产业转移 industrial transfer
限购令 Sales order 春卷 spring roll 国库券 treasury bill
核反应堆事故 nuclear reactor accident 京都议定书 Kyoto Protocol 产业结构调整 industrial restructuring 各界人士 all walks of life 换乘站 transfer station 客车站 bus station 旅游景点 tourist attractions 开幕词 opening remarks 拜年 pay a New Year visit 项目经理 project manager 带薪假期 paid holiday 英汉词汇
job fair 招聘会
first-aid treatment 急救治疗
public relationship management 公共关系管理
house bill公司汇票
knockout product 淘汰的产品 venture capitalist 风险资本家
sovereign debt crisis 主权债务危机 benchmark interest rate 基准利率 cultural pluralism 文化多元论 localization 地方化
SWOT analysis 四点(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)分析 appeal court 上诉法院
The Tale of Two Cities 双城记 liaison interpretation 陪同口译 savings portfolio 储蓄投资组合 缩略语
首次公开募股IPO(Initial Public Offering)国有企业SOE(state-owned enterprises)
北大西洋公约组织NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)信息技术IT(Information Technology)
石油输出国组织OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)月球探测器 lunar probe 明文规定 stated in explicit terms 小产权房 house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights 4G商用通信服务 commercial 4G mobile communications services 半成品 semi-finished products 包工包料 contract for labor and material 采矿工业 mining industry 操作方法 working technique;method of operation 草根工业 grassroots industry 梯田 terraced field 借贷资本 loan capital 金融寡头 financial magnates 金融机构 financial institutions 金融监管 financial oversight and management 金融债券 financial bonds 英汉词汇
business lending 商业贷款
cargo handing capacity 货物吞吐量 cash dividend 现金股利 ceiling price 最高限价
customs barrier;tariff wall 关税壁垒 antique sculpture 古代雕塑
a powder-puff sport 粉扑运动(花拳绣腿)a profitable sideline 赚钱的副业 art director 艺术总监 artistic coterie 画家同行
long-run incremental cost 长期增量成本 lunar module 登月舱
management information system 管理信息系统 millennium bug 千年虫 multipurpose card 多功能卡 缩略语
出生时间和地点DPOB(date and place of birth)非营利性组织NPO(Not-for-Profit Organization)国际空间站ISS(International Space Station)联合国宪章UNC(United Nations Chapter)货到付款COD(Cash on Delivery)文化产业 culture industry 蚁族 antizen 收视率 audience rating 廉租房 low-rent housing 蜗居 snail dwelling 富二代 affluent 2nd generation 房奴 home mortgage slave 不可抗力 force majeure 生态补偿机制 ecological compensation mechanism 下拉菜单 pull down menu 僵尸粉 zombie fans 全球500强企业The global top 500 enterprises 国际评级机构 international credit rating 君主立宪 constitutional monarchy 论语 The Analects of Confucius 英汉词汇
price ceilings 最高价 defriend拉黑
non-traditional security issues 非传统安全问题 normalized relations nuclear weapons 核武器
life support system 生命维持系统
LM-maneuvering rocket 登月舱机动火箭 local area network 局域网 local network 市内电话网
long-distance network 长途电话网 dung water 粪水
early reaction to food crises 粮食危机早起反应 emergency food assistance 紧急粮食援助 extension systems 推广系统 farming techniques 耕作技术 缩略语
液晶显示屏LCD(liquid crystal display)
中国人民银行PBOC(People's Bank of China)万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)国际空间站ISS(International Space Station)
工业标准规格ISS(Industry Standard Specification)
转变经济增长方式 the transformation of the economic growth mode 弥补外需缺口 compensate for weak external demand 重点产业调整振兴规划 the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries 县级基本财力保障机制 a mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments 对外工程承包和劳务合同营业额 the total turnover of contracted overseas construction and labor contracts 激发经济内在活力 stimulate the internal vitality of the economy 消除经济不利影响 overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation 进出口许可证管理 the import and export licensing administration 货物实际进出境口岸 the port of the actual entry and exit of the goods 进口环节增值税和消费税 import value added tax and consumption tax 劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重 the ratio of worker's incomes in the primary distribution of national income 区域发展总体战略 the master strategy of regional development 登月舱 lunar module 服务舱service module 指令舱 command module 英汉词汇
reentry module 返回舱
propelling module 推进舱
orbital module 轨道舱
geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星
satellite in sun geosynchronous 太阳同步卫星 weather satellite 气象卫星 recoverable satellite 返回卫星 communication satellite 通讯卫星 remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星
The long marchⅡ rocket launcher 长征2号运载火箭 low earth orbit近地轨道 orbit the earth 绕地球飞行 fine-tune orbit 调整轨道 personnel type 人才类型
talent competitiveness 人才竞争力 缩略语
特别行政区SAR(Special Administrative Region)联合国旅游组织WTO(World Tourism Organization)军事委员会CMA(Committee of Military Affairs)仅供参考FRI(for your information)仅供参考FYR(for your reference)
计划单列市 city specifically designated in the state plan 农机具补贴 subsidy for agricultural machinery and tools 附加税 VAT(value-added tax)/extra duties/surtax/super tax/tax surcharge 三资企业three kinds of foreign-invested enterprise or ventures 中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint ventures 外商独资企业 exclusively foreign-owned company in china 中外合作企业 cooperative business 经济萧条 economic slump/economic recession/economic depression business depression 发展才是硬道理development as a task of overriding importance driven by consumption, investment ,import and export 统筹城乡发展 coordinate development in rural and urban regions 拓宽农村增收渠道 seek new ways to increase farmer's incomes 区域协调互动发展机制 a mechanism for promoting balance and interactive development among regions 粗放型增长方式 the extensive/inefficient mode /model of growth 密集的增长模式the intensive mode of growth
国民经济性支柱产业 pillar industry of national economy 英汉词汇
homecoming 同学会 agent 代理 crowdsourcing 众包 lion's share 大部分
ecological civilization 生态文明 surrealism 超现实主义
Central Ballet Troupe 中央芭蕾舞歌舞团
myth of China's peaceful rise 中国的和平崛起的神话 currency manipulator 货币操纵国 sample survey 抽样检查
core competiveness 核心竞争力
intellectual property infringement 知识产权侵权 multi-polar world 多极世界
unabridged dictionary 足本词典 Chic lit(文学)年轻女性小说
交货前付款CBD(Cash Before Delivery)
泛太平洋伙伴关系TPP(trans-pacific partnership)万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)订金CBD(Cash Before Delivery)有线电视CATV(Cable Television)养老保险 Pension Insurance 医疗保抢 Health Care Insurance 失业保险 Unemployment Insurance 工伤保险 Occupational Injury Insunmce 生育保险 Maternity Insurance 住房公基金 Housing Provident Funds 巴菲特规则 Buffett Rule 初创企业 start-ups 同工同酬 equal pay for equal work 拮据预算 tight /austere budget 实现公平竞争 level the playing field 全面投产 run at full capacity 两党财政委员会 bipartisan fiscal commission 跨境贸易人民币结算试点 the trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB 恩格尔系数 Engel coefficient 英汉词汇
cathay pacific 国泰航空公司
Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系 worst-case scenario 最恶劣形式 hologram 全息图 Budweiser 百威啤酒 webcasting 万维网广播
look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针 clean governance 洁治
Kyodo News Service 日本共同通讯社 Summer Davos 夏季达沃斯论坛
cost-consciousness 成本意识
strategic alignment 战略一致性 phonetics 语音学
Bermuda Triangle 百慕达神秘三角
Lord Chancellor(英国上议院的)大法官 缩略语
青年奥林匹克运动会YOG(Youth Olympic Games)世界卫生组织WHO(World Health Organization)
首次公开募股IPO(Initial Public Offerings)
国际奥委员会IOC(nternational Olympic Committee)世界遗产委员会WHC(World Heritage Committee)防空识别区air defense identification zone 国际惯例common international practice 智能、绿色、低碳城市 smart, green and low-carbon city 资源节约、环境友好型城市 resource-efficient and environmentally friendly city 维持低生育水平maintain a low birth rate 生态补偿制度 the system of ecological compensation 人民生活和社会稳定 people's livelihood and social stability 高品位的生活 a life of exquisite taste 多种所有制经济 an economy with diverse forms of ownership 公有制和非公有制经济 public and non-public sectors of the economy 法治政府和服务型政府 a law-based and service-oriented government 全面深化改革 comprehensively deepen reforms 购物狂欢节 shopping gala 产权多元化 ownership diversification 我们的命运紧紧相连,我们的利益水乳交融。Our destinies are closely linked and our interests intertwined.英汉词汇
no smoke without fire 无火不生烟 sovereign credit rating 主权信用评级 copycatting 山寨 capital chain 资金链
Peking Moment 京华烟云
hedge fund 避险基金
emotional gratification 精神满足感 fuel surcharge 燃油附加费
permit a visa-free stay 过境免签
long-range carrier rocket 远程运载火箭
birth permit 准生证
standard&pool's composite index 标准普尔指数 blue and white porcelain 青花瓷 illegal pyramid selling 非法传销 sleep debt 睡眠不足 缩略语
越野车SUV(Sports Utility Vehicle)
中央军委CMC(Central Military Commission)官方语言机构OLA(Official Language Agency)管理服务部MSA(Management Services Agency)
教育和人俩资源管理局EMB(Education and Manpower Bureau)申论 argumentative essay writing 行政能力测试 administrative professional ability test 碰撞出许多思想的火花 spark new ideas 汇率自由浮动的货币 free-floating currency 自由兑换 free convertibility 一生的荣耀 the honor of a lifetime 华裔美国人 Chinese-American 寻求双方都满意的解决方案 work toward a mutually satisfactory solution 深入和建设性的交流 in-depth and constructive exchanges 对遇难者亲属表示慰问 express condolences to the families of the killed 黑匣子 the black boxes 空难哀悼日 the day of mourning for the air crash victims 单独二胎 couples with one spouse being an only child are permitted to have two children 海外房地产投资 offshore(overseas)property/real estate investment 独生子女政策 the one-child policy 英汉词汇
social security 社会保障
magnitude in the Richter Scale 里氏震级 a cease-fire agreement 停火协定 organizing committee 组织委员会 oil leak/spill 漏油 Stamp Tax 印花税
Suez Canal 苏伊士运河
monetary integration 货币一体化 Eurasia Land Bridge 欧亚大陆桥
asset declaration 财产申报
dead duck 注定要完蛋的人,没有价值的人或事
smilence 笑而不语
Bee 's knees 出类拔萃的 最棒的Wi-Fi squatter 蹭网
singing the blues 诉苦;抱怨 缩略语
国际红十字委员会ICRC(International Committee of the Red Cross)
气体能源转化探索研究小组TARGET(Team to Advance Research for Gas Energy Transformation)
美国联邦调查局FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)国际原子能组织IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)生产者物价指数PPI(producer price index)
小康社会 a well-off society/a moderately prosperous society/a competitive comfortable life 中国特色社会主义理论体系 theoretical system of Chinese socialism 基层民主 Community-level democracy 全国一级文物保护单位 class A heritage site under state protection 和则生谐 reconciliation leads to harmony 形象工程 vanity project 苛扣工资 dock wages 闭门羹 give a cold shoulder 公证 notary service 抚恤金 injury and death benefits 配音 dubbing 怯场 stage fright 三角债chain debts 安家费 setting-in allowance 结党营私 form cliques for private gain 英汉词汇
soft drug 软毒品;不易成瘾的毒品 spiritual enhancement 精神升华 the beaten generation 垮掉的一代
The Clash of Civilization 《文明冲突》 the gilded age 镀金时代 on a residual basis 剩余法
on the basis of capitalization 资本还原法 pillar industry 支柱产业
pioneering enterprises 龙头企业 planning approval 规划许可 control diet 对照食物
control of foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄疫防治 counter-season vegetables 反季节蔬菜 cover crops 覆盖作物
crop and livestock productivity 作物和家畜的生产率 缩略语
到岸价格C.I.F(cost,insurance,and freight)英国橄榄球联合会 R.U(Rugby Union)
政府间气候变化专门委员会IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)国际标准化组织ISO(International Standardization Organization)联合国环境规划署UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)免费义务教育free compulsory education 中等职业教育secondary vocational education 教育乱收费 unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions/arbitrary educational charges 学杂费 miscellaneous fees 借读生 transient student 开笔礼 first writing ceremony 教育公平equal access to education 体罚 corporal punishment 加强科技支撑 increase input for science and technology 人才战略 human resources strategy 人才教育 professional education 人才培养 staff development 人才之家 Home for Talent 人才选拔 personnel selection 人才培训 personnel training 英汉词汇
acknowledge the issue of the writ 确认令状的发出 acting prosecutor 代理检察员
action for infringement of patent 专利侵权诉讼 aggravated assault 重伤害
aggravating circumstances 从重处罚情节 musical festival 音乐节
music TV(MTV)音乐电视 op art 光效应艺术;视幻艺术 operatic music 歌剧音乐 mystery story 怪诞小说 media event 重大新闻事件 media gate 媒体丑闻
media individual 新闻人物
media polling(为预测大选结果而举行的)媒体民意测验 media competition 传媒大战 缩略语
中国海监CMS(China Marine Surveillance)二维码QR(quick response)code 工业标准规格ISS(Industry Standard Specification)转基因生物GMO(Genetically Modified Organism)
北大西洋公约组织NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)月球车 lunar rover 哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope 太阳能电池板 solar panel 国际空间站 international space station 空间物理探测 space physics exploration 紧急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus 发射台 launch pad 充分发挥企业作为技术创新的主体作用 give full play to the role of main parties for technological innovation 热点消费 consumption in areas of high consumer interest 目标责任书 target responsibility document/description 个体工商户 self-employed/private industrial and commercial household/the self-employed 增强宏观调控的预见性针对性和实效性 make the macro control more proactive, targeted and effective 转轨经济 economies in transition/transition economy 扩内需、保增长,调结构、上水平,抓改革、增活力,重民生、促和谐 boost domestic demand to sustain economic grow, adjust the structure to raise the level of economy development, press ahead with reform to make the economy more vigorous, give top priority to ensure people's well-being and promote social harmony 战略性新兴产业 emerging industries of strategic importance/strategic emerging industries 英汉词汇
compulsory course 必修课 computer lab 机房
conditional admission 试读
financial aid 财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等)gene recombination 基因重组 genetic code 遗传密码 genetic map 遗传图 gene transfer 基因转移
geostationary/synchronous satellite 地球同步卫星 hacking attacks 黑客攻击
sustainable food security policies 可持续食品安全政策
sustainable intensification of rained agriculture 雨育农业的可持续集约化 terrestrial and marine ecosystems 陆地和海洋生态系统 tidal day 潮汐日
transfer and use of technologies 转让和使用技术 缩略语
通用分组无线业务GPPS(general packet radio service)
全球移动通信系统GSM(global system for mobile communications)
国际农业发展基金会IFAD(the International Fund for Agricultural Development)世界粮食计划署WFP(the World Food Program)首次公开募股IPOs(initial public offerings)
土地沙化 desertification of land/desert encroachment 经济增长的环境资源代价过大 the price paid for economic growth in terms of resources consumption and environmental pressure is too high 生态移民 eco-driven migration/ecology migration/eco-migration 自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力 comprehensive ability to head off and deal with natural disasters 地质灾害易发区调查评估体系 disaster-prone areas risk assessment systems 现代能源产业 the construction of the modern energy industry 生态补偿机制 ecological damage compensation mechanism 节能产品惠民工程 project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people 国家补贴节能产品 government-subsidized energy-efficient products 自然灾难应急响应 the natural disaster emergency response system 环境友好型社会理念深入人心 public awareness of the need to develop an environment-friendly society was heightened.特大自然灾害large-scale natural disaster/devastating disaster 防灾减灾能力 the capacity to guard against disasters and mitigate their damages 走可持续发展道路实现人与自然相和谐已成为各方共同追求的目标 sustainable development and harmony between man and nature has become the common goal of all parties 气候变化没有国界 climate change has no national boarders 英汉词汇
civil right and liability 民事权利与责任 claim of patent application 专利申请权 collegiate tribunal 合议审判庭 communal tenure 共有权
compulsory execution 强制执行 eco-friendly car 环保车 eco-labeling 生态标志
efficient use of water 合理利用水资源 El Nino 厄尔尼诺现象
emission permits 排放许可证
emission reduction target 减排标准 alternative rap 另类说唱 ambient pop 氛围流行 American Idol 美国偶像 an A-lister 一线明星 缩略语
全球定位系统GPS(Global Position System)世界野生动物基金WWF(World Wildlife Fund)
跨太平洋伙伴关系协议TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)
中华人民共和国商务部MOFCOM(The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China)
交货前付款CBD(Cash Before Delivery)载人航天 manned space mission 探月工程 lunar exploration program 自主创新能力 capacity for independent innovation 载人飞船 manned spacecraft 太空舱 capsule 多级火箭 multistage rocket 试验太空船 experimental spacecraft 无人飞船 unmanned spacecraft
载人航天计划 manned space program 天体物理学a strophysics 生理学 physiology 多人多天太空飞行 multi-manned and multi-day space flight 有效载荷能力 payload capability 银河系 Milky Way/galaxy 英汉词汇
drawbridge 吊桥
earth-circling flight 环球飞行 ecotourism 生态旅游
enjoy a bird's-eye view of the city 俯瞰城市全景 enjoy service at a preferential price 享受优惠价格 coral bleaching 珊瑚白化 de-carbonization 去碳化
deforestation and forest degradation 森林砍伐和森林退化 disruption of ecological balance earthquake magnitude 震级 be brought to justice法律追究 benefit of cession 财产让与权
by a subsequent act 事后的;溯及既往的
by virtue of holding an office 依职权而自然获得 career criminal 职业罪犯 缩略语
自主知识产权IPR(Intellectual Property Rights)销售总经理GSM(General Sales Manager)业务中心地区CBD(Central Business District)
美国国家航空和航天管理局NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
万维网www.xiexiebang.compulsory education 综合国力 overall national strength 新闻发布会 press conference 共同但有区别的责任原则 principle of common but differentiated responsibility 欧元债务危机 The Euro debt crisis 政治体制改革 political system reform 粮食安全 food security 学分制 credit system 媒体炒作 the media hype 英汉词汇 latest news/hot news 最新消息
live television coverage 电视实况转播 mass media 大众传播
media advisor 媒体顾问;宣传顾问 media blitz 舆论声势 arts and crafts 工艺美术 bonus track 附赠曲目
box office appeal 票房号召力 box office battle 票房大战 box office flop 票房毒药 electric control 电力控制
emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置 fixed-line penetration 固定电话普及率 gaseous pollutant 生发排放物 gene pool 基因库 缩略语
国内航空部CAD(Civil Aviation Department)特别行政区SAR(Special Administrative Region)
国际电子计算中心ICC(International Computing Centre)联合国志愿人员UNV(United Nations Volunteers)联合国旅游组织WTO(World Tourism Organization)agriculture farming system 水产养殖系统 artificial agents 加工的食物 biological control 生物控制 biological agents 生物因子 breeding cycle 生殖周期 message of condolence 唁电 military attache 武官
mutually beneficial cooperation 互利共赢的合作 mutual recognition 互相承认
non-proliferation treaty 防扩散条约 media tycoon 传媒大亨 media war 媒体战争 mega-hit 轰动效应
memorial volume 纪念刊 method acting 演技派表演 缩略语
国际劳工组织ILO(International Labor Organization)中国民航CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China)国际直拨长途电话IDD(International Direct Dial 首席技术官CTO(Chief Technology Officer)万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)
旗帜鲜明反对各种形式的保护主义 take a clear-cut stand against all forms of protectionism 住房资源分配 housing resources distributio 市场化改革 market-oriented reform 保障房供给不足 insufficient affordable housing 微型企业 micro-sized enterprises 蓬勃发展势头 robust growth momentum 创新型企业 innovative enterprises 实现跳跃性发展 make a leap forward
降低创业门槛 lower the threshold for business startups 最低注册资本 the minimum registered capital 自信、自立、自强 strive to be confident, independent and self-improving 男女平等 gender equality 和平方式解决问题和争端 settle disputes and problems through peaceful means 危机管理机制 crisis management mechanism 注入强劲的动力 give a strong impetus to 英汉词汇
confrontational feelings 对立情绪
cooperation in nontraditional areas 非传统领域合作 shared/common interests 共同利益 territorial dispute 领土争端 practical cooperation 务实合作
strategic and economic dialogue 战略经济对话
recycling economy 循环经济 corporate culture 企业文化
taewondo 跆拳道
state-of-the-art 最新的
Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地 plurality rule 多数规则 Ponzi scheme 庞氏骗局
consumer defection 消费者叛逃 prenuptial agreement 婚前财产协定 缩略语
智商IQ(intelligence quotient)
自由度DOF(Degree of Freedom 自由度)
全美篮球协会NBA(National Basketball Association)非处方药OTC(Over the Counter)
国际奥委员会IOC(nternational Olympic Committee)防尘口罩 anti-dust masks 防护林带 shelter belts 城市带 urban belt 发动机排量 engine capacity 河道整治 dredging waterway 光污染 light pollution 耕地流失 arable land loss 洪峰 flood crest/flood peak 小火电机组 small thermal power plants 林业重点生态工程建设 key ecological forestry projects 重点流域水污染防治 control water pollution in key watersheds 化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand 温室气体排放和气候变化 greenhouse gas emission and climate change 环保专项治理 special projects to address serious environmental problems 工业三废 industrial waste water/waste gases and residues 英汉词汇
Academy award 奥斯卡金像奖 avant-garde 先锋派
Byzantium 拜占庭(古罗马城市, 今称伊斯坦布尔)futurism 未来主义
Group 20 20国集团
Applied translation studies 应用翻译研究 Bilateral interpreting 双边口译 bill of exchange 汇票
customs declaration报关单 marginal revenue边际收入
telegraphic transfer 电汇
video on demand视频点播
seckill 秒杀
broken society 道德沦丧的社会 game theory 博弈论 缩略语
欧猪五国PIIGS(Portugal、Italy、Ireland、Greece and Spain)
英国动物保护协会SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)任意单位AU(Arbitrary Unit)
中小企业SME(Small Medium Enterprise)到岸价CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight)
互利共赢的开放战略 a mutually-benefit strategy of opening-up 全球经济治理和区域合作 Global economic governance and regional cooperation 促进国际收支平衡 maintain a basic balance in international payments 米袋子省长负责制和菜篮子市长负责制 the system of provincial governors taking responsibility for the 'rice bag' program and city mayors taking responsibility for the' vegetable basket 'program 国际采购分销和配送 international purchase, allocation and distribution 进境检测维修货物和配件检测 goods entered for testing and maintenance and the components and parts thereof 世界经济格局大变革大调整 major changes in the global economic landscape 推进经济进入创新驱动内升增长的发展轨道 put economic development onto the track of endogenous growth driven by innovation 抢占经济科技制高点 capture the economic, scientific and technological high ground 增加经济社会发展的后劲 strengthen the basis for further /sustaining economic and social development 涉外经济体制 regulatory mechanism governing external economic relations 国有资产投资反弹压力较大 there is a strong possibility of the resurgence in fixed asset investment 中国经济和世界经济日益紧密结合 China's economy is increasingly tied to the world's economy 做到速度与结构质量效益的有机统一 ensure that growth rate is in line with the structure, quality and performance of the economy 生产能力过剩 excess production capacity 英汉词汇
the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere 大东亚共荣圈 nuclear proliferation 核扩散 junk email 垃圾邮件 opinion poll 民意测验 money laundering 洗钱 Back translation 回译
intellectual property 知识产权 House of Representatives 众议院
public relations department公 共关系部 financial management 金融管理 software developer 软件开发工程师 Abstract translation 摘要翻译
National city Bank of New York 花旗银行 force majeure 不可抗力 socrates 苏格拉底 缩略语
北大西洋公约组织NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)国民净产值NNP(Net National Product)人口零增长ZPG(Zero Population Growth)
美国宝洁公司P&G(Procter & Gamble)
国际足球联盟FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association)次生地质灾害 secondary geological disaster 安置受灾群众 resettlement of affected residents 防灾减灾 disaster prevention and reduction 蓄洪区 flood control areas 兴利除害 improvements with reduction in damage 抗风险能力 risk resistance capacity 抗震鉴定 anti-earthquake evaluation 空气质量检测 air quality monitoring 碳足迹 Carbon Footprint 土地复垦 land reclamation 退耕还林 convert cultivated land into forests 污染指数 pollution index 堰塞湖 quake/barrier/dammed lake 灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction 橙色预警 orange alert 英汉词汇
magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成象 carbon credit 碳信用额
win-win cooperation 互赢合作 diplomatic etiquette外交礼仪 Multi-media texts 多媒体文本 Naturalness 自燃性
Human Genome Project人类基因组计划 Cloud Computing 云计算
party animal 超级爱玩的人
orientalism 东方学
Double-dip recession 连续两次下降的经济衰退 Humanitarian intervention 人道主义干涉 Santa Claus 圣诞老人 缩略语
中国银行管理委员会CBRC(The China Banking Regulatory Commission)出生时间和地点DPOB(date and place of birth)国民福利指标NNW(Net National Welfare)域名解析系统DNS(Domain Name System)首席运营官COO(Chief Operating Officer)二氧化碳排放 carbon dioxide emissions 绿色经济 green economy 低碳经济 low carbon economy 清洁能源 clean energy 建设生态文明 build a conservation culture 应急机制 contingency mechanism 自然灾害多发地区 places prone to natural disasters 自然灾害风险评估 natural disaster risk evaluation 灾害防御能力 disaster preparedness 灾害救助制度 the natural disaster relief system 水利工 程water resources projects/water conservancy projects 寒武纪the Cambrian Age 节约型社会 resource-conserving society 降低能耗 reduce consumption of resources 稀土 rare earth 英汉词汇 civilian平民 Cubism 立体派 Catholicism 天主教 Expo 展览会
Bermuda Triangle 百慕大魔鬼三角 Consumerism 消费主义 East End 伦敦东区 Beatles 披头士 contributor 贡献者
Broadway 百老汇 Autograph 亲笔签名
lose one's shirt 丧失全部财产 pull one's leg 开某人玩笑
international trade dispute国际贸易纠纷 paternity test 生父鉴定试验 缩略语
泛太平洋伙伴关系TPP(trans-pacific partnership)
托福考试TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)中国人民银行PBOC(People's Bank of China)万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)
订金CBD(Cash Before Delivery)弹道导弹 ballistic missile 纳米 nanometer 集束炸弹 cluster bomb
火星探测器 Mars exploration rover 巡航导弹 cruise missile 光缆 optic cable 生物工程 biological engineering 巡航导弹 cruise missile 导弹防御 missile defense 光通信 photo-communication/optical communication 两弹一星 atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite 科研成果实现了产业化 A large number of research results have been applied in industrial production 教育规划纲要 national education plan 中小学危房改造 the renovation of dilapidated primary and secondary school buildings 教育体制education bureaucracy 英汉词汇
debenture 信用债券
balance sheet 资产负债表 tax agent 税务代理人
international arbitration 国际仲裁 gross weight 毛重或总重
generalized system of preference 普遍优惠制
fixed cost 固定成本 stock listing 股票上市 random access 随机存取
profit before tax 税前利润 animated movie 动画片 patriotic missile 爱国者导弹
hegemonism 霸权主义
legal code 法典
the Falungong cult 法轮功
copyright theft盗用版权 缩略语
液晶显示屏LCD(liquid crystal display)法新社AFP(Agence France Presse)
粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)中小型企业SME(Small and Medium Enterprises)
联合国大会UNGA(United Nations General Assembly)
天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.comPC(China National Petroleum Corporation)基本药物目录:essential drugs list软组织损伤:soft tissue injury 绳之以法:bring to justice连续三天:for three straight/consecutive days总参谋长:Chief of the General Staff陆军总长:Chief of Staff of the Army临床测试:medical trial, clinical trial国家食品药品监督管理局:the State Food and Drug Administration 窃取国家机密:steal state secrets美国驻中国大使:U.S.Ambassador to China为…举行的国葬:the state funeral for sb.告别:bid farewell to谅解备忘录:Memorandums of Understanding视察:inspection tour启动“共同体民事保护机制”:activate the Community Mechanism for Civil Protection行政强制法草案The draft administrative mandatory power law被开除党籍和公职:be expelled from the Communist Party of China and dismissed from public office灭火:extinguish/put out the fire极地冰盖边缘地区:the Polar Ice Rim未能进入预定轨道:fail to enter its target orbit美以巴三方首脑会谈:a three-way summit between Palestinian, Israeli and U.S.leaders波音787梦幻飞机:The Boeing 787 Dreamliner在中国大陆市场销售:become available on the Chinese market苏伊士运河的入口:entrance to the Suez Canal接受医学观察和治疗:be put under medical observation and treatment临时避难所:temporary accommodation主权财富基金:sovereign wealth fund重复索取旅行费用:double-billing for trips获得生产批号:get a production license 避开:stay clear of通讯和天文观测中心:communications center and space observatory中国海洋石油有限公司:China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC)上调汽油零售价格:raise the benchmark retailing prices of gasoline暑假:summer break防空导弹:anti-aircraft missile削减武器条约:arms reduction treaty投放虚假危险物质:spread false dangerous substances承认中国的市场经济地位:recognize China's market economy status涉诉信访案件:case-related 天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com appeals from the public经济体制改革:the adjustment of economic structure, economic restructuring夏季达沃斯论坛:the summer Davos forum互利共赢的开放战略:the win-win strategy of opening-up经济企稳回升的趋势进一步明显:economy is on a track of quick recovery经济指标数据:economic figures伪造文书:document falsification竣工通车:be fully open to traffic准备好,愿意做某事:stand ready to do对…保持高度警惕:be on high alert against sth.一切准备就绪/万事俱备,只欠东风:everything is set for…, and the only thing left is 诺贝尔医学奖:the Nobel Prize for Medicine对…进行友好访问:pay a goodwill visit to签定和解协议:sign a reconciliation agreement 黄金期货:gold futures卫冕冠军:defending champion期待已久的:long-anticipated动车组:high-speed bullet trains 交通高峰:traffic boom/peak中日韩领导人会议:trilateral leaders' meeting of China, Japan and South Korea甲流重症和死亡病例:serious and fatal cases of the A/H1N1 virus下游企业:downstream business贺电,贺信:congratulatory message对…产生推动性作用:serve as an impetus to do隶属于:affiliated with接近,达到:climb to, near山火即将全部被控制住:the wildfire is near full containment统调负荷 unified dispatch load拉闸限电recorded 320 times in switch-offs缩短用户的停电时间 to shorten blackout hours恶意透支信用卡 deliberate credit default总体工程耗资700亿;with a total projected cost of 70 billion yuan.经济刺激方案the economic stimulus package政府监管部门,电网公司,发电集团和智能电网技术方案公司bring together regulators, power grid operators, power generators and technical solution providers 统一坚强智能电网 consolidated and strong smart grid
抢得先机Secure a leading position备受期待的Much-anticipated/ Long-awaited国内外主流整机企业leading/ mainstream whole-plant producers from home and abroad零部件配套企业parts(and component)suppliers,诚邀您的关注和参与Your interest and participation is highly appreciated.新增中央投资的协调小组,a coordination task force for the newly added central investment, 大气碳atmospheric carbon因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude不进则退 no progress simply means regression花天酒地 go on the loose蒙受…的打击:take a knock from流感大流行警戒级别:pandemic alert level临时国家元首:interim head of state诽谤指责:vilify and level accusations against评委会主席:chair of the jury钚全部武器化weaponize plutonium“奋进号”航天飞机:space shuttle Endeavor氢泄漏:gaseous hydrogen leak第十一次中日韩环境部长会议:the 11th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting of China, Japan and South Korea巴勒斯坦国Palestinian statehood堰塞湖:barrier lake有望:be on pace to北京出入境检验检疫局:the Beijing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau为…做好准备:brace oneself for新闻通讯:news bulletin全国最高立法机构:top legislature军事分界线:Military Demarcation Line锦标赛:championship活动板房:prefabricated house尸检:autopsy脚手架:scaffold散装船:bulk carrier 甲醛:formaldehyde消防队:fire brigade商业间谍:commercial espionage致命剂量:lethal dose拯救处于崩溃边缘的经济:pull the economy from its brink月球探测器:lunarcraft寄宿学校:boarding school偏远地区:far-flung area泼硫酸事件:acid attack 天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com 错时上下班:flexible work hours and sequential leave挪用公款:embezzlement征收惩罚性关税:impose/set punitive tariffs on 把…列入非物质文化遗产名录:inscribe … on the intangible heritage list马祖文化:the Matsu culture企业年金annuity囤油食用油stockpile cooking oil48小时倒计时a 48-hour countdown间歇性能源alternative energy resources.机组、叶片、轴承、控制系统 turbines, blades, bearing, control system
key agents主要动力
Indigenous Peoples土著人民
arid and semiarid land.旱地和半干旱地区
2010 census process2010年人口普查工作
make informed decisions做出知情的决定
Telemedicine远程医疗“Treat others the way you want others to treat you.”“己所不欲,勿施于人”“When streams and brooks collect, they become a big river.”“涓涓细流汇成江河”
It always echoes the call of the times and follows the wish of the people
Oranges grown on the south of River Huai taste sweet, while on the north sour.桔生淮南则为桔,桔生淮北则为枳
virtuous circle of recovery.善良的,有德行的
hard work is entailed for the blueprint to become reality.We will strive to be worthy of their trust and fulfill our mission.我们一定不负重托,不辱使命
近代以后,我们的民族历经磨难,中华民族到了最危险的时候During the modern era(from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century), our nation underwent untold hardship and suffering, and its very survival hung in the balance.taking the baton passed on to us by history接过历史的接力棒
master first-rate skills.The “Chinese dream” is a much-discussed concept that has been brought to prominence by Xi
He urged the country's young people to be firm believers of the path, theories and systems of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to dedicate themselves to the cause of the nation's great rejuvenation
“Only when you knit your personal dreams together with the great cause of the nation and build the platform of personal efforts on the basis of the country's cause, can your personal dreams be realized,”
the young generation with firm will, strong sense of responsibility and great professional competence is the hope of realizing the “Chinese dream.”
to remain steadfast in their faith, refine their professional skills, embrace innovation, work hard and build noble characters.Only by integrating individual dreams to the national cause can one finally make great achievement
live a dignified life.Happiness does not fall out of the blue and the dream will not come true by itself.to accumulate “positive energy” among the public and inspire people to contribute to the realization of the “Chinese Dream” by doing a good job in their own positions.I hope it will scale an even greater height.make development more cost effective
We need to build on past success and make new progress in promoting cooperation in Asia.Common development, which is the very foundation of sustainable development, serves the long-term and fundamental interests of all the people in the world.stick together in time of difficulty
we should boldly break new ground so as to create an inexhaustible source of power for boosting common development.a wise man changes as time and event change
abandon the outdated mindset, break away from the old confines that fetter development and unleash all the potential for development.should ride on the waves of the times and make changes in Asia and global development reinforce and benefit each other.Without peace, development is out of the question
All countries in the world are closely linked and share converging interests.enjoy 天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com mutually reinforcing progress
neighbors wish each other well, just as loved ones do to each other
Knowing too well the agonizing sufferings inflicted by war and turbulence, the Chinese people deeply cherish peace.China will increase connectivity with its neighbors,boost cooperation in new priority areas
To enhance peaceful development and win-win cooperation in Asia and the world is a race that has one starting point after another and knows no finishing line
The striving history of modern China testifies to the simple truth that only a prosperous and strong country can bring about national revival as well as prosperity for the common people,turning these aspirations into reality is the precondition for the achievement of the country's dream
An individual's destiny is closely bound up with the country's development, and every person's endeavor contributes to realizing the “Chinese dream
At the critical stage of achieving a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, as long as we involve as many people as possible in the country's reform and development, and in the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we can forge ahead with public support.”习近平在中央政治局常委中外记者见面会上的讲话(双语对照)Full text of Xi's address to the media11月15日,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会新一届中共中央政治局常委在人民大会堂一楼东大厅与中外记者见面。以下为习近平讲话的中英文对照。中共中央总书记习近平:女士们,先生们,朋友们:大家好!让大家久等了,很高兴同各位记者朋友见面。
昨天,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会胜利闭幕了。这些天来,各位记者朋友们对这次大会作了大量报道,向世界各国传递了许多“中国声音”。大家很敬业、很专业、很辛苦,在此,我代表十八大大会秘书处,向你们表示衷心的感谢。Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning.It's a great pleasure to meet you, friends from the press.The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China came to a successful conclusion yesterday.During the past week, you have extensively covered the Party congress and let the world hear China's voice.On behalf of the secretariat of the 18th Party Congress, I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your professionalism, dedication and hard work.刚才,我们召开了中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第一次全体会议,会议上选举产生了新一届中央领导机构。全会选举产生了七位中央政治局常委,选举我担任中共中央总书记。接下来,我把其他6位常委同事向大家介绍一下。
Just now, the 18th CPC Central Committee held its first plenary meeting and elected the new central leadership.The plenary meeting elected seven members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.I was elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee by the plenary session.I wish to introduce to you the other six newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.他们是:李克强同志、张德江同志、俞正声同志、刘云山同志、王岐山同志、张高丽同志。李克强同志是十七届中央政治局常委,其他同志都是十七届中央政治局委员,大家对他们都比较了解。
They are: comrade Li Keqiang, comrade Zhang Dejiang, comrade Yu Zhengsheng, comrade Liu Yunshan, comrade Wang Qishan and comrade Zhang Gaoli.Comrade Li Keqiang was a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee, and all the others were members of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee.I believe their names are familiar to you.天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com 在这里,我代表新一届中央领导机构成员,衷心感谢全党同志对我们的信任。我们一定不负重托,不辱使命!
Here, on behalf of the members of the newly elected central leadership, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all other members of the Party for the great trust they have placed on us.We will strive to be worthy of their trust and fulfill our mission.全党同志的重托,全国各族人民的期望,这是对我们做好工作的巨大鼓舞,也是我们肩上沉沉的担子。
We are greatly encouraged by both the trust all the comrades of the Party have placed on us and the great expectations the people of all ethnic groups in China have of us, and we are keenly aware that this is also an important responsibility for us.这个重大的责任,是对民族的责任。我们的民族是伟大的民族。在五千多年的文明发展历程中,中华民族为人类的文明进步作出了不可磨灭的贡献。近代以后,我们的民族历经磨难,中华民族到了最危险的时候。自那时以来,为了实现中华民族伟大复兴,无数仁人志士奋起抗争,但一次又一次地失败了。
We have taken on this important responsibility for our nation.Ours is a great nation.Throughout more than 5,000 years of evolution as a civilization, the Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to the progress of human civilization.During the modern era(from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century), our nation underwent untold hardship and suffering, and its very survival hung in the balance.Since then, numerous Chinese patriots rose up one after another and fought for the renewal of the Chinese nation, but failed one time after another.中国共产党成立后,团结带领人民前赴后继、顽强奋斗,把贫穷落后的旧中国变成日益走向繁荣富强的新中国,中华民族伟大复兴展现出前所未有的光明前景。
Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has made great sacrifices and forged ahead against all odds.It has rallied and led the Chinese people in transforming the poor and backward Old China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful New China, thus opening a completely new horizon for the great renewal of the Chinese nation.我们的责任,就是要团结带领全党全国各族人民,接过历史的接力棒,继续为实现中华民族伟大复兴而努力奋斗,使中华民族更加坚强有力地自立于世界民族之林,为人类作出新的更大的贡献。
Our responsibility now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China in taking the baton passed on to us by history, and in making continued efforts to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation, make the Chinese nation stand rock-firm in the family of nations, and make an even greater contribution to mankind.天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com 这个重大的责任,就是对人民的责任。我们的人民是伟大的人民。在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。
We have taken on this important responsibility for the people.Our people are a great people.During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture.我们的人民热爱生活,期盼有更好的教育、更稳定的工作、更满意的收入、更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更优美的环境,期盼着孩子们能成长得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。Our people have an ardent love for life.They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security, better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and a better environment.They want their children to have sound growth, have good jobs and lead a more enjoyable life.To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission.人世间的一切幸福都是要靠辛勤的劳动来创造的。我们的责任,就是要团结带领全党全国各族人民,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,不断解放和发展社会生产力,努力解决群众的生产生活困难,坚定不移走共同富裕的道路。
Every bit of happiness in the world is created by hard work.To fulfill our responsibility, we will rally and lead the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups in China in making continued efforts to free up our minds, carry out reform and opening-up, further release and develop the productive forces, work hard to resolve the difficulties the people face in both work and life, and unwaveringly pursue common prosperity.这个重大的责任,就是对党的责任。我们的党是全心全意为人民服务的政党。党领导人民已经取得了举世瞩目的成就,我们完全有理由因此而自豪,但我们自豪而不自满,决不会躺在过去的功劳薄上。
We have taken on this important responsibility for the Party.Our Party is dedicated to serving the people.It has led the people in making world-renowned achievements, and we have every reason to take pride in these achievements.But we are not complacent, and we will never rest on our laurels.新形势下,我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,党内存在着许多亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些党员干部中发生的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主义等问题,必须下大气力解决。全党必须警醒起来。
Under the new conditions, our Party faces many severe challenges, and there are also many pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved, particularly corruption, taking bribes, being divorced from the people, going through formalities and bureaucracy caused by some Party officials.We must make every effort to solve these problems.The whole Party must stay on full alert.天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com 打铁还需自身硬。我们的责任,就是同全党同志一道,坚持党要管党、从严治党,切实解决自身存在的突出问题,切实改进工作作风,密切联系群众,使我们的党始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心。
To address these problems, we must first of all conduct ourselves honorably.Our responsibility is to work with all the comrades in the Party to uphold the principle that the Party should supervise its own conduct and run itself with strict discipline, effectively solve major problems in the Party, improve our conduct and maintain close ties with the people.By doing so, we will ensure that our Party will remain at the core of leadership in advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.人民是历史的创造者,群众是真正的英雄。人民群众是我们力量的源泉。我们深深知道:每个人的力量是有限的,但只要我们万众一心,众志成城,就没有克服不了的困难;每个人的工作时间是有限的,但全心全意为人民服务是无限的。
It is the people who create history, and it is the people who are true heroes.The people are the source of our strength.We are well aware that the capability of one individual is limited.But when we are united as one, we will create an awesome power and we can certainly overcome all difficulties.One can only work for a limited period of time, but there is no limit to serving the people with dedication.责任重于泰山,事业任重道远。我们一定要始终与人民心心相印、与人民同甘共苦、与人民团结奋斗,夙夜在公,勤勉工作,努力向历史、向人民交一份合格的答卷。
Our responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai, and our journey ahead is long and arduous.We must always be of the same mind with the people and share the same destiny with them, and we must work together with them and diligently for the public good so as to live up to the expectations of both history and the people.记者朋友们,中国需要更多地了解世界,世界也需要更多地了解中国。希望你们今后要继续为增进中国与世界各国的相互了解作出努力和贡献,谢谢大家!Friends from the press, just as China needs to learn more about the world, the world needs to learn more about China.I hope you will continue to make more efforts and contributions to deepening the mutual understanding between China and countries of the world.I thank you all!
“两会”指全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress)和中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)。有人把“两会”译为 the two meetings, over 23,000 proposals.和谐社会:a harmonious society
建设新型国家:construct an innovative country 循环经济:circular economy 在中国人看来这样译没有问题;但在对外报道和宣传中最好说清楚。一起来学习有关两会的英语吧!两会:the two sessions 人大:NPC(National People's Congress)政协:CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)
全国政协十一届四次会议:the Forth Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)全国政协委员:CPPCC National Committee members 政府工作报告:government work report 反分裂法:the Anti-Secession Law 民众最关心之事:the public top concerns住房问题:housing issues 对环境保护的认识:awareness for environmental protection 贫富差距:rich-poor gap 国务院:the State Council 房地产市场:the real estate market 第一次有农民工代表:have migrant workers' deputies for the first time 医疗和社会安全:medical care and social security 两会报道:the coverage of the two sessions 非党内人士:non-Communists 留守孩子:children left behind 记者招待会:press conference 中国最高立法机关,全国人大:China's top legislature, NPC 经济议题:economic issues 外国记者:overseas reporters;foreign journalists 旁听两会:audit the two sessions 深化政治改革:deepen political reforms 国家经济和社会发展的十一五计划:the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development 建设社会主义新农村:building a new socialist countryside 政协递交了两万三千个提案:The CPPCC handled
从紧的货币政策:tight monetary policy 消费价格:consumer price 价格上涨:price hike 通货膨胀:inflation
经济过热:overheated economy 最低工资制度:minimum wage system
居民消费价格指数:consumer price index(CPI)反腐败:fight(against)corruption
科学发展观:Scientific Outlook on Development 坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观。Put people first and aim at comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.提高文化软实力:enhance soft power of Chinese culture
综合国力:overall national strength 养老保险 pension insurance system 反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid
依法拆迁 lawful housing demolition and relocation
调控房价 housing prices control
贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor(wealth gap)就业问题 employment 医疗改革 medical reform
下岗再就业 Re-employment after being laid off 登记失业率 registered unemployment rate 分组讨论 panel discussion 城乡差距 rural-urban divide
基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance 中小型企业 SMEs
教育公平Equal Access to Education 司法公正 judicial justice 民主监督 democratic supervision 教育公平equal access to education opening speech 开幕式致辞
small-and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业crops' minimum purchase prices粮食最低收购价
per-capita income人均收入
window guidance窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取
措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。)propel/expand domestic deman扩大内需 proactive fiscal policy积极的财政政策 moderately easy monetary policy适度宽松的货币政策
rural-urban development divide 城乡差距 government work report政府工作报告 dairy product standards乳制品标准
scattered production model分散生产模式(Such a scattered production model is the fundamental 规划
Innovation-oriented Society 创新型社会 Scientific Concept of Development 科学发展观 Township Health Service 城乡医疗服务 Rural Compulsory Education 农村义务教育 Building New Socialist Countryside 建设社会主义新农村
Cross-straits peace and stability 两岸和平与稳定
Increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange reason that there have been so many food safety incidents.这种分散生产模式是诸多食品安全问题的根源。)administrative transparency政务透明 bridging loan过渡性贷款(Bridging, or a bridging loan, is short-term financing made available pending arrangement of intermediate or long-term financing.过渡性贷款是一种在中期或长期融资安排确定前的短期融资)comfortable Housing Project安居工程 careers guidance就业指导
three Direct Links“大三通”(通邮、通航、通商)healthcare reform.package医改方案 basic medicine system基本医疗体制
home appliances going to the countryside家电下乡
equal Access to Education教育公平
golden September and silver October金九银十 rural left-behind population 农村留守人口 issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area三农问题
three insurances and one fund “三险一金”(养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险和住房公积金)administrative accountability行政问责制(是指一级政府对现任该级政府负责人、该级政府所属各工作部门和下级政府主要负责人在所管辖的部门和工作范围内由于故意或者过失,不履行或者正确履行法定职责,以致影响行政秩序和行政效率,贻误行政工作,或者损害行政管理相对人的合法权益,给行政机关造成不良影响和后果的行为,进行内部监督和责任追究的制度)。defense budget 国防预算
National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会 Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议
11th Five-year Development Program 十一五发展
rate 增加人民币汇率的灵活性
President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席
Central Military Commission 中央军事委员会 Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院 Presidium 主席团
Standing Committee 常务委员会 General Office 办公厅 Secretariat 秘书处
Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 内务司法委员会
Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 华侨委员会 Commission of Legislative Affairs 法制工作委员会
Committee for Revision of the Constitution 宪法修改委员会
Credentials Committee 代表资格审查委员会 Motions Examination Committee 提案审查委员会 Ethnic Affairs Committee 民族委员会 Law Committee 法律委员会
Finance and Economy Committee 财政经济委员会 Foreign Affairs Committee 外事委员会 Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 特定问题调查委员会
Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会 disaster relief赈灾
defense expenditure国防开支
safeguarding our sovereignty and territory保卫主权和领土完整
top legislative body最高立法机关 social welfare system 社会福利制度 minimum living standard最低生活标准 the imbalance between urban and rural areas城乡发展不平衡
farmer-turned-entrepreneur 农民企业家 basic medical insurance 基本医疗保
window guidance 窗口指导(监管机构利用其在金融体系中特殊的地位和影响,引导金融机构主动采取措施防范风险,进而实现监管目标的监管行为。)(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹 mergers and acquisitions 并购 mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业 moods 人气 net potato 网虫 equal Access to Education 教育公平disaster relief 赈灾
defense expenditure 国防开支
safeguarding our sovereignty and territory 保卫主权和领土完整
top legislative body 最高立法机关 social welfare system 社会福利制度 minimum living standard 最低生活标准 the imbalance between urban and rural areas 城乡发展不平衡
state-run/owned company/enterprise 国有企业acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐
chart of cash flow 现金流量表
clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 debt to equity 债转股
diversity of equities 股权多元化 economy of scale 规模经济 emerging economies 新兴经济 exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 fund and financing 筹资融资
global financial architecture 全球金融体系 global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化
go public 上市
growth spurt(经济的)急剧增长 have one's 'two commas' 百万富翁 housing mortgage 住房按揭 holdings 控股,所持股份 holding company 控股公司 initial offerings 原始股
initial public offerings 首次公募 innovative business 创新企业 intellectual capital 智力资本 inter-bank lending 拆借 internet customer 网上客户
investment payoff period 投资回收期 joint-stock 参股
mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 means of production 生产要素
non-store seling 直销 offering 新股
online-banking 网上银行业 online-finance 在线金融
online client(银行的)网上客户 paper profit 帐面收益 physical assets 有形资产
project fund system 项目资本金制度 pyramid sale 传销 recapitalize 资产重组
regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团 regulate 调控 sell off 变现
share(stock)option 期权,股票认购权 smart card 智能卡 slash prices 杀价
spare capacity 闲置的生产能力 strong growth 强劲的增长势头 switch trade 转手贸易 take„public 上市
tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产 transaction(银行的)交易
transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付
venture-capital 风险资本 virtual bank 虚拟银行 wire transfer 电子转帐
神舟七号 Shenzhou VII(spacecraft)
载人飞船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft
载人航天 manned space flight
多人多天太空飞行 multi-manned and multi-day space flight
载人航天计划 manned space program
space shuttle
unmanned spaceship / spacecraft
试验太空船 Experimental Spacecraft
multistage rocket
太空舱 capsule
返回式卫星 recoverable satellite
communication satellite
remote sensing satellite
carrier rocket;rocket launcher
长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier
主着陆场 main landing field/ primary landing site
access flap 接口盖
antenna 天线
Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船
artificial satellite 人造卫星 rocket
payload capability
low Earth orbit
调整轨道 fine-tune orbit
绕地球飞行 orbit the earth
气象卫星 weather satellite / meteorological satellite
太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit
同步轨道卫星 geosynchronous satellite
orbital module
re-entry module
propelling module
command module
service module
lunar module
launch pad
emergency oxygen apparatus
space physics exploration
国际空间站 International Space Station
太阳能电池板solar panel
太空升降舱 space elevator
哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope
lunar rover
outer space;deep space
Milky Way
中国空间技术研究院 CAST(the Chinese Academy of
Space Technology)
中国航天局 CNSA(China National Space Administration)
美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration)
太空服 space outfits(space suits)
太空食物 space food
着陆区 landing area
ascent stage 上升段
astronaut 航天员
capsule 太空舱 十七大报告词汇选登
高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 to hold high the “great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics”
建设中国特色社会主义 to build socialism with Chinese characteristics 改革开放 reform and opening-up 全面建设小康社会to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 和谐社会 harmonious society
解放思想、实事求是emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts
勇于变革、勇于创新to make bold changes and innovations
永不僵化、永不停滞to stay away from rigidity or stagnation
不为任何风险所惧to fear no risks
不被任何干扰所惑never be confused by any interference
科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development 正确处理改革发展和稳定的关系to balance reform, development and stability
高度集中的计划经济highly centralized planned economy
充满活力的社会主义市场经济robust socialist market economy
封闭或半封闭的国家closed or semi-closed state 改革开放符合党心民心、顺应时代潮流。Reform and
opening-up accord with the aspirations of the Party membership and the people and keep up with the trend of the times.改革开放方向和道路是完全正确的,成效和功绩不容否定,停顿和倒退没有出路。
The path of reforms and opening-up are entirely correct, and their merits and achievements can never be negated.To stop or reverse reforms and land use certificate 土地使用证
commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼 land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)
Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同
plot ratio 容积率 site coverage 建筑密度 land use term 土地使用期 opening-up would only lead to a blind alley.以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导 to follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the thought of Three Represents 新时期最突出的标志是与时俱进。Keeping up with the times is the most prominent hallmark in the new period 经济实力大幅提升。Economic strength increased substantially.改革开放取得重大突破。Major breakthroughs were made in reform and opening-up.人民生活显著改善。People's living standards improved significantly.社会建设全面展开 Social development proceeded in an all-round way.全方位外交 all-directional diplomacy 党的建设 Party building 房地产词汇
property 物业,资产 interest 产权
subsidiary 附属机构,子公司 valuation 评估
open market [size=+0]value 公开市场价值 leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法 capital [size=+0]value 资本价值
cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)
professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)sale proceeds 销售收益
on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法 floor area 建筑面积
title [size=+0]document 契约文书 plaza 购物中心
project approval 项目许可 planning approval 规划许可 commission 佣金 permit 许可证
business license 营业执照 strata-title 分层所有权 public utilities 公共设施 urban planning 城市规划 state-owned land 国有土地 fiscal allotment 财政拨款 grant or transfer 出让或转让
the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局
infrastructure 基础设施 financial budget 财政预算 public bidding 公开招标 auction 拍卖
negotiation /agreement协议 land efficiency 土地效益
location classification 地段等级 projecting parameter 规划参数 government assignment 政府划拨
administrative institution 行政事业单位 key zones for development 重点开发区 tract 大片土地
biding [size=+0]document 标书 prerequisitioned land 预征土地 competent authorities 主管部门 construction project 建设项目
planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证
go through the formalities 办手续 comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区 reconstruction of old area 旧区改造 purchasing power 购买力 property trust 物业信托 equity 权益
cash flows 现金流量 appreciation 增值 disposition 处置 hedge 保值措施
income tax shelter 收入税的庇护 downturn(经济)衰退
wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比)forecast 预测
rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法 mortgage lender 抵押放贷者 vacancy 空房
discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型
expectation 期望值 letting 出租
equity reversion 权益回收 bad debts 坏帐
depreciation allowances 折旧费 supplies 日常用品 utilities 公共事业设备
allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费 unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额 stamp duty印花税 recession 衰退
overproduction 生产过剩 glut 供过于求
high-technology 高科技 investment strategy投资策略 circulation 发行量
entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家 coliseum 大体育场,大剧院
chambers(商业资本家联合组织的)会所 arena 室内运动场
socioeconomic status 社会经济地位 amenities 便利设施
condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权
income bracket 收入档次 tenement 分租合住的经济公寓 area code(电话)地区代码 community 社区 assessment 估价 downzone 降低区划规模 housing residences住宅
1.private overseas shopping representatives: 个人代购 2.cross-border e-commerce:跨境电子贸易
3.go through the process of customs declaration:走报关流程
4.large online platforms with proper customs declarations:走正规报关流程的大型网络购物平台
5.brainwashing pop song:洗脑歌 6.Ear-worm effect:耳虫效应 7.group psychology:从众心理 8.extradition treaty:引渡条约 9.economic fugitive:经济逃犯
10.case-by-case studies:进行个案研究 11.permanent residence permit:长期居留许可 12.act/play cute:卖萌
13.digital technology:数字技术 14.Foreclosure:弃房断供”就是
15.residential mortgage loan defaults:按揭贷款逾期未还 16.individuality scholarship:个性奖学金 17.Homogeneity:同质化
18.film rating system:电影分级制度
19..rating system for online games:网络游戏分级标准 20.lingering drought 持续干旱 21.effective precipitation 有效降水 22.scattered shower 零星阵雨 23.drought-plagued regions 受旱地区 24.water discharges 下泄流量 25.cumulative rainfall 累计雨量 26.drought alleviation 抗旱
27.cloud-seeding operation 种云作业 28.artificial weather intervention 人工天气干预 29.artificially enhance precipitation 人工增雨
30.water resources allocation mechanism 水资源分配机制 31.arid land 干旱土地 32.water rationing 限时供水 33.dry up 干涸 34.dry spell 干旱期
35.Share the Games, Share our Dreams:分享青春 共筑未来 36.modern,fresh and dynamic:现代、新颖、动感 37.Track of Winners:胜利者的足迹 38.high-polluting fuels:高污染燃料 39.anti-virus software:反病毒软件
40.data loss prevention software:防数据丢失软件 41.information leakage:信息泄露 42.do-not-use list:禁用名单
43.self-developed products:自主研发产品 44.选座服务:seat selection service 45.过道或者窗户的位置:window or aisle seats 46.急出口位:emergency exit 47.选座费:seat selection fee 48.机上无线网络服务(in-flight Wi-Fi service 49.好座位”(premium economy seats 50.“寄血验子”:illegal transportation of blood samples to Hong Kong for gender screening 51.血液DNA检测;DNA gender screening 52.反垄断调查:anti-monopoly investigations 53.售前检测:pre-delivery inspections: 54.公平竞争:fair competition 55.保护消费者权益:protect consumers' right 56.滥用市场支配地位:abuse of market ascendancy 57.降价:cut price 58.羊水栓塞:amniotic fluid embolism [ˌæmnɪ'oʊtɪk ˌfluɪd ˌɛmbəˌlɪzəm]
59.“裁员”或者“裁减工作岗位”:job cuts或lay of(动词形式就是to cut jobs或者to lay someone off)
60.裁员补偿:layoff compensation或者redundancy payments 61.协商离职协议:Severance Agreement 62.劳资纠纷:labor dispute
63.炫富:boast online about her lavish lifestyle 64.干爹:sugar daddy 65.赌博:gambling 66.性交易:sex trade 67.炒作:play the publicity stunt 68.权力寻租:rent-seeking 69.土地征用:land requisition 70.囤地:land reserve 71.供地:land supply 72.土地买卖:land sales 73.最低限价:knock-down prices
74.松绑限购:relaxed home purchase restrictions 75.寻租腐败:rent-seeking and corruption 76.打油诗”:doggerel
77.得奖不够格:unworthy of the prize 78.得奖不够格:unworthy of the prize
79.职业道德:professional ethics of the judging panel 80.鲁迅文学奖:Lu Xun Literature Prize
81.中篇小说(middle-length novels)、短篇小说(short novels)、报告文学(reportage)、诗歌(poems)、散文杂文(prose and essays)、文学理论评论(literary reviews and theoretical works)
82.苏格兰独立公投:Scottish Independence Referendum 83.放权:devolve power 84.简政放权:streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments 85.“招妓”的英文表达是hire prostitutes[ˈprɑ:stətu:t] 86.嫖妓的英文表达是pay for sex 87.zero tolerance
零容忍 88.Goddess [ˌgɑ:dəs]
女神 89.credibility deficit 信誉赤字 90.sub-healthy 亚健康 91.crisis of credibility 信任危机 92.Loss of faith 信仰缺失
93.behaviors have gone unpunished 不道德行为没受到惩罚
94.“mercenary” market economy “唯利是图”的市场经济 95.Lack of faith 信仰缺失
96.“Bystander attitude” or being indifferent 冷漠的看客心态 97.Anxiety over work, life and future 社会焦虑症(因工作、生活、养老及未来无法预期等而长期紧张与不安)98.Habitual distrust习惯性怀疑 99.Ostentatiousness 炫富心态 100.Reveling in scandals 审丑心理(假恶丑盛行、越骂越红)101.Hedonism 娱乐至死(崇尚个人享乐主义)
102.Extreme, violent and anti-social behaviors 暴戾狂躁症(残暴易怒、好走极端甚至危害社会)
103.Addiction to the Internet 网络依赖症
104.Masochism, complaints about the Party and state system 自虐心态(对党和体制抱怨不休)
105.inclusive macroeconomic and social policies 包容性宏观经济和社会政策 106.the need to simultaneously achieve growth, inclusiveness, protection and preservation 实现增长、包容性和环保挑战的迫切需要
107.international law and multilateralism with the United Nations at its center and foundation 以联合国为中心和基础的国际法和多边主义
108.market inter-linkages, financial integration, infrastructure connectivity as well as people-to-people contacts 一体化大市场、金融大流通、互联互通以及人文大交流 109.strong macroeconomic frameworks, well regulated financial markets and robust levels of reserves 强有力的宏观经济框架、良好监管的金融市场和充足的外汇储备 110.tax evasion, transnational fraud and aggressive tax planning 逃税、跨国税务欺诈和恶意税收筹划
111.voice and representation of EMDCs(emerging markets and developing countries)新兴市场和发展中国家的话语权和代表性
112.end extreme poverty and to promote shared prosperity 消除极端贫困,促进共同繁荣
113.efficient allocation of resources, free flow of goods, and fair and orderly competition 资源高效配置、商品自由流动、竞争公平有序
114.an open, inclusive, non-discriminatory, transparent and rule-based multilateral trading system 开放、包容、非歧视、透明和基于规则的多边贸易体系
115.maintain international peace and security, protect and foster human rights and promote sustainable development 维护国际和平与安全、保护和促进人权、促进可持续发展
116.mutual trust, mutual benefit, equity and cooperation 互信、互利、平等、合作的原则 117.the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation 开放、包容和共赢的精神 118.China's diplomacy has principles to act upon, cherishes friendship and righteousness, seeks justice and adheres to the path of peaceful development.中国外交有原则、重情谊、讲道义、谋公正。
119.the anchor that helps stabilize the global economy and the shield that protect the peace of the international community 世界经济稳定之锚,国际和平之盾
120.exchange reform experiences and strengthen all-round cooperation 交流改革经验,加强全面合作
121.comprehensive and cooperative partnership featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development 平等、互利、共同发展的全面合作伙伴关系
122.deepen our friendship and treat each other with all sincerity, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and forge our partnership in reform and development 深化肝胆相照的友谊,开展互利双赢的合作,做改革发展的伙伴
123.increase inter-party exchanges, and work for more frequent multi-tiered dialogues and consultations加强党际交流,密切各层级对话磋商 124.手机人行道(mobile phone sidewalk)125.“低头族”
phubber 126.tweet seats 微博专座
127.Chatterboxing 观看电视上的综艺节目时,很多人都喜欢边看边发微博讨论 128.新闻敲诈” extorting money from companies in return for positive coverage 129.Journalists suspected of serious economic crimes 涉嫌重大经济犯罪的记者 130.extortion in the media 媒体敲诈 131.paid-for news coverage 有偿新闻 132.路演 roadshow
133.机构投资者institutional investors)134.网上路演online roadshow 135.股票的发行价initial offer price 136.“刷脸” face swiping 137.swiping card(刷卡)
138.payment system based on face recognition technology人脸识别支付系统 139.Tainted stars即为“劣迹艺人
140.Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 141.Nobel Economics Prize 诺贝尔经济学奖
142.Swindling scientific research funds即为“套取国家科研经费”,swindling的原形为swindle,指“欺骗,诈骗”,常用搭配为swindle someone out of something,如,An oil executive swindled £50,000 out of his firm.(一名石油公司主管从其公司骗取了 5 万英镑。)四处行骗的骗子就是swindler。
143.科研腐败 corruption in scientific research
144.科研经费管理使用混乱(mismanagement and misuse of scientific research funds
145.improper relationships 不正当关系
146.committing academic cheating(学术造假)、misusing research funds or academic resources(滥用科研经费和学术资源)、having part-time jobs off campus that affect teaching duties on campus(影响正常教育教学工作的兼职行为)
147.demerit on employment records(记过处分)、demotion(降职)、suspension(停职)、termination(开除)甚至being handed over to public security or judicial authorities(被移交公安或司法机关)
148.“登革热”dengue fever
149.stagnant water where the insects breed(滋生蚊虫的积水),同时还免费发放mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂)和handouts on mosquito control(蚊虫防控手册)。
150.闯红灯” cross the road when the light is at red 151.闯红灯者 jaywalker
152.Chinese style of crossing the road 中国式过马路 153.Crossing 十字路口
154.“校园踩踏”的英文表达是school stampede。155.serious dereliction of duty 严重失职 156.remove any safety hazards 排除一切安全隐患 157.begging and performing for money 乞讨卖艺 158.dispensing advertising pamphlets 发小广告 159.professional beggars 职业乞丐 160.弯曲门” bendgate
161.英文中用gate做后缀表示某个丑闻或者争议事件最早来源于“水门事件”(Watergate scandal),以至于后来就算英文中没有出现gate一词,中文也会加上“门”一词表示该事件的争议性,国内很多丑闻也会用“门”来表示,比如,艳照门(sex photo scandal)、虐囚门(prisoner abuse scandal),以及最近的奥巴马“拿铁敬礼门”(latte salute)等。
162.“吃空晌人员”则被形象地表达为phantom employees。163.public institutes 事业单位
164.“退赛”用forfeit a match表示,这里的forfeit指give it up willingly, especially so that you can achieve something else(为了获得其他东西而主动放弃某),如果只是单纯因为个人原因或不可抗力退出比赛则可以用abandon/pull out of/withdraw from the game表示,比如,Lee Chong Wei abandoned his game in the decider due to injury(李宗伟在决胜局因伤退赛)。
瑕疵 defect,救济 remedy,不可抗力 force majeure/Act of God,管辖 jurisdiction,损毁 damage,灭失 loss,损害赔偿 indemnities,不用“compensation”,服务赔偿 credit(对于不能达到合同约定服务等级时对服务费用的赔偿),其他事项 miscellaneous,不用“other matters/events”。
“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”,远远多于“due to”一般不用“because of”;
“财务末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”;
“关于”常用“as regards”, “concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”;
“事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”;
“停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”;
“理解合同”用“construe a contract” 或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”; “认为”用“deem”,用“consider”少,不用“think”或“believe”;
“愿意做”用“intend to do”或“desire to do”,而不用“want to do”, “wish to do”;
“依照合同相关规定”一般说“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”;
“合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,选用“Neither party to the contract”较少。