
时间:2019-05-15 05:42:50下载本文作者:会员上传


Good morning everyone.Standing here, I’m very happy and excited.It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me.And I’ll try my best.Today I’ll talk about unitfrommy contents consist of 8 parts

Analysis of the teaching material

Analysis of the students

Teaching methods

Teaching aims and demands

Teaching aids

Teaching procedure

Blackboard design

And conclusion

Well, firstly, I’ll talk about part 1 analysis of the teaching material.I have concluded the features of…….1.there are a lot pictures.For this, the kids will be interested in the book.As we all know that interest is best teacher for the students.2.It lays stress on the communication.According to the problem of Chinese students learning English , the book design a lot of material to improve the students’ ability of listening speaking, reading, and writing.So I think the book is very good.Then I’ll talk about next part analysis of the students.It is known to us that the kids are very active and like playing games very much, so during my class, I’ll design some interesting games to activate them to participate and learn something.They will also be interested in the class.Next I’ll talk about teaching methods.My teaching methods are task-based approach and situational approach.Using different methods can make the class active.Let’s move on to another part, teaching aims and demands.There are knowledge aims and ability aim.Knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the words and phrases:……….And the sentences:…

Ability aims are To improve students’

listening and speaking ability by reading and practicing the dialogue.Next is the teaching aids.In this class, I’ll use pictures, PPT and tape recorder.These can arouse the students’ interest in English.Now I’ll talk about most important part teaching procedure.It consists of 5 steps.Warning up, lead-in, contents key points and difficult points and homework.Step1 is warming up.Here I’ll use PPT to play a English song Bingo for the students and I’ll ask them try to follow it to sing together.By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and improve their ability of speaking.Step2 is lead-in(导入根据所授内容设计,可通过展示与本课有关的话题或者图片等等引出本课话题)

Step 3 is contents(本部分为主要授课内容及组织的课堂活动。可从听说读写四块分写)

Step 4 is key points and difficult points(本部分列出本课重难点可为单词句型或语法知识)

Step 5 is homework.(作业形式最好新颖,例如课让学生根据本课内容做个小调查等)


To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them.If I were a teacher, I would build a close relation with my students, helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives.I’ll try my best and I’m confident that I can be a good teacher.1.好啦,就听到这.OK, stop here.2.打开书,两人一组读对话.Open your books and read the dialogue in pairs.3.谁能帮他指出来?Who can point it out?/ Who can correct the mistakes for him?

4.注意,不要再犯同样的错误.Be careful./ Take care.Don’t make the same mistake again.5.好了,接着来.Well, let’s go on(with it)

6.接下去做习题.Let’s go on to do the exercises

7.看动作猜猜他们在干什么?Look at them/ their actions and guess what they are doing.8.用下列词语写一篇150字的短文,十分钟完成.

Write a 150-word passage with / using the following expressions in ten minutes.9.写一段对话尽可能使用列词语.Make a dialogue using the following expressions as much as you can/ possible.10.写完了吗?Have you finished it/ the writing?Finish up?


I ask 2 students to read out their dialogues.12.下面学习课文. Now we study / learn the text.13.你知道某人或某事吗?/你听说过…吗?

Do you know sb./ sth?Have you heard of sb./ sth?


Today we’ll learn a passage/ an article about sb./sth.15.首先,我给大家介绍课文大意.

First I tell you the main/ general idea about it.16.快速读课文,并找到这个问题的答案.

OK.Now read the text quickly and find out the answer to this question.17.谁找到答案了?Who find/ know the answer?

18.谁能帮他解答这个问题?Who can help him out?

Who can help him with the question?

19.你最好用英语说.You’d better say it in English.20.如果你用英语说有困难,可以用汉语.

You may say it in Chinese if you have difficulty in speaking English / can’t speak it in English.21.好,我告诉你们这两个句子的区别.

OK.I tell you the differences between the two sentences.22.这两个词有什么不同?What’s the difference between the two words?

23.请举例说明.(Give us)An example, please.24.这个词可以这样用.We can use it(in)this way / like this.25.Let's start now./Let's begin our class/lesson.我们开始上课吧。

26.Sit down, please.请坐下。

27.Who's on duty today? 今天谁值日?

28.Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?

29.Don't be late next time.下次别迟到。

30.Go back to your seat, please.请回到你的座位。

31.Ready? /Are you ready?准备好了吗?

32.Listen carefully, please.请听仔细了。Please listen to me.请注意听我说。

33.Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.请听录音。

34.In pairs, please.两人一组进行练习。

35.Let's do it one by one.我们一个一个地做。

36.Now you, please./It's your turn now.现在该你了。

37.Think it over and try again.仔细想想,再试一次。

38.Say/ Read after me, please.请跟着我说/读。

39.In English,please.请用英语回答。

40.Please take out your books.请把你们的书拿出来。

41.Please answer my question(s).请回答我的问题。

42.Please stop now./Stop now, please./Stop here,please.请停下来。

43.Time is up.下课时间到了

44.We'll learn something new.我们讲学新知识.45.Let's learn some new words/ sentences.咱们学些新单词/句子

46.Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.47.All together.大家一起来.Read all together now.大家一起读.48.Stop talking.don't talk.不许说话.49.Be quiet, please.请安静.50.Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。

51.Quickly, /be quick, please.请迅速点。

Hurry up, please.= Please a little faster.请快点。

52.Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗?

Can you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?

Is that clear? 听清楚了吗?

53.Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide.请看黑板/幻灯片。

54.Please answer my questions.请回答我的问题。

55.Can you spell the word....? 你能拼读这个单词吗?

Spell the word...., please.请拼读这个单词。

56.Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼写/发音。

57.Please say it again.请再说一遍。

Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.请再作一次。

58.Please come to the front.请到前面来。

59.Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗?

60.Now(you)do the same.现在你做同一个

61.Put up your hands, please./ raise your hands, please.请举手。

62.Put down your hands, please./ Hands down, please.请放下手。

63.Put it/ them into Chinese/English.把它们译成汉语。/英语。



2009-07-24 17:23:15 作者:www.xiexiebang.comprehend the passage better.The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too.Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education.Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.Teaching aims:(本文来自宿迁英语网www.xiexiebang.communicate with others.4.Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions;Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.Teaching method: Double activities teaching method Question-and-answer activity teaching method Watch-and-listen activity Free discussion method Pair work or individual work method Teaching aids: 1.a projector 2.a tape recorder 3.multimedia 4.the blackboard Part 3.Teaching steps / procedures I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.The entire steps are: Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step 2.Revision 1.Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).a.How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt.3.5% by weight)

b.What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water? c.Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea? 2.Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people).Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.Step 3.Lead-in and preparation for reading Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.Step 4.Fast reading Read the passage as quickly as they can.I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph: 1.Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica? 2.What does the whale feed on? 3.What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales? Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer activity.Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.Understand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 5.Listening(book closed)

1.Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)2.True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.Step 6.Intensive reading Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.1.How much does a whale eat at a time? 2.Do all the whales feed on small fish? 3.How deep can a sperm whale dive? It is also called depth reading or study reading.It means reading for detailed information.Purpose: Further understand the text(Train further reading ability)to find out some different sentences and details of the text.Step 7.Preparation for details of the text on the screen 1....its heart slows to half its normal speed.slow-v.to become / make slower.2....using sound wave Present participle used as adverbial.3.provide sth.for sb.provide sb.with sth.4.at a time: each time 5.grow to a length of...Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using laguage.Step 8.Consolidation 1.Find out the topic sentences.2.Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class.What’s more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression.At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.Step 9.Discussion Show them some pictures about the polluted sea and many living things which are in danger and ask them: What are their opinions about it? In order to let them have free choice, I give them another topic: The sea is being polluted.What should they do? Purpose: I mean to give them emotional education.I give them multi-media pictures to arouse their interest of study and their love for life.I mean to make them realize: The sea is in danger!I teach them to do their best to help it and do something from now on.Everyone should do something to love and protect our home.Step 10.Homework Write an article Saving the sea.I want to improve the ability of their writing.At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.Part 4.Blackboard design Unit 16 Lesson 63 Topic Sentences: 1.Some living things can live in Antarctica.(what)2.The whale feeds on small fish.(what)3.The sperm whale feeds on squid.(difference)Discussion: 1.The whales are in danger.What’s your opinion about it? 2.The sea is being polluted.What should we do? In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.In this text, the design is not easy to write.I write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class.The discussion is of the difficulty.(本文来自宿迁英语网www.sqabc.net)

I want to make the design inductive, instructive and artistic.关于说课的几点说明:








2.说学生:谈谈学生的知识与能力结构,明确说课内容的难易程度。3.说教法:谈谈本节课要实施的教学手段、方法以及教具的使用。4.说学法:谈谈学习方法的运用以及将要实现的目标。5.说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目的、意图何在?结果如何? 6.说板书设计:谈谈板书设计的根据和理由,力求体现说板书设计的程序性、概括性和艺术性。





谓说课就是教师在备课的基础上, 依据教学大纲和教材, 在教学理论的指导下, 结合教师, 学生实际和教学条件,向其他教师说明本单元或本节课的教学思想和教学设计.说课,要层 次清晰地说明说什么,怎么教,为什么这样教,学生怎么学,以及在教学活动中培养了学生 那些方面的能力等.说课的内容包括说教材,说教法,说学法,说教学程序等,说课的模式 通常可采用如下的提纲式: 一,说教材 1.教材简析:本说课内容在学科知识体系中所处地位和作用.2.教学目标:包括知识目标,能力目标和情感目标.3.教学重点和难点.二,说教法:教学方法,教学手段,教学媒体的运用 三,说学法:学习方法 ,能力培养 四,说教学程序 :新课导入,新知识的学习,检测训练,总结巩固,说板书设计 具体操作步骤如下: 一,说教材

(一),依据教学大纲分析教材,分析学生 把握教材是设计好每一节课的基础,是教师能够驾驭教学过程取得最佳教学效果的基本前 提.因此说课前教师必须钻研教学大纲,领会教材编写意图,分析教材逻辑系统,把握教材 知识结构, 并侧重分析本节课内容在教材知识体系中的地位和作用, 分析教材的重点, 难点, 能力点和思想教育点.学生是学习的主体.分析学生是教师实施教学行为的关键,是贯彻因 材施教的前提.教师想要在教学过程中让学生增长主体意识,发挥他们的主体作用.(二),说明教学目标的确立和实现教学目标的基本思路.这里所说的教学目标,一般指课时目标.根据教学大纲和教材,学生学习的特点及发展,建 立目标体系:(1)确立认知目标:也就是通过学习要使学生在基础知识和基本技能上达到 一个什么标准,是掌握还是理解,知道等等.(2)确立能力目标:要求使学生在身心发展 上,即能力,情感,意志,性格,体力的发展上达到一个什么标准,(3)确立情感目标: 就是要通过学习培养学生的理想,思想道德,科学世界观和人生观,培养学生的审美观.说 课时, 教师要紧紧抓住教学目标, 以充分的理论依据和实践经验说明实现教学目标的基本思 路.(三),说明突出教学重点,突破教学难点的策略.教师高超的教学技艺体现在突出重点, 突破难点上, 这是教师在教学活动中投入的精力最大, 付出的劳动最多的方面,教师在说课时,必须有重点地说明突出教学重点,突破教学难点的 基本策略.二,说教法 所选用的教学方法要有针对性, 要充分调动学生的积极性.说课时着重说明其中有独创的做 法,特别是培养创新精神和实践能力的具体做法.介绍几种教学法如下:(一),激趣法.教学心理学告诉我们,只有学生感兴趣的东西,学生才会积极地开动脑筋 认真思考.教师设计的趣味活动要考虑学生的年龄特征,心理特征,学生的接受能力,学生 已 有的 知识储 备以 及学生 的兴 趣爱好 等等.比如 在学习颜色 名称时 ,设 计这 样问题 yellow+red=?yellow +blue =? 等问题.既培养学生美术想象能力,又学习了颜色名词.这 种学科之间的渗透也往往是学生的兴趣所在.(二),创设情境法.人的情感和创造能力总是在一定的情景下产生的.创设真实的生活场 景, 在课堂有限的时间和空间范围内, 充分利用教学媒体和生动活泼的教学方法给学生营造 一个与生活密切相关的实践语言的环境.如在学习unit 2 what should i do ?(book 2b go for it!)第一课时, 我采用了两种情景法: 一是给同学提建议解决实际问题, 二是播放歌曲最近比较烦,让学生帮助歌星解决问题.这两种方法既练习了 target language ,又从学生实 际出发, 解决实际问题;同时借用歌词, 学生了解歌星也是普通人, 他们也有普通人的烦恼, 增强了克服困难的信心.同时让学生学会运用英语于真实的交际场景中, 激发学生交际的欲 望,提高学生学习英语的兴趣.(三),直观法.充分利用好教学挂图,实物,手偶,简笔画,动作,多媒体等形象直观, 生动活泼的教学手段,学生通过看图,听音,会意,直接理解英语和提高用英语思维的能力, 从而最大限度地控制和减少汉语的介入,培养良好英语语感习惯,激发学生的创新思维.(四),任务型教学法 《英语课程标准》明确指出:提倡任务型教学,把综合语言运用能力的培养落实在教学过程 中,提倡体验,实践,参与,交流和 1 合作方式,实现任务的目标.把学生分成三人或四人小 组的学习小组, 让他们围绕着课堂任务分工合作, 在活动中相互探讨, 相互交流, 相互合作, 从而获得知识,技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力.三,说学法 运用灵活多样的学习方法,增强课堂趣味性.培养学生观察力,想象力,记忆力以及思维能 力.如通过连贯的听说读写,游戏,竞赛等,培养学生的交际能力,发展他们的思维能力.(一),游戏法:游戏是学生最愿意参与的一种活动,能有效地调动学生学习的主动性和积极 性,使学生在教学游戏中增长知识,增长智慧.设计游戏的目的主要引导学生在玩中学, 趣中练,乐中长才干,赛中增勇气.(二)竞赛法:竞赛法顾名思义就是组织开展各种竞赛活动, , 激励学生大量记忆单词和阅读, 给学生一个自我表现和展示的机会, 由于大多数初中学生都具有争强好胜的心理特征, 因此 小组竞赛活动能够督促他们复习和巩固所学知识内容.竞赛法可以用在任何内容的学习上.比如朗读,表扬,背诵,听写等等.比朗读时可以比谁的发音好;听写时可以比谁书法好;谁的正确率高;表演时比谁语言运用自如,演技逼真等等.可以让未参与比赛的学生来当评 委,有如下优点:一是调动提高他们观看的积极性和认真度,二是教会学生评价审美水平, 三是帮助学生学会公平.(三),讨论法:加强课堂讨论,强化学生的竞争意识和创新意识,培养学生提出问题,解 决问题的能力.讨论能帮助学生在语言实践中把语言知识和语言技能主动转化为交际能力.讨论式教学对于学生的智力因素和情感因素的开发和发展都会产生积极的影响.培养了学生 参与合作学习的能力和运用语言进行创新活动的能力.四,说教学程序 说明每一环节所用的大体时间,重点教学双边活动,教学难点和教学重点的突破,理由.教 师要说明怎样组织好教学过程,通过导入,新课讲解,反馈练习,归纳总结等控制手段和语 言,提问,演示,讲解,板书等基本技能,促进教学过程有序的发展即按规律运动.再者, 还要考虑环节之间的过渡与衔接,使学生更易与接受所学知识.(一),新课导入.恰当的导入,能激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生尽快进入状态,并能积极 思维, 配合教师在热烈的气氛中进行教学.我常采用的导入方式有歌曲式导入;提问式导入;图片,幻灯等电教手段导入;悬念式导入;游戏式导入;复习式导入等等.有时采用一些与 教学紧密相关,并为学生所熟知的材料,能够立刻激发学生学习兴趣和热情.如在学习unit 1 will people have robots?(book 2b go for it!)时,我播放《西游记》中孙悟空把毫毛吹成 小猴子的片段,然后说:这就是吴承恩所想象到的克隆.然后再放蔡明郭达合演的有关机 器人的小品,问学生:will people have robots at home in the future?在学生兴趣昂然时自 然导入新课,效果非常好.(二),新课讲解.阐明教师怎样运用有效的教学方法,充分调动学生的学习积极性,对所 讲的内容按怎样的程序进行处理,采取什么方法,手段,生哪些能力,怎样充分暴露学生的 思维过程,使教师的任务重在导字上,让学生真正参与到教学过程中.如何创造一种宽松 的环境,切实让学生充分动手,动口,动脑,做到教师会教,学生会学.(三),反馈练习.要阐述练习题的来源,练习题的功能,练习题的操作,练习题的变化.练习要有目的,难度要适当.所选练习题要体现出层次性,系统性,联系性,针对性.(四),归纳总结.要总结哪些内容,其目的是什么,如何总结,如何将本节内容纳入已有 的知识系统中,发挥承上启下的作用.(五),板书设计.板书设计布局要合理,能反映一堂课的梗概和黑板上所出现的主要内容.(六),说明教学效果的预测.总之,说课要以教材分析和学生状况分析为基础,以教学目标为根本方向,紧紧抓住教学重 点和难点,优化教学过程结构,选择教学方法,科学运用各种教学媒体,有效地控制教学过 程所要达到的教学效果, 说明其基本的教学思路, 并提出按照教学思路设计的教学实施方案.2 good morning everyone!im nickole.im 24.i graduated from hunan normal universaty on shuda campus.my major is english education.after graduation, i have worked for one year in li yang听kids engish.my students are between 5 and 12 years old.im outgoing and open-minded.in my spare time, i have broad interests.such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible.i like children very much.i think children are active, innocent and pure.with them, i feel very relaxed, plesant and younger.therefore, i learned a lot from my one year working experence.teaching children english is very interested but it is also challeging.because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty.so teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children.the most important that i have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning.teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet.if i have the chance, i will try my best to be a good primary english teacher.我的八六 完善简历 ? ? ? ? ? ? 面试技巧英文 一个好的工程师的简历...求职信英文范文,20...中文诸多职位用英文怎...英语面试常见对话,中...英语面试对比举例 3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 面试技巧之如何推销自...求职公司经理英文范文 英文简历点金必备好句...面试实战问题:新人如...画龙点睛:十种经典的...外企对英文简历都有哪...没有经验?教你自信满...男生要注意的面试着装...女生要注意的面试的着...更多...首页>个人简历模板>英文简历范文


来源:日期:2010-7-8 10:53:45 英语老师面试自我介绍的时候应注意些什么?那么你可以从以下几个方面来展开: 1.介绍你自己的教育背景; 2.介绍你自己的家庭环境背景; 3.谈论自己对教师职业的看法;

4.谈谈自己作为老师对教学策略的运用; 5.谈论自己对教师与学生之间的沟通技巧; 6.谈论自己在教学环节当中有什么优势和劣势; 7.谈论你应聘本校的动机和理想; 8.谈谈你对教育你自己专业与从事教学学科的联系;


10.谈谈你自己的情绪特征,是否精力充沛,有朝气,能够吸引学生? 11.谈谈你的人生观;

12.谈谈你对人际关系的处理与看法。general introduction i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university p.r.china.with tremendous interest in industrial engineering i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d.graduate program.education background imization and network scheduling where my research interest lies.at the period of my graduate study my overall gpa(3.77/4.0)ranked top 5% in the department.in the second semester i became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only.this year i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.presently i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis.research experience and academic activity besides in july 2000 i got the opportunity to give a lecture in english in asia control conference(ascc)which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation.in my senior year i met prof.xiao-9.谈谈你对素质教育的理解;谈谈你对基础教育课程改革的认识

答:1:应用人才包括动力手能力,适应环境的能力,适应工作需要的能力,适应复杂多变情况的应变能力,适应自我学习和再创造的能力......等等,从教育观上讲,人们再不是为了升学、为了高分、为了考大学而学习,善于把孩子放在艰 5篇二:初中英语说课稿

初中英语“unit 6 holidays”说课稿



今天我说课的题目是初中英语第二册“unit 6 holidays”,整个说课我将分四部分进行讲述,即教材分析、教法、学法、教学程序。


本单元主要围绕“谈论节日里所做的事情”这一话题展开教学。这一单元的内容体现了浓郁的东西方文化特点,是一个学生十分感兴趣的话题。这里涉及了十个东西方节日,和三个四会句型及一个三会句型。我根据学生的实际情况,选取了new year’s day,spring festival,may day,children’s day,national day五个节日,及三个四会句型和一个三会句型作为第一教时的教学内容。在这些节日里,只有spring festival是学生没接触过的,其余四个节日学生都或多或少接触过了,因此我将节日中人们的活动及四个句型作为教学的重点和难点来处理。在句型的操练过程中,让学生感受东西方文化的特点。

二、说教法 1.英语学习的目的重在更好地运用语言于实际的交流之中,单调地重复课文内容或机械地操练吸引不了我们的学生。为达到交流的目的,我采用情境教学法、直观教学法,在课堂上我尽量创设真实或比较真实的语言交流情境,让学生在情境中进行语言交流,从而习得语言。







上课伊始,我通过和学生的自由对话引出课题,接着播放了“happy new year”这首学生比较熟悉的歌曲来营造一个节日的情境。让学生在歌声及动画中理解和学会第一个节日 new year’s day。其他节日我也通过图片和动画给学生直观的印象,在和学生的谈论中让他们理解和掌握单词的音、形、义。

在句型教学中,我创设了一个和学生聊天的情境,在学生已有的知识背景下和学生就节日进行聊天,在聊天的过程中引出新句型,这些句型大都是学生已经掌握的,在这一课中只是让学生学会如何正确使用这些句型来进行有关节日的询问。在谈论new year’s day时由我引出句型。接下来的几个节日,我出示图片,让学生进行谈论。还为学生设计了一个猜节日的游戏,让他们在询问同学和老师的真实情境中熟练地掌握这些句型。





在单词教学中,我通过音标的出示,指导学生如何根据语音规律来认读和记忆单词。在句型教学中,我引导学生结合语境,采用推测和询问等方法进行学习,在new year’s day 的教学中,我通过询问学生,无形中给学生示范了这一学习的方法,接着让学生采用这种方法来学习spring festival,最后在其余三个节日的教学中,我为学生设计了探究式学习活动,让学生通过询问和思考,学会主动去获得信息,促进了学生实践能力和创新思维的发展。










不足: 1.重点内容的教学相对贫乏。教师应该善于发挥主导作用,使教学引人入胜,轻松自如,调动起学生的学习积极性,从而使学生学得津津有味。


where is your post office? 说课稿




词汇.names of places: post office、library、hotel、restaurant、bank、supermarket、street、pay phone、park、house、garden、market..description adjectives: clean、dirty、new、old、quiet、busy..其它:enjoy、visit、beginning、tour、through、walk、hungry.短语

.介词短语:next to、in front of、between、behind、across from..其它:take a walk、have fun.句型

.掌握there be句型。.初步认识if句型..掌握指路时所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、turn left/right、take the...turning.日常交际用语

.掌握问路常用语:excuse me.is there...?/where is...?.了解问路的其它用语:excuse me.which is the way to...?/can you tell me the way to...? 教学重点.词汇

.句型:there be句型.问路与指路的基本用语





第一课时: section a 1a-1c 第二课时: section a 2a-2c 第三课时: section a 3a-4 第四课时: section b 1a-2c 第五课时: section b 3a-3b 主要策略 1.教学策略




教学目标 1.知识目标:.谈论问路与指路

.学会方位介词next to、in front of、between?and、across、behind.学会形容词new、old、busy、quiet、clean、dirty、big、small 2.语言技能


.能用简单的图表、地图、句子等描述和传递信息 3.情感目标




the first period(section a 1a-1c)warm-up ask students “where does he/she live?” “where do i live?”,give students the answer“i live in this neighborhood”(show ss the picture on the screen).word-teach ?direct ss’attention to the picture on the screen and ask ss “what’s this?”,present the names of the places on the board.?give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.?refer to 1a and 1b in section a on p7.target language-teach ?have ss look at the picture on the screen again and ask“is/are there...?”,present ss the answers “yes, there is/are.” “no, there isn’t /aren’t.”.?on the board, write the models.?have ss look at the picture and the example question and answer together, have them take turns practicing asking and answering questions.?invite volunteers to role-play their dialogs.make a survey ?organize ss into groups, have them make a survey by asking others in the group questions yes/no where post office library hotel restaurant bank supermarket pay phone park homework ?draw one of the places with color pens.this is my sister说课稿


今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上unit 3 this is my sister.本单元学习的是与学生生活息息相关的家庭成员。我要谈的是本单元第一课时的教学。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述我的说课内容。

一、对教材的分析和理解篇三:中学英语教师全英文说课稿 good morning everyone.standing here, i’m very happy and excited.it’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me.and i’ll try my best.today i’ll talk about unit frommy contents consist of 8 parts analysis of the teaching material analysis of the students teaching methods teaching aims and demands teaching aids teaching procedure blackboard design and conclusion then i’ll talk about next part analysis of the students.it is known to us that the kids are very active and like playing games very mu ch, so during my class, i’ll design some interesting games to activate them to participate and learn something.they will also be interested in the class.next i’ll talk about teaching methods.my teaching methods are task-based approach and situational approach.using different methods can make the class active.let’s move on to another part, teaching aims and demands.there are knowledge aims and ability aim.knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the words and phrases:„„„.and the sentences:„

ability aims are to improve students’

listening and speaking ability by reading and practicing the dialogue.next is the teaching aids.in this class, i’ll use pictures, ppt and tape recorder.these can arouse the students’ interest in english.now i’ll talk about most important part teaching procedure.it consists of 5 steps.warning up, lead-in, contents key points and difficult points and homework.step1 is warming up.here i’ll use ppt to play a english song bingo for the students and i’ll ask them try to follow it to sing together.by this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and improve their ability of speaking.step2 is lead-in(导入根据所授内容设计,可通过展示与本课有关的话题或者图片等等引出本课话题)

step 3 is contents(本部分为主要授课内容及组织的课堂活动。


I am actually a native of this city and entered xxx university after I passed the higher educational entrance test.That is why I love this piece of land and want to make contribution for my hometown.I have been working hard as a student and a part-time teacher.Sometimes friends ask me whether I'm a tireless person.Of course I am not.But I just like that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.I enjoy the alternative roles: being an English teacher and a student at the same time.In my class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach English study in their unique ways, because I believe study is a personalized process.Last week when I gave them the first class of this semester, I said,“everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, and I want to be a good teacher in its real sense”.I'm not the traditional teacher.I try to reform the English teaching in my classes.Hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching.



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