Inappropriate Word Renditions in the Chinese Versions of British and American Fiction Masterpieces Abstract:An exhaustive investigation is made into the word rendition in over one hundred Chinese versions of British and American fiction masterpieces, and some inappropriate or erroneous treatments are analyzed.Key words: Chinese versions;British and American fiction masterpieces;word translation defects
1.not half(一点也不,毫不)
not half多作as(so)…as比较结构的修饰语,并常被译成―根本不‖。它以及not half as(远非,决不是)早已成习语。在各词典里,它们的释义都脱离―一半‖的概念。而在调查的50多部译著的200余处均应作如上解释的not half(未包括never…half, nothing half等变体)用例中,几乎都被译成了―不(如)…一半‖这样的说法。Dickens的David Copperfield中20多处此类not half,在石定乐译本中,全被译成带―一半‖的说法。偶尔为之,未尝不可,但个个如此,则不能不说是一种误区。
(1)‗But, my life, how wet you are, Mark!‘‗I am!What do you consider yourself, sir?‘‗Oh, not half as bad.‘(Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, Chapter 43)
―可是,我的老天爷,你身上够多湿啊,马可!‖―我身上湿!您觉得您自己身上湿不湿,先生!‖―噢,湿得绝没你一半儿厉害呀。‖(叶维之译,1983)not half as bad译成―绝没有你湿呀‖即可。
Because his brother was a little eccentric—though he is not half so eccentric as a good many people—he didn't like to have him visible about his house…(Dickens, David Copperfield, Chapter 14)
―虽说还不及大多数人一半的怪‖译法僵硬。译a good many people为―大多数人‖也过甚。可改为:―虽说远不及许多人怪‖。
2.one too many(much)for(胜过,非...所能敌)
I guess you have been one too many for me, Mr.Holmes.Saw through my game, I suppose, and played me for a sucker from the first.Well, sir, I hand it to you;you have me beat…(Doyle, The Adventure of the Three Garridebs)
把you have been one too many for me 译成―你们比我多一个人啊‖纯属望文生义。改译:我一直不是你们的对手啊。
3.not for love or money(无论怎样也不)
Hal awoke one day to the fact that his dog food was half-gone and the distance only quarter covered;further, that for love or money no additional dog food was to be obtained.(London, The Call of the Wild, Chapter 5)
4.on the make(正寻求异性伴侣;追求名利的)
(5)You are, I fancy, an excellent, if somewhat cynical judge of character.You judged, whether correctly or not, that Miss Grey was a type of young woman ‗on the make‘.You had no doubt that she would jump at the chance of becoming Lady Clarke.(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter 30)
克拉克的弟弟认为格雷小姐想要通过与他巨富哥哥克拉克结合,来继承他的遗产。文中俚语on the make(正寻求异性伴侣),习语jump at(急切地抓住),以及cynical(对人性怀疑的,悲观的)都没有译好。因而弱化了原文对格雷小姐一针见血的判断的力量。原译相应部分可改为:…你挺擅长于评判性格,尽管态度有点悲观。你判断到,不管正确与否,格雷小姐是那种―求欢心切‖的年轻女子。她会忙不迭地抓住成为克拉克女勋爵的机会…As she would have put it herself, she was on the make.What aroused her admiration was a clever trick played on an unsuspecting person;to ‗do‘ somebody always gave her satisfaction.(Maugham, Of Human Bondage, Chapter 59)
把on the make译成―机警的‖缺乏根据。米尔德里德小姐实际上就是―急功近利‖
(on the make)的女人。只是此话从她自己口中说出,语气委婉些罢了:用她自己的话说,她是―重实际‖的女人。
5.no more than(只不过,仅仅)
But when at last I met Charles Strickland, it was under circumstances which allowed me to do no more than just make his acquaintance.(Maugham, The Moon and the Sixpence, Chapter 6)但是最后我同查理斯·思特里克兰德见面,并不是在思特里克兰德太太说的那种情况下。她请我吃饭的那天晚上,除了她丈夫以外,我还结识了另外几个人。(傅惟慈译,1995)
6.for good measure(作为外加的东西)
Mrs Fowler has told us all that she thinks she knows—and has thrown in several conjectures for good measure!(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter 6)
福勒太太已经告诉我们她了解的一切情况——而且分寸极佳地进行推测。(陈晓东译,1998)把for good measure译成―分寸极佳地‖属望文生义。for good measure和throw in(外加)都说明福勒太太的推测是额外奉送的。破折号后改译为:而且额外还奉上了几种推测。
This meant longer hours of travel, and Daylight, for good measure and for a margin against accidents, hit the trail for twelve hours a day.(London, Burning Daylight, Chapter 5, Book 1)
7.now that(既然,由于)
now that引导原因状语从句是很常见的。汉语表示原因,虽不是非用引导词不可。但十几部译著的几十处都把原文作此用法的now that译成―现在‖就不正常了。Doyle的Sign of Four和Christie的The Mysterious Affair at Styles分别出现了5次和6次此种用法的now that,所查译著全部将其译成了―现在‖。
Perhaps you hate me too, now that I've told you as much?(Doyle, The Valley of Fear , Chapter 2, Part 2)
麦克默多把他是自由人会会员的情况告诉了伊蒂的父亲,此时又告诉了伊蒂(as much意即―上文提到的情况‖)。该会会员在当地会被当成坏人,于是麦克默多就说了如上的话。译文可突破―now that=现在‖的程式:我把这情况也告诉你了,或许你也会恨我吗?
8.have been and [(表示惊讶或恼火)竟然]
―Were there any fingerprints on the receiver in Mr.Redding‘s cottage?‖ I asked.―There were not,‖ said the Inspector bitterly.―That dratted old woman who goes and does for him had been and dusted them off yesterday morning.‖(Christie, Murder at the Vicarage, Chapter 17)
―列丁先生住所电话的听筒上有指纹吗?‖我问道。―没有,‖警督不快地说,―昨天早上,那个为他做家务的该死的老太婆去了那里,把指纹擦干净了。‖(杨山青译,1998)把表示恼火的词语had been and(竟然),误译成了―去了那里‖。
…until his feelings found a vent in this pithy sentence:‗I say, young fellow, you've been and done it now;you have!‘(Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, Chapter 60)
应把‘ve been and的语气充分译出来。另外,斯奎尔斯的话也谈不上―精辟‖,只是简短有力(pithy)。改译:…直到他的感情在下面这简短有力的一句话中找到了发泄:―我说,小伙子,现在你竟然干下了蠢事,真没想到!‖
...you've been and excited our boys to run away.(Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, Chapter 64)你在这儿鼓动我们的男孩儿们逃跑。(杜南星,徐文绮译,1998)
9.any amount of(极大量的)
I was quite prepared to stay on—there is any amount of work to be done in connection with the collections.It was Lady Clarke who wished me to leave!(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter
Huck felt that a silence was going to ensue—a thing still more awful than any amount of murderous talk.(Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapter 29)
10.and everything(以及其他等等)
此口语习语意即and so on。而所查近20部译著几乎都用含―一切‖的说法来译。Miss Grey was with my brother for over two years.She knows the countryside and the people round,and everything.(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter 18)
将and everything译成―(她知道)一切‖,语气过重。此处可改译为:她熟悉乡野村庄、周围居住的人们等等情况。
11.eat one's words(收回前言,承认错误)
It was sweet and laughable to hear Alan eat his words up in the fear of some fresh quarrel.(Stevenson, Kidnapped, Chapter 24)
He was fulfilling his duty as a citizen and bringing up a large family.(London, Martin Eden, Chapter 44)
bring up(养育)的自然是子女,―拉扯大‖,即抚养大的,也应是子女。此处可改译为:…拉扯大了一大帮子女。
13.an accessory before the fact(事前从犯)
And it did look as though I'd—what‘s the phrase? –been an accessory before the fact.(Christie, A Murder Is Announced, Chapter 8)
确实看起来我好像——怎么说来着?——是个―隐瞒事实的人‖。(何克勇译,1998)默娜·哈里斯一时没有上口的是一法律术语:an accessory before the fact,意即(纵容主犯、参与预谋等的)―事前从犯‖(before the fact指作案前)。将其译成―隐瞒事实的人‖缺乏根据。
14.milk and water(搀水的牛奶),bread and milk(泡在煮沸牛奶中的碎面包)与bread and butter(涂黄油的面包)
有些西方食物在英语里是成对词(Twin Words),表层上是并列关系,深层上的逻辑和语意关系多属修饰或连接。含有milk and water的6部译著的10处中,有2部4处将其译成―牛奶和水‖。含有bread and milk与bread and butter的20多部作品的几十处中,译者基本都按字面将其分别译成―面包和牛奶‖、―面包和黄(奶)油‖。有的还把butter译成―奶油‖或―牛酪‖。butter是黄油,即从牛奶或奶油(cream)中提取的主要是脂肪的黄色固体。cream才是奶油,即从牛奶中提出的半固体物质,白色,微黄,脂肪含量较黄油要低。cheese才是奶酪,即用动物的乳汁做成的半凝固食品。
…meanwhile Mr Squeers tasted the milk and water.(Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, Chapter 5)同时,斯奎尔斯先生尝了尝牛奶和水。(杜南星,徐文绮译,1998)
Nicholas Nickleby中共出现三次milk and water,杜、徐译文均作―牛奶和水‖。
…(the hungry little girls)who gave away their breakfasts and contented themselves with bread and milk on Christmas morning.(Alcott, Little Women, Chapter 2)
…spilt our tea, crumbled our bread and butter, tossed our books up to the ceiling...(Brontë, Jane Eyre, Chapter 17)
She had set out the tea things ready on a tray, with sandwiches and bread and butter covered with a damp napkin to keep them moist.(Christie, 4.50 from Paddington, Chapter 4)
15.over [(蛋)双面煎的]与straight up[(蛋)单面煎的]
I got interested enough to wonder whether he liked his steak rare, medium, or well done, and his eggs over or straight up.(Henry, Cupid a La Carte)
此处,over 和straight up都是形容词(组),前者指―(蛋)双面煎的‖,后者指―单面煎的‖。除查词典外,笔者又在网上咨询了众多英美网友,意见基本统一:egg over就是煎蛋时,两面翻动,蛋黄两面贴锅面后,呈固体状。egg straight up,即煎蛋时,不倒翻,蛋黄朝上,呈流体状。王译―老‖―嫩‖一说,有失笼统。
...for his image struck on her vision with painful brightness, and pictured itself on her memory as vividly as if there daguerreotyped by a pencil of keen lightning.(Brontë, Shirley, Chapter 17)
―用高感光度、高密度的达盖尔卤化银法加一束强烈的闪电拍摄出的‖是喻体,强调―那个形象‖的―活龙活现‖。译文把pencil(光线束)译成―画笔‖,使一次完成的照相与勾划有先后的绘画扯在一起,造成―混杂隐喻‖(Mixed Metaphor)。原译后部分可改为:…仿佛有幅用一束强烈的闪电拍摄出的加达盖耳银版照片贴在那儿。
Inappropriate Word Renditions in the Chinese Versions of British and American Fiction Masterpieces Abstract:An exhaustive investigation is made into the word rendition in over one hundred Chinese versions of British and American fiction masterpieces, and some inappropriate or erroneous treatments are analyzed.Key words: Chinese versions;British and American fiction masterpieces;word translation defects
1.not half(一点也不,毫不)
not half多作as(so)…as比较结构的修饰语,并常被译成―not half as(远非,决不是)早已成习语。在各词典里,它们的释义都脱离―50多部译著的200余处均应作如上解释的not half(未包括 nothing half等变体)用例中,几乎都被译成了―不(如)…一半‖这样的说法。中20多处此类not half,在石定乐译本中,全被译成带―个个如此,则不能不说是一种误区。
(1)‗But, my life, how wet you are, sir?‘‗Oh, not half as bad.‘(Dickens,―‖―我身上湿!您觉得您自己身上湿不湿,先生!‖―1983)not half as bad译成―绝没有你湿呀‖即可。
—though he is not half so eccentric as a good many people—house…(Dickens, David Copperfield, Chapter 14)
―‖译法僵硬。译a good many people为―大多数人‖也过甚。可改为:―‖。
2.one too many(much)for(胜过,非...所能敌)
I guess you have been one too many for me, Mr.Holmes.Saw through my game, I suppose, and played me for a sucker from the first.Well, sir, I hand it to you;you have me beat…(Doyle, The Adventure of the Three Garridebs)
把you have been one too many for me 译成―你们比我多一个人啊‖纯属望文生义。改译:我一直不是你们的对手啊。
3.not for love or money(无论怎样也不)
Hal awoke one day to the fact that his dog food was half-gone and the distance only quarter covered;further, that for love or money no additional dog food was to be obtained.(London, The Call of the Wild, Chapter 5)
4.on the make(正寻求异性伴侣;追求名利的)
(5)You are, I fancy, an excellent, if somewhat cynical judge of character.You judged, whether correctly or not, that Miss Grey was a type of young woman ‗on the make‘.You had no doubt that she would jump at the chance of becoming Lady Clarke.(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter 30)
中俚语on the make(正寻求异性伴侣),习语jump atcynical(对人性怀疑的,悲观的)原译相应部分可改为:…格雷小姐是那种―求欢心切‖…ever trick played on an unsuspecting person;to ‗do‘(Maugham, Of Human Bondage, Chapter 59)
把on the make译成―机警的‖―急功近利‖
(on the make她是―重实际‖的女人。
5.no more than
(Maugham, The Moon and the Sixpence, Chapter 6)1995)
6.for good measure(作为外加的东西)
Mrs Fowler has told us all that she thinks she knows—and has thrown in several conjectures for good measure!(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter 6)
福勒太太已经告诉我们她了解的一切情况——而且分寸极佳地进行推测。(陈晓东译,1998)把for good measure译成―分寸极佳地‖属望文生义。for good measure和throw in(外加)都说明福勒太太的推测是额外奉送的。破折号后改译为:而且额外还奉上了几种推测。
This meant longer hours of travel, and Daylight, for good measure and for a margin against accidents, hit the trail for twelve hours a day.(London, Burning Daylight, Chapter 5, Book 1)
7.now that(既然,由于)
now that引导原因状语从句是很常见的。汉语表示原因,虽不是非用引导词不可。但十几部译著的几十处都把原文作此用法的now that译成―现在‖就不正常了。Doyle的Sign of Four和Christie的The Mysterious Affair at Styles分别出现了5次和6次此种用法的now that,所查译著全部将其译成了―现在‖。
Perhaps you hate me too, now that I've told you as much?(Doyle, The Valley of Fear , Chapter 2, Part 2)
或许你也会照样恨我的。现在我已经都告诉你了。(孙家云译,麦克默多把他是自由人会会员的情况告诉了伊蒂的父亲,as much意即―上文提到的情况‖译文可突破―now that=现在‖
8.have been and [(表示惊讶或恼火)竟然]
―Werecottage?‖ I asked.―There were not,‖ said the Inspector bitterly.―Thatnd dusted them off yesterday morning.‖ ―没有,‖警督不快地说,―昨天早上,‖(杨山青译,1998)把表示恼火的词语had been and―去了那里‖。
…until‗I say, young fellow, you've been and done it now;you have!‘ …―我说,小伙子,现在你可干下了蠢事,正是的!‖1998)
9.any amount of(极大量的)
I was quite prepared to stay on—there is any amount of work to be done in connection with the collections.It was Lady Clarke who wished me to leave!(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter
Huck felt that a silence was going to ensue—a thing still more awful than any amount of murderous talk.(Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapter 29)
10.and everything(以及其他等等)
此口语习语意即and so on。而所查近20部译著几乎都用含―一切‖的说法来译。
Miss Grey was with my brother for over two years.She knows the countryside and the people round,and everything.(Christie, The ABC Murders, Chapter 18)
将and everything译成―(她知道)一切‖,语气过重。此处可改译为:她熟悉乡野村庄、周围居住的人们等等情况。
11.eat one's words(收回前言,承认错误)
evenson, Kidnapped, Chapter 24))
ter 44)
bring up(养育)的自然是子女,―拉扯大‖也应是子女。此处可改译为:…拉扯大了一大帮子女。
13.an accessory before the factAnd it did look as though I'd–been an accessory before the fact.(Christi 确实看起来我好像——是个―隐瞒事实的人‖。(何克勇译,1998)默娜·an accessory before the fact,意即(纵容主‖(before the fact指作案前)。将其译成―隐瞒事实的人‖缺乏根据。
14.bread and milk(泡在煮沸牛奶中的碎面包)与
Twin Words),表层上是并列关系,深层上的逻辑和语意关系多属修饰或连接。含有milk and water的6部译著的10处中,有2部4处将其译成―牛奶和水‖。含有bread and milk与bread and butter的20多部作品的几十处中,译者基本都按字面将其分别译成―面包和牛奶‖、―面包和黄(奶)油‖。有的还把butter译成―奶油‖或―牛酪‖。butter是黄油,即从牛奶或奶油(cream)中提取的主要是脂肪的黄色固体。cream才是奶油,即从牛奶中提出的半固体物质,白色,微黄,脂肪含量较黄油要低。cheese才是奶酪,即用动物的乳汁做成的半凝固食品。
…meanwhile Mr Squeers tasted the milk and water.(Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, Chapter 5)同时,斯奎尔斯先生尝了尝牛奶和水。(杜南星,徐文绮译,1998)
Nicholas Nickleby中共出现三次milk and water,杜、徐译文均作―牛奶和水‖。
…(the hungry little girls)who gave away their breakfasts and contented themselves with bread and milk on Christmas morning.(Alcott, Little Women, Chapter 2)
…spilt our tea, crumbled our bread and butter, tossed our books up to the ceiling...(Brontë, Jane Eyre, Chapter 17)
She had set out the tea things ready on a tray, with sandwiches and bread and butter covered with a damp napkin to keep them moist.(Christie, 4.50 from Paddington, Chapter 4)
15.over [(蛋)双面煎的]与straight up[(蛋)单面煎的]
his eggs over or straight up.(Henry, Cupid a La Carte)
此处,over 和straight up都是形容词(组),前者指‖,后者指―单面煎的‖egg over就是煎蛋时,两面翻动,蛋黄两面贴锅面后,呈固体状。,即煎蛋时,不倒翻,蛋黄朝上,呈流体状。王译―老‖―嫩‖ 16.pencil(光线束), Shirley, Chapter 17)
...―用高感光度、‖是喻体,强调―那个形象‖的―活龙活现‖(光线束)译成―画笔‖,使一次完成的照相与勾划有先―‖(Mixed Metaphor)。原译后部分可改为:…仿佛有幅
1.简·爱 Jane Eyre夏洛蒂·勃朗特 Charlotte Bronte
2.隐身人 The Invisible Man赫·乔·威尔斯 H.G.Wells
3.红字 The Scarlet Letter纳撒尼尔·霍桑 Nathaniel Hawthorne
4.名利场 Vanity Fair威·梅·萨克雷 William M.Thackeray
5.汤姆·索亚历险记 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer马克·吐温 Mark Twain
6.女人的肖像 The Portrait of a Lady亨利·詹姆斯 Henry James
7.红色英勇勋章 The Red Badge of Courage斯蒂芬·克莱恩 Stephen Crane
8.马丁·伊登 Martin Eden杰克·伦敦 Jack London
9.金银岛 Treasure Island罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森 Robert Louis Stevenson
10.黑暗的心灵 Heart of Darkness约瑟夫·康拉德 Joseph Conrad
11. 瓦尔登湖 Walden亨利·戴维·梭罗 Henry David Thoreau
12.查泰莱夫人的情人 Lady Chatterley’s LoverD.H.劳伦斯 D.H.Lawrence
13.阿丽思漫游奇境记 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 路易斯·卡罗尔 Lewis Carroll
14.小镇畸人 Winesburg, Ohio舍伍德·安德森 Sherwood Anderson
15.呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights埃米丽·勃朗特 Emily Bronte
16. 双城记 Tales of Two Cities查尔斯·狄更斯 Charles Dickens
17. 常识;理性时代 Common Sense;The Age of Reason托马斯·潘恩 Thonam Paine
18.了不起的盖茨比 The Great Gatsby弗·斯科特·费茨杰拉德 F.Scott Fitzgerald
19.傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice简·奥斯汀 Jane Austen
20.汤姆叔叔的小屋 Uncle Tom’s Cabin斯托夫人 Harriet Beecher Stowe
21.弗洛斯河上的磨房 The Mill on the Floss乔治·艾略特 George Eliot
22.德伯家的苔丝 Tess of the D’Urbervilles托马斯·哈代 Thomas Hardy
23.觉醒 The Awakening凯特·肖班 Kate Chopin
24. 老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea海明威 Ernest Hemingway
25. 随笔 Essays拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson
26. 自传 Autobiography本杰明·弗兰克林 Benjamin Franklin
27. 莎士比亚戏剧故事 Tales from Shakespeare查尔斯·兰姆 Charles Lamb
28. 青年艺术家的肖像 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man詹姆斯·乔伊斯 James Joyce
29. 认真的重要 The Importance of Being Earnest奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde
30. 论英雄和英雄的崇拜 On Heroes and Hero Worship托马斯·卡莱尔 Thomas Carlyle
1.飘 Gone with the Wind
2.红与黑 The Red and the Black
3.歌剧魅影 The Phantom of the Opera
4. 三个火枪手 The Three Musketeers
5.儿子与情人 Sons and Lovers
6.杨柳风 The Wind in the Willows
7.化身博士 Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
8.永别了武器 A Farwell to Arms
9.理智与情感 Sense and Sensitivity
10.野性的呼唤 The Call of the Wild
11.鲁滨逊漂流记 Robinson Crusoe
12.大战火星人 The War of the Worlds
13.巴斯克维尔猎犬 The Hound of the Baskervilles
14. 时间机器 The Time Machine
15. 远大前程Great Expectations
16. 彼得·潘 Peter Pan
17. 格列佛游记 Gulliver’s Travels
18. 黑骏马 Black Beauty
19. 海底两万里 20000 Leagues Under the Sea
20. 白牙 White Fang
21. 地心游记 Journey to the Center of the Earth
22. 小妇人 Little Women
23. 秘密花园 The Secret Garden
24. 少年维特的烦恼 The Sorrows of Young Werther
25. 弗兰肯斯坦 Frankenstain
26. 白鲸 Moby Dick
27. 环游地球80天Around the World in Eighty Days
28. 圣诞欢歌 A Christmas Carol
29. 圣经故事 Bible Stories
30. 希腊神话故事Greek Myths
31. 吸血鬼 Dracula
32. 螺丝在拧紧 The Turn of the Screw
33. 摩尔·弗兰德斯 Moll Flanders
34. 密探 The Secret agent
35. 包法利夫人 Madame Bovary
36. 爱玛 Emma
37.卡斯特桥市长 The Mayor of Casterbridge
38. 维尔德费尔庄园的主人 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
39. 霍华德庄园 Howards End
1.《傲慢与偏见》/简·奥斯汀 其他作品 《理智与情感》
6.《大卫·科波菲尔》/狄更斯 其他作品《雾都孤儿》、《远大前程》、、《双城记》
7.《德伯家的苔丝》/哈代 其他作品 《远离程嚣》、《还乡》
8.《蝴蝶梦》/达夫妮·杜穆里埃 9.《名利场》/ 萨克雷 10.《蝇王》戈尔丁《爱丽丝漫游仙境》/查尔斯•勒特维奇 •道奇森
12.《金银岛》/罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森 13.《红字》/霍桑
15.《汤姆·索亚历险记》/马克·吐温 其他作品《哈克贝利芬历险记》
16.《马丁·伊登》/杰克·伦敦 其他作品《野性的呼唤》
17.《嘉丽妹妹》/德莱塞其他作品《珍妮姑娘》 18.《了不起的盖茨比》/菲茨杰拉德19《喧哗与骚动》/福克纳
20.《老人与海》/海明威 其他作品《丧钟为谁而鸣》、《永别了,武器》、《乞力马扎罗的雪》、《太阳照常升起》 21.《白鲸》/麦尔维尔 22.《飘》/米切尔
23.《愤怒的葡萄》/斯坦培克24.《麦田里的守望者》/塞林格25.《第二十二条军规》/海勒26《隐身人》/ H.L.威尔斯 27《喜福会》/谭恩美 28《大地》/赛珍珠
29《第二十二条军规》/海勒30《欲望号街车》/田纳西·威廉斯 31《他们的眼睛望着上帝》/赫斯顿
32《哈姆雷特》/莎士比亚其他作品《奥赛罗》,《李尔王》,《麦克白》《威尼斯商人》、《无事生非》、《皆大欢喜》、《第十二夜》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《仲夏夜之梦》 33.《小妇人》/路易莎·奥尔科特 34《爱玛》简-奥斯汀 35《茶花女》/小仲马
36.《欧也妮·葛朗台》/巴尔扎克 37.《基督山伯爵》/大仲马 38《海底两万里》儒勒·凡尔纳 39.《荆棘鸟》/麦卡洛 40.《红与黑》/司汤达
A review of the great Gatsby It’s a story described for the 20's through the perfect artistic form to sell “the American dream” which liquor nouveau riche Gates compared pursues vanishing, has promulgated the American society's tragedy.Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story.But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as the method pursue wealthy material life “the American dream”.Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life.He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost.He was what a pity wrong.He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman.He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the spiritual sky empty bored society.He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall.The Gates ratio is the 20's models American youth.His bitter experience is precisely the happy song smiles the dance “knight the time” the portrayal.After telling the story briefly ,i just want using the new criticism approach analyze this movie.I trust after numerous people watched this movie who will be attracted by the passion of love and the cruelty money society.This movie reflect a kind of social phenomenon in America.Everybody go after fame and money ,all kinds of people chasing you around when you rich and also they will gone when you lose everything.Director compared and contrast the Gates and Daisy in the movie ,both of them are tragedies.Daisy abandon true love Gates due to the money and Gates dead for the worthless love.It is also the America society tragedy.The America dream is an incorrect attitudes towards money and life.The large amount of environment description which also reflect the huge social gap.The uppertendom live a luxury and dissipation life but the underclass live in extreme misery.All of the technique of expression in order to criticize the unhealthy characteristics of the times.Darren 01310512y24