
时间:2019-05-15 05:48:27下载本文作者:会员上传




①May I „„? 我可以„„?用于自己想做什么的时候

May I know your name please?

May I have your checkout time?

以上句子的表达要比“What’s your name?/When will you check-out?”更正式,更礼貌

②Could you„„? 您可以„„?用于对客人提出请求的时候

Could you fill out the form, please?

Could you hold the line, please?

③Would you„„? 您愿意„„吗?用于询问客人的意愿

Would you like tea or coffee?

Would you mind(doing something)?

④Shall I „„? 需要我„„吗?用于给客人提供意见或服务的情况Shall I call a bellman?

Shall I bring you a knife or fork?



而用certainlyvery well!

如果要表示不同意对方的观点,或者要拒绝对方,最好不要直接说:NO,而用“I’m afraid that„„”

E.g.I’m afraid that we are fully book for next week.I’m afraid that we can’t hold your room without an advanced deposit.3、由于听不懂客人的英语,可以礼貌的请对方再讲多一次。

I beg your pardon? / Pardon me? / Sorry, I don’t understand.Could you please repeat that? 而不要假装听得懂。

若不肯定对方的意思,可与客人确认自己的理解:Do you mean that„„? 若实在不明白,可以向人求助:Just a moment, please.I’ll get you the GSM.



391.Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?请您为我订一张到巴黎的机票,好吗? 392.Yes, madam.When do you intend to leave Beijing?好的,太太,您想什么时候离开北京?

393.Next Monday,May 15th.下周一,5月15日。

394.There are several flights to Paris available on May 15th.5月15日有几个航班到巴黎?

395.Which fight do you prefer?您想要哪一个航班?

396.Afternoon flights preferably.最好是下午的航班。

397.Yes,madam.there are two flights available that day:one at 4pm,the other

one at 9pm.好的,太太,那天下午有两个航班,一个是下午4点,另一个是下午9点。398.Fine,I’d like the 4pm one.好的,我想要下午4点的航班。

399.4pm,fine,I’ll fix your ticket,madam.Please wait a little moment.下午4点,好的,我来准备您的机票,太太,请您稍等一下。

400.What time do I check-in at the airport?我应该几点钟到机场办理登机手续? 401.You must be there by 3pm.您必须在下午3点前到那里。

402.What time does the train reach Shanghai?这趟火车什么时候到达上海?

403.What time is the next train to Shanghai,please?请问下班去上海的火车几点开? 404.Do I need to change train?我还需要转火车吗?

405.No,this train will take you straight to Shanghai.不用,这车直达上海。

406.I want to fly to Guangzhou on the first November.我想11月1日飞广州。

407.I want to go economy,and I’d prefer a morning flight.我想买经济舱的票,另外我喜欢早上的飞机。

408.I’d like to book a flight to Beijing for Monday,the tenth.我想订一张10号星期一飞往北京的机票。

409.What flights are there from Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow?明天从北京到上海有几趟班机?

410.If you are ok at the airport,you must be there 2 hours before the departure.如果保险些,必须在飞机起飞前2小时到达机场。



酒店英语Hotel English

第一章 日常英语(Daily English)




早上好/下午好/晚上好(Good morning /afternoon / evening)


(Q:How do you do?)

(A:How do you do?)(已相识之间的问候)

(Q:How are you?)

(A:Fine, thank you.)



(Welcome to our hotel./restaurant.)欢迎您来这里用餐。

(Welcome to have meals here)见到您很高兴。

(Nice to meet you.)



(Q:Thank you)


(A:You are welcome./It’s my pleasure)


(Thanks for your coming./kindness./reminding.)



(Q:I’m sorry.)不用介意。(A:Don’t mention it./Never mind./ That’s all right.)打扰您了。(Sorry to disturb you!)对不起让您久等。(Sorry to have kept you waiting)


请您再说一遍好吗?(Pardon?/ I beg your pardon?)

您能说慢一点儿吗?(Would you please speak a little more slowly?)


I’m sorry, but I only speak a little English.Wait a moment, I will get someone to help you.②我去叫经理过来,他非常乐意帮您。

I’ll get the manager for you, He’d be most glad to help you.8、告别语:

再见(Good bye!)

晚安(Good night!)

一路顺风(Have a nice trip!)

明天见/待会见(See you tomorrow./later.)

欢迎您再来(Hope to see you again./Welcome to call again)



(Congratulations.)生日快乐(Happy birthday.)

祝您过得愉快(Have a good time!Enjoy yourself!)

(Hope you enjoy your stay with us.)


这里走(This way, please)

向前走(Go straight)

向左/向右(Turn left/right)

左拐角处(at the corner.)

在第二个路口向右拐再一直向前走。(Take the second turn on the right and go straight.)

直走,然后向左拐。(Go ahead, and turn to the left.)


好的,先生/小姐(Yes, sir/miss)

我明白了(I see.)

当然可以。(Certainly, sir/miss/madam.)


(Immediately, sir/madam.)

这是我应该做的。(It’s my duty.)


请小心。(Be careful.)

请走好。(Watch your step.)

请放心。(Take it easy.)

不用担心。(Don’t worry)


早上好,这里是……。(Good morning, this is……)

抱歉,请稍等,我马上帮您转电话.(Sorry Just a moment, please.I’II put you through.)



What can I do for you?(Can I help you?)

需要我帮您做些什么吗? Is there anything I can do for you?


Is there anything else?

您喜欢………………吗? Would you like……………? 您需要………………吗? Would you want…………? 您能够………………吗? Could you………………?

如果您不介意的话,我可以………吗? Would you mind………?

酒店英语Hotel English

第二章 常用词汇(Words and Phrases)

Cover 餐具

tea-set 茶具 Tablecloth 桌布

teapot 茶壶 Plate 盘

teacup 茶杯 Napkin/serviette 纸巾

saucer 垫碟 Chopsticks 筷子

coffee 咖啡 Chopsticks rest 筷架

toothpick 牙签 Knife 刀

toothpick holder 牙签筒 Fork 叉

tray 托盘 Table knife 餐刀

milk jug 奶缸 Table fork 餐叉

ice 冰 Carving knife 肉刀

ice-pail 冰桶 Carving fork 肉叉

ice-tongs 冰夹子 Fish knife 鱼刀

ashtray 烟灰缸 Fish fork 鱼叉

soy 中国酱油 Dessert knife 水果刀

ketchup 番茄酱 Spoon 匙

tomato sauce 番茄汁 Soup spoon 汤匙

chilli sauce 辣椒汁 Tablespoon 餐匙

table salt 精盐 Teaspoon 茶匙

pepper 胡椒 Soup ladle 汤勺

mustard 芥辣 Soup plate 汤盘

curry 咖喱 Glass 玻璃杯

vinegar 醋 Wineglass 酒杯

oil 油 Cruet 装调味品的瓶

chilli oil 辣椒油 Pepper caster 胡椒瓶

oyster sauce 耗油 Vinegar cruet 醋瓶

sugar 糖 Soy curet 酱油瓶

cube sugar 方糖 Soy dish 鼓油碟

sweet black vinegar 黑醋

Salt caller 盐盅

white vinegar 白醋 Cream 奶酪

whiskey 威士忌 Butter 奶油

drinks/beverage 饮料 Cheese 干酪

Jam 果酱

Frying 炒

Pan-frying 煎

Deep-frying 炸

Stewing 炖、焖

Braising 焖、烧

Simmering 煨

Frying and simmering 扒

Steaming 蒸

Scalding 白灼

Boiling 蒸、煮

Roasting 烧烤

Five flavours 五味

Fragrant 香

Crisp 脆

Short 松

Rich 肥

Thick 浓

Six tastes 六味

Tasty 鲜

Sweet 甜

Bitier 苦

Pungent 辣

Salty 咸

Water 水

Beer 啤酒

Juice 果汁

Brandy 白兰地

Radish 萝卜

Onion 洋葱

Welsh onion 大葱

Tomato 番茄

Chill 辣椒

Bell pepper 圆椒

Green pepper 青椒

Encumber 黄瓜

Vegetable melon 冬瓜

Bitter squash 苦瓜

Lettuce 生菜(莴笋)

Spinach 菠菜

Eggplant 茄


Carrot 胡萝卜

Pumpkin 南瓜

Ginger 姜

Petato 马铃薯

Sweet patato 番薯

Bamtoo shoots 竹笋

Watercress 西洋菜

China white wine 中国白葡萄酒

champagne 香槟酒

Mao Tai 茅台酒

cocktail 鸡尾酒

fruit 水果

apple 苹果

pear 黎

pomelo 柚 pineapple 菠萝

banana 香蕉 persimmon 柿 snow pear 雪梨

litchi 荔枝

longan 龙眼 sweet orange 甜橙 tangerine 柑桔

lemon 柠檬

mango 芒果

grape 葡萄

strawberry 草莓 water melon 西瓜

coconut 椰子

canned fruit 罐头水果

vegetable 蔬菜

greens 青菜

cauliflower 椰菜花

cabbage 卷心菜

water spinach 空心菜

Chinese cabbage 白菜

Celery 芹菜

Lots seed 莲子

Chicken 鸡

Duck 鸭

Beijing duck 北京鸭

Goose 鹅

Pigeon 鸽

Quail 鹌鹑 Pork 猪肉

Spareribs 排骨

Trotters 猪脚

Salt(water)fish 咸(水)鱼

Yellow croaker黄花鱼 Mackerel 马鲛

Grouper 石斑鱼

Pomfret 鲳鱼

Bass 鲈鱼

eel 鳝、鳗

Carp 鲤

red carp 鲫鱼

Dace 鲮鱼 Water chestnut 马蹄

Garlic 蒜头

Soya-bean 大豆

Mung-bean 绿豆

Lily bulb 百合 Dried mushroom 香菇

Chestnut 栗子

Peanut 花生

Job’s tears 薏米

Cashewnut 腰果

Almond 杏仁

Abalone 鲍鱼

Shark’s fin 鱼翅

Shrimp 虾

Lobster 龙虾

Shelled shrimp 虾仁

Crab 蟹

Crab roe 蟹膏

Squid 鱿鱼

Bird’s nest 燕窝

Red laver 紫菜

Dried pork sausage 腊肠

酒店英语Hotel English 第三章 服务用句(Sentences)


1、您打算什么时候来用餐?What time would you like your table?


(1)How many people are there in your party?(2)For,how many persons?


May I have your name and your telephone number?


We look forward to having you with us.二、迎客

1、先生,早上好。需要我效劳吗?Good morning, sir.May I help you?

2、欢迎光临。Welcome to our restaurant.三、引座


Do you have a reservation? / Have you got a reservation?


I’m sorry but there is no table available just now.Would you mind waiting a little?

3、二十分钟后才能安排您入座。We can seat you in twenty minutes.4、对不起,那张台已有人预定了。I’m sorry, that table is already booked.5、请这边走。This way, please.6、坐这张台行吗?Will this table be all right?

7、您可以随便坐。You can sit where you like.四、请客人点菜


What kind of tea would you like? We have Wulong tea, Puer tea, Longjing tea , Jasmine tea Shuixian tea and on.2、这是菜单。Here is ht menu.3、现在准备点菜吗?

(1)Would you like to order now?

(2)May I take your order now?


What would you like to drink before ordering?


What would you like to have? Would you like……?


I am sorry, the dish has been sold out.7、我可以推荐……吗?这个菜味道很好。

May I suggest / recommend ……? Its very nice.8、我建议您试一试川菜。I suggest you have a taste of Sichuan dishes

9、今天的特别介绍是……。我肯定您会喜欢它。Today’s special is……, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.10、请慢慢挑选。Take your time, please!


(1)What kind of drink would you like?

(2)Anything to drink?

(3)What would you like for a drink?

12、您要点甜点吗?(您要点水果吗?)Do you care for some desserts(fruits)?

13、您点的菜很快就会送来。Your order will be ready soon.14、您喜欢鸡蛋怎样烹调,单面煎还是双面煎? How would you like your egg?Sunny-side up or turned over?


Would you like your beef steak rare medium rare, medium, medium well or well-done?

16、请问您的威士忌是要纯饮还是加冰饮? Would you like your whisky with icc or straight up?


We have imported beers, such as Sanmiguel, Heincken, Guinness, Carlsberg and local Zhuhai beer.18、珠海啤酒在这里挺流行的,想试一下吗? Zhuhai Beer is popular here, would you try it?


1、现在上菜好吗?Would you mind my serving now?

2、对不起,请让一让。Excuse me.3、这是正宗的四川菜。Here is the traditional Sichuan dish.4、先生,请慢用。Enjoy your meal(drink), sir.5、当心,这汤很烫。Take care.The soup is rather hot.6、请稍等。Wait a moment, Please.7、我马上拿来。I’ll go and get it right away.8、给您。Here you are.六、餐间征询客人意见


(1)Is everything to your satisfaction?(2)Have you found everything satisfaction?(3)How was the food?

2、对不起,餐厅已客满,请稍等片刻好吗? I’m sorry but there is no table available just now.Would you mind waiting a little?


Would you like it cooked a little longer?


Would you like to have one more beer?

4、您还要点别的什么吗?(1)Would you like anything else?(2)Could I serve you anything else?(3)If you need anything else, just feel free to tell mc.5、我可以撤掉这个盘子马? May I take this plate away?


1、先生,出了什么问题?我能为您做点什么? What’s the problem, sir? Can I help you?

2、对不起,我把您的菜弄错了。I’m sorry, sir J got it wrong.3、我和帮厨商量一下,看看它能否给与补救。I’ll speak to the chof and see what he can do.4、这是很少有的。我会调查这件事的。This is quit unusual, I’ll look into the matter.5、对不起,这道菜需要多些时间准备。您介意多等一下吗?

This dish takes quite a long time to prepare.Would you mind wait a bit longer?

7、非常抱歉,我去叫我们值班经理来。I’m very sorry.I’ll call our manager on duty.8、先生,对不起,请原谅她,我们今天实在太忙了。I’m sorry, sir.Please excuse her.We’re very busy today.9、非常抱歉,如果您愿意,我们可以给您上点别的菜。这是当然是本免费招待。

(1)I’m terribly sorry.I can give you something else if you’d like.That will be on the house, certainly.(2)Would you like to try anything else? With our compliments, certainly.10、我向您保证类似的事情将不再发生。I assure you it won’t happen again.11、感谢您的谅解。相信下次您来时,一切都会令您满意的。

Thank you for your understanding.I’m sure everything will be all right next time you cone.结账

1、这是您的账单。Here is your bill.2、您打算如何付款?How would you like to pay your bill?

3、您是用现金还是用信用卡付款?Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?

4、市分单还是算还是一起算?Would you like separated bill or all together?


It’s TMB198 Yuan including fifteen percent service charge.Have a check on it, please.6、您是准备签字挂账吗?Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?

7、您准备将这费用记到您饭店的总账上吗?Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?

8、请在这儿签字。May I have your signature here, please.9、请您把房间号也写上,好吗?

(1)Could you also give me your room number, please.(2)Could you please put down your room number, please.(3)May I have your room number, please.10、我需要您的签字和房间号。I’ll need your signature and room number, please?

11、这是赵您的钱(这是您的信用卡)。Here is your change(credit care).九、送客

1、希望您吃得满意。I hope you have enjoyed your dinner.2、感谢您的光临。Thank you for coming.3、欢迎再次光临。再见。Welcome to call again.Good-bye.


附件一:中餐主题宴会设计专业英语口试参考题 题型一 中译英

1.下午好,这里是花园餐厅。请问有什么可以为您效劳?(Good afternoon.This is Garden Restaurant.What can I do for you, please?)2.我们恭候您的光临。(We look forward to seeing you.)3.请跟我来好吗?(Would you please come with me?/ Please follow me.)4.那里有一张四人用餐的桌子。您喜欢吗?(There’s a table for four over there.Would you like it?)5.我们给您留了张非吸烟区的桌子。(We have a table in the non-smoking area reserved for you.)6.对不起,靠近窗户的座位全都有人了。(I’m sorry.The tables by the window are all occupied.)7.餐厅现在已经客满。您可以稍等约20分钟好吗?(The restaurant is full now.Could you please wait for about 20 minutes?)8.您的餐桌已经布置好了,这边请。(Your table is ready, this way, please.)9.先生,这是您的菜单。请慢慢挑选。服务员一会儿过来为您点餐。(Here is the menu, sir.Please take your time.The waiter/waitress will be here to take your order soon.)10.希望您用餐愉快。(Please enjoy your meal.)11.先生,可以点菜了吗?(Excuse me, sir.May I take your order now?)12.能不能简单给我们介绍一下中国菜?(Could you give us a brief description of the Chinese food?)

13.您点的菜很快就好了。(Your meal will be ready soon.)14.汤已经准备好了,请慢用。(The soup is ready, please enjoy it.)15.请问您打算用什么方式结账?(How would you like to pay for the meal / make the payment / settle the bill?)16.让您久等了,先生。这是您的账单,您要核对一下吗?(Thank you for waiting, sir.Here is your bill.Would you like to check it?)17.很抱歉,请稍等。我会尽快给您上菜。(I’m really sorry.Please wait a moment.I’ll serve your dishes as soon as possible.)18.您需要把菜分一下吗?(Excuse me, sir / madam.May I separate the dish for you?)19.全部的菜已经上齐了,接下来还有点心。(All your dishes are served now.There is dessert to follow.)20.我们给你带来了这么多麻烦,为了表达歉意,特为您提供免费甜点。(To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a complimentary dessert.)题型二 英译中

1.Which would you like better, a table in the hall or a private room?(您希望订大厅的 位置是单独的包房?)

2.I am very sorry, sir.All the tables are reserved until 7 p.m.Would 7 o’clock be all right?(非常抱歉,先生。七点之前的餐桌全部预订出去了。七点钟有空桌,可以吗?)

3.We will have you seated as soon as we get a table available.(一有空桌,我们就安排你们坐下。)

4.We will seat you in the non-smoking area.(我们给您换到非吸烟区。)5.Would you like a table by the window?(您喜欢坐靠窗的位置吗?)6.What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant?(你们都有些什么风味的菜?)

7.It looks good, smells good and tastes good.(这道菜色、香、味俱全。)

8.The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yuan per person.(包间的最低人均消费是200元。)

9.Would you like to have table d’hote, or a la carte?(您是选套餐,还是零点呢?

10.Please take care of your valuables.(请看管好您的贵重物品。)11.Excuse me, sir.Would you mind sharing the table with other guests?(打扰一下,先生,请问您是否介意和其他客人同桌呢?)12.Would you please add one more chair to our table?(请给我们加把椅子好吗?)13.Let’s go Dutch this time.(我们这次各付各的账吧。)

14.Could you make out two separated bills for me?(可以给我分开两张账单吗?)

15.You have got a 10% discount for your Visa Card.(您使用维萨信用卡结账可以享受9折优惠。)

16.Would you like to pay by credit card?(您是用信用卡结账吗?)17.Here is your card and invoice.(这是您的信用卡和发票。)

18.Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?(您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?)

19.Sorry to having kept you waiting.I’ll see to it right away.(让您久等,抱歉。我马上去处理。)

20.Here are some complimentary vouchers for you.You can pay with them next time when you have dinner in our restaurant.(我们有一些赠券送给您,下次您在我们餐厅用餐时可以使用。)

题型三 情景对话

1.If the guest wants to have something that your restaurant doesn’t have, what

would you say to him?(如果客人想要的东西,你的餐厅没有,你会对他说什么?)

(Sorry sir.This is not available in our restaurant.But may I suggest some...?)2.When a guest calls to reserve a private room for dinner, what information do you have to get?(当客人电话预订一间包房吃饭,要得到什么信息吗?)

(I have to know the date and time for the reservation, the number of people, and any other special requirements.)3.If a guest calls to reserve a table at 7 p.m., but there isn’t any available, what would you say?(如果客人要求在下午7点预订一张桌子,但没有了,你会怎么说?)(I’m sorry.Our restaurant is fully booked at the moment.Would you mind changing your time? Tables will be available at 7:30.And we offer free drinks after 8:00 p.m.)4.What would you say to the guest if you want to confirm his/her reservation?(你对客人说如果你想确认他/她吗?)

(May I confirm your reservation, sir/madam? And then repeat the time, the number of people, requirements on the tables and dishes.)5.If the guest complains that the dish is not fresh, how would you do?(如果客人抱怨道菜不新鲜,你会怎么做?)(I would apologize to the guest, find out the reason, and change the dish or give him a discount according to the situation.)6.If a guest who sits near the air-conditioner feels cold in your restaurant and asks you to turn down the air-conditioner, what will you do?(如果客人坐在靠近你的餐厅空调很冷,请你把空调调控,你会做什么?)(I’ll bring him / her a blanket to keep warm.Or ask him / her if he / she could change to another seat far away from the air-conditioner.)7.If the guest wants to order some wine, but it seems that he /she is under 18 years old, what will you do then?(如果客人想点些葡萄酒,但似乎他/她是18岁以下,然后你要做什么?)(According to the law, only adults are allowed to drink spirits or dine in the bar, if I am not sure about his / her age, I’ll ask in this way, “My I see your identification?”.If he / she is under 18(years of age), I’ll advice him / her to order some soft drinks or juice instead.)8.If the guest complains that there is a mistake in his bill.What will you say then?(如果客人抱怨他的账单有误。你会说什么呢?)(I’ll check it with the department concerned.I would say, “Would you mind waiting for a minute?/ Sorry, I’ll ask the cashier to check it up again.)9.When handling the reservation of a banquet, what information should you get from the guests?(处理宴会预订时,什么样的信息应该得到你的客人确认?)

(I should make sure of the name of the company or organization, the expected number of people or tables needed, the time, menu and budget for the banquet, the way how to arrange the table or seats and how to decorate the banquet hall, the guest’s special requests and the way of payment.Finally, I should ask the guest to hand in some deposit to secure the reservation in advance.)10.When the guest finishes his dinner, and you want to know his suggestion, what would you say?(当客人吃完晚餐,你想知道他的建议,你会说什么?)

(I would ask the guest whether he has enjoyed the dinner or whether there is anything the hotel can do to improve.



Check in 入住

1)How would you like to pay the deposit, in cash or by credit card?


2)You must pay 1000 yuan as a deposit.您必须付1000元作为押金。

3)As a hotel policy, we require one day’s room charge as deposit for guests without a reservation.按照酒店规定,没有预订的客人得付一天房费作为押金。

4)we’ll refund the money you overpaid when you check out.您离店时,我们会退还您多付的钱。

5)Here is your receipt, and please keep it, you need to show it to us when you check out.给您收据,请保管好,你离店时得出示它。

6)And you also need to take care of your key, you have to return it to us when you check out.您得好好保管它,您离店时必须归还给我们。

7)Thank you, and hope you will have a good stay in our hotel.谢谢,希望您过得愉快。

A.Check out for individual guest 为散客退房

1)Good morning, sir, do you check out? 早上好,您退房吗?

2)Do you want to check out or keep key here?您想要离店还是要保管钥匙? If you check out before 6:00pm, you will pay half day charge.六点之前退房,得付半天房费。

If you check out after 6:00pm, you will pay full day charge.六点之后退房,付一天房费。

Could you give me your room number, please?


May I have your name and your room number?


May I have you room key, please? 能给我您的房间钥匙吗?

Did you take anything from the mini-bar?/Did you use the mini-bar of your room? 请问您房间里的酒水有没有用过?

Have you signed any chits in the last hour?


10)Is your luggage down yet, sir? Could you check out after your bags have been brought down, please?


11)Let me figure it out /Let me calculate that for you.我来把您的帐算出来。

12)Shall I draw up your bill for you?


13)Your final bill has not reached our department yet, sir.would you please wait a moment while I chase it down?


14)Just a moment, please.Room attendant is checking your room.请稍等,客房服务员正在查房。

15)Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct?


16)I’ll check our accounts.Just a moment, please.我检查一下我们的帐目,请稍等。

17)This is your bill, check it please, if it is correct, please sign your name.这是您的帐单,假如对的话,请签名。

18)Can I check the details for you, please? /Let me break it down for you.请让我为您查对帐单好吗?

19)That first number is your room number.第一个数字是您的房间号。

20)The second entry is the restaurant.第二行是餐厅的帐。

21)Item 6 is your room charge.第六项是电话费。

22)Item 7 is the cost for the phone calls.第七项是房费。

23)That charge is for drinks taken from the mini-bar.那笔是饮用房间冰箱内饮料的费用。

24)The service charge is included in this bill.服务费包括在内。

25)What would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card?


26)In what form will payment be made? 用什么方式付帐?

27)We accept the following credit cards…… 我们接受这些信用卡……

28)Show me your credit card, please.请出示您的信用卡。

29)May I see your credit card? 我能用一下您的信用卡吗?

30)My I imprint/have a print of your credit card? 可以刷一下您的信用卡吗?

31)I’m afraid we don’t accept…cards, but we do accept these.(point to credit card display)


32)The total is…, and here is your change.总数是…,这是您的找头。

33)Here is the money you overpaid.这是您多付的钱。

34)Do you need receipt? 您需要收据吗?

35)Here is your receipt.给您收据。

36)Thank you for choosing our hotel.I hope you enjoyed your stay.We hope you will come and stay with us again.谢谢您光临我们的饭店,希望您在本饭店住得愉快。希望您能再次光临我们的饭店。

B.Check out for group guest 为团体客人结帐

1)How would you like to make payment? 您怎么付费?

2)Would you like to pay on the company account? 您用公司帐户结帐吗?

3)May I know the name of your company, please? 请问贵公司帐户号码?

4)Separate bill or one for all? 分开结还是一起结?

5)Your company/travel agency will pay your room rent, but you will pay your phone charge.您的房租由公司付,但您要付房间的电话费。

6)All account to your room charge, right? 所有的帐都转到您的房间,好吗?

7)May I have two of your business cards, please? One for our file and one for accounts.请给我两张名片好吗?一张放在档案中,一张附在帐单中。

8)Could you sign your name here? 请在这签名好吗?

9)We hope to see you again soon.希望很快再见到您。

exchange money 兑换外币

1)How much would you like to change? 您想换多少钱?

2)The rates of exchange are on the board there, sir.先生,兑换率在布告牌那。

3)Today’s foreign currency rate for US$ is 8.07./ According to today’s exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.07 yuan./The present rate is 100 to 807.今天美元的兑换率是8.07.4)Could you fill out this form? 您能填一下这张表吗?

5)You’d like to change US$800 into RMB.Is that all right?


6)You gave me 800 US dollars, so that will be RMB 6200.Here you are.您给我800美元,合计人民币6200元,给您。

7)I’ll calculate that for you.It comes to RMB 6200 at today’s exchange rate.我帮您计算一下。按今天的汇率折合起是人民币6200。

8)I’m sorry but we do not change US dollars into Japanese Yen.很抱歉,我们没有把美元兑换日元的业务。

9)I’m afraid we don’t accept non-convertible currency, sir.对不起,我们不接受不能兑换的货币。

10)What domination would you like, sir? we have 100 yuan notes, 50 yuan notes, 10 yuan notes, 5 yuan notes, 2 yuan notes and one yuan notes.您要多大面值的钞票,我们有100元的,50元的,10元,5元的,2元的,还有1元的。Use safes/safe-deposit boxes 使用保险箱

1)If you want to keep some valuable things, you can use hotel safe-deposit boxes.如果您想要保存贵重物品,可以用我们的保险箱。

2)Please fill out this form first.请先填表。

3)Would you like to use it until May 20th ? 您预备使用到五月二十日吗?5

4)This way, please.Your box number is 320.请跟我来,您的柜子是320号。



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