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Closing Remarks at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship By Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, D.C.April 27, 2010





Thank you.Thank you very much.Thank you.I want to thank Jim Wolfensohn for participating in this conference.This is hot off the presses.The Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East: Towards Sustainable Development for the Next Generation, produced by the Wolfensohn – as in Jim Wolfensohn – Center for Development at the Brookings Institute – apparently, this is an issue whose time has come.And that’s because of all of you.谢谢。非常感谢。谢谢诸位。我感谢吉姆∙沃尔芬森出席这次会议。这是一部刚出版的新作:《中东的社会创业:为了下一代的可持续发展》,由布鲁金斯学会的沃尔芬森——即吉姆∙沃尔芬森——发展中心出版发行。很显然,这个问题已被提到议事日程上来了。这都是你们大家努力的结果。

So it is such a pleasure to be with you at one of the most exciting gatherings of entrepreneurs anywhere in the world today.And I join those who have already welcomed you to Washington and thank you for helping to make President Obama’s Summit on Entrepreneurship such a success.With this summit, we carry forward a conversation about the role that entrepreneurs can and must play in a healthy, thriving, prosperous, stable society, and how each of us, no matter where we live or who we are, can help to spread the principles and the benefits of entrepreneurship to people everywhere.因此,我十分高兴今天与你们共同出席这次会议,这是全世界最令人振奋的创业者会议之一。你们为奥巴马总统倡导的创业峰会取得如此圆满的成功作出了贡献,我和其他已表示欢迎你们前来华盛顿的人一道对你们表示感谢。通过这次峰会,我们促进了相互间的对话,讨论创业者在一个健康、兴旺、繁荣和稳定的社会中能够和必须发挥什么作用;我们每一个人,无论住在哪里,无论具有什么身份,将如何发挥自己的作用,向全世界各地人民传播创业的原则,介绍创业的成效。

I would imagine that some of you came wondering, well, what is this really all about and why is the United States and the Obama Administration sponsoring this conversation? And it is because we believe that by bringing together men and women from dozens of countries and all walks of life, this summit has made one thing clear: Being entrepreneurial does not depend on your job title or what you studied in school or even that you went to formal schooling at all.Entrepreneurship is a way of looking at the world and seeing not just obstacles, but opportunities;not just the world as it is, but the world as it could be, and then having the confidence, the determination, and the resources to move those worlds closer together.我想你们中间有些人在前来出席会议时也许会有疑问,这究竟是怎么一回事,美国和奥巴马政府为什么倡议举办这样的讨论会?这是因为我们相信,通过邀请几十个国家和社会各界的男女代表共聚一堂,这次峰会已说明了一个问题:能否创业并不取决于你的职位,也不取决于你在学校学的是什么,甚至也不在于你是否受过正规的学校教育。创业需要以某种方式观察世界,不仅看到障碍,而且看到机会;不仅看到现实的世界,而且看到世界可能发生的变化,从而获得信心、决心和资源,一步步走向未来的世界。

An entrepreneur is anyone with the imagination to conceive of a new product, process, or service, and the ability and persistence to turn that idea into something real.My father was a small businessperson.By that, I mean very small.He employed maybe one, two, or three laborers depending upon what he was doing.He ran a small printing plant for fabrics.He enlisted my mother, my brothers and me.We were often down there at the factory doing the work of pouring the paint into the silk screens and taking what was called a(inaudible)and pushing the paint through the design and then lifting the screen up and moving it down these very long tables.And it was really remarkable that my father made a success of that small business just by stint of hard work, persistence, commitment, and a belief that he could.任何人都能成为创业者,只要有想象力,能设想一种新产品、新工艺或新服务方式,并具备将这种设想变为具体成果的能力和坚持不懈的精神。我父亲是一个小企业主。我说的“小”是非常之小。根据他当时所从事的业务,他聘用一个、两个或三个雇员。他经营一家小型纺织品印花厂。他还动员我母亲、兄弟和我参加。我们常去工厂干活,把颜料注入丝网,用一种工具使颜料穿透图案模具,然后提起丝网顺着长长的桌子向另一端移动。实在是了不起,我父亲就从这个小企业起家而获得了成功,靠的就是艰苦奋斗、百折不挠、意志坚定和相信自己的能力。Well, here with us today are people who would recognize that story.Masooma Habibi, who was born in an Afghan refugee camp, worked as a carpet weaver as a young girl, and now, at the age of 23, runs her own electrical engineering company in Kabul and has more than 20 employees.Ibrahim Qureshi, who – yes, let’s give her a round of applause.(Applause.)


Ibrahim Qureshi, who founded Pakistan’s first domestic computer brand;and Rehema Jaldesa, who runs a construction and telecommunications company in Kenya, literally helping to build her country’s future;Daler Jumaev, who directs the only private power company in Tajikistan.It used to provide just 12 hours of electricity a day, but thanks to his leadership, homes there now have power nearly around the clock.库雷希创建了巴基斯坦本国的第一个电脑品牌;瑞希玛·哈尔德萨在肯尼亚经营一家建筑和电信公司,真是在用一砖一瓦帮助建设她的国家的未来;戴勒·贾马维则主管着塔吉克斯坦唯一的一家民营电力公司。这家公司原来一天只能供电12小时,现在,在他的努力之下,那里的家家户户几乎全天都能用上电了。As these and so many other stories represented by all of you show, entrepreneurs create jobs, deliver services, help new industries get off the ground, raise the standard of living of direct employees, and then all who are touched by them.But the realm of the entrepreneur exists beyond business.Entrepreneurs are tackling problems of poverty and inequity, like Shaheen Mistri, whose nonprofit provides after-school tutoring to children in slums in India.They’re closing gaps in healthcare delivery and access to capital, like Amjid Ali, a banker who leads health and finance outreach programs for South Asian immigrants in England.They’re expanding access to communication technologies, helping people connect to each other and the larger world, like Papa Yusupha Njie, who trains young people in Web design and computer repair at his cyber cafe in The Gambia.这些以及你们大家所讲述的其他更多的事迹都表明,创业者们创造就业机会、提供各类服务、帮助新行业起飞、提高雇员的生活水平,从而也提高了他们身边所有人的生活水平。然而,创业的意义远远超过了企业本身,创业者们正在奋力解决贫穷和不平等及其他问题。就以沙欣·米斯特里为例,她的非营利组织为印度贫民区的儿童提供课后辅导。创业者们正在缩小享受保健服务和获取资金等方面的差距,如艾姆吉德·阿里,作为一位银行家,他在英国领导着旨在帮助南亚移民的医疗与金融服务普及项目。他们也让更多人得以使用现代通讯技术,帮助人们相互沟通并与广大世界连通,如恩吉老爸在他的冈比亚的网吧里教年轻人设计网页、修理电脑。Now, these accomplishments should be possible anywhere and everywhere.Human imagination is, after all, universal.Yet too often, people cannot follow where their imagination leads them because innovation is simply too difficult or too risky.As a result, good ideas have nowhere to go.以我看来,这些成就完全可能在任何其他地方实现,因为人类的想象力毕竟世人皆具。但问题在于,人们往往因为创新太难或风险太大而不能顺着他们的新思路走下去,结果,再好的种子也不能开花结果。

So in light of these challenges, President Obama proposed this summit not only to celebrate your work, but to find ways to sustain, strengthen, and expand it.We knew that more dreams could come true if you could be put in touch with each other, and I’ve been delighted to hear about your discussions during the summit – the challenges you’ve addressed, the stories you’ve shared, the opportunities you’ve begun to explore together.And I hope these conversations will continue throughout the week at the events that our partners have planned for you in Washington.就是考虑到这些挑战,奥巴马总统才倡议召开这次峰会,不但是为了表彰你们的业绩,更是为了找到保持、加强并将其发扬光大的途径。我们知道,如果你们之间能接触了解,更多的梦想就可以成真。听到你们在峰会期间的讨论,我很欣慰——你们谈到的挑战,你们分享的经历,你们一起开始共同探索的机会。我希望这些对话在本周我们的伙伴方在华盛顿为你们安排的活动中继续展开。Because engaging through entrepreneurship can benefit every country represented here, including, I might add, the United States, by forging closer ties through increased trade, new educational exchanges, new partnerships in science and technology, greater cooperation on global challenges like hunger, poverty, or climate change.Relations between nations are sustained by the connections between their peoples.And so we are all stronger for your time together here.因为借助创业精神互相接触可以让每一个有代表在座的国家受益——我还要补充说这也包括美国——通过加强贸易联系、新的教育交流、新的科技伙伴计划以及为应对饥饿、贫困和气候变化等全球性挑战增进合作,能够建立更密切的关系。国与国之间的关系是靠两国人民之间的联系来维系的。因此,你们在这里聚会为我们所有人增添了力量。

And I hope each of you will return home full of new ideas and a renewed sense of both purpose and possibility.But as you know, an entrepreneur’s life is not always easy, especially in the early days of a new enterprise when success is far from certain and partners may be hard to find.But every one of you is now part of this global community, with access to a network of information, advice, and support.And I hope you will help expand this community and turn the conversations you’ve had here into collaborations that endure.我希望你们每个人返回本国时都能满载新的思路,以及对目标和潜能的新的认知。但正如你们所知,一个企业家的历程并不总是一帆风顺的,尤其是在一个新企业创建之初,成功还是一个未知数,合作伙伴可能很难找到。但是,你们每一个人现在都是这个全球社会的一分子,可以利用这个信息、咨询和支持网络。我希望你们能够帮助扩大这个全球社会,把你们在这里展开的对话转化为持久的协同合作。

And as you do that, I hope you’ll remember that the fullest measure of your impact will not only be in dollars or dinars or rupees or rupiahs, but in the lives you change and the progress you inspire and the better futures you help to create.Because you have the power not only to drive economic growth, but to promote shared prosperity, call for open and accountable governance, help expand access to services like healthcare and education.These are the pillars of stable, thriving societies.And you are the people with the talent and opportunity to help build them.当你们这么做的时候,我希望你们记住,最全面地衡量你们的影响力的不仅是美元、第纳尔或卢比,而是你们所改变的生活,你们所激发的进步以及你们帮助建设得更加美好的未来。这都是因为你们拥有力量,不仅能推动经济增长,而且能促进共同繁荣,要求公开、负责的治理,帮助普及健保和教育等各项服务。这些都是稳定和繁荣的社会的支柱。你们就是有才干、有机会帮助构建这些支柱的人。And you can count on the United States to be your partner, because this summit reflects the new approach to foreign policy that President Obama described last year at Cairo University, one that we have been putting into practice through partnerships based on shared values, mutual respect, and mutual responsibility.These partnerships are not only with governments, but they are with citizens like all of you who can help us generate local, regional, and global progress.So far, we have developed initiatives that will build on the work of this summit and support entrepreneurs worldwide in the months and years ahead.你们可以信赖美国会成为你们的合作伙伴,因为这次峰会反映了奥巴马总统去年在开罗大学阐明的新型外交政策。通过以共同价值观、相互尊重和共同责任为基础的伙伴关系,我们正在着手实施这项政策。这样的伙伴关系不仅存在于各国政府之间,而且存在于像诸位这样的公民之间,你们可以帮助我们在地方、地区乃至全球取得进步。到目前为止,我们已经制定出计划,在本次峰会的基础上继续努力,在未来的岁月里支持全球的企业家。

And here are some of the outcomes of this summit, as to what the United States intends to do.First, we are launching the Global Entrepreneurship Program.That’s an initiative that will provide concrete support to new entrepreneurs, starting in Muslim-majority communities and eventually expanding to others worldwide.Through this program, we will work with the United States private sector partners and local businesses, along with civil society groups, to help create successful entrepreneurial environments.We will help sponsor business plan competitions to identify and support promising ideas.We will work to expand access to capital so entrepreneurs with a sound business concept will have access to credit to enable them to put their ideas to work.We will facilitate partnerships between business schools in the United States and educational institutions worldwide to share knowledge and help strengthen business education.We will support mentoring programs so someone starting out can benefit from the experience of someone who’s been down that road before.下面是本次峰会的一些结果,也是美国计划要做的事情。首先,我们推出了全球创业计划。这一倡议将为初出茅庐的企业家提供具体的支持,从穆斯林占多数的社区开始,最终扩大到全球其他社区。通过这项计划,我们将与美国私营部门的合作伙伴和地方企业与民间社会团体共同努力,帮助建立有利的创业环境。我们将帮助主办企划竞赛,以发现并支持有成功希望的想法。我们将努力扩大获取资金的途径,使有良好经营理念的企业家能够获得信贷,让他们能够把他们的想法付诸实践。我们将帮助促进美国商学院和世界各地的教育机构之间的合作,分享知识,帮助加强商务教育。我们将支持指导项目,从而让初来乍到的人能够受益于那些已经走过这条路的人的经验。

I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Global Entrepreneurship Program’s first pilot program, in Egypt, coordinated by a team of Entrepreneurs in Residence from USAID.We will soon launch our second program in Indonesia, and we plan to expand to a dozen countries within the next two years.(Applause.)


Second, we have established partnerships with two Silicon Valley-based organizations: the Global Technology and Innovation Partners, and the Innovators Fund.Both were started by U.S.venture capitalists and business leaders inspired by President Obama’s call at Cairo to support innovation and entrepreneurship in Muslim majority communities worldwide.Both partnerships will launch in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Malaysia, and will then expand from there.(Applause.)


These new efforts will help increase access to seed funding, venture capital, and Silicon Valley’s technology and business expertise.The State Department will help facilitate this effort by connecting these funds with local partners and institutions.Now, our partnerships are inclusive.We seek to work with a wide range of private sector groups that are looking to support entrepreneurs worldwide.这些新的努力将有助于增加获得种子资金、风险资本以及硅谷的技术和商务专长的渠道。国务院将通过把这类基金与当地合作伙伴和机构连通,帮助促进这项工作。现在,我们的合作伙伴计划毫无排斥性。我们的目的是与那些寻求支持世界各地的企业家的众多的私营机构进行合作。

We will also be working to implement an exciting partnership that I launched this morning.Together with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, I announced a collaboration between the State Department and a new group called Partners for a New Beginning.This is a team of eminent Americans from across sectors and industries who will lead an effort to engage the U.S.private sector in carrying out our vision for a new beginning with Muslims in communities globally.我们也将致力于实施我今天上午刚刚启动的一项令人振奋的伙伴计划。我与前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特一起宣布了美国国务院与一个叫做“新开端伙伴”的新组织之间的合作。这是一个由来自不同行业和产业的美国精英组成的团队。他们将领导一项调动美国私营部门的努力,以落实我们与世界各地社区的穆斯林开创新开端的设想。

For example, they might reach out to companies to provide equipment and technology for the Scientific Centers of Excellence overseas, or help launch internships and mentoring programs for emerging business leaders, or encourage angel investors in this country to partner with angel investors abroad.Through collaborations like these, Partners for a New Beginning will deepen ties between our people and institutions, and give more Americans the chance to contribute to this common endeavor.例如,他们可以联络一些公司,为海外的卓越科研中心提供设备和技术,或帮助设立新生企业领袖实习和辅导培训计划,或鼓励本国天使投资者与国外天使投资者建立合作。通过这类协作,新开端伙伴计划将深化我们人民与机构之间的关系,让更多美国人有机会为这项共同努力作出贡献。

Partners for a New Beginning will be chaired by Secretary Albright.Its vice chairs will be Walter Isaacson, the president of the Aspen Institute, and Muhtar Kent, the chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Company.And I want to thank them for their commitment and I really hope that this effort will inspire similar efforts from private sector leaders around the world.新开端伙伴计划将由奥尔布赖特国务卿主持;阿斯彭研究所所长沃尔特•艾萨克森和可口可乐公司总裁兼首席执行官穆赫塔尔•肯特将担任副主管。我谨此感谢他们的投入,我真诚希望这一努力将激发世界各地民间领袖作出类似的努力。Fourth, I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new effort to expand access to mentors for aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs.We’re calling it the e-Mentor Corps.Mentors provide invaluable support and advice, but for too many entrepreneurs, good mentors are hard to find.You may be doing something that nobody else you know has ever attempted before.Through the e-Mentor Corps, an entrepreneur seeking a mentor can go online and find a person with the expertise they need on everything from securing financing to writing a business plan.第四,我高兴地宣布发起一项新努力,为有志向的新生企业家扩大获得指导的机会。我们将它称为电子辅导团。辅导人员可以提供宝贵的支持与指导,然而对于许多企业家而言,找到好的指导人非常不易。你可能正在做的是一件在你所认识的人中谁都未曾尝试过的事情。有了电子辅导团,凡希望获得指导帮助的企业家都可以通过上网,找到从寻求贷款到起草商业计划等各个所需领域的专家。Several private sector groups have pledged to supply mentors from their global networks, including Intel, Ernst & Young, the Kauffman Foundation, Endeavor, TechWadi, the Young Presidents’ Organization, and Babson College.The State Department has worked with several existing groups to create and develop online portals for the e-Mentor Corps.And in the days ahead, we will post links to those sites on the State Department homepage.We will also email you and other partners with the details of how to sign up.And we hope that in the future, each of you can become a mentor as well.The success of this program depends on its participants, and I urge you to join and to encourage others to do the same.数家私营公司和团体已承诺通过其全球网络提供辅导人员,它们包括英特尔公司、安永会计师事务所、考夫曼基金会、实业组织、技术瓦迪协会以及青年总裁组织和巴布森学院。国务院已与几个现有团体合作开创建立供电子辅导团使用的上网门户。不久,我们将在国务院的网站上刊登这些网站的链接。我们还将通过电子邮件向你们以及其他合作伙伴介绍具体的登记步骤。我们希望大家将来也成为导师。这项计划的成功取决于参与者,因此我敦促你们参与,并鼓励其他人也这样做。

Now, these initiatives comprise a first wave of programs to promote global entrepreneurship.But they reflect the Obama Administration’s commitment to a new approach to development, one based on investment, not aid;on supporting local leadership and ideas rather than imposing our own.We believe that this approach is more likely to yield lasting results in the form of greater security, dignity, prosperity, and opportunity for more people worldwide.And we call on other governments to help facilitate this progress.这些行动计划属于促进全球创业精神的第一批项目,它们体现了奥巴马政府致力于以新途径对待发展的决心,也就是基于投资而非援助、基于支持地方领导作用和设想而非将我们自身强加于人。我们认为这一途径更可能产生永久效果,为全球更多的人民带来更大的安全、尊严、繁荣和机会。我们呼吁其他国家的政府帮助促进这一进步。Now, in particular, we know that there are many obstacles to your doing business in many of the countries represented here.We need to encourage your governments to make the legal and commercial reforms needed to encourage trade, allow for the free flow of ideas, lower the barriers to launching new businesses.(Applause.)


These reforms are critical to creating an environment in which entrepreneurs can flourish.I have emphasized all of these issues in my conversations with leaders around the world and will continue to do so.And for those countries willing to take the necessary steps, the United States will be a partner in creating environments that foster new businesses and foster an investment climate that will attract capital from everywhere.这些改革对于创造让企业家蓬勃发展的环境至关重要。我在同世界各国领导人的谈话中强调了这些议题,并会继续这样做。对于那些愿意采取必要步骤的国家,美国会成为他们创造环境的伙伴,在这样的环境中培育新企业和营造从世界各地吸引资本的投资气氛。

So we know there’s a lot of work to do, and we’re counting on you to help us.For if one thing unites all entrepreneurs, it is a belief in the possible, a belief that your world and the larger world can be made better, that new ideas can solve old problems, problems that are centuries old, and that one person’s hard work can lift many lives.Now, you know these things are true because you prove them every single day.因此,我们知道有很多工作要做,我们指望你们来帮助我们。因为如果有一件事能够将所有企业家联系到一起,那就是无事不能的信念,坚信你们的世界和更宽广的世界能够变得更好;坚信新思维可以解决老问题,数百年之久的问题;坚信一个人的刻苦努力可以提升许多人的生活。你们知道这些都是事实,因为你们每一天都在证明这一点。I think one of the clear lessons that we have learned from working with so many people around the world over the course of so many years is that the old story about whether you give a person a fish or you help a person to learn to fish is so universally true.And what we want to do is unleash the talent and creativity that exists across the world, in every community.I’m often amazed at how resourceful people are in the poorest of the poor families and neighborhoods and communities.People solve problems that nobody’s helping them solve.And I often think about the young people that I’ve worked with over the years who were denied opportunities for education, who didn’t come from stable families, who were told time and time again that they couldn’t do something or they weren’t worth anything, but somehow found the strength inside to discard what the outside world told them and to believe in themselves.It really takes that level of belief to overcome the obstacles that we see preventing progress, stifling creativity.我认为,从这么多年与世界各地这么多人一道进行的工作中明确懂得的一个道理就是,老话中说的授人以鱼,还是授人以渔是一条四海皆准的真理。我们要做的是释放存在于全世界、存在于每一个社区的才能和创造力。我常常惊讶于邻里社区穷而又穷的家庭中的人们是何等足智多谋。人们在解决那些没人帮他们解决的问题。我常常想到这些年来与我共事的一些年轻人。他们没有机会上学,也不是出身于稳定的家庭,别人一次又一次说他们不会有所作为或根本不配有任何作为,可他们无论如何找到了内心的力量,不理睬外界的说法,相信他们自己。真的是需要有那种程度的信心,才能克服我们所目睹的种种阻止进步,扼杀创造力的障碍。

So I urge you to continue to innovate, experiment, and lead;to use your resources and the power of your example to bring more people into this exciting activity that will improve lives, raise incomes, expand the horizons of so many who otherwise would not have a chance.I am absolutely convinced that building a strong economic foundation, creating a middle class, is essential to building good governance, rule of law, sustainable development, and so much more.因此,我呼吁你们继续创新,继续实践,继续发挥带头作用;通过你们的资源和榜样的力量动员更多的人投入这项振奋人心的活动,这项活动将有助于改善生活,增加收入,扩大许多人的眼界,否则他们可能得不到任何机会。我完全相信,奠定强大的经济基础,壮大中产阶级,对于促进良好治理、法治、可持续发展及许多其他方面的工作至关重要。

So we may come from different places.We may have different histories, different cultures.But we believe in the power of the individual, or you would not be here.We believe that a person with a good idea, willing to work hard, can really make a difference.因此,尽管我们来自四面八方;我们或许有不同的历史、不同的文化。但我们深信每一个人发挥的力量,否则你们就不会来到这里。我们认为,凡是有好的创意,愿意勤奋努力的人都能为改变现状切实发挥作用。

So I thank you for what you’ve already accomplished, and I look forward to hearing about all of your achievements in the years ahead.The United States is very proud to support you as you make your way, as you decide your future.因此,我对你们业已取得的成就表示感谢,我期盼在今后的岁月里听到你们在各方面取得成绩的消息。在你们前进的道路上,在你们决定自己前途的时候,美国为能够向你们提供支持感到十分荣幸。

And I finally would just ask that you think about other opportunities that could be provided through this partnership that we are creating for a new beginning.You are the experts in where you live, where you work, where you are building your futures.So please don’t be hesitant about letting us know what is working and what’s not working, because we believe in taking hard looks at the facts and evidence.And if something’s not working, we want to change direction and get on a path that is more likely to succeed.We need your feedback, we need your honest and constructive criticism, we invite it.We more than invite it;we welcome it.最后我建议,你们不妨考虑一下,通过我们为新的开端而缔结的伙伴关系,还有可能提供其他哪些机会。在你们生活的地方,在你们工作的场所,在你们建设自己未来的土地上,你们才是专家。因此请告诉我们,哪些行之有效,哪些徒劳无功,不必有任何顾虑,因为我们认为,应该正视事实和证据,如果哪些方面效果不彰,我们就需要改变方向,走一条更有可能成功的道路。我们需要你们的反馈。我们需要你们坦诚与建设性的批评,我们需要征求意见。我们不仅仅征求意见 – 我们十分欢迎提出意见。

So thank you for being part of this exciting adventure that we have launched today with this summit.I’m so pleased that you all were willing to travel here and maybe take a little bit of a chance on what you were going to find at the other end, to try to figure out what was this really all about and where was it leading, if anywhere.But now it’s up to both of us.We can put on the conference and provide the space, but it’s really up to each of you to determine whether this venture can really be a success.But having read a lot of the bios and a lot of the information about the participants, I think it’s a pretty safe bet.So we’re going to work with you.And thank you for believing in a better future for everyone.(Applause.)因此,谢谢你们参加我们今天通过峰会启动的这项振奋人心的风雨征程。我感到十分高兴的是,你们大家都愿意长途跋涉来到这里,对于今后可能取得哪些成效,或许你们还要有一定的思想准备,需要通盘考虑,权衡利钝,如可以有结果的话,结果将会如何。现在,成败取决于我们双方。你们知道,我们可以举办会议,提供场地,至于这条探索之旅究竟能否获得成功,实际上应该由你们来决定。但在看了许多有关与会者的传记和事迹后,我认为把握很大。因此我们将与你们共同努力。感谢你们对每一个人都有更美好的未来充满信心。(掌声)

第三篇:奥巴马创业峰会 英文

President Obama’s Remarks at the Presidential Summit on

Entrepreneurship Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center

Washington, D.C.April 26, 2010 1.Thank you very much.Everybody, please have a seat.Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Washington.2.In my life, and as President, I have had the great pleasure of visiting many of your countries, and I’ve always been grateful for the warmth and the hospitality that you and your fellow citizens have shown me.And tonight, I appreciate the opportunity to return the hospitality.3.For many of you, I know this is the first time visiting our country.So let me say, on behalf of the American people, welcome to the United States of America.(Applause.)4.It is an extraordinary privilege to welcome you to this Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship.This has been a coordinated effort across my administration, and I want to thank all the hardworking folks and leaders at all the departments and agencies who made it possible, and who are here tonight.5.That includes our United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Ron Kirk.Where’s Ron? There he is.(Applause.)I especially want to thank the two departments and leaders who took the lead on this summit--Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.Please give them a big round of applause.(Applause.)

6.We’re joined by members of Congress who work every day to help their constituents realize the American Dream, and whose life stories reflect the diversity and equal opportunity that we cherish as Americans: Nydia Velazquez, who is also, by the way, the chairwoman of our Small Business Committee in the House of Representatives.(Applause.)Keith Ellison is here.(Applause.)And Andre Carson is here.(Applause.)7.Most of all, I want to thank all of you for being part of this historic event.You’ve traveled from across the United States and nearly 60 countries, from Latin America to Africa, Europe to Central Asia, from the Middle East to Southeast Asia.And you bring with you the rich tapestry of the world’s great traditions and great cultures.You carry within you the beauty of different colors and creeds, races and religions.You’re visionaries who pioneered new industries and young entrepreneurs looking to build a business or a community.8.But we’ve come together today because of what we share--a belief that we are all bound together by certain common aspirations.To live with dignity.To get an education.To live healthy lives.Maybe to start a business, without having to pay a bribe to anybody.To speak freely and have a say in how we are governed.To live in peace and security and to give our children a better future.9.But we’re also here because we know that over the years, despite all we have in common, the United States and Muslim communities around the world too often fell victim to mutual mistrust.10.And that’s why I went to Cairo nearly one year ago and called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities--a new beginning based on mutual interest and mutual respect.I knew that this vision would not be fulfilled in a single year, or even several years.But I knew we had to begin and that all of us have responsibilities to fulfill.11.As President, I’ve worked to ensure that America once again meets its responsibilities, especially when it comes to the security and political issues that have often been a source of tension.The United States is responsibly ending the war in Iraq, and we will partner with Iraqi people for their long-term prosperity and security.In Afghanistan, in Pakistan and beyond, we’re forging new partnerships to isolate violent extremists, but also to combat corruption and foster the development that improves lives and communities.12.I say it again tonight: Despite the inevitable difficulties, so long as I am President, the United States will never waver in our pursuit of a two-state solution that ensures the rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.(Applause.)And around the world, the United States of America will continue to stand with those who seek justice and progress and the human rights and dignity of all people.13.But even as I committed the United States to addressing these security and political concerns, I also made it clear in Cairo that we needed something else--a sustained effort to listen to each other and to learn from each other, to respect one another.And I pledged to forge a new partnership, not simply between governments, but also between people on the issues that matter most in their daily lives--in your lives.14.Now, many questioned whether this was possible.Yet over the past year, the United States has been reaching out and listening.We’ve joined interfaith dialogues and held town halls, roundtables and listening sessions with thousands of people around the world, including many of you.And like so many people, you’ve extended your hand in return, each in your own way, as entrepreneurs and educators, as leaders of faith and of science.15.I have to say, perhaps the most innovative response was from Dr.Naif al-Mutawa of Kuwait, who joins us here tonight.Where is Dr.Mutawa?(Applause.)His comic books have captured the imagination of so many young people with superheroes who embody the teachings and tolerance of Islam.After my speech in Cairo, he had a similar idea.So in his comic books, Superman and Batman reached out to their Muslim counterparts.(Laughter.)And I hear they’re making progress, too.(Laughter.)Absolutely.(Applause.)16.By listening to each other we’ve been able to partner with each other.We’ve expanded educational exchanges, because knowledge is the currency of the 21st century.Our distinguished science envoys have been visiting several of your countries, exploring ways to increase collaboration on science and technology.17.We’re advancing global health, including our partnership with the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to eradicate polio.This is just one part of our broader engagement with the OIC, led by my Special Envoy, Rashad Hussain, who joins us here tonight.Where’s Rashad?(Applause.)18.And we’re partnering to expand economic prosperity.At a government level, I’d note that putting the G20 in the lead on global economic decision-making has brought more voices to the table--including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India and Indonesia.And here today, we’re fulfilling my commitment in Cairo to deepen ties between business leaders, foundations and entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim communities around the world.19.Now, I know some have asked--given all the security and political and social challenges we face, why a summit on entrepreneurship? The answer is simple.20.Entrepreneurship--because you told us that this was an area where we can learn from each other;where America can share our experience as a society that empowers the inventor and the innovator;where men and women can take a chance on a dream--taking an idea that starts around a kitchen table or in a garage, and turning it into a new business and even new industries that can change the world.21.Entrepreneurship--because throughout history, the market has been the most powerful force the world has ever known for creating opportunity and lifting people out of poverty.22.Entrepreneurship--because it’s in our mutual economic interest.Trade between the United States and Muslim-majority countries has grown.But all this trade, combined, is still only about the same as our trade with one country--Mexico.So there’s so much more we can do together, in partnership, to foster opportunity and prosperity in all our countries.23.And social entrepreneurship--because, as I learned as a community organizer in Chicago, real change comes from the bottom up, from the grassroots, starting with the dreams and passions of single individuals serving their communities.24.And that’s why we’re here.We have Jerry Yang, who transformed how we communicate, with Yahoo.Is Jerry here? Where is he? He’ll be here tomorrow.As well as entrepreneurs who have opened cybercafés and new forums on the Internet for discussion and development.Together, you can unleash the technologies that will help shape the 21st century.25.We have successes like Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim, who I met earlier, who built a telecommunications empire that empowered people across Africa.And we have aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their businesses and hire new workers.Together you can address the challenges of accessing capital.We have trailblazers like Sheikha Hanadi of Qatar, along with Waed al Taweel, who I met earlier--a 20-year-old student from the West Bank who wants to build recreation centers for Palestinian youth.So together, they represent the incredible talents of women entrepreneurs and remind us that countries that educate and empower women are countries that are far more likely to prosper.I believe that.(Applause.)26.We have pioneers like Chris Hughes, who created Facebook, as well as an online community that brought so many young people into my campaign for President--MyBarackObama.com.(Laughter.)We have people like Soraya Salti of Jordan who are empowering the young men and women who will be leaders of tomorrow.(Applause.)Together, they represent the great potential and expectations of young people around the world.27.And we’ve got social entrepreneurs like Tri Mumpuni, who has helped rural communities in Indonesia--(applause)--harness the electricity, and revenues, of hydro-power.And Andeisha Farid, an extraordinary woman from Afghanistan, who’s taken great risks to educate the next generation, one girl at a time.(Applause.)Together, they point the way to a future where progress is shared and prosperity is sustainable.28.And I also happened to notice Dr.Yunus--it’s wonderful to see you again.I think so many people know the history of Grameen Bank and all the great work that’s been done to help finance entrepreneurship among the poorest of the poor, first throughout South Asia, and now around the world.29.So this is the incredible potential that you represent;the future we can seize together.So tonight I'm proud to announce a series of new partnerships and initiatives that will do just that.30.The United States is launching several new exchange programs.We will bring business and social entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and send their American counterparts to learn from your countries.(Applause.)So women in technology fields will have the opportunity to come to the United States for internships and professional development.And since innovation is central to entrepreneurship, we’re creating new exchanges for science teachers.31.We’re forging new partnerships in which high-tech leaders from Silicon Valley will share their expertise--in venture capital, mentorship, and technology incubators--with partners in the Middle East and in Turkey and in Southeast Asia.32.And tonight, I can report that the Global Technology and Innovation Fund that I announced in Cairo will potentially mobilize more than $2 billion in investments.This is private capital, and it will unlock new opportunities for people across our countries in sectors like telecommunications, health care, education, and infrastructure.33.And finally, I’m proud that we’re creating here at this summit not only these programs that I’ve just mentioned, but it’s not going to stop here.Together, we’ve sparked a new era of entrepreneurship--with events all over Washington this week, and upcoming regional conferences around the world.34.Tonight, I am pleased to announce that Prime Minister Erdogan has agreed to host the next Entrepreneurship Summit next year in Turkey.(Applause.)And so I thank the Prime Minister and the people and private sector leaders of Turkey for helping to sustain the momentum that we will unleash this week.35.So as I said, there are those who questioned whether we could forge these new beginnings.And given the magnitude of the challenges we face in the world--and let’s face it, a lot of the bad news that comes through the television each and every day--sometimes it can be tempting to believe that the goodwill and good works of ordinary people are simply insufficient to the task at hand.But to any who still doubt whether partnerships between people can remake our world, I say look at the men and women who are here today.36.Look at the professor who came up with an idea--micro-finance--that empowered the rural poor across his country, especially women and children.That’s the powerful example of Dr.Yunus.37.Look what happened when Muhammad shared his idea with a woman from Pakistan, who has since lifted hundreds of thousands of families and children out of poverty through a foundation whose name literally means “miracle.” That’s the example of Roshaneh Zafar.(Applause.)38.Look what happened when that idea spread across the world--including to people like my own mother, who worked with the rural poor from Pakistan to Indonesia.That simple idea, began with a single person, has now transformed the lives of millions.That’s the spirit of entrepreneurship.39.So, yes, the new beginning we seek is not only possible, it has already begun.It exists within each of you, and millions around the world who believe, like we do, that the future belongs not to those who would divide us, but to those who come together;not to those who would destroy, but those who would build;not those trapped in the past, but those who, like us, believe with confidence and conviction in a future of justice and progress and the dignity of all human beings regardless of their race, regardless of their religion.40.That’s the enormous potential that we’re hoping to unlock during this conference and hoping to continue not only this week but in the months and years ahead.So I’m grateful that all of you are participating.May God bless you all and may God’s peace be upon you.Thank you very much.Thank you.(Applause.)



--应电111班 吴月月 1106043114 在步入大二的学习中,我们开设一门新的课程——创新与创业。这门课程主要是让我们大学生在即将步入工作岗位之前,了解企业的运作,流程。以确保将来进入工作岗位后能尽快的融入其中。所以,当我们知道有这门课程的时候,都非常的期待与欣喜。













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