
时间:2019-05-15 05:42:52下载本文作者:会员上传



()1.--___________? –He’s from Australia.A.Where is your pen pal? B.Where is your pen pal from?

C.What does your pen pal look like? D.What does your pen pal do?

()2.________come from Australia.They speak __________.A.Australia;Australian B.Australian;English

C.Australians;English D.Australian;Australian

()3.–Can you speak Japanese? –Yes, but only_______.A.much B.a lot of C.a little D.little

()4.My daughter can ______a little English.A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell

()5.–Can you _____it in English for me? –Sure.A.say B.tell C.speak D.talk

()6.I like ________to the movies on weekends.A.go B.goes C.going D.to going

()7.Can you write ____me and tell me ________your country?

A.to;to B.about;about C.to;at D.to;about

()8.You can borrow some books from the ________.A.post office B.supermarket C.bank D.library

()9.--Where’s the hotel? –It’s ______the library and the bank.A.across B.next C.in D.between

()10.There is a big tree _____our classroom.A.in front B.in front of C.on the front of D.front of

()11.There is a teacher’s desk _______our classroom.A.in front of B.in the front of C.in front D.at front of

()12.--_________is the bank? –It’s across from the hotel.A.How B.Where C.When D.what

()13.--________.Is there a restaurant in the neighborhood? –It’s _____Center Street.A.Excuse me;on B.Hi;in C.Hello;on D.Sorry;on

()14.--___________? –Yes, there is one on Center Street.A.Is there a post office near here? B.Where is the post office?

C.Which is the way to the post office? D.How can I get to the post office?

()15.–How can I get to the park?

–Go _____Center Street and turn left.It’s down Bridge Street ______the right.A.straight;on B.down;on C.down;in D.along;to

()16.Walk ______the bridge, and you can see a big supermarket on your left.A.across B.cross C.through D.past

()17.The fresh air comes into the room _______the window.A.through B.across C.past D.pass

()18.–Thank you for helping me.--___________.A.Don’t thank me.B.Thank you, too.C.You are welcome.D.The same to you.()19.The students enjoy ____basketball.Look!They are having fun ____basketball there.A.to play;to play B.playing;to play C.play;play D.playing;playing

()20.Koalas are from______ and pandas are from________.A.China;Africa B.Australia;China C.Africa;China D.Australia;Africa

()21.I like pandas because they’re _______.A.ugly B.scary C.cute D.lazy

()22.--_____does your sister like dolphins? –Because they are friendly.A.How B.Why C.Where D.When

()23.There are many ______animals in the zoo.A.a kind of B.kind of C.kinds of D.a kinds of

()24.Pandas are cute but ______shy.A.a kind of B.kind of C.kinds of D.a kind

()25.--Would you like ______apple?--No, thanks.A.other B.another C.the other D.others

()26.He has two pencils.One is long, _____one is short.A.the other B.another C.the others D.other

()27.It’s too hot here._______the windows, please.A.To open B.Opens C.Open D.Opening

()28._______here.Your father is sleeping.A.Talk B.Talks C.Don’t talk D.Not talk

()29.–Isn’t the TV show interesting?--_______.Nobody likes it.A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.Yes, it isn’t.D.No, it doesn’t.()30.–Can’t your brother play basketball?--______.He is in our school team.A.No, he can’t B.Yes, he can.C.Yes, he is.D.Yes, he can’t.()31.People usually work ____the day and sleep _____night.A.in;in B.during;in C.during;at D.at;at

()32.His mother works in a hospital.She helps doctors.She is a ______.A.doctor B.bank clerk C.nurse D.actor

()33.He wants to be a policeman because it’s an ______job.A.boring B.difficult C.exciting D.dangerous

()34.A waiter works in a ______.A.hospital B.bank C.supermarket D.restaurant

()35.My father has a new ______.He ______in a post office.A.work;works B.work;job C.job;works D.job;work

()36.--_____________? –He’s a bank clerk.A.What does your father do? B.Where does your father work?

C.What is your father doing? D.Where does your father come from?

()37.–What is your brother?--_____________.A.He is working.B.He works in a hospital.C.He is a cook.D.He likes talking to people.()38.Please give____________.A.me it B.the pencil to me C.the pencil me D.me to the pencil

()39.It’s 7:00 now.______your clothes and get up.A.Put on B.Wear C.In D.Dress

()40.Tom is ___a T-shirt today.A.putting on B.wearing C.dressing D.wear

()41.The man ____a black coat is my father.A.in B.at C.with D.of

()42.The boy is old enough to ______himself.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.in

()43.The girl likes _____to people.She wants _____a reporter.A.talk;be B.talks;to be C.talking;to do D.talking;to be

()44.Mr.Green is talking _____my father ______my study.A.to;with B.with;about C.about;with D.about;about

()45.If you want to work ____our magazine, then we have a job _____you _____a reporter.A.for;at;at B.for;for;as C.as;for;as D.for;to;for

()46.Look!Some boys _______in the river.A.swim B.swimming C.is swimming D.are swimming.()47.It’s 8:00 in the evening.The Greens ________TV at home.A.watches B.watch C.is watching D.are watching

()48.–Where are your parents, Lucy? –They ______in the garden.A.working B.are working C.works D.work

()49.Don’t talk here.The students _____an English lesson.A.have B.are haveing C.are having D.has

()50.–Tina and Mary are talking _____the phone _____their vacation.A.at;about B.on;of C.to;about D.on;about

()51.Look!Julia is waiting ____a bus _____the bus stop.A.for;for B.at;for C.at;at D.for;at

()52.–Here _____some flowers for your birthday.–Thank you.A.is B.are C.have D.has

()53.Look at the ______in the sky.It’s ______today.A.sun;sun B.sun;suny C.sun;sunny D.sunny;sunny

()55.It’s very _____today.Put on your coat and scarf when you go out.A.hot B.cool C.warm D.cold

()56.--_______________? –It’s cold and humid.A.How is the weather like today? B.What is the weather like?

C.What day is it today? D.What’s the date today?

()57.--How is the weather in Shanghai?--_____________.A.I like Shanghai very much.B.It’s a very interesting city.C.I like the weather very much.D.It’s sunny but very hot.()58.--______are getting on with your study? –Very well.A.How B.When C.Why D.What

()59.--__________? –Terrible.A.What are you doing? B.What do you do? C.How’s it going? D.How old are you?

()60.–Hello.Mary speaking.Who______? –Hello.__________Mike.A.are you;I’m B.is that;I’m C.is that;This is D.are;This is

()61.We need a music teacher _______our child piano.A.teach B.to teach C.teaching D.teaches

()62.Look at the boy _______on the beach.He is my bother.A.lie B.to lie C.lying D.lieing

()63.The students are having a party.Some are singing.Some are dancing.______are

playing games.A.Another B.The other C.Other D.Others

()64.Thank you for ______our music club.A.join B.to join C.joins D.joining

()65.His father ____of medium height.He ______a beard.A.is;is B.has;has C.has;is D.is;has

()66.Tom isn’t heavy.And he isn’t thin, either.He is ______.A.medium build B.medium height C.of medium build D.of medium height

()67.--_______________? –He is heavy with short straight hair.A.What does your father like? B.What does your father do?

C.What does your father look like? D.What does your father like doing?

()68.–What does your pen pal look like?--_____________.A.He likes playing basketball.B.He likes vegetables.C.He is very tall with glasses.D.He is a student.()69.The girl is ______shy.A.kinds of B.little C.a bit of D.a little bit

()70.Mary has _______hair.A.short curly blonde B.curly short blonde C.blonde short curly D.short blonde curly.()71.I _______think his sister ______play the guitar.A./;can’t B.do;can C.don’t;is D.don’t;can

()72.Look!Everyone there ______a good time.A.have B.has C.is having D.are having

()73.Nobody ____where he lives.So we can’t find him.A.know B.knows C.to know D.knowing

()74.It’s time for class.Stop _______, please.A.talk B.to talk C.talks D.talking

()75.It’s time for lunch.Stop _______, children.You can do your homework after the lunch.A.to have it B.have it C.has it D.having it

()76.Remember _____me a pen when you go shopping, OK? I have no pens to write with.A.buying B.to buy C.buy D.buys

()77.The singer doesn’t have long hair ______.She has short hair.A.no more B.any more C.some more D.not any more

()78.They live in a big house _____ interesting garden.A.has a B.with an C.has an D.with a

()79.Across from the busy shops _______a quiet library.A.are B.is C.has D.have

()80.Tom likes koalas.And he likes some ______animals.A.other B.others C.the other D.the others

()81.Linda with her friends ______tennis over there now.A.play B.plays C.is playing D.are playing

()82.My uncle likes tigers ______my aunt doesn’t.A.and B.but C.or D.so

()83.Mother isn’t _____a book, but she’s _______TV.A.seeing;seeing B.looking at;watching C.watching;looking D.reading;watching

()84.–Do you know the way ____my house? –Yes, it’s across ______a big supermarket.A.to;to B.to;from C.of;from D.to;at

()85.–Hi, Bob.How’s it going?--________.It is raining and I can’t go out to play.A.Great.B.Not bad.C.Terrible.D.Pretty good.1-5 BCCBA 6-10 CDDDB11-15 BBAAB 16-20 AACDB 21-25 CBCBB 26-30 ACBBB 31-35 CCCDC 36-40 ACBAB 41-45 ABDBB 46-50 DDBCD 51-55 DBCDB 56-60 BDACC 61-65 BCDDD 66-70 CCCDA 71-75 DCBDA 76-80 BBBBA 81-85 CBDBC

第二篇:七年级英语下册Units 1-4a

Units 1~4单元测试答案










7.an international school8.to be9.a teacher;teaches


14.swimming 15.open;closed



4.What does she want to be?5.I am not studying English, either.六、补全对话:

(2)—(6)koalas;very;dolphins;dolphins;kind of


1.want→wants2.wild→the wild3.me→to me4.too→also5.in→to


Are you an English teacher? Do you like English? can speak English fluently? Can you sing English songs ?Do you like working hard ?Do you like kids ?We FOU School needs you.Please call Mr.Liu at ***5.



22.The girl wants ______ a doctor.A.beingB.toC.to beD.to do

23.Please _____ late for school next time.A.don't beB.aren'tC.doesn't beD.be not

24.My parents often cook noodles ____ me.A.toB.forC.inD.of

25.One of the children _____ in the river last summer.A.was swimmingB.is swimming

C.are swimmingD.were swimming

26._______ are the books?They are 20 yuan.A.How muchB.WhatC.How manyD.How money

27.Sorry, I'm late ______ school.A.forB.toC.atD.from

28.She _____ lunch at home yesterday.A.doesn'tB.didn't haveC.doesn't haveD.hasn't

29.Would you like _____ orange juice ?Yes, please


30.We _____ to a movie last Sunday.A.goB.wentC.did goD.was go

31.What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor.A.does, doesB.do, doesC.does, doD.do, do

32.Why not ______ see the smart dolphins?

A.come toB.to comeC.coming andD.coming

33.We can ______ taxi to the town.A.byB.takeC.rideD.take a

34.Welcome to our school!____________!

A.FineB.Thank youC.It doesn't matterD.Very good

35.We often _____ TV after school.A.are watchB.watchC.watchesD.watching

36.What time is it? __________.A.It's fineB.It's OKC.It's TuesdayD.It's nine

37.Let's take some ________.A.photoB.photoesC.photos for you

38.Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room.A.isB.wasC.areD.were

39.What time do you leave school ______ the weekend?


40.You can _____ it in English.He can ______ English well.A.speak, speakB.tells, say

C.say, speakD.talks, say

41.What ______ you do over the weekend?


42.______Yes, I'd like a cup of tea.A.Excuse me.B.Can I help you?

C.Are you OK?D.Good morning!

43.Did you play football last Friday?____________.A.No, we don'tB.No, we didn't

C.No, we aren'tD.Yes, we play

44.______ do you usually go to school?


45.She _______ her homework on Sunday.A.didn'tB.doesn'tC.didn't doD.doesn't did

46.Mr.Smith is badly ill.Now he is ______ hospital.A.in theB.inC./D.the

47.What do you want ________ ?

A.to doB.doC.beD.doing

48._______ does the child _______?

A.Where, comes fromB.Where, from

C.Where, come fromD.Where, is from

49.Your dress is very beautiful.___________.A.Thank youB.You're rightC.Don't say soD.yes, it is

50.________ books are there on the desk?

A.How muchB.How manyC.How aboutD.How far

51.Let ______ help _______.A.they, youB.us, yourC.her, theirD.us, you

52.I want to cook some food ______ dinner.A.inB.forC.atD.on

53.What do you do?I am a ______.A.hospitalB.workC.post officeD.worker

54.Mary ______ do sports last week.A.isn'tB.doesn'tC.didn'tD.does

55.Where is the bank? It is ______ the market.A.onB.nextC.orD.next to

56.Lily can _______ all kinds of things.A.doesB.doC.didD.doing

57._______ you like?A cup of tea, please.A.What wouldB.WhatC.WouldD.How many

58._______ your favorite singer?She is Sun Yue.A.What'sB.Who'sC.Where'sD.Who

59.Li Ping isn't here.Let's go ______ find him.A./B.andC.orD.but

60.______ Mary _______ bananas?

A.Is, likeB.Do, likesC.Does, likeD.Do, like

61.Look!The man ______ the right is ______ Africa.A.on, fromB.from, fromC.on, inD.to, in

62.We have no time ______ home for lunch.A.goB.goingC.to goD.to go to

63.She likes to _______ jokes.A.talkB.tellC.sayD.speak

64.Mr.Green is a short man _____ long hair.A.withB.inC.hasD.grows

65.I'd like you ______ my friends Tom.A.meetB.to meetC.meetingD.meets

66._______ do you like English?Very much.A.WhatB.HowC.WhichD.Where

67.Everyone in China _______ eating dumplings.A.likeB.likingC.to likeD.likes

68.What does your mother ______ ? She is tall and thin.A.lookB.likeC.look likeD.be like

69.He has ________ friends at school, so he feels unhappy.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little

70._______ he often do his homework at home?


71.I'd like _____ you.A.play withB.to playC.to play withD.playing with

72.There _____ some tomatoes and milk in the box.A.isB.wereC.wasD.have

73.They often watch TV _______ Sunday evening.A.atB.inC.onD.of

74.I helped him _____ his pen.A.to findB.findingC.findsD.found

75.________ the weather in Australia now?


76.I can't ______ the cold weather.A.likeB.needC.standD.want

77.Do you enjoy _______ the story books?

A.seeingB.readingC.to readD.to look

78.When _____ the King _______to China?

A.was, comeB.did, cameC.did, comeD.was, came

79.What ______ the boy and girl ______?

A.is, doB.is, doingC.are, doD.are, doing

80.It often _______ here in autumn.A.rainedB.will rainC.rainsD.is raining

81.Can you help me _____ my homework?


82.The boy is sitting ____ the tree, there are many apples ____the tree.A.in, onB.on, inC.in, ofD.on, of

83.______ there ______ meat on the table?

A.Is, someB.Are, anyC.Is, anyD.Are, some

84.Who can play ping-pong _______ me?


85.Welcome _______ our talk show!


86.Look!They ______ in the hallway.A.runB.runningC.are runningD.are runing

87.We have classed ______ Monday ______ Friday.A.to, fromB.from, toC.on, onD.on, and

88._______ your mother ______ the new house?

A.What is, likeB.What do, think of

C.What does, likeD.What does, think of

89.Lucy doesn't mind _______ the dishes after dinner.A.washB.washingC.to washD.washed

90.There are ______ on the desk.A.three cups of teasB.three cup

C.three cups of teaD.three teas

91.What are you doing now? I _____ my homework.A.goB.doC.doingD.am doing

92.What color is your cat?___________.A.Yes, it's redB.No, it isn't redC.It's redD.Its red

93.What ______ she look like?


94.The weather is ________.A.sunnyB.rainC.cloudD.wind

95.Is your mother a worker ______ a doctor?


96._______ do you like koalas?Because they are cute.A.WhyB.Why doC.What doD.Where do

97.Oh, it's time ______ home.A.to goB.for goC.goingD.would go

98.I want to go shopping._______ you?

A.How areB.What aboutC.Can I helpD.Would

99._______ here.A.Don't smokingB.No smokeC.No smokingD.Doesn't smoke 100.Do you have to _____ by10 o'clock?

A.go bedB.to go bedC.go to bedD.going to bed

参考答案—5ACABB6 —10 BDAAA

11—15 CCDAC16—20 DBDCA

21—25 CCABA26—30 AABAB

31—35 CADBB36—40 DCBBC

41—45 CBBBC46—50 BACAB

51—55 DBDCD56—60 BABBC

61—65 ACBAB66—70 BDCBB

71—75 CBCAD76—80 CBCDC

81—85 BACCC86—90 CBDBC

91—95 DCCAB96—100 AABCC




1.Our school is _________ a park and a big library.A.between B.next C.across D.in 2.Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV.A.see B.watch C.watching D.to watch 3.Let's __________________.A.go shopping B.went shopping C.goes shopping D.going shopping 4.They want _________ the zoo very much.A.to go B.to go to C.go to D.going to 5.There ______ some Chinese girls in Miss Gao's class.6._________ do you come from? China.A.When B.Where C.Why D.Who 7.We had fun in ______ games.A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 8._______ it going? Pretty good!A.How's B.What's C.How D.Where's 9.Thank you very much.________.A.You're welcome B.That's right C.You're right D.Don't thank me 10.Thank you for _____ us so much help.A.giving B.give C.to give D.gives 11.Can you tell _____ the way to the shop? A.he B.his C.her D.she 12.You'd better _____ a taxi to the park.A.to take B.takes C.take D.taking 13.______ you _____ a cup of tea? Yes, please.A.Are, like B.Does, like C.Do, like D.Would, like 14.I don't like cabbage _______.A.at all B.a little C.a lot of D.very 15.How many ____ do you want? A.rice B.tomatos C.pieces of bread D.potato 16.My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous.A.a kind of B.a kind C.kinds of D.kind of 17.Let's _____ TV now.A.to watch B.watch C.look D.see 18.Mother often goes ______ on Sundays.A.shop B.a shop C.buy D.shopping 19.We often play ____ after school.A.a basketball B.the basketball C.basketball D.a football 20.He is very hungry.He buys ____ hamburgers.A.many B.much C.a lots of D.all of them 21.“What does he do?” means ____________ A.who is he B.Where is he C.What is he D.what is he doing 22.The girl wants ______ a doctor.A.is B.are C.am D.will A.being B.to C.to be D.to do 23.Please _____ late for school next time.A.don't be B.aren't C.doesn't be D.be not 24.My parents often cook noodles ____ me.A.to B.for C.in D.of 25.One of the children _____ in the river last summer.A.was swimming B.is swimming C.are swimming D.were swimming 26._______ are the books? They are 20 yuan.A.How much B.What C.How many D.How money 27.Sorry, I'm late ______ school.A.for B.to C.at D.from 28.She _____ lunch at home yesterday.A.doesn't B.didn't have C.doesn't have D.hasn't 29.Would you like _____ orange juice ? Yes, please A.some B.any C.a D.many 30.We _____ to a movie last Sunday.A.go B.went C.did go D.was go 31.What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor.A.does, does B.do, does C.does, do D.do, do 32.Why not ______ see the smart dolphins? A.come to B.to come C.coming and D.coming 33.We can ______ taxi to the town.A.by B.take C.ride D.take a 34.Welcome to our school!____________!A.Fine B.Thank you C.It doesn't matter D.Very good 35.We often _____ TV after school.A.are watch B.watch C.watches D.watching 36.What time is it? __________.A.It's fine B.It's OK C.It's Tuesday D.It's nine 37.Let's take some ________.A.photo B.photoes C.photos for you 38.Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room.A.is B.was C.are D.were 39.What time do you leave school ______ the weekend? A.in B.on C./ D.of 40.You can _____ it in English.He can ______ English well.A.speak, speak B.tells, say C.say, speak D.talks, say 41.What ______ you do over the weekend? A.are B.do C.did D.does 42.______ Yes, I'd like a cup of tea.A.Excuse me.B.Can I help you? C.Are you OK? D.Good morning!43.Did you play football last Friday? ____________.A.No, we don't B.No, we didn't C.No, we aren't D.Yes, we play 44.______ do you usually go to school? A.What B.How C.Who D.Where 45.She _______ her homework on Sunday.A.didn't B.doesn't C.didn't do D.doesn't did 46.Mr.Smith is badly ill.Now he is ______ hospital.A.in the B.in C./ D.the 47.What do you want ________ ? A.to do B.do C.be D.doing 48._______ does the child _______? A.Where, comes from B.Where, from C.Where, come from D.Where, is from 49.Your dress is very beautiful.___________.A.Thank you B.You're right C.Don't say so D.yes, it is 50.________ books are there on the desk? A.How much B.How many C.How about D.How far 51.Let ______ help _______.A.they, you B.us, your C.her, their D.us, you 52.I want to cook some food ______ dinner.A.in B.for C.at D.on 53.What do you do? I am a ______.A.hospital B.work C.post office D.worker 54.Mary ______ do sports last week.A.isn't B.doesn't C.didn't D.does 55.Where is the bank? It is ______ the market.A.on B.next C.or D.next to 56.Lily can _______ all kinds of things.A.does B.do C.did D.doing 57._______ you like? A cup of tea, please.A.What would B.What C.Would D.How many 58._______ your favorite singer? She is Sun Yue.A.What's B.Who's C.Where's D.Who 59.Li Ping isn't here.Let's go ______ find him.A./ B.and C.or D.but 60.______ Mary _______ bananas? A.Is, like B.Do, likes C.Does, like D.Do, like 61.Look!The man ______ the right is ______ Africa.A.on, from B.from, from C.on, in D.to, in 62.We have no time ______ home for lunch.A.go B.going C.to go D.to go to 63.She likes to _______ jokes.A.talk B.tell C.say D.speak 64.Mr.Green is a short man _____ long hair.A.with B.in C.has D.grows 65.I'd like you ______ my friends Tom.A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.meets 66._______ do you like English? Very much.A.What B.How C.Which D.Where 67.Everyone in China _______ eating dumplings.A.like B.liking C.to like D.likes 68.What does your mother ______ ? She is tall and thin.A.look B.like C.look like D.be like 69.He has ________ friends at school, so he feels unhappy.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 70._______ he often do his homework at home? A.Do B.Does C.Is D.Would 71.I'd like _____ you.A.play with B.to play C.to play with D.playing with 72.There _____ some tomatoes and milk in the box.A.is B.were C.was D.have 73.They often watch TV _______ Sunday evening.A.at B.in C.on D.of 74.I helped him _____ his pen.A.to find B.finding C.finds D.found 75.________ the weather in Australia now? A.What B.When C.How D.How's 76.I can't ______ the cold weather.A.like B.need C.stand D.want 77.Do you enjoy _______ the story books? A.seeing B.reading C.to read D.to look 78.When _____ the King _______ to China? A.was, come B.did, came C.did, come D.was, came 79.What ______ the boy and girl ______? A.is, do B.is, doing C.are, do D.are, doing 80.It often _______ here in autumn.A.rained B.will rain C.rains D.is raining 81.Can you help me _____ my homework? A.of B.with C.to D.for 82.The boy is sitting ____ the tree, there are many apples ____the tree.A.in, on B.on, in C.in, of D.on, of 83.______ there ______ meat on the table? A.Is, some B.Are, any C.Is, any D.Are, some 84.Who can play ping-pong _______ me? A.to B.of C.with D.for 85.Welcome _______ our talk show!A.for B.at C.to D.of 86.Look!They ______ in the hallway.A.run B.running C.are running D.are runing 87.We have class ______ Monday ______ Friday.A.to, from B.from, to C.on, on D.on, and 88._______ your mother ______ the new house? A.What is, like B.What do, think of C.What does, like D.What does, think of 89.Lucy doesn't mind _______ the dishes after dinner.A.wash B.washing C.to wash D.washed 90.There are ______ on the desk.A.three cups of teas B.three cup C.three cups of tea D.three teas 91.What are you doing now? I _____ my homework.A.go B.do C.doing D.am doing 92.What color is your cat? ___________.A.Yes, it's red B.No, it isn't red C.It's red D.Its red 93.What ______ she look like? A.is B.do C.does D.doing 94.The weather is ________.A.sunny B.rain C.cloud D.wind 95.Is your mother a worker ______ a doctor? A.and B.or C.with D.too 96._______ do you like koalas? Because they are cute.A.Why B.Why do C.What do D.Where do 97.Oh, it's time ______ home.A.to go B.for go C.going D.would go 98.I want to go shopping._______ you? A.How are B.What about C.Can I help D.Would 99._______ here.A.Don't smoking B.No smoke C.No smoking D.Doesn't smoke 100.Do you have to _____ by 10 o'clock? A.go bed B.to go bed C.go to bed D.going to bed

参考答案 —5 ACABB 6 —10 BDAAA 11—15 CCDAC 16—20 DBDCA 21—25 CCABA 26—30 AABAB 31—35 CADBB 36—40 DCBBC 41—45 CBBBC 46—50 BACAB 51—55 DBDCD 56—60 BABBC 61—65 ACBAB 66—70 BDCBB 71—75 CBCAD 76—80 CBCDC 81—85 BACCC 86—90 CBDBC 91—95 DCCAB 96

—100 AABCC


六年级英语单项选择题()25.We often go swimming______the weekend.A.in.B.at C.off

()1.What ________ youwant ,Daming?A.doB.doesC.are.()26.--Did Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng Fly into space?

()2.I’m going to _____myhomeworktomorrow.A.does B.doC.did.--___________.A.Yes, they do.B.No, they aren’t.C.Yes’they did.()3.I__________asnowmannow.A am makingBmakeCmade()4.----Whatareyou______do?------I’mgoingtoplayfootball.AgoingtoBtoCgoing()5.----Whatareyoudoing?-----Weare__________.Agoingto swimBswimmingCswim()6.She’sbuyingthings_______yourbirthday.AtoB giveCfor()7.----Whocanhelpme?----Sorry,I_______carrythebag.Acan’tBcanCdon’t()8.Iwant________..Ahamburger Btwo hamburgerCahamburger()9.It’sthirty ______andtwenty—five_____.A.dollars, cent Bdollar,centCcents , dollars.()10.--Whatdoyouwanttoeat?--________,please.AColaBVegetablesCBook.()11。--Howmuchisahamburger?---______________ATwoB ThreedollarsC Four hotdogs.()12.---Whatdoyouwanttodrink ?---______________.AYes,Ido.B No, I don’tCJuice, please.()13.---____________bananasdoyouwant?---Ten ,please.AHowmuchBHowCHowmany.()14,--WhatdoesSimonwanttodrink?---________.A He wants to eat meat.BI want to drinktea.C Hewantstodrinkmilk.()15.---_______areyougoingtogototheparktomorrow?---Atnine.AWhatBHowCWhen()16.It’sgoingto_____tomorrow?A windy BwindsC bewindy.()17.Theballoonsare _____away.AflyingBflyCflies.()18.They are playing football ,____ it’sraining.AandBbutCin()19.---Isitareallydog?---___________________________.AYes,itisn’tBNo,itisCNo,itisn’t.()20Canshe____thisbag?AcarriedBcarriesCcarry.()21.--Will you go to the theatre tomorrow?--___________.A.Yes, l will.B.Yes, l won’t.C.No, Iwill.()22.Lingling_____many animals in the zoo yesterday.A.see B.sawC.looked()23.______your brother like fish?A.DoB.DoesC.Did()24--.What will the weather be in Harbin?--_______A.SonwB.It’s sunny.C.lt will be snowy.()27.--______cheese do you want?--Half a kilo, please.A.How manyB.Howmuch.C.How old()28.Shecan_______fast.A.runB.runsC.running()29.Look!There______anorangeinthebox.A.are B.was C.is()30.--What do you drink, juice or tea?--________.A.Yes,Ido.B.No,I don’t.C.Juice,please.()31.---How much is the hot dog?---__________.A.Three.B.Three dollars.C.Two hot dogs.()32 Can she______thisbag?A.carriedB.carriesC.carry()33.I want to drink______water.Is there______water in the cup?

A.some;someB.some;anyC.any;any()34.You____walk in the road.lt’sdangerous.A.can B.shouldC.shouldn’t

()35.--______areyougoingtogoto the park?--l’mgoingto go atsix.A.WhenB.WhereC.What

()36.I’m______than you.A.youngB.oldC.older()37.Please______!The baby is sleeping.A.be quietB.talkC.cry

()38.My sister doesn’t______TV.A.watchB.watchesC.watching()39.l___a picture for my grandma yesterday.A.drawB.drewC.drewed


()41 Areyoureay__yourtrip ?AforBatCwith()42---___________hoursarethereinaday?

---There aretwenty—four.A Howmuch B How CHowmany()43Wearegoingto _______dinnerathalfpastseven.AhaveBeatsChaving()44Ilike_____inthepark.Awalk BwalkingC walked()45--__________aretheygoingtostartschool?---Ateighto’clock.AWhatBHowCWhen()46LucyandLily_____bornin1998.A are B was C were()47Theactorwrotea book____himself.Aabout B of Cfor()48It’seasy ________learnEnglish.AtoBforCof()49---.Isthis _______postcard?---Yes, itis_____________.Ayours ,mineByourmineCyourmy()50Haveyougot___________stampsfromCanada ?AsomeBanyCa



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