World economy
Past and future tense
The world economy in 2017 will carry troublingechoes of the late 1990s
A FINANCIAL crash in Russia;falling oil prices and a strong dollar;a new gold rush in SiliconValley and a resurgent American economy;weakness in Germany and Japan;tumblingcurrencies in emerging markets from Brazil to Indonesia;an embattled Democrat in the WhiteHouse.Is that a forecast of the world in 2017 or a portrait of the late 1990s?
Recent economic history has been so dominated by the credit crunch of 2008-09 that it is easyto forget what happened in the decades before.But looking back 15 years or so is instructive—in terms of both what to do and what to avoid.近期的经济已经由2008-09年的信贷紧缩所主导,很容易忘记在十年前所发生的事情。但回过头来看15年前的经济会发现有所启发—反观两者可以知道该做之事以及应避免什么问题。
Then, as now, the United States was in the vanguard of a disruptive digital revolution.Theadvent of the internet spawned a burst of innovation and euphoria about America'sprospects.By 1999 GDP was rising by more than 4% a year, almost twice the rich-countryaverage.Unemployment fell to 4%, a 30-year low.Foreign investors piled in, boosting both thedollar and share prices.The S&P 500 index rose to almost 30 times earnings;tech stockswent wild.当时和现在一样,美国当年是颠覆性的数字革命的先锋。互联网的出现催生了一阵对美国的前景创新和兴高采烈的乐观情绪。到1999年为止,美国国内生产总值每年增长率超过4%,几乎两倍于富裕国家的平均水平。美国失业率下降至4%,为30年最低点。外国投资者主要集中于提升美元和股票价格。标准普尔500指数升至市盈率的近30倍;科技股疯狂飙升。
The optimism in America stood in stark contrast to gloom elsewhere, as it does today.Japan's economy had slipped into deflation in 1997.Germany was “the sick man of Europe”, itsfirms held back by rigid labour markets and other high costs.Emerging markets, having soaredahead, were in crisis: between 1997 and 1999 countries from Thailand to Brazil saw theircurrencies crash as foreign capital fled and dollar-denominated debts proved unpayable.凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!
Eventually, America ran into trouble too.The tech-stock bubble burst in early 2000,prompting a broader share price slump.Business investment, particularly in technology, sank;and as share prices fell, consumers cut back.By early 2001 America, along with most of therich world, had slipped into recession, albeit a mild one.最终,美国也遇到了麻烦。早在2000年科技股泡沫破灭,促使更广泛的股价暴跌。商业投资,尤其是在技术方面的投资也在下降;而且随着股票价格下跌,消费者也在减少。到2001年初,美国与大多数发达国家一样,已经陷入经济衰退,尽管是温和的下降。
America the powerful
Inevitably the parallels are not perfect.The biggest difference is China, a bit-part player in 1999and now the world's second-biggest economy, contributing disproportionately to globalgrowth.But there are three trends at work that destabilised the world economy then and coulddo the same now.不可避免的相似之处并不全然完美。最大的区别就是中国,一个在1999年经济中扮演跑龙套的配角的中国,目前已经是世界上
deepermalaise caused by years of underinvestment, a disastrous energy policy and a governmentthat is too obsessed by its fiscal targets to spend money and too frightened of its voters topush through the sort of structural reforms that Gerhard Schr?der implemented in 2003.Meanwhile Japan has repeated the error it made in 1997—thwarting its escape from stagnationwith a premature rise in consumption tax.上世纪90年代末的
Reserve'spolicy rate was around 5%, leaving plenty of scope for cutting when the economy slowed.Nowadays interest rates all over the rich world are close to zero.但是,如果世界经济不摔跟头,恢复稳定将在这一次变得更为困难,因为政策制定者有那么一点回旋的余地。早在1999年,美联储的政策利率是5%左右,经济放缓时留出足够的余地去削减利率。现在的利率都在富裕国家接近于零。
The political scene is also different, and not in a good way.At the end of the 1990s mostpeople in the rich world had enjoyed the fruits of the boom: median American wages rose by7.7% in real terms in 1995-2000.Since 2007, by contrast, they have been flat in America, andhave fallen in Britain and much of the euro zone.All over the rich world voters are alreadygrumpy with their governments, as polling numbers and their willingness to vote for protestparties show.If they are squeezed next year discontent will turn to anger.The economics of2017 may look similar to the late 1990s, but the politics will probably be rather worse.政坛出现了不利的变化。在20世纪90年代,大多数人在富裕世界的尽头尽享繁荣的成果:美国中产阶级工资在1995-2000年实际上涨了7.7%。自2007年以来,相比之下,美国工资增长持平,英国和大部分欧元区工资甚至出现下降。各地富国选民已经对他们的政府持不满态度,正如民意测验记录以及他们愿意把票投给抗议党即可看出。如果他们被打压,明年的不满会变成愤怒。2017年的经济可能类似于20世纪90年代末,但政治形势可能会相当糟糕。
1.slip into 滑进;塞进
It amazed him how easily one could slip into aroutine.他惊异地发现人很容易在不知不觉中因循守旧起来。
Armed with such a precept, a number of doctorsmay slip into deceptive practices.有了这样一条指导原则, 一些医生可能渐渐习惯于采取骗人的做法。
2.contribute to 有助于;促成
Heat, cold, tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour.热、冷、触觉和其他感觉构成了食物风味的一部分。
Key burbled about the wonderful people who contribute to tourism.基喋喋不休地谈论着那些对旅游业作出贡献的了不起的人物。
3.compare with 比较;与„相比
How does your new house compare with your old one?
Few can equal compare with her in manual dexterity.论手巧,一般人都不如她。
4.exchange rate 汇率;兑换率;外汇率
We've got a fairly unfavourable exchange rate at the moment.眼下汇率对我们不利。
This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.这一延期将消除卢布汇率面临的压力。
凯程考研备考的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;
使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研备考辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;
第二篇:2018考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:New banks[定稿]
New banks
New banks
Ripe for disruption
A rush of new entrants hope to shake up banking
“I PROMISE to open a bank account for a British citizen in just two minutes”, says Nazzim Ishaque brightly.With a background in IT, banking and asset management, he is submitting plans to the regulators to start a new bank called Lintel;the two-minute pledge is one of his selling points.Mr Ishaque reckons that he can do better than the existing banks, and is putting plenty of his own money where his mouth is, as part of the £5m($7.5m)start-up cost.He hopes to start doing business early next year.Nazzim Ishaque明确表示:“我承诺可以两分钟内为英国人民开通银行账户。”他从事过互联网、银行和资产管理行业,现向多家监管机构提交新建银行Lintel的计划方案,卖点之一就是两分钟开户的承诺。Ishaque认为他可以比现有银行做得更好,而且为了更具说服力,拿出自己的大量资金投放到总数500万欧元(750万美元)的启动资金中。他希望明年年初开始营业。
Since April 2013 three new British banks have appeared and three outfits have taken over old licences.Martin Stewart, who doles out banking licences at the Prudential Regulation Authority(PRA), part of the Bank of England, says people are now applying to open banks in “unprecedented numbers”.Four applicants are likely to start operating this year, he says, with a further four or so probably coming to market next year.At least as far as the consumer is concerned, banking could be on the verge of quite a shake-up.2013年4月份以来,英国有三家银行成立,三家银行机构收购老牌银行。马克·斯图尔特在英格兰银行分支机构审慎监管局负责颁发银行营业执照,他表示“从未见过”这么多人申请开设银行,说道:有望在今年开始运营的银行有四家,明年能营业的大约有另外四家。至少对于消费者而言,银行业可能面临大幅度重组的境地。
Since March 2013 the process to apply for a license has been streamlined.The PRA claims that a new bank can be up and running just six months after final authorisation.The capital requirements for the start-ups are lower than they used to be.And many of the new entrants are acting like classic entrepreneurs.They work out how the existing banks are failing customers, then look for niches, whether in products, customers or technology.All are encouraged by the growing willingness of consumers to switch from one bank to another(see chart), stimulated in part by regulations designed to make this easier.凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!
Mr Ishaque's niche will be immigrants, both students on short-stay visas and longer-term economic migrants.They are treated “extremely badly” by existing banks, he claims.He will offer a full range of products, in many languages, digitally and also at a few branches, to be located at the most convenient places for his target customers—such as the railway stations in London that serve Heathrow and Gatwick airports.Ishaque将商机锁定在外来移民身上,包括持短期签证的学生和长期的经济移民。他表示现有银行对这些人的态度“极其恶劣”。他会在一些分支机构提供各种各样的多语言电子产品,这些机构将落户于有目标客户的最便利地点,如位于伦敦希思罗和盖特威克两家机场服务范围的火车站。
Atom Bank's niche, by contrast, is technological.It will be the first British bank to be digital-only, with all transactions done through smartphones and tablets, via an app.This ought to lower the bank's overheads.Set up by Mark Mullen, a former head of branchless bank First Direct, and Anthony Thomson, co-founder of another of the new wave of “challenger” banks, Metro, Atom Bank should start operating in the second half of this year.(Metro Bank itself, which started in 2010, is following a quite different road: it is opening new branches almost as quickly as traditional banks like Lloyds, RBS, Barclays and HSBC are closing them.)
The organisers hope to raise as much as £6m forcharity.组织者希望能募集到高达600万英镑的善款。
2.apply for 申请
Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price.投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。
She graduated with high enough marks to apply for university.她的毕业成绩足以申请上大学。
3.agree with 同意;赞同
The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically.他的身体不能适应森林的潮湿。
You look great, Brian.The Bahamas certainly agree with you.你看上去气色好极了,布赖恩。巴哈马显然很适合你。
凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;
使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;
Ever-smaller offices
Pressed suits
Feeling a bit cramped? Blame management theory
“PROJECT gold” and “Project Nexus” sound like plansfor bank heists or military assaults.In reality, they are the names for KPMG's ongoing attemptto squeeze its 6,700Londonemployees into ever smaller spaces.Since 2006 the professional-services firm has reduced the number of offices it uses inLondonfrom seven to two.By thespring of 2015 everybody will be crammed into one building inCanaryWharf.“金牌项目”和“联通项目”听上去像是抢银行或军事打击的计划。事实上,这是毕马威公司计划中的项目名称,他们打算缩小全伦敦近6700名员工的工作空间。自2006年起,这家专业咨询公司-毕马威就把开设在伦敦的7家事务所减少到了2家。而到2015年春,所有员工都只能挤在伦敦金融区的一栋大楼里办公。
According to data from the British Council for Offices(BCO), an industry club, the average officetenant now uses around 11 square metres per worker, 35% less than in 1997.A new buildingin Ludgate Hill, inLondon's financial district, will allocate just eight square metres to eachemployee.In many offices, rows of “hot” desks have replaced individual offices and evencubicles.“Nowadays it's almost frowned on to have your own office,” claims Nick WentworthStanley, of i2 Offices, a big serviced property firm.英国办公室协会是一家工业俱乐部,该协会的数据表明,现如今,普通写字楼的承租户分配给每名职员约11平方米,与1997年相比少了35%。在伦敦的金融区路德门山街,有一栋新落成的大楼,楼中每名雇员仅能分到约8平方米。在许多写字楼中,独立办公室甚至是小隔间代替了连排的公用办公桌。一家大型产权服务公司i2Offices的尼克·温特沃斯·斯坦利说“如今很难拥有自己的办公室了”
Firms have long known that only about half of all desks are in use at any moment, as employeeswork odd hours or disappear to meetings, but it was difficult to fill the spares.Better ITsystems now mean that people need not be tied to a particular desk.They need not even be inthe office at all: as cloud computing and virtual offices take off, more people are working fromhome or from other places, further reducing the need for desks.许多公司很早就知道,由于雇员要倒班或者去开会,大约只有一半的办公桌一直处于使用状态,但是很难填补那些办公桌闲置的空当。更优化的信息系统意味着员工不必拘泥于某个特定的桌子。他们甚至都不必在办公室里:随着云计算与虚拟办公室的兴起,越来越多的
Aside from cheapness, there is a motive behind this squashing.Inspired bySilicon Valley, firmsare trying to make their offices into “collaborative spaces”, where people bump into each otherand chat usefully.KPMG's redesignedCanaryWharfoffices will include lots of “breakout spaces”where employees can relax, and quiet rooms where people can get away from hubbub, saysAlastair Young, who is planning the move.He thinks this will both improve productivity andsave money.除了追求低成本,“挤压”战略的背后还有一个动机。受硅谷启发,各公司正试图把自己的办公室变成“协同空间”,职员们可以随意地与他人会面并且有效地交流。计划搬迁的阿拉斯泰尔·杨说,毕马威重新设计过的伦敦金融区的写字楼还将包含许多的“超脱空间”,员工可以在那儿略作小憩,以及远离喧嚣的静音房。他认为这是提高生产力与节约成本的双赢战略。
In this happy new world, offices are not just places to work but also a way of expressingcorporate identity and a means of attracting and retaining staff.At the offices of Bain &Company, a management consultancy, inspirational quotes on walls help workers to identifywith Bain's brand, explains Sam Axtell, the company's operations director.Games rooms andrelaxing spaces help them “release alpha waves”.在这个愉快的新时代,办公室已不仅仅是处理案牍之所,还是树立企业形象与吸引新员工、留住老员工的地方。贝恩是一家咨询管理公司,其运营主管萨姆·阿克斯特尔解释道,公司墙上的励志名言有助于员工认同本公司的品牌形象。游戏室与放松空间有助于员工“释放α波”(即“释放压力”)。
This flummery has a practical consequence: it means more workers can be crammed into themiddles of cities.Fewer firms now require suburban back offices, says Sandra Jones of Ramidus,a property consultancy.Between 2001 and 2012 the number of workers employed by largefirms in Croydon, on the edge of London, declined by almost a quarter, to around 34,000.InManchesterand Birmingham, too, new office jobs have been created in rejuvenated city centresat the expense of suburbs.This may be one reason commutes are lengthening.这样的道貌岸然导致一个很实际的后果:这意味着在城市中心会挤入更多的职员。地产咨询公司Ramidus的桑德拉·琼斯称,如今越来越少的企业还要地处郊区的办公楼。在伦敦郊区,大型公司Croydon的职员在2001年至2012年间少了近四分之一,目前为止还剩约34000人。曼彻斯特和伯明翰的情况类似,重建后的老城中心取代了郊区创造了新的工作岗位。这也许是上下班时间变长的原因之一。
Not everyone is delighted by the rise of cramped hot desks.At Broadcasting House, the BBC'snew offices inLondon, a shortage of good desks has led to frantic morning scrambles.Amanager at a financial firm in the City complains that since his firm redesigned its office, thereare only enough phones for one between two.KPMG has seen crushes at lifts and in thecanteen;the crowds have also put pressure on the air-conditioning system.并不是每个人都对拥挤的公用办公桌的数量上升感到满意。伦敦的广播大厦是BBC新的办公楼,高质量办公桌的短缺直接导致了早晨慌乱的“抢桌大战”。伦敦某金融公司的经理抱怨道,自从公司重新设计了其办公室后,办公室电话只够一两个人使用。毕马威公司已经领略了电梯和餐厅满当当的人群;人群还给空调系统施加了巨大的压力。
A modest backlash is under way, in an unexpected quarter.Google's new offices in King'sCross will have all sorts of collaborative space.But workers will still get their own 2 页 共 2 页
privatedesks.Where that company leads, others tend to follow.温和反弹正以一个让人意想不到的方式进行。谷歌在国王十字街的新办公楼会涵盖各种协同空间。但员工仍将拥有自己的私人办公桌。但无论谷歌走向何方,他人还将亦步亦趋。
1.squeeze into 挤入;挤进
例句:I can't squeeze another thing into my trunk.我的衣箱里一样东西也塞不进了。
2.tie to 与„联系在一起
例句:I have to wear a jacket and tie to work.我上班得穿短上衣打领带。
3.need to 需要;需要去
例句:Do not wait for good things to happen to you.You need to walk towards happiness.不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。
4.according to 根据;按照
例句:The route that the boatmen choose varies according to the water level.船夫选择的路线会随水位的变化而有所不同。
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第四篇:2017考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:French education
French education 每年考研英语阅读篇章很多都取材于经济学人,因此2017年考研复习之初,一定要从基础打好,稳扎稳打。凯程在线分享《经济学人》文章,希望大家能够多看、多练,提升阅读能力!
2017考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:French education
French education
Bac blues
Moves are afoot to reconsider France's harshgrading system
WARY of competition when it comes to globalmarkets, the French embrace it wholeheartedly in the classroom.As school pupils enjoy theend of their summer holiday, few will relish a return to their harsh grading system.Termlyreports in secondary schools record pupils' marks, in Cartesian fashion, to the nearest twodecimal points.Every child knows how they compare with the average.A result at the school-leaving baccalaureat exam of 16 out of 20 is considered outstanding.For younger children, adictee to test spelling is marked by progressively deducting points for every error, which cancrush the grade down to zero, or even into negative territory.提到全球市场,就少不了竞争中“战战兢兢,如履薄冰”的心态。而法兰西一心要将这种小心翼翼奉为教育的信条。享受美好假期的孩子们一想到要回到学校那苛刻的分级制度,一个个就像霜打的茄子一样愁容满面。中学记录学生成绩的学期报告会使用笛卡尔的算法,将大家的成绩精确到小数点后两位。毕业会考的成绩在16到20分之间的孩子才会被评为优秀。而对于这些小朋友们来说,拼写测试中的听写就是扣分的战斗机,分数被一个一个的错误蚕食鲸吞,这会使得他们的分数跌至零分甚至是负分。
Benot Hamon, the education minister, thinks the system, at least for younger people, is tooharsh.He argues that “in France we are defined by failure”, and this begins with poor grades.He wants schools to “stimulate instead of discourage” and to give pupils more positivefeedback.Mr Hamon has launched a review of the national grading system.It is due to reportearly next year.法国教育部长博努瓦·哈蒙认为,这样的教学体制,最起码对年轻人来说实在是过于苛刻。这位教育部长认为“在法国,我们被定义成了不及格”,并且都始于过低的分数。他希望学校对学生是“鼓舞促进而不是使其丧失信心”,并且希望学校可以给学生更多积极的反馈。哈蒙部长推出了一份关于全国教育分级制度的反思评论,这份检讨将于明年早些时候公诸于世。
Mr Hamon's concern seems to be over the stress and anxiety that harsh grading inflicts onFrench schoolchildren, and the lack of confidence that this engenders in a country that isalready excessively pessimistic.Fully 75% of the children say they worry about getting poormarks in maths, for example, according to a study by the Paris-based OECD think-tank—onlyjust less than
the figure of 78% in South Korea, and far above the 46% in Sweden.哈蒙部长似乎是想结束苛刻分级制度给法国中小学生造成的紧张与焦虑,并提升因此制度造成国家过于悲观而缺乏已久的自信。例如,根据位于巴黎的经合组织智库发布研究数据,足足有75%的孩子表示他们担心自己的数学成绩会越来越差。在此项调查上法国仅略低于韩国,但是却远远高于瑞典,在韩国,这样的孩子占到78%,而在瑞典,却只有46%。
Last year the education ministry reported on an experiment in middle schools, in which marksout of 20 were abandoned in favour of comments, or vague letter grades.Boys, the reportnoted, disliked a less competitive environment more than girls;stronger pupils disliked itmore than weaker ones.But by creating less stress over failure, the report found, pupils wereencouraged to take risks and participate in class, and often became more confident.去年,法国教育部在中学进行了改革实验,在这些学校中,笛卡尔的打分方式被摒弃,取而代之的是评论意见或者是模糊的字母等级。报告指出,和女生相比,男生对于这种竞争压力小的环境并不太感冒;与那些相对弱一些的学生相比,那些成绩优异的学生也不喜欢这样的弱竞争氛围。但是研究者们还发现,及格带来的压力减轻使学生们受到了鼓励,更愿意冒险尝试并且参与课堂活动,并且自信也与日俱增。
Curiously, it was parents rather than pupils who most resisted the absence of grades.Theyworried about over-protected children, and the difficulty of judging their progress.If Mr Hamonis to get anywhere, he may find that his biggest obstacle is pushy parents.而奇怪的是,最反对模糊分数的不是学生,而是各位小朋友的家长。这些家长担心对孩子的过度保护会难以判断其长进。如果哈蒙部长随处看看,他或许会发现,其实教育中最大的改革就是这些爱出风头的固执父母。
1.return to 回到;返回
例句:Ford never desisted from trying to persuadehim to return to America.福特从未停止过劝说他返回美国。
2.come to 苏醒;达到;来到
例句:There are thousands of students absolutelygagging to come to this university.肯定有成千上万的学生都渴望到这所大学念书。
3.at least 至少;最低限度
例句:Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.每天尽量至少吃4片面包。
4.want to 想去;想要
例句:When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs,and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的时候,请记住,生活充满了起起落落,如果没有低谷,那站在高处也失去了意义。
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Homelessness in Hawaii
Paradise lost
Catering to tourists comes at a hefty price for locals
THE sun is setting on Waikiki Beach, and Koa stillhas a few hours before his 9pm shift cleaning thefood court at the Ala Moana mall.“I'm trying to better myself,” he says, but being homelessmakes this tough.He finishes work at 3am, well past curfew at most shelters, and police keeppeople off the beach from 2am to 5am.维基基海滩,日暮西沉。Koa是阿拉莫阿拉购物中心美食街的保洁,现在距他9点的换班还有几个小时。“我试图不断提升自我”,Koa称,但是无家可归的现状让这种提升举步维艰。他结束工作一般就是凌晨3点,绝大多数的庇护所早已宵禁,凌晨2点至5点警察也不允许人们在海滩逗留。
Hawaii has one of the worst rates of homelessness in the country.Though its jobless rate isbelow 5%, pricey housing keeps even many workers on the streets.The median monthly rentfor a two-bedroom apartment in Honolulu is more than $1,800—one of the highest in America.夏威夷的无家可归率在全美也是颇有名气,是最严重之一。尽管该地区的失业率低于5%,但是昂贵的房价让更多的工薪阶层无家可归。火奴鲁鲁两室的商品房房租中值也超过1800美元,是美国房租最高的地区之一。
On the island of Oahu, where three-quarters of Hawaii's homeless live, sleeping rough has justgot rougher.On December 2nd Honolulu's mayor, Kirk Caldwell, signed a bill that bans peoplefrom sitting or lying on the busiest public pavements between 5am and 11pm.Those who do socan be fined up to $1,000 and jailed for up to 30 days.This is part of a plan that Mr Caldwellcalls “compassionate disruption”.The aim, he says, is to get the homeless into shelters.Businesses in Waikiki, the centre of Hawaii's $14.5 billion tourism industry, support the policy.在欧胡岛,夏威夷75%无家可归者聚集的地方,露宿变得更加艰难。12月2日,火奴鲁鲁市长柯克·卡德维尔签署了一项禁令,禁止无家可归者在早上五点至晚上十一点这一时间段在最繁华的街道逗留。若有人违反这项规定将罚款1000美元拘留30天。这是卡德维尔所谓的“富有同情心的瓦解”计划的一部分。他声称,目的是让无家可归者居有定所。维基基的企业,夏威夷核心产业价值145亿美元的旅游业支持该项政策。
Similar crackdowns can be seen around the country, even as the stock of affordable
housing—defined as costing no more than 30% of a family's income—declines.(Nearly 13% has beenlost since 2001.)Laws banning camping, sleeping in cars, begging and loitering in public spacesare increasingly common, according to the National Law Centre on Homelessness &Poverty.In the past two years, more than 20 cities have made it illegal to feed homelesspeople in public.尽管经济适用房(定义为购房款仅占家庭收入30%的住房)的股票价格下降,类似的“镇压”在整个美国随处可见(自2013年以来,将近13%的人失去自己的房子)。根据处理无家可归及贫困事务的国家法律中心的信息,禁止人们在公共场所露营、以车为家、乞讨、游荡的法律越来越常见。在过去的两年,超过20个城市认定在公共场所为无家可归者提供食物为非法行为。
Such laws are counterproductive, says Jerry Jones, the director of the National Coalition forthe Homeless, an advocacy group.Otherwise law-abiding people end up with criminal records,making it harder for them to get back on their feet.A night in jail can cost three times morethan a night in a shelter.Honolulu's ban on rough sleeping has made the homeless moretransient and harder for social-service agencies to find.Many are sleeping at the airport,ensuring that they are the first thing visitors see.国家流浪者联合会(一个倡导团体)的主管杰里·琼斯称这样的法律智慧产生反作用力。不然,遵纪守法的人们最终将会被逼犯罪,使他们自力更生难上加难。在监狱里呆一晚的花销是庇护所的3倍。火奴鲁鲁有关露宿的禁令让无家可归者流动性更大,社会服务机构更难找到他们。许多无家可归者谁在机场,确保他们是游客们最先看到的事物。
Several cities have reduced homelessness by using a different approach, called Housing First.Whereas typical schemes aim to get homeless people “housing ready”—that is, off drugs and inwork—before placing them in homes, Housing First provides the home up front and thendelivers the support needed to stay there.This saves money, says Matthew Doherty of the USInteragency Council on Homelessness, as the homeless otherwise tend to ricochet betweenexpensive services, such as jails, emergency rooms and detox centres.A study from LosAngeles found that the public saves over $27,000 a year for every person in such aprogramme.有几个城市采用一种截然不同的措施,即“住房优先”项目来减少无家可归人群。特定的计划已实施从而让无家可归者在得到住房前具备“有房资格”,即没有疾病且有工作。与此同时,住房优先项目预先提供住房,之后为人们顺利入住提供必要的支持。美国无家可归者跨机构委员会的马修·道尔蒂称,这样更省钱。否则,这些无家可归者将会在教委昂贵的服务机构间奔波,比如监狱、急诊室以及戒毒中心。洛杉矶的一项研究发现在该项住房优先项目中,一人接受该项目国家将至少节省27000美元。
Even in Hawaii, officials are taking steps towards a Housing First plan.In Honolulu, Mr Caldwellhas promised $3m to house 100 of the city's homeless and another $43m for more housing.But the city has offered few details, and the new homes will not be ready for years.In themeantime, there is talk of sending the homeless to an encampment on nearby Sand Island—farfrom the tourists of Waikiki.甚至在夏威夷,官员们也正在采取措施实施住房优先计划。在火奴鲁鲁,卡德维尔承诺将为该市100个无家可归者提供300万美元住房基金,另支出4300万美元提供更多的住房。但是该市并未提供更多的细节,并且新的住房何时竣工入住也要好几年。同时,也有人声称将这些无家可归者送到邻近沙岛的露营地,那个远离维基基游客视线的地方。
1.cater to 迎合;投合
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In the contemporary western world, rapidlychanging styles cater to a desire for novelty andindividualism.在当代西方社会,快速变化的时尚迎合了人们追求新奇和个性的需求。
The chef is pleased to cater for vegetarian diets.厨师非常乐意为客人做素食。
2.keep off 让开;防止
Keep off the subject of politics.勿谈政治。
The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food.医生已建议他不要吃致肥食物。
3.according to 根据,按照
The route that the boatmen choose varies according to the water level.船夫选择的路线会随水位的变化而有所不同。
He advocates streaming children, and educating them according to their needs.他提倡把学生按能力分班,因需施教。
4.tend to 倾向于;趋向
We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.我们往往每周共进一次午餐。
Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood.较年长的母亲往往对身为人母的乐趣过于理想化。
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