
时间:2019-05-14 11:32:08下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to _______________there are no mistakes.A.look for B.make sure C.find out D.think about

2.---Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy?

---I'll buy _________ of them, so I can give one to my friend, Hellen.A.either B.neither C.all D.both

3.He __________ two thousand trees since 1985.A.plants B.planted C.will plant D.has planted

4.___________ you free last night?

A.Were B.Was C.Are D.Do

5.---Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.---I am sorry, Jean.But I think I will have a _____________holiday soon.A.four-days B.four-day C.four days D.four day

6.In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper ____________Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A.that B.how C.what D.if

7.___________comes from cows.A.Wool B.Chicken C.Pork D.Milk

8.Which of the following does paper burn in?

A.CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.He

9.Today, the forests have almost gone.People must ___________down too many trees.A.stop to cut

B.stop from cutting

C.be stopped to cut

D.be stopped from cutting

10.---You must come back every month.---Yes, I __________________.A.will B.must C.should


11.The doctor did what he could _________________that child.A.save B.to save C.saved D.saving

12.---Can you guess if they _____________to play basketball with us?

---I think they'll come if they _______________tree.A.come;are

B.will come;will be

C.will come;are

D.come;will be

13.I will tell you how to get to the place;you'd better _____________it __________.A.try;on B.get;off C.take;down D.pick;up

14.---Ann has gone to Shanghai.---So _____________her parents.A.do




15.---How long can I ______________these books?

---Two weeks.A.borrow B.lend C.keep

D.buy 16.It takes us _________hour or more to go to my hometown by ________train.A.an;a B.a;an C.an;不填


17.Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city, but she had no _________.A.trouble B.idea C.luck D.time

18.There are three _______________students in the school.A.thousands B.thousands of C.thousand of D.thousand

19.I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because there's ___________with his ears.A.wrong something

B.something wrong

C.anything wrong

D.nothing wrong

20.---I've had enough bread.Would you like_____________?

---No thanks.A.a few more B.one more C.another more D.some more

21.I'm old enough to wash _________clothes by myself.You can just wash ______.A.my, your B.mine, yours C.my, yours D.your, my

22.The father wished the twins to be doctors, but __________of them liked to study medicine.A.both B.neither C.either D.none

23.Now Helen works ______________than before.A.more carefully

B.more careful C.much careful D.much carefully

24.We are doing much better __________English ________our teacher's help.A.in, at B.at, in C.in, with D.with, with

25.If you like the chicken, you may have as_____________as you can.A.much B.many C.more D.little

26.---Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.---OK.Let's give him _____________to eat.A.something different B.different anything

C.anything different

D.different something

27.The letter is ___________in French.I cannot read it.A.writing B.written C.wrote D.writes

28.---Your spoken English is much better.---Thank you.My teacher often asks us ___________English as __________as possible.A.to speak, many B.not to speak, much

C.to speak, much D.not to speak, more

29.It's getting dark.Please ______________the light.A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn up

30.Martin is good at fishing, ________________?

A.is he B.does he C.isn't he D.doesn't he

31.--Do you know him well?

---Sure.We _____________friends since ten years ago.A.were B.have been C.have become D.have made

32.Cars and buses ___________stop when the traffic lights turn red.A.can B.need C.may D.must

33.John fell asleep _____________he was listening to the music.A.after B.before C.while D.as soon as 34.---May I speak to John?

---Sorry, he ____________Japan.But he _________in two days.A.has been to, will come back

B.has gone to, will be back

C.has been in, would come back D.has gone to, won't cone back

35.---Do you know __________________?

---They moved here soon after their son was born.A.when would the Greens move here B.when the Greens moved here

C.the Greens would move here

D.when the Greens would move here

36.Your bedroom is very big, but ___________is rather small.A.she B.Jane C.her D.hers

37._____________book on the desk is___________ useful one.A.The;an B.A;a C.The;a D.The;/

38.---When was our Party founded?

---It was founded _________________.A.on October 1,1949

B.in May, 1922

C.on July 1,1921

D.in August, 1927

39.This maths problem is____________ and I can do it_____________.A.easy;easily B.easily;easily C.easy;easy D.easily;easy

40.---They are thirsty.Will you please give them_____________ ?

---Certainly.A.some bottles of waters B.some bottles of water

C.some bottle of water

D.some bottle of waters

41.There is still a little orange here, but_____________ people want to drink it.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

42.Mr.Yu gave some new words to Lucy and asked her to_____________ on the blackboard.A.write it down

B.write them down

C.write down it

D.write down them

43.---Must I finish my homework now?

---No, you__________.You may have a rest first.A.mustn't B.can't C.may not D.needn't

44.---When did you go to bed last night?

---I didn't go bed ____________my father got home.A.until B.while C.after D.when 45.---Does you sister remember to return the library book today?---Oh, yes.Thank you.She's_______________ it for two weeks.A.kept B.had C.borrowed D.keeping 46.The teacher told Xiao Ming_______________ late for school again.A.not to be B.not be

C.don't be D.not to 47.Could you tell me__________________ ?

A.where does Li Lei work B.where did Li Lei work

C.where Li Lei works

D.where Li Lei worked

48.---Jone could swim when she was only four years old.---______________clever the girl was!

A.How B.What a C.What D.How a

49.---Where's Tom now?

---He________________ the post office.A.has been to B.has gone to C.went to D.goes to

50.---Hi, Kate.We're going to help Grandma Li with her housework this Saturday afternoon.---_________________________.A.So I am B.So do I C.So I do D.So am I


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.B35.A 36.D 37.C 38.C 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.D


35876 字, 阅读 347, 评论 0


()1.There ________ many high buildings in this city.A.is B.are C.have D.has()2.–Can you come here next Monday?--Sorry, I________.A.can B.don‟t C.can‟t D.am not()3.Did you ________ the video last night? A.see B.watch C.look D.read()4.This room is ours, and that one is ________.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs()5.Tom is __________ than Daming.A.taller B.tall C.tallest D.the tallest()6.He often does some washing ________ Sunday.A.at B.in C.on D.by()7.His mother is __________ nurse.A.a B.an C.D.some()8.Do you want _______ home? A.go B.go to C.to go to D.to go()9.–Thank you.---________.A.No thanks B.You‟re welcome C.Thank you()10.–Give me a ruler, please.--________.A.Here you are B.Here is it C.Here it is()11.There are three _________ in the office.A.police B.policeman C.policemen D.police officer()12.________ people are talking about the film.A.A lot B.Lotof C.Lots of D.Much()13.–What are these?--_________.A.It‟s buses B.They are pencil-box C.They are apples D.Oh, yes, there are()14.–How are you?--Fine, thank you.And you?--_________ A.How are you? B.I‟m fine, too.C.Nice to meet you.()15.This is _________ book.A.an English B.English C.an english D.a English()16.– What colour is your ruler?--__________.A.It‟s a white B.A white ruler C.It‟s white()17.________ mother is a teacher.A.Betty‟s B.Betty C.Betty is()18.–Are these their _________ ?--No, they aren‟t.They are _______.A.watch, our B.watch, yours C.watches, ours()19.Let‟s ________ them, please.A.to see B.see C.seeing D.saw()20.The pencil is in __________.A.the your bag B.you bag C.your bag D.a your bag()21.The clock is on the desk.Can you see ________? A.one B.it C.clock D.them()22.Is this ________ watch? A.I B.my C.me D.mine()23.--________ is it?---Thirty yuan.A.How B.How many C.How much D.How old()24.Happy birthday _______ you.This apple is ________ you.A.to, to B.for, to C.to, for D.for, for()25.--________ is Jim?--He‟s fine.A.How old B.How C.What D.Who()26.We ________ English.A.are speak B.speak C.listen D.are listen()27.My shoes ________ blue, How about yours? A.is B.are C.am D.not()28.He will buy a book _________ me.A.for B.in C.to with()29.Jim and ________ are in the same class.A.me B.I C.my D.mine()30.It‟s time ________ have dinner.A.on B.to C.D.for()31.The car is coming.Don‟t _________ in the street.A.play football B.play with fire C.sing songs D.talk loudly()32.Is your father a doctor _________ a farmer?

A.and B.but C.or D.for()33.My father ________ to buy a tie(领带)last year.A.wants B.wanted C.want D.wanting()34.You can get ________ at the third stop.A.off B.on C.in D.of()35.He likes ______ stamps.A.collect B.collects C.collecting D.collected()36.Your answer is very good._________, please.A.Stand up B.Sit C.Stand D.Sit down()37.He ________ watch TV this evening.A.will B.would C.are going to D.am going to()38.I am ________.A.first B.the first one C.one first D.one()39.There ____ some orange juice and some ________ on the table.A.have, oranges B.are, oranges C.is, oranges D.has, oranges()40.January ________ the first month of a year.A.will be B.are C.can be D.is()41.I can‟t carry _________.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs()42.We are ________ the supermarket.A.at B.on C.under D.behind()43.The ______ are falling down the stairs.A.orange B.orangess C.oranges D.an orange()44.We are going to ________Beijing.A.visits B.visiting C.visited D.visit()45.There _______ a book and two pens on the desk.A.are B.has C.is D.have()46.He‟s talking to her friend, _____ the phone is ringing.A.but B.or C.and D.so()47.I want _____ a map ofChina.A.is buying B.buy C.to buy D.bought()48.Do you like ___________? A.swim B.swimming C.are swimming D.swim, too()49.They often help__________.A.I B.mine C.my D.me()50.Is it a picture ________ your school? A.at B.in C.of D.with()51.What‟s wrong _________ you?

A.from B.with C.for D.at()52.We‟ll come to your house ________ half _______ hour.A.on, a B.in, a C.on, an D.in, an()53.It‟s 10 o‟clock.Ben _______ TV in the bedroom.A.is watching B.watch C.watches D.are watching()54.–Is this T-shirt ________ ? – Yes, it‟s _________

A.your, mine B.yours, mine C.yours, my D.your, my()55.–Is your friend a boy or a girl? A.Yes, it is B.No C.A boy D.a boy()56.I get home ________ 4:40 inthe afternoon.A.in B.with C.on D.at()57._______ talk in the library.A.Don‟t B.Not C.No D.don‟t()58.How many boys ________ there in the room? A.is B.have C.are D.has()59.--__________ is the weather today?---It‟s fine.A.What B.How C.Who D.Where()60.My father _________ a doctor.A.are B.is C.am D.„s()61.He likes watching TV________ the evening.A.on B.in C.at D.of()62.Ann__________ like writing letters.A.don‟t B.isn‟t C.wasn‟t D.doesn‟t()63.Is that your __________ ? A.pen B.pencils C.books D.a ruler()64.I go to ________ school from Monday to Friday.A.the B.a C.D.an()65.I have got ________ bad headache.A.a B.the C.an D.()66.There _________ some noodles in the bowl.A.are B.have C.has D.is()67.The students ________ their classroom every day.A.cleans B.clean C.cleaned D.are cleaning()68.I‟m _______ my pen, but I can‟t _______ it.A.look for, find B.find, look for C.finding, look for D.looking for, find()69.It‟s very dark.Please ________ the light.A.open B.turn off C.turn on D.close()70._______ you _______ last night? A.Do, swim B.Did, swim C.Did, swam D.Do, swam()71.Look!There is ________ “a” in the word “chair”.A.a B.an C.D.the()72.It‟s my ________ bike.A.brother B.brothers C.brother‟s D.brothers‟()73.Go back to _______ seat.A.you B.your C.he D.him()74.please give _________ the apple.A.my B.mine C.I D.me()75.There ________ a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.A.is B.are C.have D.has()76.________ play football in the classroom.A.Not B.don‟t C.Don‟t D.No()77.My father ________ toShanghailast week.A.go B.goes C.going D.went()78.__________ nice the dog is!A.What B.How C.What a D.How a()79.Jack often _________ water for the old man.A.carry B.carried C.carries D.carrying()80.She gets up _______ six ________ the morning.A.at, in B.at, on C.in, in D.in, on()81._______ Kate‟s mother ________ lunch at home?

A.Do, have B.Does, have C.Does, has D.Do, has()82.I________ dinner at 7:00 on Sundays.A.don‟t has B.doesn‟t have C.don‟t, have D.doesn‟t, has()83.–Is your father working?--No, ________.A.she isn‟t B.he isn‟t C.he is D.she is()84.It‟s a present ________ you.Happy birthday _______ you.A.to, to B.for, for C.to, for D.for, to()85.He‟s fromEngland.He can _________ English.A.tell B.speak C.say D.talk()86.I ________ going to ________ fishing.A.am, going B.am, go C.was, going D.was, go()87.I ________ the room every day.A.clean B.cleans C.am cleaning D.cleaned()88.________!The teacher is coming.A.See B.Look C.Look at D.Watch()89.His sister ________ a new bed.A.is B.have C.there is D.has()90.We can ________ a baseball team.A.has B.is C.have D.are()91.________ computer is new, but _______ is old.A.We, they B.Our, their C.Our, theirs D.Our, their()92.I don‟t like ______ cakes.I like ________ bread.A.some, any B.any, some C.a, a D.an, an()93.She can ________ from the Internet.A.learns B.learning C.learned D.learn()94.Helen‟s mother ________ work.She ______ housework at home.A.does, does B.doesn‟t, does C.doesn‟t, do D.don‟t, does()95.How nice _______ dress is!A.it B.these C.those D.this()96.My friend likes ________ very much.A.taking photos B.take photos C.takes photos D.to take photos()97.Tom _______ two good hobbies.A.have B.is C.has D.are()98.There _______ tea in the cup.A.are B.is no C.has D.are no()99.It‟s time _________ classes.A.for B.to C.D.on()100.Please give an apple ________ me.A.for B.to C.D.on()101._______ I help you? A.Do B.Can C.What D.Must()102.I _______ my homework yesterday.I am_________ now.A.do, playing B.did, plays C.did, play D.did, playing()103.Are you feeling _________ ? A.happy B.a happy C.happily D.much happiest()104.There is a kite __________ the tree.A.at B.on C.of D.in()105.There ________ some milk in the bottle.A.have B.are C.is D.has()106.Let‟s go toNanjing__________ train.A.in B.by C.on D.at()107.The girl _________ white is my sister.A.in B.on C.wear D.wears()108.He likes playing ________ basketball and playing _______ violin.A.the, B., C., the D.the, the()109.Can ________ go with ________ ? A.her, me B.you, me C.you, she D.I, she()110.--______ T-shirt is this?--It‟s ________.A.Whose, my B.Whose, I C.Whose, me D.Whose, mine()111.My shoes are ________ the bed.A.for B.under C.at D.in()112.My brother ________ be fifteen next year.A.are B.will C.is D.was going to()113.What are ________ ? A.it B.this C.those D.that()114.–Where isNancynow?--She is _______ the garden.A.in B.on C.at D.from()115.Is that ________ coat? A.Kate B.Kate‟s C.Kates D.Kate her()116.We often go to the cinema ________ Sundays.A.on B.in C.at D.from()117._______ is the weather like?

A.How B.What C.Who D.Which()118.My father is _________ than his father.A.tall B.taller C.taller than D.tall than()119.The bus is coming!Please run ________.A.slowly B.slow C.quick D.quickly()120.Mary _______ a Chinese book.A.is B.have C.has D.does()121.There are some birds __________ the tree.A.under B.on C.in D.behind()122.He_________ his aunt and uncle this evening.A.will visit B.shall visit C.is visiting D.visits()123.It often rains in ________ July and June.A.an B.a C.D.the()124._________ is she going tomorrow? A.When B.How C.What D.Where()125.–How ________ days are there in a week?---There are seven days.A.many B.much C.long D.old 答案: 1-5 BCBDA 6-10 CADBA 11-15 CCCBA 16-20 CACBC 31-35 ACBAC 46-50 ACBDC 61-65 BDACA 76-80 CDBCA 91-95 CBDBD 106-110 BACBD 121-125 CACDA 21-25 BBCCB 36-40 DABCD 51-55 BDABC 66-70 ABDCB 81-85 BCBDB 96-100 ACBAB 111-115 BBCAB 26-30 BBABB 41-45 BACDC 56-60 DACBB 71-75 BCBDA 86-90 BABDC 101-105 BDADC 116-120 ABBDC


六年级英语单项选择题()25.We often go swimming______the weekend.A.in.B.at C.off

()1.What ________ youwant ,Daming?A.doB.doesC.are.()26.--Did Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng Fly into space?

()2.I’m going to _____myhomeworktomorrow.A.does B.doC.did.--___________.A.Yes, they do.B.No, they aren’t.C.Yes’they did.()3.I__________asnowmannow.A am makingBmakeCmade()4.----Whatareyou______do?------I’mgoingtoplayfootball.AgoingtoBtoCgoing()5.----Whatareyoudoing?-----Weare__________.Agoingto swimBswimmingCswim()6.She’sbuyingthings_______yourbirthday.AtoB giveCfor()7.----Whocanhelpme?----Sorry,I_______carrythebag.Acan’tBcanCdon’t()8.Iwant________..Ahamburger Btwo hamburgerCahamburger()9.It’sthirty ______andtwenty—five_____.A.dollars, cent Bdollar,centCcents , dollars.()10.--Whatdoyouwanttoeat?--________,please.AColaBVegetablesCBook.()11。--Howmuchisahamburger?---______________ATwoB ThreedollarsC Four hotdogs.()12.---Whatdoyouwanttodrink ?---______________.AYes,Ido.B No, I don’tCJuice, please.()13.---____________bananasdoyouwant?---Ten ,please.AHowmuchBHowCHowmany.()14,--WhatdoesSimonwanttodrink?---________.A He wants to eat meat.BI want to drinktea.C Hewantstodrinkmilk.()15.---_______areyougoingtogototheparktomorrow?---Atnine.AWhatBHowCWhen()16.It’sgoingto_____tomorrow?A windy BwindsC bewindy.()17.Theballoonsare _____away.AflyingBflyCflies.()18.They are playing football ,____ it’sraining.AandBbutCin()19.---Isitareallydog?---___________________________.AYes,itisn’tBNo,itisCNo,itisn’t.()20Canshe____thisbag?AcarriedBcarriesCcarry.()21.--Will you go to the theatre tomorrow?--___________.A.Yes, l will.B.Yes, l won’t.C.No, Iwill.()22.Lingling_____many animals in the zoo yesterday.A.see B.sawC.looked()23.______your brother like fish?A.DoB.DoesC.Did()24--.What will the weather be in Harbin?--_______A.SonwB.It’s sunny.C.lt will be snowy.()27.--______cheese do you want?--Half a kilo, please.A.How manyB.Howmuch.C.How old()28.Shecan_______fast.A.runB.runsC.running()29.Look!There______anorangeinthebox.A.are B.was C.is()30.--What do you drink, juice or tea?--________.A.Yes,Ido.B.No,I don’t.C.Juice,please.()31.---How much is the hot dog?---__________.A.Three.B.Three dollars.C.Two hot dogs.()32 Can she______thisbag?A.carriedB.carriesC.carry()33.I want to drink______water.Is there______water in the cup?

A.some;someB.some;anyC.any;any()34.You____walk in the road.lt’sdangerous.A.can B.shouldC.shouldn’t

()35.--______areyougoingtogoto the park?--l’mgoingto go atsix.A.WhenB.WhereC.What

()36.I’m______than you.A.youngB.oldC.older()37.Please______!The baby is sleeping.A.be quietB.talkC.cry

()38.My sister doesn’t______TV.A.watchB.watchesC.watching()39.l___a picture for my grandma yesterday.A.drawB.drewC.drewed


()41 Areyoureay__yourtrip ?AforBatCwith()42---___________hoursarethereinaday?

---There aretwenty—four.A Howmuch B How CHowmany()43Wearegoingto _______dinnerathalfpastseven.AhaveBeatsChaving()44Ilike_____inthepark.Awalk BwalkingC walked()45--__________aretheygoingtostartschool?---Ateighto’clock.AWhatBHowCWhen()46LucyandLily_____bornin1998.A are B was C were()47Theactorwrotea book____himself.Aabout B of Cfor()48It’seasy ________learnEnglish.AtoBforCof()49---.Isthis _______postcard?---Yes, itis_____________.Ayours ,mineByourmineCyourmy()50Haveyougot___________stampsfromCanada ?AsomeBanyCa









3.若空气的组成是21.0%(体积)的O2 及79%的N2,大气压力为740 mmHg.那么O2 的分压力最接近的数值为

A、300 mmHg;B、550 mmHg;

C、155 mmHg;D、284mmHg.4.通用摩尔气体常数R的取值是

A、82.06 L.atm.K-1.mol-1;

B、8.314 J.K-1.mol-1;

C、1.987 cal.atm.K-1.mol-1;

D、0.082 cal.K-1.mol-1.5.当用压缩因子 来讨论实际气体时,若Z>1则表示该气体











C、小于1;D、大于1.3.在范德华(van der Waals)方程式中,把实际气体作为理想气体处理时,应引入的校正因子的数目为


C、2;D、1.4.气体的压力可以用不同的单位表示。在换算中,与1 atm相当的哪个换算系数不对?

A、101325 Pa;B、1.01325 bar;

C、76 Torr;D、760 mmHg.5.在1 atm下,当1 L气体从0℃升温到273℃时,其体积将变为

A、2.5 L;B、2.0 L;

C、3.0 L;D、0.5 L.参考答案:




(一)2016.6.12 1.There are(be)two bedrooms in my house.参考答案:there is和there are 的意思都是“有”。there is 修饰不可数名词或者可数名词的单数,例如 There is some water in the cup(water不可数);There is an apple on the tree(an apple是单数).There are 修饰可数名词的复数。此外,“苹果在树上”用on the tree;“鸟在树上”用in the tree。

2.She often watches TV in the living room.参考答案:在一般现在时的陈述句中,主语如果是he、she、it、某个人的名字(如Tom、Alice)或者称谓而且称谓只表示一个人(如my father、my sisther)的时候,其后的动词用单三形式。

3.Where does_(do)she often watch(watch)TV?

参考答案:在一般现在时的疑问句中,主语如果是he、she、it、某个人的名字(如Tom、Alice)或者称谓而且称谓只表示一个人(如my father、my sisther)的时候,主语前的助动词用单三形式,主语后的动词用原形。4.The boy is eating(eat)an apple.参考答案:一般现在进行时表示主语正在做某事,其结构是主语+系动词be(am、is、are)+动词的ing形式。

5.My aunt often cooks(cook)in the kitchen.参考答案:表示动作反复出现属于一般现在时,从“often”可以看出来。在一般现在时的陈述句中,主语如果是称谓而且称谓只表示一个人(如my father、my sisther)的时候,其后的动词用单三形式。

6.My aunt is cooking(cook)in the kitchen(一般现在进行时).参考答案:一般现在进行时表示主语正在做某事,其结构是主语+系动词be(am、is、are)+动词的ing形式。7.What is the woman doing?

She is doing some washing(洗衣服).参考答案:一般现在进行时表示主语正在做某事,其结构是主语+系动词be(am、is、are)+动词的ing形式。

8.Students don’t go to school on the weekend.参考答案:on the weekend,在周末。

9.My father sometimes _______ the mountain ____ Sundays.A.climbing;in B.climbs;on C.is climbing;on 参考答案:选B。表示动作反复出现属于一般现在时,从“sometimes”可以看出来。在一般现在时的陈述句中,主语如果是称谓而且称谓只表示一个人(如my father、my sisther)的时候,其后的动词用单三形式。在星期前一律用介词on,而且不加the。10.Does(do)your brother often see(see)film with his friends_on Sunday? 参考答案:表示动作反复出现属于一般现在时,从“often”可以看出来。在一般现在时的疑问句中,主语如果是he、she、it、某个人的名字(如Tom、Alice)或者称谓而且称谓只表示一个人(如my father、my sisther)的时候,主语前的助动词用单三形式,主语后的动词用原形。11.Alice takes out(take out)her raincoat.参考答案:表示客观事实时属于一般现在时。在一般现在时的陈述句中,主语如果是某个人的名字,其后的动词用单三形式。

12.Li Hua does his homework(do one’s homework)every day.表示动作反复出现属于一般现在时,从“every day”可以看出来。在一般现在时的陈述句中,主语如果是某个人的名字的时候,其后的动词用单三形式。13.He ____________to the shop.A.goes B.go C.is going 参考答案:选C。be going to +地名,表示将要去某个地方。14.He is going to _____ a film in the cinema.A.seeing B.sees C.see 参考答案:选C。be going to +动词原形,表示将要做某事、计划做某事、打算做某事。

15.My brother can swim(swim)very well(good).参考答案:can事情态动词,它的后面跟动词原形;well是副词,用在句尾,修饰动词。

16.She can____(take)photos for her friends _____the party.参考答案:can事情态动词,它的后面跟动词原形;at the party,在聚会上。17.I can___the old man.I am ____.A.help;helpful B.helpful;help C.helps;helpful 参考答案:选A。参考答案:can事情态动词,它的后面跟动词原形;be helpful意为“能帮上忙的”。

18.Don’t _____ the street.A.cross B.crosses C.crossing 参考答案:选A。do是助动词,助动词后面的动词用原形。19.She is going to_____a film_____her friends tomorrow.A.sees;with B.see;with Cseeing;for 参考答案:选B。be going to +动词原形,表示将要做某事、计划做某事、打算做某事。with的意思是“与某人一起”。

20.Our English teacher can ______English very_____.A.speak;nice B.say;good C.speak;well 参考答案:can事情态动词,它的后面跟动词原形;表示讲某一国语言时一律用speak;well放在句尾,修饰动词,意思是“好地”。



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