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Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should:

1)describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and

2)point out its implications in our life.You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.真题分析:





As the title indicates, “greenhouse flowers cannot survive unpleasant weather”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that excessive protection only leads to negative results.When a flower blossoms in the greenhouse despite of the external rain and thunder, it withers immediately once being moved out of its cozy haven.Children in China are always compared to “the flowers of our motherland”.It is alarming that a large portion of them are in danger of experiencing a similar misfortune to the flower in the picture.This is partly attributed to the birth of a generation of “only children”, who are quite pampered and spoiled by their parents.Leading a life full of success, love and sweetness, these children are quite ignorant of failure, hardship, and the taste of tears that abound in real life.Therefore, when they leave home, they might be overly sensitive to frustration and easily suffer depression that prevents them from a happy and promising future.This type of child is not what we hope for the future of our country.On the contrary, we need to nurture a generation that is fully prepared for independent life, so that it is ready to confront any challenge, adapt to changes of environment, and survive the heated competition in today’s world.译文:





excessive: adj.过度的,过分的blossom: v.开花

external: adj.外部的wither: v.枯萎

cozy: adj.舒适的,安逸的haven: n.避难所

a large portion of: 很大一部分misfortune: n.不幸,灾祸

abound in: 富于nurture: v.教育,养育


The set of pictures apparently reminds us that„

This partly attributes to„




Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should:

1)describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and

2)point out its implications in our life.You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.分析:





As the title indicates, “greenhouse flowers cannot survive unpleasant weather”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that excessive protection only leads to negative results.When a flower blossoms in the greenhouse despite of the external rain and thunder, it withers immediately once being moved out of its cozy haven.Children in China are always compared to “the flowers of our motherland”.It is alarming that a large portion of them are in danger of experiencing a similar misfortune to the flower in the picture.This is partly attributed to the birth of a generation of “only children”, who are quite pampered and spoiled by their parents.Leading a life full of success, love and sweetness, these children are quite ignorant of failure, hardship, and the taste of tears that abound in real life.Therefore, when they leave home, they might be overly sensitive to frustration and easily suffer depression that prevents them from a happy and promising future.This type of child is not what we hope for the future of our country.On the contrary, we need to nurture a generation that is fully prepared for independent life, so that it is ready to confront any challenge, adapt to changes of environment, and survive the heated competition in today’s world.译文:





excessive: adj.过度的,过分的 blossom: v.开花

external: adj.外部的 wither: v.枯萎

cozy: adj.舒适的,安逸的 haven: n.避难所

a large portion of: 很大一部分

misfortune: n.不幸,灾祸

abound in: 富于

nurture: v.教育,养育


The set of pictures apparently reminds us that…

This partly attributes to…

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should:

1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and then 3)state your points of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.不对,我的标准答案是2+1=3,扣十分


As is described in the drawing, a student fails in a knowledge competition simply because his answer to one question, though being 100% correct, is not exactly the same as the so-called standard answer.It is discernable that other students are quite puzzled by why “1+2=3” is wrong while “2+1=3” is right.The drawing reminds its audience of a widespread phenomenon in the area of basic education in China, that is, educators stick blindly to fixed standards without allowing any room of flexibility or variation.Students are required to mechanically remember what is written in the books, but receive no encouragement to question, challenge, and disagree.Consequently, children’s creativity is largely limited or killed, which exerts a detrimental impact on their future development, especially in the current society which puts so much emphasis on creativity, innovation, and inventiveness.As far as I am concerned, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system, where new educational concepts, such as to inspire creation, are installed.Only by new teaching methods other than stiff memorization can we cultivate children into talents who will meet the requirements that society demands.Likewise, this new tendency would also benefit educators themselves to realize their own potential.译文:





puzzled: adj.困惑的 flexibility: n.灵活性

variation: n.变化

mechanically: adv.机械地

stiff: adj.呆板的

cultivate: v.教育,培养

likewise: adv.同样地


It is discernable that…

The drawing reminds its audience of a widespread phenomenon in the area of…

As far as I am concerned, there needs to…

Only by…can we…

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should:

1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and then

3)state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.拔苗图


What is delineated in front of us is a pair of parents who are eager to cultivate their little child into a well-rounded person.The poor girl seems to have a quite tight schedule, as her father is teaching her how to paint while her mother is preparing for her violin class.The dullness of the kid’s eyes portrays her unwillingness and dislike to learn so many things after school.The drawing reflects a common phenomenon in China that parents are obsessed with the wish of their child’s future success, which is, though, very understandable.Particularly due to the one-child policy, the only child is the greatest hope of parents and is provided with all the available resources.Meanwhile, we sadly discover that this generation of only children is deprived of what used to be the fun of childhood, like running around, playing various games with friends, and climbing trees, all of which are replaced by numerous tutoring courses and art lessons.Admittedly, an early and diversified education benefits children in exploring their potentials.Nevertheless, I strongly contend that children are entitled to enjoy a happy childhood filled with games and fun, instead of tedious classes.An appropriate extent of freedom can only do kids good, by promoting their comprehensive development both mentally and physically.译文:





well-rounded: adj.多才多艺的tight: adj.紧密的

be obsessed with: 专注于,专心于

understandable: adj.可理解的available: adj.可利用的be deprived of: 被剥夺

tutoring: n.辅导

be entitled to: 有……的资格

tedious: adj.单调乏味的万能句型:

What is delineated in front of us is…

The drawing reflects a common phenomenon…

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should:

1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and then

3)state your point of view.范文:

The picture shows a boy who is crossing a river by stepping on his peasant parents’ heads like stones.The river symbolizes the heavy financial load on rural parents to support their children’s advanced education.As is quoted in the picture, a family in countryside can barely afford a high school student, not to mention a college student.The picture apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China—the hiking cost of education in contrast with the tiny income of the rural population.For one thing, the problem is partially attributed to the present disparity of wealth distribution.Sometimes the college tuition per student equals the annual income of a rural family.For another, colleges and other educational institutions fail to provide financial tools to assist students from poor areas.For example, the application for scholarship and student loan is usually so complicated that the procedure seems to take forever, while students see no trace of money.In my opinion, the government needs to reform the educational system with measures that can show immediate effect.Cutting tuition and other expenses proves to be most beneficial to students.Further, a large-scale reform at the macroeconomic level to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor is a basic solution to this issue.译文:





symbolize: v.象征

advanced education: 高等教育

not to mention: 更不用说

hiking: n./ v.提高, 增加

partially: adj.部分地

disparity: n.不一致,不等

wealth distribution: 财富分配

tuition: 学费

equal: 等于

institution: n.公共机构

procedure: n.程序,手续

macroeconomic: adj.宏观经济的bridge the gap: 缩小差距


As is quoted in the picture…

The picture apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China—

In my opinion, the government needs to reform the educational system with measures that can show immediate effect.




What is delineated in front of us is a pair of parents who are eager to cultivate their little child into a well-rounded person.The poor girl seems to have a quite tight schedule, as her father is teaching her how to paint while her mother is preparing for her violin class.The dullness of the kid's eyes portrays her unwillingness and dislike to learn so many things after school.The drawing reflects a common phenomenon in China that parents are obsessed with the wish of their child's future success, which is, though, very understandable.Particularly due to the one-child policy, the only child is the greatest hope of parents and is provided with all the available resources.Meanwhile, we sadly discover that this generation of only children is deprived of what used to be the fun of childhood, like running around, playing various games with friends, and climbing trees, all of which are replaced by numerous tutoring courses and art lessons.Admittedly, an early and diversified education benefits children in exploring their potentials.Nevertheless, I strongly contend that children are entitled to enjoy a happy childhood filled with games and fun, instead of tedious classes.An appropriate extent of freedom can only do kids good, by promoting their comprehensive development both mentally and physically.译文:


well-rounded: adj.多才多艺的tight: adj.紧密的

be obsessed with:专注于,专心于

understandable: adj.可理解的available: adj.可利用的be deprived of:被剥夺

tutoring: n.辅导

be entitled to:有……的资格

tedious: adj.单调乏味的 万能句型:

What is delineated in front of us is…

The drawing reflects a common phenomenon…




Almost everybody who lives in the urban areas of China is familiar with the phenomenon shown in this picture.The gate of a school is blocked by dozens of cars that belong to the loving parents who send children there.However, a teacher, who rides bicycle to school, finds difficulty in entering the gate because the cars leave no space for him.This picture sharply points out two serious problems existing in today's educational circle.The first one is parents' blind pampering of children.Though it is a universal truth that parents always desire to grant kids with the best stuff available, we should bear in mind that convenient facilities bring temporary comfort but perhaps life-long laziness.The second issue addressed is the depressing social status that teachers enjoy.Despite the fact that teachers take charge of such an honored mission of enlightening humans, they are usually looked down upon and receive small salaries.It is a big contrast compared with their wealthy students.These attitudes of indulging children and disrespect towards teachers should arouse more opposing voices.On the one hand, the society demands a generation that fully comprehends how to lead a self-sustaining life.On the other hand, for teachers' priceless contribution, they should be rewarded by due attention and more benefits.译文:




block: v.妨碍,阻碍

educational circle:教育界

temporary: adj.暂时的

depressing: adj.令人沮丧的take charge of:负责

enlighten: v.启蒙,教导

mission: n.使命,任务

look down upon:看不起

comprehend: v.理解,领会

self-sustaining: adj.自立的,自谋生活的priceless: adj.无价的,极其贵重的reward: v.酬劳,奖赏 万能句型: Almost everybody who lives in the urban areas of China is familiar with the phenomenon shown in this picture.This picture sharply points out two serious problems existing in… It is a big contrast compared with…








Date: January 24, 1998

To: F.Prefect

From: A.Dent

Subject: My Suggested Revisions to the Local Demolition Schedule



You are an active member of the student newspaper.The newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester.Write a memo that will appear in the newspaper next week describing the position available.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:

Date: August 10, 2004

To: All students

From: A.Buttle

Subject: Journalist Position Available for the Summer Semester

The student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester.Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years’ writing experience.The successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week on

happenings in the city and on campus.The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August.The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience.If you are interested, please send your resume to the

campus newspaper office.范文二:

2010年英语考研二真题答案 感谢信(感谢在美国期间美国同事的帮助)Dear Mr.and Mrs.Smith,I am now back to China safe and sound.In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York.Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a beautiful memory.I do hope that your whole families have a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your friendship.I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home。

I feel obliged to thank you once more。

Love,Li Ming


Dear friend,I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University,which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life.In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life,you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually.First and foremost,you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit,so you can take some exercises during the breaks.Secondly,since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school,you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life.Given your sound ability,you are sure to have a successful college life.Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life.Sincerely yours,Zhang Wei

范文四:2012年英语二 投诉信(投诉产品质量不合格)

Dear Mr./Miss:

This letter is a complaint concerning the electronic dictionary that I bought from your online store the other day.Two weeks ago I mailed the money that ordered and soon received the electronic dictionary.I followed the instructions attached with it.Instead I cannot get it started anyway.After changed the battery inside several times in vain, I totally gave it up.I wrote to your company expecting a prompt solution to this problem.I would hope that you could do something to give me a satisfactory feedback.And I will appreciate it very much if you put a strict test on these electronic dictionaries, thus stop the continuing complaints and suffers of other customers.Sincerely Yours,Zhang Wei




Dear Editors,I have been reading your newspaper for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest.It is my view that limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is of utmost significance.To crack this hard nut, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows.First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ban the free use of disposable plastic bags.In addition, we should develop possible alternative forms to replace them, such as paper or clothing bags.Last but not least, plastic bags should be offered in a much higher price in department stores or supermarkets.I hope you will find the above proposals conducive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details.Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Li Ming




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