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《英语的历史、差异和变化》(English:History,Diversity and Change,by David Graddol)一书中把英语的历史分为七个时期。

(1)语前时期(Pre-English Period,?--450)。当时英国当地的语言是凯尔语。公元前55年,罗马人入侵之后,拉丁语成了主要的文学语言和官方用语。当地的许多人会讲凯尔语和拉丁语。

(2)早期古英语(Early Old English,450--850)。罗马人撤离后,公元499年,盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵英国。殖民者从欧洲大陆带来了多种德国方言。公元700年首次出现了英语文学。英语通过教会从拉丁语中吸取了大量的词汇。

(3)后期古英语(Later Old English,850--1100).随着斯堪的纳维亚人更广泛的入侵和定居,英格兰北部的英语方言受到斯堪的那维亚语的强烈影响。在南部,阿尔弗雷德国王组织一些学者将众多的拉丁语教科书翻译成英语。

(4)中世纪英语(Middle English,1100--1450)。诺曼底人征服并定居于英国,英国的词汇和拼写受到了法语的影响。此时法语是英国的官方语言,受到教育的英国人能讲法语、拉丁语、英语三种语言。

(5)早期现代英语(Early Modern English,1450--1750)。包括文艺复兴时期、伊丽莎白时代和莎士比亚时代。此时教会、拉丁语和法语的作用大大削弱,英语成了官方用语。商业的迅速发展,使英国获得了许多海外殖民地,英国占有现在的美国、澳大利亚、印度等地。奴隶贸易把非洲的黑人送往美国和加勒比地区。许多人试图使用词典以及语法书来规范英语,并使之进一步标准化。

(6)现代英语(Modern English,1750--1950)。英国经历了工业革命,国力增强,英语人作为交易的媒介被带到世界各地,英语成了广告和商业的国际用语。

(7)后期现代英语(Later Modern English,1950--)。随着英帝国的衰落,在新近独立的国家里产生了英语新的标准的变体,英语成为国际通用语言,美国英语成了英语的主要变体。


Orange Isle

Watched from the Peak of Mount Yuelu, Orange Isle is like a black silk ribbon lying in the middle of the river and like a dark yellowish green barrier while seen in the river bank.As the world's longest inland river isle, Orange Isle connects the Mount Yuelu in the west and the downtown in the east, with a length of 5km and a width of 50-200 meters and a total area of 70kms.Orange Isle comprises three nearly-connected isles: upper isle, middle isle and lower isle.The upper isle is called Ox-head Isle and middle isle Land-and-water Isle, while the lower isle is called Fujia Isle.Orange Isle referred to at present includes Ox-head Isle and Land-and-water Isle.The isle has been a popular site for summer vacation for a long time.During his youth, Mao Zedong spent a lot of time walking on the beach, swimming and sunbathing.There is also a grand white marble monument, on which there are two seal cuttings: four Chinese characters Ju Zi Zhou Tou(Orange Isle)and a classical Chinese poem QinYuan Chun-Changsha, both of which are Mao Zedong's works.Orange Isle Park was originally set up in 1960 for entertainment and service and today the island is under construction to be a more attractive sightseeing destination, which will integrate gardening, traveling, entertainment, sports, culture and commerce.In the plan, the area will be divided into Two Corridors and Seven Garden: Hunan Culture Corridor, On-water Amusement Corridor, Orange Garden, Garden of the Nature, Park of Harmonious Guests, Plaza of

Shopping and Foods, GYM Center, Relaxation Resort and Wildlife Park.And an even more beautiful Orange Isle will surely bring more pleasure to every tourist.


French cuisine has evolved over centuries.The national cuisine started forming in the Middle Ages due to the influence of the work of skilled chefs and various social and political movements.Over the years the styles of French cuisine have been given different names, and have been modified by various master-chefs.During their lifetimes, these chefs have been held in high regard for contributions to the culture of the country.The national cuisine developed primarily in the city of Paris with the chefs to French royalty, but eventually it spread throughout the country and was even exported overseas.Common fruits include oranges, tomatoes, peaches, apples, pears, strawberries, redcurrant.Varieties of meat consumed include(chicken),(turkey),(duck),(goose, the source of foie gras),(beef),(pork),(lamb),(rabbit),(horse),(frog).Beverages(饮料)Traditionally, France has been a culture of wine consumption, but this has lessened with time.Since the 1960s, per capita wine consumption has dropped by 50 percent and continues to decline, primarily due to less consumption of low quality wines with meals.[13] Beer is especially popular with the young.Other popular alcoholic drinks include pastis, an aniseed-flavored beverage diluted with cold water.Breakfast:(breakfast)is often a quick meal consisting of(slices)of buttered French bread, croissants([krwɑ:sɔŋ])or chocolate along with coffee or tea.Children often drink hot chocolate in bowls along with their breakfast.Lunch: In large cities a majority of working people and students eat their lunch at a corporate or school cafeteria, which normally serve complete meals as described above;it is therefore not usual for students to bring their own lunch food.It is common for white-collar workers to be given lunch vouchers as part of their employee benefits.These can be used in most restaurants, supermarkets and traiteurs;however workers having lunch in this way typically do not eat all three dishes of a traditional lunch due to price and time considerations.In smaller cities and towns, some working people leave their workplaces to return home for lunch, generating four rush hours during the day.Finally, an also popular alternative especially among blue-collar workers is to lunch on a sandwich possibly followed with a dessert;both dishes can be found ready-made at bakeries and supermarkets for budget prices.(Dinner)often consists of three courses,(introductory course, often soup), plat principal(main course), and a cheese course or dessert, sometimes with a salad offered before the cheese or dessert.Yogurt may replace the cheese course, while a normal everyday dessert would be fresh fruit.The meal is often accompanied by bread, wine and mineral water.Wine consumption has been dropping recently amongst young people.Fruit juice consumption has risen from 25.6% in 1996 to 31.6% in 2002.Main meat courses are often served with vegetables, along with rice or pasta.[11]:82 Restaurants often open at 7:30pm for dinner, and stop taking orders between the hours of 10:00pm and 11:00 pm.Many restaurants close for dinner on Sundays.Cafeteria: primarily locations for coffee and alcoholic drinks.Tables and chairs are usually set outside.Cafés often open early in the morning and shut down around nine at night.


section C: Wireless network allows us to stay away from wires and cables, which can make both services connect with each other using radio waves or infrared technology.The biggest advantage is the convenience of wireless networking.Wireless network frees us from the shackles of a network cable.This means that we can move the laptop from one room to another room and not have to worry about it can not connect to the network.Nowadays the most popular wireless networking technology is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth technology is also popular in some cases, like connecting two phones.Wi-Fi is designed to improve interoperability based on the IEEE 802.11 standard wireless network between products.At present, most people would confuse Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.11.Even said that Wi-Fi technology for wireless Internet is all.This view is wrong.In fact, Wi-Fi just is one of wireless network technology.If we want to use the wireless network, we need a wireless router and a wireless device.Wireless router can make the signal on the cable into a wireless signal.Then we will give the wireless signal a name such as one number or a word.So we can find the wireless signal on the device.It will be a list for wireless signal’s name.The number of these signal you scan depend on where you are.When you find your wireless signal and connect it means you have build a wireless local aero network.

















先从网站上下载一个MP3recorder,并将图标存放在桌面上。录音步骤如下: 打开MP3recorder——点击录音文件——输入文件名(比如:第一课笔记)——保存——戴上话筒(有话筒就更清晰、音量更大)——点击开始。录音中……。录完后点击停止。如果你想听一下效果,再点击播放。









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