actual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度 all-around weld整周焊缝
all-around weld(整周焊缝)环焊缝 angle butt weld斜对接焊 angle weld角焊
appearance of weld焊缝成形 arc-seam weld电弧缝焊 arc-spot weld电弧点焊 arc-weld电弧焊
aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数 at weld edge在焊缝边上 attachment weld连接焊缝 automatic spot weld自动点焊法 automatic weld自动焊接
axis of a weld焊缝中心线;焊接轴线 axis of weld焊缝轴线;焊接轴线 back of weld焊缝背面
backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口 backing weld底焊;底焊焊缝 bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊 bead weld珠焊;堆焊 bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝 beading weld凸焊
beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接;梁式引线焊接 block sequence weld分段多层焊 bond weld钢轨接头焊接
bridge seam weld桥缝焊接;桥线焊 brize weld硬焊 butt weld对接焊缝 butt weld ends对头焊接端 butt-weld碰焊;平式焊接;对头焊接
butt-weld in the downhand position对接平焊 butt-weld joint对头焊接 butt-weld pipe mill对焊管轧机 button spot weld按电钮点焊 cap weld最后焊层;盖面焊缝
carbon content of weld materials焊接材料的碳含量 cast-weld construction铸焊结构 caulk weld填缝焊 caulking weld密实焊缝
chain intermittent fillet weld链式分段角焊;并列间断角焊缝 chain intermittent weld并列焊接 circular weld环形焊缝 circumferential weld环缝;环焊缝 cleft weld裂口焊
closed weld底边无缝焊;无间隙焊缝 closed-chamber fusion weld闭室熔焊 cluster weld丛聚焊缝
coil weld卷板对接焊;卷板对接焊;板卷焊 cold weld冷压接
commutator-controlled weld换向控制焊接 complete penetration butt weld贯穿对焊 composite weld紧密焊缝;强度密封焊缝 concave filled weld凹形角焊缝 concave filler weld凹角焊 concave fillet weld凹面填角焊
concave weld凹焊缝;凹面焊;凹形焊缝;轻型焊 connective weld联系焊缝
continuous butt-weld mill连续式炉焊管机组
continuous fillet weld连续(填)角焊缝;连续角焊缝;连续贴角焊 continuous weld连续焊缝
continuous weld process连续式炉焊管法 contour weld特形焊接
convex fillet weld凸角焊缝;凸形角焊缝 convex weld凸焊缝;凸形焊缝 copper weld wire包铜钢丝 corner flange weld单卷边角焊缝 corner weld角焊
corner-flange weld卷边角焊缝;卷边角焊缝 crack of weld焊部裂纹
cross weld十字交叉焊缝;横向焊缝 cross-wire weld十字焊 crotch weld楔接锻接;楔接焊接 cup weld带盖板焊缝 depth of weld焊接深度
dissimilar weld metal不同的焊接金属;不同金属的焊接 distance between the toes of a weld焊缝宽度 double groove weld双面坡口焊缝
double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝;双斜坡口焊 double-flanged butt weld双弯边对接焊缝
double-V groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝;双斜坡口焊 downhand weld平焊缝 duplex spot weld双点点焊接头 edge joint weld边缘焊
edge weld端接焊;端接焊缝;端面焊缝;对边焊 electric resistance weld mill电阻焊管机 electric weld-pipe mill电焊管机 electric-weld pipe mill电焊管机 emporary weld临时点定焊缝
excess weld metal焊缝补强金属;补强;补强焊料;补强金属 excess weld metal(焊缝的)余高 explosive weld爆炸焊接 face of weld焊缝表面;焊接面 fibrous weld纤维状焊缝 field weld现场焊接 filler weld填角焊缝
fillet weld角焊缝;填角焊;贴角焊
fillet weld in normal shear(搭接接头的)正面角焊缝 fillet weld in parallel shear侧面角焊缝;侧面填角焊 fillet weld in the flat position角接平焊;水平角焊缝 fillet weld in the horizontal position横向角焊缝 fillet weld size焊角尺寸;填角焊缝尺寸 flame weld火焰焊接
flange weld卷边焊缝;卷边焊缝 flange-to-web weld卷边焊缝;卷边焊缝 flanged butt weld弯边对接焊 flanged edge weld卷边焊;卷边焊 flash butt weld闪光焊 flash weld闪速对焊
flat faced fillet weld平顶角焊缝焊接 flat fillet weld平角焊
ing of fillet weld角焊缝平焊;船形角焊 flush fillet weld平角焊
flush weld削平补强的焊缝;平焊接;无加强高的焊缝 forge weld锻焊焊缝
forged weld(焊后锻压的)锻压焊缝 form factor of the weld焊缝成形系数 formation of weld焊缝成形
front fillet weld正侧面填角焊缝;正面填角焊 front(al)fillet weld正面角焊缝 full fillet weld满角焊缝;全角焊 full penetration butt weld满对接焊 full weld满焊 full-fillet weld满角焊 full-sized weld全尺寸焊缝
full-strength weld(与母材等强)等强焊缝 gap weld特殊点焊;双极单点焊 gas-pressure weld气压焊 girth weld环形焊缝 gravity weld倚焊
groove weld坡口焊;坡口焊缝;有坡口焊缝;凹槽焊 groove-weld joint有坡口焊接接头 hammer weld锻焊 hand weld手焊焊缝
height of reinforcement of weld加强焊缝高度 helical-weld pipe螺旋焊管
high performance weld flux高性能焊剂 horizontal fillet weld横向角缝焊接 horizontal weld横向焊缝
horizontal-vertical fillet weld横向垂直角焊缝 hot weld encapsulation热焊封袋 hydraulic automatic weld液压自动焊接 hydraulic weld process液压焊接法 inclined weld斜焊 inconel weld单面焊缝
incorrect weld profile焊缝形状不对 incorrect weld size焊缝尺寸不对 induction weld mill感应焊管机 inside corner weld内角焊接 inside fillet weld内角焊接 inside weld内焊缝
insufficient or excess reinforcement of weld加强焊缝不足或过量 intermittent fillet weld间断角缝焊接;断续角焊缝 intermittent weld断续焊;断续焊缝 jam weld对接焊;对头焊接 lap fillet weld搭接角焊缝 laser(beam)weld(ing)激光焊 lateral weld侧焊;侧面焊缝
leg of a fillet weld角焊缝;角焊缝焊脚 leg of fillet weld圆角焊肉厚 length of weld焊缝长度 light closing weld轻连续焊接 light fillet weld轻型填角焊;小填角焊 light weld轻焊缝 Lincoln weld埋弧自动焊
longitudinal fillet weld纵向角焊 longitudinal weld纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld(焊接用语)纵缝 loose weld脱焊 main weld主焊缝
mash seam weld压薄缝焊;滚压焊 mash weld点焊;点压焊 melt thru weld熔透焊缝 melt-through weld透溶焊 melten weld pool焊接熔池 melting through weld熔透焊缝 miter weld平顶角焊缝;斜接角焊缝 molten weld metal熔融焊接金属 mulitple impulse weld多脉冲焊缝 multilayer weld多层焊缝 multipass weld多道焊缝 multiple arc weld多弧焊缝
multiple-electrode submerged arc weld多电极埋弧焊 multiple-pass weld多道焊缝;多路焊接 multirun weld多道焊缝
nonpressure thermit weld不加压热剂焊缝 normal weld正常焊接
oblique fillet weld斜交角焊缝;斜角焊接 one-pass weld单层焊缝 open butt weld开口对接焊 open weld留间隙焊缝;空隙焊 outside weld外焊缝 over weld过焊
overhead fillet weld仰焊角焊缝 overhead weld仰焊 oversize weld超尺寸焊缝 oxygen weld氧气焊接 parallel-arc weld并列弧焊 patch weld补焊;补孔焊缝
Peltier's cross weld珀耳帖交叉焊接 penetration weld熔透焊缝
percussion weld冲击焊缝;冲击焊接 periphera weld环形焊缝 pitch of weld焊缝接距;焊线距
plain butt weld无坡口对接焊;平头对接焊缝 plasma-arc weld等离子弧焊接 plug weld塞焊焊缝 point of weld焊接点 point weld点焊
poor weld劣质焊缝;有缺陷的焊缝 porous weld多孔焊缝;疏松焊缝 positioned weld平位焊缝;暂焊 post weld annealed(PWA)焊后退火 poured weld铸焊焊缝
powder weld process粉末焊接法 practice weld试验焊缝 pressure weld压焊
pressure-controlled weld压力控制焊接 pressure-tight weld气密焊;密封焊道 principal weld主要焊缝
profile of fillet weld填角焊缝轮廓 progress of weld焊向
projection weld凸焊;凸焊焊缝 projection weld machine凸点电阻焊机 pulsating weld脉冲接触焊 push weld挤焊 quilting weld钉焊
reinforced butt weld补强的对接焊缝;补强式对接焊缝 reinforced weld加强焊接
reinforcement of weld焊缝加厚;补强金属;加强焊缝 resistance weld mill电阻焊管机 resistance weld pipe电阻焊管 resonance butt weld谐振式对接焊 restarting a weld再引弧 ripple weld鳞状焊缝 rivet weld电铆;电铆焊缝 root face of weld焊缝根部钝边 root gap of weld焊缝根部间隙 root of weld焊缝根部;焊根 root opening of weld焊缝根部间隙 root radius of weld焊缝坡口根部半径 sagged weld下垂焊缝 scarf weld楔口焊接
seal weld填焊;致密焊缝;密封焊;密封焊道;密封焊缝 sealing weld封焊 seam weld滚焊
semi-automatic arc weld半自动电弧焊 sequence weld timer序列焊接时间调节器 shallow weld浅焊 shop weld工厂焊接 shot weld点焊
shoulder of weld焊缝根部钝边
side fillet weld侧面角焊缝;侧面填角焊缝;侧面贴角焊 side lap weld侧边搭接焊;弯边搭焊缝 side weld侧焊缝;边焊 single lap weld单搭接焊
single strap butt weld单面盖板对接焊 single-bevel groove weld单斜角槽焊 single-fillet weld单边角接焊缝 single-pass weld单道焊
site weld现场焊接;安装焊;安装焊接 size of a fillet weld焊角尺寸 size of weld焊件的大小;焊区尺寸 skew weld斜焊 skin weld表面焊接 sleeve weld套筒焊接
slip-weld hanger卡瓦焊接套管挂
slot weld槽塞焊;长孔焊;开槽搭焊缝;切口焊缝 ing slotted weld槽焊 slotted lap weld切口搭接焊 smooth fillet weld平填角焊缝 socket weld ends承插焊接端 soft-weld铜镍焊条合金 solvent weld溶剂焊接
space of intermittent weld断续焊缝间距;断续焊间距 spiral weld螺旋形焊缝
spiral weld-pipe mill螺旋焊管机 spot weld焊点
spot weld bonding胶结点焊 spot weld nugget点焊熔核
spreading weld宽缝焊接;加宽的焊缝 square butt weld平头对接焊缝 square groove weld无坡口槽焊
staggered intermittent fillet weld(ing)交错断续角焊 staggered intermittent weld交错断续焊缝;交错间断焊 staggered plug weld交错塞焊
standard reinforced fillet weld标准加强角焊缝 stick-out weld未熔合点焊接头 stitch-and-seam weld点线焊 straight butt weld无坡口对接接头 strapped weld搭板对接焊缝
strength weld受载焊缝;强固焊接;承载焊缝;高强度焊接 structural weld强固焊缝 surface of weld焊缝表面 surface weld表面焊缝
surface weld metal buildup表面焊缝金属的形成
synthetic apparatus for weld thermal cycle焊接热循环模拟装置 T weld丁字接头焊缝 T-filled weld丁字形角焊 T-fillet weld丁字接头角焊缝
tack weld定位焊点;定位焊缝;临时点焊;预焊;平头焊接(welding)定位焊
tandem arc weld前后弧焊 temporary weld临时点固焊缝 tension weld受拉焊缝 test weld试焊
throat depth(thickness)of fillet weld角焊缝厚度 throat of fillet weld凹角焊喉;填角焊缝喉长 throat of weld凹角焊喉 tight weld密封焊接;致密焊缝 tight-strong weld密实强固焊缝 toe of the weld焊缝边界 toe of weld焊趾 toe weld趾部焊缝 torch weld气焊焊缝
total amount of weld fumes焊接发尘量 transverse fillet weld横向角焊缝;正面角焊 transverse weld横向焊缝 trial weld试验焊接 undercut weld底切焊接
undressed weld(增加焊缝)未加工焊缝 unequal fillet weld焊脚不等的角焊缝 unfitness of butt weld焊缝对口错边量 union-melt weld埋弧焊 unload weld非承载焊缝
unspaced butted weld无间隙对接焊缝 upgrading of boiler weld锅炉焊缝加强 vertical fillet weld立焊角焊缝 vertical weld立焊 weak weld不强固焊缝 weaving weld横向摆动焊缝 weld焊;焊接的;补焊 weld all around围焊 weld appearance焊缝外观 weld assembly焊接组件 weld back-up焊缝背垫 weld backing焊缝衬垫 weld bead焊缝;熔敷焊道 weld bead height焊缝高度 weld beading焊瘤 weld bond熔合线
weld bridge seam搭桥焊缝;桥接焊缝 weld cap焊帽
weld center line焊缝中心线 weld collar加强焊缝焊瘤 weld crack焊接裂纹 weld crater熔池 weld crosswise交叉焊接
weld decay焊缝腐蚀;焊接接头晶间腐蚀;焊接侵蚀;焊接区晶间腐蚀 weld decay(焊接后)敏化区腐蚀 weld defect焊接缺陷 weld delay time焊接延迟时间 weld deposit堆焊
weld deposits cleaning焊接熔敷金属清理 weld edge焊缝边缘;焊缝表面边缘 weld edgewise沿边焊接
weld flange connection焊接法兰连接 weld flash焊瘤 weld flaw焊接缺陷 weld flush焊缝隆起 weld fumes焊接烟尘
weld gage焊缝检查规;焊缝卡规 weld gauge焊缝量规
weld heat input焊接热输入;焊接线能量 weld holder焊接夹持架;焊接架 weld inspection焊缝质量检验;焊接检查 weld interface焊缝界面;焊接界面 weld interval焊接时间 weld is accepted焊缝合格 weld jig焊接夹具 weld joint焊缝
weld junction熔焊线;熔合线 weld layer焊接层 weld length焊缝长度
weld line焊缝线;焊缝轴线;焊接线;焊线 weld machined flush削平补强的焊缝 weld mark焊缝符号;焊缝记号;焊接痕;熔缝 weld mesh crate焊接网格 weld metal焊缝金属;焊接金属
weld metal buildup surface金属堆焊表面 weld metal composition焊接金属组成 weld metal cracking焊缝裂纹
weld metal zone焊缝金属区;焊接金属熔化区 weld nugget焊点熔核 weld on bottom底焊 weld overlap重叠区 weld pass焊接通道
weld penetration焊缝熔深;焊透深度 weld period焊接时间 weld pitch焊缝距 weld porosity焊缝气孔 weld preheating焊前预热 weld preparation焊缝坡口加工 weld puddle熔池
weld reinforcement焊缝补强;焊缝加强;焊接补强 weld repairs焊接修补 weld ripple焊缝波纹 weld root焊件剖口;焊接根
weld root opening gap焊缝根部间隙 weld root reinforcement焊缝反面加强 weld rotation焊缝转角 weld seam pipe焊缝管 weld shape焊缝形状
weld shielding焊接区保护;焊接熔池保护 weld slope焊缝倾角
weld spacing焊点距;焊缝间距 weld strain焊接应变 weld strength焊接强度 weld surface焊缝表面 weld swell焊缝隆起
weld thermal cycle焊接热循环 weld thickness焊缝厚度
weld time焊接时间;焊接通电时间;接触焊通电时间 weld toxic gases焊接有害气体 weld trimmer焊缝清理机 weld up焊补
weld wheel conditioner焊轮调节器 weld width焊缝宽度 weld wire包铜钢丝 weld zone焊缝区;焊接区 weld-form factor焊缝形状系数 weld-fusion line焊缝熔合线 weld-in nozzle焊入式喷嘴
weld-interval timer焊接间隔记时器 weld-shrunk cylinder包扎式圆筒
weld-shrunk multilayered cylinder包扎式多层圆筒;多层包扎式圆筒 weld-throat thickness depth焊缝厚度
window type restraint weld cracking test窗口拘束焊缝抗裂试验;窗形拘束抗裂试验 zigzag intermittent fillet weld锯齿形断续角焊缝;锯齿形断续角焊缝 zone of weld焊缝表面
标签: 焊接 焊机 点焊 焊条 气焊
AC & D.C.arc welding machine交直流弧焊机 AC arc welding交流电弧焊
AC gas metal-arc welding process交流熔化极气保护焊 AC gas tungsten arc welding交流钨极气保护焊 AC welding set交流焊机;交流焊接变压器 AC-dc welding machine交直流两用焊机 acetylene welding气焊;乙炔焊;乙炔焊接 acetylene welding torch乙炔焊炬;乙炔接焊吹管 air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接 all-position welding全位置焊接
alloy steel gas welding rod合金钢气焊条 alternating current arc welding交流电弧焊 alternating current welding machine交流电焊机 aluminium alloy arc welding electrode铝合金焊条 aluminothermic welding铝热焊;铸焊 angle backwards welding后倾焊 angle butt welding斜口对接焊 angle forwards welding前倾焊 annealing welding wave退火焊波 antogenous welding氧炔焊
apparatus for butt welding平接压焊夹具 arc braze welding电弧钎焊 arc flash welding电弧闪光焊 arc spot welding电铆焊
arc stud welding柱钉电弧焊;螺柱电弧焊
arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊 arc welding电弧焊;电弧焊接;弧焊 arc welding electrode电弧焊条
arc welding generator电弧焊接用发电机;弧焊发电机
arc welding generator with independent excitation自激弧焊发电机;他激电焊发电机 arc welding generator with self-excitation自激电焊发电机 arc welding machine弧焊机;电焊机;电弧焊机 arc welding mask电弧焊遮罩
arc welding process电弧焊接工艺过程 arc welding rectifier弧焊整流器 arc welding robot弧焊机器人 arc welding set电弧焊机组
arc welding transformer弧焊变压器 arc-welding electrode电弧焊用焊条 arc-welding plant电焊厂 arcogen welding电弧氧乙炔焊
argon(shielded)arc welding氩弧焊接 argon tungsten-arc welding钨极氩弧焊 argon-arc welding氩弧焊 argonaut welding自动氩弧焊 atomic H welding氢原子焊 atomic hydrogen welding原子氢焊 atomic-hydrogen welding原子氢焊接 austenite welding不锈钢焊接
autogenous pressure welding自动压合热焊 autogenous welding气焊
automatic arc welding head自动电弧焊接机头
automatic arc welding machine自动电焊机;自动弧焊机 automatic drying line for welding electrode电焊条自动烘焙线 automatic slag pool welding自动电渣焊 automatic spot welding自动点焊
automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊
automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨自动埋弧电弧焊 automatic submerged-arc welding machine埋弧自动焊机 automatic transverse welding横向自动焊 automatic welding自动焊;自动焊接 automatic welding head自动焊头 automatic welding machine自动焊接机
automatic welding of circumferential seams环缝自动焊 automatic welding process自动焊接工艺规程 automation of welding焊接自动化 back hand welding后退焊;反手焊接 back step welding反手焊接 back ward welding反手焊接 back welding底焊;退焊法 back-step welding分段退焊法
backhand welding逆向焊;右焊法;后焊法;向后焊 backing welding打底焊
backstep welding分段逆焊;分段退焊;反向焊;逐步退焊法;逆向焊 backstep welding sequence分段退焊次序 backward welding后倾焊;后退焊;向右焊 balanced welding对称焊 bare welding rod光焊条
bare wire arc welding光焊丝电弧焊 bead welding窄焊道焊接
bench arc welding machine台式弧焊机 bevel welding斜角焊
blacksmith welding锻工焊接;锻焊
block sequence welding分段多层焊;分段连续焊接 block welding块焊接
block welding sequence分段多层焊 body welding machine罐身焊接机 both sides welding双面焊接 brass welding rod黄铜焊条
braze welding钎焊;钎焊接;钎接;铜焊 braze-welding钎接焊
bridge spot welding带接合板点焊;单面衬垫点焊;单面搭板点焊 bridge welding桥接焊;盖板焊 brize welding硬焊 build(built)up welding堆焊 build-up welding堆焊 building-up by welding堆焊
butt resistance welding电阻对焊;对接电阻焊 butt seam welding对接滚焊
butt seam welding machine对接缝焊机 butt welding对接焊;平对焊 butt welding machine对接焊机 butt welding process对接焊法 butt-welding对接焊
butt-welding machine对焊机
capability of welding vertically upwards直上焊接能力 capacitor-discharge welding电容放电焊接 carbon arc welding碳弧焊;碳极弧焊
carbon in materials for welding焊接用材料中的碳 carbon-dioxide arc welding二氧化碳保护焊
carriage of automatic welding machine自动焊机走架 cascade welding阶梯式焊;山形多层焊 cascade welding sequence串级叠置法 cast welding铸焊
centralized installation of welding machine多站焊接
chain intermittent fillet welding并列断续角焊缝;链式断续角焊 chemical welding化学焊
circular seam welding环缝对接焊
circular seam-welding machine环形滚焊机 cleaning before welding焊接前的清理 cleaning of welding deposits焊接沉积的清理 closed butt gas pressure welding闭式加压气焊 cold welding冷焊;冷压焊 cold-pressure welding冷压焊
combined cutting and welding torch焊割两用炬 combined cutting and-welding blow-pipe焊割两用炬 combined thermit welding加压铸焊
complete penetraction and fusion in welding全焊透
condenser(discharge)spot-welding machine电容器放电点焊机 condenser discharge spot welding电容储能点焊;电容贮能点焊 constant current welding machine恒流电焊机 constant energy welding machine恒功率电焊机 constant voltage welding machine恒压电焊机
constant-current arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current welding source恒流式焊接电源 constant-power welding source恒功率式焊接电源 constant-pressure pressure welding恒压压力焊 constant-temperature pressure welding恒温压力焊 constant-voltage welding machine恒电压焊机
constant-voltage welding source恒压式焊接电源;平特性焊接电源 consumable electrode welding熔化极电弧焊
consumable guide electroslag welding自耗定向电渣焊 contact welding接触焊
continuous feed welding连续送丝电弧焊 continuous welding连续焊;连续焊接 contour welding绕焊
controlled arc welding可控电弧焊接
controlled atmosohere arc welding充气室电弧焊 controlled atmospere arc welding充气式电弧焊
controlled tungsten-arc welding自动控制弧长的钨极电弧焊 controlled-transfer welding可控过渡电弧焊 convex fillet welding凸面角焊缝 copper arc welding electrode铜焊条 copper welding rod铜焊条
copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条 copper-aluminium welding rod铜铝焊条 copper-nickel welding rod铜镍焊条 copper-silicon welding rod铜硅焊条 copper-tin welding rod铜锡焊条 copper-zinc welding rod铜锌焊条 core welding-wire焊芯
core wire for welding rod焊条芯线 corrosion due to welding焊接腐蚀 cosmetic welding盖面焊
cover chain welding链节式药皮包丝焊接 CO2 arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机
cracking test for automatic welding自动焊抗裂试验 crankshaft flashbutt welding曲轴电阻弧花压焊 cross welding横向焊缝 cyc-arc welding圆环电弧焊 deck welding重力焊 deep fillet welding深角焊 deep penetration welding深熔焊
deep penetration welding electrode深熔焊条 deep welding深焊
die welding模焊;冲模堆焊
diesel engine driven DC arc welding machine柴油机驱动直流弧焊机 differential-excited welding generator差激电焊发电机 diffusion welding扩散焊接 direct spot welding双面点焊 direct welding双面点焊 direction of welding焊接方位;焊接方向 discontinuous welding断续焊 dot welding点焊
double carbon-arc welding间接碳弧焊 double side welding双面焊接 down-hand welding俯焊 downhand welding平焊
downward welding in the inclined position下坡焊 downward welding in the vertical position向下立焊 dual-arc welding双弧焊
edge seam welding端面接头滚焊 edge welding边缘焊接 edgewise welding沿边焊接
electric and pressure welding电压力焊接 electric arc spot welding电弧点焊
electric arc welding generators电弧焊接发电机 electric arc welding machine电弧焊机 electric butt welding电阻接触焊
electric resistance welding电阻焊接;热电阻焊 electric slag welding电渣焊 electric spot welding电点焊 electric welding电焊
electric welding cast copper solder铸铜电焊条 electric welding equipment电焊设备 electric welding generator电焊发电机 electric welding hammer电焊锤 electric welding machine电焊机 electric welding plant电焊厂 electric welding pliers电焊钳 electric welding rod电焊条 electric welding strip电焊片 electric-arc welding电弧焊
electric-resistance seam-welding电阻缝焊
electric-resistance seam-welding machine电阻缝焊机 electrical arc welding电弧焊接
electrical resistance welding tube电阻焊接管 electrically heated welding torch电热焊枪 electro-beam welding电子束焊接 electro-gas(enclosed)welding气电立焊 electro-slag welding电磁渣焊;电渣焊
electro-slag welding with plate electrode板极电渣焊 electro-welding电焊
electrode for arc welding电焊条;电弧焊条 electrode for vertical down welding向下立焊条 electrode of vertical down welding立向下焊条 electrode welding电弧焊
electrogas welding气电焊;电气焊
electromagnetic percussive welding电磁冲击焊 electromagnetic stored energy welding电磁储能焊 electron beam welding电子束焊;电子束焊接 electron beam welding machine电子束焊接机 electron-beam welding电子束焊接
electron-beam welding machine电子束焊机 electron-bombardment welding真空电子束焊 electrons leaves welding电子束焊接
electropercussive welding电冲击焊;冲击焊;储能焊 electroslag welding电渣焊;电阻焊 electroslag welding machine电渣焊机
electroslag welding with consumable nozzle熔嘴电渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode丝极电渣焊 electrostatic(percussive)welding电能储能焊接
electrostatic percussing welding静电焊;静电焊;冲击焊;储能焊 electrostatic percussive welding静电冲击焊;静电冲击焊 enclosed welding强制成形焊接
energy storage welding贮能焊;储能焊;脉冲焊接 erecting welding装配焊接 erection welding安装焊接 eutectic welding低温焊 exothermic welding铝热焊
expanding or welding of tube with tubesheet管子与管板的胀接或焊接 explosive welding(EW)爆炸焊 eyelet welding孔焊;小孔熔焊 faster welding快速焊接
feed rate of welding wire焊丝送进速度 field of welding temperature焊接温度场 field welding现场焊接;工地焊接 Filler arc welding菲拉电弧焊距 fillet welding(填角焊)贴角焊
fillet welding in the downhand position船形角焊 fillet welding in the flat position船形焊 fillet welding in the horizontal position横角焊 fillet welding in the vertical position立角焊 fine welding精密焊接 fine wire welding细丝焊 fire cracker welding躺焊 fire welding锻焊;锻接
fixed welding machine固定式焊机 fixed-position welding定位焊接 flame welding熔气焊 flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接
flash butt welding闪光对焊;闪光对接焊
flash welding闪光电弧焊;闪光焊;闪焊;火花电弧焊;火花对焊 flash-butt welding电阻闪光焊接 flashover welding闪光焊
flat position welding平焊;顶面平卧焊
flat position welding of fillet weld角焊缝平焊;船形角焊 flat welding平卧焊
flexible welding rod软焊条
flexible wire for electric welding电焊软线 flow welding流注焊接;浇焊 fluid welding流焊
flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接
fly-wheel type friction welding贮能摩擦焊;储能摩擦焊 flywheel friction welding惯性摩擦焊
forehand welding向前焊;向左焊;左焊法;左向焊;正手焊 forge welding锻焊;锻接焊
forward welding正手焊;左焊法;左向焊;前进焊;前倾焊;向前焊 friction welding摩擦焊;摩擦焊接 friction welding machine摩擦焊接机 frontal fillet welding正面角焊 full automatic welding全自动焊
full-automatic arc welding全自动电弧焊 full-fillet welding满角焊
full-fusion thermit welding热剂铸焊 full-fusion welding全熔合焊 full-length welding满焊
fusion pressure welding熔化压接
fusion thermit welding热剂熔焊;熔化铝热焊 fusion type plasma arc welding熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type welding熔透型焊接法 fusion welding熔焊接
fusion welding metal熔焊金属 gas carbon-arc welding气保护碳弧焊 gas electric welding气电联合焊接
gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊 gas metal-arc welding气保护金属极电弧焊 gas shield welding气体保护弧焊
gas shielded arc welding气体保护电弧焊;气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding machine气保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc-welding machine气体保护弧焊机
gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊 gas shielded metal-arc welding气体保护金属弧焊 gas shielded welding气体保护焊 gas torch welding气炬焊
gas tungsten arc welding气体保护钨极电弧焊 gas tungsten-arc welding气保护钨极电弧焊 gas tungstun arc welding钨极气体保护焊 gas welding气焊;乙炔焊 gas welding device气焊设备 gas welding equipment气焊设备 gas welding machine气焊机 gas welding outfit气焊机 gas welding rod气焊焊丝
gas welding rubber hose气焊橡胶管 gas welding technique气焊工艺 gas welding torch butt气焊进气硬管 gas welding tube mill瓦斯焊接机 gas welding work气焊工作
gas-arc welding气电焊;气体保护电弧焊 gas-arc welding gun气电焊焊嘴 gas-press welding气压焊
gas-pressure welding machine气压焊接机 gas-shielded stud welding气保护柱钉焊接 girth welding环缝横向焊接 gravity type arc welding重力焊 gravity type welding倚焊
gravity welding重力焊;重力式电弧焊 groove welding槽焊;坡口焊;开槽焊 guided automatic welding导向自动焊接 gun welding machine手提式点焊机;点焊枪 hafnium welding wire铪焊丝 hammer welding锻焊;锻接;锤焊
hammered resistance welding锤锻电阻焊;电阻加热锻焊 hand welding holdet手焊焊把 hard-welding硬质合金熔焊
headless bolt for welding焊接单头螺栓 heat-welding adhesive热熔性胶粘剂 heated-tool welding热烙铁焊接 heavy welding大断面焊接
heavy welding electrode粗电焊条 heliarc welding氦电弧焊 Heliarc welding氦弧焊法 helium arc welding氦弧焊
HF welding magnetic bar高频焊接磁棒 hidden arc welding埋弧焊;潜弧焊 high current arc welding大电流弧焊 high frequency AC welding machine高频交流电焊机 high frequency dielectric welding高频介电焊 high frequency induction welding高频感应焊 high frequency welding高频焊接 high grade energy welding高能焊 high tensile electric welding rod高强焊条
high-current plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊 high-frequency induction welding高频感应焊接;高频焊接 high-frequency resistance welding高频接触焊
high-frequency resistance welding(HFRW)高频电阻焊 high-frequency welding高频电焊 highspeed welding快速焊接
horizontal fillet welding横角焊;水平角焊 horizontal position welding水平焊接;横焊 horizontal welding横焊;水平焊
horizontal-position welding水平位置焊接
horizontal-rolledposition welding水平转动焊接;滚动水平焊 hot jet welding热风焊接 hot press welding热压焊接 hot pressure welding预热压力焊 hot welding热焊 hot wire welding热丝焊 hot(-)gas welding热气焊接
hot-gas welding热风焊接;热空气焊接 hot-pressure welding热压焊;热压焊接 hydrogen-welding氢焊
impact spot welding冲击点焊法
impregnated-tape metal-arc welding浸焊条金属弧焊
impulse current automatic butt welding machine脉冲电流自动对焊机 impulse current seam welding machine脉冲电流缝焊机
impulse current semiautomatic butt welding machine脉冲电流半自动对焊机 impulse electromagnetic automatic welding machine电磁脉冲自动焊机 impulse plasma welding machine脉冲等离子焊机 impulse welding脉冲焊;脉冲焊接 impulsed spot welding脉冲点焊 inclined position welding倾斜焊 indirect(spot)welding单面点焊 indirect welding单面点焊
induction welding感应焊;感应焊接;感应熔焊 inert gas arc spot welding惰性气体电弧点焊 inert gas arc welding惰性气体电弧焊 inert gas spot welding惰性气体保护电弧点焊 inert gas welding惰性气体焊接法
inert-gas(inert gas)arc welding惰性气体保护焊 inertia welding惯性焊接;贮能摩擦焊;储能摩擦焊 inertial welding惯性焊接 infrared welding红外线焊接
intermediate current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊 intermittent fillet welding断续角焊 intermittent point welding断续点焊 intermittent welding断续焊
International Institute of welding(IIW)国际焊接学会 inverted welding仰焊 joint welding搭焊 jump welding丁字形焊
keyhole-mode welding小孔型等离子弧焊;穿透型焊接法 lap fillet welding搭角焊;搭接角焊 lap resistance welding搭接电阻焊 lap seam welding搭接缝焊;搭接焊 lap welding搭焊;搭接焊 laser welding激光焊接
laser welding chamber激光焊接室 laser welding head激光焊接头
laser welding machine for orthodontics激光口腔矫形焊接机 laser welding system激光焊接系统 laser-beam welding machine激光焊接机 laser-welding machine激光焊接器 lead welding铅焊 lefthand welding左焊法 leftward welding左向焊法
lever gun welding head杠杆式点焊钳 light beam welding machine光束焊机 light continuous welding轻连续焊接 light gauge welding薄板焊接 light ray welding光束焊接 light welding轻焊接
Linde welding林德钢管对焊法 line welding直线焊缝焊接 liquid metal welding浇注补焊
longitudinal resistance seam welding纵向电阻缝焊 longitudinal seam welding纵缝焊接;纵向缝焊 longitudinal welding纵缝焊接;纵向焊接
low carbon steel welding electrode低碳钢电焊条 low carbon welding wires低碳焊接线材
low idle voltage arc-welding power supply低空载电压的弧焊电源 low temperature welding低温焊接
low-alloy steel covered arc welding electrode低合金钢焊条 low-current plasma arc welding小电流等离子弧焊 low-hydrogen welding electrode低氢型电焊条 low-temperature welding低温焊接
lowest permissible temperature for welding焊接允许的最低温度 machine for magnetic welding磁力焊接机 machine welding机器焊接
machine welding torch机械焊接吹管
magnetic discharge welding电磁储能焊;电磁焊 magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂电弧焊
magnetic flux gas shielded arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊 magnetic force welding machine磁力焊接机 magnetic-force welding磁力焊接法 manual arc welding手工电弧堆焊
manual electic arc pile up welding手工电弧堆焊 manual electric arc welding手工电弧堆焊 manual electro-slag welding手工电渣焊 manual gas welding手工气焊 manual metal-arc welding手弧焊
manual TIG welding手工钨极惰性气体保护焊 manual welding手工焊接;人工焊接 manual welding machine手工焊机
manually coating welding electrode手涂焊条 mash seam welding滚压电阻缝焊 mash stitch welding多针缝式焊接 mask welding电焊眼罩
match assemble welding装架焊接 metal arc welding金属电弧焊 metal buried welding埋渣焊
metal inert gas arc welding(MIG)惰性气体金属电弧焊 metal inert-gas arc welding金属极惰性气体保护焊
metal inertia gas welding金属焊条惰性气体保护焊;熔化极惰性气体保护焊 metal rectifier welding set整流焊机
metal-arc gas-shielded welding气保护金属极电弧焊 metal-arc gas-shielded welding(MAGSW)金属极气保护焊 metal-arc welding金属极电弧焊 micro resistance welding显微电阻焊 micro-gap welding微间隙焊接
micro-plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊 micro-welding微型焊接;显微焊接 microgap welding微隙间隙焊
Miebach high efficiency flash welding machine米巴赫高效闪光对焊机 mild steel arc welding electrode低碳钢焊条 mild steel welding rod低碳钢焊丝 miter welding斜接头焊接
mixed gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊 molten bath arc welding熔池电弧焊 molten-bath arc welding熔池焊
motor driven welding machine电动焊机;电动机拖动式焊机 motor-driven welding machine电动旋转式焊机 motor-generator welding unit电动直流发电焊接设备
multi-head automatic arc-welding machine多头自动电弧焊机 multi-head automatic welding machine多头自动焊机 multi-operator welding set多站电焊机 multi-pass(multiple pass)welding多道焊 multiarc welding多弧焊
multihead automatic arc welding machine多弧自动电焊机 multilayer welding多层焊
multioperator welding generator多工位焊接发电机 multioperator welding machine多站电焊机;多站焊机 multioperator welding set多站焊机 multipass welding多道焊接 multiple arc welding多弧焊
multiple operator arc welding machine复式弧焊机 multiple projection welding多点凸焊
multiple resistance welding多点电阻焊接;复式电阻焊 multiple spot welding多点点焊
multiple spot welding machine多点点焊机 multiple-arc welding plant多弧焊接机
multiple-electrode spot welding machine多极点焊机 multiple-electrode welding多焊条焊接
multiple-impulse welding多脉冲焊;多脉冲接触焊 multiple-operator welding-unit多重操作焊接单元 multiple-spot welding多点焊
multiple-wire multiple-power submerged-arc welding多丝埋弧焊 multiple-wire submerged arc welding多丝埋弧焊 multiplewire submerged-arc welding多丝埋弧焊 nail head type welding钉头式焊接
narrow gap one side welding窄间隙单面焊
narrow gap one-side automatic welding窄间隙单面自动电弧焊 narrow gap welding窄间隙焊接;狭间隙焊 negative polarity welding反极性焊接 neli-arc welding氦电弧焊
nickel bare welding filter metal镍焊丝 nickel covered welding eleetrode镍药皮焊条 nickel steel gas welding rod镍钢气焊条
nickel-base alloy bare welding filler metal镍基合金焊丝 nitrogen-arc welding氮弧焊 no-gas welding非气焊
non gas shielded arc welding无气体保护电弧焊 non shielded arc welding无保护电弧焊 non-pressure welding不加压焊接
non-vacuum electron beam welding大气压电子束焊接 non-welding character不可焊接性
nonpressure thermit welding(NTW)热剂铸焊 oblique fillet welding斜角焊接缝
one head automatic arc welding machine单弧自动电焊机 one side welding单面焊
one-body welding machine同体式焊机
one-body welding set同体式焊机;单机体电焊机组 one-pass welding单道焊 open arc welding明弧焊
open butt gas pressure welding开式加压气焊 orbit welding环形轨道自动焊接 out-of-position welding焊位不当 overhead position welding仰焊 overhead welding仰焊 overlay welding堆焊 overlaying welding堆焊 oxy welding乙炔焊接 oxyacetylene welding氧炔焊
oxyacetylene welding outfit氧乙炔气焊机 oxygen welding氧焊;氧气焊接
oxyhydrogen welding氢氧焊;氢氧焰焊接 pad welding垫块焊接 peg welding栓柱焊接
penetration fusion welding深熔焊接
percussion welding冲击焊;冲击焊法;储能焊;贮能焊;锻接 percussion welding(PEW)冲击电阻焊接 percussion welding machine冲击焊机
performances of test piece for welding焊接试板性能 pile-up welding堆焊
pincer spot welding head杠杆式点焊钳 pinpoint welding点焊 pipe welding machine焊管机 pipe-welding machine钢管焊接机 plasma arc welding等离子弧焊接 plasma arc welding(PAW)等离子弧焊
plasma argon arc welding machine等离子氩弧焊接机 plasma MIG welding等离子熔化极气体保护焊 plasma welding等离子焊
plasma welding torch等离子焊炬 plasma-arc welding等离子电弧焊接 plastic welding塑焊;塑态焊接;塑性焊接 plate-work and welding section铆焊工段 pliers spot welding head点焊钳;钳式点焊头 plug welding塞焊
point welding machine点焊机
poke welding手点焊;手动焊钳点焊;手推点焊;钳点焊;压焊 portable arc welding machine便携式弧焊机 position of welding焊接位置;焊位 position welding定位焊
precautions before welding焊接前的预防措施 precision laser welding machine精密激光焊接机 precision welding精密焊接
precision welding machine精密焊机 prefabricated welding mo(u)ld预制焊模 preheated electric arc welding预热电弧焊接
preparation of base metal for welding焊接基体金属的处理 preparation of plates for welding焊接板材的准备 press cold welding冷压焊;加压冷焊 press welding压焊;加压焊
pressure contact welding压力接触焊
pressure thermit welding加压铝热剂焊接;加压热剂焊;加压铸焊 pressure thermit welding PTW加压热剂焊 pressure welding压接;压力焊接;加压焊接 program welding程序点焊
progressive induction seam welding连续感应滚焊 progressive welding前进焊;分段焊接 projection welding凸出焊接;凸焊 puddle welding堆焊
pulsation spot welding脉冲点焊
pulsation welding脉冲焊;脉动焊接;多脉冲接触焊 pulsation welding timer脉冲焊接计时器 pulse arc welding脉冲电弧焊;脉冲电弧焊接 pulse laser welding脉冲激光焊接
pulse welding interrupter脉冲焊接断续器 pulsed arc welding rectifier脉冲弧焊整流器 pulsed arc-welding power source脉冲弧焊电源 pulsed argon arc welding脉冲氩弧焊 pulsed GTA welding脉冲钨极气体保护焊
pulsed metal argon-arc-welding熔化极脉冲氩弧焊 pulsed plasma arc welding脉冲等离子弧焊 pulsed spot welding脉冲点焊
pulsed tungsten argon arc welding钨极脉冲氩弧焊
pulsed tungsten inert gas arc welding脉冲钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 pulsed-spray arc welding脉冲射流电弧焊 pure aluminium gas welding rod纯铝气焊条 pure nickel welding electrode纯镍电焊条 push welding手点焊;手压点焊;钳点焊;压焊 qualification of welding procedure焊接工艺评定 qualification welding operator合格自动焊工 quasi-arc welding潜弧自动焊
2006-09-25 | 中国焊接专业网焊接英汉词典(3)
标签: 焊接 焊机 钢管 点焊 电焊
radio-frequency welding射频熔接;高频焊接 rail-end welding轨端补焊
raised face welding neck flange凸面对焊法烂 raised welding method上升焊接法 ratio-frequency welding高频焊
reciprocating welding electrode往复焊接电极 recrystallization welding再结晶焊接 rectifier welding machine整流焊机 rectifier welding set整流焊机 reduction welding还原焊接
reinforcing cage welding machine钢筋骨构架焊接机 relief welding凸焊
repair by welding焊接修补 repair welding补焊;焊补;焊修 repairing welding修补焊;补焊;焊修 residual strain by welding焊接残余应变 residual stress by welding焊接残余应力 resistance butt welding对接接触焊
resistance butt-seam welding电阻对缝焊接 resistance butt-welding电阻对焊
resistance electroslag welding接触电渣焊 resistance percussion welding接触冲击焊 resistance percussive-welding电阻锻接 resistance roller-spot-welding电阻滚动点焊 resistance seam welding电阻缝焊;电阻滚焊 resistance spot welding电阻点焊 resistance stitch welding电阻点缝焊接 resistance welding电阻焊接
resistance welding machine电阻焊机 resistance welding time电阻焊通电时间
resistance-flash welding电阻弧花压焊接;电阻闪光焊接 resistance-welding time接触焊通电时间 restraint welding约束下焊接;抑制焊接 resurfacing welding堆焊
retrocession welding method后退焊接法 ridge welding筋状凸焊 rightward welding右焊法
ring joint welding neck flange梯形槽式密封面对焊法兰;环槽式密封面对焊法兰 ring welding滚焊
ripple projection welding波纹状凸焊 rivet welding电铆焊
robot welding system自动焊接系统
rocker-arm resistance welding machine摇臂接触焊机 roll welding热辊压焊接 roll-spot welding滚点焊 roll-welding滚压焊 roll-welding(RW)滚焊
roller spot-and-seam welding machine辊式点缝焊机 roller welding轧焊
roller-type seam welding machine辊式缝焊机 rotary welding set旋转式焊机
rotary welding transformer旋转式焊接变压器;可旋转焊接变压器 rotating arc pipe welding machine旋转电弧焊管机 rotating arc welding旋转电弧焊 rotating welding machine旋转式弧焊机 saddle welding鞍形焊 sandwich welding夹紧冷焊 scarf welding两端搭接焊 scraf welding嵌焊
seal by welding焊接连接密封 seal welding密封焊接 seam welding线焊接;缝焊 seam welding electrode滚极 seam-welding machine缝焊机
self-adjusting arc welding自动调节电弧焊;自调电弧焊 self-regulating arc welding transformer自调节弧焊变压器 self-shielded arc welding自保护电弧焊 self-shielded welding wire自保护焊丝 semi-automatic arc welding半自动弧焊
semi-automatic arc welding machine半自动电弧焊机;半自动弧焊机 semi-automatic metal arc welding半自动金属电弧焊 semi-automatic welding半自动焊接
semi-automatic welding machine半自动焊接机 semiautomatic welding半自动焊 sequence of welding焊接顺序 sequential welding程序焊接;连续焊 series arc welding串联弧焊
series projection welding单边多极凸焊
series seam welding串联缝焊;单边多极滚焊;单边双电极焊缝;单面多极滚焊
series spot welding串点焊;串联点焊;单边多极点焊;单面点焊;单面多点点焊;连续点焊
series submerged arc welding(SAW-S)横列双丝串联埋弧焊 series welding串焊;串联焊;单边多电极焊接;系列焊接 series-arc welding串联电弧焊接 series-spot welding单面点焊
shape welding异形焊;成形零件堆焊;有型焊接 shielced carbon-arc welding气保护碳弧焊 shield arc welding封闭电弧焊
shield inert gas metal arc welding惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 shield-arc welding掩护电孤焊接
shielded arc welding有保护的电弧焊;保护电弧焊 shielded carbon arc welding碳弧保护焊
shielded metal(manual electric)arc welding手弧焊
shielded metal arc welding自动保护金属极电弧焊;熔化极自动保护电弧焊 shielded metal-arc welding掩护电孤焊接;气保护金属极电弧焊;保护式电弧焊 shielding arc welding盾护电焊;盾护电弧焊 shop welding工厂焊接;车间焊接;车间中焊接 short arc welding短弧焊
short-circuiting arc welding短路过渡电弧焊 shot welding脉冲焊接 shrink welding预应变焊接 side fillet welding侧面角焊
side lap welding侧搭焊;侧面搭接焊 sigma welding西格玛焊接
silicon rectifier for welding硅焊接整流器 silicon welding rectifier硅焊接整流器 single impulse welding单脉冲焊
single operator arc welding generator单站电焊发动机 single operator arc welding machine单站弧焊机 single operator arc welding set单人电焊机
single operator welding machine单工使用焊机;单站弧焊机 single oxyacetylene welding goggles单玻璃焊工护目镜 single side welding单面焊
single spot welding单点焊;单行点焊 single welding单点点焊;单面焊 single-impulse welding单脉冲焊接 single-layer welding单层焊
single-operator welding machine单站焊机 single-run welding单道焊;单头焊 single-side welding单面焊接
single-sided argon arc spot welding machine单面氩弧点焊机 site welding现场焊接;工地焊接 skin welding表面焊
skip block welding分段多层跳焊;跳跃块焊接 skip block welding sequence分段多层跳焊法 skip sequence welding跳焊 skip welding跳焊 slag welding电渣焊
slant angle type welding低角度式焊接 slanting butt seam welding斜对接缝焊 slot welding槽焊
slot welding slotted weld槽焊 slow-butt welding电阻压力对焊 socket welding承插焊接
socket-welding fitting焊接式管接头 socket-welding flange承插焊接法兰 solid phase welding固相焊接 solid welding wire实心焊丝
solid-phase pressure welding固相压焊 solid-phase welding固相压焊 solid-state welding固态焊;固态焊接 source of welding current焊接电源 space welding间隔焊接;有间隙焊接 spark welding火花焊
special automatic vacuum welding chamber特种自动真空焊接室 special build-up welding特殊堆焊;特殊堆焊 speed of welding焊接速度 speed of welding travel焊接速度 spin welding旋转焊接;旋转熔接;摩擦焊 spiral welding螺旋焊
spiral welding steel pipe螺焊钢管
spot and butt welding machine点焊对焊两用机 spot welding点焊
spot welding fixture(SWFX)点焊夹具 spot welding gun点焊枪 spot welding point点焊点 spot-welding electrode点焊电极 spot-welding gun点焊焊枪;点焊钳 spot-welding machine点焊机 spot-welding sealer点焊用密封材料 spray welding喷雾熔接 spray welding unit喷焊器
spring contact arc welding弹力焊 spring type welding弹力式焊接 spring welding弹力焊
square butt welding平头对接焊
squirt welding埋弧半自动焊;埋弧斗自动焊 stack welding多层接触点焊 staggered welding错列焊接
stainless steel welding electrode不锈钢电焊条 standard welding symbols标准焊接符号
stationary welding machine固定焊机;固定式焊机 steel wire for welding electrode焊条钢丝 steel-welding fittings钢焊接管件
step by step roller spot welding步进式滚点焊 step by step seam welding步进式缝焊 step-back method of welding分段反向焊法 step-back welding逆向分段焊接;后向分段焊接 step-by-step welding步进焊缝;跨步焊 step-pulsed welding步进脉冲焊
stitch welding针脚点焊法;自动点焊;连续点焊;合缝焊接;叠焊;叠焊法;断续缝焊;跳焊
stitch-and-seam welding断续缝焊;断续焊缝 stitch-welding垫缝焊接 stored energy welding贮能焊 straight bead welding直线焊接 straight flash welding直接闪光焊 stranded welding wire综合焊条
strip overlay welding experiment板极堆焊试验 structural welding结构焊接
stud welding螺栓焊;螺柱焊;柱极焊;电栓焊 stud welding(SW)柱钉焊接 stud welding gun螺柱焊枪
submerged arc welding焊剂层下焊;水下弧焊;潜弧焊;隐弧焊 submerged arc welding machine埋弧焊机 submerged-arc welding埋弧焊
supersonic welding超声波焊;超声波焊接;超声焊 surface welding表面焊接
surfacing by fire cracker welding process躺板极堆焊 surfacing welding electrode堆焊焊条
surfacing welding rod堆焊填充棒;堆焊填充焊棒;堆焊填充丝 tack welding点定焊;点固焊接;暂焊 tandem welding串列多弧焊 tangent welding多极平行弧焊 tank welding油罐焊接
tape butt-seam welding machine带状对接缝焊机 tee spot welding丁字点焊 tee welding丁字焊
test piece for welding焊接试板 thermal compression welding热压焊接 thermal pressure welding热压焊接 thermit rail welding钢轨热剂焊 thermit welding铝镍焊;铝热焊;铝热剂焊;热剂焊 thermit(e)fusion welding热剂铸焊 thermit(e)pressure welding加压热剂焊 thermite welding铝热焊接 thermofussion welding热熔焊
thermoplastic welding strip热塑性焊条 three-phase arc welding三相电弧焊
three-to-single-phase welding transformer三相输入的单相焊接变压器 through welding焊透 through-welding焊透
TIG(arc)welding惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊 torch braze welding焊矩钎焊 torch welding气焊;吹管焊接 touch welding接触式焊接
tractor automatic arc welding machine拖车式自动电焊机 transverse seam welding横向缝焊
transverse submerged arc welding横列双丝并联埋弧焊 tube-welding machine焊管机(TIG welding)惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊 tungsten arc welding钨极电弧焊
tungsten inert gas welding machine钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 tungsten-arc welding钨弧焊 twin arc welding双弧焊
twin wire parallel power submerged arc welding双丝并列埋弧焊 twin wire series power submerged arc welding双丝串联埋弧焊 twin-head tandem arc-welding machine双头串联电弧自焊机 two-head automatic arc welding machine自动双弧焊机 ultra-speed welding超高速焊接
ultrasonic metal welding超声波金属焊接 ultrasonic remote welding超声遥焊 ultrasonic seam welding超声波缝焊 ultrasonic spot welding超声波点焊
ultrasonic spot welding machine超声波点焊机 ultrasonic welding超声波焊接;超声焊 ultrasonic welding inspection超声波焊缝检查 ultrasonic welding machine超声波焊接机 under water welding水下焊 under-water welding水下焊 underwater welding水中焊接 union melt welding埋弧自动焊
unionarc welding磁性焊剂CO2焊;气渣联合保护电弧焊 Unionarc welding磁性焊剂二氧化碳保护焊 unionmelt welding焊剂层下自动焊
universal upsetting and welding machine万能镦锻焊接机 unshielded arc welding无保护层电弧焊 uphand welding仰焊 uphill welding上坡焊
upset butt welding电阻对焊;电阻对接焊 upset welding joint对接焊缝
upward welding in the inclined position上坡焊 upward welding in the vertical position向上立焊 uranami welding electrode低层焊条;底层焊条;打底焊条 vacuum diffusion welding真空扩散焊接 vacuum electron beam welding真空电子束焊 vacuum welding真空焊接 vertical down welding向下立焊 vertical position of welding立焊位置 vertical up welding向上立焊 vertical welding垂直焊;竖焊 wandering block welding游移块焊接 wash welding熔面焊接
water cooled welding torch水冷焊炬 water vapour arc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊 water-gas welding水煤气焊;液压焊 water-vapo(u)r welding水蒸气保护焊 weaving welding摆动焊
welding焊接;熔化极惰性气体保护焊;压实作用;固化 welding allowance焊接留量 welding alloy焊接合金
welding and cutting combine割焊两用机
welding and cutting torch焊割两用炬;焊割两用气焊枪 welding apron焊工的围裙;焊工围裙 welding arc焊弧;焊接电弧
welding arc analyzer焊接电弧分析仪 welding arc viewer焊弧观察器
welding arc voltage焊弧电压;焊接电弧电压 welding assembly焊接部件;焊接构件 welding atmosphere焊接气氛 welding backing焊接衬垫 welding base metal焊条金属 welding bead length焊缝长度 welding bell(焊管用)碗模 welding bellows焊接波纹管 welding bench焊接工作台;焊接台
welding between pipe connect管口和筒体间焊缝 welding booth焊接室 welding burner焊炬喷嘴 welding by both sides双面焊 welding by forging锻焊 welding by one side单面焊 welding cable电焊电缆;焊接电缆 welding cam(接触对焊机的)加压凸轮 welding capacity可焊性
welding characteristics焊接特性 welding circuit焊接回路 welding clamp电焊钳 welding code焊接规程 welding coefficient焊接系数 welding compound焊药
welding condition焊接工艺参数;焊接工艺条件;焊接规范;焊接条件 welding conditions焊接规范 welding connector电缆夹头 welding contactor电焊接触器 welding crack焊接裂纹;焊裂缝 welding current焊接电流 welding cut bit焊割工具
welding cycle焊接循环;焊接周期 welding defect焊接缺陷 welding deformations焊接变形 welding deposit焊敷金属;焊着金属 welding device焊接设备 welding direction焊接方向
welding dribble(焊接时间的)金属熔滴或飞溅 welding dynamo焊接发电机
welding electrode焊接电极;焊条;电焊条 welding electrode hold焊条夹
welding electrode production line电焊条生产线 welding electrodes焊接电极 welding ends焊接端
welding engineer焊接工程师 welding engineering焊接工程 welding equipment焊接设备 welding experiments焊接试验 welding fabrication焊接装配 welding fixture焊接夹具 welding flame焊接火焰 welding flash弧光灼伤 welding flux焊接溶剂;焊药 welding flux backing焊剂垫
welding force阻焊加压;电极力;电极压力 welding from one side单面焊 welding fume焊接烟尘 welding furnace烧结炉 welding gap焊件装配间隙
welding gauge确定焊缝尺寸用样板
welding generator焊接发电机;焊接用发电机;电焊发电机 welding generator with differential excitation差激电焊发电机 welding generator with splitting pole裂极式电焊发电机 welding glass焊接保护玻璃;黑玻璃 welding glove焊工手套
welding gloves焊接手套;焊接用手套
welding goggles焊工保护眼镜;焊工护目镜;焊接护目镜 welding grade gas焊接级保护气体;焊接级气体 welding grade shield gas焊接级保护气体 welding ground焊接地线;电焊地线;工件引线 welding gun焊接喷枪 welding gutter焊管拉模 welding handle焊条夹
welding head焊机头;焊接机头;烙铁头;烧焊枪 welding heat焊接热;焊热 welding heat input焊接输入热量 welding helmet焊工帽罩;电焊帽 welding holder焊接握把 welding hose焊接软管 welding impulse电焊脉冲 welding inspection焊接检查 welding inspection ruler焊接检验尺
welding interval焊接时间;焊接时间间隔;焊接周期 welding jig焊接夹具;焊条夹钳 welding joint焊接接头 welding laboratory焊接试验室 welding layer焊层 welding lead电焊引线
welding machine电焊机;焊接机
welding machine with power factor correction功率因素改善了的焊机 welding manipulator焊件支架;焊接操作机;焊接机械手 welding material焊接材料
welding metal cracking焊缝金属裂纹 welding metallurgy焊接冶金 welding method焊接方法 welding micrometer检验卡规 welding mill焊管机
welding motor generator旋转式直流焊机;电动焊接发电机;电动旋转式电焊机 welding neck对焊
welding neck(flange)对焊法兰 welding neck flange高颈法兰 welding nozzle焊嘴
welding of tube-tubesheet管子与管板氩弧焊接 welding of tubes炉管焊接 welding on bottom底焊 welding operation焊接操作
welding operator焊工;焊接操作者;自动焊工 welding outfit焊接机组;焊接配备 welding parameter焊接工艺参数
welding paste焊膏;焊糊;焊接涂料;焊接药膏 welding performance焊接性能 welding period焊接循环周期 welding pipe焊接管
welding plant焊接厂;焊接装置 welding pool焊接熔池 welding portion焊接部分
welding position焊接部位;焊接位置;焊位 welding positioner焊接翻转台;焊接胎架 welding positioner roller焊接定位滚轮 welding powder焊粉
welding power lead焊接用输电线 welding press焊接压力机 welding pressure焊接压力
welding procedure焊接程序;焊接次序;焊接工艺;焊接工艺过程;焊接规程;焊接施工 welding procedure drawing焊接施工图 welding procedure qualification焊接程序评定
welding procedure qualification test record焊接工艺鉴定试验记录 welding procedure sheet焊接工艺卡 welding procedure specification焊接程序
welding procedure specification(WPS)焊接工艺规程 welding process焊接方法;焊接过程 welding puddle焊接熔池 welding quality焊接质量 welding rate焊接速度
welding rectifier焊接整流器;电焊整流器;整流式焊机 welding regulator电焊调节器;焊接调节器 welding requirements焊接要求
Welding Research Council焊接研究委员会 welding residual deformation焊接残余变形 welding residual stress焊接残余应力 welding resistor焊接电阻器 welding robot焊接机器人 welding rod焊棒;焊条;电焊条 welding rod coating焊条上的焊药 welding rod core焊条芯 welding rod extrusion press焊条挤压机;焊条压涂机;焊条自动涂抹机 welding rod holder焊把;焊条夹钳;焊条钳 welding roll焊滚;焊接滚轮 welding rolls焊接辊 welding rules焊接规则
welding schedule焊接工艺程序;焊接计划表 welding screen电焊遮光罩 welding seam焊缝 welding seam No焊缝编号
welding sequence焊接程序;焊接次序;焊接顺序 welding set焊接机组;焊接设备;焊接装置;电焊装置 welding set with a surge injector脉冲稳弧焊机 welding shop焊接车间;焊接工场;电焊车间 welding simulator焊接模拟器 welding slag焊接熔渣;焊渣 welding sleeves焊接用套袖 welding socket焊接管套;焊接套管 welding source焊接电源 welding spats焊接用护脚 welding speed焊接速度
welding stainless electrode不锈电焊条 welding steel tube焊接钢管 welding stick焊棒 welding strain焊接应变 welding stress焊接应力
welding structure members焊接构件 welding sub assembly焊接部件 welding symbol焊接代号;焊接符号 welding symbols焊缝代号 welding table焊接工作台 welding technique焊接技术 welding technology焊接工艺 welding temperature焊接温度 welding temperature field焊接温度场 welding terminal焊机输出端 welding thermal cycle焊接热循环 welding thermit焊接热剂;焊接用铝热剂 welding tilter焊接翻转机 welding timer焊接定时器 welding tin billet焊锡棒料 welding tip焊接喷嘴
welding tip(点焊用)电极工作端 welding tongs焊接夹钳;焊钳 welding tool焊接工具;电焊工具 welding torch熔接炬;焊接吹管;焊接炬;焊接喷灯;焊炬 welding torch pipe焊枪管 welding tractor焊车;焊接小车
welding transformer焊接变压器;电焊变压器 welding unit焊接机
welding variable焊接规范参数 welding variables焊接规范参数 welding voltage电弧电压 welding wheel盘状电极 welding wire焊丝;焊条钢丝 welding wire machine焊线机 welding with backing垫板焊;衬垫焊 welding with flux backing焊剂垫焊 welding with weaving横向摆动焊接 welding work焊工工作 welding zone焊接区 welding-cutting tool焊割具 welding-grade argon焊接级用氩 welding-on焊合;焊上;镶焊 welding-seam cleaner焊缝清理机 welding-wire reel焊丝卷圈 whipping welding抖动焊
wire-mesh welding machine金属网焊机
wrist-watch dial locating pin welding machine表盘焊钉机 Zerener welding间接作用碳弧焊 zigzag welding交错焊
zone of welding current焊接电流调节范围 all-welded全焊接
all-welded construction全焊结构 welded fissure焊接裂纹 welded fitting焊接式管接头
welded flange焊接法兰;焊接翼缘;焊制法兰 welded flat head焊接式平盖 welded frog焊接辙叉 welded gasket焊接垫 welded impeller焊制叶轮 welded installation焊接装配
welded joint焊缝;焊接接头;焊接连接 welded joint coefficient焊接接头系数 welded joints seal焊接连接密封
welded liquefied petroleum gas cylinder焊接式液化石油气瓶 welded metal焊接金属 welded module焊接微型组件 welded oil-storage tank焊接油类贮槽 welded on head焊制封头
welded on the bottom of vessels焊在容器底上的 welded pipe焊接管;焊制管 welded pipe tube焊缝接管 welded plate焊合板
welded reinforcement of nozzle opening接管开孔的焊接补强 welded sample焊接试样 welded seam焊缝
welded sheet condenser焊接板式冷凝器 welded shell course焊接锅炉筒 welded shell ring焊接锅炉筒 welded specimen焊接试样 welded splice焊接接头
welded stayed construction焊接的支撑结构 welded steel焊接钢
welded steel fabric焊接钢筋网 welded steel fences钢材焊接围栏 welded steel pipe焊接钢管
welded steel space frame钢焊接空间框架 welded steel tank金属焊接油罐 welded steel tube焊接钢管
welded structural shape焊接结构型钢 welded structural steel焊接结构钢 welded structure焊接的结构;焊接结构 welded tank焊接贮油罐 welded together焊合 welded truss焊接桁架
welded tube焊缝管;焊接管;电焊管 welded tuff熔结凝灰岩
welded turning rolls焊接滚轮架 welded turret焊合转搭 welded unit焊接构件 welded vessel焊接容器 welded wire fabric焊接钢丝网 welded wire mesh电焊网
welded-contact rectifier熔接整流器
welded-steel plate construction钢板焊接结构 arc-welded pipe弧焊管
arc-welded steel pipe电弧焊接钢管
around openings for welded attachments环绕焊接附件孔口 as welded焊态 as-welded焊后状态
automatic arc welded tube自动电弧焊缝管 big diameter welded tube大口径焊缝管 blacksmith welded joint煅接接头 butt welded(bw)对焊机 butt welded seam对焊缝 butt-welded drill对头焊接钻头 butt-welded joint对焊接头 butt-welded pipe对缝焊接管 butt-welded rail ends对焊轨端
butt-welded tube对缝焊管;对焊钢管;对口焊接钢管 butt-welded with square ends方头对焊 cast welded rail joint铸焊钢轨接头 continuous welded rail连续焊接钢轨 double fillet welded T-joint双面丁字形焊接 double-welded butt joint双面焊对接接头 double-welded lap joint双面焊搭接接头 electric welded anchor cable电焊锚链 electric welded steel pipe电焊钢管
electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管 electric-welded pipe电焊管 electrically welded tube电焊管 expanded and welded tube joint胀焊 fillet welded joint填角焊缝
forge-welded(monolayered)cylinder锻焊式单层圆筒 forged and welded vessel锻焊式容器
galvanized and welded steel pipe镀锌焊缝钢管 galvanized electric welded mesh镀锌电焊网 galvanized welded tube镀锌焊缝管 galvanized welded wire mesh镀锌电焊网 gas welded joint气焊接头
guided-bend test for butt welded joint对接接头靠模弯曲试验 handhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰手孔 helically welded tube螺旋焊接管 helically-welded case螺旋焊接壳体
high frequency welded spiral fin tube高频焊接螺旋翅片管 high strength welded pipe高强度焊接管 high strength welded steelpipe高强度焊接钢管
high-frequency electric welded steel pipe高频电焊钢管 high-frequency straight seam welded pipe高频直缝焊接钢管 holes in joints of welded vessels焊接容器接头处的孔 in welded joints在焊缝上
jump welded tube对缝焊管;焊缝管 lap welded pipe搭焊管 lap-welded搭焊
limitations on welded vessels焊接容器的限制 located in welded joint位于焊接接头中
manhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰人孔 manhole with common welded flange平焊法兰人孔
notch break test for butt welded joint对接接头缺口断裂试验 notched and welded wide plate test缺口焊接宽板试验 on welded vessels在焊接容器上
openings through or near welded joints通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔 openings through welded joints通过焊接连接处的开孔 plate-welded spiral case钢板焊接蜗壳 pressure-welded junction热压焊结 projection welded cap凸焊帽 projection welded joint凸焊接头
repair defects in welded vessel修理焊接容器中的缺陷
roll-welded(monolayered)cvlinder卷焊式单层圆筒;卷焊式单层圆筒 rolled steel for welded structure焊接结构用轧制钢材 sectioning of welded joints焊接连接的切片
segmentally welded(monolayered)cylinder瓦片式圆筒 shop-welded connection厂焊接头 single fillet welded lap(joint)单面搭焊接 single fillet welded T joint单面T形焊接 single welded joint单面焊
single welded lap joint单面焊搭接接头
single-welded butt joint单面焊的搭接接头;单面焊对接接头 single-welded lap joint单面焊搭接接头;单面焊的搭接接头 spiral welded pipe螺旋焊管
spiral welded steel pipe螺旋焊接钢管 spiral-welded pipe螺旋焊接管 spot-welded joint点焊接头 stamping-welded冲压焊接的
strengthening of welded seam焊缝补强 tests of welded vessels焊接容器试验
unfired fusion welded pressure vessel非直接火焊接压力容器 welded焊接的
welded and expansion joint焊接加胀接法 welded and rolled tube joint焊胀 welded armor焊接甲板 welded attachment焊接附件 welded body焊接车身 welded bond焊接轨隙连接器 welded bonnet(WB)焊接阀盖 welded bridge焊接桥梁 welded cathode焊接阴极 welded chain焊接链
welded connection焊接合;焊接联结 welded construction焊接结构 welded corner joint角焊接 welded eye焊眼
welded fin tube焊片式翅片管 fabrication weldability工艺焊接性 local weldability局部可焊性;局部可焊性 operative weldability操作工艺性;工艺可焊性 overall weldability综合可焊性;使用焊接性 service weldability使用焊接性;使用可焊性 thermal weldability热焊接性 weldability焊接性;可焊性
weldability test可焊性试验;焊接性试验
high strength weldable aluminium alloy高强度可焊铝合金 non-weldable steel不可焊接的钢 weldable可焊的
weldable copper可焊复合铜板 weldable steel可焊钢;焊接钢 weldless无焊缝的
weldless(seamless)steel pipe(tube)无焊缝钢管 weldless connection非焊接式接头 weldless fitting非焊接式接头 weldless pipe无缝管
head fork weldment顶叉焊接件 weldment焊件;焊接装配 weldable adj.可焊的 weldless adj.无焊缝的 weldment n.焊(接)件
double-bevel groove weld 双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝 butt weld 对接焊缝 groove weld 坡口焊 contour weld 特形焊接
automatic spot weld 自动点焊法 explosive weld 爆炸焊接 gas-pressure weld 气压焊 concave fillet weld 凹角焊 downhand weld平焊缝 carbon arc weld 碳极弧焊 braze welding 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊 air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接 argon arc welding 氩弧焊
automatic slag-pool welding 自动电渣焊
aircomatic welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 aluminothermic welding 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接 butt welding 对接焊, 对焊
austenite welding 不锈钢(焊条)焊接
automatic submerged arc welding 自动埋弧焊 argon shielded arc welding 氩护电弧焊 weld all around围焊
weld appearance驾吨焊缝外观 welding powder 焊粉 weldable steel可焊钢;焊接钢 weldable copper可焊复合铜板 non-weldable steel不可焊接的钢
high strength weldable aluminium alloy高强度可焊铝合金 weldable可焊的
weldable strain gauge悦焊接式应变计
welded all around(round)沿周边焊接的 lap welded casing搭焊套管
welded aluminum alloy(WAA)焊制铝合金 welded and expansion joint焊接加胀接法 welded and rolled tube joint焊胀 welded armor焊接甲板 welded attachment焊接附件
welded austenitic stainless steel pipe焊接奥氏体不锈钢钢管 welded bellows焊接波纹管 welded body焊接车身;焊体 welded bond焊接轨隙连接器 welded cap焊接管封头
projection welded cap凸焊帽;有凹凸的焊帽 welded bridge焊接桥, 焊接桥梁 welded casing焊接套管 welded case焊接机匣
helically-welded case螺旋焊接壳体 welded chain焊接链 welded cathode焊接阴极
welded connection焊接合,焊接头,焊接联结 shop-welded connection厂焊接头 welded construction 焊接结构 all-welded construction全焊结构 welded contact rectifier熔接整流器 welded corner joint角焊接 welded crossing焊接断面 welded digester焊接蒸煮锅 welded elbow焊接机械肘, 焊接弯头 welded encapsulation焊接封装 welded ends焊接连接端 welded fin tube焊片式翅片管
welded fissure焊接裂缝,焊合的裂缝, 焊接裂纹 welded fitting焊接式管接头 welded flange焊接法兰;焊接翼缘
manhole with common welded flange平焊法兰人孔 manhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰人孔 handhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰手孔 welded flat head焊接式平盖
welded frame焊接骨架, 焊接车架, 焊接隔框
tubular welded frame scaffold管状焊接框架式脚手架 welded frog焊接辙叉 welded gasket焊接垫 tie-in weld管段间焊接
powder weld process粉末焊接法 intermittent fillet weld断续角焊缝 edge weld端接焊缝 tack weld定位焊
backing run;backing weld打底焊道 strapped weld;strapped joint搭板对接焊缝 strength weld承载焊缝 lap fillet welding搭接角焊
overlap welding;lap welding搭接焊 magneticetic pulse welding磁力脉冲焊
flywheel type friction welding;inertia welding储能摩擦焊 stored energy welding储能焊 percussion welding冲击焊 workshop welding车间焊接 explosive welding爆炸焊接
blasting welding factory爆破焊接厂 welded eye焊眼
welded elbow;welded ell焊接直角弯头 welded nut焊接螺母 welded tank焊接罐 welded pipe焊接管
ratio-frequency welded tube高频焊管 furnace butt-welded pipe对接炉焊管 hammer welded pipe锻焊管 lap welded casing搭焊套管 concave fillet weld凹形角焊缝 automatic spot weld自动点焊法 butt weld对接焊缝 carbon arc weld碳极弧焊 concave fillet weld凹角焊 contour weld特形焊接
double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝 downhand weld平焊缝 explosive weld爆炸焊接 gas-pressure weld气压焊 groove weld坡口焊 heliarc weld氦弧焊
inert gas carbon-arc weld惰性气体保护碳弧焊接 inert gas metal-arc weld惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 intermittent weld间断焊缝 lap(seam)weld搭接焊缝;搭接焊 laser weld激光焊
multiple-electrode submerged arc weld多电极埋弧焊 multiple-pass weld多道焊缝 non-pressure weld熔焊, 不加压焊接 overhead fillet weld仰焊角焊缝 oxyacetylene weld氧[乙]炔焊, 气焊 oxygen weld氧气焊接, 气焊 projection weld凸焊
resonance butt weld谐振式对接焊 scarf weld斜面焊接, 两端搭接焊, 嵌接焊 semi-automatic arc weld半自动电弧焊 shot weld点焊 socket weld承插焊接 strength weld承载焊缝
submerged arc weld埋弧焊, 潜弧焊;焊剂层下焊(接)tack weld临时点焊, 间断焊, 预焊 transverse fillet weld正面角焊 union-melt weld埋弧焊, 合熔焊 air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接
aircomatic welding自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 aluminothermic welding铸焊, 铝热剂焊接 argon arc welding氩弧焊
argon shielded arc welding氩护电弧焊 austenite welding不锈钢(焊条)焊接 automatic slag-pool welding自动电渣焊 automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊 braze welding硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊 butt welding对接焊, 对焊 carbon arc welding碳弧焊 carbon dioxide gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护焊 deep fillet welding深熔角焊 downhand welding俯焊 downward welding平焊, 俯焊
electric butt welding welding电阻接触焊 electrogas welding气电焊
electrogas flux-cored welding气电管状焊条焊接 electro-beam welding电子束焊接 electrode [electrical arc] welding电弧焊 electron-bombardment welding真空电子束焊 electronic arc welding直流电弧焊 electrons leaves welding电子束焊接
electropercussive welding电冲击焊, 电接触焊, 电点焊 electroslag welding电渣焊
electrostatic percussion welding静电焊接 eutectic welding低温焊 exothermic welding铝热焊 fine welding精密焊接 fine wire welding细丝焊接 fire cracker welding躺焊 fixed-position welding定位焊接 flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接 flash butt welding闪光对接焊 flat position welding(顶面)平卧焊 flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接 forehand welding顺手焊接 foreward welding左焊法 fusion welding熔焊
fusion pressure welding熔化压接 fusion thermit welding熔化铅热焊 gas-electric welding气电联合焊接
gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊, 熔化极气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding气体保护焊, 气体保护弧焊
gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护焊 gas torch welding炬焊
gas tungsten arc welding钨电极惰性气体保护焊 girth welding环缝焊接
gravity welding重力焊, 重力式电弧焊 hammer welding锻接
hard facing arc welding表面加硬电弧焊 heated-tool welding热烙铁焊接 helium shielded welding氦气保护焊接 hidden arc welding潜弧焊, 埋弧焊
high-frequency induction welding高频感应焊接 horizontal fillet welding水平角焊接
horizontal-rolled-position welding滚动水平焊, 水平转动焊接 hydrogen atomic welding原子氢焊接 induction resistance welding感应电阻焊接 indirect spot welding间接点焊
inert gas shielded-arc welding惰性气体保护焊 inert gas tungsten arc welding钨板惰性气体保护焊 inertial welding惯性焊接 jump welding丁字形焊
keyhole mode plasma arc welding 小孔型等离子弧焊接 lap welding 搭焊;搭头焊接 lap fillet welding 搭角焊
light ga(u)ge welding 薄板焊接 line welding(电阻)缝焊
liquid metal welding 熔焊, 浇注补焊
longitudinal seam welding 纵缝焊接, 纵向滚焊(焊缝)magnetic discharge welding 电磁焊
magnetic-force welding 磁力焊接法
manual eletro-slag welding 手工电渣焊
mash stitch welding 多针缝式焊接
match assemble welding 装架焊接
metal barie welding 埋渣焊
microgap welding 微隙间隙焊
micro resistance welding 显微电阻焊 mitre welding 斜接焊接
multiple-electrode welding 多焊条焊接
multiple-impulse welding 多脉冲焊
multiple projection welding 多点凸焊
multiple resistance welding 复式电阻焊
multiple-wire multiple-power submerged-arc welding 多丝埋弧焊
multi-run welding 多道焊
narrow gap one side welding 窄间隙单面焊
non-gas shielded arc welding 无气体保护电弧焊
non-vacuum electron beam welding 大气压电子束焊接 open arc welding 明弧焊接
open butt gas pressure welding 开式加压气焊 orbit welding 环形轨道自动焊接
overhead position welding 仰焊
overlap welding 搭接焊
overlaying welding 堆焊, 补焊 pad welding 垫块焊接
parallel gap welding平行间隙焊接,平行间隙熔焊 penetration fusion welding 深熔焊接
percussion arc pile-up welding 振动电弧堆焊 percussive welding 锻接
pile-up welding 堆焊
pinpoint welding 点焊
plasma-MIG welding 等离子熔化极气体保护焊
plate electrode slag pool welding 板极电渣焊
pressure thermit welding 加压铝热焊接
progressive induction seam welding 连续感应滚焊 puddle welding 熔焊
pulsation welding 脉冲接触焊
pulsed laser welding 脉冲激光焊接 push welding 手压点焊(接)quasi-arc welding 潜弧自动焊
radio-frequency welding 射频焊接, 高频焊接
resistance butt-seam welding 电阻对缝焊接
resistance electro-slag welding 接触[电阻]电渣焊
resistance-flash welding 电阻闪光焊接
resistance seam welding 电阻缝焊
resistance spot welding 接触点焊
resistance stud welding 电阻栓焊
resurfacing welding 堆焊
ring welding 滚焊
rotating arc welding 旋转电弧焊 sandwich welding 夹紧冷焊 scarf welding 两端搭接焊, 嵌焊, 斜面焊接
self-adjusting [self-regulating] arc welding 自动调节电弧焊 series welding 单边多电极焊接, 串焊, 系列焊接 series projection welding 单边多极凸焊
series seam welding 单边双电极焊缝, 单边多极滚焊 series-spot welding 单面点焊 shape welding 异形焊
shield-arc welding 封闭电弧焊, 保护式电弧焊, 气体保护焊 shielded carbon arc welding 碳弧保护焊, 气体保护碳极电弧焊 Sigma welding 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊, 西格马焊接 single-impulse welding 单脉冲焊接
single-pass [run] welding 单道焊
skip block welding 分段多层跳焊 skys welding 间隔焊接
slag pile-up welding 电渣堆焊
slant angle type welding 低角度式焊接
slanting butt seam welding 斜对接缝焊
solid-phase(pressure)welding 固相压焊
solid-state welding 固态焊
special build-up welding 特殊堆焊 spin welding 旋转熔接
spring type welding 弹力式焊接 stack welding 多层接触点焊 staggered welding 错列焊
staggered-intermittent fillet welding 错综式间断角焊 step-by-step welding 跨步焊
stitch welding 叠焊(法);跳焊;针脚点焊(法)stitch-and-seam welding 点线焊, 断续焊缝 straight bead welding 直线焊接 stud welding 螺柱焊接
submerged arc welding 潜弧焊
submerged slag pool welding 埋弧电渣焊接 symmetry welding 对称焊接 tack welding平头焊接, 点焊 tee spot welding 丁字点焊
thermal compression welding 热压焊接
three o'clock welding 横向自动焊
three-phase arc welding 三相电弧焊接 tie welding 搭接焊 torch welding 吹管焊接
torch braze welding 焊矩钎焊 track welding 轨道焊接
ultrasonic spot welding 超声波点焊
underside welding 仰焊, 顶焊
union melt welding 埋弧自动焊
upset butt welding 电阻对接焊
vacuum diffusion welding 真空扩散焊(接)vertical position welding 立焊
water gas welding 水煤气焊接
water vapor arc welding 水蒸汽保护焊接 weaving welding 摆动焊
Westing-arc welding 惰性气体保护金属板弧焊, 西屋电弧焊 wire welding 焊网
伴着青春的激情和求知的欲望,我即将走完三年的求知之旅, 美好的大学生活,培养了我的思维方法,更造就了我积极乐观的生活态度和开拓进取的创新意识。在不断的学习和工作中我养成了严谨、踏实的工作作风和团结协作的优秀品质,使我深信自己完全可以在岗位上守业、敬业! 一个人惟有把所擅长的投入到社会中才能使自我价值得以实现。别人不愿做的`,我会义不容辞的做好;别人能做到的,我会尽最大努力做到更好!发挥自身优势。我相信我的能力和知识正是贵单位所需要的,我真诚渴望,我能为单位的明天奉献自己的青春和热血!
在此基础上,我还注重综合的素质教育和对自身特长的培养。从大一开始,我就在课余时间努力学习计算机,对Windows98/20xx/xp操作系统熟练掌握,对Word、Excel 、Office等办公软件应用自如,充分地利用网络资源,为学习前沿的医学知识创造良好的'条件,我还熟练掌握了Frontpage、Dreamweaver、Fireworks、Flash、Photoshop等网页制作相关软件,除此外,我对局域网的建造也相当的熟悉,相信我会为贵单位的数字化信息化业务平台的建设作出自己的贡献。
该专业印刷图书藏书量达2250册,电子图书 20盘以上,专业期刊12种以上。
五、规模、质量与示范 该专业现有在校生405人,通过加强对学生的素质教育、职业道德和诚信意识教育,突出技能与能力培养,加大特长生的培养力度,把学生的特长提升为能力,把学生的能力发展成职业。多种渠道加强与企业的联系,通过订单式培养、个性化教学、个案式就业指导等方式,在提高学生能力的同时,努力提升毕业生就业岗位层次,实现高质量就业,学校成立了就业安置办公室,为学生高效稳定的就业搭建平台。近几年,学生参加技能鉴定中,中级工合格率达100%,毕业生对口就业率达100%,企业对毕业生的满意率在98%以上,2007年全市中职“挑战杯”电焊工技能大赛中,囊括全市个人前三名,获全市团体一等奖。2009年全县“劳动之星”电时工技能大赛中,囊括全县个人前三名,获县团体一等奖。2009年全市职业院校学生电焊工技能大赛中,获全市团体一等奖。2009年全省中职学生电焊工技能大赛中,获全省一、二、三等奖。2010年全市中职学生电焊工技能大赛中,获一等奖。2011年在省市中职学生电焊工技能大赛中获两个市一等 奖、一个省一等奖,一个省三等奖。同时,该专业不断加强产教结合,为当地相关企业提供技术服务;并且承担“金蓝领”等社会培训。本专业在县、市具有较高的知名度。
个人职业规划 规划前言:
3.焊接已成为关键的制造技术: 焊接作为组装工艺之一,通常被安排在制造流程的后期或最终阶段,因而对产品质量具有决定性作用。正因为如此,在许多行业中,焊接被视为一种关键的制造技术。
4.焊接已成为现代工业不可分离的组成部分: 在工业化最发达的美国,焊接被视为“美国制造业的命脉,而且是美国未来竞争力的关键所在”。其主要根源就是基于这样一个事实:许多工业产品的制造已经无法离开焊接技术的使用。