祖父常说,做生意不是为堆积百万或上亿财富,而是为带来幸福快乐。Now 3,000,000现在町田居住着300万人,他们每天会制造220吨垃圾。No one will无人会否认,现代技术的采用已经改善了社会结构。
None of this这些都没有阻止足球在全球的受欢迎程度,作为一种出口产业,它要比美国更为平等的体育做得更好。No one can没有人能否认这一重要事实:最近几年交通问题在全世界受到了普遍关注。One thing 大多数绿色食品有一个共同点,即它们的价格高于以常规方式种植的食物。
Over billions数十亿年来,这种气体受引力的压缩形成星系、恒星、行星,并最终甚至产生人类。阅读 In 1957Social customs A history tafm3 l4 ts4 tafv3 tp1 io4 iw3 wi1 a1 wo3 tu3 tl4 wc2 ta1 wp3 It is interesting Teaching involves A new weapon t2 as1 aw2 wotfi2 wotfs2 ta1 ttt1 tts4 tf3 w1 ww2 wo4 wcl4 wci3 t2 It would be The Erie Canal A green house i2 tc1 p4 w1 ta3 Wcs3 I2 1 4 Wct1 a2 i4 w4 s1 t3 In bringing The British As she walked e2 it3 p3 t4 im4 wc3 wdw3 a2 wdt4 t4 ef4 t2 es4 efs3 s4 It is summer The average After three wotfi4 f2 wt3 wd1 wotfs1 wci3 b2 i2 a3 wcd4 wd1 wdy2 t2 wo4 wm3 If there is The office A good wi4 I3 ww4 f2 t1 tm3 h3 f2 i3 tu2 am2 at1 i4 w1 t2 It was fifteen The wordA government mf2 mc4 tp4 wc4 tb1 a2 i1 wa3 wh1 tu2 th2 wotfsb4 wotfsi3 ti4 wotfb1 I found out The winter A quarter ts2 tg3 tts4 tte1 tb3 twoa1 twm2 twoi3 wo3 wm4 a1 t1 wo4 wi4 wc3 In the past The past America is a wda3 rs4 a1 wdr4 ic1 a1 t1 wdt3 wi4 wda3 tw2 wo4 ft3 tu4 a4 Life learning The city Americans are I2 Attat2 L1 attal2 T2 tn3 pi1 tu2 pm2 w3 i2 p1 tc4 at4 tb4 Most of the people The famous Being a good Wc2 T4 Wo1 Att3 Ate3o3 wd4 wo4 td1 a2 wi4 wc4 n1 i1 t2 Man is Transportation Climate, more tm4 tuwe4 w2 tuwo1 tb1 t2 s1 wm3 wo1 wi4 attpp3 w3 i2 attph4 au4 Most of us The eight Choosing p2 w2 tb2 tu3 o1 o4 to2 ta4 w2 tp4 a3 tw2 tt4 ta4 w3 More than The young Death Valley wl1 ww3 t1 wo1 wc4 b4 i3 a1 t4 f1 i4 t2 ftpwcl3 d3 ftpwcs1 Many people There was one During the ti1 w4 g4 tt4 tb1 ap4 at2 tw2 i2 tp3 t3 aa2 a4 i3 w2 Many animals Too oftenDogs wag wci2 ture4 not4 c3 w1 tr2 td4 w1 tb4 wu2 wag1 tv2 w3 tp4 they1 Most young There are many Does a bee mi4 td2 mcb3 mca1 tb3 wi1 bl2 wc4 ic3 hm3 wit4 ww2 wik3 t4 wo1 Man has Two traveling Driving a car ti4 ture4 men2 bt2 f3 hole1 tu4 ty2 let3 ts2 tb4 1 ta2 4 t1 Most people would When I was Do you find da2 at4 l3 ta1 w3 wtt3 wo4 wto2 wd2 a1 ia4 wotfm1 io3 y1 wotfs2Nowadays more We have learn Education is al1 t4 i2 ab2 w4 or1 wi3 s1 ot2 wo3 two4 twh1 a4 tpo2 tpt3 Nearly all Women inEvery 14days at1 i3 w1 tp1 tb2 i2 wh2 te2 tl2 ta1 wa3 m4 a2 t2 wd1 Once a group You want Everyone has i4 b1 tf1 tp3 w2 t2 wy4 b4 wd4 wo2 tpim2 tn2 w1 tpit3 a3 Obviously You’ve no Every human wi2 ta4 wa2 oo1 a3 att2 w4 ah1 ate3 m4 a2 ts4 w2 i1 tb2 “Opinion” Eat, drink true1 would2 tn3 c4 a3 tp4 p3 wo2 tw2 wc4 People go in English is ws1 a2 s4 p3 wo2 at1 wotd2 two3 tu4 tt1 Packaging General a3 f3 ws2 wo1 wi4 wits3 witp1witao2 wt2 witaa1 People living It is commonly wi3 te2 ts1 i2 a4 tp4 wd1 wo3 tp4 wi2 Researchers In cities across p3 a2 t4 o1 wi2 i2 tw3 ta3 r1 f4 Sport isae1 attps3 m4 attpp1 t
3Over the years工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉,多年来在很大程度上被史学家和科学哲学家们忽视了。
Proper measures应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。Sleep is part睡眠是人每天日常活动循环的一部分。
So there is real如果消费者们,尤其是那些收入有限的消费者们,怀疑传统食品而只购买更昂贵的绿色食品,那就值得担忧了。She was so convinced她对此确信无疑,于是就带着女儿去听觉病矫治专家那儿检查她的耳朵。
Since there既然海洋中有如此丰富的食物,一些原本在陆地生存的高效率的、适应性强的暖血型动物返回海洋生存是不难理解的。Sooner or later我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有能够“一劳永逸”的地方。生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦。
Science moves forward 他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于像改进了的技术和工具这种更为普通的事情。
There are four major 中国的教育主要有4种类型:基础教育、职业技术教育、高等教育和成人教育。The Chinese government中国政府十分重视学龄前教育。
They were as a group做为一个整体,他们是半文盲,高傲并且顽固。他们坚持自己的生活方式就像松树根在花岗石中爆缝生长。They outlasted recurrent他们熬过了经常性的天花、疟疾等瘟疫及一系列自然灾难。The growing interest北美的消费者们越来越关注他们的日常饮食是否安全和有营养。
The city日本的町田市找到了一些新方法来解决现代社会产生的大量废物或垃圾处理问题。To solve为解决这一问题,他们建立了耗资3亿美元的垃圾处理中心,并于1984年投人使用。
The advantages机器人的优点是显而易见的,它们可以做人类不愿做的事,而且往往比较经济实惠(而且往往用起来比较划算)。The typical工业化之前的典型家庭模式不仅包括许多孩子,而且还有很多其他的家庭成员——祖父母、叔叔、婶婶、堂兄妹等。The romance如果说情人节的浪漫和感恩节的热闹在几年前会给我们带来新鲜和激情,那么现在,我们当中的许多人已经对这些节日感到无奈和厌烦了。
The problem近些年,国际旅游的问题引起了广泛的关注。
To be really要想真正生活得幸福和平安,一个人至少应该有两三种业余爱好,而且必须是真正的爱好。The number在城市私家车的数量应得到控制而公交车数量应该增加。
The third-generation世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,参观者可以自己动手操作,亲眼观察。这样,他们可以更加贴近高科技成果,去探索科学技术的奥妙。
The Internet联网可以使位于世界任何一个地方的广播电台以很小的投资成为一家国际广播站,虽然其声音质量还远不够完美,但已经超过了短波的声音质量。
There is much talk 80现在,有不少人都认为,互联网将是与无线电台和电视共存的“广播业的第三股势力” That is somewhat按以往的标准,这个比例偏高,没有达到充分就业。但就整体来说,问题并不严重。The unemployment现在失业问题的严重性在于,它对黑人青年影响很大,他们仍未能加人劳动大军。Through exchange只有交流,才能共同去促进人类智慧向着一座又一座高峰发展,并共同享用其成果。The first value首先,多代同堂的家庭成员齐聚家中享受一顿丰盛的团圆饭,是每个人都会遵守的习惯。
The female members准备一顿丰盛晚餐的工作,当然是落在家中女成员的身上,比较富裕的家庭则可能有佣人帮忙。The second value其次,亲戚朋友之间也会兴高采烈地互访。这样的欢庆方式,有助于加强亲情和友情。
The existence巨大的宇宙云的存在,实际上是使20世纪20年代首创的大爆炸理论得以保持其对宇宙起源解释的主导地位所不可缺少的。
The scientific我们所谓的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。There will be television届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停止行驶。
Under modern在现代条件下,这需要程度不同的中央控制,从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域专家的协助。When you first drift在你开始昏昏入睡时,你的眼球会转动几下,体温略有下降,肌肉放松,呼吸变得缓慢而有节奏。
Whether the Government政府究竟是以减少对技术的经费投入来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方面看做是驱动力量。
完型: 42424A “dark horse” 1312321442 13213 23431It is a usual 2312421242 11223 43234 Daily changes 12***22 42311Many theories 42342 3414132114 23412Driving through 1342132111 22413 42323Many American 43331 2114444421 24131Each Indian 1143142312 43322 14312 Reptiles *** 24141Eating less 31244 4231243311 31234The space2312324112 12134 34312For most of us *** 21133The mass *** 34243 In his 1979 2***13124214 Telecommuting1412321422 14211 14331 I work in 22121 3241343342 42134 Workers aren’t 2132231143 31423 13443In(1)_ 41112 3221344124 ***
I had offered32412 3414114442 21334 In 1990 ***31234
It’s not polite 12312
要点:1)面向全体学生,注重素质教育 2)整体设计目标,体现灵活开放3)突出学生主体,尊重个体差异4)采用活动途径,提倡体验参与 5)注重过程评价,促进学生发展 6)开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道)
2、如何理解教师会教和乐教 要点:
一、1、教师会教的含义)会教的教师通过“教”使自己得以全面发展 2)会教的教师通过“教”实现学生的全面发展
2、教师会教的实现1)加强学习2)科学管理 3)争取支持 4)积极合作 5)全力投入
3、在小学英语教学中如何创设情景 要点
学位英考试试题-1 Part I Reading Comprehension(30%)
Directions: There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
Archaeology, like many academic words, comes from Greek and means, more or less, “the study of old things”.So, it is really a part of the study of history.However, most historians use paper evidence, such as letters, paintings and photographs,but archaeologists(考古学家)learn from the objects left behind by the humans of long ago.Normally, these are the hard materials that don't break down or disappear very quickly—things like human bones and objects made from stone and metal.It is very unusual to find anything more than the hard evidence of history--normally, the bacteria(细菌)in the air eat away at soft materials, like bodies, clothes and things made of wood.Occasionally, things are different.In 1984, two men made an amazing discovery while working in a bog called Lindow Moss, in the north of England.A bog is a very wet area of earth, with a lot of plants growing in it.It can be like a very big and very thick vegetable soup—walk in the wrong place and you can sink and disappear forever.The men were working when one of them saw something sticking out—a human foot!Naturally, the men called the police,who then found the rest of the body.Was it a case of murder? Possibly--but it was a death nearly two thousand years old.The two men had found a body from the time of the Roman invasion of Britain.Despite being so old, this body had skin, muscles, hair and internal organs—the scientists who examined him were able to look inside the man's stomach and find the food that he had eaten for his last meal!
Why was this man so well preserved?(76)It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe fi:om the bacteria that need oxygen to live.Also, the water in the bog was very acidic.The acid preserved the man's skin in the way that animal skin is preserved for leather coats and shoes.How did he die? Understandably, archaeologists and other scientists wanted to know more about the person that they called,“Lindow Man”.(77)His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadn't done heavy manual work in his life—he could have been a rich man.They found that he hadn't died by accident.The archaeologists believe that he was sacrificed to three different gods.1.Which language does the word “archaeology”come from?
A.French.B.Greek.C.Roman.D.German.2.The word “these” in the first paragraph refers to_______.A.letters B.photographs C.paintings D.objects
3.Which of the following helped to preserve“Lindow Man”?
A.Ice and Iow temperature.B.Bacteria and oxygen.C.Soil and energy.D.Acid and water.4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.“Lindow Man”was named after the person who first found him.B.Historians usually use paper evidence, while archaeologists use hard evidence.C.“Lindow Man” was found by two archaeologists in the south of England.D.“Lindow Man”was good at manual work.5.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.What Is Archaeology?
B.Archaeology and History
C.An Amazing Archaeological Discovery
D.The Death of“Lindow Man”
Passage 2
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
The city has always been an engine of intellectual life, from the 18th-century cafes of London, where citizens gathered to discuss chemistry and politics, to the Left Bank bars of modern Paris, where Picasso talked about modem art.Without the metropolis, we might not have had the great art of Shakespeare.And yet, city life isn't easy.Now scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and the results are depressing.Just being in an urban environment, they have found, impairs(损害)our basic mental processes.(78)After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control.While it's long been recognized that city life is exhausting, this new research suggests that cities actually dull our thinking, sometimes dramatically so.One of the main forces at work is a complete lack of nature, which is surprisingly beneficial for the brain.Studies have demonstrated, for instance, that hospital patients recover more quickly when they can see trees from their windows, and that women living in public housing are better able to focus when their apartments overlook a lawn.Even these glimpses of nature improve brain performance, it seems, because they provide a mental break from the urban life.This research arrives just as humans cross an important milestone(里程碑).For the first time in history, the majority of people live in cities.Instead of inhabiting wide-open spaces, we're crowded into concrete jungles, surrounded by traffic and millions of Strangers.In recent years, it's become clear that such unnatural surroundings have important implications for our mental and physical health, and can powerfully alter how we think.This research is also leading some scientists to dabble(涉足)in urban design, as they look for ways to make the city less damaging to the brain.(79)The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life.The mind needs nature, and even a little bit can be a big help.6.Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?
A.The city inspires talented people.B.The city hurts your brain.C.The city has many pleasures and benefits.D.The city seriously affects the natural balance.7.The word “metropolis” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.A.citizen B.nature C.city D.stress
8.People have just come to realize that_______.A.human attention is a scarce resource
B.city life can make people very tired
C.the city is an engine of intellectual life
D.an urban environment is damaging to the brain
9.What is the factor mentioned in the third paragraph that helps the hospital patients recover more quickly?
A.Nature.B.Better treatment.C.Experienced doctors.D.Good medicine.10.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Different aspects(方面)of an urban environment, such as the crowded streets, can lead to an increase in self-control.B.Small changes in urban design, cannot reduce the negative side effects of city life.C.For the first time in history, the earth's population is more urban than rural.D.A walk down a busy city street will improve brain performance.Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
Breastfeeding(母乳喂养)for a month or longer appears to reduce a woman's risk of getting diabetes(糖病)later in life, according to a new study.The breastfeeding and diabetes link has been reported in other studies, according to researcher Eleanor Schwarz.Yet, her study makes the link easier to believe.Her study is published in a journal of medicine in America.Schwarz and her colleagues looked at data about breastfeeding practices.They evaluated data on 2,233 women f~om Califomia.Of those, 405 were not mothers, 1,125 were mothers who breastfed for at least a month, and 703 were mothers who had never breastfed.They were 40 to 78 years old.According to Schwarz's study, the risk of getting a diagnosis(诊断)of Type 2 diabetes for women who breastfed all their children for a month or longer was similar to that of women who had not given birth.But mothers who had never breastfed were nearly twice as likely to develop diabetes as women who had never given birth.Mothers who never breastfed were about 1.4 times as likely to develop diabetes as women who breastfed for one to three months, Schwarz found.While one month of breastfeeding appears to make a difference, Schwarz says, even longer is better.(80)“Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body.” Many experts recommend breastfeeding for six months and continuing for a year, she says.The diabetes-breastfeeding link is probably explained by belly fat.Mothers, who don't breastfeed, as they get older, may have more belly fat, as breastfeeding helps new mothers take off weight.“Belly fat increases the risk of diabetes as you get older,” she says.The finding isn't surprising at all, says Kimberly Gregory.She often gives advice to women who get diabetes(occurring during pregnancy(怀孕))that they are at risk for later getting Type 2 diabetes and suggests they breastfeed.The new findings will probably inspire Gregory to add to the-advice she gives moms-to-be about the benefits of breastfeeding.She often focuses on the benefits to the baby.11.According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.About two thousand and two hundred old women took part in the study.B.Eleanor Schwarz's research program was about men and women who suffered from diabetes.C.Over one fifths of the women never got married.D.Eleanor Schwarz's results seem more reliable.12.According to Schwarz's findings, who are more likely to get diabetes later in life?
A.Those mothers who had never breastfed.B.Those mothers who never gave birth.C.Those mothers who breastfed for a month.D.Those mothers who breastfed for six months.13.Which of the following statements would Schwarz agree with?
A.Breastfeeding is not advisable because it is not good for a mom to keep a good shape.B.Breastfeeding can greatly reduce a mother's chances of getting all kinds of serious disease.C.Breastfeeding for a month is highly recommended: the longer, the better.D.Breastfeeding for a month or longer makes babies smarter.14.What does the author mean by “moms-to-be” in the last paragraph?
A.Women who are pregnant, especially for the first time.B.Women who dream of having babiesfor the first time.C.Women who already have children.D.Women who have just got babies for the first time.15.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?
A.Breasffeeding May Enhance Babies' Chances of Survival
B.Breasffeeding May Lower Moms' Diabetes Risk
C.Breasffeeding May Become Very Fashioaable in Near Future
D.Breasffeeding May Help Women Lose Weight
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure(30%)
Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16.You should carefully think over_____ the manager said at the meeting.A.that B.which C.what D.whose
17.Last week I wrote to the hotel to book a room, but they _____ yet.A.didn't answer B.wasn't answering
C.hadn't answered D.haven't answered
18.Diana felt very much upset at _____ to the party as she had longed to go for a long time.A.having not been invited B.not having been invited
C.not to be invited D.to be not invited
19.On no account _____ held responsible for the car accident, so he should not be put into prison.A.the driver can be B.can the driver be
C.the driver be D.be the driver
20.All the kids are crying now.What_____makes them so unhappy?
A.it is B.is it C.it is that D.is it that
21.Unfortunately, the package I was expecting was _____ to the wrong address.A.written B.given C.packed D.delivered
22._____by a large audience, he felt very nervous and didn't know what to say.A.Watching B.Watch C.Watched D.Having watched
23.I'm very grateful for your help and hope to do something for you_____in the future.A.in exchange B.instead C.in return D.in particular
24.I can ____you that the animals are well cared for in our zoo, so you needn't worry about them.A.suppose B.assume C.assure D.grant
25.The drowning boy made a _____ attempt to catch the rope thrown to him.A.dangerous B.graceful C.gentle D.desperate
26.If we_____early tomorrow morning, we will reach the coast before dark.A.take off B.set off C.set up D.take up
27.A lot of people mistake John for Bill because they _____ each other in appearance too much!
A.weave B.utilize C.reveal D.resemble
28.When there are cordial relations between the two countries, we mean there exists a_____ relationship between them.A.friendly B.hostile C.fertile D.complicated
29.The patient's recovery was very encouraging as he could_____get out of bed without help.A.only B.almost C.me'rely D.hardly
30.At the job interview, Mr.Brown gave a good _____ of himself and finally got a job as a salesman.A.opinion B.idea C.cry D.account
31.As is well known, eating too much fat can_____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.add to B.attend to C.contribute to D.apply to
32.A club is a place to make frequent_____with friends.A.accounts B.attempts C.contents D.contacts
33._____the obvious differences in size and population, the states of America have many things_____ common.A.Although;on B.Though;in
C.Despite;in D.Because of;on
34.Scientists say it may be five or six years _____this medicine is tested on human beings.A.since B.before C.after D.when
35.With larger numbers of graduates than ever before, just having a degree will no longer be enough to make you _____in the crowd.A.stand up B.stand by C.stand for D.stand out
36.The doctor tried to do an experiment to find out the_____of the medicine on the mice.A.cause B.result C.reason D.effect
37.This is only one of the laundries in the district modem equipment.A.that have B.which have C.that has D.what has
38.Skating can be good for you _____ correctly.A.though doing B.though done C.if done D.if doing
39.By the end of last week 611 people from 49 countries to attend the meeting, with nearly half coming from the United States, Germany and Britain.A.had registered B.have registered
C.registered D.were registered
40.It was suggested that____big event like the Year of Russia in China should certainly benefit_____relationship between the two countries.A.a;the B.the;a C.a;/ D.the;/
41.Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded_____ other more well-informed experimenters failed.A.as B.unless C.what D.where
42.Having been praised by the teacher, the little girl ran back home, _____.A.happily and satisfied B.eager and excitedly
C.happy and satisfied D.anxiously and excitedly
43.—How are their talks going on? Have they reached any agreement?
—They only seemed to have agreed to set another date for __ talks.A.deeper B.slower C.further D.higher
44._____ ten minutes earlier, you wouldn't have missed the train.But you were late.A.Had you come B.Did you come
C.Have you come D.Should you come
45.Having been told that her son died in the accident, the old woman
appeared very calm, as if nothing _____.A.happened B.were happened
C.was happened D.had happened
Part III Identification(10%)
Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D.Identify the one that is not correct.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.46.I don't think a warm winter always has a negative influence on our life, hasn't it?
47.We have been told that under no circumstances we may use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.A B C D
48.A warm thought suddenly came to me which I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother's birthday.A B C D
49.To wait in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized that he had left the wallet in the car.A B C D
50.The Great Wall is So a well-known tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.A B C D
51.Equipped with modem facilities, today's hospitals are quite different from that of the past.A B C D
52.We solved the problem by using a computer rather than to do it all by hand.A B C D
53.Who has eyes can see what great achievements we have made since 1978.A B C D
54.Surely, there are lots of problems solving in our research so we need to get well prepared in advance.A B C D
55.The harder he tried, the most failures he suffered in his early days as a writer
Part IV Cloze(10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage.You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.We have quite a bit of information about ancient Egyptian medicine.Doctors' instructions have been found to tell us 56 they did for the sick and the injured.57 many of the treatments included magic, ancient Egyptians used plant leaves and other methods to treat many 58.Religion, magic and medicine were 59 related in ancient Egypt.Some priests(牧师)were specially 60 as doctors to 61 the sick and the injured.Doctors were held to a high moral standard.Patients was treated with 62 and their 63 information was highly secret.The highest-ranking doctors were priests of the goddess Sekhmet, 64 controlled illnesses.Doctors spent a part of each year 65 the goddess.Doctors were thought to be 66 to the gods and able to ask them for healing.Temples were centers for healing.67 a person was ill, he or she would come to the temple or 68 a doctor for a diagnosis(诊断).A(n)69 problem was treated with medicine, prayer and magic.If a clear cause was not 70 , the diagnosis would be that the illness was caused by an evil spirit or cUrse.The doctor would use magic spells to 71 a cure.72 , a diagnosis could not be reached.73 this case, a patient would be told to rest for a period of time 74 another examination could be 75.56.A.what B.why C.that D.which
57.A.When B.Since C.Although D.After
58.A.damages B.diseases C.disasters D.destructions
59.A.hardly B.closely C.mainly D.shortly
60.A.trained B.designed C.planned D.studied
61.A.look to B.come to C.care for D.search for
62.A.reputation B.inspection C.fame D.respect
63.A.ill B.own C.hidden D.personal
64.A.that B.which C.who D.what
65.A.serving B.reading C.learning D.following
66.A.careful B.generous C.mean D.close
67.A.Before B.When C.Until D.Since
68.A.think over B.apply to C.call for D.make up
69.A.serious B.internal C.odd D.obvious
70.A.treated B.discovered C.cured D.aroused
71.A.bring about B.set out C.insist on D.make up
72.A.Subsequently B.Consequently C.Occasionally D.Hopefully
73.A.With B.In C.For D.On
74.A.until B.when C.although D.because
75.A.decided B.performed C.carried D.discussed
Part V Translation(20%)
Section A
Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese.These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension.You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.76.It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe fi.om the bacteria that need oxygen to live.77.His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadn't done heavy manual work in his life—he could have been a rich man.78.After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control.79.The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life.80.Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body.Section B
Directions:In this part there are five sentences in Chinese.You should translate them into English.Be sure to write clearly.
81.Under the big tree in front of the house is set a table.82.He began to learn English at the age of 27.83.Globalization is changing people’s way of life.84.I have seen this movie several times.85.This is the very house he lived in five years ago.
Phrase Interpreting A
1.to recover from the jet lag
2.thoughtful arrangement
6.to claim baggage
7.to proceed through the Customs
9.farewell speech
10.to adjust to the time difference
10.适应时差 B
3.不远万里来到… 4.很荣幸……
1.to hold a banquet in honor of...2.to bid farewell to...3.to come all the way to...4.to be/feel honored...5.I have long been looking forward to meeting you.6.a welcoming address 7.to pay tribute to
8.to look back 9.to look ahead
10.happy memory Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you very much for your gracious welcoming speech.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient nation has long been my dream.This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management practice between Chinese and Americans.We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions.I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior.After all, there are strong points and weak points in both types of management.In recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management.It is a great pleasure that I can exchange views and information with you, and reach common ground here.And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days to come.Thank you!
非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明发源地之一,访问这个文明古 国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。这次访问使我有机会重见老朋友,结交新朋友。我为自己能 访问贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。我对你们为我到达贵国 后所做的安排深表谢意。
作为在一家中美合资企业工作了两年的美国经理,我认为中国人和美国人在经营管理 中存在着差异。基于不同的文化传统,我们的美国同事比大部分中国同行来得直率。我无 法断言我们美国的经营方式一定在中国之上。毕竟各有各的优点和弊病。近年来,越来越 多的美国管理人员已经认识到中国人那种更具人情味的管理方式的长处。
很高兴我们能交换意见和信息,并达成共识。我希望在今后的日子里,我能有机会就 此话题与各位交换自己的看法。谢谢!
Coordinating-Field Interpreting
David: Hi!I am David Anderson, sales representative from Willa Company.Are you
the representative from Zhong'an Technology Company? Interpreter: 你好!我是Wina公司的销售代表。你是中安科技公司派来接我们的吗? Li: :
Interpreter: Hi, Mr.Anderson!Yes, I am.My name is Li Hua from the International
Business Department of Zhong'an.Welcome to Shenzhen.David:
Thanks.Interpreter: 谢谢!Li:
你的行李都取了吗? Interpreter: Have you claimed all your luggage? David:
Yes, I have.Interpreter:全取了。
那我们这边走吧。公司的车在马路对面的停车场,我们一起过去? Interpreter: Then this way please.My car is in the parking lot across the street.Shall we go
there now? David:
飞机旅途还好吗?是从温哥华直飞的航班吗? Interpreter: Did you have a good flight? Did you fly directly from Vancouver to Shenzhen? David:
Yes, Thank you.The flight was very good and the service on board was
excellent.It took just over 13 hours non-stop from Vancouver.Interpreter:谢谢,是的。旅途还不错,服务很好,13个小时的直达航班a Li:
真是路途遥远啊!Interpreter: What a long trip!David:
I don't sleep well on planes, therefore I am a little tired and the jet lag will
catch up with me tomorrow.Interpreter:在飞机上没睡好,所以现在有点累,明天会有时差反应。Li:
Interpreter: How about going straight to the hotel? We have booked a room for you at the
Garden Hotel.David:
第一次来中国? Interpreter: The first time to China? David:
Yes.Shenzhen is such a beautiful city.Interpreter:是啊。深圳真是漂亮极了。
Interpreter: Well, in that case, we shall try to make your visit as pleasant as possible, so that
you will take home happy memories.Fortunately, we are enjoying beautiful
spring weather and spring is the best season in Shenzhen.David: I am so lucky.Interpreter:我真是赶上好季节了。
Interpreter: Please allow me to talk briefly about your schedule.There will be no
arrangement for tomorrow.You can have a good rest and recover from jet lag.David: Good idea.I really need some rest.Interpreter:好主意,我是要好好休息一下。
明晚,我们安排了在“粤唯鲜”的晚宴,让你感受一下广东的饮食文化。Interpreter: Tomorrow night, we will have dinner in the Yueweixian Restaurant, a chance
for you to try the Cantonese cuisine.David: Terrific.I like Chinese food very much.Interpreter:太好了,我喜欢中国菜。
Interpreter: On the morning of the day after tomorrow, we will show you around in our
factory.On the afternoon, we will discuss our cooperation.Then you will
visit Splendid China Theme Park.David:
Will you give me a timetable? I'd like to pay a visit to your factory to find out
about the possibility of importing automobile parts from you.Interpreter:你会给我一个时间表吗?我想看看你们的工厂以调查一下从贵公司进口
Interpreter: Sure.If you have any personal problems or business problems, please let me
know.I will do all that I can to help.David: Thank you.Interpreter:好的.
到了,我们上车吧!Interpreter: Here we are!Get on the car, please.Smith: It's very kind of you to come all the way to see me off, Mr.Zhu? Interpreter:朱先生,你远道来送行,真是太客气了。
Interpreter: Not at all.It's a pity that you are leaving us.Smith: I am sorry to leave you, too.Interpreter:我也不愿意离开你们。
Zhu:你办了登机手续了吗? Interpreter: Have you checked in?
Smith: No, not yet.Interpreter:还没有。
Interpreter: Now, let's go through Customs.This way, please.Here is something I'd like
you to keep as a souvenir.Smith: Thank you.I'll open it.Oh!It is a Chinese painting.It's really marvelous.The
horses are so nice.Interpreter:谢谢,那我打开了。啊,是中国画,太漂亮了。这马画得真好。
Interpreter: I am glad you like it.I hope it will remind you of me and of our friendship.Smith: I don't know how to thank you for your kindness.I'm so glad to have it to
remember my time here.Interpreter:真不知道如何感谢你才好。我很高兴有这幅画来帮我想起我在这里度过
Interpreter: Thanks.I appreciate very much everything you've done for us.I wish I could
repay you somehow.Smith: Don't mention it.Interpreter:别客气。
Interpreter: Listen!It's announcing the departure of your fight.Smith: Right.I have to go now.Interpreter:是啊,那我去登机了。
Interpreter: As a famous Chinese saying goes, “Although a thousand miles a person can
see off a friend, he has no choice but to say good-bye in the end.” I wish you
a pleasant journey.Zhu:中国有句古语:“送君千里,终有一别。”我祝你旅途愉快。
Smith: Hope to see you again.Interpreter:希望再次见到你。
Interpreter: Good-bye.And don't forget to keep in touch.Sentence Interpreting
4.我想借此机会代表我所有的同事对你们热情周到的接待和无与伦比的好客表示感谢。5.我能荣幸地邀请在座的各位跟我一起举杯吗? 1.The past six days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable, and most memorable.2.I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners.3.It is very kind of you to come all the way and meet me at the airport.4.I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality.5.May I have the honor to ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses?
Text D
在这个举国同庆的除夕夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾光临我们的春 节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我愿各位中外同事共度一个轻松欢快的夜 晚。
我们这家合资企业走过了10年的奋斗历程。这是辉煌的10年,富有成果的10年,是 我们公司走向世界的10年,也是各位默默奉献的10年。我们在这里略备薄酒,庆祝我们 的友好合作。我愿借此机会向公司的各位同仁表示诚挚的感谢。
同时,我也希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼此沟通、增进友谊。最后,我再次感谢各 位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成、吉祥如意。
On the occasion of this New Year's Eve of national celebration, and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for their gracious presence at this Spring Festival gathering.You know, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all my Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle.This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to a world market, and a decade of your dedication without any complaint.We have prepared a humble dinner to celebrate our friendly cooperation.I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my colleagues at the venture.Meanwhile, I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to know each other and increase our friendship.In closing, I'd like to thank you again for your kind presence and wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck in the New Year.Unit2 Phrase Interpreting 1.to take this opportunity 2.to cherish
3.signing ceremony 4.to witness
5.to extend sincere thanks to...6.to appreciate 7.last but not least
8.to enhance
9.at one's earliest convenience 10.workshop 1.借此机会
6.欣赏 7.最后
9.在某人方便的时候 1n研讨会
3.值此..„.之际 4.友好使者
6.衷心感谢 7.热情好客
9.代表 10.无与伦比的
1.master of ceremony
2.distinguished guests 3.on the occasion of...4.an envoy of friendship 5.best wishes
6.sincere thanks 7.hospitality
8.at the invitation of...9.on behalf of...10.incomparable 2.Sentence Interpreting A 1.I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.2.I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality.3.Although there is a distance of tens of thousands of miles between us, “Long distance separates no bosom friends”, as one of your poets of the Tang Dynasty once said.4.I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.I also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.5.On behalf of the foreign guests attending this workshop, let me offer a most sincere “thank you” for your warm and gracious welcome.1.这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感荣幸。
3.虽然我们远隔万里,但贵国唐朝的一位诗人说得好,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。” 4.我非常珍惜我们两座城市之间的密切关系,我也非常珍视我们作为你们最重要的贸易伙
5.本人谨代表所有参与此次研讨会的外国人员,向您表达最诚挚的谢意,感谢您对我们热烈而亲切的欢迎。B 1.我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。2.我们很高兴同阁下一道欢庆这个光辉的节日。
1.I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.2.We are very happy to celebrate this glorious festival together with Your Excellency.3.It is our sincere wish that we continued to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.4.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Mayor and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health!5.This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop.Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception.Text A 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Honorable Guests, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,It gives me great pleasure to attend the Boao Forum for Asia 2004 Annual Conference today.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government, my warmest welcome to all of you present here.In the past few years, with the support of the fellow Asia countries and the larger international community, the Boao Forum for Asia has developed steadily, playing an increasingly prominent role in regional cooperation and demonstrating to the rest of the world the fervent desire of the Asian people for a win-win scenario through closer cooperation.We are glad to see that Asia has, on the whole, enjoyed stability, with peace, development and cooperation becoming the mainstream of an advancing Asia.With concerted efforts, Asian countries have freed themselves from the shadow of the financial crisis, overcome the impact of SARS and bird flu, succeeded in domestic economic restructuring, and quickened the tempo of
industrial upgrading and transformation, promoted a robust regional cooperation and increased the capacity to tide over potential risks.Asia retains its position as one of the world's most dynamic regions and a key growth point in global trade.All this gives us much confidence about Asia's future.Ladies and gentlemen, China's development cannot be achieved in isolation of Asia, and Asia's prosperity also needs China.China will follow a peaceful development path holding high the banners of peace, development and cooperation, join hands with the other Asian countries in bringing about Asian rejuvenation, and make greater contributions to the lofty cause of peace and development in the world.Thank you!
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:
I am extraordinarily happy to have witnessed this signing ceremony today because it symbolizes, for me, exactly the type of cooperation that we need and that is a cooperative endeavor which will bring in more investment and lead to more cooperation.非常高兴能出席签约仪式,亲眼目睹这一非凡时刻。它代表了我们一直所寻求的合作方式,双方的合作努力必将会带来更多的合作和投资。
This is after months of hard work, from developing the concept, soliciting interest from the private sector, encouraging government departments to offer services, to the signing of the contract today with the establishment of the joint venture: the Shenzhen Networking Technology Company(SNTC).今天,深圳市网络科技公司的成立,从概念的形成,到获取投资人的兴趣,到获取政府部门的服务支持,再到今天的签约,它是好几个月辛勤努力的结果。
Our partner in this exciting venture has been selected after a rigorous evaluation process and its proposal has been rated the best after the combined technical and financial assessments.SNTC is a joint venture of Star Corporation and Digital Technology Company: companies with strong technical and marketing expertise and financial background.我们在合资企业的合作伙伴是经历了严格的评估才挑选出来的,它提出的方案在技术和资金的综合评估中位列第一。深圳市网络科技公司的合作双方:star公司和Digital科技公司都拥有很强的科技、营销实力和资金背景。
Ladies and gentlemen, our vision is to make Shenzhen a leading digital city in the globally connected world in the 21st century.The establishment of SNTC will be an important step towards that goal.女士们,先生们,我们的目标是把深圳建设成为21世纪互联网时代的领先的数码城,深圳市网络科技公司的成立将会使我们离这个目标更近一步。
Packaging 尊敬的各位来宾,各位朋友,女士们,先生们:
Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,值此第五届中国投资贸易洽谈会召开之际,我谨代表中国政府,向来自世界各地的嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!下面,我将和各位嘉宾简要谈谈中国加入世贸组织后外商投资中国西部的新机遇。
On the occasion of the Fifth China International Fair for Investment and Trade, I would like, on behalf of the Chinese government, to extend my warm welcome to all the distinguished guests
coming from all over the world.And I would also like to brief you on the new opportunities for foreign investment in west China after China joined the WTO.21世纪的中国,是更加开放的中国。目前,中国政治稳定、经济发展、社会和睦、人民安居乐业。
China will become even more open in the 21st century.At present, China is enjoying political stability, economic progress and social harmony.Chinese people are happy about their lives and work.不久前,北京申办2008年奥运会取得成功,这将与加入世贸组织一起,加速推动中国的改革开放和经济发展。我希望进一步促进外商参与中国西部大开发,推动广大的西部地区加快经济和社会发展的进程。
Not long ago, Beijing succeeded in its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games.This latest success, coupled with the accession to the World Trade Organization, will add impetus to China's reform, opening-up and economic development.I hope that foreign businesspeople could take part in the development of western regions more actively to advance the economic and social development of the vast western areas.世界各国各地区不少有远见卓识的企业家都将目光投向了中国,投向了西部,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。我们真诚地希望,各国各地区的企业和其他各界人士,抓住历史机遇,积极来华开展投资贸易合作与交流,携手共创美好未来。
Many farsighted businesspeople from various countries and regions have paid attention to China and to the western regions and got generous profits in return of their investment activities.We sincerely hope that businesspeople from all over the world seize the historical opportunity to conduct investment and trade cooperation with their Chinese counterparts.Together we can create a brilliant future!
Sentence Interpreting 1.这是一次具有历史意义的、开拓性的会议。
1.It is a pioneering conference of historic significance.
2.This meeting will have a positive impact on the shaping Of a new world pattern.
3.To build a new Asia-Europe partnership calls for new concepts and new methodology.
4.We should seek common ground while putting aside differences and enhance mutual
understanding and trust.5.Let us work together for a successful conclusion of this meeting.B.Text Interpreting
Text D
Your Honored Mr.Mayor, My Chinese Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.On behalf of all the
members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to
convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes from the government and people of my country.Although we live with a distance of thousands of miles between us, “Long distance separates no bosom friends”, as one of your poets of the Tang Dynasty said.The whole world is watching with great interest in the remarkable changes that are
taking place in China, particularly in Shanghai.To our great amazement, this country boasts a two-decade persistent economic growth, which is unequalled elsewhere in the world.China's miraculous rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific region has
attracted, and will continue to attract, a growing number of business, manufacturing and
financial giants in our country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-
term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas.Last but not least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai.We would like to invite His Honor to visit our city at his earliest convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoyed here.I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.I also greatly value the
position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.In spite of the worldwide
economic recession in recent years, there has been a steady growth in our economic
cooperation and trade volume.It's our sincere wish that we continued to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Mayor and all our Chinese friends present
here tonight good health!Thank you!市长先生阁下,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:
Unit 3 Phrase Interpreting A
1.business luncheon
2.soft drink
3.buffet reception
6.to gain popularity
7.to propose a toast
8.continental breakfast
9.junk food
10.French fries
10.炸薯条 B.
2.delicacies,3.taboo 4.specialty
6.major cuisines 7.to handle chopsticks
8.table manners
9.hot& sour soup 10.yogurt
Sentence Interpreting A 1.Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot.2.Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.3.The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table are the typical characteristics of Chinese food.4.Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/cooking.5.May I propose a toast to the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme.Smith? 1.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著称。
’ 2.粤菜强调清炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。
3.选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调是中餐的 典型特征。
4.中餐烹调所用的天然配料品种繁多,几无穷尽。烹调方法也层出不穷,不可悉数。5.为史密斯大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯。B.Chinese into English
1.I'd like to thank Mr.Smith for his very warm welcoming remarks.Many thanks also go to the Euro-China Business Association for the gracious invitation and warm hospitality.2.I'm very delighted to have the opportunity to be at this reception hosted by the Euro-China
Business Association.3.A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes whereas a Western dinner starts with a soup.4.May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.5.Would you like to try my special recipe?
Text A President Gao, Distinguished Guests, Our Chinese Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,It is a special honor for me to have a chance to speak on behalf of all the members of ourdelegation.I would like to express our sincere thanks to President Gao for inviting us, and for all the hard work and thought you have given to the arrangements for our visit.We are also grateful for such a marvelous dinner tonight.I hope that we shall all enjoy the business exchanges and friendly contact in the following days.Every member of our delegations hopes that the rate of trade between the two countries will increase in the future through our mutual efforts.And I think that only by free flow of visitors can trade develop satisfactorily.I'm very impressed by the hospitality and warmth with which you have received us.You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations, which deserves our sincere appreciation.We are especially thankful to you for arranging the meeting and everything that you have done on our account.I hope that Mr.Gao and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the chance to return some of your kindness as a host.Apart from business contracts, these meetings will surely help enhance the understanding and friendship between us.Well begun is half done, as we said.I hope this will pave the way for further business relations between our two countries.In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the trade and friendship between us!To the health of our Chinese friends!Cheers!
最后,请和我一起为我们之间的贸易和友谊,为我们中国朋友的健康,干杯!Coordinating –Field Interpreting
Huang:想吃中餐还是西餐? Interpreter: What would you like, Chinese food, or Western food?
Hampton: Chinese food, please.Interpreter:中餐吧。
Huang:好的,你们想用筷子吗? Interpreter: All right.Would you like to use chopsticks?
Hampton: Yes, of course.As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.Although I can't get along with them, I'd like to learn to handle them.Interpreter:当然了。俗话说,“人乡随俗。”尽管我不会用筷子,但我想学着用它们。
Interpreter: Since this is the first time for you to come to China, I'd like to recommend
some real Chinese dishes for you.Real Chinese cuisine places stress on color,smell, taste, and shape.waiter:请问点什么菜? Interpreter: May I take your order now? Hang:糖醋鱼、麻婆豆腐、红烧牛肉以及上汤锔龙虾。
Interpreter: Yes, sweet-and-sour fish, bean curd with minced pork in chili sauce, braised
beef in brown sauce and special style lobster.(After the dishes are served.)Huang:请随便吃菜。
Interpreter: Please help yourselves.Hampton: Oh!That's splendid.No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.Interpreter:啊,太丰盛了,难怪都说中国人热情好客呢。Hang:想喝点什么?白兰地还是红酒? Interpreter: Which do you prefer, brandy or wine? Hampton: Brandy is too strong for me, just a glass of red wine, please.Interpreter:白兰地太刺激了,要杯红葡萄酒吧。Huang:好的,我来给您倒酒。Interpreter: Sure, let me top up your glass.Hamilton: Thank you.Interpter:谢谢。
友的健康和友谊干杯!Interpreter: Dig in.Now everybody, please be seated.First of all, I'd like you to raise your
glasses and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends here as well as our
everlasting friendship.Cheers!All:干杯!Interpreter: Cheers.Huang:汉普敦先生,请让我给您倒酒,不要拘束,请随便。
Interpreter: Mr.Hampton, let me top up your glass.Don't stand on ceremony.Help yourself
to anything you like.Hampton: The dishes look fabulous.How colorful and fragrant, and I bet they are
delicious, and so beautifully presented.Interpreter:这些菜真是太吸引人了,它们真是色、香、味、形俱全。(after the dinner)Hang:汉普敦先生,您觉得今天的菜可口吗?
Interpreter: Did you enjoy the meal, Mr.Hampton?
Hampton: Yes, these dishes are all delicious, especially the special style lobster.Interpreter:是的,很美味,尤其是上汤煽龙虾。
Hang:我很高兴你喜欢中国菜。还要点什么吗? Interpreter: I am glad you like the Chinese food.Still want some more?
Hampton: No, thanks.I am positively full.At this point, I should like to propose a toast
to our friends.Mr.Hang, I wish your company a great success.To our
friendship and cooperation, bottoms up.Interpreter:不,谢谢。我真的吃饱了。现在我建议为我们的中国朋友干杯,祝你们
生意兴隆。同时为我们的友谊和合作,干杯!女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,我代表本公司向应邀前来访问的美国Star公司代表团表示热烈的欢迎。据我所知,有关人士正在为代表团安排一个全面的参观计划。对此,我无需赘述。
It gives me much pleasure on behalf of our company to extend a warm welcome to the members of the American delegation from Star Corporation, who have been invited to this country by our company.I understand that arrangements are being made for a comprehensive visiting program and I need not talk about this now.我刚刚听到我们两家公司已达成建立合资公司的协议。这使我们两家公司的合作 大大向前迈进了一步。我相信,我们正在加拿大访问的董事长一定希望我能代表本公 司向在座的各位表达一下我们得知这个好消息时的兴奋心情。
I have, however, just heard that an agreement has been reached between our two companies to establish a joint venture.This is a great step forward and I am sure that our chairman, who is now visiting Canada, would like me to express on behalf of the company to all businessmen present here how pleased we are at the news.除了贸易以外,你们的来访肯定会加强我们彼此之间的友谊和合作。俗话说:
“良 好的开端是成功的一半。”我相信,你们的这次访问将会带来更多的交流和合作。
Apart from business contracts, your visit will surely help enhance the cooperation and friendship between us.“Well begun is half done”, as we said.I am sure that this visit will lead to many more in the future.最后请各位举杯,为我们的合作和友谊、为在座的各位健康干杯!
In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the cooperation and friendship between us!To the health of all the ladies and gentlemen present here!
Sentence Interpreting l。你们一起买单,还是各自付账?
5.我国悠久的历史、广袤的国土孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。1.How would you like to pay, one bill or separate bills? 2.I like to enjoy a dinner of Western style food with forks and knives, because I believe in “Do in Rome as the Romans do”.3.Maotai is China's best-known liquor.It is delicious and yet doesn't go to the head.4.I don't touch anything alcoholic, neither does my wife.5.China's long history and vast territory have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.B.Text Interpreting
Text D
Many changes are taking place in American food styles.The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes, Now, in addition to the
traditional home-cooked meal, we have many different alternatives to choose from: such as nutrition-balanced health food, convenient and delicious fast food and so on.Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their
physical health.Health food includes natural food with minimal processing.Most health food
enthusiasts are vegetarians.They eat no meat and prefer to get their essential proteins from
other sources, such as beans, cheese, and eggs.Fast food can be seen all over the country.Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating.Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting.And the food is always cheap.美国人的饮食习惯正在发生变化。美国人多年来那种丰盛的、一成不变的肉制品加土豆的传统餐,早已为世人所熟知。而今,我们美国人可以有多种不同的选择,除了传统的家常菜外,我们可以享受到各种各样的营养均衡的保健餐,方便可口的快餐等等。