
时间:2019-05-15 08:09:45下载本文作者:会员上传


★■ 计划类公文包括:规划、设想、计划、要点、方案、安排等。工作计划 工作计划是行政活动中使用范围很广的重要公文。机关、团体、企事业单位的各级机构,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,都要制定工作计划,用到“工作计划”这种公文。工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。从计划的具体分类来讲,比较长远、宏大的为“规划”,比较切近、具体的为“安排”,比较繁杂、全面的为“方案”,比较简明、概括的为“要点”,比较深入、细致的为“计划”,比较粗略、雏形的为“设想”,无论如何都是计划文种的范畴。不管其如何分类,计划内容的范围都是“做什么”、“怎么做”和“做到何种程度”三大项。

(一)各种工作计划特征和写作特点 1、规划 规划是计划中最宏大的一种:从时间上说,一般都要在三五年以上;从范围上说,大都是全局性工作或涉及面较广的重要工作项目;从内容和写法上说,往往是粗线条的,比较概括,如《××省经济和社会发展十年规划》,《××省工业结构调整规划》等。规划是为了对全局或长远工作作出统筹部署,以便明确方向,激发干劲,鼓舞斗志;相对其它计划类公文而言,规划带有方向性、战略性、指导性,因而其内容往往要更具有严肃性、科学性和可行性。这就要求写作者必须首先进行深入的调查和周密的测算,在掌握大量可靠资料的基础上,根据党、国家和具体单位的发展方针确定发展远景和总体目标,然后充分吸收有关意见,以科学的态度,反复经过多种方案的比较、研究和选择,确定各项指标和措施。规划的具体写法:规划因具有严肃性,所以一般都是通过“指示性通知”来转发的,其格式都是由“标题”和“正文”两部分组成,一般不必再落款,也不用写成文时间。规划的标题是“四要素”写法:单位名称+时间期限+内容范围+“规划”二字。如《××省“八五”期间经济发展规划》。规划的正文一般都比较长,大致有以下几方面内容:(1)前言,即有关的背景材料,也就是制定规划的起因和缘由。这是制定规划的依据,因此不能简单地罗列事实,而应把诸多有关情况以过认真地综合、分析,找出其有得因素和不得因素。这样才会使人相信下面所提的规划目标言之有据,有可靠性。(2)指导方针和目标要求。这是规划的纲领和原则,是在前言的基础上提出的,因此既要写得鼓舞人心,又要写得坚定有力,要用精炼的语言,概要地阐述出来。(3)主要任务和政策、措施。这是规划的主体和核心,是解决“做什么”和“怎样做”的问题,因此任务要提得明确,措施要提得概括有力。这部分写作通常有两种结构:对于全面规划或任务项目较多的规划,因其各项任务比较独立,没有多少共同的完成措施,一般采用以任务为主线的“并列式结构”(措施都在各自的任务之后分别提出);对于专题规划或任务较单一的规划,因其任务项目较少而其项目之间的联系又较大,一般采用任务、措施分说的“分列式结构”。(4)结尾,即远景展望和号召。这部分要写得简短、有力、富有号召力。2、设想 设想是计划中最粗略的一种:在内容上是初步的,多是不太成熟的想法;在写法上是概括地、粗线条地勾勒。但时间不一定都是远的,范围也不一定都是宏大的。一般说来,时间长远些的称“设想”;范围较广泛的称为“构想”;时间不太长、范围也不太大的则称为“思路”或“打算”。设想是为制定某些规划、计划作出准备的,是一些初步想法。设想在严肃性、科学性和可行性方面的要求相对差一些,因为它是为正式的规划或计划作准备,不是给各级领导看的,就是交群众讨论的,不必也没时间考虑得太周密,只要基本成形就可以,且在提出任务或目标时,往往还有一些简短的论述语句。设想与规划一样,在内容的写法上都是比较原则和概括,不可能也没有必要写得太细、太具体。设想的具体写法:设想因具有超前性,所以其写作要求并不十分严格,其格式也不大一样:如果是给领导看的,报给上级,就要严肃一些,随报告报送,不必落款,也不必写行文时间;如果是交给群众讨论的,或者不以通知或报告的形式转发或上报,就要落款并写明具体行文时间。设想的标题可以是“四要素”,也可以是“三要素”,或省略单位名称,或省略时间期限,还可以是“两要素”省略单位名称和时间期限,如《关于机构改革的初步设想》。设想的正文一般有两种写法。第一种是只讲目标、要求的条项并列式写法,适用于时间较长远的“设想”或工作计划的最初构思或打算。第二种是也按规划、计划、方案或安排的格式结构,只是内容粗略一些的想法,适用于预备性计划,即只是征求意见的“构想”、“思路”或“打算”。3、计划 狭义的计划是广义工作计划中最适中的一种。这个特点表现在,时间一般在一年、半年左右,范围一般都是一个单位的工作或某一大项重要工作,内容和写法要比规划具体、深入,要比设想正规、细致,要比方案简明、集中,要比安排阔展、概要。计划的具体写法:计划由于大多以一个单位的工作内容范围,只在单位内要求执行,所以一般不以文件形式下发,因而除标题和正文外,往往还要在题下或文后标明“×年×月×日制定”字样,以示郑重。计划的标题也是“四要素”写法,其中哪一个要素都不应省略。正文写法,由于计划是对一个单位的全面工作或某一项重要工作的具体要求,所以写作是要比规划和设想都要具体、详细得多。一般包括以下几方面内容:(1)开头,或阐述依据,或概述情况,或直述目的,要写得简明扼要;(2)主体,即计划的核心内容,阐述“做什么”(目标、任务)、“做到什么程度”(要求)和“怎样做”(措施办法)三项内容,既要写得全面周到,又要写得有条不紊,具体明白。全面工作计划一般采取“并列式结构”(任务、措施分说)。(3)结尾,或突出重点,或强调有关事项,或提出简短号召,当然也可不写结尾。4、要点 所谓要点,实际就是计划的摘要,即经过整理,把主要内容摘出来的计划。一般以文件下发的计划都采用“要点”的形式。要点的具体写法:要点大多是上级机关某一项重要或较大工作计划的摘要,一般都要以文件形式下发,因而多用某个通知作“文件头”,所以只要有标题和正文两部分内容就可以了,不必再落款,再写成文时间;但也有些要点,由于涉及的工作重大,为郑重起见,往往要在标题下标明发文机关名称和制发具体时间。要点的标题可写“四要素”,也可写“三要素”,但“三要素”的写法一般要在题下标明被省略的发文机关名称。正文写法,由于要点的内容是摘录计划的主要之点,所以其正文都写得比较概要,既不要兼顾到各个方面,也不必讲具体做法,更不用讲道理;没有过渡段,段落也不长。在结构方式上,大都是并列式,可分若干项目一贯到底,也可分几大项,大项下分若干小项,其中的小项可在每一大项下单独排列,也可全文排列。5、方案 方案是计划中内容最为复杂的一种。由于一些具有某种职能的具体工作比较复杂,不作全面部署不足以说明问题,因而公文内容构成势必要繁琐一些,一般有指导思想、主要目标、工作重点、实施步骤、政策措施、具体要求等项目。方案的具体写法:方案的内容由于是上级对下级或涉及面比较大的工作,一般都用带“文件头”形式下发,所以不用落款,只有标题、成文时间和正文三部分内容。方案的标题有两种写法:一个是“三要素”写法,即由发文机关、计划内容和文种三部分组成,如《东北师范大学五年发展规划总体方案》;一个是“两要素”写法,即省略发文机关,但这个发文机关必须在领头的“批示性通知”(文件头)的标题中体现出来,如《治理采掘工业危机,实现良性循环方案》。成文时间,为郑重起见,方案的成文时间一般不省略,而且要注在标题下。方案的正文一般有两种写法:一是常规写法,即按“指导方针”、“主要目标(重点)”、“实施步骤”、“政策措施”及“要求”几个部分来写,这个较固定的程序适合于一般常规性单项工作;二是变项写法,即根据实际需要加项或减项的写法,适合于特殊性的单项工作。但不管哪种写法,“主要目标”、“实施步骤”、“政策措施”这三项必不可少的,实际写作时的称呼可以不同,如把“主要目标”称为“目标和任务”或“目标和对策”等,把“政策措施”称为“实施办法”或“组织措施”等。在“主要目标”一项中,一般还要分总体目标和具体目标;“实施步骤”一般还要分基本步骤或阶段和关键步骤,关键步骤里还有重点工作项目;“政策措施”的内容里一般还要分“政策保证”、“组织保证”和“具体措施”等。6、安排 安排是计划中最为具体的一种格式:由于其工作比较确切、单一,不作具体安排就不能达到目的,所以其内容要写得详细一些,这样容易使人把握。安排的具体写法:安排的内容由于是涉及范围较小或单位内部的工作,所以一般有两种发文形式:一种是上级对下级安排工作,尽管涉及面较小,也要用“文件头”形式下发。“安排”的格式是“标题”和“正文”两部分。另一种,如果是单位内部的工作安排,也可直接下发文件,格式就由“标题”、“正文”、“落款及时间”三部分组成。但不管哪种形式,作为“安排”本身都不该有受文单位,如果必须有,则或者以“文件头”形式下发,或者以“关于.....安排的通知”名义下发。安排的标题可是“三要素”写法,也可是“两要素”写法(省略机关名称)。安排的正文一般由“开头”、“主体”和“结尾”三部分组成;也有的省略“结尾”,“主体”结束,正文即随之结束。“开头”同计划的开头差不多,或阐述依据,或概述简明扼要。“主体”是正文的核心,一般包括任务、要求、步骤、措施四方面内容。在结构上可按这四方面内容分项来写;也可把任务和要求合在一起,把步骤和措施合在一起来写;还可以先写总任务,然后按时间先后顺序一项一项地写具体任务,每一项有每一项的要求及措施,要依据工作性质及具体内容来定。但不管怎样结构,其任务都要具体,其要求都要明确,其措施都要得当。方案和安排有共同之处,即写作题材都是单项的工作,即只对一项工作作出部署和安排。这也正是方案、安排与规划、设想、计划、要点的根本不同。但二者在内容范围上也有个大小之分:方案的内容范围适合于上级对下级或涉及面比较大的工作,安排的内容范围则适合于单位内部或涉及面较小的工作,如《××市关于计划生育的工作安排》。方案和安排还有一种较为概要一点的写法,以便于下级具体实施时灵活掌握,叫做“意见”:方案大多称“实施意见”,如《××市“七五”期间社会主义精神文明建设的实施意见》;安排往往称“安排意见”,如《××××系统关于开展增收节支活动的安排意见》。在此需要说明的是,有些机关把单位内部或涉及面很窄的单项工作计划也称之为“方案”,这是不合适的,因为这些工作都比较切近、具体,也并不复杂,只要用“安排”就足够了,如果较为原则,则可称为“安排意见”。

(二)写好计划的方法 写好计划可能是公文写作中比较难的事。因为这不仅仅是个文字表达上的事,还是个涉及具体工作业务的组织和安排问题,需要有长远眼光和领导魄力,这种写作是一个人综合能力的表现。但是在写作上也有一些章法。首先,写作者必须分清这个计划的内容属于哪一类,适合用哪一个具体的计划种类来表达,从而确定具体文种,即是规划、设想、计划、要点、方案、安排中的哪一种。然后,再根据具体内容和文种写作要求进行写作。如果是时间较长、范围较广的计划,就要用“规划”。因为规划不必也不能写得太细,只要能起到明确方向,鼓舞人心,激发热情的作用也就差不多了。当然这并不是说规划就可以写得不切实际;但规划的切合实际问题的确只是个大致的切合。如果是初步的、不太成熟的计划,就要用“设想”。因为设想是为计划作准备的,也不必写得很细,甚至不用写得很好,只要能把大致的“思路”或想法写出来也就够了。但这也不是说设想就可以写得没条理,而只是说它更注重“想”,即要有突破和创新。如果计划内容是某一项工作,一般则用“方案”或“安排”,工作项目比较复杂者用“方案”,较简单者为“安排”。因为方案和安排都必须写得很细(或很全面,或很具体),否则工作就没法开展。当然,若考虑到要给下级执行中留有余地,这方案可变成“实施意见”,这安排也可变成“安排意见”。如果计划内容既不是单项工作,又不是很宏大的,这就该用真正的“计划”了。因为狭义的计划是广义计划中最适中的一种。当然,若只想把这计划摘要加以公布,则可用“要点”来写。

(三)计划写作注意事项 不论哪种计划,写作中都必须注意掌握以下五条原则:第一,对上负责的原则。要坚决贯彻执行党和国家的有关方针、政策和上级的指示精神,反对本位主义。第二,切实可行的原则。要从实际情况出发定目标、定任务、定标准,既不要因循守旧,也不要盲目冒进。即使是做规划和设想,也应当保证可行,能基本做到,其目标要明确,其措施要可行,其要求也是可以达到的。第三,集思广益的原则。要深入调查研究,广泛听取群众意见、博采众长,反对主观主义。第四,突出重点的原则。要分清轻重缓急,突出重点,以点带面,不能眉毛胡子一把抓。第五,防患未然的原则。要预先想到实行中可能发行的偏差,可能出现的故障,有必要的防范措施或补充办法。


















1、页边距:上:3.0cm下:2.0 cm左:3.8 cm右:2.2cm2、行间距:22磅(操作:格式-段落-行距-固定值-设置值22磅)







调查题目;调查目的;调查对象;调查项目;调查方法;调查时间;调查人员; 个人鉴定的写法:写自己本次调查的态度

















② 国家行政公务文书(13类13种)的写作

③ 事务文书的写作

④ 财经文书—合同书的写作


① 考试时间为120分钟,开卷考试。

② 试卷题型:填空,单项选择题,多项选择题,选择合适的文种名称,简答题,写作等。









① 公告和通告的用途。

② 公告和通告二者的不同点。

③ 通告的种类:a 告知性通告 b 规定性通告

④ 掌握通告的写作格式,并能撰写例文。


① 了解通知的用途和分类。

② 掌握通知的写作格式,并能完成例文。


① 通报的作用:a.表彰先进,b.批评错误,c.传达重要精神或情况。

② 通报的分类:按其作用分为以上三类。

③ 掌握通报的写作格式,并能完成通报例文。正文部分的内容。(为此次考试重点)④ 能够区分通告、通知和通报的异同点(P120)


① 报告的作用。

② 报告的分类:a.工作报告,b.情况报告,c.呈转报告,d.答复报告。

③ 掌握报告的写作格式,并能完成例文。


① 请示的用途及分类(a政策性请示b事务性请示)。

② 掌握请示的写作格式,并能完成例文。(此次考核重点)

③ 请示和报告二者的异同点。

④ 写作请示要注意的事项:a.一文一事,b.不能多头主送。


① 批复的作用。

② 掌握批复的写作格式,并能完成例文。


① 函的作用。

② 函的分类:a.去函(来函),b.复函(答函)。

③ 掌握函的具体写作格式,并能完成例文。


① 会议纪要的作用。

② 会议纪要的分类:


③ 掌握会议纪要写作格式及写作要求,并能完成例文。

④ 写作会议纪要的注意事项。



① 简报的作用:




② 简报的特点和分类。

③ 掌握简报的格式及写作注意事项。

a 简报的格式分为3个部分:报头、报文(正文)、报尾,正文是关键部位。b 写作要求:材料内容要紧扣主题,用事实说话,所写内容和语言要简明扼要。


① 计划的作用和分类。

② 写作格式,并能完成例文。

③ 写作计划要注意的事项。


① 总结的分类及特点。

② 掌握总结的写作格式,并能完成例文。

③ 写作要求。


① 调查报告的作用及特点。

② 调查报告的种类。

③ 掌握调查报告的写作格式,能完成例文。

④ 写作注意事项。









1)Hot Issue型 模板一 1

With the development of modern industry,more and more people are concerned about the

problem that ______________(主题问题).Accordingly,_______________________________(伴随主题问题出现的新问题)is becoming more and more serious.Confronted with ___________________________(主题问题), weshould take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For onething, _____________________________(解决方法 1).For another, _________________________________(解决方法 2).Finally,_________________________________(解决方法 3).As far as I am concerned, the best way outis ________________________(解决方法 4).Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future isawaiting us because ____________________(解决方法4的优点和好处).模板二 2

With the development of the society, withthe advent of _____________(相关事物或现象), we have to face a problem that______________________(主题问题).What are the reasons for it? In thefollowing paragraphs, I’ll venture to explore the reasons.To

start with, _____________________(阐述原因 1).Moreover,________________________(阐述原因 2).In addition,____________________________________(阐述原因3).Inview of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken.Forone thing, it is

high time that people all over Chinarealized the importance of __________________(解决主题问题).For another, the government should issuestrict laws and regulations in order to put the situation under control.2)图表型


As is seen from the table / graph / chart,_____________(图表所描述的事物 A)ascent

significantly from __________(数字 1)in __________(年份 1)to ____________(数字 2)in __________(年份 2)while over the same period,_______________(图表所描述的事物 B)shrank slightly from _________(数字

3)to ___________(数字 4).It can be observed easilythat _____________________________________(分析图表所反映的问题).There are many reasons responsible forthis.In the following paragraphs, I’ll venture to explore the reasons.For one thing, _________________(原因 1).For another, ________________(原因 2).Inaddition, _________________________(原因3).However, this table / graph / chart may notpredict the entire situation in the future, I believe ____________________________________(前瞻性预测和展望).模板二(适用于多 2个图表题型)1

The figure of the first graph shows that________________________(简述图表 1概况)while thefigure of the second graph shows that _____________________(简述图表 2概况).The relationship

between these two figures warns us that________________________________(指出两表所反映的问题).However, there are many effective methodsto _____________(解决这一问题).For instance,___________________(解决方法 1).At the same time,________________________(解决方法 2).In a word, ________________________________(总结).As far asI am concerned, the more we

80% of them 赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响)。

There might be some element of truth inthese people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth, we will feel noreservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观点。

There are a number of reasons behind mybelief.(以下参照辩论文的议论文写法)。


A.一个社会问题或者现象 B.产生的原因

C.对社会和我们生活的影响 D.如何杜绝。


Nowadays, there exists an increasinglyserious social/ economic/ environmental problem.(X has increasingly become acommon concern of the public).According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。

There are a couple of reasons booming thisproblem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文写法。

X has caused substantial impact on thesociety and our daily life, which has been articulated in the following aspects.参照辩论式议论文的写法。

A dozen of measures are supposed to take toprevent X from bringing us more harm.同上

Based on the above discussions, I caneasily forecast that more and more people will ……..辩论式议论文

模版 1

Some people believe(argue, recognize,think)that 观点

1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点

2.As for me, I agree to the former/latteridea.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all, 论据

1.More importantly, 论据

2.Most important of all, 论据

3.In summary, 总结观点.As acollege student, I am supposed to 表决心.或:From above,we can predict that 预测.模版 2

People hold different views about X.Somepeople are of the opinion that 观点

1, while others point out that 观点

2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latteropinion holds more weight.For one thing, 论据

1.For another, 论据

2.Last but not the least, 论据

3.To conclude, 总结观

点.As acollege student, I am supposed to 表决心.或

From above, we can predict that 预测.模版 3

There is no consensus of opinions among peopleabout X(争论的焦点)。

Some people are of the view that 观点

1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点

2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion ispreferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all, 论据Furthermore, 论据

2。Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.Thatis, 论据

3。A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。

As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that 预测.三、范文

However, other people harbor oppositepoints of view.Their reasoning is as follows.Firstly, having a leadingposition in business does not solely depend on passion and courage.Managementskills and mature personality weigh highly to ensure that a venture cansurvive, but some students don't possess these necessities.Secondly, learningas much as possible when one is young is vital to one's later development.Theydoubt whether suspending one's study is worthwhile.In my view, to suspend college study tolaunch one's own career should be either encouraged or curbed.The ambitiousstudents need to give themselves an objective evaluation before they'redetermined to be an entrepreneur right now.Certainly, it should not be thebest choice of the majority of the students.4.环境污染

Environmental Pollution




Environmental problem is extremely cared bythe world now.Regretful to say, the situation of

pollutions is rather serious.For onething, because of the exhaust of motor vehicles, the air of almost all the bigcities is badly polluted.For the other, owing to the rapid industrialization,environments and rivers are also seriously polluted.In substance, many of ushave deeply suffered from the harm caused by the pollutions.As matters stand, it’s high time for us tosettle the problems of pollutions.On account of the overproduction of vehiclesand chemical factories, they should be sharply disused, reduced, and limitedaccording to the related regulations.In the similar way, the disposal ofrubbish and wastes cannot be overvalued.It’s a duty for every citizen of the worldto protect the environment.Everyone should coordinate the government’s policyto eliminate the pollutions.5.互联网





Nowadays, Internet is becoming very popularin all walks of life.On the one hand, statistics show

that the number of people who apply to haveaccess to Internet doubles every six months.On the other hand, Internet isemployed in business, government agencies, and educational sections.Internet brings us a both advantages anddisadvantages.The advantages are as the following.Firstly, we can communicatewith our friends more rapidly and quickly.Secondly, Internet brings us fun.For example, many websites open chat rooms where we can talk with differentpeople and make new friends.Finally, many businessmen are taking so-calledbusiness seriously on the net.The Internet also has its disadvantages, just asa coin has two sides.In the first place, some people may linger too long onthe net while neglecting their work or study.In the second place, some columnson the net may have a negative influence on the youth electronic commerce.In my opinion, Internet becomes an integralpart of our lives, but it is certainly not everything.Living in the 21st century, we need to makegood use of the new tool-Internet, but it is just a tool, not life itself.Weshould not depend on it too much, nor should we ignore it deliberately.6.贷款





On Paying back Student Loans Nowadays,student loans provided bystate-owned commercial banks are available to more and more college students.The money may not be much but it is timely support for those who

allowed tocontinue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by westerntraditions.Nobody expects such a consequence.So let’s join hand in hand toprotect Chinese tradition, especially traditional holidays.9.兼职

Part-time Job




Many college students take part-time jobsin their spare time.Whether it is good or bad is still subject to constant debate.Some people believe that taking a part timejob certainly brings about several advantages.To

begin with, students can learn how to getalong with people and know the society better by taking a part time job.Furthermore, to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuableopportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice.Finally,students can make some money, which helps to unload their families' financialburden.However, problems may also arise.Firstly,some students spend too much time doing part|time jobs while neglecting theirstudies.Secondly, when taking part-time jobs, the students may be distractedfrom their studies by the colorful lives in the society.Thirdly, some studentsmay be cheated or hurt by their employers, because they don't know how toprotect themselves.As for me, I share the view that collegestudents need to step out of the campus and take some part time jobs if theirschedule permits.After all, it opens them a window to know about the society,which is essential to their maturity.10.虚假证书的危害

The Bad Effects of Fake Diplomas




There has been a serious epidemic of fakediplomas in some big cities recently.Obviously, its

appearance and development involve twoparts: the demander and the supplier.People who do not have the necessarydiploma to get a desire job naturally thin of this short cut, especially whenso many profit-driven people make fake diplomas so easily available.Usually acertificate of Bachelor’s Degree costs about 200 yuan, which is really cheapcompared with the 4 years of hard work and the pretty big sum of fees involvedin normal ways of getting the diploma.The victims of fake diplomas are firstof all employers, who pay high salaries but do not get real talents.By and by,his business will suffer, and it takes time and money to fine another one whomay or may not hold a real degree.People who have genuine diplomas are alsohurt greatly.They have honestly spent 4 or even more years and great energyworking hard in schools, but cannot get any advantage in job hunting.Thus,actually this phenomenon may encourage people to cheat instead of acquiring adegree honestly.To combat the epidemic, we should stopputting ever more emphasis on the academic achievement of job or promotioncandidates.Instead, practical ability and individual personality should berecognized as important factors of excellent job performance.Besides,effective measures supported by advanced IT technology should be introduced andtaken to help employers distinguish genuine diplomas from fake ones.Once thedemand disappears, the supply will be gone too


校园生活: psychological problems among college students;staying healthy;myopinion of today’s education社会生活:global shortage of fresh water;Environment pollution/protection ofEnvironment;the prevalence of western holidays;make our city greener

书信/叙事描写:an unforgettable party;a volunteer experience

谚语类: where there is a will;there is a way;practice makes perfect


第五章 写作应试技巧






二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式





There/Here is„ I have/got„(2)约会信息便条。如:

Could/Would/will yOU„

I’d like to„(3)感谢便条。如:

Thank you(very much)for„

Many thanks for„ I am writing to thank you for„

I am writing to express my appreciation of all that„

I am writing to tell you how grateful I am for„(4)道歉便条。如:

I’m so/terribly/extremely sorry that„

I would like tO express my apologies for„(5)邀请便条。如:

Would you like to„

Would it be possible for you to„ We should be very glad if you could„(6)请求、询问便条。如:

Would you please„

I would like to„

I would be grateful if you could„

We would appreciate doing„

三、范文分析 Dear liu,I have something important to tell you,please call me at 8 tonight.

Wang [分析] 这是一张通俗的信息便条,Wang有重要的事要告诉Liu,希望Liu与自己联系。该便条很明显没有写作时间和结束语。前面我们提到过单纯的通俗信息与感谢信息的传递不须注明写作时间,若非注不可,也就是即日,即收笺的那一日。

首句I have„句式表明“我”有一些,很自然地、明确地引出信息内容。使用了有说服力的词如important,tell等,突出地表现了信息的重要性。




lst, June DearJane,Please inform me as soon as possible your working plan.Thanks.




英文通知的格式与中文通知格式大体相同,这——点考生容易把握。其内容简单、具体,2 要求写明具体事项,以便告知相关人员。






①All the students of the Computer Department are required to meet„ ②A lecture on linguistics will be given by Professor Xiao„


ATTENTION,A visit to„


①Tomorrow being National Day,there will be no work for seven days. ②Work will be resumed on Oct.8.

三、范文分析 Sample 1

NOTICE All the members of the Students’Union are requested tO meet in the department conferenceroom on Monday,July 5,at 7:30 p.m.to discuss the plan of the sports meet.

Students’Union July 1,2000 [分析] 范文是布告体裁的通知。其格式规范,表述清楚。这是一个会议通告,开会的时间、地点、人员、会议内容都一目了然。和中文的通知一样,发出通知的部门即范文中的Students’Union和日期可写在右下角,但有时日期也可写在发通知的部门的下一行的右下角。但考生常习惯性地将日期写到右上角,这—点应注意。Sample 2 3

March 10,2000 Dear Lily,This is to inform you that due to bad weather tomorrow’s sports meet will be postponed until March 15.

School Athletic Committee [分析] 范文是通知的另一种形式即书信体。它的格式与便条很相似,包括写在右上角的日期、称呼、正文及落款即发通知的部门。同样,它的内容应该清楚、简洁,让人一目了然。





Sep.30,2000 Tomorrow being National Day,there will be no work for 7 days.All the managers and workers are required to take part in the celebrations to be held in the conference room in our company on Tuesday,Oct 1,at 8:00 a.m.Work will be resumedOn Oct.8.

Office of General Manager [参考答案②]


June 2,2000 Attention please,A visit to Shaoshan has been arranged for Saturday,June 7.The teachers who wish to go,please gather at the college gate.The bus is to leave at 6:00 a.m sharp.The English Department Office


(Asking for Sick Leave or Business Leave)





请假条是便条的一种,主要用于因病或因重要事情须向领导请示批准某一特定时间 的假。根据其请假理由的不同,可把请假条分为病假条和事假条两种。但不管是哪一种,都应包括以下四部分内容:


日期通常应在正文右上角,因清假条涉及到的是最近时间内的事情,故可直接用几 月,几日或星期几来表示,如April 10或10 April或Thursday。






结束语常用yours faithfully 或 yours sincerely 或 yours truly等。2.常用句型



I’d like to apply for three days leave of absence,starting from„,and finishing on„ I am writing to ask for sick leave of„days,starting from„to„ I’m sorry l can’t attend the meeting because/as„ Owing to„/As„,I shall be unable to„(2)结尾常用语

请假条中结尾用语常用来表示感谢、请予批准等。常用句型如下: I should be very obliged/grateful if you grant me the leave. I hope you will grant me the leave. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance.

I’ll certainly do my best to make up„once/as soon as„

Now l enclose a Doctor’s Certificate/a medical certificate from/issued by the doctor. Now l enclose the telegraph from my father.


[范文] 事假条

April 25 Secretary Frick,As my brother is moving to Canada tomorrow,I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application for one day’s leave tomorrow.

Yours respectfully

Robin Ford [分析] 这是Robin Ford给秘书Frick的一张请假条。其中包括日期(April 25)、称呼语(Secretary Frick)、结束语(Yours respectfully)、署名(Robin Ford)以及核心部分——正文。就正文而言,一个主从复合句就给出了请假条正文所应包含的所有的信息,如请假理由:“My brother is moving to Canada tomorrow“,请假时间区间为”tomorrow“,表示感谢的话语:“I shall be very much obliged”,请求批准的话语:“you grant me application for one day’s leave”。从这些方面来看,该请假条体现出了请假条简单明了这一特点。正文开头以“As„”引导的原因状语从句引出请假理由,这样的开头使人一目了然。[范文] 病假条

(English 2nd Year,Class B)

April 21(To Department office)Ms Smith,Owing to a severe headache,I shall be unable to attend classes today.I enclose a medical certificate from the doctor.Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance.Yours respectfully

Li Ming [分析] 该请假条从基本格式到内容都符合请假条的要求,包括请假条中的信头(系、年级、班级和写假条的日期),收假条部门以及收假条人名,其中的系、年级、班级和收假条部门也可省略,直接用最简单的请假条格式,从内容中可推断出写请假条人与收请假条人是师生关系。正因如此,请假人写上了“I enclose a medical certificate from the doctor”以示请假理由并非借口,以介词短语“Owingto„”引出请假理由,以句子“I shall be unable to attendclasses today”引出了请假时间区间即today,开门见山,直截了当。


①以Mary的名义向Professor John写一张因病无法上课的请假条(注明缺漏的课日后 补上)。



Nov.12 Dear professor John,I’m sorry l can’t come to your lecture today as I am running a fever.I should be very much obliged if you shall grant me the leave.I’ll do my best to make up the lessons as soon as 1’m recovered.

Yours respectfully,Mary [参考条案②]

Dec.12 Dear Manager,I’d like to apply for three days leave,starting from the 13th-to the 15th,in order to return to my hometown to see my father,who is seriously ill these days.

I should be very much obliged if you grant me the leave.As to the duties to be missed during my absence,I shall do my best to make them up as Soon I get back.

Here I enclose a telegraph from my mother.

Yours faithfully,Wang Fang

邀请信(A letter of Invitation)





邀请信的正式程度由邀请者与被邀请者间的关系来决定。正式的邀请信的格式与普通书 7 信的格式相同,由写信人的地址、日期、收信人姓名及地址、称呼、正文、结束语及署名七个部分组成。而用于熟悉朋友间的非正式邀请信则可省略写信人地址、收信人姓名及地址,称呼也可随便些。邀请信复函的格式和正式程度与邀请信相同。2.正文要求写清的几个方面











(1)I should be delighted/pleased if you could come to„

Would/Could you come to„

(2)I shall be happy to accept„

It was thoughtful of you tO„

Thank you for your invitation to„

We look forward to seeing you again.(3)Please accept my sincere regret at„

Unfortunately,it will be impossible for me tO„

What a shame!We can’t„


Dec.15,2000 Dear Peter,Would you like to come tO my place to have dinner with me on Sunday,Dec.20,at 8:00 p.m.? I haven’T seen you for a long time and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours,Lucy [分析] 以上是Lucy写给Peter的一封共进晚餐的邀请信。由于是非正式场合,省略了 8 写信人地址、收信人姓名及地址、正文开头提出了邀请,并讲明了具体的时间、地点(on Sunday,Dec.20,at 8:00 p.m.,my place)。最后表达了热切的期盼之情(„looking forward to seeing you soon)。

Dec.17,2000 Dear Lucy,Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner at your place on Sunday,Dec.20,at 8:00 p.m.I do accept it with great pleasure.It seems quite a long time since we met last.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.Yours,Peter [分析] 以上是Peter表示接受邀请而写的一封回信。正文开头对邀请表示感谢,并确认了时间、地点。接着明确表示乐意接受邀请(I do accept it with great pleasure)。最后表示了热切盼望那一天的到来。此信的关键是要写明接受邀请,而不能出现“I’ll accept it I’m free“这类模棱两可的句子。

Dec.17,2000 Dear Lucy,Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner at your place,But l’m sorry that I have to decline it.I’ll visit my former teacher that day.

I do hope to see you when I’m free.

Yours,Peter [分析] 这是一封peter因故不能出席的谢绝邀请信。同样,正文开头表达了被邀请的谢意。接着明确地谢绝邀请并解释了原因(But I’m sorry that l have to decline it,I’ll visit my former teacher that day.)。此处用到的套语有:

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to„

I’m sorry that„



①以Wang Li的名义给他朋友Li Min写一封邀请信,请他五一节期间来杭州游玩。

②以Li Min的名义写一封接受邀请信。

③因Li Min在这期间要去广东考察工作单位而谢绝邀请,请以Li Min的名义写一封谢 9 绝信。[参考答案①]

April 20,2000 Dear Li Min,It is really a long time since l saw you last.I miss you so much.would you like to come to Hangzhou during International Labour Day?

Hangzhou is a beautiful city.There are quite a lot of places of interest and shopping places.you’re welcome to stay as long as you like and I’d like to be your guide.

I’m really looking forward to see you again.If you would tell me the time of your arrival,I’ll meet you at the railway station.

Yours,Wang Li [参考答案②]

April 20,2000 Dear Wang Li,Thank you for your kind invitation,I’m really pleased to meet you in Hangzhou,But now I can’t decide specifically when I will arrive in Hangzhou,However,once I make a specific decision,I will notify you by telephone.

I hope we can meet earlier.

Yours,Li Min [参考答案③]

April 20,2000 Dear Wang Li,Thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit Hangzhou.We really haven’t seen each other for a long time.But I really feel regret that I call’t come.I have to go to Cuangzhou those days,you know I’ll graduate thlis July,so I must go to visit the place where I will work.

I’ll write to you when I get back.


Li Min

请求信(A Letter of Request)



二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式




(1)I wish to„

I want tO„

We’d like to„

I would ask you to„

(2)We would feel obliged„

I should feel grateful for„

„will be greatly appreciated„


No.3 Huangxing Road Changsha,410006

July 11,1999 Admission Office NanJing University Nanjing,210008 Dear Sir,I want to pursue a ph.D at your university.My intended of entrance is Autumn 2000.Your sending me application forms at your earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours

Li Mei [分析] 以上是Li Mei给Nanjing University招生办写的一封请求寄申请表的信。该请求 11 信包括了写信人地址(No.3 Huangxing Road,Changsha,410006)、日期(July 11,1999)、收信地址,因不知收信人姓名而写了招生办(Admission Office),相应地称呼也写成Dear Sir,这样比较合适。正文开头“I want to„”直奔主题,道明了写信的目的,接着指明了入校时间为2000年秋,最后礼貌地请求他寄上申请表。在这里他用的是“„will be greatly appreciated”这个句型,而不仅仅是一个简单的”Thanks“。


给某电脑公司的销售部经理写一封请求信,请求他给你寄该公司当天在《北京周末 报》广告中的家用电脑的详尽说明。[参考答案]

Baihai Road

Shanghai,200030 May 11,2000 Sales Manager Xinnan Computer Company NO,2 Leping Street Beijing,100082 Dear Sir,I’m interested in the personal computers which are advertised in today’s Beokom Weekend.I want very much to get the information about the various computers that you have.

I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send me some details of your computers.

Yours faithfully,Wang Lin

求职信(A Letter of Application)



二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式

和其他普通书信一样,求职信由写信人的地址及写信日期、收信人的姓名及地址、称呼、12 正文、结束语、署名和附件七个部分组成。写信人的地址要详细,以便对方顺利通知写信人面试。收信人一般为求职单位的人事负责人。附件指个人简历、有关证明。2.正文要写清以下四个方面的内容





(1)I would like to apply for the position„

This is an application for the position„

I wish to apply for the position„

(2)Please let me know if you want an interview.

Can we arrange an interview at your convenience?

I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity interview.

(3)I’m looking forward to hear from you shortly.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Weymouth Street Charlottetown Price Edward Island, Canada CIA 4Z2 10 September,1998 Personnel Director Macro Engineering Co.600 Deepdale Drive Toronto,Ontario M5W 4R9 Dear Sir,I would like to apply for the senior position in your first-class standard Laboratory advertised in your advertisement.I graduated from Pacific Rim College in 1996 and got a B.S degree in Electrical Engineering.

After graduation I have been working at the Engineering Laboratory of Pacific Rim College 13 and have got much experience,And I trust I’m qualified to fill your position.

I’m enclosing my CV and looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

Yours Sincerely Alex Gawin [分析] 以上是Pacific Rim学院电子工程实验室工作人员Alex Gawin向Macro工程公司写的一封求职信。该求职信包含写信人地址(140 Weymouth Street Charlottetown,Prince Edward Island,Canada CIA 4Z2)和写信时间(10 September l998)、收信人姓名(Personnel Director)和地址(Macro Engineering Co.600 Deepdale Drive,Toronto,Ontario,M5W 4R9)、称呼(Dear Sir)、正文、署名(Alex Gawin)和附件(CV个人简历)六个部分。正文清楚地显示了所寻求的职位(the senior position in your first-class standards Laborary)、自己受教育的程度(graduated from Pacific Rim College,got a B.S degree in Electrical Engineering)电力机械专业理学土和工作经历及能力(have been working at the Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Pacific Rim College,have got much experience,trust that I’m qualified to fill your position)。至于证明人及其联系地址和电话放在附件“个人简历”(CV)之中。信中使用的套话有:

I would like to apply for„

I’m looking forward to hear from you shortly.



The Representative office Of

an oversea manufacturing

company is looking for an


To assist General manager in his job,The person should be able to do the filing,take shorthand,deal with paperwork and correspondence in English,organize meetings and communicate with clients.Computer knowledge is a must preferably with technical background at least 3 years experience. [参考答案]

No.110 Shaoshan Road Changsha 410006, Hunan Nov.17,2000 Personnel Director 14 Oversea Manufacturing Company in Shanghai 120 Beihai Road, Shanghai 200040 Dear Sir,I wish to apply for the position as executive secretary in your company advertised in yesterday’s Guangming Daily.Since my graduation in 1998 from Hunan University with a B.S degree in Public Administration & service,I have been working as the General Manager’s executive secretary of a manufacturing company in Xiangtan and have got quite a lot of experience.Besides professional knowledge,I have a good command of computer and English.I’m sure I call fill your position.

I’m enclosing my CV and looking forward to hear from you shortly.

Yours faithfully

Chen Ming

慰问信(Letters of consolation)





二、应试技巧 1.正确运用写作格式



I was shocked/saddened/distressed/grieved to hear that„

It was a great/profound shock to hear„

We have just heard/learned with profound sorrow/regret the sad tragic news(of)„

I just can’t tell you how sad I am(to hear of)„

We want to offer our deepest„/May I express my most heartfelt sympathy at the loss of„


Please accept our very sincere/heartfelt condolence/consolation in your great loss.

We hope our caring will make your sorrow easier to bear.

We hope that time will ease the sorrow of your recent loss.

May our sympathy and consolation help to comfort you.

Our thoughts are with you in this time of sorrow.

May your memories be a source of comfort.

If we can be of any help,please don’t hesitate to let us know. 3.正文部分应注意的三个方面




中国学生受本族文化的影响,在写慰问信时往往发生错误的文化迁移,常使用类似这样的句子:”There is nothing anyone can say at a time like this.”“Words cannot express our feelings.”或“We don’t know what to say at this time.”这类话是极不应该出现的,它们显得似乎有意拉长一个表达悲伤的简短句子,而在对方需要帮助时却又无能为力。


July 6,2001 My dear Margaret,Today I heard of the passing away of your father,for whom I had the greatest admiration and regard.I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock,and I will miss your father,as you will.

May your memories be a source of comfort.Please know,Margaret,that my heart and my thoughts are with you and your family.I wish I could do something to soften your grief.

Affectionately,Mary Haskins [分析] 这是Mary Haskins写给Margaret的一封慰问信。信写得真诚、亲切,设身处地替对方着想。首句巧妙地回避了令人反感和痛心的death,died,killed之类的词,而代之以pass away这一委婉语,表达了自己的慰问之情。紧接其后的“for whom I had the greatest admiration and regard”又表达了自己对朋友之父的尊敬与仰慕。因为“the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock”,所以Margaret此时的心情一定是很悲痛的,但是“I will miss your father,as you will”,虽然人已死,但是他的音容笑貌依然活在亲友的心中,并将永远被怀念,这对生者无疑是一种莫大的安慰。

信的结尾十分坦诚而热心地提出帮助:“I wish I could do something to soften your grief.”以实际的言行来帮助对方减少丧父之痛。

文中恰当选用了“May your memories be a source of comfort.”和”Please know that my heart and my thoughts are with you and your family.”给对方以慰藉和勇气。



Aug.12,2000 Dear Mrs.Corbin,I feel I simply must write this note and tell you how much you are in the hearts and minds of everyone in school.

We were greatly shooked and saddened to hear the news of crash,But we were grateful,too,hat your injuries were not worse.We will miss your,but don’t concern yourself with your work here,we will take care of it for you.

The affection and best wishes of the entire school are with you,and everyone is hoping for your quick and complete recovery.

Sincerely yours


投诉信(A letter of Complaint)



二、应试技巧 1.了解投诉信的特点










I’m writing to you about the bed which I bought from your shop three days ago.I’m sorry to complain of the bad quality of„/the poor service of„

I choose to complain to you about„because I’m sure you will be able to have the problem solved.


When we/I checked„,we/I noticed/found„

„,it did not work properly.

As you will realize,I was extremely upset to discover all this.


Please let us/me know what you intend to do in this matter.

I’m returning„under/by separate post.

I’m looking forward to receiving a full refund of 500 yuan.

Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.


May 18,2001 Dear Sir,I have written two letters telling you that my telephone has been out of order for a few days,but I haven’t heard from you ever since.Now it is hard to get a connection,what is worse,it is ringing like mad every now and then.This causes us not only much inconvenience but also a lot of trouble.

Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,Li Fang [分析]这封投诉信是写信人投诉修理电话机的人未及时修理电话机。写信人一开头就以“I have written two letters„but I haven’t heard from you ever since“这一句子引出了投诉内容及原因即“the telephone has been out of order”and the repairers didn’t give any reply to the writter’s requirement,紧接着写信人说出了电话机出现的毛病以及这些毛病给人带来的不方便,最后以“Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible”这一句子结尾,直截了当地向被投诉人提出给予解决问题的办法。总体上说,这篇文章的语言较平和,写信人的态度也较为诚恳。






投诉原因:某天路过一商店时看中一件毛皮大衣,故进去向营业员说明来意,当因她 给的大衣太大要求更换时,该营业员拒绝这一要求,并说你是买不起这种毛皮大衣的人。



Dec.25,2000 Dear Mr Manager,I’m sorry to complain to you about the bad quality of the woolen jacket I bought from your shop three months ago when I was in your area.

I’ve been wearing it only at weekends.but now the sleeves have worn badly.As you will realize,I’m extremely upset and annoyed at this.I hope I can have my money hack,if you don’t mind.I’m sorry to give you the trouble,but I’m sure you’ll be kind enough to have the problem solved.I’m returning the jacket under separate post,and enclose the receipt。I’m looking forward to receiving your early reply.

Yours faithfully

Li Ping [参考答案②]

Nov.12,2000 Dear Mr Manager,I’m very sorry to complain to you about the poor service in your store.

The day before yesterday when I was passing your shop,I happened to find a fur coat in the shopwindow which I liked very much.I went in and told a lady assistant(No.2)about my intention.

When l found the coat she showed me was too big,I asked her to show me a smaller one,but she refused,and said that I was not the one who could afford it.I hope she could make an apology to me and that you’ll make her understand how to serve customers.

Yours truly,Li Hua

道歉信(A Letter of Apology)



二、应试技巧 1.道歉信的格式

道歉信常用于熟悉的朋友之间,因而普通书信中的写信人地址、收信人姓名、地址可以 20 省略不写,写上日期、称呼、正文、结尾客套语及署名即可。特别注意日期应写在右上角。2.道歉信的正文





(1)I’m terribly sorry for„

I’m awfully sorry that„

I’m very sorry to„

I regret that„

I regret to say that„

(2)Please accept my apology for„

You’ll accept my apology,won’t you?

I should be much obliged if you will please excuse me.

I hope you will accept my apology.


July 2,2000 Dear Alison,I must apologize to you that I have lost the pen you lent me last Monday,I looked wherever I might have put it,but I just couldn’t find it I know it was a gift from your aunt,I’m going to buy a new one for you,I’m really sorry for being so careless,you’ll accept my apology,won’t you?

Yours,Jim [分析]以上是Jim因丢失了Alison的钢笔而写的一封道歉信,其格式规范,包括了日期(JuLy 2,2000)、称呼(Dear Alison)、正文、结尾客套语(yours)、署名(Jim)五个部分。正文一开头用了“I must apologize to you that„”诚恳地向对方道歉,接着解释了道歉的原因:“„lost the pen„”而且他正在采取补救措施:“I’m going to buy a new one for you.”最后承认这是因为自己的粗心大意:“I’m really sorry for being so careless,”并恳请对方原谅:“You’ll accept my apology,won’t you?“范文写得简洁明了,措词委婉,道歉者真诚的歉意溢于言表。其中所用到的套话有: I must apologize to you that„ I’m really sorry for„

You’ll accept my apology,won’t you?




Sep.3,2000 Dear Mary,I’m awfully sorry that I couldn’t see you off at the airport yesterday.My mother fell ill and I had to take care of her at home.I hope you will accept my sincere apology.

Yours,Lacy [参考答案②]

Nov.12,2000 Dear Mr.Smith and Helen,I’m terribly sorry that the dinner we have planned for Nov.25 must be postponed.I’ll have to attend an important meeting that day.I’ll write soon to see what we canarrange in December,Thank you for thinking of me.

Sincerely yours,Lily

解雇信(A Letter of Dismissal)



二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式







(1)I regret having to tell you„

It is with deep regret that I must inform you„

I am sorry to be the one to tell you„

(2)We trust that several new positions will open for you.

I wish you the best in future employment.

I am sure you will soon find work more suited to your abilities.

We wish you well in your endeavor.


Feb.18,2000 Dear Allan,I am sorry to be the one to tell you this,but your service will no longer be required.However,your pay will continue for two full months.The time is based on your years of service.

We have repeatedly asked you to put more effort and willingness into your work.We believe you have the potential to do a competent job;but your last 3 reports were late,incomplete and inaccurate,and therefore useless to our managers who rely on these reports for operating decisions.

Perhaps you should seek a job that is less demanding and has less critical deadlines.I am confident you will soon find work more suited to your abilities.Sincerely

Ecloise Madden [分析] 这是雇主Ecloise Madden因员工Allan工作表现差而将其解雇的一封信,包括写信日期(Feb.18,2000)、称呼(Dear Allan)、正文、结束语(Sincerely)和签名(Ecloise Madden)五个部分。信中运用了常见语句:“I am sorry to be the one to tell you„”“Perhaps you should 23 seek a job„to your ability.”前句表达雇主的遗憾之情,后句用以安慰和鼓励被解雇的职工。解雇原因通过一句话“„but your last 3 reports were late,incomplete and inaccurate and therefore useless to our managers„”解释得清楚明了。同时,通过被动语态(„but your service will be no longer be required.)和现在完成时(We have repeatedly asked you„)暗示我们一直苦口婆心规劝你,可你不听,从而产生今天我们迫不得已解雇你这一事实,从而让被解雇人明白:造成今天这个结局的原因主要在自己身上,雇主和公司方已经做到了仁至义尽。此外,通过肯定其工作能力(you have the potential to do a competent job)以维护被解雇人的自尊心。


中友光学仪器公司因使用生产过程自动控制系统(the automatic control system of the production process)需要裁减一批员工,其中包括李明。请以董事长Mr Carol的名义给他写一封解雇信,字数不少于80个。[参考答案]

June 25,2000 Dear Mr Li,It is with deep regret that I must inform you of the recent decision to terminate your association with Zhongyou Optical Instruments Company.Because of the automatic control system of the production process,we have to cut down our manpower resourees,and several employees have,unfortunately,suffered in the process.

Your work here has been admirable,and I will certainly provide you with the highest of recommendations if called upon to do so.

With your skills and abilities to work with people,I am sure you will soon find a position with another company.Wish you the best in future employment.

Sincerely yours


借据和收条(IOU and Receipt Forms)





借据和收条一般由日期、正文、署名三部分组成,但借款借据一般要写抬头(To Mr Smith),而借物借据和收条均可省略抬头。2.注意不同字据内容表述上的细节性差别

(1)借物借据常以“Borrowed from„”这个句型引导,写明何人何物即可。

(2)借款借据常以“I,O,U”开头,也可写成“IOU”,它是“I owe you”(我欠你)的缩写形式,即汉语中的“今借到”、“今借”。接着要写明所借款的数额及币种,如果是定期偿还的还应写上归还的具体日期,带利息的应写明利息多少。利息常以厘为单位,用百分比表示,如:5 percent per annum意思是年息五厘。若要说明用途,则在其后加“for„”。

(3)收条开头常以“Received from„”或“Receive of„”引导,相当于汉语中的“今收到”、“收到”,再写明收到的具体内容。3.牢记并恰当运用固定表达


Borrowed from„for„

Received of/from„

三、范文分析 Sample 1

Feb.2, 2000 To Mr John,IOU three thousand yuan only(RMB),to be paid within three months from this date with interest at sIX per cent per annum.

Liu Li [分析]这是一张定期偿还的借款条据,其格式正确,内容简单明了。它用了我们写借据时常用的“IOU„”开头来说明借了3000元整,括号中的RMB指明了币种。接着写了归还的日期和利息(six percent per annum年息6厘)。Sample 2

May 8,2000 Borrowed from professor kerry an English-Chinese Dictionary.

Lucy [分析]借物字据较借款字据简单,不必写抬头,只须写明借何人何物即可。Sample 3

April 11,1999 25

Received from the English Department the sum of eight hundred US dollars(US $800),being my salary for the month of April,1999.

K.Grace [分析] 收据格式与借据相同,但省略抬头,范文中的”Received from the English Deparunent the sum of eight hundred US dollars(US $800)”清楚地告诉我们:收到英语系共800美元。在写款额时比较谨慎,不仅写明了“eight hundred US dollars”,又在括号里标明了,这样很难被涂改。接下来的“being my salary for the month of April,1999“指出了钱的用途,如不需说明也可省略。


①写一张借条,内容为Li Bin欠Mrs.smith 5000美元,将在立字据起两年内偿还,年息为3厘。

②Peter John于2000年9月1日收到李平缴纳的住宿费600元人民币,请以此写一张收条。


Oct.10,2000 To Mrs Smith,I.O.U five thousand US dollars(US $5000)to be paid within two years from this date with interest at three per cent per annum.Li Bin [参考答案②]

Sep.1,2000 Received from Mr.Li Ping six hundred Yuan(RMB)for accommodation fee.

PeterJohn [参考答案③]

March 4,1999 Received from the Highter Education Press one hundred copies of Practical Professional,English.






二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式

前文提到过,证明的格式与一般书信格式大致相同,只是在称呼(thesalutation)位置上一般写上“To whom it may concem,(i)”,而不须写收信人姓名、地址和结束语。通常在信笺的上方先注明Certificate(证书)字样,然而写将要证明的内容,最后在右下方署上自己的名字或单位名称。2.写清证明内容

无论是证明还是证书,都要求在正文(the body)开头就写上证明内容。一般采用的句型是:

This is to certify that„(兹证明„„)3.证明或证书应该是权威的



October 7,2000 TO whom it may concern,This is to certify that Miss Liu Ning has been employed in our company as a typist for the past five years and has been working to oyr complete satisfaction.She has faithfully attended to her duties and has proved herself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable.Now she is leaving as we have no further need of her service.Any inquiries regarding her will be answered.

Yours faithfully

Shao Qiang Director of the office [分析]上面是一位办公室主任邵强给刘宁小姐写的一封证明,刘宁小姐由于公司不再需要打字员而离职。这封信简短,但包括了证明信的基本要素:写信日期(October 7,2000)、称呼(To whom it may concern)、证明的正文(This is to certify that„)、结束语(yours faithfully)27 和署名(Shao Qiang),署名中列出写信人的职位(Director of the Office),表明了这封信的权威性。

信中还提到刘宁小姐的具体工作表现:“She has faidfully attended to her duties and has proved herself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable”,语言规范、正式,措词严谨。此外,还说明了我们是怎样受益于她的工作的(„her work has been to our complete satisfaction)。



Peking University November 12,1998 To whom it may concern,This is to certify that Mr.Lin Tao has attended a courne in English Language,Literature and Culture from September l995 to July l996 in the Faculty of English.

Wang Gang

President of the University

推销信(A Letter of Sales Promotion)



二、应试技巧 1.正确运用格式


(1)使用有说服力的词语如:advantage,confidence,economical,effective,fair,free,lowest cost,new,money-making,powerful,good quality,successful,valuable等等,为推销信增色。





(1)Here is an indispensable invention for anyone who„

I wonder if you have ever had an experience like this one——This may be your last chance to„

(2)So do the right thing for yourself——mail the card today.Send no money,simply mail the card.

Our supply is limited.Act now!We will be happy to assist you.please give us a call.

Send no money.If not satisfied,don’t pay.


Federal Drug Administration 532 Overbrook Road Michigan 48013 January 4,1999 No.111,Madison Avenue New York,NY100017 Dear Madame,If you have a weight problem,do not despair.The Federal Drug Administration has approved the weight-loss medication“Ionamin”,which is effective and doesn’t have the harmful effects of other medications.

But this is only part of our complete procedure that promises proper weight loss.We perform a medical examination,including heart-rhythm test,blood tests and basic medical history.

From this we can prescribe the proper medication——if needed——diet,and exercise.Each person is different,and you will be treated as an individual.

Weight loss can be promised,but keeping your weight at its proper level can be achieved only with your cooperation and persistence.

Call me at 000—0000 for a free consultation.We can help you maintain your desired weight.


Federal Drug Administration


Sales Manager [分析] 以上是美国联邦药物经营公司销售部经理Atwood给纽约市麦迪逊大卫110号的一位女士写的一封推销减肥药的信。其组成部分为写信人的地址(Federal Drug Administration,532 Overbrook Road,Michigan 48013)和写信时间(January 4,1999)、收信人的地址(No.111,Madison Avenue,其姓名因不知道而省略)、称呼(Dear Madame)、正文、结束语(Sincerely)和署名(Atwood),这里为了增加可信度,附有推销人的工作单位及职务(Federal Drug Administration,sales manager)。

正文部分使用了有说服力的词如effective,promises,free,desired等;引号、破折号等视觉刺激手法;重点描述“Ionamin”药品的减肥优势(effective and doesn’t have the harmful effects of other medications),最后留下了一个免费咨询的电话号码000—O000。



Shanghai Trading Co.Ltd.

NO.10,Jinhua Road

Shanghai 200031

May 10,2001 No.12 Zhongshan Road Changsha 410008 Dear Sir or Madame,We have a point to make——Our“ROC”sharpeners do more than just put a point on your pencil.It will sharpen your pencil down to the last stub without harming the lead core.

Famed for 40 years for quality and low cost,“ROC”pencil sharpeners are sold around the world.

If you have a“ROC”,you have a fine aid to writing,but also have a decorative piece for your desk——or a toy for your child.

We will be happy to assist you.Please call at 021-543703207 for a free consultation.

Yours truly

Shanghai Trading Co.Ltd.

Wang Qiang

Sales Manager






(1)格式可以多样化。甚至可以以图表的形式出现。但总的原则是简洁明了.一目 了然。


①个人资料(Personal Information)。包括简历人的姓名、性别、详细地址、邮编、电子邮件地址甚至国籍等。





Resume Wang Mingda 1200 Sichuan Road,Chengdu Sichuan 610000 The People’s Republic of China Job objective:a position as a computer programmer Experience:Programming ——Skilled in computer programming.

Analysis——Developed skill in analyzing flow charts,programs,and systems


Organization——Highly organized with demonstrated leadership skill in coordinating

and motivating team members.

Human Relations——Able to work well with people,work hard and make significant

contributions to an organization Education:Bachelor of science,Chongqing University,1994. Minor:Computer Science Work History:August,1995~August,1996,Engineer,Xinglong Electronics,Inc.Chongqing September,1994~July,1995,technician,Dongfang Computer Company,Chengdu Foreign Language:Studied English throughout the undergraduate years;Excellent reading

ability,good at translation and good spoken English Personal Data: Date of Birth:March 20,1971 Place of Birth:Chengdu,Sichuan Province,China Marital Status:Single

Health:Excellent Interests:Sports,theatre,reading Reference:Available upon request [分析] 这是四川成都市王明达的一份个人简历。整个简历虽然没有以表格形式出现,但布置整齐(主要项目实行左对齐)。包括六个方面的主要内容(Personal Information,Experience,Education,Work History,Foreign Language和Reference)。全面、系统地介绍了自己过去学习、工作的情况。在列出个人信息之后,明确列出了求职意向(Job objective)是a position as a computer progrmmner,让雇主一目了然。个人经历又分四项(Programming,Analysis,Organization,Human Relations)详细回顾任职资历,充分地向雇主证明了自己的能力。在教育一项中,突出了自己所获得的学位“Bachelor of Science,1994 Chongqing University”,所主攻的专业是“Computer Science“。然后进一步说明自己并非只具有专业知识,还兼有丰富的工作经验,曾在“Xinglong Electronics,Inc.Chongqing”担任“Engineer”一职,又曾作过"“Technician,Dongfang Computer Company,Chengdu”。最后,以所掌握的ForeignLanguage来证明自己除专业外,外语也学得不错,是一个全面发展的人才。







传真:010—818—4575912 32



已婚,生有一女。1970—1978年,在纽约Walshall Elementary School学习,1978~1982年在洛杉矶Lincoln High School学习,1982~1986年在University of California的Law School学习。上大学期间始终学习法语,具有很好的阅读能力,且擅长笔译,并能流利地交谈。从1986-1988年在加利福尼亚大学任助教,1988年至今在该大学任讲师。希望寻求一份律师工作,原因是本人一直渴望作律师,因为这工作不仅有趣,而且有助于提高工作能力,薪金也很诱人。[参考答案]

Resume Name:John Smith Present Address:506 High Street Los Angeles,California U.S.A.

Tel No:101—818—4575911

Fax No:O1O—818—4575912 Date of Birth: April 9th,1964

Place of Birth: New York Nationality: American

Marital Status:Married,1 daughter Education: 1970~1978;Walshall Elementary School N.Y.

1978~1982:Lincoln High Sch001,Los Angeles 1982~1986:Law School,University of California Foreign Language:I had been studying French for four years at college.Now I have excellent reading ability.I am good at translation and can talk with others in French fluently. Work Experience:1986~1988,Teaching Assistant,University of California 1988~present,Lecturer,University of California Job Objective:a lawyer Reasons:I have been longing to work as a lawyer,because the work is not only interesting but also provides me with more chances to improve my ability.Besides,the salary is very attractive.33



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