
时间:2019-05-15 03:20:48下载本文作者:会员上传



The United States of America is a constitutional federal republic, situated primarily in North America.It comprises 50 states and one federal district, and has several territories with differing degrees of affiliation.It is also referred to, with varying formality, as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., the U.S.of A., America, the States, or(poetically)Columbia.美利坚合众国是一个宪法联邦共和国,主要位于北美。它拥有50个州和一个联邦区,它同样可以称作the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., the U.S.of A., America, the States, or(poetically)Columbia。

Since the mid-20th century, following World War II, the United States has emerged as a dominant global influence in economic, political, military, scientific, technological, and cultural affairs.Because of its influence, the U.S.is considered a superpower and, particularly after the Cold War, a hyperpower by some.自从20世纪中叶,即二战结束后开始,美国已主宰全球经济、政治、军事、科学、科技及文化领域。尤其在冷战过后,正因它的诸多影响,美国被公认为超级强国。

The country celebrates its founding date as July 4, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress—representing thirteen British colonies—adopted the Declaration of Independence that rejected British authority in favor of self-determination.在1776年7月4日,当代表13个英国殖民地的第二届全国会议采纳了独立宣言之时,标志着英国的统治宣告结束,而自主统治即将崛起。

The structure of the government was profoundly changed in 1789, when the states replaced the Articles of Confederation with the United States Constitution.The date on which each of the fifty states adopted the Constitution is typically regarded as the date that state “entered the Union” to become part of the United States.1789年见证了美国政府结构的转变,以美国宪法替代了联邦契约。这一天,50个州采用了这份宪法,并普遍认为这一天是各个州联合在一起,成为了美利坚合众国中的一份子。


The Bald Eagle was officially declared the National Emblem of the United States by the Second Continental Congress in 1782.It was selected by the U.S.A.'s founding fathers because it is a species unique to North America.Ben Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be the national bird,because he thought the eagle was of bad moral character.The Bald Eagle has since become the living symbol of the U.S.A.'s freedoms,spirit and pursuit of excellence.Its image and symbolism have played a significant role in American art,folklore,music and architecture.国徽是一个国家的主要象征之一.只有特定的国家重要文件才能盖上国徽大印,正式生效.美国国徽的图案是:外围为两个同心圆,内有一只美国秃鹰雄踞中央,双翼展开,右爪握一束橄榄枝,左爪握13支利箭,尖嘴中叼着一条飘带,上书“合众为一”.秃鹰的胸前是一枚盾形纹章,纹章上部是蓝色横纹,下部是红白相间的竖纹,象征美国国旗.秃鹰的上方是蓝色天空中13颗星,四周光芒万道,环绕着云朵组成的图案.国徽上的图案均有其象征意义.美国秃鹰象征着至高无上的统治权;橄榄枝和箭象征决定和平与战争的权力;秃鹰上方的群星图案象征着拥有主权的新生共和国.美国国徽上的中心图象就是美国秃鹰,它的正式名称是白头海雕,是美国的国鸟.今天,美国秃鹰已成了美国的象征,它不仅出现在国徽上,也出现在美国其他旗帜及硬币上.秃鹰是产于美国及加拿大的一种巨鹰.外貌美丽,性情凶猛,有“百鸟之王”之称.其实秃鹰头部有丰满的羽毛,并非光秃.秃鹰幼时全身披黑色羽毛,长成后头颈部羽毛变白色,老时尾部也相继变白.秃鹰虽是美国的象征,但在美国大部分地区却已濒临绝种.近年来经竭力抢救,才稳步恢复繁殖.估计1970年美国本土48州只有秃鹰约1000只,现已达5000只左右,而且数量还在增长.另外两个州中的阿拉斯加州的秃鹰一直较多,约有3万只;夏威夷州则根本没有秃鹰.目前,国徽保存在美国国会中.美国宪法对于国徽在何时使用、用在何种文件上均有明确的规定。

英国简介: Britain, the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in ancient Britain is known as the “day not fall” empire is England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom.It is a capitalist country in Western Europe.英国,全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,在古代英国又被叫做“日不落”帝国是有英格兰苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰所组成的联合王国。它是一个西欧的资本主义国家。

THE British national anthem is “GOD SAVE THE Queen”, which is THE translation of Chinese GOD SAVE THE Queen.And that diamonds are the country by, white heart red rose is a symbol of the country.英国的国歌是“GOD SAVE THE Queen”,中文翻译过来就是天佑女王。并且,钻石是这个国家的国石,白心红玫瑰是这个国家的象征。

In London, the capital of the UK takes a seat.The city of London a and economy, politics and culture in one place.Here, you can appreciate the wide of the Thames, Big Ben's majesty.英国的首都落座在伦敦。伦敦市一个及经济、政治和文化于一身的地方。在这里,你可以领略泰晤士河的宽阔,大本钟的威严。

Britain also has a long history, from the earliest civilizations to Roman times, and then through the medieval period, the industrial revolution, the colonial expansion, and the world war ii, has been in the present day.英国也具有悠久的历史,从最早期的文明到罗马时期,接着经历了中古时期、工业革命、殖民扩张和世界大战,一直到了当代。

The UK is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.In this country, the king is the head of state, however, the real power in the cabinet, actually.Parliament is the highest judicial and regulatory institutions, by the king, under the house of lords and the house of Commons.英国实行的是议会制的君主立宪制。在这个国家,国王是国家的元首,但是,实权实际上在内阁。一回事最高的司法和立法机构,由国王,上议院和下下议院组成。On the economic front, the UK is the world's one of the important economic and trade and the global financial center.He is still the world's sixth-largest economy system, is the world fastest growing economy and one of the highest living standards.Among them, the household is its export of Rolls-Royce.在经济方面,英国是全球的一个重要的经济贸易、经济强国及其全球金融中心。他还是世界第六大经济体系,也是全球经济发展最快和生活水平最高的国家之一。其中,家喻户晓的就是它出口的劳斯莱斯。

British culture is also very rich.First,the education popularity is very high, it also promoted the development of the British education.Britain's education and academic research level is currently in the world's leading position.The world-famous education have a holy land at the university of Cambridge and Oxford University.英国的文化也非常丰富。在英国,教育的普及程度非常之高这也促进了英国教育业的发展,英国的教育和学术研究水平目前处于世界领先的地位。举世闻名的教育圣地有剑桥大学和牛晶大学。

Except, of course, education, the British sports is also very rich.One of the most famous ball sport is football, rugby and cricket.Among them, the cricket is also known as "the movement of a gentleman, it is by 11 people alternating attacks by both teams and Fielding a team sport.And, the British are sports stars, David Beckham is the most typical representative.当然除了教育,英国的体育也是非常丰富。其中最有名的球类运动是足球、橄榄球和板球。其中,板球又被称为“绅士的运动”,它是是由两队各11人交替攻击和守备的一项团体运动。并且,英国也不乏体育明星,大卫贝克汉姆就是最典型的代表。

In Britain, there are a variety of delicious.If you are in the UK, you can enjoy a hearty breakfast.The British for breakfast is very exquisite!Restaurant supply in Britain there are many different kinds of food, fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat rice porridge, bread, jam and coffee, etc.In the popular afternoon TEA(HIGH TEA)was given from the UK, its a famous Victoria type.在英国,有各式各样的美味。如果你在英国,那么你可以享受丰盛的早餐。英国人对早餐非常讲究!英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE)

More is also very suitable for living, Britain's climate is temperate maritime climate throughout the year.In Britain, is humid warm all year round.Especially suitable for living.更多的是,英国也非常适合居住,英国的气候是温带海洋性气候在。在英国,全年都是湿润温暖,特别适合居住。

All in all, Britain is a European country full of cultural atmosphere.If you want to learn native English and European culture, English is definitely a good choice 总之,英国是一个充满人文气息的欧洲国家。如果你想领略本土英语和欧洲文化,英国绝对是个不错的选择。





Officer = 警员

Detective = 警探

Sergeant = 警司

Lieutenant = 警督

Captain = 警监

Deputy Inspector = 副高级警监

Inspector = 高级警监

Deputy Chief = 副总警监

Assistant Chief = 助理总警监

Bureau Chief = 处总警监

Chief of Department = 局总警监

NYPD的中低各衔别还分具体档次, 这点与LAPD警衔是一样的.但与LAPD不同的是, NYPD最高首长并非局总警监, 而是Police Commissioner=警察专员.警察专员之下还有若干Deputy Policer Commissioner=副警察专员(包括一名First Deputy Police Commissioner=第一副警察专员).警察专员与副警专员均为文职, 所以并不算警衔.而作为NYPD警衔最高的局总警监, 行政地位要低于警察专员和副警察专员.洛杉机警察局(LAPD)警衔

Police Officer = 警员

Police Detective = 警探

Police Sergeant = 警司

Police Lieutenant = 警督

Police Captain = 警监

Police Commander = 警长

Police Deputy Chief = 副总警监

Chief of Police = 总警监

说明: 从警官到警监, 各级内还有不同档次.比如, 警官分为1/2/3级, 刚服役新警衔别为1级警官, 依此类推.总警监只有一名, 既LAPD局长, 是LAPD最高首长.佛蒙特州警(VTSP)警衔

Trooper = 警员

Corporal = 警士

Sergeant = 警司

Lieutenant = 警督

Captain = 警监

Major = 警长

Lieutenant Colonel = 副总警监

Colonel = 总警监

佛蒙特州警是美国典型的州级警察, 行政上隶属于该州公安厅领导.除了警员分为2级与1级两档外, 其他衔别没有档次.总警监只有一名, 担任佛蒙特州警主任.佛蒙特州警(VTSP)警衔


TROOPER = 警员(无警章)









MAJOR = 警长



马里兰州警衔中, 警员分为2档, 警司分为4档.总警监只有一名, 即州警察厅长.波士顿警察局(BPD)警衔

Officer = 警员

Detective = 警探

Sergeant/Sergeant Detective = 警司/调查警司

Lieutenant/Lieutenent Detective = 警督/调查警督

Captain/Captain Detective = 警监/调查警监

Deputy Superientendent = 副总警监

Superintendent = 总警监

Superintendent In Chief = 首席总警监

Commissioner = 专员

专员是文职, 作为BPD局长, 全体警察均向其负责.马里科帕县执法官公署(MCSO)警衔

Deputy Sheriff /Detention Officer = 副执法官/拘留官

Sergeant = 执法警司

Lieutenant = 执法警督

Captain = 执法警监

Deputy Chief = 副总执法警监

Chief Deupty = 首席副执法官

Sheriff = 执法官

说明: 以上是美国典型的县级警察.在美国,绝大多数州(state), 州以下最大的行政区域为县(county).县府(county seat)则多为实行自制的城(镇).上例中的马里科帕县的县府风凰城, 是亚利桑纳州最大城市.风凰城警察局与马里科帕县执法官公署互不隶属, 前者在城市区内执法, 后者则在县内其他区域执法.美国县级警察另一特点是高度独立性.县执法官(county sheriff)是选举产生的官员, 其公署并不对县长或县议会负责, 而是直接接受县内居民监督.相对而言, 美国主要城市警察局局长是由市长或市议会委任, 要接受委任者的直接领导.县执法官公署与城市警察局在组织上另一大区别在于前者除了执法职能外, 还有狱政功能.美国监狱系统分为联邦, 州, 县三级.所以县执法官公署内部通常分为两个分部: 警察, 监狱.但在警衔上则是统一的.国家海洋大气局军团(NOAA Corps)军衔, 分为9级, 全部为军官

Vice Admiral = 中将

Rear Admiral = 少将

Rear Admiral(lower half)= 低级少将, 相当于准将

Captain = 上校

Commander = 中校

Lieutenant Commander = 少校

Lieutenant = 上尉

Lieutenant(junior grade)= 中尉

Ensign = 少尉

NOAA是美国商务部下属机构, 应工作需要拥有自己的船队飞机, 管理体制模仿美国海军舰队, 故有类似海军组织和军衔.大多数情况下, NOAA军团团长领少将衔, 中将极少见.補充:美國聯邦政府對7個組織授予軍銜, 這些組織人事結構軍事化, 並有自己的制服, 故英文稱為U.S.Uniformed Services.其中5個組織即美軍5軍種, 共同組成美國武裝部隊(U.S.Armed Forces).另外2組織: 美國海洋大氣局軍團(NOAA Corps)和美國公共衛生局軍團(PHSCC).PHSCC以美國衛生長(U.S.Surgeon General)為首, 領中將銜.注意, 這裡的美國衛生長是衛生與人類服務部(HHS)下的官員, 並非三軍軍醫長, 雖然英文名字都叫Surgeon General)


警员Constable、高级警员Senior Constable、警长Sergeant、警署警长Station Sergeant、见习督察Probationary Inspector of Police、督察Inspector of Police、高级督察Senior Inspector of Police、总督察Chief Inspector of Police、警司Superintendent of Police、高级警司Senior Superintendent of Police、总警司Chief Superintendent of Police、助理警务处长Assistant Commissioner、高级助理警务处长Senior Assistant Commissioner、警务处副处长Deputy Commissioner、警务处处长Commissioner of Police。


Britain, the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in ancient Britain is known as the “day not fall” empire is England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom.It is a capitalist country in Western Europe THE British national anthem is “GOD SAVE THE Queen”, which is THE translation of Chinese GOD SAVE THE Queen.And that diamonds are the country by, white heart red rose is a symbol of the country.In London, the capital of the UK takes a seat.The city of London a and economy, politics and culture in one place.Here, you can appreciate the wide of the Thames, Big Ben's majesty.Britain also has a long history, from the earliest civilizations to Roman times, and then through the medieval period, the industrial revolution, the colonial expansion, and the world war ii, has been in the present day.The UK is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.In this country, the king is the head of state, however, the real power in the cabinet, actually.Parliament is the highest judicial and regulatory institutions, by the king, under the house of lords and the house of Commons On the economic front, the UK is the world's one of the important economic and trade and the global financial center.He is still the world's sixth-largest economy system, is the world fastest growing economy and one of the highest living standards.Among them, the household is its export of Rolls-Royce British culture is also very rich.First,the education popularity is very high, it also promoted the development of the British education.Britain's education and academic research level is currently in the world's leading position.The world-famous education have a holy land at the university of Cambridge and Oxford University.Except, of course, education, the British sports is also very rich.One of the most famous ball sport is football, rugby and cricket.Among them, the cricket is also known as "the movement of a gentleman, it is by 11 people alternating attacks by both teams and Fielding a team sport.And, the British are sports stars, David Beckham is the most typical representative In Britain, there are a variety of delicious.If you are in the UK, you can enjoy a hearty breakfast.The British for breakfast is very exquisite!Restaurant supply in Britain there are many different kinds of food, fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat rice porridge, bread, jam and coffee, etc.In the popular afternoon TEA(HIGH TEA)was given from the UK, its a famous Victoria type More is also very suitable for living, Britain's climate is temperate maritime climate throughout the year.In Britain, is humid warm all year round.Especially suitable for living.All in all, Britain is a European country full of cultural atmosphere.If you want to learn native English and European culture, English is definitely a good choice



英国的国歌时“GOD SAVE THE Queen”,中文翻译过来就是天佑女王。并且,钻石是这个国家的国石,白心红玫瑰是这个国家的象征。







在英国,有各式各样的美味。如果你在英国,那么你可以享受丰盛的早餐。英国人对早餐非常讲究!英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE)




1约克(York)旅游指南 it’s get a good comment,about 97 % of the people feel it is a good place for us to travel约克(York)是英国的北部首府,由罗马人兴建,至今已有两千多年的历史。York is the prefecture where the provincial capital is located,found by Roma with a 2,000 history.这里因为历史悠久,老房子众多,所以关于鬼的传说也不少.because of the long history and the large amount of old houses here,there are caused lots of the legends about ghost约克有这样一项有趣的游戏:每天晚上天黑时,游客到集合处等候那位一身黑衣的寻鬼人出现,然后在他的带领下,寻访古城里那些传说中鬼魅出没的地方,并讲几个吓人的鬼故事。There is an interesting game about the legend:when it comes to dark every day,the tourisists get together to wait for the man in black who seek for the ghost,then under his leadership,he would like to tell many stories in the places where the ghost stay 这里有很多杰出的建筑,英国最大的哥德式大教堂约克大教堂(York Minster)用了250年才完工,是约克的地标。Many well-known buildings stand here,such as the York Minster,this building took about 250 years to finished which is the landmarks in York游客还可到约克著名的中世纪防御工事——罗马城墙一睹千年堡垒的遗迹。As tourists,we also can have a visit to the famous medieval fortifications—Roman Wall,to enjoy the scenery of the millenniun fort relics in order to get here,you can take flight ,by train or bus to arrive here 2巴斯(Bath)it’s get a good comment,about 100%of the people feel it is a good place for them to travel.巴斯(Bath),位于英格兰西南部,邻近威尔士welsh,集英格兰的古典美与威尔士的淳朴自然于一身,被誉为英国最干净的城市。Bath locates the Northweast of England,nears Welsh and get the classical beauty of England and the plain nature of welsh together to be the tidest city in England巴斯风光秀丽,历史悠久,有许多被列为世界遗产的名胜古迹和自然风景。巴斯就是这样一个永远让人觉得轻松惬意的城市。Bath contains a pleasure scenery and a long history,especially the amounts of place of interest and the natural scenery which are listed to be the world heritages..in order to get here,you can by train ,by bus to reach there 3伦敦(London)旅游指南it’s get a good comment,about 90%of the people feel it is a good place for them to travel“当你对伦敦厌倦之际,就是对人生也已经厌倦了。”when you feel tired of London,it means that you are tired of your life.18世纪英国文坛大师,因独自编纂《英语辞典》而名扬天下的萨廖埃尔·约翰逊曾经这样感慨过。不管怎样,伦敦从古代罗马帝国以来一直保持着自己的悠久传统,是被称为“日不落”大帝国的首都。Since the Roman Empire,London

always keep the traditional cuture,and to be named of the capital “the sun never set ”.4爱丁堡Edinburgh 爱丁堡是南部低地的中心,也是苏格兰的首府,充满了苏格兰独特的魅力。Ediburgh is in the middle of the southland,and it’s also the prefecture where the provincial capital is located with full of the unique charm of England.此外,爱丁堡不仅是政治中心,而且也是文化中心。爱丁堡的娱乐活动以国际艺术节最为有名Besides ,Ediburgh is not only to be the economic center but also to be the cultural center.especially the entertaiment activities in Ediburgh..著名的爱丁堡国际艺术节常吸引来自世界各地的一流文艺团体在此演出。爱丁堡艺术节在每年8月举行,持续3周时间。When The famous international art festivals are held here,it will attract many teams which are the most excellent around the world to join in.and this festival begins in August every year,and last about three weeks.歌剧、古典音乐、爵士乐,还有芭蕾、舞蹈、马戏等等各种艺术形式济济一堂。艺术节还举行燃放焰火活动。在普林西斯大街公园,人们搭起舞台,由乐队演奏交响乐。Opera,classical music,jazz music,includes ballet,dance,circus and other art shows are gather in one place.5 Cambridge 剑桥(Cambridge,音译“康桥”),以其卓越的自然科学成就闻名于世,与近邻牛津一样,是世界上最好的大学城之一。Cambridge, With the outstanding natural scientific achievements, is worldwildly famous.剑桥的名称取自当地的一条环城河流——剑河(River Cam,音译作“康河”、“卡姆河”),cambridge is named after a locate circle river in the city which called River Cam.(剑河是一条南北走向,曲折蜿蜒的小河,剑河两岸垂柳倒挂,芳草凄凄,河上架设着许多设计精巧、造型美观的桥梁,其中以数学桥、格蕾桥和叹息桥最为著名,剑桥之名便由此而来,剑桥的原意就是指“剑河上的桥”。)时至今日,剑桥已经拥有31个各类学院、科系,学校近800年的历史哺育了牛顿、达尔文等一批引领时代的科学巨匠,哲学家培根、经济学家凯恩斯等贡献突出的文史学者,弥尔顿、拜伦等开创纪元的艺术大师,七位英国首相以及70多位诺贝尔奖获得者,奠定了世界近现代学术文明中心的伟大地位。Today, there are 31 different colleges and departments in Cambridge univercity with about 800 years of historiy.the famous univercity has already to be regarded as one of the most important leading position of science in the world.you can choose to flight,by train or by bus to arrive this destination


















从教育理念上来说,英国的通识教育差一点,更多的实行专识教育、学术金本位,而美国的则是普遍的通识教育; 从培养目标上来看,英国教育培养的是学术人才,而美国培养的是领导者、开拓者与实干家; 从培养方式来看,英国接近于我国,实行授课型教育,而美国教育则实行自由选课、参与科研、研讨式教学;





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