
时间:2019-05-15 06:04:36下载本文作者:会员上传



California Baby Shampoo and BodyWash-Tea Tree & Lavender-8.5 oz加利福尼亚婴儿洗发水和身体沐浴露—茶树与薰衣草的完美组合—8.5盎司

For Use: Our therapeutic blend is effective against cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema and lice.No tears, two products in one-No: SLS, DEA, or numbing agents.使用范围:这是一款对乳痂、头皮屑、皮炎、湿疹、虱子均有显著疗效的组合,无泪配方,洗发水与身体沐浴露合二为一,不含十二烷基硫酸钠、二胺乙酸,与及任何镇定麻醉剂。

Scent: A clean and beautiful blend that includes organic tea tree and French lavender with sweet citrus and floral base notes


Product description: Even the most finicky child will love the fresh & clean fragrance of California Baby's Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo & Bodywash.Gentle enough to use everyday, and it is effective against dandruff, cradle cap, dermatitis, and lice.Tea tree has anti-bacterial and healing properties, while French lavender is calming and soothes frazzled feelings and irritated skin and scalp.Anti-oxidant protection of vitamin E and evening primrose along with herbs of calendula and rosehips complete this fantastic product!Great travel size.产品描述:即使是最挑剔的孩子也会爱上这款加利福尼亚婴儿洗发水和身体沐浴露,其干净清新的香气令人难以抗拒。温和舒适,可以每天使用。该产品能有效去除头皮屑、乳痂、皮炎与及虱子。产品中的茶树精华具有抗菌和修复的作用,而法兰西薰衣草则可以安抚情绪,舒缓疲劳,抚慰敏感的肌肤与头皮。具有抗氧化保护作用的维他命E与及月见草、金盏花、玫瑰果等草本精华更是锦上添花。该包装为超值旅行装。

A note: from Jessica, developer of California Baby: Many of our customers love our Calming Shampoo & Bodywash because it smells beautiful and leaves one feeling serene.Our Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo & Bodywash is sure to become a family favorite too!What makes it so terrific is that it's perfectly balanced;our essential oil blend is brimming with a fresh, clean, zippy scent that is therapeutic and also a gentle head-to-toe cleanser.May be used after a day at the pool or the beach to help remove chlorine and salt residues from hair and body;follow with our hair conditioner that can be left in for extra conditioning.It even works on the family pet!Enjoy.p.s.Our tea tree oil is organically grown and contains high levels of the actives that make this oil highly desirable.温馨提示:(加利福尼亚婴儿洗液的开发人员Jessica):许多顾客都喜欢我们的镇定舒缓型洗发水和身体沐浴露,因为它闻起来很舒服,让人感到平静安详。我们的茶树与薰衣草组合同样也必然会成为家庭选择的至爱。它的完美在于其组合的平衡:香气清新怡人,且具有理疗的功效,性质温和,由头至脚都适用。比如在游泳池或沙滩泡了一天之后,使用我们的产


For grownups: Works on flaky scalp and dandruff

Anti-fungal/bacterial—Moms, use to soak during manicures or pedicures

A proven hit with dads and we know how picky they can be!

An excellent facial wash for oily, problem, and teenage skin





Benefits & Features:

Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients, Smells great and it's therapeutic too!No tears, no numbing agents,An effective cleanser for oily skin types

Cleans and loosens cradle cap and works to heal irritated scalp

Our aromatherapy essential oils are tested for purity and guaranteed pesticide free

Leaves hair clean and shiny, non-stripping of delicate mucous membranes, Anti-fungal/bacterial

Our cleansing agent, Decyl polyglucose, is non-invasive, gentle, and extremely biodegradable

Safe, gentle, and effective

No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or DEA

Gentle enough for baby's first bath.May be used everyday by all ages

Our Tea Tree is organically grown in Australia













ERW steel pipe直缝电阻焊管 SMLS(Seamless)无缝管管 G.I steel pipe镀锌钢管

SSAW steel pipe螺旋埋弧焊管 LSAW steel pipe直缝埋弧焊管 Stainless steel pipe不锈钢管 Alloy steel pipe合金钢管

Line pipe管线管 Tubing油管 Casing pipe套管 Dring pipe钻管

Structural Pipe结构管 Piling pipe桩管

Hollow Section:空心型材 Square steel pipe:方管

Rectangular steel pipe:矩形管

RHS:Round Hollow Section SHS:Square Hollow Section RHS:Rectangular Hollow Section


H beam H型钢 I beam工字钢

Channel steel槽型钢 Angle steel角钢


Hot rolled steel sheet /coil 热轧钢板/卷 Cold rolled steel sheet/coil 冷轧钢板/卷 Galvanized steel sheet/coil 镀锌钢板/卷 PPGI steel sheet/coil 彩涂钢板/卷 Stainless steel sheet/coil 不锈钢板/卷


Wire rod 盘条

Deformed steel bar 螺纹钢


Billet 钢坯、方坯

Flat bars 扁钢 Fitting 管件 Elbow 弯头 Flange 法兰

英文全称 about acceptance actual weight address ad valorem A glass AA glass al-costa alloy all-round(price)aluminum-galvanized amount angle annealed anodize anti-finger approved appendix application approximately audit authorized representative average back baking baoshan iron&steel co.,ltd.base metal batch number bearing steel bend test bill of exchange bill of lading billet black blank blast furnace both bottom book bound bar 英文缩写及符号 abt A/W ADD A/V

aly a/r;ar

amt anl andz apvd app approx


Batch No


BF bot B/Bar

中文 大约 接受 实际重量 地址

加价,附加的价格 一级 二级 镀铝板 合金 共计 镀铝锌板 金额,数量 角钢 退火 阳极腐蚀 耐指纹 批准 附录 用途

大约,近似的 审核

授权代表平均值 背面 烘烤

宝山钢铁股份有限公司基板 炉号/批号 轴承钢 弯屈试验 汇票 提单 钢坯 黑皮 此行空白 高炉 两面 底 订货 圆钢

brand brazil bright finish brightness bundle buyer buyer calibrate carbon carbon steel carriage case number cash on delivery cast number catalogue Centigrade certificate number certificate of quality certificate of quantity certificate of origin channel checking

chemical composition chemical conversion coating

chemical treatment cheque chromated claims


clause classification cleaning coal coat coat bending coat thickness coating type coating mass coating number coating property code number coil coil number

br Braz


CAL C CS cge C/S No C.O.D.Cast No cat C

Certifica No

C.O.cheq;chq C cl

Coating No Code No Coil No

商标、品质、规格 巴西 光亮 光泽

捆、扎、盘、卷 订货单位 买方 使用标准 碳 普碳钢 运费 箱号


目录、商品目录 摄氏(温度计)证明书号 品质证明书 数量证明书 产地证 U钢 检查 化学成分 化学转化层 化学处理 支票 铬酸盐处理 索赔 等级 条款 分类 清洗 煤 涂层 涂层弯曲 涂层厚度 涂层结构 镀层量 镀层号

涂镀性能 代号 卷 卷号

coiling coke coke over cold-galvanized

cold-rolled cold-rolled steel full-hard


卷取 焦碳 焦炉 冷轧热镀锌 冷轧 冷轧卷 轧硬 冷轧板 definitions deformed bar

deliver department deliveror delivery date delivery order description description destination


D/O;D.O.定义 螺纹钢 发货单位 发货人 发货日期

提货单、货物出货凭单 重量 说明 到站 cold-rolled steel coil


cold-rolled steel sheets


cold-rolling mill color-coated steel color-steel colour commercial commodiey commission confirm consignee construction contained container shipment contents continuous annealing continuous steel casting contract contract product contract terms and conditions contract number converter corporate profile counter sample country customer customer order number customer’s number date of delivery date of effectiveness date of issue deferred payment

CS CQ com;comm;commn

CONSTR contd


Cont No

customer order No customer’s No

冷轧薄板厂 depth 彩色涂层板 diameter 彩涂板 dimension

颜色 directly reduced iron 商业品质量 ditto(=the same)品名

documents documentation documents required

佣金、手续费 dull finish 确认 electric arc furnace 收货单位 electric tin-plate

结构 electric-zinc 包括 electro-galvanized 集装箱运输 elongation 目录 enclosure(s)连退 equipment 连铸 erichsen 合同 expenses 合同产品 export destination Fahrenheit 合同条件及条款 ferroalloys 合同号 figures 转炉 final destination 简介

finished coating 对应样品,对等样品 flat steel 公司

force majeure 订货单位/客户名称/用户 galfan galvalume

客户订单编号 galvanized

代号 galvanneal

交货日期 government documents 生效日期 grade 签发日期 grade of steel 延期付款


dpth Dia Dim DRI do;dto

EAF ETP EGI E.L enc;encl

exs Fahr figs

GI GA Gd Gd ofs

深度 直径 尺寸 直接还原铁 相同、同一 单据/文件 技术资料 文件要求 麻面 电弧炉

镀锡板/电镀马口铁 电镀锌 电镀锌 延伸率

同函、附函、附件 设备 杯突 费用 出口目的港 华氏温度计 铁合金 数字 最终目的地 精涂层 板材 不可抗力



合金化热镀锌(锌铁合金)政府文件 等级/牌号 钢号 抛光

gross weight gross ton hardness H-Beam heat analysis heat number high speed steel hop-dip zinc hop-dip alu-zinc hot dip galvanized

hot strip mill hot-rolled hot-rolled pickled & oiled

hot-rolled steel bar hot-rolled steel coil

hot-rolled steel plate hot-rolled steel rod coils hot-rolled steel sheet

I-Beam in bulk in cases(boxes)inch(es)incoterms indent ingot/bloom inner diameter inquiry looper inspection inspection certificate inspector insurance policy invoice iron ore item number kilogram kilometre length letter of credit license number long products longitudinal lot number


Heat No



Item No Kg(kgs)kilom L L/C License No L Lot No

毛重 总吨数

洛氏硬度 H钢 熔炼分析 熔炼炉号 高速钢 热镀锌 热镀铝锌 热轧热镀锌 热轧机 热轧 热轧酸洗 棒材 热轧卷 热轧中厚板 盘条 热轧板 I钢 散装 装箱 英寸 贸易术语 订单 钢锭 内径 询价 活套 检验 质量证明书 检查人 保险单

发票、清单、货单铁矿石 项次号 千克 千米 长度 信用证 许可证号 长材 纵向 批号

machining manufacturer manufacturing technology manufacturing techmiques marks mass maximum

mechanical property merchandise metallic coating meter metric ton middle plate mill’s number mill-edge minimum miscellaneous more or less clause moleten steel molten iron net weight none spangle normal spangle nominal dimensions notes

notice of shipment notices offer oiled order order date order number original sample ounce

outside dlameter oxygen converter package number packing

packing list page;per pallet payment

mks Max mdse M Mt(M/t)




Order No oz O.D.Pack No P/L p;pr

加工 制造厂 制造技术 制造工艺 标记/唛头 重量 最大 力学性能

物品、商品、货物镀层 米 公吨 中厚板 合同号 不切边/毛边 最小 其它 溢短装条款 钢水 铁水 净重 无锌花 正常锌花 公称尺寸 注释 发货通知书 通知 报盘 涂油

订货、订单、订购订货日期 订单号 原样 盎司 外径 转炉 捆包号 包装 装箱单 页 托盘 付款要求

pencil hardness percentage phosphated pickled piece(pieces)pig iron plate pocuments required port of shipment port of unloading pound(pounds)prepainted steel sheets price price terms primer precise process processing property product product quality certificate projects purchaser purchase number quality quality assurance quantity quotation quay reel reel number refininy furnace reheartuy furnace remarks resin reverse Impoct roll sample(s)scrap steel seal section steel seller sendzimiv mill service centre % P



purchase No Qlty Q quotn qy Reel No


铅笔硬度 百分比 磷酸盐处理 酸洗

支、根、块、件 生铁 块(板)到港口岸 装运港/地 卸货港/地 磅 彩涂板 价格 价格条款 初涂层 精度 工艺 加工性能 产品名称 产品质量证明书 项目 购货单位 购单号 品质、牌号 质量保证 数量 价目表、定价表、报价码头 卷、筒 卷号 精炼炉 加热炉 备注 树脂 反向冲击 卷、筒 样品 废钢 盖章 型钢 卖方 冷轧机 剪切中心

set shape sheet sheets shipment shipping advise shipping mark sight payment signature

silicon steel、electric steel sintering size slit-edge special steel specification square square measure stainless steel

stamping standard steel billet steel casting steel rolling steel strip steel sheet steel slab steel smelting

storage supplier surface grade surface structure surface treatment tare tatal

technical standard technical terms technical data technical regulation technology technique telegraphic transfer tensile strength tensile test






装船通知 S·M 发货标记

即期付款 Sig 签字

电工钢/硅钢片/矽钢片 烧结



特钢 Spec 规格、标准 sq平方

面积 STS 不锈钢

打印 Std 标准












表面处理 Tr 皮重







工艺 T/T 电汇 T.S 抗拉强度


tension test terms of payment

拉力试验 支付条款

本产品已按上述要求进行制造和检验,其结果符合要求,特此test number test piece number theoretical weight thickness time of shipment time of validity tin-free steeel

tinplate the metric the british system the u.s.system tolerances ton tonnage toot steel top torpedo total total value trade mark train number transportation transversal uncoiling unit unit price usage wagon number wall thickness weight weight certificate weight memo welding width wire rod

yield strength yietd point

Test No Test Pc No T



Train No T

wagon No W.T.Wt

W w/rod Y.S Y.P G/O N/O


试验号 证明


we hereby certify that material described herein has 理论重量 menufactured and tested


with sqtisfzctory results in accordance with the requirements of 装运时间 above materiac 有效期




公制 英制 美制 公差 吨

吨数、重量 工具钢 正面

鱼雷型铁水罐车 合计 总值 商标 车号 运输 横向 开卷 计量单位 单价 用途 车号 壁厚 重量 重量证明书 重量单 缝合 宽度 线材 屈服强度 屈服点 取向硅钢 无取向硅钢 酸洗涂油


第三篇:酒店介绍 中英文对照

Distinctive hotels


Today, I would like some special hotels for you, which are also the industry of my interest.With unique charm and style, these hotels have attracted me and all the other travelers.I hope one day in the future I could live in all these special hotels.To tell the truth, I would feel quite satisfied if I could live in anyone of them.1、the Sala Silvermine Hotel瑞典地下旅馆 The Swedish underground hotel—The Sala Silvermine Hotel

“世界上最深的地下洞穴酒店”位于瑞典,名为Sala Silvermine,它并非是特意挖的洞穴,而是由老矿改建而成。

The cave hotel deepest under the ground is located in Sweden, whose name is The Sala Silvermine Hotel.The cave was not dug specially for the hotels, but was renovated based on the old mine.这酒店在地下155米处,要价600美刀左右。用餐、睡觉都在地下,无人打扰,相当的安静,闲来无事还可以在矿井逛逛,探索这美丽的洞穴。

The hotel is about 155 meters under the ground, charging for about $600 a night.Guests can have meals and sleep under the ground, whose quiet environment ensures you not to be disturbed by anyone.If you feel nothing to do in the cave hotel, you can visit the mine to explore the charm of the cave.2、波塞冬海下度假村。The Poseidon Undersea Resort


It is the first undersea resort in the world up to date.Visitors can spend their holidays elegantly and romantically in the luxurious environment 40 feet under the sea.它被面积5000英亩的礁湖环绕,豪华套房的面积达到51平方米。所有宾客将搭乘潜艇入住这家海下酒店,但这种海下之旅的费用可是相当昂贵,每人的入住费高达1.5万美元。每套公寓都有一张双人床和巨型窗户,游客可以通过一个特殊的遥控器改变公寓的内设以欣赏到壮丽的景色。所有的游客都可以使用潜艇或通过一个特殊的隧道进入度假村的餐厅、酒吧和Spa水疗室。

Surrounded by the lagoons of an area of 5,000 acres, the Resort boasts deluxe rooms up to 51 square meters.All the guests can take the submarine to the undersea hotel.However, the undersea trip is very expensive, costing $15,000 a night per person.Every apartment is equipped with a double bed and large windows.Visitors can appreciate the magnificent landscape outside by changing the internal device of the apartment through a special remote control.All the visitors can enter the canteens, bars and SPAs through the submarine or a special tunnel.3、The Igloo Village 完美的北极光体验 The experience of perfect aurora borealis—The Igloo VillageThe Igloo Village使你可以在零下50°的环境下悠然欣赏北极光的美丽。The Igloo Village是一个非常富有创意和灵感的屋子,设计得非常人性化而且外形新鲜。半圆形的屋子由特殊玻璃材质构成,让室内温度即使在室外是-30°时也能保持舒适的水平,并且玻璃表面不会因为室内室外的温度差而结霜或泛起水汽,而影响观赏北极光。另外The Igloo Village配备一个洗漱间和一张超级豪华舒适的大床,在这样的房间里观赏奇幻的北极光,绝对会成为你难忘而美好的记忆

The Igloo Village allows you to appreciate the beauty of aurora borealis leisurely in the environment about 50 ℃ below zero.The Igloo Village is a very creative and inspiring room, whose design is very humane and the outer of which is colorful.The semi-sphere room is built with special glass materials, enabling the indoor temperature to keep at a comfortable condition even ever the outdoor temperature is-30℃ below zero.Moreover, the surface of the glass will not be frozen due to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor or appear water vapor, which will influence the appreciation of the aurora borealis.Besides, Igloo Village is equipped with a

bathroom and a super large deluxe comfortable bed.To appreciate aurora borealis in such a room will surely become an unforgettable and beautiful memory for you.4、加拿大魁北克,冰川酒店Hotel de GlaceGlace hotel in Quebec, Canada--Hotel de Glace这家酒店的房间全部使用冰雪建造,房子的基架使用雪块堆成,家具则是用大块的冰雕刻而成,好像大理石一样坚硬。每一年的十二月初,这家位于加拿大的冰川酒店就会开始它的重建工作。酒店样子每一年都会有所不同,当气温升高时,酒店就会停业,等待下一个冬天。

All the rooms in this hotel are built with ice and snow, whose frame is piled up with snow blocks, and furniture is carved with large blocks of ice, which are as hard as marbles.On the early December every year, Hotel de Glace starts its construction work.Every year, the Hotel looks differently.Moreover, when the temperature rises, the Hotel will suspend its business and wait for the next winter.5、南非的Lion SandsLion Sands in South Africa

它从严格的意义上很难说是一间酒店,但它却毫无疑问是最具有野性魅力的泊宿之所。它有一个最特别的套房—— Chalkley Treehouse 树屋,双人床被放置在一个极高的露天平台上,当你在床上翻滚赖床时,狮子,豹可能就在树下的草丛中穿梭。

Strictly speaking, it is not a hotel, but, undoubtedly, it is the hotel with the wildest charm.It has a special suite, Chalkley Treehouse, whose double bed is located on a relatively high open terrace.When you roll on the bed and refuse to get up, there may be lions or leopards walking through the high grass under the tree.6、亚马逊阿里亚乌度假酒店Ariau Amazon Towers


It is one of the earliest tree houses.Since the 1980s, it has started to provide accommodation for the visitors on the top of the Amazon Rainforest.All the guesthouses here are connected by the 10-km wooden trestle and zigzag their way on the thick tree crowns of the Amazon Rainforest of about 20 meters high.Visitors can enjoy their dinner in the annular canteens or enjoy the honeymoon suite of about 30 meters high.You will get the opportunity to see the wild monkeys, scarlet macaws, sloths and various birds.亚马逊阿里亚乌度假酒店不论在空中还是地上看都是非常壮观的。所有的树上小屋都位于热带雨林,由楼梯井和轻便梯项链,周围是各种动植物群,有些房间还有按摩浴缸。整个酒店建在高跷上,这样雨季的时候就不用担心被水淹了。

Ariau Amazon Towers looks very magnificent whether in the air or on the ground.Surrounded by various flora and fauna, all the rooms are on the top of the Amazon Rainforest with stairwells and catwalk chains.Some rooms are even equipped with massage bathtub.Since the whole hotel is high above the rainforest, you don’t have to worry about floors in the rain season, which may inundate the hotel.7、Everland酒店Everland



The hotel has only room.However, many people line up to book it.Believe it or not, it is Everland, which is unique in the world.The whole hotel has only one guestroom, but boasts extensive view, because it is currently located on the roof of a building and will be relocated to another place soon.This is the particularity of it.Besides, the operation concept of the hotel is formulated by two artists, so

every detail of the hotel shows unique art idea.No matter how rich you are, you can only spend one night in the guesthouse.The mini-inn boasts almost everything that one expects to find, whose cost is included in the hotel rate.The hotel provides room breakfast.There is even a record cabinet.8、阿布扎比皇宫酒店(Emirates Palace)--Emirates Palace

它 位于阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比(Abu Dhab)的西北的海岸边,是迄今为止最为奢华、最贵的酒店。它斥资 30 亿美元,由黄金和大理石堆成,被认为“简直是为国王而建的”。原本是为海湾合作委员会首脑来到阿布扎比参加会议而修建,也是世上唯一的八星级酒店。

Located on the northwest coastline of Abu Dhab, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, it is the most luxurious and expensive hotel in the world.With an investment of $3 billion, it is made up of gold and marbles, which is regarded as “building just for kings.” Originally built for heads of Gulf Cooperation Council taking part in Abu Dhabi, it is the only Eight-Star hotel in the world.它客房的地板是大理石或地毯,房间价格从 600 美元至 13000 美元不等,外加 20% 的服务费。房间最小的客房面积为 55平方米,最大的总统套间面积近千平方米。酒店顶层的 6 个总统套间,只接待来自海湾地区的元首或王室成员,还有专属的入口车道。

The floor of the guesthouse is made up of marbles or rugs with the hotel rate ranging from $600 to $13,000 with 20% extra service fee.The smallest guesthouse is 55 square meters and the largest presidential suite about a thousand square meters.There are six presidential suites in the top story of the hotel, which only receives the heads of Gulf Cooperation Council or royal members.The presidential suites also have exclusive entrance lane.太多的不可思议,让宫殿酒店成为了阿拉伯半岛最令人向往的旅游胜地之一。


All these are unbelievable, making the palace hotel become one of the most fascinating tourist resorts of the Arabian Peninsula.If you have the opportunity to live in one of them, please remember to send me postcard.


【女生必备 彩妆用品的常用英文】MISSBIG专业彩妆

彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容餅:Shading powder 粉底: foundation(compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸妆水: makeup remover 卸妆乳: makeup removing lotion 指甲: manicure/pedicure 指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel

盒 去甲油:nail polish remover 护甲液:Nail saver 发: hair products/accessories 洗发水: shampoo 护发素: hair conditioner 锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse 发胶: styling gel 染发: hair color 冷烫水: perm/perming formula 卷发器: rollers/perm rollers 工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories 粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush 粉扑: powder puffs 海绵扑: sponge puffs 眉刷: brow brush 睫毛夹: lash curler 眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush 胭脂扫: blush brush 转笔刀: pencil sharpener 电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women 电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler 描眉卡: brow template 纸巾: facial tissue 吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets 化装棉: cotton pads 棉签: Q-tips




农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)

农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)

农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)

农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)

农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)

农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)

农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)


1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)

2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)

2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)



3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)


3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)

3月14日白色情人节(White Day)

3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)

3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)

3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)

3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)

3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)

3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)

4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)

4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)

4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)

4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)

4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)

5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)

5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)

5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)

5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)

5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)

5月17日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)


5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)

5月31日世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)

6月1日国际儿童节(International Children's Day)

6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)


6月17日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification)

6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)


6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)

7月1日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)

7月1日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)















世界人口日(World Population Day)中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)国际青年节(International Youth Day)国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)中国教师节(Teacher's Day)中国脑健康日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)全国爱牙日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)国际音乐日(International Music Day)国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)



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