
时间:2019-05-15 13:42:17下载本文作者:会员上传


一、1、good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English compitition of our school.各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎大家参加今天的英语朗读比赛。

2、we`re very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。

3、now you are watching the first “welcome new year”english speech contest.from now on ,we`ll have it every year, I hope everyone can get ready for it as early as possible.Thank you for coming to this afternoon`s compitition.这是我们学校首届“迎新年”英语演讲比赛,以后我们每年新年来临之际都会继续举行英语演讲比赛,我希望大家以后能早点为此做好准备。

4、in today`s compitition,we have 2---5 contestants from each class.there are________contestants all together.they are coming from different classes of different grades.这次比赛每班有2——5名选手参加,所以我们的参赛选手共有-------名,他们来自不同的年级和班级。

5、i hope we can experiences of how to learn english better,these experiences will be very rseful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通过这次比赛,大家能交流如何更好的学习英语的经验,这对我们的英语学习将会有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜这次机会。

二、ok, now,let`s warmly welcome our headmaster,Mr Yuan to make remarks.下面欢迎咱们的袁校长给大家讲话。

三、Ok,now,I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are our English

teachers.This is Mr/Ms_____,Let`s warmly welcome.接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----

四、1、Now ,I think it`s time for show our English speech contest starts.first,Let`s warmly welcome contestant No.1______,his/her topil is “______”,and contestant No.2,get ready,please.现在比赛正式开始,欢迎1号选手上场,他朗读的题目是————,请2号选手做准备。

2、The next one making a speech for us is contestant No.2_______,Let`s welcome.And contestant No.3 get ready please.下面上场的是2号选手,请3号选手做准备。

3、Let`s continue the compitition.The next will be No.3______please.His/Her topic is ___________and contestant No.4,get ready please.(contestant No.1________the last mark is_______).接下来上场的是3号选手,他演讲的题目是___________,请4号选手做准备,同时我宣布1号选手最后得分________分,4、Now it`s time for No.4______,No.5 get ready please,(contestant No.2________the last mark is_______).下面该4号选手上场,请5号选手做准备,同时宣布2号选手最后得分______。

5、Now let`s come to another topic_______,Welcome contestant No.5_____,and contestant No.6,get ready please.(contestant No.3_____the last mark is _____).下面我们来欣赏5号选手带来的___________,请6号选手做准备,同时宣布3号选手最后得分————,6、Welcome contestant No.6______,His/Her topic is “______”and contestant No.7,get ready please.(contestant No.4________the last mark is_______).请7号选手做准备,同时宣布4号选手最后得分____。

7、Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.7_____,her topic is____,and contestant No.8,get ready please,(No.5______the last mark is ______).下面热烈欢迎7号选手上场,他演讲的题目是___________,请8号选手做准备,5号选手最后得分_________。

8、The next contestant`s topic is also ______,now ,let`s welcome No.8_____,And contestant No.9,get ready please.8号选手为我们带来的也是___________,请9号做准备。

9、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is No.9`s show.Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.9_______And No.10 get ready please.各位老师,同学们,下面欢迎9号________上场,请10号做准备。

10、Let`s warmly welcome the last contestant No.______get onto the stage and give us a wonderful performance.His/Her topil is ______.下面热烈欢迎我们的最后一位选手_______上台来做精彩演讲。

五、Wonderful!These _______contestants give us a wonderful show.Now ladies

and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now,we are taking a break,let`s get down to the next show.Now let`t warmly welcome our headmaster Mr Yuan to make remarks.今天这______位选手的表现实在太精彩了,下面我们的评委们要对各位选手的最后得分进行讨论汇总,所以,接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声有请袁校长作重要讲话。

六、Good afternoon,everyone,welcome back to the first”welcome New Year”English speech contest,And now you are watching the final,After our judges`discussion,now the resulthas come out,(Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exating the moment).各位老师,同学们,大家好,经过评委老师们的最后评定,激动人心的时刻来到了。

2、first,I world like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是___________

3、and then ,the second winners:二等奖获得者是_____

4、Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exciting the moment!Can you feel the most exciting moment?right!now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________各位老师,同学们,最激动人心的时刻就要来临了,大家想不想知道一等奖是谁?好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为_____班______,______ _____,七、1、Now,let`s welcome the third winners_______to come onto the stge.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请三等奖获得者___________上台,并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。

2、And then second winners,please.__________下面有请二等奖获得者————上台领奖。

3、Ladies and gentlemen ,let`s bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.最后让我们以热烈的掌声有请一等奖获得者___________上台领奖。

4、Well,how exciting today the contest is!That`s all for today`s contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class.second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Come on,everyone!今天各位选手的表现都很棒,今天的比赛虽然结束了,但是我希望以后同学们学习英语的热情能一直保持下去,首先上课要专心听讲,每天多抽出一些时间练习英语,多听,多说,多读,多写,多想,还要尽可能用英语多和同学交流,练习,让我们大家一起努力,用自己辛勤的汗水,学好英语,好不好?

5、OK,well,no matter how exciting to day the contest is!but now ,I have to say,That`s all for today ,thank you!最后,我宣布付庄乡中心学校第一届“迎新年”英语演讲比赛到此结束,请各班同学按秩序退场。


一、1、Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English compitition of our school.各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎大家参加今天的英语朗读比赛。

2、We`re very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。

3、Now you are watching the English speech contest.From now on , I hope everyone can get ready for it as early as possible.Thank you for coming to this afternoon`s compitition.这是我们学校英语演讲比赛,以后我们每个班级举行英语演讲比赛,我希望大家以后能早点为此做好准备。

4、In today`s compitition,we both havecontestants from each class.There are 13 classes。they are coming from different classes of different grades.这次比赛每个班都参加,所以我们的参赛选手共有13班,他们来自不同的年级和班级。

5、I hope we can experiences of how to learn English better,these experiences will be very rseful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通过这次比赛,大家能交流如何更好的学习英语的经验,这对我们的英语学习将会有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜这次机会。

二、Ok,now,I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are our English teachers.They are our headmaster~~Mr Chen,our director~~Mr Yang,our English group leader~~Miss Fang,our English teachers~~Miss Hong,Miss Chen Xiaoying,Miss Chen Minmei ,Miss Chen Beixuan, Miss Lin Minli, Miss Fang Jieni.Let`s warmly welcome.接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----

四、1、Now ,I think it`s time for show our English speech contest starts.first,Let`s warmly welcome Class2,Grade6,They are going to perform《The girl next door》《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》Class1,Grade6 get ready,please.现在比赛正式开始,欢迎六年二班上场,他们将表演的歌曲是《The girl next door》,歌谣是《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》请六年一班做好准备。

2、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 6.They are going to perform 《Catch the eels》《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》.And Class 1,Grade 5 get ready,please.欢迎六(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Catch the eels》,歌谣《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》,请五(1)班做好准备。

3、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 5.They are going to perform《If you are happy》 《What can you do》 《My favourite day》.And Class 1,Grade 2 get ready,please.欢迎五(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《If you are happy》,歌谣《What can you do》《My favourite day》,请二(1)班做好准备。

4、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 2.They are going to perform《Ten little Indian boys》 《Head shoulder knees and toes》 《A happy bus》.And Class 1,Grade 3 get ready,please.欢迎二(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Ten little Indian boys》《Head shoulder knees and toes》,歌谣《A happy bus》,请三(1)班做好准备。

5、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 3.They are going to perform《Follow me》 《Ten little Indian boys》 《Clap your hands》《Act like an elephant》.And Class 1,Grade 4 get ready,please.欢迎三(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Follow me》《Ten little Indian boys》,歌谣《Clap your hands》《Act like an elephant》,请四(1)班做好准备。We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 4.They are going to perform《Jingle Bells》 《Tim is my friend》 《Go to living room》.And Class 2,Grade 5get ready,please.欢迎四(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Jingle Bells》,歌谣《Tim is my friend》 《Go to living room》,请五(2)班做好准备。、7、Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.7_____,her topic is____,and contestant No.8,get ready please,(No.5______the last mark is ______).下面热烈欢迎7号选手上场,他演讲的题目是___________,请8号选手做准备,5号选手最后得分_________。

8、The next contestant`s topic is also ______,now ,let`s welcome No.8_____,And contestant No.9,get ready please.8号选手为我们带来的也是___________,请9号做准备。

9、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is No.9`s show.Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.9_______And No.10 get ready please.各位老师,同学们,下面欢


10、Let`s warmly welcome the last contestant No.______get onto the stage and give us a wonderful performance.His/Her topil is ______.下面热烈欢迎我们的最后一位选手_______上台来做精彩演讲。

五、Wonderful!These _______contestants give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now,we are taking a break,let`s get down to the next show.Now let`t warmly welcome our headmaster Mr Yuan to make remarks.今天这______位选手的表现实在太精彩了,下面我们的评委们要对各位选手的最后得分进行讨论汇总,所以,接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声有请袁校长作重要讲话。

六、Good afternoon,everyone,welcome back to the first”welcome New Year”English speech contest,And now you are watching the final,After our judges`discussion,now the resulthas come out,(Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exating the moment).各位老师,同学们,大家好,经过评委老师们的最后评定,激动人心的时刻来到了。

2、first,I world like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是___________

3、and then ,the second winners:二等奖获得者是_____

4、Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exciting the moment!Can you feel the most exciting moment?right!now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________各位老师,同学们,最激动人心的时刻就要来临了,大家想不想知道一等奖是谁?好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为_____班______,______ _____,七、1、Now,let`s welcome the third winners_______to come onto the stge.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请三等奖获得者___________上台,并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。

2、And then second winners,please.__________下面有请二等奖获得者————上台领奖。

3、Ladies and gentlemen ,let`s bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.最后让我们以热烈的掌声有请一等奖获得者___________上台领奖。

4、Well,how exciting today the contest is!That`s all for today`s contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class.second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Come on,everyone!今天


5、OK,well,no matter how exciting to day the contest is!but now ,I have to say,That`s all for today ,thank you!最后,我宣布付庄乡中心学校第一届“迎新年”英语演讲比赛到此结束,请各班同学按秩序退场。




Ladies and gentlemen, before our contest, let’s welcome ____________ to give us an English song Sparks fly, Welcome.Wow,so wonderful!Thanks for __________ good performance.二、问候。

Ladies and gentlemen.my honored teachers and fellow students.Good evening.Welcome to our English reading contest.It is our pleasure to be the hosts of today’s competition.I am...I am...Thanks for your coming to this competition.三、介绍评委和嘉宾。

四、评分标准及奖项设置。今天,各位评委将按照英语听说考试part 1 模仿朗读部分的评分标准给分。满分为20分。

朗读要得高分得做到以下几点 1.发音清晰,准确 2.语调正确,自然 3.语流连贯,流畅 4.语速适当





My dear friends, as you know, if you want to learn English well, reading English is important and necessary.Maybe all of you are waiting for the contestants in expectations now.OK!Let’s begin our contest.六、朗读比赛。

Welcome the first contestant ______, who comes from class______.His topic is ______ welcome!

And contestant No.______, get ready ,please.Thanks for ______, Contestant No.______ gets _______ points.and now lets applaud for contestant no.______ , who comes from class______.Her topic is______

Welcome contestant ______, who comes from class______.His topic is ______ welcome!

And contestant No.______, get ready ,please.Thanks for ______, Contestant No.______ gets _______ points.and now lets applaud for contestant no.______ , who comes from class______.Her topic is______


Now ladies and gentlemen, we are taking a short break and let’s welcome ___________ to give us an English song___________, Welcome.Now ladies and gentlemen, we are taking a short break and waiting for the final results.Welcome _________ to sing a English song ____________ for us.At the same time, all the students, let’s take a vote for the best contestants in your hearts.欢迎_______带来英语歌曲_____________, 同时,亲爱的同学们,请投出宝贵的一票,选出我们最优秀的竞赛选手。


After our judges' discussion, now, the exciting moment is coming.先生们,女士们,经过评审团讨论。现在,激动人心的时刻到了。好激动啊!First, I would like to announce the prizes for excellence.The winners are_____________________________________________, congratulations!现在,就让我宣布第三名的获得者,他们是________________________________________,祝贺他们!

Now, I would like to announce the third prize winners.they are_____________________________________________, congratulations!现在,就让我宣布第三名的获得者,他们是________________________________________,祝贺他们!

Yeah.and now, what i am going to announce is the winners who win the second prize.they are_____________________________________________congratulations!现在,我要宣布的是第三名的获得者,他们是________________________________________,祝贺他们!

Ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most exciting moment? now, I am going to announce the first prize winner.先生们,女士们,你能感受到这激动的时刻吗?好激动啊!现在,我要宣布第一名的获得者。

The first prize goes to_______________, congratulations!一等奖的获得者是_________________, 祝贺!


For this period, let's welcome our teacher ________________to give us a comment for this competition.warm applause!Ladies and gentlemen, let's bring our winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.Warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.十、宣誓。

We have to learn English, we can learn English well, trust yourself.Can you read English? I believe you can.Now, let’s make an oath.Never give up, never escape.Never forget our targets, never lose our way.Trust ourselves, trust our friends.Once make a promise, never break it.Whatever we do, wherever we are, success or failure,just do it, just go ahead!


Well,how exciting the contest is!One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.Rome wasn’t built in one day!The road to success is never smooth or easy!I believe that all of us have experienced a lot today!

But now I have to say:Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!my honored teachers and fellow students.The reading contest is over here ,thanks for your coming.Wish you a good night and have a good dream.good bye!


1、Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English reading compitition of our school.nice to see you here!(nice to see you here你要重读.)


2、I’m very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。

3、In today`s compitition,we have 8 classes all together.they are coming from different grades.这次比赛有8个班参加,他们来自不同的年级。

4、I hope we can communicate how to learn English better,these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通过这次比赛,大家能交流如何更好的学习英语的经验,这对我们的英语学习将会有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜这次机会。

5、Ok,now, I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are :vice-principal—Mrs Yu(Let`s warmly welcome让我们热烈欢迎),Our director—Mrs Li.And all of our English teachers—Mrs Qi,Miss Wu,Mrs

Zhang,Mrs Rong,Miss Zheng and me.接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,她们是于校长,李主任,和我们所有的英语老师:齐老师,吴老师,张老师,荣老师,郑老师和我。

6、Ok, now,let`s warmly welcome our principal:Miss Yu to tell us the contest rules.下面欢迎咱们的 于校长给大家讲一下比赛规则。

7、Now ,I think it`s time to show our English reading contest starts.First,let`s

warmly welcome class 1 grade 5,and class 2 get ready,please.现在比赛正式开始,欢迎5.1班商场,请2班做准备。

8、The next one making a reading for us is Class 2.Let`s welcome.下面上场的是2班,让我们欢迎。

9.Now it`s time for Class 1,grade6 and Class 2,get ready please.下面该6年1班上场,请2班做准备。

10.、Welcome Class 2,please.有请2班上场。

11、Wonderful!These 4 classes give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen,after all the contestants finished their reading,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Please wait a minute.今天这2个班级的表现实在太精彩了,下面我们的评委们要对各位选手的最后得分进行讨论汇总,请稍等。

12.Ok,after our judges’ discussion,now the result has come out.好了,经过评委老师们的最后评定,结果现在已经出来了。

First,I’d like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是___________

And then ,the second winners:二等奖获得者是_____

Now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为_____班_____.13、Now,let`s welcome the winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请获奖的班级__________上台,并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。Moniter班长

1、After the wonderful show,Let`s continue the compitition.The next will be Class 1,grade 7 and Class 2,get ready please.(一轮精彩的表演结束后,让我们继续进行比赛,接下来上场的是7年1班,请2班做准备

2.Welcome Class 2,please.有请2班上场。

3、Now it`s time for Class 1,grade 8 and Class 2,get ready please.下面该8年1班上场,请2班做准备。

4、Welcome Class 2,please.有请2班上场。

5.Thanks for bringing us the wonderful performance。感谢为我们带来的精彩的表演。These four classes give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Please wait a minute.今天这2个班级的表现实在太精彩了,下面我们的评委们要对各位选手的最后得分进行讨论汇总,请稍等。

6.Ok,after our judges’ discussion,now the result has come out.好了,经过评委老师们的最后评定,结果现在已经出来了。

First,I’d like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是___________

And then ,the second winners:二等奖获得者是_____

Now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为______.7、Now,let`s welcome the winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome

our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请获奖的班级__________上台,并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。

8、Well,how exciting today the contest is!That`s all for today`s contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Come on,everyone!今天各位选手的表现都很棒,今天的比赛虽然结束了,但是我希望以后同学们学习英语的热情能一直保持下去,首先上课要专心听讲,每天多抽出一些时间练习英语,多听,多说,多读,多写,多想,还要尽可能用英语多和同学交流,练习,让我们大家一起努力,用自己辛勤的汗水,学好英语,好不好?

9、OK,well,no matter how exciting today the contest is!But now ,I have to say goodbye ,thank you!最后,我宣布英语朗读比赛到此结束,请各班同学按秩序退场。

They are yellow,and kind of long--------bananas


It's a furit.It's also a color.What is it?-----orange.它是一种水果。它也是一种颜色。是什么呢? 打一水果:桔子

Itis very big, and its nose is very long——An elephant

They like bananas and peaches,they have long tail------monkey




















今天的天气真好,小鸭子和鸭妈妈来到小溪边的草地上散步,小鸭子看见哗哗流淌的小溪想去做什么呢?它会对鸭妈妈说什么?鸭妈妈又是怎样回答它的,让我们一起去欣赏《自己去吧》 下面是四(1)班的表演《小草之歌》。














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