
时间:2019-05-15 05:44:07下载本文作者:会员上传


上海开放大学 开放英语 1期末复习要点

2014年 6月


1.-Hello.I‟m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you.- _________________.A.I‟m nice, tooB.Fine, thank you C.Nice to meet you, too.I‟m David Manning

2.—Hello, Linda, how are you?

— _________________.A.Very good.Are you good? B.Very well, thank you.And you? C.Hello, Rose, how do you do?

3.—What do you do?

— _________________.A.I am a policemanB.I am washing the dishes now C.I do my homework


— My father is a manager.My mother is a nurse.A.Where are your parents B.What do your parents do C.What are your parents doing right now

5.—How long does it take from Beijng to London by plane?

— _________________.A.It costs 1,200 dollars B.It takes about 7 hours C.It‟s not near enough

6.— How long does it take to go there by train?

— _________________.A.It is 20 pounds B.It takes 20 hours C.The training is very fast

7.— What time does the train leave?

— _________________.A.On Tuesday B.In the morning C.At half past five

8.—The shower isn‟t working.— _________________.A.I come to call the plumber B.I‟ll call the plumber C.I like calling the plumber

9.—Would you like to go with us?

— _________________.A.Ok, I‟d love B.I would like C.I‟d love to


— An orange juice, please.1

A.What do you like B.What would you like C.Would you like an orange juice

11.— _________________.— That‟s a good idea.A.When can you write the invitations B.What do you think of the invitations

C.Why don‟t we write the invitations now

12.— Could you ring them up please? I‟m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.—____________________

A.Are you? I am fine.B.Yes, why don‟t you call them?

C.Yes, of course.I will phone them for you.13.— How about seeing a film this evening?

— Yes, _____________.A.that‟s a good idea B.please C.that‟s right

14.— Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?

— _________________.A.It‟s not sure B.That‟s all right C.It‟s next to the newsagent

15.—Excuse me, how do I get to the gym, please?

— _________________.A.You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket

B.It takes about an hour to get there C.I‟d like to see them

16.— What does your English teacher look like?

— _________________.A.She likes singing B.She‟s tall and has long, wavy hair C.She looks sad

17.— What does her boyfriend look like?

— _________________.A.He is intelligent and confident B.He likes playing football

C.He is quite tall with fair curly hair

18.— What‟s the weather like in this area?

— _________________.A.That‟s all right B.It‟s rainy C.Yes, it‟s fine

19.—How much is the rent of the flat?

— _________________.A.The hotel room is expensive B.It is 450 pounds a month C.It is near the center of the city

20.— _________________?

— I‟ve got a bad cough.A.What‟s the matter with you B.What is it like C.How was your day yesterday




二、选择填空。阅读下面的句子和对话、从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(20%)

《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》中的相关题目


《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》9、10、14、15、16单元中的相关题目

Unit 9 完形填空

Bob is old and he is in Grade 8 now.Bob was born1984 in New York.He started school at the age of six.He studied in a

primary school in New York for six yearshe moved to Washington He in Chinese herbs.He wishes Chinese medicinehe finished high school.He wants toa doctor of Chinese medicine.Unit 10 完型填空

One day a farmer and his son decided to sell their horse at the village market, seven miles are you both walking when you have a horse?” When they heard this, the son rode and the farmer

(C)by his side.When they went on for two miles, two women came up and one of them said: “Look at that boy.He „s youngerhis father, but the old man has to walk.” Then the father asked his son to get(B)and he climbed up the horse himself.They were nearly halfway there when two men came up and asked: “Why does that poor boy have to walk? Isn‟t your horse strong enough to carry you both?”the boy climbed onto the horse too, and they both rode on.They rode on for a while when some children shouted: “Look at that poor horse.It to carry two big men.Why don‟t you carry your horse for a change?” And that was exactly what they did in the(C)shoulders.Then they(C)it all the way to the market.The people at the market had never seen like that before.They laughed about the farmer and his son who tried to please everybody.I‟m not(B)if you think they are both very clever.Unit 14 完型填空

Many people like traveling for their holiday.They go to(C)seaside, or forest.Some people like(A), so they like to visit some old interest places.In many countries, the travel agent can help you(C)your holiday.You can tell the travel agent what king of(B)you like, how much(C)you want to spend, and the travel agent will give you a lot of information about where to go, how(B)there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there.(C)“package holiday”.(A)money, and the travel agent will plan(A)for you, the ticket for the train or plane, the hotel, the activities, and so on.Unit 15 完型填空

There are five main(B)in Franco‟s restaurant.They do different jobs.Molly is the restaurant manager.She trains(C)is(B)in food and people.Marco is the chef.He has to(A)food.He alsothe kitchen and manages the kitchen staff.He thinks his job is.Larry serves drinks and discusses wines(C)Carlo takes the orders and serves the food.He is the waiter.His wages are not(C), but he

gets a lot of(C)the food.He is the kitchen assistant.Unit 16 完型填空

Running is(C)that(A)too much, smoking cigarettes, and(C)exercise.Doctors tell us, “Eat less,(C)and exercise more.” Running is a good exercise(B)it helps build a strong heart.It also helps most people lose weight.Running is good for health in other ways,(B)Many runners say running makes and other small health problems go away.So today men and women of all


《开放英语1》 教材7(Extract 1)、10(Extract 1)、13(Extract 1)、16(Extract 3)、17(Extract 3)单元中的对话部分及网上课堂中“词


Unit 7Polly invites Xiaoyan to dinner(课本240页)译文在蓝色小册子P43---P44


1.Polly is having a barbecue in a park(B)

2.Polly lives at 14 Perry Avenue(A)

3.Polly invites Xiaoyan to stay the night(A)

4.The barbecue is at 6 o‟clock(B)

5.Xiaoyan offers to bring some fruits(B)

Xiaoyan and Mary are talking about dinner(课本244页)译文在蓝色小册子P51-52 参考题目判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合的选择A不符合的选择B

1.Xiaoyan wants to invite her friend to breakfast.(B)

2.Tim is Mary‟s boyfriend.(A)

3.Franco is the landlord.(A)

4.Mary is working today.(B)

5.Mary love Chinese food.(A)

Xiaoyan telephones the In Shape Health Center(课本246页)译文在蓝色小册子P58 参考题目是否符合对话内容,符合的选择A,不符合的选择B

1.The gym is open from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.(B)

2.The swimming pool is open every day.(A)

3.There aren‟t any Tai Chi classes at the gym.(B)

4.There are Aerobics classes on Saturday and Sunday morning.(A)

5.You can only join the In Shape Health Center between 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm.(B)

Unit 16Xaioyan telephones the surgery教材P250Extract3译文在蓝色小册子P70

Unit 17 Mary、Tim and Xiaoyan discuss arrangements教材P251Extract3译文在蓝小册P74—75

五、阅读理解2。阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。(10%)课外题可参考:《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》中的相关题目

六、阅读理解3。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right)、错误(Wrong),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(Doesn’t say)。(10%)

可参考:《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》中的相关题目及样题


《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》1 – 5 单元 中的相关题目

1.我是英国人am British(形考册第3页)

2.喝杯咖啡to have a coffee(形考册第6页)

3.葡萄酒any wine(形考册第9页)

4.做保险业work in insurance.(形考册第12页)

5.租一套新房子renting a new flat(形考册第15页)


7.负责is responsible for(形考册第12页)

8.在五楼are on the fifth floor(形考册第9页)

9.吃个三明治have a sandwich(形考册第6页)

10.业余时间in her free time(形考册第3页)


1.做保险业 work in insurance 形考册P12

2.租一套房子(新房)renting a new flat 形考册P15

3.他们要一份申请表。ask for an application form 形考册P46

4.我擅长做蛋糕。I am good at making cakes 形考册P55

5.隔壁next to/near 形考册P29

6.一天两次twice a day

7.车牌car number形考册 P6

8.从四点到五点from 4 to 5 形考册P9

9.兄弟姐妹 any brothers and sisters 形考册P1



1.Beijing is the capital of China.It‟s a very big city(可能改成Beijing is a very big city.)

北京是一个大城市(可能改成department store百货商店)there?


3.There‟s a sauna, and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics!


4.I would like to tell you about a special offer.我想告诉你一项特别优惠。

5.You take the number 38 bus from the station(可能改成the cinema).你从车站乘38路公共汽车.6.There‟s too much for the fridge.I‟ll put it in the garage.It‟s cold there.冰箱里东西太多了,我来把它放到车库里去,那里冷.7.He‟s tall and he‟s got short, dark hair and brown eyes.He likes walking.他高高的个子,黑色的短发,褐色的眼睛,很爱说话。

8.I would also like to invite you to a new memberships’ party.我也想邀请你参加一个新会员聚会。

9.You should drink lots of water and juice.You shouldn’t eat very much.You need to rest.你应该多喝水和果汁。你不应该吃得太多,你需要休息。

10.Tim and Xiaoyan are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning, and I‟m going to cleanthe house.提姆和晓燕打算在星期六上午去购物,我要来打扫房子。


1.What‟s she like? She‟s talkative and confident.她这个人如何?很健谈,也很自信。

2.You should drink lots of water and juice.你应该多喝水和果汁。

3.There‟s a sauna, and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics!


4.You take the number 38 bus from the bus stop.你从车站乘38路公共汽车

5.I‟m average height.I have long, fair hair and blue eyes.I am slim.我中等身材,长长的金发,蓝眼睛,很苗条。

6.There‟s too much for the fridge.I‟ll put it in the garage.It‟s cold there.冰箱里东西太多了,我来把它放到车库里去,那里冷.7.We are having a housewarming party on Saturday afternoon.星期六下午我们准备搞个乔迁之喜的聚会。

8.You should take some aspirins, but you don’t need to take other medicine.你应该吃些阿司匹林,但你不必吃别的药了。

9.The bedroom is too small and the living room is not comfortable enough.卧室太小,客厅不够舒服。

10.The month after next, I do two gym sessions and I go swimming as well.下下个月,我会做两次健身运动。我还会去游泳。



1.-Hello.I‟m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you.- _________________.A.I‟m nice, tooB.Fine, thank you C.Nice to meet you, too.I‟m David Manning

2.—Hello, Linda, how are you?

— _________________.A.Very good.Are you good? B.Very well, thank you.And you? C.Hello, Rose, how do you do?

3.—What do you do?

— _________________.A.I am a policemanB.I am washing the dishes now C.I do my homework


— My father is a manager.My mother is a nurse.A.Where are your parents B.What do your parents do C.What are your parents doing right now

5.—How long does it take from Beijng to London by plane?

— _________________.A.It costs 1,200 dollars B.It takes about 7 hours C.It‟s not near enough

6.— How long does it take to go there by train?

— _________________.A.It is 20 pounds B.It takes 20 hours C.The training is very fast

7.— What time does the train leave?

— _________________.A.On Tuesday B.In the morning C.At half past five

8.—The shower isn‟t working.— _________________.A.I come to call the plumber B.I‟ll call the plumber C.I like calling the plumber

9.—Would you like to go with us?

— _________________.A.Ok, I‟d love B.I would like C.I‟d love to


— An orange juice, please.A.What do you like B.What would you like C.Would you like an orange juice

11.— _________________.— That‟s a good idea.1

A.When can you write the invitations B.What do you think of the invitations

C.Why don‟t we write the invitations now

12.— Could you ring them up please? I‟m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.—____________________

A.Are you? I am fine.B.Yes, why don‟t you call them?

C.Yes, of course.I will phone them for you.13.— How about seeing a film this evening?

— Yes, _____________.A.that‟s a good idea B.please C.that‟s right

14.— Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?

— _________________.A.It‟s not sure B.That‟s all right C.It‟s next to the newsagent

15.—Excuse me, how do I get to the gym, please?

— _________________.A.You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket

B.It takes about an hour to get there C.I‟d like to see them

16.— What does your English teacher look like?

— _________________.A.She likes singing B.She‟s tall and has long, wavy hair C.She looks sad

17.— What does her boyfriend look like?

— _________________.A.He is intelligent and confident B.He likes playing football

C.He is quite tall with fair curly hair

18.— What‟s the weather like in this area?

— _________________.A.That‟s all right B.It‟s rainy C.Yes, it‟s fine

19.—How much is the rent of the flat?

— _________________.A.The hotel room is expensive B.It is 450 pounds a month C.It is near the center of the city

20.— _________________?

— I‟ve got a bad cough.A.What‟s the matter with you B.What is it like C.How was your day yesterday




二、选择填空。阅读下面的句子和对话、从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(20%)

《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》中的相关题目


《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》9、10、14、15、16单元中的相关题目

Unit 9 完形填空

Bob is old and he is in Grade 8 now.Bob was bornprimary school in New York for six yearshe moved to Washington his family.Hein Chinese herbs.He wishesChinese medicinehe finished high school.He wants to a doctor of Chinese medicine.Unit 10 完型填空

One day a farmer and his son decided to sell their horse at the village market, seven milesfrom their home.When they left the farm, a neighbor called to them: “(C)are you both walking when you have a horse?” When they heard this, the son rode and the farmer(C)his side.When they went on for two miles, two women came up and one of them said: “Look at that boy.He „s youngeris father, but the old man has to walk.” Then the father asked his son to get(B)and he climbed up the horse himself.They were nearly halfway there when two men came up and asked: “Why does that poor boy have to walk? Isn‟t your horse strong enough to carry you both?”the boy climbed onto the horse too, and they both rode on.They rode on for a while when some children shouted: “Look at that poor horse.It(to carry two big men.Why don‟t you carry your horse for a change?” And that was exactly what they did in the

(C)So they tied the horse to a pole, and they carried the pole over their shoulders.Then they(C)it all the way to the market.The people at the market had never seen like that before.They laughed about the farmer and his son who tried to please everybody.I‟m not(B)Unit 14 完型填空

Many people like traveling for their holiday.They go to(C)people like(A)agent can help you(C)your holiday.You can tell the travel agent what king of(B)like, how much(C)you want to spend, and the travel agent will give you a lot of information about where to go, how(B)there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there.(C)holidays is(C)“package holiday”.(A)you just pay the money, and the travel agent will plan(A)for you, the ticket for the train or plane, the hotel, the activities, and so on.Unit 15 完型填空

There are five main(B)in Franco‟s restaurant.They do different jobs.Molly is the

restaurant manager.She trains(C)is(B)in food and people.Marco is the chef.He has to(A)the menus and cook the food.He alsokitchen and manages the kitchen staff.He thinks his job isLarry serves drinks and discusses wines(C)and serves the food.He is the waiter.His wages are not(C)but he gets a lot of(C)washes the dished and cleans the floors.He(A)prepare the food.He is the kitchen assistant.Unit 16 完型填空

Running is(Cpopular these days.Many of us run for(C)health.Doctors say that

(Aof the health problems come from these bad habits: eating(B)drinking too much, smoking cigarettes, and(C)exercise.Doctors tell us, “Eat less,(C)and exercise more.” Running is a good exercise(B)it helps build a strong heart.It also helps most people lose

weight.Running is good for health in other ways,(B)Many runners say running makesand other small health problems go away.So today men and women of all


《开放英语1》 教材7(Extract 1)、10(Extract 1)、13(Extract 1)、16(Extract 3)、17(Extract 3)单元中的对话部分及网上课堂中“词


Unit 7Polly invites Xiaoyan to dinner(课本240页)译文在蓝色小册子P43---P44


1.Polly is having a barbecue in a park(B)

2.Polly lives at 14 Perry Avenue(A)

3.Polly invites Xiaoyan to stay the night(A)

4.The barbecue is at 6 o‟clock(B)

5.Xiaoyan offers to bring some fruits(B)

Xiaoyan and Mary are talking about dinner(课本244页)译文在蓝色小册子P51-52 参考题目判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合的选择A不符合的选择B

1.Xiaoyan wants to invite her friend to breakfast.(B)

2.Tim is Mary‟s boyfriend.(A)

3.Franco is the landlord.(A)

4.Mary is working today.(B)

5.Mary love Chinese food.(A)

Xiaoyan telephones the In Shape Health Center(课本246页)译文在蓝色小册子P58 参考题目是否符合对话内容,符合的选择A,不符合的选择B

1.The gym is open from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.(B)

2.The swimming pool is open every day.(A)

3.There aren‟t any Tai Chi classes at the gym.(B)

4.There are Aerobics classes on Saturday and Sunday morning.(A)

5.You can only join the In Shape Health Center between 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm.(B)

Unit 16Xaioyan telephones the surgery教材P250Extract3译文在蓝色小册子P70

Unit 17 Mary、Tim and Xiaoyan discuss arrangements教材P251Extract3译文在蓝小册P74—75

五、阅读理解2。阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。(10%)课外题可参考:《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》中的相关题目

六、阅读理解3。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right)、错误(Wrong),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(Doesn’t say)。(10%)

可参考:《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》中的相关题目及样题


《开放英语 1 形成性考核练习》1 – 5 单元 中的相关题目


















7.车牌形考册 P6





1.Beijing is the capital of China.It‟s a very big city(可能改成Beijing is a very big city.)(可能改成department store)there?

3.There‟s a sauna, and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics!

4.I would like to tell you about a special offer.5.You take the number 38 bus from the station(可能改成the cinema).6.There‟s too much for the fridge.I‟ll put it in the garage.It‟s cold there.7.He‟s tall and he‟s got short, dark hair and brown eyes.He likes walking.8.I would also like to invite you to a new memberships’ party.10.You should drink lots of water and juice.You shouldn’t eat very much.You need to rest.11.Tim and Xiaoyan are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning, and I‟m going to cleanthe house.以下历届例题也要复习:

1.What‟s she like? She‟s talkative and confident.2.3.You should drink lots of water and juice.4.There‟s a sauna, and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics!

5.You take the number 38 bus from the bus stop.6.I‟m average height.I have long, fair hair and blue eyes.I am slim.7.There‟s too much for the fridge.I‟ll put it in the garage.It‟s cold there.8.We are having a housewarming party on Saturday afternoon.You should take some aspirins, but you don’t need to take other medicine.9.The bedroom is too small and the living room is not comfortable enough.10.The month after next, I do two gym sessions and I go swimming as well.



1,Hello.I’mxiaoyan.Nice to meet you.-Fine,thank you.答案Wrong

2,-Excuse me,where is the nearest bank,please?-It’s not sure.答案Wrong

3,-Do you have any family?-Yes,Ido.My mother and father live in Oxford.答案Right

4,-How much is the rent of the flat?

-It is near the center of the city.答案Wrong

5,-What does her boy friend look like?

-He is quite tall with fair curly hair.答案Right

6,-Where are you from?-I am from London.答案Right

7,-Would you like a coffee?-No,I’mfine,thanks.答案Right

8,-London is a bit less modern than Shanghai.-I agree with you.Ithink London is just as modern as Shanghai.答案Wrong 9,-Shall we ask my friends to play live music?-Yes,let’s.答案Right

10,-Hello,Could I speak to Mr David Manning,please?-Speaking,I am David Manning.答案Wrong

11,-What are you doing?-I am an information technology manager.答案Wrong

12,-Hello,Xiaoyan.Hou are you?-Very well,thanks.答案Right

13,-Are you free on Friday?-Yes,Friday is free.答案Wrong

14,-What’s the matter with his homework.答案Wrong

15,-What does he look like?-He is very nice and kind.答案Wrong


1,I’m a deputy manager,Iwork for an IT company.2,-What is you job?-I’m an accountant.3,Who is that man over there ?Do you know his name?

4,I usually go to the office by train.5,How much wine do you need for the party?

6,You have more apples than we do.But ours are better than yours.7,How do I get to the gym?

8,He can speak good English.9,Does David like flying?

10,The Business Banking Depatrment is on the second floor.11,The shop closes at six every day.12,You can paint the walls and put up posters.You can do what you want.13,The coat is much more expensive than that one

14,Jock never comes late because he is a good student.15,-I don’t get up late on Sundays.-Neither do I.16,-I have got a pain in my chest.-You should see the doctor.17,Sally’s parents are going to come and stay with her soon.18,-How long will the meal take?-It’ll take two hours,I think.19,It often snows in winter in the north of China.20,I don’t want any milk in my coffee.21,I don’t like flying.I never feel relaxed.22,Liu Fan is currently workingonTVadvertisements,but right now he’s on holiday.23,Does this flat have a viewer?No,it doesn’t, but I’ll get one.24,The bank is on the corner ,near the station.25,I go to work and I just sit sit around the office for most of the day,and I do no exercise.26,-Do yu come here much?-Yes,I’m a member of the health club.I come twice a week to swim.27,-Look,I’m getting too fat.I must do more exercise.-Yes,you should work out.28,-Wouldyou like something to drink?-Two cups of coffee, please.29,I don’t like the weather here.It’s oftendepressing.30,Ipreferserious programmes to comedies.I like docu-mentaries.I don’tunderstandEnglish comedy.31,I am worried about my exams next week.32,-Would you like some eat?-Prawn fried rice with peas,please.33,We would like you to present your ideas for a new website for our company.34,We look forward to meeting you on Friday.35,Rose is much more easy-going than Frank?

36,How much time did you spend in France?

37,You need to make an appointmentwith a doctoror ,before the doctor examines you.38,Who’s going to do the washing-up?

39,We are meeting each other for the first time tonight.40,This post office opens from Monday to Friday.41,Thank you for replying to my email.42,I like sitting in the cafes in the big shops.reading the news-papers and watching people.43,I can hear the cras at night.44,You can ask questions about details relating to the position.45,Do you need my juice?I can get some for you from the market.46,The dosage is how much medicine you must take.47,They are speaking to each other on the telephone.48,One kilo of coal is as heavy as one kilo of feathers.49, I’m the only person here and I am waiting for an important telephone call,so I can’t leave now.50,Hello,David.I’m pleased to meet you.51,I usually have lunch at about a quarter past twelve.52,I have a reservation for a double room.53,Theentryphone isn’t working at moment,but I’ll repair it this week.54,-How long does the train take?-About four hours.55,-Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?-Sorry,you cannot.56-I have not got a big house.-Me,too.57,Jane is quite outgoing and talkative-very friendly.58,They listen to music all afternoon,and then he goes back home.59,They sometimes lend their car to their parents.60,Rose is more friendly than Frank.句型变换

1,He always works on Tuesday.(改为一般疑问句)Does he always work on Tuesday?

2,You can use the phone in the living room.(改为否定句)You can’t use the phone in the living room.3,Mary will be there.(改为否定句)Mary won’t be there.4,The flight takes about there hours.(用how long 对划线部分提问)How long does the flight take?

5,The flat coats 500 pounds a month.(用how much 对划线部分提问)How much does the flat cost a month?

6,Does the nurse have lunch between 12.00 and 1.00 pm?(改为肯定陈述句)The nurse has lunch between 12.00 and 1.00.7,I have to go to work that day.(改为否定句)I don’t have to go to work that day.8,He is keen on learning languages.(用what对划线部分提问)What is he keen on?

9,Jane will not go to work for at least five days.(用how long对划线部分提问)How long won’t Jane go to work? 10,You can’t smoke here.(改为祈使句)(Please)Do not smoke here.11,There are three persons in this picture.(改为一般疑问句)Are there three persons in this picture?

12,I’llwritetheconfirmation for you now.(改为否定句)I won’t write the confirmation for you now.13,You get off in front of the swimming pool.(用where对划线部分提问)Where do you get off?

14,She is friendly to her customers because she hopes they will be generous!(用why 对划线部分提问)Why is she friendly to her customers?

15,Tom cleans the floor every day.(用how often 对划线部分提问)How often does Tom clean the floor?


1,I don’t like the flat.It is too near the road.我不喜欢这套公寓.它离公路太近了.2,He is not very tall and wears glasses.他个子不太高,带着眼睛.3,Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢看英文报纸吗?

4,I’m interested in that large flat.我对那套大公寓感兴趣。

5,There are two armchairs,a sofa and a television in the living room.起居室里有两把扶手椅,一把沙发和一台电视。6,I’m interested in reading more about it.我很想多看一些相关的东西。

7,John doesn’t know very much and isn’t very intelligent.约翰知识面广,不怎么聪明。

8,They get off the bus at the swimming pool.他们从游泳池那里(那一站)下车。

9,Does your husband have to work every evening? 你丈夫每天晚上都得工作吗?

10,She is doing a tour in Paris next week.她打算下周在巴黎参观参观。

11,John is more interested in computers than I am.约翰对计算机比我更感兴趣。

12,I have an English clsaa once a week.我每周上一次英语课。

13,What about talking a taxi? 坐出租车怎么样?

14,The temperature does’t go below 5 degrees in spring thre.这里春天气温不低于5度。

15,The room is not comfor-table enough.这个房间不够舒服。



1,Andrew is Dan’s uncle 答案Right

2,Mark is Dan’s father.答案Wrong 3,TomisDan’sgrandfather.答案Wrong

4,Joyce is Tom’s wife.答案Right

5,Pam is Andrew’s niece 答案Right

6,Xiaoyan and Polly are talking about TV programmes答案Right

7,Xiaoyan likes sports.答案Wrong

8,Polly likes nature programmes.答案Right

9,Australian Nature lasts an hour and half.答案Wrong

10,Xiaoyan wants to watch London Lives because she can learn real English from it.答案Right 11,Xiaoyan wants to go shopping taday.答案Wrong

12,The New Street Pool is better? 答案Right

13,The Springfield Pool is father from Xiaoyan’s flat than the New Street Pool.答案Wrong 14,The smaller one in the New Street Pool is really for children.答案Right

15,Pollyalways goes to the children’s pool.答案Wrong

阅读下列短文,选择正确答案.Hi,Joe,1,What does Xiaoyan stay in London for? Shw is working.2,WhatareXiaoyan’sLondon colleagues like? They are very nice.3,What does Xiaoyan think of London?She thinks it is exciting.4,What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?She thinks they are friendly

5,What’s the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter? It is warm.6,Why can’t Tom park in the staff car park?Because he is not a manager.7,Which of the following is ture?Tom can park his car behind the building.8,WhencanTom go to have his lunch? After 1:00.9,What can Tom do in the office? Eat and drink.10,Where can everyone go to smoke?In the coffee lounge.11,Carlos is a waiter.12,Carlos loves Italian food.13,Carlos works in the evenings.14,The restaurant is usually busy on Friday and Saturday evenings.15,Carlos gets holiday pay.




1、Where are you from? I am from London.A.Right

2.No, I'm fine, thanks.A.Right

3.Shall we ask my friends to play live music?-Yes, let's.A.Right

5.Prawn fried rice with peas, please.B.Would


A.to meeting

more easy-going than Frank.B.much



the washing-up?A.do

for the first time tonight.C.each other

A.from, to


26.Does the nurse have lunch between 12.00 and l.00 pm?(改为肯定陈述句)The nurse has lunch between 12.00 and l.00 pm.27.I have to go to work that day.(改为否定句)I don’t have to go to work that day.

用What对划线部分提问)What is he keen on?

用how long对划线部分提问)How long won’t Jane go to work?

30.You can't smoke here.(改为祈使句)(Please)Do not smoke here.第四部分阅读理解(20分)31-35题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right),还是错误(Wrong),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

Xiaoyan: Okay, Polly, what TV programmes do you like?

Polly: Well,I don't like serious programmes, but I always watch the late news.Xiaoyan.: Yes, the news is Okay, but I like serious programmes.I like documentaries.I don't understand Englishcomedy.Do you like nature programmes?

Polly: Yes.I do.Is there a nature programme this evening?

Xiaoyan:Yes.Australian Nature at half past seven.Polly: OK.When does it finish?

Xiaoyan: At half past eight.I like watching London Lives.It's starting now.There's real English in it.Polly: Okay, I'll turn it on.31.Xiaoyan and Polly are talking about TV programmes.A.Right

32.Xiaoyan likes sports.B.Wrong

33.Polly likes nature programmes.A.Right

34.Australian Nature lasts an hour and a half.B.Wrong

35.Xiaoyan wants to watch London Lives because she can learn real English from it.A.Right

36-40小题:阅读下列短文,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)Tom: Can I park in the staff car park?

David: No, I'm afraid you can't.Only managers can park there.You can park behind the building.Tom: Okay.When can I have lunch?

David: You can't go before 12:30 because we are very busy, but after l:00 o'clock you can go when you like.You can eat and drink in the office, but you can't smoke here.Everyone goes to the coffee lounge, because they can smoke there.Tom: Can I use the phone?

David: Yes, but you can't phone abroad.36.Why can't Tom park in the staff car park? B.Because he is not a manager.37.Which of the following is true?A.Tom can park his car behind the building.38.When can Tom go to have his lunch? C.After l:00.39.What can Tom do in the office?A.Eat and drink.40.Where can everyone go to smoke?B.In the coffee lounge.第五部分翻译(15分)41-45小题:将下列句子翻译成汉语,并将答案写在答题纸上。(共计15分,每小题3分)

41.I'm interested in reading more about it.我很想多看一些相关的东西。

42.John doesn't know very much and isn't very intelligent.约翰知识面不广,不怎么聪明。

43.They get off the bus at the swimming pool.他们从游泳池那里下车。

44.Does your husband have to work every evening?你丈夫每天晚上都得工作吗?

45.She is doing a tour in Paris next week.她打算下周在巴黎参观参观。


第一部分交际用语(1 0分)1-5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)

1.-What are you doing?-I am an information technology manager.B.Wrong

2.-Hello, Xiaoyan.How are you?-Very well, thanks.A.Right

3.-Are you free on Friday?-Yes, Friday is free B.Wrong

4.-What's the matter with your little boy, Mrs.Carr?-He is busy with his homework.B.Wrong

5.-What does he look like?-He is very nice and kind.B.Wrong


my email.A.to

B.reading, watching

B.at night

to the position.C.relating

C.for, from


B.each other

C.as, as

for an important telephone call, so I can't leave now.A.am waiting

to meet you.B.pleased

about a quarter past twelve.A.at





B.Me, too.-very friendly.A.talkative


their car to their parents.C.lend

25.Rose is than Frank.B.more friendly


26.There are three persons in this picture.(改为一般疑问句)Are there three persons in this picture?

27.1'11 write the confirmation for you now.(改为否定句)I won’t write the confirmation for you now.(用where对划线部分提问)Where do you get off? why对划线部分提问)Why is she friendly to her customers?

30.Tom cleans the floor every day.(用how often对划线部分提问)How often does Tom clean the floor?


31-35题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right).还是错误(Wrong),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。Xiaoyan,: I'd like to do some exercise today.Is there a swimming pool near here?

Polly: Yes, there are two actually.Xiaoyan,: Where are they?

Polly: There is the Springfield Pool just behind the shops, and there's the New Street Pool farther away.That one is much better.Xiaoyan: What's it like?

Polly: Well, it has two pools.One is Olympic standard and the other is smaller but much warmer.It is really for children, but I go in there when I am cold.It has a sauna and a really good cafe too.Xiaoyan: How do I get there?

Polly: You take the number 38 bus from the shops.31.Xiaoyan wants to go shopping today.B.Wrong

32.The New Street Pool is better?A.Right

33.The Springfield Pool is farther fromXiaoyan'sflat than theNew Street Pool.B.Wrong

34.The smaller one in the New Street Pool is really for children.A.Right

35.Polly always goes to the children's pool.B.Wrong


I am Carlos.I am from America, but I love Italian food.I have to take the orders and serve the food.I have two free evenings a week.ButI always have to work on Friday and Saturday evenings when the restaurant is busy.The wages are not good, but I am nice to customers so Igeta lot of tips.I am permanent so I get holiday pay-three weeks a year.I go back to America and I see my family.There I don't have to serve food—my mother serves me!



B.in the evenings.A.on Friday and Saturday afternoons

A.holiday pay


41.John is more interested in computers than I am.约翰对计算机比我更感兴趣

42.I have an English class once a week.我每周上一次英语课

43.What about taking a taxi?坐出租车怎么样?

44.The temperature doesn't go below 5 degrees in spring here.这里春天气温不低于5度

45.The room is not comfortable enough.这个房间不够舒服。


开放英语《英语I-1》第一部分 小抄

1.- Hello.I’m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you.- Fine, thank you.(B.Wrong.)

2.- Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?- It’s not sure.(B.Wrong.)

3.- Do you have any family?- Yes, I do.My

can do what you want.7.I like sitting in the cafés in the big shops, _____ the

newspapers and ____ people.B.reading, watching19.Jacklate because he is a good student.20.- I don’t get up late on Sundays.- Neitherdo I.21.- I have got a pain in my chest.- YouYou can ask questions about detailsthe position.Do you need any juice? I can get some _______ you ________ the market.C.for, from

11.Theis how much medicine you must take.12.They are speaking to _each other _ on the telephone.mother and father live in Oxford.(A.Right.)shouldsee the doctor.4.-How much is the rent of the flat?-It is near the center of the city.(B.Wrong.)5.-What does her boyfriend look like?- He is quite tall with fair curly hair.(A.Right.)22.Sally’s parents come and stay with her soon.23.- How longwill the meal take?It’ll take two hours, I think.24.It oftenin winter in the north of China.13.One kilo ofone kilo of 1.- Where are you from? - I am from London.A.Right.2.- Would you like a coffee?- No, I’m fine, thanks.A.Right.3.- London is a bit less modern than Shanghai.- I agree with you.I think London is just as modern as Shanghai.B.Wrong.4.-Shall we ask my friends to play live music?-Yes, let’s.A.Right.5.-Hello, could I speak to Mr David Manning, please?-Speaking.I am David Manning.B.Wrong.1.- What are you doing?- I am an information technology manager.B.Wrong.2.- Hello, Xiaoyan.How are you?- Very well, thanks.A.Right.3.- Are you free on Friday?- Yes, Friday is free.B.Wrong.4.What’s the matter with your little boy, Mrs Carr?- He is busy with his homework.B.Wrong.5.- What does he look like?- He is very nice and kind.B.Wrong.第二部分


6.I’m a deputy manager.Ian IT company.7.- What is your job?- I’m 8.Who is that man over there? Do you knowname?9.I usually go to the officebytrain.10wine do you need for the party?11.You have more apples than do.Butare better than yours.12.How




gym?13.He can _speak__ good English.14.Does


?15.The Business Banking Department is onsecond floor.at six every day.17.You

25.I don’t wantany_milk in my coffee.6.I don't like flying.I never feel7.Liu Fan is currently working on TV advertisements, but right now he’8.Does this flat have a viewer? No, it doesn’t, but I’ll getone.9 The bank is ________ the corner, _________ the station.A.on, nearI go to work and I just the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.11.Do you come here es, I’m a member of the health club.I come twice a week to swim.12.- Look, I’m getting too fat.I must do more exercise.-

13.- Would you like something to drink?-

14.I don’t like the weather here.It’s often15.I ___ serious programmes ___ comedies.I like documentaries.I don’t understand English comedy.B.prefer, to

16.I amC.worries

17.-you like something to eat?-

Prawn fried rice with peas, please.C.Could18.We would like you topresentyour ideas for a new website for our company.19.We look forwardto meetingyou on Friday.20.Rose ismore easy-going than Frank.21.Howtime did you spend in France? 22.You need to make an appointment with a doctor,before the doctor23.Who’s going todothe washing-up?

24.Wearemeetingfor the first time

tonight.25.This post office opens ________ Monday

________ Friday.A.from, to6.Thank you ffeathers.14.I’for an important telephone call, so I can’t leave now.15.Hello, David.I’twelve.17.I have a reservation f18.The entryphone isn’t working at the moment, but I’ll repair _it_this week.About four hours.20.Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?

.21.- I have not got a big house.- Me, neither.22.Jane is quite outgoing and _---very friendly.23.They listen to music all afternoon, and then he

24.They sometimes _lend_ their car to their parents.25.Rose isthan Frank.A.most friendlyB.第三部分


26.He always works on Tuesday.(改为一般疑问句)Does he always work on Tuesday?

27.You can use the phone in the living room.否定句)You can’t use the phone in the living room.28.Mary will be there.(否定句Mary won’t be there.29.The flight takes(用how long对划线部分提问)How long does the flight take? 30.The flat costs a month..(用how much 对划线部分提问)

How much does the flat cost a month?

26.Does the nurse have lunch between 12:00 and 1:00pm?(改为肯定陈述句)

The nurse has lunch between 12:00 and 1:00pm.27.I have to go to work that day.(改为否定句)

I don’t have to go to work that day.28.(用what 对划线部分提问)What is he keen on?

29.Jane will not go to work(用how long对划线部分提问)How long won’t Jane go to work?30.You can't smoke here.(改为祈使句)Do not smoke here.26.There are three persons in this picture.(改为一般疑问句)

Are there three persons in this picture?

27.I’ll write the confirmation for you now.(改为否定句)

I won’t write the confirmation for you now.28.You get off(用where 对划线部分提问)Where do you get off?

29.She is f(用why 对划线部分提问)

Why is she friendly to her customers?

30.Tom cleans the f(用how often 对划线部分提问)

How often does Tom clean the floor?第四部分


Helen’s husband is Mark.Mark and Helen have got two children: …… Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law, Tom.31.Andrew is Dan’s uncle.A.Right.Mark is Dan’s father.B.Wrong.32.Tom is Dan’s grandfather.B.Wrong.33.Joyce is Tom’s wife.A.Right.34.Pam is Andrew’s niece.A.Right.(二)

Xiaoyan: Okay, Polly, what TV programmes do you like?Polly: Well, I don’t like serious programmes, but I always watch the late news.Xiaoyan: Yes, the news is Okay, but I like serious

Polly: Okay, I’ll turn it on.31.Xiaoyan and Polly are talking about TV

programmes.A.Right.32.Xiaoyan likes sports.B.Wrong.33.Polly likes nature programmes.A.Right.34.Australian Nature lasts an hour and a half.B.Wrong.35.Xiaoyan wants to watch London Lives because

she can learn real English from it.A.Right.(三)

Xiaoyan: I’d like to do some exercise today.Is there a swimming pool near here?PPolly: You take the number 38 bus from the shops.31.Xiaoyan want to go shopping today.B.Wrong.32.The New Street Pool is better?A.Right.33.The Springfield Pool is farther from Xiaoyan’s

flat than the New Street Pool.B.Wrong.34.The smaller one in the New Street Pool is really

for children.A.Right.35.Polly always goes to the children’s pool.B.Wrong.36-40题:阅读下列短文。(一)Hi Joe,How are you? I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel.I am looking at HydeBut I am missing you all in Shanghai.COME AND VISIT!Love,Xiaoyan35.What does Xiaoyan stay in London for?

A.She is having a holiday.36.What are Xiaoyan’s London colleagues like?

B.They are very serious.37.What does Xiaoyan think of London?

C.She thinks it is exciting.38.What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?

C.She thinks they are surprising.39.What’s the weather like in London when

Xiaoyan is writing this letter?B.It is foggy.(二)Tom: Can I park in the staff car park? David: No, I’m afraid you can’t.Only managers can

park there.You can park behind the building.David: Yes, but you can't phone abroad.36.Why can’t Tom park in the staff car park?

Because he is not a manager.37.Which of the following is true?

Tom can park his car behind the building.38.When can Tom go to have his lunch?

After 1: 00.39.What can Tom do in the office?

Eat and drink.40.Where can everyone go to smoke?

B.In the coffee lounge.(三)I am Carlos.I am from America, but I love Italian food.my mother serves me!36.Carlos is a _waiter_.37.Carlos loves __food.38.39.The restaurant is usually busyon Friday and

40.Carlos gets



41.I don’t like the flat.It is too near the road.我不喜欢这套公寓。它离公路太近了。42.He is not very tall and wears glasses.他个子不太高,带着眼睛。

43.Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢看英文报纸吗? 44.I’m interested in that large flat.我对那套大公寓感兴趣。

45.There are two armchairs, a sofa and a television in the living room.起居室里有两把扶手椅,一张沙发和一台电视。41.I’m interested in reading more about it.我很想多看一些相关的东西。

42.John doesn’t know very much and isn’t very intelligent.约翰知识面不广,也不怎么聪明。43.They get off the bus at the swimming pool.他们从游泳池那里(那一站)下车。

44.Does your husband have to work every evening?你丈夫每天晚上都得工作吗?

45.She is doing a tour in Paris next week.她打算下周在巴黎参观参观。

41.John is more interested in computers than I am.约翰对计算机比我更感兴趣。42.I have an English class once a week.我每周上一次英语课。43.What about taking a taxi? 坐出租车怎么样?

44.The temperature doesn’t go below 5 degrees in spring here.这里春天气温不低于5度。

45.The room is not comfortable enough.这个房间不够舒服。



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