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Chapter 2 业务类型(business types): 代理商(agent)、采购办事处(buying office)、分销商/批发商(distributor /wholesaler)、生产商(manufacturer)贸易公司(trading company)registered capital 注册资金 EVA(Ethylene/vinyl acetate)乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)原始设备制造商,即


ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)

即原始设计制造商 OBM(Original Brand Manufacturer),即原始品牌制造商 1.engage in经营

2.mould manufacturer 模具生产商

3.import and export进出口 4.OEM order贴牌加工订单 5.establish business relations建立业务关系 6.sell well畅销7.满足某人的需求meet one’s demand 8.盼望look forward to 9.公司宗旨company’s principle 10.注册资金registered capital the fast sale items畅销品 business lines业务种类 electronic catalogue电子目录 for your examination供你方检查 combine Western fashion elements with our design concepts结合西方时尚元素与我们的设计概念 enhance wearer’s charm提高穿戴者的魅力 1.be in the market for寻购 2.private company私人公司 3.under separate cover另函 4.ODM order设计代工订单 5.fast sale items.畅销产品 6.latest catalogue最新目录 7.满足某人的需meet one’s demand8.多种多样a wide range of9.商会chamber of commerce10.供你们参考for your reference/examination/information 1.distributor分销商 2.exhibitor参展商 3.APEC亚太经济合作组织 4.broker中间商 5.wholesaler批发商 6.booth No摊位号 7.商品交易会commodities fair 8.单证员documentation officer 9.销售代表sales representative 10.货代员forwarding agent Chapter3 1.Bank银行

2.The Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s office of our Embassy in Foreign Countries 我驻外商务处 3.Chambers of Commerce商会 4.Enquiry agencies咨询机构

5.Another company that has business with the new company 与这个新公司有业务联系的另外一家公司 1.special discount特殊折扣2.objective information客观资料 3.logo商标 4.MOQ最小订单量 5.open an account开启交易 6.on the basis of在...基础上 7.数量折扣quantity discount 8.订购place an order9.查阅refer to 10.首次订单initial order 1.spec为specification 的缩写,Size Spec/Spec sheet尺寸表 2.order inquiry客户询盘 3.FOB装运港船上交货价 4.payment terms付款条件5.ASAP尽快 6.Model Number型号 7.ETD预计交货日期 8.装运代理人shipping agent 9.以美元报价quoteprice in USD 10.尺寸范围size range 11.交货期timeof delivery 1.status inquiry资信调查 2.general inquiry般询盘 3.reference资信证明人 4.financial standing财务情况 5.make quotations报价 6.CIF成本+保险费+运费7.预先in advance 8.规格specification

9.合资企业joint venture 10.机密in confidence Chapter4 payment terms


Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)* Mail Transfer(M/T)信汇,邮汇 Demand Draft(D/D)即期汇票

Cash in AdvanceOpen Account 赊账 Collection(托收):

Bill of Exchange / Bill/ Draft: 汇票 Clean draft(光票托收)

Documentary draft(跟单托收)D/P:付款交单(=document against payment)

D/A:承兑交单(=document against acceptance)

Letter of Credit : L/C

SWIFT: Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会 L/C 种类

一、可撤销与不可撤销信用证 revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C

二、保兑与不保兑信用证 confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C

三、即期付款信用证sight L/C

四、远期信用证usance L/C1.samplen.样品


初样(头样)initial sample,proto sample

尺寸样measurement sample/size sample

确认样confirmation sample 产前样pre-production sample 大货船样production sample

试穿样testing sample, fit trial sample回样counter sample

freight prepaid 运费预付(寄件人缴付所需邮寄费用)

on collect basis 运费到付(收件人交付所需邮寄费用)

1.Express account快邮账户 2.heavy burden沉重的负担 3.sales by sample凭样品买卖 4.company policy公司规定

5.force majeure不可抗力 含5%佣金Stg£15 per piece 3.put through达成CIFC5% London6.on the basis of在……基础上 4.GP干货柜

7.数量折扣quantity discount 1.make a reduction of降低 5.in good condition状况良好8.快件单号courier number 2.on the high / low side偏高/偏低6.on the basis of在……基础上9.抽样sampling3.counter-offer还盘7.弥合差距bridge the gap 10.联合包裹服务公司UPS 4.OBM order原始品牌代工订单 8.会签countersign 1.color sample色样 5.sell well畅销9设法see one’s way to 2.sample for reference参考样6.be convinced of相信 10.订货追踪 following up the order 3.prototypes原型 7.类似产品similar products Chapter7

1.confirmed and irrevocable L/C4.arrange production安排生产 8.竞争力的价格competitive price

5.in duplicate一式两份 9.试订trial order保兑的不可撤销的信用证6.confirmation sample确认样 7.最初样品initial sample 8.一式两份in duplicate 9.产前样 pre-production sample 10.供我方同意for our approval 考试形式(写信)以买方的名义给卖方写一封信,确认收到卖方所寄来的复制样品。1.确认收到复制样品,并表示感谢。2.向卖方下订单订购3000PCS 圣诞蜡烛。3.为了赶上销售季节,要求卖方立即安排生产。4.对双方的贸易前景的展望。Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm receipt of your duplicate samples and highly appreciate your immediate attention to our samples.Satisfied with your samples, now we intend to place an order for 3,000 pcs Christmas candles with you.As we are in urgent need of the ordered goods, please arrange production without any delay.We believe it will mark a good beginning forhappy business relations between us.We await your early reply.Best regards, Chapter5“联想”牌电脑“Lenovo” Brand Computer 永久牌自行车“Forever” Brand Bicycle 3.每桶净重…美元CFR Lagos US$...per keg CFR Lagos 4.每打人民币10元CIF 香港 CN¥10/dozen CIF Hongkong 5.每床15英镑伦敦成本保险加运费10.测试结果test result 11.s.s.:steamship 轮船的缩写 12.place a repeat order续订13.make some concession做出一些让步 1.offer without engagement虚盘 2.target price目标价格 3.make a reduction of降价 4.HQ高柜 5.repeat order续订的订单6.latest catalogue最新的目录 7.按照要求as requested8.重复订单duplicate order 9.还盘make a counteroffer10.由胜利轮装运per S.S “Victory” Chapter6 1.routine orders日常订货2.standing order长期订单 3.entertain an order接受订单4.pending order未完成订单 5.in duplicate一式两份 6.substantial order可观的订单 7.订货追踪 following up the order8.定制的订单order for custom-made 9.迅速without any delay10.急需in urgent/great/need of 1.barcode条形码2.label placement贴法 3.entertain an order接受订单4.partial acceptance部分接受 5.out of stock无货6.on the basis of在…….基础上 7.供某人详阅for one’s perusal8.急需be in urgent need of9.由“胜利”轮卸下ex S.S “Victory”10.可供现货available from stock 1.sales confirmation销售确认书 2.in triplicate一式三份 2.pay a deposit支付押金 3.on L/C basis在信用证基础上4.be entitled to有权利要求 5.the balance余额 6.total value总金额7.即期信用证sight L/C 8.电汇T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)9.付款方式method of payment10.开立信用证open / establish / issue an L/C11.Performance bond 履约保函 1.owing to由于2.60 days’ L/C 60 天的远期信用证 3.entertain考虑并接受4.competitive offer 竞争力的报盘 5.frequent fluctuation频繁波动6.present market当前市场 7.远期信用证usance / time / term L/C8.汇率exchange rate 9.美国货币the US currency10.托收collection 1.make an exception例外 easier payment terms放宽支付条件 3.interest rate利率 60 days’ D/A见票后60天的承兑交单 difficult economic climat经济不景气6.the shipping documents装运单据 7.即期付款交单D/P at sight8.占压tie up 9.鉴于in view of 10.互利mutual benefit Chapter8urge the L/C催证 examine the L/C审证 amend the L/C改证 extension of L/C信用证延期

favorable response盼早复 neutral packing中性包装 1.import license进口许可证shrink-wrap(用收缩性薄膜)包装 2.see to it that注意1.hand tag挂牌 3.go through办理2.bar code条形码 4.with reference to关于 3.European size欧码 5.terms and conditions付款条件4.price label价格标签 6.in favor of以……为受益人 5.inner packing内包装7.催证 urge establishment of L/C6.packing clause包装条款(4)Consigner 承运人

carriage expense运费 carriage free免收运费carriage paid运费已付carriage forward运费待付 over-shipment多装short-shipment少装

forward shipment远期装运8.必要手续the necessary formalities9.与……严格一致in exact /precise accordance with10.信用证申请书L/C Application 1.in conformity with与……一致2.freight prepaid运费预付

3.more or less或多或少4.documentary L/C跟单信用证 5.timely shipment及时装运6.beneficiary受益人7.运费到付freight collect8.不符点discrepancy 9.修改信用证amend the L/C10.信用证到期日expiry date of L/C1.extension advice延展通知书2.Validity有效期3.expiration期满4.get the goods ready备妥货物 5.as stipulated按照规定6.make great efforts做出很大的努力 7.展证extend the L/C8.清洁提单clean Ocean B/L 9.装运期shipment date10.订舱book shipping spaceChapter9 wooden case木箱

crate板条箱 carton纸板箱

sack/gunny bag麻袋



pallet: 托盘式货架

inner packing: box(paper, wood, metal, plastic)can/tin bottle paper packet(小盒,小包)shipping marks唛头 main marks主唛 subordinate marks侧唛 warning marks警示唛 7.使用手册instruction manual 8.内衬……be lined with9.挂牌hand tag10.包装要求packing requirements1.plastic straps塑料带

2.3-ply corrugated cardboard3 层瓦楞纸3.be sealed with密封4.perforated plate在……钻孔 5.egg crate蛋格包装6.recycled materials再生材料7.主唛main mark8.用……加固be secured with9.包装须知packing instructions 10.侧唛side mark 1.carton labels外箱贴纸2.Polybag塑料袋 3.in good order状况良好4.container集装箱5.PO订单 6.snake loading蛇形装柜 7.整箱FCL8.拼箱LCL 9.货盘pallet 10.包装要求packing

requirements Chapter10

Modes of Transport Carriage can take place bysea,rail,air,road,inland waterway(江河运输),parcel post,container, multimodal transport(联合运输).Terminologies 术语 freight 货物;运费;运输(货物)(2)Shipper 发货人(3)consignee 收货人near shipment近期装运prompt shipment即期装运 shipping advice:装船通知 seller---buyer : goods on board shipping instruction:装船须知

buyer—seller: the name of ship and its sailing date.shipping instructions装运指示,装运须知2.prior to在…之前

3.bank receipt银行水单4.FCL整箱

5.seal lock numbers封签号码6.STRAIGHT B/L直达提单

7.shipping marks唛头8.take delivery of提货

9.货物备妥readiness of goods 10.导致result in

11.装运单据 shipping documents12.散货装运LCL shipment

1.port of loading装运港2.book shipping space订舱

3.Freight collect海运费到付 4.Container Freight Station集装箱货运站/拼箱装运

5.congestion of shipping space船位拥挤

6.liner or tramp班轮或不定期

7.滞期费demurrage8.多式联运提单MT B/L


shopping seasons销售季节busy season忙季 high season旺季

low/dull/off/dead season淡季 slack season萧条季节 in season上市、旺季 out season下市、淡季 customs formalities海关手续 customs duty关税

concluded on CIF basis 4.compensation for all our lossescustoms quota关税配额

customs clearance海关放行/清关 7.向中国人民保险公司投保赔偿我方损失

effect insurance with PICC customs declaration申报关税 1.比样品差 inferior to the sample

customs broker报关行 8.承担额外的保费bear extra 2.颜色不均uneven colors

premiumadvance shipment提前装船 3.满足顾客的需求meet our

customer’s demand effect shipment发货 9.保费收据premium receipt

make shipment装船 10.为这票货投保insure the 4.推迟订单postpone the order

shipmentarrange shipment安排装船 5.退还全款 refund the full payment

extend shipment延期装船 1.on CIF basis基于CIF价格6.公证报告notary report postpone shipment延迟装船 2.a state-operated enterprise一家1.投诉某事lodge a claim onexpedite shipment加速装船 国营企业 将它们寄take them on consignment drop shipment直运 3.file a claim with 向…提出索赔3.因装运延误提出索赔lodge

direct shipment直运

last shipment上一批货 future shipment今后装运的货 initial shipment第一批货 1.in one lot一批2.tough producing schedule生产排期紧张 3.expedite the production加速生产 4.freight collect海运费到付 5.shipper托运人6.telex release电放 7.充足的库存heavy stock8.同时通知我们under advice to 9.两批等量货in two equal lots 10.班轮运输liner service Chapter11 marine insurance海上保险 insurance clause保险条款 insurance policy保险单 insurance coverage保险险种 insurance premium保险金 insurance agent保险公司 lodge a claim索赔 F.P.A平安险 W.P.A水渍险 A.R一切险 Breakage破损险 Leakage渗漏险 TPND偷窃、提货不着险 SRCC罢工暴动、民变险 1.All Risks一切险2.Institute Cargo Clauses伦敦保

险协会货物保险条款 3.additional risks附加险4.C.I.C.中国保险条款 be charged to your account 由您支付 6.以CIF价格成交transactions 4.warehouse to warehouse clause仓至仓条款 5.broader coverage 更广泛的险别6.open policy预约保单 7.简化程序simplify procedures8.采取这种做法follow this practice 9.理赔settle claims10.通知您装运的细节advise

you of the particulars of shipment1.floating policy统保单2.Particular Average单独海损 3.cover insurance against ICC(A)andWar Risk投协会货物保险条款(A)及战争险4.dread the heavy average害怕海损5.保单insurance policy6.最低的保险费率lowest

insurance rate 7.0.315%的海运保费rate of marine insurance at 0.315%8.暴露于重大海损下expose to the heavy average Chapter12 Complaint投诉

Claim索赔 Settlement理赔 allowance贴补;折扣

discount折扣 rebate回扣 reduction减价

an allowance of 10% on the invoice value按发票金额扣除10%

1.the shade being much lighter阴影部分颜色浅很多2.match each other相互匹配3.the customized suits定制套装

a claim for the delay of shipment4.被迫…compel to5.on the basis of this guarantee在此保证的基础之上6.pressing you for the shipment ofthis order催促你方交货7.waive a claim放弃索赔8.thought fit to send the goods觉得发货合适

9.dismiss a claim驳回索赔10.at an allowance打折11.captioned goods标题项下的货物 a valued customer 尊贵客户,重要客户 1.take the matter up处理此事2.compensation trade放心

3.be scheduled for afternoon delivery计划下午出货

4.credit note贷方票据

credit to your account记录你方账户6.claim settlement理赔

7.货物短装under-shipment of goods8.我方的疏忽oversight on our

side 9.借款通知debit note10.赔偿你的损失compensate

for the losses

第二篇:商务英语 函电必考词汇 翻译



1.enter into trade relations with

与......建立业务关系 2.look forward to 盼望 期望 3.minifair 小交会

4.apply for an entry visa

申请入境签证 5.in cooperation with 与....合作 6.for your consideration 供你方考虑 7.cocktail reception 酒会

8.the Letter of

Intent 合作意向 9.go on a

business trip 出差

10.at one’s convenience 在方便的时候 1.specialize in 专门经营


receipt of 一收到......即 3.for your information 供你放参考 4.pamphlets 小册子

5.be in the market for 想要购买

6.a well-established exporter 信誉良好的出口商 7.with

cost charge on our own 费用由我方负担 8.place an order with sb 向某人订购 9.with a view to 为了,以.......为目的 10.acquaint

sb.with sth.向某人熟悉或了解 1.terms of payment 支付条款 2.quantity discounts 数量折扣 3.place regular



4.a wide range of 各种各样的,范围广泛的 5.on behalf of 代表,为了。。的利益


please find

附上......请查收,随函寄去 7.promote the sales

of 促销、8.profit margin 盈余,利润幅度 9.by separate

post 另邮

10.be in a position to do sth.能够做某事 1.in return for 作为报答,回报



sales 销售条件 3.be

in receipt of 收到 4.quotation

报价 5.as per 按照

6.annual total purchase 每年总购买量 7.similar products 类似产品

8.make sb.an offer


9.assure sb.of sth.向某人确信,向某人保证

10.commission on a sliding scale basis 递加佣金 1.on usual terms 按通常条件 2.effect shipment 装运,装船 3.a good market for....(商品)畅销 4.with regard to 关于

5.additional orders 额外订购,追加订购 6.prompt shipment 立即装运 7.confirm an order 确认订单

8.shipping instructions 装运须知,装船指示 9.come to terms 达成交易 10.reserve goods 保留货物


1.为了,以....为目的 with a view of 2.执行董事 Managing Director

3.中国出口商品交易会 the Chinese Export Commodities Fair in Guangzhou 4.免费样品samples free of

charge 5.名胜古迹place of interest 6.详细情况 detailed information 7.在考虑中

under consideration 8.售货确认书sales confirmation 9.经济合作 economic cooperation 10.技术交流 technological exchange

1.商务参赞处 the Commercial Counsellor’s Office 2.建立贸易关系establish business relations 3.另函 under separate cover


the Chamber of Commerce 5.在平等互利。互通有无得基础上on the

basis of equality ,mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods 6.工艺品art and craft goods 7.密切合作close cooperation

8.轻工产品 light industrial products 9.进出口import and



a catalogue and a price list 1.竞争性价格competitive prices

2.资金情况,业务能力和信誉financial standing ,business capacity and character 3.销售季节 selling

season 4.现货供应supply from stock

5.以我方为受益人 in our favour 6.进口许可证 import licence 7.形式发票 Proforma Invoice 8.即期信用证L/C at sight

9.报CIF伦敦价格quote CIF London 10.保兑的,不可撤销的信用证confirmed ,irrevocable 1.虚盘 non-firm offer 2.实盘 firm offer 3.以我方最后确认为准subject to our final confirmation 4.最低起订量the

minimum quantity for order 5.试订,试购 a trial order

6.售后服务 after-sales service

7.分三个月每月平均装运 make shipment in three equal monthly installment 8.由买方选择at buyer’s option

9.推销新产品 push the sales of

new products 10.货号 Art.NO./article number

1.申请进口许可证 apply for the import licence 2.商业发票commercial invoices 3.每盒四打,每箱10盒4 dozen per box,10 boxes per 4.指示银行开证instruct the

bank to open an L/c 5.商标

trade mark 6.首次订购 an initial order / the

first order 7.履行合同 execute a contract



popular with customers 9.价格差距 the

difference in price 10.急需货物

need the goods urgently

carton 1.您为我安排的真周到,谢谢您所做的一切。

It’s very thoughtful of you to have arranged all this for me.Thank you for all you’ve done for me.2.我们热忱期待在那儿接待贵方的代表。

We are looking forward to extending our warm reception to your representative there.3.我们很高兴通知贵方,我公司的贸易代表团准备在五月份访问贵国。

We are pleased to announce that a trade delegation of our corporation is planning to visit your country in May.4.根据贵方建议,我们以为会议暂定了议程。

According to your proposal ,we have worked out a tentative agenda for the conference.5.请告诉贵方旅行日程,以便我方事先安排。

Please inform us of your itinerary so as to facilitate our arrangements in advance.6.我们从贵国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是轻工产品的进口商。

We have learned form the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of your embassy in Beijing that you are importers of light industrial products.7.我们是一家国营公司,专营机械设备的进出口业务。

We are a state-operated corporation ,dealing exclusive in both import an export of Machinery and Equipment.8.随函附上我方最新的目录单和价格表。We enclose our latest catalogue and price list.9.我们的产品在世界市场上十分畅销,以其优良的品质和合理的价格而值得介绍。

Our products are good sellers in the world market and worth recommendation for their excellent quality and reasonable price.10.我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立直接的贸易关系。

Wo are willing to establish direct business relations with your company on the basis of equality ,mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.11.情报最好的CIF上海价格,注明最早装运期。

Please quote us your best CIF Shanghai prices,stating the earliest date of shipment.12.如果你方价格有竞争力,我们愿意首次订购12000打,即每种型号各400打。If your prices are competitive ,we are willing to place our first order for 12000 dozen ,ie ,400 dozen of each type.13.请放心,贵公司给我们的任何订单都将得到我们迅速和仔细的处理。

Please rest assured that any order you may place with us will have our prompt and careful attention.14.收到贵公司8月2日询价,得悉你们对我们MP208型号的真空吸尘器感兴趣,现将你们所需的插图目录单和价格表附寄给你们。

We have received your enquiry of August 2 and learned of your interest in our Vacuum Cleaners MP208.We are now enclosing our illustrated catalogues and price list you asked for.15.对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于800打,我们可给予3%的折扣,用保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证付款。

On regular purchases in quantities of not less than 800 dozen of individual items,we would allow you a discount of 3%.Payment is to be made by confirmed ,irrevocable L/C at sight , 16.谢谢你方3月10日来函。从信中我们获悉你方希望得到我方梅林牌罐头食品的报盘。

Thank you for your letter of March 10,form which we have learned that you hope to receive our offer for “Meiling”brand canned goods.17.我们从贵公司8月20日来函中得知你放打算向我方订购二万公吨化肥,我们很高兴的报价如下。

We have learned form your letter dated August 20 that you are going to place an order with us for 20000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers.We are pleased to quote as follows.18.兹复你方7月8日函,我们现向你方作如下报盘,以我方最后确认为准。In reply to your letter of July 8 ,we are now making you the following offer,subject to our final confirmation.19.供你放参考,我方价格合理,中东地区许多顾客已经接受该价格。

For your reference ,our price is reasonable and a lot of customers in the Middle East have accepted the price.20.复你方9月10日信,我们乐意向你方报盘如下,以北京时间10月15日前复到为有效。

In reply to your letter of September 10,we are pleased to make you an offer as follows,subject to your reply reaching here before October15,Beijing time.21.我们希望向你们订购30罗红花牌手表,4月装运。这些货物选自你们2月2日来信及产品目录。

We wish to place an order with you for 30 gross”Red Flower”brand watches for April shipment.The goods have been chosen from your catalogue sent to us together with your letter of February 2.22.你方6月15日订购2000公斤中国安哥拉兔毛的第P81号订单收悉。谢谢。我们欢迎你们成为我们的新客户。

We thank you for your Order No.P81 dated June 15 for 2000 kilograms of Chinese Angora Rabbit Hair and welcome you as one of our new customers.23.最近我们对山地自行车需求甚殷,我们不能保证新订货在6月30日之前交付。The recent exceptional demand for our mountain bicycles makes it impossible for us to promise delivery of any new

orders before June 30.24.我们已接受你方第FG16号订单订购货号第338号红玫瑰牌浴巾9000打。请即告知颜色搭配。并按第S-98号销售合同开立以我当为受益人的有关信用证。Your order No.FG 16for 9000dozen of “Red Rose”brand bath towels Art.No.338 has been booked.Please let us know the colour assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favour according to Sales Contract No.S-98.25.关于你方3月20 日的e-mail,我们乐意通知你方我们已接受了你方订购2500打天坛牌男式衬衫的订单。现寄上第H0808号销售合同一式两份,请签退其中一份,以供我方存档。

With reference to your e-mail of March 20,we have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order for 2500 dozen”Tiantan”brand men’s shirts.We are now sending you our S/C No.H0808 in duplicate,one copy of which please sign and return for our file.












商务函电翻译比较偏重于“实用效果”,其主要功能是准确传递经济信息,而不是为了取得美学效应和欣赏效果;因而,译者需要懂得、熟悉专业的行话、术语,翻译时意义忠实且术语精确.译文的语气要礼貌、诚恳、使用书面语言,做到简洁规范。使用地道的商业用语,体现商业风格避免使用产生歧义的语言,力求具体长句翻译要理清脉络,力求条理清晰,并且要达到“7C原则”即Clearness(清楚),Courtesy(礼貌), Conciseness(简洁), Correctness(正确), Concreteness(具体), Completeness(完整), Consideration(考虑周到)。






由于英汉表达方式不同,其中有部分动词,如aim at, target, impress….在英译汉时,虽然有相对应汉语动词直译,但如果转译显得更通顺。

例如:The company report targets early from selling at US$2000 by 2007.公司的报告中推出了一个目标,到2007可要达到2000美元。


例如:We are prepared to make quantity order for this article.我们准备订购大量的这种货物。


例如:There is no doubt that we will still charge you old prices on all orders received here up to and in charge July 31.名词转换成动词

例如:Considering the small amount of goods shipped we agreed to make an exception by accepting the payment by D/P.鉴于货运量很少,我们同意破例接受付款交单。


例如:Your request for a further bargain of the price is really beyond my authority.无权决定



增词的范畴有:方法,情况,现象,状态,方面,问题,范围…….例如:The export is not permitted exceed its limitation.出口物资不得超出限制范围。



例如:It is more expensive than it was lost time but not as good.贵公司的产品价格比上次的高,但质量却不如上次的好。




例如: Even if you want us to take your goods ,we cannot put them on the market without some considerable discount.若要我方接受贵方的货,没有相当大的折扣它无法将这批货投放到市场去。2.1.3减词



例如:[1]Unless the order is executed within three weeks ,we shall have to cancel it.除非这种订单能于三周之内执行,不然我们就取消它。


例如:[2]It is a pleasure to offer you the goods as follows.很高兴给您供货。



例如:We assure you of our reciprocating your courtesy at any time.贵公司的好意,我方保证随时回报。

在英语中,第一人称主格代词,特别是We 在翻译是可酌情减译。

例如:We will advise you of the date, we are at your services at all times.我们谨遵你的时间,随时待命。



例如:The packing charges of this machine cost 5000 Yuan.这台机器大约5000块钱。



例如:We expect that you will give us a definite reply at your earliest convenience.我们期待您尽早给我们一个确切的答复。


例如:Our factory is now unprovided with the equipment necessary for the manufacturer of the product.(否定反译肯定)





英语中,状语一般放在动词之后。形容词,副词短语做状语修饰动词时既可以位于动词之前也可以位于之后,但是,汉语中一般状语在前,动词在后。例如:If you have some documentary evidence, we would like you to send it urgently.如果贵方有证明文件的话,本公司希望贵方能立刻寄来。


例如:The prices of all our products will be raised by 10% from April 1st.定语的位置


例如:[1] How much cash is tied up in accounts received how long.(Received后置)



例如:In reply to your Email of may 16,we regret to inform you that we do not have in stock any items enquired for by you.贵方5月16的电子邮件收悉,但很抱歉,贵方所询的所有商品均告无货。2.2正式商务函电翻译用词


外贸英语信函中对专业词汇的翻译务必精确、符合经贸专业要求。外贸英语中的价格术语意义固定:有的是单独的词,inquiry(询盘)和offer(报盘);有的是则是由几个词构成,例如:to draw on somebody(向某方开出汇票)。这些专业词汇的翻译稍微有差错就会造成负面的影响甚至巨大的损失,如曾有则报道说,某译者错将“不锈钢”译为“炭素钢”,这两字之差就给企业造成近20万元损失。值得注意的是,有些外贸英语专业词汇与其本意大相径庭。Document本意为“文件”,而在外贸英语中则为“单据”,如An L/C normally specifies the documents that are required by the buyer and the date by which the goods in question must be shipped。(信用证上,通常规定了买方所需的单据,以及有关货物的运货日期。)2.2.2.歧义词

英语中常常会出现一个词汇有多重意义,而这几个意义恰好又是对立的。因此在外贸英语信函的书写或翻译中,应避免使用歧义词。面对这类词汇应及时发现,并立刻和对方取得联系,以便及时纠正,以免使缔约双方发生分歧,为日后贸易带来后患。如in a week 可指在within a week(一周内),又可以指after a week(在一周后),这就必须要与对方商榷,及时换上表义明确的词。2.2.3.英美词汇差异




整体格式差异主要体现在英文与中文信函中。众所周知,英文日期常写于右上方,而中文日期常写于右下方。英文称呼使用复数Sirs/Gentlemen ,而在中文中,则体现为统称形式的整体单数。虽然,按照国际贸易惯例,外贸函电英译汉时,可保留英文外贸函电的格式,也可套用中文外贸函电的格式。但是,根据惯例,建议使用中文格式,以取得整体美感。


除用于正式交易的外贸英语信函外,为达成贸易双方的友谊,商家会特别注意礼貌,因此会大量写作交流情感类信函。对这一类信函,译者翻译的时候,应注意选取适合的词,使用翻译具有“信、雅、达”的美感。并且提醒注意的一点是,商人毕竟是商人,他首先考虑的是商品、质量及相关问题与条件,而非客套语人称,英译汉时,应突出重点信息,精简繁枝冗叶,以达到强化重点的目的。针对外贸英语信函所带有的书面语体的语言结构特点,译者在翻译时,应该选择相应的书面语。在中文外贸信函中,使用的是介于文言文与口语之间的半文言文体与之相对应。例如:Sincerely yours汉译为“谨上”即可。而针对港台地区

保留大量古语的特点,译者在翻译时,还应该把开头的“先生”之类词婉译为“敬启者”。在传统英语贸易辞令中,大量套语,更应该恰当增减。例如:We are pleased 如We are looking forward with interest to your reply.等句式,这里若直译为“我们带着极大的兴趣盼望您的答复。”显然,这种翻译拖沓而且生硬,只要稍微套用一下格式,采取婉译方式,译为“盼复”,则简洁明了。类似的情况还有:Your prompt 婉译为“即复为谢”)







[3]陈浩然.外贸英语翻译漫谈(2),[4]王文贤.英文对外经贸业务函电(2),青岛海洋大学出版社, 1997




for one's reference供某人参考

sales representative销售代表

supply from stock现货供应

subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认有效

by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight 凭保兑的、不可撤销的、即期汇票付款的信用证

payment term付款条件

in duplicate 一式两份

shipping advice装船通知

certificate of origin 原产地证书

Commercial Invoice商业发票

关于你方10000公吨大米的询盘 We’d like to say that the 10% cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you.关于申请参加广州交易会一事With regard to your application for attending the Guangzhou Fair ,we are contacting the relevant authorities and shall inform you as soon as the application is approved.本公司亦制造多种系列精美的皮带和手套We also manufacture a wide range of fine leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested.They are fully illustrated in our catalogue.贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期订购We’d like to say that the 10% cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you.我公司是中国最大的电器用品进口商We are the leading importer of electric goods in China.Thank you for your letter of August3.It’s our pleasure to establish direct business relations with your company.随函附上支票一张,金额为2300美元,以支付欠你方的佣金We enclose a check for US $ 2300 in payment of all commissions due to you.请用信用证付款,由你方在交货前15到20天期间开出,其有效期到货物装船后15天截止,以使我方准备好所有装运单据提交银行议付Please open the L/C 15 to 20 days before the date of delivery,and it should be valid until the 15th day after shipment so that we can get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation.我方的保险条件是由卖方按发票的110%投保一切险和战争险Our terms of insurance are to be effected by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk.如果客户没有明确指示,我们一般投保水渍险和战争险Generally we cover consignments against WPA and War Risk in the absence of definite instructions from our clients.


平信 ordinary mail

航空信 VIA / by airmail挂号信 Registered / Reg./ R

特快传递Express mail service/ EMS 印刷品 printed matter 机密 Confidential 密件 secret 绝密 immediate 要件 top secret 急件 Urgent 亲启 personal

内有照片 photo inside 一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May六月 June七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December

附件说明 the Enclosure notation 复写纸抄本 CC carbon copy 电子复印件 X.C.Xerox copy 暗抄(密送)B.C.blind copy 目录 a catalogue 报价 a quotation

存货 stock / availability

现行销售条款 current sales terms 专门经营 specialize in 简介,概况 profile

藤木家具 rattan and wood furniture 草柳制品 wicker and willow craft 实木家具 solid wood furniture 良好的销路 a good market for… 展览,展出 expose 商品 item / article 展销会 Fair

带有插图的商品目录 illustrated catalogue

锆石 cubic zirconium 降价 reduce the price 红茶black tea

汽车生产商 car manufacturers 电子词典 electronic dictionary 支付条件 terms of payment 大使馆 Embassy 纱 yarn

多种的 a variety of

纺织机械 textile machine 针织机 knitting machine 纺织品 fabric

感激 appreciate one’s doing … 贸易代表团 trade delegation 稳定的需求 steady demand for… 出口商行名录 export directory 当前发展 current development 亚太地区 Asia-Pacific region 亚洲社团 Asia Society 齐头并进 keep pace with

为…树立名声 build a reputation of 享有…的名声 enjoy a reputation of 致力于 dedicate to sth./ doing sth.企业家 executive 会员制 membership

有权随时变更标价offer subject to alteration

有权随时变更发盘而不另行通知 offer subject to change without notice 有权随市场情况变更报价 offer subject to market fluctuation

发盘在未售前有效 offer subject to beingunsold

有权先售的报价 offer subject to prior sale

卖方确认后有效的报价 offer subject to seller’s confirmation 主动发盘 voluntary offer 卖家发盘 selling offer 买家发盘 buying offer 实盘 firm offer

虚盘 non-firm / conditional offer 确认做…confirm doing sth.使某人确信某物 assure sb.of sth.convince sb.of sth.现报价如下 we are making you the following offer

看不出原材料 A is made from B 看出原材料 A is made of B 满足需求 meet the requirements 各占一半 50 / 50

涤纶/棉的混合 polyester/cotton mixture

标号 Label No.不同种类的 assorted 个别的 individually 塑料 plastic 装箱 box

出口板条箱 export crate

不可撤销信用证 irrevocable letter of credit

以…为受益人 In one’s favor 商业银行 commercial bank 中国银行 BC

中国工商银行 ICBC 中国交通银行 BCM中国建设银行CCB 中国邮政储蓄 PSBC 招商银行 CMBC

中国民生银行 CMBC / CMSB 汇丰银行 HSBC

有效地,不变的 firm ,binding 生产力,生产量 capacity 通知 notification 发送 dispatch

被你方同意/通过 meet with your approval

We will dispatch the product within 3 months after receipt of L/C.We have enclosed the latest quotation for the product.电子计算器 electronic calculator 电熨斗 electric iron 电暖气 electric heater 包裹 parcel post

合理的价格 reasonable price 成本价 cost price 实际价格 actual price平均价格 average price

最低价格 floor/ bottom price 最高价格 ceiling price 竞争价格 competitive price 折扣价格 discount price 优惠价格 favorable price 法定价格 legal price 零售价格 retail price 批发价格 wholesale price 单价 unit price 净价 net price

现行/当前价格 prevailing price 市价 current/market/ruling price 售价 selling price 特价 special price 值,划算 value

sth.Is really good value.倘若 Provided

以..价格 at the price

__%的特别折扣 special discount for__%

的需求量 annual requirement 对于数量是_的订单,我们给予_%的特别折扣 on order for _or more we allow a special discount for_% 数量折扣 quantity discount 现金折扣 cash discount

季节性折扣 seasonal discount 大量的 a large quantity of 地毯(小的)rug 地毯(大的)carpet 羊毛毯 woolen carpet 式样 pattern 购买 purchase

老主顾,常客 regular customer

在A 和B之间浮动变化 ranging from A to B

平方英尺 square foot

特殊的,例外的 exceptional 有现货 sth.be in stock 无现货 sth.be out of stock

充分利用,占…便宜 take full advantage of it

代表,代表处 Representative 番茄酱 ketchup 待售 for sale

非卖品 not for sale

总部,总公司 headquarters /head office/parent company 分公司 branch 子公司 subsidiary 贴布告,发帖 post

无菌的 aseptic [æ'septik] 散装 in bulk

有意购买者 serious buyer

业务从…转向… shift our business from… to …

修改样品以买方确认为准 modify the sample subject to buyer’s final confirmation

无利可图 leave us almost no profit 试订单 trail order 续订单 repeat order

固定/日常订单 regular order 延期交货(订单)back order To place an(a trail)order with sb.for sth.服装 garment

对…达成协议 agree on(upon)sth.与某人达成协议 agree with sb.最终目的地 final destination 按照规定的 as state

英国币制 Sterling ['stə:liŋ] 经纪人 broker

即期装运 prompt shipment 货物 consignment

符合 conform、comply with 满意… find sth.satisfactory 立刻 without delay 床单 bed sheet

枕头套 pillow cases 床垫 mattress

符合,与…一致 in accordance with 决定试订购100吨大豆 place a trial order with you for 100 tons soil beans.罢工 Dockers’ strike白木耳 white fungus

处理execute/ fulfill/ work on/process 告知某人某事 inform sb.of sth.让某人一直了解某事 keep sb.informed of sth.…收到了,谢谢 received with thanks

原料 raw materials 原油 crude oil

原产地 place of origin

有订单任务 be committed to orders 我们订货任务繁重/我们接受的订单过多 we are heavily committed to other orders.Commitment

Due to our heavy commitment, we are unable to accept your order.预先 in advance

推迟某方面 ask for delay in sth.加速 speed up卸货 unload

成交确认书 Sales confirmation S.O

订购单P.O.purchase order 形式发票 Proforma Invoice 会签 countersign 偏离 deviations 变化variation

如果…发生 in the event of 为…负责 be responsible for… 对…应负有责任 be liable for… 不可抗力 Force Majeure

不测事件,意外事故 contingency 取消 cancellation 更改 modification 起于 arise from 磋商 consultation

与…有关,连同 be connection with 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration

中国国际贸易促进委员会 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

暂行议事条例 Provisional Rules 仲裁裁决 arbitral award

交货条款 conditions of delivery 出发日期 date of departure 交货期限 time frames 账号 account No.盖公章 Seal 余额 balance

收支平衡表 balance sheet

出口许可证号 export license No.银行国际代码 SWIFT CODE 散装货 bulk cargo(不可数)裸装货 nude cargo(可数)包装货 packed cargo 外包装 outer packing

运输包装 shipping packing 桶 barrel 捆 bundle

集装箱 container

整装货 FCL/ Full container load 拼箱LCL/ Less than container load 整装整交 FCL/ FCL 整装散交 FCL/LCL 散装整交 LCL/ FCL 散装散交 LCL/ LCL 内包装 inner packing

销售/消费/零售包装 consumer packing 喷雾 spray 商标 trademark 品牌 brand

根据,符合 in compliance with

防震,抗震 shake-proof

瓦楞纸板,波状纸板 corrugated paper board ['kɔruɡeitid] 硬纸盒 carton 内衬 lined with免费 free of charge 运输中 in transit 木箱 wooden case 柳条筐 wicker basket

符合,依照 be in line with

市场优先/偏好 market preference 增强,加固 reinforce 如果 on condition that 运输标志 shipping mark 指示性标志 Indicative mark 易碎品 Fragile 防湿 Keep dry

向上,由下向上 Upward 此端向上 this side up

小心轻放 handle with care 勿倒置 keep upright

警告性标志 warning mark 易燃固体 Inflammable solid 易燃液体 Inflammable liquid 易燃气体 Inflammable gas 有毒物 poison 爆炸品 explosive

自燃物品spontaneously combustible 有机氧化物Organic peroxide

氧化剂 Oxidizing agent ['ɔksidaiziŋ]

放射性物品 Radioactive

腐蚀性物品 corrosive [kə'rəusiv] 批号,批数 batch number 运单号 waybill 注意 see to it that

海洋运输保险Ocean Marine Insurance

陆上运输保险 Land Transit Insurance

航空运输保险 Air transportation Insurance

邮包运输保险 Parcel Post Insurance 保险代理人 insurance agent 保险金额 insurance amount 保险契约/合同 insurance clause 保险范围 insurance coverage

保险单(完整,大保单)insurance policy 保险证明书(小保单)insurance certificate

保险费 insurance premium 中国人民保险公司 P.I.C.C.太平洋保险公司 C.P.I.C.保险公司 insurer /insurance company/ underwriter

保险受益人,被保险人 the insured 险别 risks

基本险 basic risks

平安险FPA free from particular average

水渍险 WPA with particular average 一切险 All Risks

附加险 extraneous/ additional risks 偷窃、提货不到险 TPND /theft pilferage and non-delivery risk

淡水雨淋险 FWRD / RFWD /fresh water rain damage risk

特殊附加险 special additional risks 战争险 War Risk

罢工、暴工、民变险 SRCC/ strikes, riots and civil commotions

黄曲霉素险 Aflatoxin [,æflə'tɔksin] 交货不到险 Failure to Delivery 投保…险 insure / cover against… 投保金额是… insure for(+money)保险率是… insure the goods at the rate of _%

跟…投保 insure with… 为…(货物)投保 cover an insurance on/ for …

代表 on one’s behalf 随…而变化 vary with 范围 extent

额外保险费 extra premium 完成 through with

预约保险单 open policy 正式手续 formality仓库 warehouse

记到某人的账户 charge… to one’s account = charge… to the account of sb.(经核准的)保险证书副本 certified copy

(事实)既然如此 such being the case

要求 call for 修改 amend 电冰箱、冷藏库 refrigerator 卸货 discharge/ unloading

(一笔)金额为… in the sum of

预定做某事,计划做某事 be scheduled to do / be due to do sth.委托人 consignor 承运人 carrier

收件人,受托人 consignee 租船 charter a ship

班轮运输 liner transport

固定船期 fixed sailing schedule 固定航线 fixed sea route 固定港口 fixed ports

固定运费率 fixed freight rate 租船运输 tramp

程租船 voyage charter

单程租船 single voyage charter 往返程租 return voyage charter 定期租船 time charter

租舱位 charter the shipping space 租船合同/契约 charter party 提单 Bill of Loading B/L

货物备妥通知 notification of readiness / notice of cargo readiness 发货通知 shipping advice 重型起重机 heavy lifts

40天前发出确切/肯定通知 give 40 days definite notice/advice 买卖的特权(…的特权)option on sth./ the right to do sth.升降机(载运重件船)lifter 达成交易,签合同 conclude 暂时地,临时地 provisionally 随函 herewith

订舱单 booking note 查阅 refer to租船方 Merchant

具有执行全球贸易的有效证件 with valid certificates for worldwide 以…为条件 subject to 背面 reverse side 空舱费 deadfreight 滞期费 demurrage 取代,代替 supersede 担任 act as

吊机(架)leg section 照顾 attend to

漂浮着,浮泊 afloat 尺寸,体积 dimension

运费率 freight rate

定于…时做某事 be expected to do sth.委派某人做某事 appoint sb.to do sth.指派,派船 nominate vessel 预期可到达时间 ETA 预期可出发时间 ETD 码头 dock

(船)开往 sail for

应到的,预期的 due to

某物用某船运输 sth.has been shipped by m.v.__ 一式一份 in one copy 一式两份in duplicate 一式三份 in triplicate

一式四、五、六份 in four/ five/ six copies

正本,原本 original



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